#campbell bain fic
noirvouzzz · 2 months
Sunday Morning
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Pairing: Campbell Bain x fem!reader (no use of Y/N)
Summary: After spending the weekend outside St. Jude's, you return to the asylum, excited to see Campbell and give him a small present you got him at a record store. However, when you walk into his room, you find him in the middle of masturbating.
Warnings: Caught male masturbation, implied non-virgin!reader, virgin!campbell, making out, (slight) hair pulling, dry humping, boob sucking, handjob, blowjob, mention of rough oral, kind of public? (they're in an asylum so idk), aftercare, fluff.
Word count: 3.7 k
Author's note: Hi there, it's admin Kyra! I wanted to start by letting you know that English is not my first language, so sorry if there are any mistakes. And I haven't written a fic in forever, so bear with me. I tried to make Campbells dialogues sound like his accent, but keep in mind that I'm not Scottish so I don't know if it's right :'). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!! :D
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You waltzed into the asylum door, holding your backpack tightly as you looked around the place. It seemed surreal, but you were kind of happy to be back. After getting a weekend pass, you thought they'd have to drag you back to this place, but living there for the past few months made the asylum feel like home. You skipped through the corridors, excited to find Campbell and tell him about the little record shop that you visited on your free weekend. You had picked up a small gift for him — a simple vinyl record keychain. While it wasn't extravagant, your budget had limited your options, and you couldn't wait to give it to him anyway.  Something that you hadn't expected was missing him so much. Seeing him every day made the absence of his presence over the last two days feel oddly unfamiliar. And, walking to the common room, you couldn't help but wonder whether he missed you too.  You tried to anticipate his reaction to your early return since you were supposed to come back after dinner, yet ended up deciding to do it a few hours before schedule. But, where could he be? He wasn't at the radio station because you could hear Francine's voice announcing the next song, and he definitely wasn't in the common room where you were standing. Maybe he was in his shared room, but that would be out of character for him. He wasn't the type to isolate himself in his bedroom, especially not in the middle of the afternoon. You thought that he could be playing the guitar, or he could have got a day pass and not be in the asylum at all. However, you decided to stop overthinking and just check his room; if he wasn't there, you'd just wait for him to return. Approaching the door, a fluttering sensation started filling your stomach while you held the wrapped keychain in your hand. You caught the sound of distant breathy groans and tried to peek through the small window, but the blinds were pulled down. Perhaps he was sleeping, but you still wanted to surprise him, so you pushed the door open and walked inside. 
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Your eyes widened, seeing the scene that was unfolding before you.  The room was quite dark, only being illuminated by a little ray of sunlight that peeked through the closed curtains. Campbell was sitting on his bed, his cheeks pink and his mouth slightly open as he let out heavy, sharp breaths. His back was leaning against the headboard, which would make little squeaky sounds whenever he moved. Your eyes travelled down to his hands. His left one resting on his lower stomach, twitching slightly, and his right one moving up and down under his boxers, palming his cock before stroking it in slow and long motions.  Then, Campbell's gaze met yours. He jumped and quickly removed his hand from his underwear, before pulling up his trousers and draping the blanket over his body. 
“Lass!” He exclaimed and took an anxious breath. “ye're early.” Campbell mumbled with a mortified look on his face. His shaky arms tightly held the blanket to his chest. 
“Oh! So-Sorry I'll leave.” You let out, not knowing what else to do in this situation. Your cheeks were also pink now, and, as much as you wanted to turn around and disappear, your body wasn't responding. 
“Fergus sneaked oot… for the day, and I didn't think ye'd be comin' until dinner, so…” His eyes moved to your hand, and he tilted his head. “What's that?”.  You looked at the present and cleared your throat. With all this situation, you almost forgot about it. “What?… Oh… I got you something.” He leaned forward slightly and smiled.
“Aw, really? Yer so lovely.”
This was weird; should you just give it to him? The most normal thing to do would be to come back later, but you had been dying to see his reaction ever since you bought it. You awkwardly approached the bed and sat on the edge, handing him the gift without touching his hands. He eagerly took it and began breaking the wrapping paper with his still shaky fingers. Once the broken pieces of paper were scattered around the bed, he held the little keychain and looked at it with a huge smile on his face. “F-For the radio station keys” you quietly explained, looking at him. “Do you like it?”
“It’s brilliant; I love it! I'd hug ye right noo, but I haven't washed ma hands.” He responded, looking at you with a big happy smile. He loved it, and his excitement made you want to hug him too.
“I don't care, c’mere.” You opened your arms, and he quickly leaned forward and embraced you, holding you tightly while softly shaking you around. 
“Ye're too sweet!” He told you as he nuzzled the crook of your neck. His fingers started tracing circles on your back, which filled your stomach with butterflies. Campbell had always been clingy and touchy, it wasn't unusual for him to hug you or caress you. But you had just caught him jerking off, and you couldn't deny you liked the sight.
“Ye didnae have to get me anything.” He moved his face in front of yours and placed his left hand on your cheek. “I know, but I wanted to.” His thumb started brushing your cheek, and your breath got caught in your throat. Even though he was usually a bundle of nerves and energy, he was trying to be gentle and caring, as if he didn't want to scare you away. 
“Sorry for interrupting you." You joked in an attempt to make the whole situation less weird, but it didn’t help at all, as regret filled your whole body when that sentence came out of your mouth.  You should've shut up and avoided acknowledging what you saw, acting as if it never happened and never mentioned it again — or at least that's what you wished you would've done. But it was hard to avoid talking about the only thing that was on your mind when he hugged you, when he rubbed his hands on your back, and when you could feel his hot breath on your neck. 
“Oh, dinnae remind me,” he chuckled. "Sorry ye had to see that.” “It's fine; it was just kind of... unexpected.” He looked away and smiled.
“It was embarrassin’, ah'm still embarrassed.” “Don't be; you looked kind of hot.”  You let out without thinking and felt your cheeks burning. You didn't know why you said that; maybe you just wanted him to feel better. He obviously did look hot, that was true, but you would've never said it to his face. You usually tried to be more subtle, with some innocent flirting here and there, never like this.  He smiled, lifting his eyebrows. “Ye're sae mean.” His gaze shifted to your lips. “Teasin' me when Ah'm... like this.” He laughed quietly and briefly looked away.  Your lips parted after you licked them, and your heart started thundering in your chest. “I mean, it was a good sight.”  He lightly pressed his thumb against your lower lip, softly playing with it. “Ye didnae even let me finish before breakin' into ma room.” His hand held your chin and brought you closer. “I didn't break into-” You tried to finish your sentence, but the feeling of Campbell's mouth on yours interrupted you. He placed a quick kiss on your lips and moved away instantly.  “Shit— Ah'm sorry.” He said quietly, his voice barely a whisper, “I wasn't thinkin'.”  Campbell looked down awkwardly, he seemed more embarrassed about the sudden kiss than about you catching him in the middle of pleasuring himself.  You let out a chuckle and took his arm, pulling him closer again. “Shut up.” He looked at you with a puzzled expression, and you kissed his lips again, wrapping his arm around your waist and making him press you onto his body. He moved his free hand to the back of your head, his fingers scratching your hair as you intertwined your arms around his neck. 
You kept kissing for longer, lightly brushing your tongue against his lips, feeling his breath getting huskier and his grip squeezing you tighter. His kisses were a bit sloppy, you could tell that he was nervous and that he hadn’t done much kissing before, well, you knew that. He had shamelessly told you plenty of times how he couldn’t wait to get discharged to go to some party and lose his virginity.  He wanted to get drunk with his friends, meet a pretty girl to get her a drink, and take her home. And he was sweet about it, making endless unrealistic plans of spoiling that girl, taking her on holidays to the beach, and making her the happiest woman in the world. You had always fantasized about being that girl, wishing that he would see you the way you did, and getting a bit sad every time he talked about having to find her when you were right there, waiting. But now you were kissing him, and he was kissing you back. Leaning onto the bed, resting his back on the headboard, and pulling you against him.
Campbell hesitantly bit your lower lip, delicately sucking it into his mouth and trying not to hurt you, while you placed your hand on his chest.
