#but alas i’m 5’2……………
charonean · 1 year
Tagged by @courfeyracs-swordcane! Thank you!
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Last song you listened to: ANTI-HERO by Sekai No Owari
Currently reading: I’ve been simultaneously reading “Book of Night” by Holly Black, “The Lights of Prague” by Nicole Jarvis, and “The Light Fantastic” by Terry Pratchett for a bit now, cause I’ve been kinda busy lately  
Last movie you watched: Literally zero clue. Probably the DnD movie? I don’t tend to watch stuff unless people show it to me, and really we just watch shows.
Craving: More of the dark chocolate bar I bought, but I’m saving the other half for tomorrow.
What are you wearing right now: Baggy grey jeans, white t-shirt, long red and black flannel coat thing
How tall are you: 5’2″ Short king rights
Piercings: My ears, but I rarely wearing anything in them
Tattoos: Three: the monogram of the alphabet on my left ankle; a ghost named Dmitri on my right ankle; stars on my left wrist drawn by each person in my family
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, yeah
Last drink: Uhhh... a black orange energy drink
Last thing I ate: I made a riff on Paprikash since I have a ton of leftover ingredients from when I actually made it and some garlic bread
Last show: Castlevania
Favorite color: An even-tie between yellow, navy, and green
Current obsession: Flipping back and forth between Jack Seward from Dracula and Connor Roy from Succession
Unrelated obsession: Literally just my dnd characters lol
Any pets: Three dogs, but look at my sweet prince!
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Do you have a crush on anyone: Alas not. God knew I’d be too powerful if I were a romantic, so he made me aromantic instead 
Favorite fictional characters: God, a ton; I couldn’t even begin to list them, but the two I’m currently obsessed are Jack and Connor (as listed above). My absolute favourites though are the blorbos from my brain (namely, rn, Casimir, Liam, and Hybris)
The last place you travelled: I was just in Milan for a concert
I tag @best-friend-of-worms @lordofthetwinks @vexederolo @seldom-evil and whoever else wishes to do this!
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pixiepariah · 3 years
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birbs-in-space · 3 years
i got tagged by @sewer-seance! so i actually had this whole thing written out and then i moved this window over to the side of my screen and because tumblr is a functional website, it deleted the entire post 💙. i believe this is one of those answer 17 questions, tag 17 people posts. i don’t know if i know 17 people, but i will try my best.
nickname: wes ?
Zodiac: gemini sun, libra moon, virgo ascending, earth rabbit, paradise not paradice. i’m not an astrology person, but i’ve spent perhaps too much time around people who are so i hope this information helps someone psychoanalyze me 💙
Height: 5’2″
Hogwarts House: ravenclaw (according to the pottermore test i took in 2012)
Last thing I googled: unfortunately lost to the closing of an incognito browser, but it was probably something about earrings. i was looking for drawing references
Song stuck in my head: burn notice intro theme music. it was caffeine super charge for like a few days straight but alas, no longer
# of followers: 476, but many of these people are inactive. this blog has been around since 2014. (though i my first blog was from 2012)
Amount of sleep: about 7 hours. i wake up at 7. 
Lucky Number: 144
Dream Job: this requires. a very complex answer. the last one of these i did has it
Wearing: perpetually, a hoodie and cargo pants.
Favorite Author: none
Favorite Instrument: anything sufficiently wacky
Aesthetic: cassette futurism
Favorite Song: very variable
Favorite Animal Noise: last time i said it was that penguin video where the penguin falls down and the rest of them make that sound??
Random: those little frost drinks from aldis are probably the only reason i have some semblance of being hydrated
so. if you see this and you’re like. god. i wish people tagged me in posts like this, i see you, i understand you, and i am tagging you personally.
i’m going to go through my mutuals for the rest, because i have terminal can’t remember people i care about unless they are in my face syndrome, but i do love you all and you mean a lot to me i am either just a) at the mercy of my brain or b) it’s been so long and idk i don’t want to be an inconvenience.
also if you see this and you don’t want to do it or don’t feel like it or are too busy or just forget or anything, no worries at all! i am just passing on the love
@incaperna, @transeurydice, @inter-galaxy, @fruity-castiel, @pink-dog, @cutiebeans, @cutevon, @annoyingbeardmentality, @isthisateacup, @nikkifromtabs, @maxisthenewalex, @truthisademurelady (glad to see you back online!!!), @pkmndaisuki, @mockturdle, @asgardian--angels
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s1st3r · 3 years
Could I have a Bad Batch ship please??? :) Thank You ❤️
I’m 5’2 and I’ve got an hourglass body type(my thighs have always been my biggest insecurity). My hair goes a little past my shoulders and I always dye it a fun colour, right now it’s blue but it’s about to be a pastel green. I also have meany tattoos and I’m getting more soon. I’m basically an 2013 emo kid all grown up.
I’m a pretty extroverted person but it doesn’t seem that way because I can be pretty blunt(and if I’m being honest kinda mean) at times, and I’m a pretty anxious person. I’m always out with my friends and there’s never a time I won’t say no to hanging out with them. There’s a cowboy bar in my town that we go to frequently, that place always makes me happy. I’ve also been a practicing witch for several years and I’ve been an advanced tarot reader for the past 4. I’ve got a huge crystal collection. I’m also a huge workaholic to my own disadvantage. I’m always at work or the gym and I tell myself “this means I’m in a good headspace :)”when in reality it makes it worse.
Wow the variety of people u meet on this platform is insane! This was actually quite tricky
But alas i give you...
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Ok wrecker loves that u colour ur hair 😂
He thinks it’s crazy cool and thinks u should colour it black and red (“aww u want me to match ur armour?” “W-whaaatt pfft nooooo”). Yeah he does 😏.
He is also a sucker for some good tattoos which is ironic given the lack of tattoos on himself. I think he just thinks tattoos look badass on women lol. He will sit and listen to u explain each one lol. It’s the most quiet anyone’s ever seen wrecker.
He likes that ur extroverted and outgoing; u can keep up with his energy pretty well. None of the batchers mind ur blunt nature since thats kinda what they’re used to.
Whenever ur anxious, wreckers down for some cuddles. And he’s also down for going out wherever u want to go.
I had to ask my mum what tarot was 😂😂. Wrecker was a bit confused when u brought it up too. He confuses it with the force and whenever he wants u to read him he goes “do the jedi-y thing”. He thinks ur crystals are pretty and points to each one asking what they mean/do.
