#caregiver lucifer
nottapossum · 28 days
I keep getting traumatized whenever I look up little Lucifer headcannons do you have any?
What are in those posts? 😅
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Okay, here's some fun Little!Lucifer headcannons for ya 😉
Hopefully, that's what you wanted... that's kinda my thing, lol 😅
I got a draft of his official headcannons post (some of these will be on there. Yeah, I'm cheating.)
Hopefully, after Alastor's is done, I'll post it.
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✨️Lucifer is an ADHD icon!
✨️Lucifer regressses from 3-10
✨️He has rewatched ducktales a million and five times.
✨️He loves the duck song!
✨️He also loves the song disco duck.
✨️He gets lonely easily, so he needs lots of attention!
✨️Lucifer flaps his wings as a happy stim!
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✨️He loves sugar!! ❤️ He also loves fruit like apples and grapes 🍇 😋
✨️He owns a ton of Ducktales figurines, plushies, and comics.
✨️He has a darkwing duck costume and wears it often! He loves playing darkwing!
He's the terror who flaps in the night!
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✨️He needs extra praise and reassurance because he's very insecure
✨️He will sing randomly. Sometimes, songs that actually exist.
✨️He cannot sit still. If someone sits him down and tries to talk to him, he will immediately wander off.
He doesn't mean to, though. He does his best to sit still 🥺
✨️Easily forgets important stuff like dates, names, things he promised to do, where he left certain things, what he was doing in the kitchen, oh I gotta charge My phone...wait, what was I talking about?
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Tags: @todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @abby5577 @im-not-paying-my-taxes
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cosmic-c-kiddo · 6 months
Cg! Lucifer Morningstar headcanons (pt2)
These are some more headcanons <3
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⭐- his Cg nickname is papa!
⭐- he would be a chaos cg! Who cares about rules! He doesn't! The only rules would be there to keep you safe!
⭐- your his prince(ss) so he will treat you with royalty!
⭐- he carries your drawings with him in his pockets.
⭐- he's old fashioned and has a wallet photo album and he would definitely show it off to praise you/show how adorable you are! (All filled with discrete pictures to be safe)
⭐- he is really dramatic! And it would always make you giggle
⭐- he's way to protective it's actually cute! He would make sure nothing sharp is near you and his heart always jumps whenever you trip a little or gets little to close to sharp corners
⭐-he would never talk you down when you get hurt and is always gentle. After he patches you up he would carry you (even if you feel all better)
⭐- when you babble he always responds with flare.
⭐-when you tell him drama from your stuff animals. He acts all offended like "how dare Mr. Sniffles push Mrs. Bunny!"and would ask if you wanted him to show them a lesson (which makes you giggle)
⭐- idk if I put this is part 1 but he spoils you.
⭐- he now sports painted nails thanks to you and he loves it!
⭐- in public he allows you to hold his hand(or finger) and finds its adorable
⭐- if someone is being mean to you he fiercely protests you then takes you out for ice cream
⭐- he would spoon feed you if you say please and don't stop asking him! (He rolls his eyes when he does so but has a tiny smile because he feels needed)
⭐- he would make sure you are always drinking water
⭐-if hes at work while you are small he would text you a lot! And he would tell you to do things! Like get dressed, eat, drink, and watch tv or color or play!
⭐- he would allow you to join him in pranking Dan (or if it's season 3 Marcus) but takes all the credit so you don't get any heat from it!
⭐- he would wear any friendship bracelets you make him even if it doesn't match his outfit because he knows it would make you sad if he doesnt
⭐- he loves to tell dad jokes and puns!
⭐- if he really needed someone to babysit you the people he would most prefer in order would be: Ella, Chloe, Linda, Maze, Amenadel
⭐- he gives out sticker rewards! Rewards for what? Whatever he deemed good! Finished your food? Sticker! Finished your water? Sticker! Wasn't being a brat? Sticker! Was being a brat but apologies? Sticker! Being adorable? Sticker!
⭐- he starts trying his best for you.
⭐- he would remember every stuff animal/toy you have
⭐-loves to play pretend with you
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enmmyheavenscg · 2 months
Hihi guyss! It emmy! ‘M in hell right now and it’s so so so much fun!!
