#but they must be shared
maybemoonout · 1 year
recalling that one post about how when Alex and Miles make music individually its amazing but when they work together its like this beautiful musical explosion? Well I was reminded of the fact that its so not a coincidence that 505 was one of the first songs Alex and Miles worked with together and """""""coincidentally"""""" it became the most popular song of the entire album and possibly the most iconic of their entire career? yeah.
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captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
Do you guys notice how when Shawn Fain, president of the United Auto Workers union, started planning a general strike, he did it by a) targeting his messaging towards unions with the ability to safely and effectively strike in large numbers, b) laid out a clear, actionable plan for those unions to follow (setting contracts to all expire at the same time, since many unions cannot strike while under contract), c) is using union contracts to set clear, actionable demands that can be met in order to gauge success and provide an end goal, and d) started organizing FOUR YEARS before the proposed strike date to give people the chance to plan accordingly, because it takes a really freaking long time to get tens of millions of people organized?
You notice how he didn't do it by slapping a message on Twitter saying 'hey nobody go to work on Monday, that'll really show 'em'?
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endlessnightarts · 7 months
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No you don't
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 6 months
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notherpuppet · 14 days
Still chipping away at Part 7, sometimes one panel takes 3 hours and 8 redraws of the same face 😀
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nikki-rook · 8 days
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the saddest universe- by sylvie (j.p.)
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revenantghost · 11 months
Sometimes I forget how much of a love letter Tristamp is to Trimax, and then
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 10
Danny groaned, blearily raising his head from the nest of blankets and pillows he had made in his apartment. He had smelled something strange.
Something strong enough to wake him from his sleep. Danny got up and stumbled to the front door, cursing his luck for getting a fever so soon into his interdimentional road trip.
Peering out of his open doorway he saw a little kid shivering in the cold, badly hidden behind two trash cans in the mouth of an alley. Danny didn't think twice. In fact he didn't think at all. It wasn't uncommon for an Omega to smell a child who didn't have the scent of another Omega on them and immediately claim that child as thier own, and seeing as his home dimension had exclusively Omegas...let's just say there's a lot of drama in family court and a lot of laws pertaining to this.
So of course the next thing Danny knows is that the kid was bundled up inside his very soft and comfy makeshift nest before Danny passed out.
For the next week Danny had this mysterious fever and he acted like a parent on autopilot, barely conscious as he instinctually cared for the little boy. He made them food and cut them up into tiny bits to feed his baby and if it was handfoods like pizza rolls or sandwich triangles, Danny would hold him in his arms and rock his back and forth, humming softly as his child ate.
Eventually his heat ended (note that omegas from his world don't have heats, they don't have alphas and so they don't even know what a heat is) and Danny was very surprised he has a child in his house. But he and the baby are very emotionally attached to one another. When Danny asked what the little kids name was (and man this kid was little) the kid stared at him in the way little kids do before muttering the world "Clone" followed by what sounded suspiciously like a serial number.
Danny decided, nah. His kid now. Sucks to be the bioparent cause Danny doesn't wanna share.
Somewhere in the city, the bats were freaking out. They had raided a lab and discovered not only had one of them been cloned, but the clone had escaped and no one knew where it was. Cue panicked parental frenzy.
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time-woods · 7 months
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lotldraws · 10 months
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hello trigun enjoyers, here’s some art and various shitposting i never got around to poting over here too, from all the way back in march to *checks watch* this very evening!!
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lazybakerart · 24 days
i know 911 is on abc and sex scenes aren’t its thing, but i do think it would bring a certain Critical Acclaim to season 7 if they showed buck bouncing on that dick.
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grrdenrose · 9 months
it’s my job as a femme to run my hands through a butch’s hair and scratch at their scalp with my nails. i want them to rest their head in my lap while i show them the gentle love that they deserve, i want to make them melt, i want them to fall asleep knowing that they’re safe in my hands.
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 3 months
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rookeryyy · 2 months
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tumblr HATES my 44.1mb image swag so it has SO MUCH COMPRESSION and downsizing here. :') peep the actual intended size & quality (or as good as i could get it exported)
post-return Q!Tubbo :] Tee hee.
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un hamburgesa para tubbo (he lookied ungry)
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
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[image ID: iskall's latest hermitcraft episode. the thumbnail shows mumbo and iskall standing in front of the void. there is text between them reading "do you even...", and mumbo has an interrobang above his head. the video is titled "Hermitcraft 10 - Episode 7: I finally asked him" /end ID]
congrats on finally proposing iskall! we're all so proud of you it's been a long time coming,
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
"The only person who can save you is yourself, don't rely on anybody else!"
Actually, what has saved me is books and my favourite video game and my cats and my friends who I've shared late nights and too-early mornings with and the dew-covered grass I walked on on the way to a competition bus in ninth grade band and the sunburn that kept me out of school for days the month prior.
I understand the viewpoint of how you are ultimately the person who can save you, but don't discount that you aren't an island. You aren't meant to be your sole savior. Let others save you, too. You are worth the care and love the universe has for you.
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