#but right now i am happy with that decision
ahockeywrites · 3 days
surprise pt 2 - nh13
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pairing: nico hischier x girlfriend!reader warnings: swearing :) word count: 900 authors note: still no smut! who am I? might write some more in this little universe but not at the moment. enjoy <3 part 1
Nico opened the car door for you and took your hand as you stepped out the car. The cool wind caused goosebumps to form on your arm. At least you thought it was from the wind. It could have been the nerves. You were about to walk into your first event with Nico and he had staked his claim of you by the necklace you wore.
“We’ve got this, Schatzi,” Nico whispered in your ear, trying to comfort you. “We walk in, head straight to the bar and there will be a Long Island iced tea in your hand before you know it. Trust me.”
You didn’t have an option. You had to trust him. Nico’s large hand enveloped yours, lacing his fingers between yours and the pair of you walked into the event.
It seemed as though time stopped when you made your way into the venue. The captain had brought a plus one. And it was you. You tried to breathe deeply and relax as Nico walked you towards the bar. 
The sound of cards being shuffled and dice being rolled slowly picked up again as Nico slid his credit card across the bar to pay for a cocktail for you and a beer for him. Both of you needed a drink of alcohol before dealing with any of his teammates or their plus ones.
You had barely taken a sip of your drink before your sister had found you and Nico and she’d dragged Luke along with her. Alex was dressed to the nines and was definitely wearing a dress that was double your monthly wage but she looked stunning. The rose necklace that you had bought her for Christmas the year before sat high on her neck and another one sat slightly lower on her neck. You deduced that it was one that Luke had bought her when you worked out that the pendant wasn’t just a random shape, it was a lower case L.
“If you’d have told me Nico had invited you, I wouldn’t have suggested Dawson,” Alex huffed as she looked you up and down to take in your outfit. “And we could have gone dress shopping. I’d have spent more if i knew it was going on cap’s card.” She folded her arms over her chest in mock disgust.
“Nico didn’t invite me initially,” you enlightened her as you sipped on your cocktail. Alex raised an eyebrow at you, slightly confused. Then she noticed it. The necklace.
“You’re fucking cap?” She almost shouted, slightly confused but more impressed that you’d kept it a secret.
“Not just fucking,” Nico interjected. “There are some times where we just cuddle.” You glared at your boyfriend as he just smirked at Alex and Luke. 
“How long?” Alex questioned you by shoving a finger into your chest.
“Nine months,” you meekly replied, not too sure how she’d take it.
Alex’s eyes widened. “Nine fucking months. I think I need a moment. Luke, smack your captain for me.” Alex turned around to the bar, ordered a shot of tequila and drank it in record time. 
Luke looked conflicted. He wanted to smack Nico for Alex but at the same time, he knew that Nico could put him through the wringer at practice tomorrow. His body couldn’t take that. So he made the decision to lightly smack Nico on the shoulder. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Alex whined. “We tell each other everything.” Her puppy dog eyes came out and you melted at them instantly.
“We just wanted to see how it went,” you explained, hands gesticulating. “Then the right time just didn’t appear. Until now, when you tried to get me to come with Dawson.”
“Excuse me for thinking that my sister needed a good fuck,” Alex rolled her eyes. “But I’m happy for you, but don’t think we’re not having brunch at the weekend to discuss everything.”
“Text me the details,” you pulled Alex into your arms for a tight hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” you whispered.
“It’s okay, I understand,” she tightened her grip on you before releasing you. “Enjoy your first event, and apologise to Dawson!”
Alex and Luke turned around and she dragged him to one of the poker tables to inevitably lose more money than he intended. Your eyes scanned the room. Everyone had gone back to doing what they were doing before you and Nico walked in. Jack was shuffling cards for a game of blackjack, John had a tray of drinks in his hands and was delivering them to different patrons of the event. Every person you looked at had a smile on their face and it made the corners of your lips turn up into a gentle smile.
Nico moved to stand by your side, wrapping an arm around your waist. 
“That could have gone a lot worse,” he sighed as you rested your cheek on his arm.
