#but they’re cute and I wanna keep them 😤
rosicheeks · 10 months
Morning Rosi!
What’s your favourite outfit to wear when you’re feeling especially extra cute? ☺️ x
Morning lovely ☺️
I haven’t dressed up in AGES! 😭 I have so many cute dresses and clothes but I don’t go anywhere special so I don’t get to wear them 😔
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hunieday · 5 months
Momo - Drama Collection (Winter) Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Momo: Good work, Torao! Hope you enjoy your time today at the drinking party 😆
Momo: I'm super looking forward to drinking with the drama cast! 💯 ✨
Mido Torao: I’m also looking forward to it.
Mido Torao: Seems like Nikaido and Yaotome will be late though, did you hear about that?
Momo: I did! They said they're busy with work~!
Momo: Is it okay if it's just the two of us until they come ⁉ Or do you want me to invite the super handsome special guest Y-san ⁉
Mido Torao: Yuki-san huh…
Mido Torao: Um
Mido Torao: I want to be alone with you, is that okay?
Momo: ba-dum...
Momo: I was joking around to lighten the mood, but Momo-chan got all giddy... 
Momo: I’m not cheating on you, darling ‼ 😭 💦
Mido Torao: You were joking huh…
Momo: But thanks for saying you’re okay with just the two of us alone 👍✨ I'm really looking forward to drinking with you!!
Mido Torao: Thank you. I'm looking forward to it too
Momo: Huh!? Really!? 
Mido Torao: Yes
Momo: What should I do!!! I feel like Momo-chan is wrapped around Torao’s fingers... 🥺
Mido Torao: no i’m not HAHA
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Momo: But you know, you've become cute! You’re a lot rounder around the edges nowadays
Mido Torao: Are you saying I got fat!?
Mido Torao: I mean yeah, the other members keep giving me unusual snacks to eat lately...
Momo: that’s not what i meant lolololol you’re already cute lololol
Momo: By the way, what kinda snacks are you getting? 🤭
Mido Torao: Puffed rice? They come in pouches and are crispy and delicious.
Momo: Puffed rice~~!! How nostalgic! Makes me wanna go to a candy store (*ノωノ)
Momo: Tell me more stories over drinks okay!
Mido Torao: Got it. I also have something I want to talk to you about
Mido Torao: I’d like you to teach me a lot more about acting.
Momo: Torao... 🥺 ✨
Momo: Now that you mention it, you know, Yuki liked Torao's role and found it really interesting! 
Momo: "I thought he'd stop Momo from recklessly breaking into someone else's territory alone, but he charged in head first" he looked like he enjoyed watching it 😂
Mido Torao: The part where I ride my bike and blurt out, "I’ll be the one who paves the way for the leader" right?
Momo: Yes yes! Vice-leader-kun is quite reckless!
Mido Torao: Of course his followers would be bloodthirsty when their leader’s like that.
Momo: Well, the leader is a tiiiiiny bit of a rascal, isn’t he? 😅 💪
Mido Torao: a bit is the understatement of the century.
Mido Torao: Chasing after the enemies up a three meters high wall, jump-kicking them from the stairs... I thought it was quite the violent script
Momo: right lolol the action scenes sure were intense~~!!
Momo: I tried my best to follow your example 😤💪
Mido Torao: My example?
Momo: That's right! Watching Torao work so hard on his stunts motivated me!
Mido Torao: Is that so...
Mido Torao: I was an inspiration for Re:vale…
Momo: Are you getting fired up?
Mido Torao: Burning hot.
Momo: Just! too cute!!! 😆 😆
Momo: Apparently our relationship was popular on SNS too ;P🫰
Mido Torao: Really? What were they saying?
Momo: "Vice-leader-kun always standing next to the leader with a smug smile, they’re my bias!" (1)
Mido Torao: There it is, “they’re my bias”. What’s a bias? what the hell does that mean?
Momo: there it is lololololol
Mido Torao: I’m curious. I heard Haruka use it the other day too.
Momo: It means someone you like the most! 😆 saying “bias” sounds stronger than just saying “love”~!
Mido Torao: I see. It does feel more intense.
Momo: How about you start using it, Torao!
Mido Torao: In what situation would I even use it?
Momo: For example...
Momo: It’s everyone’s bias, Momo-chan! ;P 🫶 🫶
Mido Torao: I don’t think that’s for me…
Momo: That’s not true!!! Just try saying it for a bit!!
Mido Torao: I’m your bias, Mido Torao.
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Mido Torao: I’m not sure about this one…
Momo: No it's really good!!!!!???
Momo: But well, your fans are most likely looking for a strong and cool Torao (*ノωノ) 🤎
Mido Torao: Well, I’m confident that I can make someone fall in love with me just by standing there and not saying a word.
Momo: Nice, I want to hear tons of stories about the confident Torao 👍
Mido Torao: Hell yeah, later. I’m looking forward to it.
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The original conversation went a bit different, Momo ends his message with “好きピ= sukippi”, Momo later on explains that it’s a combination between 好き=suki (like) and ピーポー=people (pi=ピ), which means a “favorite person” even if it’s sometimes used on objects and such. The closest and most “literal” translation would be “fave”, but I doubt Torao wouldn’t know what a fave is so I went with bias instead.
