#but im very erratic with music
hewasanamericangirl · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
this is all recent stuff:
1. Been Down So Long - The Doors
2. Skeleton Appreciation - Will Wood
3. It Girl - Aliyah’s Interlude
4. Shout - Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
5. Station To Station - David Bowie
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stuckinapril · 6 months
i’m finding it so difficult to detach myself and cut off a person who i am very much still in love with but who has repeatedly hurt me and strung me along only to dump me when reality hits and they remember im a real person with flaws and emotions and not some fantasy they created
i’m about to be really mean but this person doesn’t give nearly as much of a fuck about you as you do about them. you’re probably romanticizing them, playing a highlight reel of their best qualities in your head, rewinding all the good moments you might’ve shared w them. meanwhile they weighed your best qualities, replayed your best memories in their head, considered the value you add to their life as a person—and still decided it wasn’t enough and chose to dump you.
this was my biggest blind spot when i was going through things like friendship fallouts or my breakup w my ex. i was like but how can i live without them now!! as if they didn’t choose to severe our connection w their whole chest. you might be like “but they might’ve really struggled to do it” and it’s like okay, but they still chose to go through w it. their reasoning to them was more important than having you in their life, regardless of the tremendous energy and emotion that got expended into the decision. that or it took no energy at all, which just means that they were playacting their care for you and never actually gave a fuck. far more sinister.
from the way you described them, they’re still not mature enough to realize that love is hard work. that it’s not just convenience and feeling good all the time. why do you want someone like that in your life? someone who always goes into fight or flight whenever push comes to shove? not sustainable whatsoever. they literally did you a favor by walking out of your life. they saved you more wasted time and effort and pain that would have no doubt stemmed from their avoidant, erratic, wishywashy nature.
you have to get into the habit of not wanting people who don’t want you, whatever the context. i feel like a bit of narcissism is healthy when it comes to this bc i legit don’t care what a person’s attributes are; to me that’s such a fundamental difference in thinking between us bc i’m the dopest bitch i know. and they still don’t want me in their life ?? like ik what i bring to the table and that would be such flawed, ludicrous logic to me. it just gives me the ick and makes me lose interest in them as a person instantly, even if they were great listeners or had a good music taste or were funny or played the guitar really well. doesn’t matter, they still were shortsighted enough to think a life without me in it was a good choice. romantic and platonic breakups do bother me, simply bc i’m very honest w my love and i genuinely value the people in my life, but these days i’m not hung up on anyone for more than a day bc i will never want someone who doesn’t want me. never never never. i don’t have the compulsive urge to make people who don’t like me like me. i have such a don’t let the door slam you on your way out mentality about it. i’ll simply find someone who’s funny and a good listener and plays the guitar well and still cares enough about me not to dump me when it gets hard. doesn’t have to be one or the other.
also do yourself a favor and don’t fill the gaps for them or try to guess what’s going on in their minds. they dumped you? okay they don’t care about you. they cut you off? okay they don’t care about you. they’re not trying to send you subliminal messages on their ig story about how much they still care—and on the very small chance that they are, you shouldn’t want that. you shouldn’t want someone whose peak effort when it comes to you is posting a sad quote about how lonely they are without actually putting the effort into approaching you, apologizing, owning up to their mistakes. until they actually act on it, their feelings pretty much irrelevant & it’s best to assume they just don’t give a fuck. you don’t want someone in your life who always prioritizes their comfort over maintaining their connection w you. ruthlessly remind yourself of that and move on to someone who doesn’t just give you breadcrumbs, if anything at all.
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calliemity · 2 months
oh also, fun little tidbit about orin's songs: dentist has very prominent and consistent percussion (im convinced it was inspired by "oh yeah, maybe baby" by the crystals.) this sets him up as a character who is stable, powerful, methodical, and consistent in his actions. its also a musical contrast to audrey, whose music is very melody-focused
now (it's just the gas), on the other hand (specifically during orin's parts) is the complete opposite. the rhythm speeds up and slows rapidly, which not only makes it a horrifically difficult song to play and perform, it also symbolizes his slow fall toward death! as he gets weaker, that steady rhythm he once had fades and it becomes more erratic and inconsistent. its super clever and im surpised i havent found other mentions of this
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ive been hearing a lot of legitimate criticism of will wood and his fan base from people who like his music, but see him as a pretentious white guy, and his fanbase as an extension of that.
now i havent been in the ww fandom v long, but given the depths i have gone in it i feel at least somewhat comfortable saying im not sure exactly where this impression is coming from.
i see him writing very eclectic erratic and idiosyncratic songs, and people having a variety of interpretations of them, and i can see how that might come off as pretentiousness, especially bc some of his fans really do cross a line in terms of a gatekeepy parasocial attachment to will
but i haven't really seen anyone going THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO INTERPRET THIS SONG YOURE STUPID IF YOU DONT SEE IT or smth to that effect
i acknowledge tho that there is also some legitimate background to this perception, bc what i have seen is:
-will playing characters live and joking w his audience in ways that are often either easily misinterpreted or clearly just someone with extreme mental health issues
-will being maybe mildly annoyed at how his fans often... over analyze his songs and upset when they overstep boundaries, and sometimes expressing that in non ideal ways.
-wills fans being incredibly obsessed with him and his music, which to the outside observer can be annoying i think (but honestly this to me reads more as a bunch of nd ppl w who have hyperfixated/have a special interest related to him)
-the lyrics to wills songs all being very confusing, especially the farther back in his discography you go, and his fans acting like their meanings are obvious on a first glance even when they arent (which is all the time)
-will pulling references from sources that can be seen as pretentious and off putting, esp when coming from a white guy (taoism, it's always sunny, modern psychology, 'classic' films, name dropping authors of philosophy, etc.)
