#but Pac is INFINITELY worse
anti-cosmofangirl · 4 months
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Betrayus and Pac from @ribbondee's "Twisted Fate" AU!
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daisyychainssj · 9 months
“Pac and Mike got kidnapped again” no bad you don’t understand only Pac was taken they’ve been seperaTED SO ITS INFINITELY WORSE BAD YOU DONT UNDERSTAND
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mmorgdome · 2 years
Saints row 2 lag fix pc
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#Saints row 2 lag fix pc series
Many are recycled, like destruction-derby Mayhem missions and the masochistic Insurance Fraud (which feels kind of broken and floaty with superpowers). It tries again with dozens of opportunities for side activities, as is Saints Row's custom. That trick works for a while, as gobbling them up has a rewarding Pac-Man feel to it, but eventually their numbers thin out and the cost of new powers rises to the point where collecting feels like the chore it is. Volition seems aware of this, and attempts to lure us back down into the streets by littering the city with a boggling 1,400 collectible glowing things used as currency for upgrading powers. Letting us literally jump over the entire map is a waste of a major asset. It’s a mistake to give us the most powerful and game-transforming abilities first, because Steelport almost immediately loses the sense of place and character it has in SR3, and that leaves around 20 hours of story missions to play through without really caring about the world. I couldn’t help feeling like a spoiled child who’s sick of all his expensive toys, yet cries when they’re taken away. Yes, the withdrawal pains are so bad they have me complaining about a robot suit. “What do you mean I can’t super-jump? Running is so sloooooooow here! This sucks!” Even driving the new stompy robot suit (cribbed from Volition’s own Red Faction: Armageddon) feels like a handicap. Why do I need gun upgrades when I can shoot fireballs from my hands? Why should I bother summoning homies to help me in combat when I can throw tanks with my mind? What good are customizable cars with afterburners when they only slow me down? What’s worse is that going back to reality to do story missions causes whiplash. Yet with great power have come great drawbacks, as so many good features carried over from SR3 now feel completely vestigial. I also love how most conventional weapons come with multiple cosmetic model options, such as pistol homages to Blade Runner and Firefly. even if the promising Dubstep gun ends up being an ineffective disappointment. Beyond the pew-pew-pew of the alien pistol, the Disintegrator (borrowed from Red Faction) and the Abductor (which sucks everything into the sky) steal the show. Even though I rarely needed weapons, SR4's gun selection has some winners. It's only during minibosses fights where health is scarce that I was given cause to play carefully. Even enemies with superpowers of their own quickly become pushovers, and all you ever have to do to get out of trouble is leap. Unlike the regenerating health system of SR3, in SR4’s virtual world enemies drop health pickups like candy from pinatas, so as long as you buy a few health upgrades and keep up a respectable pace of killing (hard not to do given the arsenal of infinite-ammo alien weapons) dying is something you usually have to work for. That’s combined with a sense of near-invulnerability. And those are just the first couple of powers you get. Super-leaping and gliding over the city (an alien-renovated version of the one used in SR3) is hugely liberating – there’s nowhere you can’t go on a whim, and dashing through the streets at amazing speeds feels like a glimpse of the Flash game I’ve always wanted. It’s so absurd and liberally peppered with well-executed gags and references that it works.Īfter that you’re trapped in a Matrix-like recreation of the open-world city of Steelport, and Saints Row IV effectively becomes an entirely different game through the introduction of those genuinely cool superpowers.
#Saints row 2 lag fix pc series
In the first hour our hilariously customizable Saints boss character pushes the increasingly over-the-top premise of an idolized street gang well past its limits in a quick series of linear levels: you single-handedly bring down a nuclear missile, become President of the United States, and battle an alien invasion led by a British-for-no-reason warlord. Developer Volition has made us living gods in an open-world city, and it's great for a while, but it renders much of what makes Saints Row The Third so much fun feeling pointless.In the beginning SR4 is very much the same parody-packed third-person action game. But the thing many comic book fans find a little boring about the Man of Steel is that if you’re basically a god, nothing can challenge you – and what’s a hero without a challenge to overcome? That same boredom eventually proves to be Saints Row IV’s kryptonite. All things considered that's a fairly good problem to have, because it stems from awesome powers like being faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound. Saints Row IV has the same problem as Superman.
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My top 10 least favorite bosses.
I love boss battles, they are a great way to challenge the player and to wrap up a level or a game. Not all bosses are made equal though, for every great boss there is a mediocre one as well. These bosses got on my bad side due to various reasons. Now, this list is subjective and my opinion, not every boss on this list is terrible from a design standpoint, and there may even be some on this list you may not agree with. This is fine, your free to have your favorites or least favorites. In fact, I would love to see your least favorite bosses in the comments if you would please. Secondly, no bosses from my top 50 list will be on this list. This is to avoid redundancy. Lets take a look at some of my least favorite bosses.
