#but I have never been this invested in dancing with the stars in my LIFE
My Thoughts That No One Asked For on Dancing With The Stars season 31 ep. 8: Halloween Week!
Taken down in very real time
(get comfy I have a lot of feelings)
okay honestly tho Tyra is kinda slaying
Oh I just KNOW Shangela and Gleb are gonna eat this up (update: they ate that shit up)
I’m gonna say this right now if Vinny Guadagnino does not go home tonight I’m gonna lose my shit (update: I have lost my shit)
20 seconds in and Jordin is ALREADY slaying love that for her 
Hell yeah four nines for Jordin!!!
Mark back injury?? 🥺 
I actually think Charli’s dance was well scored it wasn’t perfect but it was AMAZING
I’m sorry they’re doing a PASO DOBLE?? Oh god I’m nervous
Oh yay! They slayed!!!
They’re the FIRST paso doble this season???? Oh my GOD 
I’m terrified you guys (if you can’t tell they’re my favorites and I am PRAYING they do not go home)
Okay these little segments where Derek breaks down the dances are like one of my favorite parts 
Derek and Bruno have one of the single greatest dynamics ever, I swear
Okay but Shangela and Gleb just absolutely SMASHED THAT are you KIDDING
*to Derek* “Ooh, I’ve always wanted to be in your dreams!” SHANGELA SPEAKING FOR THE PEOPLE
Tens for Shangela…? 👀 
Trevor having absolutely NO reaction to the spider was HYSTERICAL
Jordan’s little “Hi!” when Sasha tried to scare her was SO funny I’m sorry
Koko I love you but Vinny you are testing me
“Nice guys finish last. Literally.” dude I want to like you so bad but you are making it so hard
I’m sorry but Daniel and Britt’s paso doble was LEAGUES better then theirs
Okay but it is NOT Koko’s fault that Vinny is just NOT a good dancer I will start yelling if anyone blames her choreo (judges you are on thin fucking ice with me rn)
Like the dance was NOT GOOD Y’ALL
If one more person starts saying “I don’t have any dance experience 🥺” I’m gonna go insane
There is no WAY he’s getting out of the bottom two tonight
Okay I’m gonna be honest Heidi D’amelio is kind of starting to get on my nerves
I cannot BELIEVE they got away with using the song “I wanna be your slave” on DANCING WITH THE STARS 
“Bondage becomes you. Me too actually. Tie me up, tie me down, put me there. I’ll do it.” BRUNO PLS THIS IS ON DISNEY PLUS
Okay the rope thing was very confusing I didn’t get it I really think it was kind of pointless but that’s just me
Ugh I’m sorry Gabby Windey is like my least favorite right behind Vinny I’m sorry I don’t like her she’s so irritating 
It’s nice to see Alan back though (but fr my man keeps getting the WORST partners #GiveAlanBerstenAnActuallyNicePartner2023)
I HATE THAT SHE’S SO GOOD GODDAMNIT I don’t like her but I have to admit she’s an AMAZING dancer it’s infuriating 
Every time Gabby claps for herself I lose two months of my life
Derek’s got puns for DAYS I live for it
I know I should be paying attention to Gabby’s interview or whatever but if Daniel and Britt are on screen I am ALWAYS staring at them at any given moment 
“I’m scared of taxes.” Wayne Brady you are so real
Witney and Wayne slaying!!!! We love to see it!!!
Trevor Donovan you know I love you but I’m really praying you do NOT do well to keep Daniel and Britt out of the bottom two
(That being said I have no idea HOW he ended up in the bottom two last week)
Oh fuck it looks like their dance is gonna be really good oh god oh fuck
Motherfucker like ten seconds in I’m already crying
I’m sorry no one touch me the parallel between this week’s “How do you feel about dancing?” “I guess I love it!” and week 1’s “You love dance!!” I’m crying 
Ten for Trevor…? 👀
Trevor shouting out the singer 🙌🏻 
But oh god oh fuck Daniel and Britt are in the bottom two I’m fucking panicking guys I don’t think I’ll be able to handle them going home
PRAYING this team dance goes well for them 😭 🙏🏻 
Trevor doing ASL applause to show he chose Daniel I’m 😭 
“I definitely don’t want to be the weak link.” Heidi my love I hate to tell you but you were literally chosen last idk what to tell you
Alright I’m not gonna lie Team Wicked’s doing pretty good so far 
Okay damn that was pretty good
Team Scream I’m praying for y’all fr
Not referencing anything specific but my girl Koko Iwasaki has been fighting for her LIFE in every single episode like this is her first season as a pro could y’all like let her BREATHE??
“What was your strategy?” He literally just picked the best dancers what do you mean what was his strategy 
Okay 33/40 for Team Wicked PRAYING for nines across the board for Team Scream 😭 
GET OUT THEYRE DOING THE SIGN FOR SCREAM I’m gonna cry they’re so real for that
All of them working hard cause they wanna keep Trevor in the competition 🥺
not to be biased but Daniel and Britt’s solo section >>>>>
They better be getting MINIMUM nines across the board 
I’m sorry but they are CLEARLY the superior dance team if they don’t win I’m suing
Len’s callout to the hair makeup and costume department!!! 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 
I don’t know why but there’s something so adorable about Charli calling Britt “Brittany” like it seems like Charli just respects her so much
“Well, Tyra-“ okay Trevor is absolutely growing on me
Mark taking the blame for the misstep 🥺 
Okay Vinny is literally at the bottom if he doesn’t go home I swear
If Jordin Sparks goes home I’m gonna scream (update: I screamed)
Len pls I’m begging please pick Jordan 
Screaming and crying on the floor rn Jordin sparks you own my heart I’ll miss you 💕😭 
Anyways closing thoughts on all the dancers in no particular order:
Yay Daniel and Britt are still here!!! Absolutely in love with these two and I hope they go even farther!! (And then I hope they get married or smth cause goddamn)
Little upset that Heidi is still around, she’s kinda falling out of my favor I’m not gonna lie
I cannot fucking BELIEVE that Vinny is still on the show America what the fuck are you doing
Not gonna lie Trevor is really growing on me I love him and Emma a lot and I would love to see them go far
TENS FOR SHANGELA!!! WHAT MORE IS THERE TO SAY?? (All I need now is a ten for Daniel and I’ll be happy)
I’m gonna miss Jordin and her like actual sibling relationship with Brandon so much 😭 
Nothing really new from Charli, she’s still kickin ass and she’s also really growing on me (I didn’t like her all that much before DWTS but like I said, she’s growing on me)
Gabby is still really irritating to me I’m sorry I know she’s a good dancer but like I really don’t like her 
It’s nice to see Wayne climbing his way back up from last week!
Looking forward to 90’s week!!!
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aphroditeslover11 · 5 months
Hi! I hope that you're having a great day/night! Could I request Lenny Miller with a younger reader?
Love Of His Life
This came so naturally, I’m not sure if it’s what you were hoping for but it just flowed out of my hands!
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Warnings: a little smut, age gap, not proofread
Lenny had met you when you were spending a year in Paris, having taken a French degree that required you to spend a year abroad as a part of your study. It took some convincing for you to go out on a date with the older man, but he was persistent and eventually won you over. After he had taken you to dinner at Le Meurice, picking up the tab himself, he had walked you home and sent flowers to your tiny chamber de bonne the next day along with a note thanking you for your company. The fact that he was old didn’t mean he was dull or sleazy as you had feared, it meant that he was a hopeless romantic who knew how to treat a woman properly. The next time you met he had taken you for a picnic in the Jardin Du Luxembourg, complete with amazing French cheeses and a bottle of expensive champagne. It was fair to say that pretty soon you were hooked. Everyone always said that you were mature for your age anyway, so the concept of the age gap quickly became irrelevant to you.
A year later and you had finished your degree. When it got towards the end of your time studying in France Lenny had taken the risk of proposing you after taking you back to Le Meurice like he had on your first date. You hadn’t thought before saying yes, he put in for a transfer to be near you whilst you finished your degree and life continued in your strange state bliss.
You tied the knot quite quickly after that, getting married in a small service. His parents had both passed and he was an only child. Neither had much in the way of family, but you had agreed to a wedding in the church where he had grown up in Hawaï, though he wouldn’t admit it you knew that it made him feel close to his parents. You had the perfect white dress and he was in uniform, a hang over from the days when he had been climbing the ranks of Navy SEALs before he had been recruited into the CIA. As there were so few people you didn’t bother having a proper reception, he opted to take you to the beach where he had spent his time as a child, eating cheap burgers as your wedding breakfast and replacing the lights of a dance floor with the soft glow of the stars above you.
After this you moved to New York, he was promoted and took over a senior intelligence post, stationed in the city. He was in and out of the UN meeting with his counterparts, meeting all kinds of people. You knew he worked so hard because he wanted to prove he was worthy of you, his young and beautiful wife. You were remarkably proud of him, even if he found it hard to believe it. He was smart and had invested some of what his parents had left him into the stock market back when he was in the navy and used it to buy a beautiful apartment on the Upper East Side. It had a beautiful kitchen diner where you would attempt to cook together, often ending up in resorting to ordering takeout after Lenny decided that it would be a good idea to modify your recipes. There was something beautifully domestic about this life, it was still unpredictable but safe. Lenny refused to tell you much about his past because he didn’t want you to view him differently, but he gave up the guns and the action so he could live a safe life with you, finally letting himself rest.
After having seen so many horrible things he would want to protect you from the harshest realities of the world. You were young and innocent and so perfect for him, he didn’t want to taint that. He would never let an argument go unresolved before you went to bed. On the rare occasion that you had a proper row he would usually cave first and give you your way. He would usually be so in control of himself, but when he did shout it was harsh and loud, it always terrified you and as soon as he saw the look on your face he would cave. He could never stand the thought of you being afraid of him.
Arguments would often end in the bedroom, he would be the gentlest lover after a fight, peppering kisses along your collarbones before slowly moving down your body. He would be attentive, bringing you over the edge as many times as he could with his hands and his tongue until he had finally made it up to you. Only then would he seek any pleasure for himself, sheathing himself within you and moving so gently it would be as if you were made of porcelain. He’d be terrified of hurting you after seeing you so vulnerable earlier.
There could be another side of him in bed though. A raw and passionate one that came out after a difficult day at work. You learnt how to bring it out yourself over time, how to tease him with subtle touches at the work galas that he took you to and how he could never control himself when he saw you in just your lingerie and a pair of Louboutins. On those nights he would go for rounds at a time. Voracious, like a starving man at a banquet. He delighted in having you spread out below him, completely vulnerable to him and at his mercy. You always looked so small from that angle, he could do anything he wanted to you, and moreover he knew that you would let him and enjoy it. No matter how hard he took you though, he always ended with his head buried in the crook of your neck, whispering passionate prose into your ear and telling you how precious you were to him, how he would never let any harm come to you.