-wills stances often being contrarian and often (especially on first glance) seemingly being that way purely for the sake of being contrarian
-will explaining his stances in fancy and grandiloquent language (a note on this one in particular: i think of this as not really a sign of being pretentious, potentially bc of my own struggles w it. i often accidentally use a bunch of complicated words and descriptions that wouldn't make sense to me if i was the one hearing them, not because im trying to be exclusionary or come off as ✨intelligent✨, but bc it was explained to me in those terms and i went through the process of studying it in that terminology and being told i had to use that terminology, and now im too dumb to translate what im thinking back into language that's actually comprehensible)
but i feel that a lot of these things are really overstated in how often they happen. by and large, i think a lot of this response is a misreading of the facts that his fanbase is really passionate to a somewhat obsessive degree, will is very passionate about the things he likes and the things he believes in, and both will and the majority of his fan base are pretty mentally unstable and/or neurodivergent.
from what ive seen, will isn't trying to be pretentious in any way and is legitimately just expressing himself. his fanbase despite their occasional issues are ultimately pretty much just very passionate people. and also he does not hate them! to quote the man himself
"guys, i don't hate you! stop telling people i hate you! stop doing that; i like you people! 99.999 percent of you are really good, and 99.999 percent of the people who piss me off are just going through it! i don't know where people are getting this idea the whole like 'will wood hates his fandom' yeah i know i said i hate you all in that song but... you know, it's a song! i like you guys."
if you have counter info/arguments though id love to see them. im always looking for new perspectives, and as i said ive *just* started listening to will wood and looking into his lore. i couldve totally missed smth and id love to hear it if i have.
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kiiyunz · 6 months
⠀੦ .⠀⠀💸⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀⠀(⠀not⠀that⠀lonely⠀to⠀love⠀you⠀!
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질문⠀so.. what’s kihyun really like?
정답⠀KIHYUN lives life on a fast track, spreading his infectious laughter and constant high-energy wherever he goes. he’s always on the lookout for the new trends to follow, the new music to listen to, the new restaurants to try out. he’s smooth and malleable, rearranging himself with ease to fit into whatever everyone else is going with at the time. being the life of the party is something he enjoys immensely, and standing in the spotlight and bringing joy to the faces of his friends makes him happier than anything. he exists purely in the moment and in the feeling of excitement—despite that not always being a good thing.
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⠀⠀ Ꮺ ⠀ ‹ ⠀ FILE.
HEIGHT ⠀ 178 CM ( 5’10” ) WEIGHT ⠀ 58KG ( 128 LBS ) BLOOD TYPE ⠀ A PIERCINGS ⠀ LOBE, SNUG, HELIX (left)⠀╱⠀DOUBLE LOBE, AURICLE (right) TATTOOS ⠀ SPIDER (hip bone, right)⠀╱⠀FIGURE 8 (wrist, left)
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with a keen eye for detail, a good ear for both what the people want and whatever problems his friends might be facing, and a strong shoulder to cry on, KIHYUN is a pretty good person to be around. he’s everywhere and nowhere, an ebbing and flowing tide that can go from livening up the mood of the party with his ever-enthusiastic and always-sunny disposition to sitting quietly and providing whatever advice a member may need when they confide in him about things they may be struggling with. he lives for the adrenaline of idol life, the instant rush of endorphins that he gets from the constant performances and photoshoots and recording sessions—so much so that his focus on getting the good things often overpowers the very real weight of the responsibilities he has on top of them. his friends have usually been there to keep him in check, to make sure his preferences for spontaneity and exhilaration don’t go too far, but it’s still something he needs to work on.
when KIHYUN feels, he feels all too much all at once. everything almost feels as if it’s to the extreme, turned to the max. when he was younger he used to flare up at almost everything, temper constantly rising and falling erratically, but now that he’s grown his temper is almost completely in check, and his anger is a rare thing to bare witness or be victim to. he’s empathetic with all of his friends, able to provide support for them when they might be going through fights with others or battling insecurities of their own, but conflicts or problems brought up against him is where he switches off completely. he’s flighty and avoidant, often deciding to simply push through the bad feelings and rising tension or attempt to escape it altogether by simply removing himself from the space of the person that has grievances with him—no matter how big or small the issue is—rather than actually sitting down and talking through it to resolve the rift. this habit of his has never gone far enough to permanently fracture his relationships with the other members, but in the past it had come close.
in the moments where KIHYUN himself isn’t feeling the greatest, he’s never exactly eager to let people know. much like his approach to conflict, he prefers to either breeze over the feelings of inferiority or insecurity and pretend they’re not there, hoping they fade away with time, or cope with them in ways that aren’t the healthiest. bottling things up (although it may seem like an odd thing for a thought to be ‘hyper-sensitive’ pisces to do) is by far his one of his worst habits and has landed him in hot water a few times in the past, but as he grows more and more he’s making more and more attempts to work on it—and those attempts are of course being assisted by his closest friends, the members themselves. where he would usually pick the more detrimental things to cope with his inner feelings, KIHYUN now tries to focus more on pouring it all into a creative outlet—namely music, or dance. he’s much better than he was when he was thirteen and looking for reasons not to drop out of the company altogether, and he plans for the improvements to only grow over time.
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on a cold morning in march 2001, KIHYUN was born the first child of a young mother struggling to make ends meet (and who would also be labelled a ‘prostitute’ in rumours spread in early 2018, seeing as their small flat was only a stones throw away from the infamous capital alley—rumours that would never be addressed by SM and left to be speculated about) and an unknown father, who KIHYUN never once heard of again except in spiteful passing remarks made by his grandmother who lived with them in their two-bedroomed apartment. despite their living situation, KIHYUN was a happy child at home, always appreciating the love he was given, the roof over his head, and the food on his plate. problems only really started to arise when he started school.
school and KIHYUN did not get along in the slightest. making friends wasn’t the problem—KIHYUN was a social butterfly if you ever saw one, drawing people in like magnets with a smile and a joke whispered behind his hand, making them feel as if all his attention was focused on them—it was the education itself. the lessons were too hard, words swam around the page and danced off of the paper, numbers twisted themselves up into unintelligible shapes and floated off into the air around him, and none of it seemed to stick. KIHYUN loathed it from the start, and it only got worse as the years went on. in september 2009 his younger half-brother was born—to a father that he actually got to know, but a man his mother still wouldn’t commit to, still wouldn’t marry, a man that he only got to see from time to time, and suddenly there was one less person to talk to about the words that made his head ache and numbers that made his eyes water. he became a lot closer to his grandmother in those following years, moving from his mother’s bedroom to hers and cuddling close to her in the evenings when she let him stay up with a wink and finger to her lips as she switched the television channel to the the music shows. 
