#but i just like the idea of braham and a norn commander getting in a proper norn apology and talking about eir
A New Dawn
Pact Commander Siggi Vilodsdottir woke up at her usual early morning time, but the light peeking through the flap of her tent was - different. Wait, of course. Sun's Refuge. The exhaustion of actually getting the damn place up, or just leftover grogginess from her first night of decent sleep in ages, had momentarily made her forget, to expect the sun outside her tent flap.
No, these were caves, and it would be cave living for a while. As they formulated a way to take care of Kralkatorrik, they had made the subterranian lair their home - The massive Elder Dragon could never dig this deep, and even his smaller minions would find themselves hard pressed to pass through the narrow redoubts and defeat the magical defenses left by Sunspears past - now reactivated in service of Sunspears present - so here they remained, for the moment. The light from the giant braziers, reflected off the crystals, natural and brand alike, embedded in the walls, certainly made for adequate light, but it wasn't quite the same as the wide, wild sun.
Still, If anyone knew how to live without the sun, it was the Norn.
Pulling on a Jerkin, Siggi stood and threw back the flap of her tent, eager to find something to break her fast - perhaps the foragers had found some good venison - when she nearly tripped over it. A wreath.
A wild grin broke across her face. That dork. He was really going to do this proper, wasnt he? She reached down, ready to pluck it off the ground, but about halfway there, she hesitated as something caught her attention, a quick movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up. Yes. There, behind that rock column. Trying VERY hard, and failing nearly as hard, to look inconspicious, was Braham Eirrson himself.
She hesitated, not out of second thoughts, but just because the boy could probably stand to sweat a bit. Good for his humility. Wasn't right for a Norn to hold a grudge long as he did.
Then again, she was Norn too, huh? And there was another way to handle this...
Finally, she turned back into her tent - but only for a moment, snatching up her best travelling stein. As she exited again, she saw Braham, who had been hunched over, suddenly straight again, looking desperately, wildly at her.
She plunked the stein down in the center of the wreath, crossed her arms, and raised an eyebrow at him. Braham coughed, nodded, and slunk off.
A few hours later, after she'd had a chance to eat and answer about 1000 different questions from various Pact Officers and Sunspears, help out a few Refugees, and discuss possible dragon tracking measures with Taimi and her boys, she finally came to the Vigil tents, where everyone had pooled what alcohol they had for a kind of tavern of sorts, a place to go to take a break, relax, and, if needed get just a bit drunk, to take the edge off. Braham was sitting at the end of one of the longer, less populated benches, and Siggi stopped at the the makeshift bar just long enough to grab their first round - Iron Legion Ale, Charr Beer. Almost as good as Ice Ale from the Wayfarer Foothills, in a pinch. As She walked up to Braham, Steins balanced in hand, he had just finished glaring down a poor Vigil soldier who looked like they were coming to sit across from him. Siggi chuckled, more at Braham's seriousness than the poor Soldier's misfortune, and easily slipped in across from the other Norn.
"Hey Kid. Shake off the Spiders yet?"
"What!? N- I mean Yes- I mean, it's fine why would I care about Spiders? We killed them all! Er, we did kill them all, right?"
Siggi couldn't help herself, breaking into an uproarius laugh at Braham's attempts to keep a slight panic under control, "I'm sorry Braham, I just teasing! If there's any spiders left, I'd imagine they're staying hidden for good, after the drubbing we gave their queen."
Braham nodded, blushing slightly with embarassment, "Oh. Yeah, It's fine. Spiders are gone."
Siggi pushed one of the steins toward Braham, "Iron Legion Ale. Not as good as a good Wayfarer Ice Brew, but beggars can't be choosers."
Braham took the Stein gratefully and took a huge gulp straight away. Siggi smirked again and followed suit.
As they set their mugs down, Braham cleared his throat, "So. How many mugs of these do you think we'll need to put this behind us?"
"Eh," Siggi waved a hand dismissively, "It's all snowmelt, far as I'm concerned. I forgave you a long time ago, just needed you to come around."
Poor Braham made a confused face, "Then Why not take the wreath in?"
"Listen," Siggi continued, with a small smile, "I gave you the Stein in the wreath for a couple reasons. One, I wanted an excuse to drink, and two, it's been way too long since we just sat down and TALKED, you know?"
"Oh. Yeah. I guess it has, huh?"
So they talked, avoiding the subject of their fight for the moment, speaking of Braham's adventures in the High Shiverpeaks, of Siggi's own adventures combating Balthazar - most of it he had heard second hand, but he wanted to hear it from Siggi. Ale after Ale appeared before them, and by the time conversation wound down, Siggi could confidently declare herself pleasantly tipsy, warm and buzzing down to her toes, and judging by Braham swaying on the bench across from her, he was somewhere in the same steading.
"Huh," he chuckled, "Imagine if I hadn't been such a Dolyak's ass. Could have helped you take down a human God. That would have been something to see."
Siggi chuckled, "Maybe. Then again, I did have to die to do it."
Braham frowned, "And maybe if I was there, I could have stopped him from killing you. I AM sorry, Commander..."
"Hey." Siggi set down her stein again for a moment, staring seriously across the table, "Already forgiven, remember? Wreath-sworn. Besides, Losing a parent affects a lot of us pretty badly."
"Hell. Losing my Mom probably affected you, huh?" Braham murmured, staring at the table, "I've been thinking about that, lately. She was your mentor. You two hunted together, built a legend together, she even sponsored you into the Pact."
Siggi nodded, "Yeah. She was... special, to me."
"And you kept on anyway."
"I did. I had a lot of people to save. If I had stopped to mourn her, how many more would have been lost?"
Braham took an especially long swig of ale after that, stared off into the middle distance.
"I... wonder if maybe the real problem was... I was jealous of you. You were closer to her than I was. Eir handpicked you as a champion of the great hunt. She recommended you to the orders, sheparded you until you were a force to defeat an elder dragon on your own. Hell, she was almost more of a Mom to you than she was to me."
Siggi raised an eyebrow, "C'mon, I'm not THAT much younger than her. Eir was more like..."
Siggi paused for a moment. Her mind flitted back, as it often did, to a certain night by a campfire, a night in while the bitter cold of the Shiverpeaks pierced even the hardy hides of the norn, and they found it prudent to share a bedroll for warmth. But then, prudency gave way to an awareness of bare skin touching skin, of a desire that no longer seemed worth hiding. No, Braham wasn't ready for that story. She wasn't sure she'd ever share that with anyone else anyway.
"...Let's just say, cool older sister?"
Braham chuckled, "Huh. yeah, that makes sense. And I guess I'd describe you the same way."
"That's me, cool older sister to thousands of squabbling pact children." Siggi raised her stein one last time and drained the current contents, a far-too-weak human brew. Really had to strengthen the supply lines here if they were already down to the human-brewed stuff, she thought absent-mindedly.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
If you're still taking the impressions ask, how about Eir 👀
Eir ask time! Like at least a week late, but here ya go and ty! :D First impression I liked her pretty early on, as soon as I played through the PS on Kerra, but since Kerra is sylvari and I didn't do the dungeons till I figured out how to use LFG, I also didn't know much about her. So...respect and "I like you" but more on a distant acquaintance level, I guess! Impression now A leader who tried her best and carried a lot on her shoulders. She knows/knew a lot but not everything, and she was aware of how much she didn't know. I'm really glad Destiny's Edge had her for the time that they did, and I'm glad that I got to play through the norn PS so I could properly appreciate her. Favorite moment Honestly, a lot of the early mentorship for the norn PS makes me very happy. The norn Commander is a kid trying to build their legend and learn about the world, and she's trying to guide them while being proud and dealing with several layers of responsibility and guilt on top of that, which gives me a lot of feelings knowing that extra context. For something that's just one moment...the fact that, IIRC, she tried to help Faolain run in Maguuma. It kills me, and it's such a "frog carrying the scorpion"-type moment (even though I have many feelings on that particular fable also). Idea for a story Anything where she lives. She unfortunately doesn't in my main canon, but I'm currently trying to think through a version where she does, and I might post it eventually if I'm happy with it! Aside from that, I'm a sucker for backstory, so reading about baby Eir prior to the Destiny's Edge book, even, would be very fun. Unpopular opinion I understand and respect both her and Braham's "sides" of their relationship. He feels abandoned by her and angry, but once he really gets to know her, he cares (because he's Braham, of course he does), and he has to fully come to terms with what their relationship was and was not when he loses her. She wanted to make a legend for herself and made the deliberate choice not to take the role of a parent, even though she cared about her son. And even though she does welcome him back and want to get to know him later on, she's also fully aware of what their relationship is and isn't. It's a complicated weave but I respect and care about both of them here. Neither of them should be demonized. Favorite relationship Her and Braham (for the aforementioned reasons) or her and Zojja (because that's maybe the friendship that cracked the most with Snaff's death, and I would love/have loved to see them interact more after Destiny's Edge officially reunited). Favorite headcanon Man, I just don't have enough headcanons for people, do I? Again, sending this out to all y'all--if you have any Eir headcanons you would really like to share, please send them my way! :)
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storm-called · 3 years
OC Interview: Glaw Stormcaller
(Didn’t get tagged, but this looked fun and I felt inspired to do it.)
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
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Can you introduce yourself?
[There is muffled cloth rustling and an awkward laugh.] “Why did I agree to this...? Oh, we’re going? Oh! I, uh, hi everyone. Uh, is there an everyone? Who am I talking to? There’s not someone on the other end of this is there?” [No, it’s recording you.] “Oh, right. Introduce myself? I’m Glaw H--Stormcaller. Stormcaller; I’m a norn specializing in elemental magic. And, I guess, I’m the new commander. I somehow got chosen over a bunch more qualified people to have this role. [Another awkward laugh.] I know that doesn’t sound very... inspiring, but I’m doing my best to live up to the big shoes that were left for me to fill.”
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
“That’s a bit of a personal question, isn’t it? I guess the best word for it is genderfluid--sometimes I feel like a man, sometimes I feel like a woman, and sometimes I feel like neither or somewhere in between. I don’t really have a label for my orientation either. I guess I haven’t ever really given it much thought. I am, uh, in a relationship, though.” [There is flustered muttering.] “With Braham Eirsson. Sometimes it feels like dating a celebrity; everyone knows who he is and no one knows who I am.”
Where and when were you born?
“254 Scion in 1308. I think that’s the right date. That’s the one I was told, anyway.” [A quiet huff.] “I don’t actually remember my birthday, and I definitely don’t remember where I was born.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
“Dagger. Or a sword. Or both. I guess a sword feels more natural, but I’ve gotten used to using a dagger. It helps in close quarters.” [They trail off, distracted.] “Fighting style? I don’t... know if I actually have one. I sort of just make it up on the fly, whichever is most useful at the time.”
Lastly, are you happy?
[Silence for a moment.] “I’m happy right now.”
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
“My family is great.” [Their voice is warm.] “There’s my sister, Bryn. She’s older by a couple years and loves to remind me of that, but she’s also incredibly supportive and always has my back. I’d trust her with anything. There’s also my Ma. I’m...” [In a quieter tone with a small chuckle.] “She is a mama bear. Sometimes I think she won’t let me leave when I visit, she’s so protective. Afraid of losing me again, I guess...” [They clear their throat and trail off.]
Have you ever ran away from home?
“Not... intentionally. I did accidentally get abducted by the Elder Dragon Jormag last year.” [A very loud, awkward laugh.] “That was... that wasn’t really running away, I guess.”
Would you consider marriage or having children?
[Interviewer’s notes: I’d like to add here that Commander Stormcaller has gone bright red at this question. I think I even saw a small flame on the tips of their ears.] “Well, I-I... I mean, I hadn’t--haven’t given it much thought. But I, uh, suppose I’m not against the idea, one day when things are calmer.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
[There’s an audible feedback as they clack their teeth together.] “No.”
Which friend knows everything about you?
“Definitely Bryn. She’s my sister. Hell, I’m pretty sure she knows more about me than I do.”
(”Wait, I have fans?”)
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
“I can read and write, yeah. I think I even now some of the older norn dialect, but that’s more subconscious knowledge. School? I think so? I was planning on going to Lion’s Arch to study before... before last year happened.” [Hair rustles like a hand is running through it.]
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
“What kind of question is this?” [There is silence as they think.] “I mean, I predicted that a certain bastard would get what he deserved, but I don’t know if that counts as a prediction.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
[Awkward laughter.] “Ah, that my friends actually care about me and would go to great lengths to protect me. I might be a little dense...”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
[There is the sound of soft fabric rubbing against itself.] “Yeah. I don’t know how publicly well known it is, but I, uh, had amnesia for the greater part of last year. Thanks, Jormag. There’s also a whole load of other mental issues, but uh, I don’t think we have time for that.” [More awkward laughter.] “But physical issues, well--” [Interviewer’s notes: They have their right arm held up, which is covered in a black glove that extends up to the shoulder where their coat sleeve is cut off. They don’t say anything else about it.]
What is your current main goal?
“Protecting Tyria? I don’t know, I’m still new to this job. I think there’s some distant rumblings about some issues that will surely be big problems soon, but I think most of those are... classified.”
Drink or food?
“I’m supposed to pick one? That’s really vague... Okay, I, uh, food I guess. Specifics? This is going to sound really lame, but apples. No, not pies or anything. Just the fruit.”
Cats or dogs?
[Laughter, bright and loud.] “I feel like Snow Leopard might abandon me if I don’t say cats. Sorry, Wolf.”
Early bird or night owl?
“Night owl. I hate waking up early. But then again, who doesn’t?”
Optimist or pessimist?
“Is there a word for being simultaneously both? Poptimist? Ossimist?”
Sassy or sarcastic?
“Sarcastic. My sass tends to get me into trouble...”
-been caught sneaking out?
“Depends on the context. Yes, if the context is sneaking out to save... someone.”
-broke a bone?
“Does spraining a wrist count? But otherwise no, which is surprising, since I seem to have had every other possible bodily injury.”
-received flowers?
“That’s a thing people do? Give each other flowers?”
-ghosted someone?
“What does that mean...? Like, haunted them? I’m still alive. Right?”
-pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
[They breathe out a big puff of breath.] “Uh, more than once, I’m kind of embarrassed to say. Trying to blend in while you have amnesia isn’t the easiest when everyone is making references to things you don’t remember.”