“Y'okay?” He whispered after separating for a moment. He was still playing with your hair as he looked at you with his big brown eyes, eyebrows furrowing in worry.  “Mhm.” You licked your lips and gave him a small smile. “Are you?”  “Aye.” He smiled back and leaned in to kiss you again.  Campbell began to feel more confident, moving his hand up and down your waist and giving little caresses with his long fingers. His tongue was exploring your mouth, and his hand started sliding down your side and lingering on your lower half. You knew he craved to touch you, but he was too nervous to make a move. So you took his hand and moved it to your ass, which he instantly squeezed whilst he held your hair tighter.
You moved closer, sitting on his lap and sliding your hands under his striped T-shirt, sensing his skin quivering beneath your fingertips. Campbell pulled your head back by your hair and moved his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking, sending shivers down your spine. A little moan escaped your lips when he started nibbling your skin, which caused him to make his hold tighter. His eager lips released a soft groan as he pushed his hips up unconsciously, his body aching for some kind of friction to relieve the pain between his legs.  Your hand began sliding down his abdomen, resting on his lower stomach while tracing your fingers along his waistband. The more you moved with him and pressed your thighs against his legs, the wetter your soaked panties became.  You couldn't shake the mental image of him touching himself. You wanted to feel him, to get your hand under his pants, and make him squirm to your touch.  But this was his first time, and you were still in an asylum after all; going further was way too risky, but it was also so really tempting. As you kissed passionately, your bodies kept moving in sync, hips pressing firmly and rubbing against each other, making you both struggle to suppress the escalating urge to moan.  “…can I?” you murmured quietly, your fingers playing with the elastic of his pants while he moved to look at you with an amused expression. “Really?” His breath got caught in his throat, and he quickly nodded enthusiastically, “Aye, o' course.” While your gaze remained fixed on his face, your hand made its way to his groin, pausing there for a moment. “You sure?” You asked again.  Campbell tucked your hair behind your ear. “Aye, please,” he responded eagerly, “but ye dinnae have to do anythin' if ye dinnae want to.”  From his nose down to his neck, you planted soft kisses that turned into gentle sucking, causing small moans to escape his kiss-swollen lips. You then moved your hand to his crotch, pressing and palming it in a slow, rhythmic motion. With a long sigh, he squeezed your ass, his fingers sliding under your shirt to caress your skin. Heavy breaths escaped him as his digits toyed with the hem of your bra. “Can I touch ye? Please?” he requested breathlessly. You nodded towards his neck, feeling his hand slip beneath your bra, cupping your boob, and tracing circles with his thumb around your hard nipple. While you continued kissing his neck, you unbuttoned his jeans, and, with a lift of his hips, he helped you slide them down to his knees.  Campbell held the bottom of your shirt and glanced at you, silently seeking your consent to take it off. Once more, you nodded, raising your arms for him to swiftly remove the shirt and admire your body. “Yer so beautiful.” He whispered softly and began gently caressing your sides, his fingertips gliding over your skin as they returned to your bra. You gently stroked him through his boxers, moving slowly, sensing the tension in his muscles building. Gasping in your ear, he fumbled with his hands, the movement becoming sloppier as his fingers trembled slightly. He brushed them under the hook of your bra, locking eyes with you while you nodded once more. Your bra loosened, and he slid it down your arms, pausing to meet your gaze briefly before returning to fondle your breasts whilst planting kisses from your neck down to the curve of your collarbones.  Moving to your cleavage, Campbell's tongue brushed its way to your nipple. He grasped your breast with his big hand and sucked you into his mouth, flicking his tongue and letting out sharp breaths. 
“Is that okay?” he asked gently, looking up at you with a caring expression.  "Yeah,” you whimpered, and he smiled before going back to sucking on your nipples.  He was getting harder under your hand, wet spots forming on his boxers as you slowly palmed him. You were being painfully subtle, moving slowly and teasing him, enjoying the sound of his eager sighs and groans. So, with a tender touch, you slipped your fingers beneath his underwear, gently tracing along his lower abdomen without moving any further.  “God, lass, ye're killin' me,” he whined, breathing heavily against your chest, “please, jist touch me already.”  Amused by his needy attitude, you decided to cease the teasing, planting a sweet kiss on the top of his head and removing his boxers. Looking at his arousal, you nervously bit your lip, your gaze switching between his hard cock and his hungry eyes. You took a deep breath and spat on your palm, and a sharp gasp from Campbell echoed at the sight. Your hand inched towards his erection, fingers brushing the underside of its length, provoking a responsive twitch to your touch. You softly held him, circling around the head, rubbing some spit and precum on it, and gliding your fingers along his sensitive slit.
Campbell quickly turned into a whimpering mess, attempting to stifle his moans while you barely even touched him. As your grip tightened slightly, moving up and down his shaft, his rhythmic breathing hitched, his body melting under your touch when you started going faster.  “Mmm… Jesus,” he whimpered, his hand trembling as it reached for your neck, caressing it lazily. 
“Is that good?” you asked with a cheeky smile.  His glazy eyes fell on yours, his lips parting slightly. “Mhm,” he whined, “it feels so good.” He jerked his hips in a slow rhythm, gently thrusting into your hand and panting with each motion.  “Really?” you responded in a playful tone, spitting on his cock again to keep your movements smooth. “Want it to feel better?”  Campbell’s eyes lit up, and he nodded almost desperately. His words caught in his throat; all he managed to respond was a faint “Please,” uttered almost silently. You scooted down from his lap, now kneeling between his shaky legs while you set your hair behind your ears. His mouth dried when he felt you placing a kiss on his tip. Moving quickly, he brushed your hair away from your face — putting it in a makeshift ponytail — and a low groan escaped him when he felt your breath on his skin, his cock twitching against your tongue as you brushed it up his side. Then, you made contact with his tip, swirling your tongue around the head and dipping it into his slit. You placed your hand on his hip, balancing yourself and finally letting him into your mouth. 
You began slowly, sucking gently and moving your head up and down while glancing up at him. He was admiring you, his slightly open mouth letting out grunts and sharp breaths when he ran his fingers through your hair. After a few minutes, you started bobbing your head in deeper motions, taking most of his length into your mouth and feeling it hitting the back of your throat. The room's silence was broken by Campbell's breathy moans and the wet sounds of your choking and slurping.
At that moment, everything about you appeared beautiful to him — your cheeks softly hollowing around his cock, the saliva running down your chin from your swollen lips, and your pretty watery eyes. With his free hand, he was using his thumb to gently dry your tears while using the other to guide your head, urging it to move faster. He was holding back, resisting the urge to hold your head and start fucking your throat, but he wanted to be gentle with you and let you take the lead, knowing that you had more experience than him and you definitely knew what you were doing. He wasn’t going to last much longer anyway; the feeling of your mouth and tongue all over his cock was too intense for him.
“Ahh… Ah'm gonna…” he whimpered, his eyes shut and his hand starting to grip your hair when his whole body tensed up.  You pulled him out of your mouth, still jerking him off. “Are you gonna come?” You teased him and kept stocking him quickly as he moaned, “Mmm… Aye, please… ahh” “Come for me, darling.” You groaned, letting him pound your hand until thick strands of come splattered over your palm and his shirt. Your hand kept moving up and down through his orgasm, slowing down until he collapsed onto the headboard with a little smile on his face, taking a moment to catch his breath and recover. “Ah… thank you” Campbell purred and opened his eyes. He glanced at his clothes, letting out a chuckle. “What a mess.” He murmured under his breath, removing his T-shirt and using it to wipe your chin, hand, and himself before planting a soft kiss on your lips.  “You’re so gross,” you laughed, “could've washed my hands.”  “No,  ye're no goin' anywhere." He threw his T-shirt on the floor and pulled you into a hug, holding you and eagerly placing a bunch of soft kisses over your face. “Yer so perfect.” "Relax, Campbell,” you grinned, and he continued squeezing you into his arms.  “I cannae,” he cheered and kissed you again. “Cannae believe this just happened."  “Okay, let’s calm down." When he loosened his grip, you drew him onto your body, cradling him while he rested his head against your bare chest. His pounding heart began to gradually slow down, and his embrace was no longer crashing you, so you covered yourselves with the blanket and kissed his forehead. “How are you feeling?” you asked, and he looked at you.  “Brilliant, Ah'm gonna remember this day forever,” he grinned and started caressing your arm. “Ah'm gonna remember the keychain, Ah'm gonna remember you coming through the door, Ah'm gonna remember yer pretty face…” 
With a smile, you held onto him, watching as he continued ranting and rubbing your skin with his long fingers. And then, you heard the sound of the radio echoing through the corridor's speakers. 
