#little!lucifer morningstar
nottapossum · 1 month
I keep getting traumatized whenever I look up little Lucifer headcannons do you have any?
What are in those posts? 😅
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Okay, here's some fun Little!Lucifer headcannons for ya 😉
Hopefully, that's what you wanted... that's kinda my thing, lol 😅
I got a draft of his official headcannons post (some of these will be on there. Yeah, I'm cheating.)
Hopefully, after Alastor's is done, I'll post it.
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✨️Lucifer is an ADHD icon!
✨️Lucifer regressses from 3-10
✨️He has rewatched ducktales a million and five times.
✨️He loves the duck song!
✨️He also loves the song disco duck.
✨️He gets lonely easily, so he needs lots of attention!
✨️Lucifer flaps his wings as a happy stim!
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✨️He loves sugar!! ❤️ He also loves fruit like apples and grapes 🍇 😋
✨️He owns a ton of Ducktales figurines, plushies, and comics.
✨️He has a darkwing duck costume and wears it often! He loves playing darkwing!
He's the terror who flaps in the night!
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✨️He needs extra praise and reassurance because he's very insecure
✨️He will sing randomly. Sometimes, songs that actually exist.
✨️He cannot sit still. If someone sits him down and tries to talk to him, he will immediately wander off.
He doesn't mean to, though. He does his best to sit still 🥺
✨️Easily forgets important stuff like dates, names, things he promised to do, where he left certain things, what he was doing in the kitchen, oh I gotta charge My phone...wait, what was I talking about?
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Tags: @todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @abby5577 @im-not-paying-my-taxes
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He's so Regressor coded. I love him sm!!!
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Regressor Lucifer Morningstar headcanons
Doesn't have a specific age he regresses to (he never cared trying to put a number on it anyway because he has no idea how human age works) but he’s pretty much a hyper five years old when he does.  
His regression is involuntary and due to trauma (poor dude needs at least one healthy coping mechanism but would never do it if it was just of his own accord). He can’t decide when he slips but he can, however, pull himself out of headspace pretty easily.  
Almost never fully regress. 
Didn’t have a single idea of what it was when he started doing it.  
Keeps his regression a secret but eventually has Maze as a babysitter and Chloe as a main caregiver. (Linda, Ella and Dan (with Chloe) are also potential babysitters.) 
Is very sensitive (especially to rejection and reacts pretty intensely to it) 
^ that causes him to be jealous a lot when someone else is getting attention while he’s there  
Holding hands is mandatory otherwise he will wander off into the wild at first given distraction. (He’s a runner, good luck trying to catch him.) 
^ Either that or he’s two inches away at most because he’s scared of getting lost or forgotten  
Isn’t usually a fan of physical contact unless it’s in his own accord.  
Stims a lot with his hands and general upper body when he’s excited. 
He has a really hard time trusting people again once they made him feel a little unsafe and it sometime even follows him out of headspace. (That’s also related to his sensitivity.)  
On the same note he’s also often scared of doing the wrong thing or what would happen if he did because of how he grew up (some days or worse than others). 
Struggles a lot with listening to what people tell him to do while he’s regressed. (Chloe understands that and tries to pass her demands as suggestions, that also helps him to be reminded that he has the choice.) 
Will chew on everything. Especially his sleeves (yes, many of his suits have suffered. It sometime happens to be his figers (nails and the skin around it in particular which isn't so great)). He mostly does it when he’s bored or when he’s spacing out and doesn't notice he’s doing it. 
He will also often bite things just to know what it tastes like or the texture of it. 
^ Also needs to touch everything. 
Extremely short attention span. 
Loves barbies  
Maze is extremely protective of him. Hurt Lucifer it's something but you hurt little Lucifer- 
Scared of thunderstorm (because it reminds him of his dad when he was angry) 
Love space and stargazing  
Often regress around Ella but she doesn’t even notice the change, she just finds him more joyful. 
Loves to sit on anything that isn’t a chair especially on table/counter/things alike (bonus point if he can dangle his feet) 
Drinks iced tea in whiskey glass. 
Is pretty picky and if his food touches he will not eat it. (Loves finger food)  
^ or will eat anything he can get his hand on (especially if it’s stealing). No in-between.  
Chloe gave him one of Trixie’s old sippy cups one time after one too many glasses spilled over.  
Has a blanket with stars on it that he might or might not have stolen from a child while they weren’t looking.  