(”Oh, that was the last question? I can go? [There is muffled talking, clothes rustling, a shout, and then a very undignified squawk. The mic thumps against something and the audio cuts out.])
Not going to tag anyone since most people I know have already been tagged, so this is an opening for anyone who wants to do this, too, to do so (or if you have already done one, this is me tagging you to do another if you want!)
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ascalonianpicnic · 3 years
Since its almost mother’s day, I figured I’d post a little essay I wrote last summer, prior to No Quarter’s release.
Disclaimer: as said, this is nearly a year old and doesn’t take into account the end of icebrood (which i still havent played). additionally, I am not saying anyone has to like Eir, but I do expect people to at least hold Rytlock to the same standards
And Warning: discussion of parents, particularly absent mothers and fathers
There was a trend recently in the fandom that has really been on my mind. Rytlock, often referred to as Dadlock in these scenarios, acts as a father figure for the commander or other oc members of their squad. It's a cute idea, very found family. It's not personally my favorite, but I don't have a problem with it on its own. But there was another trend that popped up recently that, when combined with this one, really bothers me. So let's talk about Eir. 
Eir Stegalkin is our mentor in the norn personal story, as well as a member of Destiny's Edge, the famed heros and protectors of Glint. She's tough and strong and independent, but not afraid of admitting when she makes mistakes or needs others. She's imperfect, a bit overconfident at times, and she makes plenty of mistakes, but she tries really hard to be a good role model to our character and to others. One thing she isn't, however, is a mother.
Eir had a son, Braham. He's still young when we meet him, probably the norn equivalent of his late teens, and he doesn't view Eir as his mother. And she in turn, doesn't view herself as his mother.
Back when Braham was very young, Eir was called away to help fight off the Sons of Svanir. She left Braham with his loving and capable father, Borje, intending to be back soon but getting caught up and being away for years, getting caught up in the battle against Jormag's growing influence, then joining in the battle against Kralkatorrik. She didn't hear of her partner's death until after the fact, and by that point, she knew Braham was being raised by good people in her and Borje's stead, and she also felt she had been away too long to come back at that point. She hadn't been a part of his life, she wasn't his mother anymore. So she chose to do what she thought was best and stay away from the son she couldn't promise to be there for, fighting to make the world he was growing up in safer instead. 
When Braham and Eir reunited, it wasn't on good terms. Braham was resentful, and for good reason, and Eir understood and respected that. As the two spend more time together from that point, working together, Eir doesn't push the issue and lets Braham decide if and when he wants to try reconnecting. She hurt him. He gets to decide if he lets her back into his life. And that is important. 
You could call her a bad mom for being absent, though really, you'd be doing her a disservice. She never filled the role of a mother. She knows that fact, she doesn't pretend otherwise. When Braham gets a chance to speak with her spirit outside of Sun's Refuge, she tells him to focus on his actual family and let go of her, because she understands she was never there for the key moments of his life, but he has people right next to him now who were and are. Reducing her down not just to a mother, but to a bad mom, ignores so much of her character and who she is. 
Now let's compare her arc with Braham to Rytlock. 
Rytlock Brimstone is a fellow member of Destiny's Edge, fighting along side Eir and the others. He's also tough and strong, but he hates admitting when he makes mistakes, he hates apologizing, and he hates asking for help. He is the mentor for the charr personal story, where he is shown to play favorites at least a little, and he later on seems to be a sort of mentor to Rox as well, a younger charr and close friend of Braham's. 
Even just from how Rox views Rytlock, we can tell he probably isn't the best mentor, as she fears punishment and potentially death when she chooses to put Braham's life over dealing the killing blow to Scarlet Briar. 
Then there's his relationship with his own son, Ryland Steelcatcher. In charr society, it is standard practice to pass your cub on to the fahrar so they can be trained and prepared. Parents aren't supposed to participate in their cubs' lives after that point. Most still will though. Rytlock wasn't among the parents trying to participate though. He was entirely hands off with Ryland, even as Ryland's mother, Crecia Stoneglow, was taking an active part in his life. 
Much like Eir, Rytlock is absent from his son's life for mostly cultural and partially personal reasons. I would like to point out here that Eir is called a bad mom pretty vocally but I've never once heard Rytlock referred to as a bad dad by the fandom. 
Now, there's a huge difference in how Eir and Rytlock handled reconnecting with their children. Even when Eir wanted to, she didn't try until Braham reached out and acknowledged his connection to her first. She let the one she hurt make the first move and lead the process. Rytlock doesn't do that. 
After seeing the commander and Aurene interacting, and seeing how the loss of Aurene affects both the commander and Caithe, the dragon's two adoptive parents, he takes some time to think about his own cubs and realizes he wishes he'd been more active in their lives and that he could reach out to them now. How does he handle that desire? By going to an event where the person he hurt, Ryland, will be and will be expected to be civil so Rytlock can corner him and try to force himself back into his son's life. He doesn't give Ryland space. He doesn't give Ryland the ability to choose if it's time to reconnect. He hurt Ryland by being absent and shows no understanding of that. And if he does understand that he hurt Ryland, he simply expects to be forgiven for that because he changed his mind. 
And yet, he's Dadlock. He fathers the commander in fanon more than he ever did his own children. People act like he did no wrong. As I said, the idea of Dadlock itself doesn't bother me, but it does when it's presented side by side with the idea of calling Eir a bad mom. You can't forgive Rytlock for doing exactly the same thing Eir did while demonizing Eir for it. It's a double standard we see a lot. A man can get away with it, but a woman can't.  
Eir, a complex character, can't be forgiven for a mistake she made and owned up to time and time again while trying to make up for it. Instead she has to be boiled down to simply A Bad Mom. Rytlock, on the other hand, can make the exact same mistake, and handle it worse. But it's fine, nobody's perfect! He's a complex guy after all. But it isn't fine. It's a sexist double standard. 
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
Let's touch on angst a little bit: Your commander (Riag, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm bad at remembering) has somehow seen the future and now knows that the events of Heart of Thorns are coming! Let's say this takes place just before they enter the Silverwastes to find the egg. How hard do they try to change the future? Do they tell anyone? - moonlit-grove
Thanks for the ask! (obligatory spaces)
Riaghael is the former Commander, currently living retired in the Grove after HoT. Ruby is current. And no worries, I may have written him as Commander somewhere and added to the general confusing mess that is my cabbage patch.
I was actually dearly hoping for some angst so you must have read my mind or we are on a similar wavelength! I ~adore~ angst and tragedy.
Oh my, what a hefty question! I shall try to answer it as best as I can, I'll put a tldr version at the end if it ends up being a novel ^^'
Riaghael would work his flat ass off to try and change it. He would pull Eir aside and warn her about, but I feel like she wouldn't listen because 'dying has always been a risk'. That would just frustrate the beans out of him, so he would go to Braham about it who would listen. Him and Braham, historically, have not gotten along. They are both too similar - often brash and stubborn. The Norn would try to get his mom to stay behind too, but she would go with the same line. Death has always been on the table and if it's her time then she'll go out in honor. But he'd be extra protective of her.
Next is the big one, Trahearne. Riag would tell him and he would listen carefully, but ultimately his sacrifice bought their victory. He would consider it a worthy trade. Even though he's not as keen as dying for 'glory and honor' as Eir -the idea of dying to defeat a threat that torments his people is worth it. Riaghael has always had a since of pride and strong dignity for himself but he will 100% beg and plead for the Marshal not to go. Dignity be damned. You can imagine this takes Trahearne aback, but his mind is made up. It does prompt him to mention how much he appreciates the attempt, and how much he loves him.
Feeling like no one is listening to him and grief and guilt ridden over what's to come - Riag turns to his best friend, Ruby (who is an officer at this point). This is the only time he has ever asked her for help, as he's very big on doing everything himself. But at this point he's desperate.
Since he is the Commander at this point in the timeline, and has just revealed his hand, the others are keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything. Most don't really believe him. Ruby, however, is an ace up the sleeve (pun intended, she's actually Ace). Riag is worrying on how he could better protect everyone and change things. Well, Ruby just straight up tackles Trahearne as the next time she sees him and knocks him stone out. And tells her bear Akka to sit on him if he tries to move.
Riag's a bit in disbelief that she actually *did* it, she attacked the leader of the Pact ffs. But he is more glad than anything. He then sees if he can get Braham to engage in a little sabotage to keep Eir from going or at least going later.
He gave away his position early so the eyes of suspicion were on him. Which gives others a chance to act. This is the only time you'll catch him asking for help.
If it works and they still kill the dragon? Ruby will be kicked out and likely so will Braham for commiting acts against the Pact. But they're both happy with it as their have family that wouldn't have been alive otherwise.
If things play out the same? There's a sense that at least they tried, at least they did something. Riag and Braham's relationship will improve.
TLDR; Riag would most definitely tell people, primarily the two he knows are going to die. He would work hard to change things but ultimately others would disbelieve him and try to quash it. So he'd rely on other sources to get the job done.
Thank you for the ask! 💕
-editing for typos-
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kehideni · 3 years
Little fanfic because i can now.
Things to know: the commander here is Beasteye Denalien, an Ash Legion ranger. Working with canon backgrounds, with a sparckle of artistic freedom.
You can have shippy glasses on and also not, you decide. I personally have them on and if you ask i can explain why, eventhough i personally would prefer the commander to be asexual. (Which he still can be, but let's not go into that.)
Onto the fic:
"It was tough to find you Commander, Aurene is worried about you, you know."
The Commander was sitting on a rock that would pass as a chair for him. He was larger than the average charr, but still smaller than a well-grown adult norn. His back was to Caithe, one of the first born sylvari that promised herself to Aurene's cause, however the bonds they shared was clearly deeper than just aligning interests.
"Did you come in her name then? To check on me?" The Commander had decided to hide in Sun's Refuge, not answering the communicator if it was not an emergency. Once Kralkatorrik was gone and Aurene branded over her grandfather's very own, the underground safe-place was no longer needed. Those who could return to their lives did, those that lost everything have started over or they too joined Aurene, as part of the Crystal Bloom.
"Yes and no. Through our link with Aurene i sensed your trouble as well. I also wanted to make sure you are ok." As she told him her reasons she walked to the charr to sit next to him on the rock. That's when she noticed that her dear friend was holding an arrow. It was different looking that the rest he kept on his back in his quiver.
From the corner of his eyes he saw the questioning look on Caithe.
"It's the last arrow Eir crafted." He slowly and carefully spun it in his clawed fingers. "When we defeated Zhaitan and had that celebration in Fort Trinity she pulled me away."
"What is it?" Back then even his voice seemed less deep. The challenges of Tyria not yet taking their toll on the Ash Legion centurion. Hehh, he scoffed on the memory; back then that title still meant something to him.
Eir smiled, her wolf Garm wagged his tail excitedly next to her, as if he knew what his master was going to do.
"We just killed the Elder Dragon Zhaitan and you already think there must be something wrong if someone wants to talk to you?" She jabbed.
That caught the dark charr off guard, if the charr weren't covered in fur one would be able to see if they were blushing. Well, now a charr was blushing.
"No, nothing is wrong. I just noticed that your arrows are unique. I was wondering if you made them?" The smile never left her face, she looked like she just have been liberated from prison. Denalien didn't care to think why, but was happy for his friend all the same.
"OOOOHhhhh! Yeah, i make them. Specifically to pierce the enemy and to also hit hard."
"That's impressive! Look, let me show you MY arrows. I craft them myself too." She proudly reached back to her own quiver to pull out one.
"I prefer if my arrows are fast. So i make them flat." She presented the arrow, Denalien's eyes were sparking, the awe showing obviously on his feline face.
He reached carefully, intending to hold it in his hands, but at the last second Eir gasped and pulled her arms back a little.
"Are you interested in a trade? From one ranger to another, to one friend to another. I was thinking we trade one of our arrows to the other, and only use it for a special purpose." She playfully spun the arrow between her fingers.
The Commander didn't even take a second to think about the offer. "I'm interested!" He wagged his tail almost akin to Garm.
The beat of silence after the short story was deafening to the sylvari. She was just about to ask something when Denalien's pet- Raphael, a red drake that never left his side - shook his whole body. It broke the silence, but the atmosphere didn't change much.
"I've decided i will keep it as a memento, if i can help it, it will be the last arrow i ever let lose."
Hearing that from someone Caithe considered so strong made her stomach churn. She didn't miss the fatalistic tone in his voice.
"Why are you here?" She honestly couldn't think of anything else to say. The time when Eir died was a low point in the friendship between her and the commander. She was eternally grateful that she managed to make up with him.
"..." The Commander has always been quiet like her 'So that's what it feels like...' Caithe tried to jest herself in her mind.
"Long before i met you, even Rytlock, i had a warband." That's strange, the Commander never spoke of his own past, atleast not to Caithe. Maybe she should talk with him more, she took note of this.
"The leader of my warband was called Howl the Brazen. He was almost the exact opposite of me. He was as charr as a charr can be, loved fighting, but even more loved us. He made us give each other mementos of ourselves saying it's a way for us to always be there for the others, even if we get separated." He turned to his loyal drake, pet it's head.
"Since most of them died i was named leader, and decided to took up this little habbit of collecting mementos."
Caithe just now noticed all the items that was piled in front of him. There were several minis-most of them charr, presumably of his warband, a bag in the shape of a white, spotted charr- she distantly remembers a charr akin to the bag hanging out with her leader. A sticker in the shape of a bomb, and most noticably the repaired greatsword of her people- Caladbolg.
She understood how heavily these losses weighed on him, but she still felt like there's something else. She didn't have to wonder a lot.
"I have nothing from Braham..." ohh... in hindsight she should have known, she heard what happened from Rytlock.
"He also has nothing from me." In all honesty Caithe hoped she could help him, as large was the charr next to her, he now looked so small. To her regret she didn't know what would help him, not even how to cheer him up, so in silence they sat. Raphael taking notice of Caithe, tried his hardest to snuggle up to her lap, almost reminded her of one of the cats that one day mysteriously appeared in her home in the Groove. Of course she never had the heart to push those cute and cuddly animals away, same as now, she let the red drake up her lap.