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some little.. @smallishimps (cough cough..) wont says whoo.. snuck ‘m in so I coulda go to lulu world with em! big bro lulu keeps freaking out ‘bout this since sera doesn’t know but.. I not want her to!
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0bviouslyem1ly · 6 months
It's nice to see another fan of obey me in the agere community :) By chance could you do something with CG Lucifer? Moodboard or headcanons, whichever you're in the mood for I dont mind
Of course! I love the thought of him as a caregiver so much :D I'll make a moodboard too!
Caregiver Lucifer (Obey Me) headcanons!
•He's very strict, and likes to have rules. He mostly doesn't want you getting hurt, but his brothers cause so much trouble on a daily basis as it is, he doesn't wanna deal with too much more trouble. He'll make sure you don't get into anything, he'll make sure you eat/drink enough, have a bedtime/nap time schedule, and a daily schedule in general.
•In the room he works, he has an area set up for you in the corner. He has everything you like! He's got blankets and pillows, a play mat, plenty of toys and sensory items, stuffies, books, whatever you enjoy doing.
•Whenever he's working and you really want attention, he might let you sit on his lap while he works. He'll hold you and cradle you with one arm, and do paperwork with the other. He's used to multitasking.
•He's really good with kids, seeing as he raised 6 naughty little demons.
•He tries to keep up the "tough guy" and strict act, but it always fails. He has a huge soft spot for you, and loves to see you happy.
•He sings to you at bedtime, or if you're gonna take a nap. He will sing lullabies to you, and hold you as he does so.
•He likes when you lay on his chest.
•Lucifer doesn't really trust any of the others with you. He's super overprotective of you, but especially when you're regressed. You're in such a vulnerable state of mind, and he only wants you to be happy. The only person he trusts to babysit you would be Diavolo. He might trust one of his brothers, but he usually prefers Diavolo to take care of you.
•He didn't really know what age regression was. He had to do some research to figure out the exact meaning. But once he figured out, he went full dad-mode.
•He loves any nicknames you give him! He would be open to any nicknames, and would adore them all.
•If you like drinking from bottles, he'll hold you in his arms, rock you back and forth while feeding you a bottle. He may even hum or sing while doing this to help you relax and feel safe.
•He's like a big teddy bear. He lets you do whatever you want with him. Put stickers, makeup, marker, gems, ect on him. He'll let you, as long as it's easy to get off. His brothers would definitely tease him if they didn't come off easily.
•He bought you two one of those necklaces that you can put a picture inside. It's silver and has a little bat on it. He put a picture of you and him inside each of them so you can always be together.
•He will give you piggyback rides/carry you. He gives you full on royalty treatment.
•Lucifer likes tea parties and playing dress up. He loves letting you dress him up, and style outfits for him.
•He's always there for you if you regress, and will stop everything for you.
•If you get hurt, he will immediately rush to your side and check on you. He's very good at taking care of your wounds, and calming you down if you're hurt so he can clean them out.
•He gives the best and biggest hugs.
•He's actually pretty clingy. He always wants to be by your side, cuddling you up and giving you lots of love and affection. He just thinks you're the cutest thing, and wants to smother you with love.
•He has a very calming singing voice, and a very smooth voice in general. He'll often sing to you, whether it's silly songs from movies, or random beats and sounds.
•He is one of those caregivers who just look down at you, and coo about how cute you are. Huge baby talker.
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babyminty · 10 months
Cg Lucifer/Little Mammon
Mammon hadn't attended R.A.D that morning, and Lucifer intended to find out why, which was why he was making his way to Mammon's room. When he got there, he didn't even bother knocking, he just pushed the door open and stepped inside the room.
Mammon had his back facing Lucifer, a blanket wrapped around him, and he was surrounded by stuffies. Mammon had yet to realize Lucifer was there. "Mammon?" Lucifer asked. Mammon whirled around to look at Lucifer, and he also had a pacifier in his mouth.
Lucifer had heard about age regression, but he had never thought that one of his brothers would be an age regressor. "Are you regressed?" Lucifer asked Mammon, and Mammon hesitantly nodded his head whilst staring at the ground. "Do you have a caregiver?" Lucifer asked. Mammon shook his head, expression starting to look sad. "Do you want me to be your caregiver?" Lucifer offered.
