#but some of you are seeing butch and going no futher
softswitchbutch · 30 days
Idk what new followers/regular rbers need to hear this but:
I am a Man so of you have Men dni and complaints that men dont respect boundries. wh a t are YOU doing on my blog :? I thought we were the ones who never read before reblogging and interacting :)
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levwrites · 9 months
love your writing! i have a prompt but feel free to ignore if u want :)) a villain finds an incapacitated hero in an alleyway and decides to use their weakened state to their advantage (also want to clarify that this isn’t noncon!!) thank u so much for your amazing writing <3
"There you are, my dear."
Hero shivers at the voice, recognition shaking them out of the light daze they've fallen into. They try to crawl futher into the shadows, their limbs trembling, but their body refuses to respond to the simpler commands. They can only watch as Villain approaches, his head slightly tilted to the side, an intrigued smile curving his lips.
He halts just a step from them, and crouches to take a better look. "Still drugged, are we?" He reaches out to brush a lock of hair away from Hero's forehead. His touch is pleasantly warm against their chilly skin. "You were never any good at fighting off toxins."
Swallowing, Hero looks up at him and wills their tongue and lips to move: "What... do you want?" The effort of talking leaves them breathing hard. But they know Villain wasn't involved in this butched operation, so what does he want now? He shouldn't even be here.
"Don't strain yourself," Villain immediately chides. His hands move to Hero's shoulders and carefully turn them on their side. Nimble fingers slide down to their wrists and start restraining them behind their back. "I'll do the talking, mh? I'm taking you."
Another shiver goes down Hero's spine. They don't know if it's the toxins or something different. "Why?" Struggling is useless, they can barely move on their own - why is Villain even restraining them? Still, they try.
A firm hand on their nape immediately halts those attempts. Villain clicks his tongue and pulls them into a sitting position, dark eyes narrowing in displeasure. "I told you to relax." He reaches into a pocket and takes out a small darkened vial. "Antitoxin," he explains, unscrewing it and bringing it up to Hero's lips. "Come on."
Hero searches his expression, what little of it they can see, and slowly breathes out. "Why?" they ask again, voice firmer this time. They don't have such a tight relationship with Villain that he'd go out of his way to help - they bedded each other only once, and they doubt Villain got attached. It doesn't sound like him.
With a slight huff, Villain taps the vial against Hero's bottom lip. "I'm taking you to your lover," he explains, rolling his eyes in the face of Hero's stark surprise. "Yes, of course I know. They're going to put you back on your feet, and they will owe me." A smile, a flash of teeth. "Everyone wins, mh?"
Oh. Hero... relaxes. Alright then. They drink down the contents of the vial. Immedialy their whole body starts to tingle as the toxins are banished from their blood. With a relieved sigh they curl their fingers and toes, testing how quickly the antitoxin is working. Now they understand why Villain has restrained them.
Instead of trying to fight and get free, they go almost limp against Villain's body. He is much warmer than he has any right to be, and it eases some more tension out of their body. "Thank you," they murmur, looking up at him with a glint in their eyes. "Now take me home, please."
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Thank you for reading and thank you for the prompt!
If you have requests or prompts don't hesitate to send in an ask, I've been posting more sparsely but I'm planning to get back to once a day (or so) soon.
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