#but not so much with her aroace-ness.... u know?
confusedsiewmai · 2 months
Sometimes, I don't like looking at Frieren fandom things is because it feels so alienating as an aroace person sometimes.
I relate to Frieren in a lot of ways. The way she goes through life at her own speed, the way she has a certain way of doing things that is hard to change, the way she struggles to fully understand others but is still compassionate and tries, and last but not least, the way she doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction the way most people do.
So when a fan posts something about how elves like Frieren don't really feel romantic or sexual attraction and it's wonderful that Himmel's unrequited love with her is still portrayed as something beautiful, healthy and valued, but the comments section is just filled with people being like: No!!!! That's not true!!! Frieren loves Himmel even though she doesn't realise it!!!!
Or even the more "generous" ones are like: No!!! She is just falling in love with him years later!!! The whole story is about how she regrets not pursuing it until it was too late!!!!
And like, every person has their own interpretation and ships. But it really is a bit saddening as an aroace person that sees Frieren also as an aroace who probably would never feel as much romantic love for Himmel EVER. People have almost this... need to correct people that Frieren loves Himmel romantically.
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alien-ally · 9 months
So. Yesterday, a classmate asked me a very interesting question. (I’m out to her btw) Lolol honestly me clarifying in between that i’m actually 100% on the far end of being aro kind of collapsed the quo but i told her to ask away anyway. It was something like ‘Hypothetically, if u happened to meet an arospec person in school and you guys managed to really hit it off together, so much that you felt like you wanted them in your life even after school ended, would it…’ basically you get it. So she wasn’t really asking if i would date them but if it could possibly lead to any kind of partnership/if i could see myself in that sort of a companionship. and actually. what a brain-gear turning quo. The answer is no btw, that’s not the brain gear turning part. cause the quo ties to me Also happening to be aplatonic. which means nothing of that sort has happened to me till now and i frankly see the possibility to be very low. There has never been an instance where i’ve ‘hit it off’ with someone so profoundly that i end up ‘wanting them in my life more intensely’. (which doesn’t mean i don’t ever hit off with people or ever find happiness from having them in my life. No, that would be a gross misconstrue.) Uh anyways, i’m not going to explain the phenomenon of being💥apl💥top to bottom once again, just know that the answer is a direct no for me without any further ruminations. However the brain-gear turning part to me is that i nevertheless see meeting a fellow aroace(apl) person as the next biggest thing to happen in my life. And i have fantasized about it on many occasions. cause that would entail an exquisite kind of understanding i’ve never experienced in my life and mark an important milestone. which i’m sure won’t be happening until later. school is about to end in less than 6 months. So then what would it be like? Given that i am what i am. What form would that grandeur take? What form can it take?
On a lesser note, it also made me aware of the sort of ‘lack of determinism’ on my part. cause i have always been so led to want things i don’t truly want, which part of the yearning is real and which an inherent conditioning? Yeah you don’t see anyone asking straight people if they would ever turn gay but it’s allowed to aspecs? And it’s a thing we repeatedly ask ourselves too due to the same conditioning. Given that growing up and finding partnership doesn’t invalidate your aspec-ness in any way? As harmless a quo (my classmate’s) it was, led to a cascade of thoughts all over again. Good old Aromanticism.
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trio-of-chaos · 1 year
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy rotumblr
I am Amy Gloop, also knows as the goomy anon.
I love goomys, they are so squishy and cute and slimy and amazing
I'm from Unova, but my grandpa went to Kalos once and brought back my starter, Ness!!!!
She is the best goodra of all and I love her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice to meet y'all :D
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she does have lore tho
sooner or later u guys will learn more about Amy Goop and her awesome slimy past
I will edit this post whenever there's an addition to the team and some other info
Ness, Goodra, Female
Blob, Gulpin, Male
Krakatoa, Magcargo, Female
Mitochondria, Duosion, Female
Sewer, Muk (Alolan), Female
Cider, Applin, Male
Hairdresser, Flutter Mane, Female
hates romantic gestures
scared of fairy types
combining those two makes the thing she fears/hates the most
tall girl (6'4")
her voice sounds like Toad. Yeah, that toad. The one with the voice of an angel. An angel that flew right into the sun and is now screaming in pain
Krakatoa is like the snail™, a normal snail and a literal blob of lava, which means it can somehow follow u whenever u go n matter what, it can burn anything it touches and it can simply appear out of fuckin nowhere. She basically follows that pokedex fact but with the added bonus of being able to control her temperature
Mitochondria is like a little child in every possible way and also a little messenger. She can draw, she can write, she is cute and she's the one who delivers/retrieves things
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sharky857 · 1 year
"uve got questions and ive got answers" for all the questions of ur farmer u havent answered yet.
