#but also lady did this face of her own? during the chase?
nickywhoisi · 1 year
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Yes! I have finally made some pieces for my ttte gem!au, where they're pretty gem people, like that one 3d anime where everybody's gorgeous but sad things happen alllllll the tiiiiiime. This neat little world has some things like that, but not NEARLY as bad. I mean I'm all for pathos but I'm not a monster who would torture beloved characters. Yikes. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read Houseki no Kuni online and prepare for Big Bad Moods(tm) and to wonder why the author hurt the baby so
Because I'm an old nerd who grew up with tatmr, I will begin with my two favourite brain synapses Lady and D10, as gem humanoids. If I were still doing gijinkas of the TV trains, they would also generally look like this, and I'm real happy with the hair designs. And the poses are sort of based off of one piece i made before IN A NOTEBOOK THAT WAS BLOODY STOLEN ALONG WITH PAGES AND PAGES OF OTHER ART I MADE, AND WHAT'S WORSE IS THAT INCLUDES THE ORIGINALS OF THE ART I DID POST, ALOT OF WHICH WAS UNFINISHED FGGFSFGHDGDFGGFFSDT guys it was so good I gave Lady a burger king crown to reference her gold funnel it would have been hilarious
Just like the canon, Lady is a big deal and D10 is still trying to destroy her. But the reason why this time around is a little more dramatic and cohesive. There is a clear reason why he hates her, and I wonder if you can possibly figure it out before I reveal it? There's a hint in the picture. How smart are you guys out there ô.ô
In the story, these two are, left to right, Yellow Chrysoberyl and Lady Gold. The gems usually refer to her as "their Lady", with lots of reverence, as she is the oldest living gem on Sodor. As for Chryso, he was a spunky gem even in the earlier days, until he began losing a lot of his crystal - he used to have longer hair. Then, when he lost one of his arms, was suddenly granted a fun augmentation of liquid copper that can morph into anything he wants. But the inclusion was...a bit painful? Sometimes it even shows mild sentience of it's own, and it now treats him like a friend. Though the very first thing it did was morph into a giant machine claw and try to crunch him...it didn't do much though. So Chryso got the idea to call it "Pinchy". But how exactly did he come across it? And what is Lady Gold's involvement?
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU!
"Danyal, its time to end this game and return with me."
Danny should had known Clockwork had something in mind when he sent him on this mission. He knew he should had been suspicious of the time keeper when he noticed the little 'this is going to be fun' smile on his face when he sent Danny off into the portal.
"Get back here you demon spawn 2.0!"
But how was he supposed to know that he'd wake up in this world version of himself in a pit full of corrupted (AND NASTY) ectoplasim at the tender age of five or that when he swam up to the surface he'd be meeting face to face with what was apparently a cult.
"-O just spotted him a block away! I'll try to cut itty bitty bridie off!"
An Assassins Cult his, new to him, loving yet a little insane mother was in charge of (though during the few months he stayed in the compound he heard rumors and gossip from maids and others alike that if his grandfather returned from the dead he'll take over once again, no doubt punish Talia for creating another heir after the failure of the last one, most likely was going to kill Danny and that... that was can of worms Danny didn't wanna deal with yet)
"Ten bucks says they try to stab RR when we get the feral thing home"
"...Losers bet...."
Danny had lived with his mother for a while after being brought back from the 'dead' for apparently the first time, it turned out training a five year old with an actual sword and a dumbass hidden revenge seeking teacher was a terrible idea.
"I swear if this one tries to murder me like the others I'm asking Zatanna if there is a curse on me."
He dealt with her high demands of perfection, the endless training, and the constant comparisons to his apparent older brother Damain... Who didn't know Danny, or rather Danyal existed.
Nor did his father (when Danny, using his powers he's kept hidden since 'waking' up in this Realm, he sneaked his way around the base and discovered how he came into the world. And tbh he couldn't blame his mom how she made him, she was an assassin first and foremost, being naturally pregnant would had painted a target on her for to long... but he also felt it was unfair and an asshole move on his unsuspecting father as well)
"As your elder brother I demand you to stop running!"
Now don't get him wrong, he did like his new mother (total badass assassin lady and all that) and he knew she loved him in her own... deadly way. But yeah, she really shouldn't be taking care of kids. He could tell she struggled with wanting to be a normal mother but her first instinct after so many years was to be an assassin first.
Something she was trying to engrave into Danny with as well.
"Ah, hello Beloved. I see you've learned of our Danyal."
"Talia. Back away from him and leave Gotham now."
"I can not do that. The League needs an heir and since Damian refuses to return... I have decided to create a new one and I shall not be leaving until he returns with me."
Hence why when Danny, or rather Danyal al Ghul had gotten decent control over his powers he decided to leave the League. Again nothing wrong with the life his mom leads, to each their own, but he... really, really didnt want to be an assassin. Or an assassin heir.
So here he was, after almost a year on the run, using his powers and training to out smart and out maneuver his mother and her many band of Assassins, in Gotham. One of the last places he ever wanted to run to cause he knew his father and brother lived here.
It was just his luck that his mother had managed to intercept his train ride that passed into Gotham for a few hours and forced him to run into the city...
Add her assassins into the mix and running into Robin, who heard from Oracle his mother had been spotted chasing a young boy across the city, that same night.
After that it became a full on "catch me if you can" chase for not only his mother but for the batclan as well.
And after two whole days of chase, it seemed like the final showdown was about to begin because everyone was on top of this rooftop, his mother and her assassins on one side, his father and the batclan on the other and Danny well... he was right in the middle of all of it.
He just had to hope no one would notice him once the fighting started...
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olenvasynyt · 7 days
I have always been uncomfortable with the SF scene where Cassian takes Nesta on the hike, but I didn't fully understand why until my most recent reread. And it is one of the reasons why I am anti-Nessian.
This is a summary of my tiktok video, feel free to check it out, and follow me over there as well if ya want.
So this hike was right after Nesta lashes out and tells Feyre that the baby was going to kill her during the birth, and this was because of her frustration and hate towards Rhys and the IC and how she has been treated.  
Chapter 46 of ACOSF: “Is it respect that she offers you?” Nesta spat.  “Is it respect that your mate offers you?” Feyre went still. … “What do you mean?” “Have any of them told you, their respected High Lady, that the babe in your womb will kill you?” “…I do know that your mate ordered everyone not to inform you about the truth.  Did you all vote on that too?  Did you talk to her, judger her, and deem her unworthy of the truth?”
It broke something in Nesta—broke that rage, that roaring—seeing those tears begin to fall, the fear crumbling Feyre’s paint-smeared face.   She had gone too far.  She..oh, gods.
But as Feyre and Cassian both point out, she saw the parallels between Feyre’s situation and her own, and decided to avenge both of them.  Rhys and Amren were hiding the truth about Nesta’s powers, she knew that a lot of them did not trust her to know the truth about her own body.  
Chapter 47 of ACOSF: I think she saw the parallels between your situations, and, in her own way, decided to avenge both of you. That’s my feeling too.  Rhys disagrees.
I think Feyre’s situation was much more serious than Nesta’s powers being kept from her, but that is also why it was good for Feyre to find out the truth even if the situation was upsetting.  
Cassian was like oh "I’m sorry you found out the baby could kill you" and Feyre was like "I’m not.  I’m mad at you guys for not telling me.  Nesta was the only one brave enough to."
Chapter 47 of ACOSF: “I’m sorry you had to learn of it.” “I’m not.  I’m furious with all of you, I understand why you didn’t tell me, but I’m furious. Well, we’re furious with Nesta. She had the courage to tell me the truth. She told the truth to hurt you. Perhaps.  But she was the only one who said anything. — I wish you’d found out a different way. Well, I didn’t.  But we’ll face it together.  All of us. — I want you to come back home.  Both of you.
I love how Feyre, who is the one was the victim in this moment, was like “I’m not sorry this was how I learned about the baby but I’m glad someone told me.  Rhys overreacted, I calmed him down and I want both of you home.”
Rhys overreacted.  He completely and utterly overreacted. — Rhys had no right to chase you from the city, or threaten Nesta.  He has realized that, and apologized.  I want you to come back home.  Both of you.  
Now kind of going off topic with Rhys threatening to kill Nesta: people get mad at Cassian for not standing up for his mate.  And I can understand that, I also think that’s frustrating and Cassian not standing up for Nesta is something we see often, including the Ember and Randall bonus chapter in HOFAS.  But it can be complicated because a lot of people will defend Cassian like this: Rhys is high lord and it will be very hard to stand up to him as someone who’s not on his level, so of course Cassian couldn’t do anything to defend his mate in this situation.  And yes this is true, and we see a very similar situation between a High Lord and their superior with Tamlin and Lucien in ACOMAF. Lucien tried to stand up for Feyre but couldn’t, and was shut down and abused. 
But if people are going to use this idea to defend Cassian, that he couldn’t stand up and fight his high lord, we have to make this comparison between  Rhys to Tamlin.  And a lot of pro-Rhys people don't like that conversation.
But anyways, this argument cannot be applied to this hiking situation at all, because Feyre mindspeaks with Cassian and says that Rhys overreacted, she isn’t mad at Nesta, all of those things I talked about before.  Feyre says that she wants both of them home but Cassian still brings Nesta to a hike and says he’ll call it a punishment to sort of appease Rhys because he knows Rhys is still mad about the situation.  “Tell Rhys it’s a punishment.”  Rhys was not the victim in this situation, Feyre was, and she was like fuck Rhys!  He was wrong for overreacting!  Nesta was braver than you guys and I want her home.  
Where did you even head off to? The wilderness.  I think we’ll stay out here for a few days.  We’re going on a hike.   Nesta has never been on a hike in her life.  I guarantee she will hate it. Then tell Rhys this is her punishment.  Because Rhys, despite apologizing for his threats, would still be furious.  Tell him that Nesta and I are going to hike, and she’s going to hate it, but she comes home when I decide she’s ready to come home.
But Cassian still brings Nesta on the hike.
And he was definitely doing it for Nesta and to help her work out her thoughts and not solely because of Rhys, but this hike is a terrible way to help a suicidal person work out their thoughts.
This hike pisses me off so much. The way the IC decided to “rehabilitate” Nesta in general pisses me off.  I liken Nesta’s “rehab” to those therapy wilderness camps where people get kidnapped and brought to the middle of the mountains for.  Those rehab camps revolve around forcing people to get to their lowest to rehabilitate, to acknowledge their mistakes, and it is a horrible, abusive system and very often results in resentment at best and death at worst.  And I think Nesta being locked up was the same thing and this hike is the same thing.  One of the several things those rehab boot camps do is force their patients to go on strenuous hikes for multiple days, and when it’s beyond their physical capacity.  It can lead to exhaustion, dehydration, injury, and death.
And one of my least favorite things in this entire book is that when Cassian realizes that Nesta is suicidal, he continues the hike up the rocky cliffs of the Illyrian Steppes with barely any food and even less talk.  He doesn’t look at her or speak to her in days.
It is to force Nesta to get to her lowest moment so she’ll break down.  Exactly like what happens during those rehab camps.  It is forcing her into this breakdown in an unsafe place with no professional help. 
Cassian knew that Nesta often hated herself.  But he’d never known she hated herself enough to want to…not exist anymore. He’d seen her expression when he mentioned the threat of falling. And he knew going back to Velaris wouldn’t save her from that look.  He couldn’t save her from that look, either. Only Nesta could save herself from that feeling.
When I read SF for the first time I was so weirded out by this hike and I couldn’t figure out why.  I do not find these chapters moving or inspiring, I thought they were toxic and sad and I still very much do.  And if I’m going to be honest I felt like I was also being manipulated into getting emotional like how Nesta was.  
And this is where I’m going to get into my criticisms for SJM.  
I don’t know if she realizes this comparison between Nesta’s rehabilitation in general and the boot camps and just, bad, toxic therapy in general.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because I think a lot of Silver Flames is about how the Valkyries helped heal Nesta and SJM and their hike during the Blood Rite was so much more inspiring at least for me and was definitely the climax and resolution to Nesta’s healing journey.  SJM illudes to the IC’s biases very often in SF and I thought she was making Nesta’s rehab toxic on purpose, but the reason why I struggle with giving SJM the benefit of the doubt is because she said in an interview that that hike Cassian took Nesta on was inspired by a hike she and her husband went on during a vacation.
I also hate how she adds the idea that the mountains are healing, and there is a voice telling Cassian to keep pushing Nesta forward, “just one more mountain”.  Like no.  This again adds to the comparison of the fucking bootcamps because that is also a tactic they use.
Chapter 48 of ACOSF: The peaks weren’t as brutal and sharp as those in Illyria, but there was a presence to them that he couldn’t quite explain.  Mor had once told him that long ago, these lands had been used for healing. Perhaps that was why he’d come.  Some instinct had remembered the healing, felt this land’s slumbering heart, and decided to bring Nesta here.