NUMBER 10 - Xande (Final Fantasy 3)
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This just goes to show that not every boss on this list is bad. On a purely technical note, Xande is a perfectly fine boss, however to describe this foe in one word would be “disappointment”. Xande is built up as the ultimate bad guy in Final Fantasy III. His magic literally tearing the world apart and just causing havoc. He is so strong that approaching his tower before it is time results in a game over. He seems to be almighty, or so you would believe. After conquering one of the longest and most difficult dungeons in one of the hardest numbered Final Fantasy games, Xande is just lackluster. He is an incredibly basic magic oriented boss with lukewarm stats, he is barely threatening. His death introduces the true final boss so he just serves as a Segway to the cloud of darkness. Despite being the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy III, he isn’t even given a spot in the dissidia roster. Talk about a let down.
How this boss could have been better – Beef him up to final boss status and just get rid of the could of darkness.
NUMBER 9 - Ghost of Lady Comstock (Bioshock Infinite)
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This boss is an infamous one for sure. I am one of those people who was disappointed by Bioshock Infinite. It was a great game but it just lacked the special atmosphere that made Bioshock 1 great for me. Enemies felt more bland and uninspired, and the ghost of lady Comstock is a boring boss to take down. The battle drags on forever with the ghost just teleporting around and constantly reviving fallen enemies to fight alongside her. She is fought several times and each time she is just annoying. She can take a lot of punishment and it is hard to break her out of reviving everyone you just defeated. Whats worse is that my game crashed the first time I beat her, causing me to have to fight her twice, then the second time my power went out! I fought this boss more times than necessary…and I didn’t like it at all.
How this boss could have been better – If it weren’t so long…
NUMBER 8 – Final boss (Ninja Gaiden II)
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There are a number of bad NES era bosses. Though I cannot necessarily say its totally unforgivable, because of the era there was no norm, no bar that was set when it came to boss quality. Though, what is bad is when you take a pre-existing boss that was fine and make it worse. The final boss of Ninja Gaiden II for the NES is a three part endurance test. The first form is a humanoid enemy that floats around shooting tons of fireballs and is a general nuisance to hit. The second form is a large room with a ceiling that drips dangerous liquid and a giant head that shoots lasers, this part is tough and can drain health fast. Stage three is essentially a repeat of the final boss of the first game, now with hands. After destroying its head, you must destroy its core while it shoots attacks everywhere. What makes this so bad? YOU NEED TO DO THIS WITH ONLY ONE HEALTH BAR! If you die, you need to redo the final stage, its unnecessarily punishing.
How this boss could have been better – If it either restored health between stages or allowed you to restart from the beginning of the fight.
NUMBER 7 - Krauser QTE fight (Resident Evil 4)
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Ill keep this one brief because most gamers know about this fight. Resident Evil 4 is an action horror game with occasional quick time events. Up until this point these events were for either outrunning boulders or avoiding enemy attacks during fights. This fight occurs during a cutscene and comes out of virtually nowhere. The window of time to react is very small and a single error will cause you to have to restart the cutscene. Its just so out of place and unnecessary…
How this boss could have been better – It could have been an actual fight…
NUMBER 6 - Alpha 152 (Dead or Alive 4)
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Fighting game bosses can be some of the most unfair and frustrating things a gamer has to overcome. While the majority of final bosses from fighting games could make this list, I decided to pick Alpha 152 from DOA4. Alpha is a clone of Hitmone, but her moveset is unique. She can turn the battle on its head at any moment and cut your health down to nothing in one massive combo. She is fast, she is aggressive, she can counter most attacks and she can teleport. The combos I mentioned are insanely long and hard to avoid. She serves as the final boss for most characters story mode, in story mode she isn’t as bad. In arcade mode however, she is a nightmare, her aggression is through the roof and she must be defeated twice in order to win! This boss is frustrating to fight and can be downright unfair at times. Nothing stings worse in DOA4 than having her down at 10% health while you have high health, only to be destroyed by her.
How this boss could have been better – If her combos were toned down just a bit.
NUMBER 5 - Doc Robot (Mega Man 3)
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Doc robot is perhaps the most unnecessary boss of all time. This dude is a cheap gimmick made to try to expand the run time of Mega Man 3. You have to fight him 8 times, 8 times! Each time he gets a new gimmick stolen from the Mega Man 2 robot masters and uses them in a far more annoying way. He tends to just hover over you to deal continuous damage, which is something I really do not like. This boss is just pointless padding and gives no reward to be beaten. I don’t like this boss because he is annoying and overstays his welcome.
How this boss could have been better – If he were encountered once, but used multiple boss attacks, it would have been much more memorable and tolerable.
NUMBER 4 - Gyorg (Majora's Mask)
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This is referring to the N64 version of Gyorg, because the 3DS version is substantially better. Gyorg is the worst boss of the worst temple in Majora’s Mask. A giant shark like monster that swims around a platform that Link is standing one. While on the platform, the beast will try to knock Link into the water, so they can eat him. In order to beat Gyorg, you have to use the Zora mask and fight it underwater, occasionally stunning it to hit it. Here lies the problem, your underwater so your dealing with those kind of controls. The second problem is that Gyorg recovers to quickly and the camera tends to shift away from them when you try to escape, often meaning you get eaten. So basically the camera ruins this boss and makes it a total chore to fight. I had to restart the great bay temple at least 3 times because I ran out of time trying to beat this thing on my first run of Majora’s Mask oh so many years ago…
How this boss could have been better – It actually is better in the 3DS remake, Nintendo learned from their mistakes.
