Cass x female!reader
Requested over on Ao3! The prompt I got from this generator
You were headed to the Wizard’s place, holding a small bag in your hands. You were going to visit your girlfriend, Cass, as you figured she would be spending all day inside, working. You were going to get her outside for a bit, as you didn’t exactly think it was healthy sitting inside all day at the computer, working and working with little to no breaks. It just worried you is all.
You walked up to the door and knocked, waiting a few moments before Howell opened the door.
“Oh, Y/n, it’s good to see you. I’m guessing you’re here for Cass?”
“I sure am.”
“She’s in her room like usual. Come in.” Howell moved aside to let you in. You walked inside and the door was shut behind you. Without another word, you walked to Cass’ room, knowing where it was as you’ve been here more than enough times. You knocked on her door before you opened it, and as you suspected, she was at her computer, working on something you had no idea about. You walked into her room, closing the door behind you, and went over to her.
“Hey, Cass.” You spoke up as you hugged her from behind, making her jump a bit and look back at you. She calmed down, seeing it was just you.
“Oh hey, Y/n. What’s up?” She then noticed the small bag in your hand, “what’s in the bag?”
“Well I’m glad you asked, because it is…” You let her go from the hug and grabbed a box of sidewalk chalk out of the bag
“…Chalk? Are you serious, Y/n?”
“Yes, I am!”
“What are we, five?” Cass asked you in a teasing manner, turning her chair around to face you.
“Why not? It’s nice outside and I know all you’re planning on doing is staying in here and working all day. That’s not exactly healthy, Cass.”
“But I’ve got to work, Y/n.”
“That may be true, but you’ve got to have some fun too!” You grabbed her hands and pulled her up out of her chair.
“Come on… please, Cass? You asked, still holding her hands. Seeing as there was no point in arguing with you, she sighed softly in defeat and nodded.
“Alright, fine. But next time, I pick what we do for our next date.”
“Deal!” You grabbed the box of chalk in one hand, still holding one of Cass’ hands, the two of you then walked out of her room and outside. Cass took a moment to realize that you were right: it was nice out today. It wasn’t scorching hot, but it wasn’t freezing cold, either. You went over to the sidewalk, which not many people walk down anyways, and sat down. You looked up at Cass before patting the spot beside you with a smile on your face. Cass playfully rolled her eyes and sat down beside you on the sidewalk. You opened up the box of chalk and grabbed (f/c) from the box, while Cass grabbed a light blue. The two of you were pretty quiet as you doodled on the sidewalk. You noticed her working on something that was pretty intricate, making you tilt your head slightly to see what it was.
“Whatcha working on over there, Cass?”
“You’ll see, Y/n.”
“Oh, okay.” Though you were curious to see what it was she was, you went back to your own sidewalk doodles, which wasn’t much, but you didn’t mind, since it was just chalk, but you did draw up some better doodles than others. Besides, you knew not many people were going to see them, and you were having fun with it, that’s all that matters.
You were brought back from your thoughts as you felt a tap on your shoulder, making you look up from your drawing.
“Alright, you can take a look at it.” Pretty much as soon as those words left her mouth, you scoot closer to see what it was she had been working on. In the most prettiest writing you’ve seen from Cass, was your names together, which almost looked like calligraphy the way it was written.
“This is really pretty, Cass!” You looked over at your girlfriend, your eyes practically having stars in them. Cass rubbed the back of her head in slight embarrassment.
“You really think so? I, uh, can do a bit of calligraphy, but I haven’t done it in so long so I’m glad you like it.”
“This is absolutely beautiful, thank you.” Of course you had grabbed your phone from your pocket and took a picture or two.
“I want to remember this, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh, uh, not at all.” If it were anyone else, she would’ve minded, but since it’s you, it’s okay.
“I didn’t know you knew how to do calligraphy. Could you maybe teach me a thing or two sometime?”
“Sure, I don’t mind.”
“Sweet!” However, before you could say anything else, you felt a drop of water on your forehead.
“Huh?” You looked up at the sky, feeling a couple more drops of water on your face.
“Rain? I didn’t think it was supposed to rain today.” You grabbed the box of chalk from the ground, placing the ones you had gotten out back into the box.
“Come on, let’s get back inside. We can watch a movie or something.” Cass grabbed your hand and the two of you head back inside before it started pouring down rain. You decided to head back to her room and watch movies on her computer since you didn’t want to be disturbed by her brothers, though you had a feeling she wouldn’t let them.
“Hey, Y/n?”
“Thanks… for getting me outside, I mean. I know I don’t go out much, but that was actually kind of nice.”
“It’s no problem, Cass, and we can do it again another day! Since I still have the box.”
“Cool. For now, let’s just wait for the rain to stop and watch the movie.”
“Sounds good to me.” You two cuddled up under a nice warm blanket as you watched movies for the rest of the evening, until you got tired, in which you moved to rest in bed, cuddling a bit more before falling asleep.
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plushverse · 28 days
Can I ask for a Cass Wizard x reader who is an INTP? (Sarcastic, slightly lazy, curious, blunt, strange, also strange ways in flirting)
I hope these are okay, I don’t know much about personality types
*you can be a strange individual at times, which Cass has noticed, but she doesn’t usually say anything about it
*as she’s to the point where she knows how strange you can be
*she is also aware of how blunt and sarcastic you can be when you say something, but it depends on the person and situation
*you do tend to ask Cass a lot of questions, whether it’s regarding her work or other things such as her next day off (only because you want to plan a date or outing that’s just the two of you)
*you also have a rather… odd ways of flirting, both before and after you got into a relationship with Cass
*while she did find it odd, she thought it was kinda funny and cute
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azsazz · 7 months
Hear Me, See Me, Use Me
A/B/O Cassian x Reader
Summary: Cassian is in heat. He won't fuck anything except for you.
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, biting kink, PRIMAL Cassian.
Word Count: 2,012
Notes: No idea what came over me but this is the Cassian I've been needing in my life tbh.
“Cassian?” your voice slips through the incorrigible thoughts cleaving through his mind. It’s soft, sweet, and a little afraid. He fucking likes that. The brush of your voice in his ears makes the hair clinging to the nape of his neck stand, his back curve, and his painfully raging cock spurt precum onto the pillow he’s fucking wildly. 
His chest heaves and his fingers are curled so tightly into the stiff pillow on his bed that it’s torn. It has served him well thus far, but it’s a poor replacement for your soft cunt he wishes he could plunge himself into. His rut courses through his veins like fire. He’s sweating with it, sharp teeth torn through his lips as he’s tried to get himself off—to take any of the suffering away—pretending the pillow is you.
But it’s not your pliant body. It’s not your smooth skin or your drenched cunt wrapped around his aching cock. There’s none of your pleasure-filled noises ringing around the room as he draws orgasm after orgasm from you, fucking into you as if you are no more than a plaything for him; a home to his cock and his cum, to the babe he desperately wants to fuck into you because he’s recessed into nothing more than that. He has one base need and it’s to plant a child in you and raise it to be another strong alpha, just like him. He has succumbed to his most rudimentary, primal needs. And he needs to fuck. And he needs to fuck you. Right now.
He’s fucking hearing things now, he realizes. You’re not really here, as Azriel’s already told him. The shadowsinger walked in on him while he’d been mid-fuck, rutting into his bed like a shameless teenager getting hard for the first time. You were in with another alpha, helping them through their heat, Az had recounted carefully. His stance was braced in the doorway, ready should Cassian leap off of the bed and come at him like the rabid beast he’s acting like at the news.
Cassian had seen red after that, banishing Azriel from his room. He’d all but clawed the paint off of the walls, destroying nearly every piece of furniture in the room. Carnage surrounds him from where he’s curled over the pillow, almost seeming to smother it with that large body of his. The sight of it makes your cunt clench, wetness dampening your panties. For a fleeting moment, you’re frozen, heart racing as you watch the way Cassian’s powerful body moves. You imagine yourself held down to the bed like that as he breeds you, filling you with so much of his seed there’s no way a babe won’t take.
And you wouldn’t want him to be soft with you, not like the last alpha you helped had been. You don’t want kind words and soft kisses, you want to feel Cassian’s sharp teeth gnashing at your neck, marking you, scenting you, filling you for all to see. You want to bear his litter, you want to slide to your knees before him, never part from him or his long, shiny length.
Shit. Maybe your heat has come early. 
Your scent reaches him. You can see it in the way his back spine straightens and his thrusts into the quickly disintegrating pillow halt. Feathers line the bed—the poor piece of fabric has taken quite the beating. You swallow thickly, wondering if your cunt will be able to survive the raw, primal actions of Cassian on his rut.
You clench your thighs at the thought, and Cassian slowly turns around. 
His hazel eyes are all black, pupils so dilated you wonder if he can even see or if you’re just a blur. Most of the faelights did not escape his wrath, except for the one glowing dimly on the floor, surrounded by splinters of wood from the armoire, or was it a weapons rack? His favorite chair?
“Cassian,” you breathe again, and his trance breaks.
He stumbles through the disaster he’s made. Cassian doesn’t care if he steps on debris from his rage, his attention is locked on you and his raging cock that stands stiff from his body, bobbing with each step. He’s so full of need he can hardly stand straight, spine curled as he towers over you, hot breath on your face, you sweetness on his tongue.
“This isn’t real,” he murmurs in disbelief. You’re not here, you can’t be, you’re supposed to be helping someone else. Cassian’s lips part and he takes a heavy inhale. You’re not intimidated by his presence, even this far into his rut, but you might be once he catches a whiff of the last alpha you were helping on your scent. He growls, harsh and low, fingers curling into fists and your body coils on its own accord, but Cassian only snarls. “Mine.”
You squeak as he scoops you into his arms, slamming and turning the lock behind you. His hands are everywhere, holding you with ease as they work your way through your clothes, tearing from your body as he makes his way towards the already destroyed bed, one leg kicked off, but the mattress is still good, and he doesn’t care if he takes you on the fucking floor or against the wall or in the fucking bathing room connected to his space, he needs you desperately.
“You’re here,” Cassian says, palming your exposed breasts. Your clothes are nothing but scraps now, but you don’t have the slightest care in the world as his bare body presses flush to yours, pinning you to the mattress. His cock is heavy and hot against your soaking cunt, and he doesn’t hesitate to push in. He’s hardly in his right mind, this you know, but he feels so good, stretching your tight cunt with a growl that has your body relaxing into the plush bed beneath you, one filled with such protectiveness, the noise is one laying claim to you. 
“Yes, alpha,” you agree, gasping as he presses all the way in. Cassian’s hands are planted on either side of your head and his head is buried in the side of your neck scenting and marking you as he pleases. He’s not gentle as he slips in, nor when he pulls back out and fucks his way back in again. But the noises of encouragement he’s drawing from you fill him with pride anyway. 
Gods, does he want you. He wants to fucking chain you up with the thickest, most warded pieces of ropes of cuffs he can find. If he could detach himself from your writhing body right now he’d go for his belts, strapping each of your limbs to the four posters of his bed until he can find something stronger. 
He wants to fill you up with his cum, eat it out of you and spit it back into that tight cunt while he waits for his cock to grow again. It won’t take much, you touch and taste and smell is fucking intoxicating. He wants to see your stomach swollen with his seed, his litter, his pups. He hooks his hands in the bend of your knees, lifting them so he can fuck himself deeper. 
Cassian’s fingers dig into your skin and you moan loudly. His cock stretches you, fills your body perfectly. You squint your eyes open, but he’s not looking at your face. The blacks of his eyes are setted on your lower stomach, where he watches your body poke with his cock as he jerks into you. Your gaze dips lower, watching the press of his cock inside of you. It sends shivers zipping up your spine and you melt into the bed, growing wetter with need.
He wants to take care of you too. Keep everyone away from you so that you’re all he sees. All you smell and taste. No one is allowed near you. Not after this.
“You’re mine, you hear that?” he growls, using his alpha voice. He knows it’ll make you submit, but you’re well on your way, arching up into him as your cunt chokes his cock, cumming with such pleasure your vision whites out. Cassian doesn’t slow, he speeds his motions, prolonging your orgasm. 
You look ethereal while you cum, fingers clawing into his skin, the marks he’s already left on your neck shining bright. Your mouth is slack with euphoria but your body is tightly wound against him, as if trying to absorb his entire being into your soul. 