This is fantasy, of course, so I am fine with this element of a higher presence that is healing to the characters who are struggling.  And there is the symbolic element of climbing your mountain.  But I need people to stop saying that this is a realistic way to treat people with actual problems in the real world, not only with this hike but also with all of the rehabilitation the IC made her do by locking her up.  I might make a whole other video on that but if Nesta was in the House of Wind because she was addicted to alcohol and fucking strangers and spending money, this is not the professional way to go about it.  
I like a lot of parts during this final breakdown where they talk about forgiving yourself, leaving the past behind.  But I did not like the journey they made Nesta take to get to this point.  Nesta could have very well had this breakdown not on this hike.  
And this part ends with Cassian comforting Nesta. 
“I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he whispered into her palm.  “Just don’t lock me out.  You want to walk in silence for a week, I’m fine with that.  So long as you talk to me at the end of it.”
Like I appreciate this sentiment.  
But, another thing that annoys me is Cassian’s conclusion after this scene
Chapter 50 of ACOSF: “She’d been suffering, and he’d had no idea how much it consumed every facet of her life.  He’d seen her self-loathing and anger—but hadn’t realized how much she’d been aware of it.  To know she’d hurt this much, for so long.
First of all, how would Nesta not know she was aware of her self-loathing and anger?  She had actively talked about it before this moment??? She fucking has. And how did Cassian not know that she had been hurting this much for long long?  I thought he was her mate who understood her?  He talked about her traumas before in ACOWAR.  Plus, I thought she was being rehabilitated.  Helping her get not addicted to alcohol and spending money and having sex?  
There is such a lack of awareness when it comes to the IC and this situation and I get frustrated when readers don’t understand it.  People say that Nesta’s rehab was very serious and complex but no.  It wasn’t.  It is a terrible way to help anyone.  
I think Nesta and Cassian still have to work on a lot to be an actual healthy relationship.  And we saw the issues they still have in the Randall and Ember bonus chapter so I am very curious to see how SJM resolves their issues in future books, if she does so at all.
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mayhemories · 1 year
reader x Neteyam not established (or Lo’ak) where reader jokes about finding Jake hot and Neteyam changes his hair to look more like his father 🤪 they goofy enough to take it too literally for REAL
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Like Father, Like Son
Ok so, I know this was probs supposed to be goofy, funny, ha-ha (would've been goofy, funny ha-ha if it was Lo'ak vers.) but I can't write Neteyam without it being sweet bc he's just a sweet boy!! Hope this is still okay for you Nonnie <3 Also! I wrote this in the airport waiting for my flight jet lagged af with 2 hours of sleep
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none, just fluff. Kinda cringe and spicy if you squint
Words: 2.2k
Author’s Notes: 
Neteyam is 21, reader is 21. Lo’ak and Kiri are roughly 20ish. I’m gonna estimate Tuk is 7 or 8?
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Read Below the Cut:
“Hi kids!” Dr Max greeted you all, reaching for a fist pump with Lo’ak and Neteyam. Kiri made her ‘hello’s’ rather quick, as she rushed to Dr Augastine’s canister. Kiri found the time with her mother sacred, which you could understand. You often wished you had something physical of your own mother left, rather than just the Tree of Voices, but you knew Eywa had blessed the Na’vi in giving them that. And, you were happy for your best friend that she could watch her mother’s video logs. Although, sometimes you worried that Kiri would talk back to them, that she pretended to have a conversation with Grace with the same recordings. 
“Lo’ak, Neteyam, check it out, kids!” Norm said as he walked over to the three of you, a screen in his hand. “I’ve dug up some of Jake’s old footage and memories we extracted during the avatar program.”  Lo’ak snatched the screen from Norm’s tiny human hands. Flicking through the photos and videos of Toruk Macto, Olo’eyktan Jake Sully. Some of him in his old Sky Person skin, others in his avatar. Which you supposed is his body now. But he looked so very different, so young and carefree and if you were honest with yourself, pretty. Especially with his hair loose, small braids framing his face, and baby hairs resting around his forehead. 
“Oh, Dad was so sweet looking!” Kiri joked from behind the three of you, the new photos piqued her interest. Norm and Max shared a laugh. 
“Yep! Quite a looker! Had many a lady chasing after him.” Max joked with the kids, small chuckles rippled out of all of Jake’s kids. 
Lo’ak flipped the screen around, facing you, with a smirk he asked: “What do you think (y/n)? Think my dad is super hot?” You knew Lo’ak was only teasing you, only joking. But you could not help the violent, deep blush from rising to your face. Lo’ak laughed right in your face upon noticing it, making the whole thing so much worse for you. “Oh my god! You do!” He exclaimed.
You shook your head trying to divert attention, but the lack of your voice confirmed everyone’s suspicions. Kiri began poking you in the shoulder, “(y/n)! You can’t think of my dad like that!” 
“No, I don’t” You began the fruitless battle of denial. 
“Admit it! Admit it you find this photo of my dad hot!” Lo’ak nearly screamed, thrusting the screen closer to your face. All it did was make you blush more. 
It wasn’t that you found the photos of young Jake hot, per se. Obviously, he was, and still is an attractive male. There was no doubt about that. What had made you so obviously hot and bothered was the resemblance you saw in Neteyam. You always thought of Neteyam taking Neytiri’s features, and Lo’ak being more like Jake. But in this light, with this photo, Neteyam was as ripped, as sweet, and as attractive as this young photo of his father. More so. 
Thoughts of Neteyam made you hot and bothered on the regular, and this connection you had made in your head made it so much worse. 
“Well go on, (y/n), do you think my father was an attractive young man?” Neteyam asked, a slight smile but his teasing was not as cruel as his siblings. With a sigh of defeat and your head hung down, you would do anything Neteyam would tell you to. 
“Obviously I do.” You mumbled, covering your face in your slender hands in embarrassment, wishing you had not accompanied the Sully’s just this once.
The door to the lab flung open, little Tuk ran in, her braids bouncing as she did so, with a big smile the young girl cleaved the tension in the room in half. 
“Kiri! Kiri, Kiri, Kiri and (y/n)! Grandmother is looking for you two!” Tuk grabbed your’s and Kiri’s wrists, pulling you forward, “C’mon, hurry up! She said you guys are late for lessons.” You let Tuk drag you away from the conversation you wanted to wilt from, silently praising Eywa for her interruption. Kiri complained as usual. 
“Ugh, Tuk! Leave us alone!” 
Tuktirey did not leave either of you alone, instead marching you both to the T’sahik, like her little life depended on it. 
“Hey Norm,” Neteyam started as the two boys got up to leave the lab. “Can I take that tablet, with the photos of dad?” 
“Of course kiddo!” Norm said, handing the tablet to Neteyam, smiling as he did so. Norm often felt so lucky to have Jake, like a brother. And in turn, be an uncle to his beautiful kids. 
“C’mon bro, you’re so slow!” Lo’ak nagged on the walk back to the Sully residence. Neteyam walked slowly, which was unlike him. As he flicked through the young photos of his father. He would’ve been not all that much older than Neteyam in these photos. Neteyam felt himself get all hot and cold on the inside, like the acid in his stomach began to burn him. Neteyam was always jealous of Lo’ak for inheriting more of their father’s features. Neteyam knew he looked more like his mother. He also knew that Neytiri was extremely beautiful, as well as strong. And, he certainly did not think he was ugly. But he couldn’t help but wish he looked more like Jake. 
Especially now, knowing that you found these photos of his father…hot. Neteyam wanted to pluck his own eyes out and force them into his ears. He was already insecure when it came to you. He wanted nothing more than to be your lover, your mate, and the father of your children. He just never had the courage to really broach the topic with you. 
“Neteyam, what is wrong my beautiful baby boy?” Neytiri asked, running a hand over his head to cup his cheek. Since returning home from the lab this afternoon, Neteyam’s air was wrong, he was hurting.
“Mother, can you do my hair?” Neteyam asked, looking up at her through his eyelashes. He always did that, Neytiri mused. Since he was a baby, he would only ever ask for things looking up through his lashes. And how could she ever say no? 
“My Neteyam, your hair is already braided, it is already done.” Neytiri decided to push the topic further, there was no way Neteyam was this distressed over such a trivial thing. He has never cared what his hair looked like before. 
“No, not like this mother.” Neteyam reached out for a tablet laying beside him on the floor, firing it up he swiped until he found the young photo of Jake. “Like this.” 
Neytiri smiled, softly. She remembered taking that photo all those years ago. Jake had just taught her how to use the camera. She hated it, she hated most things the Sky People bought here. But she liked the camera, it allowed her to capture all of her loved ones forever. 
Neytiri set to work unbraiding her eldest son’s hair. 
“Anyway, so I definitely saw him talk to her, but I don’t think it was like that. He’s just not game enough.” Kiri was ranting about Neteyam, as the two of you worked grinding herbs into paste, and packing that paste into leaves to save them from spoiling. More specifically, Kiri ranted about how you and Neteyam haven’t gotten together yet, which you constantly had to remind her, will never happen. 
“Kiri, he is allowed to talk to whoever he pleases, whenever he pleases, however he pleases.” You said with a huff. 
“I’m just saying that if the two of you stopped pussyfooting around-” 
“Enough,” Mo’at said, entering the tent. Your stomach dropped as the T’sahik walked past, watching over the work you and Kiri had done. Kiri did not have the same fear of Mo’at as you did, you supposed that was granddaughter privilege. “And, I agree with my granddaughter, (y/n). You would make the perfect T’sahik to Neteyam’s Olo’eyktan.” Mo’at’s words made you blush. But also sweat. Sweat to the point you wanted to vomit to feel some kind of relief. 
This family, you swear to Eywa, will be the death of you.
“Grandmother, I have a question regarding the ceremony-” Neteyam walked in, bow across his shoulders, full warrior dress had been donned. You think Neteyam smiled at you, though you’re not sure, you think he said hello to Kiri and Tuk and the other healers in the tent but you did not hear him. 
You could not. 
Not when he looked like that. 
Neteyam’s hair had been redone, mirroring the photo of Jake you saw a few hours prior. Albeit a little longer than Jake’s had been, but the same style nonetheless. He looked beautiful, he looked just like Jake, but with the finesse of Neytiri’s finer features. 
You were speechless. 
That was not your Neteyam. What had he done with all of his gorgeous braids? One of your favourite things about Neteyam was how his braids swayed when he was angry, or how the beads clinked together when he was laughing. And, that they were Neteyam’s. 
“Your hair…” You stuttered, embarrassed that anything had come out of your mouth at all. Especially in front of Mo’at. 
Neteyam bit his lip nervously, one of his hands finding the back of his neck in anticipation. 
“Do you like it?” Neteyam knew the blood was pooling in his cheeks, causing a lilac tint to run across his nose and ears. 
“Oh, yes. Yes! I do like it, of course!” You said, falling all over your words. His evident blush making your blush more prominent. With all the people in the room, Neteyam had to fucking ask you with all these people in the room! What was he, insane? “But..but do you like it, Neteyam?” Now that you started, you could not stop, all the people in the room faded out of your mind. It was only you and Neteyam. 
“I, uh think it is different and makes me look more like my father,” Neteyam replied, sheepishly. He did not like the hairstyle all that much, but Neteyam knew his fatal flaw was wanting to be as close to Jake as he could. You hummed in agreement, it did make him look like his father.
“I like it better when you look like you, Neteyam.” Your pale eyes caught his bold ones, and you hoped and prayed that he could understand everything you did not say. You broke the eye contact, feeling as if he would undress you with his stare. But with confidence, you pushed through and said: 
“You are much more handsome than your father, Neteyam.” 
The smile that threatened to split Neteyam’s face in half was worth the anxious butterflies that had erupted in your stomach. You came crashing back down from your adrenaline high, and you noticed Mo’at had cleared the room out. It was just the two of you. 
“Thank you, my (y/n). That means a lot considering your flustered state earlier.” He teased you, and you let him. Poking your tongue out as Tuk taught you, as Neteyam made his way over to where you were sitting. He sat closer than what was friendly, but left a whisper of a space between you. Thighs almost touching. Your tail betrayed you, swaying back and forth anxiously.
“Can I tell you a secret, Neteyam?” You whispered as you tried to busy your hands with the mortar and pestle. 
“I would want nothing more.” Neteyam whispered back, trying to catch your eye. 
“I was so embarrassed earlier because I realised how much Jake looks like you. Or, I guess, how much you look like Jake.” You had the tendency to edit your stream of consciousness thoughts when you were nervous. Neteyam chuckled lightly, if it was not for his proximity you would have missed it. And, you decided in that moment, you never wanted to miss it. “I was embarrassed to finally be caught having those thoughts about you, Neteyam.” 
Neteyam felt as if he had been stuck by lightning, all of his blood fried by it, and confidence laid in his veins, instead. “Ugh, fuck it.” Neteyam cursed. He turned quickly, picking you up with ease and setting you down on his lap, your thighs straddling him. Naturally your hands found the hair at the nape of his neck, your thumbs moving to rub circles, massaging his tense jaw. Neteyam rested his forehead on yours, eye to eye, nose to nose. You giggled and the sound inflated Neteyam like no other. 
“Be my T’sahik. My grandmother is right.” Neteyam spoke softly, but it was deep, serious. No joke or trick to even be considered in the spaces between his words.