He managed to temper his protective tendencies well. Although both of you knew that it wasn’t a necessity, you found a job working in a little bookshop a few days a week, something to occupy your time. He was always anxious that something from his past would come back to haunt him, to haunt you, but he did his best to keep his worries separate from your life together. On account of your age difference, he was forced to confront the fact that there were things that you would want to do that he had left in the past, many years ago. You had a tight circle of friends that you would go with for nights out - clubbing, dancing and drinking in dives that he would never go into. He would never do anything to stop you, he would want you to live a life as full as you would have without him. Still, he couldn’t help it if he had to stay up until 3:00 am to make sure that you got home safe.
You had a beautiful life together in New York, it was something that you had built together, brick by brick. Every day he found himself falling deeper in love with you. He often said that he would probably have ended up dead in an abandoned corner of some far off land if he hadn’t had you to force him out of his ways. He pushed so hard for so long yet in you, your fragility and youth, he had finally made something to make him slow down. He finally understood the meaning of the phrase - you were the love of his life
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danikamariewrites · 9 months
Can’t Dance
Eris x reader
Summary: Eris teaches you how to dance for your first ball. @erisweek2023
A/n: Listen to My Love Mine All Mine while reading
Warnings: none
Eris guided you into the empty room as you giggled behind him. He said he had a surprise set up for you and you were dying to find out what it was. Eris was guiding you through a new part of the Forest House and when you finally got close he told you to close your eyes.
Ever since you arrived at the Forest House with your parents you had explored a lot of the estate.
Your favorite room so far was this gorgeous sitting room in the East Wing. There was a beautiful carved fireplace, bookcases, trinkets from other courts, and the comfiest couch you have ever sat in. You don’t know why, but whenever you had alone time you always found yourself back in the sitting room.
When you found yourself in the sitting room one rainy afternoon you didn’t expect anyone else to join you. In the middle of an intense part of a book you had taken off one of the shelves the doors flew open, revealing the Autumn heir. You stood immediately. Apologizing for being in his space and rambling about walking around the house.
All Eris did was smile at you. He thought you were so sweet, like the sunshine breaking through the clouds after a dreary day.
After your impromptu meeting you and Eris became inseparable. After your first few months of friendship your relationship grew and he began courting you. He wanted to make your relationship official by taking you to tomorrow evening's ball.
You never thought you’d be in this position. Especially since you heard rumors about Beron and his sons. Eris had surprised during that first meeting. He was kind and gentle with you. And he continued showing you love.
Your family had always been comfortable, but with your father being chosen to serve on Beron’s council you had moved up in society. You were a little embarrassed when it came to some aspects of being around royalty and other court members. Your first tea with Lady of Autumn your mother took you to was nerve wracking.
One of the many things that come with this new life are the parties and balls. Dancing lessons are something your parents never invested in for you. Another thing you were nervous about.
You felt Eris’s hand leave yours and a door open. His hand held yours again pulling you across the threshold. “Ok, open.” Your eyes flutter open to a romantically decorated room. Eris had hung small, twinkling Fae lights around the room. A skylight had a perfect view of the stars and moon that was almost full. Sitting off to the side is a music player Eris walks over to start the music.
He turns to you, sheepishly rubbing his neck as you look around. “Wow…Eris. This is amazing.” No one had ever done anything like this for you. “I’m glad you like it.” Eris made his way back over to you, “I thought I’d teach you how to dance, for tomorrow.” You smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your chin on his chest. “Thank you, Eris. You’re amazing.”
He brushed your loose hair back and cupped your face. “Not as amazing as you, fox.” Eris unwrapped your arms from him, placing one of your hands on his shoulder, the other wrapped in his large slender one. Then he places his other hand on your waist.
The music floated through the room as Eris walked you through a few dances. You got lost in each other for hours in the moonlight. That pulling feeling in your chest again, like the sitting room. You pulled back and Eris seemed to press his chest closer to yours.
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masterjedilenawrites · 8 months
hi there! so recently I've been dress shopping and i started daydreaming ofc and i now present you with an idea: how would the delta squad react to seeing their s/o in their wedding dress (like a first look) and seeing them walk down the isle 🤍💍🥹
Aww this prompt is so freaking adorable 💕
Boss: Beams. His partner, and anyone else for that matter, will have never before seen such a wide, beaming smile on him before. It's the kind that lights up his whole face, puts a little sparkle in his eyes, and even seems to reach down through the rest of his body. He seems lighter, so joyful, with just a hint of incredulous disbelief, like he can't believe this moment is real, that such a beautiful person exists... and that they're his. He'll take a second to whisper a compliment into their ear once they've approached, and any private moment they have thereafter will contain more whispered sweet nothings.
Fixer: Would elect for a private moment ahead of the actual ceremony to see each other and take photos. He is uncharacteristically quiet and shy during the interaction, mainly because his brain has short-circuited. He was not prepared to see his partner looking so stunning, and the thought of what their dress symbolizes, how they're about to swear their lives to each other, is all very overwhelming. He's almost afraid to touch them for fear of ruining this one perfect thing he has in his life. He is not able to take his eyes off them for the rest of the day. Guests, drinks, dancing, none of that matters to him on this day.
Scorch: Is not shy with his emotions, and boy does he experience a range of them upon first seeing his partner in their dress. From heart eyes to shocked silence, to tender tears and dramatic squeals. He'll also have done a private moment before the ceremony to first see each other, and thank the stars because having those reactions on display would've been a bit much (but honestly, who are we kidding, he'll still be animated during the ceremony as well). He'll be very interested in the dress itself, having his partner twirl around and show him the different features. And he'll definitely make plenty of comments about helping take it off later.
Sev: Mr. Stone Cold over here is predictably very stoic as he watches his bride walk toward him down the aisle. Any of those people who like to look back at the groom during this moment will be disappointed. His partner, on the other hand, can see it... subtle little tells of just how invested he truly is. His eyes zeroed in like he's following a target through his scope, the way his shoulders inch a little higher in pride, how his fingers tap a specific rhythm along his thigh, his way of trying to calm himself. It's not just his partner's beauty that he's enamored with, its the whole moment.
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Everything Tag: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @error6gendernotfound, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear, @sleepycreativewriter
+Delta Squad Tag: @marvel-starwars-nerd, @hanbetired (it won't let me tag you anymore 😢), @lackofhonor, @theclonesdeservebetter, @salaminus, @katzs-current-obsession, @rebel-finn, @the-mom-friend-dot-com, @pickle-rick-y, @flowered-bicycles, @lucyysthings, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @moon-wrecked
Delta Squad Saturday Masterlist | Master List of Master Lists
Reblog banner by saradika 💕
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leaderpinhead · 4 months
Silver - Meet In a Dream
Prompt: Time Loop (I cheated and made it a "dream" loop) Notes: This is technically the first half of this little fic.
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Silver was startled when he found himself in the same dream as the young blonde girl again. It had been a long shot, but he had hoped Meet In A Dream would reunite them. Something about the girl, with her proficiency wielding her thin sabre and abrupt departure, had spawned a deep desire within him to see her again. 
When he had closed his eyes to sleep that following day, he really hadn’t expected to see her again so soon. She had been equally startled because she ran before he could get out a single word. They had both tumbled over the same cliff, and Silver had abruptly woken to Sebek shouting at him not to randomly fall asleep in the forest. 
Several days passed with the same results. When Silver dozed off around mid-afternoon, he would awaken to find the girl in the same glade. She would run; he would chase after her. 
The pattern had only changed when his long sigh made her pause long enough to glance back at him. He gave what he hoped was a friendly smile. “Can we please not jump off the cliff again? It’s upsetting knowing I can’t catch you even if none of this is real.” 
Her face became a bright red, but she only took one step as if to leave before pausing again. Her eyes darted around the glade bathed in soft sunlight. Her hand fiddled with the handle of the sabre on her hip. 
Hoping to disarm her nerves more, Silver lifted the sword the dream equipped him with every day. “Would you mind if I issue another challenge? I would like to see if I have corrected the flaws I noticed in our last match.” 
His attempt worked. She drew the sabre from her hip, and they danced around the glade to the rhythm of their clashing blades. She inevitably broke through his defenses, lightly stabbing his right shoulder, but it was a match that elevated his heart rate more than usual. He could still feel it thudding in his chest every time he woke. 
A few more dreams made her comfortable enough to answer Silver’s questions after their usual spar (which she always won, much to his chagrin and awe). He asked about her training regimen (she practiced without fail for at least two hours every day) and when she began her training (when she was four years of age). Whether it was his genuine curiosity or the few animals that appeared in the glade, the girl slowly relaxed until she was willing to sit down with him after their matches and talk the remainder of the dream. 
It gave him a sense of joy Silver had never felt, and he couldn’t even begin to describe it to father whenever his father caught him smiling during his chores. Sebek was the only other person his age he regularly interacted with, so perhaps this was how it felt to be around others their age? Still, Sebek’s loud laugh didn’t make his heart skip like the girl’s soft laugh did. 
He had been shocked when she admitted her parents weren’t pleased by her interest in fencing. “How could they not be? You’ve bested me in every match, and I have been training with my father since I was a small child like you.” 
The girl had a pinched expression on her face. Silver drew in a breath to backtrack, but she spoke before he could. “My parents are divorced. I think the last time I saw my father in person was when I was still a little girl. My mother is more invested in making my career as a model and actress successful.” 
Silver’s eyes widened with shock. He felt the small squirrel on his head grip his hair when he shook his head. “You model? You look so young to be a model.” 
The pinched expression didn’t completely disappear, but she did release a small laugh. “I’ve done small modeling jobs most of my life. My mother has even landed me jobs with people like Neige LeBlanche and Vil Schoenheit.” She ducked her head to pick at the grass between them. “She wanted me to be a child star like them, but I’ve never been very good at that. My acting tutors would say I was better suited for the male leads than the female ones.” 
“Because your fencing skills are impressive enough to earn you a position on the Royal Guard,” Silver said earnestly. 
Her cheeks reddened. A few strands of her hair had been knocked loose from her ponytail, and she tucked the strands behind her ear. She gave him a shy smile, which he returned with a crooked one. She ducked her head and continued plucking at the blades of grass. “Well, my mother probably wouldn’t agree because she can’t stand the thought of her daughter playing a male role.” 
The thought was so ludicrously irrelevant to her skill, and it compelled Silver to argue. “My father once wore a dress.” 
She laughed again before quickly slapping her hand over her mouth. She had done the same in other situations, yet Silver hadn’t figured out why. Was it rude to laugh where she lived? How strange. Perhaps he could ask father if he had ever traveled to a land where laughing wasn’t allowed. 