He’s was so excited when u gave him one, and wears it on a leather string around his neck.
He also learns to read ur limitations; whenever u go too far, he helps u stop. Since he enjoys exercising at the gym with u, he can keep an eye on you.
~ Sister
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ceratonia-siliqua · 3 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
Tagged by @spidey-sins
Name/Nickname: Cera but Ru calls me her heart 
Gender: Boy (transman)
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’2. Sometimes the tack 3/4 of the end but I just say 5′2 lol
Time: 1pm but this probably won’t get posted until closer to 3pm because I have therapy soon
Birthday: January 13th
Favorite Bands: Glass Animals, Young the Giant, Cold War Kids, Nothing But Thieves, Arctic Monkeys, and Radiohead (don’t at me lol)
Favorite Solo artists: Joji, Florence + The Machine, Orville Peck, Tyler the Creator, and Oliver Tree 
Song stuck in my head: Pretty Boy by Joji but I really wanna listen to Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths. Sadly though that song makes me sob right now so I’ve had to not for the sake of my eye balls.
Last movie: Written on the Wind (1956), had to watch it for my film class and let me just say that Rock Hudson was hot as hell and I got to pine freely since he was gay haha
Last Show: Oh god... I think Grimefighters??? It was on YouTube and I used to watch Dirty Jobs as a kid and it’s kind of the British version of that. 
When did I create this blog: January of this year I believe? Either that or December 2019.
What do I post: Fics and personal updates right now it seems haha. I tend to reblog a lot of stucky though 
Last thing googled: “you are jeff poem” (its by silken)
Other blogs: none other than a deactive blog from eons ago.
Do I get asks: Right now I’m getting quite a bit. I appreciate that people are checking in. 
Why I chose my url: I love plant meanings and how they symbolize certain concepts, moods, and ideas. Ceratonia siliqua is the scientific name for the Carob Tree. Based on floragraphy, it means “Love after death; Love beyond the grave”.
Following: 38. I like to keep my dash very small and niche. I can easily scroll to where I left off and I like not missing posts. 
Followers: 212 (and I love everyone of them)
Average hours of sleep: 8ish but that’s because my sleeping med knocks my ass out for that period of time. I tend to wake up at 6 am naturally for some reason so I usually pee, brush my teeth, and then pass back out. 
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: Ukulele and vocals for me mainly. I used to play clarinet and piano but alas I do not anymore. 
What am I wearing: Nike exercise shirt and red basketball shorts. It’s my comfy outfit. 
Dream job: Writer, something with film, or teacher
Dream trip: Anywhere Ru is or wants to go really. 
Favorite food: Depends on the day. Food usually wants to murder me so things I like might not like me back lol.
Nationality: American
Favorite song: Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths is my current one but it rotates. I will listen to one song on loop for weeks and that’s my song till I get tired of it. 
Last book read: Last thing I completed was Oedipus Rex and I am smack in the middle of Medea. 
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: oh gosh.... Hades maybe?  MCU could be cool but I feel like it would be really stressful to live in. 
Tagging: @howdoyousleep3 @frobster @leisurelypanda @the1918 @thewaythatwerust @pastelprisma @paradox-psyc-hoe-sis 
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fairy-writes · 3 years
hiii! can i have a bnha & aot matchup? i’m a 5’2 bisexual girl, i’m a cancer, & my hogwarts house is hufflepuff. i tend to be pretty optimistic and bubbly, and i have a bit too much energy most of the time. i love yoga, walking, listening to music, doodling, swimming, and baking. i try to help people whenever i can, often times i go out of my way and end up looking after them more than i look after myself (a little bit of a flaw, ik, but im trying). i actually carry bandaids and lollipops in my backpack just in case someone gets hurt or is sad— it never fails to cheer them up, i promise. i have a pretty big heart and i can be a little too sensitive sometimes, taking things a bit too seriously. i get scared of bugs, but i still really try to protect them— like taking them outside and keeping my friends from stepping on them. i’m pretty affectionate and i love conversations and listening to people when they’re passionate. please and thank you!!
Hi lovely! Just a reminder, I’ve only seen seasons 1 and 2 of AOT! So this is based on my knowledge of that and also the AOT wiki!
My Hero Academia Matchup: I pair you with… Midoriya Izuku!
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Ok, first of all, he’s always in need of bandaids. Whether it’s for something like a paper cut from carrying one too many textbooks or from training and splitting skin, he’ll never complain if you kiss his injury and bandage him up!
Swimming dates! Baking dates! All the fun dates! Your hobbies and Izuku’s hobbies mesh nicely and allow for enjoyable and exciting dates and bonding time. His personal favorite is going to the beach and just sitting and watching the sunset, maybe having a picnic at the same time if you guys pack one.
Overall, very soft and sweet relationship with the sweet broccoli boy!
Attack on Titan Matchup: I pair you with… Armin Arlert!
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He loves that you look after others a lot but often encourages you to take care of yourself first. He also loves your hobby of music and baking! He offers to help with baking, but alas, talents with reading don’t translate well to doing the real thing.
Armin loves that even though you have your fears, you still go out of your way to rescue bugs and such from being squished (he has definitely squished a few bugs with books in his day, but he’s getting better after getting to know you!)
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darthwheezely · 3 years
Alright sophia; 1, 65, 90 and 94 on the get to know me❤❤❤
Aw hi Lindy hop :,)
1. What’s your middle name?
Lorraine! All the women in my family’s middle name is Lorraine after my great great grandma who emigrated my family to the US from Mexico!
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Oh damn, I am obsessed with Dead Poets Society. It fills many holes in my heart but also creates them you know? But I have so many alas that is probably my favorite!