“I would want nothing more, my Olo’eyktan.” You sealed your promise with a searing kiss, you felt Neteyam’s whole body tense underneath you, as he tried to deepen it. You pulled away, desperate for air. 
“Will you fix my hair?” He asked softly. Despite what the two of you had just done, the position you were in, he felt bashful. No one except his mother has ever touched his hair. 
“Of course, my Neteyam.”
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sea-owl · 1 month
Oh no sorry not the isekai AU. The AU where due to circumstances each of the Bridgerton’s lost their loves. An example I think Daphne lost Simon because she was too late to the dual and Anthony shot him in the shoulder. Simon left the country after that. All the Bridgerton’s lost their partners in similar ways (Anthony married Edwina and Kate left to go back to India, Penelope vanished after Colin found out she was Lady Whistledown etc.). Then somehow the siblings traveled back in time to Daphne’s entrance to society. I was thinking what if instead of keeping a cool head about everything and thinking about how they are going to approach their true loves slowly instead the siblings just snap.
I'm so sorry anon but I really don't know which au this is. It sounds like a good au, but if I wrote it out I can't find it. I have the vaguest guess but im unsure if it was one of mine or someone else's, but I have the vaguest memory of an ask that included a part that said Simon gifting Daphne a piece of jewelry that was actually an heirloom passed down to all Duchesses of Hastings before he left England but she was getting married to the prince instead. Again I don't know if that one was mine or someone else's, I feel like it might be @thekatebridgerton but I'm not 100% sure.
But we can start a new one!
So let's start with the bad endings.
Saphne: For this one I'm thinking the duel happened just a bit earlier. Anthony and Benedict knew that Daphne would go to Colin to get any information so they purposely gave him the wrong time for the duel. This led to Daphne arriving after Simon losing the duel and getting shot in the shoulder. Daphne tried to chase after him but her brothers dragged her home instead. Per their agreement Simon left the country after that. Daphne did end up getting married to the prince but she was never truly happy in that marriage, she was content at best with a few moment of happiness with her children here and there. She never did fall in love with the prince, and moving so far from her family did make things harder at times but like most things in her life Daphne learned to adapt to the cards that were handed to her.
Kathony: Anthony and Kate could never let themselves stop putting duty first. Anthony could also never get over his fear of dying young. In the end Anthony had married Edwina and Kate had left back to India. During their marriage Edwina and Anthony were cordial at best but when Edwina heard of her sister leaving a part of her blamed herself and another part blamed Anthony. They both did their duty and had one son, but after that they both came to an agreement where they would find pleasure and possibly happiness outside the marriage. So long as they were discreet. Edwina had met her true love in one scholarly Mr. Bagwell who she would later remarry once she was widowed. Anthony threw himself even further into the role as the viscount, though there were times he would look while ridding to see if a familiar rider would appear out of the mist just like she did all those years ago. Kate on her side did return to India and cut contact from her family. She bounced around from governess job to governess job, keeping herself busy so she does not dwell on thoughts of the past, and people she loves but would prefer not to remember for her own emotional sake.
Benophie: The news of Sophie's arrest had been brought to Benedict's attention later that day. Had he been a little bit faster, or had the news got to him just a little bit sooner, he would have been there when Posy took the blame for the item Sophie was said to have stolen. Araminta, who was losing control over both Sophie and Posy did not like that and both ended up getting sent to Australia where they stayed after their sentence was done. While they could have gone back to England if they raised the money for it neither wanted to risk facing Araminta again. They ended up changing their names when starting over. Benedict always kept a close eye on any news of former convicts returning to England. Praying any of them will lead him back to Sophie.
Polin: Things were getting heated on both sides of Penelope's life. The hunt for Lady Whistledown continued, becoming even more intense. More guards were haunting the print shop where she used to go, and she has heard more than one whisper of spies keeping eyes out in ballrooms. Meanwhile as Penelope someone had found out about her Irish Catholic heritage from Portia's side. Prudence and Philippa were spared due to them being married already and Felicity was still young enough they could hide her away until it blew over but Penelope and Portia took the hardest blow. Despite the fact that Portia converted years ago for her survival and Penelope was never raised catholic. To be honest she should not have been that surprised when Colin finally caught her in that church, dressed as a maid. They argued, screamed at one another, which turned into a very intense kiss. After Colin said he needed to think. Penelope had thought he hated her now and surely he would turn her in? Colin legit just needed a moment to think, he was given a lot of information in one day, and he was already protective over Penelope when news other family broke out, now it was just intensified. He was going to propose marriage the next day. What Colin did not know that the column Penelope was going to send out would be her last one. She later disappeared into the night, and he spent years looking all over the world for her, chasing down any lead, not knowing that she had hidden herself away in America.
Philoise: After her conversation with Anthony, Eloise lets her fear of commitment win and decides to return to London without marrying. Phillip takes the rejection gracefully, quoting that he did invite her to see if they suit. They did not, and he was not going to push her. Eloise's heart broke, though, when the twins asked why she was leaving tears in their eyes. In London, life continued on, Eloise found things to occupy her time, movements that she wanted to help move forward, and while she enjoyed pushing for change, she still felt her life was rafher lonely. She was never truly happy in London, never was, and often found herself itching to run just like when she was younger. Then, one day, many years later, during a society event, she would rather not be at a Sir Crane was announced. Eloise was taken aback because her Sir Crane wouldn't be caught dead in London. And it wasn't her Sir Crane, rather it the son of her Sir Crane. Oliver didn't say much to Eloise but did stop by to call on her the next day. He gave her a bouquet of medow cranesbill. "A final gift from my father," Oliver told her.
Franchael: After the death of John, both Francesca and Michael had mental breakdowns. All Michael could think to do was run while Francesca dug her heels in at Kilmartin estate and kept it running. When they reunited years later, both refused to talk about John and what happened to their friendship, despite the fact that's what they needed to do. Being reunited, Francesca became aware of this sexual tension that has been simmering between her and Michael. Still upset that her husband and unborn child were taken from her, she found herself wanting to walk down a wicked path. Well widows are more ignored by society so why doesn't she have some fun? She falls into bed with Michael. They still don't talk. Not only is Francesca discovering her physical intrest in Michael but some feelings she rather ignore are emerging too. They still don't talk. Francesca discovers that Michael has malaria and has attacks from it every so often. They still won't talk. One of these attacks ends up taking Michael's life and Francesca ends up right back where she was all those years ago. The man she loves is dead and she's pregnant. Only this time Francesca has to hide away, but her baby makes it. Thanks to Janet and Helen they organize papers so the boy is considered legitimate and the new earl of Kilmartin. Francesca loves her son sometimes she wishes his father were there so she could tell him she loved him too.
All the siblings have regrets in their lives by the time they pass on. None of them ever really found that love match Violet used to describe what she had with Edmund. Oh, they had their great loves, despite how fleeting they were. Some did marry, some chose to remain unwed. But none of them expected to wake up on their past selves bodies. After poking around they discovered the year is 1813, Daphne is in her on third year in the marriage mart and the Duke of Hastings has just passed, leaving his title to his only son.
Several thoughts hit at once.
Simon was due to return to England soon. Kate would follow a year later. Sophie was currently trapped with Araminta. Penelope was debuting this year. Phillip was currently at Cambridge. Michael was in the army.
Their loves were so close. They lost them once but never again.
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
the third time's the charm {2/3}
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ser harwin strong x fem!reader
twice you have tried to confess your love to ser harwin, you could only hope the third time's the charm
word count: 1282 words reading time: about 8 minutes warnings: none that I can see part 1 part 3
2nd attempt
Coming out to the middle of the woods was not something you enjoyed, especially when doing so has put Rhaenyra in such a foul mood. Not only was she jealous of the attention her younger half-brother received. But she was also worried about her position on the Iron throne. As well as the endless suitors that are fighting for her hand. You knew the stress she suffered from as a female heir, and how overwhelming everything was at this moment. You tried your best to help her in any way you could, not as a handmaiden but as her friend. Rhaenyra has treated you beyond well during her time in her service, never asking for too much, something you will always be grateful for.
Picking up your dress you attempt to keep up with the angered princess. The small squabble with her father boiled her blood and the frustration of not being heard was getting to her. Resulting in the need to cool off, run away and not return until they realised how much she truly meant. In a strange way, putting herself at risk as a consequence of those who have upset her. "Rhaenyra, please! Where are you off to? I beg you to allow me to help!" your desperate plea falls on deaf ears as she continues on her warpath. Not even making any acknowledgement to show she had heard what you had said. Her path lead her to a white stallion, which she swiftly mounted. Before you could even open your mouth to question her or ask where she was going, she had galloped off.
"My lady!" you yell giving no attempt to chase after her knowing it was no use to try and catch up with her as she was on horseback. Another horse gallops past you, Ser Criston Cole going after the princess himself. Huffing in defeat you watch the two ride past the tree line and into the lush forest. Although you admire Rhaenyra for her unwavering opinions and spirit. You knew at times how difficult she could be when she sets her mind on something.
"You seem to be in distress once more, my lady." The familiar voice of Harwin Strong filled your ears, his presence was felt from behind you. Despite having effectively lost the princess and now trapped amongst the guests for Aegon second name day. But now there was a silver lining to this cloud, Ser Harwin Strong. Turning to face him you smile softly "It seems so yes. My only companion has just ridden anyway on horseback." At your words Harwin let out an offended but playful scoff, rolling his eyes before they rested on you. "How you wound me. Here I was thinking I too was your friend."
You pause for a moment, your eyes widen slightly as you come to the realisation of what you have said. Never did you mean to offend him, quickly you attempt to fix your mistake before too much damage can be done. "I didn't mean it like that! Of course, I like you. Gods be good, everyone adores you" Your words come out quickly and if one had not been paying attention they could have easily missed what you said. But Harwin's attention seemed to be solely on you as he heard every word you spoke as though they were not a jumbled mess.
"That's good, as me asking you to go for a walk together may have been very awkward." he jests slightly reaching his hand resting just at the small of your back he began leading you forward. It was a good thing he began to lead you himself as you feared that left at your own devices you may have said something you would regret. Face flushed red and eyes cast downwards once more you allowed him to lead you, knowing he would not allow anyone to run into you and possibly knock you over.
With great care, he leads you through the camp and to the forest edge, the same place Rhaenrya rode through not long ago. Why did he want to walk with you of all people? Maybe, just maybe he reciprocated your feelings for him? The Gods showing you some mercy and giving you something good in life. But what the Gods give they also take away, you only hoped they would not take this single kindness away from you.
You had not realised how far the pair of you walked in the forest until Harwin stopped in a little clearing. Looking around you took in the scene around you, taking note of how everything seemed to look like a painting. You wondered if the pair of you just happened to stumble upon this place or if had he seen it earlier and simply decided to take you there. Though you did not allow yourself to think about it for too long in fear you would disappoint yourself with the answer.
"What a gorgeous place." looking back to Harwin for a moment you smile before taking in more of the scenery, hoping to commit this moment to memory. "I came across it when looking for the white stag. Thought if anyone was to appreciate this place properly it would be you." Though he said it as an off-handed comment, there was more to his words. An underlying look at his feelings for you, which you did not seem to catch. He smiled softly, moving to sit under the shade of a large old tree. Swiftly you joined him, sitting at a comfortable distance next to him.
Both of you sat in comfortable silence for some time, simply enjoying each other's company. Both of you fearing if you spoke a word you may ruin such a peaceful moment. You had not believed when arriving on this trip you would get a moment to yourself, there was always so much that needed to be done. A moment in the forest with the person who held your heart was nothing but a dream in your mind. But as you both sat there together, you begin to think that maybe other dreams could also become a reality. You did not wish to let such a perfect moment pass you, working up the courage you began to speak.
"Harwin, I-" but it seemed you had taken too long to say anything once again. As the moment was interrupted by loud rustling from the shrubs in front of where you both sat. The words you were going to say caught in your throat, at the sudden intrusion. Harwin moved into a crouching position, one hand resting on the hilt of his sword while the other hovered in front of you. Eyes set on the shrub you feared what could possibly be ready to attack. You had heard tales of Boars in this forest ripping people apart, the vicious beasts not caring in the slightest about who or what they killed.
Yet what showed itself was not a boar or even an animal, instead a nervous-looking boy. "Ser, my lady." The small boy bows swiftly to your both before directing his attention to only Harwin. "Your presence is needed at camp, the king wishes to set off again and all are to be present." Letting out an annoyed huff Harwin stood tall holding out a hand to help you stand. Once you both stood next to each other Harwin's attention turned to you, a sheepish smile on his face.
"It seems we have to cut this short, a shame since I find myself enjoying our time together." a light blush dusts your cheeks as he leads you back to camp.
tag: @ephemeralninon
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) Part 7.
Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games
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Masterlist. Parts: One Two Three Four Five Six
Summary: Nina is the winner of the 71th Hunger Games and everyone around her is happy. Most of all her mentor, Alfie Solomons, who waited 17 years to see one of his tributes win the games. || Six months later, Rose and the rest of the crew visit district 9 to help her with her victory tour. || The president of district 13 is revealed.