NUMBER 3 -Elana The squalid Queen (Dark Souls 2)
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This boss was perhaps the most sour point of the Crown of the Sunken king dlc. To make a long story short, shes a shard of a great evil named Manus and is probably responsible for the downfall of her kingdom. Shes essentially the main antagonist of the DLC even though she is overshadowed by the Dragon. The first gripe with her is the fact that, unless you know where a secret bonfire is, dieing to her will send you back far. She fights similar to the final boss, but has a knack for teleporting around and using magic attacks when your not looking. This isn’t so bad, but she has a lot of health, does a lot of damage and summons help. The summoning is why I hate this boss, she summons enemies that can inflict toxic. She can summon skeletons, which is not so bad, but she can also summon another boss that can tear you apart. This boss is badly designed and is one of the bosses that made me legit angry. I was extremely relieved when I finally bested her, only to meet a dragon face to face literally a minute after.
How this boss could have been better – Just get rid of her summoning ability, its just not fair having her summon another boss.
NUMBER 2 - Sir Arthur (Sonic and the Black Knight)
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King Arthur is the primary antagonist for the majority of the mediocre Sonic and the Black Knight. His presence is virtually none-existent until the boss fight. He fights you on horseback and spends most of the fight running away and pestering you with magic and warping swords. If he gets enough distance he will turn around and charge.  All of his attacks are annoying but not very hard to dodge or avoid. So why is he this high on the list? Three words… Quick Time Event. In order to damage him you have to swing the wii mote to parry him. The timing is almost inhumanly precise and more often than not it doesn’t matter if you do is spot on, you will fail. If you beat the game you know which QTE in particular makes this boss horrible. If you don’t, watch the game grumps play through, because it shows this boss’ absurdity at its greatest. This boss is for me the worst sonic boss yet.
How this boss could have been better – If the quick time event was removed, this boss would be off the list. Though even then it would still be a very mediocre boss.
NUMBER 1 - Clyde's Machine (Pac Man World 2)
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This is a boss I despise. Clyde’s machine is the third ghost robot boss and the fourth boss of Pac-Man World 2. These bosses can only be damaged by jumping on their heads, usually this isn’t to hard of a task, but Clyde ups the difficulty to 11. On an uneven platform surrounded by lava, a single misstep will result in a dead Pac-Man. And boy oh boy, how often that happens. Pac Man seems to just want to take a lava bath! You stand still, you die because one of his attacks pushed you in the lava. You move? You die because you fell into the lava. You stay in the middle of the platform? Isnt it wonderful how all his attacks just hit you head on when you do that? You try to rev roll? Hello Lava my old friend… The worst part is that even attacking him might send you flying into the pit for no reason. The only saving grace is that this boss has checkpoints…
How this boss could have been better – If it didn’t exist.
Thank you for reading my list! What bosses got under your skin? Feel free to share in the comments! Next time we will be taking a more positive turn to look at my top 10 favorite grass type Pokemon, see you then, ciao!
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dyoxyys · 6 years
Atlantic Arcade - 2
:-) heres the second chapter if any of yall want to read it
He had to give Sierra credit- the music she chose for the five-minute ride didn't make him want to claw his eyes out that much. Like, stupid pop romance songs shouldn't be anyone's style, but it happens to be hers, and he's slowly coming to terms with that. Maybe. Unwillingly. 
So the annoying thing about the ride wasn't the music, thank God. Instead, it was the insane sound of Sierra's nails rapping on the console.
"Jeez, Sie, what's got you all nervous?" He glanced over at her, raising a brow. "This was your idea, remember?"
She sighed and shrugged, turning to face him. "Yeah, but like, I can't hear shit in arcades, you know, and it kinda sucks when no one around me except you knows sign? Like, sure, it could be worse, I know it's good that I'm hard of hearing and not deaf, though there's nothing wrong with being deaf, but like, it's fucking exhausting." 
He nodded. "Yeah, but at least I'll be there to interpret for you- wait. Are you just bringing me so you don't have to bother with lip reading?" She smiled sheepishly. "Sie! You're so fucking lucky that I love you and don't mind interpreting what everyone says. Honestly, I swear I'm just an object to you." He shook his head jokingly.
"Oh, shut up, you dramatic ass. You try reading the lips of people in a poorly lit place where everyone probably talks with food in their mouths and doesn't bother looking at you while speaking," she said with an air of finality.
Carter shrugged. "Yeah, fine. I've been your friend since we were 12, I'm not going to stop helping you now."
He parked the car as he said that, slowly taking the keys out of the ignition and putting his phone in his back pocket. 
