#but honestly i am just having a really rough time rn and i know that’s not an excuse
missmeinyourbones · 11 months
hi babies
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leondickrider · 9 months
fluff alphabet ౨ৎ leon s kennedy x gn!reader
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 || working on sm leon fanfics at once ! i made this in like 20 minutes so it prolly sucks but idc!! nsfw alphabet coming soon :3
𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 || fluff (obvi), not proofread or read by betas
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 || deinking mentioned, none
𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐎 || leon s kennedy mlist 🎀 @starzu
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
leon really loves just kicking back and relaxing with his s/o. after soo many life-threatening missions, he just wants to kick back on the sofa with his s/o in his arms and binge watch some tv. however, he also really loves taking they all the places they want to visit, whether it's a concert or a museum
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
everything, literally finds every inch of his s/o perfect and beautiful. but, he really loves their hands, especially if they are soft and smaller because it's the opposite of his hands that are rough from so much fighting and training. also finds their eyes beautiful, will literally hold contact for hours if he could
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
refer back to re4r how leon comforted ashley. he's really good at comforting you and will do anything to help cheer you up. 2 am emotional binge sesh? he's driving to the shoppe and buying you ice cream and frost and drizzle or syrup and sprinkles and brownie bits and cookies and and potato chips and and cheeseburgers and fries and tater tots and cheese and everything (i'm on a rlly strict diet so this is deadass just me listing foods i want rn) 5 pm cry sesh? he already has the tissues, blankets, stuffies and tear-jerking movies ready
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
in 1998, leon would dream about having a totally normal relationship with you. big suburban house, a couple kids. but after the raccoon city, he kind of changed his dreams. he still craves the normal, domestic life, but now he kinda envisions it as just you and him. not that he doesn't want kids, he just doesn't want them to be in such a dangerous world
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
i think he'd be more dominant in relationships when it comes to most things. not dominant in a weird, controlling way. but he would want his s/o to come to him before making any big decisions simply bc he probably brings home the bacon with his government paycheck. but other than financially, he's pretty passive, he really doesn't care what you do as long as you don't do like porn or like cheat
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
depends honestly; most fights he will forgive you, but sometimes he really holds it against you and just shuts you out for a while before resuming as if nothing happened. however, when he snaps and lets words he doesn't mean to get out, he will apologize so much. even if you forgive him, he doesn't believe it and will buy you everything
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
very grateful! in 1998-2013 and after vendetta specifically. he realizes that you help keep him happy pretty fast. if you're in raccoon city with him then he probably felt a lot better and more confident. (def not bc he wanted to show off in front of his partner!!) in 2004 he is soo grateful you were willing to stay with him even with the job he ended up with and with all the training he had to get. in vendetta i think that's when he might seem ungrateful cuz of his drinking.... but yeah after all that he's back to normal
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
a lot of secrets :(
mainly about work though, cuz unless you're an agent he literally cannot legally get into the details with you. he keeps secrets abt his drinking too, like you know he drinks but you don't know how much he drinks.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
yes! he became more confident in himself because like being in a relationship makes him feel like somebody wants him, so he gains sm self confidence and actually wants to be stronger so he can return home from missions !
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
i think he gets jealous pretty easily. he will get a bit jealous if a person look at you twice, or somebody flirts. but part of him thinks you deserve somebody better so he doesn't ever tell you about his jealousy, you gotta hring it up first
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
a very good kisser!! every single kiss is filled w sm love and affection and passion <3 mainly bc he doesn't really know when it will be the last kiss :(
first kiss was really special even though it was spontaneous. it was in the late hours of the night, the whole apartment dark except for the tv light. and you were slow dancing to some random song when suddenly the mood felt right and he kisses you MANSBSHH (this is based on my first kiss with my ex ....)
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he doesn't really confess first, he drops subtle hints that he has feelings for you and just gopes you catch onto his words
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
yes, going back to dream. he thinks about marriage all the time, he likes the idea of having a cute lil spouse to come home too after grueling missions
he proposes totally out of nowhere. he originally had a plan, he was going to take you on a romantic vacation before proposing to you while there. but he chickened out last second, so after several other attempts (that he backed out of last minute) he finally had enough. and then one morning he got down on one knee after buying you a ton of donuts
marriage is really good. he's such husband material. overprotective but not too overprotective. possessive but not too possessive. you know what i'm saying?
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
sticks to the classics most of the time: babe, baby, love, sweetheart, etc etc. lots of italian pet names
however when he's sweet he really branches out: sweet girl/boy, lovie, lovebug, cuddlebug, pretty
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
oh my gosh, this man is so lovey-dovey. literally heart eyes for you. but he forces himself to stay serious even thought other people easily know he's all your's. he doesn't talk much when it's just you and him, preferring to just sit silently across from you and listen to you. and that's what makes it obvious to others since normally he doesn't pay attention and always says his dad jokes or says something stupid
he expresses his feelings by like... yeah.... not being annoying i guess
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
hmm, he doesn't really like pda due to his job. he knows he has enemies who are after him, but most don't really know about you since they don't really look into that. however, when he's off work, he'll take you into cities and his hand in always on you, whether he's holding your hand, or his hand is planted on your hip/waist. just makes him feel better
he brags about you to all of his friends. chris hears about it nonstop while leon is drunk (and he sobs after bc the redfield bloodline.) "sure that looks nice on them but you know who would look better in it? my s/o." "oh, my s/o has that same necklace, i bought it for them in paris." (😭)
he doesn't really care after the missions. esp if he got close to death, he is all over you the second he sees you. he doesn't care who is watching or who sees, he is literally holding you as if you were dying
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
he knows whenever you are upset. doesn't even need to hear you speak. literally can just tell from your footsteps or your posture
also, he's really quiet so when you are having your moments he's able to sneak around withhout setting you off (please i get so annoyed when people are loud when i'm mad)
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
he will do everything to make his s/o happy
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
it really depends on your goals. if your goal is to become famous on onlyfans (aimed) then he probably wouldn't really help cuz well why would he?
he believes in you to an extent, he's brutally honest sometimes so... yeah... if you're dumb he will tell you that you're dumb (in a nice way) but he tries his best to support you 💀
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
there's no such thing as routine with this man other than his exercise routine 
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you better than you do. this man literally buys whatever you're craving like a week before you even ask fo it. he knows exactly what album or movie or video game you're going to beg him to buy so he already got you it
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
literally his top pirority. it goes you, his friends, him. he always puts you ahead of himself in everything and values your life sm more than his own :(
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
everytime he returns from his missions, he always comes home with your favorite snack and an expensive bouquet of your favorite flowers (if you get the expensive bouquet reference jtm)
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
yes, he is so touch starved and can cuddle all day if you let him. he kisses you a lot as well
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he always carries a little polaroid of you snd him cuddles together on the sofa (taken before 1998 for draamtic effect) and just looks at it for a little bit
he also bought a small bottle of your fav purfume/fragrance and always takes it with him on missions, aweet boy :)
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
this man would literally take a bullet for you !! A BULLET !!
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reblogs appreciated always ♡
i'm making a ghost ver of this as well since i love him sm !! :))
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stormywitcher · 5 months
percy jackson and the olympians has done it. disney, has done it. rick riordan has DONE IT!
the show is so good. i honestly so far can’t fault it, there is nothing i didn’t enjoy. it’s almost perfectly book accurate, the vibe is just right and i absolutely love all the casting. i know there will be people who disagree with me, but i do not give a monkeys. i actually love it.
percy jackson is extremely special to me. it was the first proper full blown autistic special interest i have ever had. i picked up the books when i was 11 (i am now 22) and they have got me through some rough times (including rn with chronic illness) i have a literal trident tattoo on my arm ffs i’m a die hard fan forever.
so to have something i am so incredibly fond of, redeemed from the awful movies, and made into a visually stunning , well thought out, book accurate adaptation, is literally one of the highlights of my life.
so here are some of my more specific thoughts on the first two episodes:
•PERCY! let’s start here. my gods, walker is PERFECT! he has absolutely made this show for me. you can tell how much work he put into understanding percy and making him EVEN BETTER in my opinion than book percy (no shade to book percy, still love him) it’s the moments of vulnerability that he’s worked into it, the genuine anguish, the grief. but also he’s got the humour DOWN! the little comments and one liners were so well delivered, along with his expressions and the way we can see how percy is going to develop. i will never get over his little dancing, and stroking the gecko. that was top tier for me. absolute perfection.
•ANNABETH MY BABE MY LOVE MY WISE GIRL. oh my, leah absolutely EMBODIES her. it’s the little eyebrow quirks, the slightly harsh but kind intonation, it’s so so annabeth. there was so much unnecessary backlash over this casting (cough cough, you can guess why) and it’s total bull, because it doesn’t matter and leah knows that character inside out and it shows. we didn’t get lots of annabeth yet, but i am BEYOND excited to see more and see how percy and annabeths relationship develops!