“And I’m thankful Alex understood,” you replied softly. You angled your head up and Nico pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Oi! Just because I’m okay with it, doesn’t mean you can kiss in front of me!” Alex shouted from across the room.
All you could do was roll your eyes. You were in the presence of the man you loved and friends and family who cared about you so much.
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this is from the prompt I think I saw about fanfic
Aubrey hall
Great! Thank you :)
1) SHIP: Penelope x Colin
20) LOCATION: Aubrey Hall
39) SCANDAL: secret pregnancy!
more Bridgerton-themed fic prompts
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Bridgerton Mothers
Pairing: Penelope x Colin Rating: T Word Count: 1115
Summary: Colin has brought Penelope (now his fiancée!) to Aubrey Hall with a secret. Violet believes she knows what it is.
“If you should ever want to tell me something, Penelope,” Violet encouraged, “I hope you will feel that you can.”
They were taking their tea quietly, in the drawing room. The sun spilled beautifully through the windows and there was a freshness to the estate, every room having been aired out in advance of their family’s arrival. Though Violet felt quite content on this morning, in this drawing room, at Aubrey Hall, she was aware that the young lady across from her was not equally at ease. She believed she knew the reason, but as Penelope was not yet one of her daughters, Violet refrained from prying. She would simply make the girl comfortable. If Penelope then chose to divulge her secret, that would be her own decision.
“I…” Penelope’s gaze plunged to the cup she held delicately in her hands. “I find the tea delicious.”
Violet smiled warmly at her.
“I am so glad. I want you to feel entirely at home here. I always have.” She laughed softly, casting her mind back to summers gone by. “I remember you as a girl here, rambling through the woods with Eloise.”
“I wanted to play princesses,” Penelope recalled, smiling too. “Eloise said we ought to be knights instead. She was so put out when Anthony would not lend her a sword.”
“That’s right! You were such a good friend to go along with her rather strenuous games.” They shared a look of amusement. “My son sometimes intervened, did he not?”
Violet pretended to be unclear, though of course, she remembered perfectly. She raised her cup to her lips and sipped as she waited for Penelope to colour in the scene of childhood fancy.
“Colin did not have much difficulty in detecting my lack of enthusiasm,” Penelope said, gaze far off. “I believe it might have been the only case of a princess rescued from a knight instead of by one.”
“Gallant little Colin! How lovely,” Violet said slyly, “that you return to Aubrey Hall this summer as an engaged couple, and that, one day, you will bring your own children here.”
Penelope made a sputtering sound as she choked on her tea, clearing her throat with a soft cough. Her cheeks were quite pink, Violet observed. No doubt the result of momentarily losing her breath. Nothing more.
Visibly attempting to compose herself, Penelope shakily agreed, “One day.”
Violet gave her another approving smile. Her suspicion was all but confirmed.
“The wedding,” Violet remarked casually. “It is soon.”
“It is,” Colin agreed.
And yet, as they ambled about the grounds, he appeared entirely unperturbed. Having a fiancée suited him, Violet thought. But no, it was not that. Having Penelope as his fiancée—that was what had made her son so happy. They were astonishingly well-matched, she felt, and that was saying something; he was her third child to be so lucky in love. However, where Daphne had kept her true feelings (and scheming) terribly close, and Anthony had attempted to convince both her and himself that love was an emotion he was not prepared to experience at all, Colin was as clear as glass, with none of its coldness. And his love for Penelope was just as clear. Violet had found it to be, anyway, and had been immensely relieved when he had acted upon his feelings, asking the girl to marry him. Of the three happy matches her children had made, this was the one in which she had had the most confidence. It was as she had always told her sons and daughters: true love began with friendship as its foundation. The friendship between Penelope and Colin was very strong indeed.
“I know you do not desire a longer engagement,” Violet said, giving her son’s arm a light, affectionate squeeze. “Would you, perhaps, have wished for a shorter one?”
“Like Daphne and the Duke had?” She watched Colin’s thoughtful expression. “No, that would not have been right for Penelope and I. The only time there has been any haste between us was when I asked her to be my wife, and that was entirely my fault, waiting so long to give voice to my feelings that she believed herself uncared for and nearly entered into an engagement with another.