“That’s my girl,” Cassian praises, but it still sounds like a threat. In fact, the other side of your neck isn’t looking marked enough. Blood dribbles down onto his sheets and he dives forward, lapping it up. You moan weakly, his tongue rough against your sensitive skin. The noise sharpens into a cry when he sinks his teeth into your flesh, following the same strokes of his cock as he gnaws at your body. “So hungry for my cock, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, alpha,” you pant. You can feel his knot growing, dragging inside your walls. It heightens every feeling coursing through your body. The room is hot with sex and Cassian’s body covers you so thoroughly you can hardly even breathe in the best way. 
“Want my pups, don’t you, you greedy little omega?” he asks, but it’s not really a question. He’s spewing his inner thoughts, too far into his alpha headspace to notice. Maybe you’re not even here in his mind, maybe he would’ve acted this way with any omega he’d cross paths with, with how long he tried to stave off his rut. 
No, you scold yourself, clinging to him. The thundering of his heart against your chest is reassuring. Azriel came to find you himself, said that Cass wouldn’t have an omega if it weren’t you, even if it killed him.
Both Rhysand and Azriel had been on standby, the High Lord and the shadowsinger willing to see Cassian through his rut, even though they’re alphas themselves. The three of them have been through too much not to be able to see one another like this and help if needed. 
But luck was on the shadowsinger’s side, as he found you just as you were to set off into the night, freshly showered from the rut you’d seen another alpha through. He’d told you the predicament, and as tired as you were, the opportunity to not only see but assist Cassian through that torture of his own was a dream come true. Your body had been begging for him ever since you’d laid eyes on him and it made your heat come early back then.
Cassian grunts, knot swelling inside of the warm cavern of your cunt. You are everything he imagined and more, and you feel a million times better than that fucking piss poor pillow he’d had to use in your place. But it was worth it, not having another omega. He doesn’t want anyone but you from here on out. He wants you, and so does the alpha trying to claw its way through his skin and into yours. 
“Gonna fill you full of my pups,” he grunts, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he ruts his knot into you. It’s painfully hard, sticking to the walls of your cunt as it tries to attach to your womb, but he’s not had enough of you yet. “You’re going to give me so many. As many as I want, right?”
“Yes,” you moan, because it’s the only thing you can say, the only thing you’ve ever wanted to hear. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“That’s right,” he agrees, shuddering as his cock locks deep in your cunt. His cock spurts, and his body constricts so tightly Cassian squeezes his eyes shut, hooking onto you tightly and rolling you both over so his arms don’t give out and he crushes you with his weight. “Fucking take all my cum, baby. Going to give you so much more of it tonight too.”
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c-nstantine · 23 days
Do you think Bruce has given Batmom pearls, as it is a tradition for wayne men to give their wives pearls on their wedding day. I wonder what the batkids reactions would be when they see them the first time. 🥰🥰
I think the immediate reaction would be to try and hold in tears. Especially with Dick and Damian. Dick is like "it's finally happening." Damian knows that that Batmom won't be replacing Talia but she will be having a hand in raising him and she hears him out. Jason would be so proud and feel the need to protect his mom more. Tim is taking the best photos. Every angle imaginable has been captured and he's going to make a wedding album but somehow Bruce is only in it three times. Duke and Cass didn't realize how big of a deal it was until Alfred explained it to them and now they are making sure she never loses them.
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solbaby7 · 4 months
Angels Like You
pairing: cassian x reader
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warnings: swearing, sexual themes, use of safe word, possible typos, some angst but plenty of fluff
summary: based off a anonymous request (not sure how to put the req on here to see but it’s literally like the second thing on my feed if u really wanna know)
You’d always heard that opposites attract.
It never really clicked though until you’d met Cassian.
His loud laughs and your soft giggles. His crude jokes and your blushed cheeks. His stomping steps and yours quietly following.
It just worked. Even if there were a few differences that occasionally left you feeling slightly inadequate—like his sexual experience and your naivety.
You’d overlooked it; chalking it up to the fact that Cassian had simply been alive significantly longer than you, experienced more while traveling the Courts. It was without question that he’d had his fair share of women—had probably tried things you couldn’t even dream of but a huge part of you was okay with that. Grateful that he’d gotten it out of his system because, in truth, you preferred a gentler pace. Taking the time to appreciate when your massive male of a mate left his title and the aggression that ensued at the door, presenting you with a part of him unseen by most, if any.
Cassian was a giver, always pressing sweet kisses down the slope of your nose and muttered compliments into the plush of your lips as he eased off your clothes. A thorough lover, who’d memorize the curves of your body as if you were a prized sculpture being put on display simply for him to admire. He’d croon kindness in your ear while feeding pure sin to your cunt with as much of his length as you could handle without shattering like glass in his grasp.
It had taken practice and countless hours spent building trust to pull you out of your timid nature; to quell the desire to cover your chest when he undressed you or fighting the burning of your cheeks when Cass would slap at the fat of your ass in front of his family. “Hurry back,” He commands playfully after dinner. He’s comfortable in the giant chair, soft cushions tucked behind his back and the crackling fire behind him warms at his wings while arguing over nothing with his brothers.
You oblige the request without hesitation, partially because Mor all but shoves a glass of some terrifyingly bright concoction of liquor in your grasp the second you step foot in the kitchen with a hellish grin and partially from the mating bond that seemed to throb when you were apart. She leans against the counter, fingers hovering over a display of sweet treats when you make way to go back.
“—just tell us. How is it?” The hushed tone of Rhysand’s voice stops you in your tracks, muscles tensing and ears all but pressed against the door to hear better.
“Fuck off.”
Azriel’s laugh follows, tone teasing. “Must be good. You know what they say about the quiet ones.”
You don’t even have to look to know Rhys is nodding along based off his inebriated low hum. “Filthy in bed.”
“Maybe some of them,” Cassian chuckles, ice clinking and you assume he’s still clutching at that half finished glass of whiskey he’d been nursing after his meal. “Mine is a little more…vanilla.”
It wasn’t like he was wrong and the words don’t even register as a bad thing until you hear the High Lord’s displeased groan and Azriel’s muttered comments about respecting it but personally desiring a female who was a bit more durable—adventurous.
You take a step back, stomach knotting with insecurity and you aren’t strong enough to linger any longer. Without a second thought the drink in your hand is finished in two quick gulps and the burn that settles is far less intimidating with their words replaying in your mind to distract you. “Where are you going?” Mor’s eyes catch on the bottle of wine you snag from the table, your empty glass left behind and she’s acutely aware that while she’d made it even she couldn’t stomach the contents.
“Taking my party upstairs,” You reply without even looking back, too fearful she’d see the tears beginning to glaze at our eyes. Halfway up the staircase, you all but rip the cork from the top drink deeply straight from the bottle with little care for the stray drops that drip onto the neckline of your dress. The door to your shared room is kicked closed behind you, eyes catching on the shuffled sheets left unmade after earlier—they still smelled like the both of you. A reminder of Cassian’s head between your thighs and fingers stuffed as far in your cunt as they could go. It had felt so perfect then but now you couldn’t even bring yourself to lay on the mattress.
Not even the wine can rid your brain of the self-depreciating thoughts and by time Cassian had come to check on you, the bottle had long since run empty and the few rebellious tears that had fallen dried on your cheeks. He makes an effort to make as little noise as possible when toeing off his boots, shuffling over to carry you to bed. Your subconscious betrays you, body melting into his warmth and you vaguely remember calloused hands guiding your arms through the holes of fresh nightclothes, a warm cloth dragging against your neck to clear the stickiness of spilled wine.
You mumble something unintelligible but Cassian just hums in agreement, sliding into the sheets beside you and pulling you close to his chest.
You aren’t there when he wakes the next morning, the sheets cool and your scent faded. He frowns as he wipes the sleep away and the lines only grow when you’re nowhere to be found at breakfast, or in the training ring a few hours after that. His agitation doesn’t go unnoticed, confusion intensifying when even the bond is blocked. All day Cassian yearns for the random tugs, the reassuring waves sent through a sacred connection but every gentle caress is met with complete silence.
He finds you much later, form covered in silk where you sat in the middle of the bed. A box sits before you, tied neatly with a bow and everything. A brow raises, relief flooding every fiber of his being when he can verify for himself that you were safe. “I haven’t seen you all day. Where’ve you been?”
“Went shopping.”
Cassian’s weight dips into the mattress, fingers eager when gripping at your hips to pull you in closer. He’s nosing at your neck when he mutters, “What’d you get?”
You shift beneath him, sliding the box carefully before him, unable to meet his eye. “Open it.”
Even filled with anxiety, he finds a way to make you laugh, doing his best to make a whole deal about opening the wrapping paper but when the lid slides open, his grin falters. “I—“ Resting inside the dark velveteen packaging was a pair of leather cuffs, padding lining the inside and a thick key tucked snug beneath it. “I thought you weren’t really ready for stuff like this yet?”
Fingers fiddle in your lap, rings twisting and silk ruffling against smooth skin when you shrug. “Changed my mind.” You don’t give him time to think too hard about it and he doesn’t resist in the slightest when you leaned forward to kiss him. It’s effortless to get lost in it—in him and those careful hands and claiming lips, pouring out just how much he’d missed you with each graze of his tongue against your own. Cassian adjusts you with ease, the kiss never breaking for even a moment as you’re caged beneath him. You can feel the press of his weapons against your knee, the drag of thick leathers against your inner thigh and the throbbing hardness of his arousal pressed against your belly. “Put them on me.”
There’s such weariness in golden eyes when they stare down at you and briefly your brows furrow— you thought he’d be more excited and less likely to ask too many questions since it was something he’d apparently desired so badly. “Are you sure?”
You pray he doesn’t notice that you don’t exactly offer an answer, instead pulling him down into another kiss; a deeper one and you know you’ve got him when you’ve guided his hands to your chest. He melts like the sweet icing Elain put on top of still steaming rolls of sugar and cinnamon; offering small groans and strained moans when you explore the rigid planes of his body.
Cassian doesn’t stray from the normal routine, using his elbow to slightly shove the box and its contents away while he got his fill. Each loving drag of his tongue down the length of your neck, over your breasts and peaked nipples. He stops just below your belly button, eyes sliding from you to the present beside you and every move is deliberate—careful, like he was handling fine china. “Do you remember your safe word?”
“I do.”
A kiss pressed along the line of your underwear. “And if you can’t speak?” He nods in approval when you snap your fingers twice. “We can stop at any time.” The leather is smooth against your wrists and you don’t miss how loose he’s fastened them, ensuring your safety before all.
A few steadying breaths as you tested the restraints, hands dangling above your head and while you can bend at the elbows and shift your weight there’s not much give for anything else. “Don’t stop,” You whisper, eyes fluttering shut as you try to focus on everything but the racing of your heart against your ribcage.
Cassian mouth was sinful, teeth biting into the flimsy fabric to tug them down, down, down. “Well, aren’t you just perfect,” He praises, nose trailing tickling lines up your inner thighs until the taunting touches leave your hips squirming for more.
“Please, Cass—want you.”
“Just be patient for me, angel. I’ve waited all day for you,” A kiss to your bare sex, tongue peeking out to press a barely there stripe up your slit. “Let me savor it.” Strong arms nudge your legs further apart, guiding your calves over his shoulders and when he really gets started there’s not a single brain cell working to begin to fixate on the restraints. It might’ve even been fun, submitting to such power when it was directed towards you with such care.
It’s not until his clothes become scattered heaps on the floor, cock lined with your entrance with his mouth slotted over yours that the anxiety spikes again. Something about the inability to move was less pleasant with so much muscle above you—with so much of his length sliding inside without the security blanket of being able to nudge his hip when you’d taken enough.
He does everything right, slowly working you open and moaning obscenities of your warmth, the tight fit and how fucking pretty you looked taking him.
And yet, still your muscles refuse to relax.
Your fingers flex, numbness settling in but each adjustment only seems to make them feel tighter until even Cassian’s hands rubbing against your skin felt uncomfortable. Each thrust of his hips jostles your body, thick padding chafing at sensitive skin. “Fuck,” He pants into your neck, arms wrapping under your shoulders for leverage. “Squeezing me so tight, angel.” It draws a whimper, one he mistakes for pleasure but you say nothing, willing yourself to breathe, repeating over and over that you were safe.