from the very first night he saw the idol groups, the men and women dancing in all their synchronised glory, hair perfectly styled and no blemishes to be seen, KIHYUN was hooked. he had found his dream. one that, from the looks of it, had far less of the numbers and letters he hated so much. his mother (and baby brother, even if he couldn't understand a word) had burst into laughter when he told them of his dream, but KIHYUN was adamant, and his grandmother had faith in him too. he started to learn all the words, memorise all the steps, until every day after school he was dancing around the apartment belting out SHINee and f(x) songs until his throat was hoarse. he knew what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go. SM ENTERTAINMENT was the company that housed most of his favourites, the so-called ‘greats’ of the industry at the time. he was going to get in, and get famous.
a late afternoon in april 2013 is when he did it. he got a leg-up from one of his friends out of the school gates and ran all the way to the train station, paying for a ticket with the pocket money he’d been saving up for months. he asked around for directions until he finally found the place the audition was being held, did all the things the vaguely frightening people in suits and ties told him to do, tried not to feel too much like a clown at the circus while performing, and held his breath. and by some miracle conjured up by the stars above, KIHYUN managed to make it through. he tried not to groan out-loud out of fear of being dropped again when he was told he’d have to continue his studies despite now being a trainee, neglected to tell his mother because he was scared he’d be kicked out (and was pleasantly surprised when she only told him that she better be seeing him on tv in a few years time), high-fived his grandmother with a wide grin on his face, and packed up all his things to make the official move into seoul. there he trained for three long years, until finally he was told he and seven others, seven fast friends he’d already made, were set to debut. NCT DREAM, their subunit was going to be called, and the rest was history.
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⠀⠀ Ꮺ ⠀ ‹ ⠀ PERSONAL & FACTS.
— MBTI ⠀ ESFP-T⠀( TURBULENT ENTERTAINER. ) — POSITIVE TRAITS ⠀ bold, original, aesthetics & showmanship, practical, observant, excellent people skills. — NEGATIVE TRAITS ⠀ sensitive, conflict-averse, poor long-term planner, unfocused.
— LIKES ⠀ his fellow members, travelling to new places, dancing, singing, fashion, shopping, accessories, music, street food & street art, manga, bungeoppang, cherry pepsi max, blueberries, goldfish, lego, songwriting. — DISLIKES ⠀ bugs, cooking, green tea, reading, puzzles & brain teasers, waking up early, sci-fi movies, crime shows, maths. — HOBBIES ⠀ playing football, playing pool, collecting albums & vinyls, collecting photocards (particularly of his members), (trying to) learn new languages, trying out music production. — PHOBIAS ⠀ atychiphobia (fear of failure), astraphobia (fear of thunder & lightning).
— HABITS ⠀ constantly repeating the new words or phrases he’s recently learned (in foreign languages, usually english or italian), doing tutting combos with his hands, snorting while laughing, cracking his knuckles, sidling up to his fellow members and (usually unintentionally) scaring them, rubbing at his eyes, clicking his tongue, playing his music too loud, idly tying his drawstrings into knots he then can’t get to come undone. — KNOWN FOR ⠀ his tendency to get lost while out & about, his holding up of the rest of the group while he poses for fansites (especially at the airport), his constant featuring of the dreamies & other members on his instagram, his spontaneous fit checks, his music recommendations (most of his lives are more a radio hour than anything), his love for pda & need to cling onto whoever he’s closest to, his tendency to try and answer a question in a few short words but end up going off into a long-winded tangent.
— FAMILY ⠀ MOTHER (임요미 — born 1981, alive)⠀╱⠀GRANDMOTHER (임중안 — born 1958, alive)⠀╱⠀HALF BROTHER (임선민 — born 2009, alive). — KIHYUN has never known & also never mentioned his father anywhere, and SEONMIN’s father was never in the picture as a permanent figure in their lives either. he credits his mother & grandmother immensely for working so hard to keep them afloat and never fails to speak of his gratitude for them. — his younger brother’s favourite member is DOYOUNG, but KIHYUN shared that if SEONMIN had to pick a favourite from DREAM then it would be JENO or HIMSELF.
— his favourite music genres are HIP-HOP, RAP, and POP. — his favourite artists are AZEALIA BANKS, EXO, F(X), BRUNO MARS, and GSOUL. — his favourite songs are LIQUORICE, CHILL, 24K MAGIC, and TEQUILA. — KIHYUN is a known lyricist and has contributed for lyrics on songs on multiple albums (both for NCT and a few outside of the group on occasion). he currently has 32 writing credits under his name. — he has said that in the future he wants to learn how to play the drums, and also try out music production.
— inside the group, KIHYUN thinks the members he’s closest with are CHENLE, MARK, JOHNNY, JENO, NIKO, and HENDERY. — although KIHYUN considers himself closest with his members, he also has a few notable friends outside of NCT (both from SM and other companies). the ones most known (and ones he’s seen interacting with most often) include TAEHYUN of TXT, GISELLE of AESPA, MATTHEW & HANBIN of ZEROBASEONE, SOHEE of RIIZE, and INTAK of P1HARMONY. — he shares a dorm with RENJUN and JISUNG, and says he likes to poke fun at the former’s cardigan collection. — a member KIHYUN wants to get closer to in future is YANGYANG. — if he could move to another unit, he would either choose WAYV or create a new one with all of his closest friends. — he named KEY of SHINee, D.O. of EXO, and TAEIL as his biggest role models and inspirations. — earlier generation idols he wants to meet are WOOYOUNG of 2PM and MINO of WINNER.