Personally, Silver would rather her not be so stiff around him. He caught another squirrel pulling at his trousers and transferred the small animal to her head. She froze for a moment, allowing the tiny creature to burrow into her hair. He smiled and imagined he didn’t look much different with the squirrel on his head. Her smile slowly returned, and she relaxed once the squirrel settled. 
“He’s told me he was deep undercover,” Silver continued after the pause. “There was a rumor of a political plot to oppose the royal family, but there was nothing substantial to support the rumor. He was tasked with determining if the rumors were true or false. He took on the role of a handmaiden and spent a few months living in that role. He became so intertwined with the political family that they have never suspected his true identity even to this day.” 
The blonde girl squinted at him. “I thought you said your father was once some kind of knight. Why would he be undercover?” 
Silver shook his head. “The point is it didn’t matter that he was a male pretending to be a female. He attended to his duty in the way he felt best and successfully completed his task. He has taught me and my younger friend the roles society places on us is unimportant if they hinder us from achieving the goals we set for ourselves.” He placed a hand over his sternum. “To the fae court, my human blood is a black stain on my character. I don’t qualify for a position to protect the royal family. But I will become a knight who protects his lord even if the court rejects me. Because that is my goal, and I will one day achieve it.” 
The girl gawked at him, her squirrel companion making her look more comical than she intended. Silver wasn’t sure why she appeared so shocked. He had made it known that he trained with the intention of one day becoming Malleus’s retainer. 
Her mouth slowly closed. She shifted to sit with her legs outstretched. She frowned down at the ground and tore apart a few pieces of the slender grass. He could sense her silence was one of contemplation, and he remained silent despite being curious as to what had suddenly made her look so upset. Father had taught him silence was just as important as speaking, maybe even more important. Whatever she was thinking through wasn’t something Silver could help her with. 
Not in this dream at least. 
The girl sighed and rolled onto her feet. Silver blinked but followed her lead. She stood a few centimeters taller than he did, but he didn’t mind having to look up at her. At least she didn’t brag about it like Sebek occasionally did. 
For some reason, a darker flush painted her face, and her dark eyes darted away when he looked directly at her. He blinked at her sudden aversion to meet his gaze. “I suppose this is goodbye for now.” 
The abrupt dismissal triggered the gloom that fell over him at the end of all their meetings. “Will you tell me your name this time?” 
The girl sighed, and her shoulders slumped. She glanced around the glade. The edges of the trees were already blurring. The animals that always flocked to him had departed too, and only the squirrels in their hair remained. 
He always asked her the same question before they woke. And she always gave him the same answer, “If we meet outside a dream, maybe then I will tell you.” 
Silver slowly nodded. He would respect her wishes. Even inside a dream, he didn’t believe in forcing a person to reveal more than they wished. His eyes drooped with a sudden fatigue, and he knew their time was rapidly approaching the end. “I’m not sure how much longer I will be able to visit. Even now, I’m surprised I’ve found this dream as many times as I have.” 
Her brow dramatically furrowed. “What do you mean?” 
He gently smiled at her. “Nothing. Perhaps one day we shall find each other when we are awake.” 
The blurred edges of the dream rushed upon them before she could question him more. Leaving her this way wasn’t as bad as diving over a cliff after her, but Silver still couldn’t help feeling a bit of resentment. Why did his signature spell have to connect him with this girl he had never—and may never—meet outside a dream? Silver’s eyelids rapidly fluttered open. 
Father blinked down at him with a severe frown. Silver squinted up at him. He could hear Sebek complaining not far from them, but the other boy quickly quieted at the rumble of Malleus’s voice. 
Father abruptly smiled. “Welcome back! I’m sure you enjoyed your short nap. If only the firewood had chopped itself while you dozed. What a pity it’s still sitting there whole.” 
Silver blinked but didn’t need to be told twice to return to the chore he had begun before dozing off earlier. He didn’t mind the sound of Sebek’s voice complaining about having to search for him, hearing the concern buried deep in the cracking tenor of his maturing voice. As he chopped the wood and later carried it back to the cottage, he couldn’t help but linger on the memory of the blonde girl and her dancing sabre.  
The next night, he didn’t meet the girl in his dreams. Nor the next night, or the night after. Nearly two years would pass before he (literally) bumped into her again on the campus of Night Raven College during Halloween. Her face had lost all traces of whatever was left of baby fat, and her body had gained a few additional curves he didn’t remember seeing before. His breath stuttered when their eyes met. 
She squeaked and ran from him just like she had in the first few dreams they met. Despite losing her in the crowd, Silver wasn’t able to stop smiling. He had found his dream girl, which meant she had to give him her name. 
He could wait until she was comfortable speaking to him again. 
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Life With Luca thoughts/reactions
WOW, I really enjoyed that way more than I expected to!
OK, so timeline wise the math isn't really mathing for me lmao. Like how do they both have 14 yr olds and Simon being in college already?? The show only ended in 2009/2010 which was 13/14 years ago?? What year is it in this universe??? They both had children the year they went off to college lmao??
But I'm happy to ignore logic since I actually enjoyed the newbies a lot.
I liked that Luca/Skylar weren't just a repeat Casey/Derek dynamic and weren't rivals who full on hated each other but just grew up differently and had some jealousy/hostility toward the other because of that, but actually were a lot sweeter together during more serious moments. I think their personalities perfectly reflected how they were raised - Luca is a bit of a rebel, but he's very much Casey's son, he's trained in First Aid! and has a granola bar in his pocket at all times, albeit stale AF, and takes care of his siblings even if he can be lazy about it sometimes. Skylar is more mature minded but she has the freedom of Derek's parenting so she's not nearly as high strung as Casey is, but she is more organized and put together to make up for Derek's lackadaisical way of living.
I LOVED SIMON!!! He was easily my favorite new character. I can't believe I went from forgetting he even existing to absolutely adoring him. He was so lovable and silly and he must have such a wild childhood being the Venturi-McDonald baby, I would love more backstory on him!
Molly/Kai were adorable and the perfect little chaotic kiddos to round out the ensemble :3
George/Nora - although I wasn't as invested in them, their relationship is so adorable and they're just as dorky and sweet as they were in the series.
The random jewelry heist B-plot was so random, but kinda funny. I'm down for some chaotic hijinx, and I love how it ended with that theif falling through the ceiling XD
The return of Lassiter and Sam were great. It would've been great to see any of the show regulars honestly but I'm glad we got some. I think the return of D-Rock really got me. When they started singing the song I had tears in my eyes. And Ralph as a surgeon was such a great way to explain his absense lmao.
I missed Edwin/Lizzie/Marti. I think that was my only real let down with the movie. They didn't need to be in the whole thing but even a video call would have been nice :/
Career-wise I'm glad they went with Derek as a rock star and Casey as a lawyer. Even though Derek was the hockey guy, seeing him roam around as a rock star with his daughter really just fits his vibe. And I'm so glad the movie course corrected VWD Casey because I was never a fan of her dropping out of college to dance in NY like ?? sure Casey loves to dance but she loves to use her big brain even more!!! Plus fighting for justice?? THAT'S SO CASEY DASEY!!! So it was taboo then, I feel like it's even more taboo now, but had you lived it you would get it! These two always had way too much tension and never quite fell into a sibling-like relationship. They were insanely obsessed with each other making everyone around them uncomfortable, so they were destined to be messed up soulmates <3 It may be an ick for some and that's valid, but for me they'll always be "the exception the the rule" ;) Also Ashley and Mike were always pushing the limit on them, they knew what they were doing! Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I knew that we weren't going to get canon Dasey out of this, but I'm so glad the writers delivered on giving us some great Dasey content regardless. The fact that both Skylar's mom and Casey's hockey husband were both entirely absent and no love interest was given was wise. We basically got to see Derek and Casey play house and be the married vibes that they are which is honestly what us hardcore LWD/Dasey fans want anyway. Mike & Ash didn't miss a beat! That was really Casey and Derek back on my screen and it made me really emotional <3 Maybe the movie didn't have a whole lot of just them, since their children were the focal point but the way it ended, it just made me want more and feel like we were being set up for ...possible canon Dasey? But even if not canon, I think that if the show does get picked up, we can get so much fun Dasey content from it to build from anyway (canon is overrated sometimes lbr) Plus I genuinely enjoy seeing Derek and Casey in parental roles so that would be awesome. And SIMON MORE SIMON PLEASE!!!! <3
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ransprang · 2 years
Max Verstappen x fem! reader (CEO AU)
r/n = rival's name
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Max Verstappen, the talk of your town. He was the managing director of Hollatia a multi billion dollar company. he was going inherit the company from his CEO father. He joined us by being an angel investor in a few companies to understand business better, after all these skills would be useful being a young business man in the future.
Max had invested in your dads company, where your rival r/n also worked. Your dad had always compared you to them, and they seemed to have set the path of your life, if you strayed away from it you were deemed as wrong by your family. You never thought much of it till one day your family sat around the table and all they could speak off was how r/n was hanging out with Max. “Could she be the next CEOs wife?” “Are they dating?” That’s all they could discuss for 2 whole hours. You smashed your hands on the table left for your room.
Your father had organised a huge welcome part with everyone from his office and their families invited. You got dressed in a daring black dress with red lips, and tagged along with your parents. When you arrived, you saw Max Verstappen, the heir of the Verstappen holdings. He was tall, with light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His cheeks were flushed red and he was definitely one of the most handsome men you had ever laid eyes upon. Max had an undeniable chemistry with r/n who had just been promoted to a higher position in the company. Just so perfect weren’t they you thought to yourself rolling your eyes.
You picked up your drink and kept eyeing the star of the night, after all Max Verstappen was a celebrity. He caught you staring him down, at this point he was embarrassingly returning your gaze back. You looked away every time you both made eye contact, hoping he doesn’t think lowly of you. It was now time for a toast and dance, everyone cheered on Max to step forward and say a few words before selecting someone to dance with.
Max picked up his champagne glass and stepped in the centre of the circle of people, “I am very happy to be a part of this wonderful evening, thank you all for this very warm welcome”. Everyone clapped and cheered enthusiastically and now awaited with bated breath for him to ask r/n for a dance. He stepped forward and shockingly asked you for a dance.
People didn’t quite seem happy, it seemed as though their expectation had been shattered, something scandalous had took place! You took Verstappen’s hand and slow danced to the music. He leaned into your ear and whispered “so what’s deal? You also into me or something?” A little annoyed you replied “huh so you think every girl who looks at you likes you? Kinda stuck up isn’t it?” Max gave an audible chuckle raising eyebrows of the people surrounding you two “no I don’t think that but I’ve never seen a woman stare me down so angrily either!” You gave an embarrassed sigh “I…I don’t understand why did you ask me to dance, in front of your lover r/n”, - “my lover? Huh they’re barely a friend…” just then r/n raised a toast breaking apart the dance.