"I don't even know if Eir had a chance to use my arrow i gave her. I hope it helped her so that atleast i could save her in that one moment."
The crystallized sylvari seemed to be deep in thought. Suddenly her eyes grew bright, shining like diamonds. She reached for her chest, covered her big crystal flower with her palm, but the Commander didn't seem to address her motion.
"I want to trade with you!" She exclaimed. For now that successfully shocked Denalien out of his sorrowful mood. She revealed her right hand, she held a crystal-petal from her chestflower. The Commander wide-eyed didn't even know what to say.
"In exchange i waaaaaantt...." she didn't know what to ask for yet, but as she remarked his pile of mementos she finally had an idea. ".... a carving of yourself!" Raphael almost asleep suddenly yelped at her. "..And obviously of Raphael as well!" She smiled as the drake laid his head down on her lap once again, proof to her that she guessed correctly what he wanted.
The Commander suddenly stood up "But... that's... didn't it hurt to take off?!"
Ever a worry, she thought with a gentle smile. "No. Now take it, once you have the carving ready i expect you to find me!" To this her friend finally smiled what seemed to be the first in a long long time.
"How do you expect me to find you? You are always the one to find me! Need i remind you i never noticed you were following me for who knows how long before you revealed yourself to me, righ here?"
Oh, Caithe remembers, she remembers finding him in Jahai Bluffs, she remembers how she saw him with a woman she later learned was called Zafira, she followed him all the way here when she learned he'd enter the Mists with a little asuran golem. She remembers how worried she was for him and how relieved, when she saw him alive, and immediatelly after his face when they learned what happened to Blish- the companion who was there for him in his need. The reason she didn't reveal herself till that moment was that she was ashamed, ashamed for not being there for her friend.
"Don't worry, i will allow you to find me." She chuckled, trying to keep the lighter mood up as long as she could.
"Give it to me." Denalien asked her gently. "I accept this trade."
Caithe felt awkward a bit, like she just have stayed her welcome. Gently she pushed Raphael off her lap, who whined a bit.
"I probably should go... don't keep us waiting for long. We all need you, come back to us when you're ready."
The charr finally stood tall, that's what he is supposed to look like to her. Tall and strong, unshakable.
"...Could you stay? I no longer wish to be alone, but i can't face everyone yet."
That was a pleasant surprise for Caithe.
"Of course!"
The airship was going down, big vines tore the fleet apart right in front of her, as if it was made out of paper. She was running out of arrows, and several sylvari just turned on them, as if they are not in enough danger as it is.
They were about to flank both Logan and Zojja, they lined up perfectly but she had only one arrow left!
It was exactly what she needed to save her friends in the chaos.
"Thank you, Commander!" She panted and let loose her last arrow, successfully saving both Logan and Zojja from an untimely death.
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mystery-salad · 4 years
I'm half asleep and can't think of any characters off the top of my head so you can choose but #17 blease. "Nothing is wrong with you."
Oh man I know exactly what I wana do here let’s see if I can get my first piece for Kai out. It’ll be a bit of a time lapse through Icebrood Saga.
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
Arms crossed and arched upright, Kai stared down at her teammate locked in the cell. “Figured my warning to stay alert was taken seriously, turns out I was wrong.”
Braham’s gaze wavers, but to his credit he doesn’t look away. More determination than Kai had expected from him for a while. “I’ve bailed you out, but if this happens again Eirsson you’re on your own and the team moves out regardless.” It earns her an elbow from Caithe at her side and a mumble of being too hard on the guy, but she elects to ignore that for now. He needed to learn the gravity of the situation and she’s been on edge enough without setting foot in a jail she would’ve likely ended up in herself if she had any other job.
“Just grab your shit and lets go.” She unlocks the cell before tossing the keys back onto the warden’s desk, stepping back enough for Braham to pass her and grab his belongings. Burn her, she hopes he didn’t have that bow on him-
“Uh...where’s my bow?” He sounded as on edge as she felt now, asking the warden about it.
She was already uneasy following the commands of another charr again, even if Almorra herself hadn’t touched the legions since leaving to start the Vigil. The call just...rubbed her fur the wrong way.
Turns out, standing in the middle of a keep strewn with dead bodies, her hunch was unfortunately correct.
“Alva. She was...she was one of my guild mates.”
Kai felt a twinge at that, one she elected steadfastly to buckle down on. The past isn’t a place to dwell when the present holds danger. “Keep steady Eirsson. They’re just bodies now, and we’ve got a job to do. Enemy could still be close.”
“...I did...I failed them.” She turned to look at Braham when it was clear he wasn’t hearing her, spotting him kneeled over the crumpled body of, presumably, Alva. Poor girl looked around his age...young.
Shaking her head, Kai strode quickly over to him and put a paw on his shoulder. “We have to keep focused Eirsson. Stay on task. You can mourn after the threat is neutralized.”
He met her gaze again, wavering less but far more unsure, before he gave a nod and stood to continue on. A motion that was interrupted by the sudden sound of a door slamming open in the silence.
“Look. It...it opened.”
“They...how is this...they betrayed Almorra and Jhavi...killed all those people...”
She let out a frustrated huff as she turned to Braham. “Who are you talking about, the sons of svanir? We already knew that mu-”
“My guildmates...” she could hear the strain in his voice as he said it, and felt that twinge again. And pushed it down again.
“...come on, we need to keep moving.”
“Wait... Braham Vowbreaker? Raven led you here?”
Kai hadn’t met Jhavi before now, had no idea what to make of the apparent legendary daughter. But she wasn’t a fan of how familiar this conversation felt. The twinge was back and getting harder to ignore.
“Oh didn't you know?” Olar, she presumed, stepped closer to the team. To Braham. “That's what they call you in the Shiverpeaks now.”
Burn me...
“I...I own my mistakes, Olar. Now it's your turn.” To his credit, the kid wasn’t shaking. He stood his ground better than she expected given what he’d just been told. But this wasn’t the time for it.
Putting a hand on his shoulder again, she gave Braham a firm pull. “Stand down and step back Eirsson.”
She could see a familiar fire in his eyes as he opened his mouth to defy her. The twinge snapped, and her claws dug into his shoulder hard enough to draw blood as she growled. “I said stand the fuck down Braham!”
That seemed to work, for the moment at least. She’d startled him enough to break the building tension between him and his old guild, for long enough to get through. “You don’t want this on your hands kid. It’s not the same as fighting Icebrood. Take my offer, stand back before it gets worse or I will make you.” There would be a solid silence, save for his old guild still trying to jeer him on. But she kept a firm hold and kept his eyes on her while he thought it over and finally, thankfully gave a tired nod. “Good choice.”
It didn’t take much to nudge him behind the group now that he’d go willingly, and she threw a warning glance at Jhavi before aiming her pistol at what was left of Braham’s old guild.
She’s always kept to herself, even out here in the cold. She guesses some habits break harder than others even as she put effort in. But small steps still add up to progress. Caithe sat flush against her side by the second fire, clearly determined to steal as much insulation from her fur as possible.
“...you really should talk to him”
She glanced down at the sylvari, a bit surprised by the break in the silent evening. “Talk to who?”
“You know exactly who.” Caithe met her gaze with a small frown, something Kai had come to understand meant disappointment. “We both needed someone when we hit our lowest. The team is sweet but they aren’t going to understand what happened like you do. I know you get it. You stopped him from making the same mistake, now help him figure out how to stop himself.”
She rolled her eyes up to the cloudy sky, acting a lot more exasperated than necessary as she hid her discomfort. “You’re joining the other fire and telling him for me. If I go over there they’ll all think they’re in trouble again.”
Caithe stood in response, expression softening as she leaned up to kiss Kai’s muzzle. “Try to relax so you don’t start a fight, you both need this.” The charr let out an indignant huff in response, watching Caithe join the team and shortly after watching a much bigger silhouette walk warily over to her more private location.
“...Eirsson.” A gesture to a seatacross from her brought Braham to eye level over the fire. He was clearly uneasy and she knew the team was still adjusting to her efforts to be less...harsh. “Relax a bit, I’m not going to bite your head off and you’re gonna waste your energy like that.”
The words seemed to help.
...a little.
“Look, I just wanted to say...you did good out there. Given the situation. You’ve followed orders from the start even if you don’t seem to hear em half the time here.”
He seemed surprised by the words, compliments were never Kai’s strongsuit on the best of days and, to her own chagrin now, she realized this was probably the first time she really praised someone on the team. But that was a concern for when there weren’t more pressing topics.
“...Jhavi called you Oathbreaker. Said all the norn call you that now.”
She could see his wince lit up by the fire, showing well how he felt about it. Yet he was still trying to put on a brave face. “I left my team, we’d...failed to take down Jormag, and I ran. I broke my oath.”
She gave a small nod in response, “You did break an oath. But it wasn’t one you could’ve capably kept with a small team anyways. Jormag was coming whether you fought or not. As were betrayals.”
“No! It was my destiny, I followed the legend! I cracked the tooth, and then I failed. I broke my oath and now everyone’s paying for it because I couldn’t do what I was supposed to.” His voice wavered and his gaze broke from hers at last to look down at the flames dancing between the two.
“...I failed too, you know.” Her posture was tense as she spoke, a tale she’d never truly be prepared to share herself, and never had since it was infamous enough. But now it was needed. “Got all the way to the flame legion camp only to find out my right hand already betrayed me. The only blood on my fur that day was from my own legion.”
Braham was silent. Whether from a lack of listening or surprise that she was sharing, Kai had no idea. But she pressed on. “Found out only after I got back from another job that my running for tribune had been rejected, and I was no longer welcome. I killed a lot of legionaries that day. To away from a life sentence.” She took a deep breath, shakier than she’d like to admit and thankful for the wavering flames creating too much motion for Braham to notice if he looked back up. “You fucked up kid. But that doesn’t mean everything halts until you make it right. Some things are too fucked to fix, and you’ve just gotta move forward to the next option.”
She let the silence hang as she gathered her own thoughts again after saying all that. To her surprise, Braham spoke up in her place. “...I was supposed to live up to my mom. She’s supposed to be proud of m-“
“No. Fuck legacy. I don’t care who your mom was, you’re the person on my team. All I want you to live up to is your own potential here. Nothing is wrong with you Braham.”
“My mother was a great warrior!” He seemed to bristle at the idea of throwing that away.
“She was, yeah. So were my sires. And you know what? That legacy did jack shit for my own life once I didn’t perfectly meet the bloodline standard. You can hold her up on whatever pedestal you want, but it better not be over your fucking own.” Her fur stood on her end, on the verge of snarling as she spat out more information she hadn’t intended to share but realized she needed to. “The team wants you here, not Eir. At the very least, respect that fact and do what you’re here to do instead of what the norn want you to do.”
All the energy left Braham at once, the momentary aggression, the wariness of being lectured, everything. He slumped in his seat low enough that Kai actually had to tilt her head down a little. “...you really think we can do this?”
She couldn’t help an indignant snort at that. “Think? We’ve dealt with worse. Whatever’s going on here won’t last. We will.”
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duskroots · 4 years
I think.... it’s angst time. “Why didn’t you tell me?” for Finnas and Bearach please!
This has been sitting in my inbox for a while so I apologize for the months of waiting, but I really really really wanted to write something for this since I had the perfect idea ;w; I know it’s late but I hope you like it! <3
He had thought he was prepared.
It had been years since he was trapped in the hell that had been the Maguuma jungle with the voice of an Elder Dragon booming in his head, a constant invader prodding at his mind, demanding his obedience and submission. testing his willpower every waking moment.
It had been years since he almost gave in to his creator's will in a moment of weakness. He had heard that the Ice Dragon employed a similar tactic, and he had steeled himself for the moment their whispers would find him ever since he set foot into the Far Shiverpeaks.
But Finnas realized too late that he hadn't been prepared at all when Jormag's voice finally creeped into his mind for the first time in the war-torn forest of the Drizzlewood Coast, and while it was so much calmer than Mordremoth's had been, more of a gentle suggestion than a violent order, the sudden nausea and dizziness he felt when they invaded his head and began to speak to him threatened to overwhelm him.
He could feel his knees go weak, and leaning onto a nearby tree for support was all he could do to keep from colliding with the leaf-littered ground, and the soft rain of the area and cool air it brought with it did nothing to stop the beads of sweat on his forehead from forming.
Those quiet whispers were gone as soon as they had come, leaving his mind his own again, but in that moment Finnas wasn't t even able to process what had been said to him by the ice dragon, all his attention and focus directed on steadying his breath and calming his nerves.
He just needed a moment before he could catch up with Bearach and Braham, and he hoped neither of them had noticed him suddenly stopping.
They had enough concerns as it was, with the Commander suddenly finding himself at the center of a Charr civil war on top of the threat of an Elder dragon looming over Tyria once again, and the norn's new-found destiny and concerns about getting what few non-corrupted spirits remained to cooperate.
Finnas didn't want to worry them, especially not Bearach. He had demanded to stay with him, to be by his side and support him, and becoming a burden and making his dearheart regret his decision was the last thing Finnas wanted.
What happened to him in the jungle was something he hadn't talked to anyone about, even after all this time.
He had told his friends back then that he had been attacked but managed to fight his attacker off, had put on a smile like he always did and reassured them he was fine. Maguuma had been a hard time for everyone, too, and back then he wasn't go to add to their worries any more than necessary.
Once all was over, he didn't see a reason to tear open old wounds. And there was another reason, too, although he had a hard time admitting that even to just himself: That sense of shame that came whenever he thought back to that moment when he almost gave up, that feeling that he should have kept fighting, that he almost picked the easy way out.
He didn't like that feeling much either, and there was a small, yet persistent voice in the back of his mind that had nothing to do with the whispers he had heard earlier that kept asking him:
What would Bearach think of you if he learned of your cowardice?
So Finnas guarded those memories, buried them away in the deepest recesses of his mind, almost forgotten among everything else that had happened in the years since.
He had bounced back from the jungle well enough, like he always bounced back from everything, and that had been it for him. At least until now.
It was a hand that took a firm hold of his shoulder that snapped Finnas out of his thoughts rather suddenly, and when he lifted his head he saw Bearach's face looking down at him with furrowed brows, and Finnas realized he had no idea how long he had been standing here after his thoughts had begun to spiral.
