#but the reason i havent gotten new ones and let these ones run out is bcs of the same exact reason
variksel · 2 months
at what point am i to blame for what adhd does to me. at what point is it "adhd made it fucking physically impossible for me to focus today so i didnt do much work and hate it" versus just "i didnt do much work." am i allowed to feel shitty about it or is that just wallowing
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
requests r still open btw!!
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nrc-confessions · 2 months
Okay here’s the whole story I apologize greatly for how long this is
So today I was cooking lunch for myself at Scarabia, (I sometimes have to cook for myself if the cafeteria doesn’t have any of my safe foods that day) and I heard someone enter the kitchen. The dorm was mostly empty so I expected it to just be some other Scarabia student I’ve never met or smth
Lo and behold, it wasn’t, it was Kalim
Me and him share a class idk if I’ve said that (new spider anon lore 🤯) and he’d gotten injured during P.E this morning so I figured he was at the dorm as well, but I assumed he’d be in his room. It wasn’t anything bad he just fell off his broom and got kinda bruised up but Jamil was still flipping his shit
ANYWAY I finished cooking and ended up sharing some food w Kalim (side note he’s eaten my food before and I’m always rlly touched abt it bcuz Ik he struggles w eating food that Jamil didn’t cook and just knowing he trusts me that much is hnnnnnng) and once we finished eating he asked if I wanted to go carpet flying
I knew he was exempt from class bcuz he got hurt but I still very much had to go to class around this time, but I was not about to miss this opportunity so alchemy be damned
We’ve gone carpet flying once or twice before but from what I understand Kalim takes rlly anyone he feels like carpet flying (including paw anon fuck you calliope I havent forgiven you) so I didn’t think too much of it but at this point I was already gay panicking so this didn’t help
Anyway we get on the carpet n all that and I was kinda starting to zone out of a few reasons, the main being i have a slight fear of heights and I was kinda exhausted cuz I’ve had a tough past couple weeks but I was also zoning out bcuz I tend to do that while in close proximity to kalim
So I went kinda quiet and just hoped he’d keep talking and wouldn’t notice (also bcuz I love listening to him ramble) but he went quiet after a second too and then asked if I was okay, and I quickly said I was fine and went back to being silent but he didn’t keep talking so it was kinda awkward for a second THEN HE FUCKIN “are you sure you’re okay, habibi?” And I almost fell off the carpet
I made a comment abt how I was just rlly tired and ended up kinda rambling then I rambled a bit too far and said like ‘and you know how I get around you’ but I laughed it off and hoped he didn’t notice but he DID and HE TOOK IT THE WEONF WAY cuz he assumed that meant I didn’t like being around him??? And so I tried to elaborate without outing myself which was rlly hard and I think he caught on but he didn’t say anything so I just kept talking and digging myself a deeper hole but then (this is where I get really pathetic) I looked at him and he just had the most gentle patient expression on his face and I just started sobbing bcuz no one’s ever looked at me like that and i can’t properly process my emotions NORMALLY much less when it’s him then he kinda panicked a little bit but then he hugged me out of nowhere and I was NOT okay but I also kinda needed it so I just kinda sat there and cried into his shoulder for a few minutes and he was like whispering things some of it was in English some of it was in Arabic and I don’t know if it was making me cry harder or helping but he was like running his fingers through my hair and I just couldn’t take it anymore and I completely lost grasp of my emotions and ended up saying I love you without even realizing it then as soon as I realized it I panicked and let go of the hug and apologized but he just put his hands on my face and looked at me with his pretty fucking eyes and said it was okay and I lost all ability to breathe
Anyway he kinda like came closer and I was expecting him to hug me again but then he like moved his hand to my shoulder and used the other one to move my hair out of my face and I just completely lost it everything I did from here on is a blurry haze I was fueled by exhaustion and Gay panic but I lunged forward and kissed him AND HE KISSED BACK AND PUT HIS HANDS IN MY HAIR AND I STARTED CRYING AGAIN but then he brought thr carpet back down and I ran off to class and I’m currently typing this while half listening to Crewel yell at me but uh that happened
Thank you for your confession!
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obitv · 1 year
thinking about. the upp. and how it would be for them to see william again after his accident
picture it. ok. they obviously Know he came back since its a pretty big fuckin deal. but they havent gotten to see him. so theyre just sitting around together kinda.. apprehensive i guess. since nobody but his parents and doctors have seen him and theres crazy rumours going around. theyre quiet and subdued because nobody wants to Say "hey, what if our best friend is dead and something replaced him" but theyre all thinking it. until they see william come through the treeline to their meeting spot where everyone had been sitting - and theyre all shocked because he looks. he looks normal!
maybe paler, sure, little tired, but he was already both of those. yknow your friend disappears into the woods and comes back youre going to be wary. but mary looks at him and she KNOWS the only way to really tell is to just. try talking to him. and she runs up and she tries to hug him and shes tesring up and - she goes through him. hes translucent. but she blinks again and hes fine but he looks TERRIFIED like he just saw the face of his worst nightmares. and he reaches out a hand and grabs her arm. and he grabs her like nothing was ever wrong. and she can see in his eyes how scared and worried he is and how the relief of being able to see his friends again is overshadowed by the gnawing fear that something is Wrong. but she can TELL thats still her best fucking friend and she hugs him anyway and they both cry, for their own reasons.
and.. maybe from the angle nobody epse even - even noticed! yknow? maybe they can both just . just write it off. but they both know they cant just do that. and what should have been a happy reunion is derailed by the latest mystery. one thats a LOT more important than any strange noises someone heard after dark ever was. and with Sight, yknow- they can all SEE if hes haunted. they can see if he has some new spirit clinging to him. and maybe they can all collectively decide to just.. not msntion to him, that he leaves the faintest trail. just a faint, wispy light blue afterimage, barely noticeable to anyone without powerful Sight. and maybe cory sees that william has a small aura of blue flames, that could just about be a trick of the light if not for the way it follows the way he moves and is present in every light. but hes not haunted, so hey! and hes still acting like himself,hes not attacking people, or acting more impulsively than normal, or forgetting important memories, none of it. so if they all decide to not let him know a few things...
well. what harm could it do?
continuation/alt pov of this ficlet <3 read more about my version of the upp here!
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despite-everything · 9 months
just going to write this out because i need to get it out somewhere and dont know where my little audio recorder is. i know its hard to live with parents for a lot of people, and i knew it'd be hard for me but thats really hitting right now.
today wasnt the worst, but it also kinda sucked. some geriatric asshole stopped his working vehicle in the middle of the street for no reason, and nearly got me t-boned because of it, then i got an energy bill for a place i dont live despite cancelling the policy in july, then i got a message from my insurance agent saying my policy would be cancelled if i didnt pay (but nothing was due?) and then when i tried to call i learned that this house often doesnt have cell signal in the afternoon. i eventually managed to talk to the insurance people and got that sorted, but i couldnt get through to the energy people, so that's still unresolved. im still rattled from the car thing - i was almost killed in a car last year, so im very sensitive around crashes and near-crashes (no flashbacks today, though, so thats better than the last near-incident i dealt with). tomorrow my dad and i fly out to visit his aging parents - his dad is basically wasting away and his mom is losing her mind, so its a bit of a lets-visit-one-last-time thing. i havent seen them since 2018 and rarely talk to them, but i know theyve fallen down this horrible fox-news-christian-conservative hole lately, and before that they werent great, so i have a horrible feeling this trip is just going to be painful and sad. i know that best-case-scenario, we talk about nothing meaningful at all, and they dont comment on my appearance. but they're going to hate it. and if they actually knew me, they'd hate me, too. and i feel bad leaving my cat behind to live in the basement for 3 days - my stepmom will look after her, but she's going to be very lonely. so there's that, too.