Against your will, your heart rate spikes, hands clenching into tight fists above you. “Cass,” A deep groan and his pace speeds up. Tears begin to line your vision, eyes squeezing shut as the need to please was overshadowed by panic. “Red. Please, red—I’m freaking out.”
He stops without question, quickly pulling out and slapping a hand against the bedside table for the key. “Shit angel, I’m sorry.” It unlocks with a click and instantly, you can breathe again. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, I—it’s just that,” Fat tears roll down your cheeks when he scoops you into his arms. “I wasn’t ready,” There’s so much shame in the words and Cassian’s heart absolutely shatters when you bury your face in his chest. “I overheard you the other night talking with your brothers about us—about me being vanilla during sex and I guess…well, I just wanted to prove that I could be adventurous too.” He doesn’t interrupt you, allowing a small noise of disapproval to slip free but it’s followed by fingers raking through your hair and kisses on your forehead. “It wasn’t bad at first, but once you got on top and I couldn’t move my brain just wouldn’t shut off.”
“That’s fine, it was just too much too soon,” You wait for the ‘but’ because there had to be a ‘but’ when he spoke in that tone. The one where he allowed a sliver of the Night Courts Commander to shine through. Warm palms cradle your cheeks, prying you from the safety of his chest to face him and he doesn’t speak until you’re looking him in the eye. The pads of his thumbs swipe under wet lashes, smearing away tear trails and tucking stray hairs behind your ears. “What you think you heard back there with Az and Rhys? I swear it wasn’t that, angel.”
“But they sounded so disappointed,” You look away, nose scrunching to sniffle. “—I thought you were disappointed.”
Cassian speaks your name firmly, urging you to look at him. “There is nothing more I love than being able to come home and be soft with you.” He pushes the hair from your shoulders, touch ghosting over your skin and you can’t fight your body’s desire to lean into his warmth. “Centuries of being looked at as just a soldier; a weapon. There’s so much blood on my hands but when I’m with you, all of that goes away. With you, I feel safe—I feel clean.”
Your hands cling to his sides, relief flooding under the reassurance and the love that erupts through the tether tying your souls together is nearly overwhelming. Goosebumps swarm under the intensity of it all, finding no other remedy other than to kiss him, to open up your end of the bond and allow him full access.
And this—the delicate approach to such intimacy, it felt right. Like two magnets colliding. Opposites attracting. Halves fusing into a whole. “How about we try again?” Cass offers, grip sliding down to your bare hips. “Do it our way.”
“Our way?” A tug of a smile at the corner of your mouth as he begins to pepper those sweet kisses along the slope of your nose.
Cassian only nods, a content hum sounding when he feels your ease, body pliant in his touch with the offending leather long forgotten on the floor. “Angels like you,” Ever so carefully he lays you back against the pillows, carefully smoothing out your hair as if you were the sweetest treasure. “—you take your time with.”
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emmalandry · 11 months
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𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 ~ ℝ𝕒𝕗𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕤!𝔻𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝔸𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣'𝕤 𝕕𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕧𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕒 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕒𝕔𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖. 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 ℝ𝕒𝕗𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥? 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕦𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜, 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝔻𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕪/𝕊𝕚𝕣 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜, 𝔻𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘, ℙ𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕖, ℍ𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪, 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟙.𝟟𝕜
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Y/N L/N. The most beautiful girl on Kildare island. She had silky smooth skin that was almost like porcelain so dainty and delicate she could be shattered and corrupted at any moment and that's just what Rafe Cameron planned to do. Corrupt her and claim her as his. Every time he heard her sickly sweet voice something grew in him, an urge. The urge to take away her innocence, He was like a predator lying in wait for the opportunity to attack. After months of waiting he found the perfect opportunity to strike. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, Mr.L/N had just finished today's Sermon but he and the rest of Y/N's family decided to stay back at the church letting Y/N return home knowing she had some leftover schoolwork to complete. Rafe knew that whenever the L/N's decided to stay at the church every other Sunday they were usually gone for hours upon hours and today would be no different. He watched as she clicked her heels against the pavement on her way back to her car, her long sun dress flowing in the breeze she looked so angelic. It may seem cliche to say it about the Pastor's daughter but Y/N most definitely was an angel sent from heaven above and every single time it cause a strain in Rafe's shorts.
Just as she was about to reach her little blue beetle convertible she felt a hand on her shoulder she was almost sent into a panic when she heard it, heard him and a wave of relief hit her. "Hey darling, can I talk to you for a second?" she felt her heart flutter and a blush creep up her cheeks at the nickname leaving his lips. She took a deep breath before slowly turning around and looking up to meet his piercing blue eyes. "Sure Mr.Cameron, what is it?" 'Mr.Cameron' he chuckled to himself, the two weren't well acquainted other than the occasional small talk at the country club or church other than that even though they were both kooks their paths didn't cross often. "Slow your roll angel, you can call me Rafe, Im only a year older than you no need for all these hotshot titles." He gave her that smile that could have any girl falling into a puddle at his feet and Y/N's legs just about gave out at the sight. She would smile back at him before opening her mouth once more to speak "What did you need to talk to me about?" She looked away trying to avoid his piercing eyes and he smirked. "Just wanted to tell you that you looked really good today" He played with the hem of her sun dress dragging on what he was gonna say "Your dress really compliments your skin...I was wondering maybe if I could take you out to dinner tonight?" Y/N gave him a confused look, Rafe was handsome, really really handsome and he had a reputation with women around the island.
Kooks and Touron women alike, all of them were far more experienced than her. She never held hands, kissed a boy, she never even had a boyfriend and yet here she was standing in front of the Kook King staring dumbfounded because he just asked her to dinner. Noticing her puzzled look he spoke again, "My whole family leaves for the mainland this afternoon so maybe you could come over and I can make you dinner?" "Are you asking me on a date?" a low chuckle left his lips. "Yes angel, I'm asking you on a date."
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Considering how your day started you would've never expected to be in Rafe fucking Cameron's bed, your thighs squeezing his head while you're begging for your release, whines and small "Oh god's" leaving your swollen pink lips. "So I'm God now princess?" he let a chuckle slip out receiving a whine from you as he felt you clench around his fingers. A smirk creeps up on his face "Oh you like that angel? Do you like thinking of me as a god?" a small "Mhm" leaving your mouth. He grabbed ahold of your face making you look down at him "If you're not gonna use your words baby then ill put that mouth to use some other way. Open up. Now." Your jaw practically unhinges at his words as he stands to his full height and spits into your mouth, "Swallow" he shuts your jaw and slaps your face lightly as you swallow his saliva. "Such a good little girl, aren't you doll?" he continues to pump his fingers in and out of your soaked cunt, repeatedly hitting the soft spongey spot inside you causing you to let out a loud almost pornographic moan as you clench around his slender fingers one last time before releasing your juices all over his fingers.
"You taste so sweet, like honey." he sucks your release off his fingers and climbs up your body landing a kiss on your lips. Looking up at him with your big doe eyes you ask "What about you?" he lets a laugh slip past his lips "Aren't you just so generous, darling?" you bite your lip and avoid his gaze. "I just...I want you to feel good." a frown crossing over her face. He puts his index finger to his chin almost like he was thinking. "Okay, princess...you want me to feel good? Open up." Y/N hesitated looking up to see Rafe rolling his eyes before reaching his hand up to your face and giving you a light slap. "I thought you were a good girl Y/N. Why are you not following Daddy's orders, Hm?" You begin to feel a blush creep up your neck. "I-I am a good girl...I promise." You frown and he gives you a sly smirk. "Then prove it." You open your mouth slowly and hear him unbuckle his belt before hearing it hit the floor. Your eyes marvel at his visible hard-on showing through his boxers. As he pulls them down you witness his cock slap against his stomach and you begin practically drooling.
"You like what you see sweetness?" You nod slowly, too scared to close your mouth to speak before he walks over to you and slaps his cock against your lips. “Don’t be shy baby…Suck.” You take his cock into your mouth and begin to lightly suckle his tip giving kitten licks here and there before trying to take the whole thing in your mouth. You gag when the tip kisses the back of your throat but try again whilst tears are welling up in your eyes. He weaves his hand into your hair and pulls you off. “Careful Baby. I know you’ve never done this, you’re just a dumb little girl you’re not ready to take it all in that pretty little throat yet.” you nod and pull your mouth off him reaching your hand up to stroke him. You look up to see him flashing you a panty-dropping smile and you feel your arousal gush down your legs once more as you clench your thighs together. Rafe's hand begins to stroke your cheek as you continue to tug on his cock. "You think you're ready to take me baby? You want me to destroy that perfect little pussy?" "Yes sir." He smiles again, "There's my good little girl. Don't worry baby. I won't stop until I've completely corrupted that dumb little head of yours."
He rubs his tip through your soaked folds and the moment his tip bumps your puffy little clit you let out a whine. You whisper out a pathetic "Please." and you notice him shift his gaze to your face. "Please what angel? Tell me what you want." "Wan' you to fuck me sir...take my v-virginity." You swallow harshly and feel him begin to push his fat head inside you. "Relax Darling, Daddy's gonna take good care of his sweet girl." Hearing these words leave his lips your body relaxes and it allows him to bottom out inside you. You felt so full, you've never had anything feel this good. You never even touched yourself in fear that god was watching. "M-move...please need you to move." "Oh yeah? You think you're ready for that baby?" You nod, he begins with slow shallow thrusts that have you arching your back into the air as your hands grip onto his satin sheets. "Oh god." You moan out. "Shhh angel, God's not here. It's just me." His hand reaches up to grip your silver cross that dangles around your dainty little neck before he snatches ahold of the chain and pulls you upwards for a kiss. It's messy. Nothing but tongues and teeth clashing together. His thrusts begin to get more aggressive the sound of sweaty skin slapping together filling the room as you writhe beneath him.
His hand reaches up to draw quick circles on your clit. Who were you to tell him no? It was so swollen and begging for attention. You moan into his mouth, back arching into the air as your pussy begins to clench around him. "My perfect little fucktoy, You're nothing but a stupid little girl. Are you gonna cum baby? How about I fill up your tight little pussy? It's just begging to be filled. Want's me to give you a baby. You want that honey?" He breathes out, His breathing is shaky trying to help you reach your release. "Uhuh." you moan out, eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape. "Uhuh, what angel?" He slaps your cheek making your eyes shoot open. "Wan' you to give me a baby. Make me swollen and make me a mommy." he lets out a low groan as you clench around him and your arousal gushes against his cock and your thighs. After about 3 more shallow thrusts he shoots his seed inside you and lays his body on top of you. He slowly pulls his now softening cock out of you. He glances down to see his spend leaking out of you before gathering it on his fingers and fucking it back inside of you. "Gotta keep it in there baby. Make sure you become a mommy." You give him a shaky breath in response as he curls up next to you, stroking your hair out of your face and pecking your cheek. "This means you're mine now baby. My darling angel."
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
megumi+just the tip B WORD
cw: AFAB!reader, penetrative sex, aged up characters (as always), slight coercion/dubcon if you squint really hard, megumi is just SO easy to persuade 
he knows you shouldn’t, knows you can’t. 
megumi knows this, yet he still finds himself teetering on the edge of agreement. 
"please, megumi," your sweet voice sends chills up his spine.
your foot runs up and down his calf as your hips slowly grind into his with purpose. and on any normal day, megumi would be giving in to your pleas the second they left your pretty lips. 
today would be no different, if it wasn't for his best friends sleeping on the couch one room over. 
as your hips clank against his once more, he groans as if it physically hurts him to decline your request (it does). 
"we can't," his voice is strained with what little determination he has left. "i want to, but we can't."
and he swears you’re purring against his skin when your lips dance along the sweet spot just below his ear. 
"i can be quiet," you coo through kisses to the tender skin on his neck, and megumi swallows the saliva rapidly pooling in his mouth. 
his grip on your waist tightens, "it's not about that."
"then why not?"
"because those idiots are a room away," he hisses through a frustrated whisper. 
you can’t help but smile at how worked up he is over a few sweet words and slow touches. you love it—how sensitive he is, how easy it is to get him to cave when it comes to you.
you try to hide your smile through a faux pout. 
"they're asleep," you gently remind him, soft hand reaching down to palm him through his pants, "and like i said, i can be quiet."
i can't, he thinks as he bucks his hips into your hand, chasing your touch when he’s just barely gotten a taste of it. 
through closed eyes, megumi says nothing, because he knows that if he opens his mouth, it won't be to deny you any more than he already has.
and just when he thinks he has one final chance at redeeming himself, your lips find his with a whine. 
