#but there are not many of Barb out there
misc-obeyme · 3 months
Hey there! Just wanted to drop in and say that I actually got the ring of light (yellow gold coating) from U-treasure, and along with the stupidly high shipping prices I heard that World Shopping gives you along the process (assuming it’s true), the total will come to be about ~$150-165. The product itself was ~128 😭
That is to say that u-treasure is (prob) a menace for partnering with World Shopping for international shipping. I get that they’re using quality (ish?) materials but the shipping is. Interesting. (World Shipping is one that charges relatively more than others like Zen Market(?) or From Japan, I’ve heard)
And yes this is an incoherent ramble but I also wanted to say that Obey Me also came out with an 18k gold w/ melee diamond ring of light that I never knew existed until I randomly found that U-Treasure actually brought back the rings + Luci stand that goes with it for the month of February. Not sure if this means it’ll be back in upcoming years again? Devs I’m pretty sure said it was limited edition but hm…
Oh man I'm a bit jealous, ngl! I saw the Ring of Light and I was like listen... it'd be so cool to own that. But I just cannot justify spending that amount of money on merch like this. Especially since I already have a budget in place for the game itself.
Like I'm allowed to spend a certain amount on the game what with the vip and the occasional dp purchase and that's it. I've obtained some merch, mostly fan made stuff. And that's just extra stuff that I'm like okay I feel okay about buying these things because they make me happy.
If I had more disposable income, you can bet your ass I would have bought the Ring of Light just for the Cool Factor. But yeah it's expensive already due to the gold and stuff and then add those shipping costs and OOF.
But that's just me! I'm always excited for other people being able to get them! I hope it's every bit as cool as it looks online and that you've enjoyed having it despite the horrible shipping prices!
I know very little about shipping company options but my experience is that shipping is always stupid expensive. I guess they can go with whatever company gives them the best deal. It's not like you'd be able to shop around for a Ring of Light somewhere else with better shipping prices lol.
Sometimes limited edition stuff makes a comeback, so perhaps they'll bring it back for a bit! But sometimes it never does. I think it depends on how popular it was the first time around. Like if they think they can sell everything from a second run, they might do it!
Anyway, I hope everyone who has purchased a ring from U-Treasure has obtained a good product that makes them happy and reminds them of their favorite brother! Or uh in the case of the Ring of Light reminds them of Luci. Or just the game in general lol!
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ohposhers · 6 months
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shitpost drawpile with myself from last night cause these trolls are a disease in my brain
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notllorstel · 6 months
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binged the Trolls trilogy this week
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 87
Part 1 Part 86
Mom’s hovering in front of the door, a knife in her hand, trying to get the rest of them to get away from the window. It’s not working. If anything, Max’s nose only presses more firmly to the glass with every request she makes.
Will’s hovering just behind her, desperate to keep Steve and Eddie in his line of sight. He can just barely see the wisp of a curl through the side window of the van, bouncing as Eddie moves around inside.
He squints, trying to keep the hair in sight as the movement becomes more erratic.
Will hears glass breaking just as he loses sight of Eddie entirely, wisps and all.
He rushes past his Mom, using the weight of his body to open the door, even as she stands in the way. It’s almost involuntary, a compulsion to follow the thread that Eddie’d pulled him by.
“Will, don’t!” she cries, but it’s too late. He’s out, and through.
Mike calls after him, too, and there’s the sound of tennis shoes stampeding out of the house behind him. Will only hopes he’s not leading them all to their impending doom.
Bodies slump into the driveway, none of them human. They’re like if the Demogorgon had followed a different evolutionary chain. Dustin would find it fascinating. Will just wants Eddie and Steve back.
Wayne’s still standing sentry, looking out across the street, waiting for more monsters to creep in from the darkness, Barbara by his side.
Shielding the entrance to the van, is El.
“El!” It’s Mike, because it always is. He sounds so genuinely elated that something curdles and dies in his throat. He swallows it down, hopes it decomposes in his stomach, so he never has to look directly at it. “You came!”
El smiles, happily at Mike, then around to all of them. “Of course.” She looks over at Max, and she’s frowning now, that way she does when she doesn’t understand something. It used to happen all the time. Now, it’s rare.
Will doesn’t care, can’t when Eddie’s too quiet in the van somewhere Will can’t see. He pushes past her, too.
There’s a misshapen, monstrous foot sticking out of the broken window. He stares at it for a second before swinging the door open. It wrenches the foot strangely, makes it crack and tear with the resistance of the door before it breaks free, black blood flowing like the thing’s still alive. 