90. What makes you angry?
If it ends in ism, then yes. Also cottage cheese. And stickers on the bottom of shoes. And pick me girls. And George Weasley erasure. I’m just a very bubbly but also angry person so like...take your pick lol
94. What are your strengths?
Theatre, professionalism, reading/anything that involves working with words and abstract concepts like writing and spelling and literature analysis, my empathy, and the way that I’m 5’2 but easily can scare men a foot above me :) and other people :))
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ezrabridgrs · 4 years
i was tagged by @joeshardy​ @dykearchie​ @cottagecorekaspbrak​ and @cinemetography​
tagged by @denbrough & @mikeshanlon 💕
top 4 ships: hinny uuuuh kurt/blaine :/, archiebetty and jackie and hyde
last song according to spotify: touble is - all time low
last movie: back to the future
currently reading: harry potter and the goblet of fire
food i’m craving: i am always craving panera 
relationship status: i gots me a gf
favorite color: orange
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
favorite food: penne ala vodka w chicken 
top 3 shows: that 70′s show, danny phantom, and currently criminal minds 
last thing i googled: criminal minds season 8 episode 3 jfksdjf i wanted to know the cast
height: 5’2″
time: 11:49 am
song stuck in my head: the guy who didn’t like musicals 
wearing: long sleeve shirt and leggings 
# of blankets i sleep with: 1
dream trip: italy or greece 
favorite gif: always and forever 
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and im gonna tag @saltandpepperbox​ @dykehader​ @regslvko​ and @archiebetty​
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cypher-of-the-night · 5 years
Information about Subaoki Kids~
Mun!Yuki: Okay so I’m just going to be like “Fuck it. I’m showing them now.” Let me introduce you my new grandchildren. :D I don’t have proper bios of them but I can always show what they are like here.
Let’s start off with the oldest to youngest.
Ichiru Sakamaki (逆巻 一縷; Sakamaki Ichiru)
Age: 14 (Pre-Timeskip) -> 18 (Post-Timeskip)
Birthday: September 5th
Height: 160 cm (5’3") -> 177 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 53 kg (119 Ibs) -> 67 kg (147 Ibs)
Occupation: Next heir to the throne, Model, 3rd year High School Student (Post-Timeskip)
Seiyū: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka ( Akashi Saginuma from M3: Sono Kuroki Haagen ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Daman Mills ( Varma from Taboo Taboo ) (Talking)
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Very similar to his father, Ichiru is a silent loner that is quick-tempered and is capable of causing a lot of damage, such as breaking things, even if it is accidental; However, he can also be sweet due to the influence of his mother, whom he loves very much, very similar to how his father loved his own mother. He is said to be a tsundere like his father, which he often denies. However, he is not a DO-S (extreme sadist) like his father; Due to the damages he caused when he was much younger, Naoki taught him to not damage things when throwing fits by teaching him many ways to calm himself whenever he is angered; Eventually, Ichiru chose to vent out his feelings by writing out his feelings in a private journal in the garden (very much like his mother when she is writing lyrics to her raps). Not wanting to make his mother worried whenever his father damages things, Ichiru is the one that often fixes it, which he later finds as a hobby.
Like his mother, Ichiru loves food to a point of eating anything, and like his father, He dislikes nothing when it comes to food. Very much like his mother, He has a disinterest in studying despite holding higher-than-average intelligence. Like Naoki, Ichiru has a golden heart, and is strong-willed and honest (but in his case, it’s brutal honesty). And also like her, He is understanding, caring, hardworking, and helpful. Despite his tsundere personality, Ichiru was taught to be a gentleman to women; Very similar to his mother, Ichiru is eccentric and is highly curious, to a point of having a strange way of thinking.
Despite admiring his father, Ichiru calls him “Old man” and snarls whenever someone comments about him being similar to him. This is due to the fact of learning about his mother’s time with Subaru when she was still human, and became protective of her as a result; This has caused a rivalry between Ichiru himself and his own father. Regardless, it is revealed by Naoki that Ichiru truly does love his father, but he’s just very stubborn to admit it due to his own pride, like his father.
• Just as Tsundere as his father; But still has a kind heart like his mother.
• As the oldest, He often scolds his sister and the damages she causes; However, the dismissiveness for the scoldings resembles their father’s dismissiveness of the scoldings he received from their Uncle Reiji.
• Because He is to be next-in-line for the throne, Ichiru is has to keep his composure and restrain himself from losing his cool; Even resorts to healthier ways suggested by his mother on how to calm himself down.
• At the age of 14, Ichiru was scouted to work as a model; While he initially plan to decline, Ichiru accepted in order to make money for himself without having to rely on his parents financially, especially his father, the Vampire King.
• While he inherited his father’s strength, Ichiru doesn’t take advantage of it due to not inheriting any destructive traits or tendencies.
• Despite his father and sister being left-handed and his mother right-handed, Ichiru is ambidextrous.
• Despite inheriting his black hair from his mother, Naoki herself attests that he inherit most of his looks from Subaru due to an incident where she witnessed Subaru’s hair dyed black from an incident involving an octopus ink.
However there was one incident that happened to Ichiru where his hair was bleached for a whole month because of his sister; Ichiru looked exactly like his father to a point where even Naoki can attest that they would’ve looked like twins.
• In Naoki’s HDB Brute Ending, only Ichiru was born through her becoming mentally broken from Subaru’s sexual assault; Where a cycle begins where an insane Naoki starts failing to differentiate between people, mistaking Ichiru as Subaru himself due to him sharing the same face as him, and, as a result, deemed him as “filthy”, despite loving and doting him when not mad; Very much like the relationship between Christa and Subaru himself and how Christa becomes mentally broken because of Karlheinz.
Tsukika Sakamaki (逆巻 月下; Sakamaki Tsukika)
Age: 12 (Pre-Timeskip) -> 16 (Post-Timeskip)
Birthday: June 8th
Height: 149 cm (4'11") -> 158 cm (5’2”)
Weight: 49 kg (108 Ib)
Occupation: Idol, 1st year High School Student (Post-Timeskip)
Seiyū: Taeko Kawata ( Amy Rose from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Amanda Lee ( Zero from Grimoire of Zero ) (Talking / Singing)
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While she inherited her mother’s bubbly cheerfulness, Tsukika inherited her father’s strength and tendencies to break things near her, including walls; However, this is mainly whenever she is happy and excited, as there has only been a very few times she has ever used her strength in anger and/or intentionally; Due to this, her older brother, Ichiru, always has to clean up after her and often scolds her for the damages she caused, which she prefers to ignore; The same way Subaru ignores Reiji whenever he is being scolded. Unlike her mother, Tsukika isn’t exactly smart when it comes to school work no matter how hard she tries as she only barely passes, very much like her father. Tsukika is rather girly, sometimes boy-crazy/girl-crazy (not often taken seriously), and fashionable, and is just as extroverted as her mother.