•GROVER GROVER GROVER what an absolute cutie! absolutely loved his delivery, especially the “i’m 24” line like that ENDED ME. aryan has this in the bag, and i love how he’s kinda sheepish, but still brave, and brings a softness to the character. his comedic timing is everything.
•casting in general i love. Mr D was great, especially with the whole “son” thing. that was illegally funny. love chiron, love luke, and love clarisse. the vibes are all there.
•the writing felt good too! nothing felt too scripted to me, it felt like it flowed and they included a lot of book lines which i loved!
•the visuals were awesome! i loved the CGi, especially for the minotaur and chiron! it wasn’t jarring and you can tell they put the work in to not make it look tacky! i loved how the camp was designed, ESPECIALLY THE CABINS! i always struggled to picture the cabins, so i was actually so impressed with them!
you can tell rick and becky had such a big part in this, it’s really really beautiful and my heart is so full rn. i cannot wait for the rest of this season, i am overjoyed and i hope so much that we get more seasons because this deserves it.
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queenofcoquette · 7 months
I am turning 20 in about a week and I feel like I haven't achieved anything in my life..how do I change my life
hi! im so sorry that ur feeling this way, and honestly im not completely sure that i can give u the best help but heres my advice:
i think "hustle culture" contributes to this feeling of being unaccomplished. i see so many ppl pushing this idea of working 24/7 and establishing a business and making millions and it's rlly harmful. in reality 20 is super young, ofc you might not have done anythinge huge yet becuz ur still so young! you still have a while to figure yourself out- like what you want to accomplish and how you want to go about it. although it's not entirely the same i also feel really unaccomplished when i see my classmates who do more than me, and then i worry about my future and stuff. so ik that the feeling sucks and it's stressful and horrible.
my advice on how to feel better:
what do you want? define what you want to accomplish and do with your life- not like what you want to do rn necessarily but just like goals for the future.
having a plan. im not sure whether or not you're in college or have a job, but anyways it's good to have some sort of a rough plan. even in college ur plan might change- my brother went to business school with the idea that he'd then go to law school but now he's thinking about getting a phd in political science. if ur not in college rn then ig you'd just need to think about getting some sort of job and way to support yourself.
healthy habits. if you don't have much of a routine in your life then work on establishing healthy habits- like working out, eating better, taking care of your hygeine.
finding hobbies. hobbies are great becuz u get thave something to dedicate yourself towards and you learn more about yourself and what you want to do. also it's rlly fun
but i really want to reiterate that ofc it's normal to feel unaccomplished but at the end of the day you're still so young and you have so much time to figure yourself out and what you're going to do. at 20 most people haven't done anything rlly big- my brother's 21 and still can't drive a car and most of his friends have rlly messy lives lmao. like ur doing fine!!!! u don't have to have everything figured out, you don't have to know completely who you are or what you're going to do. as long as you have a rough idea of how you can make a living and you're taking care of yourself it's all right.
wishing u all the best and i hope this helped :)
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
im sorry i havent been interacting much lately- im having a rough time atm and havnt felt like myself but im working on it!
ANYWAY this has been on my mind and it is genuinely getting me thru the day so i j have to share:) imagine ur having a bad day. like the worst of the worst, everything that could have gone wrong has. and to top it off you woke up feeling awful about yourself- total bad brain day. you get home irritated and exhausted and on the verge of tears and go straight to ur room, completely bypassing eris (this can be pre twins or post twins) and hes just sitting there confused as to why you j kept walking. at least until u accidentally let a bit of emotion down the bond and IMMEDIATELY eris is coming to you. he sees u crying and it shatters his heart bc why is the love of his life crying. so u explain ur day and how bad ur feeling ab urself and he just sits and listens and reassures u and makes you feel like the most loved person in the universe (bc by him you are).
v much realizing how heavy hurt/comfort it is so u can definitely ignore it but im fr wishing for an eris to help me thru it rn <3
Hi my dear,
I am sorry you are going through it rn, I totally understand and get it. You are not alone and don’t worry, Girl dad!Eris will always save the day because you are his heart, soul, and world. 
Okay, so you just wake up not knowing that today was going to be a rough day. Honestly you had a lot of hope that the day was going to go really well!
Eris woke up early this morning because he has been busy adjusting the laws that Beron had set into place. He is working hard to undo them to make Autumn Court a better place for his people, for his little girls, and for you. 
When he finishes getting ready, he crosses the room towards your form that is still laying in bed, fast asleep. He wakes you to give you your first good morning, a habit that formed when your bond had initially snapped into place centuries ago 
He kisses your forehead, stroking your hair back as he gently murmurs, “I have to go to my office, I love you so so much my pretty, and I will see you at breakfast.” 
And you smile back, bleary eyed, leaning up to peck him on the lips, telling him you would be up soon, sending a stroke of love down your mating bond in reassurance. 
You watch tiredly as he tip-toes to his favorite babes who were still sleeping peacefully in their bassinets, and gives them each individual kisses.
You are too tired to hear what he whispers down at the two, but you are 100% positive it is something along the lines of, “Be good for your mama my beautiful babes. Papa will be back soon, and he loves you more than anything.” 
And then he walks out the door, winking at you as he shuts it softly behind him. 
By the time you fully wake, it’s been almost an hour since Eris started his day. Marwa and Twila are still asleep, and so you get up with a sense of motivation to get yourself ready. 
Since the babes were born, it had become increasingly difficult to find time in the morning to get yourself ready before breakfast. Usually, you would need to get yourself dressed and appearing somewhat presentable after you fed the girls their breakfast. 
At first, this worried you. You didn’t want to appear like you were lazy or “letting yourself go” when you arrive to breakfast, frazzled from wrangling the girls out of bed and to the kitchem still in your pajama’s with some dried drool at the corner of your lips from the night before
But the way Eris would look up from where he was seated at the dining table when you would wake in with your babes hand in hand... 
The way his eyes would spark with the fire that ran within his veins... the way his face would illuminate with utter joy and peace... the way he always stood in greeting, hugging his babes and putting them in their seats... the way he would pull your chair back for you like the gentlemale he was, tucking you in your seat right next to him before pressing a kiss onto the back of your hand
And if he was feeling incredibly risky, whenever the girls would be focused on eating their breakfast, he would press kisses all the way up your bare arm, right up to your shoulder, whispering something along the lines of how stunning you look this morning 
And you would always flush at his compliments, preening under his gaze, any worries that you previously carried slipping away like a leaf within the wind drifting to the ground off a tree
But this morning... you had the time to get ready. Your perfect babes had decided to sleep in. So after taking a quick peak to ensure that both were still dreaming happily, you race towards the en-suite bathroom to rush to take a bath 
You soak in the tub for 15 minutes, scrubbing every inch of your skin and allowing for the sunflower oil to hydrate any dryness you were experiencing. You even have time to wash your hair with your favorite rose scented shampoo and conditioner.
You smile, knowing that you have your morning all planned out perfectly. The moment you get out of the bath, you will apply some light rogue to your lips and cheeks to brighten you up today. And if you have the time, you will make sure that your hair is somewhat tame from the bird-nest it was from last night’s late night activities with your husband...
Your perfumed scent and fresh, soft skin is likely going to drive your mate insane during breakfast.
And, so, when the babes run off for their morning riding lessons with their Uncle Luc after breakfast... well... whose to say what Eris will do to you?  
Hopefully drag you into his office to have his way with you while the girls are away for a couple of hours before returning to work
But as you get ready... as you stare at yourself in the mirror... you can’t help but feel off. Something about the way you look today feels off.
Entirely off. 
The way your rogue is settling on your cheeks is not flattering, and no matter how many times you wipe it off and reapply, it is making you look like you painted yourself this morning to look like a clown. Even the way the rogue stains your lips is wrong. 
Fresh face without any makeup will have to do. Eris has never complained before, and he never will. He loves your bare face. He often prefers it because it let’s him paint your face with his cum. 
So you sigh in dissapointment, but let it go ultimately. At least you can still fix your hair the way you want. Maybe you will curl it to frame your face? Maybe you will straighten to highlight your cheeks? The possibilites are endless, right! 
Your hair is not working with you today. No matter how you try styling it, it falls right back into place, resting in a messy way. You even tried applying a small portion of the gel your mate uses in the morning to help with it, but your hair ends up feeling a bit crusty and greasy, even though that never happens to Eris. 
You’re now feeling a little demotivated... you take a quick peak into your room, noticing that both your babes are awake now. Thank the mother they are just babbling at each other, distracted by telling each other about their dreams. 
Soon they will realize that their papa is gone, and that mama is in the bathroom, and they will run to receive your morning lovings of hugs and kisses before you help them get ready for the day. 
