#but i'm fine yes i love ffxiv
noxtivagus · 1 year
when when hyth in hfalksdjfaklsfj
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astrxealis · 2 years
i think if i said that what fandaniel says and does speaks to me on a somewhat deep level ... that would be. concerning
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#honestly /gen LMAO but it's funny T___T#i wrote this during class and then forgot about it ODHSIDBSKS ...... okay so. uhm#FR THOUGH fandaniel is such a vibe for me. i am utterly obsessed w his lines esp back when he wasn't using his actual voice#but also now!! the va is SO good ... bless their cameos as well LMAO let's go lesbians let's go <33#but yes :] maybe deep down i too feel the urge to burn down the world and cause destruction !! destroy everyone and everything including#my own self <3 take this as you will LMAOOO idk if i get really tired of being nice then ^^ T___T !?!?!#in general though even from when he first introduces himself properly as Fandaniel. that was such A Scene#yes he is annoying but do i want to punch him? sure. do i want to get rid of him entirely ... no. he's such an intriguing character and his#vibe is AMAZING. especially in enw where they yk yeah more on his character and his motivations#the ff villain i'd compare him to most is fandaniel but i do think fandaniel is a better villain :O just imo! i love kefka tho lol#no spoilers in all this hehe but yes if you know then yeah ^^ i'm probably fine dw i won't. go all Fandaniel any time soon#i'll just stick to being dramatic and extra and just have all my bad feelings inside like usual hehe >_< ✨#okay though genuinely ignoring the whole. haha destruction stuff. fandaniel is just really so interesting to me#the epitome of a character i want to shake around in a jar and examine ... under a microscope even. idk
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northwest-cryptid · 3 months
Idk if I fully understand ffxiv being native-phobic? I just played through stormblood & what I got from that was colonialism bad, to put it in super simple terms. Like idk the entire point of it was liberate an oppressed peoples and give them back their homes? And maybe I missed it but I didn't see the Ala mhigans as being native coded or inspired?
You didn't see the Ala Mhigans being "Native Coded" because they aren't and yet Ala Mhigan clothes use Native patterns. You didn't see FFXIV being "Native-Phobic" because it's generally not, it likes to hide it's racism away in little pockets.
It's hard to see it when you're not used to seeing it. This isn't your fault, it's that you're looking in the wrong places.
This is the "Ala Mhigan Gown" it's being largely attributed to being "Ala Mhigan" it is not. It is Native.
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These patterns are Native, and while I cannot claim exactly and exclusively which tribes use them I can say for certain that I'm Deer Clan Lakota and these patterns are ALL OVER my traditional Native clothing. To attribute our clothing to Ala Mhigo is wrong.
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This pattern is being reproduced and sold as Ala Mhigan, as "Kimonos" and lastly, as cosplay.
And these patterns can be found across plenty of First Nation/Indigenous clothing and beadwork.
Like, here if you're curious:
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Let's also quickly talk about the New World set,
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This is just ugh. Believe it or not I like the pants, and the actual torso and shoes aren't bad either. IF (and this isn't the case) this set were to exclude the headdress and were to actually pay proper respect to Native design and culture I'd love it. I actually used to use this set in game minus the headdress obviously, but wouldn't you know it I'm literally Native. This feels like those party city costumes people make, and the parts it gets right are almost more upsetting because it's not being properly attributed to the right people despite knowing very well the devs clearly referenced actual Natives. Those straps on the pants for example are a very real thing, the clothing my father passed down to me has those, tipped with metal because it makes enough noise to scare off rattlesnakes since those were a threat for kids on the res. The colors and bead patterns also do follow a lot of various Native designs, though I find it harder to pin down these exact patterns.
You're looking at the plot, but that's not entirely where the problem lies; also sorry sorry but I can't overlook this. None of the story or plot justifies Zenos calling me a Savage. I do not care if he's the antagonist, that's a fucking slur. It's been used against me and my people for decades. It's been used against me when I was in middle and high school. So yes, even in recent times this is acknowledged as a slur by racist individuals seeking to cause us harm.
If you've never gotten into a physical fight that you didn't instigate only to have someone ask you "what are you gonna do savage? You gonna scalp me?" And then do the worst imitation of a Native war cry; you likely have no idea how annoying it is to see/hear even a villain in a video game call you a fucking savage, have this be hand-waved as kinda being whatever by the general public who don't deal with this kind of racism, and then furthermore when you go into FFXIV community spaces you see this blonde ass white boy being plastered up everywhere like "oh I wanna fuck him so bad" why do you want to fuck a racist?! He's not even hot. Any potential sex appeal he had left his body the second he uttered the word "savage" and you know the worst part? He's not real. Which means he didn't say that shit, someone at Square WROTE that into the game and really thought "hey is it okay to use a slur like this? Yeah it'll be fine no one is gonna know or care."
Can you IMAGINE if they had a villain drop the N word mid fight? You'd never hear the end of it I assure you.
I think the biggest issue is that people don't even know what Native is, they don't know tribes, they don't know patterns, they don't know our actual history.
You say you don't know how it's "Native-phobic" when it's racism and mockery of Natives is very apparent to Natives, but I can't fault you for it because you literally don't know what to look for.
I want to make it super clear I'm not mad at you, I'm upset that this game can get away with this shit because no one is actually educated on Native matters, culture, etc.
I hope this helps clear that up a little.
