#castle said he loved kate with all the words and IT STILL TOOK TWO FULL SEASONS TO GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER
lover-of-mine · 1 month
I don't think people seem to understand that they could've given up. We know fox was blocking bisexual Buck and that probably means they were blocking buddie, so they could've given up. Buddie is a love story. Their devotion to each other is canon. There isn't anything the show can do that's gonna convince me they don't love each other. But they could've given up at any point. Backed off, actually give any other love interest a fighting chance, double down on them being best friends and not make it bigger. They choose not to. They kept adding to this love story as best as they could. They are best friends. They are partners. They are family. They would die for each other but they also have fun together. They have one braincell they keep pingponging between them. They love each other. That's a fact. That will always be a fact. They are each other's person. And now we are at a place where that can be explicitly explored. It's a slowburn. It's a network slowburn. The desire to rip your hair out comes with it but it makes the moment they finally get their shit together that much sweeter. We're getting there. Somehow y'all had more hope when all we had to go on was a couch. Buck is actually queer now. This time last year Buck and Eddie were getting a comphet ending. Now one of them is actually queer. We're gonna get there, but they are not just gonna trip into a relationship because they are too careful with buddie as a friendship to not address the issues and make things natural before getting them together because everyone involved in this madness knows what they have in their hands. They know once they get buddie together it's forever, they're not gonna rush into it now they have actual room to play.
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keep-it-i-resign · 3 years
Fic Writer Asks
tagged by the lovely @vampcoffeegyrl23 I am soooo sorry this has taken over a week! I promise I was just busy away from my computer and using mobile is not the way to go about answering these! 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6 on AO3 and 6 on ffn.net. I haven't used the ffn.net account in years, i.e 2013 (and therefore my user name isn't even the same) so those 6 stories are different from my AO3 ones. I don't post most of what I write and now that I'm in my mid-20s with a few published papers behind me - I'm much more confident in my ability to write a cohesive and interesting story so expect more posted!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
17,425 words which isn't bad for only 6 fics with two of those stories having additional chapters coming soon.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3? Just 1, which is The Flash and by extension Stargate SG-1 for the crossover I did for Snowells Week this year. Counting ffn.net that's 3 more with Castle, Doctor Who, and Firefly. Over my lifetime of writing fic for myself? I think only 7 more. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Harry Potter, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: TNG, and Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead isn't much of a fanfic but I did use the zombie types as place holders in an original story until I developed my own.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll Be Waiting (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Well... This is Awkward (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry, Frost/Nash, Caitlin/Nash, and Frost/Harry)
Rewind Time (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Through the Gate (The Flash/Stargate SG-1 - Caitlin/Eowells)
Harvest Season (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I don't write angst much and I haven't posted many stories yet but of the ones posted I guess "I'll Be Waiting" is the angstiest.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
"Well...This is Awkward" has a pretty happy ending with everyone alive and together. Or maybe "Twilight of the Gods" because ReverseSnow/ReverseFrost happens and there is hope of bringing everything lost back and balance the universe again. I guess it depends on your definition of what constitutes as a happy ending. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one - The Flash/Stargate SG-1 crossover. I don't normally think about crossovers just because the shows I watch are so vastly different they can't really work or they are already in the same universe with the canon crossovers. I'm also not always a fan of reading them because they can get chaotic quick and characterization takes a dive in order to fit characters into other universes/situations. I admire anyone who can write it well though!
As a side note: I did have a thought about a Snowells into the Arkham universe fic just because I have been replaying the Batman Arkham video games which I might give a shot at.
8. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
👀I wrote one smutty story years ago and it's terrible because I was young and naïve. I haven't tried recently but I'm not opposed to giving it a shot now. I have a few ideas on a prompt list I have for Snowells already so it's really a matter of when will I get to it!
9. Do you respond to comments. why or why not?
I do when I can! I like to get feedback from my readers and having an open dialogue of what they liked or disliked is important for me! I want to know what my audience enjoyed and what to improve on! Responding to them also shows them I saw that they said and appreciate what they had to say! 🥰
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Surprisingly - no, even on my old and terribly written stuff. I'm perfectly open to criticism but hate? If you don't like it, you don't like it but others might. Why spend the time spreading negativity when the world has enough of it?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know - no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but given enough time I could probably translate mine. It would be grammatically atrocious because I rarely translate from English into any of the languages I know. It's normally the other way around! I'd definitely need a Beta who is fluent to correct my mistakes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it's definitely something I'd try! I co-wrote an original story with a few friends of mine years ago in high school and enjoyed it. I like the idea of getting to talk and bounce ideas off of someone who enjoys the same fandoms and character as me! I haven't really done that since I grew apart from one of my friends from high school who I did that with.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
What kind of question is this? Do people actually have an ultimate ship? Is that even possible? I have ships from several fandoms and sometimes multiple ships within a fandom. Most of the time I have a main ship from a fandom but that doesn't mean I discount any of the other ones that I or others enjoy as well. I'll throw out a few that I still got out and read for in order of what I read most often (either new stuff or re-reads) to what I read occasionally, at least according to my AO3 favorite tags.
Snowells (all variations) - The Flash
Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter - Stargate SG-1
Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla - Sanctuary
Harry/Hermione - Harry Potter
William Murdoch/Julia Ogden - Murdoch Mysteries
Phil/ Melinda - Agents of SHIELD
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris - Star Trek: Voyager
Kate Fleming/Steve Arnott - Line of Duty
I will occasionally go check what kind of fics the fandom writes when I start a show just out of curiosity. Sometimes you can tell if there is fandom hate between ships by doing so and I know to steer clear, especially if I ship a lesser ship/non-canon ship. Also - the number of canon-divergence or rewrites will tell you if the shows writers start being ridiculous *cough* The Flash *cough* and whether it's worth getting attached at all.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hoo boy. I have a drive full of them. Most of which aren't even close to being posted. My biggest one right now is a complete re-write of The Flash dealing with a what if scenario of Earth-1 Tess Morgan being pregnant the night that Thawne kills them both and he chooses to birth the kid rather than let it die with her. It's set a few years earlier (so 18/19 years stuck in the past rather than the original 15 that the show has it) so the kid isn't Jesse but it changes how season 1 plays out and definitely how season 2 plays out when Harry finds out about the kid while dealing with the Jesse/Zoom issue. Plus it's Snowells too and I want to deal with Barry's mistakes and the consequences of them better than the show did since the show just kind of brushes them off? For some reason? I wanted things to have a little more consequence because some of the mistakes made are egregious and then they acted like it never happened which bothers me. It's a beast of a project and I'm - unfortunately- a perfectionist and a completionist. I'm thinking an episode per chapter rewrite but right now it's in bits and pieces and a lot of notes on how episodes would play out differently with an added character and dynamic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and scene positioning. I can write out the dialogue for a story quickly with the bare bones of the scene and movements playing out. After that, it takes me ages to expand the scene and fill in the bits between speaking lines because I can see the piece play out in my head and putting that to paper accurately and engagingly without being overwhelming is a multi-layered process.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Some of this is normal, you know, like grammar and spelling. My brain moves faster than I type so words or bit of phrases end up missing and I later have to fix it. I'm also a Southerner who grew up watching a ton of British shows so a lot of the way I phrase things isn't commonly used anywhere. I have to spend a lot of time double checking things like that. I think my biggest one is not knowing how to end stories satisfactorily. I haven't posted many fics because it's hard to post them when you don't know how to wrap everything up.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It depends on whether it's an established part of a character or story and whether or not I'm comfortable with the language. Like with Sherloque - it's established he'll say something in French and then repeat it in English. I took 3 years of French so I'm comfortable writing it and it fits the character and situation. But take Cisco, we know he speaks Spanish, but it's never really shown in the show. So fics that I've read where he breaks into Spanish can be distracting as we've never seen him do it - even in dire circumstances. I also never took Spanish in school and I only know rudimentary pieces (I took Mandarin and Latin instead), so I'm unlikely to use it in any fic I write unless the circumstances warrant it (say - Cisco is talking to a grandparent or a meta struggling with English).
But again, it depends on the situation, what we know of the character, and how comfortable I am with the language enough to get it correct and in character. Any fic writer who can get the situation and character down while using a secondary language, and not make it distracting deserves applause!
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hit me with a hard one why don't you? 🤣 I think it was Stargate SG-1 or maybe it was Stargate Atlantis. You're asking me to think back over a decade and a half ago to when I started reading and writing fic at the tender age of 7 or 8. I'm fairly certain it was one of those two fandoms and it might've been a crossover. I do remember writing part of it on an old Gateway computer running Windows '98 with a glass monitor that was mine and my sisters. The other half was written on an electric type-writer that I owned because this was before laptops were widely available and affordable.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
It's a tie between "Twilight of the Gods" and "I'll Be Waiting". "Twilight of the Gods" because I got to show off a few of my degrees (History and Classics, I couldn't shoehorn in my others but they are science related and that doesn't quite fit that story). "I'll Be Waiting" is a favorite because it's a big middle finger to whoever / collective group wrote The Flash season 7. I'm still pissed off at how the Wells plotline was dealt with and let's not get started on the whole Chillblaine/Kramer/Forces as kids of WA plots (ewwwwwww 🤢). I'd need a whole new post to talk about how tired I am of the WA kids showing up (because screw how that'll effect the timeline, right?) and the reliance on the future to drive what decisions are made (because, again, screw how bad that would be for the timeline - it's not like we have seen how much that effects things before right?) 😒
Phew.....That was longer than I expected, honestly, but a lot of fun!
Tagging whoever wants to talk about their works because you are all wonderful people who should get a chance to share!
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ingek73 · 4 years
The Royal KAREN Has Come Out To Play
By Irene May 28, 2020
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Samir Hussein/Getty Images
The Royal KAREN Has Come Out To Play.
It’s silly season for Karens the world over. For some reason, they are everywhere. Not a day passes without some account of an entitled white woman exhibiting peak privilege, by making their own choices and then playing victim and acting a complete fool, when it doesn’t go to plan. When in full Karen mode, they are an outright danger to whoever is in their path.
They will cough or spit in your face with the hopes that you catch a virus that they may knowingly or unknowingly be carrying because, they say it’s their right to not wear a mask and you questioned it. They will call the police and put on a dramatic act to feign danger or a threat because, they expect that when the police show up, your life can literally be taken from you. They will make a huge song and dance about why your success is not worthy or deserved because, their own lives suck and they wish they were in your position.
As if we didn’t already have enough to deal with, a royal Karen said hold my coatdress. She called her royal media police, to do a number on a lady who is minding her own business, probably enjoying some avocado toast by the pool on a sunny California day. She did that because, she expects the “police” to take her side. I for one am tired of this constant scapegoating and am having no parts of this latest royal propaganda lynch mob.
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Kate Middleton feels exhausted
Kate Middleton blames Meghan
Catherine The Great cover
Karen is KEEN to be ‘KWEEEN’
She wants the moon. Once upon a time, a young lady grew up in an upper- middle class family. She was fortunate to be enrolled in private school, where it is reported that, in her teen years she had a poster of a certain young prince on her wall. Harmless teenage fantasy right? What young lady doesn’t have a poster of a guy she admired? After her A-levels, this lady reportedly got admission into her dream university(Edinburgh). Around that time, it was announced that the prince she likely admired was to attend St. Andrews University, after he has taken a gap year . For reasons that still remain unclear, the young lady made an about turn, and rejected her already confirmed place at her dream university. She decided to take a gap year and apply to St. Andrews University.
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Kate turned down dream college to chase William
Kate attends same college as William
It was described as a gamble, as St. Andrews had become very competitive once it was known that the young prince would be attending there. Also, the young lady wanted to be an art history major and Edinburgh’s art history program was said to be among the best in Britain.
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Kate's decistion to decline admission
Kate chases William
Whether by a stroke of luck or fate, the young lady got into St. Andrews University, where she went on to become friends with said prince. The subsequently embarked on an almost decade long courtship, including a short period of separation. She was bestowed a nickname on account of the perception that, she had waited for a long while and had yet to be rewarded with the much coveted royal engagement. Wasn’t that cold, considering that after Uni, she literally put her career on hold to be available to the prince at a moment’s notice? But all is well that end well. The waiting paid off. She and the prince became affianced and subsequently married. This put her squarely in the path to be future queen consort.
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Waity Katy
Tatler shades Middleton family
Riding on their wave of pre and post nuptial publicity, the lady and the prince settled into a quiet life in the countryside. The now duchess did not assume full time royal duties because, her prince was holding a ‘regular’ job and not a full-time working royal himself. Their stint in the countryside was dotted with a handful of royal engagements here and a few tours there. She even got a new nickname, Duchess Doolittle. She and her prince were described as ‘work shy’ and were under pressure to step up to the plate.
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workshy William
workshy Kate Middleton
workshy William and Kate
This was all BEFORE her brother-in-law, Prince Harry met and fell in love with his then girlfriend Meghan Markle. Karen was enjoying her cushy life, with all eyes on her. Then in rolls this strong, gorgeous, and accomplished woman on her brother-in-law’s arm. Their engagement and ensuing marriage captivates the attention of the world. Together, they are dynamite. The world and its media can’t get enough of them.
Karen is ANGRY
She wants the moon, with no stars in the sky. The newest Duchess was magnetic. She seemed to just naturally ease into her duties. She exuded warmth and had an easy and natural way with people , that endeared her to them. She took on her first foreign visit to Ireland like a duck to water. Wait, who is this girl and where is her learning curve? Its four months after she became a working royal and she already has a project ready to launch? Oh no, no, no! Karen is on a mission to save Britain’s kids at a yet to be decided date but, can we just tell everyone now? I’m working too you know.
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Kate's broken Britain
Meghan launches cookbook
It’s now the autumn of 2018 and the world is watching a dynamic royal couple take Oceania by storm on a packed two and a half week tour. Thick crowds, meaningful engagements, funny, heartfelt and memorable moments, captivating speeches, showstopping fashion. It’s all a bit much for Karen, and this time Kevin, and they have taken notice. Something must be done. “Kenablers” in the Kingdom concur. Before the couple could wrap their tour, the palace all of a sudden developed a curious plumbing issue. Drip, drip, drip… “ Meghan made Kate Cry”, “Meghan was rude to Kate’s staff”, “Meghan was rude to Windsor castle staff”, “ Meghan wanted air fresheners in the church”, “ Meghan is demanding”. Thus begun an orchestrated campaign to dim the stars. It came thick and fast.
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Meghan makes Kawte cry headline
smear article Meghan makes Kate cry
Kate attacks Meghan
Karen’s mother even tried throw some shade at Meghan in an interview saying, “royalty is not just about giving speeches”. Curiously though, Karen all of a sudden was delivering speeches at every turn. That is, provided she could flip the notecards quickly enough, to get to the next line. She even “designed” a garden and became a pro at climbing into tree houses and oscillating on rope swings. Every outfit change and accompanying smile became an engagement. There was even a groundbreaking log design. Whew! I tell you it’s the stuff of CEOs. Top notch executive stuff. Catapulting the British monarchy into modernity, one log at a time.
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Kate's garden flower show
Harry and Meghan flower Chelsea flower show
The palace even prevented CAMFED from using pictures they took with Prince Harry the previous year. Why? It would be a tragedy if the future queen’s garden is overshadowed by Meghan. Note that, Harry and Meghan had no involvement with the CAMFED garden, and Meghan does not appear in the images in question. But that was the PR line. Meghan, who was home nursing her baby and editing British Vogue, was somehow threatening to overshadow Kate’s garden.
Through all of this, Kate’s pregnant and now post-partum sister-in-law was being raked over the coals. Mostly for things she supposedly did to Kate, or for being the source of a feud, for doing everything wrong that Kate did right and for supposedly causing war and drought among other things. Kate, despite being a self-proclaimed champion of new mothers bit her tongue and never once offered a word of support to her sister-in-law. The Kingdom was silent too.
As the year drew to a close and the Sussexes took a break from the royal Christmas to spend time in Canada, it was time for the K-team to reclaim the spotlight. At least that’s what the propaganda machine told us. It turns out that the spotlight is not just bright and shiny, it reveals things and “pigeons” like to keep things under wraps.
As it turned out, The Sussexes had decided that their family’s well-being was paramount and said, here is where we draw the line. We are out. What? What do you mean? Are we going to have to do more work? I don’t know Karen, you have the stage. For the time being, the ‘Kenablers’ told us that Karen was relieved now that Meghan had left. She now feels more relaxed that she doesn’t have to be compared to Meghan. Sure.
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Kate's time to shine
Kate happy Meghan left
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thefifthsister · 5 years
Your New Book
Post Series during their recovery/Pregnant with Lily.
It was a sight she’d seen many times before. Castle sitting behind his desk, staring at a blinking cursor. She’d hoped he might have gotten some writing done while she was out, once he’d finished sulking over being told he couldn’t come to girls lunch with her and Alexis, Alexis opting to shop with Kate. 
She stood in the doorway and admired her husband for a moment until he looked up at her. “Forgiven us yet?” she asked with a smirk.
“Just so you know, I love that you two are spending time together, but have you got to gang up on me?” He really was happy they were back on an even keel, their lunches and girls night a regular thing again. He loved to tease his wife over it though. “You at a stopping point?” she asked. He closed his laptop and she took that as her cue to cross the office and sit in his lap.
“It’s not fair that you got to have both kids to yourself and I had to work,” he teased as he kissed her, hand caressing the bump were their child resided. “How you feeling?”
“Tired, but we had a nice lunch and Alexis completely spoiled her soon-to-be sibling. I promised her I’d let her show you everything tonight. She said she’d be home for dinner. Did you get anything done?” Kate tapped the top of his laptop and leaned into him a little more, resting her head against his and enjoying the feel of his arms around her. 
“A couple of chapters and an outline for the ending.” 
“I know I say this about most of your books, but I can’t wait to read this one,” Kate told him. He loved this woman more than he could express. She’d been so excited when he’d let slip his idea to combine Heat and Storm in one book. Was dying to see what happened between Rook and Nikki. 
“Keeping you humble, babe.” She said, relaxing against him. 
He kissed the side of her head, content to sit with her and hold her close. Hold them close. His hand rested over their unborn child, her fingers gently stroking his hand and for a minute he thought she might fall asleep right there.
“I’ve got something for you in the other room if you’re happy to take a break?” Kate told him, looking to him with a relaxed smile.
He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she laughed. “Not that room, although that can be arranged after a nap.” She stood, taking his hand and pulling him up after her and led him into their living room. She let go of his hand as he dropped to the sofa to wait for her as she retrieved something from the collection of shopping bags she’d dropped by the door. He knew she was likely to have purchased a number of clothes and other items for the baby and was eager to look through what she’d picked out with Alexis but she returned with her hands behind her back.
“I know you want to take a break from writing when the baby gets here and figure out what’s next for Nikki and Derrick, but writing is a part of you babe.” Kate settled next to him. “Nikki and Rook, that’s sort of our story. And well, I saw this and thought maybe you could use it to tell our kid’s story.” She handed him a stack of books, one was a small notebook and the other was a moleskine and when he looked at the cover it read ‘one-line-a-day, a 5 year journal’.
“I know we have the baby book my Dad gave us but I saw this and I thought it would be nice, for them to grow up and have something written by their Daddy.” “Kate, I love this.” He smiled up at her. His real smile. The one she’d been hoping she’d see when she picked this up. Dark days were behind them and they were looking to the future and she just wanted to see that smile on his face all the time again. 
“Well, I know we’re gonna have our hands full but at least that way you get a minute to tell a story, to write. I… I don’t want you to lose that, babe.”
Castle reached out and took her hand. He knew she was scared of all the changes that were about to occur, she wanted to protect those important things to her, those things that defined them both as people. They’d lost a lot over the months during the Loksat case and following their shooting and now they were stronger than ever, she jumped at the chance to show him how she felt about him, what she wanted to continue to fight for. 
“I know I don’t want to take Rook and Nikki there yet, but it's kind of poetic, writing a book about Cosmo.”
“We are not naming our kid Cosmo, Rick! No matter how much you love the book,” Kate told him, not for the first time.
Castle laughed and looked at the notebook underneath. 
“For the first few years we worked together, you always had a notebook with you. It was something that annoyed me at first, they way you’d start rattling off plot point ideas in the middle of an investigation. You stopped doing that after the first few books but that was such a part of how you started. How we started. I’ve seen the notebooks you’ve kept. The early work, the first Heat books. So maybe this will help you decide what happens next. It’ll fit in your pocket or we can keep it in the diaper bag. Just… I want you to know that I believe in you and that whatever happens next, you’ll always have the words in here,” She tapped a finger to his head. “And until we strike a balance, you’ve got this to keep track of all those wild theories.” 
Castle just looked at his wife. They’d been through a hell of a lot together and she still was able to surprise him when he least expected it.
“Open it.” He flipped the cover and saw her neat writing scrolled across the inside.
To the real Jameson Rook. You made me believe in magic again. I know you can do anything you put your mind to.
Your biggest fan,
KB x
“I love you. Love you both,” he told her as he pulled her into his lap for a kiss.
“Now, I’m going to take a nap. Why don’t you bring your laptop into the bedroom and keep me company? After my nap then maybe we can both take a nap.”
“Naps are good,” he agreed eagerly as he followed her through to the office. He grabbed his laptop, placing his new notebooks gently on his desk, ready to be filled with the world inside his head. 
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
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Here’s another story from the universe of my novel What Hindered Love. That book was told completely from Chloe’s point of view, but I have several unpublished scenes from Micah’s point of view. Fittingly, this is Micah’s version of what happened on Valentine’s Day when Chloe thought he was hooking up with another woman.
Summary: Once an addict, always an addict. Especially when wires get crossed on Valentine’s Day. Luckily, all Micah has to do is use the code word “busted,” and his friends are there.
Tagging those who might be interested: @vvbooklady1256​ @winterbaby89​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @snowbellewells​ @kday426​  @onceuponaprincessworld​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @nikkiemms​ @bethacaciakay​ @branlovestowrite​ @xhookswenchx​ @thislassishooked​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @flicialy23​  @harshini0​
Anyone else who wants to be tagged for WHL content, please just let me know!
Spoilers for the novel, obviously, so it’s below the cut:
Micah Barrett should have known that his attempts to ignore the fact that today was Valentine’s Day were doomed to failure. Because if there was anyone he knew who would celebrate such a saccharine holiday with childlike enthusiasm it would be Amanda Swisher, the culinary arts student he was training to be his baking assistant. Oh, and he and Amanda had to report to work at 5 am to construct a cake. Shaped like a castle. With turrets. For a wedding proposal. So yeah, there was that.
He wasn’t surprised to hear Amanda crooning Carrie Underwood’s “Cowboy Casanova” as she whipped up batter, but he would have expected her to forgo the traditional Valentine’s colors. Since her hair was flaming red on its own. But no. Amanda had boldly donned a frothy pink dress topped off with a white cardigan covered in tiny pink and red hearts. Her hair was up in a ponytail, per Micah’s own code in his kitchen (he always shuddered to see all that hair dangling over bowls of batter on Cupcake Wars), but she had used a bit of red tulle to tie it back.
“You’re a walking Whitman’s sampler,” he muttered when he saw her, still rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
“Aw, don’t tell me my mentor, my Yoda of baking, is a Valentine’s Grinch,” Amanda teased back.
“Well, they’re both green, aren’t they?”
Amanda just chuckled good-naturedly and rolled her eyes as she slipped the first pan of batter into the oven. Part of the reason he had picked her for the internship, aside from her brilliant fondant work, was her demeanor. He could be charming, but perky he was not. Especially when stressed over an order, particularly the intricate kind they were constructing today. Amanda’s enthusiasm and positivity was a good balance for his intensity.
Micah looked over the sketches of the massive cake they had to construct. Multiple tiers, multiple levels, three different flavors of cake, four different fillings, not to mention it had to look like a castle, complete with turrets. Their client wanted his girlfriend’s engagement ring sitting on the balcony of one of the turrets. Looking over everything now, Micah thought he may have gotten carried away with his brainstorming.
“This girl better say yes,” Micah muttered as he got to work.
“Oh, she will,” Amanda sighed dreamily, “I mean, it’s a fairy tale proposal. They must really be in love.”
“Stop!” Micah yelped when he noticed the container in her hand.
Amanda startled and checked the label. “Baking soda? Oops! It was sitting right by the powdered sugar. Silly me!”
Micah narrowed his eyes at her. Amanda was a little airheaded perhaps, but she was always careful in her work. Something was up, and he had a feeling he knew what it was.
Hours flew by, and Micah had the main portion of the castle constructed and awaiting Amanda’s magic with icing and fondant. He had the first turret constructed as well but was having difficulty with the balcony meant to hold the ring. Cake was light, and he was worried about the narrow turret holding that kind of weight. Simultaneously, he had a batch of Italian meringue going. With his hands full constructing the turret, he called out to Amanda, who was whipping up raspberry filling.
“Hey, turn the mixer down on that meringue, would you?”
Simultaneously, Micah’s cell phone rang, and Amanda snatched it up, “Hello, Micah Barretts’ phone!”
Micah thought to himself that he needed to tell Amanda not to answer his phone like an over-exuberant sixteen year old, but for now, there was the meringue. Micah laughed, shook his head, and gestured towards the mixer. Amanda squealed as she saw the meringue whipping way too fast and giggled, reaching for the mixer’s switch as she continued her distracted conversation with whoever was on the phone.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
In her distraction, Amanda flipped the mixer’s switch to high. Meringue flew out of the bowl. Micah was surprised when laughter spilled out of his mouth. Must have been Amanda’s influence. Meringue splashed across his eyes as the turret on the cake-castle started to tilt.
“Amanda! Get over here!”
Micah couldn’t see with the meringue in his eyes, even though he was still laughing. He heard a plop and a muffled curse from Amanda, and then she was beside him.
“Quick, brace it with some pillars,” he instructed, relieved that she knew his kitchen as well as he did. He hated using pillars – they screamed 1980s – but what else could they do? Amanda rescued the turret before the cake could crack by slipping two plastic pillars under the balcony portion. She then wet a towel and began gently wiping the meringue from his eyes. Once he could actually see, he took in Amanda’s appearance. She was similarly covered in meringue, and they both dissolved into laughter. They’d been at this since five am, so it was no wonder they were punch drunk.
“It’s all in your hair,” Amanda gasped.
Micah groaned and ran a hand through his hair, feeling the meringue smear through it. It must have made him look quite the sight, because Amanda dissolved in a fresh fit of giggles. Micah stuck his head in the sink and turned on the tap. When he straightened, rubbing his wet hair with his fingers, Amanda was lifting his cell phone carefully by two fingers from the depths of the bowl of raspberry filling.
“Micah, I am so sorry.”
He took the phone from her carefully, futily attempting to wipe the sticky filling off with paper towels. “Josiah’s gonna kill me,” he groaned. “This is my third phone in six months.”
“You make a habit of dropping phones into your baking?”
Micah shrugged. “Or leaving them too close to a burner on the stove. Who was the call from anyway?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch anything they said.”
Even though the phone was still sticky, Micah pushed the on button. Nothing. He sighed. “It’s ok, Amanda. It wasn’t your fault.” He took the bowl of filling over to the cake layer he had waiting on a cake stand.
Amanda returned to rolling out her fondant and sighed, “I think it was my fault. I’m very distracted today.”
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the contractor who redid the barn, would it? What was his name again . . . “
He was teasing her, actually. He remembered the man’s name.
“Eric. His name’s Eric.” Amanda blushed enough to match her hair, which was answer enough. “Maybe. We’re going out again tonight.”
Micah paused in spreading raspberry filling and turned to look at Amanda with mock concern. “Third date? On Valentine’s Day? What are this guy’s intentions?”
She rolled her eyes, but smiled as if pleased with his concern. “Calm down, big brother. He’s not that kind of guy. He’s . . . sweet.”
“I’ve never seen him at church.” Five years ago, Micah never would have expected to be grilling someone about a potential suitor’s church attendance. But Amanda volunteered in the nursery at Community Fellowship and sang back up in the praise band on occasion. Her faith was important to her.
Amanda waved off his concern. “He goes to the Baptist church on the other side of town. But, he’s not exactly plugged in there, so he said he might visit Community Fellowship with me sometime.”
“Does he sing or play an instrument?”
Amanda laughed, “You and Hannah always trying to recruit people to the praise team. No, he isn’t musical at all. But he says he loves my voice.”
Amanda blushed again and a dreamy look came over her face. She hummed a little as they continued working, but inevitability she turned the romance talk towards Micah. He was surprised it had taken her this long, honestly.
“So, Micah, do you have any special plans tonight?”
“Yeah, I’m sure there’s a hockey game on tonight,” he answered dryly.
Amanda stopped what she was doing to turn towards him, a hand on her hip. “Micah, I have never seen you date, and it’s not right.”
“Why? I have my business, my son,” my former addiction he silently added. Getting clean and staying clean was a long, difficult process, and it was something few could understand.
“Yes, you’re successful, you’re a good father, you’re a good guy. And well, you’re no Eric, but you’re still not bad on the eyes.” Amanda flicked flour teasingly at him to punctuate her point.
“Oh, I can’t disagree with any of your points,” Micah teased back with a quirk of an eyebrow, “but perhaps I simply haven’t found the right woman.” Chloe’s face floated before his consciousness, but he tamped it down.
“Tina would say yes if you asked her out. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”
Micah scoffed, “Not my type.”
“But Hannah and Kate told me you have a thing for blondes.”
Only one. Kate and Hannah knew that full well, too, but Amanda was too naïve not to read more into it. Micah straightened from his task carving the cake layers into the shape of the second turret and rolled his shoulders back. “Can we change the subject?”
Amanda may have been naïve, but she had also worked with Micah long enough to pick up on his moods. She made a comment about needing music to work and reached over to where her iPod was docked. When Carrie Underwood’s voice started crooning, he groaned.
“Amanda, what have I repeatedly said about country music?”
She chuckled, “Just teasing.” She switched it to the grunge station and Micah sighed happily as Pearl Jam thrummed through the speakers. “Although why depressing, angst-filled music makes you feel better, I’ll never know.”
Micah tilted his head to the side as Eddie Vedder sang She lies and says she’s in love with him, can’t find a better man, and thought Amanda had a point.
“Actually, you can turn it back. Carrie Underwood’s not so bad.”
Micah parallel parked his truck into a space outside The Daymark, spotting Chloe’s car a few spaces ahead. Good, she’s still here. He’d replaced the cell phone Amanda had ruined yesterday, and he was glad he didn’t wait until Monday. Chloe’s voicemail sent relief flooding through him, but her text message . . . that had left him equal parts baffled and confused. He pulled it up to read one more time.