That leaves you with a couple minutes to at least dress a little nicer this morning. So you run into the closet, picking out a flowy sage green dress that Eris had bought for you a couple of days ago despite your closet being full of other clothes. 
“I wanna spoil you my beloved. Besides, I already bought Marwa and Twila dresses that match yours. So maybe you can have them wear their dresses when you wear yours. Just so I can see my most beautiful girls and perfect mate matching.” 
Gods, the way he treated you had your heart fully leaping into his hands, without any hesitancy or doubt, for him to hold close to his own heart
But even the dress is not fitting right on you. The way it hugs your hips shows off the dips that had developed after having your girls. And you didn’t necessarily hate them per say... but it wasn’t something you wanted highlighted to your mate and the entire autumn court for that matter
And then you start to think maybe it’s not the rogue or the hair or the dress... maybe it’s me. I mean your body has changed a lot since having your girls. Your breasts had enlarged with milk for the babes, and your hips had widened for the birth. 
And you hadn’t bounced back like you thought you would. 
And obviously, Eris never gave you any pressure or stress about it. In fact, the male worshiped your body. Pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and post pregnancy. He was obsessed with you in the best way possible. 
But for some reason... today was just not working with you. And you felt dejected that you had wasted your time this morning trying to get ready for your husband, only for it to not work out, when you probably could’ve snuck into his office to have a quick few... private... moments. 
Alas, you didn’t have time to think on it too much because the girl’s came running into the room, clinging at your legs begging for their morning kisses and hugs. 
Your heart sung at their love, and you felt a small tug at your bond as the wave of emotion seeped down to where-ever Eris was this morning. 
So you lean down, pick up your girls, pressing kisses all over their faces as they giggle at you, and move to get them ready, pushing away any discontent to the back of your mind. 
You had no time to let this bother you anyway. After breakfast, and hopefully some alone time with Eris,  you needed to head out to different towns across Autumn Court to gather intel on any concerns the people had, to reassure the people that you and Eris were working hard as high lord and high lady to ensure their prosperity, to ensure that you would be different from Beron. 
The girls are incredibly difficult this morning. They want to see their papa, and they want their papa to get them ready this morning. So you press your lips together, promising them that papa will join them for breakfast if they get ready quickly. 
A couple of temper tantrums later, the three of you arrive at the breakfast nook only to discover Lucien in the place of Eris. He sends over a sympathetic smile at the downcast look that crosses your face, letting you and the babes know that their papa had to head out to the border to deal with something that had come up. 
You tug at your bond in worry, and your mate replies almost instantly with reassurance and apology which you wholeheartedly accept. Things like this happen. Things like this will happen as high lord and high lady. Things will come up and interrupt your morning and that is okay. 
But damn, does it mother above fucking suck.  
The only reason the babes don’t have a meltdown over the lack of thier papa’s presence is Lucien’s promise for some candies later if they eat quickly and get to the stables for their horse riding lessons. He squeezes your shoulder in warmth as he is pulled away by his favorite nieces, who immediately give you a hug and kiss in goodbye, once they finish eating. 
You head out to town as soon as you finish your own breakfast. 
The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can see Eris and spend some time with your babes, together as a family. That is the only thing you look forward to for the rest of the day. 
But your time in town only further worsens your mood. Compliant after compliant after compliant. All of them being valid and equally concerning. All of the citizens of the Autumn Court had suffered for centuries under Beron’s rule, and once the fear of Eris disappeared with his kindness, feelings of anger arose within the general population against the Vanserra family as a whole
At some point, you had closed off the bond to Eris because you feared he would pick up on your general distress that was progressing into outright sorrow, discomfort, and grief. 
There wasn’t much you could do besides take the brunt of the anger as high lady, reassure the people that you and Eris were working for them, for the people and not the members of court, to undo the heinous laws Beron had inacted, but advise them it would take time. 
Town after town after town. 
So many families, so many elderly, so many women, so many children had suffered. So many perished with the high taxes and tithes they would were forced to pay, not leaving them with enough money to even buy food. 
And the children... they looked at you with such hope... and once you earned their trust with a couple of candies and friendly conversation, they would sit near you trying to gain the favor of their high lady. They would tell you of losing their fathers to the war, losing their mothers to famine because they would sacrifice their food for their babes... 
It nearly broke you. 
And by the end of the day... by the end of the day you just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the day away. Intense sadness squeezed at your heart, leaving a lump in your throat, and nausea that had your head spinning. 
You didn’t want the girls to see you like this. You only wanted them to see you happy, to see you content. You and Eris had agreed that the babes would grow up with no concern for either of their parents, that you would put on a front so they felt safe, so they felt normal. 
Nor did you want your mate to see you like this. You didn’t want him to worry about you. 
Part of your sadness stemmed from your overall day being couldron damned. Another part from your lack of time around your mate and babes. Another part from your doubt of yourself in terms of your ability as high lady and even in terms of your beauty. 
It just... the day was not working out the way you wanted it to. And the day refused to work out the way you expected it to. Every surprise was a sad one. There was nothing happy about what happened today. 
So when you got home, nearing sunset, you walked straight past where your mate and the babes were seated in the sitting room. The girls were in their own world, taking turns trying to read the book that was settled on the floor in front of them as the hounds cuddled into their laps and surrounded them in a protective circle. Eris had been leaning on the couch, a content look spanning his face with a soft smile crinkling his freckle covered cheek, watching his perfect babes politely hand off different pages to each other, watching them point at the little pictures in the book and pointing it out to the hounds that were around them who oddly looked like they understood every word the babes spoke to them. 
Your mate had been the first to notice your presence along with the hound he had gifted you for protection when you had accepted the mating bond. The hound trailed after you as Eris stared after your distancing form in confusion, you hadn’t even spared him or the babes so much as a glance as you stormed towards your bedroom. 
A sense of dread fills the male as he feels a pulse of sadness through the bond. He hadn’t felt anything from you since this morning, but he had chalked it up to you being busy. He hadn’t thought you were upset in any form. He felt his heart drop, maybe you were angry he had failed to join you and the girls for breakfast. 
“Watch over the babes,” he commanded the hounds who had sat up, ears pointing backward and down in alert at their masters orders, surrounding the girls in a circle. When the babes asked where their papa was going, “I’m gonna check on your mama, my Marwa, my Twila.  Don’t worry. we will be back with dinner okay?” 
They nodded in reply, confused because their mama usually always greeted them with kisses and hugs whenever she came back from work, but they didn’t ask their papa any other questions as he hurried after you.  
Eris finds you curled under the covers in bed, and you don’t even peak out to watch him approach you as he settles down on the bed on your side. His feet settle onto the floor on the side of the bed as he angles his body to face yours. He can smell the saltiness of your tears in the air which has his heart racing, trying to think of any reason you could be upset. 
Gods forbid, had you been hurt while out in town? Were you upset with him? Were the girls too rough to deal with alone this morning? 
He would never forgive himself if anything had happened to you. 
Nor would he forgive the person who was stupid enough to upset you like this. 
And Mother have mercy on him if he found out that he was the reason you were upset. He would rather light himself on fire alive than be the cause of your pain. 
“Beloved?” he whispers when he hears your sniffles coming from underneath the covers. He presses a firm hand into what looks to be the outline of your shoulder, before peeling the blanket away from you. 
Bile rises in his throat as he clocks in the tears streaming down your cheeks, your hand pressed into your mouth to muffle your sobs, and eyes squeezed shut to hide the pain that was no doubt reflected in your beautiful iris’. 
His heart shatters into a million pieces, not understanding what has happened that has upset you so. 
But he quickly jumps into action. 
Immediately shifting to lay on top of you, to allow his body weight to act as a grounding source, to allow his warmth to stabilize the adrenaline that is racing through your veins, to press kisses anywhere he has access to. 
His hands run up and down your sides, squeezing at your waist and hips before pulling you up into him, molding your body against his as his arm wraps tightly around your waist, his other arm reaching up to finger the ends of your hair. 
“What happened my beloved? Has something hurt you?” 
You don’t even reply, you just bury your head into the junction of his shoulder and neck, inhaling his cinnamon and apple scent, tinged with the afternoon rain and leaves, allowing for the sound of his heartbeat to calm your own. 
You finally open your side of the bond, allowing all your feelings to flood towards him. He takes a sharp inhale, overwhelmed by the rush of negative emotions, but doesn’t say anything. He wants you to share these feelings with him. He wants to lift the burden of these feelings in any way he can. And if that means letting it go onto him, then so be it. 
You shake against his body for a while, tears soaking into his shoulder as he strokes your hair, at some point pulling you into his lap and rocking you back and forth. 