It all seemed so planned as if r/n couldn’t bare to see you and max together. “Thank you for the lovely dance y/n you have graced Max’s night. Let’s all move towards the dinner hall before it gets too late”. You had a snarky smile on your lips knowing r/n’s tactics. You and max separated but he had taken an interest in you, while dining all he could think about was talking to you more.
While eating you stood with your family getting berated, your dad spat “you knew r/n is dating Max, why must you ruin it for them? Do you know how embarrassing it was when you accepted the dance?”. Despite knowing it was not your fault and that Max was in fact not dating them, you kept quiet. You didn’t want to argue against a wall, if it wasn’t this it would be another issue your family would pick on.
Max was noticing the tension across the room and decided perhaps you needed a rescue. He swiftly swooped in and asked you for a solo conversation outside, sending jitters through your family but who would truly want you to turn down Max Verstappen's requests? So you once again accepted and followed him out onto the sidewalk beneath the building.
“Tell me y/n what was happening in there?”, he may have been a stranger but you knew he was a nice person, you could feel it. You confided about your family situation in him, told him about r/n and everything. In return he told you about his difficult life growing up and how in actuality he finds r/n a bit annoying but since he’s new and didn’t know anyone in the company r/n supported him and he had already picked up on their true intentions.
The conversation seemed to have flowed so deep that Max and you lost sense of time. It had been almost 3 hours, the party had long ended and both your phones filled with missed calls. Panic had struck, you called your parents back as they screamed at you instead of showing concern. “WHERE DID YOU TAKE HIM? Bring him back now you’re embarrassing us, it must be your fault you two are gone for so long”. The screaming was loud enough for it to seep through your phone and reach Max. He looked into your eyes as you silently stood with the phone over your ear listening.
Your eyes had welled up, as you disconnected the call. Max unexpectedly took your phone and threw it into the distance, “MAX what was that for”, he stood there disappointingly staring down before speaking -“sorry I…I got angry and I know I can’t do much to fix it”. You realized his concern and for the first time someone thought about…you. Leaping onto the tall man in front, you hugged him tights.
You two swayed in the wind with arms wrapped around each other, for what felt like an eternity. Max then, held your hand tightly as he took you to his red sports car. You sat inside and he drove fast to your parents house. You both reached and he knocked on the door, he stood beside you like a pillar of protection. When your parents opened the door they began inquiring about him “Oh max! We hope you’re okay, apologies on behalf of our daughter, she can go wild sometimes”. Max interjected “you daughter and I had a wonderful time, and I would like to see her again and…again, she wants the same too. I will take her away from here if need be”.
Your parents were shocked but they had to nod their heads since they didn’t want to lose the deal. For the first time you felt powerful and happy, it felt like you had created a family of your own outside your house. Max over the next few days visited your house every day after work to make sure you were alright, and soon he booked 2 flights to take you away from there back to his home country where your future lay.
Your CEO,
Admin Sav
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clairelsonao3 · 10 months
Writer Q&A Tag Game
Thank you to @winterandwords for tagging me in this one! I love Q&As, I don't care what the questions are!
1. What motivates you to write?
The pursuit of fame and fortune.
Just kidding. No, in all honesty, there was a time when I was obsessed with writing for the market. I still want to make money with my fiction someday, I'm not gonna lie. But actually, it's always been about telling stories that I know no one else will tell and that need to be told. If I'm that invested in a story, nothing will stop me from finishing it.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This is the last section of the opening chapter of The Adored. And it's going to get changed, so don't get too attached. But the gist of it has stayed through all drafts:
CW: Mention of teen females (consensually?) groping a teen male:
Hell, before this year, he’d never left the state of Minnesota. He and Afton didn’t eat pie on a boat on their first date, either. They didn’t even have a first date. But he’s let the world believe it, along with a million other lies that look pretty under pastel filters and amazing in 200 characters or less. Lies that dance center stage, that come alive under the lights. The lies are Afton’s truth. Thayer’s truth. Social media’s truth.
But they aren’t ours. Micah's and my truth is different. It’s underground, rotting in basements and prison cells, and all the dark places he still prays never to have to go back to. It’s about the night I saw Afton with a man in a dark Jaguar that turns Micah pale when he sees it, about the chains that still choke his heart and soul. It’s the jagged puzzle whose pieces he relied on me to put together, then told me never to reveal — the whats, but not the whys.
It’s why we’re really quitting.
But there’s one last truth. It’s what he’s trusting me to find. Me, the gawky giraffe in borrowed Balenciaga, with a bass she can barely play. The blurry face in the background. The tacked-on name at the bottom of the story. Bandmate Isley Nash.
I want to ask him, why me?
But before I can, it’s over. He throws himself backward off the stage. His body arches through space like a supernova. This is the moment they’ve been waiting for. They caress him, groping his hair, his legs, his junk. His eyes close. He’s lost. He’s theirs. For them, there’s only tonight.
And unless I find that truth, tonight is all there will ever be. 
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Micah (see above) is a reluctant teen rock star, a defiant rebel, a deadpan snarker, a (probable) murder victim, and my OG sad boi, so I'm always going to go with him.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Editing. Drafting is trying to make something out of nothing, which is torture. Editing, meanwhile, is sculpting something you create (which is almost always terrible to start off with) into something good, which is fun and fulfilling. I will vomit unreadable, ungrammatical crap onto the page just so there's something there to edit when I go back. For me, that's where 99% of the real work of writing gets done.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue! I think my dialogue is often funny and entertaining. Can I say that? I'm saying that.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Getting tagged to fill out Q&As like this and ramble about myself ad nauseum! No, seriously, the community I've found on Tumblr has amazingly changed my life in the best way -- and I've really only been here a few months! Here, I've found talented writers, engaged readers, and all-around wonderful human beings, who do not only NOT judge me for my bizarre tastes, but in many cases actually share them. Finding a community like that is rare enough in the internet hellscape where we often find ourselves, let alone IRL, and I will be grateful for it always.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've reluctantly come around to Grammarly, even though I snobbishly thought I didn't need it. Oh, and chatGPT. No, I'm kidding. I have tried it out, though. (Haven't we all?)
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
CW for discussing slavery in a clinical, dispassionate way (IDK, might be a trigger for some).
I've long thought you can't really understand or write about slavery without understanding the basic economics behind it, whether historically or in a fictional context. In most fiction with institutionalized slavery, it's either completely controlled by a dystopian government or by one single, massive company. To me, neither seemed realistic, and I think this is where this world differs from other related ones. In the world of GSNBTR, slavery is like any other sector under capitalism: it's multiple businesses of various sizes and with different niches competing against each other for customers, while being regulated (relatively lightly) by the government (as lobbied for by special interests, of course). And that also means thinking hard about the kinds of roles slaves would be likely to fill in a modern society built on that system, where they come from (likely many different places), who would own, trade, and manage them (whether government, corporations, or individuals) and how they would be likely to be used -- ie., it's not just domestic servants and sex workers, in fact, those are likely the minority of slaves. The majority are fast-food workers, landscapers, cleaners, dishwashers, farmworkers, general laborers, etc. etc. I suspect some are also used in the entertainment industry in some capacity (i.e. some actors/musicians/athletes are literally owned by movie studies/record companies/sports leagues), but I haven't really puzzled this out in detail. This stuff isn't necessarily fun to think about, but it's a must in a story like this, and I definitely did spend a lot of time thinking about it.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Are you writing what you really want to write? Always write what you want, not what you think you should. And if you can't write just for yourself, write for just one person. The rest of your audience will come naturally.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
I have to of course start with the talented writers whose work was so amazing it drew me in and got me to stay: @little-peril-stories @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
And then, to my astonishment, they reached out to support me and my own work, at times in ways far beyond anything I ever could have imagined. 💕
And then! On various levels, I've been lucky enough to know and interact with @i-can-even-burn-salad @whither-wander-whump @rickie-the-storyteller @mysticstarlightduck @painful-pooch @tabswrites @burntcoffeewhump, and @winterandwords!
And there are so many more great folks that I'm only just starting to discover, such as the following I'll gently tag (as well as OPEN TAG for anyone I mentioned above -- since you're already here, after all -- and anyone else reading this! 😂)
@romanceandshenanigans @digital-chance
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swaps55 · 1 year
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Tagged by @commander-krios. Thank you!
I wasn't going to do one of these things because I didn't think I'd accomplished as much as I have in the past couple of years, but I am thankful you tagged me, because when I looked at it, there was a lot to be proud of, and I think it's important when we work so hard to sit back and RECOGNIZE what we've done, instead of just dwelling on what we haven't.
Total Words Published: 122,327. I think. I had to do math, and my math is never trustworthy. I don’t think I forgot anything? I might have. Part of me feels like I shouldn’t get credit for Concerto, because it was more or less a rewrite, but at the same time it was a lot of work so I should get credit, heh.
Additional Words Written: 27,923. This only counts drafts I intend to actually publish some day (namely two entire Fugue chapters, the beginning of a third one, and Cadenza, a fic that will get written eventually). It doesn’t include the scribbles that may or may not turn into something, or the discarded scenes that got rewritten. This number is probably MUCH higher, but I’m not doing that math.
Grand Total of Words: 150,250. I’m very happy with that. It felt like less.
Fandoms: Mass Effect. It is the only fandom I write for. I’m a one trick pony.
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments): Of fic published this year, Cantata reigns supreme in every category, even though a big hunk of it was earned in 2021. But the comments on the final chapter alone, which is definitely 2022, are mind blowing to me. Nothing I write will ever match the top kudosed stories in the Ao3 mshenko tag, but I’m floored at how much engagement Opus gets. I’ll take that over any metric.   
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio: I think it’s Hearstoppers Beyond the Veil. Which I find delightful. It’s such a silly, sweet fic.
New Things I Tried: Sam’s POV is off-limits in Opus, but I have some future scenes that I’m going to need in which he’s my only POV option unless I get creative. So I’ve gotten creative, and am doodling some things in 2nd person to see if I can get what I need while still filtering Sam through the eyes of someone else (in this case, a more omniscient narrator Sam is unaware of). I am pleased with the results so far enough to keep working at it.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On: Fugue. Every single chapter of Fugue feels like a dogfight. It’s such a difficult and complex story to navigate on every level. The story as a whole obviously has been the biggest time investment this year, but each individual chapter is like climbing a mountain.
Fic I Spent The Least Time On: Yours, which is a first kiss AU. It’s a fairly simple story, but it fell out of my head and onto the page with very little prompting from me, and I love it to pieces.  
Favorite Thing I Wrote: It’s hard not to say Cantata or Fugue, but of the one-shots, I’ll give it to Space Talk because I got to make a cow-tipping joke and connect it to Arcturus.