„Finnas? What happened?“
Knowing fully well that he just got caught red-handed Finnas tried to safe the situation with a reassuring smile, a practiced gesture that almost happened like a reflex.
„Whoops, I think I almost slipped on a leaf. It's all good though.“
It was a bad, desperate lie delivered in a way too cheerful manner and he noticed the creases on his dearheart's forehead deepen as Bearach's brow furrowed even more. Apart from the fact that it seemed unlikely for Finnas, for whom moving about a forest without any trouble was second nature, to be thrown off-balance by a bit of rain slick foliage, Bearach was more perceptive than that, and despite his best hopes Finnas knew that the Commander would not be so easily fooled.
„Finnas, you can't actually expect me to believe that.“
„Ah, I'm sorry. It's nothing, so please don't worry, let's just get going.“
The smaller sylvari could see worry lining Bearach's face as he brushed a few stray strands of foliage which were clinging to his sweat-covered forehead out of Finnas' face, and the gesture did nothing to ease his concerns, that much was obvious.
„You look like a mess.“
Finnas hesitated, and after the silence stretched on a bit too long Bearach spoke again, his voice firm but soft, not a hint of his regular Commander voice left in it.
„I have promised to always be honest with you, Finnas, and I want you to be able to be always honest with me as well. Have I ever given you reasons to doubt me?“
In that moment Bearach's eyes met Finnas' with such fierce sincerity like he'd never seen before, and something in Finnas broke and everything that had happened to him in the jungle, and how hearing Jormag's voice just now had thrown him back to that time just came pouring out of him in one fast, rambling stream of words.
There was silence afterwards for a moment in which Finnas caught his breath, unsure if anything he had just said had even made sense, before Bearach spoke.
„Why didn't you tell me?“
Bearach's voice was quiet, and the concern that swung in it made Finnas' stomach drop. For once, he couldn't bring himself to look into his eyes when he finally answered.
„I didn't want to cause you any more worries than necessary. And...“
Finnas fell quiet and lowered his head, hoping it would keep Bearach from seeing the strained expression on his face.
„I was ashamed. I still feel ashamed when I think back to that moment. And I didn't want you to think less of me.“
Finnas' voice was barely more than a whisper when he finished. His gaze was still cast downwards, and as he stared at the wet forest floor he wished it would open up and swallow him whole. Here he was, by Bearach's side like he wanted, causing him more concerns after all.
Again, Bearach's hands snapped Finnas out of his thoughts as they cupped his face and gently but without hesitation tilted his head upwards, like he had done the first time he confessed his feelings for the other Sylvari. The look in Bearach's eyes was intense, but the adoration Finnas could see in them almost made his feet buckle again, although for entirely different reasons this time.
Bearach's tone was incredulous when he finally broke the silence between them.
„I could never think less of you, Finnas, don't be ridiculous. The fact that you were able to resist in the end is a testimony to your strength, not your weakness. And you are still the most important thing to me, so please. What I ask of you is that you allow me to worry about you, too.“
For the first time since this conversation between them had started a genuine smile spread across Finnas' lips, and he reached up and wrapped his arms around Bearach's neck to pull him down before resting his own forehead against the other's with his eyes closed, and all the tension he had held in his body until now escaped in a deep sigh of relief.
„I'm sorry, Bear. For not being honest with you from the start, and for doubting you. Looking back now, that was pretty silly of me.“
„Will you be honest with me from now on?“
„I will be. I promise, no more secrets, starting today.“
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magisterlys · 4 years
Without Words
Written Cross the Stars: Chapter 11
Summary: Barely surviving a trip through a Stone Summit tomb, the Commander and Braham have that "talk". 
Notes: Well, here it is. 10 chapters and an ever-growing list of one shots later, we’ve reached The Moment. What was originally intended to be desperate smut turned into fighty sweet fluff but after four rewrites this is the only thing that felt right for these two. I apologize that it’s so short, but I hope you all enjoy!
“Don’t do this to me, Commander.”
She drifted on the edge of lucidity, awake enough to know that she’d been set down somewhere, that rough hands were pulling her boots off. Lucid enough to berate herself for not realizing how much blood she’d lost before it knocked her unconscious. She’s a healer, for gods sake. 
“Lys, open your eyes.”
Pain and that voice brought her sharply back to consciousness. Her eyes opened slowly, blinking as she looked up at Braham hovering over her. He was himself again, just a norn. Her norn. 
“Hey.” She answered weakly, biting back a hiss of pain as she forced a smile. Where were they? She was staring at a stone ceiling, a room small enough to see all four walls, illuminated by the same flickering magical flame that had carried them across the darkness.
“You’re …” Braham cursed under his breath and she felt his hands on her thigh, pushing the leather of her skirt up around her hips. She tried to focus on him if only to keep from looking at the ragged gashes across her leg. Her head was swimming and all she wanted was to lay back down and close her eyes. 
“I’m … what?” She asked through gritted teeth, watching Braham as he began to heal her. His magics were a comfort, but there was a storm in his expression, his hands were shaking.
“Trying to kill me!.” He growled, his fingers digging into her thigh as he concentrated on mending the nearly bone-deep claw marks, “Books. Wandering into a death trap, nearly get yourself killed for some stupid books!” 
“Stupid books?” She gawked and pushed herself off the floor, half sitting up. The pain had lessened, a dull ache now.  “We’ve had a whole team working on this for months. I've barely slept the last two weeks, buried in research. They’re not just stupid - ow!”
He flinched at her exclamation of pain but continued to argue. “Yeah, and I’m sure it needed to be you to try this. You always have to do everything yourself!”
“I’m the expert here. Well, I’m the expert without Taimi around.” The glow surrounding Braham’s hands ebbed away as she sat up,  “We need to understand the cycle, to deal with the dragons before we mess it up any further. This is important.”
“Important? You know what’s important, Commander?” He grabbed her shoulders suddenly, forcing her to look at him.  “You are!”
“Braham …” 
“Don’t give me that look, don’t … say  my name like that.” He shook his head, his voice catching in his throat. “Nothing is more important than you, Lys!”
She blinked as she looked up at him. “This .. isn’t about today, is it?”
“No.” He barked in frustration,  “Yes, it’s about today. It's about the last month I spent thinking of you every damned moment. It’s about that night and every night I’m not with you. It’s about how close you are and how far away. I can’t stop thinking about how …how close I came to losing you.  It’s about you nearly dying in my arms. And... ” 
She felt his grip on her shoulder tighten as he pulled her closer, as his voice trembled. The way he was looking at her, the intensity in his eyes made it impossible to look away, even if she wanted to,   “ … and how desperately I want to kiss you right now even though you’re the Commander and I’m just -”
He didn’t get to finish. Lys swooped up, rising on her knees and claimed Braham’s mouth with hers. The gasp he made was a mix of surprise and relief, rolling into a rumbling growl as he slides his hands up her back, gripping her shoulders as he leaned eagerly into her kiss.
She cupped his face in her hands, stopped kissing him long enough to speak, “I’m sorry.” She catches his bottom lip with hers, nibbling between broken whispers, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how much you mean to me. It was you, Braham. You’re why I’m here. You’re why I didn’t let go. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“Spirits, Lys …” She felt his fingers dig into her sides, his arms wrapping all the way around her waist possessively. He kissed her with such force that she has to shift her balance to keep from falling over. His mouth melds to hers, lips parting lips as his tongue meets hers, hesitantly at first and then eager at her reaction. There’s a hunger to their kiss, relief of a thirst finally quenched. 
They both came up for air, breath panting against moistened lips and she slides her hands down his neck, fingers slipping under the collar of his coat, caressing his bare skin. He made a soft sound and let his forehead rest against hers as he whispered, plaintively, “Don’t send me away again, please.” 
The idea is unthinkable, that she would ever let him go again, now that she’s given in. She can’t even remember why she was so afraid at the moment, drunk on his taste as she is. “I won’t.” She spoke again, this time her lips brushing against his. She could feel Braham tremble, feel how his grip on her waist tightened as she speaks, “Stay.” 
He answered her with another kiss, slow and languid. Followed it with a dozen more until she feels light-headed for a different reason, giddy. She laughed softly between kisses, affectionately nudged her nose with his. 
“You’re smiling …” He purred with amusement and reached up to brush a strand of hair back behind her ear.
“So are you.” Lys couldn’t help but smile even more as he grinned back at her. When was the last time she left this light? This joyful? She can’t even remember. Braham pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around him, hands tangling in his braid as he nuzzled his face against her neck. 
“Braham?” She whispered.
His voice was muffled, hidden in the curve of her shoulder, “Yeah?”
Free to look around now she blinked, taking in the two sets of intricately carved, massive doors on either side of the small room, the brazier of flame burning nearby. “ … where in the world are we?”
Braham laughed softly, breathing out a deeply contented sigh as he hugged the commander close, “Who cares.” 
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Okay this idea hit me the second I finished the new episode but I didn’t get to work on it till today and... omg.
This’ll fit into Tangled Paths eventually and now I’m adding even more into my headcanons and... ah whatever. (PS title is NOT spoilers)
Spoilers for newest Icebrood Episode below the cut! Braham/Commander stuff enjoy!
It happens too quickly to react - stumbling back a step as the arrow impacts, pain spiraling out through her chest and then-
She’s on the ground before even noticing her legs giving way, vision blacking out despite her friends pleas to stay awake! - Rytlock, Crecia, they’re… themselves again…
She’s been injured before - she’s died before - but this feels worse, somehow. Worse to just be able to see Braham, expression shifting from one of horror to pure rage as the haze clouds her view, Bangar’s ranting fading away in the background.
I’m sorry, Braham, I-
The last thing Terra hears is a howl - both strange and familiar - as she’s lifted and carried away, losing the battle against the darkness.
‘Lie her down, on her stomach - undo her top. I need access to her back.’
Terra rouses briefly, feeling herself placed gently down and familiar hands working at the clasps keeping her armor in place.
Braham. Then I…?
‘Very good, Braham - the shot damaged her sockets. I’d like to prevent that happening again.’
“What do you need me to do?” he’s right at her side, his hands still resting against her back - if she weren’t in so much pain she’d -
‘Hold her down, please. This will be… unpleasant.’
Aurene…? The voice is soothing in the way the Dragon’s had been, the presence familiar - but she can’t open her eyes, can’t muster enough strength to do anything as Braham’s hands settle back on her shoulders, gently holding her in place.
Then something cold and smooth settles against the line of her spine -  a… claw? What -  and presses.
She couldn’t stop the scream that rips out of her throat if she wanted to as pain shoots up her spine and through her sockets, a surge of magic somehow more painful then the arrow through her chest.
“Terra!” Braham’s hands falter at her wail before resuming their hold, keeping her steady, “Aurene, what’s happening?!”
‘Her wings were a slow development, so they didn’t hurt. Not like this. But this needs to be done quickly.’ even as the magic continues to flow, the Dragon’s voice softens, ‘I am sorry, My Champion. Hold on a little longer.’
Another wave of magic hits her, makes her hiss out a breath, and then the darkness wins again, dragging her blissfully under.
The next time she wakes is slow - no pain, just a distinct stiffness in her back, an ache in the middle of her chest.
I feel… like I’m in a bed…?
There’s movement beside her, familiar murmuring somewhere above her head, and the arm she hadn’t noticed resting over her tenses, briefly, before relaxing again.
Terra forces her eyes open, blinking away the lingering haze, and stares at the Norn’s chest for a moment before looking up, finding his sleeping face.
It’s funny, how relieved she feels, just seeing him relaxed. None of them have been able to relax in a long, long time… a night is deserved. 
Even if I almost… what happened? Where are we?
She pushes herself up - tries to, at least, not wanting to disturb Braham - shivering a little as the blanket slips and cool air hits her skin.
Glancing down, she scowls briefly at the bandages wound around her torso - not as tight as she’d have expected, to cover a chest wound, but there all the same.
“You’re awake.”
Terra looks down, finding Braham’s eyes open and alert, watching her intently. There’s relief and worry and exhaustion in his eyes, wrapped up in quiet affection, and she’s tempted to lay back down and snuggle right back into his arms, to allow herself a moment’s peace.
But the worry is nagging at her. She needs to know.
“Hi.” she manages, startled by how rough her voice is, swallowing, “How long was I…?”
“Two days.” Braham’s watching her, still, as though he’s afraid she’s going to pass out again. “How do you feel?”
“Sore, stiff.” Terra shifts to sit up, wincing at a strange pull in her back, “Parched - I’ve been asleep for two days…?”
“More or less - you needed the rest.” Braham’s arm around her shifts, helping her move as he sits up beside her, reaching towards the edge of the bed, “Here - you definitely need water.”
“Thank you.” she accepts the waterskin and takes a greedy pull, trying not to fidget as he settles back in close beside her, his arm a loose circle around her waist.
She’s still not used to this - they’ve been together, what, months now? - and this seems almost more… possessive of him, then usual. She doesn’t blame him, given she’d nearly died - and she likes it. Waking up like this, together, is simply something they haven’t really gotten to do.
“Where are the others?” she asks once she’s no longer parched, passing the waterskin back, “Rytlock and Crecia?”
“They’re here - Aurene let us pick rooms. There’s several, here; whatever this place was, it housed a ton of people, at one point.”
“So I did hear Aurene.” Terra fidgets with the blankets, forcing herself to glance around the borrowed room instead of staring at the Norn next to her.
He’s bare chested, and distracting as all hell, the way he’s running his palm up and down her side. He has his pants on, and she has her underclothes, but oh, the ways his touch makes her mind wander…
“This is her Sanctuary.” Braham answers, still stroking her hip in that maddening way, “She led us here… after you…”
“What happened?” she looks back at him again, blue eyes meeting green, “I remember getting hit, and Bangar saying something… and then darkness.”
“Bangar shot you with my bow.” Braham’s voice is a low growl, a tone she’s heard him use before - yet now, it seems almost deeper, more wolflike, “You fell, Terra - we honestly thought you were going to… and I just lost it.”
The howl she’d heard makes sense, suddenly. “You turned into Wolf?”
“I did. Mauled the hell out of Bangar - but the asshole still got away.” his grip on her tightens as he bends, a near whine in his voice as his forehead brushes against hers, “I was more worried about you - about getting you to someone who could help.”