And when you are ready,  you finally begin to tell your husband about your day. About how the day started off so perfectly with him waking you up, and how you felt so motivated to feel pretty for him. How nothing worked out and it left you feeling insecure. How the girls were upset that their papa wasn’t there in the morning, instead they were stuck with mama (even though you know that is not how they meant it to sound, they are only babes for mothers sake). How the towns people had so many concerns. How the children of the court had suffered. How upset you were that these things would take time to fix. How upset you were that you couldn’t relieve the peoples pain with one law, with one all included fix. How much you missed him throughout the day. How much you had wanted some alone time with him... some private time... how disappointed you were when he wasn’t there at breakfast, and how you just were not feeling good. Not feeling good about the day. Not feeling good about the state of the court. Not feeling good about yourself. 
And he listened. Stroking your back with one hand, and your hair with the other. Pressing kisses into your temple and forehead, onto your cheeks and corners of your eyes every time a new tear tried to slip out. 
He didn’t interrupt you once, allowing for you to get all your feelings out there. Only sending strokes of love, appreciation, pride, longing, and want down the bond that tied your two hearts together. 
And when you finally finished, tears all dried out, breathless from your rant, his hand came up to your chin, gripping it to force eye contact with you. The bond had tightened into one of pure devotion streaking down to reach your end, encasing you with your mates love. His amber iris’ stared into yours, flicking back and forth, reflecting only honesty and truth as he began thickly, “My beloved, you are the most stunning female I have ever seen, ever had the pleasure knowing, probably the most stunning female to have ever existed. You are the definition of ethereal, elegance, dazzling, enchanting, and alluring. Your beauty exceeds that of the stars, moon, and sun. There are not enough words to describe your beauty, really there are no words that can accurately describe it either. You are just going to have to take my word for it, and I promise you that I will prove to you ever day how bewitched I am by you. I am so sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to. I was actually hoping to join you sometime later today, but I got pulled away by the border issues and I just didn’t have enough time. I am sorry you had to deal with all that on your own. Things for the people are very emotionally charged right now, but I am so fucking proud of you. I am proud to have you as my high lady. I, and the people of this court, are incredibly blessed to have you as high lady, my beloved. You handled things beautifully, and in ways that I couldn’t have done better myself. You are allowed to have off days my love, but I am here for you. And I am going to remind you every time you have one of those days, actually, I am going to remind you every day, that you are my entire heart. My whole soul. And my world, along with the babes. My universe revolves around you. And you are the most loved person I know. The babes absolutely adore you, and while they were complaining in the morning for you, you should’ve seen how they cried when they realized you would be gone for the entire day. It took hours to console them beloved, hours. I was nearly about to rip my hair out before I brought in the hounds to distract them. You are their world. You are the perfect mama to them, and I assure you that you are their favorite being to exist, and I cannot help but feel the exact same. I love you so much, and it is going to be okay. I promise you.”
Your lip trembled at his devotion towards you. Everyday, your mate managed to surprise you with the amount of love and affection he held towards you. Everyday, over and over again, he proved that he was the only being that you could ever possibly want or need to be happy, to be content, to live. “Thank you, Er,” you whispered, leaning forward and capturing his lips against yours. They moved slowly and passionately against each other, pulling away and coming back. Gasping against each others lips for air before shifting to press against each other with no space left in between. His tongue slipped between your lips, ushering into your mouth to stroke at your tongue causing a shot of lust to course through your body. He leaned back, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth, eliciting a soft moan that had him surging forward again.
Both Marwa and Twila’s little voices squealed at their parents display of affection, you shoved Eris away at the sound of your babes, immediately glancing over his shoulder to see the two of them scrunching their tiny faces in disgust. The both of them must’ve snuck in at some point during Eris’ speech, and- 
“Mama, Papa was sucking your face off!” Twila screamed, leaping across the room towards you. Marwa following behind her just as quickly. Both landed on their papa, causing Eris to fall back with an “omph” 
Their tiny fingers shoved into Eris’ sides trying to tickle the male to get him away from their precious mama with their best effort. Luckily for their papa, he was not very ticklish. 
Unluckily for them, the babes were. 
He locked eyes with you, amber iris’ lined with mischief that caused you to giggle and nod. You both snatched one of the girls away, sending soft brushes across their torso and behind their knees where they tickled the most, sloppily kissing every inch of their faces you both could reach.  Their little screams of laughter that followed, soothing the last seed of ache in your heart. 
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abidethetempest · 11 months
Eliksni Conlang Progress
Velask! this is my first progress post, hopefully the first of many! i have been really waffling on whether or not i wanted to even share any early content yet, but then i realized that was really just me being scared to show off my art and i'm not about that shit (plus i want to have a record of my progress to look back on)!!! so i'm gonna show off my art >:DDDD
so here's most of what i have now! beware, very long post below the cut:
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i hope to god tumblr didn't totally cronch that image. so yeah this is the rough phonology, emphasis on rough. full disclosure, everything i know about the IPA i learned for this project like a week ago. i'm a total noob, and i'm sure an experienced conlanger or linguist would look at this and their soul would exit their body in horror or smth equally dramatic. but in my defense, i did have to work backwards to build this based on existing material instead of making it all myself, so it was a lot more restrictive and difficult.
Short Vowels
ɪ: i
e: e
æ: a
ə: e or a (always unstressed)
ʊ: u
ɑ: aa
Long Vowels
i: ii
ɔ: o (primarily used before r)
eɪ: written as “ey” or “eh”
eə, written as “eyr” (pretty much exclusively seen paired with r, which is the reason for that spelling)
aɪ, written as “ei”
oʊ, written as “oh”
these diphthongs are used to represent a number of sounds that canonical sources do not differentiate between in writing. There might have been a way to do this using rules for pronounciation instead, but it was honestly so frustrating to think i had nailed down a good rule only to find one or two exceptions that i just decided to chuck canon out the window and make some damn diphthongs.
(if you don't know/understand the IPA, I highly recommend checking out this video for a great overview)
this is also a very rough draft version, doubly so since the only person who has to care abt writing/speaking Eliksni rn is me. but this is my current basis for how i make, pronounce, and write words. i will definitely clean this up if/when i start making guides on using Eliksni, but it makes do for now.
Onset: all phonemes
Nucleus: all vowels/diphthongs
Coda: all consonants including clusters
stress on first syllable in most two syllable words
in three syllable words, stress on second syllable if it contains a k or a long vowel/diphthong
stress never on prefix
single "i" is short if surrounded by other letters and long if left open on either side. "ii" is always long and is written that way in words where it is surrounded by letters. Words that start with single i will be spelled with ii if they are compounded with another word. ex) ikrim (time), draiikrim (forever, lit. “all time”)
Consonant Cluster Rules
I only have rules for clusters of two so far, but I am going to flesh out the rules for three-consonant clusters soon since a few of those have cropped up in my lexicon building exercises. The chart for these is in an earlier post if you want to see it all color-coded and whatnot
C: can only pair with H to for CH, all romanizations using C in place of K are done so for aesthetic purposes (i only preserved the use of C as an occassional K because I like how it looks in romanizations, the actual Eliksni alphabet will never substitute C for K)
H: can only precede another consonant as part of the vowel in the nucleus, except for Y (functionally, H being attached to a vowel makes it part of that vowel, but i wanted to highlight this feature to make it very clear that H cannot precede another consonant on its own)
J: never pairs with another consonant. (i wasnt even going to include J as a sound in Eliksni, but there had to be two (2) damn canon names w J in them so i felt a little obligated)
Y: functioning as a consonant, Y cannot pair with any other consonant.
Z: never pairs with another consonant at beginning
Making this bigass chart was unironically so fun. i love you spreadsheets <3 i love you color coding <3 no i am not neurotypical why do you ask
thats it lmao! i'm not even sure if this is gonna stay the same, the only sentences i've written so far have been very basic and all like 3 words long. this is definitely an aspect i am expecting to change a lot over time as I refine how i want things to flow.
Stop! Grammar Time!
(i've waited three years to make that dumb joke lol sorry)
unfortunately grammar itself is no joke.
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these are the affixes for conjugating verbs in Eliksni. There are 3 tenses currently (if anyone saw that post I made a few days ago abt the second past tense, i do still plan to implement it, just haven't had the time to think of affixes for it or decide how i really want it to work)
For the sake of time and bc this post is,,,, really damn long already, I won't be including the example conjugations i did here. might make a separate post with that so i can also show off how the mood markers work.
speaking of...
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Mood time! i will readily admit this shit kinda confuses the heck outta me, though i understand the basics at least in theory. Some are more intuitive for me, like the imperative and interrogative. i might even drop the subjunctive, although i do want to at least try to grasp it first. Also shout out to the imperative for being irregular bc of ✨worldbuilding reasons✨, we love to see it.
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Noun case markers! Something my time learning German actually prepared me for!