It stays still. 
Will looks past it, and finds Eddie’s pale face.  
There’s glass in his hair, and his palms are bleeding where they’re held in front of him, but he’s breathing. Alive. And he’s looking up at El like she’s answered all his prayers. Will and Eddie have been sharing the same prayers from the same broken pews for so long that for a second, Will thinks Steve is back. 
He scrambles over the dead thing blocking his entrance. It’s cold against his palms, flesh barely giving as he crawls hand over feet atop it. But, Steve’s still just sitting there, blinking, Carol huddled into his side like he can protect her, even like this.
“Steve needs your help,” Eddie says, plaintive. Begging with both voice and unblinking eyes, gaze locked on El’s own until she breaks it to look at where Steve still sits, unbothered.
Her brow furrows, eyes squinting like she’s peeling off layers of skin and meat to get to whatever’s underneath. “He’s lost?” she asks.
Carol is squinting at El like the words aren’t clicking for her. She looks back to Steve, then back to El, brow furrowing with anger.
Eddie nods. Will clears his throat. “Not like last time,” he clarifies. “He’s here, but his mind isn’t.”
El nods, decisive. “I will help.”
“What the hell are you all talking about!” Carol demands, even as people scatter around her, setting up for El’s latest rescue mission. “He’s right there!”
She’s not looking at Will, though. She’s looking at Eddie like it’s all his fault. Still, when Steve doesn’t say anything, her lip wobbles as she turns and asks, “right Steve?”
He doesn’t answer, even as she calls again. Will looks away when she bites her lips, eyes wide.
It’s easier this time. They don’t have to break into the school, don’t have to find a pool. El just sits cross-legged in front of Steve on the carpet, careful to stay away from the broken glass and the dead thing. Mike covers her eyes with Wayne’s flannel while the man himself switches the radio dial until he finds one with enough white noise to satisfy.
He can’t quite tune out the murmured conversation between Eddie and Carol, though, no matter how hard he tries. Eddie explains, in clipped, emotionless words, that something, one of the monsters from the other place she’d just gotten a taste of, has taken over Steve. 
“But we’re getting him back?” she asks, voice shrill and breaking, contrasting with Eddie’s own even tone. A veteran to the newbie in the warzone. 
Will, suddenly, feels terribly old. 
“Quiet now,” El demands. 
Eddie looks away from Carol without answering. There is no answer to that question when they’re all subsisting off hope, and not much else.
“Tell him we’re coming, okay?” Eddie asks. He’s looking down at his own bloody palms now, like he can’t bear to look at their last bastion of hope and wait for it to flame and go out. 
“Ask ‘im how to stop the thing taking ‘im over,” Wayne interjects. 
Eddie’s lip wobbles. Will knows how he feels. He doesn’t want Steve to know, if he’s in there at all, that they don’t know what to do. Neither does Will. He wants to save Steve. He always wants to save Steve.
But, Eddie finally looks up, meeting Will’s eyes before nodding. The movement knocks a tear free, but his voice sounds clear when he says, “Ask him how we kill the fucker.”
El nods, shoulders settling as she reaches out to take Steve’s hand. The white noise blankets them all. Will settles down to wait. 
That’s what they always do, when Steve is dying: they wait. This time is no different. 
Part 88
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb
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cinemagh0ul · 6 months
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I made this for a specific twitter art prompt but I wanted to post it here just because I really liked how I drew Laurie in this piece
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the-lark-ascending69 · 2 months
No upside down ronance AU in which Nancy becomes a werewolf hunter because Barb was killed by a werewolf. Feauturing werewolf Robin.
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dahliaes · 3 months
does anyone wanna hear me talk about cowboy jean
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kaeyx · 8 months
I wanna pamper kraken lovecraft kissing him everywhere, braiding his hair and putting unicorn clips in them, suck his dick, and cuddling with him <33
Yes <33 he'd let you play with his hair and touch all his various appendages, feeling them and turning them around to examine them. He's so different to you, so much stronger, half out of this reality and still he lets you pet and touch him, braid his hair and kiss his cheeks and hands. And suck his dick of course, as much as it's possible anyway. You can probably only manage to suck the tip since he'd be at least as thick as a coke can, but he loves it anyway. It probably tickles him when you kiss down the shaft and let it rest over your face or tap your cheek, the ridges rubbing against your skin
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emily-mooon · 7 months
It’s thinking about Jancy hours for me right now.