"just the tip, at least"
and at your five pathetic words, megumi nearly bursts in his pants.
his groan shakes your chest and sends vibrations straight to your core. checkmate. 
with you know practically riding his torso in anticipation to feel something, you lick his jaw with conviction. "please. need it, need you.”
before you can even look, megumi’s already pulling down his pants to free his leaking cock. 
"shit, okay," he breathlessly agrees before warning, "just the tip though."
you eagerly nod, only half listening to what he says. "mhmm," you mewl, "just wanna feel you."
there’s no need for prep when megumi just barely glides his sticky tip through your folds and pushes himself into you. he lets himself sit in the warmth of your cunt for a moment, before he slowly rocks his hips back and forth, fucking you with no more than his bulbous tip. 
and it feels heavenly. just enough for you to feel his slight stretch, but not enough to fully satisfy that ache in your stomach that needs him planted inside of you. 
you’re a moaning mess from just his tip and still megumi can’t help but seek your praise. 
"g-good?" he chases. 
and you let him. "so good, love you."
and in the heat of the moment, his tip turns into inches, and inches melt into his full length. and before you know it, megumi is buried inside of you as deep as he can go. you’ve completely swallowed him whole with just a few pleas and whimpers. and you can’t help but laugh a little at how easy it was to get him here when just a few moments ago, he was too proper for something as dirty as this. 
he mistakes your giggle for a sob, so his head is quick to snap your way. but when he sees the stupid smile on your face, he shakes his head in disbelief. 
"can you not laugh when i'm fucking you?"
"sorry, i—nnghhh," you're cut off with a brash moan when he snaps his hips a bit harshly. 
that’s what i thought, he stubbornly thinks before returning to his natural pace. 
your moan-filled giggles fill his ear again. he pries his head up from the crook of your neck to look at you, curious to find out what’s so funny about him completely rearranging your guts right now. 
he nudges your nose with his, a silent command for you to open your eyes and look at him. so you do, and the smile that you flash him could make him cum alone. 
"just the tip, huh?"
megumi rolls his eyes, but you don’t miss the smile that creeps across his face before he buries his head in your neck again.
"shut up."
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hanlimz · 5 months
a/n: hyung line as gym bfs :D im so down bad (also i wrote this at 5am) / sorry if this isn’t ur cup of tea, im was just tired n i needed to write abt gym bf enha :(
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gym boyfriend!heeseung who insists on lifting right next to you, solely to make silly faces in the mirror. you’re pushing a personal record doing seated presses while he’s holding two eight pound dumbbells, claiming that he’s “practicing endurance”. monitoring the form of your last rep, you accidentally spot him in the mirror and almost drop a weight on yourself. heeseung’s brows are quirked in a ridiculous manner, and a foolish smile has spread across his lips. his expression melts into one of pure adoration as he watches you laugh. and, in the midst of your peal of giggles, you decide you won’t even need to work abs today.
gym boyfriend!jongseong who always pushes you to do your best, to try your hardest (even when it hurts). a bead of sweat trickles down your face as you’re on the last stretch of an arduous plank. 30 seconds, he says. but, you’re almost positive he said that 30 seconds ago. the timer is music to your ears, and the view of jongseong’s smile is a sight for sore eyes. undeniable pride twinkles in his earthen gaze; jongseong blots the sweat that has collected on your forehead before placing a kiss in the same spot. i knew you could do it, he beams, you’re amazing. it’s moments like these that make you realize just how strong you are, just how invincible he makes you feel.
gym boyfriend!jake who loves cardio, especially when it’s with you. at your local gym, it’s an unspoken rule that every other day, the two treadmills overlooking the city are reserved for you and jake. sometimes the two of you partake in a light jog; other times, it’s a test of endurance—loser buys lunch. but, it’s always joyful. jake likes to point out interesting things he spots on the streets; a group of kids playing hopscotch, an elderly couple taking a stroll in the park, a dog running after a tennis ball. after 15 minutes, his lungs are burning and his feet are aching. but, jake knows he could run for the rest of his life if he had you by his side.
gym boyfriend!sunghoon who is just as princely in the weight room as he is on the ice. people tend to stare at him—hypnotized by his control, mesmerized by his skill and confidence—but, he’s only looking at you. ever the gentleman, sunghoon helps you re-rack your plates after squats and leg press, he grabs the bar for you once you mention lat pulldowns, and he will always be there to spot you if you ask. though sunghoon has his own routine to work on, he never leaves you behind. his sharp features and chiseled figure sometimes manage to disguise his kind, tender heart. but, you don’t mind keeping a little something for yourself.
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ellana-ravenwood · 1 year
From parents to babies - Batfam x fem!reader
Synopsis : You and Bruce got turned into toddlers !! Shenanigans ensue, of course. 
This is part of a little “series” I guess, here’s the first part with Jason : Jason Todd(ler). I’m planning on writing a lil story for all the kids hehe, but I thought : “hey, what about Batmom and Bruce ?” and here we are. Hope you’ll like this ! 
Please, do not repost my stories anywhere else, under any other form. Do not translate and then repost them either. Thank you. 
My masterlist : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“Bruce !” 
“(Y/N) !” 
You manage to scream each other’s names before-
Before a white flash engulfed the both of you, and you suddenly disappeared, only a pool of your clothes remaining where you once stood. 
“Nooooo !!” is the last thing you hear before your mind goes blank, and you recognize the voice as being your youngest son’s, Damian. The sound of his scream greatly distresses you, but alas, you cannot do anything to help as you feel yourself slowly fading away and- 
Footsteps. Running fast to reach the place you stood on merely seconds before. But you’re not there anymore, you’re not there !
“It’s not possible !” 
That’s Jason. His voice breaking at the end of his sentence, as he approaches the bunch of clothes left on the floor, a lump in his throat as the inevitable is starting to be clearer and clearer, and he cannot refuse reality anymore.
Vaporized. His parents just got vaporized by that wannabe-magician’s laser ! 
In the mess of it all, that asshole even escaped ! Which was a good thing, in a way, because Jason promised you and Bruce he would never kill again, but he wasn’t sure he could hold that promise if he was faced with the man who took away his beloved parents. 
You all only just made peace with each other, only just became a family again ! How was he suppose to go on losing you once more ?
Dick was the first to reach the spot in which you were. He had always been the fastest of them all. His heart beats too fast in his chest, and he has this horrible thought that it’s the second time he sees his parents being killed right in front of him when-
Movements. Small movements. There, amongst his father’s suit. And there, amongst his mother’s clothes. And then-
Little hands. Fighting to find an exit in this labyrinth of fabrics. Little grunts of frustration, like when a child is trying to do something but doesn’t quite manage to do it. Finally finding an out. And-
“Oh shit.” 
Dick says, as he stares at- Two kids ?? 
One, a little boy. who couldn’t be more than two years old, black hair, bright blue eyes. The second one, (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair and-
“Oh shit.” 
Tim says, as he’s the second one to reach the place and he immediately understands that his parents aren’t dead, but rather...
They’ve been turned into toddlers ! 
“Oh shit !” You exclaim happily, giggling. 
“Oh shit !” Baby Bruce repeats, and you both look at each other and giggle even more. Damn it. They’ve been in the care of children for only a second, and they already taught you bad words !
Bruce reaches for you, and there’s no doubt now that those two kids are indeed you and your husband ! Because immediately, you move closer to each other, your clothe much too big for you now being like blankets on you. 
Dick picks the both of you up, wrapping you in the cloths, and turns around to greet his siblings. 
Slowly, all your children reach you and-
“Oh shit !” You and Bruce say in unison, proud to show everyone (whomever those people were) that new word you just learned. 
And “oh shit” indeed, is on all of your kids’ mind. 
Of course, it had to happen when Alfred was away on his one vacation a year...Of freaking course. 
It wouldn’t be funny otherwise, right ? 
Only Alfred, could find a solution to this problem ! Your kids were totally lost ! 
Evidently, neither you nor Bruce remembered who you really were. You were clearly just two two years old. 
And it seemed you didn’t mind being picked up by people you didn’t know, as long as you could stay together (you two downright SCREAMED so loudly, when Jason tried to take you from Dick’s arms so his brother wouldn’t have to hold the both of you). 
It was as if that, at least, remained. Your bond. 
As if you were just- Instant friends, or something. 
They got you home, and : 
“Ok, any of you ever took care of babies ?” 
“Me not baby !” You say, glaring at your oldest son. It’s true, you knew you were two (somehow), you were no baby anymore ! 
“I’m sorry mom, I just- Oh gods this is so weird.” 
And it truly was, weird, to see their parents, the two people they knew they could always count on if they had a problem, being literal children. 
They couldn’t call them for help, you guys barely knew how to properly walk ! And had a very small vocabulary, too...Dick shook his head. This wasn’t a time to diss babies, this really wasn’t the time ! 
“Ok, first things first, we need to find them clothes. Duke, Jason, go the a shop and get them some stuffs to wear. While Cass and I will go buy some food for them. Damian and Dick, stay here and take care of them.” Aaaah Tim, ever so pragmatic. In a matter of seconds, he had gotten over the shock of the situation, and was taking matter in his own hands. 
And it was good. It was a start. They had no idea what they were going to do after, except the fact they had to find a way to get you back to normal. But at least, they had the beginning of a plan. 
They knew they could all count on Tim for plans. From A to Z, he would find a way. He had no idea how to take care of babies, of course, but his mind could find solutions to every problems. 
Yes. Yes. They only had to start moving. And things would be alright. They could do this. 
They could do this. 
They had to do this, for both your sake. 
Officially, Bruce and (Y/N) Wayne went away on a surprise vacation. Your disappearance had to be explained. 
None of your kids called Alfred, the butler deserved his annually vacation after all, and they knew he would come right home if he heard. So they let him be, and started to take care of their “baby parents”. 
Brucie ish scared
Before being the way Gotham’s media, models and such, called him when he still had his playboy persona, and not his “family man” one that he now had, “Brucie” was the nickname his mom gave him. 
Never in public, of course, but when they were home. When she was telling him bed time stories or singing lullabies to him. When she woke him up, gently, in the mornings. When she told him to come home for dinner, as he was playing in the garden. 
“Brucie”, was a name Bruce always associated with his mother’s affection and love. Which is why he hated how the media, and certain people, self-appropriated that name, and associated it with that persona who wasn’t even himself. 
It’s not like he could do anything about it, though. He had a role to play. 
And so, “Brucie” became that “other him”, while initially, it was his true self...
It had been years, since anyone had called him that. He wasn't a playboy, anymore, and your little nickname for him (aside from “my heart” and other term of endearment) was “my Broosh”. 
And so finally, this name came full circle. 
That’s how he called himself. Toddlers had that tendency to talk about themselves in the third person, sometimes. And Bruce, was referring to himself as “Brucie”, not “Bruce”. 
Your children were a hundred percent sure it was because even if he didn’t seem to ask for his parents, a part of him remembered them, and how his mom called him. 
Even turned into a toddler who didn’t remember much of his own life, Bruce still had his parents in mind. 
And so he called himself Brucie. 
And Brucie was a scaredy cat ! 
The irony of which didn’t escape any of your kids. 
What, the “fearless Batman” was afraid of literally everything ? That was funny. Dick made sure to take PLENTY of videos (just if he needed leverage for something one day). 
Brucie got scared of the vacuum cleaner. Brucie got scared of the dark. Brucie got scared of any noise that was too loud. Brucie got scared whenever (Y/N) wasn’t around. Brucie-
“Brucie ish scared !” He’d whimper, and run towards the closest “adult” he could find (any of your children, though over half of them were far from being official adults), seeking comfort. 
Every time, and it was the most adorable thing to witness, you’d rush to him, and hold him saying : “No scared Brooshie, no scared, me here. Me here.” 
First, “Brooshie” = so darn cute, a toddler adaptation of the traditional “Broosh”. Second, the way you’d shield him in your little arms, and how he’d hide his face and close his eyes, how he’d hold onto you and calm down as you told him to not be scared, it had to be peak adorableness.
And in a way, toddlers you were a good reflection of adults you. 
Bruce was no longer scared, in the strictest sense of the term. He had shunned all his emotions, locked them away deep in his heart, for years. Ignored his pain, and the remnant of his fears. 