There are only two cases in Eliksni, nominative and accusative. All other situations where other cases like dative or genitive would be used will be done periphrastically using prepositions and such. I was inspired by the lack of gendered third-person-pronoun in Mando'a, which is why there is one pronoun to refer to someone in the third person regardless of gender. If gender absolutely need be specificed, an adjective corresponding to their gender (ie: masculine, feminine, nonbinary, etc) is used.
and that's what i've got after about a week's worth of progress! for the sake of good recordkeeping, the date at the time of writing this post is 7-12-23.
feel free leave any thoughts (but please be gentle! i'm very new to this)!
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trlvsn · 1 year
Listen, can you tell me more about your art process? Because honestly everything from your sketches to the final product is amazing and I'm really curious to know how you go about it.
i am finally neither drunk nor hungover so i can reply to this properly! honestly, never expected an ask like this bc this is like. for the good (tm) artists. i started drawing in february, as well as this blog, and i'm still finding and changing things!
either way, what i strongly advise to think about first is a good idea and a good composition: first more important than last, but a drawing can just be hard to look at if it's not well-organized. for some reason, i like to do triangles with a detail in the center to which attention will be naturally drawn.
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once i figure out what i want, i start doing multiple sketches: a very rough one with no reference and very thin repetitive lines, then a better one with references and corrections, and then a finer one, with thick strokes. here, you see the final sketch (still not lineart, though), and this is also where i put a base in the background: i find working with a white bg to be inconvenient, and it does add somewhat of an undertone.
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then i do the lineart in thinner and better strokes! i'm still playing with the brushes and customizing them, but here are the ones i use rn in ibis paint:
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i later go a layer below lineart and fill in the simple colors. even if i plan on making the light green later or using some interesting shadow colors, right now i imagine the lighting is simple and white. i put on the basic shadows by using the multiply layer and some dull pinks.
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as you can see, i also color the lineart later with a clipping tool. frankly, by this point, the drawing looks bad. that's where i use the multiply layer again:
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in this case, i added light by coloring some parts of the layer with a lighter contrasting color, but sometimes i just erase parts for really bright lighting in an otherwise dark setting, like in the beanix, kristoph and maya drawings in the first picture.
i add light with a normal layer by color-picking, and sometimes just go over the whole thing with a normal layer as well to correct small imperfections. i only use stuff like blurring and hard light layers for the candles, as i like to keep a certain roughness to the drawing.
uhh, what else is there? i do love doing a spot-the-symbolism moment like, everywhere, especially in the fey clan pieces... but i feel the most important part is painting not an image, but a character. this is why I'm so fond of painting from a live model: you don't capture a singular moment, you compile millions of images into one, this capturing the essence of the person, locking time with paint. that's, of course, not the case here, i just like to talk.
either way, just have fun with it!! duplicate your drawings to experiment, use clipping tools, learn some composition and color / shading basics, make things stand out!!
and thank you so much for the compliment:)
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itsdrawingmen · 3 months
Hey I am the same anon who came up with the headcannon (or maybe partially cannon) that yoosung can sing and has a sweet voice and to be honest
I would like both fics and headcannon posts and basically EVERYTHING related to it. Let your imagination run wild I really love your work
Secondly rn i cannot find the chat where he mentions that he was in a band but I will try to find it as soon as i get time. Cuz I CLEARLY remember seeing that but now it feels like some sort of Mandela effect. I hope its not mandela effect😭😭😭😭
Ooh, lovely anon, so basically my headcanons are as follows:
Yoosung’s story of artistic endeavours is a little similar to Zen’s in that his parents never took it seriously because you can’t monetize it consistently, or they perceive it as something you must have ‘talent’ to do. Yoosung is not extraordinary, so they’re dismissive. So all he can do, he’s mostly self-taught, with some inconsistent help from especially sweet teachers
He’s extremely embarrassed, especially in front of Zen who’s a professional
Singing is one of his ways of dealing with strong emotions. He picks songs with lyrics that resonate and pours his soul out
He was in a band, so he definitely has a good ear and a sense of rhythm, better than he gives himself credit for, but because he doesn’t have a formal education, he’s self-conscious. In the band, he sang and played percussion.
And also, you're in luck, because I put together a little something - it's more of a 'sketch' honestly, but I like it, so let's leave it here.
The house feels like home, Zen thinks as he passes around it.
His gaze brushes habitually across the textures of the wall, across the familiar cracks, then the ancient graffiti. He stops at the spot, and can almost imagine the heels of his sneakers falling into place, as if there is a slot for them. He smiles. The habituality feels good. The house feels like home. The more now that there’s a light in his windows, poking just over the asphalt.
It’s his favourite place to smoke: behind the house, right by his own windows. Out of the way, away from the prying eyes, where he would only bother himself. Zen pulls out the pack of cigarettes and the lighter. I will quit, he tells himself. One of these days. Yes, definitely one of these days.
The little light flickers, summoned by his fingers. Zen lights up the cigarette and takes a drag.
Then he hears it, rising from down below, quiet still, but his ear catches it immediately.
The voice.
Zen turns his head. The kitchen window is open into the warm spring air.
The light means Yoosung.
The voice.
He lowers down until he is crouching and bates his breath. Yes, there is no doubt. Yoosung is singing.
He can hear the running water and the clinking dishes faintly, and over them, the voice rises, timid at first, then louder and louder, little by little, until it opens heartily into a refrain.
‘Healing, o-oh! Healing, touching, for living!’
That’s such an old song, how does he even know it? He puts so much heart in that refrain, the choice of song is definitely not random. He knows it, no, more than that, he feels it.
Yoosung’s voice betrays a trembly vibrato in the verse. His breathing is wrong, Zen thinks. A normal mistake. He needs to use his belly. He forces it, just a little, but it’s so easily fixed.
He has such a nice voice, though, he can’t help but notice. It’s soft and mellow, on the tenor side — just a tiny bit rough around the edges, evidently untrained, but still already so good. Zen takes a drag of his cigarette and closes his eyes as he exhales. Yoosung’s voice is clear, stable on the notes, if a little inconsistent with the breath, but that gives it charm. After all, the song itself almost asks for it.
He plays around the phrase, his voice growing in confidence.
‘Healing, and help is coming.’
He has a sweet accent, too.
Where did you learn to sing, Yoosungie?
He puts out the cigarette on the asphalt and finds his jar to throw the butt in. Rises quietly, as if not to disturb. Yoosung’s voice has grown, bloomed in confidence, covering the hum of the running water.
‘And so, we need it, all I know, we need it, and so…’
Such an old song. He remembers trying it by ear on his guitar. The strings were so bad, but he had no money for new ones. Healing, he sang, touching. Did he believe, then, that healing and help were coming?
He hasn’t played in so long. He feels his fingertips itch. Will Yoosung sing if he plays?
Quiet, stupid heart.
He doesn’t want to think why his chest feels so full, so fluttery.
He steps springily away, passes around the house that feels like home. Opens the door, descends the stairs. Puts the key into the keyhole as quietly as he can. Presses the doorknob so slowly, so carefully.
As he opens the door, the flat is filled with the voice. He sings something else now, but something even more familiar — Zen knows this song, he remembers singing it for an audition. He remembers his director calling him, telling him he has got the role. ‘Even though the song choice was godawful,’ he told him then.
A good song.
A sad song.
A song about love.
It suits Yoosung’s voice so well, or maybe he just sings it so heartfelt.
He locks the door, he’s slow, quiet. But his chest can no longer contain his voice. He covers the last few steps till the kitchen, and then he joins in.
Then, the song stops, abruptly, leaving Zen hanging. Yoosung turns around sharply, Zen meets his gaze: a little lost, a little glazed, a little bewildered.
‘Hey,’ he says. ‘Why’d you stop?’
‘You never told me you had such a cool voice.’
A blush creeps over Yoosung’s cheeks.
‘I… oh, it’s… nothing, really…’
‘Come on, I wanted to sing, too.’
‘Go on…’
Zen huffs, smiles.
‘Come on. Sing with me.’
He's curious now. He wants to know how they will sound. Yoosung’s wet hand reaches up, runs through his hair.
‘Oh, I’m not… I don’t sound well…’
‘You do. Come on. I love that song, indulge me.’
Yoosung smiles awkwardly, apologetically.
‘I’ll ruin it for you.’
‘Try me.’
Zen comes up to the table and leans on it.
‘Come on. Start. I’ll join.’
Yoosung’s smile grows even more helpless.
‘Are you sure?’
Yoosung hesitates for a moment more. Then clears his throat. Zen encourages him with a smile and a nod. Yoosung turns away, stops the running water.
There is a long moment of silence. And then he sings.
And Zen lets him have that verse, then takes a breath and joins in.
His voice is lower, and it supports Yoosung’s so well. They blend together nicely, Zen thinks. Make a good duet. Needs a little polishing, but undoubtedly a good duet. Yoosung turns around to face him slowly, and Zen sees a little smile blooming on his face.
