#can’t get them out of my head
redrobber13 · 7 months
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I liked reaper tale a lot as a kid and I reread it today and afterdeath pretty is cool too. Poly ftw I’m their biggest fan
This will not be the last you see of them from me. (IM FUCKING CRAZY)
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bro-imjustvibin · 4 months
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My sweet sweet cringefail quokka.
Been drawing a lot of panels for animatics, so I thought I’d take a break by drawing my favorite Sonic character.
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bobfloydpilled · 2 years
seems like a fitting first post
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hazardouslibrarian · 1 year
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sometimes I have brain thoughts
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celestemonarch · 1 month
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My first thought was these two for obvious reasons.
(Flashbacks to the Qi Rong Incident)
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astrobei · 1 year
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byler x jurassic park. thank you for your time.
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c0mbatchameleon · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic March 12, prompt: retire, words: 953
Aka optometrist reg au (part 1? maybe) loosely based off of this post
James is having trouble breathing.
The problem is, he can’t quite remember how to do it right now. His brain, rather impressively, emptied of all of its contents the moment the optometrist opened the door.
Right off the bat, the man had been straight to business; swift stride into the room, eyes glued to the clipboard in hand, a curt “hello” and introduction before he sat down and uncapped a pen with his goddamn teeth. James could only stare dumbly, mouth agape as he stumbled over half-sentient responses to the all routine eye exam questions (“See okay with your current prescription?” A black curl falling over the doctor’s otherwise perfectly framed face, cheekbones carved by the sea, like stones.
“Uh huh.”
“Taking any current medications?” Beautiful silver-blade eyes meeting his expectantly.
“Uh-“ James coughing and clearing his throat, “no. No medications.”)
Now, he's at least regained his ability to form sentences. But as James watches the doctor fiddling with machinery, silver rings glinting in harsh, sterile lighting, he is finding immense difficulty in breathing like a normal human being.
“So,” James begins, leaning to rest his elbow on the table and swelling his chest ever-so-slightly. He does his best to smooth out his voice as he speaks, going for casual with just a sprinkling of something sultry. “Dr. Black, did you say it was?” He may not be able to fully function but God help him if he can’t still flirt.
The doctor's eyes flick up for only a split second, but James counts it as a win. “That’s correct.” He maneuvers what looks like an avant-garde torture contraption towards where James is sitting. “Rest your chin on the platform.”
James does as he’s told, holding back from an absurd urge to respond with a Yes, sir. He's definitely not conjuring a medley of alternate scenarios in his head in which Dr. Black orders him around. “And what might your first name be?”
“It might be of no relevance to the matter at hand, Mr. Potter.”
“Call me James, please.”
Regulus sits on the other side of the torture-machine and begins turning dials. “You should see a red X on the right side, James,” he replies flatly. Still, the sound of his name on the man’s tongue is fucking intoxicating. It's echoing around his skull--James James James JamesJamesJames--he wants to hear it a million more times, every minute of every day until his last.
James usually hates these appointments. Hates the big machines he has to stick his face in, blowing air and shining bright lights in his eyes. Hates that stupid picture of the house that they make him look at a million times over while some old man who looks just about ready to retire asks “One or two?”
But Dr. Black is not some old man.
He’s new—James has been coming here for years and has certainly never been graced with the sight of this angel-fallen-to-earth before. He's young, too; despite the way he carries the poise of a man with years of experience under his belt, cool and confident and collected, there’s no way Dr. Black is old enough to be more than a couple years out of school. All sharp edges and smooth skin.
And god, his skin. It looks impossibly soft, stretched over slender hands and freckled cheeks, strong nose and cut jaw. As James runs his eyes hungrily over the landscapes of peach-pale skin--hills and valleys spanning the doctor's face and neck and fingers and knuckles--he considers how easy it would be to reach out and touch it, find out for himself if it's really as smooth as it looks.
“James,” Dr. Black's voice cuts sharp through his fantasy, one brow raised where he's clearly caught James drooling over him. “Please look into the eyepiece.”
It’s not like James can help it. He’s a bit entranced by the way the doctor maintains such a stoic expression, posture rigid and cold eyes unwavering, especially now. It’s all the beauty of a pointed blade, glittering in the sunlight, begging to draw blood.
But James doesn’t miss the light blush now in full bloom across the man’s cheeks. Silver-clad fingers have begun tapping a sporadic pattern on the table as storm cloud eyes sweep down and back up James' face, quick as a flash of lightning, and isn’t that just curious? Suddenly, James wants to know what it would take to get that stone-cold cast to crack.