HUGE thank you to Ai (soushibana and chettiri on twitter) for helping me out with the snacks translation! I wouldn't have understood it without her, big props & go check her accounts out!
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Hello, so I didn’t see anything in you rules about like pregnancy/parenting so just sharing my brain rot, but feel free to delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable!!
But, Smooches, as a little guy obsessed with genetics and science (planning on getting a degree in biology and other human sciences!!!ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ (my love for dottore has made me more and more of a deranged scientist…)) I’m just thinking about the Harbingers and how strong/dominant their genes might be…
We’ve only seen one of Childe’s siblings (Teucer) but I imagine in genes are STRONG cause his brother is almost the same as him 😭😭 Like you guys have a kid and they have the same blue eyes and ginger hair as Childe!
I also think it would be funny to have a kid with Dottore. I personally believe his genes are actually pretty recessive, but it’s funny to imagine having a kid with him and they look so similar to him everyone thinks it’s another one of his clones! It’s not until they get older or maybe call Dottore ‘father’ or something that it clicks in everyone’s mind that they’re not a clone!
Also, so many of the Fatui Harbingers have multi-colored hair (Arlecchino, Pantalone, Pierrio, Childe and Scaramouche all having a lighter or darker streak. I assume Columbina’s is dyed?) Just imagine their kid inheriting that!!
Oughh… i know all the harbingers would probably be terrible parents but I wanna be all domestic and lovey with them so bad 😭😭 [📺]
UGH YES THIS IS VERY CUTE,,, I TOO AM THINKING ABOUT THIS NOW! But yeah, I guess I never really thought about it but, you are right they look super alike 😭. (But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised when we meet the rest of Childe's family in Snezhnaya, they all look the same purely because that's what is easiest for HYV 😭)
Having a kid with Childe would be like having a mini him around and he absolutely adores it. It would be funny if you two kept trying to have a mini you, but instead all you got was mini Childes running around the place. 😭 AND DOTTORE 😭 I love that no one realizes it's his actual kid because 1. he's not going out of his way to explain the whole situation and 2. no one is questioning the existence of another blue-haired red-eye rascal. (Though when some people *cough those three particular annoying Harbingers* start to get too close to his kid, his irritation is noticeable.)
I imagine their kid does inherit the hairstreak, but in a different part of their hair 🥹 (Also, Pantalone's and Childe's hair streaks make me WDBAHDABWDW i love it sm. But then again the angst hcs of Pantalone getting the gray streak from using his Delusion make me🥲)
Okay but just hear me out on them being parents!! 😤 Well it's obvious Dottore is... Dottore. He struggles to even be a good husband sometimes, so being a parent is... territory none of us can fathom. But, you know I like to think at the very least, he'll remember how he was treated as a kid when he looks at his child,,, especially if his child looks similar to him. Honestly, he leaves a lot of the actual early parenting to you because well,,, he is Dottore, he does not know how to do these kinds of things, his hands are not meant to raise and love. A lot of the time you have to force him to, and well a lot of the time he spends with his kid is them sitting on his lap while he dumps a lot of scientific facts on his child (trying his best to avoid any unethical ones) Really,, he does love his kid, but the way he shows it well,, will need a lot of work (he has a lot of time to improve though because he'll expand the life span of them as well 😅)
Childe, most obviously, would be a very good father if you ask me. He is a family man, he's taken care of his siblings for a long time, he knows exactly what to do not just for his kid but for you too. Despite how his job may keep him away for periods of time, he spends every ounce of free time that he can give away with his kid!! Pantalone too I think would be good, a lot of it stems from how he struggled a lot as a child and he can never imagine his own child ever going through the same as him,, so i can see him as a pretty good parent :3
See, Pierro has the potential to be a very good parent, however, his job literally consumes all of his time,,, like of course he wants to spend time with his kid! He wants to tell them all about his old home and teach them the history and all! But the Fatui, the Celestia, all of it is far too important for him to spend extended amounts of time with his kid. 💔 And he refuses to let his kid mess up their sleep schedule to spend them with him at ungodly hours of the night... 😭 Capitano, another one who has potential! Unfortunately, as much as you taught him how to be more human and how to love, dealing with a kid is a whole other situation that he has no clue how to navigate,, by all means, he wants to learn, he wants to be a good dad, but it's,, a lot for him. Also scared of hurting his kid because of how tiny they are compared to him,, 😭 When the kid gets older though he starts to settle more in though!
Scaramouche, well, it's canon he's fond of kids! He'll be yelling and insulting everyone else but the minute his kid stumbles into his office all of a sudden he's calm! But with all of his trauma and other stuff going on, he doesn't become a better parent until he becomes Wanderer,, it's then when he really devotes more attention to raising his kid. Also is unconsciously overprotective of his kid because of how he lost the little boy centuries ago, so at least they'll never be in harm's way!