He grabbed his wallet with all his quarters and sighed. "You owe me twenty bucks after this." She smiled, knowing he would never actually cash that in. He finally climbed out of the car and walked to the door to hold it open for Sierra. She walked jauntily inside, forever owning the 'The World Is My Runway' mindset.
Inside the arcade was chaos. As expected, there were tired parents and screaming kids everywhere, and a cursory glance at the floor revealed exactly how much soda can be spilled before someone deems it a safety hazard. Carter nudged Sierra and rubbed his stomach with a claw-shaped hand- Gross. She laughed and nodded, seeming delighted with the situation.
She put a hand out expectantly and he handed her sixty quarters before signing Go crazy. She grinned. “Skee Ball first, I made a promise!”
He rolled his eyes but let her pull him to the Skee Ball lanes. They both put their quarters in and waited for their balls. Carter wasted no time once his rolled out, scoring multiple high numbers in quick succession. Sierra was having less luck, with three out of five of her first balls going into the gutter.
As expected, Carter won, as always, so Sierra decided to take her revenge by pulling him to the air hockey table. He complied, as always, and purposefully missed a few goals so she could feel accomplished. He had always been more adept at physical arcade games like that, so it should come as a shock to exactly no one that he bested her in air hockey as well.
Once they got to the more retro video games, Carter’s winning streak depleted and he discovered that he found more joy in watching Sierra absolutely destroy Pac-Man than he did playing it himself.
They racked up tickets quickly, as expected from two teenagers in an arcade meant for kids, so they let themselves take a break after an hour.
They relaxed in the room with the least amount of kids- one of the aquarium rooms that only had fish- and talked for a bit.
“Is this as fun as expected?” Carter asked, signing along with his words.
“Yep! And it helps that I get to watch your sorry ass lose at literally everything!”
“Hey! I won everything that was, like, athletic!” He pouted and she poked his scrunched-up nose.
“Whoop-dee-do, you can throw a basketball into a hoop! But I can defend our planet from rabid dinosaurs with only a rifle and infinite bullets, so who’s really winning?”
“In this case, I believe the answer is American propaganda.” He smirked and she shoved his arm teasingly.
“Maybe so, asshole. Maybe so.” She rested her head on his arm and smiled. This was when they were at their best- mid-bickering in a public place surrounded by fish. That may seem specific, but hey, it’s not like it’s the first time it had happened.
They took a few more minutes to relax and recuperate before going back out. After a bit, all the quarters were used up and Sierra was itching to redeem them. Carter fed them into the ticket counting machine while Sierra watched impatiently.
It took what felt like forever for the machine to eat all of the tickets, but once they were all eaten and counted, Sierra squealed. They had won 1,500 tickets together, a small feat for sixteen-year-olds amongst ten-year-olds, but a feat nonetheless.
Sierra told him exactly what candies she wanted from the prize shelf and decided to buy herself a soda rather than bother with prize counter workers, so Carter walked up alone.
Huge mistake, honestly.
The boy behind the counter was absolutely breathtaking. He seemed to be around Carter’s age but he interacted with the children with the grace and skill of a practiced professional. He smiled at a kid who wanted a minion plushie and Carter could physically feel a remote tug in his gut.
He stared at the boy as casually as possible while waiting in line. He practiced what he was going to say over in over in his head.
Of course, the universe hates him, and as soon as it was his turn, he found himself incapable of speaking at all because of fucking course his eyes had to be even brighter up close.
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alaspoorwallace · 5 years
[...] [DFW, Infinite Jest, 1d]
I would yield to the urge to bolt for the door ahead of them if I could know that bolting for the door is what the men in this room would see. DeLint is murmuring something to the tennis coach. Sounds of keyboards, phone consoles as the door is briefly opened, then firmly shut. I am alone among administrative heads. '— offense intended to anyone,' Athletic Affairs is saying, his sportcoat tan and his necktie insigniated in tiny print — 'beyond just physical abilities out there in play, which believe me we respect, want, believe me.’ '— question about it we wouldn't be so anxious to chat with you directly, see?’ '— that we've known in processing several prior applications through Coach White's office that the Enfield School is operated, however impressively, by close relations of first your brother, who I can still remember the way White's predecessor Maury Klamkin wooed that kid, so that grades' objectivity can be all too easily called into question —’ 'By whomsoever's calling — N.A.A.U.P., ill-willed Pac 10 programs, O.N.A.N.C.A.A. —’ The essays are old ones, yes, but they are mine; de moi. But they are, yes, old, not quite on the application's instructed subject of Most Meaningful Educational Experience Ever. If I'd done you one from the last year, it would look to you like some sort of infant's random stabs on a keyboard, and to you, who use whomsoever as a subject. And in this new smaller company, the Director of Composition seems abruptly to have actuated, emerged as both the Alpha of the pack here and way more effeminate than he'd seemed at first, standing hip-shot with a hand on his waist, walking with a roll to his shoulders, jingling change as he pulls up his pants as he slides into the chair still warm from C.T.'s bottom, crossing his legs in a way that inclines him well into my personal space, so that I can see multiple eyebrow-tics and capillary webs in the oysters below his eyes and smell fabric-softener and the remains of a breath-mint turned sour. '. . . a bright, solid, but very shy boy, we know about your being very shy, Kirk White's told us what your athletically built if rather stand-offish younger instructor told him,' the Director says softly, cupping what I feel to be a hand over my sportcoat's biceps (surely not), 'who simply needs to swallow hard and trust and tell his side of the story to these gentlemen who bear no maliciousness none at all but are doing our jobs and trying to look out for everyone's interests at the same time.’ I can picture deLint and White sitting with their elbows on their knees in the defecatory posture of all athletes at rest, deLint staring at his huge thumbs, while C.T. in the reception area paces in a tight ellipse, speaking into his portable phone. I have been coached for this like a Don before a RICO hearing. A neutral and affectless silence. The sort of all-defensive game Schtitt used to have me play: the best defense: let everything bounce off you; do nothing. I'd tell you all you want and more, if the sounds I made could be what you hear. Athletics with his head out from under his wing: '— to avoid admission procedures that could be seen as primarily athletics-oriented. It could be a mess, son.’ 'Bill means the appearance, not necessarily the real true facts of the matter, which you alone can fill in,' says the Director of Composition. '— the appearance of the high athletic ranking, the subnormal scores, the over-academic essays, the incredible grades vortexing out of what could be seen as a nepotistic situation.’ The yellow Dean has leaned so far forward that his tie is going to have a horizontal dent from the table-edge, his face sallow and kindly and no-shit-whatever: 'Look here, Mr. Incandenza, Hal, please just explain to me why we couldn't be accused of using you, son. Why nobody could come and say to us, why, look here, University of Arizona, here you are using a boy for just his body, a boy so shy and withdrawn he won't speak up for himself, a jock with doctored marks and a store-bought application.’ The Brewster's-Angle light of the tabletop appears as a rose flush behind my closed lids. I cannot make myself understood. 'I am not just a jock,' I say slowly. Distinctly. 'My transcript for the last year might have been dickied a bit, maybe, but that was to get me over a rough spot. The grades prior to that are de moi.' My eyes are closed; the room is silent. 'I cannot make myself understood, now.' I am speaking slowly and distinctly. 'Call it something I ate.’ It's funny what you don't recall. Our first home, in the suburb of Weston, which I barely remember — my eldest brother Orin says he can remember being in the home's backyard with our mother in the early spring, helping the Moms till some sort of garden out of the cold yard. March or early April. The garden's area was a rough rectangle laid out with Popsicle sticks and twine. Orin was removing rocks and hard clods from the Moms's path as she worked the rented Rototiller, a wheelbarrow-shaped, gas-driven thing that roared and snorted and bucked and he remembers seemed to propel the Moms rather than vice versa, the Moms very tall and having to stoop painfully to hold on, her feet leaving drunken prints in the tilled earth. He remembers that in the middle of the tilling I came tear-assing out the door and into the backyard wearing some sort of fuzzy red Pooh-wear, crying, holding out something he said was really unpleasant-looking in my upturned palm. He says I was around five and crying and was vividly red in the cold spring air. I was saying something over and over; he couldn't make it out until our mother saw me and shut down the tiller, ears ringing, and came over to see what I was holding out. This turned out to have been a large patch of mold — Orin posits from some dark corner of the Weston home's basement, which was warm from the furnace and flooded every spring. The patch itself he describes as horrific: darkly green, glossy, vaguely hirsute, speckled with parasitic fungal points of yellow, orange, red. Worse, they could see that the patch looked oddly incomplete, gnawed-on; and some of the nauseous stuff was smeared around my open mouth. 'I ate this,' was what I was saying. I held the patch out to the Moms, who had her contacts out for the dirty work, and at first, bending way down, saw only her crying child, hand out, proffering; and in that most maternal of reflexes she, who feared and loathed more than anything spoilage and filth, reached to take whatever her baby held out — as in how many used heavy Kleenex, spit-back candies, wads of chewed-out gum in how many theaters, airports, backseats, tournament lounges? O. stood there, he says, hefting a cold clod, playing with the Velcro on his puffy coat, watching as the Moms, bent way down to me, hand reaching, her lowering face with its presbyopic squint, suddenly stopped, froze, beginning to I.D. what it was I held out, countenancing evidence of oral contact with same. He remembers her face as past describing. Her outstretched hand, still Rototrembling, hung in the air before mine. 'I ate this,' I said. 'Pardon me?’ O. says he can only remember (sic) saying something caustic as he lim-boed a crick out of his back. He says he must have felt a terrible impending anxiety. The Moms refused ever even to go into the damp basement. I had stopped crying, he remembers, and simply stood there, the size and shape of a hydrant, in red PJ's with attached feet, holding out the mold, seriously, like the report of some kind of audit. O. says his memory diverges at this point, probably as a result of anxiety. In his first memory, the Moms's path around the yard is a broad circle of hysteria: 'God!' she calls out. 'Help! My son ate this!' she yells in Orin's second and more fleshed-out recollection, yelling it over and over, holding the speckled patch aloft in a pincer of fingers, running around and around the garden's rectangle while O. gaped at his first real sight of adult hysteria. Suburban neighbors' heads appeared in windows and over the fences, looking. O. remembers me tripping over the garden's laid-out twine, getting up dirty, crying, trying to follow. 'God! Help! My son ate this! Help!' she kept yelling, running a tight pattern just inside the square of string; and my brother Orin remembers noting how even in hysterical trauma her flight-lines were plumb, her footprints Native-American-straight, her turns, inside the ideogram of string, crisp and martial, crying 'My son ate this! Help!' and lapping me twice before the memory recedes.