He shoots back a sly grin. “Sure thing, nameless doctor.” He looks into the contraption. “Oh would you look at that. A red X.”
The doctor lets out a muted sigh. He fidgets some more with the dials and buttons on the other side of the machine as James watches the X shift in and out of focus. He breaks the silence only when it's stretched for just a moment too long. “My name is Regulus. There’s gonna be a bright flash now.”
Immediately, a blinding white light flashes directly into his eye, burning a goddamn hole into his field of vision. He swears he can see the inside of his pupil for a moment.
But James doesn't care. Once the shock subsides, he finds himself grinning ear-to-ear.
Now we're getting somewhere.
He looks back up from the eyepiece to where the doctor, Regulus, is still intently focused on the computer and equipment. Evading James' gaze. Cheeks still pink.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Regulus.”
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shuueep · 7 months
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I made u this fanart @xanderindisguis
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Design notes (+ a little Portal clownery)
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denkryn · 1 year
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#something something hands something
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pedriscroquettes · 9 months
Can you do a thot where the reader is gavis gf and her, Gavi and Fermin have a threesome? ❤️❤️
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warnings. heavy nsfw 18+ themes, ruining friendships, dom!gavi, & sub!fermín.
a/n. finally did one of these again and was very self indulgent writing it lmao.
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• gavi and fermín were as thick as thieves always together never apart. except when it came to you. there was always a sudden silence and tension whenever you talked to the two of them.
• it was obvious they both liked you from the beginning but gavi always acted first. he always got what he wanted and the moment he saw you he needed you. he couldn’t lose you. losing was never an option to him.
• so, it wasn’t a surprise when gavi brought up the idea first. after all it was obvious fermín was dying for an opportunity with you. you noticed it too especially when you locked eyes with him while gavi left love bites on your neck during parties.
• you weren’t too opposed to the idea as fermín was definitely good looking but it took you a while to get on board with the concept because you didn’t want to lead him on.
• “nada más una vez.” gavi assured you it wouldn’t happen again. (just one time.) “no se…” you were still hesitant. (i don’t know…) “sabes que lo quieres.” he whispered into your ear as the two of you watched fermín train. (you know you want it.)
• ultimately it’s fermín’s biceps and the view he gives you while training shirtless that convince you. you know it’s a bad idea but the hot feeling forming in your body is too much. you need to cool off.
• gavi watches intently as you straddle fermín’s lap and he almost laughs at the way his teammate’s eyes go wide. but then you kiss fermín so gently and slowly and his jaw slacks. you’re so damn seductive.
• you haven’t even touched fermín yet and he’s already hard under you. it’s almost hard to ignore as you place kisses on his neck. you turn around and face your boyfriend who’s already looking intently at you. you look down and see your boyfriend is just as hard causing you to chuckle a bit before proceeding to suck on fermín’s skin.
• the dirty blonde gains a sudden edge of control when he grabs your hair into a makeshift ponytail bringing you into a dominant kiss as if to threaten to gavi. but your boyfriend only smirks not intimidated by his friend in any way.
• when your hand finally reaches into fermín’s shorts he can’t help the sinful groan that slips past his lips. your spit and his precum mix as you rub up and down on his shaft.
• gavi can’t take it anymore he needs some sort of pleasure that isn’t coming from his hand. you quickly find yourself on all fours as gavi stands in front of your face admiring you. his thumb brushes alongside your cheek and you can’t help but open your mouth allowing you to suck on his fingers.
• it’s fermín’s turn to watch now as you spit onto your hand and rub gavi’s member. his shorts seem to get tighter the longer he looks at the scene in front of him. your gags turn him on even more than he can believe.
• the three of you are sweating the hotness of the room almost suffocating you as you take gavi into your mouth. you’ve never gotten used to his size and always find yourself clawing at his knees as he repeatedly hits the back of your throat.
• finally as he releases inside you he grabs you by the jaw meeting you in a passionate kiss. he can still taste himself on your tongue. his chain swinging against your chest sending you shivers down your spine at the coldness of the material.
• fermín’s chain soon replaced gavi’s as the barcelona b player climbs on top of you. his brown eyes boring into yours letting you know how much he wants this.
• “a ella no le gustan los amables.” gavi smirks. (she doesn’t like nice guys.)
• fermín listens. he has you tugging on his hair and moaning loudly as he moves his tongue against your folds. he takes his time to rile you up making sure you’re wet enough for him. he also asks you if everything’s okay because despite everything he still cares for you in a romantical way.