Warnings: None. Probably the first chapter that's completely happy. Do not expect another one until the end.
Words: 3k. || Nina belongs to @peakyswritings .
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"Ladies and gentlemen, from district 9, the winner of the Hunger Games: Alfred Solomons."
His mind went to that day. Alfie remembered the voice saying his name while the body of his last rival was there. The sickles he used as weapons were still in his hands, dripping blood. He was holding them as if in any minute another tribute would appear from behind the tree. Or a mutt.
Two days ago, a pack of mutt-wolves chased the last five survivors and they killed two of them, one in front of Alfie's eyes. It was a thin boy from district 12, the blood splashing everywhere were still in his memory.
But there was no one there except for a hovercraft. It picked up the last body and for a moment Alfie remained alone, next to the trees, watching the sky. He allowed himself to put the sickles aside and hid his face in his hands.
He won. He really won. In a way. Because Alfie knew that winning the games meant losing his soul. He killed eight people, eight kids and witnessed the death of another one. However, he survived.
His own hovercraft was now over his head. Time to go home. Only then he realised how much he missed his mother, as sick as she was, she could comfort him. A naïve 17 year-old Alfie, thought that the worst was over.
"…From district 9, the winner of the Hunger Games: Nina Ferrante."
Alfie's mind went blank.
Nina Ferrante.
He saw some victors approaching him, some of them were openly smiling at him. Others patted his shoulders. But he wasn't fully aware of what was going on. It'd be his mind playing tricks or maybe a dream.
Nina's face was occupying the whole TV screen and the logo from district 9 was next to her.
"She won," was the first thing he said.
"She did!" a happy voice he recognised as Lucy Winters replied to him. Still, he felt he was living a dream. Nothing felt real. "Alfie, wake up! Go! The hovercrafts are fast, probably she'll be here soon. The girl needs you!"
Not longer after her words, a peacekeeper asked Alfie to follow him and both went to a medical centre.
The sterile place with white walls and white floors, was silent. Some doctors and nurses came and went through the corridor were Alfie was waiting.
She did win. The girl did it, even when at the beginning he was terrified and thought she was going to die soon. He specifically said "run away from the cornucopia." Only that Nina did exactly the opposite. She was really stubborn but probably that was one of the reasons of why she survived. That and her mind. Alfie smiled, for the first time and not related to his wife, he smiled. He was absolutely happy, in fact. No doctors or nurses paid attention to him when he laughed.
Rose was in her studio finishing Snow's suit for the final ceremony when she saw the last moments of that edition. One of the most difficult editions she witnessed. Nina was there during the final moments. Same way it was Philip eleven years ago. Only two tributes alive. Rose didn't realise she was holding the scissors with such strength that her thumb was purple.
After the 65th games, Alfie asked her not to tell him again what the arena was even if she knew it with anticipation. And she respected his petition. But for the first time, this year, Rose didn't know what the Arena was either because she was focused on other aspects of the control centre. So, for the first time everything was new to her. And it was also, one of the most terrifying arenas.
During the days that the game last, Alfie and Rose saw how despite the inconveniences, the mutts, the traps, the killings, Nina managed to survived everything. They sent her water, food and medicine. That helped, but the rest was up to her.
Rose watched the TV and she heard the last cannon and the voice announcing Nina's victory.
Unlike Alfie who was in shock when it happened, Rose threw her things and ran towards the ninth floor. She knew Alfie wasn't there, but Alissa was. Both women hugged each other and jumped around the table. Alissa remembered the happiness when Alfie won, he was the first tribute who became a victor, since she was an escort. And now, again.
"You need to make her a dress and quickly."
"I need to finish Snow's suit… well the jacket, the pants and the shirt are ready."
"Fuck that! Give that job to someone else! They will fight for work with you now. Focus on Nina, she needs to shine with Caesar, okay?"
"Okay! Oh my god, I don't know what to do!"
Alissa chuckled "calm down, girl. You still have time, probably they'll wait a day or two before Nina's presentation as a victor. Hire some people so they can help you, first."
Rose nodded and left the floor in search of some help. After asking, she found two young stylists. One helped her with the jacket and the other, started to cut the cloth once the design was ready. Rose was doing her job, but her mind was with Alfie and especially, Nina.
Alfie could see Nina hours later when doctors let him in. They cured her wounds and hide her scars. They also said she was fine but dehydrated.
Her right arm was connected to an IV when he opened the door. The TV was on, but she wasn't watching it.
"Congratulations, Nina. You survived."
"That's good, I think."
"Yeah, it is. It's fuckin' good, kid. How are ya feeling?" Alfie put a hand on her head and stroked her hair.
"I don't know. I fall asleep and I woke up screaming. I think they sedated me, too."
He nodded. He knew, that was inevitable and he couldn't do anything to help her, neither the medics. They could cure her wounds, but not her mind. "If you need to talk…" Alfie started to say but Nina shook her head. So he changed the subject "We're going to be neighbours now. You can visit me, if you want."
The Victor's Village was a solitary place. A bunch of empty houses that no one was going to occupy ever in its totality. Except for insects, stray cats and dust. He was used to that solitary place but now, if he thought about it, the company of at least one person, sounded good.
"Thanks for the offer, Alfie… and thanks."
"I didn't do anything."
"You did. You get me sponsors, I don't know how you did it, but it helped me."
"You're welcome, Nina."
"I want to go back home," Nina admitted and the façade of the rough girl she was wearing for a moment disappeared and Alfie could see a very young girl whose nightmare was about to start. He kissed her forehead.
"Soon, kid. Soon."
Nina closed her eyes and fall asleep again. That night, Alfie didn't leave his chair next to her bed. Maybe because she was tired or maybe because of the drugs, but Nina slept peacefully until the next morning.
Three nights later, doctors allowed Nina to leave the hospital. And in front of the cameras, that very night, she was officially introduced as the new victor of the Hunger Games.
Alfie and Rose were looking at her from behind the cameras.
"Do you remember the promise you made me years ago, luv? If one of my tributes became a victor you…"
"Yes, Al. I do remember and I'm going to do it. I'm going to protect her, I swear for you."
"Why do you swear for me?"
"Because you're the most important thing I know. She'll be safe."
"Do you know that I married the best woman?" he said barely stroking her cheek with his finger.
"Really?" Rose couldn't help but smile "Is she happy?"
"I want to believe that she is."
"Are you happy?"
"I am. Right now, I'm very happy," he answered.
"Then she's happy, too."
They smiled at each other but any expression of love waited until the end of the night. After the celebrations with the whole team in the ninth floor and when they finally allowed themselves to forget the horrors of the games for at least one night.
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Victory Tour. Six months later.
Nina found Alfie cleaning the windows of his house that morning. He also swept the floors and fixed his crackled door.
She could help but smiled as she approached him.
"Is this because the cameras are arriving today or because certain stylist will be here as well?"
"Can't a man clean his own house just because?"
"He can, but you can't fool me, Alfie."
"Oh, shut up. Go and take care of that beast of yours."
"Who? Winston? But he's a lovely boy!"
Winston was a stray black cat that appeared one morning, few weeks after Nina started to live in the Victor's village and never leave because she adopted him. Alfie used to say that the cat and Nina had the same mood.
"He's adorable. You just don't know how to understand him."
Alfie rolled his eyes and pointed to her with the broom. "Prepare yourself, kid. Times fly and the train will be here soon."
Nina nodded and waved at him, but she didn't entered her house, but kept walking towards the town. He didn't know where she was going exactly, but he trusted that Nina will be there just in time for the first presentation after the games.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon, he finished the chores and allowed himself to take a shower and a nap before the arrival.
A cold wind hit Rose's face when she got out of the train. She was finally in district 9. Alfie was right about the clear sky. Even if it was winter, sun was shining that day and an infinite blue sky was over her. Not high-rise buildings not stupid neon lights. Winter meant very few hours of light, so soon she was going to witness one of those starry nights that Alfie talked about more than once, too.
Alissa was very excited. She was giving orders to the rest of the crew about how they need to behave and what to do. A hairdresser and a make-up artist were with both women, ready to show Nina to the Capitol. And everything needed to be perfect. Not only that day but for the next two weeks as well.
Nina was in her house when the whole committee arrived and so was Alfie. He was trying to explain to her what to expect from Caesar, who was no one but the visible face of the Capitol.
Alissa almost drowned Nina in her arms and told her repeatedly how beautiful she was and how happy she was to see her again. The girl smiled at her, but probably wished she'd release her. Alissa wasn't a bad person, but was too enthusiastic for someone like Nina. Rose just greeted her with a short but warm hug. And probably because the makeup artist and the hairdresser were there, Alfie only gave her a handshake. But the eyes of the lovers spoke for them.
Her house smelled like cookies. Rose figured it out that Nina, same as Alfie, also liked baking, it made sense considering that the flour that whole Panem enjoyed were from district 9.
"Are you ready for today?"
"Not at all. You know that this isn't my thing. I prefer not to do it."
"At least it'll be quick, sweetheart. You just need to show them how happy you are, answer a couple of stupid questions and that's all. Tomorrow in district 12, it'll be more or less the same. They just expect a couple of smiles and empty words."
"As usual."
"Yes, as usual. You can do this. And I have a suprise for you. Well, not for you exactly, but someone told me," she said looking at Alfie "that you're not living alone so, I did something for your man."
Rose opened her suitcase and gave Nina a little shirt and a bowtie for Winston. They didn't know Winston's opinion but for them, he looked adorable when she put the clothes on him. Things like that made the Capitol citizens melt. And in the future, it will help her to get sponsors for the future tributes. People loved cute things and they knew it.
Winston was ready and so was Nina. No pompous dresses this time, just a nice pair of pants and a beautiful jacket.
Despite the animosity towards the whole show around the Games, Nina managed quite well her brief interview with Caesar and as it was expected, they loved Winston and his bowtie, although the cat ran inside the house as soon as he can.
Nina did the same when Caesar finished his questions.
"It's over for now, kid," Alfie said. "Tomorrow we're going to start your tour in District 12."
"I prepared some cards with what you need to say," Alissa interrupted "just read them and you'll be okay. Every district prepare a little celebration for you."
She nodded. "Okay."
Alissa was about to say something else but this time was Alfie who interrupted her "Let her rest. This bullshit can be tiresome and the next days will be chaotic."
Fortunately for Nina, she agreed. Soon there were no one else in her house but she and Winston.
The train provided Alissa, the hairdresser and the makeup artist food, bed and bathrooms. In theory, Rose should be with them but she wasn't.
As soon as they left Nina's house, Alfie offered her to show the surroundings and she accepted. Alissa knew the truth behind his words, so she rushed the rest of the crew to the train.
Finally alone, he took her hand and guided her to his house. It was the same as Nina's house but the decorations were quite different.
Rose saw the picture of a middle aged woman with blue eyes and brown hair. Her factions were very similar to his, so she correctly assumed that she was his mother.
"She was nice."
"She was, yeah. And a good person, too."
"I'm sure she was proud of you."
"Of what? There's no much of me, she'd be proud of."
"Proud of the man you are, Alfie."
Finally he took her face between his hands and kissed her. They saw each other the previous month but it wasn't enough. It was never enough.
"I waited long enough to do this," he said against her mouth.
"Do it again, then."
Taking her to his bed, to his own bed, it felt different. The tribute centre that welcomed them every year or even the house she rented first, and bought then, to be with him every month it wasn't the same. That place, that room as modest as it was compared to the other two, it felt intimate. And he had dreamt more than once about it.
And she had a similar idea.
"I don't want to go," Rose said in his arms, later. "I want to stop time here. Tell me you can do that."
"I can't. I wish I can."
Both knew that Nina's victory was against all odds. It was going to be almost impossible to get another victor from that district soon.
"I'm planning a rebellion," she finally confessed to him. "Eva talked to Tigris and she gave me the address of this man: Aberama Gold. I heard his name one of the times I went to the suburbs. He's a kind of governor there. But I never saw him."
"I figured it out. And it's a dangerous game, luv. But I support it and I know people who can support it, too," he said "But I didn't know that The Capitol had an underworld."
"It has one. The black sheep of the Capitol. The evil twin. The one you hide from the world… but it's there even if you pretend it's not. And it's a very interesting world. Snow killed Gold's wife, it won't be hard to convince him even if he has a price. Probably it will take us a couple of years, but… it's necessary."
"Do you think we can win?"
"Realistically speaking, odds aren't in our favour, Al. We have only one opportunity."
"One is better than zero."
"You're right," she said kissing him, "yet, until that happens, let me enjoy my time here. Next to you." Rose cuddled up against his body and allowed herself to relax as he caressed her hair.
"Do you think there is a universe where we are together for good? An universe where I wake up every day of my life and you're there next to me?" She asked, hiding her head in his chest.
"Maybe. Why not? And If it exists, then that Alfie is the luckiest man on Earth."
Next morning while district 12, was preparing the arrival of the new victor. While Lucy Winters and Tommy Shelby were talking with the Mayor and while the people were arriving at the main square. Beyond that, in what people thought it was the ruins of district 13, a man was alone in his office.