Up until that point, a stream of uninterrupted music had been playing. However, when Francine announced the final song, Campbell let out a sigh and buried his face against your shoulder.  Despite not wanting to acknowledge it, you knew that as soon as the show ended, the corridors would become crowded with patients and nurses. Dinner was about to start, and Isabel wouldn’t hesitate to walk in the room and drag you both if you weren’t there.  “We should get dressed,” you said, and he whined, squeezing tightly, “Come on, we’ll miss dinner."  “Ah'm really cosy,” he protested, nuzzling your neck. "Dinnae wanna move."  “Wanna get in trouble? You’ll miss your cocoa,” you responded, giggling and nudging his arm. He shook his head without looking up. “Get up then.”  Rising from the bed, Campbell began to get dressed, throwing on his colour-block hoodie and jeans. You, too, put your top back on and retrieved his dirty T-shirt from the floor. “You’re never getting the stains out,” you teased before tossing it into the laundry basket.  “I dinnae care,” he responded and walked to you, placing his hand on your cheek, “it was so worth it."  You smiled, he pecked your lips one last time. He took the keychain, adding it to his key, and placed them in his pocket. Then, he took your hand while opening the door. “Ready?” he asked, as he placed a kiss on your knuckles.  “Yeah, let’s go.”  Campbell gave your hand a squeeze and cheerfully walked you out of the room.  “Ach, I nearly forgot! How'd yer weekend go, then?” He asked, lovingly gazing at you while waiting to hear all of your adventures outside the asylum.  When you decided to return to the asylum before you initially intended to, you could've never expected for any of this to happen. However, as Campbell led you through the corridors with the happiest smile on his face, you realized that you had made the right choice, and you would not change it for anything.
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This is the first fic i've written in ages so I hope you liked it. If you have any prompts for Campbell fics x reader fics let me know and ill take a look :). Like, rb, and follow if you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading!
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camellcat · 7 months
I know we're all utterly in love with campbell bain and he's absolutely everything but I would also like to say I would lay down my life for rosalie my god
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iamyourdensityy · 6 months
campbell bain stans sound off
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princeloww · 7 months
First chapter of my broadchurch / Takin over the asylum fic is out !!! :O
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Hyperactive Little Rascal -- Campbell Bain
Summary: Reader comes home to find two hyperactive little rascals--a puppy... and her boyfriend, Campbell Bain.
Warning: Fluff, Campbell Being Childish
(Post-Asylum; May be connected to “Sweet Jane” or read alone; If you decided to include this in Sweet Jane, this takes place between the ending of the series and the epilogue written by me.)
1995 (Ten months since the events of Takin’ Over the Asylum)
"Nobody can fully understnad the meaning of love unless he's owned a dog."
Y/n was unlocking the door when she heard a soft overagressive growling sound... like a dog.
"Oh, no, he didn't." She groaned. She opened the door, she heard her boyfriend squeak and shush the obvious puppy as he tried to run and meet the new person who didn't understand the concept of shushing.
"Campbell David Bain." She said, closing the door and standing over her boyfriend like a parent.
"Yes, my love?" He asked, inncoently with an obvious squirming object under his hoodie, trying to get out of the darkness so she could find his tail.
"Don't be innocent with me! Don't try and be cute."
"But love... I can't help it." He teased.
"Campbell, did you get a puppy?"
"No." He lied... badly and then the puppy started to bark.
Y/n put down her stuff and coruched in front of her boyfriend, lifting his hoodie, revealing a furry black and white puppy with bright blue eyes who jumped at Y/n, greeting their new person.
"Maybe..." He changed his answer. "But... it's not my fault. Look at these eyes!" He held up the puppy to Y/n's face like she wasn't already aware of the puppy's presence and the puppy started to give her dozens of kisses. Campbell then frowned and grew jealous, he pulled the puppy away, "Okay, puppy, that's enough. That's my girlfriend. The only puppy you gets to kiss her is me!"
"Campbell." Y/n gave her boyfriend a look.
"Okay, so I may have gone to the park and there was a pet adoption and I looked into this puppy's eyes and suddenly I had him in a carrier."
Y/n sighed, shaking her head. "I guess, it's lucky, you only adopted one."
"So we can keep him!?"
"Well, you adopted him so..."
"Yes! I love you! I love you! I love you!" Campbell shrieked, tackling his girlfriend, straddling her and hugging her, the puppy was confused by the suddenly energy but joined in their celebrations.
Campbell was jealous. Y/n had barley paid any attention to him. All to the puppy.
Good job, Campbell. You lost her to a puppy!
"Campbell, what should we call..." she trailed off to see her boyfriend obviously jealous as his arms were crossing and he was grumbling to himself. She placed the puppy down who immediately got up and trotted along with her. She walked to her boyfriend and stood on her toes and kissed him, heavily, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back.
"Don't worry, you'll always be my number one puppy." She giggled.
He grinned goofily as her, he wrapped his arms around her and brought her on the couch with him, kissing her before the puppy shoved his head inbetween the two, apparently trying to see if they were fighting over any food.
"My two hyperactive little rascals." She giggled.
"Little? I am over six feet tall!" Campbell complained.
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"Rascal. That's why we should name him." She grinned.
Campbell pouted, "But I'm your rascal."
"Yeah, you are." She said, pulling him in for another kiss.
Rascal is based off my puppies--they are Australian Shepherd-Poodle Mixes. (I will not show pictures of them though... I might later but not now) Others could be these dark-furred blue-eyed dogs I just Googled: a Siberian Husky, Border Collie, Alaskan Klee Kai, Dalmation, Cathahoula Leopard Dog, etc. But you can suggest your own dog breeds.
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Rascal was originally a girl but male dogs are more hyperactive and highlights Campbell's jealousy.
I have an angst one in the works but I think I'll do a wisdom teeth one (with the reader getting her wisdom teeth out), I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday/two days ago since it was one-thirty in the morning, and I am miserable. I am more miserable in the way I can eat or drink what I want sort of way. Apparently for days after you get your wisdom teeth out you can’t have hot drinks which includes hot chocolate which I try to drink once a day (it’s one thing if I don’t drink it because I just forgot or I meant to and then suddenly it was too late to make one but actually being told I can’t makes it be on my mind all the time.) My mom refused to let me have the wisdom teeth surgery where they put you under anesthesia when they do it (because she’s a paranoid parent and didn’t want to risk the risks. Also because of when I was sedated when I was a baby, I’ll tell that story on the wisdom teeth one) so I was just numbed but I think the reader will have it so Campbell can take care of her while she's still high from the drugs so kind of parallel the one where he was drunk.
I love dogs, I love cats too (but most of my family are allergic and don’t like them. I refuse to admit I might be allergic, I am allergic to pollen so I say it’s that. It just makes my eyes itch and even if I am, which I refuse to admit, I don’t blame the cats for that) My first dog was a male Boykin Spaniel (I miss him), then a Boykin Spaniel mix (I miss them both) Now, I have a black-and-white female four-year-old Aussie-Doodle with one ice blue eye and one brown eyes named Gizmo after the Mogwai from Gremlins, and a whiteish two-year-old male Aussie-Doodle named Sherlock after Sherlock Holmes. He’s… I think he’s smarter than my brother and mom think, I think he acts doofy because he knows it makes us laugh.
I cannot watch dog movies like Marley and Me, or A Dog’s Purpose, (I mean I did watch them both when I was younger) but I can’t. It just makes me think of my dogs and how I want them to live forever. I want my dogs to live longer than me! And I will not write about dealing with a dog’s death. I already have depression and ADHD (not a fun mix) where I can be totally fine (for me) and then suddenly I spiral and then I just hate everything and am sadder than sad.
My family is primarily a dog family, my nana has had a few dogs though her favorite breed are Scottish Terriers (and her favorite animal is a Fox which is my second favorite after a Tasmanian Devil). My favorite dog breed other than the ones I have are Beagle. I don't know why but I've always had this sort of love for beagles.*
Austrian Shepherds are considered “Einstein dogs” from their high intelligence and Gizmo has a glint in her heterochromatic eyes that are just filled with so much love and intelligence.