“I’d say you succeeded.” Terra lifts her hands, framing his face and smiling when he opens his eyes again, “I’m so, so proud of you, Braham. You did it.”
“Something about seeing the woman you love get shot’ll just shove you over the edge, I guess.” he mutters, cheeks flushed at the admission.
She only laughs and leans up a little more - close enough to kiss him, happy when he forgets his fluster and returns the touch.
Terra can’t hold back a startled hiss when his arm comes around her waist and brushes a strangely tender spot on her back, however, making him jerk back in alarm.
“Wolf’s Teeth, I knew I shouldn’t have - are you alright? Did I hurt you?” he looks panicked, hands landing on her hips, “Aurene said you’d need a few days to recover, I just… Spirits, I shouldn’t have-”
“Braham, hey, shh, I’m okay.” the Sylvari straightens in his hold, wincing slightly as her spine briefly argues the movement before settling back into that dull ache, “I’m just… you just hit a sensitive spot, I’m okay. I think. What happened, after you got me out?”
Braham stares at the bed for several breaths, hands tense on her hips and a mouth pulled in a scowl. Then he runs his right hand up her side - pausing to glance at her for permission before gently tugging the bandages off.
Terra looks down at her chest, swallows. There’s no wound, where the arrow hit - but there is a scar. It had hit her chest dead center, and the mark almost looks like a flower - darker than the rest of her skin, lines blooming out from the middle, interrupting the glow of her Markings.
“I guess it’s a good thing Sylvari don’t have hearts?” she tries to joke, startled by the almost regretful expression on his face. “Braham?”
“The arrow went through.” he says, hand sliding gently from her side around her back, and even the slightest touch against her spine has her gasping, “It damaged two of your sockets, Terra. That’s why you blacked out so badly.”
She’s stunned, blinking up at him, not understanding. My… but then…
“But… then how am I alive…?”
“Aurene.” Braham grimaces, “You woke up briefly, but I don’t know if you remember - I hope you don’t - she had me strip your top armor off, so that she could… it was to save you, and to protect you against it happening again, she said. So she… well.”
“She branded you. Along your spine, covering your Sockets. It, uh… kinda looks like crystal scales, actually. It matches your wings.”
Terra’s speechless. She just stares at him, wondering if she’s dreaming, wondering if she’s dead, before she’s reaching behind herself to try and feel her back - startled and hissing when she presses her palm flat against her spine and a shock of pain shoots through her.
Crystal scales. She thinks, brushing her fingers over them more gently, feeling like she’s going to faint, I have… oh Pale Mother… Aurene, why…
“Ter?” Braham’s hands on her waist bring her back to reality, concern radiating off of him as he watches her, “Hey, come back to me, what’s going on in that head of yours?”
“I’m Branded.” she whispers, realizes she’s shaking, “That doesn’t… doesn’t bother you?”
“Why would it? It was Aurene. I trust Aurene.” he’s slipping a hand around to her back as he speaks, running it gently over the new line of crystals there - and the fact that the touch only makes her shiver in pleasure makes her wonder. “She did it to save you. How could that ever bother me?”
“It just… seems like a lot.” Terra gasps when he runs his hand over her spine again, wondering if he’s doing it on purpose, “I trust Aurene, too… and I am happy to be alive.”
“That makes two of us.” Braham pulls her a little closer, repeating the stroke over her spine, and okay, now I know he’s doing it on purpose. “I’m not going anywhere - crystal scales or not. I mean, I can turn into Wolf, now. I think I can handle you.”
She laughs - the sound a little weary, a little erratic, but real - and lets herself be pulled against his chest, burrowing happily into the warmth of him.
“A wolf and a dragon, huh?” she mumbles, feeling exhausted all over again, warm and safe in his arms, “We make quite the pair.”
Braham huffs, the sound rustling her hair. “We make the perfect pair.”
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axe-trio-commanders · 4 years
Saving Face
Secretly, Taimi was the true cool kid all along. The coolest of kids. Spoilers for lws2, lws1, and a violent, if non-permanent, death. Because this is how we do introductions.
      Wow, that was... anticlimactic. Zori looked down at the sylvari, dead at the bottom of the canyon- having slumped off of his little pillar when she’d shot the last arrow. She was sure he’d thought he was clever, jumping around like that, but... had Aerin... really not expected a ranger to use a ranged weapon? Though, granted, she’d... never seen a sylvari... act like that. Yes, some of them were a little off-putting, and there was the nightmare court, but he didn’t seem entirely...
“Commander? Wanna come down here and take a look?”
Zori stiffened, giving the group a nod, her voice... artificially gruff as she responded. “Right. Yes, of course.”
      ...She’d look at the body, see if it was hiding anything- llama hair, straw, that... incredibly, incredibly ominous note that she had to try very hard to fake confidence despite, her thoughts rather immediately going towards concern for Trahearne... She’d hurry back towards Prosperity before the rest, anxious to get to the bottom of this- that, and... maybe get a little alone time by herself. If she was entirely honest... joining up with the group that had killed Scarlet, by themselves- as far as she’d been told- while she was gone...? She knew they called her ‘boss’ because she was the commander, was supposed to know what she was doing, but... she saw the looks Ev was giving her. A human she’d met... relatively recently- Gixx had assigned her as Zori’s exploration partner after the defeat of Zhaitan, despite her initial protests- and... despite being a) human, b) a revenant from the mists, and c) from both several decades ago and Cantha... they’d gotten along pretty well so far. Unfortunately, this meant that Ev was very distinctly aware, unlike the rest of the group, that Zori... really didn’t live up to the reputation she’d been given- and, currently, was trying to portray to them. Confident, ready to fight entire dragons, having... any idea how to militarily strategize... a rather long shot from the ash-legion cub who happened to get involved in a revolutionary military campaign with a brilliant scholar and strategist. Neither of which were herself. She was, currently, thankful for the Ash Legion training that made her just good enough at faking confidence for the rest of the group to... seem to buy it, but... honestly, she was just grateful to Ev for going along with it for now. Maybe she’d have to attempt to make some time alone to talk to her about it. But- more importantly, Prosperity!
      The town was... small. It would probably be more homely without the vines everywhere- and, admittedly, Zori still wasn’t used to fighting the plants... but, soon enough, she’d find. Well, nothing about Aerin, but... something about Scarlet, instead. Scarlet Briar... Zori’d heard plenty about her- how she’d wreaked havoc upon the entirety of Tyria in the span of months, all while the commander was mysteriously missing. She knew Trahearne and Albas weren’t angry, at least- and Gixx knew why she’d been gone, though she suspected Ev was his response to her taking so long to get back. The rest of them, though- the rest of them knew Scarlet, connected her to Aerin before Zori’d even begun to think about it- and, with Aerin as a point of reference... she only respected them more, now. She... owed them the Commander-
“You, uh... on the trail of that other one?”
Zori blinked, turning back to the innkeeper charr. “...You’re gonna have to be more specific.”
“The other sylvari. Figured you’d be together, since she was askin’ about the same thing.” Martinus raised a paw to mark a... rather short height. “Small little thing, sorta...weirdly peppy, given the destruction. Helped clear a few of the new... ‘wildlife’, though, so I figured I may as well give her the info. Not like she could make it worse.”
Zori... paused, for a long while. So not Aerin, but... no, it wouldn’t be Scarlet, either. Scarlet was dead. Unless it was a-? No, the innkeeper wouldn’t have distinguished them otherwise... She nodded. “Right. And- where did you say the first sylvari bought property...?”
      “...That can’t be it.”
They stood in front of the door to Scarlet’s former room, everyone but Zori seeming to be on edge after she’d simply... opened the door. It’d been unlocked, nothing had exploded... almost like it was any other, no longer occupied room. Zori stepped aside to let Taimi into the room, protected by Scruffy, sure that she’d know better than anyone how dangerous this could be- she’d studied Scarlet, after all, right? Right- though she wouldn’t stop the rest of them from chasing her in, only following after everyone had rushed inside. Opportune time for a trap, but... still, nothing sprung.
“I... don’t understand. This stuff should’ve been stolen ages ago without a defense system, this is a goldmine,” Came Taimi’s voice- now uncorrupted by Scruffy as she sat atop the golem, looking around the room for clues.
“...I... think it’s been tampered with,” Zori began, slowly, straightening herself a bit more, abruptly, as everyone’s gazes turned to her. “According to the innkeeper, someone got here before any of us.”
“Another sylvari,” Marjory added- and Zori saw nearly everyone else in the room stiffen, knowing the inevitable connection- like Scarlet, and now...
“Like Aerin?” Rox finished the unspoken question, Zori forcing her fur to lie flat. As tempting as it was... she refused to believe this was relegated solely to sylvari. Not yet. She... couldn’t believe every one of them was capable of this.
“We can’t assume that. I saw Aerin too, but that’s still only two cases- it could still easily be coincidence. And, besides that, I doubt Taimi is the only one interested in Scarlet,” she argued, not quite managing to ease out the defensiveness in her tone, avoiding that... look Ev was giving her again. She... knew she couldn’t keep this up forever, but- not now. She turned to the door, raising a paw, noting the runes scrawled around it- eyes narrowing at a small little deformity. “And, clearly, whoever this was, they were... far more coherent than Aerin. These are explosive runes.” She’d triggered them often enough to recognize them by now- not... not that anyone but Ev had to know that. “And, without opening the door, they managed to disarm them with just a tiny scratch. Meanwhile, Aerin apparently forgot how longbows work.”
“Being smarter than Aerin doesn’t absolve them,” Marjory countered.
“Yeah, just makes ‘em more like Scarlet. Actually smart,” Taimi added, indignantly.
They... weren’t wrong, but... “Well, these runes can’t be the only thing they tampered with. We figure out what’s different, we might find out what they were looking for,” Zori concluded, the tip of her tail twitching as she watched the others discuss among themselves- Taimi quickly offering to stay behind and do the research, the rest of them discussing how safe it would be... as much as Zori admired them for taking down Scarlet, how quick they were to distrust sylvari was... worrying, as understandable as it was by now. Though... granted, whoever this was, they were acting... incredibly suspicious.
“Taimi! Taimi, are you alright?”
Zori followed in after Braham, noting his immediate concern for the young asura with a keen admiration- before abruptly noting the... pile of dead mordrem in the doorway that the young norn had just barreled over.
“Y- yeah! Yeah, I got into Scruffy just in time, I’m fine,” came the reply- Zori noticed a small falter in her voice, but... otherwise, she seemed to be doing... fantastic, for having, apparently, barely survived a recent mordrem attack.
“...Did you... give Scruffy some weapons while I wasn’t looking?” Came a question from Rox, having apparently just taken in the mordrem-pile.
“Well, ahah- funny story, that! Not only have I discovered far more things about Scarlet, buuuuut, I’ve also found our mystery burglar!”
“Well, I wouldn’t call it that- just visiting... ‘family’,” Chirped a voice from behind the golem, a small, perfectly pleasant sylvari face peeking out as she introduced herself.
Zori stiffened, guard down for just a moment, eyes wide in honest surprise. “Seremnis?”
      The ground had started trembling. Rude, quite honestly, to interrupt her in the middle of her study, but Taimi knew better than to see the tremors as anything but an imminent threat, having immediately taken the initiative to climb into Scruffy- she’s be safe there, she was sure. But... still, she watched the door to the small room in anticipation. She could hear the telltale sounds of vines bursting from outside, the... more telltale signs of various people screaming... huh. That was a new voice, wasn’t it? Er... was it? She had to strain to pick it out among everything else, but- she stiffened as something heavy hit the door, the wood already cracking in the single hit. Whatever it was must be...
      A little nose poked out of the bookshelf. A... sort of rat-like thing, but clearly not something meant to still be alive- a necromancer’s minion? Taimi watched as it made it’s way to the door, apparently ignoring the sounds on the other side entirely, climbing up the walls, right next to that little scratch before suddenly hacking up a piece of chalk- rubbing it’s little hands over it, then, in a single motion, swiping a chalky, bloody paw across the scratch, completing the rune- just in time, too, as a big, planty form bigger than any Mordrem Taimi had yet seen burst it’s way through the door- only for the entire wooden structure to, rather immediately, explode in its- and, from the looks of what remained- several other mordrem’s faces, sap splattered across the room. Well, that was... dramatic. Seemed the mouse thing exploded with them. But then who-?
      She watched as, then, from... apparently nowhere, small slashed cuts made themselves apparent on the fallen mordrem- those that were still moving slightly falling limp, small, green orbs of light rising from their fallen forms, towards another figure that soon made itself apparent as it approached the doorway. Too small to be human, certainly- and, once she was close enough and the dust settled enough, decidedly too planty, too, small spots on the mess of leaves on her head and small lines on her face glowing violet in the sandstorm-dimmed light as she put away... an axe and dagger, it looked like. And, rather abruptly, the sylvari seemed to notice Taimi, too, stiffening where she stood- on top of mordrem corpses- in the doorway, seeming to be in shock for only a moment before an apologetic smile came to her face. “...Ah. Hello, there- and sorry about the doo-hn!”
      Taimi huddled further back in Scruffy as she saw another vine burst from the ground, quickly wrapping itself around the small sylvari and constricting. No, no no! That had to be the right sylvari, she couldn’t die now! But- she couldn’t reach her weapons with the vines wrapped around her limbs, quickly reaching for the throat, as Taimi had... soon learned the vines were want to do- and though there evidently weren’t more than... maybe three mordrem left, they seemed to see the signs of a struggle, and leapt for the kill themselves, and- oh, alchemy, the sylvari almost seemed to accept it- not like there was much of a choice, with... that much sap spilling from puncture wounds, tearing wounds from the mordrem hounds... 
      And, then, there wasn’t quite a sylvari there anymore- the vine twisting up on itself, passing through the dark, smoky form that only faintly resembled something bipedal- that green light rising in streams from the mordrem around it, towards the... thing, an unearthly growl issuing from it as the green light was concentrated and shot towards the now-unsteady mordrem hounds, the vine falling to the ground, limp, in the onslaught- and when the orb hit the hounds, they found themselves rather quickly on fire, turning tail and running- only for the smoky form to send and even smokier, clawed hand after them- disappearing from the growing pile of downed mordrem to appear in front of the fleeing hounds, unleashing a final volley to finish them off- and then, slowly, deliberately, the... thing made it’s way back to the doorway, stopping there, and... then, the smoke... solidated- and, once more, before Taimi stood a sylvari- placing a hand on the doorway to steady herself, breathing hard, using her free hand to rub at her neck. “That is... never going to be pleasant...”