“Marrying now is what we both wish for, and what Penelope deserves. I have been proud to flaunt her on my arm.” Colin smiled to himself. “I suppose I longed to prove myself to her, and a public courtship that allowed her to be seen—not as an object of pity, but as a woman in love—well. It has been my great pleasure to give her that.”
Violet’s eyes welled with pride as she praised her son: “Well said.”
As though he had, though, said more than he had intended, Colin looked suddenly, lovably awkward. Violet patted his arm in reassurance.
“Do not fear my opinion, dearest. I will only ever champion you. A love match is all I could have hoped for any of you. It is apparent to anyone with eyes that you and Penelope have found that in each other.”
Colin smiled.
“We have.”
“And the wedding will come just soon enough,�� she hinted.
He turned to look at her, observably puzzled.
“For what?” he asked.
“For what!” Violet laughed.
When her son continued to appear perplexed, her laughter died. She stopped walking, halting them both.
“Colin,” she said. “You know to what I am referring. Do not be alarmed. Penelope said nothing.”
“I do not know what she could have said, because I am at a loss!”
“The reason,” Violet prompted. “The reason a young couple might want a short engagement… Colin! I have eight children.”
He stared at her as though he did not comprehend how her vague allusion related to her statement of fact. All at once, she saw that he did understand; she watched the knowledge alter something behind his eyes, watched the parts of him communicate with one another, contemplating and questioning and, finally, verifying this information.
“Penelope is with child?”
“You are asking me?” Violet questioned back, bewildered. “Please do not say your brothers have taught you so little of the world that you are uncertain whether you and Penelope have—”
She was grateful when Colin raised a hand to bid her stop speaking. She saw that her panicked words had mortified them both.
“I know how a woman comes to be with child.”
“Good,” Violet said shortly.
“Penelope… I must speak with her!”
“Yes, I rather think you should.”
Colin made to dart off, then turned.
“Do you think she knows?”
Violet laughed.
“Oh yes, dearest. No one knows better than a mother.”
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To the Dearest Summoners...
It has been a wild ride in the ArTw server. Each and every Summoner were unique and fun to be with in very different ways. It was full of chaos and quirks, yet we embraced it all together, thus creating a big, happy family. I am happy to be one of the group, and I will forever cherish those moments.
I'd like to apologize for the unfortunate event that happened earlier. As much as I loved to stay longer, my interest in Arcana Twilight was long gone. I tried to hold on to everything, just to be with you. However, it slowly felt like I was forced to do it this way. I have always been honest of having the thoughts of leaving, and I am sad that it has turned into a reality.
Even if you don't believe me, I really tried to keep it together for the server. The ArTw server had its ups and downs, and we lost a couple of members in our journey as a family. I knew everybody was going through their own struggles, so I wanted to stay to help and support those who need it.
However—no matter how much I try—sometimes, a family is meant to fall apart.
The time of departure has arrived, and my senses were telling me that I needed to leave. Amber and I had talked about it, as well as Mint. I firstly decided of staying in the server, even if I was no longer into Arcana Twilight. Yet it just didn't feel right, and the choice of leaving became the only decision I had left.
It was a lot better than to ghost my dearest friends.
And now I have said my goodbyes, I am officially out of the ArTw server. And with this letter, I am officially out of the Arcana Twilight fandom. My Arcana Twilight era has come to an end.
Even so, that doesn't mean I cannot communicate with you anymore. I will still be actively posting in Tumblr, and I accept DMs in Discord. I will talk with you, but Arcana Twilight is no longer in the list of my interests.
I am glad to know all of you were understanding of my leave. None of you were toxic nor forceful towards my decision, and it hurts me further that I must go. Nevertheless, we are all aware that everything happens for a reason. You are deserving of my deepest respects.
And that means I will be thanking the Summoners I have known throughout my journey in the Arcana Twilight fandom.
@amber-of-tharaval, thank you for being the mother figure of the server. You were also an amazing friend to us all.
@marisssa1248, thank you for being a younger sister figure. You are a sweet and beautiful girl, always remember that.