I haven’t heard back from you. I’m surprised because this is – you know – important? I’m meeting with the lawyer at The Daymark tomorrow at noon, and I’m hoping it’s all good news. Not that you care. You know, since you’re ignoring me?
Micah could understand Chloe feeling ignored. She was right, it was important news. And she didn’t know his phone was ruined. But if he was reading between the lines correctly – and he usually was where Chloe was concerned – she was upset with him about far more than that.
But he was here now to fix that. As soon as he’d gotten both messages, he had frantically checked his watch and raced to the diner to try and catch Chloe before she left. It was already two, so he had fully prepared himself to miss her. The sight of her car was a beautiful one.
Micah headed down the sidewalk and into the diner, inwardly rehearsing his apology. His eyes found Chloe immediately, and the sight froze him in his tracks. Her head was down, a pretty blush coloring her cheeks. The man across from her held her hands in his, thumbs brushing over Chloe’s knuckles in an intimate gesture. No wonder she was still here two hours later; this wasn’t a business meeting, this was a lunch date! Feeling foolish, Micah turned and headed straight back out the door. He thought he heard Chloe call out after him, but he wasn’t sure. And even if she was, he was too humiliated to face her.
Micah made his way quickly back to the truck, pulling out of his parking space blindly. He was lucky the street was empty. Adam Murray. How could he have been so stupid? The guy was exactly Chloe’s type, and a successful lawyer to boot. Not to mention they had been spending quite a bit of time together.
Micah’s leg started to throb like it hadn’t in years. He pulled over and took several deep breaths, kneading his leg hard with his left thumb. He tilted his head back and thought over all the ways he had learned to deal with the pain: exercise, meditation, prayer, his music. But he knew this pain was more mental – okay, emotional – than physical. So was the desperate desire to numb his pain the way he used to.
With trembling hands, he lifted his phone and hit Ryan Newton’s contact number. When his friend answered, he paused for a moment, and then with a shaky breath, said, “Busted.” He felt a little silly saying it – the code word was Ryan’s idea, though Micah wanted to call it something like “Screw-Up or “Family Disappointment” – but he had to admit he was glad he could convey his need without a lengthy explanation.
“Okay,” Ryan said without hesitation, “I’ll gather the troops. My place is full of rugrats. What about Beau’s man cave?”
“Negative. They’ve renovated it into a kid’s room.”
“Oh right, the adoption thing.”
“My place is fine. I’ll order us a pizza. You just call everyone. Is six good?”
“Yeah, but Logan and I will be there by five. You gonna be ok until then?”
Micah rubbed his leg; the pain was a little more bearable, but more importantly, his urge for pills was gone. “Yeah, but about Logan –“
“Okay, okay. You’re right. Call Logan. See you at five.”
Micah hung up and slammed his palm hard against his steering wheel. Once an addict, always an addict. How many times had he heard that in rehab? He just really wished he was a stronger man. Maybe then Chloe wouldn’t be on a date with someone else.
Ryan showed up promptly at five with a six pack of sodas.
“The good thing about your two best friends being a pastor and a recovered alcoholic is they don’t mind swinging back a few Cokes instead of beer,” Ryan quipped as he headed to the kitchen.
“What else have you got there?” Micah asked, gesturing to the plate in Ryan’s hand.
“Homemade chocolate chip cookies via Maggie.”
Micah grinned and grabbed a cookie and a soda just as Logan let himself in. “I come bearing turtle brownies!” he announced, frowning when he saw the cookies. “You guys better eat these too, or Rose won’t let me back in the house.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Micah said, polishing off his cookie and reaching for a brownie. “The hockey game doesn’t start until 5:30, but the pre-game stuff should be on.”
Logan snatched the remote from Micah’s hand. “Not so fast. We need to talk about how you used the code word. Before Josiah and Beau get here.”
Micah groaned and fell back against the couch, running both hands through his hair. “Crisis averted, guys. Can we just leave it at that?”
“No, we can’t,” Logan said firmly. “That’s the whole point of me being your mentor, remember? Now what was your trigger? Emotional? Physical? Stress related?”
Emotional. He really didn’t want to get into this. But Ryan and Logan were both patient men, and the silence dragged on. “Chloe, okay. Are you happy?”
“Is this still the Scott thing?” Ryan asked across the kitchen island.
“No, he’s dropped that, thank God.”
“Well, that’s great news!” Logan enthused, slapping Micah on the knee. Micah thought about how Logan and Rose were the ones who introduced Chloe to Adam and suddenly had the irrational desire to punch his friend.
It fell quiet again as his friends waited for him to elaborate. “Chloe told me she was meeting with the lawyer today at The Daymark, so I thought I would stop by there. It wasn’t a meeting – it was a date.”
“And that bothers you?” Ryan asked.
Micah chuckled and craned his neck to look back into the kitchen where Ryan was leaning against the island. “Yes, it bothers me, Pastor Ryan. I’m a PK, remember? I know when you’re shifting into counseling mode.”
Ryan chuckled and made his way into the living area. “Sorry, then I’ll shift back to friend mode.” He plopped down into the recliner in the corner and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Why don’t you just tell Chloe how you feel?”
Micah shook his head and looked down at his feet. He thought for a few minutes before looking back up at R
yan. “As much as I’ve hurt her, all I really want is for her to be happy. Adam is a good guy, so as much as it hurts . . . I can’t get in the way of that.”
Ryan narrowed his eyes, and Micah could tell the wheels in his head were turning. “Maggie and Chloe have gotten close, you know. I can’t say any-“
Micah held up one hand, “No need to explain. If anyone understands pastor confidentiality, it’s me.”
Ryan nodded once. “All I’ll say is, I still think you and Chloe need to have an honest talk.”
“When she has a shot at something better?”
“Wait a second,” Logan cut in, “who says Adam is better?”
“He’s never broken her heart, for one.” Micah sighed with relief when the doorbell rang. “That’ll be the pizza.”
He rose from the couch and addressed his two best friends as he walked backwards towards the door. “You’ve successfully talked me down off the ledge, so operation successful. Can we now drop the subject of my non-existent love life?”
Being men, they both shrugged and Ryan picked up the remote to turn to the game. Micah sighed with relief as he fished his wallet out of his back pocket and turned towards the door. His busted leg no longer throbbed with phantom pain. He had an arsenal of solutions at his disposal to deal with that kind of pain.
His busted heart was another story.
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mr-mellow-dj · 5 years
Coltrane from Rick to Kate - Lush Life
A/N: As Beckett said she “believes in the everyday magic of life in … the way that I feel when I hear Coltrane”, and this album, “John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman”, being one of the few Coltrane albums that have vocals, this series of vignettes came to mind. I can almost hear Rick singing these to Kate, if he had as good a voice as Johnny Hartman.
Crossposted from Fanfiction.net. This was one of the first ‘Castle’ fanfictions I did (from 2014). Updated a little and fixed some formatting. Also figured I would get it on another platform. You can find my other fanfictions under user name ‘Mr.Mellow’.
This one is based on the Billy Strayhorn original, “Lush Life”. You can hear the version on You Tube.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective owners. The lyrics are Billy Strayhorn’s.
I used to visit all the very gay places Those come what may places Where one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of life To get the feel of life from jazz and cocktails
____________________________________ A/N: Pre-series, Just before 1x01 Flowers for Your Grave
Richard Castle looked himself in the mirror. “Time to put on your playboy face,” he thought.
He had just killed off Derick Storm. His cash cow, his means for fame, maybe even his reason for writing.
He had grown tired of it all, the parties, the fans. “Where do you get your ideas?” “I am your number one fan.” “Can you sign this for my cousin, sister, mother, …” “What are your plans for Derrick?”
“Whatever, Whatever, Whatever, Whatever.”
Maybe Patterson would come and give him an idea for a new line. He has enough characters to last several lifetimes. Putting out books almost weekly it seems.
“At least the music is good from time to time at these parties. Gina and Paula know how to put on a party,” he thought. “OK, once more into the breach!”
_____________________________________ The girls I knew had sad and sullen grey faces With distingue traces That used to be there you could see where they'd been washed away By too many through the day twelve o'clock tales
_____________________________________ Castle had seen it all before, the girls wearing as little as legally possible with makeup that is put on slightly less than cake icing. “Hmm,” he thought, “there is a reason they call it war paint. This is the way they do battle for some man’s attention.”
Occasionally there is one maybe two that are actually clothed. They are somewhat demure in comparison, but each is still craving attention, his or some other rich author that comes to these soirees.
At least he gets to sign the more than the occasional chest. Some artificially augmented, but still nice none the less.
But every time he looked at one now, his writer’s imagination would always come up with some sad story for these young ladies, really girls if he thought about it. Barely older than his daughter, Alexis.
_____________________________________ Then you came along with your siren song To tempt me to madness
_____________________________________ “You know why I killed Derrick?” Rick asked his daughter. “There were no more surprises. I knew exactly what was going to happen every moment of every scene.”
Rick continued. “It’s just like these parties. They become so predictable. “I’m your biggest fan.” “Where do you get your ideas?””
“And the ever popular, “will you sign my chest?”” Alexis adding finger quotation marks.
“That one I don’t mind so much.” Rick said with a straight face. He thought that was about the only thing worth coming to these parties for.
“Well, FYI, I do.”
“Just once, I would like someone to come up to me and say something new,” Rick responded.
Someone behind Rick said, “Mr. Castle.”
“Where would you like it,” Rick responded, turning around and pulling out a pen.
“Detective Kate Beckett, NYPD. We need to ask you a few questions about a murder that took place earlier tonight.”
Alexis reached over her dad to grab the pen and said, “That’s new.”
_____________________________________ I thought for a while that your poignant smile Was tinged with the sadness of a great love for me Ah yes I was wrong, again I was wrong
_____________________________________ A/N: 2x23 Overkill “She is kissing Demming! Right here in the precinct!” Rick thought. “You are an idiot, thinking Kate had any feelings for you.”
He had to get away from there without her seeing him. Thinking quickly, he moved to the break room. He got out a new cup and was starting to make some coffee.
“Castle? What are you still doing here,” Kate asked.
“Hey, I was just about to leave myself,” Rick lied, smiling at her, hoping she didn’t pay attention to his obviously contradicting words with his actions of making coffee. “Good job closing the case.”
“Yeah. Well, we make a good team.”
“Yeah. Goodnight,” said Rick. “Damn, I hope she doesn’t notice this isn’t a to-go cup,” he thought. “Then she’ll think I was spying on her, or something worse.”
“Thanks. Night,” Kate said as she turned and walked away.
His smile left as she turned and he thought. “Going home alone again, wishing Kate was mine.”
_____________________________________ Life is lonely again And only last year everything seemed so sure
_____________________________________ A/N: 4x01 Rise
“It’s been three weeks since I saw her,” Rick thought. “I know I miss her. I can almost hear myself being Henry Higgins, although my singing is much worse than that “My Fair Lady” revival I took Mother to.”
“Yeah,” he pondered, “I am more than “Accustomed to Her Face. Hell, I can’t go to a fruit stand this summer because all I smell are the cherries. And I can’t have sundaes either.”
“At least helping Ryan and Esposito have given me something to focus on as opposed to my loneliness.”
_____________________________________ Now life is awful again A trough full of hearts could only be a bore A week in Paris could ease the bite of it All I care is to smile in spite of it
_____________________________________ “She is probably with Josh. He is breaking away from work any time he can to care for her. To help her heal from the shooting,” Rick mused. “I can and can’t hate him, all at the same time.”
Josh is an honorable man. He didn’t go to Haiti during that dirty bomb case. He stayed for her. An arrogant jackass wouldn’t volunteer to go to Haiti or Africa with Doctors Without Borders. No, he is a gentleman.
“He isn’t a jackass like me,” Rick thought sadly. “She has chosen wisely. He will be good for her. It just breaks my heart.”
“Well, I will smile for her and be happy for her when I see her next. If I can’t have her, at least Nikki and Rook can have a happy ending,” he thought. “At least I can continue to send her love letters in the form of Nikki Heat books.”
_____________________________________ I'll forget you, I will While yet you are still burning inside my brain
_____________________________________ “It is just as well that Captain Gates kicked me out of the precinct. By now, Kate is engaged to Josh and they are planning their wedding. That’s why she hasn’t called me. Just like she said with Demming, she doesn’t want it to get weird between us.”
“I wonder if a CIA buddy has some drug that will erase my memory of Kate. Yeah, like that is going to happen. Forget? No, my psyche is branded with the image of Kate Beckett.”
_____________________________________ Romance is mush, stifling those who strive So I'll live a lush life in some small dive And there I'll be While I rot With the rest of those whose lives are lonely too
_____________________________________ A/N: 3x24 Knockout
“Yeah, I told her she was in these nowhere relationships with men she doesn’t love. That was more for me than for her.”
“After that outburst, she’ll go to Montgomery and I’ll be gone. Damn!” Rick supposed.
“Of course, I am a fine one to talk. 2 divorces, countless one night stands, yeah, I really know about relationships … love,” he sarcastically thought.
“This new bottle of single malt will probably work. Let me forget. Let me let her go.”
_____________________________________ A/N: Thanks for reading.
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The Wait Is Over
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Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader
Length: 1681 words
Warnings: badly edited, I’m so tired fam
Masterlist for this series | Part 1 | Part 2
Long ago, before Carlisle had found others of his kind, he believed that he might have been damned to spend eternity alone. Destined to constantly hunt, run, and survive by himself.
He encountered the Volturi during his early travels, quickly discovering that not only were there hundreds of his kind, but a ‘monarchy’ too.
The Volturi coven’s ways differed from his own greatly. They revelled in the thrill of their hunt, as well as human blood, much like the other vampires that Carlisle had come across. Their ways vastly opposed Carlisle’s own morals, and his preferred animal-based diet. Thus, the blond vampire left Volterra after a few decades; his eagerness to learn, and his love for humanity easily forcing him out from behind the stone walls of the Volturi Castle.
Carlisle went on to live amongst the humans. The calm vampire quickly discovered that he had an amazing inner strength, never once divulging his thirst. Taking such a rare opportunity gifted to him; Carlisle went on to study, and later practice, as a doctor – he was always rather giving.
Practising medicine is how he met Edward Masen, the first of his ‘children’. The dying teen had been the first-person Carlisle changed, but he was certainly not the last. The following century was filled with adventures with the family he’d procured post-death.
Still, as his many of his ‘children’ found lovers, Carlisle often wondered if he’d do the same. Alice had Jasper, Rosalie had Emmett – their love was beautiful to be witness to, and it left Carlisle wanting the same.
Eventually, he stumbled upon Y/N.
Y/N was the most remarkable human (or vampire) he had ever met. The woman was a nurse, a healer, a lover, a fighter, a thinker… She was far more than Carlisle could ever have dreamt he could one day deserve. The entirety of his coven loved her – even the more stubborn, stuck-in-their-ways members adored their ‘father’s’ love.
The day he finally asked her to marry him, he had wept tearlessly (as only a vampire can).
He’d gotten down on one knee, late one night. Carlisle had shamelessly been carrying around the ring he’d picked out in his left pocket, safely stored in a small, vintage ring box – Alice had been the one to tell him to do so, telling him his proposal was often ‘spontaneous’. It had been a normal day, considering. He had simply looked to Y/N briefly, and then let himself think about how he would rather fight a newborn army than spend a second longer not knowing if Y/N would spent ever and a day with him.
Nurse Y/N Y/L spared barely a second before she said yes. Alice immediately began planning their wedding, though technically, she had commenced planning their nuptials six weeks prior to their engagement.
Forks was a rather dreary place year-round, and the coven would be outed by sunlight, so their wedding was organised to take place in the middle of October. Fall happened to be Y/N’s favourite season, and the brown hues of the once green trees were too beautiful to not be included in their wedding’s colour scheme. Carlisle’s father, Reverend Cullen, had been a man of the cloth, and an important part of Carlisle’s human-life. So, it was important to him that the wedding take place in a church. They easily picked the one on Main Street, as the outside of it was as beautiful as its inside. The reception was to be held at the Cullen residence, just a short commute away.
St. Anne’s, a rather quaint church, had been decked out by a sprightly Alice the morning of. The white pews were tastefully decorated with wide, brown ribbons. The end of every other pew held floral garlands, brown and white chrysanthemums spun around dark green foliage. The aisle was laden with a long white carpet, Alice’s snide attempt at hiding the rather hideous old blue one.
The vampire guests mingled with human ones easily, not that the human guests were aware of such a fact. All guests had arrived, not a single RSVP being turned down – people were far too interested in the Cullen’s, it seemed. Attending vampires had been warned to keep the Cullen’s identity secret, and had been informed that they were not to feed within a ten-mile radius of Forks – a precautionary method that many of the vampires simultaneously loathed, and respected.
The Alaskan coven, the only other ‘vegetarian’ coven known to the Cullens’, had arrived days prior. Alice had begged for their early arrival, as she claimed that she required Kate and Tanya’s help in the set-up of the reception. Peter and Charlotte, vampires from Jasper’s past that he still kept in touch with, arrived a day before the wedding – the two mates been man-handled into cleaner, more formal clothes by Alice, much to her husband’s amusement. Other vampires arrived, having heard of their old friends upcoming nuptials. Vampires that Carlisle hadn’t seen in centuries had turned up for the occasion. Even the Volturi had sent emissaries.
Many of the human guests were friends and co-workers of the pair. They looked to be in awe of the other guests, very much stunned by their striking beauty, and when the time came they needed prompting to take their seats. Any slow stragglers were given Rosalie’s famous death-stare until they were properly seated.
Shortly, the wedding march began.
Carlisle, already at the altar with his sons as his groomsmen, steadily looked to the double-doors of the entrance. Almost dancing into the room once the doors opened, came Alice. She was bridesmaid number two, the other being Y/N’s long-time friend. The two girls entered, quickly walked the aisle, then stood opposite the groomsmen.
If Carlisle had been a living, breathing creature… his heart might have stopped at his fiancée’s entry.
Y/N was ethereal. Astounding. Celestial.
She wasn’t on the arm of a family member, as she’d long ago lost them all. Instead, she walked herself down the aisle. Her painted hands were clutching tightly at her bouquet. She was very much attempting to not fall in front of the large crowd that had gathered. Assured that she wouldn’t be at risk of tripping, Y/N looked up, her eyes connecting easily with Carlisle’s. The adoration and longing in his gaze left her breathless.
As she approached the altar, one of her hands went out to reach for Carlisle’s. Nothing had felt righter than her hand in his.
The priest spoke. They talked long about the deep bond and commitment they were making, with the two lovers answering when appropriate to do so.
“I do.”
“I will.”
Then, when prompted, Carlisle gave his vows. “If I am to perish tomorrow, let it be in the sanctity of your embrace.” His words, similar in construct to a poem or a monologue from a play, left their audience in suspense. “If I were to go through life without you by my side… I would not be living. Having you as my lover, as my friend, and as my companion, ensures that I will never feel alone, nor lonesome, again. I am excited, thrilled, to spend an eternity with your smile, with your laugh.” A ring had already been slid onto Y/N’s finger, yet Carlisle did not recede his hand. “Knowing you, has been the greatest gift I have ever received. I love you, Y/N.”
Several members of the congregation dabbed away tears that had gathered.
Y/N, also teary-eyed, took the ring held out to her. “Carlisle,” She breathed, before shakily taking his hand in her own, “Once again, you have managed to out-do me.” A patchy laugh came from the audience. “I used to think you over-rated,” Another laugh emerged, with a particularly loud chortle from Emmett, just behind Carlisle. “I felt like I already knew you, when we met. I’d heard so much about you…” Y/N quickly blinked away tears that had begun to form again, “I wish I hadn’t been so stubborn. Working with you, loving you… knowing you… You complete me in ways I didn’t know were possible.” Smiling softly, she paused to slide on Carlisle’s ring, then looked back up to gaze lovingly at his face. “I love you more than I can possible verbalise… I guess I’ll just spend forever, trying to find a way to tell you exactly how much I love you.”
To a vampire, time passed by slowly, always. Yet, in this moment, Carlisle felt like every second was at least a minute long… Eventually, their priest announced what he’d been waiting for, “You may kiss-” Carlisle didn’t bother listening to the rest of the sentence. Instead, he pulled Y/N into his arms, dipped her low, then planted his lips onto hers desperately. Their lips slotted together seamlessly, this particular dance one their lips had danced dozens of times before.
A wolf-whistle pulled them apart. Y/N was breathing heavily, quite flustered. Carlisle was beaming.
The newly-weds marched arm-in-arm out of the church, grinning and smiling despite the fact it had begun to drizzle. Carlisle’s sleek Mercedes, which had been adorned with matching ribbon, was parked out front. The drive to the Cullen residence was full of the two lover’s giggles, and their murmurs of admiration.
Secretly, both of them counted down the hours until they could leave for their honeymoon (with Carlisle counting the minutes and seconds, as well). Y/N had no idea where they would be going, but she’d booked three weeks off of work for it, so it had to be far from Forks.
Carlisle assured her, “You’ll love it.” What person wouldn’t want an island, and home, completely secluded from the rest of the world – their own perfect, quiet spot? Though, to Carlisle; where they celebrated didn’t matter, rather it was the fact they celebrated at all that truly thrilled him. His long wait was over… Carlisle Cullen was married to his mate.
The only thing going amiss, was the fact that she was very much still a human. But, Carlisle mused as he pulled into his home’s large garage, that was a problem for another day.
Masterlist for this series | Part 1 | Part 2
@iamwarrenspeace, @stilesloverdaily, @itsnotnormalteen, @aw-hawkeye, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @snapplejuice, @lookatflam, @seninjakitey, @theshortegg, @lexa-hataka, @gqlqxies, @artemis629, 
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formerprincess · 6 years
Royally in love
I thought of this prompt a while and ago and even had it before Thiam but with the Royal Wedding today I got new inspiration. So here, have Prince!Liam and his bourgeois boyfriend Theo. 
Theo unlocked the door to the apartment and stepped inside. “I’m home,” he announced while he threw his keys on the sideboard in the hallway and kicked the door shut. Liam didn’t answer and that alone was enough to make Theo frown. Liam wasn’t known for being quiet; you always knew where he was one way or another. His bag was there, his shoes were there, his keys were there, so Liam was home. Why wasn’t he answering Theo’s greeting?
He frowned and left his shoes by the coat rack before he ventured further into the apartment in search for said boyfriend. They had met two years ago when Liam had been nineteen and they had fallen for each other after various meetings all over the university campus. Theo liked Liam’s passion and honest ways, Liam liked Theo’s sarcasm and his ability to calm Liam whenever the younger man needed it. When they finally started dating both had been afraid it would be strange since they started out as friends but it only took two dates for them to realize they had developed feelings for each other. Everything afterward was history. 
They didn’t exactly live together but Theo constantly stayed at Liam’s apartment near the campus so he called it home and had his mail delivered there. Theo was pretty sure Liam was special to him and had more impact on him than any other relationship. So it was safe to say Theo cared about Liam and when his boyfriend was clearly home but not answering he was either sleeping (and Liam never slept during the day) or something was up.
He found Liam on the couch in their living room, twisting an elegant looking envelope between his fingers.  “Hey, there you are,” Theo announced and Liam raised his head to look at him. Had he looked deep in thoughts before, he now looked sad and nervous. “Hey, Theo,” he greeted softly.  Theo narrowed his eyes. “What’s wrong?” he inquired and sat down next to Liam to put one arm around him.  Liam sighed and looked back at the envelope in his hands. “I need to talk to you,” he mumbled hesitantly. When he looked up again, his blue eyes had a slightly panicked expression in them. “And I am really scared you will freak out.” “Baby.” Theo pulled Liam closer and stroked his cheek with his other hand. “There is nothing you could tell me that would freak me out. I trust you with everything so I know you didn’t cheat on me, therefore whatever you have to say can’t be that bad. Just go on and say what you have to say. You will feel better after that.” The younger of the two of them sighed and smiled weakly. “I would never cheat on you but I’m still not sure about the whole not freaking out part. What I have to tell you is huge.” “Go on, Liam, tell me. Nothing can make me run away.” Theo kissed his cheek and squeezed Liam’s shoulder in support. Liam sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. 
“My brother’s getting married,” he explained and looked down at the envelope he was still holding.  “That’s great, right? You’re happy for your brother, aren’t you?” Theo knew Liam and his brother Matthew had a great relationship and keep contact with texts or video calls if they had the time. “He’s getting married in your home country?”  Liam wasn’t American. He came from a very small country instead, so small it almost didn’t show up by name on some maps but had brought up some of the best scholars the world had and was an important trade partner for the USA, Canada, and some countries in Europe. Liam had told him great things about his home country and Theo would like to travel there with his boyfriend one day.
Now Liam got up and paced back and forth while he wrought his hands. “Remember when I told you my parents are politicians? Well, I told you the truth but not the full truth, I kinda twisted the truth.” Theo frowned. He had no idea what Liam was hinting. “What do you mean?” “My mom and my dad, they’re the queen and the king of our country. My brother is the heir to the throne and I’m the second-born prince.” Liam’s words made Theo scoff. “Good joke, Liam. But seriously, tell me what you need to tell me. Stop fooling around.” “I am not joking.” Liam looked serious. “My family is the royal family of my country.” 
Theo stared at his boyfriend. Had he thought Liam was truly joking in the beginning, he now began to understand Liam was, in fact, serious. He frowned. “Okay, let me repeat that. You are a prince from a foreign country and you never bothered to tell me about this until now. We are together for almost two years!” Liam raised his shoulders and looked like a kicked puppy. “I wanted to get to know you in the beginning and then I always searched for the right moment to tell you everything and all of sudden two years happened. Believe me, I searched for the right moment to tell you but it never came and now that my brother is getting married I found it was a good opportunity. Because I would love to attend the wedding with you, of course.” “Of course,” Theo parroted. His head was spinning and he had a hard time getting everything together. “You understand I am not overjoyed by the sudden realization that my boyfriend is somebody else than who he told me?” “I am not a different person! I never lied to you, I just wasn’t entirely true about my heritage!” Theo rolled his eyes. “That doesn’t make this any better. Which parts did you exclude? Anything else you might have not told me about?” He was snappy, he noticed himself, but he was currently overwhelmed. And when he got overwhelmed, Theo got pissed.  Liam flinched back and bit his lip before he shook his head. “I just didn’t tell you I’m a prince. My parents let me come to America so I could study in peace and have a normal life, meet normal people. That’s it. There was no lie in what I told you. The only things I didn’t tell you are me being a prince and Brett being my bodyguard.” “Brett? Neighbour Brett? One of your best friends??” Theo shrieked. “He is one of my best friends. But he’s also my personal security.” Theo glared at Liam. “Don’t tell me he was always around when we were on a date!” Liam stayed silent and rubbed his neck in an ashamed fashion. Theo growled. “So much for having alone time.”
****** “He is a real prince with a crown and a  castle.” 
After Liam’s reveal, Theo had left the apartment and avoided talking to his royal boyfriend. Now he found himself in the candy store his best friend Corey worked in a day later and shared his sorrows while Corey was stocking up shelves. “Isn’t it more a palace than a castle?” Corey asked nonchalantly and filled a jar with gummy bears.  “I don’t care what he’s having. I’m sure his family has more than one estate! But that’s aside from the point. Have you listened to me, Corey? My boyfriend, the man I’m dating for two years, is a mother fucking prince. Could you please stop being so calm about this?” Theo hissed. Corey sighed and put some licorice sticks in another jar before he turned around. “Why? You’re doing enough freaking out for the two of us.”
Theo gaped at him. So much for being a best friend. “How can you be so cool about the whole story?” He asked flabbergasted. Corey gave him a flat look and rolled his eyes. “You are basically living every little gay boy’s dream and I really don’t see the problem. Okay, Liam didn’t tell you about his status from the start but that is very understandable. He was a prince when you met him and he was a prince when you fell in love with him. He was also a prince every night and day you two had sex, kissed, and were a disgustingly sweet couple. Didn’t you once drunkenly call him your very own prince? There you have it. Your very own real Disney prince, just without the wicked stepmother.” “But...,” Theo began and Corey shook his head. “No, but! Do you love Liam?” “You know I do.” “Then what is your problem? You’ve been through some shit in your life and now your very own fairytale is coming true. Enjoy it.”
Theo abused his lower lip by biting it with his teeth. “I have no idea how to be royal. What if I do something that makes the whole court laugh at me? What if I do something that causes diplomatic trouble?” “You are aware you would not be the first bourgeois person to fall in love with a royal person right? Kate, Meghan, Daniel to just name a few. Your advantage is that Liam’s country is insanely open-minded. With Liam’s older brother becoming king they would be the first country to have a gay king, did you know that? This is a huge step for our community, and even in other regards, the royal family proved how modern they are.”  “You know a lot about them.” Corey shrugged nonchalantly. “I once gave a presentation about the country and I maybe also thought about moving there once I finished college.”
That surprised Theo since he had no idea about his best friend’s ideas. “Really? Wow.” “I am uncommitted. Why not?” He poked Theo’s shoulder. “But back to the topic at hand: You go back to your boyfriend and talk it out. Liam loves you and he would never let you embarrass yourself in front of the court. You’re also a very charming person and usually pretty confident. You will take everyone by storm but for that, you need to talk to your prince.”  “But what if he’s angry at me for leaving? What if he doesn’t want to talk to me?” Corey took Theo by the shoulders and spun him around. “Less worrying, more making up with your prince!” He pushed his friend towards the door. “I don’t want to hear from you again before you and Liam had make-up-sex and you're curled under the covers!”
****** Fighting with Liam was never something Theo enjoyed. They were both stubborn and proud but it always felt wrong to fight with the one person who made Theo so happy. This time they were not even fighting so Theo felt stranger than usually when he knocked on the door of Liam’s apartment sometime later. After Corey had friendly kicked him out of the store, he had walked around a bit and thought about what he wanted to say before he finally made his way to Liam’s place. He had left his keys in the apartment last time, so he had to knock and impatiently wait for Liam to open.