“What. Was. That?!” Taimi’s voice squeaked as she leaned closer to the console, studying the sylvari in front of her. So many secrets, so many questions to ask!
The sylvari looked back- relief holding her expression for a moment as she looked at the golem, then around at the... mostly unharmed room- then, a simple content, if... tired smile regained control as she straightened herself. “I believe it’s termed a ‘shade’, in most circles,” she chirped, watching the asura within the golem- a keen interest of her own hidden carefully behind friendly eyes. “But I really do think a more accurate description would be... carefully controlled, pure, life force. Necromancers tend to have a little extra, after all.”
“Alright! One question only incredibly vaguely answered. Question two- why are you here?”
The sylvari’s smile widened. “Just looking around.” She let a pause hang in the air before continuing. “I know, just as vague- but questions like these are an exchange, aren’t they? You clearly know plenty yourself, smart as you are. Does that sound fair?”
“You know her, commander?”
Zori looked to Taimi, immediately stiffening. This was going to be... hard to explain- just. Take a moment to calm down, compose yourself... she could do this, it’d be fine... she glanced back towards Seremnis, catching, just for a moment, a... very knowing look. She was doing this on purpose, wasn’t she. “...Sort of. She’s part of the pact, and I saw her... pretty often around Orr...? But we don’t... talk. Much.”
“I don’t think that means we can trust this,” muttered Braham.
“...But Trahearne does know her, and he trusts her,” Zori continued- catching the momentary look of surprise on Seremnis’ face. Did she... not know that...? “...And I’d trust his judgement more than anyone’s,” she concluded firmly. The rest still looked... worried, but... she hoped that if she made her decision sound final enough, it’d mean something. As off-putting as Seremnis was, Zori didn’t doubt that she’d done her best to support the pact- and, from what she’d heard from Trahearne about her wyld hunt... joining the team doing research into the new dragon made sense. She just... wasn’t sure how to tell that to the rest of them...
“Plus, she showed me the super-secret cave behind the bookshelf, with the condition that we shared info- and I convinced her to wait until the rest of you showed up to do anything.”
      Sounded more like the conditions of joining the team than anything to Zori. Terming it as an exchange... she recognized negotiation tactics when she heard them. Why couldn’t she just... ask, normally? Did she think this was some sort of exclusive... Zori remembered that knowing glance, and swallowed. She was... doing the same thing Zori was, wasn’t she? Putting on a face for the rest of the team. It... really was that simple, wasn’t it. Zori took a breath, moving forwards. “Well- I’ll... we should probably sweep through the cave first, make sure it isn’t trapped, since she’s a apparently good at disarming these things,” She decided, moving through the room towards the bookshelf- already moved aside to reveal a small, steep staircase.
“I certainly wouldn’t mind,” Seremnis chirped in agreement, stepping back to allow Zori through- the both of them heading through to the cave without much further argument, beyond an impatient Taimi telling them to hurry up and vague murmurs of further discussion quickly disappearing behind them.
      Zori let her posture relax a little as they entered the cave, letting out a breath. Flames, that was... tense.
“Sorry for the abrupt introduction, but I... figured you’d all be better off without having to worry about another Scarlet,” Seremnis apologized quietly. “You seemed like you already had a lot on your mind.”
Zori winced. “Yeah... I- I really, really should have been there to help with Scarlet, but-”
“That wasn’t something you could help.”
“Maybe, but... I need to make it up to them somehow. It was a mess. A... traumatizing mess, probably.” Zori let out a long breath. “...The sort of thing I hoped would die with Zhaitan.”
“...And if this all is any indication, Mordremoth will only be worse.”
Zori let out a snort. “No pressure, right?”
Seremnis stopped, giving the commander a small smile. “...If it makes you feel any better, I did bring snacks.”
Zori blinked, then gave her a smile back, relaxing with another long breath. “Oh, thank flames, some good news.”
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I've been pulling my hair out about ages since I started making up backstories simply so I can work out the ages of my own characters. Makes me wonder though, what if no one knows a Charrs' natural lifespan because Charr die fighting before they can die of old age (I don't even know what that means so...)? OH! Not only can anyone join the Warband, they are free to leave it as they wish and if anyone once apart of the Warband asks OS for something 1/ -Numbered Anon
they'll do everything in their power to do it (so long as it not an attack on a 'band member or the three Legions), not that anyone asks though. Huh, wonder what would be different about Brahams introduction, would Rytlock pause and listen for a second? And Rox's reaction to OS being her backup. And the reactions to Kass, Jory and Logan working out that OS is what Humans would call a War Hero (OS calls it being a soldier and nothing else) 2/ -Numbered Anon
Taimi adores OS, because never once have they looked at her and thought 'child' only 'cub' and there's a difference. Canach...yeah I have no clue for him. I'll be over here pretending that I didn't forget about Aurene and imagine Caithe's reaction to being hunted down by the Warband very easily. Oh, just a thought, OS and the Warband singing as they make their way through HoT maps, a song to send off the dead, a song the other Charr join in singing, a song DW take the time 3/ -Numbered Anon
to learn. And the jungle is filled with singing to send Trahearne off. OS doesn't care about the things they eat because you can't be picky on the front-lines. OS tugs on a pendent Cre wears -engraved on it is Rylands name and DoB, an idea she got from OS, the only difference is that there's no room for DoD- whenever she gets lost in her head. Flame Legion Cubs freak out when OS comes to their camp in Grothmar because of the stories they've heard, ones 4/ -Numbered Anon
that paint OS as the monster under the bed -which to Flame, that's what OS is. Thinking back to Braham, I think OS might scruff the Norn around the neck to make him stop and listen because OS has seen this happen before one too many times and in doing so, might make Braham resent OS more. OS compares pocket raptors to teething cubs. OS will mount and unmount as little as possible because the actions grinds on their bones. Because the Warband has lost many members 5/ -Numbered Anon 
 they have a set date to remember their fallen 'band members on. ALSO THAT ADD ON ABOUT BALTH?!?!?! IT WOULD BE KINDER TO SIMPLY KILL ME!! Oooh, love the idea of Bangar twisting Rytlocks mind slightly to get him away from Ryland. And I think that's it from my brain today, it's gone poof! 6/6 -Numbered Anon
OOh you’re right! ngl I tried to work out what an old charr would be for a character of mine and just gave up cuz even the wiki’s like ‘no clue’ - my only basis is Norn can live for at least a few hundred if I remember correctly, so, so can charr! (Make me wonder how old those ‘too old to fight’ charr are in the black citadel?)
and YESSS them having specific dates for mourning the fallen, it's the one day the whole warband gets together - and the singing, especially at the end of HoT? Ow my HEART! After every great battle, you can find the Old Commander singing to the dead, as they grumble and try to remember which races’ customs are which, and which soldier wanted what, paws caked in mud and bandages too clean and new against the soil. 
and oooh yess! Flame Legion cubs huddle together (even Efram admits to being nervous as he shakes their paw), when Efram’s daughter mentions the bullying, OS has a glitn in their eye and spends the rest of that day teaching, talking to, and helping the cubs. They leave with promises of letters and a reminder that there’s always one warband open to them - if they don’t mind the old, absence troublemaker dropping in from time to time. 
I imagine they handle Braham’s grief liek you said, but also with a bit more grace than a younger Commander? Like they understand it’s not personal, and that their teenage cub needs to get this out of his system, they trust Rox to keep an eye on him, but the loneliness bites at them a little more. 
They train their mounts to go low to the ground to help them get on, or to stand stock still while they haul themselves in using various items as mounting blocks - huffing when Kasmeer giggles a little at them
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Something So Magic About You
Day 1 of @tyrias-library‘s Valentine’s fic week! As always, thank you for organizing this bc it’s a delight to participate and see what everyone else comes up with. The prompt today is “Confessions,” so this is about how Braham and Auslog got together. Title is from “From Eden” by Hozier bc I listen to Hozier while I’m writing A Lot. What can I say, I am but a simple sapphic
Also this time around I decided I’d post things both on tumblr AND ao3, so if you’d prefer to read it there, here’s a link for you. Enjoy!
“Ugh, what do I do, Toril?” Auslog asked, pacing their tent. 
Currently, Toril and Auslog and the rest of Dragon’s Watch were set up on a cliff in Sandswept Isles, overlooking Althoma, the Olmakhan village. Here, they could monitor any threats from above before they had a chance to cause serious problems, and nearby sand portals offered easy travel to the Inquest facility the next island over for anyone who had a jackal, as most of the guild did by this point. 
Toril followed the other norn with her eyes from her place on the pile of furs that served as their bed, watching with a smirk as Auslog placed her head in her hand.
“I dunno, babe,” Toril said with a shrug. “I always say you should just say something, so you already know that’s what I’m going to say. Do you need me to actually say it?”
Auslog stopped, turned to face her, and wrinkled her nose at her and made a grumbly sound.
“No,” she groaned. “Or yes. Maybe?” 
Toril chuckled.
“What if I say something,” Auslog explained, little drops of water gathering at her hands as she went, falling to the ground when she failed to pay attention to her magic, “and he doesn’t return my feelings, and then it makes everything awkward for everyone?”
“That’s not gonna happen, Aus,” Toril said.
“You don’t know that! How do you know that?”
“Because you’re both--well, okay.” Toril sighed heavily. “Because you are emotionally intelligent and capable of being professional, and because Braham will fall in line if I tell him to fall in line.” 
“But then you’ll have to--and we’ll--and I--and it would be humiliating, and--and if he--but I can’t--and--”
“Aus, Aus, hey, stop,” Toril said, standing and wrapping her into a soft embrace. She placed a soothing hand on the elementalist’s back and used the other to gently toy with her hair. “This isn’t going to help anything, this agonizing over it. Either you do or you don’t, and that’s up to you. You just have to do what feels right. But I can’t tell you what that is, and pacing up and down our tent at a mile a minute won’t either. Plus,” she said teasingly, “you got the floor a little wet, and now it’s muddy in here.”
Auslog laughed, gripping Toril tighter and coiling her arms around the Commander’s neck. The elementalist gave her a quick peck on the cheek, stretching up on her toes, before untangling herself and looking up at Toril.
“I have one actual question for you though,” Auslog said. “I think it’s important.” 
“What if it makes it awkward for you? I mean, he’s your best friend. I wouldn’t want to put any kind of divide between you if it goes south.”
“Hey, how about you let me handle the particulars of my relationship with Braham?” Toril said, brushing a lock of hair from Auslog’s cheek and tucking it behind her ear. “Any problems that happen between me and him, regardless of what they have to do with, are between me and him. I would never, ever blame you for a problem I have with another person. You go after what you want, if you want to. Don’t worry about me. Please.”
Auslog sighed dramatically. 
“Okay,” she huffed, “I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I am,” Toril said with a scoff. “Aren’t I always?”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Make me.”
“Toril, I, uh--could I talk to you for a sec? Like, over there?” Braham said, gesturing past the tree line around their camp. 
It was supper time, most of the guild gathered around a large pot of stew over the fire at the center of the camp. The Commander took another bite from the bowl in her hands and then set it carefully on the stone bench beside her. (Having an elementalist around does have its perks, she mused as her knuckles brushed the smooth limestone.) 
“Sure, let’s go,” Toril said, getting up with a groan to follow him. “What’s going on?”
She grabbed a piece of bread as she went, dipping the corner of it into the pot of stew bubbling over the fire.
“Let’s, um--let’s wait until we’re...I don’t want anyone else to hear this.”
“What the hell is going on, Braham? You’re freaking me out.”
Once Braham was satisfied they were far enough, he turned to her and took a deep breath.
“Listen,” he said, “I think...Wolf help me, I don’t even know why I’m--this is a terrible idea, just--”
“Out with it,” Toril said impatiently.
“Okay, um, fine, it’s--I think I have feelings for your...partner.”
“Which one?”
“I’m sorry?” Braham said.
“Which partner?” Toril said around a mouthful of bread, brow furrowed. 
“Oh, I, um--well, it’s--”
“Auslog, right? You have a crush on Auslog?” the Commander said for him, unfazed.
“I’m not sure I like the phrasing there,” he said, “but yeah. Yeah, I think I do.”
“Okay, so talk to her about it,” she replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“But she’s your girlfriend,” Braham said. “It would--that’s weird, isn’t it?”
“You like her?” Toril asked.
Braham nodded.
“You’d like to have a romantic and/or sexual relationship with her?” Toril continued.
“I don’t--that’s so--how are you so technical about this?”
“Experience,” Toril said flatly, biting off another bit of bread. “Now, would you?”
Braham sighed, ran his hands over his head, and nodded. 
“Good,” Toril said. “So talk to her.”
“What if it makes things weird?” Braham argued.
“What if it doesn’t?” Toril shot back.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” 
“What if she does?”
“What if she ends up hating me?
“What if she doesn’t?”
“You know what, I--” Braham grumbled. “I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to even bring this up. I’m sorry. Just forget it. Forget I said anything.”
He stomped off, back toward camp, as Toril watched with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and bit off another chunk of bread before following.
“Toril, this is driving me crazy,” Auslog complained a few days later, once again pacing their tent. “I don’t know how much longer I can deal with him looking at me like that, and his eyes, and just...everything! What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to react when he’s over here just existing and looking like a-a-a fucking sculpture--and definitely better than any that I’ve made, and--”
“Hey. Aus. Babe. Look at me,” Toril said calmly, stepping in front of her and grabbing both of her shoulders. “You know the answer to this. You know what you should do. So just, y’know, do it.”
“You say it like it’s so easy!” Auslog complained, shrugging her off and continuing to pace. “I don’t have your confidence. You don’t give a single shit about what anyone thinks or says about you--”
“That’s not true,” the Commander interjected.
“--but some of us aren’t lucky enough to have that,” Auslog continued, ignoring Toril’s input. “I know I need to just suck it up, but it’s...there’s so many things that could go wrong.”