but honestly i needed to write this out because my dad and i were driving our dog to the park to let her run around and we were listening to the radio. he asked me why i dont always use my radio voice, and i told him its because it takes extra effort to stay low and smooth for the persona and the microphones, and that after a few hours its tiring. he said he knew that, but then basically asked again - i tried to get him to clarify, but he didnt have the vocabulary to explain it, so he tried to mimic my voice (i guess?) and it was fucking mean. like i felt my heart drop and almost teared up immediately. i said something like "haha i don't sound like that" and he doubled down and said i did. and the thing is like... i know my natural voice is a bit nasal. im from texas and was raised with a mother and an aunt with nasally, high-pitched southern accents, and i inherited some of that. i HATE my natural voice. for years, any video taken where i spoke at all, i hated rewatching it. i thought i sounded annoying and could barely fathom people wanting to be around me. i hear any recording of my self earlier than 2021 and i want to turn it off and erase it completely. i don't think i'll ever get over that hatred. but as i've gotten older, my voice has dropped a bit. and i make a conscious effort to have much less of a texan accent (some words still trip me up - aisle, line, fire, wild... "i" is hard to not sound texan on), and i try to sound "smoother" and more pleasant. but i know i don't always succeed, especially if im excited. and the thing is, my excitement is always too much for my family. it's annoying and immature and overwhelming, apparently. so my entire life i've tried to tone myself down, but sometimes i fail, and sometimes i'm so wound up and anxious i fail then, too. and i know it's annoying, but jesus christ that imitation hurt.
when i tried to express that, my dad got pissed and was like "thats just what you sound like" and i said something along the lines of "you don't have to mean about it" and he got more upset and was like "im not being mean you just sound like that. but fine. i just wont bring it up ever again" and im sitting in the passenger seat thinking... what am i supposed to do? what am i supposed to say? if i cry, he'll get even more upset and think im overreacting and being immature, but todays already been hard (to self-regulate earlier, i bit my arm so hard i accidentally drew blood, and screamed so loud in my car my hearing was temporarily dampened, but while that helped, it didn't fix anything), and i could cry any moment. and my mind just loops back to the impression of me, which was startlingly similar to his "whiny voice" he uses to mock assholes. it just felt fucking awful and yet i felt kinda crazy because he keeps saying he didnt mean it in a bad way, and he isnt the type to play mind games but my mother did that sort of thing all the time, and i was tired and upset and wanted to go back home. after the park, i tried to continue the conversation, but never really understood what part of my voice or cadence he was referring to,but i think i smoothed things over enough. but it just sucks so much.
im living with him and my stepmom right now as i look for a job, and im more than an hour away from any of my friends. while i could drive to see them, it doesnt make sense to waste that gas when im unemployed and heading for the airport in the morning tomorrow. and i dont really call my friends. i could, but its not a thing we do, and i honestly would just want to say what this post said and then move on. i just wish i had company. but im outside trying not to be eaten alive by mosquitoes but theyre getting me through me jeans, so i just have to suck it up and go inside to wash the dishes.
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mortuaest · 10 months
Large rant, sorry. Please ignore if any of the trigger warnings are going to be an issue. I need to get it off of my chest because if I rant on FB I get hit with a character limit and I should make a personal Tumblr which I think I have but dont remember shit about.
Ive been having severe, and I mean severe as fuck mental and emotional breakdowns because of the fact that its literally been almost a year (Its going to be a year October 29th) since I've had to put down Ice Cube, my ESA of 14.5 years. He had cancer in his cheek and it was placed right to where it would effect his quality of life severely negatively if we tried to surgically take it out, and he would possibly die on the table if we did it because of his age, and he was declining (He wasn't eating, he was drinking, he really wasnt eating as much as I wanted him to, he was spitting back up the pills I was giving him, he was suffering) and my mental and emotional health has been severely suffering each and every day that passes without him.
I have another cat, I got him in April, thinking I was alright. Which I was I guess. Im being reminded via FB memories and just my own fucked up brain wanting me to join him to where I'm legit giving myself until December 31st, 2023 to have someone. Anyone give me a fucking sigh to keep on living. Im going to be going through a program my friend suggested to make a will, making her I forgot the words she used but shes going to make sure that my will is listened to and Albert Whisker, the cat I have now is taken care of.
I cant keep on living, and the fact that this heartbreak is fucking me up so badly to the point where the large baggie of medications (ranging from insomnia medications to Very STRONG painkillers and such, as well as my daily medications the day of me going to attempt) is very tempting to take now. And I mean very tempting. Meaning I almost took it yesterday, after my first mental break and me physically hurting myself by slamming a brush ungodly hard into my head because I legit believe I deserve everything that has happened to me (The physical, emotional and mental abuse that I got for 20 some odd years from my mother, the severe car accident from last year, the rapes, everything. My friends being murdered or dying around me, loosing the only thing that even brought light to my life).
No one in my life cares. No one seems to care. Ive been severely struggling and each time IVe even bothered to reach out for help via friends. Since my father hates me for being trans and my sister doesnt give a fuck to even bother to help me. My mother was the cause of my two rapes/sexual assaults in my life and wants me dead because Im autistic. No one wants to help, or no one seems interested in even keeping me around.
Cosplay isnt helping. Video games aren't either. I havent felt any happiness since last year. I could deal with this if he was still alive. But at the same time Im lying to myself, I havent known what made me happy other than my past cat Ice Cube. I stayed for him since I love him. I had him since he was five weeks old. We bonded. Its not the case with Albert and I feel he loves me but we dont have the connection and never will.
Im never going to feel anything other than severe misery and depression. At least, that's what I 100% believe.
TLDR: Im severely struggling and dont know what to do anymore. I dont trust my new therapist even though she has stated more than once and my friend who also goes to her has stated more than once she wont send me to inpatient or CPAP and she tries to avoid hospitalization if we can. But because of multiple decades of PTSD, abuse, and being denied the proper treatment, help, support from friends and family that I should of gotten Im at the point where Im giving myself until December 31st to find a reason to stay alive and if I dont then Im letting my queue run out.
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aquadreamsiac · 3 months
dreamed last night that i was in an anthropology and they were having a secret sale? on these kind of cute kind of ugly pajamas like it was the last few so the prices had been cut to basically nothing. the woman helping me was so enthusiastic she was kind of like miss lady from glow up with the huge glasses. she was saying LET ME GET TKMAXX ON THE PHONE THEY'LL RESELL THESE BRAND NEW PAJAMAS AND THEN YOU CAN HAVE THE MONEY THEY'LL PAY US. just so enthused by me getting a good deal. i was with freya, we left and on the street people from taskmaster were running by and so i ran to join them, we were kind of joking and jogging, some of my parents friends were there too and suddenly some of my uncles? the streets were clean and colourful with flowers dotted around. My uncle asked me about a tattoo on my leg which was new, i was like omg this one!! totally forgot i had gotten it i havent moisturized it or anything! it was an abstract design of a desert, with a glass i think and a desert plant and a vase. for some reason i was topless but i was like deal with it welcome to the human body bitch. we were in somewhere that looked a bit like chelsea/Kensington. OH AND THEN me and freya had got some new sex toys and we were trying to test them out... they were kind of unorthodox shapes lmfao? and we kept getting interrupted.
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yusei-amamiya · 3 months
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Ive been a pokemon fan since more or less the early days of pokemon, i didnt get into it as soon as it started though, as when the craze for it started when i was living in mexico.
I was staying with my grandparents so i could learn to read and write in spanish, when my family came to take me back to the states, my younger brother showed me pokemon cards, and as soon as we started watching the show i was hooked. Funny thing is, for the first 2 of the 3 gens, i didnt actually buy the games, it wasnt until diamond and pearl came out that i started buying the games myself
When i moved to Georgia, my uncle had gotten his children some gameboys and funny enough the games he got them was red and blue, my cousins let me and my brother play them, and that was how we played our first pokemon games, in the end my cousins didn't care for pokemon and gave us the games
When gold and silver came out, my brother and i begged my dad to buy us some gameboy colors and gold and silver, which we ended up getting for Christmas
For ruby and sapphire tho: this is my fondest memory of pokemon and the one of the reasons why hoenn is my favorite gen. my family had moved to a new apartment complex and my brother and i met some neighbors kids, it was 2 brothers and they called out to my brother and i after we had settled in, we hung out and i noticed they had both ruby and sapphire and we talked about pokemon, the younger brother was the one obsessed with pokemon and the bigger brother didnt really care.
When we talked about his game progress tho, he said he was stuck in the first town and couldnt figure out how to leave, and im like let me see if i can figure it out! it was my first time playing sapphire and when i saw the starter pokemon i gasped, and i saw that his starter that he picked: treeko, was already a lv 65 sceptile and he was basically running around the first town beating wild pokemon, i can only imagine how long he was doing this for because the exp from lv 3-4 wild pokemon give to a lv 65 sceptile was mediocre! I was shocked honestly but i figured out how to leave the town and get him going to the next area.
