#but I got lazy😔✌️
ghostlycamper · 10 months
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I wanted to compare canon max to @augitalks and I’s biological dadvid au max 👉😎👉
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i really wish i was kidding when i say this is what happened but. highkey lowkey this is genuinely what happened.
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aimasup · 3 months
I had a big ol review for hazbin hotel now that it's out but oohoohoo I'm lazy to complete it
lez keep it short
Fantastic premise, shit execution, wish we had more episodes to pace things out better✌️😔 Feels like this show needed to be at minimum Gravity Falls length yknow? (at most Steven Universe length maybe)
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And I know a lot of people are saying the designs are objectively bad and yeah it does suffer from same body n face syndrome but man. I actually like the designs + style a lot.
Creator's weird af but watching these silly guys finally in motion after damn near a decade is something special :')
The writing itself is okay, when it's mid it's mid but when it's good it's good. But even some moments have me feeling the same type of way I feel about poor jumpscares in a horror movie: just because it got me doesn't mean it wasn't cheap. Definitely saved by the soul of the character personalities and songs which are all BANGERS
Time to go read some hazbin fanfiction now peace
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nonuggetshere · 3 months
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(ID start: Pixel art of a sunset scene with The Hollow Knight and The Knight as black silhouettes in the foreground. The Knight is grown and leaning against their sibling as the two of them sit on a cliff ledge, admiring a sunset spanning across the wastelands. The whole scene is cast in blue shadows and orange glow. End ID.)
I got kinda lazy with the clouds ✌️😔
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ack4rwoman · 1 month
NO WAY i literally just read liar liar on ao3 and boom you’re on my tumblr feed! i love the story so so much omg and i absolutely ADORE how mc is a total menace! plusss the way u write megumi and the dynamic between him and mc ughhhhh like oh my god???!!! anyways yeah ur amazing mwah
wait i feel like i’ve seen this comment before but now i can’t find it? 😭 idk if i’m going crazy but i swear i was gonna respond, i’m just a little lazy with it 😔✌️ (cringing at the idea that if it wasn’t actually you, this is gonna sound weird to you LMAO)
anyway, it’s like tumblr just KNOWS who my beloved little liars are that my shit is then magically appearing on ur feed (we love to see it 😮‍💨).
our main character is a little unhinged (a little is probably an understatement). you’ve only seen the beginning really, i’ve still got multiple flashback scenes i need to write out because her shenanigans didn’t just stop there (megumi would know 💀). i’m flattered that you love her character sm! writing it was amazing knowing that people like you would take the time out of ur day to send me a message about how much you adore her <3
this leads me to talk about her dynamic with megumi, you’re gonna make me cryyy, i’m touched that you really like it 🥹 it’s a lot of effort trying to get his character to mesh well with hers, i have to rethink sometimes and ask myself whether he’d really do some of the things i’d made him do, but then i’d backtrack and delete everything, you have no idea 😭 now i just chalk it up to the fact that no, he wouldn’t do any of these things (prank-calling his dad, writing a step-by-step guide for a girl about oral hygiene, fighting over a seat that puts some distance between him and a disgusting-looking child, laughing about literal mommy milkers, etc) at all. but yes, he would do these things if he was around such an influencer like y/n (majority of the time, she forces him to do stuff. he does enjoy it though.)
sorry this ended up being so long, i just get very giddy talking about this story with anyone. i love you anon <3
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idolsgf · 25 days
wip wednesday
i was tagged by @greypetrel for this, thank you for always including me in these even though i haven’t shown anything in months ✌️💕
but alas! I have a few things I’ve been working on, maaaybe slowly trying to get back into writing
i’ll put everything under cut so it doesn’t clog <3
tagging: @ell-vellan @transprincecaspian @fenharel-apologist94 @nightwardenminthara @melisusthewee @shivunin and anyone else who wants to share. as always, no pressure <3
We're returning to my epistolary story for Mori'na's time in the Inquisition. I've been adding things here and there but this year has been a time so I haven't really worked on it much. This is the most recent addition and was a late night idea (usually when the best ideas happen lol). Angst as always.
A tattered note, buried beneath the snow lost to prying eyes. Oh Mamae, what am I to do? All those people, they — they died, because of me. Because of this mark that scars my skin and pierces my soul. It hurts Mamae, it hurts so much. I don’t know where I am. I don’t know if this letter will ever be able to reach you. I fear I’m going to die. I’m trapped, beneath the rock and frost, in a cavern that is hard to sense direction in. The only light in front of me is this green hue, it makes me wonder why I ever liked such a color.