@mumuscae, thank you for the most hilarious shitposts and memes you shared. I will always smile whenever I see them.
@mochalumii, thank you for being such a wholesome friend to us all. May God bless you all the time.
@gloriaglorheart, thank you for being an enthusiastic friend in the server. Your smiles and arts are very adorable, and I will look forward for more.
@pomegranateboba, thank you for being my first ArTw moot. Although we aren't very close, you were the first person I met that introduced me to ArTw content in Tumblr.
@sleepytwilight, thank you for being one of the people who introduced me to ArTw content in Tumblr. Your headcanons and arts will always remain to be amazing in my eyes.
@l-mint-l, thank you for helping me with my choice whether I should stay or leave. Although I couldn't stay for long, at least I was able to have some time with you all.
@cuddlybelphie, thank you for your posts and reblogs I often see in Tumblr. Your content made me closer with Arcana Twilight.
@mmpookie, thank for your adorable arts of the ArTw cast. You may or may not know me, but let me thank you for inspiring me in drawing.
@tophatmaker, thank you for your wonderful arts of the ArTw cast and the Summoners. Like the others, you have inspired me to improve my artworks better.
@f14loveisyou, thank you for being the first Filipino ArTw moot I met here in Tumblr. Although you are still fighting against your struggles, I wish you the best and I will always wait for your posts.
@leriblue, thank you for letting me draw your Summoner with Dahlia! You are a real sweetheart and I hope you continue to do more content.
@afluffypanda, thank you for your beautiful arts of your Summoner, Luna! She is one of my greatest inspirations why I continue to draw.
@honing-skills-for-the-end, thank you for the wonderful arts of various characters, both the ArTw cast and the Summoners. Your works will always put a smile on my lips.
@sspicat, thank you for your adorable artworks of the ArTw cast and the Summoners. Your arts remind me that it doesn't have to be the best by being entirely realistic. You taught me simple is enough.
@canon-vi, thank you for posting beautiful ArTw artworks in Tumblr. You are one of my inspirations how I kept going with Arcana Twilight in my heart.
@sillyest-cas69, thank you for being a good friend along with your cousin. We may not be very close, but you are very good company in the server.
@writerray, thank you for helping me out during my darkest days of struggles. You were a great mediator, and I hope I can still approach you when I need it.
@vivian-drawsart, thank you for posting adorable artworks of Vin and Arcturus together. Your cute works are one of my inspirations.
@guysimbluenow, thank you for scaring us all in a playful way. When we first met you in Tumblr, everybody in the server were panicking and screaming. Even so, I think you're a great person.
@redrubyz, thank you for making me smile when I discovered you were a new Summoner in the fandom. It is a pleasure to have you here, and I hope you will be one of the people that will keep the fandom alive.
@kaitlyn-pink, thank you for letting me join the ArTw server. Because of the server you once created, I met and made more friends. And that includes you.
To everybody I mentioned in this letter, thank you so much for being my friends. You were all amazing people, and I am thankful to meet each and every single one of you. If it wasn't for you, I have no idea where I would be.
The letter is now ending, and my last moments of enjoying Arcana Twilight has come to an end. Before I finally end, please remember our motto. Whether we are happy or sad, fine or struggling, let us all say it as one.
"We are in this together."
Thank you for everything, Summoners. I will never forget you. The server and the fandom will always have a place in my heart. For one last time, I shall say my outro.
Thank you for reading. This is Dahlia Rosenheim, signing off.
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xxchaosjojoxx · 3 days
I want you to see me [1/5] (Penguin x reader)
After the events on Whole Cake Island,  you rejoined your Crew, the Heart Pirates, with the strawhats. You never interacted with Shachi, Penguin and the rest of your crew due to your shy personality. Suddenly you can interact with them without any problems and are really close to Sanji on top of it. Even so, Penguin isn’t quite fond of you, seeing you and Sanji flirting with each other makes him a little jealous.
A/N: Welcome to my first mini serie. I hope you will like it <3 There is a hint of Sanji x reader
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Chapter 1: Wano Kuni, here I come.