When annoyed, Tsukika shows to have also inherit her father’s temper, but shows it in a tranquil fury way just like Asher when he is angered. While she is temperamental and stubborn in private, Tsukika, as an idol, presents herself to the public as an fragile, air-headed star. Due to watching Kou’s performance as an idol, Tsukika wanted to become an idol when she reached of age. While it was difficult to handle at first, She admittedly enjoyed performing as she loved to sing and dance; This is something she inherited from her mother with rap music. As an idol, Tsukika is very cautious about using her strength in public and to keep herself in-character as a normal girl.
However, unlike her brother, Tsukika has Do-S tendencies due to her vampiric nature that she fully embraces, to a point where she has taken advantage of using her strength and her looks to do as she pleases, and feels no remorse in the things she does. Her victims would always be obsessive stalkers that happen to be cute to Tsukika, Men or women, and would often be broken down and tortured into mindless dolls by Tsukika, by shattering their pure image of her and themselves feel disgusting. On the full moon, She becomes a seductive temptress, turning from a playful flirt that often jokes around to a shameless flirt that has no shame for doing the things she does. Tsukika holds the belief that she would rather embrace her vampiric nature than to suppress it like her brother does, as she takes pride in being a vampire and doesn’t see any reason to hold back who she is behind closed doors; Alas, she would be forced to keep her activities secret to keep her job as an idol and her pure image from being tainted.
• By timeskip, Tsukika is not a virgin as she has had sex with her victims once she got older.
• Despite her history of sexual activities, she has never genuinely been in love before; But it is hinted that, when she does genuinely fall in love, she becomes rather yandere-ish. (Very much like Satou Matsuzaka from Happy Sugar Life)
• She has a crush on Rini (by @adiabolikpastel), as Rini is her first real friend; As a result, she genuinely cares for her and is heavily clingy/overprotective of her. It is implied that she established a secret fanclub for her in which Tsukika herself is the leader of.
• Tsukika has an immense love for cute things and sweets to a point her room is filled pastel colors and colorful plushies and a mini-fridge containing her sweets.
• Tsukika has a soft spots for animals, and even has memories of herself as a child being surrounded by animals with her father.
• Tsukika’s real name is “Měi-Rén”/“美人”, meaning “Beautiful Person”.
Tsukika’s name comes from the two first characters of “月下美人” (Gekka Bijin) or "Beauty under the Moon", which is what the Queen of the Night is known as in Japan for its rich history.
• Tsukika admits that Kou was the one that inspired her to become an idol herself. She even declares him her favorite uncle, despite the fact that he is not related to either of her parents by blood.
• Tsukika is actually pansexual and demiromantic.
• While She has a good relationship with her mother, Tsukika loves her father and cherishes the times she spends with him as a child; As much as she wishes to spend more time with him, she understands him being busy as the new Vampire King. Although, it could be said that, while having Naoki’s eyes, Subaru gets reminded of his mother due to the physical resemblance Tsukika has with her.
Images used for references:
Ichiru -> 1/2
Tsukika -> 1/2
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geminimtheknight · 4 years
Instructions: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @ana-del-reyyy
Name: Victoria 👸🏽
Height: 5’2”
Star sign: Gemini ♊️
Sexuality: Lesbiannnnnn 🌈
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Favorite animal: Monkey 🐒
Average amount of sleep: 10 hours 🤷🏽‍♀️
Blankets you sleep with: One big comforter
Dream job: Voice actor
When did I make my blog: 2014. We recently turned six!
Followers: Idk how to check that 🤷🏽‍♀️
Why I made tumblr: Cringeworthy answer tbh. My favorite youtubers were on tumblr and I wanted to follow them; alas, here we are, six years later.
Reasons for my tumblr handle: I’m a HUGE batman fanatic! DUH!
Idk if I can think of tennnnnnnn
But I tag @blackkandgayy @dailyvillanelle @everybody-loves-to-eat @fuckyeah--fitlesbian @gayyyalldayyy @h0neytairee @imtomatocheeks @juniorhb @notxnsdx @wond3r-womann
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aife-ffxiv · 5 years
LFRP- Aife Dolabnha (Mateus| crystal DC)
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Art by @squaffle
✦ GENERAL INFORMATION ✦  Age: 20  Birthday: 25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon  Gender: Female Race: Miqo’te- Keeper of the Moon Sexuality: Straight Marital Status: Single Alignment: Neutral Good  Server: Mateus
✦ PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ✦  Hair: Curly, thick orange-red hair usually worn down with a braid in the front Eyes: Light brown Height: 5’2 Build: Slender Distinguishing Marks: Freckles on her face and all across her body. She has -a lot- Common Accessories: A carry bag filled with herbal remedies
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✦ PERSONAL ✦  Profession: Healer, midwife- akin to a “wise woman” Hobbies: Reading, picking flowers and herbs, gardening. Languages: Common, limited huntspeak Residence: The Black Shroud, outside of a small hamlet. Birthplace: Black Shroud Religion: Devout believer in the Twelve. Favours both Nophica and Menphina. Patron Deity: Nophica, the Matron Fears: The greenwrath, wildlings, thunder.
✦ RELATIONSHIPS ✦  Spouse: None Children: None Parents: Alva Dolabnha (Mother- NPC). Sire (Tuhra’a Xalle- NPC) Siblings: None Other Relatives: None- clan deceased.
Pets: A lot of cats. A young korpokkur named Dee Dee
✦ TRAITS ✦  Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeablex Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between /  Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditionalx / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Culturedx / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful 
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✦ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ✦  SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
·         Local Shroud Healer: Aife and her mother earn a moderate income from plying their trade as midwives and healers in the Shroud. Their poultices and potions are often traded for furs and meat with other local clans and Aife’s mother is often called as a midwife to difficult births.
·         Eager to learn: Aife is eager to learn more about healing in all its form. While she rarely leaves the Shroud, her eagerness to learn more about healing, herbalism or magic may just interest her enough to travel to another part of Eorzea or Ala Mhigo.
·         Poacher Bane: Aife often regulars’ areas where illegal poaching happens, rescuing animals from traps or that have been hurt. While she generally flees from any sign of danger, she may be known by her red hair as somewhat of an annoyance to illegal hunters in the Shroud
·         Keeper of the Moon: Aife’s clan disappeared under mysterious circumstances moons before she was born. As such she was raised by her mother largely in solitude. While she has been educated in most of the Keeper of the Moon ways, she’s always eager to make new friends and acquaintances of her own race. OOC I am also looking for Keeper of the Moon contacts, including a fc and/or linkshell/discord community
✦ CONTACT INFORMATION ✦  Tumblr: @aife-ffxiv Follows come from @kasumi-ffxiv Discord: Ask in private! In Game: Aife Dolabnha on Mateus. I also rp on Kasumi Gakunin on Balmung.