— fashion is one of the things he’s been very interested in since he was young, and both members & fans have coined him the nickname ‘johnny’s assistant fashion evaluator.’ — he first began to learn italian through old films and books his mother owned, and then slowly began to further his knowledge with both online lessons & a lot of self-learning whenever he found the time. it’s his dream to live there one day. — KIHYUN thinks his most attractive features are his EYES. — he’s a very good drinking buddy, as a lot of DREAM have mentioned. — a person KIHYUN gets compared to quite often (looks-wise) is JUNGKOOK of BTS. KIHYUN says he doesn’t see it. — he says the first idol group he can remember watching on tv was F(X), performing CHU~♡︎ — his favourite movies are THE BLING RING, TIME TO HUNT, and FLUSHED AWAY. — KIHYUN’s ideal type is “someone i can have a fun time with every day, and who shares my sense of humour.”
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
I love seeing your voice claims! It's so entertaining to hear how you would envision someone's voice, even if it isn't perfect!
But now i'm curious if you have any 'themes' for the characters. Like, something that would fit while playing in the background during a scene that focuses on them.
If you don't know what im thinking about (I REALLY hope that doesn't sound condescending) Thinking of your interpenetration of Skuntank makes Groose's theme from Skyward Sword play in my head. Something like that?
Thank you so much! I catch your drift, and it wasn’t condescending at all! I have such a hard time choosing themes for characters because I have a very specific vibe for them all in my head, but its hard to find pre-existing songs out there that check all the boxes. I tried to pick songs (specifically instrumental songs because if I went into songs with lyrics we’d be here all day) that encompassed the general “feel” of the characters well enough. However, I’ll include some notes on what I’d try to include for the characters’ themes of if I were to make them from the ground up!
Also going to hide all the links and stuff under a cut because this post got big hehe
Twig's theme would be light and peppy for the most part— a fast, jaunty tune that would be difficult to play in real life. There'd be points in it where it sounds like the musicians are struggling to keep up the pace and would fail to play the same notes as previously used— giving it a desperate element, like she's struggling to keep up with her own happy appearance. I think she'd have an acoustic guitar or mandolin as a major part of her theme, and maybe one of those toy pianos that give a very chaotic, enthusiastic vibe to songs? She'd have a stretch in her personal leitmotif that would form a beautiful melody when paired with Kip's.
Kip would have a generally happy sounding song that incorporates the ukulele and maybe ocarina. He'd have a stretch in his personal leitmotif that would form a beautiful melody when paired with Twig's.
Otherworldly voices harmonizing are a must for her, as are audio glitches disrupting and changing the flow of the melody that they're harmonizing in.
Dusknoir's theme would start off proud and almost boastful sounding when he's first introduced, then turn dark and intense when he's revealed as a villain, and would finally mellow out into something mournful yet soothing to listen to. I think he'd have cellos as a major piece of it.
Celebi’s theme would be very light and peppy— almost bouncy in sound, and definitely extremely cutesy. I can see the hum of insect wings or cicadas singing being used as a kind of atypical instrument that could be used.
I'm not sure about instruments for him, but he'd have a very distinct leitmotif that would start off very aggressive and erratic sounding, then be slowed and softened in a way that makes it sound almost nostalgic later on.
His theme’s instrumentation evades me— maybe a violin or clarinet? A harp? It would need to be an instrument that isn’t typically played alone. Either way, it would have several points where it would go oddly quiet and mournful. It’d be an all around very mellow, vaguely sad tune.
Her theme would comprise of a piano— an instrument that is largely seen as a standalone in most compositions— and would layer perfectly over Ark's to make a complete song, the quiet parts of their individual themes allowing the other to stand out when they step back.
She'd have music box-esque instrumentation for sure, and twist her parents' themes on their heads in a way that they become something unique— Twig's frantically happy notes would change key in such a way that they'd sound genuine, and Ark's quieter, melancholy stretches would be filled in by a lighter accompaniment.
This was such a fun ask hehe. I’ve always loved making pretend OSTs for my projects out of pre-existing songs, complete with alternate titles that would replace the original if the soundtrack were real— I should get back into that hobby and make a full one for TPiaG!
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click for better quality
and im so happy with it
extra details I forgot to write/show/didn't have time to do:
he can be very erratic because his software got REALLY buggy from getting a bullet blasted through his head
because of having said buggy software, he often has days where he has trouble doing stuff because he has too many errors'n'shit
trust issues
also he tries way too hard to hide his bugged out gunshot wound skin (which, because of some kind of botched repair or lack there of, retracts and refuses to work there) because of insecurity, but when he's overwhelmed or asleep he doesn't have the energy to keep his skin from retracting so it retracts a whole lot more (will show it in individual screenshots for the close-ups)
also he hates the color blue. will explain if someone wants me to but in short, it's because of cyberlife and blood
he literally cannot express emotions correctly. sure, he looks like he's either angry or just dead the entire time, but that's just because that's the only thing he's learned how to express.
that's what the "emotionless" part means
theres a lot more i've imagined up for him but i can talk about it more later
ok. close ups that i really like
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More of an example on how Sixty's skin retracts normally without him having the energy/trying to reduce or hide it.
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Aaaand then just Sixty Death Stare TM and then me listening to music while drawing and being like "wouldn't it be so cool if I put a quote from this song in this because Sixty would agree with that statement"
Aaaaanyways enjoy this project that I only finished because my LA teacher from like last year also really likes DBH and lets me rant to her about DBH and also show her my cool art of DBH because she's a very cool LA teacher 10/10
Also yes I did make almost every dot on each i an LED, you can't stop me.
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cceanvvaves · 1 year
barista; i.ny
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: swearing
Nayeon very nearly screamed when her gaze met yours through the glass window.
The afternoon sunlight fell across your face, enhancing the mesmerizing hue of your eyes. A lopsided smile was plastered on your lips, your laid-back posture exuding a distinctive friendly aura. Blushing madly, Nayeon inhaled sharply and spun around, hoping that you didn't see her - which you definitely did - when Jeongyeon gripped her harshly by the shoulders and forced her to face you.
"The hell are you doing? Get in there and do what Nayeon does best."
"What do I do best?" Nayeon demanded, crossing her arms and struggling not to look at you.
"Flirt. Hurry up, I didn't come here just to see you give up!"
