rattini · 10 months
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A small collection of pet buttons for myself on Subeta!
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444names · 2 years
periodic elements + fruits, nuts and seeds BUT excluding "u"
Acange Actind Actinet Alax Alowbee Aman Amarin Amberry Amenit Anbery Anean Apalme Apeado Aped Apele Applear Applen Appleth Apric Aprob Aradian Araze Aric Arleane Ashto Avabean Avan Bana Bappean Bapple Bargo Bean Bella Beria Berk Berry Billi Bismil Blaban Blacan Blachlo Blacle Bladine Blan Blange Blanza Blaw Blawpea Blax Blon Blono Bongeon Bony Born Bory Bracan Bran Bred Bree Breech Bren Brome Brone Brosil Brot Cadin Cadine Cado Caine Caiseed Cala Calend Callax Callorn Calmon Calons Calt Cana Cand Cane Canthew Canza Carabon Caran Casea Cashean Cass Casse Catecas Cattrob Cemele Cemend Cemon Cemp Cerry Ceseon Cesten Cheado Cheand Cheat Cheed Chen Chencin Chenip Chesee Chew Chian Chice Chio Chiob Chiond Chlon Chne Chon Chrob Clenth Cocai Cocan Cocane Cocob Cocord Cocynth Coff Coffeed Colime Colon Colych Cond Cone Conste Conya Copit Coppea Coppla Corit Corn Cornit Cotai Coweed Cowwat Crai Cran Crans Craze Dambery Dame Dark Daterry Dattrit Dran Drange Drosio Dymil Eind Einip Eins Eitan Eits Erry Favan Flan Flon Forad Foria Forin Forn Foxyge Gaberk Gadbean Galax Gale Gana Garcon Gons Gooseno Gosehin Gracon Graine Gran Grange Grapple Grashto Graze Hagbon Halmins Handak Hanth Hass Haze Hazel Hazelt Hean Heed Hemele Herry Hesat Hiand Hipe Hodia Hokey Holon Hons Hydeli Hyden Hydew Hydron Inese Inesee Iney Ingala Init Irado Irchel Iria Irine Irob Jackele Jaclen Jactic Jactin Japaya Kelon Keyed Keyedak Kine Kiwifon Kiwil Kolind Koras Kraile Krana Labar Lackber Lacklen Lanc Leat Lebee Leberry Letimeg Leydry Limerit Limons Lindine Line Liney Lowpan Lybdelt Lychip Machic Mains Mallon Mamai Mambea Maminth Manan Mand Mange Mangeon Mantic Marai Mariane Mark Marle Mate Megrai Meitred Merry Mili Minth Mirit Monbean Monc Mony Nerine Nerkelt Nerry Neseans Nestelt Niob Nowwalt Oabory Oate Ogend Oger Ogple Olans Olmon Olybeed Oran Oridine Osean Osecan Osee Osildew Osteple Oxyge Pallo Pape Papplet Pashaze Pawpe Pawpelt Paya Peacas Pead Peado Pean Peanth Peat Pechew Peffee Pele Peple Pepley Perry Phokey Phory Phosee Pige Pille Pillon Pine Pinip Pins Pisten Pistne Pitan Pitanea Pitaran Pith Pold Pomate Pome Pomen Pomenio Pomet Potame Potans Prass Prian Pric Princ Prob Probar Probean Proge Prome Rado Ragrad Raize Rapary Rappyse Rassine Reape Renipea Rherbon Rhesta Rhew Rhoge Rhokeye Rhongen Rinen Roge Rond Roppe Saman Sate Sats Scalli Scar Scat Seberry Secan Seed Seen Seetbea Selowpe Sesats Shazelo Sildew Sile Sine Snoat Snowbee Sodia Sodya Sodyme Soria Sory Soybdew Soybee Spberry Stalme Ster Sterk Stersel Swee Swerins Swerk Swerry Tacle Tale Talive Tateff Taterry Taya Tecad Tein Teit Tele Telt Terry Tery Tetbery Thalli Thanar Thberme Ther Timon Tinon Tria Vaberry Vabon Vane Vans Verry Walt Watin Wats When Whend Wherry Whesta Wille Wine Yappyse Yeld Yeli Yelits Yttai Yttaind Yttaman Zine Zirinc
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rattini · 10 months
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Her dirty paws and furry coat She ran down the forest slopes The forest of talking trees They used to sing about the birds and the bees
Ref sheet, icon and aesthetics board for my dragon girl, Calluna!
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rattini · 10 months
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