He was the president of district 13. A man with high morals and integrity. A man who was born not long after the Dark Days and grew up to see almost every single one of the Hunger Games. At his 60s, he knew enough of life to recognise when the winds of change were approaching.
People were tired. He has several people in the Capitol informing him about the news. And he didn't need an informant or an oracle to know that the districts were ready to take the guns.
He won his place. And he was ready to leave the shadows and reign Panem. But not yet. Not yet. He waited that long, he could wait a bit more.
Time and God, were always there.
A smile appeared on the face of Chester Campbell.
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fanficapologist · 8 months
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
Maera spent that evening engrossed in her secret collection of books, and was cautious to keep them well-hidden under her bed. She knew the information within those pages was not meant for prying eyes, especially in the unpredictable environment of the Red Keep, where spies loomed in the most unpredictable places. ‘A Caution for Young Girls’ proved to be an especially informative book. It was as if Maera’s distant great-aunt had known exactly what Maera needed to know.
One chapter had detailed about the sensitive bundle of nerves and the significance of stimulating it during sex, in order for the woman to receive optimum pleasure. Coryanne wrote that, of the men she had been with, most prioritised chasing their own high, rather than that of their partners. She also detailed of the hypocrisy of the Faith, who suggested women’s pleasure was seen as sinful, yet a man’s was a gift from the Gods, as ‘his seed could cause a woman’s womb to bear fruit.’ No wonder the Citadel has censored other copies of the book heavily. Maera thought to herself that if Lady Coryanne was still alive, they’d have gotten along very well indeed.
The following morning, Queen Helaena had granted Maera a brief respite from her usual duties as Helaena was experiencing pains in her stomach. She felt a twinge of concern about being dismissed during such a time, but she remained obedient to her Queen's command. Her new task involved spending time with the young Princes, Jaehaerys and Maelor, whilst their sister Princess Jaehaera was getting measured for her dress for the upcoming wedding.
The boys, aged four and two, seemed to be in need of attention and stimulation, and Jaehaerys had asked to spend the morning with his father, who was, unsurprisingly, not in the castle. He was probably stuck in a brothel in Flea Bottom, Maera thought, but to spare the little Prince’s feelings, she stated the King was away from the castle meeting with important Lords that morning. The disappointed face Jaehaerys displayed was much like Maera’s when she was young.
She could relate to the young boy’s desire for a closer relationship with his father, given her own experiences with Lord Jasper, who was often absent from Rain House for long periods of time. During his absences, Maera found solace in her brothers, seeking fatherly advice and attention from them. And even when the Master of Laws did return, he was interested in bedding his newest wife to further his line, rather than spending time with the rest of his large brood.
To entertain the young boys, Maera decided to take them to the training yard, accompanied by one of the nursery maids. She prepared for the messy task by dressing in her sparring gear of turquoise and black with her long hair pinned up and out of her face. Maera encouraged the nursery servants to dress the children in clothing suitable for outdoor activities, ones that they would not mind getting dirty.
The training yard was bustling with activity as Maera led young Jaehaerys and Maelor out into the open air. The clang of steel against steel filled the air as knights practiced their skills under the watchful eye of their master-at-arms, Ser Criston. Maera led the princes to a safer, more secluded gated area of the yard, away from the actual warriors and knights, producing some wooden weapons, shields and helmets for them.
Maera placed the helmets on each boys head before handing Jaehaerys a wooden training sword, its hilt smoothed from years of use. She crouched down to his eye level, a warm smile on her face. "Now, Prince Jaehaerys, you remember how we hold it, yes?"
The young prince nodded enthusiastically, gripping the hilt with both hands, his tiny face determined. "Like this, Lady Maera?"
"That's right," Maera praised, ruffling his hair affectionately. She turned her attention to Maelor, who was watching with wide, curious eyes. "And Maelor, you'll get your turn too, don't you worry."
As they began their practice, Maera gave them simple instructions, teaching them the basics of swordplay. She was patient and encouraging, praising their efforts with each swing and parry. She paid no heed to the warriors in the yard who looked on and commented on the audacity of a woman teaching the little Princes about sword fighting. However, Maera smiled to herself when she heard the remarks of the three squires she had beaten at sparring many moons ago, stating that the Lady was quite a skilled fighter.
Nevertheless, the children giggled and laughed as they swung their wooden swords at imaginary foes and monsters, lost in the thrill of the moment. Maera couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction as she watched them. It was moments like these that made her appreciate the bonds of family, even more so now that she was soon to be a part of the Targaryen lineage.
Memories of her older brothers in the training yard with her as a child littered her mind. Their initial teasing of her interrupting their training sessions evolved over time into admiration and interest. It was clear Maera had an innate skill with the sword, which was nurtured as she grew, particularly by Faran and Luthor, despite the constraints of women’s traditional roles. How Maera missed them dearly and longed to see them again.
Maera scanned the training yard, spotting Ser Criston sparring with another Kingsguard, and instantly thought that no one’s skill could match that of the One-Eyed Prince, who beat the Lord Commander often due to the dedication he put into his training. She had not seen him for a few days and couldn't help but wonder when she would eventually cross paths with Aemond in the Keep.
The books hidden beneath her bed held secrets that stirred thoughts of how she could even the power struggle between them when it came to sex. She was glad she had avoided Aemond’s presence since that night in her room. Even touching herself was not giving her the satisfaction that he had that night. And it had taken every ounce of restraint not to go to his chambers and demand that he give her more.
As the hours passed, Maera continued to instruct and play with the young princes, offering guidance and encouragement. Jaehaerys, the older of the two, tried to mimic her movements more precisely, while Maelor swung his sword with wild enthusiasm, giggling all the while. The cloudy sky above didn't dampen their spirits; instead, it provided a cool, pleasant atmosphere for their activities.
Then, of course, the fun was taken too far, and Maera was grateful for the nursemaid's presence as the two young Princes quickly turned their wooden swords on each other, playful at first but then quickly escalating to a squabble. The maid grabbed Maelor and Maera put her arms around Jaehaerys and the brothers were separated, receiving a gentle scolding.
Then, a change in the atmosphere grabbed Jaehaerys' attention. His violet eyes lit up as he spotted a familiar figure entering the courtyard. Aemond, clad in his characteristic black leathers and flowing overcoat, had arrived. Jaehaerys squirmed excitedly in Maera's arms and wriggled free, heading straight for his uncle, who crouched and waited with open arms. The Prince warmly embraced his nephew, a tender smile playing on his lips.
Aemond's gaze then shifted from Jaehaerys to Maera as he returned to a standing position. Their eyes met, and a playful spark passed between them. It was a subtle reminder of their passionate encounter, causing a subtle blush to paint Maera’s face. Her attention from Aemond was distracted by young Maelor, who tugged on Maera’s tunic with a whine, prompting her to bend down and pick him up. She positioned the youngest prince on her hip before approaching her betrothed and bidding him a respectful nod, her emerald eyes holding a glint of intrigue.
Maera couldn't help but comment on Aemond's presence in the training yard at an unusual time. She quipped in High Valyrian, "Angoda naejot ūndegon ao kesīr rȳ bisa mēriot, dārilaros Aemond. Ao l bodmagho rȳ tovi.”Surprised to see you here at this hour, Prince Aemond. You usually train at dawn.
Aemond, with a mischievous grin, reached over to ruffle Maelor's silver curls, who was sitting comfortably on Maera's hip. He retorted, "Sȳrī, skorkydoso ao gīmigon, issa riñnykeā? Ao issare sŷz rȳ tha īlva egros ginilaro. Nyke daor urnesi skoro syt.”Well, how would you know, my Lady? You've been rather adept at avoiding our daily sparring sessions lately. I cannot imagine why. He wore a faint smirk as he spoke, walking a fine line by alluding the reason for their lack of contact over the last few days.
Maera, returning his smirk, countered, "Avoiding is a strong word, my Prince. I've simply been concentrating on preparations for our upcoming wedding." Aemond hummed thoughtfully, acknowledging her point.
The tension between them was undeniable, a testament to the magnetic pull that bound them. Maera tried to maintain her composure and hoped no onlookers could sense the spark between her and the Prince. Her dark green eyes filled with a mixture of desire and uncertainty, and she found her thoughts frequently drifting to the memory of their intimate encounter every time she surveyed his form. The sensation of Aemond's lips upon hers, the feeling of his fingers on her pearl, lingered like a sweet ache, a tantalizing reminder of the forbidden attraction that simmered beneath the surface.
She wondered if Aemond was equally as affected by the magnetic pull between them, as he was able to manage and conceal the intensity of his emotions far better then Maera could. However, she could by the way his one eye locked on her form that there was a smoldering intensity that spoke volumes even in the most mundane of interactions.
Little Prince Jaehaerys stood between his uncle and Maera, clearly confused by the lingering looks and complicated High Valyrian spoken between the adults. Bored of the few moments silence, Jaehaerys, ever the inquisitive young Prince, gazed up at his uncle and pondered, "So, if Lady Maera is going to marry you, Kepus, does that make her my aunt?"
Maera chuckled and affirmed, "Indeed it does, sweet boy."
Jaehaerys beamed at Maera at this revelation. Then, he turned to back Aemond and asked, "Will you give me many cousins to play with?"
Aemond, his gaze warm, replied, "As many as my future wife will allow, little Prince." Maera couldn't help but smile; the notion of Aemond as a husband and father now occupying her thoughts. As cold and distant as he appeared on the outside, it was clear that Aemond held a special places for his niece and nephews in his heart. Hopefully this meant Aemond would be a caring and attentive father, a stark contrast to how his own father had been to him.
“An army of Targaryens! And I will lead them as I ride Ēbrion!” Jaehaerys yelled with excitement, his arms in the air in triumph, causing Maera to jokingly place a hand on her opposite hip.
“I think your uncle and I have much to discuss before I produce your army, my dear Prince,” she interjected with a smile.
Aemond nodded in agreement, his tone taking a more serious note, "I agree, my Lady. Perhaps we could discuss the planning of the Prince’s army during a walk in the gardens this afternoon. Chaperoned, of course, to maintain propriety," he added with a sly grin.
Maera's eyes widened with amusement, and she couldn't help but accept the invitation. "A stroll in the gardens sounds delightful," she replied, her tone light, and her eyes twinkling with humor.
The One-Eyed Prince departed with a nod, as Maera felt butterflies in her stomach, excited for their time together. The nursery maid approached and Maera kindly asked her if she would assist in getting the children back to their quarters, to which the young girl agreed.
The nursery in the Red Keep was a realm of wonderment and joy, designed to nurture the royal children who dwelled within its confines. A place where Maera’s own children would someday dwell, doted on by nursery maids and governesses. A large hearth dominated one wall, its fire providing a gentle warmth that filled the room. Above it, the portrait of Ēbrion that Maera had painted not long ago.
In one corner of the room were two small beds for the four-year-old twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Their beddings were soft and adorned with embroidered dragons, a subtle reminder of their noble lineage. Plush toys and dolls lined the shelves, waiting to be embraced in playful adventures.
In another corner, two-year-old Maelor's crib awaited him, similarly adorned with comfort and care. Beside the crib, a low table was laden with toys and building blocks, an invitation to creativity and exploration.
Stood near the entrance was little Princess Jaehaera, eagerly waiting for the return of her siblings who had engaged in a morning of fun, whilst she had been measured for a new dress.
"What did I miss?" Asked the little silver-haired girl.
Her twin brother, Jaehaerys, filled her in enthusiastically, boasting, "We trained in the yard, just like real knights!"
Jaehaera scowled at her twin and exclaimed, "That's not fair!"
Maera quickly reassured Jaehaera, saying, "Don't worry, Princess, there will be plenty more opportunities for you to train outside like your brothers." Maera said, placing a hand on little Jaeahera’s shoulder. “Tell me, how was your dress fitting?”
The distraction instantly brightened Jaehaera's mood as she proudly shared, "I will look just like my mother! It’s got a long green skirt and little golden dragons!”
Maera smiled warmly at her, before saying, “It seems you will definitely upstage me as the bride, Jaeahera.”
With the children settled, Maera thanked the nursemaids for their assistance and bid them and the children farewell before hurrying back to her own rooms. There, she had her maid, Thena, assist in preparing a bath for her, to remove the mud from playing with the children in the courtyard. The bathwater, warmed to perfection, filled the deep metal tub, and the scent of fragrant oils hung in the air.
Her hair was carefully undone and brushed smoothly, and Thena assisted her in disrobing from her training gear before helping Maera into a bath filled with fragrant oils and delicate petals. The soothing warmth of the bath offered a moment of respite before her upcoming meeting with her intended husband. Her heart raced at the prospect of the stroll, their newfound connection, and the unspoken emotions that danced in the air between them.
Maera sighed in contentment, sinking further into the soothing embrace of the bath. Thena, armed with a sponge and scented soap, began to gently cleanse her mistress's skin.