The door opened and revealed Liam in grey sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt. His hair was disheveled like always when he ran his hands through it. A habit he had when he was stressed or distressed. He looked tired Theo noticed with a pang of guilt in his heart but when he saw Theo standing there, his blue eyes lit up. “Hi,” he still said tentatively as if he wasn’t so sure what he should make out of Theo appearing at his doorstep.  Theo raised a single yellow rose. “The florist told me a yelling rose stands for saying sorry. I am sorry for leaving.” He awkwardly handed the rose to Liam and then pushed his hands into the pocket of his jeans, unsure what to do with them now. Liam took the rose with a surprised look on his face. “Thank you? Uhm...do you...want to come in?” “Yes, please.” Theo was happy Liam offered this and they got over this strange situation between them. Liam now stepped aside and let Theo enter the apartment before he softly closed the door after them. 
The two young men stared at each other and silence stretched between them until Liam pulled himself together. “Listen, before you say something, let me. I am sorry for jumping you like that, for making you feel like I lied to you for the cause of our relationship. I didn’t but I know now that my attempt to breach the subject wasn’t the best. I understand that you’re mad at me.” Theo shook his head. “I’m not mad at you.” Liam looked hopeful. “You aren’t?” “Not anymore, at least. I admit it was very overwhelming, it still is, but I know my reaction to this was also wrong. Should have stayed and talked it out with you.” “But you came back.”  “I came back.” Theo nodded. “After I talked with Corey and he more or less told me to stop being so overly dramatic and talk with you. He’s right, you were a prince when we met and got together, you just didn’t tell me. I just...Guess I kind of freaked because suddenly the love of my life is a prince and has his own country and that means people are also watching me as his partner and that kind of scares me.” He shrugged helplessly. This basically boiled it down to the point. 
Liam put his rose down and walked over to Theo to take his Theo’s hands in his own. “It was never my goal to scare you but I get why this became scary. I am sorry. Why don’t we sit down and talk about everything again? In a peaceful manner.”
Theo looked at Liam, looked at his beautiful blue eyes and the dark blonde hair falling into his eyes; took in the hopeful look in Liam’s eyes and how warm his hands felt around his own. He loved this man and would be damned if this was something that came between them. Prince or not, Liam was the love of his life and if that meant taking on whatever life as a royal meant, Theo would do it for now. “We talk later, okay? For now, there is something more important.”
“And what?” Liam inquired curiously and got his answer when Theo kissed him and freed his hands from Liam’s grip to wrap both arms around his boyfriend’s waist. Liam sighed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Theo’s neck. 
****** “That’s the palace where my family lives. We have some residences on the county side for the summer but this is our main estate. It is beautiful and the garden is everything. Our gardeners are extremely proud of their work. They have every right to be if you ask me. And here they will get married and then drive towards the venue of the party.” 
It was the next morning and Liam and Theo sat in front of Liam’s laptop so Liam could show Theo some pictures of his home country and explain some things to his partner. After he had overcome his shock about Liam’s heritage, Theo was actually quite curious about everything. Yet what he liked the most was the way Liam’s eyes lit up when he talked about his country and his brother’s wedding. His boyfriend was happy and that was all Theo could want. 
He had one arm steadied on the backrest of Liam’s chair and looked at his boyfriend who now noticed he was watched rather than the laptop screen. “What?” He asked with a laugh. “You’re beautiful, you know that? And your happiness makes you glow even more than you already do.” Liam blushed a very interesting shade of red and spluttered. “I...uhm...Thanks.” Theo smirked and kissed his cheek. “Can’t wait to see everything for real. Though I’m still afraid your family and your people will hate me.” Liam put a hand on his knee. “They like what they already saw form you. Our country isn’t the biggest so we rarely make it to the front page of the tabloids but the press in my country sometimes prints something about my whereabouts and my family always watches over me. If any of them thought you were not a good match for me, they surely would have interfered in the last two years.” “How exactly should I imagine this interfering you’re talking about?” Theo raised an eyebrow.  Liam smirked. “My grandmother, the former queen, marching into our apartment and telling you to leave. And you would leave. My grandma is a very elegant woman but she’s nobody you want to mess with.”  “Can’t wait to meet her.” 
Theo pulled Liam closer and wrapped both arms around him in a sideways hug. “So, your brother and his boyfriend got engaged. What happens now?” “Well, if somebody from the royal family gets engaged, there is a photoshoot of the couple. Them and the royal publicist choose the best picture and then the palace declares the engagement together with publishing the picture. People come together in front of the palace, the engaged couple waves for the crowd and is introduced as the engaged couple. Only if the palace announces the engagement it’s official. Then the planning for the wedding starts, a date is chosen; the usual stuff. The couple attends some public appointments and gatherings, the invitations are sent, and then a rehearsal dinner is held, there are rehearsals of the ceremony, the program is made. It’s like every other wedding, except it is bigger and there are more cameras and people watching.” “And when we get there the cameras will also be watching us.” “Hey.” Liam put a hand under Theo’s chin and made him look up. “They will love you almost as much as I do. You are a great man, charming and nice, and you know how to talk and move. Yes, they will watch us because I am coming home and for the first time my boyfriend’s with me but that’s okay. The main focus is on Matt and his soon-to-be husband Nate.”  “We’re not taking too much attention away from them with me showing up all of sudden?” Theo really didn’t want to do anything wrong. Liam shook his head. “It’s how we do things. When my grandparents abdicated and my parents took over as king and queen Matt brought Nate along for the first time. It was a perfect opportunity to show the new addition but not have to create a special event for that, you know?” He kissed Theo. “It will be wonderful and they all will love you.” “You will have to tell me this a few more times.” Liam chuckled. “No problem at all.” Theo kissed him gently. “Hey, when we fly to the wedding, can we take Corey with us? Not to attend the wedding but so he can visit your country? I think a vacation would do him good and he was the one who helped me over my crisis.” “Sure. We have enough space for one more guest.”
****** Theo was....relieved. His expectations about a crowd of paparazzi gathering in the arrival hall of the airport, ready to snatch a picture of them, had not come true. Liam had smiled and squeezed his hand ere he leaned in an kissed Theo’s cheek before Brett ushered them to the car waiting for them. And now they were on their way to the palace and Liam showed Corey and Theo the town a bit. 
It was cute and very bright-looking. The houses were white or red and had a very Italian flair to them, you saw vineyards in the distance and olive trees. A soft breeze flowed through the streets and you smelled the ocean not far away. Not one cloud was in the sky and the sun was shining brightly. Perfect weather for a wedding. 
The ride to the palace went over far too soon and then suddenly there was this really big building and Theo swallowed. It was getting serious, he could not turn around. Once the car passed the iron gates he had to meet Liam’s family. He was excited but still oh so very worried they would think he was not worthy of being with Liam. His prince seemed to notice his nerves because he took Theo’s hand in his and laced their fingers together. 
“They will love you,” he whispered while the car drove through the gates and the guards saluted. The car drove up the big driveway and held in front of the white stone stairs leading up to the entrance doors. A few other guards stood there and one hurried over to open the door and help them get out.   “Prince Liam, welcome home,” he said and Liam smiled and shook his hand. “Good to be back, Jeffrey.” He pointed at Corey and Theo. “This is a friend of mine, Corey Bryant. And this is my boyfriend, Theo Raeken.”  Corey and Theo raised their hand in greeting and smiled shyly. For somebody not used to being greeted by men in uniform and so formally, this was entirely strange. 
“Everything is already been taken care of and the rooms are ready. Your luggage will be brought to your room,” another voice said and a big smile spread across Liam’s face when a young man walked down the stairs. “Mason!” He hugged his best friend and Mason happily hugged him back. Theo met him once when Mason visited them in America. It made him smile to see how happy the best friends were to meet again. Mason now let go of Liam and shook Theo’s hand. “Welcome and nice to meet you again.” Theo smiled. “Thank you. Good to see you.” “Mason, this is Theo’s best friend Corey. I told you he’s coming with us. You have a room for him as well, right?” “Liam, I know my job!” Mason rolled his eyes but then he glanced at Corey and stopped dead in his tracks. He and Corey looked at each other for several moments without saying anything or doing anything. Finally, Mason took Corey’s hand in his. “I am sorry, my best friend didn’t tell me such a beautiful guy was accompanying him. Allow me to show you your room.”
Corey giggled but then nodded and let Mason lead him up the stairs.  “Mason, where is my brother? My parents?” Liam called after them and Mason made a vague hand motion towards the palace. “In there.” Theo grinned at his boyfriend’s face. Liam looked kind of taken aback but then he grinned. “I’d say that’s love at first sight, huh?” “Kinda,” Theo agreed and Liam nodded at the entrance. “Okay, come on.” He took Theo’s hand and led him into the large building.
“Holy shit!” Theo was speechless. The inside was so luxurious, there were marble and statues and real paintings and everything was polished and neat. Two long hallways led from the entrance hall and big stairs made from wood led up to the first floor. Liam guided Theo upstairs and down the hallway. “Where are we going?”  “To my room. Our luggage will arrive soon as well.” “Is it okay if we share a room?” Theo was not so sure about that one. Liam shot him a smirk. “Baby, we’re basically living together for almost two years now and sleep in the same bed every night. It won’t change now.”
“Don’t let the morals enforcer hear this,” an amused voice to their right sounded up. An elderly man with white hair and dressed in dark blue dress pants, a white shirt, and a dark blue cardigan had stepped out of a room. He had the same blue eyes Liam had inherited and which now lit up. “Grandpa!” He dropped Theo’s hand and then hugged his grandfather who laughed and returned the hug. “Welcome home, Liam.” Liam smiled happily and then broke the hug to introduce Theo. “Gramps, that’s Theo, I told you about him. Theo, that’s my grandpa Maxwell.” Maxwell shook Theo’s hand with a welcoming smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Theo. Oh, is it okay when I call you Theo? Or would you rather be called Theodore?” “Oh god, please no, Theo s fine. It’s nice meeting you, your majesty.” Theo realized he had no idea how to properly address Liam’s family members but Maxwell smiled.  “Maxwell is fine, don’t worry, son. Welcome to our wonderful home.” He looked at Liam. “Your brother and his fiancé are at a meeting and will be here soon, your parents are somewhere and your grandmother is in the kitchen. Make yourself a home and we all will gather soon.” 
“Okay.” Liam took Theo’s hand again and dragged him further down the corridor. They finally reached his room and he opened the door and pulled Theo inside. And Theo’s jaw dropped. “This is your room?” “Yep,” Liam confirmed and closed the door. He walked to the big double bed and sat down on it. Theo still stood at the door, completely gobsmacked by the interior.  “This is not a room, this is a fucking apartment itself!”
The bed stood angular to the wall behind it and right to the middle of the room. Behind the bed, Theo could see a balcony and the white curtains flowing in the wind.  On the left was a door leading to the bathroom and since the door was open Theo saw a big shower and a big whirlpool corner bathtub. To his right, was a smaller room where Liam’s wardrobe was located and when Theo took a look inside he felt like he was in a small boutique. Arrays of belts, shoes, pants, shirts, everything neatly on hangers and shelves and when he opened the drawers he saw Liam’s bracelets and watches neatly stacked there. There was even a bench in the middle of the dressing room and a full-length mirror. 
Theo huffed out a breath and walked back into the bedroom where he let himself fall onto the grey couch belonging to a seating area with a chair, a couch, a small couch table, a bookshelf and right next to it was Liam’s desk with a modern laptop and a tablet pc on it as well as various pictures and a pinboard littered with papers, pictures and other things. The whole room was kept in cream and grey colors, occasionally black or white, but instead of making it look clinical and sterile, the grey made it look warm and soft. It fit Liam. 
“This is probably as large as your apartment, honey.”  Liam shrugged. “I’m not into all that luxury. I grew up like that and it may sound arrogant but my parents worked to make sure Matty and I know where the money comes from and that you have to work hard. Sure, my heritages makes it impossible to live in a dorm room for example, too dangerous, but I don’t need large apartments for myself. Though it’s nice I can spoil my man a bit now.” Theo smiled and leaned back. “Your man, huh?” Liam got up from the couch and walked over to straddle Theo’s lap. “Aren’t you?” He inquired and wrapped his arms loosely around Theo’s neck.  “I’m sure I am. But I love to hear you say it.” Theo stroked Liam’s back with the palms of his hands and then pulled him in so they could kiss softly. 
They kissed for a while, soft and sweet kisses because Theo feared if they would go further and Liam’s family would barge in their getting to know each other would be totally destroyed. He didn’t need to introduce himself while Liam was either fucking him or Theo had his dick inside Liam.  He still moaned when Liam bit down on his lip and sucked on it ere he released it with a wet plop and leaned his forehead against Theo’s. “Whatever occasion, whatever gathering we attend I will be by your side, okay? When you get scared just focus on me. I make sure you won’t make a fool of yourself and I will show you how to behave. Mason will also give you a little crash course so you’re ready for everything.” “Okay.” Theo was still nervous but he trusted Liam. His boyfriend believed in him. He leaned against Liam and cuddled him. “I love you.” “Hm, I love you too.” Liam kissed him again and then rubbed his nose against Theo’s. Theo smiled and then suppressed a yawn.
“Tired? If you want a coffee, there’s a coffee maker in the corner.” Theo’s head whipped around. “You have a coffee maker in your room?” Liam got up from Theo’s lap and nodded. “It’s just a capsule coffee maker but help yourself, the staff always refills it.”  Theo was speechless and got up to help himself to a cup of coffee. You could even choose between various intensities and there was a small cupboard holding various cups. He decided on a white cup and a capsule and fixed himself a cup of coffee.  Liam meanwhile had stepped out on the balcony and Theo joined him with his coffee.  Underneath them stretched the palace garden with colorful flowers and olive trees and it was so peacefully calm, Theo could relate to Liam telling him he liked to sit here and just enjoy the view. 
“It’s wonderful, your country and everything. Why didn’t we come here sooner?” Liam shrugged. “Maybe I was afraid.” The wind was blowing through his hair and Theo sipped on his coffee while he made a questioning sound. Liam elaborated: “Maybe I was afraid that if I told you about my heritage sooner, you would run away. I wasn’t scared you would take advantage of me, I knew you are not that type of person, but I feared you would think this is too much effort for me. Happened in the past, so I guess I grew cautious.” “You are worth every effort, Liam. Trust me in this and if you told me earlier I wouldn’t have run away. Maybe at first, like I did, but I would have come back. Because you are worth that somebody is coming back to you.”  Liam smiled softly at Theo and wrapped his arms around him. “I love you so much.” Theo sipped his coffee and wrapped one arm around Liam’s waist. “I love you too, Li.” 
A knock on the door could be heard and then the door opened. “Sweetie, are you here?”
“Mom!” Liam let Theo go in favor of running into the room and flung his arms around his mother. Theo smiled softly. Liam’s mom looked just like him, the same facial features as her son. She was a beautiful woman and at the same time, she radiated power. It was a tiny bit intimidating if Theo was being honest and it didn’t help that now Liam’s dad also stepped into the room and hugged his son as well. Liam smiled and was obviously very happy to be back at home.
And then he introduced Theo. “Mom, Dad, I told you so much about him but now he’s actually here. This is Theo, my boyfriend. And Theo, those are my parents, Ilona and Lucas.” He hurried over to Theo and pulled him closer so he could greet the king and the queen. Theo’s heart thrummed against his ribcage and he worried it could be heard in the room. He realized Liam had not told him if he should bow down or not and he was a little bit unsure what to do. How did you bow correctly? Was there a guide for that?
But Liam’s mother seemed to sense his distress and she laughed light-heartedly. “In this family, we only bow down to special public occasions. And you belong to Liam, so you are part of this family” And then she hugged him. “I am so happy we finally get to meet you. You make Liam so happy, that’s all I could ever want as a mother.”  Theo swallowed dryly. It was long since he had a mother and felt a motherly hug. But Ilona was so welcoming and nice, it was hard to not like her immediately. And her words hit home as well so when they parted he had no idea what to say and just smiled shyly. “I am happy to be here. Thank you for the invitation.”  “Can’t have Liam without the man who makes him so happy. It was about time we host both of you here,” Liam’s father said and shook Theo’s hand. Liam smiled proudly and his boyfriend and leaned in to press a kiss against his cheek. Theo smiled at his boyfriend’s antics. Liam was beaming and buzzing with pride of having his boyfriend here with him and introducing him to his family, show him his country, it was also a vote of confidence for Theo. If Liam was so sure his boyfriend would be loved by everybody, how could Theo doubt himself?
Liam now clapped his hands. “Where is the happy couple by the way?” “They have yet another appointment but soon will be here. Your brother was delighted when he heard you were arriving so soon. But you should say hello to your grandmother as well. She’s going over the menu for the wedding with the chef in the kitchen.”
“May I correct, I was in the kitchen.” Liam’s grandmother just walked down the hallway and entered her grandson’s room and once more Theo had to swallow. Everybody saw The Princess Diaries? Julie Andrews had been amazing and Theo felt like Liam’s own grandmother might have been the example for this role. Both women were very elegant and sophisticated and despite her age, she was still beautiful and looked young. She smiled genuinely at her grandson and cupped his face with her hands.  “Look at you, a handsome young man. Welcome home, Liam.” He beamed at her, kissed her cheeks, and hugged her. “I’m happy to be back, grandma.” “Well, I surely hope so.” Evelyn laughed and patted Liam’s back. And then her glance fell on Theo. 
“That’s him.” It was a statement, not a question. Liam still nodded. “That’s Theo, yes.” Evelyn came closer to Theo, pale blue eyes looking at him appraisingly. “You’re the one that makes my grandson so happy?” Theo nodded slowly. “I sure hope so,” he tried a tentative joke. “You hope so or you know so?” “Mother!” Liam’s mother exclaimed. “I love your grandson if that’s what you’re getting at. And I hope I make him as happy as he makes me. I sure work on this every day,” Theo explained calmly even if his heart was thundering in his chest. If Liam’s grandmother hated him their relationship was more or less over since he knew how important his family was to Liam. Evelyn watched him for a few moments and then a smile appeared on her face. “I like him, he stands his grounds,” she announced and Theo exhaled softly before he shook her hand.
A servant appeared. “The tea is served in the garden,” she informed and then disappeared again. “Wonderful!” Evelyn was the first to turn around and tread down the hallway, followed by the rest of the group with Theo and Liam being the last ones. Liam gave Theo’s hand a squeeze. “See? I told you they will love you.” Theo gave him a soft smile. “I am happy they do but this is more thrilling than anything I ever did in my entire life.” “You’re doing great so far and grandma likes you; otherwise she would have interrogated you way longer.” He stole a quick kiss from Theo. “I’m proud of you.”
They stepped into the garden and made their way over to the laid table. Two men were already waiting for them there and it took one look at the first one’s blonde hair and his blue eyes and Theo knew this was Matthew. He looked like an older version of Liam, just like Liam had described him. Theo had seen pictures but no picture did the resemblance justice. 
Matthew now smirked and hugged his brother when Liam dashed past his parents and tackled him in a hug. He had missed his family, Theo realized this, and it made his heart ache for his boyfriend. Liam studied in America to get the chance of a normal life for a few years but he obviously missed his family and his home. And if he was being honest, Theo realized while he looked around, he wouldn’t mind living here. Maybe not in the palace but in this beautiful small country. But that was still up in the air. 
“I’m taking a wild guess and say you’re Theo, right?” The other man Theo had not met yet stepped towards him and held out his hand. “I’m Nate, the one marrying Matt. Nice to meet you.” He smiled and Theo felt himself smile back. From all the people he met her Nate was the least formal and he liked him immediately. It felt different to talk with him and he felt himself relax.  “I’m Theo, yeah. Congratulations to the engagement.” “Thank you.” Nate grinned and looked over at Liam and Matt. Both were talking and joking around and he shook his head with a little smile. “That will take some time. Those two have such a strong relationship, it’s insane. I’m an only child but with this wedding, I surely get a little brother in Liam.” Theo chuckled. Nate was absolutely right. The brothers were very close, despite the distance between them most of the time with Matt being here and Liam being at the university.
“How was your first day at the palace? I remember when I came here for the first time, I was completely overwhelmed and I constantly prayed I’m not doing anything silly or saying something stupid or inappropriate.” Nate’s honest words made Theo nod. “It is something else. I’m not titled and I didn’t even know Liam was until we got the invitation to the wedding, so this is a whole new world and I’m still trying to get used to it.” “No kidding! I know exactly how you feel. I’m not noble myself, I’m just a normal boy from Boston who fell in love with a prince.” “You’re also American? I didn’t know that!” It was one more similarity between them and it made talking to Nate even easier. Nat grinned and ran a hand through his brunette hair. “Yep. I met Matty on a party, we talked. I knew who he was because it was like an open secret at our university. I never really expected a prince to like me, who was I? Nothing more than the son of a firefighter and a florist. But we talked the whole evening and then exchanged numbers and even then I was convinced he would never call me again. He did, however, we messaged and talked and over the time I fell in love with him. Now we’re getting married.” “Weren’t you scared of all that? I still get scared stiff when I think about people watching every move, cameras filming and taking pictures, people judging everything I do.” Nate shrugged. “I was in the beginning but Matty told me that this is a job and he’s right. It is a job. A very demanding one but you will learn how to behave, what to do. There will always be people who judge what colors you’re wearing or take a very unflattering picture and gossip about you. But they also that in the normal life as well. And when you’re home, you’re normal, okay? It is different than working from 9 to 5 but you can also influence people and help make life a little bit better for someone.”
Their talk was interrupted by Liam and Matt stepping to them. “Theo, nice to finally meet you face-to-face.” Matt shook his hand and Theo smiled. They had once met when Liam video called his brother. Despite being the older brother Matt had always made him feel welcome and Theo knew the older supported their relationship. 
“Congratulations on the engagement, Matthew.” Liam snickered. “Look at that, you can be polite,” he teased his boyfriend and Theo just tickled his side. Liam squeaked and wrapped both arms around Theo to stop him from tickling him further.
“Boys, do you want some tea? Or cake?” Liam’s mother asked and the four of them followed the invitation and sat down with the other adults to eat and drink something. 
****** Theo had to say, for his first day at the palace he was quite proud of himself. No big mistakes as far as he was concerned and Liam’s family really seemed to like him. That night he found himself back in Liam’s room and brushed his teeth in the adjoining bathroom while Liam was lounging on the bed and watched TV. He had a TV in his room, a flat screen, and Theo had not even noticed it the first time. It was embedded in the wall but when Liam pointed it out Theo had indeed felt a little bit stupid for overlooking it. On the other hand, the whole room was so luxurious, Theo had been flashed by all of it.
He just rinsed out his mouth when Liam called him. “Hey, look, they filmed our arrival.” “What?” Theo grabbed his towel tighter and patted into the bedroom. True to Liam’s words there was a video of them getting in the car at the airport and then the video cut to them getting out of the car in front of the palace, filmed through the iron gates. Theo had not noticed anybody filming them at all. Now it cut back to the news anchors who talked about the homecoming of Prince Liam and the man by his side. They talked about Theo without calling his name and it felt strange.  “I wasn’t aware this would be so interesting they had to make a report about this.” “They make reports about everything that could relate to the wedding. People arriving, shopping trips made, the gardeners watering the plants. The people are thirsting for it.” Liam looked at Theo and sighed when he saw the lost look on Theo’s face. He reached out and gently grasped Theo’s wrist to pull him on the bed. 
“I wish I could tell you this is an exception but it isn’t. This is my life and since you’re my boyfriend it’s part of your life as well. The best you can do is to ignore it most of the time, act like they’re not there. Wave a few times, smile, but let them be.” “Hm.” Theo just hummed.  Liam sighed and leaned his head against Theo’s. “I am sorry and I wish I could send them all away but I can’t. Maybe if we lived stateside it would become less but every once in a while they might appear even there.” “Is that what you want? To live stateside, far away from your family?” Theo needed Liam to give an honest answer. Liam shrugged. “I have to finish my studies and then we’ll see.” “I see how happy you are here, here is your family.” “You’re my family too.” “I know that, Li, and I don’t want to make you choose. I just don’t know if you have the right partner for the life you’re living.”  Liam kissed him. “You are the love of my life. No matter what, you are the right one for me. I know that much,” he mumbled against Theo’s lips. “I don’t want to pressure you but I’m here for you and I will always help you. Please give yourself some time to get used to it, okay? That’s all I’m asking.” Theo sighed but nodded. “I can do that, I guess.”
****** Theo could not sleep and so he found himself out in the hallway, watching the moonlight shine down on the garden. He needed to walk a bit so he had left the room and stopped at one of the big windows to marvel at the peace. It calmed his inner turmoil 
“Trouble sleeping?” Nate appeared out of another room and startled Theo. “Sorry,” he whispered at Theo’s reaction.  “It’s okay.” Theo waved it off. “Yeah, I could not fall asleep, too much on my mind.” “I feel you. Come on, they have the tastiest ice cream in the kitchen. Perfect for nights like this.”  Theo smiled and followed the older down the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. 
It was completely dark and empty but Nate knew his way around and soon they both had two bowls of ice cream in front of them and ate.  “Thinking about your first day, huh?” Nate knew that feeling. Theo sighed. “More about the future. I’m not sure I’m the right partner for a prince of all people. Liam is so casual about this but I’m just me. I’m not sure I can pull being in the public eye like that.”
“It’s tough, not gonna lie. You give up part of your freedom, that’s how it is. There is no use in me lying about that one. You become a celebrity and you come to understand why so many of them hate paparazzi. But real talk here, the only other option would be to break up with Liam. Even if you both lived in the USA or somewhere else that is not the palace, the public eye is always on him. There are other royal children who live with normal partners all over the world but they all tell the same story. They are what they are and can’t get rid of their heritage. So the choice you have to make is what you want. Liam or being alone. Me, for example, I quarreled with the same choice once. But I’m pretty sure if you once meet the one nobody else can make you as happy as them. So breaking up with Matt would have meant giving up my one true love and I couldn’t do it. And now all the media became normal, I can tune them out, you know? Took me a while but I learned how to do it and I’m still learning. I have a great partner by my side and if we rule this kingdom one day, I know I can do my part to make parts of this world a better place.”
Theo stayed still and ate his ice cream. There were so many conflicting feelings inside him. He loved Liam but he was scared. He was over his head but he didn’t want to let his boyfriend down.  Nate tilted his head. “Give yourself some time to get used to this. Test it out. And if you want to go home, you’re faster in the airplane than you might think. See this as your last resort if everything else fails.”
****** The nightly talk with Nate had helped Theo. Nate came from the same walk of life as Theo and he would soon marry the future king. If Nate could pull it off, Theo saw a tiny possibility he may do the same. So he would try and for the next days, he paid close attention to everything around himself and to the crash course Mason was giving him. 
Corey was a great help as well and always around when Mason was teaching Theo the Do’s and Don’ts of the court. Having your best friend by your side made things easier, that’s for sure, and they laughed a lot. Liam joined them as well mostly and it gave the couple a whole new sense of belonging. They joked around, Liam taught him how to wave in the best way without it looking ridiculous, and Theo learned about another side of his boyfriend. He had gotten to know Liam as cute and playful but now as a prince, he acted more mature and responsible. It was sexy as hell. 
“You’re gorgeous,” Theo muttered into his ear one day during rehearsal. He had both arms around Liam’s waist and kissed his cheek and the shell of his ear. Liam shivered.  “I’m doing nothing.” “It’s you, just you. And this black dress shirt looks fantastic on you as well.” Liam’s quiet chuckle was music to Theo’s ear and he teasingly bit Liam’s earlobe. Liam shivered and slapped Theo’s ass.  “The engagement party starts in a few hours. Feel ready?” “I’m nervous but maybe if I have my first public appearance by your side, this will dissolve in thin air.” “That’s the spirit,” Corey praised before he hurried over to Mason and the two whispered to themselves. Theo was pretty sure his best friend was pretty much in love with Liam’s best friend and given that Theo saw them emerging a chamber with tousled hair and kiss-swollen lips the other day it seemed to go both ways. Mason looked at Corey like he hung the moon. 
“You will do great and the people will eat out of the palm of your hand. You bewitched me when we met, you will bewitch them all as well.” Liam pulled Theo into a kiss and smiled. “You are one charming man, Theo Raeken, and they will love you almost as much as I do.” “Almost?” Theo raised an eyebrow.  “Yeah. Nobody loves you as much as I do.” Liam grinned and Theo snickered before he pulled Liam into a passionate kiss and his prince could just wrap his arms around Theo’s neck and return the kiss. 
****** The party had started and Theo’s nervousness had reached a critical level. His heart was pounding, his palms were sweaty, and he really wondered how Liam managed to hold his hand without his own hand slipping. But Liam didn’t comment on that one and just gave Theo a comforting smile before they stepped out into the garden and let the crow see them. A murmur went through the crowd and Theo saw the people letting their eyes wander over his whole appearance. Liam had helped him pick out the white dress shirt and the light blue jacket, as well as dress pants and yet Theo, felt self-conscious about his outfit for a moment. Until Liam gently nudged him. “Wave and smile, darling, like the penguins from Madagascar.”
Theo snickered and gave Liam an amused look but then he raised his hand and waved at the press and the people who had gathered behind the iron gates of the palace to catch a glimpse at the party crowd. The crowd cheered and Theo felt his nerves calming a bit. He was still tensed but since he didn’t fall down the stairs it was a good start.
He continued to feel better and better as the party went on. Sure, the main focus was on Matt and Nate but Theo also talked with very important people. Turned out one of Matt’s study buddies was an earl and very interested in art so he and Theo talked for a very long time. Theo was so invested in the small talk with various people, he missed Liam’s proud looks and the fond smile every time his boyfriend looked at him. 
****** “The engaged couple spent the whole evening celebrating with their guests and shared some loving touches and kisses in quieter moments. Aside from the main couple, there was another couple rejoicing our heart. Prince Liam and his boyfriend Theo Raeken had their first appearance as a couple and we couldn’t be more delighted by the two of them. We smell a second wedding coming soon.” Mason read the newspaper article about the engagement party during breakfast and Theo felt proud of himself. He had not expected such a positive response to his first public appearance but here they were and he could not help but smile. 
“I told you they will love you,” Liam exclaimed and when Theo looked over at his boyfriend, he noticed Liam’s cheeks were flushed.  “You okay?” He asked amused and Liam muttered. “Yeah, of course. Everything's fine.” Liam nodded and smiled at Theo and the latter decided to let it drop for now. They had more important stuff to worry anyway, they were accompanying Matt and Nate to another social gathering and visited a children’s hospital later on. 
It was still so new for Theo and he was temporarily blinded when he stepped into the hospital and the flashes of the cameras went off but he felt a grip on his arm and somebody guiding him until he could see again. He wondered if that would get better but then his attention was drawn to the speeches given and then the kids were there and they were just so cute. Despite being sick they were lively and talked animatedly and when Theo looked over he saw Liam talking with two little boys. His heart melted at the sight of the kids admiring the young prince and Liam being gentle with them and making them laugh. It wasn’t the first time Theo thought about having a future with Liam but it was the first time he thought about having children. 