They are quite playful, I was actually afraid when we went to get Sherlock that Gizmo wouldn't like him (we drove six hours to get him from a barn and then it took even longer to drive back because he kept getting car sick and throwing up, of course now, he'll eat anything, he has a stomach of steel and is now what we (and the vet) call "thick" (because he scarfed his food down like he was being raced and then tried to eat Gizmo's food. Though, she's possessive so she would wait for him to come to her food before botling to her food or snapping at him.)
Now they're just buddies, Gizmo's like his Mama, they play with each other, they wrestle, they play tug a war with the dog toys we buy before we have to throw them away because they tore them away and sometimes when they have the same toy, they walk in unison. They're both very possessive, they don't like it when we leave or when they think we're leaving. Gizmo barks and barks and Sherlock tries to calm her down by jumping on her and grabbing at the fur on her back so she is occasionally temporarily distracted by him pulling at her fur. Gizmo doesn't want to eat or a treat unless he wants it. She'll be occasionally aggressive with him because she's bigger (and his Mama). Sometimes he'll whine and we'll shout at her to stop and sometimes he'll fight back.
Austrlian Sherpherd usually have their tails cut off, surprisingly, Gizmo didn't though and it's just beautiful and she thinks so too, Remy and Lulu never chased their tails or at least I didn't see them but I've never seen a dog love their own tail so much, she'll be doing something one second and then literally start chasing her tail the next. She'll lay down with her tail in her mouth, she'll continue walking in circles with her tail in her mouth and sometimes she'll put her paw on her tail like she's trying to pull at it, and sometimes she'll walk to another room while walking in cicrlces as she moves because she has her tail in her mouth. It's hilarious! 🤣🤣
Sherlock doesn't, he has a little nub of a tail but he seems like he still has a phantom tail because he wiggles his butt when he's excited. He's kind of like Meatlug from How to Train Your Dragon (combined with Hookfang and the two-headed dragon).
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kisses-from-crows · 8 months
Crossed Wires - Campbell Bain - Ch. 5
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Pairing: Radio Host!Campbell Bain/Popstar!femReader
Summary: After the media fiasco from the day before, Campbell just wants to go to work and forget about it. But nothing is ever that easy.
Genre: enemies to lovers, slow burn, modern au, reader insert, forced proximity, misunderstandings, fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2,882
Warnings: Swearing, Daddy Issues
Chapter 5: Digging a hole
Beginning | Previous | Next
E!: Do we hear wedding bells? Rodger Del Ray Jr., future CEO of DreamLight Records, has announced his engagement to actress-turned-singer Penelope Taylor after a year of dating. Congratulations to the happy couple!
Posted: 2 weeks ago
Sunlight streamed through Campbell Bain’s bedroom window, spraying little rainbows across the wall as it got caught in the prism hanging from his window. It had been a gift sent to him by Rosalie about two Christmases ago. The light shining in his eyes gently forced him awake. He yawned and stretched out his unusually sore body. He rolled over and buried his face into the pillow.
Similar shuffling noises came from the unusually warm phone that sat unplugged beside him. He blinked a few times to clear the blurriness from his eyes. After a few failed attempts at reading, he finally made out the words on the screen:
Time Elapsed – 10 Hours 34 Minutes 25 Seconds
Campbell stared at his own confused reflection in his phone screen for several long seconds as his sleep-addled brain struggled to catch up with reality. In that time, Y/N groaned tiredly on the other end. Y/N… Phone… Morning? What was that? Ah, it was reality, right on time to smack him upside the head with a steel chair.
He never hung up last night. She never hung up last night. They never… well you get the point. He shot out of bed instantly, as though a fire had been lit underneath him, scrambling away from the phone like it was a ticking time bomb.
Campbell paced anxiously around his bed, floorboards squeaking beneath him as he planned his next move. Maybe he could just hang up the phone and she would never realize how long the call was. Who checks their call logs anyway? But, what if the sound of him ending the call woke her up? And then she would know. Even worse than that, she would know that he knew. And then the world would end, obviously.
The sounds of Campbell’s stomach growling drowned out the irrational argument he was having alone in his head. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t exactly thinking straight. With a deep breath and a clenched fist, he ended the call. He waited with bated breath, staring at the black screen sitting ominously on the bed.
When a large cartoon anvil didn’t drop from the sky and crush him through the floor, he figured he was safe. Hopefully, she wouldn’t notice, and they could go on as if nothing had happened. Well, nothing had happened really. They just fell asleep on a call, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything. They had a long day and accidentally fell asleep. On the phone. Together.
There was a distinct thud beneath him. Likely his downstairs neighbor hitting the ceiling with her broom, not so subtly telling him to stop pacing. This was a common occurrence.
It was a completely innocuous thing, falling asleep on the phone like that. But Campbell couldn’t quite shake the odd feeling in his stomach… probably just indigestion. Right, that made the most sense. Never mind the fact that it was the best night's sleep he’d had in months. He bent down to the floor and knocked twice to acknowledge his neighbor’s complaint. Sore legs carried him unwillingly to the kitchen for some slightly burnt toast and coffee.
Eddie always said Campbell drinking coffee was like giving cocaine to a toddler. Which Campbell found amusing if not slightly insulting. But a cup of coffee in the morning was obligatory now. He had developed the habit during his first year in New York. Back when he had his very first show in the States. It was a show he co-hosted in a small station, filling in the 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. time slot. Just a throwaway assignment designed to fill the dead air, but to Campbell that show meant everything. It meant he had finally made it. It meant that of all the time and energy he had poured into the radio station back at St. Jude’s was worth the heartache. Hell, it even meant his father was wrong about him.
Campbell wondered if his dad knew just how successful he had become. Or if Campbell’s name had become as unspeakable in that house as his bipolar disorder. Or his ‘condition’ as they called it. The moment he announced his plan to move to the State, his father decided he was on his own.
“Don’t come crying to me and yer ma when this daft scheme of yers goes up in flames.” had been his father’s exact words if he remembered correctly. And he did. The words had seared themselves to the inside of his skull. The point of no return.
To say Campbell had missed his father would be a lie. But that didn’t stop him from wishing things could be different. To hear from his father that Campbell knew what he was doing all along. That he was proud of him. Campbell knew it was a dream, something akin to wishing on stars. He was never going to get that satisfaction, but it didn’t matter. He’d made his own family, made his own way in the world. Sometimes blood was simply that… blood.
It had been far too long since he’d called Eddie McKenna. Campbell made a mental note to give him a call soon. He filled it away in his brain along with all the other things he was likely to forget.
He munched on his lightly blackened and over buttered toast, grabbing his phone to scroll absentmindedly until it was time for work. The hope had been that the mindless serotonin machine that was social media would distract him from the fiasco with Y/N yesterday and the phone call incident this morning. Instead, he was confronted with an onslaught of tabloids speculating on the nature of their relationship and discovered that he had become a meme.
The picture of a rather panicked Campbell peering over the side of a building had caught the interest of many young people with big imaginations. Who had started photoshopping Campbell into random places: teacups, airplanes, space, peeking over the edge of the trenches in a World War I photograph. You name it, he was there. “Campbell Bain in places he shouldn’t be.” They called it.
While seeing himself plastered across time and space was a particular type of disturbing, he had to admit, some of them were pretty funny. Someone had quite alarmingly edited him into a guillotine. ‘Y/N would like this one.’ The thought passed as quickly as it came, slipped right through the grasp of his consciousness like a leaf in the wind.
Campbell finished up his breakfast and got dressed for work. Over the last 2-3 years, he had worked hard to secure the prime-time spot for the station. From 2pm to 6pm every weekday, Campbell Bain had his own radio show. Comforting the huddled masses stuck in rush hour traffic.
In a flash, he was out the door, bundled up in a comfortable hoodie with his chunky headphones covering his ears. Music blasting, he made his way to the subway. A part of him missed the simplicity of the old Glasgow railway but there was just something about the hustle of New York that agreed with him. At least, that’s what he would’ve said three years ago. These days, it was beginning to wear on him.
Campbell Bain had become a household name years ago. Around the time Y/N and Campbell had their fourth interview together. That had been the most vicious of them all, not counting their very last interview before Y/N’s disappearance. He could picture the second it all went to hell like it was yesterday.