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cosmicharm · 2 months
✦ people i'd like to know better ✦
tagged by @avaritia-ffxiv and @vmbral
last song i listened to: Beautiful & Broken by Wisborg. I've been listening to Odile's playlists lately. Yes, in plural. Because I have several of them for each itineration of her I've done so far...... All is good, I promise. I'm fine. I've been also listening to "The Peasants" OST. Pretty pretty good!
favorite color: very very dark green (forest green I guess? it depends on the website lmao), black, purple.
currently watching: I wanted to give "Poor things" a chance and got enormously surprised, liked it a lot; now I'm going through Yorgos Lanthimos's filmography. I re-watched "The Lobster" last weekend. Also up to date with "Shogun" and having a nice time. I love historical dramas.
sweet/savoury/spicy?: mainly savory; I'm a fries/chips/anything salty person. GET ME THE CARBS. SALTY CARBS. I get sick of sweets/sugar pretty fast, and almost everything tastes super sweet to me (im looking at you, american candy...). Spicy follows pretty close tho.
relationship status: long term relationship.
last thing you googled: types of green rofl trying to look for the right name of the shade of green I like. But before that I was looking for some Dragon's Dogma guides. First run is turning out pretty cursed lmao. I NEED HELP.
current obsession: as you can imagine taking a look to my blog I've been crazy about Odile for a year now. In fact, yesterday was her "bday" lmao I created her a year ago. I love all of her versions, and lately I've been sooooo obsessed with her in the Dragon's Dogma universe; she is a great Arisen. I'm the one that is clumsy and can't get quests properly finished. So sorry, Ods.
Tagging: @sasslett @good-death-for-the-lonely @yloiseconeillants @archaiclumina and anyone who wants to do it! sorry if the tags are dupped!!
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
I hope I’m not too late for the wedding event!
If so, it is quite alright; thank you for all of your lovely head cannons <3
If not too late, may I please request a rose bouquet with sunflowers (Emet-Selch)?
Emet-Selch Proposal
A/N: Of course it's not too late! I don't think I had a time limit(?). However, my apologies for only getting around to this request now. I hope you'll still enjoy this nonetheless! Also, I absolutely love writing chaos for Emet-Selch! (apparently I have done one of these before, so this is an alternate version)
Note: Emet-Selch's dialogue is in bold ! Also reader is Azem!
FFXIV taglist:  @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust  @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene  @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell  @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, you can comment here on the original post !
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Of course he wanted to propose to you
he wanted to do it privately
but Hythlodaeus had caught him when he was looking for a ring
and naturally, teasing ensued
also nagging
"Have you proposed yet, Emet-Selch?"
"Not yet-"
"How long do you intend to wait? If you don't, I'll just have to do it for you. And who knows, Y/N might just say yes to me."
"That's absurd. They would never."
"Don't be so sure about that."
honestly Emet-Selch just wanted Hythlodaeus to be quiet
but that wouldn't happen unless he just did it
was he nervous about your answer?
why would he need to be?
he knew that you loved him
and you had been very clear (as was he) that you wanted to be with him for a long time
and marriage had been discussed
and yet while standing in front of you, he was at a loss for words
surely this couldn't be so hard
it was you of all people, his person
he could tell you anything
and yet he just couldn't get words out as his heart pounded in his chest
he couldn't even look at you
"Are you alright, Hades?"
"I'm perfectly fine."
He was not
"But your cheeks are red. Are you sick? Come, we'll go to my room. I'll take care of you. My poor baby."
and there it was, the snickers from behind
Damn it, Hythlodaeus!
with a deep sigh, Emet-Selch wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled to close to him
"If I ask you to marry me, what would you say?"
"That depends. I don't hear you asking."
"You're impossible."
"Aw, but you love me."
"I love you so much. Will you marry me, Y/N?"
"Of course."
After you both kiss you are almost knocked over by Hythlodaeus who engulfs you both in a tight hug
"Well it's about time! I thought I'd be in that bush for hours!"
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bananarose · 9 months
FFXIV Write #6 - "Ring"
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I took the prompt less literal this time, you'll understand when you get to the end, and I'm quite pleased with what I got from it!
Spoilers - Heavensward TW - mentions of major character death (not written in detail)
A bit of background info before you read: Lhili is not the warrior of light, but she accompanies my wol on some of her adventures. She was very sick as a child, and certain conditions (or just pushing herself too far) can be really dangerous for her health. Through her travels with the wol she meets and consequently falls in love with Haurchefant - how could she not? So in this piece they have an established romantic relationship.
“I’m fine”
She was lying, of course. Lhili hadn’t been fine since the events that transpired after they had entered the vault. She felt as though her heart had suffered the same damage Haurchefant’s shield had, and that she had similarly failed to protect him. “A smile better suits a hero” he had said, but she had not smiled since, she thought perhaps she would never smile again, without him there to see it.
She poured herself into her work, helping the warrior of light and her companions to track down the key to Azys Lla, accompanying them to The Sea of Clouds. It fulfilled the expectations set by its name, a sea of clouds dotted with green islands. In every battle she brought her all to bare, ensuring that her companions - her friends - did not come to harm.
They prepared to fight a giant whale, the specifics of which Lhili did not care to remember. She knew what her job was. She would not fail again. On a small island, they fought the great creature. Hurling spell after spell, Lhili gave her all. Bismarck slammed his large body into the island, shaking the group as they barely kept their footing. The air felt thin, Lhili’s aether nearly spent. She sucked in breath, and spells continued flowing through her body and her staff. A gust of wind. She stumbled. 
“Lhili, take a breather!” Banana, the warrior of light, shouted to her. She could barely hear the words over the gusts of wind whipping across the island, over the rush of blood in her ears. She wouldn’t, she couldn’t hold back. He needed her - no… they needed her. She had already failed Haurchefant, she couldn’t fail them too. Had she forgotten for a moment? 
Lost in thought, Lhili didn’t notice Bismarck rearing back for another body slam into the island. The ground beneath her shook and, unprepared, she fell to her knees. Her own breath threatened to choke her, if the wind whipping around her nose and mouth didn’t do the job first. She was faintly aware of someone screaming her name from across the island, a strangled sort of cry before it faded along with the island and everything else. 