Mammon looked at him with surprise written all over his face, but joy sparkled in his eyes as he nodded ecstaticly. "Alright, Mams, is there anything you want to do or for me to help with?" Lucifer asked his younger brother. "Hmm..." Mammon thought, tapping his chin exaggeratedly until his eyes lit up once again. "Tea party." He stated.
"This Tammy." Mammon said as he showed one of the stuffies to Lucifer, and then he held another up as he introduced that one to Lucifer as well. This continued until Lucifer had been acquainted with all of Mammon's stuffies, and then Lucifer and Mammon, along with all their stuffed friends, set up everything for their tea party.
All the stuffies were given voices by Mammon, and they all ate imaginary biscuits and drank imaginary tea as the debates, arguments, and conversations between the stuffies, with the occasional comment of Mammon, continued.
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baby--charchar · 2 months
Rhea got her hearing aids!!!
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(Image credit: WhatnotAndWonder on Etsy.)
Vaggie and Lucifer brought her back to the audiologist in the Sloth Ring. We are proud to say that she did not kick the doctor this time!!!
She had a super hard time in the waiting room. Lots of crying and trying to run out. But for some reason, she wanted Luci instead of Vaggie. He held her in his lap and helped her get some coloring done until they finally called her back.
Lucifer kept her in his lap throughout the appointment. Doctor put the hearing aids on her, they were very comfy. Specially molded for her pointed ears, which is why they took so long.
He turned them on and the first thing she heard was Vaggie cooing, "Hi baby~" at her. She immediately started signing, "Mommy! Mommy!" And of course Vaggie answered back, "Yes, baby? Yes, baby? Yes, I'm Mommy" in speech AND sign.
Vaggie had to go into Serious Mommy Mode and focus on the doctor. There's a lot to learn when having a Deaf Baby, including how to use these tools. She had to practice replacing the battery, keeping the inserts clean, calibrating it for Rhea, using the Bluetooth function, all that. Plus the doctor strongly recommended "Hearing Times" vs. "Ears Off" times, so Rhea can have plenty of sensory breaks. Listening devices can be a lot for any Deaf person the first time they use them, and Rhea's at a much higher risk for overstimulation, migraines, and meltdowns from excessive input. Vaggie's planning on making a robust schedule to balance all this and let Rhea get used to her hearing aids in a positive way.
Lucifer, on the other hand, is just bouncing Rhea in his lap and singing to her/making goofy sounds in her ear. She's eating all this up.
Vaggie's gonna let her keep them on in the car so she can enjoy music on the radio, but after that, it's time for a long Ears Off break. The hotel staff is excited to talk to Rhea and let her hear their voices, but too bad. They can wait a few hours for Rhea's next Hearing Time.
Rhea wants to use her hearing aids for...music!!! That's what she's most excited about! She also wants to hear Mommy and Charlie and Lucifer more. Mommy's voice is so soft and soothing. Charlie and Lucifer sing all the time and play instruments. She wants to hear what they're always singing about!
Rhea is still VERY MUCH culturally Deaf, and this will not change that. Nor will anyone at the hotel expect the hearing aids to change that. She will still sign, THEY will still sign, there is no exprctation for her to speak orally.
Hell, it's important to mention that she's still functionally deaf too, as hearing aids/cochlear implants aren't total solutions for hearing loss. Most Deaf/HoH people will still struggle with clarity and catching details of speech even while using these devices. They ADD to a person's experience, not change it.
This is why it's super important keeping Rhea culturally Deaf. Vaggie, Charlie, Lucifer, and even Angel and Cherri Bomb are still working on their ASL! And Fizzarolli is still her best friend in terms of sign language!