Arlecchino already has experience parenting, though she has work to do in like... the emotional and bonding section. Though she holds her children in the orphanage in a fond light, she still keeps them at arm's length because they are her soldiers... but she loves her kid very much!! Columbina is like, the fun parent, you're the one doing the discipline,, She is the one who loves to dress up your kid,, the one who probably lets them get away not eating their veggies 😭 But she is very very scary when she's mad so your kid knows not to get on her bad side!! Also good at putting the kid to sleep with her singing! Sandrone- well... kind of similar to Dottore. You and her child are the only two people she likes. But she also struggles a lot, and leaves a lot of parenting up to you,, though she and her robots keep a very watchful eye on the kid, she does not want them getting hurt with all the things around her lab! She ends up gaining more confidence when she finds out her kid likes to be in her lab during robot rides 🥹 Signora, I can also see being a pretty good parent! She just gives that vibe! I like to think she also has somewhat of a soft spot for kids! She loves taking care of her kid and watching them grow up :3
(Good luck with pursuing your degree btw! All of that sounds quite cool and I wish you all the best :3)
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Here’s some Shinji hcs I have made that I wanna share:
Shinjiro doesn’t know Jack shit about technology. Put him in front of a computer and turn your head for one second and the things making some cursed dial up sounds and definitely broken. He’d probably call remotes clickers. He just can’t keep up with these new fangled devices!
Hes autistic because get real like I’m gonna let him escape my grasp without making him autistic. But in particular hes the bad at eye contact kinda autistic, he’s often looking at his shoes when walking, off to the side when he’s being edgy, and in an upper corner when he’s nervous. And socially he is very much a cat he doesn’t wanna talk too much but he will just sit in the corner of the room while everyone else is talking. Hed definitely mask a lot and repress a lot of stims but one that always comes out is nail biting, he’s a big nail biter
Shinjiro just seems like he’d like to read and in particular hed read jane austin and he’d absolutely freak out if anyone found out lol. Like he hates school, it’s never clicked for him, but when he’s on his own I think he’d enjoy reading to pass time and idk he just gives strong jane austin energy
He sews he knows his fucking way with the needle your honor
Shinjiro was always secretly really jealous of Mitsuru cuz she has a motorcycle and he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever but he was always too afraid to ask if he could ride it. He will one day though don’t worry!
I really like nonbinary Shinji like he’s kinda insecure about his more feminine interests but the sees gang is pretty supportive so he eventually gets comfortable enough and he may wear nail polish or long skirts. He’s also definitely the type to have always been really defensive over his long hair like as a kid whenever his hair was cut he’d just be really upset over it and whenever someone comments on his hair being too long Akihiko is like 😤. And in general I think Shinji just doesn’t feel connected to gender hes just like get this thing away from me lol
If he doesn’t become a cook I like to imagine him becoming a vet
He has a really hard time saying no to the sees gang like if he’s one on one he can with great strength but if more than one of them are in the room absolutely not they all give the biggest puppy dog eyes and he thinks they’re adorable it creates lots of highjinks
When Ken talks about his favorite superheros and mangas Shinji tries to be supportive but he literally has no clue what this kid is talking about
Throwing in some akishinji teehee they both wanna be the strongest one in the relationship it creates lots of petty arguments but Akihiko definitely would pick up Shinji super dramatically bridal style and Shinji would hate it but secretly like it at the same time. He wants to be the strong one he wants to be the one to take care of Aki but also Aki is so strong 🫣
Throwing in some shinjifuuka too Shinji thinks Fuuka is the cutest person he’s ever met he just wants to scream but he can’t do that he can’t emote so he just sits there silently dying inside while Fuuka meows at the wall. I also think when he was on the streets and heard those people bragging about bullying Fuuka he kicked ass about it cuz yo fuck those people man they suck and Shinji wouldn’t put up with that, especially not once he actually meets Fuuka. Like I don’t think he’d try to pick fights as much after the coma and I don’t think he would if he was with Fuuka cuz she wouldn’t want him to fight people but before that yeah he’d definitely be pretty pissed. Also I think Fuuka is a knitter and Shinji is a sewer so they bond over that and make clothes for each other Fuuka makes Shinji a cutesy frog beanie and he’s like tch whatever 🥺 but definitely wears it and he’s really embarrassed its cute
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Aquarium: Urban Wyatt
Urban Wyatt Masterlist 
word count: 500
description: You and Urban have a cute little aquarium date feat. a small social media au
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"Urby! What are we doing here?" You asked excitedly as you saw the sign for the aquarium.
"Well I know we haven't had much time together lately and I remember you saying something about the new otters being here. So I figured I surprised you with a little aquarium date and we can find somewhere to eat afterward." He said.
"Awh Urby! I love you so much." You said placing a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you too sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on your lips after he parked.
You guys got out of the car and headed up toward the entrance of the aquarium, where you guys got your tickets before heading inside. You guys walked around looking at the different exhibits and taking pictures but you became super excited when you saw the stingray exhibits and ran over there leaving your boyfriend behind who can only shake his head and smile at how adorable you were.
"You and your stingrays." He said smiling at you as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I know. It's just that every time I see one I think of Grandpa, I really believe that he reincarnated as one of these beauties." You said touching the glass with a small smile.
"I think he did too and I can see why too, they're beautiful creatures." He said placing a kiss on your cheek.
You guys continued walking around the different exhibits, talking and just being in your own world, both of you thinking about how lucky you were to have each other in your lives. You two were talking about one of the exhibits when one of the workers came up to you.
"Sorry to bother you guys, but um I heard you talking about how much you liked the jellyfish lights and I um found some extras we had and wanted to give them to you and tell you how cute you two are." She said handing you a bag.
"Thank you. Do we owe you anything?" Urban asked her.