Thats when he came up with an idea, he asked if i had a gameboy advanced and i said yes, and he handed me his brothers ruby, he said his brother doesnt want to play so he wants to race me to see who can beat the game first after after a couple weeks of playing, i beat him and beat the champion first despite him having an almost lv100 sceptile by the end of the game lol in the end he let me keep the ruby, that challenge was alot of fun and i enjoyed my friendship with them, in the end i had to leave that apartment complex and my friend gave my brother his sapphire in exchange for some yugioh cards he wanted
I went on a long ass speech here but after all those years i still love pokemon, even if some of the recent games havent been good, i still enjoy them for what they were, and ill keep playing pokemon for as long as it keeps going
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lightningfury13 · 1 year
i promise this isnt meant as like an accusation or anything (just warning bc shits been so tense) how can you focus on the transphobia in harry potter and not the antisemitism? i would say the new game is far more neonazi propaganda than it is transphobic. id look into what jewish people are saying about it if you havent and let your husband know, too. i dont think you guys are nazis or evil or anything its just good to know what antisemitism looks like since bigots try so hard to make it acceptable
Sorry. I've never gotten an ask before I only just noticed this. Uh. I guess because I have a lot of trans friends the transphobia of JKR was highlighted for me. In the game itself however there are transcharacters and character creation was ambiguous. Which was unexpected but nice.
Watching him play and hearing the antigoblin(antisemitism) was jarring however. I had forgotten the canon perception of goblins as irredeemably evil one note creatures I guess. I've been in the HP fandom community with fanfics and headcanons where goblins are usually given respect and agency and history with fully fleshed out rounded characters and backstories and all of that. So in my HP headcanon goblins are people. Period. Over hearing the racist slant from characters in the game was shocking to me admittedly.
From a writing perspective I get it I guess. Someone has to be the bad guy in the video game and in most fantasy settings goblins are an easy villain to cast. But not in HP where fans have decided HP goblins were modeled after antisemitic stereotypes.
Which I hate btw. Like say you're a writer and you want to write a bad guy. The Bad guy is motivated by money for complex reasons that might not get revealed in the story but you the writer know why. Maybe he grew up poor. Maybe he wants to retire early. Maybe he desperately carves the security having enough money provides. Maybe he's trying to provide for some secret cause he doesn't want anyone to know about. Maybe he's fueling a secret addiction to expensive spa treatment. Whatever. Doesn't matter. While writing what he looked like you used a randomize and got swarthy skin and a big nose. In your, the writer's, head you were thinking hmm pirate? Later you publish your story and are shocked when people start calling you a Nazi because your villain is motivated by money, has swarthy skin and a big nose. Three things you hadn't connected at all. Religion hadn't occurred to you when it came to this character and this is a fantasy setting so hereditary Judaism wouldn't come in to it. Suddenly you've been labeled a Nazi. You might even BE Jewish. How bizarre.
Do you think Jewish actors get denied villainous parts because the casting directors don't want to be accused of antisemitic? And that's not fair to the Jewish actors and so by definition is antisemitic. It's insane.
As for what actual Jewish people said about the game people are divided.
One quote is such: the U.K.’s Campaign Against Antisemitism said in a statement that “the portrayal of the goblins in the Harry Potter series is of a piece with their portrayal in Western literature as a whole” and “is a testament more to centuries of Christendom’s antisemitism than it is to malice by contemporary artists. So it is with JK Rowling, who has proven herself over recent years to be a tireless defender of the Jewish community.”
This comes from this article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
I recommend the full article for a more complete viewpoint from a Jewish news source.
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weekendswithnewtmas · 2 years
having a really rough time
Everything is going wrong and so shitty right now.
My job sucks. Life is a major struggle.
I've been with this company for ten years and i am extremely underpaid and underappreciated. I keep getting passed over for promotions or being able to grow, and the favoritism is absolutely ridiculous. I was overshadowed by this absolute bully who until recently worked there. And i think because i worked mornings with her, they've grouped me into the same, which i am absolutely not.  I’m stressing to even make rent. Ive tried applying for other jobs but for some reason i cant get one. I am a hard worker. I’m a visual learner so once i know what im doing im pretty damn good at it.
The air conditioning went out in my car its gonna be MINIMUM of 1500 to fix, so more like 2000 or more. I need new tires for my car which are gonna be 800. Someone hit and run my car, so my back right bumper has a giant gash/hole and my back right tail light is broken.
Ive gotten sick twice in the past two and a half weeks, so something is wrong with my body. I dont have health insurance because there was some technical error i never got any notifications about it so they cancelled it and wont let me get it again. Its literally the stupidest shit. So I cant afford to go to a doctor either.
if yall have any recommendations of some type of good jobs i could maybe check out it would be appreciated. Also any and all good vibes sent my way would also be appreciated.
I know i havent posted anything personal on here in a while, so im not sure who still is here, mutual follower or not. But to those of you who are here, all of you, i appreciate you all. I hope you’re all doing well.
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renaisaibaam · 3 years
good nights sleep.
xiao x female reader
CONSENSUAL somnophilia
shy xiao sobs
im writing this drunk help
plot who? just smut
xiao didn't think his first time would end up like this.
hell, this shouldn't even have happened in the first place if it were not to his carnal desires that overtook his body like it was forced to be put on autopilot.
his hips shudder as he continues to pound into your dripping cunt that he's holding up with his hands that were digging into the skin of your own hips, your sleeping, clueless form only making his blood rush to his cock even more than how much that was already in it.
just what exactly happened?
you had already told him about what you were into, and one of them was something he never thought existed until now. being devoured while sleeping.. just how in the hell was he going to act on that? you constantly reassured him that if he ever wanted to that it was fine, but he didn't really remember it. hell, he didn't even take you yet. there is no need to rush, he tells you and himself.
he taps his foot on the floor and looks up, arms crossed as he patiently waited for your arrival. you had informed him that you were going to a party in mondstadt, and that you'd be home late, so here he was, in the couch inside of your teapot's house, the room quiet until he hears the click of the door opening.
"im home.." you called out from the doorway, setting down your shoes on the entrance. xiao peeks from his position, and stands up to walk over to you, giving a kiss on your forehead, an action he has grown accustomed to when you two had started dating.
"how was it?" he asks, coming back down on the couch. you whine and set yourself on his lap, taking off your coat and letting it fall to the floor as you spoke.
"it was so tiring! i'm not having it anymore, thank god venti didn't make me drink or i'd have come home a drunk mess." you pouted and rest your chin on his shoulder, lazily wrapping your arms around him as you closed your eyes.
"well, i'm glad he didn't, otherwise i'd have to take care of you." he laughs and gives your hair a gentle pat, kissing the side of it softly. he notices your breathing getting slower, and you getting slightly heavier, to which he speaks up on.
"are you falling asleep?"
"no i'm not." despite the immediate retort, your tone is quiet and quite obviously drowsy, your body not even moving from how sore you were from walking all day.
"if you're going to sleep, go wash up and change. let's head to bed together." he speaks, lifting you up and taking you to the second floor where your shared room is. he kicks the door, and gently sets you down on the bed, staring down at your figure.
"can you wipe me down and change me? i'm too tired." you yawn and snuggle up into one of the nearby pillows, the adeptus growling at your behaviour.