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wolf-with-moxie · 24 days
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Charlie Magne | Morningstar/Vaggie, Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor & Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Alastor & Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Alastor & Rosie (Hazbin Hotel) Characters: Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Rosie (Hazbin Hotel) Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, Classification AU, Alastor is Bad at Feelings (Hazbin Hotel), Soft Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Hurt Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Little Alastor, Caregiver Lucifer, Littles Are Known, Protective Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Alastor Needs a Hug (Hazbin Hotel), Mental Breakdown, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Protective Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Alastor Has a Tail (Hazbin Hotel), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, animal triats, Alastor is a deer, Not Beta Read, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Sleepy Cuddles, Alastor Is Not Okay (Hazbin Hotel), Furbys, Husk is all knowing Summary:
All of Hell tuned in to the Vee's live stream of the Hazbin Hotel taking on an army of angels, but no one would have guessed that the Radio Demon's biggest secret would be revealed for all to see. Powerful Overlords are unhappy, Charlie is protective of her friends, and Lucifer? Well you don't mess around with what the King of Hell considers his. Mind the Tags, don't like what you see then don't read.
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xdeadxxeyes · 4 months
hes so caregiver
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live laugh love luci 💘💘
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littlemissagere · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel AgeRe headcanons!
Ft; Lucifer, Angel Dust & Alastor !
]—————‘ ,—————[
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‘ 📻 , Alastor ! ‘ 🦌 ,
🪶 ) Alastor is a caregiver!
🦌 ) Alastor is very good with Littles who have/are NV/Selective mutism/Verbal paralysis.
🪶 ) has a list of what his little(s) like, want, and need
🦌 ) Holds his kiddo's hand or holds them
🪶 ) Will read his little a bed time story
🦌 ) Good at soothing his kiddos
🪶 ) “My little demon” / “my little Angel”
🦌 ) Very understanding, more of a listener
🪶 ) If a kiddo is babbling, he responds like “oh wow?” “Oh my.” “Oh that’s very interesting, my dear.” “Haha, please, share more.” Etc
🦌 ) Has naptimes and bedtimes for his kiddos
🪶 ) Very calm
🦌 ) Let’s you touch his ears, doesn’t mind since it’s his kiddo
🪶 ) If a baby is giggly, sometimes he just can’t help but giggle a little himself.
🦌 ) Extremely gentle
🪶 ) Fussy/Sad kiddos are safe with him, he always tries his best to calm them
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‘ 🍷 , Lucifer ! ‘ 🐣 ,
🐣 ) Lucifer is VERY much a caregiver !!
❗️ ) Is protective of his kiddo(s)
🐣 ) Shows off his little one ALLLLL the time
❗️ ) Sings/hums his kiddos to sleep
🐣 ) LOVES a cuddle bug kiddos
❗️ ) Tries his best to understand the babbles
🐣 ) Has beefed with Alastor over who’s a better “Dada”
❗️ ) “My little chick” “Sweetpea” “Sweetie” “Little Baby” etc, is what he calls his kiddos
🐣 ) Will let his kiddo play / touch his wings if they’re curious
❗️ ) Puts his hat on your head and melts when he sees it’s big on you
🐣 ) If you’re taller than him / mention he’s short, he will say things like “Oh but you’re just a little baby! Come on let’s . . .” And will find a small activity to do
❗️ ) Kisses on the head and nose, always !!
🐣 ) Touchy, always making sure you’re by his side and safe
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‘ 🕷️ , Angel Dust ! ‘ 🤍 ,
🤍 ) Angel is a flip, no lean!
🎀 ) Will cuddle you with all of his arms !
🤍 ) Tea parties !!
🎀 ) Will not let people make inappropriate jokes around you when you’re small.. even himself! Sometimes he won’t even swear. . .
🤍 ) Husker is also inevitably also your cg, him and Angel care for you a lot
🎀 ) head pats, and hugs are his specialty
🤍 ) Will let you vent / cry on/to him for as long as you need
🎀 ) will call you; “sugar” , “hun/hon” , “Sweetheart” , “Little thing” , “Doll” , “Sugar plum” etc . .
🤍 ) Onesies, stuffies, blankies, anything you need is yours!
🎀 ) Will tell you he loves you soooo much, and you’re such a good kiddo
🤍 ) Will call anyone out if they’re rude to you AT ALL
Thanks for reading ! <3
Check out the banners please ,,
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crows-ace · 3 months
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He’s slipping, poor ducky
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littlebabyself · 4 months
Lucifer ((hazbin hotel)) Head cannons!!!!