·         I am not looking for erp/romance rp. Sorry
·         I will not rp with minors, either ic or ooc.
·         I’d prefer to RP in-game, but I’m open to discord. I’m also happy to rp anywhere on the Crystal Datacenter
·         I am Australian (Australian EST) but I’m generally around US EST and PST most days of the week outside of real-life commitments.
·         I am open to lore bending but not breaking. If it seems possible, I’m open to the possibility unless it’s something illogical or overpowered like if your character is the daughter or son of a primal or brags in the Quicksand about being a Black Mage.
·         I generally prefer a heads up on triggering topics that may come into rp like rape, walking in on intense torture scenes, ect ect. While I’m happy to rp mature themes, I generally just like some warning about somewhat intense/dark scenes to assess my headspace.
·         Any long term damage to my character must be discussed ooc first.
Boosts appreciated! 
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leanneangelsajonia · 4 years
One Last Song
“Rise little warrior, don’t let yourself down…with power and greatness…you’ll seize the crown..”
I raised my head to look at the vivid sky, so blue and light, I feel the cool air brushing over my face and hear the leaves of the tree sing a song of serenity, the grass felt cool to the touch, a bit damp from the little shower of rain earlier that day, I gaze upon the field of green I was in, so…so…calm…
 “Gael! Wake up! You’re gonna be late for school!” I groggily sat up, woken up from my deep slumber by my dad’s baritone voice and his heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs, not a few seconds later a knock sounded on my door
“Gael? I’m coming in” The door opened to reveal my dad wearing a plain black shirt and some jeans, his red hair still damp with a towel in his hand. He came in my room and walked up to me and put his arms out, I stood up lazily and went to his arms.
“Morning sweetheart” He kissed my head lovingly and we pulled apart
‘Morning Dad’ I signed to him
“Well, you better get ready, school’s starting in an hour, you don’t wanna be late do you?” He asked me while taking my uniform out of my closet and placed it in my bed, I shook my head no and started fixing my duvet, after fixing my bed I went to the connecting bathroom inside my room.
I took in the marble walls of the room and yawned still feeling a bit drowsy, I took off my pajamas and turned on the shower knowing that the cold blast of water will wake me up, I went in and shivered as the cold water splattered all over my body and quickly soaked myself then turned off the shower, I took the shampoo from the caddy and the flowery scent invaded my nostrils, I squeezed a small amount on my palm and quickly rubbed it in my scalp, my body relaxed as I massage my head, feeling the bubbles build up in my hair then fall down my back made me close my eyes in relaxation, with my eyes still shut I feel the wall for the shower knob and turned it on once again, I sigh as the now warm water poured down and relaxed my whole body, I washed off the bubbles from my hair but stayed under the water for a bit more.
I said stop….
Gael? GAEL?
My eyes opened and I noticed I was starting to run out of breath, I briskly closed the shower and breathe heavily while propping myself up with the bathroom wall.
Calm down….
I finally managed to calm myself down after a few seconds, and finally finished my bath. After putting on my uniform and taking my bag, I went down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen/dining room, there I saw my dad whipping up some pancakes with bacon, I placed my bag down and took a seat on the chair,
“Oh so you’re finally done, good, I’m just finishing up here, set the table please so we can eat” He told me without turning around, looking very focused on the cooking the last piece of pancake, I just nodded and went to the cabinet and took out two glass plates and two cups, I placed the plates and cups down the table first and then went to the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice, I poured the juice down the cups and placed it back in the fridge. I sat down and Dad placed some pancakes with bacons on my plate and also placed some on his. I nodded my head in thanks and quickly scarfed down the delicious looking food infront of me. He chuckled at me while shaking his head and sat down.
We both ate in silence; this is basically how our breakfast in the mornings go, Dad cooks, I set the table and we both eat our silence, there wasn’t any use for some mindless conversation anyways, since he knows that I’ll have trouble answering him cause I’ll be signing to him and signing while eating is not easy, so we just usually stick with the calm and quite atmosphere in the morning. We finish up quickly and I wash the dishes quickly but being careful as to not dirty my uniform, we both walk out of the house and into the car, and same as the breakfast, the ten minutes drive to my school was silent too, with only the music playing in the background and my dad silently humming to the song.
When we go near the school, my dad slows down stops just a block down, he sighs and looks at me and with the face he has on right now, I have a guess on what he wants to say…
“Gael-“ Before he could even start I quickly took off my seatbelt and grab the car door, but before I could make my escape he grabbed my hand and pulled me making me sit back down
‘I’m gonna be late!’ I signed to him despite knowing that I still have about twenty minutes before class starts,
“No you’re not, you still have about twenty minutes and the schools just a block away” He told me as if reading my mind and looked at me, I crossed my arms and glared at the car window avoiding his gaze.
“Gael, look at me” I shook my head no
“Gael please...listen to me.” My eyes tear up hearing his broken voice and my resolve breaks, I face him but look down still not meeting his eyes.
“Gael, you know what this weekend is, I know you’ve been trying to avoid it since I brought it up last week but you can’t just avoid it forever Gael, it’s been three years! I know you miss her, hell, I miss her too! And I’m sure she’d want to see you this time, so will you come with me?” My tears run down my cheeks and I wipe them off quickly, I hear my dad sniffling meaning he’s gotta be crying too
‘I’ll think about it’ I signed to him and swiftly got out of the car, ignoring him calling out to me, I wipe my cheeks as tears still falls slowly as if my eyes turned into a broken faucet and the water can’t stop running down, I quickly compose myself, reminding myself that I had to go to class today and ran towards the big building.
I walked inside the tall building, ignoring the loud buzzing of the students all around the place, some were greeting old friends, hanging around the grass, the benches and some were all alone, probably new, I walked towards my locker and cracked in the code, I looked at my schedule and placed all the unnecessary books inside while taking the things I needed for the class, which was homeroom, so just a notebook and a pen then, I took what I needed and walked towards the classroom.
Upon entering the room, I noticed some of the seats were already occupied so I went towards the chair near the window, where no one was sitting near on, and sat down. I felt their gazes on me but I just ignored it and opened up my notebook, I quickly indulged myself into writing and completely ignored everything around me.