And then you came in, and forced open his heart, shattering all the walls he build for years, and making it impossible for him to live without you (and vice versa). 
Just as Baby Bruce found comfort and safety in your arms, just as he was soothed by your voice, Adult Bruce knew he could always be safe and warm in your embrace. 
Nobody, when witnessing such scenes, could even dare say you weren’t made for each other. 
It was so weird. 
Dick just couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that you two were turned into kids. Like, what ? 
His...parents were now younger than him. How weird was that ?? 
Of course, he knew he should be used to weird things by now. After all, over the years, from when he first became Robin to now, he had seen his fair share of strange stuffs. But this-
This was really, really odd. 
“Ick !” was the name you and Bruce decided to give him. No matter how many times he made you repeat it, you could never truly manage to say his name properly. And so, he was now “Ick”. 
And “Ick” had no clue how to take care of children. 
Was this how Bruce felt, when he officially adopted him ? Was this how you felt, when you became his mom while being so young ? 
Of course, Dick was older when he first arrived. But he was also a lot more traumatized. And he knew he could be difficult, at times. He could be so damn angry, back then. 
While you and Bruce ? You were adorable kids. You’d listen to him, and never talk back. What, you were supposed to be in your “terrible twos” era, yet it seemed like you were just good kids. 
Of course, the fact that your eldest son let you do absolutely everything you wanted might’ve been a reason as to why you two were so “nice” with him, and didn’t throw any tantrum. 
No tantrum needed, when the person taking care of you would let you do whatever you wanted. 
You didn’t wanna wear pants ? No problems. You didn’t want to eat your vegetables, but wanted sweets instead ? All good. You didn’t want to take a nap ? Then he could play with you a little longer. 
Yes. It became quite apparent that Dick could not resist you, at all. 
Which wasn’t much of a surprise, really. Because he was the same way with his siblings. They could make him do whatever they wanted to (outside of work, of course. When they were vigilantes, it was an entire other story, but it was because he often had to take the “leader” job, and a mistake could cost a life). 
And so, even though he found it extremely weird, and couldn’t quite call you “mom” and “dad” anymore (and who would blame him ?), he didn’t hate taking care of you. 
He sort of saw it as “payback”, for all the years you put up with his moods. For all the time you didn’t give up on him, and all the moments you were there to catch him when he fell. 
The reason he found it so hard to accept and fathom the situation, was because you and Bruce had become such “safety nets”, for him. 
You were his parents. He couldn’t think of a life without you. Without your guidance. Without your soothing words. Without your scolding, when he needed one. Without-
He couldn’t accept this turn of event, because he needed you. He had pushed you enough, in his teenage years and early adulthood. Now, he realized he absolutely needed his parents. 
He had to find a solution, and fast. Because although he didn’t mind taking care of you as you were nice kids, he just wanted his parents back. 
Jason was the most responsible one. 
Which, when people knew your children, wasn’t that surprising.
He’d always been a responsible kid, despite what anyone could think. 
He was a really good big brother, always looking out for his little siblings, and being there to be their voice of reason (Dick being his...he had a "decent teacher”). 
And so he became the “mom” of the house (it’s a nickname Tim, Duke and Damian gave him, when he wasn’t there). 
He had always loved cooking, ever since he was a kid. So he took it upon himself to cook healthy meals for both you and Bruce, and would scold Dick whenever he’d caught his brother red handed giving you candies and other ice cream right before dinner ! 
Bruce hated carrots, and you despised spinach. Other than that, it seemed you were willing to try everything he made for you two. 
Jason spend hours on the internet searching for recipes fit for two years old, for things you should feed kids this young. And he came up with quite a diet for the both of you. 
The food he made was delicious (and more than once, he caught one of his sibling eating from your spoon instead of feeding you !). 
Jason would be the one to remind everyone of yours and Bruce’s bed time. After all, “bed time” in the Wayne household had always been a little;..different, to say the least. But with toddlers ? It couldn’t be. It had to be regular, or they’d be too tired. 
Jason made a carefully planned sleep schedule for his “parents”. And when he wasn’t the one babysitting at night (they all took shifts so they could still do their vigilante jobs), he would call his sibling when it was bed time to make sure they’d respect it. He would genuinely harass Dick, because he knew his older brother was “weak” and could never refuse puppy eyes (after all, he abused of that technique to get him to do whatever he wanted, when he was younger), and he had to be reminded that a regular bed time was important !
How odd it was, for thugs, being downright beaten down by the scary Red Hood, while the latter would talk in his income and say things like : “I can’t believe you gave them ice cream before sleepy time again !” and others : “They’re babies, they need at least ten hours of sleep !” 
Jason didn’t let any tantrum through. Where Dick would just let you and Bruce do whatever you wanted, Jason had clear limits.
Because that is how you raised him. Sure, Bruce could be a little too strict sometimes, especially with Dick. But he had grown as a father, and slowly learned the difference between being too rigid and allowing his kids to be kids. 
Jason often joked that Dick was the “trial and error” era, but he wasn’t too far off. With Dick, you and Bruce made plenty of mistakes. You did with your other kids too, of course, but with your eldest most of all. Because he was your first child, and you had no idea what you were doing at the time. 
But, yes. Jason knew the importance of limits, for children. Kids needed boundaries, so they could feel safe. He knew, because it totally worked on him. 
And so, you’d have a tantrum ? Too bad, you’d just have to calm down and ask again nicely. Jason was intransigeant. 
He was, though, the first one there if you or Bruce woke up crying during the night. And he’d take you in his arms (always the both of you at the same time), and sing to you. Or tell you stories. Up until you’d fall asleep again. 
Jason, although he had strict schedules and food diet, was such a gentle soul. Such a gentle carer. You knew that one day, he would make a great dad. And if that experience taught any of you anything, it was that yes, yes. 
Jason told would one day make a wonderful father. 
"I think he doesn’t like me...” 
Tim said, deflated and defeated, as, once again, his dad (in baby form) cowered away from him as he approached. 
You ? You enjoyed being taken care of by Tim. You liked him very much. But for some reasons, “Brucie” seemed scared of him. 
“Don’t say that. I think he’s just- shy.” 
“Conner, honey, I appreciate you trying to comfort me, but if he was truly shy, he wouldn’t just- Oh come on !” 
Of course, Bruce chose that exact moment to jump in Conner’s arms, and to hide his face in his chest so he wouldn’t see Tim anymore. Superboy chuckled uncomfortably, trying to act as if it wasn’t because Bruce was scared or anything, but Tim couldn’t be fooled. 
Tim could never be fooled. 
And so he sighed, and held you a little closer. At least, his mom always loved him, no matter what age she was. 
You seemed to understand that Bruce’s actions made Tim sad, and even as a toddler, it greatly distressed you to see one of your “kids” sad. So you wiggled to signify to Tim that you want him to put you back down and-
“Oh, not you too, mom ?” 
You walk towards Conner, and Tim looks even sadder, as now, both of his “parents” seem to like others better than him...Even if they were just kids, and that Tim knew they weren’t doing it on purpose, his feelings were still hurt. 
But then-
You shake Conner’s pants, signifying for him to crouch down to your level. Baby Bruce is in his arms, and beams as he sees you. 
“’Own, ‘own !” He says, meaning “down”, and Conner puts him next to you. 
Immediately, Bruce takes your hand, and smiles widely. Which comforts Tim a little. At least, even as toddlers, it seemed you two were inseparable.
But then, you drag him towards Tim, and it’s obvious Bruce only follows because he seems very attached to you. The little boy does not want to be there, in front of Timothy Wayne-Drake.
And Tim looks down, sadly. He ruffles your hair affectionately, and says : 
“Good try mom, good try. But I don't think he likes me, at all.” 
You look at Tim, and then turns around towards Bruce, who was currently hiding behind you (how cute it was, that you always seemed to protect him when he was scared). But this time, you’d have none of it. 
Very much alike when you were adults, and you took none of your husband’s shit. You’d always set him back on track. Always. 
And so, toddler you said : 
“Bwooshie, Tim nice ! Tim good ! Tim fwiend !”
You let go of Bruce’s hand, and the boy whimpers and tries to catch your hand again, but takes a few steps back because he doesn’t want to get too close from Tim. But then-
Then you hop in Tim’s arms, and you snuggle against him. You smile at Bruce, and nods at him saying again : “Tim fwiend ! Tim nice !” and your son cannot help himself and hold you tight. 
Even turned into a toddler, he could count on his mama to cheer him up, it seemed...
Slowly, unsure, Bruce approached Tim. The boy was still obviously wary, but those were first steps. 
After a while, Bruce finally came towards Tim, and laid his hands on your son’s knees. 
He looked deeply into Tim’s eyes, and must’ve finally decided that he wasn’t so scary, because then, he climbed into his laps and everything was resolved. 
And oh, oh how much this meant to Tim...
“Father, you need to give her some air. I swear, even as children you two are impossible !” 
“AAAAAAAAAAH !” is Bruce’s response, as Damian tries to take him away from you. Apparently, young Bruce seemed to think screaming was an appropriate response to show his unwillingness to do something. 
And it frustrated Damian greatly. 
You had fallen asleep on the floor. Laid on your back, you were in a deep slumber, a pacifier in your mouth, your breathing regular. And Bruce was sitting next to you, your head was in his lap, and he was watching TV as one of his hand was on your head, the other one on your cheek. 
He too, had a pacifier in his mouth, and although he was focused on the TV show he was watching, it seemed like he had absolutely no intention on letting you go.
When Damian entered the room, he found the both of you like that, and decided it would be better if you slept in your bed. So he went to pick you up, gently taking his father’s hands off of you and-
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAH !” The pacifier falls from his mouth, as he tightens his grip on you, and glares at a bewildered Damian. 
You’re so deep asleep that you don’t budge, and then Bruce, after glaring some more at Damian, turns back to watch the TV. 
But Damian will have none of it. “Be firm, sometimes.” Jason told him, and he was going to take his big brother advice to heart ! And so he made Bruce let go, and took you into his arms. 
After a pause, as Baby Bruce was too shocked to react, his mouth slowly turned down into a frown and-
The little boy bursted into tears. Big, real tears. Ugly sobs with lots of snots running down his nose. 
And it made Damian panic. 
He hated that. He hated those cries. It reminded him of so many bad memories. He couldn’t handle it, he couldn’t bear it. 
Even less so knowing this was his dad ! 
And so he quickly went to the floor, and took little Bruce in his arms, soothing him expertly as he was still holding you in his other arms. 
His shirt was wet from Bruce holding onto it and burying his face into it. But eventually, the boy’s sobs died down, and-
Bruce was fast asleep, too. And his little face looked so at ease.
There. In Damian’s arms, a hand holding one of your hand. 
It reminded him of his father as an adult, in fact. How sometimes, he would surprise you and him as you fell asleep on the couch in each other’s arms. And how his father’s face would look the most relaxed and pleased, when you were holding him...
Damian tightened his grip on both of you. He was ready to protect you even if it meant he would have to sacrifice himself ! 
And oh- Oh he felt something growing inside him. Something important.  
Eventually, you and Bruce would be back to normal. He knew it, he knew his siblings would figure something out. Yes. You’d become his parents again. 
But he-
He somehow wanted a baby,  in this house. 
You both clearly adored Cass. 
You would walk towards her, and demand for her to pick you up. And then, when she would inevitably do it, you’d both snuggle against her and quickly fall asleep, absolutely content. 
Damian mentioned that he read somewhere that children felt people’s calmness. And so he conjectured that you liked falling asleep on her, because you felt calmed and secure. 
Which was the truth. 
It made Cass’ heart melt. She, for obvious reasons, never held children before. And she definitely never thought that the first kids she would hold would be her own parents...
Physical touch had always soothed Cass. 
Before she met you and Bruce, she was never allowed to be touch, and to touch other. She’d never receive a hug, or a soothing kiss. 
So when you adopted her, she swore she’d take every opportunity to snuggle against you. Against her parents. Oh, and her brothers. None of them could resist a hug from her, not even Jason or Damian. 
If Cass wanted a hug, she would have it. 
So, she felt so fulfilled, when baby you and baby Bruce came to seek hugs from her. As if everything went full circle. 
You and your husband gave her the comfort of parental love. Gave her the safety of your arms, and taught her how important it was to have people you loved close. 
And here she was, soothing little versions of you, making you stop crying just by holding you. 