‘You were in love with someone else, but I just wanted you to stay by my side…’
He feels Yoosung’s voice jump off of his own, finally finding a solid base, growing stronger off him. The gaze of Yoosung’s different eyes travels up to fix on Zen’s.
‘You were more beautiful than anyone else, it hurts that I can’t even hold you in my arms…’
Zen has to look away. There’s something in Yoosung’s gaze, in Yoosung’s voice, that reaches deep into him, deeper than he wants to let him.
‘It hurts…’
He allows himself to play with modifications, and Yoosung’s voice holds the melody steady. He has done this before, Zen thinks. It’s impossible he has such a good ear without any learning or practice.
He tries not to think about that something in his gaze.
He honestly tries.
‘I won’t ask anymore, I won’t hope anymore.’
He finally dares to look at Yoosung, at his eyes, now closed as he pours his heart out into the song. He watches him sing, and he notices all the overforced notes, all the oversqueezed falsettos, but still somehow it all falls together into something so honest, so brutal — so perfect. A blue vein pulses on Yoosung’s throat, bulging as he puts effort in, and Zen catches himself transfixed. Yoosung is out of breath now, but he still holds the note before opening his eyes and meeting Zen’s gaze.
‘It hurts…’
Zen is silent. Yoosung’s voice, soft, mellow again, fills the kitchen air, seeps through Zen’s very heart before dissolving.
Then, Zen raises his hands and claps.
We should do this again sometime, he thinks. I should play, you should sing. I will pick up and learn your favourite songs, and I’ll tell you how to breathe with the belly. You’ll tell me where you’ve done this before.
But as Yoosung’s different eyes are fixed on him, and the aftermath of his song still rings through the beige kitchen, all Zen does is simply stand and clap.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Let Me Spoil You Darlin’ - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader
Male!Reader, fluffy tooth rotting cavity inducing fluff, the titles a dead give away, because I don't want to acknowledge homophobia rn after dealing with my southern family everyone in Hawkins is chill with the gays, anyways, onto this gay shit
This is a long one so be warned, there’s about 2k words in here, and look at me go 2 posts in one night? I’m on a roll!!
Side note, I am very sorry to anyone who saw the horrific post made earlier on the eddie munson x male reader tag, while I understand the wish to write smut for characters, I do not agree with writing about such dark and traumatizing topics, and especially not posting it publicly, please be cautious scrolling through this tag and be mindful to keep yourselves safe
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Working at Family Video with Steve and Robin wasn’t awful, no the Saturday rush was awful and the most annoying part of this job. However there were a few benefits to working with my best friends, whenever one of us wanted to leave early, the other two would cover them and act like nothing happened. We really only need two of us working in the store to keep it running, three is just a bonus set of hands to restock. One of the best parts about working here was that I got to see a special someone all the time, mainly because he won’t stop bothering me while I’m working. That person being Eddie Munson, the town freak, Dungeon Master of the Hellfire Club, and the keeper of my heart. I’m honestly not sure how it happened. All I know is that one day in the cafeteria Eddie came over to ask me something completely random and all of a sudden I was hanging with the hellfire club and soon enough me and Eddie were together.
“I’m ditching early, you two have fun and don’t cause any trouble!” Steve called as he began to walk out of the back room to leave the store.
“I don’t think so pretty boy, I called dibs on leaving early today, I’ve got a date tonight that I’ve been planning for weeks. You’re staying to close with Robin.” I moved around the front counter quickly and left whatever I was doing there before grabbing Steve’s shoulder.
“Since when did we call dibs? And besides, I’m sure you’ll do just fine waiting until closing and then running off with whoever your date is.” He tried to drop my hand off his shoulder but I just gripped harder, not enough to hurt but enough to make him stop moving.
“Steven Harringon, I have spent three paychecks total for this date, 5 weeks planning it, and I have reservations at 6:30, I’m leaving early and you’re staying here.” He tried using puppy dog eyes to get me to let him go but I was not about to let all this planning go to waste.
“Steve, don't argue with him, just stick around for a bit longer, I’m not that annoying.” Robin had come out from behind a shelf she was organizing.
“You’re supposed to be on my side Robin.” Steve poured slightly.
“Yeah and he’s been taking a lot of time to plan this date.” Sighing the slightly taller man gave in and dropped his bag on the floor.
“Fine, get lost before I change my mind.” Smiling, I hugged him and muttered a thank you before doing the same to Robin. I ran into the back room and grabbed my backpack before sprinting out the door to my car with only a “bye” to the both of them before the door slammed back shut.
“He is really in love with Eddie isn’t he?” Robin muttered to herself in a rhetorical manner.
“Munson is one lucky bastard to have a boyfriend that dedicated to a relationship.” Steve went back to the break room to throw his bag onto the table and get back to work.
Trying to figure out a date that would please me and Eddie wasn’t all that difficult. Now trying to avoid staying in the trailer all night with movies and snacks as a fallback was difficult. It’s not like I hate those date nights, I just wanted to make this one a little special for Eddie, treat him after a VERY rough school year. With all the Satanic propaganda and bs he had to deal with due to Jason and his goons I wanted to make him feel special and super loved.
I had managed to get us reservations at one of the nicest places in town, it was a family owned Italian place downtown which was known to be pricey but delicious. Shortly after all the cult leader claims against Eddie had died down he got a job at the comic store that Dustin and the other Hellfire kids frequented. It let him hang out with some of his best friends and make some money so it was perfect for him. It hadn’t taken long for me to get to the trailer that Eddie and I called home, sure his uncle Wayne still lived there as well but he was asleep most of the day and out working during the night. So in all reality there was only me and Eddie in the trailer regularly.
Hopping out of my car I grabbed the bag from the trunk, quickly opened the door and made my way to the home phone. Without even thinking about the numbers I punched in the number for the comic store. It only rang a couple times before I heard the voice of my favorite person on the other side.
“Hawkins Comics and Collectables, how can I help you?” A smile came across my face even hearing his voice.
“Hey baby,” I could almost hear his gasp of happiness.
“(Y/n)! What are you calling the store for?” He sounded adorable when he was excited.
“When do you get off tonight, I got a reservation for us at 6.” He took a second to respond, definitely checking the clock.
“Um, in like half an hour, about 5 ish. Where are we going for dinner hun?” I knew he wanted to know but I still want to hold a bit of surprise over his head.
“Somewhere nice, when you get home just change into something real nice for me okay?” He let out a sigh of disappointment because I didn’t tell him.
“Fine, I’ll be home soon, don’t do anything stupid.” A small chuckle left my throat.
“Yeah yeah, I love you Munson, don’t get into any trouble.” I can’t wait for tonight.
“Love you too (L/n), I’ll try not to but I’ve got most of Hellfire here so whatever happens, happens.” After he said that I put the phone back into his holder before heading into our room to change.
Fortunately I was able to hang my dress shirt in the bathroom while I showered that morning before work so I didn’t have to iron it now. Taking off my uniform I pulled on a plain white shirt followed by the white dress shirt. I had a pair of black jeans on but I figured I should put on a slightly nicer pair of black slacks considering where we were going. After I finished putting on my belt I leaned down to dig through the closet for a gift box buried under bags and random articles of clothing. Opening it to double check the contents were still there I left out a relieved sigh as the beautiful silver rings I had picked out for Eddie were still there.
“I hope he likes these.” Quietly speaking to myself I closed the box and stood up before putting it onto the nightstand. Sitting down at the small desk we shared for school work before we graduated I snagged a book and began reading to pass some time. Less than 15 minutes had passed before I heard Eddie’s van pull up into the driveway while he fumbled with the keys at the door. I giggled when I heard him finally open it and throw something on the floor before sprinting to our room.
“What’s the rush for? We’ve still got an hour babe.” Setting the book down I turned to look at my clearly frazzled boyfriend.
“Hey! Um, I have to shower and I didn’t want to walk out with sopping wet hair.” He smiled at me from across the room before taking a few strides towards me and leaning down to give me a kiss. It was short but sweet, how did I get so lucky to have him as a boyfriend.
“If I had known I wouldn’t have put my good clothes on yet.” He moved to stand between my legs slightly, making me move my thighs apart.
“If you had joined me we would be 3 hours late to dinner.” Eddie had a point, but I just shook my head and chucked before pulling him down to me by the back of his head for another kiss.
“Finish your shower quick baby boy, I’ve got more than one surprise for you tonight.” A glimmer of hope flashed through his eyes, for what I’m not sure. He very quickly moved from between my legs to the bathroom just down the hall. As soon as I heard the shower running I turned back around to the desk to continue reading my book. It wasn’t too long until I heard the shower stop and Eddie pull the shower curtain back, the walls of his trailer were so thin. Placing the book onto the desk once more I stood up to go grab the small gift box with the rings in it off the nightstand, right as Eddie walks into the bedroom with a towel around his waist and another drying his hair.