"But Jeongie," Nayeon whined, looking very much like a tantrum throwing toddler. "What if they don't like me? I'm too boring and annoying and ugly for someone like them-"
"Ugly?" Jeongyeon repeated incredulously. "Who are you and what did you do to Nayeon?!"
The older girl glared, afterward sighing in defeat. Jeongyeon felt bad, so she put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Hey, I was kidding. I'm sure they'd love to hang out with you. You're - ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this - fun."
Beaming, Nayeon threw her arms around Jeongyeon. "Awww, you're so sweet, Jeongie," she cooed. The taller girl pushed her away and scowled.
"Okay, okay. Now get in there and don't fuck this up, Im Nayeon."
Nayeon nearly fainted when you spoke.
You watched as the girl you'd been watching finally entered your little coffee shop. Making your way around the counter, you greeted them in a friendly manner.
Nayeon's heart started beating erratically once she was right in front of you. It seemed as if her heart wanted to jump out of her chest and come to you instead, so she took a deep breath to compose herself. Inside, she was screaming profanities. You looked so approachable, it made complete sense on why you worked in a café. The warmth in your eyes was welcoming, like a freshly baked piece of bread. Your presence was energizing like a hot cup of caffeine-filled coffee. Your uniform - a white button-up with beige pants and a brown apron - only accentuated your features.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered around you. And when you spoke - Oh, gosh, Nayeon thought. Save me.
Your voice was as smooth as honey, like music entering Nayeon's ears. She started wondering how there could be a person as perfect as you.
"Hey!" You greeted, wiping your hands on your apron. "I was waiting for you. My shift ends in about 10 minutes, though, so do you want something before then?"
Jeongyeon eyed the chocolate croissants on the display. "I'll take a couple of that."
Chuckling, you nodded. "I see you've found the chocolate croissants. One of our best-sellers, actually. Good taste!"
Nayeon watched as you assisted Jeongyeon, who'd pretty much bought one of every pastry your shop had to offer. A dreamy expression overtook her face, interrupted only when Jeongyeon walked past, clutching a paper bag and munching on a croissant. "Bye, Nayeon! You can handle this, you're a big girl. I'm gonna go bring these home."
Before Nayeon could protest, Jeongyeon ran out the door. She didn't want you to think she'd decided to ditch you, so she simply scoffed and rolled her eyes.
You'd finished serving the last customers. The clock had struck five, meaning it was time for your break. You flipped the sign on the door and took a seat before Nayeon. "So," you started, nervously playing with your fingers, "first impression?"
For some reason, Nayeon found this funny. She laughed, causing you to crack a smile. "I like you already," she said.
Maybe a bit of the backstory. Nayeon had gone on an online dating app, mostly for fun, but also because she was curious about what she'd find. She found you, swiped, and the two of you started talking. Eventually, it became a mutual liking, and today was when you two had decided to meet-up face to face.
Somehow she'd formed a crush on you through the messages you sent, always making sure she was alright and healthy. And now that she'd seen you in real life, it just gave her more reasons to like you.
You, on the other hand, felt the same way. You would never have expected to start liking someone online, but anything was possible. You'd gone on a dating app because, with your flexible and always-changing life, you wanted something permanent.
"Do you, maybe, want to go on a date sometime?" you asked timidly, avoiding her eyes. She found it cute how you had both a shy and confident side. "I'd like to take things slow, get to know each other a little better, before we do anything more serious. Is that alright with you?"
Beaming, Nayeon agreed. She was willing to wait for someone like you, excited for the memories she hoped you'd spend together.
And when you reached across the table and held her hand, she had a lot of hope for her future.
note: idk man, might as well post my stuff
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oatmilktruther · 2 months
16 and 46 for the ask challenge! For 46 I'm curious about your style both narratively and in voice (yours is so unique and I'm obsessed with it) and maybe how you went about developing it (if you even can answer that idk).
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
LOL technically i have so many because none of them are really abandoned but off the top of my head the ones that i consistently think about… vampire stede, lesbian car guy ed, regency marriage of convenience and mutual pining, and fight club not Fight Club. the regency marriage of convenience one is the one im most craving to finish because i havent seen anyone else write marriage of convenience/arranged marriage in a way that really hits the spot but basically my concept is Stede and Ed meet and become friends as teenagers and as they get older Stedes parents are pressuring him to marry someone with a title to give their family legitimacy (which Ed has) and Eds parents are pressuring him to marry anyone at all (he is trans and they are worried no one will want him because hes not “a proper young lady”) and Ed knows Stede would never expect him to be anything but Ed, so he asks him to marry him so he can just live his life and Stede of course says yes. Thus ensues years of mutual pining (and Ed of course living his best life and getting to Ye Old Transition in peace). im regular about this idea and gender and intimacy (lying)
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
omg thank you for being so so kind this means a lot to me it feels good to know i offer something unique. i would say it’s very emotion driven but primarily because i get so incredibly anchored in the character whose POV im writing from. like i am an emotional person myself so when i get down to writing something im living in my characters head and feeling all their feelings so i can put them on the page. most of my plotting is driven by how its going to make the character feel.
and my voice is most often a variation on an Ed Teach ADHD special, though sometimes its the Stede Bonnet Autism Express, but as i mentioned in an earlier ask the thing that unites them most often is a sense of rhythm. And the main way that i developed this was just listening to so so so much music while im reading and writing and also reading a lot and basically absorbing a lot of language, most especially lyrics, and then actually being auDHD myself. so like a combination of the way i am a rabbity erratic thinker naturally and having absorbed so much musicality and lyricism and rhythm into my brain while associating it with “regular” written prose ive just tried to imbue as much of that as possible into my writing. and then the other thing is like. i get bored easily myself so like. i really dont want to get bored writing and i really dont want my readers to get bored either. so every time i write something new i want it to feel new in general and new for me and i want it to have as much motion and dynamism as possible. well i talked longer than i meant to but i hope this is coherent. thank you again for the ask and for being so kind 💖
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yintsukareta · 2 years
its stupid that no one sends in requests for 100 followers so im sending in more so you have more content SO what about hearing aid creator reader with bad habits? for example; hates loud noises despite being hearing impaired, terrible sleep schedule (falling asleep at 4 and waking at 5 for example) and eating habits (erratic and unhealthy food), loves the dark, can't sit still, can't work without some sort of music, awful handwriting only they can read, bottles up emotions, loves small compact spaces, etc etc. i cant wait to see what you do with this!! also with some mondstadt characters,, could i get amber, jean, noelle, barbara, lumine if possible, and whoever else you'd like to add!!