He had delivered some jab about her lyrics being generic and expected. The moment the mood shifted from school-yard taunts to an all-out war was palpable. Y/N cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. Under her piercing gaze, Campbell had never felt so exposed. Her eyes scanning his being as if assessing his greatest weaknesses like the Terminator. Before she even opened her mouth, he knew he was going to regret whatever it was that he just said. With a wicked grin, she delivered a blow that hit him right between the gaps in his armor, and he just lost it. That night when he went home, he stared at his ceiling without blinking. The harsh conversation playing over and over in his head. It wasn’t the first time in those seven years that Campbell couldn’t recognize himself. Nor was it wasn’t the last.
Lost in the flow of the music and his own mind, Campbell nearly missed his stop. He squeezed past tourists and commuters alike, against the human current flooding into the overcrowded subway car. As he stepped onto the busy sidewalk above ground, he marveled at the skyscrapers towering above him. Only a few short years ago, all these buildings felt so much taller. Stone giants, so shiny and full of promise. Now they just felt like walls closing in on him.
Campbell pushed his way through the revolving doors of the radio station. The interior had changed a lot since DreamLight Records had bought the station, just a year after Campbell had signed a contract with them. Nearly eight years ago now. It wasn’t so bad at first, working for them. But slowly over time, things got more and more strict. All these different rules about dress code and what music they could play. He didn’t care much for being told what to do. So, he made himself utterly indispensable, the biggest name to grace what was once a small station. Now he could pretty much do anything he wanted. Well, almost anything.
Campbell got settled in his cushy leather chair with his mug of coffee and looked over the available catalog for the day. It was a list of artists all signed under DreamLight Records. Around year three, DreamLight’s CEO, Rodger Del Ray Sr., announced that the station could only play music written, produced, owned, or approved by the DreamLight Record label. They claimed it was to “promote their brand”. Campbell thought it was a load of shite, but they signed his paychecks, so he kept quiet… mostly. Well, quiet for him at least.
He took a long swig from his Bugs Bunny mug as he picked out a few of his favorites to start out the day, deciding to sort through the rest as he went along. Campbell worked best in a flow state, planning it all out just wasn’t his style. The tech guys outside the sound booth held up five fingers. Five seconds until he was live. He cleared his throat and chugged some water, best to keep the instrument clear.
5… 4... 3… 2… 1. “HELLLLLOOOOOO AND WELCOMEEEEE. If yae are just tuning in, yae are right on time for the Loony Tunes show with Campbell Bain. I am your designated loony for this afternoon, Campbell Bain.” He fell into the character like a second skin. It was a part of him. At least it had been, once upon a time. Now it just felt like a costume. The grandiose announcer thriving off the undivided attention of the general public.
Campbell played his first few queued up songs and began wracking his brain over what to play next. Deft fingers flitted over the song choices till they came to a pause at a familiar name. F/N L/N… it was a track from her third album. As much as he loathed to admit it, he actually quite liked this particular tune. Something about the way the drum kicks and cymbal sizzles emphasized the emotion in her voice made his chest go tight. He used to listen to it alone in his room and think about his father. All the rage he felt, all the disappointment, the yearning he had for his father’s approval even to this day. But that was a secret he planned to take to the grave. And when he met Fergus wherever he was going, his lips would remain sealed.
He queued up the song before his brain even recognized what his hands were doing. Campbell’s eyes widened as he watched the track go into the lineup of songs. He scrambled to fix his mistake, mouse clicking furiously. But it was too late. With nothing else to play, the channel began broadcasting a 4-year-old deep cut from Y/N’s third album. Campbell swore silently and slid dramatically from his chair onto the floor. This was not good.
Of all the ridiculously dumb things he could’ve done, this had to be one of the stupidest. If the media frenzy over their near escape yesterday had been bonfire, Campbell had just thrown gallon of gasoline on it. Plus a few fireworks for good measure.
As Campbell laid curled up under his desk, the beginning chords of the song floated through the air. He felt sick to his stomach. This was disaster. Even worse, it was downright embarrassing, he had a certain reputation to uphold after all. Maybe if he just hid down here for a while, his slip of a finger and the consequences that would soon follow might just disappear. His phone buzzed in his pocket, it’s from the tech crew. The message read: ???.
Campbell crawled out from under the desk, limbs getting tangled in the wires of the headphones. After nearly faceplanting in the well-worn carpet he managed to right himself on top of his chair with all the grace of a newborn giraffe. An awkward thumbs up to the guys on the mixer and he pretended to go on as usual. As if nothing had happened.
The song picked up around the second chorus bringing in loud baselines and a few subtle strings over top of it. The build of the instrumentals matched the intensity of her vocals as she sang about feeling alone in a crowded room and being desperate for the approval of those who could never see her. The lyrics were vague enough to be widely relatable but still cut deep. In a few measures, Campbell’s favorite part of the song was coming. The music reached a fever pitch before ending abruptly as if the entire band ceased to exist when they were giving it their all just moments before. The end left the listener feeling like they had the rug ripped out from under them. It suited the tone of the song so well.
So, maybe Campbell liked this song a little. His head bobbed to the beat of its own accord. Okay, more than a little. But after 6 studio albums she was bound to create one song he liked. Even a broken clock was right twice a day.
Campbell let the music fade out and hoped the mistake would pass without acknowledgement from the press. As 4 o’clock rolled around, it was time for requests. Loony Tunes had an hour-long segment where listeners could compete to request a song.
With every call and every right answer, Campbell was bombarded with question after question about Y/N. What were they doing together yesterday? Is she releasing a new album? Are you guys dating? Why did you play a Y/N song? Is that a secret message? Why were you two on a roof?
Mind you, Campbell Bain can bullshit with the best of them. Lie his way out of a hole in the ground. But at this moment, he had no explanation. Not one single line concocted to get him out of this mess. Because the truth was, he didn’t know the answers either. Questions swirled around his head; he was more confused now than he was before. It seemed his meeting with Y/N had only brought more questions. It had also unfortunately chucked him like a rag doll straight into the rumor mill.
Another buzz emitted from his phone from a contact labelled: Boss Baby. Oh god, it was Rodger Del Ray Jr., Y/N’s former fiancé. The text cryptically read: “You’re dead, Bain.”
Well, that much was clear already. Anxiety boiled over in the pit of his stomach and wrapped a hand around his throat. He had to find a way out of this. Maybe he should reach out and tell Y/N the interview was off. He wanted no part of whatever mess he’d found himself in. But even as he tried to convince himself that it wasn’t too late to walk away, curiosity gnawed at him like a dog with a bone.
As the last half an hour of the show rolled around, Campbell decided to take matters into his own hands. He pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans. It was full of notifications, endless links to new articles claiming to have the inside scoop on Y/N’s new Scottish beau. The memory of waking up next to her on the phone flooded his overactive mind as he pulled up her contact. Passively, he wondered if he should change her name in his phone. He typed up and deleted ten different messages before settling on:
“We need to talk.”
A breath later, a buzz.
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Next Chapter
A/N: sorry this is more of a filler this week, everybody at work got sick so i was working a lot more than i expected. i promise next week we’ll get some good drama in there. also i don’t know why it didn’t occur to me when i wanted to write a popstar!au that eventually i would have to make up fake music. don’t worry i’m not gonna try to write a song that would be a disaster. just gonna stick to describing the vibe lol. - Ducky
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modrntravlr · 8 months
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Campbell Bain in Takin' Over The Asylum (1994) x Reader
accidentally wrote a seven page outline of a campbell x reader fic instead of studying for my statistics exam so enjoy this moodboard i made for it during one of my actual study breaks. i’m not a hundred percent sure when or if i’ll finish this fic but i’m feeling pretty confident about it, so stay tuned for updates i guess.
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Y/N and Campbell Bain go out for the night
a/n: this is my first fic!! constructive criticism is fine but pls be nice :]
wc: 856
c/w: alcohol (only mentioned), think that's it, lmk if not tho
“Hey, Campbell,” You whisper through the dark.
“What is it?” He replies, his voice full of sleep.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Aw shit, I’m sorry Y/N, I forgot. I’ll be ready in a minute.”
You fiddle with your fingers as you hear him rustling about in his room. Your attention shifts as he pops his head around the doorframe. 
“You got anything you’ll need?”