She was warm. Lhili opened her eyes, blearily taking in the room around her. Soft blanket around her shoulders, a lit hearth, and gentle hands pushing a warm mug into her hands. She must have fallen asleep here, on Haurchefant’s couch. She smiled up at the man in question, who offered his own dazzling smile in return. 
“The snows have kicked up while you’ve been asleep, love. It’s quite the blizzard out there in fact. Perhaps you should stay for the night?” He sat down beside her, sliding a strong arm over her shoulders comfortingly. “It wouldn’t do to let you out into that storm, I couldn’t forgive myself if something were to happen.” Cheeky.
Lhili smiled fondly at him, leaning into his embrace. She thought for a moment, taking a sip of her drink. Hot chocolate. She hadn’t expected the mug to contain anything else, afterall. She leaned her head back on his shoulder, looking up at him as he patiently awaited her answer.
“Yes, I suppose I should. I’ll need someone to keep me warm though - do you think you’re up to the task?” Groggily, Lhili woke up in truth. Memory came back to her in snippets, the past couple weeks slowly catching up with her, her brain still lost in the dream. That’s what it had been, she realized, only a dream. Haurchefant was still gone.
Blinking back sleep she sat up, and was met with a somewhat familiar room. Plush carpet over smooth stone, heavy red drapes hanging open over a frosted window separating her from swirling snows beyond. Fortemps manor, she realized after a moment. She started to sit up, immediately met with a dull soreness as she did so. Taking a breath that rattled in her lungs, it dawned on her. 
She fell in battle. She fell in battle. And she had no idea the outcome of that battle, beyond the assumption that someone managed to drag her back to Ishgard. Cursing herself internally, she swung her legs off the bed and stood up. The room spun, and she fell back to the bed with a soft thump against the blankets. She sighed heavily, pressing fists against the beginnings of tears welling up in her eyes. She had lost focus, let that whale get the better of her… 
The door swung open quietly behind her. She didn’t turn to see who it was. Lhili just listened to the footsteps across the floor, padding softly against the rug before they reached her. A gentle hand on her shoulder, another reaching out to press a warm mug into hers. Hot chocolate. She looked up in surprise, tears finally breaking free, rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at Alphinaud. The young Elezen gave her a sheepish smile.
“It won’t be as good as his, you know, so… temper your expectations my friend.” he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding her eyes. It was sweet, and a smile crept onto her face despite the tears still rolling silently down her cheeks. She lifted the mug to her lips, taking a sip. It was good. Alphinaud was right, of course, it was not quite as good as Haurchefant’s recipe.
“We were so scared when we saw you fall, you were unconscious and nothing we did would wake you…” Alphinaud tentatively sat on the bed beside her, fidgeting with his hands. Her heart sank in her chest for a moment, before he continued “Everyone else is fine, before you start to worry.” Lhili let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Um… How do you feel? Any better? Count Edmont insisted on the best chirurgeons to care for you - only Ishgard’s finest you see, a-and they gave you medicine, I suppose you don’t remember any of that of course… They assured us you would make a full recovery and yet I could not help but worry for you my friend, all things considered…” The boy rambled when he was worried. Lhili silently took another sip of her hot chocolate. “All that is to say… are you alright?” Alphinaud looked at her hopefully. 
“I’m just fine, Alphinaud, feeling much better already.” she forced a smile, wet streaks across her cheeks still shining in the low light.
Her words, Alphinaud thought, rang false.
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avaritia-ffxiv · 2 months
5 Songs I'm Into RN
1. Tuoni - Kuolonpyörä
I LOVE the lyrics in this. But it's Finnish. And if you look up a translation, the chorus is wrong. And the chorus is the best part. So I'm a lil salty about that and had to translate it MYSELF for captainqster when sending it to them like "OMG THIS IS SO GNB GIOVANNA"
But it is, it really is her.
(Also the correct chorus goes like this:)
Pyörä pyörii - läpi ihmiselämän (The wheel turns - through human life) Pyörä pyörii - aina nauttii vähemmän (The wheel turns - always enjoys less) Pyörä pyörii - ei hellitä ikinä (The wheel turns - never relents) Kuolonpyörä - liekki ja kipinä (Wheel of death - flame and spark)
2. Beyond Awareness - Crime
This is from Nazaire's playlist.
Will I ever be fine? Do I belong in another life? Oh please show me the place where I can leave this behind Can't replace what's inside I'm all out of will to carry on with this life But if I just closed my eyes for now It's a crime
Apparently this is a Finnish band too?? The more you know. Anyway yeah very Nazaire, makes me vibe in his name.
3. Bloodbound - The Warlock's Trail
Hey it's a Swedish band this time. That's so far off.
Either way, this is from D&D Gia's playlist
In the mist of the morning a winter's day Came a man in robe from far away Out of ashes and clay of the magic vale 'Cause sorrow sail on the warlock's trail
Idk if I've ever talked about him? He's a ruthless little thing, and a warlock, so the song suits him p nicely.
4. Hozier & Bear McCreary - Blood Upon the Snow
It's not from some version of Gia's playlist!!! It's from Damonient's. I fucking love this song and it really... Gets his mood across, I feel? The melancholy, it's so good.
To all things housed in her silence Nature offers a violence The bear that keeps to his own line The wolf that seeks always his own kind The world that hardens as the harsher winter holds The parent forced to eat its young before it grows It's not my arms that will fail me But this world takes more strength than it gave me The trees deny themselves nothing that makes them grow No rain fall, no sunshine No blood upon the snow
I still haven't gotten around to doing a lil gpose to it with him.
5. Project Vela - War on Falling Stars
Embracing the darkness Telling you that it'll be okay But it's more than harmless This disease will rip your soul away I don't want to live my life by your beliefs I don't want to be caught up in vanity I don't want to swallow pills you offer me I just need to suppress these memories
This is from Saga's v2 playlist, soooooo himst after his corruption arc 'cause we can't have good sweet pure characters in this house, must ruin their whole outlook.