Yes. It was a full, nice, comforting and warm circle. 
And Cass felt so happy, when you hugged her. Whether you were kids or adults. 
Duke had tons of little cousins. 
Cousins he still saw now, of course. None of his uncles and aunts could take him in, for different reasons (the main one being that none of them lived in Gotham anymore, what happened to Duke’s parents being the last straw...And Duke did not want to leave the city just yet). But he still stayed in contact with them. 
Before they all moved, Duke, who was the oldest of the kids in his family, used to babysit his cousins all the time. So, he had experience with children. 
And it showed. 
With you and Bruce, he was nice, yet strict. He (and Jason) was the only one who didn’t let you do whatever you wanted, and who would plainly ignore any of your tantrums. 
He was the only one able to detach himself from the fact you were his parents, and viewed you as normal children he had to take care of. 
This is probably what saved him. What made him be able to live with that situation. Just like Dick, he really wanted you back to normal. But his defense mechanism was to pretend you weren’t you, but random kids he had in his care. 
It was a lot, for a seventeen years old, but Duke was strong. 
You’d always known he was strong, from the moment he became your ward, to now, as he was officially adopted and called you “mom”. 
For his own sanity, Duke viewed this as a “baby sitter” job, and so, on purpose, didn’t get attached to baby you and baby Bruce too much. He didn't want to, because he didn’t want you to stay like that. 
He wanted his parents back too, he needed you still, he was too young to lose parents a second time ! 
And so Duke shut his feelings away, and took care of you as if you weren’t really you. He gave you lots of care and love, as a child needed, but-
But he pretended you, as his parents, were away for a while. And constantly thought of a plan to get you back to your normal self.
They never sleep alone 
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!” Baby Bruce screamed, as loud as he could, holding onto your hands for dear life. 
“Me not want, me not want !” You say, kicking Dick with your little legs and holding Brucie’s hands too. 
Your kids quickly realized that they COULD NOT separate you for bed time. 
They had bought two children’s bed, but in the end, only one was used. You’d fall asleep all snuggled to each others, pacifier in your mouth. 
“It’s- Kind of like when they’re grown up.” Damian says, and they all nod. 
Yes. Yes it’s true that you two found it really hard to find sleep, when the other one was absent. True insomnia would hit you, in the event that one of you couldn’t be here for the night. 
What transpired in your toddler form, how you’d scream if separated, also existed with the adult versions of you. 
And it comforted your children, in a way.
They knew that their parents were still in there, somewhere. 
“Doggy !” Little Bruce beamed happily, as he ran as fast as he could towards..Well, his dog, actually. 
Ace was taken aback, at first, as he recognized his master’s smell, but couldn’t figure out why he was so...small. 
Bruce ran to him, and literally fell on the dog hugging him tightly. 
“Doggy !” The little boy said, and your children felt their heart melt. 
None of them ever thought they’d ever call their dad “cute”, despite you trying to convince them that he really could be cute (some would say you were biased). 
But here, in that moment, as their dad seemed so damn happy just because of his dog, no other words came to their minds. 
Unruly little buggers !! 
You two, together, could be...
“Tornadoes !! They’re goddamn tornadoes !!” Jason screams, as he was running after you. 
You were wearing only your diaper, managing to escape the grasp of your son by taking sharp turns there and there, and knocking down every single things on your way. 
On the other side of the living room, Tim and Damian were trying to catch Bruce, as he was doing the exact same things. 
Ten seconds. 
They left the both of you alone for less than ten seconds !! 
And when they came back, you and Bruce apparently had decided that it was fun to break extremely valuable objects, including vase, and a large array of ornaments. 
You were giggling like a little devil, as you slowly devastated the living room. 
“Alfred is going to kill us !” Duke says, holding his head in his hands, standing there watching the disaster unfold in front of him. What else could he do, really, when some of Gotham’s mightiest heroes couldn’t even get a hold of you ?? 
Finally, Jason catches you, just as Tim lunges forward and grasp his dad as well. The two of you wiggle like snakes as you try to get away, but you do not cry. 
No, on the contrary, you both laugh way too loudly, probably thinking that “destroying the house” was a great game.
And your kids could swear that your laughs were genuine “evil laughs”. 
Later, on the security camera, they’d know what happened. 
At first, you were both sitting on the floor, playing with toys, waiting patiently. But then, Bruce got on his feet, and walked that wobbly unsure walk all children have at first towards the coffee table. 
Something had caught his attention. It was a small crystal vase, that Alfred had put there years ago, for decoration. It went splendidly with the carpet, and matched the room perfectly. 
And it was shiny, and Bruce wanted it. 
He tried to climb on the coffee table, wiggling his little butt to give himself some momentum and get on it...but he couldn’t do it. That’s when you came into action, and pushed him so he would get on. 
He turned around, and giggled, as if to thank you, and then-
Then he brought you the vase. 
It was quite adorable, really. He wanted it, because it was shiny and looked cool. But then he decided to give it to you, instead. 
He let himself fall on the floor from the coffee table once he gave you the vase, and you both stared at it for a second. Before, for some reason, you took it and threw it hard on the wall ! 
Seriously, sometimes, kids were absolutely impossible to understand. What made you want to suddenly throw that vase like that ? Nobody would ever know. But what was known, is that it seemed like both you and Bruce liked that, because you looked at each others, as if conniving, and pushed yourself off of the floor, standing up. 
And then, as your children entered the room with some food, you proceeded to start destroying everything you could get your hands on, up until they finally managed to get a hold on you.
And your downright EVIL laughter filled the room.  
Your kids were DEFINITELY going to get that security camera footage out one day again, if you ever decided to punish them or scold them about something. 
Back to normal 
Zatanna, as usual, to the rescue. 
When your kids were finally able to reach her. She arrived barely minutes after they exposed the problems to her. She had been in another dimension, and therefor couldn’t be reached for a while. 
From her understanding, it’s been almost a month since you turned into toddlers. And finally, she was there (which was good, because Alfred’s one month vacation a year was coming to an end, and your kids really wanted to pretend nothing ever happened). 
Ah but she was accompanied by an unwanted visitor...
“What are you doing here, Constantine ?” Damian asks, holding you in one arm, and his father in the other. Protectively. 
“What, I learn that the big bad bat got turned into a kid and you think I could miss that ? No bloody way haha. Curiosity got the best of me !” 
“I’m sorry guys, I didn’t mean to tell him but he was there when you called...”
“It’s all good aunt Z, it’s all good. To be fair, I was hoping someone else would see this too, so we can NEVER let them forget they had to wear diapers again haha.” 
“Grayson !” your youngest son exclaimed. It’s been a while, since Damian called Dick “Grayson”, but he was absolutely shocked about this “betrayal” ! 
“Ok, ok. Let’s make sure dad never forget he had to wear diaper again !”
Damian thought about it for a while, and then said : “And you’ll leave mom alone ?”
“Yes, promised.” Dick says, and Constantine nods too (he wasn’t about to mock you anyway, he was too scared of you). 
“Alright, then it’s acceptable.” 
And on that note, Zatanna started a ritual. 
“What the hell happened ??” Are Bruce’s first words. And then, he sees you, and takes you into his arms, holding you with almost too strongly. 
“I thought I had lost you...” He whispers, and you hold him back just as strongly, because you had the same thought. The last thing you remembered, after all, was that laser coming towards the two of you and then-
And then what ? 
After letting you hug each other, your children finally tell you what went on. 
And oh. Oh you were so damn proud of them, they did so good ! 
I want a baby sibling 
A few weeks went by. 
A few weeks, during which both Dick and John Constantine flooded the group chat all the supers had together with baby pictures of the Batman (oddly enough, they didn’t divulge any picture of you...probably because you scared them a little), and embarrassing videos. It was an endless source of jokes, and teasing from everyone. 
But you didn’t worry too much though, you knew your husband would have his revenge (in fact, you were more worried for your son and for Constantine than anything else). 
In any case, that episode would be soon behind you, save for a few mockeries there and there. At least, that’s what you thought. 
One morning, Damian just casually entered your bedroom and stood before your bed, staring at the two of you, as you were slowly leaving the dream world. 
You thought it was an emergency, at first, as none of your children would ever dare to just walk in your bedroom like that (lest they witness something that could scar them for life). But Damian calculated the risks. 
It was much too early, for either of you to be awake. So it was safe. And so he came in, without knocking, and planted his feet resolutely in the floor, his hands on his waist, staring the both of you down. 
“What is it, buddy ?” You ask, half-asleep. Bruce, his hair a mess, sat up, dazed. 
“I came to an important decision. One taken in the light of recent events.”
Confused, neither you nor your husband say anything. Waiting for what your son is going to say next. Slowly, he turns around, and starts to walk left, then right, then left...Pacing in front of your bed, his eyes never leaving you two. 
Finally, he stops, and solemnly says : 
“I want a baby sibling. Sister or brother I do not care, I just want a little one to take care of, and to be a big brother. I think, I am done being the youngest.”
Bruce stares dumbly at his son, his face blank and expressionless, sure now that he must still be dreaming. And you’re not doing any better. You blink fast a few time, and repeat : 
“A baby sibling ?”
Damian doesn’t miss a beat as he says : 
“That’s right. Like I said, a little brother or sister, it does not matter to me, as long as it’s mine. My little brother or sister, I mean. Of course, they’ll be their own person, and we won’t own them per se. We’ll just take care of them.” 
A long silence. 
Finally broken by your son : 
“Well. I’ll leave you to it then. I expect you will take my request seriously. We will talk about it again another day. Thank you for listening to me, and see you at breakfast.” 
And on that note, your son leaves just as casually, as you look at him, astonished. 
You turn to your husband and-
You know what he’s thinking. You and Bruce never talked about having biological children, because the kids you already have were always enough for your happiness. You didn’t need more, you already loved them so much. 
But you both always told yourselves that if it were to happen...
Of course, you would accept it. You would raise that child with joy, too. It would be quite a bonus, to an already happy life. 
And so as your son leaves, and you look at each others you think-
A baby in the house, wouldn’t be so bad. 
Well, here we are ! I hope you liked this ! As per usual, comments/reblogs are more than welcomed, and always a great motivation to post more :). Don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought of this ! It always makes the time spend on a story worth it, when I hear from y’all :) <3. Thanks in advance, and thanks for reading this, too ! See you soon with another story ! 
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Dragon!Dimitrescu in honor of RE8’s two-year anniversary. Those robes…one good gust of wind would give us a MUCH better view 👀 Feed her sweet (vicious) dragon babies, and you might make it out of the Nine Circles with a very loud shoulder pet. Tap for better quality
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we-were-beautiful · 1 year
Cassian is such a girl dad, and I will live and die on this hill
Like I understand we all agree that he and Eris are both girl dads but with Cass it is on a whole different level
This is the guy who originally wanted a son but ended up with a small army of girls who act just like their mother and he absolutely is 100% there for it.
Of the Bat boys Cass has the whole hair thing down, especially since he himself has long hair. Pony tails, braids buns he can do it all. To the point that Az and Rhys would go to him for help with their kiddos hair.
Cassian absolutely lords this over Rhys and Az.
He also has no spine when it comes to his girls. They want to play pretty princess tea party; he will end end up with kiddie jewelry, bows and a plastic tiara. He absolutely will play along sitting in a chair that is far to small for him and his wings asking the princesses for more tea.
Rhys and Az have also walked in on this and tease Cass with this whenever they can
Training his girls to be Valkyrie. He wants his babies to know how to defend themselves and a soon as they are big enough he starts teaching them self defense and he adjust the training as they get older.
He has brought his family to Illyria a few times. The camp loaded were none to pleased with this small army of sassy mini Valkyrie following him. He hates the whispers from those stuck in the old ways and has gotten into multiple fights about it too.
He is not prepared for when they get older and start dating. This male will absolutely panic the moment one of his girls says they have a date
When they are younger he likes to nap when the girls are napping, and their favorite place to nap is hidden from the world under their dads large wings. It’s not uncommon for mom to return to find all of them in their bed curled up with their dad.
They do however pick up a lot of Cass’ bad habits like swearing and his general devil may care attitude. It drives mom crazy.
Cass still has his annual snowball fight with the other bat boys, but he also has a snowball fight with his baby bats. Yes it is him against the mini Valkyrie, and he has “lost” every year but it is his favorite thing in the whole wide world
The Lord of Bloodshed is an absolute softie when it comes to his mate and girls, but he still has a reputation to uphold any one who says shit about his family will absolutely get wrecked.