"come on, don't be lazy now." he tries to nudge you off, but before he knew it, you were now snoring, a sign you were fully asleep and that there was no way to wake you up. xiao sighs in annoyance, but pulls you by your ankles closer to him, starting to take off your clothes despite his earlier protests.
he has seen you naked countless times considering you and him take baths together, but he didn't think about it much. he goes to the bathroom to grab a wet towel, and comes back to wipe you down with it, starting with your arms.
now this is where he starts to have his thoughts.
he never thought about it, but your skin was smooth and soft to the touch. he didn't get to touch it like this. the towel moves down to your neck, making sure to be gentle so he doesn't accidentally choke you. he stares at the skin of your throat, the pretty skin that he wants to mark and leave patches of red, blue, and purples.
he gulps, and trails it down to your torso, trying to shake away the thoughts and continue to wipe you down. when the cold cloth hits your breast, you jolt up and let out a quiet moan, xiao getting a shock from your responsiveness. he was about to stop, assuming you were awake, but when he looks up to see you still asleep, the blood starts to rush to his cock.
what the hell? why did you look like that? is this what you meant by liking this somnophilia you spoke about to him?
he swallows, a rather thick sounding one, and lifts up your leg, wiping down on your inner thigh so he can finally finishing things. his face is red just thinking about it, and his pants are getting tighter by each second. but he comes through, and spreads your legs to properly wipe your crotch, hesitant. he brings the cold cloth down, and when it comes in contact with you, your hips jolt, and this is when all his reason is thrown out the window.
next thing he knows, your legs are up on his shoulders, and your cunt is on his mouth, his tongue feverishly tasting you without any hesitation.
though he was eating you out rather sloppily, it was a surprise that you managed to stay asleep and let your body do the reacting. you were practically dripping on his mouth, and he loved the taste of you. one of his hands holding you up moves to thumb on your clit, the palm of his hand pressing down on your abdomen. though you were asleep and showed barely any reactions, the new sensation from his hand making you let out a whimper and have your hips buck into his mouth.
xiao growls, and lets go of your pussy, letting your hips back down on the mattress. he lets your legs rest on his hips as he starts to unbuckle his pants that had been tight for quite some time now, and feeling his cock be released from the restricting fabric has him sigh in relief, scooting in closer to rub the underside of his cock in your dripping folds.
it's now that he realizes that archons, he's about to take you. in your sleep. your first time with him. but with how far he's gotten, how can he back out?
he lines his tip into your throbbing hole that has been stretched with his tongue, and slowly pushes in, the tightness making him grunt. he looks up at your face to see if you're reacting, and when he sees nothing but a flushed but sleeping face, he pushes himself all in without thinking.
although it was his action, the heat enveloping his cock causes a shock on his body, and if it weren't for his amazing restraint, he would have shot his load inside you then and there. archons, it felt so good. his breathing is heavy, and he looks up, wondering if you had waken up from the sudden penetration.
but you didn't. you were fast asleep, and your sleeping face edged him on to continue.
and so this brings us back to where we started.
his hands lift your hips up to be able to slam his hips into you easily, growling at the new found pleasure he was experiencing. "god, taking her like this in her sleep.." he mumbles to himself as he pounds into your dripping cunt, his nails digging at your flesh. drops of sweat were dropping into your stomach from his forehead, and his breathing was ragged. god, you felt so good around his cock. he knew an addiction to your pussy was forming from this.
he feels his high coming, and his hips move into you in a rushed pace, rutting into you as he finally cums and shoots his load inside you without thinking.
'god, god god god..' he thinks as he slumps down while still being inside you, taking a moment to catch his breath. he was spent and beat. he leans back up, and looks at your cunt thats stuffed with his cock, the sight of it making him shudder. god, so pretty.
he thinks of pulling out, but seeing you makes him think 'to hell with that!' and lifts you up so you sit on his lap, thrusting his hips up into you and continuing ravishing you. the sounds of his cum inside you make the lewdest noises, but it only arouses him further and makes his impact rougher, his arms keeping you up by letting you lean on him.
xiao didn't know how much he played around with your body, but he made sure to clean you up and dress you after he was done. the morning light hits his face and when he opens his eyes, he sees you up and running, looking rather fresh as you spoke in a jolly tone.
"good morning, xiao! god, i havent slept that good in ages!"
he stares at you, and the memory of last night comes rushing in, and his cheeks turn pink, turning even darker when you turn around and make him see his cum dripping out of you through the short shorts he put on you.
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thelovelylolly · 3 years
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Summary : You were the perfect padawan and jedi knight. You had everything in line and under control, which may or may not have caused you to catch Obi-Wan Kenobi’s eye.
Warnings : None :) the only thing is the reader is depicted with having longer hair, or long enough hair to pull into a bun. (also not proofread bc im lazy)
Notes : instead of us simping, how about he simps for us? am i right guys? also the start isn’t my favorite and a lil weak. also pt 2, sorry i’ve been dead for over a month now, i havent had motivation to write that much and school is ending which meant testing :) hopefully ill get my motivation back so i can pump out more fics
Ever since you were a youngling and padawan, your master and other jedi praised you for being the perfect example of a new jedi. You got all the training forms down quickly, you were in control of your force abilities and you were always on time to everything.
It wasn’t even hard for you to do so, it was just natural for you. So that’s what stood out Obi-Wan Kenobi the most. You and him had classes together, bunked near each other and advanced around the same pace. You two were knighted around the same time as well.  
You even helped Obi-Wan out when his padawan, Anakin, caused him stress and trouble. Especially during the Clone Wars. You were a very put together general and your clone squadron was highly renowned, so you were ready to go help 501st and, if needed, the 212th. In Obi-Wan’s eyes, you were perfect 
Now, here you two were, working together again. You were on Obi-Wan’s star destroyer and the two of you, along with both of your clone squadrons, were tasked to go check in on a planet. The Republic had gotten reports of Separatist forces trying to turn the planet against the Republic. You and Obi-Wan were standing around a hologram of the planet with points highlighted where there were attacks.
“I saw we spread our forces out in order to reach all those areas quicker,” Obi-Wan commented, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
You put your hands on your hips. “I agree with General Kenobi. Cody, go tell the men our plan. Once we get on planet, we’ll split into groups then and spread out,” you replied.
Cody saluted you and left, leaving you and Obi-Wan alone. Your gaze fell on Obi-Wan, who was avoiding it. “General Kenobi,” you said, breaking the silence.
His head flicked towards yours, a little bit of blush forming on his cheeks. “Yes General L/N?”
“I’ve been sensing your emotions shifting a lot lately, is everything alright?” You asked, your head titling to the side ever so slightly. Your question made Obi-Wan’s blush increase. 
“Uh,” he paused to clear his throat and think of a excuse, “it’s nothing, just some stress with Anakin is all.”
You hummed as a reply and nodded. “Well, we should go get to the transport ships.”
The trip to planet was easy and so was splitting up. Your men, along with the 212th, were assigned a area of the planet to patrol. Once everything was evenly divided, there was still a little bit of land to cover. It was a flat plain of tall grass with a few tall mountain formations in it. You and Obi-Wan both volunteered to cover it with land speeders.
A transport ship dropped you and Obi-Wan off with two land speeders, once again leaving you two alone. You two prepped your bikes and small amount of supplies you had. The sun was close to setting on the planet and you two planned on only taking a few hours. You pulled your hair into a neat bun so it wouldn’t become a mess from riding your speeder. Obi-Wan watched you and how the late day sunlight made you look as if you were a golden goddess.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, snapping him out of his thoughts as you mounted your speeder.
“Oh, yes,” he quickly replied, following your actions. The two of you set off towards the setting sun, scanners ready and eyes peeled for any separatist action.
A little while into your patrol, you were getting tired of being quiet. Twilight was setting in at that point. “Do you wanna talk about your stress with Anakin? I know you mentioned it earlier and it seems intense, at least from what I can sense,” you said louder than usual, since you were speeding through tall grass.
“Well, um,” Obi-Wan paused to think of a excuse again, “I think him and his padawan are pulling risky moves in their missions.”
“Don’t they complete their missions successfully?”
Obi-Wan mentally slapped himself. Anakin and Ahsoka were very successful their missions, of course you’ve heard about them. “Uh, yeah, well-”
“Bandits, coming our way on speeders,” you said, switching the gears on your speeder so you could speed away. You turned right and Obi-Wan followed you. After a few moments, you two saw the bandits still on your tail. “We have to shake them!”
“Let’s split up! I see four, we can each take two,” Obi-Wan replied. You nodded and turned right again while Obi-Wan turned left.
You were doing fine until you looked behind you and saw one of the two bandits following had their blaster rifle out and aiming at your speeder. You gasped as they shot. You jumped right as your speeder exploded. Luckily there was tall grass beside you so you weren’t that hurt from the fall. You had to act dead though, you sensed the bandits coming to check that you were.
Obi-Wan heard an explosion behind him and looked, seeing your speeder blow up. His eyes widened as he thought he worse. He quickly made a sharp turn with his speeder and turned around, causing the two bandits following him to crash into each other in confusion. 
Obi-Wan sped over to where you were, seeing the two other bandits speeding over to him. He jumped off his speeder and grabbed his lightsaber, activating it. As the two speeders were barreling towards him, Obi-Wan simply inhaled and exhaled. Then raced towards them, slicing through both of them. The bandits jumped off their destroyed speeders and hopped onto Obi-Wan’s, stealing it and riding off. Obi-Wan stood their for a moment before deactivating his lightsaber and running to find you. 