"No, you don't. Enjoy the rest of your visit." She said leaving you two there with shocked looks on your faces.
"That was nice of her." You said as Urban took the bag from your hands as you two continued walking through the aquarium before heading to the gift shop.
"Thank you for today bubs, I had really great time today with you." You said as you guys walked to the car.
"No need to thank me, sweets, like I said I'm glad we finally got time together between our busy schedules. I miss spending time with you." He said.
"I love you Urby." You said placing a kiss on his lips.
"I love you more my little stingray." He said smiling at you.
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Liked by:UrbanWyatt, y/n best friend, claybirn, Cozane, sunniselene, JackHarlow and 10k others
Y/n: insert stingray emoji 💜
Y/nbestie: you guys are so cute 🥰 JackHarlow: you and them damn stingrays 😭
Y/n:JackHarlow: leave me and my stingrays alone 😤
User23: aww they went to aquarium 🥹🥹
User 45: u guys are so cute 🥺
UrbanWyatt: bestday ever 😚 Y/n:urbanwyatt: 😘
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Liked by:y/n,y/n best friend, Clayborn, Cozane, sunniselene, JackHarlow and 70k others
UrbanWyatt: Aquarium date with my little sting ray 😚
User23: he calls her his little stingray 🥹🥹🥹
JackHarlow: ya'll cute or whatever
User 45: I wanna be jealous I do, but they are just too cute 🥹
Cozane: nice to see you ditched me for the fishes 🤨🤨 Y/n: keep it up and you'll be swimming with them too 🤭
Y/n: had such a great day with you  bubs😚
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey girlllll
okay first- the chap was SO GOODDDDD and i’m so excited for your nct reactions and texts!
also your tattoo with your mom is so cute 🥰🥰 and the designs for your seventeen ones are adorable so i’m sure your nct dream ones will be super cute as well <333
i want to get a tattoo but let’s be so fr i’m so scared of needles 💀 kao (bf) has a bunch of tattoos and they’re so cute but i personally would never - your so brave for thiss
also mother in law apologized thankfully so so more problems there :)
my life has been pretty boring tbhhh i’m living with kao rn but he’s pretty busy with his med school things rn so i barely see him 😢
i really need friends 😭
BUT ITS NOT LIKE I DONT HAVE FRIENDS my two ride or dies (yes we are a trio but we’ve known eachother since 2nd grade and there has been 1 argument that lasted 30 mins 💀) are literally so far away 🥲 missing them 24/7 but we have our weekly group facetime soon so 😋🤞
ugh life has been so boring recently fr i need a hobby asap
i feel like i’ve lost all my interests because i’m high school i would lterally do math for fun and that’s the last thing i need to do rn 😭 like sure i did. volleyball but where in nyc am i going to okay volleyball like be so fr rnnn
i have an obsession with these emojis i find them so funny
also my niece/cousin idk but she’s so like… IDKKK- she’s middle school high school age but i feel like i’m just on a whole different planet bc she’s so into everything like i need to keep up frrr
make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of good foodss- i love youuu 😜💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️
also congrats on your blog growth! you deserve it fr
I got a bunch of nct random texts that I'm gonna post soon 🤪 but I gotta make some enhypen ones too cause my master list is lookin a little biased 😅
ahh thank you! i gotta hurry and get more kpop tattoos because my mom has more than me (she has two bts tattoos and wants a txt one)
i was terrified of needles but i had to get a bunch of blood work done when i was younger, so i’m a pro now 😤😤
if my partner had and tattoos i would color them in with markers if they had black and white ones
life’s been pretty boring for me too that’s actually why i made this account cause i used to have a tumblr way back and post on it but it became too hectic with my schedule…so i deleted it. but now i’m not really doing anything i love how hectic i post!! it gives me something to do and look forward to
i’m also in a friend group of 3 💀 but mine is kinda rocky because the other two always fight and im in the middle sometimes… but i love both of them and one of them might read this 🤪🤪
i still have lunch with them every other day in school but one of them is going to a different school and im gonna make sure we don’t drift apart 😤😤
most of my hobbies involve technology lol…
i like to make random webpages and of course video games, mostly sims or acnh.
But i love scrapbooking and i know a lot of people do it online now but nothing beats cutting up pictures and gluing it to a cute notebook or having a pen pal and decorating my letters
also photocard trading is fun and helps keep me busy
i’m glad the mil apologized because no one wants bad blood in a new marriage!!
i love using emoji’s because i don’t wanna sound boring when i’m writing and i can only use “T^T” so much
SAME! my cousin is younger than me and she makes me feel so old even tho i’m young! but she talks about tiktokers and celebrities i have no clue who they are nd half of the words she says, i’m like what?
tysm!! i’m surprised on how well my blog is doing, I love how many people have reach out to talk to me! It means a lot 😩❣️
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don’t skip a meal!! 🥰🫶
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sugawarassoulmate · 3 years
Hi, peach! Hope you're doing well! Please talk more about toxic!rich! boyfriend! Sakusa (you've only mentioned him before and he hasn't left my mind since)
*kisses u*
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words: 591
cw: fem!reader, car sex, public sex, pet names, i want a rich boyfriend 😤, minors dni
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ooooooh what i would give to have rich bf!sakusa be mine :///
obviously this boy spoils you, taking you to the nicest restaurants, getting you cute gifts, and surprising you with designer clothes. sometimes it’s a bit too much but sakusa is so convincing that it’s hard turning down his gifts—“but, sweetie, you said you needed a new dress” “my love, this is limited edition, you can’t send it back”
now you’ll feel bad if you don’t accept them :(
literally doesn’t understand why you have a job when he’s right here 🤨 you keep telling him that he doesn’t have to pay all your expenses and he’s like “that doesn’t make sense, darling”
like why can’t he just buy you things and you just sit there and look pretty???