“No, you won’t be doing this! Law said angrily. You gulped and looked him in the eyes. “But Captain. I wanna help as well.” - “Then join Bepo, Shachi and Penguin.” Law was totally annoyed. You were with the strawhats on Whole cake Island to help them save Sanji, despite the fact that you were a member of the Heart Pirates. Captain Law wasn’t happy with your decision, but he trusted you enough to let you go for this mission. Now you and the rest of Luffy's crew are on Wano and reunite with the other members as well. As the other strawhats received their undercover role in Wano Kuni you wanted one as well and had an idea, but your captain wasn’t very happy about it. “I want to be more useful for once. Please, I beg you, captain.” Law was getting more furious. “You won’t be a prostitute here, are you nuts?!” He couldn’t control his voice. Normally you would tremble, avoiding your gaze. But you learned a lot from the strawhats while you were on WCI and didn’t look away. “I won’t be doing this kinda stuff I promise. But this Kyoshiro guy is suspicious. I am sure I can gain helpful information from either him or Komurasaki. Maybe I can work as a geisha or whatever by his side.” Law sighed heavily. “This is way too risky. You know that. If you wanna be active, you can join blackleg-ya and help him with his soba noodle shop. You can cook as well.” Law was staring at me with an unamused expression. Your face lit up. “Ok. I won’t disappoint you. Thank you captain.” And with that and the help of Kinemons devil fruit you were ready for your first mission.
A few days later~
“There is nothing going around lately.” Shachi sighed while he watched the area with binoculars. Shachi, Penguin and Bepo's daily routine was observing and  delivering Kinemon’s secret message to his allies. Bepo stood up and was on his way towards the city. “Where are you going, Bepo?” The mink turned around, looking at his two crewmates. “I will go see Sangoro and Y/N to share our newest information. “Oh right. Y/N is back. I didn’t see her after she left Zou.” Penguin said while Shachi nodded his head. “Yeah I wonder why she even joined the strawhats or why the captain allowed it.” Penguin hummed. “We should accompany you. I could use something to eat.” And with that the three of them were on their way to the city.
While they arrived in the city they could see Sanji’s soba noodle shop on the streets and with that a large crowd of customers. “Woah, his business is insane.” “Their noodles are absolutely delicious” Bepo said and was on his way towards the shop. “Hey Shachi look. There are so many beautiful women there.” Penguin was in paradise. A small blush on his face. Shachi shook Penguin’s shoulder. “Dude look at this girl in this cute (f/c) kimono. She looks like a princess. Their cook is such a lucky bastard to have so many women gathering around him.”
While they were fangirling about all those women, Bepo sat down on a near bench, receiving a bowl of noodles from said girl. Shachi and Penguin rushed to his side while Bepo was enjoying his soba noodles. “Bepo what are you doing?! I thought you wanted to share information.” The mink looked at them sheepily. “My apologies. But I was so hungry.” Before Shachi and Penguin could say anything else, the girl with the (f/c) kimono joined them. “Hey guys, wanna have a bowl of our soba noodles as well?” She asked and smiled at them. Both men jumped in surprise, smiling like idiots and nodding their heads, while sitting on the bench beside Bepo. After a few moments, she joined them with two bowls of hot soba noodles. “Enjoy your meal.” Shachi and Penguin were in heaven. This girl was way too cute for their own heart. “Can I have another bowl please?” Bepo asked shyly and the woman was holding his empty bowl in her hand. “Of course Bepo.” She said happily and again gave him a big smile. Bepo replied with a smile as well. “Thank you Y/N. Those noodles are the best. I missed your cooking.” Penguin and Shachi choked on their food and coughed, nearly dying from this. “Oh no, I forgot the water.” You said and were fast to bring both of them a glass of water. After they drank a big gulp of water they were staring at you. “W-Wait…Y/N?!” Penguin asked surprise. Shachi was still coughing while he tried to get a good look at you. “You are Y/N? What happened?” You tilted your head. “You mean on Whole cake island? That’s a long story. Maybe I should tell you this later.” “No!” Shachi shouted at you and you shrieked in surprise. “I meant what happened to you. You were always sitting alone in the corner, without even talking or looking at us. You were a plain and inconspicuous