You sat yourself up and rubbed your head. Obi-Wan quickly made his way over to you and crouched beside you. “Did they take your speeder?” You asked.
“Yes, come on. I think I see a cave not to far from here. We can stay there for the night and you can contact Cody. My comm link was on my speeder,” Obi-Wan answered, helping you up. Your hair was messy now from the fight and your clothes were dirty from falling on the ground.
“My comm link is a little bit busted, but I think the tracker still works on it. We can activate that once we’re safe,” you replied, following Obi-Wan as he lead you to the cave that he had seen.
Obi-Wan was able to make a fire while you tried to fix your comm link’s tracker. You two sat in silence, the fire crackling every once in a while. Obi-Wan watched as you worked, so focused on what you were doing. Some of your hair had fallen out of it’s bun, framing your face. Obi-Wan smiled to himself.
“There, I think I fixed it,” you said, breaking Obi-Wan out of his trance. You pressed a button and moved over to the opening of the cave. “It may take a while to reach the ship since the signal isn’t that strong. I think setting it over here will give it a better chance to reach.”
You sighed and leaned your head against the cave wall, a wave of tiredness washing over you. 
“If you want, you can get some rest. I’ll take first watch,” Obi-Wan said, moving over to where you were so he could see outside. You smiled as a thank you then closed your eyes. 
You were making it harder for Obi-Wan to ignore his feelings for you. Attachments were forbidden by the jedi. With you being the perfect jedi, he didn’t want to be the reason you messed up. No matter how much a struggle it was for him.
Only a little bit in his watch, he felt something heavy fall on his shoulder. He looked over and saw your head there as quiet snores escaped your mouth. Obi-Wan smiled then went back to watching outside. Though, it wouldn’t be long until he got tired and leaned his against yours as he fell asleep.
The morning light shined through the cave entrance and woke you and Obi-Wan up. Your fire had died out a while ago, only the ashes and burnt ground left behind. Your comm link was right where you left it. You got up tiredly and picked it up to check on it. 
Obi-Wan stretched a little while you looked around outside. Moments later, you went back into the cave. “There’s a transport ship landing right now,” you said, taking Obi-Wan’s hand and leading him out.
He felt his face heat up at your touch. You didn’t let go of his hand as you two watched the transport ship land in the field below. “Obi-Wan, one last thing,” you started to say.
“What is it?” Obi-Wan replied.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek before letting go of his hand and making your way down to the transport ship. Obi-Wan smiled and touched where you kissed on his cheek. He watched as you met up with Cody in the field and started to explain what happened on your patrol together. Obi-Wan sighed happily before making his way down to you. You were so perfect to him.
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taki118 · 4 years
Cause of the BBC Sherlock stuff I've been seeing I'd like remind people of Elementary
This may poke the proverbial fandom bear but I don't care this show deserved so much more love than it got.
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This series is Seven season of quality detective content. Each epsiode delievers on a cool mystery with a statisfying conculsion, and overarching plots arcoss multiple episodes that again give good payoff. Look I'm a person who never really cares about spoilers BUT season one's twist is so perfectly executed that I can never bare talking about it until someone has experinced it already. Like im serious its so good.
Now detractors LOVE to point out two things
1: It takes place in New York they just had to americanise it
2: why is Watson a woman? Ugh they just want to sexualize her and take the gay away
So for 1 I get the frustration it was proabably a legal/financial thing that made them go with New York. But the writers 100% use this to their advantage. utilizing the setting as a sort of metaphor for Serlock as a person particulary in season 1 & 2. He's been thrusted into New York this is not his home and he sees it as simply a new place and a fresh start. But come season 2 when he does return to London he finds it different and no longer feels at ease there. He has grown he has changed and so has the world around him. I think the writers made the best out of the situation.
2: Yyyeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhh no
like i get WHY people assume the reason to make John Watson Joan Watson was purely to hook the characters up, like i was suspicious too when I first saw the trailers cause damn the person in charge of that did a shit job. But so theres a reason why its Joan Watson and not John Watson. In behind the scenes stuff they straight up said that in doing research they notice Sherlock is a bit of a misogynist as he regards women rather lower having just a few exceptions to  his rule that woman are silly creatures controlled by emotions. SO the writers and producers thought “Well what if his work partner IS a woman?’ and like thats actually a good idea to shake up the Holmes/Watson dynamic. 
But also in all 7 seasons not once do Joan and Sherlock hook up. 
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Like Joan and Sherlock are family to each other yes earlier seasons is mostly Joan taking care and helping Sherlock but as time goes on they are far more equal. They have this great bond that’s just built on mutual trust and care and gives off the pair of siblings at times. (my favorite running gag is Sherlock finding new and creative ways to wake Watson up)
And can I say that Joan and Sherlock arent the only ones to say “I love you” in a platonic sense in this show? CAUSE THEY ARENT
This show just like shoves it in your face that strong platonic relationships are not only valid but something to be cherished and cared for just as much as romantic ones. That just being someone’s friend and being there for them when times are tough is enough and admirable. And im sorry but that shit gets me every time. 
Also also Joan Watson has her own arc of finding what it is she wants in this world along Sherlocks own arc. And its not finding a man and having a child, its finding what work she likes to do and balancing it with her personal life. 
And thats not even getting into the positive and well done addict recovery rep. Like they took the offhanded line that Sherlock uses opitates in the novels and said “Hey how would they effect a man like this?” Like they give such a good showcase on how really anyone can fall to addiction and just how hard it is to recover. It’s a long road and the show never lets you forgot that Sherlock could fall back and that he is not better than any other addict, that if it werent for the support network he has built the fall would be far worse.
Like god I havent even gotten into how this is the most emotionally vulnerable Sherlock and thats not treated as a negative like the show straight up says when he goes cold logic mode he’s worse as a person AND as a detective.
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How they show the police force they work with to be just as important  as their work. 
Trans Ms. Hudson played by a trans woman, while shes not in a lot of eps she’s never made a joke of and treated as a desirable.
Autisitc person as a love interest who was not treated as a child. 
Joan wasnt the ONLY person who was adapted as a different gender. 
Going into the messiness of mental health and how hard finding care for it can be. 
The hackers who are hilarious
Sherlock and Joans network of specialists who have knowledge they dont
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Like just watch it its worth your time and will never make fun of you for engaging with the work. 
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
it was all yellow
request from nonnie!!! “hi love, wanted to throw out this request before camping ;u; only if you're up for it, for either of the twins: i'd love something fluffy inspired by one of my favorite text posts on this site: she guessed my favorite color first try.. but between me and u.. i didnt even have a favorite color until she yelled out yellow! she was hella excited n smiling like a little kid, so i told her she was right and i havent seen yellow the same since, its in everything. i could probably live in it now. 🌻”
pairing: fred x hufflepuff!reader
word count: 3k
A/N: love me a good cheeky fred. also this prompt was FUCKING adorable and i did try to incorporate the actual quote into my writing but some of it didn’t flow.. so i hope it’s still as good as you’d imagined?? also def listened to coldplay’s “yellow” whilst writing this x
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @cottageoflove @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic | message me to be added, loves!
“Mr. Weasley!”
Umbridge’s voice is shrill, and it immediately pulls Fred out of his daydream-like state, but not quickly enough for him to turn his attention toward his professor and avoid making incredibly embarrassing eye contact with you. The entire class, much to his dismay, turns to glance at him -- you included. It’s unlike him to feel so insecure, so embarrassed, but alas -- here he is.
“Yes, Professor?”
“Is there a reason,” Umbridge hisses, the edges of her lips curling into a rather evil smirk, “that you’ve chosen to completely ignore me during the lesson?”
Fred considers this for a moment. He could take this opportunity to explain to his professor that yes, now that you mention is, there is a reason. A huge reason. He could then proceed to tell you about all of the overwhelming feelings that have seemed to take over him the last few weeks. It could be a grand gesture, couldn’t it? Scooping you up into his arms, sliding a hand around the back of your neck, telling you just exactly what keeps him up at night -- that adorable smile of yours, and the pineapple scent in your hair. It’d be all the castle would be able to talk about, wouldn’t it? Plus, to be able to ignore Umbridge even more and do something so utterly abysmal in the middle of her lesson and have the rest of the students cheer him on, well -- it’s something Fred’s always dreamt of.