The whole journey had given Theo something to think. Liam was the love of his life, Theo had known that, but the more time they spend at Liam’s home country he felt their connection strengthen and he thought more and more about their future. Finish university was the first thing but then? Theo imagined them living here, between olive trees and vineyards, imagined having tea with king and queen, and attending charity events, maybe even working with a charity company. Theo could suddenly see all this and now he could also see children in their future. It made his heart sing and at the same time, it made him thoughtful. With accompanying Liam to the wedding of his brother, their relationship had not only done one big steps but several big jumps. It was terrifying as much as exciting at the same time.
****** But Theo could not help himself and over the cause of the next days, he felt himself falling in love with Liam over and over again. Whenever they appeared together, magazines would rave about the love between the two of them and Matt jokingly complained one day they would steal the spotlight. Liam had just grinned and raised their laced hands to kiss Theo’s knuckled. 
He did this a lot, touch Theo and search out his proximity, even when cameras were there. Handholding, cheek kisses, Liam was very touchy and Theo loved it. It made him feel cherished and it also calmed his nerves when they were in a new environment and a new public situation. Maybe Liam did it also to help Theo decide if that’s what he wanted. It was him who pulled Theo into this world so he did his best to show he would always be by Theo’s side.
Theo knew he would have to make a decision in the end. Because yes, he loved Liam and their relationship was great at the moment but he had to decide what he wanted for a long run. Always being in the public eye was also exhausting and he had to decide if he wanted this for the rest of his life. There were also rules to follow, despite the country being extremely modern and open-minded, this was also something he had to take into account. 
For now, he had a wedding to attend because today was the big day. The palace was buzzing with the latest preparations and everyone was happy. The sun was shining brightly and it was warm, perfect wedding weather. Theo was happy for Nate and Matt and he stole himself away from everything after he got dressed and went over the program one last time with Mason. He knew when he had to leave the palace and drive to the chapel, he knew where his seat was in the chapel, he knew Liam wouldn’t be there this time. His boyfriend was Matt’s best man so the brothers would arrive together; Theo felt a bit insecure about facing everything alone and it helped him to know every single step by heart. Mason had taken the time to go over it with Theo several times until Theo had been sure he would not screw up. 
He met with Corey who would be watching from the sidelines. Corey loved weddings so he was buzzing with joy and happiness. He smiled when he saw Theo. “You look gorgeous. Charcoal is your color.”  “Thanks.” The suit he was wearing had been tailored and Theo had never worn something that expensive before. It fit him perfectly and Liam had whistled when he wore it for the first time. The tailor had giggled and Theo had flushed deep red while Liam, the cheeky little shit, winked.  “I am excited about the wedding but it’s also sad because in a  few days this adventure will be over.” “Aren’t you and Mason meeting afterward?” “Sure we are but still. It’s over for a little while then.” Corey tugged at Theo’s sleeve. “What about you? Have you decided how to go on from here?”
As Theo’s best friend he knew about the thoughts running through Theo’s head at all the time, he knew about the struggle inside Theo.  Theo now raised his shoulders. “I know I love Liam and this other world, it’s new and thrilling. Liam and I, we made such big steps in our relationship since we’re here because I saw this other side of him and there is nothing between us anymore, no secret, you know? We’re completely open and it feels wonderful. Seeing him here makes my heart swell and I fall in love with him again and again. But I have to make the decision if I want to be in the limelight for the rest of my life.”
Corey smiled softly and tilted his head. “I know you since we’ve been in school together, so it’s safe to say I know you very well. Haven’t you made your decision? You say you fall in love with him again, isn’t this what’s important? The limelight, yes that comes with loving a prince and being part of the royal family, but your face lit up when you talked about Liam and your eyes sparkled. I’ve seen you happier the last couple of days than I’ve seen you in years. You’ve been through some tough shit with losing your family at an early age and all but you pushed through and now you landed yourself a man who makes you unconditionally happy. I personally think you already make your decision, you just didn’t choose those words. Think about it.” 
He gave Theo’s arm a squeeze when some of the servants came running down the hall and ushered Theo towards his car. The wedding was about to start and he had to drive to the chapel.
Corey’s words sounded in his head and he thought about every single one of it while he got in the car and during the short drive. There were people on both sides of the road cheering at everyone passing by, the mood was fantastic, and Theo noticed himself waving at them from time to time. He didn’t even think about it, it came naturally after the last days. Was he ready to do this for the rest of his life? 
The car came to a stop and the door was opened. The crowd screamed and cheered for him and he got out and waved with a soft smile before he turned around and wandered into the chapel. 
The guests had already gathered there and over the course of the next minutes, they all found their places. Theo moved to his own seat without thinking too much of it. His mind was still busy with his best friend’s words and when he now sat down and looked around, he also thought about his feelings for Liam and his feelings about the royal life. Theo wasn't a shy person, never had been, but there was a difference between not being shy and living in the limelight. Yet here he was, ready to attempt a royal wedding. His life had completely turned over and all thanks to Liam. 
Speaking of Liam: His boyfriend now entered the chapel by his brother’s side and stood in front of the altar. The brothers had a quiet conversation and at one point Liam looked at Theo and smiled, blue eyes sparkling with happiness. Theo smiled back and Liam’s smile made his heart jump happily inside his chest. He was so in love with this man and Liam looked gorgeous in his suit. That was his man there and no camera or royal rule could take that away from him. 
The rest of the wedding past in a blur for Theo. It was emotional and it was a very beautiful ceremony even though Theo was an atheist. But he liked the speeches that were being held and then the now married couple strode down the aisle and the royal family followed. Liam stopped by Theo’s seat and he extended his hand. It had been not in the protocol and Theo looked surprised but then took Liam’s hand and together they followed the king and the queen outside the chapel where the crowd was cheering.
****** ~2 years later ~
“Prince Liam and Mr. Theo Raeken are pleased to announce their royal engagement. The wedding will be held in Summer next year. Further details regarding the wedding will follow soon.”
The declaration held also a picture of the newly engaged couple with their heads leaned against each other and smiling softly, completely lost in their world and seconds away from kissing. Liam had raised his hand and the white-golden engagement ring was clear to be seen. 
It was a beautiful picture and Theo loved it. It showed how in love they really were. He now looked at Liam and smiled. “Ready?”
“Whenever you are,” Liam replied with a soft smile. He nodded and the guards opened the front doors of the palace so the couple could step out onto the top of the stairs and wave at the excited crowd that had gathered to share this very special moment with them. Cheers and applause sounded over the place and Theo smiled happily. 
“Wave and smile,” he whispered to Liam and Liam laughed while he did exactly that. The flash of many cameras went off and Theo never felt happier in his entire life. He would marry the man by his side, the love of his life, and everything else didn’t matter. Their life was happening in the public eye but as long as they had each other, they would manage this. 
And sometimes you could even forget all the cameras. Now, for example, when Liam turned to face Theo, put a hand in the back of his neck, and pulled him into a kiss. 
A little fluff never hurt someone, right? I am so happy I finally managed to write a story with this prompt I have thought of years ago.  What do you say? I am curious to hear your opinions. Share them with me in the comments.
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Chapter Seventy-Six: Old Sarum
Disclaimer: see Prologue ____________________________________
Boxing Day, in general, was the last day the entire Mountbatten-Windsor family spent together. The men and a few of the women left early in the morning for the shoot & hunt, while the remaining women and children stayed behind, having a late breakfast. As Elle watched Charlotte, George and Mia play, she smiled, feeling her own child kick her.
“ You know, soon enough my niece or nephew will be doing exactly the same thing.”, said Kate to her, as they sat side by side in the sofa.
“ I still can’t believe you and Harry will have a baby so soon…”, said Kate chuckling. Elle smiled and nodded her head.
“ I know… it’s so surreal sometimes.”, she replied the older woman. “ But knowing Harry, you’d have guessed that he’d want children quite soon after we got married. And I had no objections…”, continued Elle.
As the the afternoon approached, and the pheasant hunt on the grounds of the estate - in which the Duke of Edinburgh took charge - was over, they had a hearty lunch, full of different types of game, including one of her favourites, game pie.
When lunch ended, around two in the afternoon, the majority of them prepared to leave; William, Catherine and the children would be going to Bucklebury, to Kate’s parents home, while the Tindalls would be traveling to Australia.
As for Harry and Elle, their journey to Salisbury was highly expected. Her parents and brother all having spent Christmas at Woondenford Castle, were eager to see her and her husband for the New Year’s celebrations. And of course, the soon to be, new addition to the family. All packed, they said their goodbyes to the family and boarded the train to Wiltshire. Elle couldn’t help but grin as they approached the familiar sight of Salisbury Cathedral, which could be seen from afar.
“ Excited, aren’t we?”, said Harry smirking. Elle’s smiled grew and she nodded her head.
“ I haven’t been back to Woodenford since before our wedding. It’s been months!”, said Elle.
“ Oh poor Lionheart must be missing me just as much as I miss him…”, she wondered, sadly.
“ I’m sure someone rode him for you… they wouldn’t let him stuck on his stall during all that time.”, replied Harry.
“ I know… I’m just annoyed I can’t ride him…”, mumbled Elle, sighing. Harry nodded his head, understandably and pulled her closer to him.
“ Don’t worry. You’ll be able to be back on a saddle soon enough. Meanwhile, there are other things you can ride. One that is in front of you, I might add.”, he said, whispering the last sentence on her ear. Shaking her head, she slapped his arm.
“ Behave, Major.”, she said giggling while Harry smiled.
Her parents were overjoyed to see her and Harry. With tight hugs and warm smiles they led the couple inside the stony castle. The familiar smells and sounds rushed into her, overwhelming her senses. Sighing, she dashed to the Great Hall, where she was happy to see the tall Christmas tree still standing in all of its glory.
Harry, who she left behind with their luggage, soon catch up to her and smiled as he watched his wife bewitched by the lit Christmas tree.
“ You can be such a child, you know…”, joked Harry. Elle didn’t even bother to look at him. Her sole focus was the ornament in front of her.
“ You know how much I love the holidays…”, she commented, going around the tree. “ I hope our child share that with me…”
“ I’m sure Nugget will think of it as magical as you do.”, replied Harry, coming beside her, his arms around her waist. Smiling softly, Elle leaned into him and sighed contently.
“ I know I’ve said this hundreds of times, but I can’t wait to meet our baby. I’ve started imagining what he or she will be like, how will our personalities mold into its life… Will Nugget be more like you or more like me? Or maybe he or she will be completely different from everything we’ve imagined. I can already picture our first Christmas together with Nugget. And I can’t wait for it to happen…”, said Elle.
During the days they spent at the castle, the couple joined the McClaire’s in every activity: from helping decorating the main hall to hunting and charades after dinner. But it was on the third day, on New Year’s Eve that they had a serious job to do: visit the Duke and Duchess of Wiltshire Foundation’s hq for the end of year soup kitchen and bazaar.
Every year, her parents foundation organised on both Christmas and New Year’s a soup kitchen as a form of celebration and also as a way to help and care for the ones who had barely nothing or simply the one who had no family to spend the holidays with.
And so, Elle and Harry were recruited to help prepared then serve the soup, hot drinks, water and a cozy blanket to all of those who showed up at the HQ. They were more than happy to do so. When the people started to enter, most recognised Elle and were somewhat comfortable with her but most of them were shocked in seeing Harry.
Unfortunately, word got out and the media was alerted, resulting in a number of pictures circulating on social media. Luckily, Ingrid and Alfred were there and helped contain the crowd. But in the end, they laughed and enjoyed their time, talking to whomever came up to them.
“ This reminds me a lot of when my mum began taking Will and I to a few shelter homes in London. It’s the same atmosphere.”, said Harry and Elle smiled, nodding her head.
“ It is, right? Do you still visit them?”, she asked him.
“ Not as much as I used to. I wish I could, now that you’ve mentioned it.”, said Harry.
“ Well, in that case, let’s talk to Ronald and see when we can. I want to come along.”, said Elle.
“ Darling, are you sure it’s wise? Our agendas are packed for the start of the year and you’ll be on your final trimester. You should be resting.”, said Harry, slightly worried.
“ I know that… but I’ll be fine.”, said Elle. “ I’m determined to keep on working until the last month of my pregnancy. Even further if I can.”
“ No one will think less of you if you stop working to take care of you and the baby. You know that, right?”, said Harry, running his hands on her arms.
“ I do. But I want to. I want to do all that I can. And if Georgiana says I’m fit enough to do it, I will, Harry. I’m not sick or an invalid.”, she replied.
“ Yes… I’m well aware of the superwoman I married.”, said Harry smiling. “ But you can’t deny a husband’s concern for his wife an unborn child, can you?”
“ No… I suppose I can’t…”, Elle replied smiling. Leaning in closer to him, she gently placed her lips on his, a sweet kiss, laced with love and care.
After they returned from the HQ, they prepared themselves for the cocktail party in the main hall. It would start much later in the night and go into the early hours of the new year. Among the guests, a few family members like Mary’s and Valerie’s parents, though Elle wasn’t sure if she’d be seeing either of them. Probably not.
Dress in a red med sleeved, knee high dress, her hair up in a ponytail, Elle smiled admiring herself on the mirror in her room. Her stomach was round now and looked so beautiful the dress’ deep burgundy, Christmassy colour. Caressing her belly, she smiled as she felt the baby kick.
“ Not much longer now, my little Nugget.”, she said.
“ Talking to your bump again sis? People will think you’re crazy.”, said Ed opening the door of the bedroom, unceremoniously.
“ Edward Thomas! You could have given me a heart attack!”, said Elle angrier and her brother just brushed it off, taking a sit on her bed.
“ And just so you know, yes I was talking to my child again. And it’s perfectly normal. Even encouraged.”, replied Elle, irritated. Ed laughed as he watched her.
“ I was messing with you, little sister. Of course it’s perfectly normal. I would talk non-stop if I were in your place. By the way, how is my niece?”, he said.
“ What makes you think it’s a girl?”, she asked him, raising one eyebrow.
“ I just have a feeling.”, said Ed blinking at her.
“ Well… Nugget is doing great. He or she just has a nag for kicking me…”, she replied giggling.
“ That must be painful.. ouch…”, said Ed making a face.
“ But worth it… as mother will tell you.”, Elle told her brother smiling.
“ Anyway, what are you doing here? Is there something you need?”, Elle asked him as she put on her earrings. She decided on wearing the ones Harry had gotten her for Christmas.
“ Oh yeah… mum is calling you. She’s in the library. She told me to tell you to come as soon as you were able.”, said Ed.
“ Alright. Tell her I’ll be down in a few.”, replied Elle.
“ Do I look like the Royal Mail?”, retorted Ed. “ She’ll wait. I still have to get changed.”, he continued and left the room, after kissing her temple. Elle shook her head and smiled. What are we going to do with you, Edward?, she thought.
When she finished her makeup, Elle made her away down the stairs, noticing how there were already a few people there, mingling and sipping on their drinks. She briefly greeted them and quickly dashed to the library. She found her mother seating on one of the sofas, a book in her hand.
“ Mother?”, Elle said, announcing her presence.
“ Elle darling. Thank you for coming.”, Victoria said. “ Come. Take a seat by me.”. Elle walked over to her mother and sat beside her on the fluffy sofa.
“ My darling I asked you here because I wanted to give you this.”, said Victoria, handing Elle the book she was holding.
“ This is in between a diary and a scrapbook of the women in our family. In there, you’ll find thoughts, stories and tips of their lives as mothers.”, said Victoria and Elle’s eyes widened.
“ How long have you had this?”, she asked her mother.
“ Since your brother was born. You see, it’s handed down from mother to daughter when her first child is born. It started with your great grandmother and now I’m continuing the legacy and passing it on to you. The binding was changed several times and pages were added with the years but it remains, in its essence, the same book. I hope this helps and inspires you, my darling.”, said Victoria, teary-eyed.
Elle looked from the leather-bound book in her hands to her mother. Feeling a surge of emotion hit her like a ton of bricks, Elle put the book aside and in one quick motion, hugged her mother tightly, as much as her belly allowed.
“ This is so incredible, mum. Thank you for trusting me with it. I treasure it forever.”, she said.
The cocktail party was an incredible success. Harry had been introduced by Elle to a number of family friends and colleagues from her parents, all of whom were delighted to meet and talk to him. Many of them, shared the same ideals and interests he had and were eager not only to listen to what he had to say on the subject but were more than happy to help and invest in some of his ventures, namely the Invictus Games, whose second edition would soon be announced.
As midnight approached, the couple joined the other guests in the garden for the countdown and fireworks display.
“ Do you remember the first time we came here after we we’ve seen each other again?”, asked Harry.
“ How can I not? You crushed my gala and we came here after we had danced together. I was so nervous for having you here.”, said Elle.
“ Really? I was petrified of your reaction when I decided to come to the gala.”, he said and she chuckled.
“ I wanted to kiss you so bad that day. You looked so beautiful and all the feelings I would have for you were beginning to surface.”, said Harry, making Elle smile.
“ I have to confess that I wanted to stay in your arms for a longer time than I had that evening. I too, was starting to feel something for you. I didn’t know yet that it was but it scared me.”, said Elle.
“ I think it’s safe to say we both were scared that night.”, said Harry and the couple chuckled.
“ But look how far we’ve come from that night, hun?”, said Elle, one hand resting on her growing stomach. “ We fell in love, we got engaged, married and now we starting a family. Of course we knew this marriage would happen, but who would have thought we’d get so lucky?”, she continued.
“ We are indeed the lucky ones, my love.”, said Harry, leaning closer to her just as the countdown was coming to and end. Their kiss was slow, loving, caring. They held each other tightly, their bodies’ warmth engulfing one another.
“ Happy New Year, my love.”, said Elle as they pulled away, noses still touching.
“ Happy New Year, my love, my wife, mother of my child.”, said Harry smiling.
Two-thousand and seventeen began with a kick. Quite literally for Elle. As she entered her 26th week of pregnancy, she was beginning to feel the true weight of her body. Her movements were slower, her lower back was a little stiff and she felt she got progressively more tired as the day came to and end. Georgiana had advised her about the change in her centre of gravity as well as the strain in her muscles and joints due to the new weight she’d be carrying.
Harry, ever the attentive husband, was promptly ready to give her back rubs, foot massages and draw warm, soothing baths for her. As they prepared for Nugget’s arrival, the couple tried to enjoy their last moments alone. As soon as they’d returned from Wiltshire, they had resumed their date night, which was a great idea to begin with and now proved to be an even better one, as they had found a comfortable routine around it.
Following epiphany, Elle got in touch with the midwife who taught Kate the hypnobirth technique, Helen. She was, indeed, as her sister-in-law had told her, a very sweet woman. Well, at least on the phone. They had scheduled a meeting at Kensington Palace later that week so they could start on the basis of hypnobirth and all she would need for the delivery.
“ Are you sure you want to do this?”, asked Harry.
“ I am. I’ve done a little research and it seems as good as any birthing exercise or technique. And, from that Kate has told me, it helped her feel more relaxed and at one with her body when she delivered both George and Charlotte. I’ve heard great things about it.”, said Elle and Harry nodded his head.
“ Well, if you are sure love, then all I can do is support you. And that you have. Always.”, said Harry, kissing her temple, making Elle smiled at the gesture.
“ I’ll be entering my third trimester in two weeks, so I think it’s a good time to start preparing. And, Helen said to me that hypnobirth also helps prepare the mind for the pain and the stress that comes with labour. Trust me, I have full confidence this will work. It’ll be a mind over matter kind of thing.”, said Elle.
On the following week, Helen, a middle-aged, brown skinned and white haired woman came to apartment 1.
“ Nice to finally meet you, Your Royal Highness.”, said Helen to Elle.
“ The pleasure is mine. Kate has spoken highly of you.”, Elle said to the woman.
“ Well I thank her. I’ve worked with the Duchess of Cambridge in her last two pregnancies and I’m honoured now to be working with yours.”, said Helen. Harry, then stepped forward to greeted the woman with a handshake.
“ It’s very nice meeting you Helen. My wife and I are thrilled and excited about that you have to teach us.”, he said, receiving a smile from the older woman.
“ As I said, it’s an honour. So, shall we start?”, said Helen and the trio took their seats on the sofa.
“ Well, I want to know a little more about you and the pregnancy before we start with hypnobirth. So, I gather this is your first pregnancy?”, she asked them.
“ Well, actually, this is my second. Our second.”, said Elle and Helen was very polite to hide her surprise.
“ I had a pregnancy scare before our wedding but, obviously, the baby didn’t come to term.”, said Elle, while Harry hand’s were holding hers tightly.
“ I see. I’m so sorry for your loss, But I have to ask, I take that you had a miscarriage?”, asked Helen.
“ Yes. It was spontaneous. I had just found out I was pregnant.”, said Elle.
“ Alright. And after that, did you have any kind of  hormonal trouble or sexual?”, she asked,
“ No. I had a treatment after the miscarriage to eliminate every possibility of further problems and since I got pregnant again I’ve had close and constant check-ups with my OB/GYN.”, said Elle and Helen nodded, taking a few notes.
“ Then everything is as it should be.”, said Helen smiling.  “ Since you’ve had no trouble conceiving again, I believe your miscarriage was due to either stress or hormonal imbalance. It can happen and it’s not uncommon. But all is well now and we’ll deliver this baby to full-term, perfectly healthy.”,she continued, making the couple smile.
“ Well let me explain to you how hypnobirthing work. We’ll meet weekly for pre-natal classes on how to react and that to expect before, during  and after birth, for both the mother and the father to be. Along with it, you’ll have a 16-hour program that you can listen to, telling you about the step by step of hypnobirthing, relaxation exercises, which we’ll practice, and a number of techniques that will ensure a stress-free, pain relief and natural birth.”, said Helen.
“ This seems heavenly.”, said Elle “ When can we begin?”, she said and both her husband and midwife chuckled.
“ Right away if you want to.”, replied Helen.
In the coming weeks, Elle and Harry had began to fully understand the nature and preparation for a birth due to Helen’s help and guidance. Hypnobirthing was proving to be more relaxing then Elle had first thought it to be and she felt a true improvement in her daily life because of the exercises and meditation she’d been practicing daily.
Once she reached her 28th week of pregnancy and finally entered her third and last trimestre, she began to think about the final details for the baby’s birth and the events she’d attend leading to April, when she’d take her leave from all of her public engagements. In the middle of the week she and Harry would have a joint engagement for the Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund. They’d attend a benefit in to raise funds for a new project in Uganda.
But before they could attend it, Elle had an appointment with Georgiana. Since she was beginning the last months of her pregnancy, she’d have a more thorough examination and weekly visits to the clinic.
“ So, how are you feeling? Any changes you want to tell me?”, asked Georgiana as Elle and Harry stepped into her office.
“ I’m just feeling more tired. But I know it’s normal.”, said Elle and the doctor nodded her head.
“ It is. Most women feel a little bloated as well. All normal reactions and consequences to the pregnancy.”, said Georgiana.
“ And how are the pre-natal classes going?”, she asked them.
“ Pretty well.”, replied Harry. “ Elle has started hypnobirthing exercises and I’m doing a few as well to help her relax and meditate.”, he continued.
“ Oh that’s good! It’s a quite popular technique nowadays and it’s very interesting to say the least. I think if you believe it, you can do it. And in the end, it’s a matter of mind over body.”, said Georgiana.
“ That’s exactly what’ve told Harry. I’m feeling calmer and more prepared for the birth since I started the exercises. Helen, my birthing coach and midwife is helping us. And it’s been illuminating.”, said Elle.
“ That’s good to hear, Elle. Well, keep doing whatever makes you feel good.”, said Georgiana smiling.
“ Now, let’s have a look at your vitals and this little one?”, she said and Elle popped into the bed for her check-up. She felt Georgiana hooking her to a few machines to take her blood pressure, temperature and blood-sugar, as well as her heartbeat.
“ Everything seems in order with you. Your blood pressure is a little low, but it’s well within the margins. I’m going to collect a little flask of blood to send to the lab to see if everything is normal, ok?”, said the doctor and Elle nodded in response. Then, she lied back into the bed and pulled her blouse up so that Georgiana could make an ultrasound.
“ Let’s see this little royal, now, shall we?”, she said, putting the cold gel in Elle’s belly. Soon enough, the machine began making weird sounds, which were the baby’s heart and both soon-to-be parents watched in wonder as their child appeared on the small screen.
“ Baby’s heartbeat is strong. We can see its hands and feet all completely formed. The baby is about the size of a large aubergine and weighs about 1 kilogram, which is 2 pounds. Everything seems perfectly alright with both mum and baby.”, said Georgiana. The couple smiled to each other as Elle was cleaned and was able to sit up on the bed.
“ At this stage, the baby will gain weight much quicker and will soon start turning in your womb to prepare for the birth. You’ll most likely feel more movement in your belly and I’m sorry to say, an incessant unrest in your legs. It’s common and part of the process , so don’t be alarmed.”, said Georgiana.
“ I’ll have your lab results tomorrow so I’ll just call you and tell you then. There’s no need for you to come in here. But other than waiting for the labs, all is well. I’ll see you next week, okay? And don’t forget to drink plenty of water and eat vegetables and red meat for the iron you need.”, advises Georgiana.
“ Thank you Georgiana.”, said Elle, hugging the woman. “ Until next week.”
Two days later, Harry and Elle, both dressed in elegant black-tie coded clothes, attended the fundraising gala for the Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund. Harry, as one of the patrons, would be giving a small speech on the work the foundation did in Uganda as well as talk about his own experience with both the charity and his own work in Africa, through Sentebale.
“ Are you sure you’re feeling alright to attend the gala? I know how during the night your body hits almost exhaustion levels.”, asked Harry, concerned.
“ I am. And I’ll be alright. So long as I remain seated during most of it, I’ll be golden.”, replied Elle. They were in the car with Ingrid and Leo, on their way to the National Gallery in London, where the fundraiser would take place.
As the got closer to the sumptuous building in Trafalgar Square, the royal couple noticed the amount of photographers and the red carpet that been lined up at the entrance of the building.
“ This looks almost like the Oscars. I feel like a superstar.”, joked Elle, making the people in the car laugh. “ If you don’t mind me saying, ma’am, you and your husband are as good as superstars in this country. Abroad as well.”, said Ingrid.
“ True…”, agreed Harry. “ The paparazzi certainly treat us like so.”, he continued in a more serious tone. Elle sighed and held onto his hand, caressing his wedding band on it.
“ We’ll be alright, darling. You’ll see.”, she said, reassuring him. Harry nodded his head and smiled at her, just as their car stopped at the base of the stairs leading to the National Gallery. The sounds of flashes and their blinding lights paved the way for Harry and Elle, who were holding hands as they greeted the two members of the fund’s board of directors.
“ A pleasure to welcome you both, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said one man, shaking Harry’s then Elle’s hands.
“ It’s our pleasure to be here.”, replied Elle, with a courteous smile. They were guided by the man and woman to the main area of the building and were soon bombarded by friends and acquaintances alike. Many, who had yet to congratulate them officially on the imminent birth of their first child.
Overall, the night run out without a hit. The couple mingled among the guests, Harry’s speech was filled with laughter and also meaning, specially when he pointed out the number of lives they’d be helping by funding the organisation. Elle was very proud and turned on by his passion and dedication to his causes.
At the end of the night, when they returned to Kensington Palace, Harry and Elle welcomed the new year as a couple, thoroughly enjoying themselves: as companions, as lovers, as soulmates. Tangled in the bedsheets, in each others arms, they calmly slept, as they waited the new challenges life would bring them in the weeks to come.
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dreameater1988 · 6 years
My Top 10 Twelfth Doctor Stories
I’ve seen other people do this, so I decided to make my own Top 10 of Twelfth Doctor stories.
10. Flatline
I have a soft spot for stories in which the Doctor gets in a bit of a situation and putting him in a shrinking TARDIS was a hilarious plan. I have to admit, I wasn’t that fond of the episode when I first watched it, but to be quite honest, I love it a bit more with every rewatch. I think this really is one of those episodes that you have to watch a couple of times to really appreciate it. I’m also glad that the Boneless were picked up again in one of the comics because who doesn’t love a recurring monster? They were creepy, they were threatening and quite difficult to defeat - which the Doctor eventually did while giving an amazing speech. I think it was the first Twelfth Doctor speech that really struck me because of how fierce and powerful it was. And a cute bonus: Doctor Oswald. All of these things definitely put Flatline in my Top 10.
9. The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion
Another thing I love about Doctor Who? Kate Stewart! So it would be a shame not to include one of her stories in my Top 10. I have always preferred two-parters over single episodes because of that little heart attack causing “to be continued” thrill and these episodes do it quite brilliantly. The Zygons as monsters aren’t exactly my favourites, but they were really well used in this case. I really enjoyed the storyline and the many jokes that were put in the episodes (Why do you have a Union Jack parachute? - Camouflage. - Camouflage? - Yes, we’re in Britain.) There really are so many things I love about this two-parter: the Doctor’s emotional speech, Jenna marvellously playing two different characters, Kate tricking the Zygons, . . . The final product is a thrilling episode and wonderful entertainment.
8. Dark Water / Death in Heaven
The finale of S8 has to be on this list for one reason alone: Missy. Michelle Gomez really, really rocked that part and I will love her forever for it. I never really liked the Simm!Master because of various reasons (mainly cause his version of the Master collided with the version in a book I’ve read and loved). Yet the Twelfth Doctor and Missy really brought that “true friendship gone horribly wrong” part across. There was also the storyline of Clara losing Danny and later losing the Doctor by letting him go which I think shaped her S9 character to a large degree that I really, really love. The Cybermen were less creepy in this episode than in others (the S2 two-parter has scarred me forever), but this story wasn’t about the Cybermen or an invasion at all, at least it’s not how I see it. This two-parter is about loss and friendship. And it contains yet another Twelfth Doctor speech that I will love until the day I die. He’s my idiot with a box and a screwdriver. 
7. Oxygen
I feel obligated to put at least one episode from S10 on my list and since this was the only one that really stirred something in me, here we go. I loved the space station setting (because I’m a sad sci-fi nerd), I loved the dystopian “oxygen on sale” bit, but you know what I loved the most? The Doctor going blind. Oh my God, how I loved the big reveal in the end when he said he still couldn’t see. The Doctor is a Time Lord surrounded by humans, he is always superior to them simply because of the fact that he’s (like he said to Clara in FtR) “less breakable”, but finally, we get to see that he is breakable after all, that he’s vulnerable, that he’s no longer the superior hero. I love that bit. Sadly, the episodes that followed didn’t really put this plot twist to use in my opinion.