Tagged by @captainqster
Tagging idk who hasn't gotten tagged yet so if you've already gotten tagged or don't feel like it just ignore this but @soulshards-ooc @shadesofblades @vmbral (YES I KNOW YOU ALREADY GOT TAGGED BUT I WILL TAG YOU AGAIN) @cosmicharm (same at you) @midnightmagicks
@abalathia @shieke @briar-ffxiv @allyennah
Honorary mentions and a whole bunch of spotify links under the cut:
Bad Omens - Kingdom of Cards (from Amthan's playlist)
I made my way through hell again, I paid for my mistakes Next time, I think I'll stay awhile and pour myself a drink When I return, I'll look for you, so listen for your name If you can make it out above the roaring of the flames If it's the mask you want, then it's the mask that you will get But when I take it off, remember that you asked for this I tore myself apart to give you all that I could give Don't think that I will let it go, don't think that I'll forget I thought I wanted legacy, I thought I wanted fame I didn't know I'd lose all my loved ones in exchange Left 'em all behind and yeah, for that, I am ashamed But that's the price I'm paying 'til I'm buried in my grave
Blacklite District - Goodbye (rock mix) (from Gia and Saga v2's playlists)
Goodbye Say goodbye to the knife That you sharpen with your life Say goodbye To the dark side Goodbye Say goodbye to the lies And the pain You hold inside Say goodbye to that old life Goodbye
Hollywood Undead ft. Hyro the Hero - Comin' Through the Stereo (from Narin's playlist)
I'm going to the top and nobody's gonna stop me now Another nightmare and it's coming through the stеreo Keep going 'til I drop, 'til the hands on the clock run out Anothеr nightmare and it's coming through the stereo Straight out the gate, got them bodies dropping Ain't no grave that can hold my coffin I'm going to the top and nobody's gonna stop me now Another nightmare and it's coming through the stereo
Battle Beast - Where Angels Fear to Fly (from Nazaire's playlist)
I spread my wings and like the midnight sun I will be rising Into the frozen heights, where stars are born And where they die I'm lighting up horizons With thunder and lightning Through the darkest skies Whеre even angеls fear to fly
I COULD GO ON FOR SO MUCH LONGER, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH MUSIC I LISTEN TO. But also yeah if I can't make it related to one character or other, it can't keep my interest.
Good thing I have a gazillion characters!
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thefrogwild · 4 months
2, 4, 12, & 14 Your choice of character or randomize it :o
Ooh! Thanks for the ask. Ok, random.org dealt me Emile, Tarragon, Thistle, and Sey, so I'll answer in that order. (Links to drawings of them attached.) 2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? Yes! Emile was 100% meant to be Marzanna's opposite. She's the funny little warm-colors jester to Marzanna's monochrome cool-colors depressed knight. Emile wears soft/loose clothing, while Marzanna's decked out in cold unfeeling black armor. And then of course there's the height difference. I wanted them to look and feel like a very unlikely duo, but if you spend any time around them as people you understand that this is how it was always going to be. Unfortunately, they're in love and would die for each other, and neither of them has told the other. 4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? Tarragon is my FFXIV WoL and I've actually started playing recently, so I've been thinking about him a lot. I'm not very far in, but I've decided he used to be a pirate simply based on the fact that I love that Limsa culture is just barely managing to pretend not to be a bunch of pirate crews glued together into a city state. Tarragon is old enough to remember when that wasn't the case yet, and the times after when there was still dissent in response to the instatement of (gasp) actual laws? He left the pirate's life behind to go travel, but I do think it's funny that this makes him an unconventional Duskwight who inexplicably loves cities and the sun. Go figure. 12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC? So I actually haven't posted about Thistle anywhere yet, but I was delighted to answer this question for them. You see, I draw a lot of people. So there's just one problem: Thistle is a gun. Thistle (or their actual name, The Sensation of Being Scratched by Thorns) is my character in a game of GUN&SLINGER, where one person plays the slinger and the other plays the sentient gun. Thistle is an eldritch fey being trapped in the form of a magic gun against their will, which they are quite mad about. Now, I can draw a gun just fine (god knows I've drawn rifles for Leonore and Songbird several times) but Thistle's form is meant to be weirdly otherworldly and organic, like plants from from inside not-bone, and I've had a lot of trouble conveying that in a way that doesn't look overdesigned. 14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? I've gotten very good at boiling Sey down to his core qualities. If I had to narrow it down to two, it would be:
angular (the build, the nose, the eye shape. the personality. the electricity theming. yep, this boy is made of triangles)
punchable (if he's not smug and full of himself and angry and all around a bastardly little guy is he even Sey? and yet despite his losing personality he is my favorite son.)
If you have those, that's Sey. If you don't, that may or may not be some other guy who looks like him.
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
Fun with fantasias (whomever would most likely have fun with fantasias)
[FFXIV Naughty Fic Prompts. This was probably the one I was least prepared for haha. Decided to go Akiraha for this one. Takes place post-Endwalker but does not contain spoilers.]
Akira poked at her scaleless face as she looked into the mirror in her washroom. Fluffy pointed ears stood on the top of her head, not a horn in sight, and a thick bottle-brush tail swished quietly behind her as if it couldn't stay still.
It had seemed like a good idea at the time, to surprise G'raha with matching features that he would likely be much more familiar with than horns and scales. And it wouldn't be the first time she'd had a body other than the one she was born with. Meeting her own, almost gem-like gaze in the mirror though had her stomach twisting in nervous knots.
She would just have to stay in today until the potion wore off and she was back to normal. She couldn't possibly go out looking like-
She heard the door to her home open and G'raha call out "Akira, are you home?" She wasn't expecting the fur on her tail to fluff out like a puffer fish, and her ears went flat back in alarm. Gods, how do any miqo'te get through the day without embarrassing themselves with these accursed things?