After a few minutes, the classroom filled up with students and fortunately nobody sat beside me, I closed my notebook when I saw the teacher coming in and the busy classroom, quieted down.
“Good morning class, I am Miss Ellison, your adviser this school year, I would like for all of you to please just call me Miss Elly, and for today, since it’s the first day of school, I would like to get to know all of you-“
The door burst open and a guy with dark brown hair, breathing heavily walked in.
“I- ahhh I’m so sorry for being late ma’am, my car suddenly broke down and-“ He wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Miss Elly cut him off
“And since you are late, why don’t you introduce yourself first mister..?” Miss Elly raised a brow in question and the guy that almost broke down the door, straightened himself up,
“Oh! Uhmm , Erick- Erickson” He stuttered, probably still flustered from running all the way here,
“Erick-Erickson?” the teacher asked in confusion, the guy flushed in embarrassment and scratched his head
“No uhmm” He stood in front of the class and I swear I saw all of the girls swoon as he stood up straight, his tall height being emphasized with him not slouching anymore, and some guys in our class looked at him feeling quite intimidated.
“Hello everyone, so my name is Erickson Bane, Erick for short, I’m 6 feet and 2 inches tall, I play basketball and a major geek in video games” 6’2? My 5’2 height can’t stand a chance, my classmates obviously intrigued by this guy but I just opened up my notebook again as my teacher made him take his seat, I noticed in the side of my eye the empty chair and wished he wouldn’t sit down there, wanting to have the space beside me empty, but alas luck was not on my side as he placed his bag down the floor and sat down on the chair, I sighed and rolled my eyes inside my notebook, not noticing that everybody had their eyes set on me, when I did though, I looked up and saw every pair on eyes in the classroom was looking at me, I raised my brow and placed the notebook down slowly
“That sigh was loud ma’am, would you like to share something in front of the class?” I looked up and saw my teacher looking at me with a soft smile, I shook my head and felt the blush on my ears creeping to my cheeks,
“Well since everybody has their attention to you now… Would you like to introduce yourself?” My eyes widened but it wasn’t like I could just turn her down, so I just nodded and I walked in the front of the room, I took a deep breath and faced my classmates, their curious gaze made me feel a bit nervous but I pushed the feeling down, their confused gaze when I just started waving my hands was a bit funny though…
“Ummm….miss…uhm, would you mind speaking? This is an introduction not a waving parade” Miss Elly said, but despite her words the soft look on her face did not disappear, I tool a marker from her table and their faces scrunched up a lot more, I wrote my name on the board
Gael Anderson
I looked back at them and waved, I pointed to myself then to my mouth and made an X sign, they must have realized what I was saying because they all went “ahh” at the same time. I looked at my teacher and saw her face wasn’t full of confusion anymore,
“Oh, so miss Gael here mute am I right?” She looked at me and I nodded
“So do you sign or write on a notebook when you communicate with others?” She asked me and I signed to her, forgetting the fact that she probably can’t understand sign language
‘I usually sign, because I just usually talk with my dad but with others I just write it down…..Ohh….’ My face went bright red from embarrassment when I realized I kept signing to her when she didn’t even know sign language.
“She said she usually signs but sometimes she writes it down too” I whipped my head to the voice and saw the guy- I mean Erick standing up and explain what I just signed, my eyes widened, shock to learn that he actually understands…
“Oh, well thank you for that mister Erickson and Miss Gael, thank you too for introducing yourself to us and I’m so sorry for the misunderstanding” I just shook my head and smiled at her and went back to my seat, I sat down and still felt a gaze at the side of my face, but just chose to ignore it and just looked straight at the front and stayed silent the whole class…
 The bell rang indicating the end of the lesson for the whole day, nothing much happened since the first period and nobody tried to talk to me the whole day since they knew I was mute and probably didn’t want to talk to a girl who couldn’t even answer properly, I walked out of the building only to find out that It was raining heavily, I took out my phone and saw my dad’s message;
Dad: Hey kiddo, I’m sorry but I can’t pick you up today, I have to stay late at work, get home safe , ILY
I sighed, just my luck, students were already going out with umbrellas while others ran to their car, I just stood there waiting and hoping that the rain will slow down, after a few minutes when I was ready to just run back home even though I’ll get wet, a black car stopped infront of me, the winder rolled down and guess who was inside? Yep, mister I almost broke the door down because I was late
“Hey! Gael right?” He called out to me, I nodded my head
“It’s raining pretty heavy! Don’t you have a ride?” I shook my head no and signed to him
‘My dad is getting off work late and I forgot my umbrella’
“Well then hop in! I can drop you off, since you might catch a cold if you try to walk in this rain”
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axelsagewrites · 5 years
Picnic Date*Alec Lightwood
Ship(s): Alec X male!reader
Request: Via Wattpad
Warnings: Homophobic slurs and hate speech
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Gay = Okay Happy pride month! And remember shade never made anyone less gay.
Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
Call it cliché but Central Park was Alec and my favourite picnic spot. It was nice to escape the shadow world and its judgment of a gay couple. The love doesn’t disappear when theirs not a girl in the relationship. It had started to become more acceptable in the shadow world but with Alec potentially becoming the head of the New York institute when he was older, we didn’t want to risk it. Sure no one would say anything, but the stares got annoying. The sideways glances, the eye rolls, the small scoffs, and patronising attitudes. Some meant well but that doesn’t mean they understood. Sometimes the mundane world was more civilised. So, we packed up a picnic basket and started walking to central park, hand in hand, without being too worried. We’d never dealt with openly homophobic mundane so why wouldn’t we? It was natural to hold my boyfriend’s hand. We got to the park and picked a spot under a tree. A playground was a small distance away, but we could barely hear the laughter and squealing so we figured it would be fine. Plus, there was an ice cream van in between the play park and us so all the better. As I laid out the blanket and began to unpack Alec checked his wallet, “I’m going to grab us a couple ice creams,” he said which made me beam. A dopey smile formed on his face, the one I fell in love with. “(Y/F) right?” I nodded, “Be two minutes,” Alec pecked my cheek before getting up and heading for the van. I knew he wouldn’t be two minutes. It was June in New York next to a play park on a Saturday. I took the time to set everything up. When it was all set up, taking extra time for it to look cute, I was quite proud. We’d covered every basis with fruits, sandwiches, pastries, and juice.  It was Pinterest level stuff. When I heard footsteps I looked up, smiling ear to ear, expecting Alec. Despite the sun glaring into my eyes I knew it wasn’t Alec by the build of the person. Alec was a tall, physically fit, male while what stood in front of me was an older woman who couldn’t have been touching 5’2. “Can I help you?” “Yes,” she spoke sharply but with a smile, I didn’t trust, “You see my family planned to go to the park for a picnic, but we normally sit here so…” When she didn’t finish her sentence, I felt the same dread I felt when I was on a mission. With squinted eyes and a confused tone, I replied, “You want me to move...?” “Yes, that would be wonderful,” she was about to sit down, and I panicked, eyes glancing over to Alec. Damn that long line. “Um no sorry but I’ve already set everything up,” She glared. A glare so stern and threatening Aldertree would’ve been shaken, “But my sons in the play park. How am I meant to see him?” There were so many trees closer to the park not to mention the field of grass around it and picnic benches. “Over there?” I said but it sounded like a question when I pointed to the picnic bench only a few paces from the park. “But I want to sit here,” she said, crossing her arms. She isn’t my mum, I don’t care. “Well, I was here first. There are trees over there if you don’t like the benches,” “But- “ “Everything alright?” She was cut off. I'd never been more thankful to see Alec. “I hardly see how this concerns you,” the woman said. Alec had already sat down and handed me my ice cream, “Well he’s my boyfriend and I- “ “What!?” She screeched. “Your gay? And you think the place to show that is at a play park. There are children here for Christ sake!” My mouth almost dropped. Alec’s eyes were wide, and I could see them glazing over. “So what?” he spat out. “What do you mean so what? There are children here. I don’t want my son seeing two homos’ being indecent together. I can’t have him thinking that’s okay,” “But it is okay,” I insisted, finally finding my voice, “please leave us alone.” “Like hell!” she spat but stormed off. “This isn’t going to end well,” We tried to put it out of our minds but the usual conversation we had was snuffed out by the tension. Some shadowhunters may think it's repulsive or unnatural but they were never so blatant. Just when we were beginning to talk a man walked over, the woman trailing behind with a crying son in her grip. The boy must’ve been 6 or 7 but his mother had her hand wrapped around his wrists, not caring about her fake nails. We didn’t have time to focus on that because of the man. Beer belly, beer breath, no signs of human decency either. “Hey!” he greeted us with a snarl. “Why’ve you been disrespecting my wife?” We didn’t want to fight, despite knowing as shadowhunters we’d win, “Lets all just move on and stay out each other’s way,” Alec said. “You think a fag can tell me what to do?” We were both stunned, frozen. “Eh? Look what you did to my boy! He’s traumatized.” How can love to traumatize someone? The boy was crying but was actually saying “Mummy I wanna go play!” and “Mummy let go! Your nails are sore!” Alec stood up “Who are you calling a fag?” I quickly followed in standing. Neither of us wanted to fight him. Shadowhunter’s aren’t in the mundane systems so we couldn’t get the mundane police involved. “You. You little pair of fairies’,” the man reached out and pushed Alec as hard as he could. Alec was caught off guard and stumbled back into me. I steadied us both. “Don’t touch me or my boyfriend,” I said, pushing my way in front of Alec. “Brave little fag, are you?” He taunted, “Going to hit me eh?” “I’m not going to fight you,” “That’s what I thought. All you fags are pathetic,” he’d barely said the last word when his fist collided with my face and I began to taste something coppery. Alec was already storming at the guy, but I pushed him back, “It's not worth it.” I said. Alec’s breath was ragged but I just wanted out of there. Alec glared at the man who was smirking still. “You’re pathetic.” He said before turning to me, “C’ mon, let’s go,” He bent down to start shoving everything back in the basket. I bent down and helped. As we were doing it, I heard the boy and father speaking but didn’t pay much attention. The father and mother then began back to the park. I assumed the boy was with them till I felt someone push my butt, hard. It threw me off balanced and I went crashing down onto the basket, hitting my head. “ahh!” I couldn’t hold back. I turned to see the young boy, tears on his face, looking horrified before running away. I saw the dad hold his arms out to the boy and hug him. “Disgusting,” Alec snarled before looking at me, “Are you okay?” he asked. “C’ mon,” I said, defeated, “Let’s go.”
I’d managed to get a bruise on my head from where I fell on the basket and my lip and mouth was bleeding from the punch. I was smaller than Alec, so it didn’t surprise me he went for me over him. Alec had the idea to see Magnus. When he opened the door, his eyes widened and his usual smile dropped “What happened?” he asked, ushering us in. I shrugged then sat down and Alec sighed. “We were having a picnic and some guy came up and started harassing (Y/N). he found out we were gay and well here we are.” Alec sighed, sitting down next to me. “I-I don’t know what to do,” He put his hand on my knee and I leant onto his shoulder. The shadow world didn’t have a wealth of knowledge on gay things let alone gay rights. Our bisexual friend was our guide through the LGBT world. Magnus took a breath, “Its okay. You’re here now, that’s what matters. But you need to know what happened today was unacceptable and downright vile. If you were mundane, you’d go to the police and file a hate crime but alas you’re not. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do as Downworlders or shadowhunters. I know its terrible but the best thing I can suggest is that I know some Downworlders in the police department and I can get them to file a hate crime but forge it, so it doesn’t include the victim. I’m sorry,”
Magnus made us realise something, there really wasn’t much we could do but that didn’t mean we shouldn’t try. We waited it out and Alec became head of the New York Institute and I began to work for the clave and in a respected position too. Then we started to have a voice and by the angel are we going to use it.
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violentviolette · 5 years
21 Questions
RULES: Simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by: @sociopathheart thank u gorgeous
1. Name/nickname: jack
2. Zodiac sign: pisces sun, cancer moon, sag rising
3. Height: 5’2
4. Hogwarts house: slytherin, as if that was glaringly obvious lol
5. Last thing I googled: mr krabs lmfao i was at work and drawing spongebob characters with chalk outside with the girls because theyre 6 so theyre super into spongebob. i got through spongebob, patrick, squidward, and plankton before i had to google what someone looked like tho so i count that as a win
6. Favourite musicians: rn its probably hozier. love that wild haired bog man.
7. Last song I listened to: something by billie ellish, i downloaded her album last week so ive been going through it
8. Song stuck in my head: nothing right now surprisingly
9. Followers: 1,239 which is genuinely insane to think about because like. i should not have that many ppl that voluntarily sign up to hear my garbage thoughts.thats nuts
10. Following: 477
11. Amount of sleep: i try really hard to get over 6 hours, it doesnt always happen but it definitely makes a difference and i pay for it if i dont.