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1. A little thing I’ve been working on that I want to turn into a cross stitch pattern. I’ve never made a cross stitch pattern before but this idea has been in my head for awhile so I’m giving it a shot. It’s been fun pretty much researching how to make pixel art to make this. It’s nowhere near finished, there’s a few other elements I want to add that I have to figure out. It's not actually greyscale, it's just if I showed the colors it would be too obvious. Any guesses as to what it is? lol
2. My pants fabric!! I actually cut out the pieces I just don’t have a picture of them and I’m too lazy to take them out right now lol I got this fabric before I left for a month but I only just started getting to it. It’s been a time, vibes all off 😔 There’s going to be a matching top but I have to print that pattern out and I’m out of ink. I got the buttons for it though!
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gutterprince · 29 days
hello! I'm on the hunt for rpers that have similar preferences to me since I've been writing some stuff that I don't fully have my heart in but do just for the creative outlet.
i'm a advance lit/novella writer and have known to hit the discord limit several times, however this isn't always given since I'm lazy and sometimes prefer rapid fire responses. I am also a huge dead dove enjoyer, so if that isn't your thing turn away now!! this isn't for you, nothing about suguru geto is squeaky clean and fix it/teacher aus just aren't it for me. 😔✌️
so a little about me!! I'm twenty six so please no one under 21+. secondly, I'm a huge suguru nerd so preferably I'd like to write someone who is interested in writing satoru. that being said if I ever got to know you better I'd probably be willing to swap characters, but for now it's not something I'm offering right off the bat since I'm itching to write suguru.
i do mostly non curse aus! I'm not a huge fan of canon verse but if you can pitch me something complex and layered I'm all for it! also with plotting in general, whether it be au or canon please take some initiative! I really hate being the only person to pour my heart and soul into coming up with fun scenarios, back stories and interesting lore. if your interest in writing primarily comes from writing nsfw with no plot or substance, I'm NOT the person for you!
I enjoy smut but there has to be substance, i live for the drama and growing tension. also if you like slow burns, I'm your guy, it's not my thing at every instance but I am an enjoyer of a good slow burn every now and then.
for dynamics I'm a switch/versatile truther, and personally can't stand the constant back in forth arguments about which character is more "suitable" 💀to be the eeermm...receiving it if you catch my drift? thankfully I haven't seen this topic surface much on tumblr but on twitter it's like a really petty and childish warzone.
sorry this coming off as ranty but I don't want to waste anyone's time so INHALES-- if you're the sort of person who can't resist torturing their characters at every opportunity no matter how unrealistic it seems, once again, I am not the partner for you. 😅 don't get me wrong!! I love angst. depressive, soul crushing angst but unfortunately I've just encountered too many people who take things so far they just end making it being melodramatic or telenovela levels of absurd...
this is getting long but hopefully some of this resonated with someone??
please interact with this post or shoot me a message if you think we'd be compatible 🙏 I know there's a lot of please dni if but I promise I'm more laid back then this post may suggest, I've just had some off putting encounters and need new satosugu lovers in my circle 😭
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godsprettiestprincess · 8 months
9, 14, & 26 for artist asks? :D
9. What are your file name conventions
I’m so lazy & procreate has such good thumbnails I simply do not name anything ever 😔✌️
14. Any favorite motifs
Nnnot really….? I like drawing people floating and I like a red string of fate but idk if that counts as motifs dhsbvs
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 1 year
hello again! i hope you’re doing just fine this week! just continuing our small chat through asks 💙
i really can't choose between all of them, the first member who caught my attention was leeteuk and here i am, kyu biased lol maybe that's why. i love to see we all have more than 1 bias 😂
i loved 2ya2yao, i loved the whole concept! and for mango also was AMAZING. deserves better, i agree with you, has those mamacita/sfs vibes.
black suit the queen taking you back with them omg. i never had any kpop contact before i guess, i just discovered them on youtube, it just happened. so i didn't really know the reddit stuff and all of that. if you ask me though i think is like becoming trendy to hate on them, i know they're not perfect but other idols or celebs are not as innocent either. that whole situation is very funny for me 😭
a teuk and WOOKIE biased! his voice is heaven✨✨
yes, exactly my thoughts! i felt so spoiled and overwhelmed at the same time when i found out the amount of content they have, i loved it! i am so lazy to check new debuts or groups, i enjoy the music but i don't feel the same as i do with super junior. exo slaps too, i like some of their songs, and i like suho, but i can't distinguish their voces individually yet lol it took me some time with suju as well to do that 😭 following kpop groups is difficult haha
also i read a smut drabble of yours, THE TALENT YOU HAVE GOOD LORD! hoping to read more from you! 💙
Okay so this is from months ago and I'm so so sorry I took so long to reply 😭 but hello my dearest elf-bot! While I wasn't doing particularly fine the week you asked, this current week wasn't too bad :) I hope you've been doing well, too!
Wahhh you're so lucky!! I heard a few songs on Spotify and Pandora (you kpop kiddos of today's world should APPRECIATE how diverse the kpop library has become! Back in my day you just had to listen to the same songs over and over and be grateful you even got those!) and I really jammed to them but then reddit...