you’ll go out sometimes and you’ll see something you think is cute. but sakusa sees you put it back on the shelf after looking at the price tag
the next day it’s on your doorstep wrapped up with a bow
ohhhh you just know this man’s drip game is impeccable 😚👌
he doesn’t wear anything less than designer and neither should you
i like to think he comes from old money so it’s been in his family for generations. his dad is having this big fancy party with his associates and sakusa invites you to accompany him because he finds these kinds of things so boring. he’s probably stuck to your side the whole night giving you the tea about the sons of his father’s business partners
after a while he gets bored the two of you walk the grounds of the large estate and sakusa chuckles when you gawk at all the expensive cars
imagine never seeing a rolls royce before???
“let’s go for a drive,” he suggests, opening the passenger side
“fuck, omi, i’m gonna cum!” you cry, fingers tangled in black curls as your boyfriend’s tongue is buried deep within your cunt. he laughs against you, sending vibrations against your entrance. you and sakusa drove into the night, having a quiet conversation while the road disappeared underneath. he stopped near a thick brush of trees and cocked his head to the backseat. it didn’t take long for his head to be between your thighs. “don’t stop, please!”
your normally teasing boyfriend listens, thumb circling your clit as he sends you over the edge. he finally pulls away, bottom half of his face soaked in your juices. “made such a mess on me, darling,” you barely notice when he unbuckles his belt and strips—his cock red and heavy between his legs.
sakusa enters you in one swift motion, tugging the top of your dress down in the process to bare your chest to him. “so good of you to wear the dress i bought,” he grunts, enraptured at the way your cunt engulfed him entirely. his movements become sloppy in no time as if he’s been waiting to do this all night and is about to implode. “mostly buy them cause they’re so flimsy, wanna have easy access to that perfect fuckin’ body—”
his orgasm cuts him off, spilling into you and making a bigger mess than before. you’re so fucked out to worry how ruined the car must be at this point. “i’ll have a cleaning crew fix it up,” he’ll probably say while presenting you a gift for being such a good girl tonight. and of course, you’ll make a fuss about it but will eventually accept to make him happy.
sakusa really loves to spoil you.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2021 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
omg if the mc was black who in bily would learn how to do protective styles to help mc out 🥺
Oh 1000000% jin would be learning everything he could to give her the most artful styles possible, falling asleep with YouTube open in front of him and literally consuming so much content to learn for her. i bet he wants it to be a surprise but she walks in on him practicing with some pieces of yarn or something and spoils the surprise but the m/c is so endeared and so pleased he wanted to be more apart of her day to day that it hardly ruins the surprise. Jin is type type to go to a few specialized salons and pay for lessons too <3
I think he’d really love doing her hair for her once they talked about it and she showed him how to do her favorite looks, because jin is a big fan of physical intimacy and hair is such an intimate part of the m/c 🥺 what if she fell asleep while he was doing it and he just like, tried not to tug too much and wake her but it slips out and he has to try again the next day. 
Sometimes he even has her sit in one of the boys laps for the more gentler hair styles (especially when he’s still learning to do the simple 3 strand braids) and she’ll just cuddle up into their scent glands, the little tugs from Jin’s gentle hands trying to be as gentle as possible lulling her into a light nap. They only wake her up when he’s done with one side, moving her head to lie on the opposite shoulder of whatever alpha jin has enlisted for help so that he can get at the other side. 
I think a lot of hair care products would definitely make their way into Namjoon’s courting gifts too!!! He’d want nothing but the best for his girl 😤 imagine if they went to a shop together and he just went “whatever you wanna get sweetheart.” Internally sweating at the price but also- the smile on her face and how she comments about the products later saying stuff like “this ones so much less sticky than what i used to use” or leaning over to have Joonie smell them looking for his approval makes it all worth it.  
Tae would also be incredibly invested in learning how to do the m/c’s hair because then girl days can become hair and makeup days. It gives them the excuse to spend more time together and they’d bounce from doing facemarks to hair to makeup all wrapped up in their own little world. Idk why I just got the idea of the m/c teaching tae how to do finger waves too like, her happy little giggle and the m/c having her hold the gel and Then having tae practice on her or even one of the others. I bet once tae starts realizing how much of an asset having longer nails is for braiding she’d want to get them done even more. 
There are so many cute moments that i can think of, like on wash days there are always a few of the boys to keep her company, probably Tae and Jung-kook piling in with her doing face-masks together or doing their nails while they watch the m/c condition and detangle her hair, i bet Yoongi pops in at one point to give her a snack and keep her energy up because he knows how tired she gets after wash days, usually something sweet too (something sweet for his sweetheart).  