Favorite Thing I Read: This is a very non-inclusive list. Sunset and Evening Star by @shadesofmauve, Trikalon by @dandenbo, Far From Comfortable by @screwyouflightlieutenant, Alke by @mallaidhsomo, red sky at morning by @shadoedseptmbr, we’ll dance this fading life away by @tiltingheartand, Eric and Stella's Cabo Adventure, by @writes-in-space, Friend of a Friend by @otemporanerys, in the deep dark by @urrone
Writing Goals for 2023: Finish Fugue (I am so close I can taste it) and (after a decent break), start Mezzo, Opus’ ME2 story.
New Works: Heartstoppers from Beyond the Veil, Space Talk, Concerto, Warm With You, Yours.  
Tagging (no pressure!) @baejax-the-great, @mallaidhsomo, @screwyouflightlieutenant, @shadesofmauve. Hell, if I tagged you anywhere in this post, consider yourself tagged. And anyone who wants to feel proud of what they did this year? Do it and tag me back so I can cheerlead you.
BE PROUD OF YOUR WORK. If you didn't post anything? Be proud of what you wrote for yourself. Didn't write much? Be proud of your daydreams and ideas and OCs that rotate in your head like a rotisserie chicken. It's ALL worth celebrating. Tell me about it and I'll celebrate with you!
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halflingkima · 2 months
i was tagged by @mell0bee 💖 and much like them, i did this tag at least a year ago so i kinda wanna see what's changed.
Are you named after anyone? My paternal grandmother, but also the storybook character Madeline. (I have a theme song :D)
When was the last time you cried? Uhh like this past weekend, reading the acknowledgements of All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows. I was really just skimming it but uhh I guess I was in a vulnerable place after the story that the acknowledgements cut in there and Got me lol
Do you have kids? no but i have a new baby niece who is the light of my life :)))
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I think I actually use it less than average. Definitely less than I did as a snarky teen. Just feels mean nowadays.
What sports do you play? none at the moment, but historically soccer, volleyball, and dance, and still enjoy casual frolicking of those styles.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Hair. Since I cut mine, I'm constantly thinking about my own, so I probably notice their hair.
What’s your eye color? bluuue
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. this question no doubt feels like apples and oranges, but i've never been a scary movie person, and i do love a cheesy romance novel.
Any special talents? uuuhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm rly good at staying awake. i think. does that count. what even counts as special.
Where were you born? I'm a cali girl......... in a cali world........
What are your hobbies? lately: reading, writing, crocheting, giffing, and D&D. also sewing off and on but the stars have to like align in a triple planet retrograde or something.
Do you have any pets? nope
How tall are you? 5'5
Favorite subject in school? depends on the year you asked me tbh. think i'm gonna cheat and say theatre bc my college degree involved classes in playwriting, history, costume/lighting/set design, stage management, and literature analysis, not to mention actual stage production experience. (I did the same in high school on a smaller scale.) Ironically, I think my theatre degree involved more writing than my creative writing degree.
Dream job? I do not dream of labor. jk jk lol. but i've been actively evaluating how my concept of work and jobs and how it's so very directly attached to who you know or are adjacent to because there's so many niche industries and abilities and how versatile humans are and anyone can do anything if they want to and invest their time/effort/energy. (like who you know + your specific experiences, not in a Networking way, but just. a not knowing what you don't know way.) i want to do anything/everything which is my primary strugglebus re: Future Thoughts. My cousin blames on my rising sign (sagittarius). i also have a deep fear that if i do something i actually like for a living, i'll ruin all enjoyment of that thing. that being said, i'd like to publish a novel. and design concert/band stage lights. i'd want to work somewhere in the fiber/fabric industry if conditions were fair (& not outsourced). my current job (library book van) is actually pretty great, but i'd like to work inside the building eventually. idk man i have less a dream job and more 'honestly, i'll try anything. i'll try harder if there's a benefits plan.'
sorry if i repeat tag anyone and of course feel free to ignore me lol. i'm tagging @politedemon @crushpdf @waitingforarthur @voiceoftheashari @wellthatswhatithought
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back2bluesidex · 2 years
I Fell First- The Prologue
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Summary: You have been with Him since the beginning. To you he was the only person that existed in the world, in your world. But to him, you are another pair of hands that clapped after each of his performance. Will it change when you secure a job in his dancing academy?
Pairing: Celebrity Choreographar!Hoseok X Reader
Theme: Just the introduction
Word count: 906
a/n: So this is my second ff. After you all liked the first one I got some courage to start another one. This will be a mini series. Hope you all will like it too.
Masterlist: I Fell First but He Fell Harder
Read the teaser of the first chapter
Jung Hoseok, the name was enough to light up my darkest of days, to uncage the butterflies in my stomach, to paint a pinkish tint on my cheeks, yes, just the name was enough and it still is. I looked at him as if it's only him that exists in this vast world, as if he is the one to hang stars in the sky, as if he changes the weather from time to time. But alas! Only if he knew. Only if he knew that I was there for him from the start. Only if he knew I stood there being mesmerized by his moves, during his street-dancer days, I was there watching him when he was rapping underground blaming my late arrival on some non-existent extra classes. Only if he knew I congratulated him with flowers when he took up the job of the assistant choreographer in an agency and when he opened up his first dancing academy. All along I was so proud of him and I never knew how not to love him. I have always loved him with all of my heart, my emotions, my devotion and everything else. He was my escape from my sordid reality and all I was to him, was a part of the ever-growing crowd that always supported him. Yes, that was all I was to him. Neither did I expect anything else, anything more. 
Loving him was painful for sure, knowing he would never be mine but never once I thought of stopping. Why would I? He was my sunshine. At first I fell in love with his moves when I first discovered him on the streets of Hongdae, I had a thing for dancers afterall. Then I fell in love with his soundcloud album. The depth of his lyrics that he rapped through his pretty mouth blew my mind away. I had a thing for deep people too. And then I fell in love with his personality. When he became a bit more famous and the YouTubes started interviewing him, I came across his sunshine personality. And I was in a desperate need of sunshine to light up my dark life. 
If I am being honest, my life wasn't dark, I chose to keep it close. Being an introvert, I never craved attention. I liked to be in my shell with a number of people that can be counted on my fingers. I even occasionally drove my family away from me. I only kept those close who could understand me inside me. However, it's not that I was not a fun person to be with. Rather, if I let people get close enough to me they would often end up being obsessed with me. That is exactly how two of my best friends are still with me even after all these years, even after all the cold shoulders they have received from me. 
Hoseok and I were poles apart but only the opposite poles attract right? Well in this case only one end of the pole was attracted to the other one. But again, I wasn't even a pole in his story, I didn't even exist at all. Nevertheless, I was happy for him. Seeing him going from a street dancer to a celebrity choreographer to own 4 dance academies in South Korea swelled my heart with pride and made me fall for him even more. He became my inspiration. He was just 2 years older than me yet he was able to achieve his dream with his blood and sweat, and that showed me a way to break the chains as well. And I broke it when I declined a higher pay in an agency and opted for a job in his academy. Yeah, my parents called me a "fool in love" but I didn't care. I had had enough already, I invested my 3 years in a job that did nothing but exhausted me. Now I wanna be happy. And working for him, managing his events would certainly bring me happiness, just the mere part of being a part of his academy would bring me happiness. So I went forward and declined the other with a higher pay. 
After a week I found myself sitting in the head office of "Hope on the street" acing my interview and almost securing my job until the lady asked me the hardest question, "Ms. Y/N I want you to assure me that you are here for the job itself and not because you are one of his fangirls" she pointed at the picture of Hoseok that was hung on the wall across from me. I got nervous momentarily but I regained my composure and looked forward to spill the truth. "Ma'am I AM a fangirl already. Enough big of a fan to have his initial tattooed on my body. But I am not here to seduce him. Rather I am here to fulfill my goal of being a part of his team. I can assure you that you will never find me following him around or throwing myself over him. But I can't assure you that I won't even look at him if he walks past me. I hope you understand the difference." She looked at me with a blank expression. "You're hired" that's the last thing she said before I walked out of the academy with the biggest smile I have ever had.
@phenomenalgirl9 @scentedsope @teeheelittlebitch @betysotelo18 @jnghs @hobiewaifu @addictedtohobi @dreamsarenicee @definetlythinkimanalien @dreamer95 @cxbts
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byler + conan gray songs
why every conan gray song ever is actually about byler (superache edition)
this one is going to be a long one but please stick with me at least part way through my slightly coherent gay ramblings i promise it’ll be worth it 😭😭
“i look at you like you’re perfect for me” 😭😭😭 starting off strong 😭😭
“built us a world and i gave you the key”
will/mike both being vulnerable with each other and when they grow apart it feels like their “world” and the connection they slowly and cautiously built up over the years has collapsed, so much of their happiness is tied up with one other and both feel at different times that the other is ignorant or uncaring about this fact 😭
“Falling in love with a damn fantasy/That’s so me, so me” WILL CORE
“But I’ve been living/Life in fiction/In my head, we’re dancing in the dark/In my head, we kiss under the stars/But we know that’s not what we’re doing/Cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies”
definitely will, a little mike, dreaming of a happy ending and wanting a love like the movies so bad but knowing/thinking it can’t be true because it doesn’t fit into the heteronormative idea of love that is shown in the movies and people like him don’t get those happy endings
second verse is so milkvan from mike’s perspective energy (or lowkey el’s pov if she was mad that mike liked will even though i dont think she will be bc she doesn’t really love mike and she adores her brother obviously willel supremacy)
i also feel like even though the events in this song in particular aren’t super 1:1 with the byler storyline the emotions that are present during their fights are super there especially in the second verse, conan calling out his person feels a lot like wills calling out mike in s3 and s4 fights
“in my head/ we never grow apart/ in my head/ you never break my heart”
crying because why is the first two lines mike and the second two will 😭😭 it’s like a fucking romantic movie where they are both singing this song alone and the camera is cutting between the two 😭😭 i’m delirious
“Baby, we lost all the love that we had/And I can’t pretend it’ll ever come back/ I think you’re seeing right through me / that baby this ain’t like the movies”
byler used to be close when younger and then they both started getting conscious of their feelings and homophobia and starting pulling away and getting weird about holding hands, sleepovers, etc. and they grew apart and lost their love and will especially doesn’t want to hope that it’ll come back because heteronormativity and homophobia have made him believe that people like him dont get love 😭 also them both sort of mutually recognizing and hating the distance between them but not knowing what to do about it, seeing right through the others lies and deep down knowing they love each other but still believing and accepting that their love can never happen 😭😭😭
people watching
this song definitely can be from wills pov about milkvan or whatever but personally i don’t think milkvan has a close enough relationship even through wills unreliable narrator pov to justify the beginning and really this song is 100000% mike
the beginning is definitely mikes pov of lumax or some other genuine couple who actually love each other and being “happy for them” but also being jealous of their love and freedom to love and really wanting that (for him and will)
“but i wanna feel all that love and emotion/be that attached to the person i’m holding/someday i’ll be falling, without caution/ but for now i’m only people watching”
at this point i feel like mike is in a relationship with el but recognizes that it’s not what he really wants and it’s not a relationship that he’s super invested in, he really hopes that someday he’ll be able to throw off his fears of homophobia and judgement and let himself “fall without caution” and acknowledge his feelings for will and be with the person he really wants to be holding, but until then he’s only watching those around him and longing for what they have and believing it can never be for him
“i’ve never really been in love, not seriously”
this one is SO mike about el, he cares for her but he knows deep down that it’s not him being truly in love, that she isn’t the person he’s really been in love with despite what everyone around him thinks and has told him he should feel like
“i had a dream about a house behind a picket felice/ next one i choose to trust, i hope i use some common sense”
“but i cut people out like tags on my clothing / i end up all alone but i still keep hoping / i won’t be scared to let someone know me / life feels so monotone, i still keep hoping”
HELLO THIS IS THE MOST MICHAEL WHEELER CODED BRIDGE IVE EVER SEEN??? feeling like he cut will out of his life???? ending up alone because of his own actions??? still hoping and trying to fix things with will?????? depression and hopelessness and feeling like everyone around him is moving on but life is still the same depressing colorless monotone despite him doing all the ‘right’ things bc really will is what makes his life full of light (sappy) and he’s still clinging onto the hope that someday it will all work out???? trying not to be scared to open up to will and let himself be known like it was when they were younger??? working on not closing himself off and pushing will away???????