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• spoils his littles rotten
• makes sure his littles eat lots of fruits and veggies
• cuts apples into the little bunny shape
• rents out puppies and super cute animals for his little one
• he makes custom ducks for his little one
• was confused by regression at first but then took care of his little whenever needed and lovingly.
• loves to bake with his little one
• rambles to them about history of hell
• ALWAYSS asking if they’re okay and checking boundaries
• the most calming voice when he speaks to them
• not big on nicknames but calls them baby constantly
• plays dolls with them
• calls his little when he can’t be there. Like if he’s out for work
• makes THE best milk recipes
• great at tucking his littles in and making them feel super warm and snug.
• plays bad guitar songs when his little one requests music
• VERY good at arts and crafts
• VERY bad at painting
• he’s a bit protective but will NOT let anyone babysit
Hello!!! Aaaaa. This is all I got, Ty for reading!! Hello to any littles!! Hi lil baby!! Lil cute one!!!
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cosmic-c-kiddo · 7 months
I'mma put my own head canons here soo hehe
Cg! Lucifer Morningstar
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★- He would be absolutely clueless until you explain age regression to him and caregivers
☆- He would show you his devil face because you asked if he can be your cg and he wanted you to make sure you knew who you wanted to care for you. But you would just show him love.
★- He doesn't know what he's doing but surprisingly he's doing amazing!
☆- So because of that he would slowly begins to use his wings for comfort. Or his devil face to play and you would absolutely enjoy it.
★- He would start doing angel traditions (?) That are like for older brothers and sisters and what they do for their younger siblings.
☆- He would always be hyper aware to you so if you slip in public he's prepared.
★- He would start caring some form of bag that will hold stuff animals, coloring books and crayons. Anything that's discreet enough for the public.
☆- He loves giving nicknames!!
★- His favorite to give is little one, Gremlin, Starlight, little star, and Baby!
☆- He would play the piano for you especially to help you sleep.
★- He would love to go to shopping trips or actually any trips! And spoil you rotten
☆- He would Ask Chloe where's the best places to go for kids and bring you there!
★- He would give the best cuddles.
☆- He would absolutely give you uppies because he's super strong.
★- He would give you apple juice in a cool cup so you can pretend to be just like him.
☆- Would watch anything with you as long it makes you happy.
★- Doesn't stop him complaining though. But when he sees that it makes you upset he stops. He begins to only complains a little but make sure you knew that he's only joking and loves spending time with you.
☆- He would sing you to sleep. Or tells you the best stories.
★- Either made up or real history
☆- Sometimes he would tell you stories about heaven and hell.
★- If you suffer from nightmares he would always be there to comfort you. And hold you with his wings.
☆- He would bake and cook with you! Depending on your age you would just watch but your happy to do so.
★- He slowly stops wearing suits when your little because you tell him it feels like he would be leaving. (Or any type of fear) and he would start wearing jeans and band/ normal t-shirts.
☆- Plus it allows him to be messy so he's not to upset having to change types of clothes
★- He would blare music and you guys would both dance and sing together. And be super goofy.
☆- He would play with your hair and allow you to play his.
★- He is not afraid of glitter and after you learned that he regrets saying it. Because there's always glitter on him no matter how many times he showers.
☆- He would also carry candy for you big or small and always "sneakily" give you one.
★- He loves playing pretend no matter what it contains and you always make him the hero of the story and it warms his heart everytime.
I will possibly add more lats <3
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enmmyheavenscg · 2 months
Sera lets m’ talk to big bro lulu today! She let m hav,’a online tea party with him!
We’re havin so so much funsies!
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@duckciferthecg @altlucicg
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lttl3babybug · 3 months
Could i request Lucifer cg headcanons?😙
Course!!!! I’m gonna use this as Luci with a toddler/Kid regressor cause I’ve got a Cg!Lucifer and Baby!Reader in the works too :3
Cg!Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons!
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🍎Being an actual dad Lucifer is pretty experienced with kids! So he’s defo a great cg!
🍎He’s very hands on with you, loves getting messy while playing
🍎Finger painting, colouring, drawing, playing in the mud, jumping in puddles. He’s down to do it all with you. The messier the better
🍎That just means bath time afterwards!