"Don't come in!" she leaned back against the door to keep it shut. "I'm, uh, not decent." Dumb, dumb excuse. As if that was even a concern anymore. They'd seen everything of each other.
"Are you okay?" he asked through the door, and she jumped at the feel of her own tail brushing against her arm as it twitched. Stupid, dumb, hare-brained idea.
"Yes, yes, everything's fine, I'm just..." she struggled to reach for an excuse to get him out of the house until she went back to normal, but though she reached, she found nothing.
"Akira, let me in?" he asked, and she heard the tiny sound of his hand touching the handle. Could all miqo'te hear this well? A glance in the mirror told her her ears were still flat against her skull, and no matter how she tried to rearrange her features there was no hiding the nervousness on her face.
But he wasn't going to leave, so she may as well face the music.
"I um," she opened the door slowly, stepping back and picking at her hands. "I thought it might be...fun to match for a day, so to speak. I know, I know, it was a silly idea but it's only temporary so I should be back to normal in no t-" She was cut off by G'raha taking her hands in his, and she glanced up to see his ruby eyes sparkling with delight.
"I don't think it's a silly idea at all," he pressed his forehead to hers, and she felt the tension ease from her shoulders. "I love you no matter what you look like. But, if I may, I think you look quite lovely like this." She felt her face heat as her tail flicked rapidly.
"W-well, thanks," she stammered, and she stepped out of the washroom, joining him in their sitting room.
As the evening wore on, the pair could be found on their sofa before the fire, Akira curled contentedly into G'raha's side, ears no longer pressed flat in discomfort but instead flopping, relaxed as she leaned her head on his shoulder. An empty plate, now holding only crumbs, sat abandoned on the tea table between the sofa and the hearth.
Sometimes Akira was still in awe that such peace could even exist. That she could be allowed happiness after so many years of pain and loss. Sometimes she wondered if this was all a dream. But day after day she woke and it was all still here and-
Her ears pricked as she felt her chest vibrating. She wasn't unfamiliar with purring - she delighted in the sound when G'raha made it in their moments alone together - but she wasn't expecting that it would be so... automatic? Her ears flattened to the sides, and she heard a quiet chuckle before G'raha encouraged her to straddle his lap, taking her face in his hands.
"There's no reason to be embarrassed," he brushed his thumb over her cheek.
"Yes, well, you don't do it when we're just sitting here."
"I've also been able to purr my whole life. You've been able to for-" he glances at a nearby chronometer. "A few bells. There's a bit of a difference in practice, love." She pouted, one ear flicking.
"And these damn ears, how do you hide anything you're thinking?"
"With a hood," he joked, running his fingers through her hair and rubbing lightly at the base of one ear.
Her hands were a little late covering her mouth to catch the thoroughly undignified noise she made. His face split in an impish grin as she glared at him.
"You did that on purp-ahh," she cut off, fingers clenching in his tunic as he leaned forward suddenly and mouthed at her neck, just above her pulse, and she discovered without her scales to cover the skin that her neck was exceedingly sensitive. His fingers, still tangled in her hair, brushed over her ear again and a thin whine escaped her despite her best efforts.
"You...are being terribly mean to me," she panted out, face still hot, and he grinned against her throat.
"Oh really?" he sat back and withdrew his hands, leaving her sitting there flushed and breathing hard on his lap. "Then I guess I should stop then." She bared her (much sharper than his own, she was interested to find) fangs at him in frustration.
"I swear to the gods G'raha Tia if you don't get back over here and finish what you started-"
"Well that's not a very nice way to ask for what you want," his eyes sparkled with mischief and she felt the fur on her tail bristling in irritation. Damn him. They sat there for several moments, her tail lashing and him sitting there like he wasn't affected in the slightest.
(But she could see the faint blush growing on his own face, the tip of his tail twitching, and feel the evidence of how interested he really was from her seat on his lap.)
It was a standoff, and she knew exactly who was going to crumble first today. She didn't know why she was so readily turning to putty but she knew she'd never needed him more in her life.
"Please," she leaned fully forward, face pressed into the crook of his neck. "Please don't just leave me like this, Raha." There's a quiet little trill that comes from his throat and she wondered if she'd have been able to hear it in her normal body, or if it would send tingles all down her spine the same way.
"Then we should go somewhere more comfortable," he rumbled into her neck as he pulled her closer, nipping lightly with dull teeth. She nodded absentmindedly, and together they stumbled off the couch and towards their bedroom, bits of clothing pulled away and left behind like breadcrumbs as they went.
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kraefishh · 8 months
heavensward spoilers under the cut for those who follow me that havent finished it. as well as me dumping about my wols
Starting off with Aymeric.... I love him. I love him very dearly. I love how the story acknowledges that the wol is apprehensive about accepting drinks from people even if they know it will probably be fine. ALSO EVERYTHING ABOUT TAHT CONVERSATION.... it hit. it did. i love Aymeric.
AND THEN-- I really met Alisaie when doing coils and then met her 30 minutes after finishing it because i did coils back to back with 3.4 and HRHJGMMHHFHM. like I liked her but she really did just skyrocket into my top 5 characters within a few set of quests. AND HOUUAUGUHGHG MAN.
the stuff with Ga Bu..... the poor baby. AND THE STARGAZING SEQUENCE. SOLIDIFIED ALISAIE TOP 5.
ARDBERT IS HIS OWN CAN OF WORMS. HE IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERS EVER. TRULY. PUNCHED ME RIGHT IN THE GUT. ME AND MY WOL BOTH. "we never aspired to be Warriors of Light." THAT WAS A SUCKER PUNCH TO THE FACE. THATS MY WHOLE SHIT. THATS MY WHOLE THING WITH MY WOLS. "We fought and we fought and we fought... until there was no one left to fight. We won ...and now our world is being erased from existence."