the end. the fucking end. the emotion the longing the hope for the future combined with the resignation and feeling trapped in the present. SO. MIKE. WHEELER.
it being halloween 👀👀👀 okay conan
“cause the potential of us, it was keeping me up all night long”
THIS IS SO BYLER CORE them having a MomentTM and laughing it off but then lying awake staring at the ceiling all night because “WAS THAT FLIRTING WHAT DID THAT MEAN DO I LIKE HIM DOES HE LIKE ME COULD WE IS THERE A CHANCE NO DEFINITELY NOT BUT MIGHT HE-“
“this could be a disaster/theres so many factors/like, what if you freak out, and then we’re losing it all/at the critical chapter where I say, ‘I love you’ and you dont say it after”
ARE YOU KIDDING??? SO BYLER them constantly not wanting to “ruin their friendship” and not taking the leap because they don’t want to risk being wrong and they aren’t sure if it’s reciprocated and they’d rather suffer in gay torment forever than lose the other person!!! this has been in SO many byler fics i’ve read. delicious
“I’m pedaling backwards/By saying that I’m drunk I really shouldn’t have called/I’m a little bit plastered, you call me a liar/Now I’m falling in faster/This could be a disaster”
THIS IS SO MIKE OMFG WITH WILL CALLING HIM OUT ON HIS BS AND MIKE BEING DOWN BAD AF AND CONSTANTLY ON THE DEFENSIVE AND BOTH LOVING AND HATING THAT WILL KNOWS HIM SO WELL!!! drunk mike confessions>>>>> but also he would definitely call and freak out that he said too much and pretend to be drunk PLEASE
“is it purely platonic to call me like every night?” BOTH OF THEM OVERTHINKING IT RIP bc the answer is no what yall have is not platonic
“But if I’m reading it wrong, man, it’d be better off if I died” LMFAO both will and mike being drama queens and not wanting to read it wrong bc they think theyre unlovable <333
“You’re not mine for taking/Maybe I’m mistaken/Maybe I just made it up, messed it up”
THIS IS SO WILL OMG IM CRYING especially when mike is in a relationship, thinking he’s a mistake (sobs), mikes not his to have and he doesn’t want to hope, constantly questioning and hoping and having a crisis because of mike being a confusing gay (the whole song before) but always coming to the conclusion that he must be making it up and that it’s impossible and everything’s his fault 😭😭 (this verse at the end of the song)
best friend
i feel like this song is future byler after they’ve gotten all their awkward shit worked out and just get to be chaotic besties because they know each other so well and are each other’s “lifelines” “ride or die”, plus obviously “best friend” is a byler thing (more romantic than this song is supposed to be but i do think it still applies to their super close besties telepathic bond friendship), also i feel like this song and the “my so is my best friend🥰” and “fucking hate you but you know that that’s a damn lie” is very percabeth and since byler=percabeth it’s halfway canon already, also the beginning is byler coded except will loves el ofc and very affectionately hates on mike for all the milkvan drama and confusion instead (as we all do that useless gay) <333
this song gives very sad acceptance vibes from will at the start and moves on to more gut wrenching heartbreak loveliness later, mostly wills pov but also i’ve read some fics of mike feeling frustrated that he’s lost will and can’t read him as well anymore and resenting the gap between them but i feel like thing song leans more towards Resigned Gay Yearning which will corners the market on
first verse—> both have family struggles “socially speaking we were the same” both have runaway fathers (will literally, mike emotionally) and mothers who compensate unhealthily sometimes
“as much as it seems/ like you own my heart/ it’s astronomy/ we’re two worlds apart”
SO THEM s3-s4, the whole song is definitely wills perspective on them being close when they were younger and thinking mike loves him but then el and internalized homophobia entering the picture and them drifting apart until they don’t know each other as well anymore, even though wills loves mike so much (and mike ofc adores will in return) it’s not enough to keep them from losing each other until it feels like they are worlds apart
“from far away/ i’d wished i’d stayed, with you/ but here face to face/ a stranger that i once knew ….. you said distance brings fondness/but guess not with us”
obviously will still wishes he could stay with mike forever and is still in love with mike so not completely 1:1 but also i think this is mostly his reaction to perceiving that mike doesn’t like him anymore and has grown so far apart from him — during the summer he’s wished mike had stayed more in touch but now at start of s4 he’s thinking yk maybe it’d be better if he just let go since mike “obviously” has as well, so i feel like these lines are less an expression of wills emotions than a sad sort of observation of his perception of mikes feelings where he thinks “ig the distance did make us grow apart and mike has lost fondness bc of it”
“you can’t force the stars to align when they’ve already died”
sO “stupid.. so stupid” ENERGY PLEASE??? will being like “how did i ever think we had a chance” and trying to convince himself to give up on their relationship and being frustrated that mike keeps bringing it up and giving him hope when in his mind their chance already died long ago and he’s been trying to get over it
will. literally will. i don’t even have to explain because EVERY LINE IS JUST HIM ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH MIKE FROM HIS POV GO LISTEN NOW 🔫
i’m not joking. now (or after reading the rest of this gay rambling rant)
idk how to explain this but just the unsettling chords and vocals at the beginning are ALREADY SO MIKE WHEELER INTERNAL MONOLOGUE I AM SHEDDING TEARS
“if changing my clothes would make you like me more/ if changing my hair would make you care/ then I’d grab the kitchen scissors and/ cut myself to slivers for you”
i’m so fucking torn on this one because on one hand the ‘being prepared to give literally anything to make the other person care about them/make them happy even if it causes sacrifices to your happiness’ is so will energy BUT ALSO will never changes himself for mike which is one of the most amazing things about him - even though he is in pain and this might be his internal monologue he stays true to himself and his bowlcut <33
on the other hand this is SO michael wheeler literally changing everything about himself and suppressing his true identity and expression to constantly trying to conform to the societal expectations around him, whether that’s super playing into heterosexual bf because he thinks he’s supposed to or rejecting dnd and his own personal interests in s3 because he’s been told that’s childish and he’s trying to follow what he’s supposed to do and “grow up” by projecting and using a gf shield and way overplaying heterosexuality so that he escapes criticism and homophobia to copying eddie’s style to changing that style completely when showing up at the airport in s4 in order to hide his true nerdy personality because he feels the need to conform to a certain standard around el to constantly performing heterosexuality with regards to milkvan in public to LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT HIS CHARACTER IS REPRESSION AMD CHANGING WHO HE IS TO PLEASE THE EXPECTATIONS OF THOSE AROUND HIM
“if being less insane would make you stay”
suppressing his true nerdiness and “freak” qualities because of fear of abandonment 🤩🤩 he does need el and feels like being “ just some nerdy loser” will make him lose her
“you take every part of me, all of the things you need/ then the rest, you discard/ i’ve looked in the mirror, now i’m just a jigsaw”
this is not really aimed at one person in particular, more so mike about society and heteronormativity and changing so much of himself and making so many sacrifices to fit in to what it means to be accepted only to be exploited by society and still be outcasted for those few real qualities he keeps
“all i did just to make you happy/still you don’t even fucking love me”
lowkey this is an el line (go off queen) but also i feel like mike feels as if he’s made so many sacrifices to fit that heterosexual mold and keep el in his life and it still doesn’t work and he’s still rejected (obvi not completely and they are still going to be friends, but his fear of abandonment makes him feel like he failed despite sacrificing everything else for it)
“if i made you like me would i even like myself”
no he doesn’t like himself. he has so much self hatred and guilt going on rn because he’s suppressed who he is SO MUCH in an effort to be accepted (by society, by parents, by what he thinks el wants) and avoid homophobia and keep el but he’s lost himself and people he loves in the process anyways
anyways mike needs a hug 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and let him scream out his pain in s5 agenda
family line
i don’t feel right analyzing and comparing conan’s trauma to fictional characters and also i’ll cry so i’ll just say obviously both mike and will have serious family trauma which leads to them “lying to survive,” i feel like this song is more will core because of the similarities of his central trauma with lonnie obviously (and the “but my sisters when i cry” 😭😭 WILLEL) but i could see mike relating to parts of it too
summer child (cried writing this one)
this is WILL!!
