#but with lines and whatnot
payasita · 1 year
can I see your verison of, Bishop Lamb?
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beloved beheaded :>
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n4rval · 1 month
the way his words are so carefully curated, not only for the sake of precision, but so it fits a rhythm that is breathable for a slow speaker.
to say exactly what he means in a short sentence, with recurring pauses and a clear pronounciation. to prefer periods(.) over commas(,).
not to be needlessly verbose – much the opposite; because this vocabulary serves the purpose of clarity, organization and to hold the attention of the listener.
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zeb-z · 4 months
me when my attempts to tear down a system that is built off of violence and grabs for power stem from a place of disgust and overwhelming guilt despite my best intentions and instead continue to perpetuate the cycle of violence in a bloody attempt to instate peace
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ackee · 3 months
can i be honest.. can i be real... i dont like the most recent ig 2010s ish cartoon style at all.. everything tries to look like steven universe and its so ugly sorry.. </3
but now that im trying to think on why i dont like it, i think its the lack of any sorta bold or interesting lineweight. snorkkkkk mimimimi...
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momentsofamber · 4 months
divider I edited to tcoaal aesthetic for anyone who wants them!
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spacefoxy · 6 months
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angeart · 10 months
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gristlegrinder · 10 days
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me and some guildies finally did the lonely tower tonight—anybody have any idea what location this could be? potential teaser for somewhere in the next expansion?
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a-whole-lot-of-things · 7 months
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compacflt · 8 months
Tell me please, did Ice ever get to see "A Chorus Line" again but this time not alone? I just need Ice to share in his gay love for broadway.
unfortunately no.
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xskyll · 3 months
I just need to vent. Someone made a podfic of one of my fics a short while back. Yesterday, they told me they were monetizing their channel and asked permission to put ads on their podfic of my story. I'm very glad they asked permission, so I could say no, but all the same, I can't help but feel so angry. I would never go to someone and say, "Hey, do you mind if I make money reading aloud your story that you spent months and months slaving over, while you don't make a single cent? Do you mind if I throw ads on this thing you poured your soul into, turning your love letter to fandom into another cog in the capitalist money machine?" I just imagine someone listening to my description of Shouto fighting Bakugou and listening to him bare his soul about his toxic behaviors—I scene I tried to craft with such care—and just before Izuku kisses Shouto's black eye, an ad for a Kia plays.
Part of me is wondering if I'm overacting—I know some people would say, 'it's just fanfiction, calm down'—but a larger part of me is like, "The absolute gall! YOU making money using MY heart???"
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masonjarcollector · 6 months
(New DW 2023 spoilers) I'm finally getting around to watching DW and the Meep's pronouns scene is both equal parts wholesome, as I get both euphoria and comfort from knowing the Doctor would respect my pronouns, and hysterical because why/how would this alien know to say "my chosen pronoun is the definite article"
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
modern au dustin having that extremely smart science guy rizz is something that can be so personal 2 me.
dustin : are u dark energy? because u pull me apart (fundamental universe particles rizz)
max : dustin it is three in the morning .
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sideshowreject · 8 months
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good morning repo! nation. some gramber for you?
thank you merc my token gramber mut for the pose reference. which will be under the cut.
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maybeimamuppet · 1 month
Hey uh I need you to go more in depth about the "the characters know they're in a musical" thing because that is an insane take I've never heard about any musical in my entire life
hello i will do so and relish in it
okay to begin with this only applies to the stage production. both movies we are just watching what’s happening in real time imo. they have no idea wtf is going on look at them.
when the stage production opens damian has a whole little spiel like “good morning freshmen! welcome to high school!” and then cautionary tale happens and blah blah blah etc.
it’s also worth noting that. mean girls is objectively not a good musical. is it my favorite yes will i shank anyone outside the fandom who says this 100% BUT if you compare it to something like the prom with a similar setting/similar vague concept it’s really not. not great.
BUT i think this was kind of weirdly intentionally done.
again in the beginning during it roars and whatnot the animals that walk by are clearly just people in costumes and i think that’s also on purpose. the zebras have paintbrushes for manes for pete’s sake (like janis hello???)
SO i personally think that what we’re seeing is a musical that damian and janis co-wrote. i think damian did most of it and janis helped. she wrote i’d rather be me and things like that
i think it’s bad because it was written and produced by actual teenagers themselves. i am 100% convinced that they are seniors acting out the previous year as a sort of welcome to high school assembly for the incoming freshmen. mr. duvall said they could either do something creative to tell their story as an example of why Bullying Is Bad ™ or have detention for the entirety of the next year and they did this. the others have to act in it for the same reason and janis and damian just wanted to.
they’re acting as themselves and fully self aware the entire time. it feels like it’s happening in real time because it’s only been a few months since it did and the memories are fresh for all of them.
karen is the only one who breaks the fourth wall (except janis and damian at the top of the show and top of the second act) for GOOD REASON!! SHES DONE IT ALL BEFORE!!!!!
the reason janis and damian are the sort of narrators and the audience’s window into the show is because they’re the ones who are putting it on and producing it.
anyway in conclusion i fully believe they’re aware they’re in a musical and this is all happening like in their school gym or auditorium lmao
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rata-novus · 2 years
okay first marwa literally getting unmade into freddie and basically ceasing to exist, THEN guillermo being so distraught at seeing freddie and freddie2 dating.....
why the fuck was this episode so upsetting lmao ????
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