“Yeah, in my bag,” You lift it up to show him. 
“Perfect,” He flashes that wide grin of his and steps out of his room, checking around for anyone watching before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the door that leads out of the ward. He fishes in his jacket pocket for a moment before he pulls out Fergus’ card and unlocks the door.
“After you m’lady!” 
“Why thank you, kind sir!” He laughs at your attempt at a posh accent and you step out of the ward. 
“So where exactly are we going?” You ask as the two of you walk across the quiet hospital grounds.
“A spot I know,” He grins at you, “you’ll find out soon enough won’t ye? Quit asking!” 
The two of you walk until you reach the back of a wide building. As you inspect the building you notice flashing lights through the cracks of an exit door. 
“Fergus told me I could just tell them we know him and they’d let us in. Think we’ve gotta go around front though.”
You grab his hand as he leads you around to the front of the building. It seems fairly inconspicuous aside from the strobe lights still flashing through the cracks of the doors. 
Campbell raps his knuckles on the door and the sound echoes sharply through the quiet. It takes a minute, but eventually a man opens the door. He’s tall and big and looks scary and you shuffle behind Campbell. Campbell doesn’t seem deterred by him in the slightest. 
“Hey there, I was told to tell you I know Fergus MacKinnon.” He smiles widely at the man.
The man looks at the two of you for a second before nodding his head and stepping aside, letting you in the door. As you walk by him Campbell gives him a big grin and you give him a polite nod. 
After you’ve gone in and had a chance to take in your surroundings you notice a few things. Firstly, everyone here seems older than you. There definitely isn’t anyone else as young as you and Campbell, probably because they serve alcohol, you think as you notice a bar on one end of the room. The second thing you notice is the blaring music. It’s not the old music you’re used to hearing on the station at St. Jude’s, it’s loud and fast, distracting you from Campbell trying to get your attention.
“Hey! Y/N! You in there?” He yells over the music, tapping your forehead.
“Yeah, sorry,” You shout back at him.
“What d’ya think? Cool place, huh?”
“Yeah, I like the music.”
“I thought you would!” He seems delighted that you like it. 
��Are we allowed to be here? I think they’re serving alcohol, you know.” 
“Oh, don’t worry so much Y/N, that’s not why we’re here.” He grabs your hand, surveying the place. You follow him to a small table far to one end of the room. As you sit down he grabs his chair and pulls it over right next to yours. 
You lean into him so you don’t have to shout as much, “This is cool and all but why are we here Campbell?”
He leans down so his mouth is right next to your ear, “Fergus told me about it and I thought you’d like it. I know how much you love the music we’ve got at St. Jude’s so I thought you’d have a good time coming and listening to some new music.” 
You can feel your face heat up as you turn to look at him. He’s smiling softly down at you and you smile back. 
“Thank you.”
“Anything for ya, Y/N.” 
“That was really fun, thank you Campbell.” You tell him as you walk across the grounds back to St. Jude’s. 
“O’course Y/N. Just let me know if you ever wanna go again.” 
He takes your hand in his and pulls you with him as he breaks into a run. The two of you race through the grounds, taking the longest route back you know of. 
“Well, I guess this is where I drop ya off.” He whispers, you can hear a hint of sadness in his voice. 
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic about it, your room is five steps away.” You roll your eyes at him. 
“Yeah, well I had fun tonight. I like spending time with you.” 
You stand on your tiptoes and throw your arm around his shoulders to pull him down and you plant a kiss on his cheek. He flashes that big, bright smile of his at you one last time and you return it before heading into your room and closing the door for the night.
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monochromemoomin · 8 days
(as in the song by the Wallows)
campbell bain (takin over the asylum) x reader
based on the fic Never Ending Sky by @princeloww (GO READ THAT BEFORE THIS!!!)
(also reader has social anxiety)
(idrk what this fic is yet so we’ll see where it goes) (also it’s my first fic ever so it might be shite soz)
I remember first meeting him in that record shop in town. That scrawny motherfucker and his floppy hair.
I say ‘meeting’ but it was more like seeing. I didn’t actually have a conversation with him, not at first. Not the kind of person to talk to strangers voluntarily no matter how much this particular stranger interested me.
I remember him bursting through the doors. Like a sudden blast of sunshine when you open the curtains on a summer’s day. I was in there wasting time on some random Sunday, rifling through records like I could afford to buy one or like I had a record player to play them on, when the sharp ring of the shop’s bell made me jump out of my skin, and Campbell Bain (obviously I didn’t know his name then) was stood there in the doorway, beaming. I was annoyed at first. I’m not a fan of sudden loud noises and even something like a bell in a shop and the crashing of doors being flung open was enough to scare me. I went back to looking through records, recovering from the momentary scare and silently aware of the newcomer’s movements. He was charging through the small shop excitedly and I found my irritation subsiding. I got a better look at him as he stopped in front of the pinboard and I realized I recognized him vaguely.
Ah. So I guess I didn’t first see him in that record shop. I first saw him at school.
Campbell’s auburn hair and colourful clothes had stood out there much more than in the shop. He was being shown around or something by the headteacher and DI Alec Hardy, who stood out somehow even more. Everyone had immediately started jumping to conclusions, as most teenagers do when there’s something more interesting than usual in one of their dull, repetitive days. Most people, me included, thought he was Hardy’s secret son or something. I mean he was a spitting image of the detective it was almost uncanny. He was acting exactly like Alec as well. Head down, eyes down, like he was trying to disappear. I tried not to stare as much as everyone else. I spend a lot of time trying to seem less noticeable too so I figured one less stare might be appreciated.
In this record shop though he was taking up the whole room. He was unapologetically loud and bright and excited by every record he laid his eyes on. I think that’s why I didn’t recognize him at first. That and the fact he was moving at the speed of light to get a look at every single thing in there.
At some point, Hardy came in, seemingly following Campbell rather than of his own accord. They did the rounds at a much more reasonable speed than Campbell’s initial rush and I quietly moved around the shop to get out of their way before I actually had the chance to get in it. I made my way to the counter to buy a badge or two and they ended up queueing behind me. I internally urged the person at the till to hurry up, very much aware of the subtle presence behind me and how I was wasting their time by existing in the wrong place at the wrong time. After what seemed like a lot longer than it probably was they handed me the bag with my Beatles pin. Campbell suddenly reached over from behind me and pointed to the badge. “You’ve got good taste,” he said, smiling broadly, “I love them.” I stared at him blankly for a moment before smiling awkwardly and nodding “Thanks. Me too,” I said before turning and leaving, badge still in hand.
I scolded myself immediately. “Me too” of course I liked them I just bought a badge with their bloody name on it. Great. New kid at school and I’d already shown him how stupid I was.
On the plus side, new kid at school went to the record shop, so he clearly wasn’t a knob like most other boys at school. And we both liked the Beatles, although a lot of people liked the Beatles so that wasn’t much. But still, a possible friend. That was something, I guess.
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aggsh-shs · 1 month
you asked for fic requests do those go here?
anyway, can i request campbell bain x g/n or male reader where reader has a panic attack and campbell helps.
OR one where reader is just sitting around while campbell does a show. chill stuff y’know
those might be awful ideas feel free to ignore this if you want
sorry i’ve never done this before hope these are ok requests
cw: panic attacks (obvi)
reader gender: male (he/him)
Room 306 in St. Jude’s mental hospital was assigned to two boys, you, and your boyfriend. He was bipolar while you had generalized anxiety disorder. This led to regular panic attacks when unmedicated
Aforementioned boyfriend, Campbell Bain sat next to you, his arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders.
He was chatting away, some story about Eddie that you couldn’t hear through the pure adrenaline coursing through your body.
Every breath seemed to come and leave without making it any easier to focus. You’d had a rough day, too many loud sounds and people. They’d lowered your meds recently, which meant it took less to make you anxious.
This was definitely a panic attack.
Campbell’s voice faded out, without you noticing, and his hand transitioned from just holding you to rubbing your back.
“Hey,” His voice was gentle, and you turned from staring dead ahead to do your best to focus on him, “you ok? You’re shaking..”
You swallowed thickly, breathing starting to pick up in pace. It felt like someone was choking you. A few tears rolled down your cheeks, and Campbell immediately moved to wipe them away.
He had this soft look of concern written across his face.