“Prince Aemond wishes to go strolling in the gardens, Thena. I think I should look my best for my betrothed, don’t you?” Maera inquired as the sponge rubbed her shoulder.
Her loyal handmaiden, smiled warmly as she continued her diligent work.“Indeed, my Lady. I take it you are more at peace with the idea of being wed to the Prince? I know you had your reservations,”
Maera's grin was impossible to miss, even in the midst of her bath. She thought back to how their initial interactions were laced with bitterness and anger. Now months had passed and their relationship had changed and grown for the better. Not what it was when they were children, but something different. Better, in fact.
"You know," she began, her words filled with a mix of fondness and astonishment,“I have definitely found some contentment.”
The notion of finding happiness and connection with Aemond, despite their tumultuous history, had become a source of hope in her life, and it was a sentiment she was eager to explore further
Lady Maera closed her eyes as Thena massaged her scalp, but couldn't seem to shake the furrowed brows that marked her concern. Memories of her recent encounter with Lord Larys, the Master of Whispers, haunted her thoughts. In the library a few days ago, his almost menacing tone had delivered a stark lesson on the perilous world of alliances within the royal court. Maera had no illusions about the true nature of the man – a snake in noble attire – but she couldn't deny the truth in his words.
"I'm no fool," Maera stated firmly, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "I know that marrying the Prince won't protect me. If anything, it'll put me at even greater risk of spies and threats." Her gaze locked onto her red-haired maid, who had become not just a servant but a trusted confidante. She spoke with determination, "That's why I need your loyal service once again, Thena."
Thena met her lady's gaze with unwavering loyalty, her own eyes reflecting the trust they had developed over time. "Of course, my lady," she replied with a nod, her voice carrying the weight of her commitment as she rinsed her Lady’s hair.
Maera leaned forward, instructing Thena on her plan. "Over the next few days, I want you to find trustworthy allies within the castle," she said, her voice low but resolute. "Maids, cooks, servants, squires – anyone we can count on. I need informants who can keep me up to date on what goes on in the Red Keep." Maera understood the value of information, especially in a court filled with secrets, alliances, and rivalries. She even emphasized, "Especially regarding matters on King Aegon and the Small Council."
Thena nodded in understanding, recognizing the gravity of the task ahead. With her lady's instructions clear, she stood up and offered her arm to help Maera out of the tub, maintaining the decorum of their roles. As she wrapped a towel around Maera's form, it was evident that their bond, built on trust and shared purpose, would be a vital asset in the uncertain days that lay ahead.
After Thena had meticulously dried both her hair and body, Maera moved to her ornate wardrobe. She contemplated her choices for a moment before selecting a dress in the bold colors of House Wylde. The gown was adorned with intricate button detailing on the bodice, and its elegant bell sleeves added an air of regal grace. The dress was cinched at the waist, designed to accentuate her every curve. It was a choice that spoke of both confidence and intention.
Thena couldn't help but notice the purpose behind her lady's selection and teased with a cheeky grin, "It seems you do want to impress the Prince, my lady." Maera playfully scowled at her maid's observation, her eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and excitement.
As Thena skillfully worked on Maera's hair, she sectioned off half of it, twirling two front sections away from her face to create an elegant half-up, half-down hairstyle. The result was both timeless and enchanting, framing Maera's features beautifully. Thena proceeded to lace her lady into the carefully chosen dress, her deft hands ensuring a perfect fit. To complete the ensemble, she adorned Maera with a pair of dangling golden earrings that caught the light and added a touch of radiance.
Ser Arryk, her loyal protector, then entered the room as Maera’s preparations concluded.
With a polite and respectful tone, he offered his assistance. "Shall I escort and chaperone your meeting with Prince Aemond, my Lady?" His presence was a comforting one, a reminder of the support she had within the Red Keep.
Maera smiled appreciatively at the knight's offer, taking in his polished armour and kind hazel eyes.
"That would be most kind, Ser Arryk," she replied with a nod, her expression a blend of gratitude and determination. With her preparations complete and her escort in place, Maera was ready to face the prince, her heart filled with a mix of giddiness and apprehension.
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Notes: I don’t know why it took me so long to finish this chapter but I think it’s cos it’s technically another filler and I’m too excited about the next one instead 🤣
Tags: @blue-serendipity @marvelescvpe @manipulatixe @grungegrrrl @shesjustanothergeek
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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mommypieck · 2 years
⌗︙・why did modern! au aot characters get detention ⸜⸜・
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omg he's so lame. he had to stay after class only because he refuses to do homework. it's not like he's not smart, it's more like he doesn't have any motivation to do so. one time he just wrote "im not like other boys. nobody understands me." on his homework.
he started yelling "nobody disses my waifu" when some upper classman called his waifu cringe. armin literally started growling while chasing the person with a picture of his waifu in manga in his hands. the teacher that caught him also suggested that he stops wearing his "*waifus name* husband" choker.
he skipped class to go flirt with some girls, but his pulling game was so weak that they called janitor ackerman on him. he almost broke the broom on jean. jean made sure to get some flirting tips from reiner for the next time.
he tried telling the teacher that she's wrong and ended up gaslighting her. he might look innocent but he learned his tricks from armin. the teacher wasn't happy at all when he said things like "i don't think your husband will be happy about the time u hung out with mister ____ after school."
he usually comes home late everyday because of detention. the most memorable one was when a teacher bended over and her ass was all up connies face and he started slapping and humping the air as he was doing it to the teacher. she saw it... he had to be put in different class.
her and connie made a bet that she won't take a bite of the stack of history papers mister smith has in his office... she in fact did take a bite of that... she had her parents called in school and mister smith also made sure that sasha sees the school therapist.
she though dissecting an animal meant she has to bring in her own dead animal... and she's a nice student so she brought one for everyone. the only reason she didn't get kicked out was because she's the smartest student in school.
simply for not listening in class and it would go peacefully is she didn't blast last resort by papa roach in her cheap headphones. the whole class was silent except for the loud shum of her headphones.
you think historia has ever got detention?? no way, everytime she does something bad, her dad is right behind her back to sweep it under the rug so his daughter can play the perfect student.
looked up some questionable things on the school computer. the school was horrified when they found out that she searched "bobs, boobs, breadts, breasts, tites, titties." during computer lessons. armin had to ask her if she wants to help with spelling after.
oh boy, he's been after school so many times. first of all for similar things like ymir, but the latest one was because he passed notes in class. more specifically, he threw a piece of paper at historia that said "i have a king sized bed and u happen to look like my queen." the teacher was horrified.
he lost the books he borrowed from the library. they literally disappeared without any trace. luckily for him they were found weeks later when reiner bursted thru the door, yelling "sharespear is fucking sick. that lady macbear reminds me of historia. sick dudess."
she broke into historias locker to see what lipstick she wears and got caught by janitor ackerman. another broom was broken that day. luckily nobody saw that the lipstick dissappeared.
he said "biology is cool, but let's talk about the economic state of the country." to teacher hange... they were completely shocked by marlo and made him sit with them after school so they could explain to him that biology is amazing.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
@dalishious made an elven character creator for Dragon Age and I got hooked ( it is HERE if you want it).
So… here:
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Naomhan Tabris. A good kid who was full of dreams about being a great hero who would lead the world into respecting his people only to watch as they put more focus on his companions and not him. After her saved his father from a riot, Naomhan was bitter enough to follow the woman he loved (Morrigan) through the mirror, bringing his father with him.
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Thea Surana. An intelligent mage who tended to prefer the truth over white lies, Thea was used to being able to over come thing through willpower alone. Being out in the world though taught her more then books ever did and she learned that sometimes lies or misdirection was needed. She comes from Rivani and had gotten her tattoo and piercings done in secret, hoping to one day go to the homeland she dimly remembered before her magic manifested.
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Davalla Lavellan. My delightful himbo lady warrior who likes to chase dragons and wrestle with Bull. She is intelligent and quick witted, managing to get a full court approval (I still let Celene die though ✨tragic✨). She’s just also the person to get distracted or over eager to hunt down dragons or poke at giants. She’s huge on staying true to yourself owning what you believe in, which led to some issues down the road with Sera and later when her lover Solas left.
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Revas Lavellan!! I originally shelved her after wanting to replay the games but I delight in her to much to let go. So instead I kept her wok editing her enough to not do the same thing. I also edited her name after learning of the… issues reguarding the person’s lexicon I took the name from.
Revas is a rouge who has a bit of a devil may care attitude. After spiders destroyed her first clan a when she was in her twenties vallaslin, she became very ‘live in the moment’. She found the Lavellan clan after her clan’s death and began searching for her baby sister who had been alive during the attack on the clan but awakened her magic quite late in life as she herself had just gotten her vallaslin. Harellen was caught by Templars in a town they passed though, being dragged off. Revas devoted her life to find her… and did, selling wares with a blank face. Revas kidnapped Harellen to take her to Lavellan where the former mage became a craftsmen.
Of course we have my AU of this…
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Harellen Lavellan. A world where Revas fought off the Templars and Harellen fled into the forest where she found a clan. Young and never trained, Harellen devoted herself to work as a mage, hoping in her heart to bring her sister back to her. She eventually started going by Harel when her interests became more macibure and more into the idea of the dead coming back. She was eventually traded to the Lavellan clan who were welcoming of Harel’s interests in things like entropy and necromancy. Harel eventually accepted she would never bring her sister back but devoted herself to her studies.
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youngbonescomic · 1 year
So here is some things about the Young Bones AU:
-this is just a small lil idea of just the whole kindness is a virtue type of vibe
-timeline is s2 special but also during s2
-Bái Lù in this AU will be an only child to Mayor
-her name will be Bái Lù so its more connected to a White Dew tea
-She has also a hidden ability similar with hibiscus herb that's associated with her.
-So Lady Bone Demon in this AU has no human form, just a pure projection of herself. She wants Bái Lù as a host since chief of war found his . It's a cat and mouse game for Bái Lù and LBD but she's making the Mayor do the chasing
-Mayor is a necromantic puppet, so as soon as he passed, instantly has his soul trapped by LBD so the Chief of War can be reborn
-Who freed her? Syntax did. Unspidery during the beginning of things
-Mayor was hiding the fact he was sick from his daughter to not make her worry. Plus also to do the typical dad thing of just 'your cooped up in this house go on out and mingle' kind of thing being an only child
-that's what makes Syntax lean more towards trying to save his life by seeking a cure for illment.
-Syntax in this AU will be basically Mayor's armor and weapon. He comes across similar to Catch a Leaf, the same herb and plans to fetch it through his research and set out to find that having no idea of where the heck to go
-That is until your man syntax gets lured by a spider,a Spider Queen to be exact, but definitely more used as an empty vessel for LBD to lure nonturned Syntax to the cite of where the skeleton key is. Keep in mind the whole journey there he's constantly just a sassy brat about "y'know this isn't the type of place I'd imagine a key to be" "Whats so important about just a key, oh thats right. Nothing." and this boils possessed Spider Queen because all she cares about is him opening the coffin so she just responds with "Your following me because of your curiosity and false righteousness.
-Syntax refuses to open the actual coffin of LBD once finding the key, possessed Spider Queen thinks up a deal to strike. She'll help him locate the herb, and he can keep the key for himself. He agrees.
-Bái Lù in the meantime is mainly spending her time at the noodle shop, everyone knows of her because they think her dad is neglecting her. But they never say it outloud to her. Pigsy seeing that she's constantly coming to the shop alone starts asking 'what's up with the Mayor amiright?' And then it's like she's petting Mo as he says that and like her face is like 'wait a minute, he NEVER turns down homemade noodles".
  -She only starts to realize that through talking to everyone, her dad is declining, but she's determined to find out herself from a health expert
-That health expert being Syntax
-He's back in the city, and sees the daughter of the Mayor waiting at the doorway of his laboratory, it's late in the evening and invites her in and calls the Mayor just to notify where she was in case he got worried (he was)
-Baī notices the herb and asks if it's for someone. "Like tea wise sorry someone with a lot of cats showed me the process."
-Syntax plucked a petal to show it off more. " Yes, it is...I believe your father is sick and might possibly..no longer be with us."
-"What do you mean..?
"....Let me make you some tea, ms." He uses that pedal to make a cup of tea for her and told her everything. She drinks that tea and is immune to any type of possession in her spirit
-in this AU Mystic Mayor will be taking a more hauntingly just always there type of role and more traits of a cheif of war hunting down their enemy down to the nose 
-I am making LBD reincarnate the Chief of War have a complicated relationship as a separate thing in its own
-Mayor passes on that night, and gets reincarnated right in front of Bái Lù and now we got Mystic Mayor
-Lady Bone Demon tries to posses but fails (she got bested by a child lol)
-To make things worse, when Baí Lú came back to the laboratory to tell Syntax what happened, he told her to get the key and that things won't be the same.