^ Quite literally my whole point about what my wols struggle with. They give EVERYTHING to the fight. to the cause. and in the end, it never is enough. It never was enough, for Alidae. she gave up at the end of ARR cause she lost hope that she could do enough. T'lyr was forced to take a break, lest he resign himself to burnout and destruction of self. Sthallona never returned to the fight after the Calamity. she no longer wanted to have to prove herself to the world that she was enough.
and here it is. in the fucking game. in personified form. rar you warned me and i really didn't understand. I Understand Now.
oh also dont get me started on Urianger. I've already resigned that I have to put him on my top ffxiv character list. I was losing my goddamn mind the entire time about his double crossing scheme.
OH SPEAKING OF URIANGER. AND JUST IN GENERAL. THE VOICE ACTING???? THE VOICE ACTING??? tHE VOICE ACTING!!!! The voice acting in this patch was phenominal. I was worried I wasn't going to like Urianger's voice after swearing by Gideon Emery AND THEN WAS PROVEN WRONG WITHIN SECONDS. Ardbert, again, is his own can of worms. Joe Dempsie really put his all into this role and I could not thank him enough. I quite literally almost cried and news flash: I don't cry at things. Very easily.
EEEEHAHAHAHA THEN WE GET TO THE WORD OF THE MOTHER MINFILIA. THAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE RIPPED WHAT LITTLE LEFT OF MY EMOTIONAL STABILITY TO SHREDS. "Minfilia don't you dare I don't have the emotional capacity tonight," I say to my sibling, right as she appears, having not even experienced the cutscene yet. I was right. I did not have the emotional capacity. (Side note: neither did Alidae! guarantee she was holding back tears the entire time.)
Thancred was on the verge of tears too I don't care what you say. That is his sister that he is saying goodbye to for (to his knowledge) probably the last time.
Oh I'm SO MAD that Y'shtola and Krile and Lyse (yes I know about Yda being Lyse such is the curse of being on the internet) and Papalymo weren't there to say goodbye too. like I understand that would have been a lot of voice acting and a lot of models to fit on screen, BUT THEY DESERVED THAT :(((
and I finished the 'An Ending to Mark a New Beginning' quest already in shambles. but I knew there was going to be some kind of teaser cutscene to wrap up the patch. I was Wholly expecting something pertaining to Papalymo or Yda in set up for Stormblood. and well lets just say I was Wrong.
Something you should know about me, I got abnormally attached to two characters. Those who know me personally, it should not be a surprise as to why I got attached to them. And for those who don't its anybody's fucking guess. Those two characters being Cid and Nero respectively.
anyway thank you for your time. TL;DR I am not normal about Ardbert, Alisaie, and Nero. I don't think I will emotionally recover from this patch for a solid week and I am so sorry for those close to me that will have to hear about it (and to those who already have)
I have to work later tonight. I have not slept. <- this was posted at 6am.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
apollo just sent this to me
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#all of these ppl are my fave charas >.>#BRUH THIS REALLY HAS NEARLY ALL OF MY TOP FAVES#wahh urianger n the way he loves <3#alphinaud yes..... pls i do admit ppl like him really r especially special to me#someone just so sincerely kind and authentic. someone you can trust and be vulnerable around with no fear.#'Alphinaud is the kind of person who makes you feel safe and that’s what you value the most.'#ofc alphy's a sweet lil trustworthy boy. i admire how he always strives for improvement.#he's mature but in this way that. he's still a boy. i find that rather adorable and charming about him#aaaa i rmber thancred was one of my first top faves in ffxiv <3#haurchefant. 'You tend to hold onto the past.' yeah fine i admit it yes#both strength n weakness. so true bestie. whenever they reference him i really do always become a mess#AYMERIC DE BOREL. as soon as i saw his face earlier i smiled. i immediately smiled#everything under aymeric. i can't. it's so true.#aymeric is so charming hsjfjfksk... i daresay he's still the most charming chara in ffxiv for me#everytime he shows up i really turn into a mess. he's so beautiful. the prettiest man ever. inside and out#if i say anymore i'm gna embarrass myself bcs damn. the hold this man has on me......#yes estinien's so endearing <3#ZENOS...... HOLY SHIT I HAVE NO WORDS#hien <3 still one of my top fave charas. his simplicity is a breathe of fresh air when my no. 1 fave needs therapy#speaking of him. it's the man himself next! emet-selch#'​you’ve got a big heart with plenty of love for this sensitive man.' yeah#'You’re not the best at showing love — you’re strict with others and even more so with yourself — but you love wholeheartedly.'#he's my favorite character thanks to his heartbreaking story#his role as our truth. he wants /us/ to remember. to know and understand.#his connection and love for the wol and the past... smth i've always related to for as long as i've lived so yeah#we're both slaves to sentiment. idk what to say abt what the article says but just. 🤕#g'rahaaaaa he's also one of my faves but color scheme kinda turns me away n he's astria's fave. yeah#BUT SO TRUE SO TRUE SO TRUE
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endlesscrimson89 · 9 months
FFXIV Write2023, Prompt 8: Shed.
[This time, different of my universes]
22nd October
I always loved cats, I admit. There's just something in their graceful shape that caught my attention. I prefer their independent nature as opposed to dogs. Not that I don't like dogs, mind you, I'm just definitely a cat person. 
Growing up, my brother and I weren't allowed to have pets. I mean, I think if we would want like a fish or a turtle, our parents would be fine with it - but as with many things, we both wanted a cat - and if we couldn't have it, we resigned ourselves to the 'no pets' policy. Only once a week, as long as I can remember, we would bother the staff at the small shelter in our town, later - as we were older - helping in it as volunteers throughout the summers and holiday breaks. 
(Before my life changed so drastically, I started to consider that after finishing high school, I might be tempted to pursue a further education in veterinary].