6. Mummy on the Orient Express
Who wouldn’t want to go on a trip on the space Orient Express with the Twelfth Doctor? This episode was beautiful from start to finish: the setting, the costumes, the dialogues, the storyline, the tension between the Doctor and Clara. Every moment of this episode was wonderful and a pure joy to watch. It was also a big turning point in the relationship between the (new) Doctor and Clara because, for the first time, she saw him for who he really was. Now, a couple of weeks ago I bought Doctor Who - The Complete History and I read about the making of this episode and I have to admit that I probably would have loved the original script (in which the Mummy is a life-extending body suit that won’t let people die and Clara briefly gets turned into one) a little bit more because it contains more sci-fi elements than the version they ended up using. But hey, I’m not complaining. The episode is awesome.
5. Into The Dalek
“I see into your soul, Doctor. I see beauty. I see divinity. I see hated.” Just hearing these words in my head gives me goosebumps and I think that is a very good sign that this episode definitely belongs in my Top 10. A lot of things have been done with Daleks over the past 50+ years, but miniaturizing the Doctor and putting him inside one is definitely one of the more brilliant ideas. I also really love the early version of the Twelfth Doctor, I love my grumpy, old alien and he’s at his peak in this one. But he’s also still struggling to find out if he is a good man or not and I really enjoyed that conflict that we saw in Peter’s first season. Rusty the Dalek plays a big part in that conflict and their dialogue makes me shiver even after watching it about 30 times.
4. The Magician’s Apprentice / The Witch’s Familiar 
The Doctor riding a tank into a medieval castle while playing the electric guitar! Do I need to say more? Yes, I’m definitely going to say more, but, oh my God, that was probably one of my favourite moments of the entire show. I sat in front of my telly, gawking at the screen. There will never be a season opened better than this. You won’t believe how much I enjoyed watching it the first time and how much I am still enjoying it every time I watch this episode. The rest of the two-parter is anything but a let-down. I loved the Twelfth Doctor/Missy interactions in this one because up until the end of the episodes you can really see the former friendship, you can see just how long they have known each other, how much they meant to each other back then (I live for this kind of thing). Also, bringing back Davros is always a nice touch. Bringing back Skaro was amazing (and seeing the fear in Missy’s eyes when she realized where she was). The Clara/Missy duo was amazing. The Doctor pleading for Clara’s life on his knees when he thinks he’s about to lose her. Honestly, there isn’t anything that I don’t love about this two-parter. Add “The Doctor’s Meditation” to this and you’ll get 10 minutes of pure, silly fun as well.
3. Listen
This episode was the one where I decided that Twelve was my Doctor. In fact, it was the pre-intro scenes with him that showed him sitting on the TARDIS roof and talking to himself by candlelight that got me. But that’s not why I loved the episode. It was properly creepy. I love the creepy episodes the most and sadly, there has been a bit of a lack in those in recent years, but Listen was definitely one of the best. I first watched the leaked black and white version and even then it gave me chills. This episode also showed how much of an impact Clara really had on the Doctor (apart from getting him to save Gallifrey and asking the Time Lords to help him). She saw him as a young, frightened boy and she put those thoughts in his head that would accompany him for the rest of his life. It was a wonderful, little twist. I also really enjoyed the fact that we never got to know what the monster actually was. I love that some people believe it’s a kid under a bedspread and some (like me, cause I’ve paused and seen a screenshot of what looked like Voldemort) think it was an actual monster. Whatever it was, I’m glad we never got the solution handed to us. That makes it even more interesting to me.
2. Under the Lake / Before the Flood
I don’t think I’ve said it enough, but this two-parter is actually perfect. Everything about it is perfect. The Doctor and Clara are at their peak, they’re having their “glory years”. It’s very likely that there was a large time span between TMA/TWF and this two-parter because we see them in full action, we see them incredibly bonded, we see them trust each other completely. This is the first time we see how intense their relationship actually is (“If you love me in any way, you’ll come back”, “I’m changing history to save Clara.”). They are the perfect TARDIS duo in this one, but we also get a sense of foreshadowing as to what is going to happen to Clara in the future. The minor characters in this story are all perfect as well, I can’t say a single bad word about them. I normally don’t care about minor characters because I’ve learned that many of them end up dead anyway, but in this one, I can’t help but feel for them as well. As for the storyline and plot twist, it was a two-parter full of exciting moments and surprises with a lot of laughs and emotions thrown in as well. And the Fisher King was a great monster. Perfect television entertainment for a Saturday night that almost ended up being Nr 1 on my list.
1. Heaven Sent / Hell Bent
Heaven Sent is, in my opinion, Steven Moffat’s masterpiece and always will be. It felt like he was working his way up from The Eleventh Hour to culminate in the S9 finale with two episodes that actually managed to blow my mind. I am very critical when I’m watching TV and I’m not so easily impressed, but Heaven Sent actually blew my mind. Heaven Sent, an episode that is longer than usual, that features only one actor in only a handful of rooms and it’s the best damn thing I have ever seen on TV. During S10 I often complained about seeing the “plot twist” coming, but this one took me completely by surprise and broke my heart in the process. Oh, the tears I’ve shed over Heaven Sent! It’s that moment the Doctor realizes what he’s doing, what he’s been doing and for how long that always breaks me and it’s underlined by the most perfect Murray Gold score I’ve ever heard. And of course the big reveal that Gallifrey was waiting on the other end. 
I think Heaven Sent / Hell Bent are the perfect depiction of the stages of grief in the Doctor’s 4.5 billion years quest to save Clara. And oh, how he did it! It’s not a secret that Clara has been my favourite companion from the moment she appeared on screen and after watching her become more and more like the Doctor over the course of the seasons, it was such a satisfaction to see her get her own TARDIS and run away. There is something so bitter-sweet, so emotional about this series finale and at the same time, it’s so full of twists and turns and surprises. It’s devastating and uplifting at once. In one word: perfect!
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darkwing-katy · 7 years
Second Chance - Part Seven
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Well hello everyone! It’s been quite some time since I updated, but as I’ve said before, I have no intention of not finishing this. I doubt I’ll be able to update every week, especially since I’m moving to Florida in a month and I’m slowly packing/applying for jobs/trying to spend time with all my Missouri peeps. I will finish this fic, though. It’ll happen. (Probably not for a bit since I’ve apparently chosen to go with a slow burn. Way to go, Kate.) Thank you to everyone who’s been commenting and liking and messaging me! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in upcoming chapters! 
Special thanks go to @sannvers for beta-ing and my housemate Anna, who doesn’t have a tumblr but still deserves to be recognized (she’s the one who sat me down and made me draw a plot map for this story so I’d know exactly where I need to go when I write each chunk). 
Title: Second Chance
Pairing: Eventual Gaston x Fem!Reader
Rating: T
Words: 10,378 (holy guacamole that’s a lot) 
Summary: You try to stop Gaston from shooting the Beast and falling to his death, but you arrive too late to save him. As you sit there, sobbing, the Enchantress offers you a second chance to save him.
Tagging: @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aioli @hobbithorse19@leah5684 @princessbelgoof @captainskyline @theoncergames @geeky-girl-394@were-allstoriesinthe-end084 @brooke-supernatural16 @certainasthesvn@jordyhaley @superlokidwholock @smilesnjh @prongspower @bitchingqueenoferebor@scarletdarkholme @hemmingbaes @bae-kage @areuslow @lovelylpevensie@uknwwhttheysayboutthecrzy1s @moonbeams-and-pie @17gnomes-in-a-trenchcoat@superwholockedrosx @panda-reads-stuff @ultimatetrashlord @elenawrit@the7thsilence @blackxthexbeast @rainwing-galaxy @arkhamsnight @imoyu-trashblog @martapetrovic @ciaprincess @juggernaut-jones @admerxin13@fangirlx26 @epicfallenismine @izzymaria1994 @loveablelulu13 @malfoy-milkovich-royalty @kylorenlover15 @banana-cat @withouthannah @stone0502 @shiroyuki18 @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag @lainris @withouthannah @banana-cat @samaxraph99 @honey-badger-dont-give-a @daisiesflower @afairytaledream @flufycorn384 
Previous Chapter
The next morning saw you awake just as the sun was beginning its ascent. You watched the sky change from navy to a pale yellow to a gold that matched the accents of your room. As the gold deepened into an orange that formed around the blinding sun, you rose from your position at the window and dressed for the day. You pulled your hair up into a messy bun and tied it tightly. Then you rummaged through your satchel until you’d found the recipes that you’d discovered yesterday.
Today is a day to cook.
It was odd—you never truly liked to cook, though you didn’t complain about it. Yet here you were, looking forward to it. It was amazing how living in a castle had changed your outlook on chores.
You glanced back at the sun, which had fully risen above the horizon. With a contented sigh at the sight, you turned and left your room and made your way to the kitchen. As you made your way through the hall to the stairs, you kept stumbling over nothing. Then, when you reached the staircase, you bumped into the bannister.
Obviously, you were not quite awake yet.
Once you reached the surprisingly empty kitchen, you examined the recipes. One was for a delicious meat pastie (you loved those handheld pies), another for a stew, and the third for a pastry dessert. You tucked the recipe for the stew into your pocket; you wouldn’t need that one today.
Okay, so first off, I need to make the puff paste. Fun.
Your eyes scanned the kitchen, searching for any obvious ingredients. You found flour and salt easily. It took a little longer to find a jar of fat. Once you’d gathered those ingredients together, you grabbed a bucket and began to search for a pump of some sort. You found it (apparently princes could have pumps built into their castles if they so chose) and filled the bucket with fresh water. You set the bucket down next to the other ingredients and stood for a moment, hands on your hips, staring at them.
It’s been so long since I’ve made a pastie…
“Alright. Let’s get started.”
You grabbed a bowl and mixed water, salt, and flour together until they made a sticky dough, which you then kneaded on a countertop that you sprinkled with flour. Slowly but firmly, you pressed your knuckles into the dough, working the flour into it and getting it less sticky. As you worked, the servants of the castle began to file in. You smiled at them before returning to your kneading.
After the dough was done, you set it aside and began rolling out the fat. A strand of hair fell from the messy bun into your eyes.
“What are you doing, dearie?” you heard Mrs. Potts ask from somewhere behind you.
“Making a pastie and possibly a dessert,” you replied, shaking your head to clear the hair. It worked for a moment before it fell right back over your eyes, prompting a ‘hmmph’ from you.
Mrs. Potts chuckled. “I imagine it’s quite odd to have other people doing all your work for you, especially if you’re used to working in the village.”
You allowed yourself a short pause to look at her while you replied. “Yeah, no offense, but it’s a little boring.”
Mrs. Potts gave a full laugh at your words, which made you smile. “None taken, dear. You just do what you want. Don’t let an old woman like me stop you.” She gave you a wink before turning to go to a cupboard, which she opened to reveal dozens and dozens of teacups.
You used the back of your hand to push your hair back up and resumed rolling, soon adding the dough underneath the fat and folding and rolling them together. It took a little over an hour to make your first batch of puff paste, after which you took a short break to drink some tea. Then it was back to work, which meant chopping meat and vegetables to add to the pastie. As you sliced your way through vegetables and mutton alike, you found yourself indulging in a familiar habit: daydreaming.
It was easy to imagine yourself doing this exact same thing in a small home. Right now, you pictured your own cottage, although there were subtle changes: a bearskin decorated the wooden floor, a new quilt rested upon a finely crafted (and also new) wooden chair in a corner, and there was a set of small antlers adorning the fireplace mantel. You could almost smell the fire that was burning, filling your home with the delicious scent of burning wood.
In your fantasy, you were wearing the same dress, but you had in an apron of your own rather than one you’d borrowed from one of the servants. You sprinkled salt and pepper onto the chopped meat and veggies and set them aside, returning to the dough, which you cut into a wide circle.
Two strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist as you began lining a ceramic pot with the dough. “That looks absolutely delicious.”
You grinned, both in the fictional setting and in reality. “Is that what you think? Feel free to have some. You know, before it’s actually baked and everything.”
Gaston (because of course that’s who you were married to in this) chuckled. “Don’t tempt me. I’m starving.” You felt him rest his head against the top of yours. “Since I’ve been out hunting and doing all the hard work.”
You scoffed and turned to face him, your bodies now separated by a few centimeters. “You think cooking isn’t hard? Is that what I’m hearing?”
He smirked. “I cooked for myself in the war all the time. It’s not that difficult.”
You stepped out of his grasp, maneuvering around him and giving him a push forwards. He bumped into the counter and gave you a perplexed look. “Fine. You can make the pie, then, and I’ll go hunting.”
Gaston leaned against the counter, his hands getting covered with flour. “And if I can successfully make a pie, what do I get?”
You began to walk away, taking care to sway your hips. “My undying amazement that the great hunter is a master chef as well.”
“What is the meaning of this?!”
The abrupt and loud voice made you jump, shattering your fictional bliss. You felt heat shoot up your face as you placed a hand on your chest and worked on catching your breath.
“Mademoiselle, this is entirely inappropriate! You are a guest here; you should not be working in the kitchen!”
You spun around to see an older man decked out in elaborate gold clothing that established his superiority over the other servants—the majordomo of the castle. He was staring at you, hands on his waist which made him look as if he was puffing up to scare you into obedience.
“I’m sorry, Monsieur…?”
“Cogsworth, at your service.” He gave a small bow, but he was still obviously angered at your presence.
“Ah. Well, good morning, Monsieur Cogsworth.” You gave him a little curtsy. “I woke up this morning and wanted to make a few treats for today.” You gave him your most winning smile. “I’ve been spending a lot of time doing nothing, you see, and I’m not used to that. I wanted to do something.”
“Ahhh, Cogsworth, let the girl do as she wants!”
Both you and the majordomo turned to see that several other servants had gathered around the kitchen to watch the scene. You spotted Mrs. Potts’s face amongst them, and she smiled at you. The servant who had spoken sauntered through the kitchen and threw an arm around Cogsworth’s shoulders. He glanced at you and winked. “She is a guest! We should not be stopping her from doing whatever it is she enjoys doing.”
“But-but-but it’s not customary for a guest to spend time in the kitchen!” Cogsworth spluttered, shoving the man’s arm off and glaring at him.
The other man shrugged. “Would you stop her if she was Belle?”
Cogsworth’s face turned a deep pink. “Well, no, but that's—”
“Then why must you dissuade her friend, who is not only a guest, but an honored guest?” He gestured towards you. “Forgive me, I seem to have forgotten you name, mademoiselle.” He grinned at you.
You couldn’t help but be charmed by his easygoing demeanor. “(Y/N),” you replied with a smile.
He gave you another wink. “What a lovely name! I am Lumière, maître d of this castle. Please forgive my friend here.” He nodded his head towards Cogsworth, who’s face was growing more and more red by the second. “He tends to get angry when the normal routines are interrupted, but he’ll get over it.” Lumière spun away from Cogsworth and towards you, peering over your shoulder to see what you were making. “Why, mademoiselle, is that a pastie I see?”
“Yes, it is!” you replied, suddenly wondering if the cooks were also in the crowd of servants and were spotting all the flaws in your meager meal. Oh well. I’m not a professional by any means, you thought, giving yourself a mental shrug. “It’s my grandmama’s recipe. I woke up this morning and I really wanted to try cooking for the first time in a while.”
“I think that’s wonderful, dearie,” Mrs. Potts said, walking up to your side. You smiled at her. She smiled gently back, then glanced back at the other servants who were still watching. “Alright, what’s everybody standing about for? We’ve all got work to do!” She nodded at you as well, giving you the sign to continue with what you were doing.
Right away, everyone began to bustle about, and the kitchen was soon filled with the sounds of people chattering, pots clanging, and stoves being fired up. Lumière nudged your shoulder with his elbow, grinning cheekily.
“See, mademoiselle? All is well! You are a guest here, and you may do whatever you please. Don’t worry about that old spoilsport!”
“A-hem. That old spoilsport is still right behind you, you charismatic buffoon.”
You stifled a laugh. The old man was actually pouting at Lumière. You’d never expected to see such an expression on his aged and mustached face, but there it was. Lumière took a step back and threw his arm around Cogsworth’s shoulder once more. “Ahh, Cogsworth, learn to have a little fun. Not everything has to go as normal.” He turned the majordomo around and started leading him away. “Why, Belle interrupted our daily routine when she came to the castle, did she not? And did you complain?”
“Yes, yes I did—,”
“Oh, hush now, we needn’t get into all the details…”
You snorted before returning to your pastie, only to notice Chip was now standing by you, staring at the uncooked veggies and meat resting on the dough. “Good morning, Chip,” you said with a smile.
He gave you the largest grin you’d seen from him yet. “Good morning, (Y/N)! I was wondering…” His smile faded and he leaned in close, as if suddenly struck with shyness. You thought it was adorable the way his eyes darted around and how he’d gone from acting like a child to being more respectful. “I asked Mama but she said I needed to ask you…would I be okay if I helped you cook for a while?” His voice grew softer as he added, “Please? I really, really don’t wanna do laundry today.”
The desperation in his eyes only added to his cuteness. How could you refuse such a sweet boy? “Of course you can, Chip!”
Upon receiving the answer he’d hoped for, Chip immediately returned to his normal, upbeat self, beaming at you. “Yes! Thank you so much, (Y/N)!” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them before looking back at the food. “So…what do we do now?”
You laughed. It looked like you were going to have an entertaining morning for sure.
You were a little later than usual with your breakfast for Gaston, but you managed to make an excuse for Chip to leave your side while you did so. You were still smiling as you walked up the stairs—he was a sweet boy, filled to the brim with curiosity about your cooking as well as other aspects of your life. He’d asked non-stop questions about Villenueve, which you’d gladly answered to the best of your abilities, and at one point there’d been a flour explosion, so you were covered in the stuff.
“Someone’s had a busy morning,” Gaston commented when you arrived at the door.
“You could say that,” you replied, opening the door and stepping in. “I can’t stay for too long now—we’ve got a couple pasties in the oven and I’m not sure how much attention Chip is giving to them.”
Gaston rose slowly from his seated position and stretched before taking the tray from you. “I don’t suppose I can request one of those for lunch?” he asked while examining the food. He grabbed a few grapes and, while balancing the tray on one hand, began to toss them into his mouth.
Show-off, you thought. He saw you watching him, which earned a smirk, then he held up a grape.
“Want one?”
Giddy from the morning’s fun, you gave a playful shrug and nodded. Gaston popped the grape into his mouth and set the tray down, this time picking up the bunch of grapes rather than a mere handful. However, instead of simply offering another grape to you, he took a few steps back. “Catch,” was all he said.
You barely registered the single word before a grape was thrown at you, bouncing off your forehead. “What?” you asked, more to give yourself time to process what he was doing than because you hadn’t heard him.
“Catch!” he repeated, still with that stupidly handsome smirk plastered on his face. He threw another grape.
This time you were better prepared. Your hand reached up and snagged the small fruit from the air, earning a tut-tut from the imprisoned man. “What?” you demanded, this time out of confusion.
“Don’t use your hands.” His green eyes glittered with mischief. “Anyone can catch things with their hands. Impress me.”
Alright, then. You felt a smirk emerging on your face at his challenging (and slightly commanding) tone. Challenge accepted.
He threw another grape, which you tried to catch with your mouth but failed. Three more followed, and Gaston was getting more and more amused at your failures while you got more and more frustrated.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). I expected better of you. You’re making me waste precious grapes here.” He chucked another, which landed on your head and fell to the ground.
You were seriously tempted to just pick up all the dirtied fruits and start hurling them at him. You were fairly certain he was throwing them all in a way so they’d hit different parts of your face, purposefully embarrassing you. Not this time, you mentally snarled.
He threw the fruit, and this time, your eyes managed to stay on it. You took a step backwards, tipped your head back, and the small grape actually landed in your mouth. Your eyes widened at your unexpected triumph, and you threw your arms up in the air, lifting your head back up so Gaston could see that you’d succeeded.
“Ahh, took you long enough,” he said, grinning.
A flare of annoyance surged in you. That’s it? That’s all he has to say? “What!” you exclaimed through your teeth. He shrugged in response. You ate the grape quickly so you could continue expressing your annoyance. “That’s all you have to say? No, ‘You did it’, no ‘Good job’?” You bent down to gather the fallen grapes. “Not even a ‘I knew you could do it if you tried hard enough’?” You began pelting him with them, stepping closer and closer as you spoke. “What. A. Rude. Thing. To. Say!” Each word was punctuated with a grape. Gaston managed to duck the first two, but as you got closer he had no choice but to let the grapes hit him. You threw the final grape at his face, which he avoided by tipping his head down so that it hit his hair instead. Your ammunition now spent, he started to laugh, a deep belly laugh, one you’d never heard from him, even prior to his imprisonment.
You couldn’t help but be pulled along with a laugh of your own. This entire situation was ridiculous! Never in all of your life had you imagined you’d be standing in a prison cell, throwing grapes at a handsome but boorish war captain!
Gaston’s face, flushed with humor, was suddenly quite close to yours. While the rest of his body radiated laughter, his eyes, now boring into yours, had something else in them. You couldn’t help but stare, even as you felt your own humor start to die down. He was standing so close to you, close enough that he could easily pull you into an embrace if he wanted. And to be quite honest, you weren’t sure if you’d resist that much.
In fact, now that you were aware of it, you wanted him to do just that. You wanted to feel his strong arms wrapped around you, the warmth of his body pressed firmly against yours. You wanted to place your arms around him, to feel that muscular back again. You could even go so far as to say you wanted him to press his lips to your own, to tangle his hands in your (h/c) hair while you tangled yours in his.
He’s getting closer! you realized with a small burst of panic. As much as you wanted all of that to happen, you were terrified of following through. What if he was using you? What if this was all an act? What if LeFou had been wrong in his assumption that Gaston might actually care for you?
You took a step back. “I-I have to go. The food. Burned. I have—” You took another step back, breaking eye contact, “—it could be burning. Chip. Uhm, right.” Your face was burning, but you couldn’t do anything about that. You turned around, trying very hard not to sprint as you rushed to the door. “I’ll be—I’ll be back later. After burning. I mean, after the food burns. After the food is not burned. I’ll be back.”
Why are you still talking? you screamed at yourself. Just stop already! You passed through the door and it slammed shut, making you jump. “Sorry!” you practically shouted before fleeing down the stairs.
Once you’d reached the bottom, you leaned against the wall to give yourself time to calm. It wouldn’t do to be returning to the kitchen with a face as red as a ripe tomato. As you took deep, calming breaths, you mentally berated yourself.
Well, that went smoothly, (Y/N). Surely he knows of your affections now, if he didn’t already! Why do you have to be so obvious? Why can’t you just act normal for once? As your heart rate slowed, your thoughts sped up. He’s probably going to mention this when I bring lunch. Or tonight. Or even tomorrow—he could bring this up at anytime and I’ll just get flustered again and, oh, damn, what have I done? Why did I think this was a good idea?
“(Y/N)?” you heard Chip call, startling you from your internal monologue. You sucked in a breath and exhaled.
Okay, (Y/N). Chip is looking for you. You have to remain calm. The last thing you need is an inquisitive 10-year-old noticing that you’re acting odd. You closed your eyes and repeated your breathing exercise a few more times. Your face felt like it was cooling, so you deemed yourself ready. Just act normal. Go finish cooking. It will be okay.
“(Y/N)!” It sounded like Chip was getting farther away.
You opened your eyes and stepped out of the doorway. “I’m coming!” you called back as you walked down the grand staircase.
I can do this.
Two more flour wars (and their subsequent clean-ups) later, you and Chip had finished for the day. You were content with what the two of you had created—even the head chef had offered to show you how to make other pasties and desserts. You’d agreed to the idea, but only if Chip could be your sous-chef. He’d brightened so much at that declaration and ran off to tell his mother, leaving you to bring lunch to Gaston. You were dreading it, but it had to be done.
You grabbed two of the three pasties you’d made, leaving the third for Chip to enjoy later. You didn’t get grapes this time, but instead grabbed a few oranges along with bread and cheese.
When you finally got to the cell, Gaston was sitting in the open doorway, his back against the wall on your right and his left leg tapping the opened wall across from him. His right leg was bent up, with his arm resting on it as he turned the page of Hamlet.
You were struck by the sight of him sitting there, reading, the summer sunlight basking him in a warm glow. Seeing him doing something so unlike him was more attractive than you’d imagined (and you’d imagined something similar to this quite a lot).
He didn’t act as if he’d heard you, although he must have. You tried to be quiet as you entered the cell, wanting to prolong the sight of the great hunter actually reading. Oh, wait until I tell Belle about this.
“Is Hamlet mad?” Gaston asked after a few minutes of silence.
You shook your head. “No. He’s pretending to be mad in order to hide his plots for vengeance.”
“I cannot deny the brilliance of his actions.”
It’s happening. Gaston is having a conversation about a book. Belle’s not going to believe this. “What’s happening now?” you asked, slowly walking over to him. He set the book aside, folding his hands over his stomach and looking up at you.
“I believe he’s at a funeral of some sort?” His eyebrows lifted slightly, as if asking for confirmation.
You wracked your brain to figure out whose funeral it must be. “Oh, Ophelia’s?”
He frowned as he thought, then gave a small nod. “She’s the one who was in love with him, correct?”
“Then yes. Her brother…” he chuckled lowly. “Her brother is not happy at the moment.”
You shrugged. “Most people aren’t after someone drives their sibling to suicide.”
Gaston pulled his leg back and turned so that both legs were now dangling over the edge of the open door. He looked over his shoulder at you and motioned for you to join him. “Come, come sit.”
You raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”
He snorted, insulted. “And why not?” You gave no answer. He glanced down at the stairs below and grinned. Damn that smile. “I won’t push you, I promise.”
“Oh, and I’m supposed to just believe you?” you replied, setting the tray down and placing your hands on your hips.
He laughed at your sardonic words. “You don’t trust me? Still?”
“And why should I, after everything?”
Gaston scooted himself back around, facing you fully. “Really? You want to know why you can trust my word?”
Why do I have a bad feeling about this? You stood firm despite the sudden butterflies that erupted in your stomach. He was still staring at you, that familiar cockiness radiating from him. He knew the answer, and he wanted you to figure it out. You thought about it for a moment before waving a hand vaguely towards the door. “Is it because you haven’t tried to escape?”
He scoffed. “No, although that is a good reason.” He rose from his seated position and dusted his pants off. “Haven’t you noticed anything about me?” He gestured to himself.
Your eyes scanned his body for some sort of clue, but while you appreciated the excuse he’d given you to examine him (those pants were very form-fitting, indeed), you had no idea what he was talking about. Even the bruise on his face was fading. “Besides your overconfident attitude and the lack of poof in your hair?” you replied sarcastically.
His hand automatically went to his hair, earning a smirk from you and a frown from him. He shook it off, though, and took a few steps towards you. “Look closer.” His grin was almost mocking now. “I don’t mind.”
You refused to give in to his bait. “Gaston, just tell me,” you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest.
His sneer grew, and he leaned in close. “You’re not as observant as you think, (Y/N),” he whispered, his warm breath making you shiver. You had no doubt that he noticed, but you kept your expression stoic. With an air of disappointment at your refusal to play along with his flirtations, he stepped back. “Stubble,” he replied, giving a brisk wave to his chin.
Your eyes looked to his face before widening in realization. How could I have been so stupid? “You have stubble,” you said softly.
Gaston slowly bent down and reached into his boot. You watched as he pulled out a slim knife, protected from his calf by a leather sheath.
He could’ve used that at anytime to threaten me into letting him out—and then he could’ve used that as a means to escape the castle. Your eyes wandered from the knife to his face and back to the knife. So why didn’t he?
“I have to say, I’m surprised at you, (Y/N). I’ve been in here for what, four, five days now?” Gaston slid the knife out of the sheath as he spoke, and you couldn’t help the minnow of nervousness that swam into your stomach at the sight. “You’ve spent some time with me each day, and you never once noticed that I didn’t have a beard beginning to grow.” He began to swing the knife around in his hand. The sunlight glinted off the edge, making you flinch. He noticed your uncomfortableness and stopped swinging it. “Normally, I wouldn’t care that much. But I wanted to see if you’d notice.”
“Obviously I don’t pay that much attention,” you muttered, more to yourself than him. He heard you, though, and frowned.
“Obviously not.” He studied the knife for a moment, then returned his gaze to you. Something in his green eyes gave you a bad feeling. “Hold up that orange.”
You blinked. “What?” you asked dumbly.
He grinned. “The orange. Hold it up for me.”
The bad feeling expanded. “Why?” you asked, drawing out the word.
“Please?” The look he gave you shifted from mischievous to childlike.
“Well, since you said ‘please’…” You had a sneaking suspicion of why he was asking, but you so rarely heard him say ‘please’ that you were willing to play along. If he’s doing what I think he’s doing…then who’s more of a fool—him for doing it or me for letting him? You grabbed the orange and tossed it up in the air a few times.
“Excellent. Now go to that way.” He pointed, and you sighed but walked to the opposite end of the cell as directed. “Put the orange on your head.”
“WHAT?” you shrieked. “I am not letting you throw a dagger at my head!”
Gaston scoffed. “I won’t hit you.”
You imitated his scoff mockingly. “Somehow, that’s not reassuring,” you hissed.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). Consider it an example of trust.” The knife was spinning lazily again. He was clearly an expert when it came to weapons, but that didn’t mean he could throw a damned knife at you!
You glared at him in the hopes that he’d back down, but he simply continued to play with the knife and watch you. You both stood that way, neither backing down. Finally—
“Why not?”
“Are you whining about this?” You held the orange out in your hand, away from your body. “This is an orange. It’s small and round and you want me to put it on my head so you can throw a knife at it in the pretense of a crazy trust exercise that is, in actuality, just an attempt to prove your masculinity and arrogance and I, for one, am not—”
Faster than your eye could see, Gaston flicked his wrist, and the weight of the orange disappeared from your hand. You heard a thump! as the fruit hit the wall and another as it fell to the floor. You gaped at your now-empty hand for a few seconds, long enough to allow your disbelief and shock to turn into fury. When you turned your glare back to Gaston, he was smirking…until you rushed at him, fully intending to kick him in the shin and maybe punch him again. At the sight of you racing towards him with murder in your eyes, he dropped the sheath and held up his hands in a defensive position.