(Okay my auDHD Lucifer headcanon might have spilled in there 😅)
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uselessalexis165 · 4 months
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the collection grows
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the-vengeful-demon · 4 months
He's such a gem
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socksandcrocs · 4 months
Charlie would definitely make her dad participate in the hotel exercises lmao
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loserifer · 2 months
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an artist in the making
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lucifer then had to immediately attend a meeting he'd forgotten about
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sharkcutlery · 3 months
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someone said more drunk alastor. my wish is your command
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nobodydoeseverything · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time a Hellaverse father was a depressed, lonely, wacky little guy, who is sort of alienated from his daughter due to circumstances but is trying his best, then I’D HAVE THREE GODDAMN NICKELS GODDAMMIT VIV I’M ALREADY SO ATTACHED GIVE ME A BREAK
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notherpuppet · 4 months
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I just love the idea of Lucifer having to deal with this fucking guy every time he wants to see Charlie
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meandtheyeehaws · 9 months
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they got the quievies after this
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nottapossum · 4 months
This is kinda related to question 18, what are the littles (at least the ones who do take naps) like when they’re being put down for a nap? Are they stubborn about it, or do they actually enjoy naps?
Nap time babies!!!
Ask game in question.
18: do they take naps? if so, do they take them at a specific time, or just nap whenever they feel like it? do they get fussy over having to take one?
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Charlie: She does take naps.
Charlie gets overwhelmed and exhausted very easily because when she's big, she's constantly taking care of everyone else all the time and needs to take time for herself to relax.
When Vaggie suggests she take a nap, Charlie will cry because she feels like she did something wrong or that Vaggy is trying to get rid of her. So, she'll cry and apologize to be sure Vaggie isn't upset with her.
Vaggie will soothe her, pick her up, take her to the bedroom. Then she'll pet her hair and reasure her that everything is okay, she did nothing wrong, and Vaggie loves her very much.
This will continue until she calms down enough to sleep.
Vaggie: Vaggie loves taking naps. Charlie doesn't need to tell her to take a nap, Vaggie will find somewhere safe to sleep when she's tired. Laundry baskets, the stairs, behind a chair somewhere close to Charlie so she won't be far away, but also not too invasive.
So, she is often found someplace odd if Charlie isn't paying attention for two seconds. And Charlie has to pick her up and take her to her room.
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Pentious: Pentious hates taking naps! He refuses! Then they will insist he needs one, and so he will actually take a nap. It isn't very hard to convince him. He hates to disappoint people.
Charlie and Vaggy only make him nap when he's yawning or struggling to stay awake. They're not very strict with him most of the time because they really don't have to be.
Angel: Husk will only put him down for a nap if Angel is visibly tired.
Angel will want to, but being asleep is a scary thing for him. Anyone could hurt him while he's asleep and unaware of his surroundings. So he'll ask Husk to take a nap with him. If Husk doesn't want to, Angel will just stay up.
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Alastor: Rosie will put Alastor down for a nap when he needs it, especially if he's acting up or gets overwhelmed. He'll only trust her judgment and only takes a nap when she says so. He needs to make sure it's safe first. If something is wrong, he needs to fight whatever monsters might be coming after him.
Rosie wouldn't tell him it's safe if she isn't sure about it, so he will rest after she promises it's okay to.
Lucifer: Lucifer often forgets to sleep, let alone take naps. He's far too busy building his tiny ducky kingdom. Someone really has to tell this kiddo to take a break 🥺
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Velvette: Velvette often needs a nap but doesn't want to take one because she wants to enjoy her little time! She will scream and cry and fight until she passes out from exhaustion. The only time she doesn't fight them is when she falls asleep in Voxs' arms while he's holding her. He has to be very careful to put her back to bed though. If she wakes up, she will cry.
Vox: Will negotiate with Velvette and Valentino. He'll try to convince them he doesn't need a nap, even if they gave him plenty of notice that he was going to have to soon.
They will get him to nap by offering cuddles as a reward or being stern with him about it.
Valentino: Will cry and fight Vox and Velvette if they try to put him down for a nap, then Vox will play a baby sensory video for him which calms him down, then most of the time he'll fall asleep immediately after.
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St. Peter: St Peter takes naps when he's told, no problem. He loves doing as he's told 😃
Emily: Emily has scheduled naps, and she hates it! Most of the time, she will just lay in bed and not get any rest because she has too much energy!
Sometimes, it's just out of protest, though. She always has to be good, and she hates it! So she'll stay up the whole time even if she's tired, then Sera will tell her she can play again, and eventually Emmi will fall asleep while playing or during dinnertime.
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Lute: Lute never thinks she needs a nap. She will refuse to take one until Adam insists on it and orders her to.
Then, reluctantly, she will. Then, she'll feel a lot better afterward.
Adam: Adam does not take naps! He doesn't ever need them! If someone tells him to, he won't!Hahaha!
(Then He'll fall asleep on the floor, so Lute will give him a pillow and blanket.)
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy
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Normally I just do Caregiver or Regressor Moodboards but I can't help but have to make a flip Moodboard for Lucifer 😊
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Tweet here !
Lucifer's the kinda guy to have his last words be something like: "Oh, golly!" And have it be carved into his gravestone
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minijenn · 4 months
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Motherfucker really came out here wielding a goddamn Keyblade huh?
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daftcase · 4 months
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