• he grabs your face to force you to look at him as he slides inside you. the moment being too intimate for gavi’s pleasure but he doesn’t say anything he wants to see it play out.
• his thrust are erratic but paced. you can tell he wants to enjoy the moment while also giving you the pleasure you deserve. he leans in giving you small quick kisses which get interrupted by your moans and his groans.
• his pelvis and abdomen is full of marks from your nails. the sound of skin slapping against skin and your slick mixing with his precum fills the room and the air. somehow you make a mental note to clean your room tomorrow morning.
• when both you and gavi give him the green light he releases inside you panting as he reaches his high. although, he knows this won’t happen again he admires you and your body taking you in. he falls on your chest as he recovers from his high and your natural instinct is to run your hands through his hair.
• gavi doesn’t say anything but you can tell he’s pissed regretting his decision. he knows his best friend and he knows that this will only make him want you more. he can’t lose you. he won’t let fermín win.
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peachsayshi · 3 months
satoru cries over every little thing his baby does. his eyes water when they clasp their tiny hand around his pinky. he sniffles when he listens to the newborn squeaks and hiccups. sheds a tear when his baby leaves those big open mouth kisses on his cheek, or tries to gnaw at the tip of his nose. such a precious thing trying to make sense of this big world, with the only understanding of the love they have for you and their father. and satoru loves, loves being a dad.
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shima-draws · 4 months
Sanlu marriage proposal but it only happens because Luffy’s jealous
“If Pudding got to (almost) marry Sanji then why can’t I??! >:((((”
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dumb-doll-lips · 4 months
Maybe controversial, but on posts about being dumb where girls are like saying ‘but I’m actually smart.’ Like tbh, I don’t really believe them. Like if you’re smart why does feeling dumb feel so good or hot or whatever to you then? I kinda feel like it’s having an excuse to let go of trying as much as you would be when you’re saying your smart. If you’re like really actually smart, I don’t feel like a break from ‘being smart’ would be such a relief or like as appealing.
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sejjiplinth · 6 months
sejanus and marcus truly have one of the most insane dynamics from the franchise, like i have never been this crushed over a story between two characters in my life. 😭
i was really expecting the movie to take advantage of their past, to bring that raw emotion to the screen. because even after a whole DECADE, sejanus still remembers and cherishes marcus for what he did for him when they were children. marcus helping sejanus with his hurt finger on his own, showing him kindness, never left him. sejanus never experienced that level of generosity in the capitol, i don’t think he was treated that way ever again.
it breaks me reading their scenes in the zoo and during the questionnaire, because sejanus so desperately wants to make amends with him. but marcus has made up his mind, he doesn’t say a word to him, he doesn’t trust him, and he never gives in. the plinth’s are despised in two, sejanus being his mentor won’t change that. sejanus bringing him food, and offering it to him multiple times won’t either. sejanus goes as far as to ask coriolanus to trade tributes because marcus being his tribute is taking that much of a toll on him, while he clarifies that it’d be terrible with anyone, it’s marcus that brings him so much emotional distress.
marcus’s torture being displayed as a message, but also to get under sejanus’s skin… dr. gaul teases him about marcus’s disappearance, (most-likely) knowing they’d already caught him. and looping back to the reaping, strabo buying the district two boy… done only to shove it in his face that he could never go back to two. sabotaging him with marcus seems to be a common theme.
when marcus dies, sejanus honors him. sacrificing himself just to do so. he’d planned to die in there with him, too. and if coriolanus hadn’t been sent in, it would’ve worked. when he agrees to leave with coriolanus, he doesn’t want to go without marcus’s body.
marcus, undeniably, had a very large role in sejanus’s actions, in his resistance, and once he was gone, sejanus doesn’t have a purpose to live anymore. he tells coriolanus in part three that after the arena, he had planned to end his own life, one of his reasonings being because of what happened to marcus. and that was not the first time he’s considered suicide over marcus’s fate, he feels that guilty over him.
sejanus still keeps pictures of marcus, takes the childhood class photo where marcus is standing behind him to district twelve. ma comments on how she knew marcus’s dismay “hit him hard”. coriolanus calling sejanus dramatic over going into the arena, and sejanus reacting as if coriolanus had slapped him across the face.
they met for the first time in district two, then again in the capitol, and eventually in death. just . MY GOD!!!!!!!
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Okay, we all know being a demigod is a shit position. Its scary and gets you killed in really nasty ways. But I feel like being a Big Three Kid has to be the shitiest position in all the shit positions.