“Auslog, you have stood beside me as I stared down two Elder Dragons, a mursaat, a fucking god, and Raven knows what else,” Toril said, stopping her again with a hand on either side of her face. “If I have the courage to do that, then you have just as much. Maybe more. I’d be lost without you, and if Braham doesn’t see what I see, then that’s his loss. But you’ll never know if you don’t try.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re--you’re right,” Auslog said with a sigh, flopping onto a pile of blankets on the floor. “Just like always.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that,” Toril said, sitting beside her. “But at least most of the time, probably.”
The elementalist gently punched her arm before falling against her side, Toril quickly adjusting to hold her against her side, and for a while, they just sat like that, enjoying the quiet.
“Hey,” Auslog said softly after a few minutes had passed. “Did you mean all that? About being lost without me?”
“You know I did,” Toril answered.
“Yeah, I guess I do,” Auslog said, smiling. “I’d be lost without you, too, my love.”
“Oh, stop,” Toril said, playfully fighting back as Auslog stretched up to kiss her face.
“Look, I know you said I should just ask her,” Braham said, sitting next to Toril on the cliff overlooking Althoma, “but it just doesn’t feel right.”
“Okay,” Toril said, considering. “Does it not feel right because you can’t see yourself in that kind of relationship with her, or does it not feel right because you’ve been conditioned into monogamy?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“If she weren’t also my girlfriend, would you feel comfortable asking her, say, to dinner?” Toril asked, then added, “In a romantic context, of course.” 
“Yeah, I think so,” Braham said. “Is that...is that bad?”
“Not at all,” Toril said. “Erlend and I had some hangups at first too. He wasn’t sure about the idea of being in a committed romantic relationship with someone already in a committed romantic relationship of their own. And it’s awkward at first, sure, but it gets easier. You start to find a new normal. A better one, in my opinion.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Braham said, sighing heavily. “But I just--you’re my best friend, Toril--”
“Aw, thanks,” the Commander cut in.
“Shush,” he said, bumping her shoulder with his. “But seriously, I can’t just ask out your girlfriend. I mean, for one, we’re grown adults, not teenagers. I don’t even think ‘ask out’ is a term that applies anymore, and--”
“Braham,” Toril interrupted sternly.
“I’m going to say this one more time, and then that’s the last time, and from there you’re going to have to figure the rest out on your own, okay?”
“Okay?” Braham said, unsure.
“Please, for the love of all the Spirits, please ask out my girlfriend.”
Braham rolled his eyes in response.
It had been two weeks.
Two weeks of two of the most important people in her life coming to her to complain about their own emotional incompetence. 
Toril was at her wits end. She wasn’t the type of person to tell one or even both of them that their feelings were mutual. That was a betrayal of trust, and even if it was probably for their own good, she felt uncomfortable with it.
So she couldn’t tell Auslog to just talk to Braham because he’s already interested, and she couldn’t tell Braham that Auslog had been complaining about how unfair it is for him to be like that, and she couldn’t sit here and deal with the two of them anymore. Something had to be done.
She couldn’t tell them. But she could encourage them to tell each other. (“Encourage,” of course, was a rather nice word for what she had planned. “Force” would probably be more accurate, but the former had a significantly more positive connotation.)
And so Toril found herself behind a desk in the command tent, the one that they used for planning and storage and arguments of a more professional nature, waiting for Kasmeer to fetch Braham and Auslog. When they finally entered together, Kas tagging along behind and closing the flap of the tent with a quick wink to the Commander, they looked both confused and terrified. Toril was, if she was honest with herself, a little ashamed of how much she was going to enjoy this.
“What’s going on, Boss?” Braham asked. “Kas said you needed to talk to us about something?”
“That I do,” Toril said, tapping her fingers together where they rested on the desk. “You’ve both been driving me absolutely insane and it has to stop.” 
“What--what do you mean?” Auslog said, a rush of nervousness hitting her as she thought through the reasons Toril may have called them here like this.
“You both know I’m not the type of person,” Toril explained, “that tells someone else’s secrets. I won’t. I won’t betray your trust like that, either of you.”
“Okay…?” Braham said, brow furrowed.
“But I can get you to tell each other,” Toril said.
The realization dawned on Auslog first, her eyes widening as she worked through everything this meant. It took Braham a bit longer, but eventually he responded with a simple, “Oh.”
“I’m going outside,” Toril said, standing and walking around them to the tent flap. She pushed it aside, stepping out and then turning to add, “Fucking talk to each other. For my sake if nothing else.” And then she let the flap fall back into place and gave them their privacy.
“Well, that was…” Braham said, trailing off.
“...unexpected,” Auslog finished.
“Yeah,” he agreed. 
Auslog cleared her throat. “So I gather that you’ve spoken to Toril about me in a...romantic context?”
“Is that--is that the kind of conversation we’re going to have right now?” Braham asked, cocking his head to one side.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you...don’t sound like you. I wasn’t thinking we were gonna be so...clinical about it.”
“Oh. Yeah,” Auslog said. “I, um--I was kind of trying to channel Toril. That confidence she has, y’know? She’s always so sure of herself in situations like this, and I’m so...not.”
“Hey, that’s--I like that. I like you.”
“Spirits, I feel like such an awkward mess.”
“I like awkward,” Braham assured. “Awkward is...cute.”
“Oh, you--you think so?” Auslog asked, blushing and looking toward the floor.
“Absolutely,” Braham declared, emboldened. “Everything about you is so...you’re so strong and so willful, but you’re also so incredibly gentle that it leaves me in awe. You care so deeply. You fight so fiercely not because you enjoy the fight, but because it protects innocents. You’re just--you’re a force, and I can’t help but be drawn to that.”
“I, uh--thanks, that was...I’m not sure what to say,” Auslog said. “I think between the shock of Toril dragging us here for this and hearing you say all that, I’m a little scrambled.”
“That’s alright,” Braham said.  
“I just know I like you. A lot. And I want more than being sort of your second best friend by proxy of Toril. I want to keep seeing you look at me like that. And I want to be closer to you. In every sense.”
“In that case,” Braham said, smiling, “would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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sylvari-bouquet · 4 years
Caught in the storm
Cold wasn't an unfamiliar sensation to Nettle. Ze had spent months in the stone halls of Durmand Priory and in the surrounding Lornar's Pass, where ze had quickly learnt that sylvari clothing did very little to keep the warmth inside your body. Ze had ventured in to Bitterfrost Frontier, although with a help of elixir that numbed the worst freezing bite. But nothing ze had experienced before could prepare hir for the loneliness of the winter that Bjora Marches was seeped in. The keep was the sole bastion of warmth against the raging night storm that never seemed to end - but to think that it too, could be breached like it had been not even a day ago did not warm hir thoughts.
As soon as Nettle had the privacy of hir own, the sheer force of exhaustion was enough that ze crumbled down by the door. Ze leaned against it, catching hir breath. The blue glow of excess ley energy had been slowly dissipating, replaced by Nettle's own, natural night glow. It had been a long time since ze had used hir powers in that capacity, and it was always as draining, this time maybe even more so, since the Marches seemed to have only few streams of ley magic running beneath the ground. Nettle had not even checked up on Almorra since ze and the rest had returned from the Raven Sanctum, but ze could hear her voice, speaking with others in the main hall. That gave hir some relief. She was still alive, and ze hadn't failed this time. Nettle knew that ze shouldn't sit on the cold floor, ze should at least make it to the bed, but just for a moment more before ze would get up...
Nettle awoke, not laying on the floor, but at the bed. Ze didn't recall getting up - had someone carried hir there? Nettle wasn't sure for how long ze had dozed off, but ze was certain ze heard someone calling out for hir.
"Where are you, Nettle?" This time, Nettle recognized the voice immediately, and a shiver ran through hir, colder than what ze had felt before.
Thousands questions raced through Nettle's mind as ze scrambled to get up. Why was he here? he should- he should be in the Grove? There's only one reason ze's hearing this, it's a trick, but what if it wasn't-
The rational part of hir tried to argue that the scenario was impossible, but it was being drowned by crashing waves of anxiety and worry.
"Help me."
Nettle only grabbed hir torch as ze left hir chamber in a hurry and opened the front door, only to be greeted by a strong gust of wind and snow rushing in and almost knocking the air out of hir. Nettle knew ze shouldn't listen it, ze should wake up others- but ze couldn't ignore the voice, either. With that thought, ze braced hirself, and head out to the darkness with only hir torch lighting the way.
*** Braham couldn't sleep. Not with the images of dead Vigil soldiers behind his eyelids, or the taunting voices of his former guildmates ringing in his ears. The fact that he had to endure Rytlock's booming snores didn't help the situation, either. 
He couldn't stop thinking about the scene at the Raven's Sanctum. Jormag offering their assistance to the commander, and the long pause that Nettle had given Braham as an answer when he had asked hir thoughts. Ze had been leaning into hir staff more than usual. Not to mention the eerie glow that had surrounded hir after ze had found Almorra. Braham had only seen it once before, years ago in the heart of the jungle, and while Nettle had said ze had been able to rescue Almorra, Braham knew well that ze would push hirself to the limit and beyond if the situation required it, but would also avoid mentioning it to anyone. Somehow the sylvari didn’t still see that only made people more worried about hir.
Earlier the night, when he had gone over to Nettle's room to check if ze was doing alright, he had found Nettle on the floor - sleeping, thankfully - but he cursed himself for not saying or doing anything earlier. Knowing Nettle, ze would have said ze's fine, but still- Braham had been too focused on his own problems to see anyone else's, once again. As Braham had carefully lifted Nettle to the bed, he couldn't help but wonder had ze always seem so small?
"What would Wolf think of you, running away with your tail between your legs and abandoning your friends?"
Braham had began to wander restlessly around the barracks, and without thinking, he had reached the room Nettle were in. He was about to turn back, wishing not to disturb hir, when he noticed that the door was ajar. It could be nothing, but his already bubbling worry began threatening to pour over, and with a soft push, he entered the room - only to find it completely empty.
Braham cursed audibly as he scanned the area, but there was no sign of a fight or a struggle, but even more worrying was that Nettle's belongings were still there, even the Raven Specter - no, hir torch was missing. Braham grabbed the specter and ran outside the room, only to be greeted by Marjory.
"Braham? What's going on?" she asked, with a look that she had not been sleeping much either that night.
"Nettle's missing. I'm going after hir", Braham passed Marjory without stopping and reached for the door. The night storm was raging like a wild beast, and the temperatures were freezing, even for a norn like him. It would be outright deadly for anyone else.
"The commander’s long gone by now. You cannot find hir in this storm. Give up."
"Fuck off, dragon", was all the acknowledgment Braham would spare to them as he stepped outside. He wouldn't repeat his mistakes, never again.
"Braham, wait!" Marjory called out, but the furious storm had already swallowed him whole.
Nettle knew ze had made a grave error in judgement for venturing outside the keep. Everywhere ze looked, ze could only see snow flying past hir, no landmarks or lights or any other living being in sight. Ze was stranded, and it was really, really cold. Wait, that wasn't right, ze felt warm, as if ze were back in the Grove. No, Nettle was really back, ze recognized the circle of trees that surrounded a very familiar garden. Ze could smell a scent of jasmines as ze pulled off hir scarf and let it fall off, and ze heard the same voice, once again: "Welcome back, Nettle. I have been waiting for you." ***
The icy winds lashed around Braham, sapping the air and making it almost impossible to breathe. Braham could feel the cold, but that was only a good sign, the real trouble would start when you didn’t feel anything. Braham couldn't see further ahead than his own hands, but he had no choice than to push on, and pray that the Wolf would not abandon him now, when he most needed her guidance. Braham followed his instincts, going down the same path he and Nettle had been following while tracking Jhavi and Almorra. If the dragon was messing with commander like they were doing with Braham, they would direct hir where it would be the coldest - towards Asgeir's legacy.
Something bright flew towards him, tossing along the whirling wind, and Braham barely managed to reach out and grab it. It was Nettle's scarf. That was the sign that Braham needed - he was on the right track. He tied the scarf around his face, a small comfort against the storm, and continued towards the direction it had appeared. After few moments, he could see a small purple light that illuminated a collapsed figure. Braham ran towards the light, and the figure was Nettle, unconscious and cold, but still alive.
Shit, Shit, Shit. Ze needed to be somewhere warm, and immediately, but where he could find a place like that in the middle of the woods? It was then Braham noticed the large stone doors of the Raven Sanctum, as if the Raven himself had answered his prayers and motioned him to take shelter underneath his wings. Braham easily picked Nettle up and carried hir to the doors. He thanked the Spirits he had grabbed the specter earlier, but it was a device he hadn't held before. He waved it in front of the doors, but nothing happened.
"By the wolf, how do you even use this damned scepter!", Braham muttered under his breath, this time trying his luck with the statues, "just let me in! Please!". He clearly did something right in his desperation, as the passage to the Sanctum opened, and Braham made his way inside, finally getting away from the cold. But Nettle would need more than shelter, Braham had to set a fire going, and so he went forward to the first room of the maze.
"Seeker of cunning, show me your mind." The winged statue of Raven greeted him, but Braham had no time to play a game of riddles and rigged ethical questions.
"Shut up. Er, sorry", he replied before remembering that Raven had allowed him inside in the first place. There was a single tree in the room, he could start a fire with that if it wasn't an illusion. Braham smacked it with his mace, and it broke down. Not an illusion, thankfully. Now, if he can only somehow tear it to smaller pieces...
*** Nettle awoke again, this time without recognizing where ze was. Ze felt warm, thanks to the fire burning next to hir and Braham's heavy fur coat wrapped around hir. Wait, why there was a fire, and why ze had his coat? As ze sat up, ze could see Braham sitting next to hir, with an openly relieved look on his face.
"Thank the wolf you're awake", Braham said, shifting the burning embers with a stick, "When I found you, for a moment- never mind, it's not important."
"Where are we? In the sanctum?" Nettle still felt groggy from hir slumber, "what exactly happened?"
"You don't remember? I found your room empty, you had wandered into the storm on your own. By some dumb luck I found you, and this was the closest place where we could wait out the storm. I tried to contact others, but I have no idea if my messages went through. This place is probably messing up with the signal, or something", Braham explained the situation, and Nettle started to remember hir earlier actions.
"I'm sorry, I've been a fool, and endangered your life along with mine. Thank you, truly, for rescuing me", Nettle apologized, ashamed ze had acted so thoughtlessly.
