#cana alberon
pursemongerstuff · 7 years
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Trollshima hits again Is no one going to mention how Mashima trolled the entire fandom with Laxus x ______???
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The Prince of Egypt AU
I know normally this is directed toward Natsu and Zeref but I think it fits Gray and Lyon better since they're both adopted brothers who turned against each other though at least they managed reconcile at the end.
Moses - Gray Fullbuster
Tzipporah - Juvia Lockser
Rameses - Lyon Vastia
Miriam - Cana Alberon
Aaron - Gajeel Redfox
Yocheved - Mika Fullbuster
Pharoh Seti - Deliora
Queen Tuya - Ur
Hotep and Huy - Yuka Suzuki and Toby Horhorta
Jethero - Makarov Dreyar
Tzipporah's sisters - Sherria Blendy, Wendy Marvell, and Asuka Connell
God - Himself
In the North there are two kinds of people. The magical hunans and the nonmagical humans. The magical ones rule over the land while the non magical hunans work as slaves for them. Magical hunans are forbidden to marry non magical humans for fear of bearing offspring with magical powers that would care for the non magical slaves and lead a revolution.
Silver an ice wizard breaks this rule when he falls in love with a slave woman named Mika. They marry and have three children, Gajeel, Cana, and Gray. Shortly after Gray is born, Deliora the ruler of the North learns of this he has Silver killed as punishment. He later learns that while Silver's older children were born non magical like their mother, his newborn son was born with ice magic like their father though he never learned the name Silver's wife and family so he orders that all the baby boys of the slaves be killed.
Mika however manages to save baby Gray by living him in the city where the magic users reside hoping that one of them would adopt him since he was born with magic. Gray is found by Deliora's wife Ur who adopts him and raises him alongside her young son Lyon. Years pass, Gray and Lyon grow up together and are very close. Both of them are ice wizards but Gray is more advanced which sometimes Sparks envy in Lyon.
One day Deliora's preists Yuka and Toby capture a rain woman named Juvia from the East and give her to Lyon as a concubine. Impressed with her beauty, he accepts her but she is replused and disgusted by him. On the night Lyon prepared to...Take her Gray comes across her crying and decides to help her escape.
After this he meets his biological brother and sister Gajeel and Cana who tell him the truth of his origins. Gray denies it at first but soon he discovers the truth about himself and his adopted father's cruel nature. It becomes too much for him and he runs away to the East much to the heartbreak of his adopted mother and brother but he eventually learns that there was a reason he escape being killed all those years ago.
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fandoms4evr · 8 years
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Manga: Fairy Tail
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seriously-siri · 11 years
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Art © Hiro Mashima
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Yet another HP FT AU
Okay so I know this has been done hundreds of time and well. idk tbh :D. I always see Natsu in Gryffindor, but to me he always felt for like a Hufflepuff, cus the stem for all of his violence and the main point of his actions is family. To find his family, to protect it, and he gets most upset when he sees people disrespecting their family. Not to mention how level headed Natsu can be when he wants to, and the strategy he uses. What I’m saying is that I disagree with fanon Natsu lol.
 And ofc if I see Natsu I have to think of Lucy and then this spiraled and welp. 
(Shout out to @thehexperiment for letting me beta her own beautiful hp au and planting the seed for me to do this lmao)
Hufflepuff and hoo boy does that child have issues with it at first.
He was raised by Igneel after his parents were killed at the age of 3 by his homicidal and power hungry brother, Zeref, who claimed that Natsu was his by birth right and the only family he had left bcus he’s literally insane
Igneel was a dragon keeper and World Renowned Gryff, an expert and the only one who had ever successfully communicated and had been brought into a nest. He later taught his team of dragon experts the language and they too were adopted.
before The Accident
He lived with Igneel until Igneel died a week after he went to Hogwarts.
The sorting hat said Hufflepuff within seconds and Natsu had a loud fight with it before storming away in tears. His last letter to Igneel was one complaining, and he didn’t even ask Igneel how the trip was going
Natsu never forgave himself for ‘being a terrible son’
He remained closed off and had loud but shallow relationships with everyone, bcus no one believed that Igneel was still alive even though Natsu swore it
He was also mocked bcus of his punk hair which was a result of Natsu accidentally spilling one of Igneels dragon scale cleaning potions of his head while trying to get chocolate. It was specialty from an exotic island and it made the person breath fire. It was Natsu’s favourite
He eventually finds friends with all of the Strauss family in his house, and if something explodes/is a minor inconvience they know Natu had something to do with it. 
