thelaurenshippen · 4 months
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last day to get The Infinite Noise for only $2.99 on ebook sale!!!
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anthonyjlockwood · 2 years
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"we were in different classes on opposite ends of the building and all of a sudden i got punched in the stomach with like, this pure joy. and i knew it was him. the moment the bell rang i went to find him, and it took like two seconds because i just followed the feeling and there he was with this like, stupid huge smile on his face. i've only ever felt him that psyched maybe like, once." "when was that?" "our first kiss."
caleb and adam // the bright sessions podcast (created by lauren shippen)
(another moodboard for kira / @fandomscraziness22 !! 💕)
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fictitious-fluff · 7 months
I am so sorry I'm hopping between fandoms but like
I have SUCH and urge to write for the bright sessions
Totally not writing a fic for them rn
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localdiscountgoth · 10 months
god gives his toughest battles (having to finish a piece of media before reading the fanfic)
to his weakest soldiers (impatient bitches who want their queer shit)
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fandomscraziness22 · 1 year
oak and basil for caleb/adam 👀💕
oak (strength) — “you’re stronger than you think.”
basil (good wishes) — “i just want the best for you.”
“I just want the best for you!”
Adam scoffs in disbelief. “How many times do we have to have this conversation, Caleb? You aren’t in charge of me. I have power in this relationship too.” 
Even in the midst of their fight (and it’s not a big one, by any means, but Adam is exhausted after a long week of writing papers for his last undergrad classes and also studying for that stupid science class he has to take because it’s the very last of his gen-eds that he pushed off till senior year and his tiredness is making him grumpy), Caleb cracks a small grin at him.
“Don’t tell me you’re atypical too,” he jokes weakly.
Adam rolls his eyes at his (decidedly stupid and too cute) boyfriend. “Don’t be a brat, you know what I mean. I’m not gonna leave you or let you leave me because your ability is hard to handle. You don’t get to decide what’s best for me: I do. And I’m saying your ability doesn’t scare me. You don’t scare me. And you don't get to run away again. We’re doing this together, because we’re stronger that way, remember?”
Caleb nods reluctantly, his fingers twisting the strings of his hoodie. Adam wonders distantly when Caleb started mimicking his own nervous tick. They’ve been spending more time together lately, but there’s still a year of missed time that Adam wasn’t there for; that things happened to Caleb without his knowing about. It makes his heart hurt if he thinks about it for too long, so usually he shoves those thoughts away.
Adam steps closer to Caleb, cupping his cheeks in his hands, forcing Caleb to look at him. There are tears building in Caleb’s eyes; tears of self-doubt, self-loathing, his protective nature warring with his desire to keep Adam close. Adam knows those kinds of tears intimately.
“You are what’s best for me, Caleb Michaels. And nothing will ever change that. You’re stronger than you think, and I know you can learn to control this. It doesn’t define you. Okay?”
Caleb nods again, this time with more confidence. Adam hopes his own feelings of love and adoration for his boyfriend are seeping into Caleb’s empathy, helping him away from the dark shores of unworthiness. He leans forward to rest his forehead against Caleb’s, and the two of them breathe together. It’s a common pose for them, each with their own inner demons to face, and Adam relishes the chance to do it with Caleb every time they need a reminder of why they continue to choose each other.
“Love you,” Caleb whispers.
“Love you too, meathead.”
send me a flower prompt!
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Bad news: my Caleb sim died too (he died of laughter because he took a fucking bubble bath).
Good news: they're ghost boyfriends now.
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monster-gut · 6 months
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The bright sessions cast part 1
I absolutely love this podcast❤️
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jashiethh · 2 months
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"Together we make green"💚
Bright sessions holds a super special place in my heart, and I can't believe it's been over two years since I first listened to it :(,,,, Additionally, Adam and Caleb changed my brain chemistry, I can't explain the feelings I felt when I finished the College Tapes😭I love all of them dearly <33(Even Damien...he makes me sad though) I want to put more bright sessions art after finals too agghhhh
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thebramblewood · 2 months
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EMO/SCENE Starring Caleb and Lilith Vatore
The lead singer of [insert generic pop-punk band here] and the scene queen who's borderline stalking him.
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whyhellosims · 8 months
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She's God now, sweethearts. Nobody panic.
(Come visit me this Simblreen if you’d like to have Venus Vlad, The Symbiont of Shallot, and The Creation of Aldrich Thirst as paintings hanging in your sims' homes!) 3/3
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thebrightsessions · 9 months
the fall weather is blowing in 🍂 time to cozy up with your warm beverage of choice with our keep me green mug! 💚
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thelaurenshippen · 1 year
The Barbie trailer mugshot meme but it's Adam looking Concerned and Caleb is here for the ride
ooooh YES can someone please draw this, I want to see this SO badly
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anthonyjlockwood · 1 year
Caleb has always known that he wasn’t good for Adam. That they wouldn’t last. That Adam would want – that Adam deserved – more. And he has every right to get it. It was only a matter of time, really, before he realized that being with Caleb was only going to end in disaster. That five, ten, twenty years from now, Adam probably wouldn’t even remember Caleb’s name, and he’d be much better off for it.
The fear has always been there; a relentless hurricane beating down on his twigs-and-paper sailboat. And now, he’s stranded in the middle of the ocean, knowing that if he somehow magically makes it to shore, he’ll only bring the storm with him.
Up until recently, Caleb has tried not to let the fear bother him. But this scary shift in his power has made it impossible not to think about – if Adam was bound to move on anyway, this is a flashing neon warning sign that Caleb should just let him go. He refuses to let Adam drown, too.
fic based on this amazing moodboard by @fandomscraziness22​ !!
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fictitious-fluff · 5 months
How’s the latest fic coming along?
I’m starving for any content of anything just curious :p
Hmmm, I'd say about halfway done XD (if you dont count tweaking and editing)
I have a few wips but im currently writing a fic for caleb and adam from the bright sessions
It actually might be one of my longer fics. most of em are 1k+ but this might reach 2k
Im OBSESSED with those two
Here's a little sneak peek ;)
Caleb hated how Adam felt that way. He hated how he couldn't help.
Ironically, he was probably the only one that could help Adam. The only person he would trust enough. That's why Adam had been contemplating telling him about his... unusual interest. Or rather, both an interest and a craving to be exact. It wasn't easy though, so he'd been avoiding it instead.
Can't wait for yall to see the whole thing <w<
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springyboipp · 3 months
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Caleb and Charlie may not be as different as you may think 🖤❤️
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
Are there any bright sessions discord servers out there? I'm looking for people to scream with!
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