  -Macaque in this AU has his own theater trope cuz I just want him to take pride in something that he doesn't copy from Wukong
-Mac  is very distant with Baí Lù at first but then warms up to her in his disguised form eventually offering a job for her. Realizing also how she’s like his inner child the immediate protective instincts kick in being a found baba to Bai Lu
  -He still got snark and witty sarcasm about his relationship with Wukong but doesn't reveal to her who he actually is cuz, trust issues
-He wanted to pranked her at first by saying the position for the job would be a janitor position and Bài Lù just coming from seeing her father hunt her down and Syntax getting turned she's just like "Sure but I can't clean up after the shadows of my mistakes :'D' and that was enough to get the job. But to also watch over her and be all ‘talk shit about me all you demons want, but the SECOND you utter my daughter's name, haha run.’
-Qi Xiaotian in this AU is going to be Wukong's successor still as the Monkie Kid, but kind of shadowing over him and actually disguises his monkie form
-He knows Bái Lù  from the shop and also running into her because of her cat trying to catch a bird with a monkey tail following him when delivering orders 
Has questions. Like how does one not get possessed by the Lady Bone Demon.
-if anything QXT just wants to know how this happened with Mystic Mayor letting LBD control him.  He follows Baí Lù and sees her enter the dojo one time and immediately thought Macaque was the one to blame for letting LBD out.
-So he pops in whenever she is alone outside of the dojo to keep her away from Macaque and starts to pry in how she thinks she didn't get possessed
-Sun Wukong in this AU is not retired, but acts like he is. Still got some over confidence and his staff.
-He got nightmares comin to him too since LBD has been released, and they all involve with being shown mercy by his master.
-Sun though would do anything to keep his mind busy just to not remember the Lady Bone Demon.
- Sun's relationship with Macaque is exactly the Sun and the Moon fueled with them being protective to their given humans.
-He met the daughter of the Mayor by one of the shadow portals and she just crashed into Flower Fruit Mountain by another close call from Mystic Mayor
-and she was beyond frightened, so I'm keeping the fact too that Wukong is great with kids. He just assumes Macaque "accidentally" shadow yeeted someone and doesn't even wanna know. Like he just hears a thump of someone face planted in the waterfall and thinks it's MK, until he sees someone else waddling out of the waterfall, upset and shaken up from Mystic Mayor finding her. But she doesn't share this.
-Bonding time happens and he realizes that this was the same kid MK told him about and something about it being a Mayor and Lady Bone Demon coming...back--
-He's furious cuz not only is he upset that she's back, but Macaque is back 
-But in the end he is still able to put his differences aside if it's to keep Bài Lù from becoming someone's prisoner.
-What gets him to reconsider is because of remembering the dreams regarding being merciful, and it's something the Monk did to seal LBD in the first place
-Mr. Tang, my man in Young Bones AU is quite literally served as a bookmark. Like even with him being a linguist, there's still the golden cicada that is very present in his studies that help with him basically time travel.
-He only works with the mystic law of the universe and is unironically not letting Wukong's master soul rest, which he is aware of
-How he is apart of the story is being Bai Lu's guide into looking at the bigger picture of everything and to never stop asking questions, even to the ones that don't always have an answer.
-Pigsy in this AU is not just protective of Bai Lu, but a big BIG advocate of the youth speaking their truth, all thanks to his own fostering experience with learning who MK really is.
-Pigsy is dense man, like he is surprised still at how Tang is interested in someone like him that has quite a temper. Also knowing full well that Tang is unawaken and tries to get him to his full potential
-He is a huge softy to Bai Lu though not because of her title of the kid of the Mayor, but because she respects his craft and is very fond of her stubbornness and determined attitude.
-hates the Mayor all because he suspects the "living" Mayor neglecting and abusing Bai Lu at home and that doesn't sit quite well with him.
-Sandy and Mo in this AU are of course the nicest duo and serve as the teachers for Bai Lu to defeat her demons and the threats against her, which he knows takes a life-time. Its actually because of Bai Lu that he began adopting cats as therapy animals so, he’s always in her corner.
-Long Xiaojiao in this AU is much much muuuch less combative and more mature in her own identity. She has big sibling vibes just as much as MK but knows more of her dragon form instead of being discrete. Oh yeah, and she can directly help Bai Lu with either tai chi or astral protection to help with the feeling of helplessness.
-Also would chuck her motercycle no questions
-Red Son in this AU is the bull demon’s prince of demons so he’s going to suspect that Bai Lu having the skeleton with her is just working with the lady bone demon, having a bit of an edge on the one time DBK got possessed so doesn’t trust her
-Until the underground begins to get in the way of his dealings that he learns that it was not the girls fault, and he sees the same neglectful energy with Mayor and his daughter
-and yes he has a bull demon form with full samadhi fire guardian 
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How about some jeanne in English equestrian attire as a lady knight for prince dulic, a fellow avid equestrian, who is madly in love with her.
That's a pretty sweet AU! I hope what I came up with is to your liking!
[AU] Prince! Diluc x retainer! Jean
Jean was his retainer as soon as she could carry a sword. She was a very promising knight and so she was assigned to protect Diluc.
He was extremely kind to her, but she was overly formal in return. So they weren't too close.
Even as an early teen she knew that getting friendly with a prince was inappropriate. But she also feared of making him uncomfortable...
In the end her behavior didn't change much and Diluc gave up on trying to befriend her- but was still polite.
After some years of combat experience having a personal guard of sorts was something Diluc found unnecessary. Especially since nobody protected his father when it was needed- so why should he trust the knights?
He wanted to request changing Jean's position to a royal capitan, but his request was denied.
The spike of criminal activity was the cause. And since the knights hadn't done much about it by now... Diluc had to step in on his own.
During the night he'd sneak out to take care of everything himself. He'd leave tied up criminals in the visable places around the capital- yet it became a mystery as to who might be the masked hero.
So with that little hobby of his... Having Jean around was making things harder for him. He had to remember her schedule by heart in order to efficiently sneak out. One day however he was a little bit careless.
It was late and he figured by that time she'd rest and let another night guard take night watch... But when he left through his usual route he didn't notice her following him.
The most worrying thing was that he took his sword with him. Just as he was approaching his final step to his escape he heard her voice "Your highness, what's the meaning of this?"
Turning around he saw Jean, cursing at himself for not being as careful. He wasn't the best liar- so he only doomed himself with his attempt to explain it "I only wished to take a stroll outside of the castle walls"
"You know you don't need to sneak out in order to do so, me or any other knight would gladly escort you- should you give your order" she responded almost like a robot "Besides..." she paused "I was talking about your highness taking your sword" he could hear genuine worry in her voice which set him off guard.
"Did you not hear of the criminal activity? I only brought means to defend myself once it'd be necessary" he was telling half of the truth. She nodded "I suppose that makes sense, but since I'm already here I shall accompany you on your trip just to be safe"
As they took their walk, awkward silence filled the air. He's not interested in smalltalk and neither did it look like she wanted to start it.
The silence was broken once they had entered the town and almost immediately- they have noticed a bandit running out of the tavern and an angered victim yelled to stop them.
Jean asked him to stay and she followed after the bandit. When he went to a corner he took out his mask and helped with the chase.
He knew the town much better than she did so he managed to quickly cut corners and apprehend the criminal.
She was just a second late but she saw him. He noticed her too so after tying up his target he ran hoping she didn't see enough details to identify him.
He went back to where she asked him to wait. And after she was done dealing with the bandit she went back to him "Apologies my lord, but we should head back. I need to discuss something with you" and he was pretty sure his secret will no longer be one.
When she was certain nobody had followed them she said "You're the masked individual, aren't you?" although she was certain of her words she didn't seem that way.
He decided to act innocent "Why do you think that?".
She stopped walking and as he turned to face her she was a bit more confident with her words "No matter what mask you wear or what cloak will you change into, I'd recognize you"
It made sense to him so he sighed "You caught me, now what? Will you report it?"
She looked away "No... I'd like to assist you- if possible" he was surprised. But after a moment he thought that having her on his side would benefit him.
From that moment they began to be closer. As he managed to convince her to drop the formal act when she's helping him.
But that was only outside the castle walls on her part. He was casually polite with her again regardless of where they were.
He didn't understand why she wanted to help, but it's true that she doesn't know why he started it to begin with.
He honestly forgot about it. Being around Jean in not formal way was just... Great. He didn't have words to describe how happy it made him.
Because they weren't just talking about what their action plan was, as they walked around the city they had friendly conversations.
Although he doesn't by any means feel trapped by being a prince, he can see that Jean does feel trapped by being his retainer. So seeing what she's actually like... Quite impressed him.
Each time they were back in the castle and said their farewells... Diluc could only think about Jean from the moment she was gone.
He knew well that he grew to have feelings for her. But he didn't exactly plan on acting on those feelings.
Jean on the other hand was always a little charmed by him, but she never put any other label on how she feels about him. She didn't wanted their relationship to be so formal, but at the same time things would be easier if they didn't change.
They remained to be silent about their feelings for a very long time. And it only made them love each other more- each time they were together alone or each time they smiled at each other when greeting one another. Anything no matter how little made them happy.
Eventually, Diluc will take a step forward... But for now he was satisfied with the way things were between them currently.
~Mod Lisa
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Chasing Fires - Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek: Chapter Five
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Brian Zvonecek has spent most of his adult life fighting fires, now it’s time to chase one.
Follows on from Million Reasons but is a stand alone fic.
Tagging   @orileyfiction for all her help and support! Also @me-ladie​ for being the wonderful person she is and betaing.
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chapter Four
The air was cooler down by the lake, the breeze ruffling Brian’s hair as they strode along the concrete pier. Kat’s hand was clasped in his, even though they were both wearing gloves, he could still feel the thrum of their connection. It was always there, whenever she was in his proximity, something inside of him just lit up. He glanced at Kat, taking a moment to study the profile of her face as she watched a dog chase a ball at full speed. 
“It was Katie.” He said quietly as he led her to a wooden bench overlooking the lake. “We were talking about Katie, about what happened to her.”
“I’m sorry.” Kat said, taking a seat. Brian sat down beside her, his arm coming to rest on the back of the back of the bench. “I can’t imagine how hard it must have been.”
“You know I sat on this exact bench that night.” He told her, swallowing hard against the anguish in his chest. “I sat here, and I planned what I was going to do to him, how I was going to make him disappear.” 
There was silence between the two of them, a bitter smile twisting at Brian’s lips as he shook his head.
“Brian,” Kat began before pausing, trying to select the right words. “I know it wasn’t you.”
“Someone else got there first.” He confirmed, jamming his hands into his pockets. “I wanted to Kat. God, I wanted to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze until the light died in his eyes.”
She knew. He could tell from the way she clamped her lips together. They had never talked about what happened the night Keeler vanished. During the first interview he hadn’t had an alibi and by the second, he did. She knew that Cruz was like a brother to Brian, that they would do anything to protect each other.
Kat had her own suspicions. Benny Severide had been around that night; he’d left Chicago only a few days after.
“You need to know I have this darkness inside of me.” He told her, gesturing towards the space where his heart resided. “It sits right here, and it tears at me, it kills me that I have that violence in me.”
Kat leaned forward, her elbows coming to rest on her knees as she rubbed her gloved fingers together.
“After Eve died, after I found her…” Kat trailed off before she managed to gather her thoughts. “It burned in me, that rage, that hatred. I fantasied about killing him, about putting my gun in his mouth and making him feel just a fragment of the agony she must have felt.” 
“Does it ever go away?” he asked quietly, mirroring her posture. Kat shook her head, a pained expression on her features.
“He’s been locked up over two years, he’s a cop in prison. Sometimes it still doesn’t feel like it’s enough.” she trailed off before picking up the thread. 
Brian sagged back onto the bench, his head tipping back so he could look at the cloudy sky.
“How do you move past it?” He asked her. “How do we live like this?”
“There’s no easy way,” Kat told him, shrugging her shoulders. “EMDR therapy helped me. I think it saved my life in the end.”
“Do you think I’m that far gone? Because honestly, I don’t even think I can tell anymore.”
The emotion in his voice killed her, it struck some chord deep down inside resonating in her chest. She placed her hand on his forearm, her fingers gripping it tightly. The thought of losing him, of Brian suffering like that…
“It feels like everything is slipping through my fingers.”
“Not everything.” She reminded him, her hand slipping into his. “You still have family, the one back home and the one at the firehouse.”
“And you?” he asked softly, his gaze lowering to their entwined fingers.
“Always.” She told him with a small smile. “I’m always gonna be here, whatever you need.”
“I’d like to be more.” Brian whispered, his lips brushing her hairline. She tilted her head so that she was staring into those gorgeous dark eyes of his. She saw him in all his entirety, how ravaged he was, how he was still trying to put the shattered pieces of himself back together. His thumb ghosted over the apple of her cheek, his gaze dipping to her lips. “I want you to have the best version of me, the man that you deserve.”
“I’m not there yet.” He told her, his forehead coming to rest upon hers. “But I want to be. Just know that I’m trying.”
“The two of us are gonna get through this alright?” She murmured, her voice trembling as she cupped his grizzled features between her hands. 
“Yea, I know.” He mumbled. “I know.”