“I’d love to see the look on Umbridge’s face if I ever chose to cause mayhem in the middle of one of her lessons,”
“Easy there, Freddie. Don’t want to go getting any more detentions, do we?”
“Darling, mischief is my middle name. I need to prank. My life depends on it.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, isn’t it? Just trying to look out for you, is all.”
“You’ve really got that Hufflepuff stereotype of ‘loyal’ down -- you know that, right?”
He supposes, when he thinks about it now, that you were right. You’re always right. He reckons it wouldn’t be such a good thing to cause such an uproar, especially since Umbridge is nearly always on his tail, and is one step closer to knocking Dumbledore out of his post as Headmaster. Fred doesn’t want to give her any more of an edge, does he?
Next to him, George brings Fred back, yet again, from another daydream with a quick kick to his knee. He grips the desk tightly and hopes that his face isn’t flushing bright red. Umbridge’s smirk grows even deeper, and Fred, ignoring his instincts to grab you and run out of the lesson right this instant, merely clears his throat. “No. There isn’t.”
“Good,” Umbridge hisses again, turning her attention back toward the board. “Now, to continue..” Fred relaxes a bit and slumps in his seat, feeling rather grumpy, but his spirits lift almost immediately, and his insides seemingly twist into a tight knot when you send him a soft smile from across the room.
-- -
Fred is shaken awake, only to be face to face with a very cheeky looking George, who then proceeds to throw a notebook straight into Fred’s cheek.
“Oi!” Fred shouts, coming to, bringing his hand to his jaw. “What the bloody hell was that for?”
“You do realize it’s the middle of the day and you’ve fallen asleep directly in the middle of the courtyard, yes?”
Fred kicks the younger twin with his foot, and George and Lee begin to laugh. Fred had been having quite a lovely sleep, thank you very much, and is now annoyed that his brother and friend had chosen to wake him. As he sits up from the bench, adjusting his loose tie and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Lee offers, “You talk a hell of a lot in your sleep, mate.”
Much to his horror, Fred freezes. This whole talking-in-his-sleep thing is relatively new -- he’d never, ever done that before. It seemed to have happened to him a couple of weeks ago, when he began repeating the days’ events -- ones that included you -- over and over in his mind before falling into a peaceful, and rather deep, slumber. It seemed to have happened when he started to look at you in a new light.
“And what exactly was I saying?” Fred asks, trying to shrug off his nervousness.
George and Lee both suppress a laugh and share a cheeky exchange, and Fred feels his heart leap into his throat. “Oh, you know.. mumbling on about lessons, and things. Bits of parchment you need to finish. Normal musings.”
Fred sighs rather dramatically before relaxing again. He hates this whole being-on-edge thing that comes with having a massive, over-the-top crush on you. “Oh,” George continues, his grin only growing larger, “and something about Y/N being the colour of sunshine, or something?”
As Fred’s eyes widen with embarrassment, George and Lee’s laughter only seems to grow louder and it echoes across the courtyard. This grabs your attention from across the way, and you smirk at Fred. You seem to be working on a bit of homework -- you’re leant against a large tree with your bag and robe next to you on the ground. Your hair is pulled back and you’ve got the end of your quill in your mouth, as if you had been pondering something right before you met Fred’s gaze.
“Thank Merlin she wasn’t over here, or you would’ve scared the poor girl away,” Lee says in a mocking sort of voice, which only seems to intensify Fred’s nerves.
Fred can’t help but fall into a bit of laughter with his friends too, even though the mere fact that he’d been talking in his sleep, about you, in the middle of the courtyard, makes his entire body hurt. ‘Thank Merlin’ is right.
-- -
The colour of sunshine. Ugh. How could he have been so painfully cheesy? Fred thinks about this all day long -- through every lesson, through every stroll down the corridors, through every bite of the evening feast. He can’t simply believe he’s said this out loud, even though it’s true. The truest words that have ever come out of his mouth, even. You are the colour of sunshine.
Simply bright and beamingly so -- the most beautiful of yellows.
You, he reckons, are pure warmth -- enough to soothe him on even the coldest of days.
“You know,” your voice, now closer than it seems, makes Fred jump and snap out of his own thoughts, much to George’s amusement, “this whole not-being-able-to-eat-with-your-mates-from-other-houses thing is simply stupid.”
“Why don’t you go and give Umbridge a piece of your mind, eh?” George asks you.
Your grin deepens, but you shake your head and begin to shovel dessert onto your plate. “It’s her own fault if she doesn’t notice a Hufflepuff amongst a group of Gryffindors. She’s supposed to be the Hogwarts High Inquisitor,” you say a bit stuffily, as if to imitate the woman in question, “is she not?”
“Brilliant,” Fred replies as he finds his voice. “An uncanny impersonation.”
You flip your hair over your shoulder and Fred notices a dimple appear on your cheek. He finds himself lost in your eyes as you peer at him softly over the top of your teacup, which you’ve brought slowly to your lips.
Fred’s happy to hear when you bring his all time favorite thing about the magical world into conversation and does his very best to hide his ever-obvious feelings. “Rumor has it McGonagall and Dumbledore have been pleading with Umbridge to let Gryffindor play Quidditch this year,” you tell the twins.
They peer at you with confusion. “What?” they ask together. Fred continues, “Why? What’s she going to do -- ban all teams except Slytherin? Then they’ve got nobody to verse,” he lets a laugh escape his lips.
George huffs a bit before sipping his tea. “She’s such a bloody idiot. No, I will say it louder, Ron,” George shoots his younger brother a look as Ron closes in on himself a bit, “she’s a power-hungry, egotistical toad who has no business running a bloody school.”
“The truest statement,” you point at him and then bite into your cauldron cake, “but no worry -- she’s apparently agreed to the whole Quidditch thing. Now you two’ve just got to smack the bludgers straight at Crabbe and Goyle’s heads. They’re certainly large enough -- should be easy targets.”
Fred cannot help the enormous laugh that escapes him due to your joke; in fact, he’s sort of surprised it’s only gotten the attention of half of the Great Hall, because it seems to have echoed throughout the entirety of the large room, reverberating off of the walls. Unfortunately, though, Umbridge notices and makes a beeline right toward the Gryffindor table. You turn to Fred and George, shrug your shoulders a bit and proceed to roll your eyes at the very pompous “hem-hem” that is too disturbingly sweet and high-pitched in your ears. “Miss Y/L/N,” she says in her most mocking tone of voice, “please correct me if I am mistaken but I’ve assumed by the yellow color on your robes that you are a Hufflepuff and not, in fact, a Gryffindor, as you’ve so decidedly claimed yourself.”
You turn toward her, a very large grin painted across your face, and simply reply, “No need for corrections here, ma’am.”
“Good,” Umbridge says curtly before turning on her heel. “Best return to your house table, then, before we slip you lot into detention, yes? I do hope it was worth the embarrassment, Miss.”
Embarrassment? Please. You stand up from your seat and chug the rest of your tea and pop the rest of your cauldron cake back into your mouth. You lean against the table, reaching across to the other end to grab yourself another pastry, and get as close to Fred as you possibly can. He notices a bit of a twinkle in your eye, something that’s suddenly driving him absolutely mad, when you say to him and only him, “Definitely worth it.”
A very cozy feeling sweeps itself through Fred’s bones.
-- -
The Gryffindors are lucky to have such two stealthy beaters on their team, because Fred and George know the ins and outs of the castle like nobody else. This comes in handy after a playful, late night match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, when the twins are able to sneak the entire Hufflepuff team, and even a few spectators, into the Gryffindor Common Room.
And as if he isn’t excited enough already at the pure theatrics of this entire thing, Fred finds himself smiling even more so at the sight of you, nestled in a corner with a few others, a Butterbeer clutched tightly in your hands, your cheeks rosy and flushed.
He’s reminded of a few weeks ago when he snuck into the Hufflepuff Common Room with you -- very late at night --
“Don’t you trust me?” you’d asked, taking his hand in yours.
His heart had skipped a few beats, if he was being honest.
“Merlin, it’s bright in here!” Fred had exclaimed when you’d both entered. The inviting colours had swirled around him. “How you people get any work done is beyond me. I’d never be able to focus --”
You’d laughed and shoved him. “Fred, you can’t focus, regardless.”