“Now, (Y/N), remember what happened the last time you hit me—ow!”
One shin kicked, one more to go. You started hitting his shoulder repeatedly, knowing it wasn’t doing any damage but making you feel better nonetheless. Gaston flinched and took a step back, which made you step forward. He took two more steps away from you, but you followed suit, and a full-on chase began.
Of course, it wasn’t like there was a lot of running space in the cell, and Gaston didn’t seem to be concerned about your desire for vengeance.  In fact, he seemed more amused than annoyed. He was laughing at you as you continued to attack his shoulder. “(Y/N)—(Y/N), there’s no need for tha—(Y/N), it was funny, I don’t see why you’re so—ow, that actually hurt!—there’s no reason to be so angry at me!”
You finally ceased, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff. Gaston took one look at you and began to full-on laugh again, which almost made you start hitting him again. You spun around and prepared to stalk out, but your eyes landed on the orange that was on the ground, the knife solidly embedded in it. You picked it up and slid the knife out. For a moment, you contemplated throwing it at Gaston. Bet he wouldn’t think it’s funny if it was him. However, knowing your luck, you’d probably just miss and he’d make fun of you for it.
Which was why you simply dropped the knife into your skirt pocket and continued on your way out, leaving both meat pasties for Gaston to eat. You heard Gaston move behind you.
“(Y/N), where are you going? And that’s my knife; you can’t just take it.”
You exited the cell and slammed the door shut before Gaston could stop you. He frowned at your coldness. “(Y/N), I don’t understand,” he whined, placing both hands on the barred door and leaning his forehead on against it.
Don’t answer him. If he can’t figure out what he did wrong, that’s his problem, you thought, turning away from him.
“Can I at least have my knife back?”
You ignored him as you stomped back down the stairs.
Contrary to your outside actions, you weren’t truly as mad as you wanted Gaston to think you were. Yes, you hoped he’d realize that it was not appropriate in any way to randomly throw a knife at anyone, but you were impressed with his skill level. Impressed and intrigued and a little aroused, if you were being completely honest with yourself. You found yourself wondering—could he teach you to do that?
Now that would be interesting.
“(Y/N), just the woman I was looking for!” Adam announced, running up from a hallway and clasping your shoulder. You looked at the prince. He was wearing a green vest over his white shirt, but had on no overcoat, which seemed a little unusual for the regal man. An air of jitteriness hovered around him, but his grip on you was as warm as ever.
“Is everything alright?” you asked tentatively.
He smiled at you, but the corners of his mouth twitched several times, as if he was having a difficult time keeping calm. “Yes. Quite so. Perhaps as good as it could ever be.” He removed his hand and clapped both hands behind his back. “Would you mind walking with me for a moment?”
You raised an eyebrow but nodded.
Together, the two of you made your way outside. “How are you today?” Adam asked as you exited the castle and walked down the steps.
“I’m well. Made a couple of pasties this morning.”
“Yes, I recall Cogsworth mentioning something along the lines of that when he gave me a report on the castle this morning.” Adam grinned. “He was rather petulant about the whole situation.”
You gave a sheepish shrug. “Sorry?”
“Oh, you don’t need to apologize!” You passed the first group of hedges and waved at a servant who was trimming them. “Cogsworth is a wonderful man. He just gets a bit…”
“Cantankerous? Persnickety? Grumpy?” you supplied with a smile.
Adam laughed. “All of those and more,” he agreed. “But I’m told Lumière jumped to your rescue.”
“More like danced, but yes, something like that.” You tried to keep your gaze on the prince, feeling like it would be rude not to look at him while speaking, but you hadn’t walked the castle grounds before. You’d ridden through it on horseback multiple times, but this was the first chance you’d had to really examine it.
Whether Adam noticed or not, he didn’t seem to find your lack of attention offensive. “And how is our friend?”
It took you a moment to realize he meant Gaston. “Oh, he’s…as well as can be, I suppose.” You thought back to the dagger incident and suddenly remembered it was still in your pocket. Whoops.
“Not giving you any trouble, I hope?”
“What? Oh, no, not aside from neverending flirtatious remarks.”
“Good, good.” You walked in silence for a little bit. You enjoyed the silence, using it to breathe in the fresh summer air and to marvel at how green the topiary was. And the castle grounds were simply huge! There so many fountains everywhere!
You both went to the left, towards the nearest fountain. “Where’s Belle?” you asked, abruptly realizing that your best friend and Adam’s other half was nowhere to be seen.
Adam looked up to the castle behind him. “She’s in the library, doing research for an invention idea she has.” He returned his gaze to you, and once again, you sensed the air of nervousness that hovered around him. “She’ll be in there for another couple of hours, I warrant. Which is just enough time to discuss something of utmost importance with you.”
You pointed to yourself. “Me?” you repeated, confused.
He nodded. “Yes, you.” His eyes darted around, as if ensuring that nobody else was within earshot, before he lowered his voice. “You see, today I finally received a very important package.”
You leaned closer to him, playing along with his secretiveness. “And that was?”
He put a finger to his lips, then reached into his pants pocket and procured a small wooden box. He opened it slowly, and the sight of the ring inside made you gasp. It was beautiful—the gold band was made to look like a flower stem that blossomed into a rose. Within the rose petals was a diamond, small and sparkling in the sunlight.
You looked at the prince, eyes big and mouth wide open. “Is that—” you whispered before stopping, the joy of what this meant working its way through you.
Adam nodded happily, reminding you of Chip’s reaction that morning to being allowed to help you cook. You covered your mouth in an attempt to hold back a squeal of excitement. “When?” you managed to squeak.
Adam glanced back at the castle. “This evening, I hope.” He closed the box and returned it to his pocket. “I had it commissioned almost immediately after becoming human again. It was just today finished and delivered here.”  
“That’s wonderful! I’m happy for you both.” You looked towards the castle before sitting on the marble ledge of the fountain. “I’m assuming you’ve already talked with Maurice about it?”
Adam sat next to you and folded his hands together. “Yes. We spoke when he came to the castle a few days ago. I honestly expected him to refuse after what I did to him, but he gave me his blessing eagerly. ‘You make her happy,’ were his exact words.” He sighed, and you noticed that his foot had begun tapping the ground. “Do you think she’ll say yes?” he asked softly.
For a moment, you saw how truly worried he was that Belle might refuse his proposal. Not only was his foot tapping, but his eyes kept going back and forth between the ground and the castle, and the longer you went without responding, the more his thumbs began to fiddle. On the outside, he looked like a prince, but he was just a man. A man who was in love and feared that he might lose it.
You placed your hand on his shoulder, hoping that it was okay to touch him so casually. He stilled at your touch. “Do you know how worried she was for you when the mob was coming here?” You spoke quietly, hoping that whatever you were about to say would be what he needed to hear. “She was terrified, and that made her determined. She left me behind because she wanted—no, she needed—to get to you and make sure you were safe. And then she saw you get shot, and it broke her heart.” You tried to recall the way she’d explained her tale to you all those days ago, when you were both in the ballroom. “She loves you, Adam. It’s in her eyes when she looks at you, in her smile when she sees you, in the way she talks and laughs and playfully bickers with you.” You smiled. “She’ll say yes.”
Adam’s entire demeanor changed at your words, with him seeming to light up from the inside. His foot stopped tapping and he sat up straight. You withdrew your hand, knowing you’d said the right thing. “I made her a book,” he said.
“Yes. I’ve been keeping a sort of diary since the day we were saved, and I turned it into a book for her.”
“That’s a wonderful idea!” You dipped your fingers into the fountain water and swirled them around, relishing the coolness against your skin. Your bruises were almost gone by now. “But why are you telling me all this? It’s not as if you need my approval to marry her or anything.”
“You’re Belle’s friend. You’re important to her, and that makes you important to me.” You could hear the sincerity in his tone, giving you a rush of warmth. “I don’t need your approval, but I would like it nonetheless.”
You lifted your hand out of the water and flicked them to get stray droplets off. “Well, not that you need it or anything, but I can say with complete certainty that you have my approval.” You grinned at the man, who jumped up and extended a hand to you.
“Excellent! Can you be by the roses by 7 o’clock?”
You accepted his hand and allowed him to pull you up. “Of course!”
While his nervousness was gone, he still had a frantic energy about him. “Excellent!” he repeated. “I’ll have to tell Lumière to prepare a special dinner for tonight, and I need the rose petals, and (Y/N), I need you to keep Belle occupied until I come for her. Can you do that?”
You gave him a mock salute. “You can count on me!” He released your hand, which you then punched forward triumphantly. “To the library!” you declared, running that direction. Adam snorted (a rather un-princely sound) at your enthusiasm.
“Don’t tell her!” he called after you.
“I won’t!” you shouted back.
Belle’s getting married! She’s actually getting married! Well, she has to say ‘yes’ first, but she will. And then she’s getting married! But I can’t tell her. I have to be calm.
“(Y/N)? Why are you skipping up the stairs? What are you so happy about?”
You froze at the sight of Belle, a large book in hand. “Oh, Belle! I didn’t see you there!” You grabbed her arm and started to lead her back towards the library. “Come on, let’s get you a book.”
“I already have one.” She held up the thick novel.
“Oh, that thing? You’ll have it done in an hour. You need a thicker book!”
“It’s over a thousand pages long…”
Oh, this was going to be a challenge.
You managed to keep Belle occupied, though you’d been correct in your thoughts that it would prove to be difficult. You’d caught her up on Gaston (with the exception of telling her about the knife incident—more for Gaston’s protection than hers; she wouldn’t take too kindly to the news that he’d thrown a knife at her best friend, after all), including his apparent reading of Hamlet. Then she’d helped you pick out another book (Macbeth) that you could subtly leave in the cell in case he was bored enough to keep reading.
Mrs. Potts had brought some tea and toast at one point while you were both reading, and given you the news that Mr. Potts had arrived at the castle and asked to move in with them. The two of you were overjoyed at this announcement and hugged the older woman, who left to go help him unpack. Belle offered to help, but both you and Mrs. Potts insisted that she needn’t.
Then Belle had wanted to grab something from her room, but you convinced her she didn’t need it. She’d also asked where Adam was and tried to go searching for him, but you managed to bring up the subject of her latest inventions and successfully distracted her.
Was Belle suspicious of your obvious attempts to keep her in the library? Probably. But you had a job and by God, you were going to do it.
Finally, finally, around quarter-past six, Adam came to the library, arms clasped behind his back. You let out a sigh of relief, which he noticed. He raised a blonde eyebrow towards you, and you tilted your head towards Belle and scrunched your face to convey just how appreciative he’d better be of keeping his soon-to-be  fiancé confined without revealing anything. His eyes twinkled at your exasperation, which earned an eye-roll from you.
“Belle, I have something for you,” Adam began. Belle uncrossed her legs in order to stand from her chair, but he handed her a package.
You started sneaking your way out of the library, using Belle’s curiosity as a distraction. You heard the paper crinkle and Belle’s gasp when she saw it was a book. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. “But why?”
“Turn the page and read it,” Adam encouraged her.
There was a soft rustle as Belle turned a page. “Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France, a handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle. Is that you?”
Adam chuckled. “Keep reading.”
You slowed your walking, curious to hear the rest of the book.
“Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was selfish and unkind. He taxed the village to fill his castle with the most beautiful objects, and his parties with the most beautiful people. Then, one night, an unexpected intruder arrived at the castle, seeking shelter from the bitter storm. As a gift, she offered the prince a single rose.” She paused, then laughed, “Is that supposed to be a rose?”
As Adam muttered something about how being a prince doesn’t mean you’re an artist, you had an epiphany. This must be how he got turned into a Beast. It’s Adam’s story.
Evidently, Belle realized that too. Her laughter stopped, and her reading slowed, though her voice was steady. “Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince turned the woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. When he dismissed her again, the old woman’s outward appearance melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.” She paused, giving you time to imagine Agathe appearing before Adam the way she’d appeared before you.
“The prince begged her for forgiveness. But it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast, and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who loved there.”
You slipped out of the library then, feeling like staying any longer was intruding. So that’s what happened, you thought with a frown. I’ve always wondered exactly how he got cursed. And why did Agathe punish the servants as well? It wasn’t their fault if he was selfish.
You were so lost in thought that it seemed like mere minutes before you’d reached the roses. No one else was there, so you sat down on a stone bench next to a tree and allowed yourself a moment to breathe in the evening air. The smell of roses mixed in with the occasional scent of the water from the nearby fountain every time the wind blew. The world is quiet here, you found yourself thinking as you examined your surroundings. Your eyes wandered from the stone archways that resided around you to the castle, and you found yourself looking at the bridge where you’d rescued Gaston. You stared at the bridge, then allowed your eyes to move to the tower that he was currently being held in. Can he see me? you wondered, squinting. You could see nothing through the open doors and windows—it was too far.
You began humming to yourself as you continued to watch the tower. It was a song your mother had taught you when describing a ball she’d gone to and showing you how to dance. “Nous n’irons plus a bois, les lauriers sont coupés. La belle que voila, la laiss’rons nous danser?” You pulled your legs up and wrapped your arms around them. “Entrez dans la danse, voyez comme on danse. Sautez, dansz, embrassez qui vous voudrez…”
You sang your way through quite a few lullabies as you waited. Finally, you heard someone running towards you. You jumped off the bench and tried to find a place to hide, assuming it was Belle. Before you could, however, Adam emerged. You had enough time to notice he was now wearing the matching jacket to his vest, which made him look quite handsome.
“(Y/N)! You’re here!”
“Yes?” you replied uncertainly, suddenly wondering if you’d misheard his instructions.
He grinned, his face one of boyish delight. “She should be on her way in about ten minutes.” He pulled the ring box out of his jacket pocket and examined it, as if to make sure he hadn’t lost it. “How have you been? Was it difficult keeping her occupied?”
“Yes. Yes, it was. I’m certain she knew something was up. She’s quite clever, you know.”
“It’s one of my favorite things about her,” he replied in a loving tone. You smiled.
“So is the book you gave her your story?”
“Yes, essentially. I attempted to illustrate it as well, but…” he gave a sheepish shrug, “I’m not as talented in drawing as Belle or her father, I’m afraid.”
You laughed. “How bad is it?”
He gave you an embarrassed look. “Fairly horrendous,” was his response.
You laughed again. Adam’s cheeks flushed, but he maintained his princely atmosphere.  “I’ll have to examine them later, then.”
“I’m sure you will,” he grumbled, but you could tell he was joking.
You decided to spare him further teasing (for now, at least) and pointed to an archway that was behind you. “I’m going to hide, then.”
“Yes, please do.”
You rolled your eyes and went behind the smaller stone wall. It was just big enough for you to hide behind if you crouched; it was too thin for you to stand behind. You kept your ears peeled for the sound of Belle’s approach, occasionally peering at Adam. As you both waited for Belle, Adam plucked a rose from a bush near him. He pulled out the ring and, after a moment of hesitation, pulled the navy ribbon holding his hair back out, which he then used to tie the ring to the rose.
That’s beautiful, you thought. And to think, this all happened because of a flower.
“Adam?” Belle called, snapping you and Adam to attention. You ducked, but covertly peeked at the prince. She entered the small clearing, the book still in hand.
“Belle.” He took a few steps towards her, his hair falling forwards to frame his face. She watched him, curious, but you saw the realization occurring in her brown eyes. She knew what was happening.
Adam continued. “So now you know what happened to me. How I was the one who had it all. How I was cursed. How I fell into despair and became reclusive, bitter.” He indicated the roses around them, glowing in the orange of the now-setting sun. “A rose served as my damnation…and as my salvation.” He took another step towards her, nearly close enough to embrace her.
You felt yourself blushing at the intimacy of this moment. You knew neither of them minded, but still…it felt like you were intruding.
“You stood up to me. You saved my life.”
When did that happen? You wondered.
“You showed me how to be better, and you made me want to change. I wanted to change for you because…” he swallowed thickly. “Because I love you. And I don’t want to be without you. Your wit, your stubbornness, your compassion and warmth—I love everything about you. I love you, Belle, and I know you don’t need a man to take care of you. You’re quite capable of doing that yourself.”
You covered your mouth to stifle your laugh. He’s got that right.
“But if you’d let me, I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you’ve made me.” Adam held out the rose, kneeling as he offered it to her. “Belle…will you marry me?”
Belle didn’t even take the rose before she threw the book aside and jumped on him, effectively knocking him to the ground, and kissed him. You felt your face grow redder at the passion in her actions. When they finally broke apart, she was repeating one word tearfully over and over again. “Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, yes!”
You turned away as they began kissing again, but stopped when you heard Adam call your name.
“(Y/N), you can come out now!”
Belle made a sound of surprise. “(Y/N)?” she exclaimed, turning towards you as you emerged from behind the wall. Her eyebrows creased in thought, then, “You were in on this! That’s why you were keeping me in the library!”
You grinned at her. “Yeeep,” you drawled, popping the ‘p’.  She shook her head at you, but the huge smile on her face let you know she wasn’t mad in any way. She rushed to you and enveloped you in a tight hug.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“I didn’t do anything,” you whispered back, feeling your own tears start to fall. “It was all Adam. I just helped a little.”
The two of you broke apart with a giggle, which gave Adam the chance to offer Belle the rose once more. She took the flower and untied the blue ribbon that wrapped around it, which allowed her to take the ring off the stem and slip it onto her finger. “It’s perfect,” she declared, looking from her hand to her fiancé and you. Happy tears trickled down her face.
You threw your arms up. “My best friend is getting married!” you announced jubilantly, your voice cracking a little.
“Yes, yes, I am!” Belle agreed, once again wrapping you in a hug. You saw Adam grinning at the sight of you two and motioned for him to join in. He did so, which, for some reason, made both you and Belle start laughing again. He started laughing as well, and by the time the three of you separated, your cheeks were pink from laughing so hard. Belle wrapped her arm around his waist and gave him a quick peck on the lips before turning to you. “(Y/N), will you be my maid of honor?” she asked.
You thought your face was going to split in half from how huge your grin was. “Yes! Of course! Definitely!” Apparently one word wasn’t enough to express your agreement to such a crucial role. “Absolutely! Positively! Unequivocally! Yes!”  You and Belle hugged for the third time in less than fifteen minutes.
When you’d finally pulled apart, Adam held out both of his arms to you. “Well then, shall we eat? I’ve a special meal planned for tonight.”
You and Belle made eye contact and started giggling again, earning an eyeroll from Adam. You took Adam’s right arm (making sure to grab the dropped book) while she took his left, and together, the three of you made your way back to the castle, the sunset behind you lighting your path with gold.
Indeed, it was a special meal, at least, for you and Belle. There was lamb and roasted chicken and beef ragout and cheese soufflé and by God, were you full by the time you’d all finished eating. Lumière had opened a few of their best bottles of champagne, and Adam had invited the whole castle in a toast to his and Belle’s engagement. To both your and Belle’s pleasant surprise, Maurice had been there at the table, waiting when you all returned. It seemed that Adam had planned this moment out far more than you’d been aware.
There had been much discussion in regards to the upcoming nuptials, which meant that you weren’t able to bring Gaston his dinner until later than usual. You tried to hurry up the stairs whilst keeping all the food on the tray, knowing that he was probably fairly hungry by now.
When you reached the cell, you saw that he was sitting down at the open door, his legs dangling over the edge. For a brief and panicked moment, you thought he might jump as you entered the cell, that he’d been waiting specifically for your return in order to maximize the emotional damage that would surely follow.
He didn’t, though. He simply sat there, staring out the open window, and waited for you to join him. You were tentative about sitting down next to him, but after an internal debate, you slowly sat down next to him and let your legs dangle over the edge.
You genuinely expected him to make some sort of comment regarding your lateness. At the very least, you thought he’d immediately grab the tray and start eating. He did neither, earning a mental frown from you. You decided to be the one to incite conversation rather than wait for him.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” you said, watching him carefully for any acknowledgment. He gave none, prompting you to try again. “We had a long dinner, but I managed to get you some variety this time. There’s lamb, ragout, even a few pastries.”
Still nothing.
Starting to get a little bit concerned now, you thought.
“Gaston? Are you okay?” You lifted one hand to set on his shoulder, then pulled it back when you saw his lack of reaction. Instead, you placed your hand on the floor next to the tray. Yes, now I’m a little more concerned.
You followed his unwavering gaze to the darkened courtyard. Your eyes adapted soon enough, and you could pinpoint the location of the earlier proposal. You stared at that spot. It was so tiny from here, yet that didn’t make it unidentifiable. Your eyes moved from there to the fountains, the water shimmering in the pale moonlight. The stars shone bright above the castle, and you could make out a few familiar constellations. It’s beautiful, you thought, a temporary peace coming over you.
“I thought I could make her happy,” came a soft mutter from the man on your right, drawing your attention.
Gaston continued to look outside as he spoke. “Belle. I did everything in my power to make her mine. But instead, she falls for another man.” His shoulders slumped as he let loose a sigh. “She wouldn’t marry me, but she’ll marry him.”
You felt your eyebrows crease in confusion. How on earth did he know about the proposal? Surely he couldn’t have seen what was happening from this far away!
“I saw it, (Y/N). I saw it all.”
So much for that. “But you can barely see where it happened from here!”
He scoffed, but it felt half-hearted. “I’m the greatest hunter around for a reason.” He nodded his head slightly towards the courtyard. “I recognized your dress when you went out, and then I saw the prince and Belle. I didn’t need to hear to know why she was reacting like that.” As he spoke, his tone grew bitter. “Not to mention I heard the whole castle cheering downstairs.”
You bit your lip, unsure of how to respond to this. It was clear that he was upset, and while you sympathized, you also felt like he was seeking pity, which you had no intention of granting.
“I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised,” he added, lifting his chin to see the stars. “Of course the woman I love would choose someone else.”
Alright, that’s enough of that. “You didn’t love her,” you replied with a hint of frustration. Gaston finally deigned to look at you, his green eyes duller than you’d ever seen them. “She was a challenge, the only woman who dared to say ‘no’ to you. That’s the only reason you wanted her.” You locked eyes with him, willing him to realize you were speaking the truth. He opened his mouth, but you cut him off. “Admit it, Gaston. Belle was nothing more than a prize to be won, something you could use to stroke your ego with if you succeeded.” You crossed your arms and twisted so that you were leaning against the wall, although your legs still hung over the edge.
He didn’t even have to decency to act offended by your harsh words; he just continued to stare at you with that blank look in his eyes.
“Perhaps,” was his only reply.
You raised an eyebrow, daring him to say more.
With a deep sigh that turned into a yawn, he mimicked your position. There was silence between the two of you as you sat there, watching each other. You were still confused by his lack of appetite and made a mental resolution to just leave the food there when you left for the night. Which needed to be rather soon—you’d gotten up early today and were feeling drowsy after all the excitement. We need to let Villenueve know tomorrow, and that’ll be loads of fun. And then there’s officially inviting people, planning the decorations, the dresses, the jackets and the meals. Oh, maybe I can see how LeFou’s doing with asking everyone how they feel about Gaston. Yes, I need to make time for that somehow…
“Not the only girl.”
“What?” you asked, your mind still caught up in listing everything that needed to be done tomorrow.
“Belle’s not the only girl with the gall to stand up to me,” he repeated, giving you a pointed look. “You interrupted me nearly every time I was with her.”
The corner of your mouth twitched when you saw a spark of something returning to his eyes. He seemed to be waking up from whatever self-pitying mood he’d been in. Good. I wasn’t planning on putting up with that for long.
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” You tilted your head at him, thinking back on all the various times you’d intervened. Remembering them made you smile to yourself. “It’s the duty of a best friend to prevent unsolicited romantic advances.”
“Is it?” His voice had faded back to the melancholy tone that you were unused to.
Somehow you sensed that any further conversation would continue in this stilted manner, and you, tired as you were, felt no need to remain there when you could be getting rested for the coming day. You rose and dusted yourself off before turning to leave.
“Must you?”
Is he asking me to stay again? You hesitated. Why would he ask me to stay if he wasn’t planning on talking?
Maybe he just wants company, the other voice, the one that usually encouraged your darker thoughts, reasoned. He’s lonely. And there are lots of things you can do in each other’s company…
Yet when you looked at him, you felt no flirtatious overtures coming from him. It was a stark contrast to the cocky Gaston you’d grown used to, and whether it was due to his loss of Belle or to tiredness, it was unsettling. You were surprised to find that you actually missed his bold attitude. You missed the banter, the sly comments, the intense looks you shared. In such a short period of time, he’d changed so much from the man who’d thrown a knife at you that afternoon.
“Get some sleep,” you encouraged quietly as you walked away. You took a moment to set down Macbeth on the stool by the door in case he wanted to read. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
He didn’t reply but resumed staring outside, looking up at the stars. You frowned at his back. Maybe LeFou will know how to cheer him up. I’ll ask him tomorrow.
Now you just had to wait until then.
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reject-princess97 · 7 years
Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds/Castle Crossover
You are Richard Castle's Daughter and Alexis is your twin sister. While Alexis stayed in New York to live with your dad you moved away and joined the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. You had just had a call from Alexis telling you, your dad had decided to pay you a surprise visit for yours and Lexi's birthday.
********************* I sat on my couch, snuggled under my blanket watching TV when my phone started to ring. I picked it up and looked at the screen seeing it was my twin sister Alexis so I answered it quickly,
"Lex, hey, Happy Birthday!!!" I shouted down the phone, laughing a little when I heard her squeak in surprise.
"Hey Y/N, Happy birthday!!!" She said laughing before she became serious. "So look I have news, Dad has dragged me to one Quantico, Virginia." She said. I some how choked on air making me have a coughing fit.
"HE'S WHAT...WHERE IS HE NOW?" I asked shocked.
My dad is best selling author Richard Castle, when I was 18 I moved to Quantico to go to uni while my twin sister Alexis stayed closer to home. I would see my dad every now and then but he never visited to often. After I graduate College I joined the BAU over at the FBI and I started traveling so the visits to New York became less frequent until I was lucky if I saw my dad once or twice a year. Lexi how ever would visit every month, she had a key so if I was on a case she would just let herself in and stay until I got home or until she had to leave. Usually it was just to get away from the madhouse that is New York.
"We're at the airport. He had to go to the bathroom. I figured I should give you a heads up, let you clean up and warn that boyfriend of yours. You know how he gets especially when he finds out about Spencer." She replied.
This is going to be a disaster.
"He's gonna kill me isn't he?" I asked as I stood to my feet beginning to pace around my living room. I have been with my boyfriend Spencer for about two years now and I hadn't told my dad yet, I figured it would be better to tell him face to face but I chickened out every time I had the chance.
"Trick you're 24 years old it's not like he can ground you for having a boyfriend." She laughed making me calm down calling my by my nickname he had called me since I was a kid. "Oh here he comes, I gotta go see you in about an hour. Bye Trick." She said before hanging up. "Bye Lex." I said into the phone. I hung up the phone and finished the glass of water I had before I quickly did everything I could to get the house clean before dad and Lex got here. 'That should do it' I thought to my self. I sat down and turned on the TV just as the door bell rang.
Still dressed in my PJ's I ran to the door, sliding to a stop before pulling a door open and as expected my dad and twin sister stood there arms full of gifts. " DAD, Lex, What are you guys doing here?" I asked in mock surprise.
"Can it princess, Alexis told me she told you I was here." He said look the slightest bit upset.
"Yeah well she had to make sure I was home, I could have been on a case." I laughed as I stepped aside.
"Oh yeah, the big job at the FBI, how is it?" He asked placing the gifts on my coffee table before taking his coat off.
"It's great. I have an amazing team, I love them all." I said as I took a seat next to my dad on my couch. I watched as Lex sent a slight smirk my way before jumping up.
"Come on lets open presents." She shouted grabbing two gift bags. "These are from grams. She said she wanted to come but thought we all need some time together." She said as we opened the gifts. I put my hand in my bag and pulled out a bracelet with a diamond studded letter of my name. Lex seemed to have the same only with her initial. The next gift was from Lex with was a photo frame filled with photos of her and I growing up. "Lex I love it!" I said as I hugged her tight.
"Yeah I noticed you didn't have many of the two of us so..." she said as she opened the gift from me. I had gotten her a few book I knew she was wanting to read, a new Ipod filled with song we listened to as kids and a silver ring that had, 'sister' engraved in it.
"OK, my turn, here." Dad said handing us a gift bag. Inside was a rather big cheque which was a usual gift from dad and inside was a small black box. I opened it to find a small silver locket with my name engraved on the front. Inside the locket on one side was a small photo of Alexis and I from a while back on the day I left New York and on the other said was the picture of Alexis, dad and I on our high school graduation. "wow this is beautiful dad thank you." I said as Lex and I hugged him tight.
"Well I love you guys so you deserve only the best." He said to both of us. "Oh and this is from Beckett." He said handing my a big gift bag, "and this is from Ryan and Esposito."
"Yeah I opened mine back home." Lex said as she handed me a smaller bag. Inside the bag from the boys was coffee cup the said 'Worlds Best FBI Agent' which made me laugh.
In the bag that came from Beckett was a black leather jacket, just like her "Wow this is amazing, she remembered." I laughed. I looked over at my dad and Lex and hugged them both before pointing them both into the kitchen for a drink and food while I ran to get changed.
I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a white top, I added my locked from my dad and bracelet from grams before slipping on a pair of converse, my most beloved shoes. I brushed through my hair and left it in it's curly state and I walked out to find my dad looking around my living room. He was stood my a picture of me and the BAU team that had been taken just after my first case with them.
"This the team?" he asked pointing at the picture once he noticed I had come into the room.
"Yeah, it was taken just after my first case, we went out to celebrate and had the picture taken" I replied smiling at the picture.
"I noticed you don't have the picture of me, you, your sister and Beckett up. the one that was taken before you left, is there something wrong with it?" He asked, a little hurt in his eyes began to show. I smiled and shook my head walking over and hugging him tight.
"That picture is one of my favorites so that has a place on my desk in the office along with a picture of Lex and I and the photo of your's and Kate's wedding. that sit there at my desk for the whole team to see. My family." I smiled at him, kissed his cheek and walked back over to the sofa to sit down.
It was then Lexi entered the room. "FYI Y/N, I black SUV as pulled up outside the house." She called as she handed me a glass of water which I placed in the table by my seat, I became a little clumsy as I realized what that meant so I accidentally knocked over a framed photo of Spencer and I which sat on the table.