[DFW, Infinite Jest, 1e]
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gertrudejnieves · 4 years
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junker-town · 7 years
Hawaii Rainbow Warriors football is actually exciting again
Hawaii responded to a brutal opening stretch by winning its first bowl in a decade. That’s great, because here comes another brutal opening stretch.
By the end of September 2017, the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors will have traveled to Massachusetts, Los Angeles, and Wyoming. That is a staggering number of frequent flyer miles, but it cannot hold a candle to 2016’s slate:
Hawaii opens in Sydney, travels to Ann Arbor, returns home for a week, and heads to Tucson. That’s five projected top-70 opponents, four away from home, and three in the first four weeks.
That is insane. Hawaii's always going to travel silly miles, but ... Hawaii to Sydney to Ann Arbor to Hawaii to Arizona, all before September 20. (Here's where you're free to make your own "...all while going to class" remark.)
If the Warriors can maintain morale and health, they might find wins. They do get a bye after Arizona, and of their nine remaining opponents, six are projected 90th or worse. If UH overachieves its No. 118 projection, then getting to 6-7 wouldn't be out of the question.
If nothing else, Nick Rolovich knew exactly what he was getting into.
Thirteen minutes in, Hawaii was tied at 14-14 with Cal in Australia. The Warriors got outscored 37-17 the rest of the way, though, and then trekked to Michigan to get destroyed, 63-3. They survived UT Martin at home, then went to Arizona and found themselves trailing 34-7 after a dead-legged first half.
At this point, it didn’t look like there was much hope of overachieving that No. 118 offseason projection. Even with easier games remaining, it looked like this brutal start was going to be too much for Rolovich’s first Hawaii team.
In the second half against Arizona, though, Rolovich made a quarterback change. Hawaii scored 21 second-half points in a 47-28 loss, and after a bye week, they won three of four, including romps over Nevada and San Jose State and a road upset of Air Force.
Dru Brown took over the offense, and the schedule let up. That was all it took for Hawaii to rebound and pull off a 17-point bowl upset of a Middle Tennessee team that had taken down Louisiana Tech and Missouri.
You’ll rarely see a .500 season that feels like more of a success than Hawaii’s. It was the combination of resilience and an increasingly competent offense, and there’s no reason to assume that either will disappear before 2017 begins.
Brown and running back Diocemy Saint Juste return to form one of the MWC’s scarier backfields, nine of the top 11 receiving targets and three starting offensive linemen return, and Hawaii again faces plenty of teams with shaky projections (six projected 105th or worse in S&P+).
Granted, a good secondary has to rebuild, and Hawaii is also given a shaky projection (109th) because of it. But if what we saw is what we’ll see from Rolovich moving forward, further overachievement is to be expected.
Rolovich was uniquely qualified for Hawaii. The former Hawaii quarterback racked up even more frequent flyer miles during a pro career that took him everywhere from Las Vegas to East Germany, and including two years as a student assistant, he had served six years as a Hawaii assistant. His stint as Nevada offensive coordinator didn’t go incredibly well, but when it came time to run his own program, he thrived.
Or at least, he has so far. The 38-year-old has a job that will never be easy. Hawaii has both a shaky budget and grand ambitions. It has to scrimp and take on ridiculous road trips, and it wants to one day be attractive enough to get a Pac-12 invitation. We can talk about how likely that is, but that’s where the school finds itself.
2016 in review
2016 Hawaii statistical profile.
Hawaii overcame a 1-3 start to win a bowl, but that feels like an oversimplification. There were lots of twists. Among other things, the Warriors had to fall off a cliff in early-November, then rebound a second time.
There are two ways to look at this. The first is chronological.
First 4 games (1-3): Avg. percentile performance: 19% (27% offense, 9% defense) | Yards per play: Opp 7.5, UH 5.6 (minus-1.9)
Next 4 games (3-1): Avg. percentile performance: 63% (70% offense, 65% defense) | Yards per play: UH 7.3, Opp 5.2 (plus-2.1)
Next 3 games (0-3): Avg. percentile performance: 16% (18% offense, 43% defense) | Yards per play: Opp 7.3, UH 4.3 (minus-3.0)
Last 3 games (3-0): Avg. percentile performance: 48% (67% offense, 39% defense | Yards per play: UH 6.6, Opp 6.0 (plus-0.6)
Hawaii was awful, then good, then awful, then solid. You can tie the middle acts to specific changes, too: Brown took over after four games, but then Diocemy Saint Juste got hurt and missed two of the three awful games.