He’d just shrugged and sat down next to you near the fire. The entire room was empty except for the two of you. “I’ll give you that one. It’s just -- it’s so much different from our common room.”
“Well, it’s bright yellow. Plus, it feeds to all of the ‘Puffs' personalities. What did you expect, silly?”
He’d smiled at you, nestling himself comfortably against the edge of the couch. I haven’t seen yellow the same since, he’d wanted to tell you, especially because of the golden colour of your hair. “Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, I’ve got to say -- I’m rather fond of it, actually.”
His heart had nearly constricted at the feeling of you placing your head onto his shoulder. He’d been happy you couldn’t see the shock rising on his face in that of a crimson red colour, since you’d been so focused on staring into the flames. He’d suddenly felt warm -- incredibly warm. He’d willed himself to believe it was the fire, and not the feeling of your soft hair brushing against his neck. “Oh yeah? Yellow your favourite colour, and all?”
I could get lost in it, actually. Fred had to force himself to swallow over his own nerves a few times before he’d been able to say, “You could say that.”
Now, in the Gryffindor Common Room, he darts past a very confused looking Neville and plops himself down next to you, completely ignoring the fact that he’s interrupting your conversation with the others. “Hey,”
“Well hi,” you say, turning your attention toward him. He can smell the pineapple scent of your shampoo and is nearly sent into a dizzying overdrive, but he does his best to focus on the feeling of the cold glass in his fingers. “Great match.”
“Even if we did beat you guys?”
“Yeah,” you reply tersely, “Hufflepuff’s saving their strength for your actual match so they can kick your arses.”
Fred laughs haughtily and scoots a little closer to you on the steps as the others around you both disperse and head off in their respective directions. He can hear the steady pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears and decides to take a leap of faith. “Maybe. Although I will say -- you’ve got to be more careful with your leering, love.”
“Pretty sure you didn’t take your eyes off of me the entire time. You were full-on staring.”
Fred notices the pink on your cheeks seemingly deepen a bit, but you don’t let on to any embarrassment. He grins at you. “Perhaps I was. And if you’ve noticed, it means you were watching me back,”
His smile only grows at your mock voice. He replies with the same tone, “Perhaps I was.”
“You can’t do that during an actual match though, sir,” you tell him, bringing your goblet to your lips and sipping significantly, “otherwise you’re going to be distracted and I reckon you’ll be hit with a bludger, don’t you?”
Fred twirls his goblet in his hands, desperately trying to read your face and your tone. He’s having a hard time deciphering. “You do make a good point.”
“Besides,” you continue, a small smirk making the edges of your lips curl, “we can’t have you getting distracted. Although, I understand how difficult it can be -- considering I’m the colour of sunshine, and all.”
It takes a moment and a laugh before Fred’s registered what you’ve said, and you glance back down at your goblet, giggling into it a bit, and he shakes his head before turning to look at George and Lee, who seemingly have been watching you two this entire time, because they immediately glance away and immerse themselves in conversation with others around them.
“And we know how brilliantly blinding sunshine can be, don’t we, Fred?”
Someone’s playing very loud music and Fred wonders how Umbridge hasn’t caught you all yet. Or perhaps, he thinks, maybe the booming just sounds louder in his own ears.
“Almost as blinding as love, d’you reckon?”
Fred feels that warm, homely feeling take him over yet again -- but this time, he knows it’s not from the butterbeer, or the raging fire. He doesn’t even try to pretend. It’s all from you.
“Yeah, yeah -- tease all you want,” he says as confidence engulfs him. He reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
You place your goblet down on the step next to you. “I wasn’t teasing,” you say very matter of factly, “so much as I was trying to get you to kiss me, actually.”
He purses his mouth into a very smug smirk and watches as your eyes dart down to his lips, and you bite down on your own. He leans in, the rest of the music and chatter surrounding you both seemingly drowned out by the steady pounding of his own heart, when --
“Oi, Freddie! C’mere, mate!”
Clearly Ron’s incapable of seeing that we’re in the middle of something, Fred wants to tell you. Instead, he pulls away slightly and whispers to you. “Want to sneak up to the Astronomy tower?”
“So late at night? How very scandalous of you.”
“Well it’s why you fancy me in the first place, isn’t it?”
He grabs your hand as you paint a very mischievous look on your face, and is about to stand up before you tug on the collar of his shirt with your free hand, pulling him back to you and pressing your lips to his in an electrified climax.
You try to part, but he pulls you closer to him and slides his hand down your leg. A soft moan emits your lips, and Fred wonders if he’d be able to sneak a Hufflepuff girl up to his own dormitory this evening. “Sorry,” you reply, biting down on your lip again, sending him into a complete tizzy. You whisper cheekily, “Just couldn’t wait.”
He smirks at you, hoping his giddiness isn’t blatantly evident in his exuberance, and pulls you to your feet. “Actually..” you say, playing again with his collar, “instead of the Astronomy tower, how about we head to the Room of Requirement?”
“No? Don’t want to look up at the stars, be all mushy, fall asleep in my arms?”
You actually snort through your laughter, rolling your eyes at him. “Yes, yes, of course I do, you sap. But I reckon we should save that for an actual date. Right now, I’d kind of just like to snog you for a few hours, if you don’t mind.”
He shakes his head at you with admiration. “What has gotten into you?”
Another hair flip from you sends warmth through Fred’s veins. “C’mon, Weasley,” you say, tugging his hand, the yellow fire reflecting in the light of your eyes, “don’t you trust me?”
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How Aaron could’ve been a good character and why he wasn’t
I’ve been annoyed at this for a good long while and i’ve finally gotten around to talk about it so here we gooo
please note that, though i watched all of mcd s2 while it was coming out, i haven’t rewatched it all the way through (i’m a little less than halfway through s2) so bear with me
now, we can all agree that we didn’t really have a lot of beef with aaron in s1. was it annoying that aph was keeping secrets?  yes. did we actively enjoy the fact that this random edgelord showed up with all of this convenient information? sure. but did we actively dislike him? i don’t think so
im sure that some people did, but it was a far cry from the universal grudge that we as a fandom hold. the only question is, what changed?
the answer is pretty simple: he got annoying
there is no greater sin that a content creator can commit than to make a character tedious--especially a character that the fans are meant to root for. i once heard someone say that there is no such thing as a good character and a bad character, there are only interesting characters or boring characters
now, before the s1 finale, aaron wasn’t annoying because he made sense. we didn’t know a lot about his backstory, but we knew just enough to not have a lot of questions while also understanding why he as a character worked. he spied on zane, he got information, and he got away with it because, according to every government in existence, he was dead. he was doing it to avenge his village, which seemed to be his reason for doing most things.
 that was basically it, because that was all that we needed. he didn’t answer personal questions because that could reveal his identity, and he didn’t hang around phoenix drop proper because he knew that there was a spy in the village who might figure him out. all in all, he was a very logical character
what changed? his motivation
after the gang sealed zane in the irene dimension, may i ask WHAt the fuck was his reason for staying??? nothing! what was his reason for keeping his identity a secret? pretty much nothing! it made no sense!!
according to all of his characterization as a *~lone wolf~*, it would make the most sense for him to strike out on his own and do whatever the fuck, maybe occasionally popping back in to warn the main characters of some impending doom, maybe hold a giant fuckass sword to someone’s throat again, maybe find some other tyrant to destroy.
but he didn’t, and it made no sense
this was made exponentially worse because he was an ~edgy dark angsty boy with a sad past and a dead wife~ and because he seemed to be able to do no wrong. he rarely, if ever, communicated with the rest of the group, and he often just went out on his own--and yet, most people seemed to trust him unconditionally?? he always seems to show up at the right place and the right time with little to no explanation as to how, and no one ever questions it. sure, laurance and dante had some doubts and even spoke up once or twice, but laurance’s grievances are mostly due to being in love with aph, and literally no one else ever asked anything, despite not even knowing his fucking name
and, of course, everyone thinks that he’s super hot and aphmau falls in love with him and then he dies a tragic death in a moment of self-sacrifice that really wasn’t all that heroic because he left his wife and child behind
i mean, come on
THAT BEING SAID he had soooo muuch potentiaalllllll
during s1, his role in the story was the spy--and he was very good at it, because everyone thought that he was dead!! how are you gonna blame a dead man for anything without sounding crazy! no one knew his name or his face or anything--and they should’ve kept it that way because, surprise!! theyre still at war in s2. sure, it’s a different war, but it’s still! a fucking! war! and like 70% of war is ESPIONAGE and INFORMATION and STRATEGY, havent you ever heard the phrase KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE??? they literally had possibly the best spy that they knew of and instead of actually putting his skills to work he just dramatically leans on trees and sits in the shadows??? WHAT
he clearly had ways to get into high places, since he had somehow gotten his hands on the amulet in s1, and he used to be a lord so he would’ve known things about POLITICS and KINGDOM STUFF--i mean, we all know that aphmau knows jack shit about this world and how it works.