In the end they won me over anyway lmfao 😂
And so true!! No one is perfect but people really do expect these idols to just... be impossibly good? Everyone has flaws, everyone makes mistakes. There's a few idols / groups that are just freaking punching bags for netizens 😔
All of his songs are sooooo good but I'm obsessed with Zhoumi's Starry Night where he (Wookie) features. Just 🥺😭💕 perfect vocals, so emotional, thoughts and feelings pouring through me.
There's too many new groups debuting every week 😅 it's hard to keep up. I'm about 2 months behind on new releases le sigh. But... I always make time to listen to Key's and Kai's new songs every day aahjsjdkf
YES I LOVE EXO! I'm glad you liked our leader 🥺 Junmyeon is precious. I stayed up way too late just the other night watching EXO on the ladder (Idk if that's what is was called - I just saw EXO and watched it lmfao). It was on the telly, just playing on a random channel and next thing you know it was 2am ✌️😔
Oh, thank you. That's really nice of you to say! ♡ I hope one day I can write again. I'm not mentally strong enough to force myself to write right now. Such a drag.
Anyways... sorry again for taking so long! And I hope you've been well and continue to be well. Stay happy and healthy always, and sending love your way! 😗💕
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nextstopparis · 4 years
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i failed?
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A little info on my most standard interpretations of Edge and Stretch since I get really intense about visualizations for whatever I’m reading and don’t really describe them much in-fic plus just some fun facts <3
The older of the two, but not by a lot (a couple of years by human standards)
Stands at 6’7, doesn’t slouch too terribly, but rarely stands his full height. The most slim of the Papyri, but still has a similar build to Rus (UT Papyrus)
Predominantly orange magic, very true orange, like the fruit or a sunset, but can use blue magic, and often does when feeling lazy
No eyelights, usually has at least mild bags under his eyes, it’s just his natural state of being
Low energy, even when being bratty or excited he’s more muted than, for example, Rus
Not a huge fan of practical pranks, prefers silly jokes more than anything, loves a good (or bad) pun but doesn’t make them as often as the Sanses
A sweetheart by nature, but he has Anxiety(tm) and it gets the better of him at times
Depression </3
Loves animals, loves kids, disrespects authority but mostly because it’s funny
Will eat almost anything, but all his favorite foods are toddler meals (grilled cheese, pb&j, buttered noodles, chicken nuggets and french fries)
Nicknames. Everyone gets at least one from him, he has a whole plethora for Edge
Loves Edge, loves him so so so much it’s probably unhealthy, they’re probably a little co dependent but shh
The youngest of all the Papyri (again, not by much, but enough it can be a point of teasing)
Stands at 7’6, perfect back breaking posture, still got that whole soldier strut thing going for him
Broader than the others, sturdy bones, a ton of scars, including most noticeably the damage on the left side of his skull.
His left socket has two large cracks running through it, as well as the top of his jaw where it connects under his cheekbone being damaged, then further back behind it, there is a chunk missing on the bottom left side of the back of his skull with thin cracks spiderwebbed out from it. Not the only damage to his skull but usually the most noticeable.
Can still see out of his left socket, but not well.
Eyelights go out when incredibly distressed or when very calm and content
He has larger, predominant fangs but all of his teeth are sharp
Bright red magic, somewhere between blood and cherry red, very strong, and you’ll never meet a monster with better control over their magic honestly. Also has purple magic that he very rarely uses, and his healing magic is purple, too, though functions differently than the other purple magic. Also also has blue magic, which he doesn’t use very often either
Clingy. Giant clingy man. One of Stretch’s many and most used nicknames for him is teddy bear and that is not without reason
Loves cats, they almost always have a rescue or two to take care of, and he’s very good with animals in general
Purrs, and not discreetly either. Stretch would describe it as sounding like a harley davidson starting up. He’s capable of purring softly, but when he’s just letting it out, Edge’s purr is very loud and very ragged, but it’s full of love <3
Excellent chef, loves cooking and baking and experimenting, has a weird thing about feeding others and not letting food go to waste
Doesn’t sleep. Should, but doesn’t.
Loves Stretch so much it is definitely unhealthy (not in a creepy way, just very co dependent) but that’s okay, frankly he’s just got a lot of love in general, he can’t help it ✌️😔
If you’ve got any questions about their appearances or personalities feel free to hmu! I’ll be tagging things more properly soon so the art tag will also be available for appearance reference (even if I can’t quite captured them exactly as I see them)
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eunicecorn22 · 3 years
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文清艳 (Wén Qīngyàn) colour concept 🎋
Motivation is very low (love to see it 😔✌️) and the only thing that is keeping me motivated is Genshin Impact and the Genshin OC brain rot;;;
This is only the colour concept so some things might change. I also got too lazy to do the bamboo particle effect for her but I'll do it when I do the full coloured version for her as well as fix the lineart.
Also realised I haven't even given a fullbody colour Raven- I'm a horrible OC mother I promise I'll do that soon fnwjsk
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