Later down the line after one or two of his girls had gone through the Blood Rite (See absolutely crushing it), his mate has another babe, this time a little boy. And boy howdy Cass does not know what to do with a baby boy
“I know how to raise girls love, I don’t know what to do with a boy” all while refusing to let his brothers hold his son
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idyllcy · 8 months
batfam as couple tiktoks pt.2
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word count: 1.7k
summary: couple tiktoks I've seen on douyin with the batboys
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𓅫. running off mid-proposal to buy a ring - Bruce Wayne
"So, will you please marry me?" Opening the ring box, Bruce looks up at you. You blink owlishly at Bruce, pursing your lips as you hold your hand up. Bruce tilts his head at you in confusion as you rush off, and your friends and his kids all pause to process what the hell just happened. "Father, I believe this is a no." Damian stares at your retreating figure. "No, I think they'd at least give B the courtesy of a rejection." Steph mumbles. "This... dumbass!" Your friend curses, clicking on her phone violently as she dials again, your phone sending her to voicemail. "Let's just go back." "No." Bruce frowns. "Just a little longer." It eats him alive. Bruce isn't even sure if you'll run back or come back, but he has an inkling of a suspicion that you wouldn't just leave him like that. You've never just run away from him like that— not even when he showed up in front of you half-dead as Batman. You didn't just run away like that. You never have. "Really, Bruce, I think—" "I'm back!" You yell from the distance, Tiffany bag in tow as you run to Bruce, fumbling to get the box out, smiling at him stupidly as you show him the ring. "Will you marry me?" Bruce laughs, a sound coming from his chest as you grin at him, smile lopsided. "Only if you marry me." "Deal." You grin, and Bruce presses his lips to yours. Yes. Always.
𓅫. are you ready, mr. styles? - Dick Grayson
The flood of tiktok notifications comes one morning way before Dick gets out of bed— still sprawled out on your shared bed, and you squint at your phone screen, sleep still all over your face. "... I'm sleeping on the highway tonight?" You click open the notification, blinking as you notice Dick's username, scrolling to the second photo as you listen to the audio. ...Dick made a tiktok about you again. Right. ..oh. You smile as you notice the photo, a familiar one, a photo that Dick had insisted on taking while the two of you were out for dinner a couple of days ago. You click through the audio and confirm your thoughts. Dick posted you to a couple audio again. The news gives you butterflies as you lean down to press a kiss to Dick's temple, yelping as he yanks you down instead, pulling you on top of him as he smiles. "G' morning, gorgeous." "'morning." You smile. "I saw your tiktok." "Did you?" "Yeah." You hum. "Were you planning on telling me?" "No." He mumbles, pressing your head to his heart as you listen to it beat. "Love you." "Love you too."
𓅫. shopping in his arms - Jason Todd
"Which one?" "Mm..." You purse your lips, grimacing. "I want the regular." Jason adjusts you in his arms, mumbling for you to tighten your arms. You listen, craning your neck to try and look behind you at the product. You don't know what prompted him to ask you to do this, but you aren't complaining. You like it (even if your arms don't) "I figured." He hums, reaching for the carton as your arms tighten around his neck. "I'm not going to drop you, you know?" "Shopping like this is really inconvenient." You grumble. "Let me down?" "Mm... no." He grins. "We're only here for this, no?" "We could've just gotten this from the regular market..." "You love this." You can't deny that. "Can we get batburgers later?" "Of course."
𓅫. handcrafting a hairpin for you - Cass Cain
"I have a gift for you." Cass squeezes you gently as she holds the gift bag to the side. "I hope you like it." "I'll like anything you give me." You smile. "What is it?" "I'm taking woodworking, right?" "Yeah?" You take the bag from her, leading her to the couch. "You can open it." You blink at the Chinese written on the wood, tilting your head. "I'm pulling out google translate for this." You fish for your phone. "It's from the song." She mumbles. "my affection is genuine, my love is real, the moon represents my heart." "CASSSS!!!" You sob, throwing your arms around her as you press your cheek to hers. "I love you. I'm love you. I'm in love with you." "I love you too." She smiles. "Open it." You open the box, a sob breaking past your lips as you stare at the hairpin, picking it up as you notice the phoenix and lotus flowers. Your lips pull downward as you stare at Cass, tears forming in your eyes. "Awwh, I love you too, baby," She presses your head to her chest. "Do you like it?" "I love it. I hope they bury me with this." You mumble in tears. Cass laughs.
𓅫. Cause all of the small things that you do - Tim Drake
"...what are these?" Tim looks up from his laptop, noticing the giant bundles in your arm. "Okay, so there's this trend going around Tiktok right now to this song where couples will show off matching blankets, and I got a set for us!" You grin. "Also because you need a new blanket to swap out when your old one smells nasty." "Are you saying I smell?" "I'm not saying you don't." You smile innocently. "Go shower." "I need to finish—" "You're no fashion king while looking like a rat. You're like that one audio. How does it go? claimed he wasn't the rat king but one night you followed him into the sewers and he sat on a makeshift throne and a bunch of rats surrounded him and he definitely said "I am the rat king."" You pause. "The ex-boyfriends audio." "When I finish this case." "You solved your last one two minutes ago when I walked in. Go shower while I unwrap our blankets." You wave him off. "Boo." Tim gets up, stretching his arms as the old blanket falls off his shoulders, and he presses a kiss to the crinkle of your eye, humming. "Can I see the blanket before I shower?" You pull one out, showing him one side, and then the other. "I love it. Thank you, pretty bird."
𓅫. paper rings - Steph Brown
"Steph, pretty girl!!" You land on the couch next to her, cuddling up to her as you show her the new photos you put into a capcut template. "Wait this is—" She shows you her phone screen, and you laugh. It's the same template, your face plastered on it instead. "You wanna marry me with paper rings?" You poke her cheek, grinning. "Says the one who does." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Yeah, I do." You stick your tongue out. "I'll marry you with grass rings if I have to." "Okay, that's not necessary. Worst comes to worst, we rob Bruce." You feign a gasp. "You're evil." "You love me." "I do." You sigh blissfully, kicking your legs. "I'd marry you with ring pops too." "Oh, that's such a steal." She mumbles. "Let's get ring pops for our wedding rings." "Hell yes."
𓅫. hauling a can of water to Duke after sports day - Duke Thomas
"Did you know Duke was so handsome?" one of the girls in class gush. "I'm going to give him water after the event. Surely he'll be sweaty and stuff." "What makes you think he's going to take your water over mine?" Her friend shoves her playfully, grabbing a bottle of her own, running off as your mouth hands open. You blink at the text message Duke sent you beforehand, and then at the emptied shelves in the store on campus. ... they're out of bottles. shit. Your eyes wander to the ground as you spot sealed water cans. That'll do, you suppose. Duke finishes the game relatively quickly. You've grown used to his speed, so when all the girls flock around him to hand him a bottle of water, you settle with calling for Duke instead, waving your hand as you point at the can on the bench next to you. He bursts into laughter as he jogs over to you. "Did they take all of them?" He lifts it effortlessly, cracking the can open as he starts drinking. "You don't know how awful it was." You grimace. "Curse your good genetics." "Honored." He smiles. "So?" "Good game." You grumble, looking to the side, cheeks flushed. "Thank you."
𓅫. the olive theory - Damian Wayne
"I was telling her about it, so she was—" You pick out the olive from your pizza, placing it on Damian's plate. "— talking about how her friend had somehow hooked up with her boyfriend. So now they're trying to break up." Damian nods slowly as you continue. "Now the girl who hooked up with my friend's boyfriend is crying to me about how I need to tell her to calm down. I mean, what was she expecting? Gothamites are insane." You mumble, picking out another olive. "What is your friend planning?" "Arson, but you didn't hear that from me." "Sounds relatively tame. Is she native?" "Not quite. She moved here when she turned ten." You mumble, picking another out, grimacing. "How many olives did they put on this?" "Two more." He hums, reaching over to pick them out for you, popping them into his mouth. "That's why. Todd used to joke about how native gothamites just use their connections to ruin someone's life." "If it were me... I'd just send Tim over." "Not Todd?" "I think, arguably, Tim has committed more war crimes than Jason." You finally bite into your pizza. "If you do the math." Damian pauses to think. "Yes. That checks out." "Thank you, by the way." You mumble. "Maybe next time I'll just make it so that half of the pizza doesn't have olives." "I do not mind, habibi." He looks at you, eyes gentle. "Now, tell me. Did the boyfriend get kicked?" "Oh, he definitely did—"
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redbleedingrose · 5 months
Girl Dad!Cassian x reader Headcanons
A/N: I love me some girl dad Bat boys and Vanserra bros. TBH all the ACOTAR males would make incredible girl dads and I was just thinking about Cassian today. Anyway, this is for @augustinerose I know that it has been tough recently, so I hope this made you smile. <3
Cassian is a girls girl. He LOVES his daughter, and wants his babe to be able to express herself in any way she wants. So he def lets his daughter paint his nails pink and purple, and grins so wide when she smacks a kiss onto his cheek calling him pretty. And he takes real good care to paint her nails all nice and clean.
Cass is also happy to let his pretty princess put some makeup on him, with the blue eyeshadow and red lips. Male is not even the slightest bit embarrassed when you walk into your home to find him sitting on the floor so that your daughter can reach his face, six bows of all colors in his hair that is half braided and half curled, with your reddest shade of lipstick being smeared all over him. The guilty look from your babe stealing your makeup is too cute, and you settle down into Cass’ lap and ask her to do your hair and makeup too.
He would die for this child, and do practically anything to see a smile on her face, so he is gonna wear the purple tutu and tiara for his girl, and he is absolutely gonna have his pinky pointing out while he sips water from a tiny princess tea cup cuz his baby girl scolded him for not using "proper etticuite daddy."
Occasionally, she can also rope in Az and Rhys and they might roll their eyes and moan and groan, but they are gonna do anything for that little girl because they adore her and she is the only baby girl in the family so far. They spoil her like no other. You had to practically ban Rhys from getting her anymore dresses because there was no more storage in your home, and you nearly threw him into the Sidra when he offered to add another room to your home so he could fill it up with more jewelry and shoes and tutus for the “night court princess”
And on starfall, she does little dance routines for the whole family but she willet all shy about dancing her little ballerina routine in front everyone in the inner circle, so he helps her out and dances by her side even getting on his tippy toes despite everyone is snickering at him, this big burly male twirling around with his muscled arms pointed to the sky with his "mini me"
He loves pretending to chomp and eat her ruddy cheeks because it makes her cackle from deep in her tummy, and he is always blowing raspberries into her chubby belly. Don’t even get me started on those chunky thighs, and stinky feet. Cass wants to cry every single time he thinks about his pretty princess growing up. He wants her to stay young forever, to never worry about a single thing, to make sure that he can always watch over her and protect her.
When she was a newborn, he would steal her from the bassinet and take her on flights, wrapping her tiny wings into a wooly blanket to make sure they stay warm and cozy, and he would spend hours just flying around and telling her stories about his life, and stories about you. His favorite topic to talk about to her while she snoozes away is how much he loves you and how much he loves her. His obsession with his girls is truly a next level of adoration.
Ugh AND he loves cutting up fruit for her, and she just walks around munching on it with her tiny fist around the fruit and juices smeared across her cheeks. An he is always so gentle about wiping away the juices with a wet rag, having her sitting on the counter with her tiny legs swinging back and forth kicking his corded thighs while he cleans her ups and smooches her ruddy cheeks when he is done
Let us also discuss how Cassian learned how to braid hair by the Valkaryie warriors, and so he is the expert when it comes to doing her hair. Male can do twists and plaits so fast and instinctually, its insane. Most days, you have him doing your own hair. Oh, and she was born with a TUFT of hair that he would play with to soothe her. It is thick and dark just like his, and curls at the end, and he thinks it is one of his favorite features that he passed on to her.
OOOHHHH and imagine him teaching her to fly when she finally has the strength to control those muscles. She is all frustrated with fat tears rolling down her ruddy cheeks cuz “is too hard daddy” and he is down on one knee in front of her, rubbing his large hands over her tiny shoulders hushing her little cries, “s’okay baby, you’re right, it is hard,” and he smooches her cheek and pulls back to stare into her big eyes, “but you know what sweet girl? You can do it. It might take some time and practice, like most things do, but you will do it. And I will be here every step of the way, ‘kay?” And she sniffles, rubbing her tears away with a tiny fist and snuggles into his big chest while nodding.