"It's not your fault, comm- Nettle", Braham told hir, "It's their doing, all of it. But if you want to test the storms again, promise me you don't go off your own, okay? Anyway, you should get more rest, the storm won't be over for a while."
Nettle nodded and thought that despite the situation they had been in, it was nice to share this quiet moment by the fire with Braham. Somehow, he seemed less on the edge than during the day, almost enjoying the respite now that the immediate danger had passed. Ze watched the flames paint the sanctum in their bright glow until ze drifted to sleep once again, and soon enough, fatigue caught up with Braham too. But the two could rest peacefully, as long as they were under the Raven's wing.
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lupinepariah · 4 years
Jormag is Such a Mood
As I wait for episode 3 I feel like I'm twisting in the wind as I worry that ArenaNet might let me down with the coming story. I hope that this is the turning point for them that I wish for, where they'll stop relying on cheap shlocky shock value to tell their stories. After a while, it's easy to feel numb and cold towards X or Y character that one cared about dying because you sort of expect it. It's an unnecessary amount of suffering and death.
There's been an ongoing shift in the stories they've been telling and a strong message regarding mental health interwoven within. It covers topics like invasive thoughts, trust, and how we suffer because we're too afraid to talk (let alone talk to one another). I think that these messages are important and more relevant now and to their contemporary audience than ever before. Kralkatorrik's torment was a literal representation of the suffering that invasive thoughts can cause, it was also almost a treatise on how to combat them too with Kralkatorrik challenging them by stating the truth whenever they spoke, supported by the Commandrer and Aurene. It's just a shame that Kralkatorrik had to die.
I get why he did and that's not a bad message either. If a person is in an extreme amount of pain then allowing them to end that pain is compassionate and empathetic. In doing so, they humanised Kralkatorrik and completely changed how the Elder Dragons are perceived. In that moment, everything was made anew and they could tell stories with their dragons that they would've never had the chance to before. There might be other dragons out there who're decent people, or those who're just being tormented.
With Jormag, they remind me of a frustrated therapist. I mean, frankly, that's exactly what they remind me of. "Maybe you should listen."
What they're doing with the Commander is necessary to help those with cognitive dissonance to reach the same conclusions but it's also a frustrating bout of dramatic irony. The player's character is being stubborn, foolish, and quite frankly dumb. I appreciate what they're doing though, if indeed I'm right. I mean, they built up the trust with Aurene so that Aurene can convey things to the player. Not the player character, the player. Bangar, for example. Aurene told the player that there's no purpose in killing Bangar and that I find especially pertinent. This is why I have so much fragile hope.
Jormag sounds like someone who genuinely wants to help. Yet they're misunderstood, demonised, typecast, and no one wants to listen to what they're actually saying. Worse for them is that in the narrative there's a proper mind controller at play—be it Abaddon, Jormag's torment, the deep sea dragon, or perhaps even all of the above—and that isn't immediately clear to the player. You need a good sense for intrigue plots and general observational skills to pick up on that.
Anyone paying attention would've noticed how Jormag is constantly telling everyone that they want to talk, not fight. They're asking questions. They're being persuasive. What they're doing isn't mind control. Yet what happened with Rytlock and Crecia at the end of episode 2 was mind control, it was outright mind control. That isn't Jormag's power. What's even more odd about that is how they yelled about their voices not being their own, Jormag has no reason to broadcast that through them. There's more going on here.
There's so much frustration and anguish in Jormag's voice. I have to give it to the voice actress of Jormag for pulling that off so successfully, and to ArenaNet's sound direction team too. I mean, it's unmistakable. If you know what you're listening for, Jormag sounds very, very frustrated. They really want to help, they want to get you to listen because you don't know what's going on. They're just so opposed to suffering and that's something they reveal to you plentifully in their whispers.
I mean, look at how everyone needs therapy! I will harp on this because it's relevant.
Rytlock — He's always running away from his partner and son to find ways to be worthy of them without realising how worthy he is. This is why he tells us in Path of Fire that he needs a win. He's obsessively looking for ways to overcome his own self-esteem issues, Rytlock has very poor confidence and a lot of invasive thoughts regarding his own self-worth.
Crecia — From Crecia's perspective, Rytlock ran because he's unreliable and afraid of responsibility. She also questions whether she had any part in it, whether it was her fault that it happened. This has left Cre with some fairly bad abandonment issues and codependency, she's looking for anyone to be her rock and to help provide her with safety and emotional stability. Someone who won't run away, basically. This is something that Bangar is exploiting for his own benefit.
Braham — He's made a lot of mistakes. The spirits distrust him, he's been too cocksure and egotistical in the past and it's gotten him into trouble and each incident has only sullied his reputation further, and on top of that he has serious mommy and daddy issues. Yet he's a big, strong norn! He's a meaty meat-shield, he can power through anything. He doesn't have any need for emotions. This is why he's always falling to pieces and anything that the Commander does is just putting a band-aid on it and little more.
Marjory — In her relationship she has to be the strong one, she's taken it upon herself to be masculine in order to protect Kasmeer. The problem with this is that she's not facing her past or even talking about it. There are things in her past, deaths, that haunt her. Such as that of Belinda whom she's unable to let go. If you don't talk about your losses, you can't ever let them go.
Bangar — Riddled with feelings of inadequacy. He feels as though he's the least successful of the imperators who've all achieved greater things than he has. Smodur and Malice played a greater part in the treaty, after all, which Bangar stood against because it was Smodur's idea. Bangar is strongly opposed to Smodur as Smodur is the successful charr imperator that Bangar has always wanted to be. He wants to be important, to be remembered, and this has driven him to want to be Jormag's champion. Furthermore, his cognitive dissonance has fed into xenophobia. Since Smodur wanted a treaty, Bangar's hatred of Smodur festered into fears of what humans might do to the charr again, given the chance.
Ryland — Daddy issues. Daddy issues. He's Mr. Daddy Issues. I mean, he has a technological version of sohothin. Did anyone else notice that? There's so much in the way of daddy issues here. He recognises that his father is incredible but he feels like his father has no value for him, that nothing that Ryland could do would ever, ever be good enough for the great Rytlock Brimstone. He's turned to Bangar because he needed a father figure, he needs someone who'll be proud of him.
This is why Guild Wars 2 is driving me crazy right now.
I mean, we have a bunch of characters who're desperately in need of therapy. We have a game that's had some generally positive messages about mental health. On top of that we now have a therapy dragon who's just so frustrated that no one's listening to them, because all they want to do is help ease the suffering. They're tired of suffering. The culmination I'm hoping for is that we end up with Jormag on our side because that would make sense narratively. It's where they seem to be heading.
I mean, if we had Jormag with us? All of these poor babies could get therapy. Between Aurene and Jormag they could finally get the help they need. They all need to talk! This really NEEDS to happen! This is why it's so frustrating because I share Jormag's frustrations. I've encountered so many people in this real world of ours who need help, who need therapy, yet they snub this advice because they feel it suggests there's something flawed about them instead of realising that every living person needs therapy sometimes.
Tyria needs a source of therapy. Jormag freed from their torment would be an amazing way to handle that. I mean, Fraenir called it the Age of the Dragon. I want to see that! I'd love for there to be a Grand Dragon Council or somesuch, where the kindly dragons free of torment congregate to discuss how they might best help Tyria. Each dragon has something they could bring to the table. Jormag has therapy. Which Tyria needs so, so badly.
Plus, it would further the positive messaging about this topic. I want ArenaNet to please, please do this. It'd be an amazing way to tell people that therapy isn't a dirty word. Jormag is so perfectly suited to fit that role. I mean, everyone loves Jormag anyway and no one wants them to be evil. I don't think any Elder Dragon beyond Aurene has had the kind of following in the fan community that Jormag's accrued. They're incredibly popular.
I'm not going to be childish and dump the game if Jormag ends up being a reductivist moustache-twirling villain but I have to speak about this. It would be so, so disappointing and it would stab all the good messaging they've done regarding mental health in the back. It would undo the good they've done. Plus, it would make very little narrative sense. I mean, we're supposed to be easing off of this whole MURDER EVERYONE thing, after all. We know that killing Elder Dragons just makes everything worse. So why not let Jormag live?
Guild Wars 2 is dangerously close to becoming my favourite game. It's just time for hope to shine through the darkness. There's been enough death. There's been enough murder. And there's certainly been enough suffering. It's time for things to change. The best way to indicate that would be to have Jormag join forces with Aurene.
Then Dragon's Watch could get the therapy it needs, along with Bangar and Ryland.
So many people in Tyria need therapy.
Maybe they should listen?
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bluebudgie · 6 years
readmore bc i don’t want another big discussion with tons of reblogs to start, just rambling. (redhead-now-bald norn related)
With the flood of hate towards Braham, to the point where it’s almost like an echo chamber of people just repeating each others “I want to punch him!!! kill him!!” i really wanted to go back to the roots of this. Look at what the fuck even triggered this huge outrage. Like, it’s literally a 2 minutes scene of dialogue, I knew that, but I just really wanted to go through that dialogue line by line again to see what the fuck happened that people got so unbelievably angry about.
So let’s see this (taken from the wiki as i don’t have english footage of the scene):
Braham: This is similar to the scroll Aesgir used in his great victory, so now I test the bow on the tooth in the Great Hall. Braham: If I damage it, it's time to rally the norn and lay Jormag to rest. <Character name>: Braham, you can't... Let's hold up a second here. <Character name>: A direct assault on Jormag puts a lot of lives on the line. I think the Pact can tell you that may not be the best idea.
So far so good.
Braham: The Pact you commanded. Look, Jormag is my problem, and I'll deal with it my way—with or without you.
Fair enough. Jormag isn’t exactly only his problem, but considering we’re talking Svanir and Norn business here it’s an understandable view of the situation. Any other Norn would probably think similarly. And on that comment about the Pact, you just have to admit, the Pact was a giant fuck up when it came to Mordremoth. We did manage in the end but probably with far more losses than necessary. That rush to the jungle wasn’t exactly smart. I mean, come on, the commander says it themselves right here. Technically they didn’t make the final decision of going against Mordremoth unprepared, but they certainly didn’t stop it either. So saying “the pact” while leaving themselves out of the narrative when they know that they’re a huge representative of it? Nuh-uh, that doesn’t work.
<Character name>: Jormag isn't just your— Look what happened to Rox when you rushed in and bashed something! Braham: Oh, I forgot your calculated plans always work out perfectly, like when you posed as a Svanir to get some potion!
He’s not wrong here.
<Character name>: Okay, okay. Can we back up? <Character name>: Taimi thinks there may be a way to pit Primordus and Jormag against each other without raising a single sword. Braham: Taimi thinks, huh? If the tooth chips we have hard proof. 
A bit mean towards little Taimi, but again he does have a point. And certainty is better than trying around with experiments in some situations. Still just discussing at this point, even if a little bit heated.
<Character name>: Hard proof of what? That you can battle a tooth?
(that line is actually rly funny)
Braham: So only you get to decide when we take down a dragon? Only you're allowed to kill them?
He’s definitely right with that one.
<Character name>: That's not what I'm saying. Braham: Well, figure out what you're saying, because that's what it sounds like.
Again, he’s not wrong here. It does sound like what the commander is saying.
<Character name>: I'm only asking you to wait—maybe just a few days. See if Taimi can do this. There could be no need to put lives at risk. Braham: With every moment we wait, someone else's mother dies! I won't give Jormag a few days! I won't give Jormag a few minutes! 
Gonna be honest I actually had to laugh at that line the first time he said that in LS3 because it feels a bit cheap. Like, every minute we don’t kill a dragon someone else’s mum dies just sounded like a really cheap microwaving of getting back to his pain about Eir. But well, you know, in the essence it’s understandable where he’s coming from. We do have to act quickly. I just wish that line didn’t sound so much like it came from a soap opera. Still not seeing any big offenses here so far. When will it happen?
If norn: <Character name>: I grew up with the legend of the tooth, but I've also been out in the world and faced two of these things—one with you! Otherwise: <Character name>: The norn elders told me the legend of the tooth, but I've also been out in the world and faced two of these things—one with you! <Character name>: They're not to be taken lightly! Braham: You think I take it... Braham: You know what, Commander? I'm glad you didn't join Destiny's Edge. My mother wouldn't want you in there. Braham: I'm headed back to Hoelbrak. Garm! To me!
Okay. This is the only. The only line in this entire godforsaken scene. That is directly insulting and could somehow cause any offense. Was it a hotheaded and shortsighted response? Yes. Is it understandable he reacts this way given all the things that have happened in the past? Yes. Does this single goddamn line warrant an entire cross-platform wave of pitchforks and demands to kill off a character that otherwise always backed us up and helped us? Well, I guess you decide for yourself but honestly... if we start asking for our friends to go and die everytime just the tiniest arguments arises then... yeah no thanks. Not to mention that certain fan favourites (Rearbock Grimstone or Choya Cactus man anyone?) keep on the snarky comments all the goddamn time. “Oh but it’s funny sarcastic humour!” you say.
Yeah no. I can’t count the number of times both of them (Riprock more so than Cactusman) have made comments that were completely uncalled for in the given situations,  and still people will fall on their knees  and lick their boots like they’re the funniest characters ever. Remember Shitspock’s (freely quoted) “Oh honestly I don’t really care if all humans of Elona die, but if Charr get hurt this gets too far”, in an entirely un-sarcastic tone? Imagine Braham had said that. Just imagine he had said that about Elona and Norn instead of Charr. Boi oh boi, I don’t even want to imagine the shitstorm. (This just in, I like Canach. But still, having the role of the “snarky spikeman” doesn’t put him on a pedestal that makes him free of criticism. I don’t have to talk about Rytspock I guess, you guys know about my opinion of that guy.)
Meanwhile that one line Braham speaks makes people say that he is “constantly betraying us” (I shit you not I read that more than once on the official forums especially) and that he shows “signs of jormag’s corruption”, and that he is “actively working against us”. Like really? Really?
All of this to say. Looking back and reading through that dialogue it’s even tamer than what I remembered from the first playthrough, and I’m starting to think that at this point people have already forgotten what the heck they’re even hating him for and just join the bandwagon of getting each other into a bigger and bigger rage because pitchforks are on sale right now or smth.
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