And maybe for a picnic date tae does her hair in sort of a crown shape and hobi brings home a ton of flowers to thread through. pink roses and delicate light yellow flowers along with forget me not’s. tying them together with careful gold strings and little gold butterfly charms that Jimin gave her as a courting present and they joke that they’re pollinating their flowers and take millions of pictures of her, one definitely becomes the background on one of their phones <3 
a huge thank you to @just-a-little-teapot13 @sunasrintarhoe @syren-tara @pinkcherrybombs @lovecoresyndrome and @ghastlylover as well as everyone everyone in my inbox who helped write this and make it as perfect as possible <3 please go give them some love!
If any other poc have more ideas for this headcannon please chime in and add it as a comment to this post so i can boost you on my page, I’d love to hear your thoughts! and I’m sure others would too! 
Also bonus: because i was so inspired that i made a soft Bily moodboard for this so~ here you go~
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Trick or Treat! || Odasaku
Not a day goes by when I don’t simp for this man and he forever has my heart 😔 (Oda and Kunikida Deserves more love club still going strong 😤💚💙) so take this fluff at 2 in the morning! reader is gender neutral!
Dream’s Spooktober 2021
“Is everyone ready?”
A chorus of cheers echoed in the room from the excited kids. Your heart just melted at the sight of them donned in their costumes and their bright expressions. Ugh, they’re just too cute!
“What about you, Oda? Or should I say Mr. Big Bad Wolf?”
Adjusting the fake ears on his head, he nodded. “I’m ready.”
You had to hide your giggles every time you looked at Oda. His stoic face combined with the softest fake furry ears has you laughing every time.
“Don’t worry (Y/N), we’ll make sure this wolf won’t get a taste of you. I’ll protect you!” Kosuke stood proudly, pointing the tip of his fake sword right at Oda’s chest. “Says the one who didn’t want to go trick or treating to begin with.”
“Hey! I still think I’m too old for it, but I can’t just let you guys go without me! And besides, who’s gonna be dumb enough to pass up free candy?”
“You just don’t wanna admit that you’re excited too!” Katsumi shouted, twirling his baseball bat around. Yu stood behind him and agreed, him and Shinji laughing at the scene unfolding.
“Alright, alright. Let’s save the energy for when we can actually go get the candy”, you stated, fixing the bow on Sakura’s dress. She can be so quiet, but you could tell with how much she’s fidgeting how ecstatic she is going trick or treating for the first time. She even asked you if you could help her be the perfect Cinderella (like she wasn’t already perfect; these kids are gonna cause you to go to cardiac arrest because of how adorable they are!).
You count yourself very lucky that you were able to convince Oda to take them trick or treating. After you found out they’ve never been because Oda never had the chance to take them, you just had to change that! Granted you understood the arguments of why: he may be a low-ranking member of the Port Mafia, but he still works for an organization that has made a lot of enemies and who wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate in any way they can; even if it meant attacking innocent people like you and the kids. He did shoot down the idea at first (even if he was close to giving in to your puppy eyes despite him staying blank faced the whole time), but you guys were able to come to a happy compromise: you would only take them to your neighborhood and that you wouldn’t keep them out late (of course), but he would have to come with you to make sure nothing happens.
You even managed to get him to dress up in matching costumes so that he wouldn’t be that recognized easily (which was a half-truth, you just wanted an excuse to get matching couple costumes). You knew that he wasn’t going to let you take care of the kids by yourself, but it was still a nice gesture regardless. It was just nice in general: being able to choose costumes with the kids, having them experience something new and seeing the smiles on their face, spending time with Oda.
It just felt like you were all one big family.
And Oda felt that too, a small smile gracing his own face.
You snapped out of your sentimental moment, and gazed at Oda. “We should get going; I think they’re starting to get restless.”
“Oh yeah, sorry. Shall we then, Mr. Wolf?” You held out your hand. “Of course, Little Red.” He responded, not wasting a moment to lace his hand with yours.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the gagging sounds the kids were making.
“Alright, let’s get this night started!”
You and Oda finished tucking in Shinji, the rest of the kids sound asleep. You figured that they would burn out eventually, the combination of being so full of energy from trick or treating and eating all the candy they got (after extensive checking from you both) causing them to no doubt sugar crash.
“Thanks for tonight Oda, honestly.”
“It was your idea, I should be the one thanking you”, he held open the door and led you down the stairs. “The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves and they’re tired out thanks to you.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say- let’s call it a team effort then”, your hand shot up waiting for a high five and he delivered. But then, he held onto your hand, gently rubbing circles on top of it.
“Hm?” He always looks so calm, so composed, which is the complete opposite of what you’re feeling now. How he manages to get your heart racing so fast and by doing just the smallest things is a mystery (spoiler alert: it’s not. You just love this man too much that anything he does just makes you fall deeper for him).
“You should spend the night with me- only if you want to though.”
The warmth that spread through your body made your heart beat a thousand times faster and almost caused you to choke if you hadn’t caught yourself, “Are you saying that you don’t want me to leave, Oda?” The teasing tone that you took on was just a mere distraction to your genuine question.
Oda didn’t want you to leave him at all- he hates to see you go every time, but but he’ll wait to tell you that part.
Leave it to Oda to be ever so blunt. He’s gonna be responsible if you pass out on the concrete.
You pretended to think about it, but already had your mind made up. “Wellllll since you were already taking me home, I would feel bad if you had to make an extra stop, so I guess it’s fine.”