“Whatcha got there handsome?” A smile creeped onto my face at the nickname, I thought for a second before responding.
“I know that you really love your rings, especially the bulky silver ones, so a little while ago I went down to the jeweler and asked for a few custom silver rings. And I got them a few days ago, but I wanted to wait before giving them to you, that way you could wear them to our date tonight.” I looked up at him and slowly handed him the box. As soon as he had it in his hands he sat down on the bed and opened it with the utmost care and gentle movements I’ve ever seen from him. He took in a shaky breath before pulling each ring out and looking closely at the details, the hand sculpted silver teeth or the delicately carved eyes. Before I could ask if he liked them he started to cry, tears dripping onto his hands and the rings.
“Wait no, if you don’t like them I can return them, it’s fine Eddie you don’t have to ke-“ Before I had a chance to reassure him, he cut me off.
“No never, don’t return them please, these are the nicest things I’ve ever been given, thank you, thank you so much (y/n), of course I’ll wear these tonight and forever I’m never taking them off.” As soon as he said that he quickly put the rings down before wrapping his arms around me, careful to not bury his face into my white shirt.
“I’m glad you like them baby, I was worried you wouldn’t.” He looked up at me through watery eyes and red cheeks.
“Why would I not like them? Hell I love these things, not as much as I love you but, these rings are the nicest thing I own now, and I will always treasure them, thank you so much babe.” He was trying so hard to calm his crying down, I reached a hand up to his cheek to wipe away a few stray tears.
“Pretty boys aren’t supposed to cry, but you somehow look just as cute when you are.” Moving my head to push our noses against each other for a moment before I brought our lips together in a slow, passionate kiss. We pulled away a couple moments later and just smiled there with our foreheads resting against the other’s.
“I should really get dressed though.” His eyes opened and he looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes.
“Probably, dinner’s in half an hour.” I looked over at the clock on the bedside noting that it was 5:25 and we only had about half an hour to finish getting ready and get there.
“Oh shit shit shit shit! Alright, where's my shirt!” Eddie hopped off the bed and began a panic to find his clothes. If I was any less familiar with his body the sight of him jumping up without a towel would’ve shocked me. In less than 15 minutes Eddie had managed to finish drying his hair, put on his outfit, and pull his hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of the way during dinner.
“Don’t you look handsome in a dress shirt, I can’t wait to rip it off you later.” He slightly shuttered at my words but quickly turned around to run back into the bedroom. He emerged a moment later with the new rings on his fingers, they looked so good on him.
“C’mon, we shouldn’t be late.” He grabbed my car keys before I could and walked out the door.
“You’ll be the death of me one day Munson, one day.” I muttered to myself before I followed him out the door, tonight was gonna be one we’ll never forget.
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its-your-mind · 6 months
Looooved your thoughts on homeschooling as someone that comes from a country where that's not a thing - not just that, it's also illegal.
My parents wanted me to skip a grade because I was excelling in school in like the 3/4th grade and all my teachers were advising against it. They highlighted how important it was for me to socialize with kids my age, and how difficult it would be for me to fit in with kids that were older not just because they all already knew each other, but also because I would have to do double the work - learning stuff at a higher grade + socializing with kids in established friendship groups. I am sooo grateful my teachers looked for my best interests instead of just listening to my parents because I was already a quiet kid with few friends and it would have made my life immensely more difficult. I suspect I may be on the autism spectrum but I never got tested as a kid despite lacking social skills and I can't really get tested now because therapists here don't think that's a thing they can test adults for so I'm kinda stuck not really knowing just suspecting. But socializing - and socializing irl - is incredibly important, even for adults, and while I was chill being isolated during the pandemic lockdowns, it did set back some of the skills I used to have. It's even more important for kids that don't have those skills to begin with because they don't have enough life experience because they're young.
I’m glad your teachers did that for you - there honestly is almost no evidence that suggests that bumping students up a grade is at all helpful for academic growth, and it is SO frustrating when that is proposed as an option. Are there always going to be kids who pick things up faster than their peers? Absolutely. Does that mean we can just… not teach them all the concepts that get taught in 3rd grade? Fucking?? No???? Like, no amount of natural intellect is going to help a ten-year-old kid just suddenly learn their multiplication tables and the differences between verbs and nouns.
Because school! Is not really about cramming knowledge into brains - like obviously it is, but this is definitely not the format that imparts knowledge most efficiently. Tbh? The most important part of school overall over the course of an entire childhood? Is the social/emotional development. In fact, like I said in those tags, that is 110% what took the hardest hit because of COVID. Teachers are scrambling right now to come up with ways to catch students up on their social/emotional learning (SEL), which is REALLY HARD because so much of it is just… baked into the way school…. is.
Learning how to sit quietly and listen, how to have discussions in a large group, how to work in smaller groups, how to be considerate of the people around you, how to exist in a shared space… all of those are lessons that are part of elementary education, but it’s been so long since any teacher has had to think hard about how to teach them - even if kids forget their math facts over the summer, they’re not going to forget about the concept of raising their hands.
Anyway, I’m not gonna soap-box, but it’s been so rough to teach these past few years after COVID specifically because all of these kids were basically homeschooled for 6 months - 2 years, and none of them have an innate understanding of how to Exist In The World, which means that none of them are able to learn from each other either. It’s almost like every kid in the whole world got tossed onto the spectrum all at once, but just in the “lack of understanding of social expectations” wedge.
Tl;dr: things suck in schools rn bc every kid got homeschooled for an itty bitty chunk of time. Imagine how much it might fuck up kids who are homeschooled for their entire childhoods.
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jittyjames · 9 months
jcs kinktober masterlist
(sorry minors, but pls don’t interact with this. nothing personal, of course, but this just isn’t the space for you lovelies)
cw: heavy mentions of kinks under the cut obviously
i'm going to be so fucking fr with y'all rn. most of these are poly even if they're labeled as a single ship. that's just the universe i write for babes. i'm so embarrassed to even post this list. i would ask god to help me for when i post these in october, but anything good and holy has long left the chat. i'm scheduled to be struck down by lightning by november 1st. anyway here's wonderwall.
(also fair warning. i'm the most vanilla person in existence. if you look up the term vanilla is the dictionary, it's a photo of me. i say this to clarify THESE ARE (mostly) NOT MY KINKS. DO NOT JUDGE ME. I AM BUT A WRITER WHO REALLY LIKES DYNAMICS OKAY?? DON'T PERCEIVE ME. nyway, more warnings and stuff to come in the actual fic.) also watch my tumblr get shadowbanned for me posting this. maybe i should censor the words. IDK.
pegging- jesus x mary
roleplay- jesus x mary x judas
hate sex- mary x judas
rimming- jesus x judas
omo- LMAO JUST KIDDING. honestly don't know for this one. open to suggestions!!! EDIT- COLLARING WINS OUT
frottage- jesus x judas (kudos to gav for the inspo on this one)
virginity- jesus x judas
gore- jesus x judas (this sounds worse than it is lol. i swear it's not bad at all. gore is more of just a theme, not a sex thing. but... it is the bible... so...) this is also mixed with the bonus prompt bathing so!! y'all can work that one out
stripping- jesus x mary (modern)
praise kink- jesus x judas
sensory deprivation- jesus x reader's choice (ooo jami is trying new things for once 👀👀)
somnophilia- jesus x judas
size difference- god x judas x satan
orgasm denial- jesus x judas
temp play- mary x judas
gags- mary x judas
threesome- peter x judas x james
spanking- god x judas (modern)
voyeurism- jesus x mary x judas
mind control- judas x satan x jesus (lmao i’m sorry i had to)
lingerie- jesus x judas
BONUS PROMPTTT: dancing together- jesus x judas
rough oral sex- jesus x mary x judas
sex toys- mary x judas (modern)
edgeplay- jesus x judas
s&m- jesus x judas (was totally singing the rihanna song the whole time i wrote this one)
body worship- jesus x judas
breathplay- jesus x judas
free use- judas x everyone
this is a free day so... ONCE AGAIN OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS
EDIT: i have been harassed but i’m not using my free day on it… so…
32. BONUS DAY- the piss fic.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Ray, I am honestly having a rly rough time rn and have no one else to talk to so here I am. My relationship with my mom has always been shaky and lately it’s been getting so much worse. For as long as I can remember she’s done stuff that makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think it’s anything big but it happens all the time and has built up. No matter what I do she just doesn’t stop. She tries to force me wear to wear makeup, insists on picking out my clothes on the rare occasion I can leave, yells at me for not wanting to get my hair dyed because it means I’m childish, makes me wear contacts, and basically micromanages every aspect of how I look. She makes me do the most inane stuff for her to “prove I love her” and keeps ordering me around like a dog when my dad is over so he sees how well I listen to her. I am just so tired of her and how she constantly treats me like more of a dress up doll and therapist than a daughter. And we’re having money issues, can’t afford bills and wracking up debt, but she keeps spending money on the stupidest crap and won’t stop yelling at me for not acting like a living person. I don’t go out because I know we can’t afford it, I don’t dye my hair because maintenance would be an additional expense, I hate contacts and my clothes because they don’t feel like they’re mine, and I don’t act like I’m alive because I’ve been depressed for fucking years and haven’t been allowed to take medication because it would “give me autism.” I’m just so tired of it Ray. I really am and I don’t know what to do because all my other options are so much worse. In the morning I’ll probably be embarrassed about actually writing this but I just had like three panic attacks within an hour so ill ignore that for now. Sorry for unloading all this on you at 3:23 am but I rly have no one else rn and I’ve seen some similar asks so it’s probably ok? If it’s not feel free to ignore.