His pet is a salamnder named Happy who he enchants to be able to chnage shape, including having wings and speaking, but bcus the magic is forbidden to anyone under seventh year and Natsu did it in second, well, no one is really allowed to know.
Everyone knows
Happy likes being a cat best, but he can turn into a small dragon.
His best class is Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is taught by Gildarts, and his worst class history of magic bcus it’s just so??? boring??? who cares about the war or who Mavis was. 
His favourite class is Magical beasts bcus of his dad, but he doesn’t get the best marks due to constantly cuddling the animals and trying to smuggle the babies back to his room. Does Natsu run an underground beast babysitting service? Who knows.
the answer is yes 
He has a room alone due to a lack of boys in his year, which is fine bcus the boy is a hoarder. He also has a painting of Igneel that he talks to in his room, and sometimes its almost like his dad is still there.
She comes from a long line of pure blood slytherins
Her mom came from the most prestigious of bloodlines, the Heartfilias, and there was a minor scandal when she married a man from a much lower, tho still pure and respected, family.
When her mother died Jude threw himself into meeting the standards of the family and in turn became cold hearted and ignored his only daughter in favour of his own pride
Lucy became an embarrassment when she broke the long chain of Slytherin by being chosen as Ravenclaw, a decision the hat came to immediately
even though after five minutes there was still a debate with Lucy as she tried to understand if he had a soul or not. The hat considered hufflepuff when Lucy asked if he was doing well, but that was quickly extinguished  by her winding questions and her love of solving riddles/proving her point.
Her father all but disowns her and scoffs at her blue scarf and books, instead setting up marriages to maintain his image and trying to keep ‘her worth’
Is best friends with Levy, fellow Ravenclaw, and is somehow always partnered with the Hufflepuff boy who makes things explode ala Seamus Finnigan
Her fave class is potions bcus she always finds a way to improve them, and is easily led astray by Natsu’s questions until the two have created a new horn cleaning serum that helps with growth rather than the simple potion they were supposed to. Porlyusica loves/hates them.
Lucy’s worst class is also History of Magic, but that’s bcus she gets too involved in it and never actually answers the essay question.
Lucy wasn’t allowed to get a pet and was supposed to use the family owl, but her father banned it from her when she was put into Ravenclaw.
So she enchanted a stuffed animal her mother had gotten her.
Plue constantly shakes, Levy saying bcus the spell is fighting to stay connected. Natsu says it’s cus he’s cold.
Lucy loves her tiny shaky not-dog
Her mother is constantly called the brightest witch of her age, and Lucy struggles to live up to that namesake. Lucy uses her mother as proof that not all Slytherins are bad. 
All the celestial professors love her bcus of this, as they were very fond of her mother. Especially Aquarius, the astronomy teacher. (Aquarius hates the dual Astrology/divination teachers, the pieces twins. No one knows why)
Slytherin along with Cana. Cana doesn’t really care about bloodlines, and Gray’s father was disowned and torn from the family portait for marrying a muggle born Mika. His parents died in an earthquake that followers of Zeref set off trying to summon their master.
He and Lucy are family friends, as Lucy can relate to being throw aside. 
He and Natsu are frenemies and have ganged together to beat up other bullies before trying to beat one another up.
His pet is an owl named Ice Beak bcus he was ten and it is pure white.
He and Natsu get into little passive agressive spats in which Gray will freeze Natsu’s entire room and Natsu, in turn, will pour an entire packet of fire beans into Gray’s soup.
Lucy is Tired
Gray tried to doge Juvia the first two years after she transferred to Hogwarts from Drumstang their third year. She was placed into Hufflepuff as well, much to everyones confusion. They eventually started dating after Gray grew attached to her presence and hopefulness. He still doesn’t know how to show affection, but Juvia has an unmeltable ice heart she keeps beside her bed.
Natsu teases Gray about it constantly.
Gray retaliates every time Lucy has another little fluffy animal poking it’s nose out of her robe pocket.
head of Gryffindor house 
literally everyone is terrified of her, even those not in her house.
orphaned at a young age and stolen by a group of Zeref’s followers to eventually be used as a sacrifice with hundreds of others to summon Zeref.
Escaped and was taken in by Hogwarts Headmaster Makarov at age 9.
Raised alongside fellow Gryff Laxus
Pet is a red owl that was the runt of the litter. He likes to sleep in Erza’s hair.
No one can find it in themselves to let their fear be diminished as Erza is hunting them with a sleeping owl nested in her hair 
Even Makarov is terrified of her when she’s in a rage
Natsu is usually about to die get detention
This got long but whoops it was fun :D
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fairytailmissy-blog · 12 years
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Cana :)
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