person. How the hell are you so different right now? Why do you chat with us like we were good friends?” You were pouting and felt anger rising in your chest. Before you could answer Shachi, Sanji came by your side leaning an arm around your shoulder. “Y/N-chan, is everything all right?” Sanji asked you while his gaze was on your crewmates. The blonde looked pretty pissed. “Yes Sanj- eh I mean Sangoro. Shachi is just being a bit rude right now.” You calmly said. Shachi was shocked while Penguin couldn’t even say anything at all. He was just staring at you. “Mi amore, if they don’t wanna be around your beautiful presence I will. Will you join me again?” Sanji said with a smile on his lips, as he turned his head so he could look at you. He clearly had heart eyes right now. You met his eyes and chuckled. ”Ok there, handsome. We have a lot of work to do today. Go ahead. I will join you shortly." Sanji nodded and went back towards his little shop. “You can flirt? Are you even the same Y/N we know? Our crewmate?” Shachi was still on and you turned towards him. Your smile was gone. “Of course I am. You just don’t know me, otherwise you wouldn’t say something like that.” “What are you saying? You ignore us all the time by sitting alone in the corner and reading a book without joining us for any fun occasions.”  Penguin stood up looking between the both of you. “Stop it guys.” You both gazed at each other. “I had my reasons for it.” 
”Only because you decide to dress up and be friends with the strawhats doesn’t mean you can trashtalk us right now.” Penguin was touching Shachi’s shoulder. “Shachi, stop there for a second.” But they both ignored Penguin. “HEY!” You heard a loud yell. Sanji was on his way towards you with an angry look on his face. “Can you stop screaming for once? And don’t you dare talk to Y/N-chan like that.” Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed your hand with a ‘Come on, my dear’ and dragged you away from Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. “Now I know why she is like that. They both have the same attitude.” Shachi growled. Bepo tried to calm Shachi down. Penguin was looking at you and Sanji. You were so different back there. He kinda liked you smiling at them earlier and being friendly towards them. You were never interested in your crewmates except for Captain Law, Ikkaku and Bepo. Never ever talking or interacting with him or Shachi. Seeing you like this, talking to them without any problems, he felt unsure and a sting in his heart. He wished you were able to interact more often with him and the rest of the crew in the beginning. After time passed he figured out that you dislike them, so Shachi and Penguin weren’t too keen when it comes to you as well. Penguin was looking at you. You were working and smiling at the blonde chef. Penguin gritted his teeth when he saw Sanji’s hand was on your body, guiding you with something. “This dude is touching her all the time without any problems.” Penguin said, while Shachi and Bepo looked at him confused. “What does it matter? She clearly enjoys his attention. We should go back to our spot right now.” Shachi said and the three of them returned back to the top of the nearby mountain.
After your work for the day was done, you and Sangoro cleaned everything up. “Those two are idiots.” Sanji said. He was still a little furious about the situation earlier. “They were right tho. I did reject every offer to get along with them…I even ignored Shachi and Penguin the whole time.” Sanji interrupted you. “But you had your reasons.” You sighed. “Yeah but they don’t know them. It’s ok Sanji. I will apologize to them the next time I see them. I was pretty rude back there as well.”You silently stood beside him. “Maybe you should join us Y/N-chan. I’m sure Luffy wouldn’t be against it.” “I can’t, Sanji.” Sanji sighed and lit up a cigarette. He blew some smoke before turning towards you. “I know you are loyal to your captain and he appreciates you and your skills. You looked at him sadly. “Do you really think so?” He grinned at you.”Of course Y/N-chan. Otherwise he wouldn’t have let you go to Whole Cake Island to rescue me. Say, why are you interested in this douchebag anyway?” Your face turned red. “S-Sanji…! Don’t be so loud. I..-I guess he doesn’t remember anymore but when they docked on my island, he was the first of the crew I met. He was so thoughtful and sweet back there. I couldn’t help myself.”
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seagull-scribbles · 9 months
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The Lesbians doing each-others make-up meme but its these two idiots!