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
This stupid event making me feel things while also being wayyy too cheesy and over the top. Ah there were some absolute gems though. Screenshots below the cut because spoilers.
Okay I just can’t with some of these idiots.
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MC being the one to bring Satan home after he gets angry and runs away 😭
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Diavolo always having to be in Prince mode except when he’s with MC 😭
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Bonus because MC asks him if he thought Barbatos noticed when he snuck away with MC. I just think it’s cute that he’s so delusional 🥹
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MC being the only one who sees this guy’s struggle (or who he allows to see it) 😭
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NOOOOOO MY HEART. MC reminding Solomon of his humanity I’m unwell 😭😭
And now for the best one because of course I lost my mind when Barbatos brought MC to his own room. I know Lucifer did too but Barb did it first!
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YEAH 'cause I'm expecting you to tell me you love me!!
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Look at how serious he gets...
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... and then that sweet subtle smile...
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Excuse me I’m just gonna go pass away now. 🪦
These feelings are enough for me to overlook those doofy hats even. Why do they insist on hats they look so silly no matter who wears them.
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ohposhers · 11 days
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bc i have no actual art i can post rn here are some old shitposts and scribbles i found laying around my folders
[first one is obv not ship art veneer just thinks trolls are adorable]
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waywardsalt · 2 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing good in life.
What do you think of a phantom hourglass remake? Tbh I don’t know how they could remake it without basically remaking it from the ground-up. It would probably play more like windwaker, which I see as a both a good and bad thing. On the one hand, if it was more like windwaker a lot more people would probably play and it would be more popular since I know the touch controls were a turn off for most people for both Spirit Tracks and Phantom hourglass. But on the other hand, remaking it to be more like windwaker would make the game lose some of it’s previous identity. Like, Phantom hourglass was so unique because of the touch controls and the puzzles you can make and solve by having two screens and touch controls. And it was so nifty and handy to be able to write notes on your map. Idk, I still would like it to be remade in general even if it ends up a basically different game, but I wouldn’t change the story or the characters, especially Linebeck. The only other change I would make is the music. Phantom hourglass had rather weak themes, mainly because they re-used the same theme for the islands and the dungeons. The only songs that were really good were the few orginal tracks made for the game, so Linebeck’s theme, Oshus’s theme, both Bellum boss battle themes and the and that music that plays when you first follow the Ghost Ship. But what would you want out of a phantom hourglass remake?
Hey, I’m doing good, and I hope you are too!
I’ve thought a bit about a possible Phantom Hourglass remake, but not too much recently. I don’t really know if I’d want one, since you’d lose a lot of what really makes it special, and you can still play it through other means. I’m personally fond of the graphics and the music- yes, even the dungeon theme has grown on me- so I don’t really want a remake too badly, especially since I fear any additions/changes they might make with story or characters in a remake. The touch controls make it, and playing it on pc recreates that feeling decently well, but I don't think it'll be just the same if you had to control it with joysticks or anything.
Not to mention, there's so much emphasis on having the two screens, too, not just for map stuff, but almost every single boss had a mechanic related to the top screen! I have no fucking clue how you'd replicate that very well on something like the switch without just fucking with the mechanics altogether.
I would kill to hear some of Phantom Hourglasses tracks be orchestrated or otherwise rearranged in a higher quality. I wouldn't want any of the more notable themes altered in any way, no adding or removing of melodies and only very very small changes to the instrumentation, but I think it'd be neat to see what could be done with dungeon themes. I think a while back I had a fleeting desire to write some short tracks for each dungeon, with some ideas like mostly using instruments heard in Bellum's themes for the dungeons while each individual one gets a leading instrument unique to and reflective of the dungeon, while the Ghost Ship maybe gets a song that's a bit of a expanded version of the fog theme, while the Temple of the Ocean King could have slightly different themes the further in you got, starting with instruments more common to Oshus's theme or the great sea theme, while the further in you got the more instruments from Bellum's theme would be heard, plus some harpsichord thrown in for the hell of it.
Leave the original dungeon theme for stuff like the minor pyramids and some larger cave areas, idk. It's grown on me.
I think the only story rearranging I'd want is mayyyyybe unfridging Tetra? You could very easily shuffle some things around with her and just not damsel her for the whole game and honestly it'd still go off perfectly without a hitch. But you'd still have to deal with the World of the Ocean King being a whole other world, so either bring her and her crew in and have them as wandering ship npcs (the better idea) or just leave them out (not a good idea) but either way it's better than what they actually did. I just don't think I'd want it to switch to Tetra being a major reoccurring character tbh, the main character dynamics in PH are good as they are.