“Good. I think you still have some clothes left over from last time, or you could sleep in one of my shirts again if you want.”
You hummed again, not letting go of his hand. “Just promise not to gobble me up this time, Mr. Wolf.”
You felt his hand give yours a playful squeeze, “No promises Little Red.”
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iiigris · 2 years
5 characters let’s go!!! kuroo, oikawa, daichi, bokuto and suga 👀
DELFI, MY LOVE!! :D hi!! sorry I’m a lil late with these but tysm for sending!!! <33 This,, got kinda long lol oops...
send me five characters
get drunk with — Kuroo; I’m getting deja vu here like maybe I’ve said this before somewhere but I feel like he would be super funny drunk?? like stumbling over things and slurring fs but like,, peak comedic genius?? And probably a lot of that would be bc I, too, am completely hammered so everything’s automatically 82170391 times funnier and we’re sure as heck gonna be feeling it in the morning 💀💀 but y’know I just think Kuroo’d be a total drunk goofball and I’m HERE FOR IT!! in addition to being clingy and touchy as all heck too ofc ndjvfhd
make out with — Bokuto; idk man,, making out w him would be like super soft and super hot at the same time?? Sjnvkdhf esp just casually, like cuddling on the couch together or smth and it would just be so, so, so fluffy and cute like aaaa 🥺🥺💓 but then there’s also like. yk. the more ✨spicy version✨ where he’s all over you and his hands can’t decide where they wanna be and he keeps whimpering and pulling you back in every time you try and break for air— y-yeah fnjkdvjhf
date — Daichi; I almost put him instead of Bo but then decided to switch them at the last second. OKAY LIKE THE THING ABT DAICHI IS,, he kinda scares me a little bit?? lol like idk he’s very attractive and ik he’s not mean or anything but he’s just kinda?? intimidating?? VNJDVJDH IDK and like we’d fs get along and everything and prolly would be rlly good friends but aaah- 😂 and like I feel like the scenario in which we’d wind up confessing to each other would be hanging out w the rest of the team and someone goes “ooh two best friends in a room! They might kiss!” TOTALLY JOKING unless they knew one or the other of us had caught feelings hehe and I’d just be like. “lol I wish.” And he’d be like o_o what and I’d be like 😳wHAT-  NVJSVN LOL but like fr he’d be such a great bf pleaseee 🥺🥺
marry — Suga; HUSBAND MATERIAL OKAY 😭😭✨ I’m sorry but all I can think abt when I think husband Suga is trying to make dinner and he ends up twirling you around the kitchen, or when you finally do get dinner made and call him and the kids and they don’t come, you go to look for them and they’re hiding in a blanket fort in the living room jfdvhjfdnb- “shh, mommy’ll hear you, she’s coming now, shhh”  p l s 🥺🥺😭💓 goodbye-
punch — Oikawa; lemme just start by saying, he’s great. I love him lol. But he do be needing a good smack upside the head every now and then 😤 Nothing that’ll hurt ofc, but you know he’d make it all dramatic even just from me hitting his shoulder. “Oww, Eve-chan, you wound me so! 😥😥 So mean!” Like that so did not hurt you dramatic lil weirdo vjdvndjdf- ngl we’re kinda both like that so we’d prolly be constantly playfully smacking each other and stuff lol. Tbh we’d probably gang up on Iwaizumi at some point or when Iwa goes to smack him he’d like hide behind me and be all Iwa-chan nooo,, Eve-chan save mee 😣 and ofc I’d have to be like
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
You thought I'm going to ask about dmc do you? NAY! For the ask meme, Yakuza 0
OOOOOOOOOH THANK YOU AII!!! I’m always DTTAY. Down To Talk About Yakuzies. 😤😤
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: GORO MAJIMA. Second place goes to Taiga Saejima, both of those boys are so presh to me. And even though I haven’t played Y7, I think I’m really going to like Ichiban. 😌👉👈  I mean it’s kind of in his name. My Ichiban fave....
Least Favorite character: 🤔 There are a couple that I’m not fond of, but I think Sohei Dojima takes the cake. Can’t beat the OG bastard, I guess.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): There’s Akiyama/Hana, and that’s actually it, as far as ships go for me. 🤣 I’m constantly bouncing between whether or not I ship Majima/Saejima, because I feel like their dynamic is better suited to platonic than romantic. Same thing with Majima/Kiryu. Kiryu/Kaoru was really cute though!! Overall, I don’t think I associate ships/care much for ships in this series lol.
Character I find most attractive: Surprisingly(?!), it’s Akiyama. 🤣🤣 Got a thing for the scruffy, hobo ass lookin’ men, I suppose.
Character I would marry: Akiyama, Kiryu, or Saejima. Majima is my bae, but I can’t match his chaotic flair. 😔
a random thought: This series is what made me make Punchy what she is. ALSO LOCALISE ISHIN YOU COWARDS.
An unpopular opinion: It isn’t unpopular by any means I think, but this is all I got: Yakuza 0 is a fantastic entry point into a very long running, hard to follow series, but to really understand why that game is so important for Kiryu and Majima’s characters, you should play Yakuza 1, 2 and maaaaybe 3 first. 0 is a prequel and paves the way for their characters for the rest of the series. It’s absolutely fine if you don’t, but I think having that extra context makes the game far more meaningful.