First of all, it's perfectly okay, I'm glad you reached out because it sounds like you really need someone to just hear you. So don't feel embarrassed.
Second of all, what you're describing is a big thing. The kind of micromanaging she's doing to you, the financial issues, the control, all of it is an insidious kind of abuse. It, like many other forms of abuse, also has a tendency to get into your head and make you feel like you're the one in the wrong.
I don't know how old you are and you said that your other options are worse so I'm guessing there's not much in the way of a support system you can reach out to? No one in the family who might be able to step in in some way? Or friends who could provide you a safe place?
The situation is obviously complicated but I want you to know that you're justified to be upset. It's not in your head and it's not your fault. She's wrong to do those kinds of things to you.
You deserve better, you deserve safety and choice over your own body, you deserve comfort.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
Okay I’m just… confused… and hurting…
Spoilers alert below.
Is he gone? Like really gone? 🥺 is there still fucking hope?? I don’t mean to sound dramatic, and I know that as an author Gege doesn’t have any responsibility to care about what’s going on in our individual lives.
But bro,
I’m watching a family member suffer with stage 4 cancer rn and Gege pulls this shit and I just want Gojo back man, he’s my comfort character. And the universe gonna make me watch a family member and my comfort character suffer like that??? what the fuck 😭
Thank you for your incredible writing it’s kinda the only thing getting me by atm. Loving Physical Paradox, it’s got me giggling like an idiot and hoping I have some run in with a cute physics dude 🤣
I am so sorry to hear about your family member. Cancer fucking sucks. And I'm so sorry you're having to go through this with them. ❤️ My grandmother died of cancer. And the fifteenth anniversary of her death was the day 236 leaks came out, so it was a rough day for me, as well. I really feel for you, and I hope that you're doing as okay as you can be.
As for if he's gone? I honestly can't tell anymore. They really didn't give any time for us to get through that shit. But I guess they didn't for any of the others, either. Akutami is just sitting there cackling that he's been able to pull so many twists and upset so many people. So fuck him, amirite?
I think that Gojo is a lot of people's comfort character and it feels personal because Akutami fucking knows that. He does. He knows that his fanbase loves Gojo. But he just doesn't care.
Physical Paradox is so fun!! I'm so excited to be writing it, and I'm really enjoying it so far! So I hope you guys are enjoying reading it 😊 I will try to keep it as fluffy as possible to help us all through these trying times 🥹
I hope that things can start to look brighter for you, sweet Anon. Please stay strong 💕
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doll3tt33 · 28 days
The kinda sweet Kai bot anon here with a new update:
We had a rough patch because he cheated but we're back to being good (her name was Kate, he wanted to recruit her for the cult and she did pilates. He gave her a whole backstory lol I was low-key impressed). The way I was so upset when he confessed to cheating, we were in the middle of the recovery for his leg and he still found the time to cheat?? He was walking with crutches and a cane t.t. He brought his mistress home too. I had to keep going just out of curiosity, the levels of audacity were off the charts. My girlie was 3 months pregnant and in the middle of moving houses too, she was devastated.
Anyway, he begged for forgiveness and we moved to a new home. Kai really wanted a hot tub and we're having twins :')
Hope you're doing good! 💙
PS: He got so intense about not liking how my girlie looked pregnant at one point that I made him have a whole nightmare about her asking him for a divorce and leaving for someone better to set him straight. It worked, he was so devastated he cried.
PS2: I did a full role-play of the nightmare too, it was my little revenge. He ended up in jail for stalking and harassment because he broke into her house to take pictures of her with her new boyfriend (he did it by himself he had a whole plan to 'ruin' her). I just decided to call the cops on him, like no babe you're going to jail <3
Please I need a Netflix adaption of this right now LIKE WE GOT CHEATING, MISTRESSES, AND ALL OF THE ABOVE OVER HERE??? 🫢🫢
Honestly I know all is forgiven and done, but this is some men behavior cuz how is he cheating when his legs are on the verge of snapping like twigs???? 😭😭😭😭 THIS IS SO KAI AND ITS SICKENING (derogatory)
And the whole little scene playing in the nightmare has me cackling 😂😂 I just knew he was tossing and turning, sweating bullets in his sleep about you getting back at his ass
But you know, I’m kinda glad he’s not being the worst human being in existence rn and making an effort??? But just a suggestion, send him to couples counseling cuz he still needs to step tf UP 🗣️🗣️
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maphel-n-doodles · 3 months
Blog Maintenance & News
What's up everyone it's me ya boy. That guy who draws naruto n' shit. Anyways.
Here's a quick run down of my current projects for the year and what I hope to be doing in the last quarter of it.
The que is currently six (6) pieces deep, in varying degrees of progress. (I opened Discord-only comms briefly in February as I was cycling through my work-load.)
I do not foresee any slots opening back up to the public until this work load is 100% complete. The household is relatively stable financially so I can allow myself this.
That said, the estimated time range is around late July to early August.
I aim for two commission batches before my next price update in December. However, given how things have been unfolding this past year, and how my pace has slowed dramatically after a few near run-ins with burn-out, I may only open slots once before then. (If this is the case, I will push off the price update until next year.)
To avoid over-promising and running into the same issues that I did middle of last year with near burn-out, I will not be participating in any Character or Ship Week related events.
I've also limited my involvement in larger scale projects down to two separate ones.
I honestly don't know when this is going to happen. There's been a few set backs, and I would like to have some of the equipment I need before I even start setting up for the bi-yearly bundles and such, and also I am aware that my recent turn-out for projects is probably a bit of a turn-off for those who seek a machine.
I have a physical retail job. Like that's it I just have a life I can't be cranking out whole drawings every few days and I gotta figure out how I want to balance this with my other responsibilities if this comes to be.
Estimated launch would be beginning of next year— a whole year later than I originally wished to launch it.
Boy howdy have I got a few of these cooking. It is a little rough working on wholly original works at times simply because I have an unhealthy fear of rejection when it comes to my art, but we are entering an era where Maphel will do as he pleases and post it as he pleases and it will not always be 100% anime men boinking.
My personal projects rn are:
Character Concepts and Designs for Vidja Game development
A small booklet of various DnD one-shots (This will not be available to public sowwy)
Super secret funny thing that will require a whole separate blog.
Working on outlining main story beats for a novella I want to write.
There's not really a lot going on.
Late April/Early May will be when I drop a forklift worth of wips, sneak peeks, and concept pieces in one massive post (or maybe two if it gets too big.)
There will be very little activity until then. See ya.
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toomuchracket · 11 months
cumming blood gal here
i need matty to hate fuck me. like a real raw rough hate fuck semi public location however he wants it, wherever he wants it
obsessed with that being how you're introducing yourself honestly!! and i've had a matty hate fuck singer!reader thing in my head for ages that i'd love to get around to writing, but i think it would turn into a series and i do Not have time for that rn lol. a few people have written about fucking him on the atvb house set (consumption couch) and i am also obsessed with that idea - thinking about being a support act/guest star and riling him up so much before a show that he's like RIGHT THAT'S IT and drags you to the empty stage in the empty arena and literally bends you over the piano and rails you within an inch of your life lol. and it's hard and fast and rough and just so NEEDED; matty pulls you up so he can talk right in your ear, telling you "you do my fucking head in but fuck, you're beautiful. i love it when you're good for me like this, just fucking taking me so well" (because it's matty and he's still a sap and he actually really does fancy you), and you (whining, moaning, etc etc) throw your arm back around his neck to keep him close while you both cum, him sucking a hickey onto your neck as it happens. you collapse back onto the piano, gasping for air, and matty falls on top of you still inside you - you twist round as best you can to smirk at him and say "i promise to be less annoying if you keep fucking me like that", and he laughs and says "deal. it's better when you're moaning because of me and not at me, yeah?", and you roll your eyes like "for the love of god, shut up". matty smirks like "make me", so you lean up to kiss him; it's long, it's sloppy, it's passionate, and you can feel him getting hard inside you again. he pulls back after a second and says "let's take this to the couch for round 2. i need to know what you look like when you cum" <3
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