(something i notice and might help you!! as someone who's been hearing impaired since birth it's incredibly difficult to register sounds as words unless im staring directly at them and reading their lips!!)
note: yeah no im kinda sad that no ones requesting loll, also like most of this feels like a personal callout 💀💀💀
Creator's Bad Habits ft. Amber, Jean, & Noelle (short fic)
"Your Grace?" Jean worriedly called out into the dark room. She walked a few steps in, almost tripping on something. She felt around for a light switch.
"Master Jean?" Noelle called behind Jean, who was feeling her way around the dark room.
"Oh, Noelle. Could you get a candle and matches for me?" Noelle nodded before heading off into the hallway of the Headquarters.
Jean sighed as she could feel the mess around her. She knew that the creator told her that they weren't very organized, but she didn't know it was this bad. She looked around the room, spotting a faint glow on the desk they prepared for them.
"Master Jean, I've returned with the candle. Amber is also here and she lit up the candle for me." Noelle called, stepping into the dark room with the outrider.
"Are you sure Your Grace is here?" Amber asked Jean. Jean nodded and pointed to the faintly glowing figure on the desk.
Noelle passed the candle to Jean. Jean went up to the figure.
"Your Grace?" Jean called, slightly shaking the figure with her empty hand. (name) stirred a bit, opening their sleep-worn eyes at the blonde.
Noelle opened the curtains, letting in the soft shine of the morning sun. Amber looked worriedly around the messy room. Pillows on the floor, clothes disposed around the floor, covering the many gifts their acolytes have given them, which were also disposed around the floor. Their desk was also a mess.
"Morning,, Jean..." (name) yawned, wiping the sleep out of their eyes.
"Good Morning, Your Grace. We prepared some breakfast." Jean said softly.
"Mmm.. Yeah, I'll be there in a bit." (name) murmured.
They in fact, weren't there in a bit. Jean came back into the room after the food went cold, worried for Their Grace. She found them working on their desk, only light in the room was the table lamp they provided for them.
Jean approached (name). She noticed that they were working on the official documents that they had to sign. She looked at the messy pile of signed papers. Every one had a messy unrecognizable symbol as a signature.
Jean only heard the slight humming now. (name) was humming as they signed each paper. As if working with the melody of the song. It was a bit clumsy yet she could hear how wonderful the song was. Whether (name) made the song up just now or heard it from generation to generation was a question she'll save for now.
"Oh, Jean." (name) looked up from their papers, noticing the blonde standing beside their desk after a few minutes.
"Your Grace, your breakfast went cold." Jean said worriedly. "You should stop working for a bit."
"I have to finish signing these papers first. I'm sorry, Jean." (name) said, giving a slightly forced smile, eyebags heavy from under their eyes. Jean sighed, knowing it would be disrespectful to try to force their creator to eat.
Creator's Bad Habits ft. Amber, Barbara, Jean, Lumine, Noelle (headcanons)
shes trying her best to help you
she makes some of the meals, trying to get you to try them
she'd looove it if you tried them
since she worked so hard on them <333
she also tries to energize you
gives a few jokes or such
she knows shes not much of a high rank like jean or lumine so shes doing the best she can at her current position
like amber
when she figures out you need music to work
shes there humming her tune
making her next song too
she asks you if you'd like to hear it first
you're their creator so you'd of course have the honors of hearing it first
her singing makes you almost fall asleep
shes also trying to get you to sleep so her singing while you almost pass out is kinda part of her plan
she probably dedicates some of her songs to you/ about you <333
she knows
she knows when you feel burnt out
yet she doesnt feel worthy enough to try to force you to do things
shes realllly going to try though
in a way thats not disrespectful or too forceful
she tries to help with the paperwork/work
arranges the meetings for people to meet you, declines meetings if you're tired <333
"i need to go to the meeting right-" "no lets get you to bed grandparent" this but you and jean
she knows what its like to have to do so many errands for people
even when theres only a certain small reason why you wanted to be there
for her she wants to find aether
for you, well you want to just hang out in your own creation.
she'll give you a bit of sass if you're not taking care of yourself that well
(paimon pitches in)
all in all she tries to help also
she also drives away anyone who wants to get to talk to you so badly while you're absolutely exhausted
tries to protect you <333
shes amazing <333
she makes 2/5 of the dishes served to you
helps clean your room up while you're working
if you allow her of course
she wants to be respectful
she knows her bounds
also tries to protect you like lumine
"if you ever need anything, just call my name"
note: THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR HOW LONG IM SORRY I DIDNT HAVE MOTIVATION. i kinda split it into a hc and a fic because i wanted to include all of them but i couldn't make a fic since motivation go brrr
Do NOT repost my work without permission.
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doodlboy · 9 months
*grabs the handful of ppl who liked my hypmic oc post*
It is time.
Under the readmore bc this is probably gonna be an essay
Ok, so note, I literally started making this guy bc I was going to draw him 4 a meme that he's the "excuse me, they asked 4 no pickles" kinda guy and specifically he'd b that guy 4 jyushi who at the time of me making, was older than my oc which is funny 2 me
Anyway ×2
I made moodboards bc im too tired 2 draw detailed stuff rn, his current filler name is Pink, bc of his hair
1 4 his hair ⤵️ & 1 4 his outfit ⤵️
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Also, this doodle of me attempting 2 convey the hair I'm thinking of, dunno why he's so desaturated but whatever
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His hair is white-blond in the front and a reddish pink in the back, I haven't decided if that's bc of dye or if it's like doppo and hifumi w their two-toned hair.