My Canon OTP: Let’s just say Akiyama/Hana lsfdlkh. They’re not handled well at all, but I have a soft spot for them. Especially with that one scene they have in Dead Souls.
My Non-canon OTP: Probably the above too because the game keeps skirting around it by making Akiyama not notice THE FEELINGS.
Most Badass Character: This is Yakuza, basically every damn protag you play as is a badass. HOWEVER. I think Kiryu sorta takes the cake for this one. Don’t make me post the gif where he slowly turns around completely unphased after some dude breaks a bottle over his head.
Most Epic Villain: ......Kuze? The guy had like 4(??!) boss fights, and the most BANGING THEME. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: *BIG SHRUG* LMAO
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Probably Mirei from Yakuza 5. A lot of the female characters kind of get shrugged off, and it sucks.
Favourite Friendship: Majima&Kiryu, Majima&Saejima. You can pry those from my cold dead hands. But I guess for a Yakuza 0 specific answer, they did an incredible job fleshing out Kiryu and Nishiki’s friendship. That One Scene still makes me cry like the lil’ babby I am. 
Character I most identify with: Daigo. I never fucking know what I’m doing either bro, it’s not just you.
Character I wish I could be: Kiryu. 😔 I wanna beat dudes down without breaking a sweat.
.....no joke, half way into this, I realised you asked for Yakuza 0 specifically, and while some of these answers are applicable, I didn’t want to go back to change anything sldzjkfh I’m so sorry Aii. 😭😭
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soulssung · 2 years
{12.24.21} - part two
hello again, your secret santa is back! ;)
i loved receiving your answers to my questions, it was so exciting!!! i really like virgos, despite some sources saying aries & virgos may not always get along. i LOVE cats!!! dogs too!!! swans and deers are wonderful animals too :) i can see you liking elegant things, i sense that aura for sure! strangers to lovers is such a great quality trope so i can’t blame you for loving it, and soulmate undertones are EVERYTHINGGGG omggg — ugh you seem so amazing :’)
we are literally twins tho!!!! jisung is my bias in stray kids!!!! so is felix though, i’m in love with the sunshine twins <333 felix caught my attention first and my love for him only grew, and i forgot how i started liking jisung but boy oh boy do i wanna marry him!!! however, as much as i love felix & jisung and relate to their goody selves, i see myself in chan a lot. he puts everyone and everything before himself in many different ways & he only wants the best for the ones he loves, i find that in myself a lot of the time (he also doesn’t think highly of himself and neither do i but thats something else lol) — i’d have to see who has a similar mbti type to mine! it’s been a hot since i’ve taken that test lolol (i think i’m an enfp/enfj)
i do have other tattoos! including sammy, i have three in total :) i have a semicolon heart (it was my first tattoo) and a kingdom hearts tattoo (halloweentown sora from the first game) hehehe! i want SO many tattoos, but of course, they’re quite expensive <//3 are you interested in getting tattoos? if so, do you have ideas already? :)
let me think of some more questions… what song brought your attention to stray kids? or kpop as a whole? for stray kids specifically, back door was the first song that got my attention, specifically the m/v did lmao i loved it so much! i had heard kpop songs beforehand like lucifer by shinee & some blackpink/bts but nothing really got me super interested at that time.
i’m blanking on anything else right now, but i’ll think of more later! i hope you’re having a wonderful christmas eve! i’m so happy i get to be your secret santa, i know i’m not the best at keeping up with messaging and i’m so sorry about that. however, i’m glad i get to learn more about you and create a christmas gift for you! <3 it’s been a great experience despite my busy schedule
i’ll message you again soon!
all my love,
your secret santa ✨🕊
oh, i didn't know virgo x aries aren't a thing 🤔 this is especially funny bc my childhood best friend is an aries so i cant see us not getting along lol.
and not YOU are the amazing one here. i say what i say!!
ok now this is smth. felix was my first skz bias, he was the first one i noticed in gods menu (how to not notice, actually lol) (and it's also the song who bought me to both skz and kpop!). "boy oh boy do i wanna marry him" lol if thats not me djjdjdj. han it's literally the boy of my dreams at this point i'm on my knees waiting for him to accept me lol. and if i'm not mistaken chan is an enfj!! so it would make a lot of sense (on the mbti perspective) if you two are alike!! (and i will not even address the don't think highly of yourself 😤 bc you totally should!! you are amazing and super nice and in this essay i will....)
about the tattoos, i don't think so.... i used to really want it when i was younger but now that i'm actually old enough to get them i don't feel like doing it. i just don't think there's smth i would like to have on my skin permanently yk? if i had to get one though, i would probably do the v.f.d tattoo (i would LOVE making people think i'm part of a secret organization lol). and your seem so cute 🥺 do they have any special meaning/reason why you decided on them specifically?
as i said, gods menu was the first song that got my attention!! i remember seeing it on tiktok and been like 😲 it was the one with jisung and hyunjin and i genuinely thought like 'they look like animated dolls wHAT?!!! and simply as that, they earn my heart jdjdjj.
and please!! you are the best ss i could ask for!! you're always super nice and i always get super happy seeing your messages. glad we got to meet through this event :)
wishing you everything that's good and a great end christmas day <33
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