This also inspired a one shot, which you can read on AO3 [here] by @veritas-dolos 💖
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thorcat · 6 months
Today my boss showed how much he really likes me
He gave me the biggest christmas present i could ever wish for. A huge promotion where i will be finally a full time employee and even co boss
Sadly i have to leave my old store for that and start working in a different one in our company, but i know the team there already very well.
It till be sad for me leave my old team and boss behind, but i am able to rise to the rank i always wanted.
I might be a little inactive due all that stress that is coming towards me, cause i am jumping in new waters and i will be trained alot to get a nice diploma too ;w;
I already miss them
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. A few uncolored sketches of a humanoid robot, with a head resembling an old tv and insect-like antennae, against a blank background. Their body is drawn in red, clothing in blue, and markings in green. They are more or less facing forward, though its upper body is twisted slightly to the side, so they’re looking somewhere above their raised arm. It features a number of markings, including icons for its favorite games, various hearts, and two across its chest that resemble stylized mastectomy scars. The robot is wearing a bandanna and a button-up shirt, but their body is visible underneath the lineart. End ID]
"the act of comparing autistic people to robots or depicting them as cold, emotionless, or subhuman is overused and problematic, robots/aliens shouldn't be the only characters we can relate to" and "ok but bots are cool and i wanna be one so bad" are two statements that can and should coexist
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Omg yesterday at my moms therapy I said how well I had been doing and feeling like I can actually handle life and my mom was immediately like “that’s because you’ve been taking your meds regularly again” and like completely brushed off any progress I had actually made and I had to be like yeah totally that’s it that’s why exactly when I haven’t taken my meds for a week straight in idk how long
#I was like yup totally that sure is why I’ve been feeling good totally#not at all that I’ve been spending time to do things I like and journal and process my feelings in healthy ways or that I am consciously#making strides towards regular person sanity#and she fucking brought up adhd meds again like FUCK OFFFFFFF HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I DONT WANT TO TAKE THEM BEFORE IT CLICKS#I. DONT. WANT. TO. TAKE. THEM. they are a tool in MY mental health toolbox bitch back off my toolbox I know you fucking live adhd meds and#won’t shut up about them but I am happy now and I don’t like my brain on adhd meds and the only reason you want me on them is because you#like me more when I’m doing stereotypically productive tasks so you’d rather have me cleaning the house and not doing the shit I love than#you would have me not taking my meds and making art and writing poetry#like god#she just doesn’t fucking get it#I cannot create when I take adhd meds. that part of my brain just like dissolves.#the way I work is that constantly I have a million projects on the back burner in my mind and when I get inspired I make one#when I take my adhd meds I can’t just pick up a fun project I don’t get those ideas I can’t write poetry I can’t make art it’s like it sever#severs the line between my creative mind and my regular mind and I have nothing in my life that I need to be THAT focused on right now#but I have my perscruption still! like if I ever need it it’s there but that’s not your fucking decision that’s mine and you need to back#off my brain because it is a delicate fucking ecosystem up there in my head and I’m not going to fuck with anything until I have to#god. sorry. went on a bit of a rant. I am just so sick of arguing over my mom wanting to control the way I medicate myself. I am an adult#and she is not inside my brain so she needs to listen when I tell her how things affect me#she takes adhd meds like twice every day and hates the feeling of not being on them but I just don’t like them and she won’t fucking drop it#okay I am getting mad about adhd meds and my mother right before I have to be in the car with her all morning i need to relax#we’re going to psychic we’re gonna have fun#we’re not going to argue about this again.
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languages-and-else · 1 year
I have moved in with the love of my life and I am happy in my job, what more could I ask for?