“you see all the flowers in the weeds / you’re scared of the dark when you sleep/ you cover up your arms with your sleeves even in hundred degree heat”
will always seeing the good in everyone and everything despite his life being full of traumatic shit, being scared of the dark and hating it 😭😭, covering up his arms (i am in your walls lonnie watch the fuck out) to pretend like everything’s okay and not worry the people around him 😭😭😭
“your father was awfully mean/ your favorite color is green/ it reminds you of the summer you turned three running through sprinklers in the heat”
LONNIE I AM IN YOUR FUCKING WALLS I AM UNDER YOUR BED also will’s fav color being tied to a precious happy childhood memory 😭😭😭 (i love the theory that his fav color is yellow bc mike guessed that it was and he looked so excited that wills couldn’t say no and will holds onto that secret fondly 😭😭😭😭) also just him clinging to happy childhood memories with johnathan and his mom despite his much trauma he had is so will 😭😭
“and you laugh and you dance in the wind….. but there’s darkness behind those eyes even when you smile/ oh summer child”
will has such a vibrant personality and is literal sunshine but he has always struggled with really intense trauma even before the upside down and it haunts him even in safe spaces when he’s feeling happy 😭😭😭 don’t mind me just violently sobbing
“you don’t have to act like all you feel is mild / you don’t really like the sun it drives you wild / you’re lying summer child”
“aren’t you way too busy taking care of everybody/ to take care of yourself”
“and i’m always here for you too” to johnathan LITERALLY ALWAYS LOOKING OUT FOR OTHERS DESPITE INTENSE TRAUMA AND PAIN, him sacrificing his happiness for milkvan and never even considering his own wants and needs, only trying to help those he loves be happy often at his own expense 😭😭
this song is definitely will later in life after maturity and therapy looking back and sympathizing for his younger self 😭😭😭
hahahhahahahahaha will kinnies stand up 😭😭😭
“you said at the party that i was too drunk/ i told you i liked you you said ‘sober up’”
getting drunk and confessing your love and the other person saying “you dont mean that you’re drunk” and replying “why would I lie? Its so clear im in love with you” IS SO BYLER HELLO?? THIS IS EVERY DRUNK BYLER FIC CONAN I SEE U
“A tense conversation, you like someone else”
every byler fight ever with mike throwing up his gf shield every 5 seconds smh ‘tense’ is putting it lightly you can cut their tension with a KNIFE
“So I’ll stop being pretentious and loathing our friendship/You taught me a lesson, that feelings are reckless/Its just like the novels, side characters end up alone”
^^^^ SO WILL he lowkey hates that he’s in love but theres nothing he can do about it because feelings are reckless, he wants more than friendship so badly but feels guilty for it, doesn’t think of himself as a mc (even though he IS) and feels destined for an unhappy ending because ‘people like him don’t get happy endings’, resigned to gay yearning fate
“Every line I would write for you/But a footnote will do”
the second verse about everyone around them thinking theyre a couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“A footnote will do (please don’t forget me)” HELLO THIS IS WILL BYERS
this is wills angsty song!! even though he doesn’t actually want to forget mike, sometimes he definitely wishes he could leave mike/the possibility of them having a relationship in his memories but mike keeps bringing it up and giving him hope and i can see him screaming this song out of frustration
“it’s been a couple months/that’s just about enough time/ for me to stop crying when i look at all the pictures/ now i kind of smile, i haven’t felt that in a while”
will trying his best to get over mike and be able to look back fondly on their memories together, feeling like maybe he’s finally moved on or been able to let go but then…
“but please don’t ruin this for me/please don’t make it harder than it already is/ i’m trying to get over this”
mike shows up again and starts giving him hope while also bringing in his issues with el and making will all confused again and regressing, i can see will being so frustrated with himself and putting in on mike for making him getting over them harder unintentionally
“i want to put you in the past cause i’m traumatized/ but you’re not letting me do that cause tonight/ you’re all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position/ too busy playing the victim to be listening to me”
from wills pov, ignorant to what mike is going through, wills just so over and frustrated with mikes defensiveness and projection and constantly using will as a relationship therapist and not listening to wills actual concerns (at first! obvi he comes back later to apologize and make up) and constantly having to go over the same things with mike and reopen old wounds and make it even more impossible for wills to move on
“now i can’t say goodbye, if you stay here the whole night/ you see it’s hard to find an ending to something that you keep beginning over and over again/ i promise that the ending always stays the sale”
will not being able to say no to mike even with all his frustration and knowing they’re going to go in the same old circles and not end up anywhere (they will!! but he doesn’t know that) and that it’s only going to make it harder for will to let go if mike keeps bringing up this possibility of “us”
“so there’s no good reason in make believing that we could ever exist again/ i can’t be your friend can’t be your lover can’t be the reason we hold back each other from falling in love with somebody other than me”
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SO!! BYLER??!!!!! will really letting out all the emotions here, feeling like he can’t keep going on like this and recognizing that whatever weird unresolved friend lover tension they have going on is holding them both back, and wanting them to just let go and move on without each other BUT ALSO at the end still expressing that bit of sad gay longing revealing that he does want to be with mike still and hasn’t moved on and that it’s hard for him to watch mike with someone else but also just wants to rip off the bandaid and get it over with since it’s inevitable anyway
THE BRIDGE!!! THE BRIDGE!!!! everything reminding will of mike and “barely just surviving” revealing how hard it’s actually been for him to move on and how he really hasn’t despite the first verse, i can see this being wills pov during/after one of their fights, and will maybe imagining doing what conan talks about in the bridge and finally saying enough is enough and making mike leave so he can get over him (not actually lol he too down bad but the emotion is probably there sometimes when he’s hurting)
the exit
this song is SO BYLER
“february and the flowers haven’t even wilted/Its crazy how fast you tilted the world that we were busy building”
like how fast they grew apart especially as things fell apart in s3 until they feel like they don’t know each other anymore, this line is more wills pov since it’s sort of mikes relationship that messes up bylers dynamic and creates the chasm and awkwardness between them
“mid november and im … staring at a girl who’s not me/On your arm, a carbon copy”
CALL MIKE OUT!! EL IS JUST A WILL REPLACEMENT!! also gay pining i relate
“feels like we had matching wounds/but mines still black and bruised/and yours is perfectly fine”
i promise mike is NOT perfectly fine but hes doing his DARNdest to make it seem that way but will doesn’t see that and is overthinking whether they meant anything to mike at all and feels like he’s the only one hurting and gay yearning when he’s NOT
“feels like we buried alive/something that never died” THIS IS SO BYLER HELLO??
“So, God it hurt when I found out/You love her, it’s over/Do you even doubt it on your lips/You love her, its over/You already found someone to miss/While im still standin at the exit”
do i even need to explain ok fine yes i will a little — this is from WILL’S oblivious ass pov thinking that mike does love el and byler are hopeless and never meant anything to mind and he feels left out and replaced like mike moved on and left him standing at the exit waiting for him, do you even doubt it!! CALL MIKE OUT BC HE DOES DOUBT IT AND BC HIS SKETCHY CRUSH BEHAVIOR SURE MAKES ITS SEEM LIKE HE DOUBTS SOMETHING A GREAT BIT
but also this could be from MIKE’S dramatic ass pov during s4 when he thinks will moved on from him and doesn’t need him anymore and that there’s a girl he likes and is giving his art to when that was their thing and mike is still standing at the exit
“I can’t hate you for getting everything we wanted/I just thought that I would be a part of it/I was moving into your apartment/When you met someone, shes from your hometown…”
😭😭 will still loves mike and is trying to be happy for him but thought that they were going to be best friends forever and achieve their dreams together until el came along, can’t stay mad at him and can’t hate him so he stays in mournful gay pining
“Impossible to understand/How you’re not coming back, but I cant say it out loud”
SILENT PAIN SILENT PAIN this is lowkey from both mike and will bc S I L E N T G A Y P A I N
and that’s all for now!! if you read all of this omfg i literally love you marry me rn if you didn’t i don’t blame you 😭😭 but i hope this helped spread the conan gray byler agenda
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sparatus · 1 year
Oh please I need to know about the des mafia au! 😘
YES god this one lives in my head fucking rent-free
wip title game
desolas mafia au
so this one actually started as a bit of a crackpot idea with @korblez because oops the friend oc intertwiner machine ran overboard. he has a whole clan of ocs for the turian mob, and through some timeline crack figuring we figured out that in my verse, the raid that killed desolas and saren's parents happened not terribly long before his oc marius left the military to found the zuikos'i, and that just kindaaaa "hey des has the personality of a mob boss, what if" and here we are
for setup: in 2118, desinian and veniria arterius are killed in a pirate raid on the remote colony town of ifura on carthaan, leaving their sons desolas (age 24) and saren (age 5) orphaned. desolas, serving his mandatory service in the army, was a part of the responding squadron, but arrived too late, and was the one to find his parents' bodies and rescue his brother from the woods behind the house where their mother had told him to hide. a couple years later, desolas has turned bitter and aggressive, having refused therapy for his growing depression and ptsd, instead clinging tightly to his last living family members (his brother, as well as his paternal grandmother and great-grandfather) and the few friends still stationed with him. saren has gone selectively mute, never making a sound except to wail inconsolably when separated from his aforementioned 3 relatives. major marius cassi, desolas's CO at the base on taetrus he was sent to after bereavement leave, sees the potential in him that's being smothered by his own downward spiral, and his heart breaks for him. when events in his own life lead marius to say "fuck it", leave the military, and found his own criminal organization, he makes the offer to desolas to leave with him and join him.
in the main verse, des of course turns him down, wanting the stability of the military so he can make sure his little brother will be provided for, but in this au he accepts, and joins marius in founding the zuikos'i. from there, i have a sort of trilogy:
the first fic is the setup, following both desolas and saren. with desolas we see the founding of the zuikos'i and his relationship with marius, finding a surrogate father figure in him as he navigates his own grief and trauma that he hasn't been allowing himself to process because he felt that saren needed him more. with saren, we stay home with the rest of the cassi family and watch him slowly heal and grow in his own right, and through his internal monologue learn more about what this little (selectively) mute child has seen that he will never give voice to.
in the second, we fast forward several years. this one is desabrudas-centric; desolas is a fully-fledged mob boss in his own right, while his old friend from the taetrus base valis abrudas has become an officer. both of them still remember the other and the bond they shared, and regret not being able to stay together, and hope the other is doing well. when a chance encounter pits them against each other, desolas gets a wild hare up his ass to pull valis over to his side, while she becomes determined to bring him in one way or the other, each remembering who the other used to be craving what they used to have. so begins a game of cat-and-mouse, a friends-to-enemies-to-lovers dance across the stars; the only question is, will she drag him back to the hierarchy by his crest, or will he sway her over to a life of crime?
the third main fic is kryterius. in this au, nihlus's father never dies, and nihlus grows up to be a rough-and-tumble terminus merc just like his parents before him. saren, meanwhile, is an enforcer, and isn't particularly invested in the job, but it's a good outlet for the destructive energy his biotics make while letting him pursue other interests on the side, plus he idolizes his big brother, so he's willing to stick with it. they cross paths by chance during a skirmish, and then keep crossing paths, to the point nihlus starts to mock saren that it's because saren is into him. while saren venting about the annoying shithead bastard freelancer who he definitely doesn't think is attractive no sir that keeps getting in his way, marius overhears and takes a surprising amount of interest, and saren is tasked with bringing nihlus in, alive. along the course of the hunt, saren slowly unravels more about this annoying red freelancer and his connection to marius - and, against his will, realizes he actually kinda doesn't want to throttle him too hard.
so, basically: heavily extremely self-indulgent au featuring a lot of friend worldbuilding (like, this would be a joint project, this would be a NoisyNoiverns-korblez collab crossover extravaganza patent pending) and des being a smarmy bastard and saren being a pining maybe-demi gay mess, thank you for your time
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lakenfletcher · 1 year
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LAKEN  FLETCHER  on  the  cover  of  this  week’s  most  recent  tabloid!  many  say  that  the  25  year  old  looks  like  RUDY PANKOW,  but  i  don’t  really  see  it.  while    the  DANCER/ACTOR  is  known  for  being  MAGNETIC  my  inside  sources  say  that  they  have  a  tendency  to  be  FRIVOLOUS  i  swear,  every  time  i  think  of  them,  i  hear  the  song  MR  JONES  by  COUNTING  CROWS .
a lot of the background is repeated from his sister star fletcher up until the teen years. brief mentions of the death of a loved one.