after they all get back to the overworld, he leaves the party. idc if it’s immediately after or if he waits a few days, but he leaves regardless. every once in awhile, we hear of him popping up in various places, and we run into him a few times. he informs the gang of what he’s heard, maybe tags along on some missions. he still shows up in random places the way that he does in canon, but since he’s not based it phoenix drop i think that it makes a bit more sense, and he occasionally pops back into phoenix drop whenever he’s in the area or needs time to rest and recharge, and stays an informant for aphmau & her crew. as things pick up, he slowly becomes a more commonly-seen member of aphmau’s inner circle. 
throughout this whole period, he finally starts to come to terms with the death of his wife & their village, and he slowly starts to share more with the group--nothing big, just details here and there--and he actually starts to develop *gasp* a personality. i’d like to imagine that he gets closer with laurance, dante, and katelyn instead of only ever talking to aphmau. i don’t think that he’s ever super talkative, but he starts to be a little less quiet & closed off. 
at this point, he’s either told them his name or (preferred) they all have a list of nicknames that they cycle through to address him. sooner or later he starts to help with the building of phoenix drop and the alliance, taking on duties that are more akin to his old role as lord. he either phases the espionage out of his schedule or ghostwrites all of the legislation, and falls more easily into his new roles
i don’t really care if he ever ends up with aphmau or not, but if he does then that also happens at some point or another, but i, at least, would no longer be angry at that outcome
However, this whole plot would require everyone in the story to take literally all of their roles in this literal government that they’re building seriously, and we all know that that’s never going to happen, but i can dream /s
Tl;dr, if aaron actually used his strengths and skills to be a useful member of this alliance instead of randomly showin up and dramatically hitting things with his giant fuckoff sword, he’d be so much more tolerable
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violets-arepurple · 3 years
Red Snow (How Tommy became a vampire)
It was a cold night and Techno really did not want to be out. Phil had insisted he leave the house for something other to feed, he said it was to make sure the townsfolk weren't suspicious of his presence and when put so practically Techno had no choice but to agree. And that's how he'd ended up in this situation everytime he visited town the kid, Tommy was how he introduced himself, would come and pester him no matter how late at night, no matter how cold. If it wasn't for the kids such obvious humanity Techno would have thought he was just like him. Today, or tonight rather, Tommy was talking about two records he'd found tossed away. "Dont you have parents or something you can pester." Techno hadn't ment to sound so harsh but he hadn't fed in a while and quite frankly Tommy was putting himself in danger just being in his presence. But judging by the unwavering happiness on the kids face he didn't seem too offended. "Of course not big man, they gave up on looking after me years ago." In all of Techno's efforts to play human he'd forgotten just how cruel mortals could be, the idea of casting out a child, even one as excitable as Tommy just didn't sit right with him maybe it was a left over scrap of humanity but he couldn't help feel sympathy for the kid or least that's what he told himself when he left suitable winter clothes in the alleyway Tommy had turned into a home. At this point Tommy had moved on to a different topic something about a cow he'd gotten attached to but Techno was more focused on the stranger eyeing them suspiciously from a pub down the street, for a human he'd be to far away to identify but as someone verifiably not human it wasn't much of a task but that was likely the reason he was being watched Techno thought to himself. Whilst the man himself posed little threat Techno was more worried about the fact that if he was discovered then Phil and Wilbur would also be discovered or at least under suspicion as they were the only ones Techno associated with, well aside for Tommy but the kid was so obviously human that not even a fool could think for a second he was anything but. By now it was late even on Techno's standards so he began to usher Tommy towards the little alley he called home decked out with a thick blanket he didn't need to know the origin of. With that taken care of Techno headed back to the manor in the woods. Another night without feeding he'd have to take care of that soon, find a way to distract Tommy long enough to get a quick meal without the kid ever knowing. A record player perhaps, Techno thought to himself, the kid was quite excited about those discs.
As winter carried on so did Techno's visits to the town no matter how much he insisted he was just checking out new pray Phil would always give him the same knowing look that would cause Wilbur to give a small chuckle at his insistence. It didn't matter that he happened to keep the kid company and it didn't matter that he made sure the kid had food and clothes he was just blending in with the town. So when Tommy didn't immediately run up to him to talk his ear off Techno was suspicious. He went to go investigate Tommy's alley and found it ruined with the records seemingly tossed on the ground clearly someone had attack Tommy but not taken anything of value, the town was also strangely empty. Techno quickly dispelled any notion of another of his kind being to blame, Techno or Wilbur would have sensed them and if they hadn't Phil certainly would have, the town was very clearly their territory and no creature was foolish enough to take on one of them let alone all three. As Techno pondered the situation he heard calls that struck icy fear into his still heart.
Techno knew that voice he'd recognise it anywhere, he got closer.
"So the little traitor wants our mercy?" The towns people were gathered in a circle with venom and spite making up it face. "You've sold us all out to that leech, and you expect our mercy! Don't make us laugh" The footprints in the snow where intermingled with blood, Tommy's blood. Tommy's cries grew louder at this point, Techno couldn't see what towns people where doing to Tommy but he knew their intent was to kill. "WHAT LEECH? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN" Tommy was full on sobbing at this point, his questions only made the people angrier. "WHAT LEECH? WHAT LEECH! THE ONE YOU WERE GOING TO ALLOW TO FEAST ON US, THE ONE YOU BETRAYED YOUR OWN KIND FOR!" Tommy could only gargle at this point, whilst this was happening Techno approached the crowd an icy quite fell over them only disturbed by Tommy's wimpers. Techno was furious how dare they hurt one of his own! How dare they take out their cowardice on him! And how dare they believe Tommy could do something like selling them out, he was a rare light among mortals and they intended to snuff him out. Techno lashed out he didn't know how many died and how many ran away, he didn't care. now it was just Tommy, Techno, and a growing red stain in the snow. And Techno was terrified Tommy was dying and he couldn't stop it, this child who had gone out his way to be kind, this child who was paying the price for a crime he hadn't committed was dying and he couldn't stop it, he didn't even know how to turn him. All Techno could do was gather the boy up in his arms and hold him, try to bring him comfort, make his last moments was kind as possible, kinder than the life the boy was given. Tommy's breathing was shallow all that could be heard was faint sobbing from Techno, blood staining his hands and shirt where he'd tried to help but he couldn't. Tommy was dying and it was his fault. Suddenly a presence was behind him something powerful, something familiar .
"Hey mate, I got a bad feeling so I came to check on-Oh god.."
When he'd sensed Techno's distress he though they'd been found out and would have to hide for a few centuries. He wasn't ready to find Techno sobbing over the near corpse of a child. He noticed the carnage around them.
"Techno, did you-" Techno's sobbing only got louder as he looked up at Phil.
"Dad, Dad please it's my fault, please he didn't know, it's not his fault, Dad please save him." Techno was begging, Tommy had to be saved he'd give up his own power if it meant he could live.
"Techno calm down what happened"
"Dad please just save him, I promise I won't be irresponsible again, please just help him."
Techno was hyperventilating at this point. It was almost painful for Phil to see the young man he thought of as a son reduced to this state.
"Son I'm not sure what I can do he's pretty far gone." Phil placed a hand on Technos shoulder, he couldn't help but stare at the boy cradled tightly in Technos arms.
"Turn him."
"Techno, I- "
"Phil please, I'll take care off him, anything please" Techno's voice was cracking and he was hiccuping every other word. Phil had no choice.
"Ok, pass him here mate" Techno whispered something in Tommy's ear as he passed him to Phil. Normally Phil would hesitate to turn a human but he had a feeling, that he'd only had twice before, this was the right decision.
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