12. Lucky number: 4 and 17
13. What I’m wearing: boxers and a tshirt that says “please not today.” im also sitting under a blanket patterned like sailor moons bed sheets and its so. fucking. soft. 
14. Dream job: absolutely nothing. i dont want to work and there is no for profit labor that i would ever enjoy performing. i want to live in my house and do what i want when i want with my very limited time in this existence. i dont care about making money or being successful. i dont have a passion that i would ever be happy monetizing like my art or my craftsmanship. i want to exist without having to “work” in a traditional capitalist sense, my dream job is no job.
15. Dream trip: anywhere. i love traveling and ill go anywhere at the drop of a dime. im always in for travel, my go bag is perma packed
16. Favourite food: cheese, literally anything with cheese in it i will eat. ive survived on cheese for weeks (not recommended but it will keep u alive) and like i could legit never get sick of it. which has been my biggest hurdle with the whole IBS diet changes. hard cheeses are still okay in moderation but i cant even smell goat cheese anymore and i used to eat that shit on the daily. alas. just another thing on the long long list of ways my body has betrayed me
17. Instruments: i used to play the flute in high school because of fucking course i was that asshole gay guy in the flute section, but i doubt i could still play now. at the very least the lip ring would be a major mechanical issue and i dont think the tongue ring would help things either
18. Languages: english, spanglish, and like, the tiniest bits of japanese and german
19. Favourite songs: taste of ink by the used, dark star by james young, it will come back by hozier
20. Random fact: i really love the water and im a fairly decent swimmer. i was on my schools swim team as a kid and did some competitions before realizing i wasnt at all competitive and that i fucking hated pressure and proceeding to never do that again
21. Aesthetic: lots of teeth, wings, long pointy black fingers, messy hair, garbage trash punk, 90′s grunge, nyc, raccoons
i dont even think i know 21 ppl so like im just gonna tag as many mutuals and followers as i can think of in this moment but hey if u see this and wanna do it just say i tagged u
@willowenigma @of-suns-and-guns @seanicus-prime @captainkiwitheboobian @h-oney-b-ones @azonus @sappholactone @manie-sans-delire-x @sternbeere @ukrainyan @coffin-bird @foxy-mulder @rococokara @gunpowderecho @chubby-elf-hux @anamorph-marco @ayghe @nogitsunewraps
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ninja-muse · 5 years
21 Questions
Tagged by @infinitebookwrms. Thank you!
Rules: 21 questions and 21 mutuals you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: no thank you
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5’2
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Last thing I googled: queer women clothing styles
Favorite musician: too many!
Song stuck in your head: Beethoven’s Spring Sonata
Followers: 1700+
Do you get asks? Not often, alas.
Amount of sleep: 7-9 hours depending
Lucky #: nope
What’re you wearing? tank, oversized sweater, pajama pants, socks and slippers
Dream job: bookseller-cum-author (getting there)
Dream trip: Europe, for a year, on an unlimited budget
Instrument: trumpet, piano, French horn, clarinet
Languages: English, French, German, Middle English sort of
Favorite song: too many!
Random fact: On this day in 1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia was founded.
Aesthetic: thick sweaters, Pacific Northwest beaches, seashells and agates, pine boughs, mist, cocoa, warm fire
I’m tagging: @youngneemleaves @manuscripts-dontburn @magnetarmaddaboutbooks @a-ramblinrose @slow-reader and running out of mutuals I’m particularly interested in and don’t mind occasionally annoying…
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kinseybruno6 · 5 years
I quit my job bc I found out I had fibromyalgia
Its a little more complicated that just that, but mainly I quit my job bc I found out I had fibromyalgia. I’m 21, female, 5’2”, 105 lbs, and had a job at Costco doing maintenance. Aka: the janitor. The dude with huge ass broom going from aisle to aisle. I was actually the closing shift so I spent my nights cleaning every trash can in the store (80 - 100), then the break room, office, and both bathrooms. A lot of fucking physical labor for a small girl with fibromyalgia; L.o.l..
Anyway, I didn’t know I had fibro until I knew. So I had that job for 2 years and some change; six months of which were spent on disability getting arm surgery. Before that job I was a cleaner at a country club for six months. I remember cleaning the bathroom in the women’s club house while my hand was in an air cast.... before that I was a waitress. Wondering why it was so hard to keep up with having a life and going to work when everyone else seemed to be able to mange. Before then I was getting kicked out of my private high school for being late too many times and showing up stoned; wondering how everyone around me seemed to be able to drink,do homework, and do athletics and not feel sick constantly. Before then there was a lot wrong. But I didn’t know I had it until I knew.
They also tested me for a bunch of auto immune diseases. It showed a bunch of stuff that I could follow up with to get real diagnosis but... I don’t want more. The doctor I did see told me for sure I had arthritis. Lol stop there lady. Because when I didn’t know I was just living my life. It was a struggle but I was doing it. Now I quit my fucking job. Bc I have fibromyalgia... that I always fucking had. I mean I think it’s getting worse; I know I feel worse than ever before. And scary health things happen daily ...
Maybe I was right to quit. Maybe life is too short to spend ur health working for someone. I guess deep down I know my right hand, my drawing hand, is getting worse. And my Costco job was too physical and that was exaserbating the problem. And life is too short I’d rather use the time I have with a working hand drawing. Not cleaning a f u c k i n g toilet.
At the end of the day, for whatever reason, I did quit my job. Sigmund freud could probably tell me the exact reason for my actions, but alas. Whatever the reason, the job is gone. So is the health insurance. It’s time to take a chance on my self. What’s the plan ? Work towards getting better on my own. 1) fixing my gut health 2) back to yoga everyday and back to my center 3) being more aggressive in putting myself first - as for money 1) Poshmark and Mercari selling clothes and posters 2) selling my posters and more art 3) trying to be more on social media and not so recluse 4)trring to get my Etsy right and get more traffic and be able to put more money on ads 5) hopefully submit/sell some poetry
Ok im done thanks if u read
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