#but also maybe we don't come to any conclusions about himiko's end just yet
pikahlua · 11 months
Look, I don’t wanna get everyone’s hopes up, but I might have to get everyone’s hopes up
My initial thoughts on chapter 395 were to be enveloped in the tragedy of this ending. I could already tell some of the criticisms that would come at it, but I was also interested in thoroughly considering the chapter as fairly as possible. Whether or not it involves stale tropes, such tropes still have the potential to bring meaning and emotion--and to be honest, MHA has been pretty good at that since the get-go. The manga is pretty much defined by refreshing and playing with stale shounen tropes. I am willing to give this chapter as-is a chance. I comforted friends who were hit hard by the chapter. I allowed myself to feel the sorrow ushered in by Himiko Toga’s chosen end.
But then I started translating the chapter, and my melancholy didn’t last fucking long.
Because...I’m gonna be real with you, there are a LOT of questions this chapter raises, but only if you’re paying attention.
So like.
I don’t wanna get your hopes up.
Himiko Toga may really be dead.
I don’t actually know how this will all play out.
1. Hello???
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Why is the All Might doll coming into play here, now?
And uh, where did it go????
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I don’t see it anywhere! Is it...still in the same hand Himiko was holding it with?
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Is THAT why we’re zooming in here on the final panel?
“Why does it matter?” you may ask. “Isn’t it just a symbol of the connection between these two girls once Himiko found where Ochako was hiding it and teased her about it? Isn’t this perhaps just Himiko’s way of comforting Ochako?”
“Hm, yes, interesting,” I would reply. “But DON’T YOU WHO THE FUCK I AM?”
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This is the second time All Might merchandise is appearing in a supposed death scene! Is it mere coincidence? I THINK NOT.
I mean, we haven’t had a SINGLE update on Katsuki for a year now. (UNLESS WE JUST GOT ONE?) Could it be Horikoshi was holding off on any Katsuki updates to avoid spoiling something else that needed to happen first? Specifically Ochako vs Toga?
Because if there’s ANYTHING fishy going on with that card and that doll (and boy do I smell fish), Katsuki’s storyline would not be able to progress until AFTER the doll also came into play. AND NOW IT HAS.
2. Of course my first thought was Katsuki Bakugou, don’t tell me you’re actually surprised...
There are a LOT of weird parallels between Ochako and Himiko’s fight and...whatever the hell is going on with Izuku and Katsuki just in general. But I mean, just look at Katsuki. Compare that wound to Ochako’s. Compare Ochako’s imminent death to Katsuki.
And...compare Himiko Toga to Katsuki Bakugou however many ways you like.
But most importantly...compare Himiko Toga to Izuku Midoriya.
Because Ochako was on the verge of death, and Himiko Toga sacrifices herself to save Ochako. Yeah, you can compare that to Katsuki in chapter 362. But like, Katsuki is the one on the verge of death now, right? That would make him parallel to Ochako (especially since they’re the ones with the All Might merch). That would mean Izuku could do something similar to save Katsuki.
And please, please note how Himiko performed this rescue. She became Ochako. She became compatible with Ochako, started pumping Ochako’s same blood through her own veins, hooked them up so not only was Himiko supporting Ochako’s life, THEY WERE CONNECTED AS ONE PERSON.
Are YOU getting Heroes Rising vibes? Because I’m definitely getting Heroes Rising vibes.
3. Remember, Horikoshi said this ending would be better than Heroes Rising.
Izuku and Katsuki shared OFA in the ending of Heroes Rising.
Let us not forget the ever-present nomenclature of One For All and All For One.
What could be better than a team-up of two people?
Maybe...a merging of everyone?
4. Everyone is down
Himiko and Ochako and Katsuki aren’t the only ones down. Basically EVERYONE is.
Shouto, Endeavor, Touya, Hawks, Tokoyami, Spinner, most everyone at the UA battlefield, most everyone at the Gunga battlefield, basically most everyone who isn’t AFO, All Might, Izuku, and Tomura (and maybe a few UA kids).
Actually, speaking of UA kids, why haven’t we seen Aoyama and Sero and the others yet? Could it be that Horikoshi just wanted to showcase the most important part of their fights, aka the ending?
The ending where they all fall over and pass out or die too?
Why is everyone fucking dead?
Because something big is going to happen to them all after they pass out???
I mean, maybe???
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Even if that’s the case, I have no idea how many people will actually be part of this union or revival or whatever the fuck happens. I just...I do notice that heroes and villains both are dropping like flies.
5. The story of how we all became the greatest heroes
So once upon a time I wrote a tiny meta about the infamous line from the first chapter, “This is the story of how I became the greatest hero.”
Basically, it occurred to me that it’s very strange for the narrator to “spoil the ending” of the story in the first chapter. Where’s the dramatic tension? Why even do that?
Well, the obvious answer is: it wasn’t a spoiler. Perhaps it meant something else than what it seemed at first glance.
I realized “hero” in Japanese could be both singular and plural. Thus, I conceived that the true message was: “This is the story of how I became ONE OF the greatest heroes.“
Chapter 324 basically confirmed that theory.
But...what if it’s still wrong?
What if there’s ANOTHER hidden message in the line?
What if it’s something like: “This is the story of how I became a part of the greatest hero.” Singular. Purposefully.
What if EVERYONE becomes the greatest HERO literally. What if...everyone merges to create...All Might?
And then I saw all the vestiges rebelling inside AFO and thought:
Oh god this actually seems plausible now.
So here’s the good news for Himiko...
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There was, in fact, a chapter titled “The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part Minus 1.”
Maybe everyone becomes heroes together. Maybe they all literally become one hero together. Either way, Himiko was highlighted in a chapter with a title that specifically implied she would be part of whatever the fuck happens.
Sure, this chapter COULD BE Himiko’s heroic moment. But...I don’t know man. We got SO MANY CHAPTERS with this title. It’s SCREAMING some sort of plot twist is on the way...!
6. Ochako is ALSO supposed to be part of this “greatest hero” business too!
Finally, can we just...remember how Ochako was inspired to save people? She held Sir Nighteye in her arms as he died, and that’s when she knew she wanted to save people.
Himiko dying here on Ochako’s watch...idk mannnnn, has Ochako really proven that she’s achieved her goal yet? Can she really be part of the greatest heroes like this?
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