Well... *awkwardly glances at the utterly empty ask box* This is gonna take a while. :°D
Better add a break too.
Not really, but Melly low-key wishes she could have time to learn some sewing, so that she wouldn't need to constantly rely on Emily.
Living on a farm, Melly prefers a simple deodorant.
She's never really cooked (nor baked) before moving to Pelican Town, but after that Melly's been gradually getting the hang of it. And also digging it.
See above. :3c
No tattoos.
Considering that the only way to get this badly injured in Stardew Valley is by being nearly rekt by monsters in the wild, if Harvey were not an option, she could probably turn to Linus, Marlon + Gil, and/or possibly Gunther.
Not unusual, but Melly's afraid of storms.
Books. She feckin' loves reading.
Follow medical advices very diligently and take all the due rest until feeling well again.
Probably not moving to the valley sooner.
Can "books" be considered as "addiction"? 😆
She might have an accidental sense of style, and regardless of the former answer, the latter is gonna be a "no"; Melly feels like the "wear whatever you dig our of the dresser" kind of stylen't.
Not as much as novels, but it's a close second place.
Do they have a hard time opening up to people? Oh, totally. :°D
Regular sense of humour, probably. 🤔
She doesn't have nor want kids. At least for now.
Depends on what the "something" could be, exactly.
Not so easy, unless the other part tried and started to drill in her head "1001 reasons why aroace-ness don't exist and you're just a broken thing who hasn't experienced the things enough to have an actual opinion over them". In which case, that's a sure ticket to "GTFO-land", one-way only. 💀
Might not feel that easy due to Melly's extreme shyness and introversion, although things can get better once she warms up to the other.
Guess she does, although you'd barely catch her at the Yoba Church Sunday Mass™.
Melly considers both equally important.
"OH FUCK NO!" (Twas Melly)
As later as possible, preferably in her sleep. :°D
Not really, although she has a mild, underground beef with Pierre.
She's in charge of a whole farm, so her routine is usually on the line of: wake up -> breakfast -> tend to animals -> check on crops -> lunch time -> see some friends if got time -> do some shopping for the farm if needed -> tend to animals again -> dinner time -> book/fic time maybe? -> sleepsie
I don't think she even has any "hero". 😅
Being hopelessly shy means that all of Melly's (first) encounters happened by chance. The most memorable one with some writer by the sea. And one may say that that one in the end has had an unexpected effect. *vague gesture at some pendant*
Not as much as she is a bookworm, but wouldn't mind to play from time to time (videogames).
If Melly were real, she would be like a doppelganger or something :°D
Melly would rather leave being famous to Elliott alone, thank you very much. :°°°D
I would give her the power of teleporting, so she could do her things faster. Melly would give herself the power of invisibility, so she could go around Pelican Town without worrying about stumbling across someone she wouldn't want to meet.
Melly would probably wish she wasn't this shy, while at times very low-key wishing she wasn't so repulsed by sex to the point of feeling slightly nauseous at the thought of it.
She never really considered TTRPGs until Melly herself and Sebastian started to opened up to each other. Now that she has some familiarity with Solarion Chronicles, she would pick a healer.
She would cry a waterfall for days.
Melly believes in planning things out to try and avoid as manys etbacks as possible, but she also knows that sometimes fate can be a pain in the @$$.
The hell will freeze over before Melly would ever try to kill anyone.
Uh... *glances all the way back to question #20* There you ahve it, I guess. 😅
Sometimes she would have a recurring nightmare, but it's too unsettling/triggering to write. 😓
She would try, then probably hand it over to the "Adventurer's Guild". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Melly absolutely treasures her mistakes.
Oh, y'know... The usual. English, italian, Dwarvish...
Depends on what the source of the stress is.
In no particular order: Elliott, Leah, Abigail, Sebastian, Maru, Evelyn, Linus, Harvey.
She strongly believe in planning out, sooo...
Maybe, but awkwardness caused by interacting would make it hard for Melly to lie efficiently.
Never really pondered this. 🤔
*whispers* Whuddafaq would you even do to set her on a rampage of those proportions? :°°°D
No real troubles with her friends, while would rather avoid any "enemy".
She's out there living her best life in her widdle farm, with no worries about the rest of the world.🥺 #wish-that-were-me
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