“Woah, you’re ok,” He pulled you close, and even in your nonverbal state you managed to pull together enough sense to bury your head in Campbells chest, “You’re safe. I’m right here.”
He moved you to sit on his lap, leaning up against the headboard of the bed you were sitting on. Campbell slowed his breathing, hoping that you’d follow his example.
You drew in gasps of air, trying desperately not to suffocate. Everything was too much. The lights of the hospital felt blinding, and all the overlapping sounds of talking and air conditioning hums and nurses and music and-
Campbells palms came to rest over your ears, and you reached up your own trembling hands to cover his.
In all honesty he was scared they’d sedate you. He hadn’t seen you have a panic attack this bad in a long time. You shook in his arms, letting out a choked cry as you finally managed to pull in a full breath.
“There we go, that’s my boy,” Campbell brushed his fingers through your hair, mumbling soft words of praise to help you calm down, “You’re safe, i’m right here with you.”
You let out a pathetic whine in response, signaling to Campbell that you were conscious enough to hear him. You felt less like you were being choked now, and it was easier to breathe.
“good boy,” You could feel his heartbeat through his tear stained t-shirt, and you weren’t sure how long it had been since this started but you were glad he stayed, “just keep breathing. Nice deep breaths.”
It took a few more agonizing minutes for you to finally come back all the way, and while you were still a bit shaky, it wasn’t as bad as before.
Campbell watched from your shared bed as you pulled away and stood up, pacing with a hand pressed to your chest to try and calm down fully.
It felt too cramped in his arms. You stumbled every other step, but it was nice to keep moving.
after a minute or two you came back to bed, face red and blotchy but no longer crying.
“You feeling better?” He asked as you sat back down, smiling when he was met with a nod in response.
“Mostly.” You never felt too inclined to speak after panic attacks. It all just felt like too much.
“Good,” Campbell reached out for your hand, squeezing it three times before kissing your forehead, “Can’t have my boy out of commission, we still got a show to do.”
You laughed quietly, more a breath out than an actual sound. The positivity in Campbells voice was infectious.
You curled up in Campbells lap, head laying on his thigh while he stroked your hair.
He didn’t mind staying there while you slept. He’d wake you up when it was time, for now he’d let you rest.
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grandmameredith · 8 months
when you read all 52 taking over the asylum fics in one sitting and now you have to go into the work and pretend like you're a normal functioning person like haha yes i am human and not just 3 rotating Campbell bains
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imdoingawesome · 11 months
I haven’t been tagged at all in this, but I just saw this post by @landwriter and I feel like oversharing right now, so:
Current time: 3:40 am
Current mood: sleepy, slightly annoyed that I’m awake right now, but generally content with life
Currently thinking about: the fact that people are still setting off fireworks at this time of night (!); how I’m going to wake up for work tomorrow; academy-era thoschei; good omens season 2 is coming out so soon!
Current favorite character: oh, there are so many! For right now, it’s either Crowley or Campbell Bain (I’ve been rewatching Takin Over the Asylum and 🥹 he’s so adorable)
Current favorite song: this is what’s on repeat right now - Finally // beautiful stranger by Halsey, vampire by Olivia Rodrigo, Hate That You Know Me by Bleachers, Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
Currently reading: nothing at the moment, but my copy of When the Angels Left the Old Country should be coming tomorrow! so then I’ll reread that :)
Currently watching: just rewatching Takin Over the Asylum and random New Girl episodes
Current wips: I have to finish the second chapter of fragments of a life, but I also have bits of a saxteen time loop fic, a fourteen/missy knifeplay oneshot, and a twelve/missy vault fic that I don’t know if I’ll ever finish 🙃
tagging some people here, but feel free to ignore me and my late night (early morning?) ramblings 😅: @veraynes-blog @roxannepolice @youcouldbewonderful @alexmey-does-an-arts @anonymouscatloaf and anyone else who wants to do this!
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I doodled a little thing from this fic I wrote where Campbell Bain meets Aziraphale
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Hey lovely ❤️❤️
For the ask game;
61 - about Baby Fever AU, 42, 19
Hi there! 💚
In Baby Fever, what's your favourite scene that you wrote?
There are a lot, but this one's definitely a scene I love very much, 'cause it's so funny and adorable, yet a bit shocking and somehow sexy? Ugh... 😍😂
"Y/N?" Loki suddenly spoke up. Our car ride had been very quiet so far. "Mhh?" "I want a baby." I hit the brakes immediately. What? His words hit me like a truck, caught me completely off-guard and caused my eyes to widen. "I beg you pardon... You want what?" "I want to have a baby - with you." I blinked rapidly. My brain couldn't believe what my ears just heard. "You want a baby? With me?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "No, with the sexy blonde girl from the second floor… Of course with you! I would never want a baby with a woman who isn't you! What are you thinking, darling?" I was still just staring at him. "Can we have one? Please? Just imagine how utterly sweet a mix out of me and you would look! Darling, we'd make the prettiest babies!" Loki looked at me with puppy eyes. "I-I-I..." I didn't get more words out in that moment. I was way too shocked… Suddenly his expression shifted, turned into a mischievous smirk. He took my hand in his and leaned over, getting closer towards me. "Can we make one now?" My husband said in the most seductive tone I had ever heard, before he captured my lips with his, kissing me ferociously. His hand started to wander; dangerously close to the hem of my t-shirt. Loki was on the verge of slipping his hand underneath the piece of clothing, when my brain finally caught up. I quickly ended the kiss and shoved his hand away. "Woah there! Hang on for a second and keep it in your pants!" Loki pouted. "But why, darling?" "Because two hours ago you didn't even want to meet your niece – who is a baby, and now you're asking me to have one with you?! Right now?!" He sighed. "Yes, I know, love, but... I don't know… When Eisa looked at me with those big, blue eyes, it was like... a magic moment." My gaze softened. "And that's wonderful, Lokes, it really is, but... Having a baby is a serious topic. You don't just rush into this, you know? A child is a life changing thing. You have to be clear about this and be sure that you really want it." Once again, those puppy eyes. "But... I am sure, love. I really want this." "Okay, Lokes..." I took a deep breath. His enthusiasm scared me a bit, honestly... "Let's talk about this in peace, yes? We are going to think this through and then we talk over the weekend again, okay?" Loki nodded. "Of course, whatever you wish, my queen." I nodded as well. "Good." Then I took another breath, before I set the car back into motion. I still couldn't believe that I just had this conversation with Loki... "But that isn't a 'no', right?" "It's not a 'no', yes..." I answered cautiously and witnessed from the corner of my eyes how he started to smile. "But it isn't a yes either!" I quickly added. Loki just continued to smile. "That's correct, but I am very certain that you do want this. You are talking more often about babies than you notice, darling." I frowned. "Do I?" "Mhm." "Well... Like I said, we'll see..."
What's your favourite title that you've come up with?
That's a good question! Let me think... 🤔 Okay, yes, well... There's this one fic I one wrote... It was for Campbell Bain from 'Takin' Over the Asylum'. TOtA is a BBC Scottland mini series from the 90's with Ken Scott and a young David Tennant (I love DT and still do - like some of you may know... He was my first celebrity crush!), looking like this:
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Anyways, long story short... Sorry for rambling. The title I came up with was 'Lovestruck Loonies' - and gods, I still love it!
Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love creating OCs! I've got a whole bunch of OCs! ☺️
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Sweet Jane -- Campbell Bain x Reader Masterlist
Warning: Mental Health, Traumatized Reader, Suicide, Mention of Sexual Assault, Parent Abuse, Neglectful Parents, Verbally Abusive Parents, Stalking, Unhealthy Past Relationships, In-Universe Misconceptions of Mental Heath by Neurotypicals/Normals, Judgy Neurotypicals/Normals
Campbell Bain x Reader from 1994's BBC Mini-Series "Takin' Over the Asylum", can be considered David Tennant's first breakout role at 22 years old.
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Notes: Fan Fic Written by a Neurodivergent (ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Ambiguous Dyslexia and possibly more) and therefore, a looney. 😉😁
Below is the YouTube Playlist to Takin' Over the Asylum I'm watching when I'm editing the chapters I had done for Wattpad, I prefer ones with subtitles because Scottish accents are, as beautiful as I find them and I'm usually indifferent to accents, rather thick and hard to understand especially because Campbell Bain speaks very fast, it's helpful for there to be subtitles.
