#i think that is VERY aroace
confusedsiewmai · 2 months
Sometimes, I don't like looking at Frieren fandom things is because it feels so alienating as an aroace person sometimes.
I relate to Frieren in a lot of ways. The way she goes through life at her own speed, the way she has a certain way of doing things that is hard to change, the way she struggles to fully understand others but is still compassionate and tries, and last but not least, the way she doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction the way most people do.
So when a fan posts something about how elves like Frieren don't really feel romantic or sexual attraction and it's wonderful that Himmel's unrequited love with her is still portrayed as something beautiful, healthy and valued, but the comments section is just filled with people being like: No!!!! That's not true!!! Frieren loves Himmel even though she doesn't realise it!!!!
Or even the more "generous" ones are like: No!!! She is just falling in love with him years later!!! The whole story is about how she regrets not pursuing it until it was too late!!!!
And like, every person has their own interpretation and ships. But it really is a bit saddening as an aroace person that sees Frieren also as an aroace who probably would never feel as much romantic love for Himmel EVER. People have almost this... need to correct people that Frieren loves Himmel romantically.
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redysetdare · 2 months
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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fleetwood-cheese · 5 months
How long do yall think its gonna take the anime only dungeon meshi fans to realize that not only is marcille not the fanservice character, but that several different characters think shes outright ugly/unsettling and that senshi is canonically so hot to half-foots that chilchuck refuses to introduce him to his daughters?
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toytulini · 1 month
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killrisma · 5 months
I don’t understand the concept of sex as the natural progression of romance. I understand having sex, I understand how it can be romantic, I just don’t understand how it is seen as the only course that romance takes.
Like love confessions immediately turning to sex is always so ???????? to me. Like ok get it I guess but how did we get here???
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sandeewithtwogaye · 4 months
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Happy Valentines Day! Ink is asking Broomie on a date
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
(Version without bubble text below cut)
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stiffyck · 22 days
"this show has great lgbtq+ rep" okay do you mean just like casual gay couples or are there trans people too. are there any ace and/or aro character? intersex character? or are there just lgb characters
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macksartblock · 6 months
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putting off my angst wips to push an agenda lol
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omgjolras · 4 months
i think that Grantaire being canonically attracted to men can hardly be disputed because he's very explicit in his attraction and love for Enjolras, to the point where i hardly ever see anyone deny this (even outside of the fandom i mean), but i do think that it's actually very very clear we're meant to interpret Enjolras as homosexual?
of course it has always been interesting to me how Victor Hugo chose to introduce Enjolras as a wild Antinous (emperor Hadrian's gay lover), only to tell us a few lines later tells us he wasn't aware that there was a being on earth called woman and like, yeah i guess that's pretty gay but there's still some space for debate. how on earth are we supposed to interpret the following sentence though
"Evadne's bare bosom would have moved him no more than Aristogeiton; to him, as to Harmodius, flowers were good only for hiding the sword"
so in his first introduction, like in the same fucking PARAGRAPH he's compared to not one, not two but THREE different gay men, and one of those comparisons is there to explicitly say that he wouldn't care if a woman showed her tits to him. it's an INSISTENT analogy that only gets stronger when we get to grantaire's part, with them being pretty much two sides of the same coin, getting compared to even MORE gay men
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soaked-ghost · 7 days
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the three genders: butch dyke, man fag, and grandpa
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dreamsy990 · 3 months
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some of the less nice thoughts about being aroace
extras below the cut
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closeups on my favorite panels
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bonus: adios
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knifearo · 4 months
aspecs: i've been thinking a lot lately about the "ace people can still have sex in a relationship/aro people can still be in romantic relationships" sentiment and the logistics of being aspec in relationships in general. obviously, the predominant sentiment is that you should be able to have a relationship where the other person will be happy without having sex/being romantic with you. if you feel comfortable sharing in tags/replies/reblogs/asks/whatever, though, i'd really like to hear people's experiences with sex/romance in relationships as an ace/aro person. have you found it generally possible to have a relationship with an allo person when you're ace and don't want to engage in sex? what are people's experiences being aro and being in relationships (labeled romantic or otherwise) with alloros? reblogging for reach is appreciated and any related experiences you feel comfortable sharing are completely welcome <2
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aterfish · 1 year
Being ace is an opposite of fuck around and find out:
Fuck nobody and never know for sure
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moo9395 · 6 days
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Guess who watched Newsies.
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bunnieswithknives · 3 months
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Sorry I was compelled to draw these by forces beyond my comprehension. I just think they would be silly :3
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angryducktimemachine · 6 months
I think what I personally really enjoy about AroAce Rudyard is that I know, in my heart, that he would not ONCE spend a single thought thinking he was broken. This man is fully convinced everyone else is just being unnecessarily weird, which really resonates with me, who also spend like 22 years of his life not even considering the possibility that there's something "wrong" with me and that everyone else is simply a little overdramatic over love and sex.
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