FULL NAME: lake rodney fletcher (goes by laken)
BIRTH DATE: april 18th, 1998
FAMILY MAKEUP: rod fletcher (deceased), mary-sue fletcher (44), star fletcher (24)
POSITIVE TRAITS: charitable, energetic, friendly, forwards, creative, determined, invested, hard-working, loving, non-judgemental.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: short sighted, frivolous, temperamental, inconsistent, short attention span, easily distracted, fake to an extent.
star fletcher had the unfortunate luck of being the first born daughter of MARY-SUE FLETCHER , although her twin brother LAKE only followed a few minutes behind . from birth , they were raised as more of a brand than anything else and their mother had a constant infatuation with the limelight . she was obsessed with her twins and wanted them to be the next big thing to the extent that it was pretty much the only option … where as their father , ROD , sat back and watched the chaos unfold never saying much .
it became apparent by the time the twins were five or six that they did actually have some talent for acting and dancing and their mother insisted that they be partners for their entire dancing career . they did have some early success that made a pretty penny … which MARY-SUE rubbed together with glee !
the twins were forced to be partners in their career for the longest time , their mother also butting in at any opportunity . STAR and LAKE didn’t have a life unless it was the one that she managed for them but they worked hard to earn her favour because although their father was very loving , he simply had no concept of the industry they were up against . it was a fletchers vs the world war in their mothers opinion .
TW DEATH . just as they broke through in the acting world landing a spot on a show at the age of twelve , their father passed away in a shocking industrial accident . this should have been the tragic part but what happened next shocked the twins as much as the rest of the world ; three weeks after her fathers death , star would find out through tabloid magazines that her and her brother were reportedly the love children of a FAMOUS AND EXTREMELY MARRIED ACTOR . this fractured her family forever .
while it might have been negative attention , eventually it seemed to pan out in even stranger results … star and lake were not happy with their mother but MARY-SUE loved the attention . she was finally in the middle of things again reliving her youth . a dna test confirmed their identities as the biological child of redacted & they now had a nice little trust fund behind them .
still , STAR continued in the industry as the rumours swirled down in her late teens and her mother encouraged her to be flirtatious to get what she wanted . she had no self preservation techniques , she didn’t mind being a villain or a nice girl as long as it pleased her mother when she got screen time - the personal brand was a nightmare and it was a matter of years before the FLETCHER FAMILY was more of a train wreck than anything else .
LAKE turned back to dancing and moved to new york city swearing that they should never talk to their mother again but knowing his sister would be unable to resist the sirens call . 
in new york city , he was able to make a name for himself and toured with an elite company all around europe several times . he was known for his technical skill , being hard - working and he adapted his name to partly try and keep his mothers dreams for himself dead and buried . 
it is unclear why lake has changed his career from dancing to acting and joined the cast of two bush mountain . it’s rumoured that it involves some kind of accident on set or medical condition but none of this is confirmed by any fact or close sources . 
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Ballerina P2
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Dark + sweet
Concept Ballerina and Her Patron 
The work was hard and mademoiselle was merciless. We lived in the attic of the opera house, from dawn to dusk we would dance in the backrooms many days you'd be working on broken ankles and bloody toes but breaks were not an option.
But honestly I was thankful away from my father with a roof over my head.
Porridge in the morning and soup before bed.
We were given the required shoes and clothes even if Most were hand me downs from the older girls.
But I'd rather be here than have a life outside of here.
Mademoiselle could be cruel denying food from bad performers she was merciless but if you behaved all would be well.
it was the dream of every girl in the company to be given a role.
Even something as small as a walk on role meant the world as without a role you were not even allowed to step foot on the stage.
But this place had a … underbelly.
Behind the stage was the practice room or so they called it. By many it was also known as the meat market. Behind the stage and storage for costumes and sets was large room that almost mirrored the stage, will a bar, luxury seating and other such amenities. 
The practice room is where after performances the dancers would go and met with the elite season ticket holders, partons, financers and anyone else who could drop the required money, there was even a door on the side of the opera house for the partons and season ticket holders to gain access to this room.
Of course having never been in a production I had never been to this room however today that changed.
We were ordered out of bed told to wash and put on our best dresses for today we would have a chance.
I did as I was ordered wearing my sky blue tulle dress and little blue shoes lacing them up my legs tightly with my white ribbon bows one around my waist the other in my hair. I followed the other girls down to the practice room, shocked at its grandeur, especially the chandelier.
Once we lined up mademoiselle arrived banging her stock on the floor to spark attention.
"Girls. I'm sure it's no mystery to you the skill it takes to stand upon that stage. And I can only do so much for you in that regard. But something else it takes my dears… is money. You want a director to pick you as his starring role, you need the perfect moves yes, but also the perfect shoes, the perfect tights, the perfect dress and bow, all these things come at a price. The opera house survives on ticket sales for the daily performances, and especially on season tickets for the house. What both of those combine mean there are those with money and those who need money. Which is you. For a ballerina to survive in this world she needs a great deal of things, and my recommendation is as it has always been. You need someone to fund your studies, your wardrobe and your future. No don't get me wrong roles have been caught without financial backing but it takes twice the time and is successful roughly once a blue moon." She explained "the men who come through that door, are season ticket holders and financial backers of the house they can fund you. Bankers, businessmen and bastard's born rich, I've seen them throw money at a cat for their amusement. They will choose to fund you or they won't. But don't let their money fool you there smart men they will observe your every nook and cranny to determine if you are a worthwhile investment to them. Good luck" she says going to the side with the band soon enough the doors opened and men in perfect suits flooded in at first they walked around us inspecting us like items at an auction many didn't bother to look at me I noticed quickly how rude the men where touching and amusing themselves with us as we stood like boards. I tried not to think about it and just stood still until I noticed Something.
A boy. Clearly the youngest person here well dressed with a mop of blonde hair, under the wing of another man I recognized him for a moment. The memory of that day returned to me.
Of the young boy who gave me money the night before my father sold me into the company.
But I took it from my mind it was years ago not like he'd remember me.
I lost my focus as a man slapped my ass just staring at the chandelier trying not to think about it
"Excuse me, have we met before?" A voice asked I looked and saw the boy before me looking perplexed I meerly nodded sheepishly "don't tell me I'm sure I'll remember" he laughed trying to put his hands in his pockets but stopping himself and it clicked "ohhh uhhh the girl. From the corner? Selling dusty old shoes?" He chuckled and I nodded "you uhhh you've grown"
"As have you sir"
"Your sweet," he smiled but continued on with this man I assume to be his father.
Once they had all got a look at us mademoiselle ordered us to practice so everyone went and found little spots to stretch and do little dances to the small music they plaid I tried to ignore the me that passed around discussing us like we weren't here, some girls clearly got interested so where called close to the men so they could see them dance others went close in hopes of getting a patron.
I noticed the blonde boy with his father who was talking to him at the time 
"You're a big boy now, you need to learn how to handle your money. Now I'm not going to tell you not to pick a pretty one but don't just pick the first good leg you see Thomas. If she's not a good dancer she won't get a part and parts are what make you your money back. A skilled girl is always a good investment" he explained
"Who would you recommend?"
"Humm personally if I were you, the tall blonde on the end good figure, good skills likely get you a good return. As she'd be fun for your first…investment" he explained "or for a more quick return you could put a bit more money in a get a promised girl one who already has a role lined up" he explained I tried not to listen to the ins and outs of this business and just focus on my dancing 
"What about her?" I heard so I looked up seeing Thomas was pointing to me so I quickly looked away 
"Her? Well it's your money son"
I shook the thoughts away until mademoiselle ordered us out to the backstage area and called us in one at a time clearly to agree or deny those who wished to patron us some girls where immediate sent away to the dorms others where in the room for ages clearly having more than one patron wishing to fund her, to my surprise I was called in so I headed in standing beside mademoiselle none of them looked interested until that man came up to me with Thomas in tow
"Go on then" 
"I uhhhh… I would like to be your patron miss, if you'd allow me" he asked 
"Yes sir" I nodded making him smile 
"This will be his first, so things might be a little slow at first but I'm sure you won't disappoint us" his father added 
"I will do my best sir" I nodded 
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Taura Butter is based on Torvald Batterbutter from Wreck It Ralph. She is a 20 year old human, influencer, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Taura is portrayed by Josie Totah and she is open.
Taura never cared much about racing. If she was being honest, she only got into the sport to boost her popularity. What she did care about was the attention; the paparazzi, the social media following, the compliments. She knew from a young age she was destined for fame, her parents might have been those of an empire and she was already well off for herself, but she wanted more, but she also knew she wasn’t particularly talented at anything. She couldn’t sing or dance, she couldn’t act. She couldn’t seem to land above seventh place on the track. But her daddies always said fake it ‘til you make it, and that she did. She was charming when she wanted to be, able to play it up easily. So despite not being a lead racer, her interviews helped her become a quick fan favorite, and she adored it. It wasn’t as glamorous as being a movie star, being a Sugar Racer, but it was a start. In the blink of an eye it seemed, she built a loyal Instagram following, and that led to sponsors. It was the dream life, taking photoshoots of herself posing with products for a living, getting to keep it all, and sharing it with an adoring fanbase. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, however, and it was hard to be an influencer when you couldn’t reach anyone outside of a specific radius. To some, Evermore may have been a nice change of pace from their boring lives, but for Taura, it was a nightmare. She had everything she wanted at her fingertips, and she’d lost it as quickly as it had came… and no one knew why. No one knew where they were or why every road out of town led right back into town. So many residents had simply given up trying to leave. She didn’t care how long they had been trapped here, however. she was determined to find a way out of this town, one way or another. Her fans must be worried sick not knowing where she went.
❀ Marie Bonfamille: Forget Tiffany, Taura would follow Marie anywhere. The girl is beautiful, classy and fashionable. They were born to be besties. ❀ Phineas T. Kettletree: She isn’t sure what she did to give Bobble the impression they’re good friends, but he’s too sweet for her to tell him to leave her alone, so for now she’s stuck listening to him ramble. ❀ Fred Jones: Surely a group of mystery solvers would be able to figure out what was going on with Evermore. Fred seems even more invested than she does, so she’s keeping her eye on him. No one is leaving without her.
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