🍎Very respectful during bath time, will leave you to do it yourself if you want but if you’d like his help he’ll happily do it
🍎Puts a few rubber duckies in the bath for you to play with while he cleans the mud/paint off you
🍎Cuddles! Especially if it’s getting chilly, loves wrapping you up in a nice warm blankie and snuggling you
🍎He’s so caring, kisses all your owies and makes sure you’re all bandaged up
���Loves playing pretend with you
🍎He’ll be your knight in shining armour, the damsel in distress, the big bad dragon, whatever you need he can do it!
🍎Loves picking out outfits for you
🍎Showers you in gifs and compliments, you’re his perfect little one, his pretty princess, handsome little prince
🍎You have more stuffies than you know what to do with, they’re piled up in your play room
🍎Oh yeah. PLAY ROOM.
🍎It’s filled with toys, nap corner, books, fidget toys, changing table, whatever your little heart desires it’s in there
🍎Gives you a duck he made especially for little you, it’s got a little paci in and everything :(
🍎He loves you so so much and sometimes worries that you don’t know just how much he adores you
🍎You are his everything
🍎While cuddling if you’re cold he’ll wrap his wings around you, letting you stroke the feathers
🍎Loved seeing you in his hat, he thinks it’s adorable
🍎If you’ve got long hair he will absolutely sit and put it in braids and tie little bows with ribbons at the end of them
🍎Or he’ll leave it down and put little hair clips in to keep it from falling in your face
🍎You’re his little duckling, peppering kisses all over your face every time you cry and letting you know just how much he loves you
🍎Going to the park and feeding ducks together or playing on the swings
🍎He’ll do anything to see you smile
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altlucicg · 2 months
*Crashing noise from kitchen*
*imp-sized thud*
*goes to the kitchen*
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babyminty · 10 months
Cg Lucifer/Littles Mammon & Leviathan
Leviathan hadn't come out of his room for the whole day. He had lost track of time, for he had regressed too young to comprehend the time passing. He was playing with a goldfish studfie, but he was growing lonely. Suddenly, there was a knick on the door. It opened, revealing an also regressed Mammon. Mammon walked up to Levi, who was in his bed. Mams joined him, snuggling up to him and falling asleep. Levi followed shortly after.
Once both had woken up, they found a tray with two plates of food on it. Their tummys grumbled in unison, and they ate and finished the food. Only after it was all gone did they actually wonder who put the food there. Levi spotted a piece of paper that was neatly folded up and unfolding it, he attempted to read it. Being so young, he couldn't make out the scribbles that seemed to litter the page. Mammon noticed this, taking it from him and reading it out loud.
"Hope you two enjoy the food, -Lucifer." He read. "Luci made da food?" Leviathan asked, struggling to say all the words. "I dink so." Mams replied. "Let's go thank him." He hauled Levi out the bed, through the halls and into their oldest brother's room. "Hi?" Mams called, though it sounded more like a question. Lucifer looked up from his paperwork, spotting his two younger brothers. "Anything you two need?" He asked them, noting the two were regressed.
"Um... well... we wan to thank you fo da food." Mammon thanked as Levi waddled over to Lucifer and hugged him. "I need to make sure all of you eat, don't I?" Lucifer answered Mammon. He called Mammon over, who joined the hug. "Gwoup hug!" Levi giggled happily. "Indeed." Lucifer said, smiling at his two brothers. As they all pulled away from the hug, Lucifer went to pull out a box that contained stuff for his brothers for when they regressed. Of course they already had their own stuff, but Lucifer was going to spoil them with even more.
Mams grabbed a bunny stuffie whilst Leviathan took a puppy one. The littles looked through the movies that were also in the box and all three of them made their way over to the couch and TV that were in Lucifer's room. Once a movie had started to play, Mams and Levi made their way over to Luci, snuggling up on the couch together, blanket draped over them all. As Levi and Mams claimed, the stuffies wanted to watch too, so their heads were peaking out of the blankets. The rest of the day was spent watching movies until Levi fell asleep and Mammon had too much energy to sit still, so he just ran around the room or coloured. His bunny did all of this with him, of course.
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