All of that, honestly, was caused by the fact that our mom is severely allergic to cat fur. Or to the fur in general, I suppose. Thankfully, we didn't inherit that from her (and all things considered, wouldn't that be awkward? xD), but for her sake, before coming home from the shelter, we would change clothes and wash there to not bring any fur on us and spike her allergies. 
Of course, back then, we had no clue that due to the inheritance on our dad's side, we're part Miqo’te... and, ignoring everything else, it's been a tad awkward for our family. 
Because Miqo’te shed... like: a lot. 
The topic came up one day while we were still extremely new to the whole idea of being an Allag. A day or two into our stay at the lair of shapeshifters, when we were chilling with Damon - alongside our respective boyfriends - in one of the guest nooks as the neutral ground, my twin jumped out with a question about their nest to Ares. I didn't even consider it to be in any way weird that ours as well, mostly consisted of furs until, with the usual curiosity, Damon asked his lover about the fact that the furs creating their nest are the exact same shade as our Alpha's ink-black fur. 
Ours, too, mind you, matches Senri’s perfectly, but I assumed that he simply created it - as anything else in our nook. Logical, yes? 
Well, I've been wrong. 
Overall, the whole thing led to us learning something new about what to expect from our new biology! 
It's autumn now, obviously, so we have some time to prepare ourselves - mentally, I guess - for the fact that, as Ares said with a careless shrug, around the time between spring and summer, they - Miqo’te - are shedding fur in fucking handfuls. 
I mean, considering our experience with normal cats, I guess that's not that surprising, right? Or at least, shouldn't be, but while I'm still getting used to the idea of not being exactly human... I admit it sounded a bit surreal. I know cats shed fur in preparation for the hotter temperatures, right? In relative to cats, for my brain, it's perfectly normal... I just have an issue translating that into thinking about myself, that's all. 
As we learned that day, there's actually a whole set of nooks deeper inside the lair dedicated to turning the heaps of fur achieved by that whole process into the pelts later used by the furs' owners for their nests. Senri, with his usual adorable cheer, announced that he couldn’t wait for the next year to add a crimson pelt to our nest... and I admit, my brain balked at the idea. I'm glad we have enough time to get used to it... But yeah, I can't help the fact that it sounds absurd to me. Damon simply nodded like it was something he already suspected, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case...
...but that made me wonder, what will we do about our parents? 
I mean, so far, we have been staying in contact with them via phone, calling them every day to reassure them that we're doing fine. We know that Ares designed two Seekers for watching our dad from a safe distance after he - though quite baffled by it, as he admitted - found that their fur aggravated our mom's allergy. For that reason, apparently, while watching them, the guards were taking a 'furless' shape, which I suppose is very considerate from their side. 
And I guess that's what we'll have to do whenever we think about visiting them, right? 
At some level, it amuses me to no end, I admit. You know... my mother is allergic to me now, and somehow, it feels like another day, I suppose. 
My life is weird, only getting weirder as time goes on, and by this point, I guess that's just another thing to get used to. 🙃 
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3gremlins · 1 year
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finally got to paladin in my ffxiv job series! paladin's currently my favorite tank (tho i've been making myself play war a bunch more lately for the bear mount and it *is* nice to be practically unkillable), i really like the recent rework, makes it much more fun.
anyway i kinda love being the support off-tank generally, like yes, any of the tanks can be the mt ofc, but paladin usually ends up in the off tank role and that's fine?!
I love all their shields and that you can buff your party/protect them with your wings so i thought protecc was fitting for them. Really anytime a game gives me wings, i'm going to be into it tho lol (also love the whm wings, i always feel like the prettiest murder butterfly) sage | dancer | warrior | whm | ast |drk (apparently i didn't post the ones other than sage in their own posts, oops lol)
available on teepublic and prints in my shop | please do not repost
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sublimenemesis · 1 year
TL;DR: Gushing about the artwork I've commissioned from mango so far, and posting allll the pieces.
November 9 2019, I commissioned a piece of artwork of my original character Katrina from FFXIV from @chocolatemango. I sent her a link to the carrd page I'd made for Trina. In addition, I listed specific details I was interested in making sure made it in:
two piercings in each ear lobe, three hoops along the upper edge of her left ear
almost always wears some variety of boots (platform and heels included)
always wears a gem on her forehead these days (red or purple, glows)
tattoos of arcane text on her arms
I also offered to drown her in screenshots if she wanted to get a visual feel for Trina's looks (this was before I added the gallery to the carrd). Sadly, we decided the tattoos were too much work. Aside from that, I chose to give mango full artistic license to draw whatever she wanted. When she asked if I wanted a background for the piece, my answer was, "Honestly, whatever's most fun for you to do. If you think of a fantastic background, I'm happy to pay for it. If you prefer to just focus on the character, that's also fine. I love the backgrounds I've seen from your work, but what matters most to me is that you have fun with the commission." Art should be fun for the artist, not a chore.
Two weeks later, mango presented me with three rough sketches of poses for Trina...and I fell in love with all three. I vowed to eventually commission all the poses.
The first pose I chose was the one I addressed in a previous post. She went a teeeeeensy bit overboard on the background, and it is absolutely perfect.
On to the meat of this post (I know, that wasn't the meat?!): my 2 year anniversary with my partner was in September. And since we met through FFXIV, I decided I wanted to commission a sketch style piece for us. First, they're easier and less time consuming for mango to do, and second because the original piece I commissioned maaaay have given mango a little bit of anxiety due to how long it took. And it wasn't even her fault, she had a horrible three years. As I love her sketch style anyway, it was no sacrifice to request it.
To kill two birds with one stone, I showed mango the two previously unused sketches of Trina in the hopes that she could rework one to include my partner's character, Arden. Less than 24 hours later, I had my anniversary drawing (in her words, "I may have gone a little bit overboard..." Sensing a theme?):
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I immediately turned to Zazzle to create matching t-shirts for us (yes, we're that couple. Sometimes), as well as a little Christmas gift for my partner.