- street kid who got abandoned by his parents "going traveling" 2 Japan and basically leaving him there 2 fend for himself
- I still need 2 do more research but I'm thinking as far as a division goes, he'd be from Seto Japan bc⤵️
- he almost gets arrested 4 graffiti[ing??] murals & an elderly classical artist [pottery artist maybe since that's a thing in seto] more or less bails him out & takes him in
- the old fella essentially becoming a mentor 2 Pink, teaching him how to express himself of canvas since he had a knack 4 it. Pink doesn't learn all that much in the way of typical schooling tho, so he speaks with a kinda rough accent
- typical mentor story tho, the old fella didn't have any other family and took Pink in like a son so when he eventually passed he left everything 2 him including a little studio where Pink lives
Anyway×3 idk where go from 2 get 2 these parts of the story
- winds up in Yokohama & makes fast "friends*" w the local yakuza
[*they insult each other a lot of the time, like samatoki calling pink two-toned brat & pink calling samatoki mr.rabbit bc of him being so insistent on ppl calling him honorifics, his stage name Mr. HardCore, & the fact pink thinks he looks like a white rabbit. Despite insults, they actually agree on a lot of things.]
- Pink's rap style is- really erratic tbh, he's good but if u aren't paying attention you will get lost
- Additionally, his rap ability is called "Framed," similar to Jyuto's Prison ability, Pink freezes opponents in paintings of themselves [but the twist is that the paintings r how he sees them so he hardly uses it bc ⤵️]
- He's a bit of tsundere dumbass. Any affection shown is off-handed. "Yeah, whatever, I got your favorite, ya mention it so much it's hard to forget" kind of off-handed. And he has massive respect 4 the other divisions [& since the music from the game exists in canon, he also knows every song very well].
- Which is why he uses his framed ability sparingly, bc it reveals his true emotions, not just 2 the opponent he used it on, but everyone else, too. [Specific ex is samatokis painting being a like- a fuckin fancam type deal, or Rei's painting being actual shit bc he hates deadbeat dads.]
- Anywayx4, he's abt 22/23 & takes the younger members of divisions under his wing since his indifferent 2 all the beef going on between them.
- Esp jyushi bc isth that kid would just not eat if a fast food restaurant fucked up his food, so pink and kuko r the "he asked for no pickles" duo, 1 is quiet & kinda bitchy lookin and the other 1 is loud as hell, but after they fix the food pink still tips em & apologizes 4 kuko yelling sm unintentionally
Anyway ×5 that's all I got rn ty 4 coming 2 my oc tedtalk
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Okay, I need more of the Digital Friends AU! It seems so cool!
AAAAA im glad you like It! The Digital Friends AU is honestly a passion project of mine since it’s based on screenmates from the early 2000s and horror games such as Buddy Sim, KinitoPET, and Doki Doki Literature Club :)
Now as for more— let me tell you some lore tm:
As seen in my posts of this au, the se screenmates were created by two users: One named DreamXD and another named Callahan.
Nothing is known much about them, and they seemed to disappear off the face of the earth around 2005.
Cala in this AU is a shut-in, and only talks to her girlfriend and messes around with these screenmates since she randomly found the website one day while looking for old screenmates.
She is very curious about this Dream one, and the more she figures out and talks to the other screenmates she slowly reveals their “true” colors and they get more creepy and fourth wall breaky.
The first screenmate she downloads is Wilbur, and he seems to be normal! Until he starts getting obsessive and very erratic to the point where he wants her to not look at any more of the other programs and wants to be the only program she plays with.
Each DigiFriend has a unique set of games/things to do. In Wilbur’s case, there’s a rage room and a music room— but sometimes she just gets a window that has train station or sometimes she’s in the train.
It just all slowly gets creepy the more she figures out the screenmates by unlocking how they’re actually like as well as figuring about this Dream one, as well as finding out the truth of what happened to DreamXD and Callahan.
There’s so much more I want to say but that’s the basis— I might draw something with it tonight tbh bc this au sparks so much joy.
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abiiors · 1 month
I recently found your blog and i wanna say something about matty;
The social media perception about him is so bad that people make assumptions without even wanting to know the who they are. They went along like everyone else bc the need to judge others to get true validation about themselves that theyre better than anyone is going frenzy. And myself, who had no idea about this person just went along with it and now im regretting that i may judged him harshly prior having any knowledge about him.
That being said, this recent release of taylor’s album puts him in spotlight again about how much love and adoration she had for him for 10 long….years,openly declaring it. Im used to taylors music but her keeping numb about this “intense love affair” she had for matty for almost a decade hushed is complete bullcrap and,her nature of her having to publicise everything,she wouldnt let go of this without giving hints about her love affair to her useless fans and her sudden declaration seems very suspicious and out of ordinary.
I may think that matty is definitely a rebuttal for her lovebreak with joe, and using matty as a pawn to attempt to provoke joe to say she loved matty all along. I dont think she was in love with matty, probably intense affection like sort of, joe being depressed and she was deprived of love and affection and in dying stage of relationship made her love to pour it onto matty, who is just idk minding his business? He made had a fling or even had affections ( i see him mentioning taylor in multiple interviews) but it fizzled out once they parted ways. I think she wants to put out her feelings onto someone else and possibly dont want to write about joe because she wants to poke him by publicly humiliating him… im just confused at her erratic behaviour.
Well, my take is that matty was only a intense fling that didnt went far bc matty was anxious about her stardom and her obsessive fanbase and paparazzi hounding clicking pictures would put anyone on mental pressure and broke it off without a scene and shes pissed at him and even made multiples jabs at him on her songs (idk which one) which makes the whole thing messy involving two men who have nothing to do with her anymore
Sorry for my long rant this is my overlook and vitriol hate matty is getting is undeserving and him in the spotlight is getting him threats like these, mainly him deciding to date taylor. The biggest mistake anyone can do (other than fame angry just like her) is to date her…
thank you for sending this ask!
yeah i feel like this is true for a lot of people because they have seen clips taken out of context and used that to run a hate campaign against him. i won't say he's perfect and pure and has done no wrong because that's just not true.
but the amount of things being said against him -- that he's a nazi or a pedophile or homophobic and whatever other nasty things are so so blatantly wrongggg
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
👀 so did you isten to any good and new music in april
i was gonna hold off and wait until jessie ware's album released tonight to make this post but i THINK im gonna want to do a mini live-blog of that album and this post is already massive enough as is sooo
April Faves!