As I reached to pick it up a hand beat me to it. I looked at the photo frame that held the photo from the first day we had moved it, I was on Spencer's back, he was smiling up at me and I was smiling back at him. We both had on scruffy, comfy clothing as we were moving into the house. I loved the picture as you can see the love and admiration we had for each other.
I smiled slightly at the picture then looked up at the person holding it to find my dad looking at it wide eyed. "Who's this?" He asked I looked at him and opened to my mouth to speak. I was lost for words. How do I tell my dad about Spencer with out upsetting him...I don't. That was when the front door opened and closed.
"Hey, Y/N, I'm home." I heard Spencer Call as he entered the house. I looked at my dad and smiled shyly. here goes.
"Dad, there's someone I want to you to meet." I said as Spence walked into the room. At the sight of him I smiled and ran over to him, pulling him in for a kiss before I pulled away and turned to my dad. "Dad, this is my boyfriend, Dr Spencer Reid." I said introducing them.
"Wow, Mr castle it's nice to meet you." Spencer offered his hand to my dad to shake but my dad just stared at him.
"A BOYFRIEND, SINCE WHEN!" He shouted. I flinched a little before turning to him again.
"We've been together for about two years." I said calmly
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you face to face but when we finally did get to see each other you always seemed so happy, I mean I didn't want to ruin that for you." I replied as I walked over to him and took his hand.
"You kept this from me for two years." He said, although it sounded more like a question. so I nodded.
"In her diffence Dad you do go crazy when I comes to boys and you know as well as I do you would have tried to talke her out of dating him and moving in with him." Lexi said trying to reason with him how ever his eyes widened and he looked like he was about to explode,
"you live with him." he shouted, I nodded and sat down on the couch, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. "I should have told him sooner, he's right, that way he would be looking at me like I just made the biggest betraile in the history of man." I sighed as I grabbed my jacket off of the chair beside me and went out back to get some fresh air.
I sat there looking around the back yard for a while as I sat on the back porch swing. I was quiet and calm as a slight breeze blow my hair a little. I moved the hair and placed it behind my ear as I heard the door open and close, I looked up to see Spencer standing there smiling over at me.
"Hey" he said as he came and sat by me, I smiled and snuggled into his side as we sat and watched the trees sway in the breeze.
*Castles point of view*
"She should have told me Alexis, she could have saved her self and argument, im just saying." I grumbled sitting n the couch.
"Are you really putting all the blame on her. Dada as we grew up you became so protective it was impossable to even be in the same room as a boy let alone work with one. it got to the point where we had to be secretive about school projects when we were ever paired with a boy. you made it inpossable for us to come to you with problems that involved the oppersite sex and going to gram was crazy because she would always bring up past relationships and scare the hell out of us." Lexi reasoned laughing at the metion of my mothers tails. "She was just scared she was going to disappoint you. she told me the second Spencer had asked her to coffee, and she was so excited to tell Kate when he asked her to move in with him. But every time she got happy she was always upset seconds later because this was stuff she wanted to share with you."
"Then why didn't she?"
"because you would have done something crazy, the second she had mentioned Spencer you would have demanded her return home, or worse, you would have moved out here so you could keep an eye on her."
"no i wouldn't" I argued back
"You would and you would have made a huge deal out of such a small matter."
"That still doesn't make it OK that she lied to me for TWO YEARS Lexi."
"OK so she didn't tell you about Spencer, but she never lied to you dad, you never asked her about her life here, and you never made and effort to come visit. you are so caught up in Beckett and the NYPD you never once thought about coming to visit...what makes it worse is Beckett has been here to visit since they moved in here." Lex explained. I shrunk down in my seat and sulked a bit, I knew she was right, after she left I stopped trying to stay in her life. I called every once in a while and even when she came to visit I was always choosing to work with NYPD that spend time with her.
I sighed and stood up, walking towards where Y/N and Spencer had walked, but something caught my eye. My daughter, sitting on a swing, cuddled into her boyfriends side. I watched as they talked and it took all but seconds for a smile to form on her face and I couldn't help but smile at her. She laughed and the smile never faded, even when she caught sight of me.
"See, he's good for her dad. She left home to come work here, leaving her family and everything she loved behind. Spencer was the first person to become her friend, he gave her hope and the feeling she wasn't alone out here. He wants to be with her forever. Just think about that before you judge him dad because he's family now." Lex laughed before she walked passed me and out to see Y/N and Spencer.
Maybe she was right, he didn't see so bad. Y/N was happy and that was all that mattered.
*Y/N P.O.V*
After a little while of talking to Lex and Spencer his phone rang so he answered it and Lex and I went to see Dad. I stepped inside to see my dad was at the window watching, smiling as he saw us. "OK so I was upset you kept something from for so long, I'm sorry I over reacted." he said as he walked over, pulling me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back, Pulling Lex into the hug too.
We stayed this way until Spencer came into the room smiling at me us. "That was Hotch, he and team will be here in 45 mins, Rossi has told me he will be cooking so he needed to know numbers, I assume you are staying for dinner Lex, Mr Castle?" He asked politely I nodded at him before they could answer for themselves. "They're staying, We'll get the guest room ready and Lex you got your room set up so there you go." I stated as I mover from my dads arms," right if the team are on the way, Lex you can freshen up if you want you know where everything is, Mr, Castle I'll show you to the guest room and Y/N you can do as you wish because you already look amazing. Happy Birthday again by the way." He said passing me a small gift bag pulled out of his shoulder bag before he walked away, my day and Lexi following.
He had already given me my birthday presents this morning before work and I hadn't expected anything else. I smiled down at the small bag as I opened it to find a little black box and a envelope, inste the black box was a small silver ring, the words 'promise' scribbles on the inside and a small diamond sat in the center.
I opened the envelope and smiled as I read a letter that was written in his writing.
Firstly, Happy Birthday, I hope the past year has been everything you hoped it would be and I hope all the years ahead are just a joyful and happy. I do hope to be there for as many birthdays you celebrate on this earth. In sort this is the letter in which I tell you how much I deeply and truly love you, and plan on doing so for the rest of my life however long of short that maybe. but here it goes.
I told you the day we met I wasn't a people person. That was and in some ways still is true, I wasn't the type of person to just was up to someone and just say hi, but I was drawn to you. I couldn't help but light up inside when I saw you, and although it did take me a while to figure out what it ment, I can honestly say that it saw love at first sight. I knew I had to meet you, say hello and become your friend.
I can't tell you how thankful I am for you. You keep me fed when my head is stuck in a book or in a case file. You make sure I eat and sleep and in all honesty you make me the happiest I have ever been. You tell me you love me every morning and night, your smile lights up my whole day and I just can't tell you how much I want to wake up to that smile everyday for the rest of my life, If you'd let me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope you'll marry one day, but for now I just want you to know that I am promising every moment of the rest of my life to you. I love you Y/N and I don't think I tell you that enough, so I have got this ring, so you know that when you wear it you know I love you, I have loved you since we met and I will love you for as long as I live. Basically this is a long winded way of me asking for you hand in marriage, if not now at least in the future. So I guess I'll leave you with this...Y/F/N, Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me, please.
yours always
Dr, Spencer Reid
(Hopefully you future husband.)
After I read the letter I couldn't stop smiling, I knew It had taken a lot for him to write that as he wasn't one for emotions. I turned to find Spencer standing behind me, I worried and panicked look in his eye. "So, what do you say, are you will to be Mrs Reid for the rest of you life?" he asked, fear and nerves evident in his voice.
"Yes." I nodded as I ran into his arms, I kissed him hard and long while he spun me around. I felt me feet plant on the floor and he let me go, gabbing the ring box and sliding the ring onto my finger, kissing my hand before kissing my lips once again.
"So, did you do it," My dad came into the room, I looked at him confused and looked back at Spencer. "We had a little chat in the guest room." My dad explained. I smiled up at Spencer before I nodded and my dad smiled happily. "You sure this is what you want...you happy?" He asked I nodded and walked over to him.
"I am the happiest I have ever been dad I promise."
"Good, now, you should go tell your sister before she dies of excitement." My dad laughed as he hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. "He's right, it does seem a little fast for me but I saw how happy he makes you so I guess I could give you to him, as long as you promise, no more secrets." He whispered to which I nodded and kissed his cheek before running of to tell my sister of my engagement.
After telling my sister the news and nearly being defend by her screams, I decided to to change into something a bit more appropriate for a meal with family and friends. so I changed into a simple red dress that hugged my body perfectly, a pair of black heeled shoes. I put on all my new jewelry and my ring and I took one last look in the mirror before I walked out of the room just as the door bell rang. I made my way over to my Dada and sister who was wearing something similer to me excety she wore a red skater skirt and black shoes. we looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Even at the age of 24 you two still dress alike." My dad laughed.
"Hey whats all the noise," I heard some one call I turned to see Hotch and Jack standing my the door.
"Jack!" I shouted excitedly and he ran over to me and in to my arms, "hey, little guy, hows it going?" I asked.
"Great, Happy Birthday Y/N" He smiled as I knelt down so he could kiss my cheek. Soon after Hotch and Jack arrived so did JJ and Henry, then Derek and Penelope and Rossi and Emily arrived last. All my favorite people in one room, well all except two.
I had managed to great everybody and thank them for come when there was one last knock at the door "Y/N AND Lex could you get that." Spencer called, we both nodded and weboth went to the door. I pulled open the door to find two very smiley and excited faces.
There, just our side my door stood our Gran and Beckett. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Lexi and I both asked at the same time as we hugged them.
"Well Spencer invited us but we weren't to tell anyone so know body knew." Beckett smiled as she make her way to me. "Y/N It's so good to see you again." she said smiling bright, "Happy Birthday."
we moved aside and allowed them into the house so they could go see our dad and meet everyone. After the great look of shock on my dads face at the sight of his wife and mother, it was time for dinner so we all sat around the huge dinning table and began to enjoy our meal. until about half way through when my dad wanted to make a spech.
"Ok so I'll make t quick as I know Dr Reid is dying to tell you guys something really big." He said pointing over to Spencer and I who were smiling up at him. "Today I arrived he with the intention of surprising my daughter but her twin sister told her I was coming so that flow out the window. However I did get a surprise of my own, I learnt the my baby girl had a boyfriend, not only that but they are living together and all my family and friends including my wife knew of this but didn't tell me. Now you can imagine how upset I was at this but while I was sulking in the corner I happened to witness something that I couldn't begin to explain how amazing it made me feel. I saw my baby girl happy and In love. She wasn't even doing anything worth smiling about, she was just sitting there but as soon and she saw him her face lit up, I saw her whole world come together in a split second and I guess as a father thats all you ever want to see, so I guess what I'm trying to say is I am so thankful you happy. but It was Lex who had the job of being the adult, telling me about the amazing life she had seen her sister have while here. ever since they day they were born, Lex and Y/N shared and unbreakable bond and I am so happy to see that thats not changed, so Happy Birthday Y/N and Lexi, I hope you have many happy years in your future and that even though you are miles apart most of the time, I hope you keep the bond between you two. I love you guys." My dad spoke and he kissed both my mine and Lexi head. "Now, over to you Dr Reid."
"Thinks Mr,Castle. I guess I just want to say really quickly happy birthday to my beautiful fiance and my amazing soon to me sister in law." Spencer said simply before sitting down next to me and smiling, watching all the faces of out friends turn from confusion to shock to happiness all in a matter of seconds as they took in the news.
"So yeah, I finally had the guts to ask Y/N to marry me and she said yes." Spencer clarified just in case it wasn't clear.
The rest of the night was filled with congratulations and birthday wishes as we ate and drank happily with my family and friends. It was a strange feeling having them all in the same room as I had spent so long keep both parts of my life separate but it was nice to see them all together and getting along, telling stories of my childhood and time working with the BAU. All in all today was my favorite birthday ever. I had all my family there with me, all my friends were there. My twin sister came to spend ye another birthday with my and the man I loved wants to marry me. I don't think life could get better.
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bunysliper · 7 years
Castle Ficlet: Just the Essentials 1/1
Just the Essentials
A Season 7 AUish Ficlet - Set after 7x16
Based on a prompt (which is posted at the end) from @inkstainedcoffeecup, and enabled by @i-prefer-west-side. <3
"What the hell is that?"
 Heads have been turning ever since he stepped foot into the precinct with his cargo, but this time the looks – along with Esposito's question – stop him mid-stride.
 He's been preparing what he's going to say for the last eight blocks, he's got this.
 "What do you mean?" he asks, feigning innocence. Always start with innocence. Never admit guilt until necessary. "Beckett said make a run for food. I'm supplying nourishment to keep us going as we work this case. I got beef lo mein, I got moo shu pork, I got sesame chicke–"
 "And a dog," his wife supplies, crossing her arms over her chest, one eyebrow jumping high enough on her forehead to blend in with her hairline. "I'm sorry, two dogs."
 "I also got your favorite," Castle deflects, bouncing on his toes. "The spare ribs."
"Castle, the dogs?" Kate prompts, not to be deterred by his sidestep.
 "You did say the essentials, didn't you?"
 Oh, she doesn't look amused. Not at all. Which is a shame, because he had been hoping the joke would at least merit her usual method of hiding a smile.
 "Okay," Rick tries again. "I can explain. Over lunch. Which I have in this bag on my shoulder, if you'll…" he trails off, twisting in front of the detective most likely to be sympathetic to his lack of reach.
 Ryan doesn't disappoint. Stepping up, he frees the fabric bag, holding it open so Beckett and Espo can see the takeout containers. Castle thanks him quietly, ignoring his wife's stare in favor of shifting his other cargo. His arms are starting to protest being kept in the same position for so long, but he won't flinch now.
 "So yes, here's lunch. And because you asked: this is Romeo, and this one is Rocky."
 "Romeo and Rocky," his wife repeats, her voice flat, dry.
 "Uh huh. He seems like a Romeo, don't you think? Rocky I'm still iffy on, but–"
 "I don't want to shoot you, Castle, but we're rapidly approaching that point. What part of this food run led you to think that scooping up a pair of dogs out of nowhere and bringing them into the precinct was a good idea?"
 Castle glances down at the little guys in his arms, melting a bit at Romeo's soulful eyes, Rocky's trusting face. "Okay, I know it seems impulsive…"
 Beckett groans, dropping her face into her palm. "Assuming I don't do it first, Gates is going to kill you if she finds out. You were just allowed back, Rick, do you really want to get thrown out again?"
 "Who's gonna tell?" he asks. Kate opens her mouth, a retort at the ready, but he jumps back in again, "Just hear me out, please. I saw a pile of boxes on the way to the restaurant, but I didn't realize that these guys were sleeping in them until I was on the way back and I saw Romeo's little nose poke out. I wasn't just going to leave them alone, that would be cruel."
 She sighs, lifting her head again. "Of course it would be."
 "Look at this face." He lifts Romeo up to his chin, keeping Rocky steady in his other arm. "Would you turn this face down if you saw it on the street? Either of these faces?"
 Her eyes narrow. "You realize they could have fleas, don't you?"
 "They are not flea-ridden, Beckett. I know because I... kinda took them to a vet on the way back."
 "It was just a quick stop to look for microchips. Which they don't have, by the way. And they checked both over for obvious issues while they were on the table. I said I'd bring them back for a full exam later in the day once my wife met them."
 He wiggles the puppies.
 "Look at them, Kate. You know you want to keep them."
 "More than I want to keep you at the moment," she mutters, though it lacks true bite. And from the glances she's throwing Romeo and Rocky's way, she's already on her way to loving the mutts in his arms.
 Castle grins, gathering the dogs closer to his chest. Romeo squirms, his tail thumping with an excitement he hadn't possessed a few minutes ago. Probably due to the rapid, hopeful thump of Rick's heart, but if it endears the midnight-colored pup to Kate, he's not going to argue.
 "They are pretty cute," Ryan muses, reaching out a hand to stroke the tan specks on Rocky's muzzle. The dog licks his hand in greeting. "May I?"
 "Of course." Rick hands the puppy over carefully, watching him adjust to a new person.
 Ryan grins, ignoring his partner's groan. "Hey, little guy. You look pretty good for a stray."
 "That's what I thought, too," Castle says, following the detectives into the conference room with the lunch bags. "Hence why I took them to check to see if they were chipped. The vet tech said most likely they were part of a litter someone had dumped; they might've wandered away from wherever it was they'd been dropped, or the others could have been picked up already. It happens a lot, they said."
 Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Beckett drag her teeth over her lip. "I'll give animal control a call, have them keep an eye out."
 Rick nods, shifting Romeo and reaching one-handed into the bag for their food. Espo takes his carton and cutlery first, flopping down in his usual spot. Beckett reaches for her food a moment later. She eyes Rocky and Ryan, but takes her seat without comment.
 "Ah, Castle, were you planning to just put them down in here?" Ryan asks, looking between the puppies and the table.
 He twists, scooping the dog from Ryan's arms. "Right. Right. I'll figure it out. Sit. Eat," he insists, rubbing Romeo's ear. "I've got him."
 Esposito snorts, shoveling a bite of lo mein into his mouth. "Do not tell me you're going to hold both of those dogs while you eat."
 "I've done it before with Alexis."
 "Who was a baby, not an animal. And not two animals," Beckett says, shaking her head. "Get some newspaper from the recycling bin and spread it out in case they pee, then come and eat your lunch."
 He takes his spot beside her a few minutes later.
 Lunch is anything but quiet. Before he even sits down, word has apparently spread through the precinct that they're harboring visitors in the conference room, and every so often the door opens and someone steps in 'just to see what's going on,' which is usually followed by a few minutes of fawning over the puppies. By the time the food is gone and Ryan and Espo prepare to retreat to their desks to get a head start on their next lead, they've been visited by what feels like every officer and detective in the building.
 Instead of looking annoyed by the interruptions or concerned about the potential that it'll get back to Gates, he finds Beckett watching him with undisguised tenderness.
 Her smile deepens. "Nothing," she says. "Just seeing how much fun everyone's having with them. It's sweet."
 "You know, they say having dogs can help reduce your stress levels." His hand drops, beckoning Rocky closer. The smaller puppy skids toward him, nuzzling his nose into Rick's palm.
 Castle is quick to smother a smirk as Kate holds out a hand to Romeo, but not fast enough, judging by the warning look she gives him.
 "You know we can't keep them," she murmurs, lifting the dog onto her lap. "Not both of them. Not as crowded as it is at home."
 His stomach sinks a bit. She's right; with the two of them, his mother and Alexis, and their friends and… acquaintances… it's tight. Even with his mother's declared intention to move out in the near future, it's still crowded right now.
 "Not both," he agrees, latching onto her careful wording. "But… maybe one of them?"
 Kate hums, glancing at him from under her lashes. "Maybe."
 That's a yes. He pitches forward, stealing a kiss from her lips. Her mouth curves under his, pleased with his happiness. "Best wife ever."
 She smirks. "Yeah, I know. But don't think this is going to happen again."
 "Duly noted." He sneaks another kiss, this one a little more salacious than the first. "Okay, so which one are we keeping? Do we decide now and then see if someone else here in the precinct will take the other? There are shelters; I remember Ryan saying Jenny knows someone who works at one, but–"
 His wife laughs, biting her lip. "Well, I was thinking… Ryan did seem to bond with Rocky earlier. So maybe Sarah Grace would like a puppy? And we keep Romeo?"
 Rick nods without hesitation. "Jenny might kill us; Kevin might help her."
 Kate grins, stroking a finger down Rocky's nose.
 "What's the fun in being the cool aunt and uncle if you don't give the kid a dog occasionally?"
 Oh, he loves this woman. "Very true."
 "Okay," she says, getting to her feet. "In that case, take these guys back to the vet, get them completely checked out, and then take them home. I'll make sure we get out of here with enough time to take Rocky over to Ryan's before Sarah Grace falls asleep."
 He nods, taking Romeo from her arms. "Done. We'll hit the pet store, too. Get all the supplies and some food."
 "Good choice," Beckett agrees, tossing the rest of their lunch garbage. "And Rick?"
 "Just the essentials this time."
 He chuckles, looking between the dogs. Yes, he's heard that before.
 "I mean it," she insists. "Only buy what we need. Because if you come home with a litter of kittens…"
 She trails off when he laughs harder, offering a glare that's punctuated by the amused purse of her lips. There it is, the Beckett tell.
 His lips skim her cheek. "No kittens, promise."
 "Thank you," she sighs, patting his chest. "Now get out of here."
 Rick turns to leave, securing the puppies in his arms. "See you at home."
 "See you at home," she echoes, affectionate even in her attempts to feign exasperation. "You and the dogs."
 Castle grins, slipping into the bullpen with a spring in his step.
 That went better than he could have ever hoped.
A/N: I just can’t resist puppy!fics! Here’s the picture prompt that inspired this ficlet:
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adri-mari-fabrica · 7 years
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Practice Challenge Two: Arriving at Angeles
I fingered the dahlia, our province flower, as I prepared to walk onto the stage. This was it. All I had to do was look like I wanted this. I put on my brightest smile as they called my name.
Speaking at the center of the stage was our mayor, Regina Comer. Her last name quite literally meant food, the only remnant of her past, as a restaurant owner. Her story was a happy one, she was able to buy her way up and get elected mayor. A single woman at 25, she gave hope to all of us. She beckoned me towards her, handing me the microphone.
Looking across the sea of colors, I felt dull with only my dahlia flower for color. The people in the audience, on the other hand, were dressed in typical Paloma fashion-bright colors everywhere.
“It is a great honor to represent Paloma in Prince Haiden’s Selection. No los voy a decepcionar, les prometo.¨ I searched the crowd, struggling to find the right words.
As I scanned the audience, I did a double take when I noticed their expressions. I had expected to perhaps see envy or resentment among the girls and families that I had beat out, but instead their faces were full of pity. I supposed that with the relations that the South had with the kingdom, it was to be expected. After all, there was a reason why they were called Southern rebels. Lately, Angeles had been out of touch with the South, even though geographically it wasn't that far away.
My thoughts distracted me from my speech, and the mayor looked at me with concern. Get on with it, she seemed to say.
“Que Díos esté contigo. May God be with you.” I said quickly as I was ushered off the stage. As I was walked to the limousine that would be taking me to the airport I realized that I had barely managed to get out four sentences.
So much for a speech.
I took a sharp breath as we walked up to the airplane. Looking at the plane in wonder, I was snapped back into reality when the guard gruffly said, “Miss, we have to go.” Reluctantly, I let myself be pushed along, craning my neck to examine the turbines one more time. Such sheer power in a relatively small place. Incredible.
As we entered the plane, my breath was once again knocked out of my lungs. Plush seats, expansive cabins, crystal tables, the luxury seemed to be endless. Realizing I was the last one on the plane, I quickly took a seat across from a beautiful blonde with dark roots. Tattoos encircled her shoulders, revealed by an off-the-shoulder white sweater that was no doubt her own take on the Selected’s uniform. I tried my best not to be intimidated by her easy grace, her effortless yet somehow elegant grungy look.
“Are you excited to meet the prince?” I asked the girls, deciding to make conversation once the plane had taken off.
“I’m excited, anxious, and worried. How about you? How are you feeling about all of this?” The girl sitting across the aisle turned to face us. Realizing who it was, my eyes widened. Delphi Kamonchat. A Two. Two seconds into the game and I was already out of my depth. Not only was she a Two, but hers was a household name-you'd have to be living in a hole to not have heard of the Kamonchats.
“Well I'm a bit nervous I guess, but overall excited! I can't wait to see the palace, it's going to be so beautiful!” I responded carefully, fully aware of who I was speaking to.
Delphi nodded her agreement, turning around to face the window. I assumed our conversation was over.
“To answer your previous question, I guess you could say I'm excited.” The blonde in front of me decided to make conversation. Manhattan Bourne, I remembered. “I’m mostly going for the-” She caught herself, “I mean, to get away from the family.”
“I see,” I said, noting her hesitation, “I can't really relate, I’m going to miss my family. But I have to do it for the mo-” I caught myself making a similar mistake, “I mean it's a great opportunity for growth, and maybe even love.”
“I see, so you have a good home life then?” Manhattan asked, studying me carefully.
“Yeah, at least I did,” I started, thinking of my father. “Let’s just say I’m doing this for them. Should I assume you don't have a good home life then?” I asked. This girl, presumably a Two, was my polar opposite. Was the money worth the messed up home life?
We continued to talk about our castes and jobs. I commented on her beautiful tattoos and we continued to make small talk until the conversation eventually faded out. It was all the same to me, looking out the window to the landscape below was just as entertaining as making conversation.
As we stepped out of the car that took us from the airport to the palace, my eyes widened at the sight of the magnificent palace. I could possibly spend the rest of my life here.
Me and the other girls on my plane were ushered into a large room. The Women’s Room, they called it. We all stood in line to take a “before” picture for our makeovers.
Alyson Ashlyn, a Four, was standing in line in front of me, and I began to talk to her. She was a baker, and had also grown up in cold weather. At least I wasn't completely incapable of socializing, I seemed to be getting along okay with all the girls I had talked to so far.
After my picture was taken, I was directed to Station Three, where a couple maids stood attentive, ready to remake me for Prince Haiden.
“Let’s first take off all your makeup, so we can start from scratch.” The head maid directed.
“Oh no, I’m not wearing any makeup.” I told them.
“We’ll see about that,” she said assuredly. She took a makeup remover wipe and traced it across my face. “Huh,” she said, perplexed. “You have the best skin I have ever seen.”
I began to blush at her compliment, but before long, the maids had set about to refine all of my features. They cut my hair shorter, gave me a mani/pedi, waxed my legs, did my makeup, you name it. While all this was going on, a girl sat across from me. I recognized her immediately.
“Princess Elaine! What an honor to meet you!” I regretted being forced to sit down - otherwise I would’ve curtsied,
She met my gaze, smiling softly, “I’m delighted to meet you girls as well. I do hope you’re enjoying your makeover.”
“Any tips for meeting your brother?” I asked hopefully, recognizing that Elaine seemed like she wanted to help.
“I’m afraid I can’t be much help when it comes to Haiden… He’s quite the puzzle,” she admitted “But he’s a wonderful guy. Just be yourself.”
I took a moment to look around at my surroundings in wonder, “What’s it like to be a princess? To live in a castle full of wonders?” I blurted. I instantly regretted my childish questions.
“Well the castle is wonderful,” Elaine said, grinning as she looked around. “I guess I can’t complain about being a princess. It comes with it's perks, which you can probably figure out. I’m not sure how I would describe being a princess though.” She mused.
“Are you excited to meet your possible sister-in-laws?” I ventured, changing the subject.
“Definitely! Whoever wins will be with my brother for the rest of their lives after all. Plus, I believe it's also a great opportunity to meet girls from all over Illéa. One has to get to know her people right.” Elaine said cheerfully, looking at the faces of the girls around the room. No doubt wondering, just like me, who was going to be the One.
“Definitely. Can I venture to say that you don't get out much?” I asked, taking a risk with my next question.
The Princess’s face flickered with surprise. “Um, yeah, it's complicated you know...schedules are pretty tight with my dad, Haiden, tutoring and personal activities. Then there's also security measures placed... just to be safe of course.” She shrugged. “You could say none of us goes out that often.“
The maids finished their work on me soon afterwards, and I was shown to my room after a quick goodbye to Princess Elaine. Three maids awaited me, introducing themselves as Kate, Valentina, and Maika. They informed me that I had thirty minutes before I would have to start getting ready for the Illeá Captiol Report.
“Thank you so much,” I told them, groaning inwardly. It had been a long day and I still had a ways to go.
“What color gown would you like to wear, Miss?” Maika asked me.
I looked at my dahlia flower, which had stayed in my hair the whole time. It’s bright purplish and pink reminded me of home.
“Do you have something to match?” I asked, holding up the flower for them to see.
“We know just the thing!” Valentina informed me excitedly.
I fingered the dahlia. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
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The two princes had been inseparable, but as Harry’s relationship with Meghan blossomed into marriage, a rift between the royal couples became evident to all. In this extract from Finding Freedom, friends of the Sussexes reveal the real hurt behind the tales of ‘duelling duchesses’
No workplace is perfect. In the rarefied world of the monarchy, the pressure could be insane. Such were the internal politics between Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace that even royal-watchers started snickering when it appeared the households were scheduling events and social media posts on the same day to outdo one another. “There has always been competitiveness between the households,” admits a senior aide. “That will never change.”
It could hardly have come as a surprise that leaks were happening. One courtier privately bragged to friends about their ability to place a story, positive or negative, in any publication with a click of their fingers, and another told a respected newspaper editor that he could “handle anything after putting up with one of Meghan’s temper tantrums”. Staff described the atmosphere inside the three households as “competitive”, “miserable” and “full-on”.
Responsibility for the problem didn’t rest completely with the household staff — some of it came from the princes themselves. The rift had begun when the Duke of Cambridge questioned the pace at which his brother’s relationship with Meghan was moving.
“A happy and content Harry is rare, so to see him practically skipping around was a delight,” a source still in regular contact with the brothers said. “But at the same time William has always felt he needs to look out for Harry, not as a future monarch but as an older brother. Their whole adult lives he’s felt he should keep an eye on Harry and make sure he’s not in trouble and on a good path.”
Back when Meghan and Harry were dating, William, having met Meghan only a handful of times, wanted to make sure the American actress had the right intentions. “After all, these are two brothers that have spent their whole lives with people trying to take advantage of them,” the source said. “They’ve both developed a radar to detect that type of person, but as William didn’t know a whole lot about Meghan, he wanted to make sure Harry wasn’t blindsided by lust.”
Some members of staff were whispering words of alarm into the Duke of Cambridge’s ear. Meghan was totally foreign to this group of advisers, who could sometimes be even more conservative than the institution they guarded.
This was the backdrop when William sat down with his brother to discuss his relationship with Meghan.
“Don’t feel you need to rush this,” William told Harry, according to sources. “Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl.”
In those last two words, “this girl”, Harry heard the tone of snobbishness that was anathema to his approach to the world. During his 10-year career in the military, outside the royal bubble, he had learnt not to make snap judgments about people based on their accent, education, ethnicity, class or profession.
Also, to remove Meghan from the equation, Harry was tired of the dynamic that had become established between him and his older brother. There had come a point when Harry no longer felt as though he needed looking after. There was a thin line between caring and condescending. Just because he went about his life differently from his brother didn’t make it wrong.
William may have felt he was acting out of concern, but Harry was offended that his older brother still treated him as if he were immature. “Harry was pissed off,” another source said. “Pissed off that his brother would ask such a thing. Some felt it was an overreaction. But then, this sums them up as people — William, the calm and rational one, and Harry, who can’t help but take things far too personally.”