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shinydixon · 1 year
i've been saying this since the start and a lot of people kinda yelled at me for making assumptions but i feel like this time i can use the events of the weekend as proof: she will never call out her fans. it doesn't matter if they're vanquinns. regardless if she can act or not, the truth is that before chrissy, she'd never seen success like this. she never had so many people praising her or saying they're inspired by her. she never had this. fanarts, fanfics... now she does have it and she's not gonna let it go. you can rub the prints of her fans being gross and weird in her fucking face, hell, you can hand her the stupid document they have on ash...she will NOT chase them away. because they're her fans and let's be real, they're her income. she's not acting, she's streaming and she can afford to do that because her fans keep going to cons to meet her. take the time when she posted that picture of ash during tokyo and she asked how everyone was feeling. and a lot of stupid vqs were saying 'confused' and 'sad'. and she fucking knew exactly what they meant but she made a post saying 'hey, saw that a lot of you are a bit sad and honestly, that's a mood, haha' in order to do some manage control. anyone reading this after seeing her blog and the comments she got, do your best to ignore it. ignore it. block her. block the vqs. focus on joe and that's it. we need to let this drama die. her fans (and now i think the lady herself) want this attention. let them exist in their own little bubble. she's also not dumb. she knows what she's done. if she manages to address it before philly, she won't be taken by surprise if someone in the audience decides to, you know, do exactly what her lovely fan did to joe and corner her with a very pointed question.
This is what I'm telling you guys since the beginning: IGNORE ALL OF THEM
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snailor-bee · 2 years
Sink Your Teeth In
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A surprise gift for @tardiiart ! I had a lot of fun with this. > w< Robin is so cool I love being able to write for her. Also I had a much cooler pumpkin planned then I remembered that canonly Robin is a bad drawer and that's hilarious to me.
Pre TS!RobinxF!OC / SFW  / 1.1k Summary: Robin has a Halloween surprise planned. Warnings: None.
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Muriel bit idly at a thumbnail, foam-green eyes taking in the deck of the Sunny. Strawhats ambled around, Chopper chasing Luffy and laughing, while the other members were scattered about doing their own thing or spending more relaxed time with each other.
It was a laid-back day, which she normally loved. Being on the Strawhat crew meant every day could be yet another adventure so the ones that were calm she took pleasure in. 
But normally they were spent with a certain raven-haired lady that was noticeably absent.
During lunch Robin had airily informed Muriel that she would be busy for the rest of the day and she would let the younger woman know when she was free.
Muriel missed her girlfriend but didn’t argue. She didn’t want to come across as annoying or anything like that. Leaning heavily against the railing outside of the kitchen, listening to the sound of Sanji preparing lunch, she sighed.
When will Robin be doneeee? she whined in the safety of her own thoughts.
“Muriel,” Robin’s seductive voice whispered into her ear and Muriel straightened with a yelp.
She felt the peculiar sensation of the woman’s lips giggling, pulling the skin on her neck and instinctively she turned, even though she knew she wouldn’t find Robin standing there.
“I’m sorry,” Robin’s voice continued, sounding amused and not at all sorry. “Did I frighten you?”
“Just a bit,” Muriel confirmed a bit breathless, heart hammering away in her chest. “Is everything all right?”
Robin hummed, seemingly pleased. “Oh yes. Would you be a dear and come to the library?”
Muriel didn’t get the chance to answer before the lips vanished, sending flower petals floating away on the wind as she hurried to the library, excitement now coursing through her. 
She opened the door slowly and peeked inside with a timid, “Robin?” before Muriel gasped, stepping fully into the room. The library’s window curtains had been drawn, leaving the room dark, lit only by numerous black candles over every available surface. A small round table with two chairs sat in the middle of the room, filled with a modest meal. The door swung closed behind her and Muriel turned to see Robin smiling at the shorter woman. 
Blue eyes framed in a black mask made Muriel blink in confusion before she pulled back enough to notice Robin was dressed in a well-pressed suit with a long cape that draped onto the ground. When Robin smiled her canines were sharper than Muriel had ever seen before. Fangs. A shiver slid down her spine. 
“Good, you made it.” A warm hand placed on her hip gently led her to the table. A chair was pulled out and Robin waited patiently for Muriel to sit before pushing her in and going around to sit on the opposite side.
“What’s all this?” Muriel finally managed to find her voice enough to ask. Robin grinned, a glass of red wine dangling from her fingertips. She looked stunning, seated across from her bathed in the glow of so many candles, looking elegant and deadly.
“You haven’t experienced a Halloween, no? I wanted to give you one.” Robin took a small sip, bright eyes never leaving Muriel’s face. “I’m certain the crew will do something the day of, provided we don’t run into any… issues.”
It was a few days before Halloween. Muriel shifted before Robin gestured at the plate in front of her and she hurriedly picked up her fork. “That’s very kind of you. Are you not going to eat?” Muriel asked. The plate in front of Robin was empty.
Robin tilted her head, lips widening enough for one fang to catch the light. “Oh don’t worry, I plan on eating later.” Then she winked and Muriel blushed hard enough she was sure it was visible even in the low light of the room. “I have some pumpkins for us to carve before that though—”
“A pumpkin!?” Muriel interrupted before hurriedly shoving a bite into her mouth. “Why didn’t you say so!” she spoke around her full mouth before belatedly realizing that was rude. Robin merely covered her mouth and giggled lowly.
Muriel ate quickly and before long they cleared off the table and covered it with two pumpkins. Bouncing on her feet, Muriel watched with barely suppressed excitement as Robin slowly laid out the tools.
“Isn’t it dangerous to have so many candles in a library?” she asked, for lack of anything else to do. Robin pressed a solitary finger against her lips.
“It’s our little secret. Promise not to tell Nami?” she asked, eyes half-lidded. The blue of them was always striking but surrounded by the black of the mask they stood out even more. Muriel nodded back and Robin withdrew her finger. “Now, the trick is to cut out from the bottom.” Turning one pumpkin to the side she gestured.
“The bottom?” Muriel frowned. “I thought you did it from the top?”
Robin nodded. “Most people do, but they last longer if the stem is attached. Ready?” She held out a knife, handle pointed towards Muriel who took it carefully.
In the end, two pumpkins sat amidst a mess of sticky inners and pumpkin seeds, flames flickering within them. One was covered in eyes, the cuts a little jagged and uneven. The other was a silhouetted bat shape, surrounded by smaller ones that were only partially cut into the pumpkin, but not completely through, making them glow a subtle orange with the light.
“Oh dear,” Robin said propping her cheek in a hand, while she wrapped the other around her elbow. “Mine looks so messy compared to yours.”
“I like it! It’s very you.” Muriel was the ship's artist and although she loved Robin's drawings they were pretty scribbly at times. 
Robin sighed. “I wanted to add some flowers or at least some petals but it didn’t work out.”  
Muriel kissed the other woman’s cheek. “Do you mind if I…?”
“Not at all,” Robin confirmed her unasked question.
Quickly Muriel stepped away and got to work. It didn’t take long before she was finished and felt Robin’s arms wrap around her waist, hooking her chin on Muriel’s shoulder after she straightened. “It’s perfect,” Robin said with delight.
“I’m glad!” Muriel said, giving one of Robin’s hands a squeeze. “This has been a perfect date, thank you.”
“Glad you enjoyed it.”
The two women stared at the two pumpkins silently. The eyes now had flower petals weaving through them, the same way the bats were on the other pumpkin. A subtle, barely there glow.
A surprise kiss on Muriel’s cheek made her laugh and she spun around to give Robin a big hug. 
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Daughter of Love and Beauty
what if...James Charles Potter had fallen in love with the Goddess of Love and Beauty Venus and had a beautiful daughter together by the name Amaratha "Amara" Potter
James Potter fallen in love with the Roman goddess of Love and Besuty Venus after his long time crash Lily Evans turn him down once more in their 6th year in Hogwarts.
It was then James realized it's time to move on from any feelings he has for Evans she has turn him down many times in just six years. During the summer of his 6th year he meet a goddess
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(This is Venus)
And it was non other than Venus love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. He has never meet any woman wheather they are human or goddess like her before not even Lily Evans and he never expect to fall in love with her but he did. They had a relationship together for 2 years and evenutally lead the birth of Venus most beautiful daughter she has ever had Amaratha "Amara" Lyra Potter the daughter of Venus and the Legacy of Trivia the Roman Goddess of Witchcraft, Ghosts, Magic, and Crossroads, Fortuna the Roman goddess of Luck, Mars the Roman God ofWar, Boreas Greek god of the north wind and Hermes the Greek god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and travel. 
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(James Potter 18 years old)
James Potter has always known he is a Legacy of Trivia, Fortuna, Mars, Bores and Hermes all his life since father the late Lord Charles Potter is the demigod son of Trivia and Legacy of Hermes and Fortuna, while his mother the Late Lady Dorea Potter née Black is the demigod daughter of Mars and Legacy Boreas so their only son James Potter mostly grow up at Camp Jupiter until he start attending Hogwarts but after his daughter Amaratha is born he decided to return to New Rome where he left his daughter Amara with the mother of Rome Lupa the Roman Goddess of Wolves at the age 5 years old so that he can be near his daughter.
when years later Lady Juno the Roman Goddess of marriage switch both leader of Camp Jupiter and Camp Half blood.
Juno didn't expected her champion Jason Alexsander Grace would remember his girlfriends name and face so while Juno/Hera use the mist to make Jason believe that his dating the Greek daughter of Aphrodite Piper Mclean but Jason has his doubt for his mind might have forgotten Amara Potter but his heart will never forget his Love for Amara but Juno manged to make Jason believe he was dating Piper long enough to gain the trust of the Greek demigods before his nemories began returning and the first thing he remember was that he have a beautiful girlfriend waiting for him to return to Camp Jupiter that he began avoiding Piper Mclean after all he never felt right kissing her at all so knowing that their whole relationship was the work of the mist that Jason avoid piper since he they never really dating to begin with.
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(Annabeth Chase 18 years old)
Annabeth Chase felt bad for piper Mclean since she knows that both Jason & Piper's whole relationship was thework of the mist, but Piper really did fallen in love with Jason Grace only to find out everything she thought they both had for one another is nothing but an illusion that Hera made the mist created and that Jason already has a girlfriend waiting for him back to camp Jupitee which only devested Piper who thought she atless had the chance to be with Jason, but Annabeth also understand Jason beging Loyal to his girlfriend who's waiting for him like she is waiting for her own boyfriend Percy.
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(Leo Valdez 17 years old)
Leo Valdez finally finish the Argo II that will take them to camp jupiter to get percy Jackson and the rest of the people who is in the prophecy. They arrive in new Rome just as the battle finish with the Polybotes.
When down from Argo II the minute we do Jason saw his girlfriend Amara Potter he quickly run into her and gaved her a passionet kiss while telling each other "I Love you"
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(This is Amara Potter 17 years old)
Which Piper Mclean saw which only broke her heart even more. Thry found out that Jason Grace's beautiful girlfriend Amara Potter is the daughter of Venus the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty which technically speaking makes both Piper Mclean and Amara Potter half sisters. But unlike any other demigod children of the goddess of Love, Amara Potter is her strongest demigod of Aphrodite/Venus and like Piper Mclean and Drew Tanaka she also has the ability to Charmspeak others if she wanted. And she isn't just a simple demigod at that she is also a legacy of Mars the Roman god of War, Trivia the Roman goddess of Magic, Fortuna the Roman goddess of Luck, Boreas Greek god of the north wind and Hermes the Greek god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and travel.  Which makes Amara just as powerful as any child of one of the big three.
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(This Piper Mclean 17 years old)
Piper Mclean could never hope to match her Roman half sister Amara who is powerful demigod and besutiful than any other daughterd of the Goddess of Love and beauty ever had. After the War both Jason Grace and Amara Potter were given half immortality like the huntress of artemis like the rest of the demigod who fought Gaia was given half immortality.
She tried to get over her feelings for Jason but no matter what she dose nothing works and it dosen't help that she see him every day, but that's piper's own fault for moving to New Rome yo be near her new bestfriends Leo Valdez and Jason Grace which dosen't help her get over her feelings for Jason.
Piper dosen't know what she'll do if herhalf sister Amara ever gigure out that she's in love with Jason, it would ruwin the friendship she has with them both. And it would cause Jason to start avoiding her again and Amara would most likely hate her and would think I only became friends with her just so I could be close to jason and she would hate md like our Greek sister Drew Tanaka
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( this is Drew Tanaka)
already do she can't afford for Amara to hate her as well.
But Luck wasn't in piper's side both Jason & Amara found out piper Mclean the Greek daughter of Aphrodite is in love with her own half sister's boyfriend Jason Grace which made him distance himself from Piper since he dosen't want his girlfriend to think he ever had any feelings for Piper when he never had.
Piper's relationship with her half sister Amara is ruwin beyound repaired which made Drew Tanaka happy ruwining Piper's relationship with Amara beside it's not like she befriend Amara because she wanted to she only did so she can be near Jason.
4 years later...
Jason Grace & Amara Potter recently got married last year and now Amara just gaved birth to her first dsughter sge gaved the name Amore Cassandra Grace, she has Raven black hair like her grandfather James Potter and she has lighting blue eyes like his father Jason.
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