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Then in early December, I decided to have a second sketch portrait of our characters done, hoping that Zazzle would be able to have the second piece done soon enough for Christmas. Alas, that did not happen, so it will have to be a belated gift.
As is my preference, I let mango decide on the pose and anything else she wanted to add. However, she created a minor conundrum when she didn't use the final pose of solo Trina, but also added a brand new pose of the two characters, and requested I choose between them. The end result is absolutely adorable, and I love it to pieces...and it's not one of the original three poses, which means I still have one more pose queued up to commission! And then I can start thinking up new requests...
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Thank you so much for your amazing work, mango. Until next time!
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theworldwalkerswols · 2 years
I am Old and full of debaucherous thoughts. You have been warned/curate your experience appropriately!
Follows, Likes, and Replies come from @theworldwalkersdiaries
To those of you who reblog/like my original stuff, I see u, I offer u a great big /DOTE ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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I am not here to yuck anybody’s yums! Interpretations of canon, headcanons, ships, kinks, etc.: you do you! I like interpreting and analyzing and contextualizing things I like. That does not mean my takes are good or correct or right for you. I like seeing other people’s takes because all of us bring our own lens to the things we interpret.
Our mileage will vary. This is fine. Chase your bliss. I am here to vibe and collect things like a little Anxious dragon.
Links for Browsing
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Kyler's NPC Polycule | Playlist: The Warrior of Light and his Loves
Kyler & Cherry | Amrielle & Zane | Kyler & Wesley
Want more? My WoLs have their own website, because I'm that person. It's perpetually under construction, please pardon the dust etc etc
OC Boundaries
SFW visual Fanart: Yes! I will cry (positive)! Want to depict our OCs being friends? GO FORTH, I WILL CRY MORE (VERY POSITIVE)!!
NSFW visual Fanart: Maybe! If it's something depicted in my fics, go for it! Anything else, please ask!
Writing: Please do not write my OCs unless it's a brief cameo. Please feel free to ask though!
RP: Not right now. I used to RP a lot, and still do from time to time, but my social anxiety often renders RPing a negative experience for me unless I know my RP partner(s) already. Who knows? This may change in the future.
Fic Corner
I write a lot of XIV fic, much of it featuring my main WoL, Kyler Drake. Some of it I'm even rather proud of. If you are interested, I made a Reading Guide as a place to get started! As always tho, you do you and mind the tags! ♡
Although I know there is no fully preventing it, I have locked all of my ao3 works to guard against AI scraping. NEVER use anything of mine with AI.
Please never hesitate to absolutely obliterate my notifications, regardless of platform. In Ao3's case, I hoard every kudo and comment like a serotonin- and dopamine-starved dragon. They really make my day!
...and of course -_-;;
I am fundamentally against monetization of every skill and passion and art form, but unfortunately I live in a capitalist hellscape. So if for some reason you like my work and wanna kick me a tip, you may do that here.
I'll edit this post as I want and as time allows. Thanks for stopping by!!
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unlimited-dark · 9 months
FFXIV Write Day #25 - Call it a Day
Her duties on the island involved tending to the animals, and feeding them to make sure that they were well-fed and happy. Though the animal-loving mammets would gladly take on her job, she wished to interact with the animals as part of her relaxation on the island. 
Today, the Lord Commander was visiting the island with her for a short vacation within Eorzea, and she had planned for a day full of activities for the both of them. Especially for Aymeric, who had less experience with animals and farms.
“The sheep are fluffy, Aymeric! You should brush them too!”
“Y-yes…! After, your crocodile stops staring at me in anticipation of a pat.”
“Ah, Jaws! Just be gentle with him while you pat him, and he’ll be fine. Follow me!”
Signalling to him to follow along, she got closer to the crocodile, stroking its rough scales on its back. The reptile seemed relaxed, enjoying the stroking it was given. Aymeric looked at her in astonishment, his thoughts easily slipping out of his lips.
“Are you sure it is not relaxed because it fears your inner beast?” he questioned.
“I’m sure he doesn’t fear me. He’s very haughty. The mammets don’t have trouble with him, either.”
“A-are you sure?”
“Rub his scales like I do. You’ll be fine, dearie.”
Following her motions, he did so hesitantly, trying not to harm the dangerous creature. The crocodile did not growl at him or snap at him, seeming to enjoy it too. The reptile widened its mouth, scaring him as he withdrew his hand.
“B-by the fury, he does have a large jaw that’s dangerous.”
“He’s fine. He can probably sense that he’s nervous.”
Handing him some of the feed, she showed him the motions to feed the crocodile safely. He did so, relieved when the reptile grunted, just as relaxed as before.
“See? Though, if you’re scared of the vicious ones, you can tend to the sheep and the dodos. The dodos might peck at you if you’re not careful, though!”
“I’ll leave those to you, my love. I apologise for my inability to take care of them.”
“Nothing to worry about. I have to agree that some of them may be daunting.”
The two set off to take care of the animals. Feeding them, brushing or patting them to make sure they were comfortable. Sileas watched as Aymeric interacted with the smaller animals, smiling at them gently while brushing them. Finishing up with the farm’s tiger, she strolled towards Aymeric, who was interacting with one of the many sheep on the farm.
“Fluffy and nice to hug, aren’t they?”
“They are! Imagine being surrounded by all of them…! They’d be so fluffy…” she trailed off, her mind wandering off to the thoughts of fluffy and comfortable nights with the sheep. She quickly reeled her thoughts in, speaking to Aymeric once more. 
“I-I’m sorry…! I wanted to ask if you’d like to call it a day. I’m done tending to the animals, and you’ve done a good job today, dearie.”
“But of course. Thank you for letting me meet these animals, and for the vacation.”
Taking his hand, Sileas pulled him in to kiss him gently.
“Thank you too, dearie.”
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