Every birthday, he buys her a bouquet of flowers. And he also buys you a bouquet of flowers, making sure to thank you for the best gift he has ever received.
Okay maybe I will add more to this later, but this all I got for now, I hope you enjoyed!!!
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azsazz · 7 months
Timeline Masterlist
Hello hello. Here's all of my fics that happen on the same timelines. This is part of a second masterlist version that i am organizing by category (this one's for you anon). It's taking forever because tumblr wanna act up and won't allow me to link some things, but it will eventually be up.
One More [Smut] -> Family Dynamic -> Keep Me Satisfied [Pregnant!Reader] -> Hush Little Baby -> Here's to Tradition -> You Too -> Can't You See? -> Concord -> Come Back -> Burning Man -> Promises -> Summer Daze -> Two is Better Than One -> Taciturn -> In the House Love Built [Smut] -> The Calm Beneath the Storm -> Cuddle Me In -> The Rowdy Bunch -> The Honeycrisp Grove -> Winter Winds -> Sticking Together -> Snatched -> No Tricks, Just Treats -> In Ribbons [Smut, Sub!Az] -> Unwrapped -> Into the New -> Here for You -> Between Me and You -> The Safeguard -> Warrior Status -> About Last Night
Terrible Twos -> Strips and Sutures
Due Time (Part 2) -> Sweater Weather -> Milk & Cream -> Late Nights in the Middle of June -> Cherries, Juniper, and Orange Slices
Small Town!Cassian [Archeron Sister!Reader]
Break Up in a Small Town -> Dial Drunk
Rhys' Sister's Best Friend!Reader
Clandestine Love
Art School AU
Midnight Muse
Coal Lined Lens [Azriel]
Structure of the Gods [Cassian]
Dioxazine (Part 2) [Rhysand]
Vampire Azriel
You Keep Me Sharp and Test My Worth in Blood -> (Blurb) -> Bleed for Me -> Body and Soul [Smut (read warnings)] -> (Blurb 2)
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c-nstantine · 10 days
Batsis is a bad bitch she can handle her own. Expect when it comes to bugs she’s calling her daddy and brothers with the quickness. You’re heroes and you save people so save me from that bug😩😩😩😩
Also, depending on the bug, that's who she calls. Like anything that resembles a worm, that's Damian territory. Damian reminds me of those kids who used to throw worms on people for fun. If it's anything spider related, that's Jason all day. He doesn't even kill them, he just puts them outside for her. If it has wings, Cass is the one who is agile enough to get it. Dick also hates bugs so the most he'll help with is ladybugs. Duke does not fuck with bugs, so he offers to let her crash in his room until the others deal with it. Best believe Gotham has some shit that no one has ever seen before so it's up to Tim to log it and find a way to kill it. Bruce literally doesn't know where these bugs keep coming from. He has an exterminator at her place like every three months. However, if he gets a call about how there's some weird bug looking at her, trust he is there in five minutes max.
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solbaby7 · 13 days
I Dare You
pairing: cassian x reader
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warnings:prolly some typos, kinda douchebag!cass but very minimal, sexual tension, swearing, mentions of drinking, (literally have any of you ever gone bull riding before? bc that shit is not for the weak)
summary: Cassian doesn’t think you’re capable of letting your hair down to have some fun. I dare you to prove him wrong.
Someone must’ve laced your drink.
They had to have.
It was the only logical explanation for the unusual feelings beginning to churn knots in your gut the longer you took in the handsome planes of Cassian’s face.
Usually, it was easier to overlook when you were sober, too off-put by his demeaning comments and endless sexual innuendos to truly focus on the sharp cut of his jaw or the stubble that resided there. The tempting plush of his bottom lip captures your focus, its glistening from the cheap beer overflowing his cup and the foreign thought of what they would felt like pressed against your own evades your senses.
You blame it on the ambiance.
This place was no Rita’s, not nearly as cozy or tucked away but something about the clubs hypnotic hues of rich purples and soft blues casting over Cassian’s cheeks had your head slowly tilting to the side in silent appreciation.
Had he always had that dimple when he smiled?
“Truth or dare?” Mor yells over the thumping music, effectively breaking you free from your trance and stealing your attention. A bright grin is plastered across her face induced by the empty shot glasses on the table before her.
Your head shakes on instinct, not nearly as prone to letting loose as the rest of the Inner Circle. The outfit alone was far enough out of your comfort zone as is, allowing Mor and Feyre to use you like a baby doll; curling your hair and applying makeup over excited giggles and shared bottles of bubbly. The borrowed fabric sticks to you like second skin, its halter neckline more comfortable than you’d care to admit and the cool breeze of passerby’s on your exposed back is welcome. The tight bodice blends seamlessly into the flowy skirt that tickles the middle of your thighs, showing off more leg than you usually cared to bare but it had looked too nice against your figure to complain. “I don’t really—“
“Don’t even bother,” Cassian interjects, a beer clutched in one hand while the other rested lazily on the back of the booth. “She always says no.”
“That’s not true.”
It was.
You blamed it on their High Lord’s inability to complete his paperwork and file them properly afterwards. When you’d first arrived, there had been centuries worth of paperwork strewn about his storage room in no true order with the subjects varying from treaties and common laws on trade routes to pages worth of detailed documentation dividing up ownership of land. Blueprints for potential and current properties with box after box of receipts kept to keep track of the billing it took to run such a place—much less a whole city.
Simply put, you’d been stuck in work-mode; refusing casual outings and generous offerings of chilled bottles shared over dinner for months until you’d finally made a dent sizable enough to satisfy you. There’s no point in bothering to explain any of that to Cassian though, biting your words over the rim of your glass and the burn on your tongue is soothed by the sweet mixer. “Oh really?” He goads, a cocky glint in golden eyes as he leans forward, shoulders straining in the dark cotton of his shirt . “Answer her then, truth or dare?”
There’s a long pause—one long enough for Rhysand to clear his throat, fully prepared to diffuse the situation but your voice cuts through before he can. “Dare.” It’s spoken stronger than you feel and you muster up the courage to meet his eye as if you hadn’t just been gobbling up the miles of endless muscle packed onto his body.
“I dare you to let loose for once in your boring little life.” Feyre scoffs her disapproval at his wording, a hand smacking at Cassian’s arm but he doesn’t react as if he can even feel it. He’s utterly fixated on you, body language lax and still somehow emitting such a domineering presence it makes your feet shift in high heels. “Unless you’re too prude to even let your hair down?”
A brow arches and you ignore the burn creeping up your neck at the looks your friends are sharing, clearly having a mental conversation on who was going to have to intervene this time. Saving them the trouble, you comply. “Fine.” You’re too occupied in chugging the remnants of your drink to notice the surprised expression crossing the General’s face. He doesn’t miss you though, witnessing a mischievous darkness clouding your eye before you rise from the booth and squeeze through the endless sea of bodies.
“I don’t understand your problem with her,” Mor grumbles with distaste, a hand outstretching for the latest round of drinks being provided by the waiter. “She’s nice.”
“She’s boring,” Cassian promptly retorts, eyes sifting over the crowd in search for a flash of your dusky red dress but it’s nowhere to be found. His spine straightens ever so slightly, the grip on his glass tightening in his silent surveillance for you. “When you said you were hiring a female who’d be around so often that she’d be living with us, I hoped she’d be more…eventful.”
“Is that truly your reasoning, brother?” Rhys drawls out playfully, tugging his mate in closer to his side. A glass of whiskey is in his free hand, tilting the bottom of it tauntingly in Cassian’s direction as he pretends to ponder. “Or maybe it’s because you keep antagonizing her in hopes that she’ll notice you and yet she barely gives you anything back in return? Her passiveness must eat you up at night.”
It earns the High Lord a few laughs and even Azriel can’t hide the amused upturn of his mouth at Cassian’s expense but the Lord of Bloodshed can’t even begin to be bothered with that.
Not when his sights finally land on that sinful shade of red gripping at the curves contained within them. Cassian can’t even hear his family anymore, eardrums tuning out everything that wasn’t you as he watches the way you lean in towards one of the nicely dressed workers with a smile. The exchange is quick but Cassian doesn’t miss a thing, noting the challenging quirk of the males brow and he leads you behind a thick curtain that sectioned off a portion of the bar he hadn’t even noticed until now.
Words can’t describe the way losing his visual on you makes his skin itch, wings twitching with his irritation and the tense line of his shoulders doesn’t release for even a second. A plethora of thoughts plague Cassian’s mind. Surely you hadn’t taken his jest as an invitation to go be with some other male? Even if it would’ve been well within your right it was the furthest from his intentions.
“Run out of witty remarks?” Rhysand prods further, voice full of humor but there’s a hint of serious questioning lingering in his eye. “Or have I stunned you to complete silence?”
Feyre catches on quicker than her counterpart, following Cassian’s line of sight, watching as the same curtains you’d disappeared behind starts beginning to rise, a thundering chime ringing through the bar. “I don’t think it’s you who has him speechless.”
The others follow her gaze and quiet fascination sets root when more space is revealed. Situated right in the middle of the newly revealed stage is what seems to be the magical apparition of a fake bull, complete with horns and a nose that huffed out smoke. It’s one hell of a spectacle that has the inebriated crowd cheering with joy at the promise of such extravagant entertainment. “Trouble is in the house tonight. Let’s welcome her warmly.” The male announces, guiding you into the light and spinning you around for all to take in.
Cassian’s teeth grit together, disturbingly aware of every eye and muttered comment directed your way and his fingers twitch for the familiar weight of his sword. “No way...” He whispers in complete disbelief as you approach the bull with a practiced ease, hoisting yourself on its back with the swipe of your leg.
The motion is fluid, thighs shifting to get situated and the new position hikes up the hem of your dress. All the bare skin that is revealed makes his mouth water, elbows leaning against the table to brace himself.
Your gaze finds Cassian’s easily in the crowd, a devious smirk forms in the corner of your mouth and the wink you send his way has his cock twitching to life in his breeches.
Music flows through the space—a sensual tempo with a bass so deep it rattles the very blood in your body. There’s no explaining why you find such a comfort in it but you submit to the numbness it provides anyway, relishing in the absence of thought as you melt into the beat.
One hand latches securely around the saddle and the well-dressed employee begins his skilled control of the bull. It’s a slow rock, movements mechanical and jerky but you make it look graceful—hips shifting back and forth over and over as the speed increases. You barely look up, too caught up in synchronizing your body with the music, spurred on by the generous cheers from the other drunken fae with energy to burn and coins to spend.
Faster and faster the bull rocks, spinning you from left to right but your remain saddled in place, core strong and thighs braced for the chaotic jostling. Haughty whistles cut through the crowd when the bull abruptly tips forward, shifting the fabrics of your dress until you were face down, ass up and flashing the lacy boy shorts you had on underneath. “Come on,” You whine prettily to the male in control of the mechanism, hair spilling to one side of your face and a pretty blush fans across your cheeks at the salacious exposure. “That all you got?”
“Hold on tight.”
You’re grateful for obtaining the good sense it takes to heed the warning because in an instant the bull is jerking back to life, spinning and rocking in an attempt to shake you off. Jubilant laughter pelts free, hair blowing in the wind and dress flashing more of the soft skin that Cassian was just dying to get his fill of.
He’s been bested—that much the Commander can admit but it doesn’t feel like a loss when you feed his filthy fantasies without even trying. The roll of your waist will surely plague his dreams but the effortlessly seductive glint in your eye will haunt him to his dying breath.
It doesn’t dissipate. Not even when you finally tap out, easing yourself down on shaky legs and shuffle back to the shared booth with a breathy huff.
A peachy sheen has overtaken your cheeks at the bewildered stares your friends give you for your performance but the mess of your curls splaying around your shoulders has Cassian’s heart racing when imagining the others ways he could put you in such a state.
The others watch in complete silence as you steal the beer right from Cassian’s hands, cool condensation dripping down your fingers but you pay it no mind. “It seems that I am plenty of fun to be around,” He watches the slow roll of your throat as you swallow, unable to look away. “But that’s usually reserved for after hours.”
Cassian’s gaze darkens under the implication, lids heavy with desire. “Noted.”
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