I think I like Phantom Hourglass too much as it is to really want a remake at all. I'd rather we get something like an anime adaptation. That's what I think about more. Give me animated Phantom Hourglass with some fun takes on the dungeons and fights and some fun slice of life stuff with the group between the islands what I want is a Phantom Hourglass anime
#asks#zeldanamikaze#salty talks#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#kinda just boils down to like. i kinda want it to remain untouched with nothing added or removed if that makes sense#different themes for the dungeons would be rlly cool. harpsichord for deeper ocean king temple floors bc its where you meet linebeck#also vague foreshadowing? as an aside how many other loz songs have harpsichord in it im very curious to know#also. i say i dont mind the dungeon theme while also not really minding my tinnitus so also take that in mind maybe. brain go brrrrrr#i think adding tetra in to the main crew of ph would kinda be a bit much and also maybe not add very much. fyi i have not played ww#but i feel like it'd almost be adding another ciela cuz shed support link and be more barbed and bold with a side of less morally upstandin#so i dont really think she'd being much new to the ph crew table and i wouldnt want her there in a remake cuz they might pull the#goddess blood card and i really really like how ph has fuck all to do with hyrule or any of that nonsense#sorry this took so long btw. i dont think much abt a ph remake so i dont have a lot of notes#additions? idk add more rooms to linebecks ship. let us poke around in a few areas. maybe potion storage. give link a room#let us poke around in linebeck's room when possible. put smth fun in there. pull a wilds era and give him a journal for us to check out#what they did with tetra kills me (but not too much since i dont rlly have thoughts on tetra) bc you could just remove her entirely#and the story would still work really well anyways. holy character fridging batman#idfk. give us a silly loz dating game. make linebeck an option. thats what i wanna see
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joelletwo · 29 days
[oracle barbs' team BOP's] First appearance: Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey #1 (January 1996) Star Trek: Voyager [...] aired from January 16, 1995
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something in the water [my birth] [^ live doc reaction]
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earl-grey-love · 6 months
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Gee whizz, I wonder who my favourite character could be?
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @svmmoning , Diavolo has something on his mind, and Barbatos is the only one around to hear him out;
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     ›› It was nearing tea time, wasn't it? Honestly, Diavolo had lost track of the time today; if it wasn't paperwork, it was meetings, and in between those, it was a mind that wandered off when his attention wasn't being demanded upon. He sat at his usual spot, the chair that overlooked the garden's sprawling labyrinth of vivid hues and lush, verdant specimens, leaned to one side so his cheek would rest upon a loose fist, his elbow propped on the armrest of the seat.
     ›› The castle had become so quiet so suddenly, and it felt wrong, almost. He'd gotten so used to the seven of them roaming about that he half-expected to whip his head around and see Lucifer poised to ask a question when he heard footsteps approaching.
     ›› How funny that he had forgotten what Barbatos' steps sounded like; lighter than a specter, with only the faint click of the heel on the polished flooring to inform him his most loyal butler was nearby. Lucifer's steps were more firm, and while still quiet you could tell when he put his weight down in it. A prideful strut; it was fitting, though it drove home in his mind how distracted he'd become.
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    ❝ Ah, Barbatos, ❞ Diavolo sighed out with a chuckle. The other would be able to instantly glean that something was on the prince's mind, and that his mood was something more somber than his usual upbeat self. Yet he seemed reluctant to dwell on it, smiling to Barbatos in an utterly vain attempt to hide what occupied his mind.
    ❝ What's the blend for today? ❞
     ›› His golden eyes shimmered gently from the flicker of the flames upon the table, his posture relaxed now as he waited for what Barbatos would say. … Though he had a feeling it wouldn't just be about tea. There was work to discuss, schedules to set in stone... all perfect ways to get his mind off the silence of the halls.
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peculiarbeauty · 9 months
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SHE IS DAYDREAMING AGAIN perhaps a bit too loud for others to see. " all i've ever wanted is more than this. i know there is adventure somewhere out there. more than the provincial life can offer , anyway. " she could not possibly be so ordinary , it was boring to have a life planned out already for her. she is certain gaston would love to plan it had he been given the chance , but she was not his little wife. a scoff at the mere thought of it coming to fruition again has her shaking her head. @sovereignreigned
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