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j-e-f-3-0 · 2 years
After such a long time without making a single post, please let me make a humble introduction to my new home.... before I bombard you with further images of my days in here
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dreamingoftinystars · 2 years
I genuinely can’t believe that I’ve gotten to a point in my life where in my last therapy session my therapist said: “yeah well grades aren’t the main stressor anymore”
I’ve healed so much. Therapy really does do wonders huh
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sugared-violets · 1 year
who needs surgeons when you can just reread the book that defined your adolescence and get your heart ripped out for free
#i didn't get through a whole chapter before i started crying#this is about the dusk gate chronicles which nobody on the face of the planet has ever heard of lol#it's just. these books meant EVERYTHING to me#i've never connected so deeply with any other protagonist. like there are others i LIKE more but this is different#quinn (the protag) just feels... idk like the same as me. almost every decision she makes is the one i would make and our flaws are the same#the love interest reminded me so much of the real boy i was in love with too and that kills me now#the core philosophy of the book literally held our stupid dysfunctional relationship together a couple times#but even now that i'm out and regret ever knowing him the philosophy still means so much to me just in a different way#the rose garden i was trying so hard to cultivate and grow and protect turned out to be nothing but thorns#and the dandelions i used to root out are the happiness i needed all along. yes they're easier but it's easy now because it's right and good#and now it hurts bc these books brought me so much joy but now its stained with associations to someone who hurt me carelessly#in a character that made me want to fall in love#for fucks sake he has the same NAME even. Will this and Will that i can't take it!!!#god. maybe i could find a way to read kindle books in my browser so i can use a deadname replacer on him lol#rename him something that won't break my heart every damn time i read it#anyway. sorry for this i am very sad#dani.txt
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 years
i never understood the difference between pms and pmdd, cause i'm like, everyone is depressed when they're on their period, everyone has absolutely horrible anxiety, everyone wants to actually die when they're on their period right? right?
and then i actually read about it and... i might have to talk to a doctor or something lol
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nthflower · 1 year
Wish people stopped to think I am making self hating jokes when I say them I am happy with my ugly big crooked nose or my body hair or my natural thick eye brows etc. I think they are very characteristics and fits me well.
Like yeah I hated them when I was growing up now I don't also think they are aesthetically pleasing but them being ugly is something I like and I am not coping or accepted my fate.
But also I understand it why because like yeah if someone told me same things I will be also thinking they want validation.
Anyways a oversharing about me I like some ugly parts of me being ugly. Some there is ones I don't like too. But it's not a problem
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doctapuella · 2 years
this third cup of coffee is gonna cure everything I just know it
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
#not tagging this but i know if you search phantom it will show up so this is more just a testament to search tags not general#i for one try to ignore the fact that tumblr changed its search function to have the option to search tags and general posts.#but i am making sure to NOT purposefully put this in the phantom tag since i'm not that mean when it comes to phantom#but i can't help that tumblr's search function is stupid so if this shows up because it has the words phantom then i'm sorry#once again for the record i DID NOT put hate in the tag. if you think you're in the phantom tag and you see this post then know that#you are not in the phantom tag you are in the phantom search bar and you need to relearn how to use tumblr's updated stupidity#ANYWAY. GUYS. I'VE BEEN SCREAMING FOR YEARS THAT PHANTOM NEEDED TO HAVE CLOSED ALREADY AND IT IS FINALLY CLOSING#finally. FINALLY. the pandemic has claimed a show that truly deserved to close.#this show should have closed in 2015 when they put that literal child molester onstage as the phantom#who was only spared being a registered sex offender because the judge didn't want to 'ruin his career'#hey dude. don't assault at 15 year old if you don't want to ruin your own career. god. 7+ years of anger bubbling up right.#this show should have closed so long ago. if not in 2015 then LONG before then but 2015 should have been the moment.#that STUPID casting decision should have been the reason it closed i am so mad it took this long.#the show should have closed after Norm played the Phantom because it didn't do anything good again until Emilie#now if Emilie Kouatchou gets to be the last Broadway Christine then i will die HAPPILY. i will just. i can die now. i will be happy.#because not only would phantom be FINALLY closed but then that means Playbill Vault will always show Emilie in closing cast#i hope she stays through the end of the run though i will not be seeing the show before it closes unless it's for free#PHANTOM'S CLOSING ON BROADWAY YOU GUYS!!! THIS IS A JOYOUS DAY!#my anon is off so don't even try to come at me#also shoutout to Thelma Pollard who is amazing i hope she gets a good retirement package from ALW like she DESERVES#i feel bad for cast and crew who are losing jobs but the show itself? nah. glad it's gone.
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