The second way is to note most of the good opponents came during those two parts.
Hawaii vs. S&P+ top 100 (2-6): Avg. percentile performance: 26% (31% offense, 37% defense) | Yards per play: Opp 7.0, UH 5.2 (minus-1.8)
Hawaii vs. No. 101-plus (5-1): Avg. percentile performance: 52% (66% offense, 41% defense | Yards per play: UH 7.1, Opp 5.6 (plus-1.5)
Now, just about everybody produces better raw numbers against worse teams, but percentile averages are adjusted for opponent. And while the defense played at the same opponent-adjusted level against good and bad teams, the offense dominated bad teams and got dominated by good ones.
Simple opponent strength had something to do with Hawaii’s ups and downs, but the Warriors were still much better with Brown and Saint Juste in the backfield, as they’ll do in 2017.
Full advanced stats glossary.
Rolovich brought another former Hawaii player to lead his offense. Brian Smith was Rolovich’s center at the turn of the century and served under Greg McMackin on the Islands from 2008-11. Ups and downs aside, Hawaii’s offense improved dramatically in Smith’s first year.
Off. S&P+ ranking: from 119th in 2015 to 74th in 2016
Rushing S&P+: from 109th to 61st
Passing S&P+: from 112th to 62nd
Standard Downs S&P+: from 117th to 46th
Passing Downs S&P+: from 106th to 93rd
Points per scoring opportunity: from 77th to 11th
Hawaii did an infinitely better job of staying on schedule and turning chances into points, and while the Warriors didn’t have much to offer the better teams on the schedule, well, they’re not in the Pac-12 just yet. There are plenty of iffy defenses to feast on in 2017.
Brown is a huge reason why. Even with the early-November funk, Brown combined a 62 percent completion rate with 6.5 yards per carry. His raw stats put him in the 83rd percentile among dual-threat quarterbacks, and if he had started the whole year, he would have ended up with something like 3,300 passing yards and 600 non-sack rushing yards.
Saint Juste’s junior season was ridiculously up-and-down — in 12 games, he averaged at least 6.8 yards per carry five times and 4.3 or lower five times — but he finished strong, rushing 39 times for 292 yards against UMass and MTSU. He’s a powerful runner for his stature (5’8, 195 pounds), and among the 79 FBS backs with at least 165 carries last year, he was one of only 13 to combine a 41 percent opportunity rate with an average of at least 6 highlight yards per opportunity. (Translation: he was both efficient and explosive.) His season averages in those categories were nearly identical to those of Stanford’s Christian McCaffrey, albeit against a lesser schedule.
And he’s got an exciting backup in mid-three-star redshirt freshman Freddie Holly III.
Photo by Mike McGinnis/Getty Images
Diocemy Saint Juste
Most of last year’s supporting cast returns, though the primary loss is a big one. Receiver Marcus Kemp’s production trailed off (yards per catch: 17.5 through eight games, 9.7 thereafter), but he still finished with 1,100 yards at 9.2 per target. Only one other player had more than 351 yards, and among players with at least 20 targets, no others averaged better than 8.2 yards per target.
It’s hard to know where the big catches will come from without Kemp. Ammon Barker averaged 14.1 yards per catch, and tight end Metuisela `Unga averaged 15.1, but they combined for just 27 receptions.
That said, efficiency shouldn’t be an issue. Slot receivers John Ursua and Dylan Collie each produced a success rate over 50 percent, and ‘Unga was at 65 percent. And the return of Devan Stubblefield and Isaiah Bernard won’t hurt. The duo combined for 51 receptions and five touchdowns in 2015 but missed last season.
Big plays are cheat codes — you don’t have to make as many efficient plays in a row if you’re eating up bigger chunks — and it’s not evident that Hawaii will have any big-play guys outside of Saint Juste. But the possession options are obvious, and a line that returns all-conference tackle Dejon Allen and three others with starting experience should do its part. It would surprise me if this offense doesn’t exceed its No. 76 projection.
Casey Sapio-USA TODAY Sports
John Ursua
Rolovich hired four-decade veteran Kevin Lempa to lead his defense, and after a woeful start, the Warriors rounded into form a bit. This was never a dominant unit, but Hawaii was able to corral lesser offenses. And the job the defense did against a dangerous MTSU was impressive.
Lempa left in February, however, to join former boss Don Brown, Michigan’s defensive coordinator, as an analyst. Into Lempa’s office moved line coach Legi Suiaunoa.
Last year’s Hawaii defense wanted to be aggressive and was good at it at times; the Warriors ranked 54th in stuff rate (run stops at or behind the line) and 30th in linebacker havoc rate. And after a miserable start, the pass defense showed signs of disruption. Over the final 10 games, Hawaii cut its completion rate allowed from 68.6 percent to 59.9 and its passer rating allowed from 169 to 140.6. These aren’t great numbers, but they were tolerable.