Newly Released:
"High Life" by Bloc Party. Fun vibes. Very relaxed and I think is quite great for the warmer weather and driving with the windows down. Great riffs in this song.
"Dead Wood" by Enter Shikari. Enter Shikari is a weird band for me because I was SUUUPER into their original demos that you could download off like... mypace? And then I forgot they existed. Until this album? So that's CRAZY that they're still here it's been 15 years since I cared about them. Anyways, this song is like... kinda theatrical and WEIRD but not in a theatrical way. It has a bunch of string instruments and a sense of foreboding, I like it. One of the more "for beginners" track on a fairly experimental album. Need to listen to the album more cause I'm unsure if this is my favorite. "Bloodshot" is a great combo of more high speed electronic influences crashing their more hardcore influences. Dubstep energy without the dubstep.
"Be the One" by Bree Runway and Khalid. Radio friendly song of the summer. Vocal chemistry off the charts. Just sweet and soothing.
"GLBTM (Studio Outtakes)" by Daft Punk. Made me cry. I miss Daft Punk so fucking much. Beautiful instrumental.
"冷たい風 (30 Universe Ver)" by Penicillin. Jrock, if you couldn't tell by the Japanese title. It's okay if you don't like listening to non-English music but plEASE listen to the guitar shredding at ~2:27.
"Angel" by Shygirl and Fatima Al Qadiri. ETHEREAL AND HAUNTING.
"Coup" by Frost Children. Earlier, I made a post about how my music taste is getting worse... this album and this song inspired that post. The Medic Droid meets 100 Gecs. Just stupid electronic music it's EMBARRASSING. "Angel's Thoughts" is also an electro banger.
Choosing a song off the new Buck-Tick album is hard. It's all a banger to me but I suppose I really love Namonaki Watashi and the contrast between the way the instrumental feeling like it's sparkling and the strong emphasis of his vocals. Scarecrow is also great, just has a nice intensity throughout the whole thing.
"Midnight Dreams" by Ellie Goulding. Putting out a disco-inspired dance album in the same month as Jessie Ware was BRAVE but I think this album is pretty refreshing. It's just extremely proficient at being... a dance album Ellie Goulding would make, y'unno?
"I'll Remember for Me, I'll Remember for You" by Yaeji. An odd choice from this album, since it's more an interlude than a full song. But I just love that it's this moment of calm on an experimental, erratic and yet there's a creeping sense of... wariness over it all.
"D N D" by Apink. The only Kpop on the list so far?? Grown women showing off vocals while feeling like cotton candy.
"Vinglevingle" by Heize. More kpop except it has more a 2010s eurodance vibe but like... matured.
Came out 3/30 but that is April to me. "Zodiac Killa" by Jean Deaux. This is the type of song to play during a montage of a woman driving across the country, running over men, stopping to ransack jewelry stores, before reuniting with her lover, another woman on horseback.
Honorary Mentions:
"Say it to Me" by Otto Knows. It's a dance track. You know how it is.
"She Don't Mind" by Karencici. I could see Tinashe doing this song except it's largely in mandarin, so like... if Tinashe could sing in mandarin. Talking about Tinashe, it's not her best track, but "Who's Taking You Home" with Kyle is solid enough and also from this month.
"Isumad (Lakim Remix)" by Cookiee Kawaii. I liked this entire album but I choose this one just for having a run time over 3 minutes, a rarity for her! Funky remix. Another take on a nostalgia sound but modernized perfectly.
De De Mouse put out multiple releases, they're good. Check out De De Mouse in generic if you want like... annime OPs/EDs ramped up by funk and other more experimental influences.
Technically came out 3/31 but WHATEVER. "Vampire" by Kvi Baba, the Trigun Stampede OP guy.
Not Released in April:
"Writhe" by Daine. 100 gecs but more emo.
"Over You" by Daddy DJ. Sorry... Daddy DJ really is just like... comfort music at this point. Peak 2000s dance music.
"Mercurial" by Silica Gel, a korean rock band. Love the vocal effect for this song. Just love the resonating nature.
"Wings of Time" by Tame Impala, the song they did for Dungeons and Dragons. Throwback roooooock sound. Blare it with the windows down while driving past a beach at sunset. Trust me it's a vibe.
Revisited a looot of Utada this month. "Michi" remains a bop that stuck with me this month. Just good, mature jpop. Not alone not alone not alone!
Rest in Peace Ryuichi Sakamato. There's many songs to really attribute to such an influential figure but sometimes all you need is a straightforward song like Rain.
"Broken Mirror" by Boom Boom Satelittes is some Jrock tha tFUCKS
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2knightt · 4 months
🌸 w johnny cade
my name is Astra! im 5'7 i have brown short hair with brown eyes. i wear smokey eye makeup and i wear like grungy clothes. i love drawing and listening to music. i'm a really big movie buff. i also roller skate. i'm very empathetic and i love helping people (basically im the therapist friend, lol) i love boba, im an omnivert, my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. i'm also bisexual. thank you!
u sound so adorable omfg.::u and johnny>>>> crazy….
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you sat with johnny at the lot, your hand on his shoulder as a tear streamed down his face.
he always said he didn’t need comfort and that he didn’t want it, but it broke your heart to see him like this. especially after his parents laid into him like they did today.
“you really don’t have to do this, astra.”
“no, no—i want to, johnny. it’s okay. i just want you to be okay.”
you comforted, now rubbing his back as you inched closer to him. johnny rested his head near your neck before you pulled him in for a hug—arms around him.
“thank you. i love you—i really do.”
“i love you too, johnny.”
his erratic breathing slowed, seeming to get a feeling of comfortability with you closer. his tears stopped, his eyes now dried.
sure, he ain’t never been one to be this open about his feelings, but it’s just somethin’ about you that really did change him.
only johnny knows. or maybe he doesn’t—he ain’t the brightest with this type of stuff.
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