Sweet Jane: Hey Jude
I'll Stand By You - Sweet Jane: Fly Like an Eagle
The Man Who Sold the World - Sweet Jane: You Always Hurt the One You Love
Every Breathe You Take - Sweet Jane: Fool on the Hill -- (Warning: Suicide, Major Character Death, Manipulative Therapist, Manipulative Ex, Sociopathic Ex, Stalking)
Creep - Sweet Jane: Rainy Night in Georgia -- (Warning: Mature — Mentions and Descriptions of underaged rape (mid to late teens) and descriptions of stalking. but I’m not sure if this counts as explicit.)
True Colors - Sweet Jane: Let It Be
Drunk In Love (Six Months After the Events of Sweet Jane)
Winter Sounds (Seven/Eight Months after the Events of Sweet Jane)
Jetlagged (Eight Months after the Events of Sweet Jane)
Hyperactive Little Rascal – Campbell Bain
(To be Continued)
More Notes: Campbell and the Reader are in my head, similar to Andy Dwyer and April Ludgate's relationship. The older man (though in this case by one year) is basically a hyperactive ball of sunshine and optimism and the younger woman is all dark and cynical, doesn't speak often yet when she does it's rarely helpful and usually sarcastic and deadpan--Black Cat, if you will (Meaning, "a human who acts like a real black cat--moody, mysterious, usually introverted/reserved/antisocial but knows how to fight" and possibly may give off the vibe that they would kill anyone who messes with the people they love..
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kisses-from-crows · 9 months
Crossed Wires - Campbell Bain - Ch 2.
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Pairing: Radio Host!Campbell Bain/Popstar!femReader
Summary: After disappearing inexplicably for over a year, Y/N calls Campbell Bain, her well-documented professional nemesis. Will Campbell take the career opportunity of a lifetime?
Genre: enemies to lovers, modern au, reader insert, forced proximity, misunderstandings
Word Count: 1,285
CW: Mentions of Grief, Mentions of Mental Illness
Chapter 2
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-TMZ: This just in, recently single starlet F/N L/N seen cussing out paparazzi and “throwing a tantrum” in the middle of Central Park. Has fame finally gone to Y/N’s head? Click here for the full video!
Posted: 1 year ago -
“Has anyone ever told ye that referring to yerself in the third person is wee bit batty?” Campbell Bain said to the rather ominous voice over the phone. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and groaned a bit with the effort to sit up.
“Do you want the exclusive or not Bain?” Y/N said over the phone sounding more than a little irritated.
“Sorry sensitive subject, eh?” Campbell teased. Right about now that wrinkle would be forming just between her otherwise impeccably groomed eyebrows. He knew that wrinkle well.
"…" Y/N doesn’t respond. The silence over the phone was disconcerting. This was not like her. She was never without a response. That was the one predictable thing about her, she always had a comeback. Mind you some were better than others, but she always got the last word, no matter what.
Campbell found himself sitting up straighter and listening for sounds of distress. Maybe this was a cry for help? Maybe someone had broken in and this was her convert way of contacting the police? Campbell’s brain speed ran a list of everything that could possibly or impossibly go wrong in this moment.
“I don’t have the energy for this, Campbell” Y/N said finally, her voice sounding defeated. He let out the breathe he’d been holding, before sucking it right back in. She used his first name. She never used his first name. It was always ‘Bain’ or ‘Bastard’ or ‘Bain, you bastard’. Something was up. Something was wrong. The world was tilting off its axis and Campbell Bain was going to get to the bottom of it.
“Why are ye giving me the story?” Campbell said suspiciously, waiting for the other shoe to drop from the sky and knock him on his ass. This story could make his career, the exclusive tell-all of a pop-star at the height of her fame disappearing without a trace overnight. Only to pop up out of the blue after no one had seen or heard from her in over a year. A story like this would something of a crowning achievement, and she despised him. So why on god’s green earth would she choose him to tell this story.
“Why not.” Y/N said. As if was as simple as that. As if they hadn’t spent half of the last decade trading schoolyard taunts in a professional setting. Much to the delight of their bosses and the chagrin of anyone who had to bear witness to it in person. “We’ve done plenty of interviews together.”
“Nae, we’ve had plenty of sparring matches disguised as interviews” Campbell said “and ye had to be dragged kicking and screaming into every last one.” Each interview over the years flashed through his mind, one for each album she’d dropped. There had been a total six so far. A frankly ridiculous amount of music to release in such a short period of time. Nearly one album a year. Except for last year, when Y/N had fallen off the face of the earth and not a soul knew why.
If his memory serves him well, which it often didn’t, that last interview had been a particularly nasty one. No matter how many times they did this same old tired routine, bickering back and forth over a difference of opinions and deep seeded resentment, the public ate it up everytime.
“This one’s different” Y/N said quietly. Campbell could barely hear her over the broken speakers of his phone, water damaged from taking it in the shower to listen to music and escape the never silent cacophony in his mind. But her small voice crept through and sunk the tiniest little hook in his heart.
“Different how?” Campbell said slowly, like he was feeling out the words in his mouth. Was she going skewer him like shish kabob this time? Or maybe drop kick him into the sun and use a picture of his glorious death as an album cover. He had so many questions and so little answers.
“It’s just different,” Y/N sighed “I don’t want to talk about this over the phone. Meet me at Maison Marcelle at 9 o’clock tomorrow. I’ll send a driver to pick you up, I don’t want you followed.” With that line went dead.
“Gosh, that was cryptic.” Campbell rubbed a tired hand over his face. The guitar string callouses on his fingers caught on the tiny amount of stubble he managed to accumulate. He would need to shave for his audience with Her Majesty the Queen of Hell tomorrow.
The conversation left Campbell feeling deeply unsettled. Much too restless to go bed, the lanky brunette wandered to the kitchen. He hunted down his two favorite mugs and the good cocoa from his cupboard. If cocoa couldn’t knock him out, nothing would. It was a habit he’d picked up at St. Jude’s. He’d learned to cope better as he got older. Not all the time, but he could take care of himself at least 4 days out of the week, so that was a win. Grief made things difficult but at least some traditions never die.
Campbell boiled milk in a kettle on the stove and pulled out three packets of cocoa mix. With a dutifully practiced hand, he poured milk into each of the mugs. Then emptied a package and a half into each, he’d always liked his cocoa a little sweeter. He stirred the powder in and let it dissolve. Cursing himself for forgetting to buy more mini marshmallows while he was at the store last.
In the peaceful silence of the kitchen, Campbell pushed the other mug of cocoa to the empty chair across from him and let it grow cold. Thoughtlessly sipping from his drink too quickly, he burnt his tongue. He pictured Fergus in the seat across from him, laughing at his impatience and let the bittersweet feeling sit in his chest. What would he think of him now?
Campbell shook his shaggy brown hair like he could shake off the intrusive thought like a wet dog. No such luck. It was a thought he’d had often. Would Fergus be proud of Campbell for finally accomplishing the thing he set out do? What would he think of this abrasive persona he’d adopted to keep viewers interested? What would he think of this long standing beef between him and a woman he hardly knows? A woman who inexplicably wanted to hand him the rights to an interview that could make him millions. None of it made sense.
Lost in his own thoughts, Campbell ended up sipping out of an empty cup, long since drained. He sighed and stood up to put his mug in the sink. He could wash it in morning. Along with the other miscellaneous items he kept intending to “wash in the morning”. It always slipped his mind, there were much more interesting things to focus his energy on.
Campbell turned to look at the quickly cooling mug of cocoa on the table and decided to leave it out for ghost Fergus to enjoy a little bit longer. That’s just how grief was sometimes. Always leaving space for someone who wasn’t coming back. Just in case.
Campbell shuffled down the hall to his room, just about to throw himself into his bed without brushing his teeth. Until he heard Eddie’s voice ringing through his mind saying something about his teeth rotting and falling out his head. So in honor of his old mentor, he gave his teeth a quick scrub and before throwing his tired body haphazardly into bed.
Tomorrow he’d stare down the devil herself and get some answers. But for tonight, he would just hope he didn’t dream.
Next Chapter
A/N: i am very proud this chapter and writing this series is the most fun i’ve had in a minute so i’m just gonna writing it.
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