Suiaunoa’s first defense has some turnover. Only three linemen finished with more than 18 tackles last year, and two are gone. And perhaps more damaging, four of last year’s top six tacklers in the secondary have to be replaced. The return of injured safety Daniel Lewis Jr. will mitigate that a bit, but turnover in the secondary is especially correlated to regression.
Still, if you could choose any two players to bring back, you would have almost certainly go with middle linebacker Jahlani Tavai (19.5 tackles for loss) and safety Trayvon Henderson (10.5 tackles for loss, 10 passes defensed). Tavai was 14th in the country in TFLs, and Henderson was one of only four players with double-digit TFLs and PDs. The other three: Clemson’s Christian Wilkins, Oklahoma’s Jordan Evans, and WKU’s Keith Brown. Good company, that.
Casey Sapio-USA TODAY Sports
Trayvon Henderson
Tavai and Henderson return, as do linebackers Malachi Mageo and Russell Williams Jr. and end Meffy Koloamatangi, who led the line in TFLs and sacks. The disruptive pieces return, even if the depth does not.
I’m intrigued by some potential new players up front — for instance, mid-three-star JUCO end Jamie Tago, sophomore end Kaimana Padello, or wonderfully named three-star freshman tackle Blessman Ta’ala. If two are able to contribute, and sophomore tackles Samiuela Akoteu and Viane Moala step forward, the line could improve.
The biggest issue, then, could be cornerback. Hawaii basically played only three last year, and two (Jalen Rogers and Jamal Mayo) are gone. Rojesterman Farris II had one interception and three breakups as a freshman, and Lewis could slot in at corner if he needs to, but the known quantities are minimal.
If the defense improves, recruiting might be to thank. Per the 247Sports Composite, Rolovich has signed 17 three-stars over the last two classes, and if exciting three-stars like defensive backs Mykal Toliver and Donovan Dalton, linebacker Paul Scott, and linemen Ta’ala, Maxwell Hendrie, and Anthony Mermea are able to carve out niches, the depth and potential rise. Toliver and Hendrie have already been through redshirt seasons, so perhaps they are the most likely.
Isaiah J. Downing-USA TODAY Sports
Jahlani Tavai (31) and Zeno Choi (99)
Special Teams
Hawaii got a boost from special teams last year; the Warriors ranked fifth in field goal efficiency and 16th in punt efficiency, which powered a No. 7 overall ranking in Special Teams S&P+.
The bad news: Rigoberto Sanchez was both the place-kicker and punter. He was also a senior. John Ursua was semi-efficient as a punt returner, but he is now, by default, the most proven entity in the special teams unit. Consider this a reset.
2017 outlook
2017 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 26-Aug at Massachusetts 111 -2.1 45% 2-Sep Western Carolina NR 20.8 89% 9-Sep at UCLA 34 -21.4 11% 23-Sep at Wyoming 80 -10.0 28% 30-Sep Colorado State 43 -14.2 21% 7-Oct at Nevada 117 -1.0 48% 14-Oct San Jose State 105 1.8 54% 28-Oct San Diego State 52 -12.9 23% 4-Nov at UNLV 118 -0.8 48% 11-Nov Fresno State 115 3.7 58% 18-Nov at Utah State 73 -12.2 24% 25-Nov BYU 46 -13.8 21%
Projected S&P+ Rk 109 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 76 / 118 Projected wins 4.7 Five-Year S&P+ Rk -6.6 (97) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 120 / 122 2016 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* -8 / -11.6 2016 TO Luck/Game +1.3 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 60% (64%, 56%) 2016 Second-order wins (difference) 6.7 (0.3)
This isn’t the first time I’ve written this in a MWC team preview this year, but I’m excited about this offense. Hawaii boasts an awesome backfield, a proven line, and a receiving corps that has depth and efficiency, if not play-making ability. Despite not starting Brown for the first four games, the Warriors ended up 74th in Off. S&P+, and I see improvement on the way.
If Rolovich and the Warriors are to back up last year’s seven-win season, though, it’s on the defense. Hawaii is projected 118th in Def. S&P+, and while I do think newcomers up front should prevent the Warriors from being quite that bad, the secondary has question marks.
The schedule also provides its own issues, and I’m not even talking about travel. While there are six iffy teams on the schedule, there are also five teams projected 73rd or better. Hawaii got manhandled most of the time by teams that decent in 2016. And with a win probability of 28 percent or worse in six games, the Warriors might have to sweep all of the more winnable games to bowl again.
Even if there’s a bit of a setback, Rolovich has already proved his recruiting and in-season management. There is energy here, and while Saint Juste and Trayvon Henderson are seniors, most of the other pieces will return in 2018.
Last year generated true football excitement in Honolulu for the first time in a while, and there’s reason to believe it will continue.
Team preview stats
All preview data to date.
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