Like, imagine being Thalia Grace. Your dad is king of the gods, lord of the skies. Led a war to get rid of a tyrant. And the only thing you get is his scorned wife AND brother, who both try to kill you (with one technically succeeding), a drunk of a mother, and brother who you thought was dead. Oh, wait, he’s not dead! No instead he was used as an offering to appease your dad’s wife and help fight in a war and prevent mass destruction.
Or maybe you can imagine being Percy. Son of the sea god, the stormbringer, the earthshaker. You get to live with a disgusting, abusive man for around 6 years. Who smells like literal shit. All because your scent as a demigod is too strong, BECAUSE of who your father is. You see things that you aren’t supposed to see and do things that people can’t do and go years thinking something is wrong with you. That your the problem. Then you get to the one place where you’re supposed to be save. But! Here is the kicker! You’re not! Your uncles hate you and you’ve been accused of stealing a symbol of power. A series of events that will kick off a war, and guess what. You’re a center point for it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.
Mhm, but then there’s Hazel. Daughter Pluto, god of the underworld and riches. But that doesn’t really change anything does it? She’s still living in 1930s America, in a red state. One where confederate flags still hang if you go deep enough into the city. She go to a school where the kids are supposed to be just like her! They still don’t like her tho. She’s got no idea who your father is, only that he left her with a parting gift. Only it’s not really a gift. Sure, she can pull rubies and diamonds from the earth, all worth millions. But anyone who’s ever gonna touch it will die. She lives with her mother, a woman gone so mad with greed it kills her. And Hazel, by the way. Laying dead Alaska, inhaling oil. But it doesn’t end there! She can’t have her mother suffering for eternity, can she? The answer is no. Hazel gets to spend the next 70 years in the Fields of Asphodel. It still doesn’t end! Because when she’s brought back to life, she gets to fight in a war against giants, her sad story seemingly never ending.
Nico’s a son of one of the Big Three, one of the most ancient and most powerful. But most people look at him as something bad, something not worth taking a second glance at. Something too look away from, mostly. He’s from the 30s, spent years in a magical time casino with only his sister at his side. She doesn’t stay for long though, she dies soon after they discover their heritage. And he doesn’t remember his mother much, a name without a face. A face without a name. He survived an attempted assassination at 2, though it wouldn’t be the only time his was life was threatened. He clings to his sister, even though she’s dead. He’s the son of the god of the underworld, is he not? There had to be a way, and there is. Only she won’t talk to him, she seems more concerned with communicating with the guy who got her killed instead. She chooses rebirth, and he decides to lay it to rest. She’s not coming back, and he has a war to fight in. (He gets stuck in a jar and forcibly outed a few years later, but that’s a lot to get into for now.)
Jason Grace is a pillar of New Rome, their golden boy, their American boy. He’s a son of Jupiter, a natural born leader. He’s been at camp for as long as he can remember, he wants to be praetor soon. He’s had a rocky start, but maybe he’ll be one of the lucky ones. Retire a veteran and live a long life with Reyna in New Rome. Only that never happened. He has no idea where he is, there’s a girl holding his hand, and she’s cute but it feels wrong. They get attacked and people come in and call him a Greek demigod, familiar, yes, but still wrong. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t put things into perspective the way it does for Piper and Leo. He’s goes to a quest to rescue Hera, the name sounds wrong. He nearly dies but at least he remembers who he is. He spends the next 6 months trying to get back home, even though he isn’t too sure on where or what home is. He gets there, eventually, but it doesn’t stop there. He’s dragged on quests and battles and fights in the war but at least he survives it, he’s still there. Apollo needs help, he and Piper give him aid. He gets dumped. He doesn’t get to he a veteran in New Rome. Not with Reyna, not with Piper, not with anybody. He doesn’t get kids or grandkids. No, he gets shot down, another demigod buried.
You could be any one of them, really. Pick your poison, but I guarantee you won’t like any of them. Spending years trying to find a place where you belong, where you feel safe. Only for it to never come.
Percy, who, if you really look at the books, isn’t really all that well liked until he’s at least 2 years into camp. Only to then be sidelined because the courages, brave, fearless daughter of Zeus is back from the dead. Nico, the son of one of the most feared and hated gods. Who has death written all over him, who excludes it so much animals can smell it and humans can sense it, who’s been ostracized and pushed off to the side since he was 10. Hazel, who was treated like disease as soon as she stepped foot on camp soil. Who’s gone her whole life looked as something that’s cursed, that will only bring misfortune, a bad omen.
Shit positions, all of them.
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