“Harry has a heart of gold, but he’s incredibly sensitive,” a longtime family friend said.
Though another friend added: “Harry could see through William’s words. He was being a snob.”
Harry was taken aback, even angry, despite the fact that William was simply looking out for his brother. He didn’t really know Meghan yet. William was concerned that Harry had isolated himself from many of their old friends. “But perhaps he just didn’t want to accept that Harry had grown up and become his own man,” said a source.
At least two other family members also voiced concerns to each other over the pace at which Harry’s relationship had moved. Meghan had often been the topic of conversation and gossip among them. When she arrived in the prince’s life, one senior royal referred to the American actress as “Harry’s showgirl”. Another told an aide, “She comes with a lot of baggage”. And a high-ranking courtier was overheard telling a colleague, “There’s just something about her I don’t trust.”
Harry was “aware of the talk”, a close friend of his said. “He’s extremely protective of Meghan. He understands that a lot of people are against them, and he will do everything he can to keep her safe and away from getting hurt — even if that means distancing himself from those people.”
Harry didn’t care what his family thought or said. “Nothing was going to get in the way of his happiness,” a source close to Harry and Meghan said. “He knew Meghan was right for him. Their love was real, and their feelings for each other were genuine. Everything else was noise.”
In the months after William talked to Harry about the relationship, the two hardly spoke. The brothers went from always making time for each other to spending barely any time together. Harry had always loved popping across the grounds of the palace to see George and Charlotte, bringing them gifts that included an electric SUV for his nephew and a tricycle for his niece. But those visits had come to a virtual halt by the summer of 2017. In fact, Harry had spent less time with Prince Louis than the others because of the growing tension between him and his brother after Louis’s birth on April 23, 2018. The distance came from both directions. Harry spent less time going over to see the children, but the invitations from William and Kate were the first to dry up.
Though it was not necessarily her responsibility, Kate did little to bridge the divide. She was fiercely loyal to her husband and his family.
Once Harry and Meghan were married, the gap between the brothers only widened. William and Kate’s feelings seemed obvious to the Sussexes that summer and beyond. Among all the friends and family Harry and Meghan hosted at their house in Oxfordshire between May 2018 and March 2019, the Cambridges failed to visit. “The invite was there,” a source said.
It was a far cry from how Harry had envisioned his future. The younger prince once told a friend that he had an image of getting married and spending time with William and Kate, the two couples together, their children best friends.
The friction between the brothers was one of several reasons Harry wanted to base his family in Windsor. “He wanted to get away from the goldfish bowl that was Kensington Palace,” a source said. “Everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by staff and family. He was at a point in his life where he was working with his brother, doing the foundation with his brother and living by his brother. It was too much.”
High-ranking aides across all three royal households were so alarmed by the press coverage and speculation on social media about a rift between the brothers and their wives that they began openly discussing the impact it could have on the monarchy if things weren’t righted.
‘The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will move to Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate early next year as they prepare for the arrival of their first child,” the palace announced in November 2018 of their new home, a stone’s throw from Windsor Castle and just yards from Frogmore House, where they had held their wedding reception and engagement photoshoot. “Windsor is a very special place for their royal highnesses and they are grateful that their official residence will be on the estate.”
Frogmore was perfect for Harry and Meghan, given its connection to Windsor — but it wasn’t next door to William and Kate and their children. That was enough to set off the narrative of “Duelling duchesses” that took flight two days later.
Refusing to address incorrect rumours only reinforced them. Traditionally, the palace has had no comment when it comes to rumours, but the Sussexes felt it wasn’t afraid to bend the rules if it was to correct a story about higher-ranking family members. (Case in point: a spokesman went on the record in July 2019 to deny claims by a cosmetic clinic that Kate had had “baby Botox”.) Harry and Meghan were frustrated by this approach.
Meghan would agree with the assessment that the duchesses were not the best of friends. Their relationship hadn’t progressed much since she was Harry’s girlfriend. Although Meghan might have understood Kate’s wariness to strike up a meaningful friendship, they were still no closer by the time she was a fellow senior working member of the royal family and the wife of William’s brother. Flowers for her birthday were nice, but Meghan would far rather have had Kate check in on her during the most difficult times with the press.
But they were not at war with each other either. There were awkward moments, such as the day the women happened to cross paths at Kensington Palace (in early 2017, when Harry and Meghan were still only dating), and although both were heading out to go shopping — in the same street — Kate went in her own Range Rover. The truth was that Meghan and Kate just didn’t know each other that well. Although some aides claimed at the time that they “talked and texted regularly”, by the time of Harry and Meghan’s wedding the sisters-in-law had spent only a handful of occasions together.
At the outset of her romance with Harry, Meghan had fully expected Kate to reach out and give her the lie of the land on everything an outsider to the Firm needed to know. But that was not how things turned out. Meghan was disappointed that she and Kate hadn’t bonded over the position they shared, but she wasn’t losing sleep over it. According to a source, Kate felt they didn’t have much in common “other than the fact that they lived at Kensington Palace”.
The press continued to save its harshest criticism for Meghan. One story had a “furious” Kate intervening after Meghan “bollocked” a member of her staff. The Kensington Palace staff member was rumoured to be the deputy communications secretary, Katrina McKeever, who had left the palace after five years to explore new opportunities. Even Kensington Palace didn’t understand the bizarre story. McKeever left on a good note with the Sussexes, who sent her a handwritten letter and huge floral arrangement when she left.
She felt that women of colour like her were labelled demanding or aggressive
It was open season on Meghan, with many looking for anything and everything to criticise. “Duchess Different,” a close friend of Meghan’s said. “That’s what people have a problem with. She’s the easiest person in the world to work with. Certain people just don’t like the fact she stands out.”
“This is a script that wrote itself as soon as you knew that an American actress was coming into the royal family,” another aide added.
Meghan felt as though some of the commentary and tabloid stories were more than a culture clash; they were sexist and prejudiced. If a man got up before dawn to work, he was applauded for his work ethic. If a woman did it, she was deemed difficult or “a bitch”. The double standard was exacerbated when it came to successful women of colour, often labelled demanding or aggressive.
Racism takes a different form in the UK from in America, but there is no mistaking its existence and how ingrained it is. A major theme of racism in the UK centres on the question of who is authentically “British”. It can come through in subtle acts of bias, micro-aggressions such as the palace staffer who told the biracial co-author of these words, “I never expected you to speak the way you do”, or the newspaper headline “Memo to Meghan: we Brits prefer true royalty to fashion royalty”. While the columnist was criticising Meghan for her Vogue editorials, there was another way to read it, which is that to be British meant to be born and bred in the UK — and be white.
Bridesmaid fitting was stressful but no one cried
There were reports that, before the wedding, Meghan had left Kate in tears following a bridesmaid fitting for Princess Charlotte. “Kate had only just given birth to Prince Louis and was feeling quite emotional,” a source said. There were reports that claimed Meghan’s “strict demands” caused Kate to cry.
A source, who was at the mid-May wedding fitting and has never discussed before what really happened, said stories about tears have been “puzzling” to those who were present. “Some of the children weren’t co-operating, and there was a lot going on. Everyone tried to help where they could, but it’s never easy with kids at fittings. There were no tears from anyone. And in the end, the fitting was fine. Kate and Meghan were both a little stressed but professionals in the room, and there were other people there.”
Those close to Meghan questioned whether someone from the palace or a former employee could have been behind the story, and wondered aloud why aides refused to set the record straight there and then. “There are people, whether they work with the family or are members of the family, that know that a lot of this stuff isn’t true, and aren’t allowed to say anything, like that ridiculous story about Meg and Catherine and the bridesmaids’ dresses,” a trusted confidant said. “That story was ridiculous and so false.”
At the time, though, a Kensington Palace aide said only that the women, who were both hurt by the accusations, were “very different people”.
Several aides across the royal households now confirm that there was no fitting that left the Duchess of Cambridge in tears.
Chapel scent was approved by palace
The press continued to save its harshest criticism for Meghan. One story had her demanding spray-bottle air fresheners to spritz around “musty” St George’s Chapel (the Queen’s regular place of worship, which contains the Royal Vault) for her wedding day, horrifying Buckingham Palace officials. The truth was that the discreet Baies scented air diffusers for the chapel provided by Diptyque — much like the candles that Kate chose to scent Westminster Abbey for her 2011 nuptials — had been approved by all parties involved.
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Nurse Quotes
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• A good culture in a hospital can absorb and manage a few bad nurses, but once the culture becomes bad in itself, bad nursing practice is much harder to hide. – Jo Brand • A man’s home may seem to be his castle on the outside; inside is more often his nursery. – Clare Boothe Luce • A woman’s life isn’t worth a plateful of cabbage if she hasn’t felt life stir under her heart. Taking a little one to nurse, watching him grow to manhood, that’s what love is. • A young nurse, someone new whom he didn’t recognise, came up to Henry and patted him on the arm. “Are you a friend or a family member?” She whispered the question in his ear, trying not to disturb Sheldon. The question hung there like a beautiful chord, ringing in the air. Henry was Chinese, Sheldon obviously wasn’t. They looked nothing alike. Nothing at all. “I’m distant family,” Henry said. – Jamie Ford A. A. Milne • after several months of probation work, standing on my feet some ten to twelve hours a day, I decided that as a nurse I was a pretty good entertainer. – Kate Smith • All four of my grandparents were educators, my mom was a school nurse, and I went through the public school system. – Erin Cummings • All writing is by the grace of God. People do not deserve to have good writing, they are so pleased with bad. In these sentences that you show me, I can find no beauty, for I see death in every clause and every word. There is a fossil or a mummy character which pervades this book. The best sepulchers, the vastest catacombs, Thebes and Cairo, Pyramids, are sepulchers to me. I like gardens and nurseries. Give me initiative, spermatic, prophesying, man-making words. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • Always keep a-hold of Nurse For fear of finding something worse – Hilaire Belloc • Always thank your nurse. Sometimes they’re the only one between you and a hearse. – Warren Beatty • America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world. – Bill Frist • And as a nurse, I know very well the importance, for example, of electronic medical records. – Lois Capps • And for adults, the world of fantasy books returns to us the great words of power which, in order to be tamed, we have excised from our adult vocabularies. These words are the pornography of innocence, words which adults no longer use with other adults, and so we laugh at them and consign them to the nursery, fear masking as cynicism. These are the words that were forged in the earth, air, fire, and water of human existence, and the words are: Love. Hate. Good. Evil. Courage. Honor. Truth. – Jane Yolen • And I also felt that no one in an audience could abuse me worse than the sort of abuse I had had at work as a psychiatric nurse. – Jo Brand • And just like that, I’d been assessed and judged. Nurse Fashoda didn’t know the first thing about me but she’d taken one look at my face and now she reckoned she knew my whole life story — what had gone before and what was yet to come. – Malorie Blackman • and she’s a nurse. do you know how hard nursing school is? it’s like medical school. so she’s obviously smart. – Augusten Burroughs • And so when Mrs. Darling went back to the night-nursery to see if her husband was asleep, all the beds were occupied. The children waited for her cry of joy, but it did not come. She saw them, but she did not believe they were there. You see, she saw them in their beds so often in her dreams that she thought this was just the dream hanging around her still. – James M. Barrie • Another person is, at the heart of it, unknowable. And if you cannot know a person enough to always guess what they’re capable of, you certainly cannot know them enough to hold them in your hands, to control their behavior, to fight, manipulate, cajole or nurse or soothe them into doing what they should or shouldn’t. People will do what they will do. The trick is admitting your own helplessness about that little fact.- Deb Caletti • As a comic and as a nurse, it’s important to look calm on the surface when you’re absolutely crapping yourself inside. So, if someone is waving a machete at you, which has happened to me when I was a nurse, it’s important to make that person feel that you’re in control. – Jo Brand • As a father, physician and nurse, I have a special place in my heart for children, and I know the brief window of opportunity we have to teach them simple lessons that can lead to a lifetime of good health. – Richard Carmona • As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may not remember your name but they will never forget the way you made them feel. – Maya Angelou • As in ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’?” The skull howled with laughter. “You just got your ass handed to you by a nursery tale?””I wouldn’t say they handed me my ass,” I said.Bob was nearly strangling on his laughter, and given that he had no lungs it seemed gratuitous somehow. “That’s because you can’t see yourself,” he choked out. “Your nose is all swollen up and you’ve got two black eyes. You look like a raccoon. Holding a dislocated ass. – Jim Butcher • As readers, we remain in the nursery stage so long as we cannot distinguish between taste and judgment, so long, that is, as the only possible verdicts we can pass on a book are two: this I like; this I don’t like. For an adult reader, the possible verdicts are five: I can see this is good and I like it; I can see this is good but I don’t like it; I can see this is good and, though at present I don’t like it, I believe that with perseverance I shall come to like it; I can see that this is trash but I like it; I can see that this is trash and I don’t like it. – W. H. Auden
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Nursing', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '32', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_nursing').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_nursing img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Back up shall we? When my brother, the crazy chicken warrior, turned into a falcon and went up the pyramid’s chimney with his new friend, the fruit bat, he left me playing nurse to two very wounded people—which I didn’t appreciate, and which I wasn’t particularly good at. – Rick Riordan • Beside Mama, in my own folding chair, with my feet sticking out in front of me, I thought about my own innards. Just a few months before I’d had no idea whether my reproductive equipment worked. There was no evidence. But that week I had become a full-fledged bleeder and was still absorbed by this first change in myself that I had ever noticed. The click and buzz of my synapses kept making the same connection. If you can change, you can also end. Death had always been a theory to me. Now I knew. The terror hurt good and I nursed it and played it like a loose tooth. – Katherine Dunn • Birchfall lapped at his wound “You’re not very sympathetic for a medicine cat” “I’m here to HEAL you. If you want sympathy, go to the nursery” Jaypaw mewed – Erin Hunter • But Jude,’ she would say, ‘you knew me. All those days and years, Jude, you knew me. My ways and my hands and how my stomach folded and how we tried to get Mickey to nurse and how about that time when the landlord said…but you said…and I cried, Jude. You knew me and had listened to the things I said in the night, and heard me in the bathroom and laughed at my raggedy girdle and I laughed too because I knew you too, Jude. So how could you leave me when you knew me? – Toni Morrison • By education most have been misled; So they believe, because they were bred. The priest continues where the nurse began, And thus the child imposes on the man. – John Dryden Carol Shields • Christianity is fundamentally convalescence.. .God is not only the doctor who prescribes, He is the nurse who lifts up our powerless head and puts the spoon in our mouth…And He is the medicine. – John Piper • Confuse was the nurses’ word for abuse. – Susanna Kaysen Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. – Dag Hammarskjold • Contemplation is wisdom’s best nurse. – John Milton • Do I look like I have anything ?” I asked him, in a reasonable voice. He looked as unnerved as the nurse had. He said, “Sorry,” and backed away. I took a step after him. I screamed, “I HAVE NOTHING!” And then I said, in a perfectly calm voice, “See, I never had anything to start with. – Charlaine Harris • Do you have a little white dress? I’ve had this deep-seated nurse fantasy about you, Murphy. – Jim Butcher • Doctors and nurses do crazy hours and keep an ideal afloat through the love and care that they have for their craft and their patients and the institution of the NHS. We should be very proud of it. – Benedict Cumberbatch • Doctors and nurses, with their training and their experiences, they would be able to detect unusual patterns of disease. That’s why we say it is important for every country to have a proper surveillance system. The function of the surveillance system is to detect unusual patterns of diseases. – Margaret Chan • Don’t nurse your dreams, Rosy. You can’t help having them, but don’t nurse them. If you nurse your dreams, they tend to come true. – Trevor Howard • Even from their infancy we frame them to the sports of love: their instruction, behavior, attire, grace, learning and all their words azimuth only at love, respects only affection. Their nurses and their keepers imprint no other thing in them. – Michel de Montaigne • Everything but truth becomes loathed in a sick-room … Let the nurse avow that the medicine is nauseous. Let the physician declare that the treatment will be painful. Let sister, or brother, or friend, tell me that I must never look to be well. When the time approaches that I am to die, let me be told that I am to die, and when. – Harriet Martineau • Families are the Nurseries of all Societies; and the First combinations of mankind. – Cotton Mather • For a second I thought I might actually be alive,” I said, looking at Nick’s unshaven face. “Now I know- I’ve gone to Hell and you’re my nursemaid. – Ilona Andrews • For he who gives no fuel to fire puts it out, and likewise he who does not in the beginning nurse his wrath and does not puff himself up with anger takes precautions against it and destroys it. – Plutarch • For it may safely be said, not that the habit of ready and correct observation will by itself make us useful nurses, but that without it we shall be useless with all our devotion. – Florence Nightingale • For politics is not like the nursery; in politics obedience and support are the same. – Hannah Arendt • For the first time she saw that the nurse’s name was Tabitha. – Ann Brashares • For the hearts of nurses are solid gold, / But their heels are flat and their hands are cold, / And their voices lilt with a lilt that’s falser / Than the smile of an exhibition waltzer. / Yes, nurses can cure you, nurses restore you, / But nurses are bound that they do things for you. – Phyllis McGinley • For us who Nurse, our Nursing is a thing, which, unless in it we are making progress every year, every month, every week, take my word for it we are going back. The more experience we gain, the more progress we can make. – Florence Nightingale • God appoints our graces to be nurses to other men’s weaknesses. – Henry Ward Beecher • Great physicians and nurses, skilled, caring and unparalleled in their training, intervened in my life and probably saved it. I was lucky but other Americans are not. It is time to speak again and stand again for the ideal that in the richest nation ever on this planet, it is wrong for 41 million Americans, most of them in working families, to worry at night and wake up in the morning without the basic protection of health insurance. – John F. Kerry • Habits are the daughters of action, but then they nurse their mother, and produce daughters after her image, but far more beautiful and prosperous. – Jeremy Taylor • Hal is on his way.” The nurse announced reentering the room. – Daniel Handler • Halfway down the stairs, is a stair, where I sit. There isn’t any, other stair, quite like, it. I’m not at the bottom, I’m not at the top; So this is the stair, where, I always, stop. Halfway up the stairs, isn’t up, and isn’t down. It isn’t in the nursery, it isn’t in the town. And all sorts of funny thoughts, run round my head: It isn’t really anywhere! It’s somewhere else instead! • Happy is he who still loves something he loved in the nursery: He has not been broken in two by time; he is not two men, but one, and he has saved not only his soul but his life. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • Hardy Cates,” I said, coming into the room, “you behave, or I’ll step on your tube.” The nurse seemed taken aback by my unsympathetic bedside manner. But Hardy’s gaze met mine in a moment of bright, hot voltage, and he relaxed, reassured in a way that cooing sympathy could never have done. “That only works if it’s a breathing tube,” he told me. – Lisa Kleypas • Hatred. Something almost as physical as walls, pianos, or nurses. She could almost touch the destructive energy leaking out of her body. She allowed the feeling to emerge, regardless of whether it was good or bad; she was sick of self-control, of masks, of appropriate behavior. Veronika wanted to spend her remaining two or three days of life behaving as inappropriately as she could. – Paulo Coelho • Having done a normal job for 10 years, as a psychiatric nurse dealing with emergencies, I know what terrible, hopeless lives some people have. So in many ways, it’s great to be able to wield the financial power that I can, and do gigs, fundraisers or give money. I feel lucky I can help out. – Jo Brand • He had heard her say, so many times, that a society that approved of making abortion illegal was a society that approved of violence against women; that making abortion illegal was simply a sanctimonious, self-righteous form of violence against women- it was just another way of legalizing violence against women, Nurse Caroline would say. – John Irving • He knows that the only way he can accept losing her is if he can continue to hold her or be held by her. If they can somehow nurse each other out of this. Not with a wall. – Michael Ondaatje • He lay far across the room from her, on a winter island separated by an empty sea. She talked to him for what seemed a long while and she talked about this and she talked about that and it was only words, like the words he had heard once in a nursery at a friend’s house, a two-year-old child building word patters, like jargon, making pretty sounds in the air. – Ray Bradbury • His wet white face and miserable eyesBrought nurses to him more than groans and sighs:But hoarse and low and rapid rose and fellHis troubled voice: he did the business well.(First verse of Died of Wounds) – Siegfried Sassoon • How can anybody hate nurses? Nobody hates nurses. The only time you hate a nurse is when they’re giving you an enema. – Warren Beatty • How I keep trying to force our story into a fairy tale, but from the beginning, it’s been more like a nursery rhyme.” “Bizarre and adorable?” “Just like you.” “With rings in your pockets and bells on your toes” “Ooh, I should really invest in some toes bells. – Shannon Hale • How my relationship with my parents influenced my writing, really not at all. My dad was a mechanic, my mom a nurse. – Max Lucado • Humanity is composed but of two categories, the invalids and the nurses – Richard Brinsley Sheridan • I am currently in nursing school, so one day I will be both a nurse and a writer. – Liza Campbell • I am dedicated to the belief that it is God’s will that all men should strive for wisdom in themselves, not look to it from some other. Babes, perhaps, must have their food chewed for them by a nurse, but men may drink and eat of wisdom for themselves. – Marion Zimmer Bradley • I am no warrior, but I am a ThunderClan cat. I stay in the nursery rather than hunt and fight because that is what I do best. I care for our young as though they were my own. This is my gift to the Clan, but I do it in my own chosen name. Erin Hunter • I am not a nurse escorting six lunatics to the ice cream parlor. – Susanna Kaysen • I am to gratify his pleasure and nurse his child, I am a piece of household furniture, I am a woman. – Sophia Tolstaya • I did grieve a bit when I wasn’t having the chemo anymore. I was used to sitting in the little chair and then the nurse would come and do it. It was like that was your job for that long and it was reassuring. – Jennifer Saunders • I do think having a mother as a nurse who’s a very kind of compass – , she’s so compassionate and she really unfortunately would take her work home with her sometimes. – Rachel McAdams • I don’t know. When I was born there was a nurse taking care of me.” “What’s the matter? Couldn’t the nurse take care of herself?” “Sure she could. I just found that out too late. – Groucho Marx • I don’t think he was ever happy unless someone was in love with him, responding to him like filings to a magnet, helping him to explain himself, promising him something. What it was I do not know. Perhaps they promised that there would always be women in the world who would spend their brightest, freshest, rarest hours to nurse and protect that superiority he cherished in his heart. – F. Scott Fitzgerald • I had a job; I was, during the war, a nurse, a ‘Gray Lady.’ We wore a veil and a gray dress. – Brooke Astor • I had such high expectations of myself. I was going to be the best mother, the best housewife, the best entertainer, the best nurse, you know – what it was, I was going to be the best. And I could never live up to my expectations. – Ann Richards • I have periods now, like normal girls; I too am among the knowing, I too can sit out volleyball games and go to the nurse’s for aspirin and waddle along the halls with a pad like a flattened rabbit tail wadded between my legs, sopping with liver-colored blood. – Margaret Atwood • I have seen good nurses and bad nurses. They existed along a continuum: from hard-working, kind and competent people, to office-hugging, bone-idle types, to apathetic, disengaged automatons. – Jo Brand • I haven’t much time to be fond of anything … but when I have a moment’s fondness to bestow, most times … the roses get it. I began my life among them in my father’s nursery garden, and I shall end my life among them, if I can. Yes. One of these days (please God) I shall retire from catching thieves, and try my hand at growing roses. – Wilkie Collins • I know that nurses are not only the largest healthcare profession but are responsible for the delivery of most healthcare, and are often in the best place to be able to see the whole pathway of care. – Andrew Lansley • I loved the angiogram. They stick a thing in your thigh and it goes all the way up to your heart. Isn’t that a thrill? Well, at least the nurse scored thigh. – George Carlin I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them. – Clara Barton • I nursed a worthless, pint drinker for twelve years and when my lazy, life-sucking, daddy finally died, I swore to God with tears in my eyes I’d never marry one. And then I did. – Kathryn Stockett • I once read about a guy who lost his arms in a fire. The nurse took pity on him and gave him a hand job. I don’t even get that. – Augusten Burroughs • I remember once I read a book on mental illness and there was a nurse that had gotten sick. Do you know what she died from? From worrying about the mental patients not being able to get their food. She became a mental patient. – Ornette Coleman • I should like the whole race of nurses to be abolished: children should be with their mother as much as possible, in my opinion. – Lewis Carroll • I spent a lot of my twenties wanting a maid, really. I thought I wanted a relationship, but I just wanted somebody to fix and nurse me, and I’d take her hostage for six months. When you’re 23, 24, you want to be in a relationship because they look brilliant – you’ve heard all the songs about it and seen all the movies and it looks great. – Robbie Williams • I think-I need to ask an embarrassing question. Do you think I could borrow a pair of scrubs? I-uh-my pants-” “Oh!” Cried the poor nurse. “Yes. Absolutely. I’ll be right back.” […] “Thanks,” I mumbled. “I’ll just change here. He’s not looking at anything at the moment.” I gestured toward Sam, who was looking convincingly sedated. The nurse vanished through the curtains. Sam eye’s flashed open again, distinctly amused. He whispered, “Did you just tell that man you went potty on yourself?” “You.Shut.UP.” I hissed back furiously. – Maggie Stiefvater • I took her into bed with me and propped myself up with pillows against the headboard to let her nurse. As she nursed and the milk came, she began a little low contented sort of singing. I would feel milk and love flowing from me to her as once it had flowed to me. It emptied me. As the baby fed, I seemed slowly to grow empty of myself, as if in the presence of that long flow of love even grief could not stand. – Wendell Berry • I truly feel the best doctors are ones who are criticized by nurses, patients and family. They do not make excuses and learn from their mistakes. – Bernie Siegel • I want to go to Sierra Leone with something – whether it’s some sort of contribution to healthcare, or to the entertainment industry. My cousin is a nurse; we are talking about opening a clinic. – Idris Elba • I wanted to be a model; I wanted to be a nurse; I wanted to be so many things, almost anything but being part of show business. – Shirley Bassey • I was never a girl who dreamed about what her wedding day would be like, but I’ve always dreamed about decorating my baby’s nursery. – Rebecca Romijn • I was taken to an examining room where a big butch nurse practitioner came in and asked me if I was pregnant. “No way!” Was I sexually active? “Nope!” Had I ever been molested? “Well,” I said, trying to make a joke, “Oprah says the only answers to that question are ‘Yes’ and ‘I don’t remember.’ ” I laughed. We were having fun. The nurse looked at me, concerned/annoyed. – Tina Fey • I will say it’s great to be a woman because we’re very good at multitasking. I could nurse and cook dinner at the same time. It is juggling. It’s juggling and you’ve got to commit to working on the weekends – I do both. – Marta Kauffman • I, too, seem to be a connoisseur of rain, but it does not fill me with joy; it allows me to steep myself in a solitude I nurse like a vice I’ve refused to vanquish. – Julia Glass • If Christian scientists had more science and doctors more Christianity, it wouldn’t make any difference which you called in – if you had a good nurse. – Finley Peter Dunne • If it is perfectly acceptable for a widow to disfigure herself or commit suicide to save face for her husband’s family, why should a mother not be moved to extreme action by the loss of a child or children? We are their caretakers. We love them. We nurse them when they are sick. . . But no woman should live longer than her children. It is against the law of nature. If she does, why wouldn’t she wish to leap from a cliff, hang from a branch, or swallow lye? – Lisa See • If you happen to read fairy tales, you will observe that one idea runs from one end of them to the other–the idea that peace and happiness can only exist on some condition. This idea, which is the core of ethics, is the core of the nursery-tales. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • I’m dating a girl who’s pretty levelheaded. She’s a nurse. She’s a real, normal girl. Which is what I need because my life isn’t normal. – Kenny Chesney • I’m scared,” he says.”I know,” says the nurse.”I want you all to go to Hell.””That’s natural. – Neal Shusterman • In a Giraffe institution, the head nurse job would be to serve the nurses, not to control them. Teachers are there to serve the students, not control them. – Marshall B. Rosenberg • In the book, America had already been weakened by bio terror plagues before waves of selfish violence took down the rest. But the real enemy was the kind of male human being who nurses fantasies of violent glory at the expense of his fellow citizens. – David Brin • In the germ, when the first trace of life begins to stir, music is the nurse of the soul; it murmurs in the ear, and the child sleeps; the tones are companions of his dreams- they are the world in which he lives – Bettina Skrzypczak • In the period where I had to live the life of a citizen – a life where, like everybody else, I did tons of laundry and cleaned toilet bowls, changed hundreds of diapers and nursed children – I learned a lot. – Patti Smith • In Turkey, you’re not allowed to be left alone in the hospital. The nurse teaches the family how to do things, and somebody is always there with the patient. – Mehmet Oz • India, which is the nursery of the great faiths of the world – Leo Tolstoy • It is cold anarchy to say that all men are to meddle in all men’smarriages. It is cold anarchy to say that any doctor may seize andsegregate anyone he likes. But it is not anarchy to say that a fewgreat hygienists might enclose or limit the life of all citizens,as nurses do with a family of children. It is not anarchy, it istyranny; but tyranny is a workable thing. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • It is no use dealing with illusions and make-believes. We must look at the facts. The world … is too dangerous for anyone to be able to afford to nurse illusions. We must look at realities. – Winston Churchill • It is perhaps beside the point to remark that bowling alleys and supermarkets have nursery facilities, while schools and colleges and scientific laboratories and government offices do not. – Betty Friedan • It is the nurse that the child first hears, and her words that he will first attempt to imitate. – Quintilian • It would not be possible to praises nurses too highly. – Stephen Ambrose • It’s been interesting that a diversity of roles have come my way, and that I’ve had the opportunity to do them. To me, it’s about going for a good role that has something to say, and that’s a challenge. I’ve been lucky enough to play everything from a homeless guy to this crazy male nurse. – Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs • It’s going to get even worse if Hillary [Clinton] follows her plan that I describe in Reclaiming Our Children. But even now in many, many schools the nurses are giving out more drugs than were given out in children’s mental hospitals when I was in training. You can go into a school today and find that ten or twenty percent of the boys are on drugs given by the school nurse. I just recently visited a school where over half of the children were being given drugs. – Peter Breggin • It’s just like nurses in a hospital tend to know more than the doctors most of the time; if you really want to get the answers to a question about court, you should spend more time buttering up the clerks than the judges. – Jodi Picoult • Lovely. Imprisoned in a nursery school dungeon. – Rick Riordan • Man who want pretty nurse, must be patient. – Confucius • Men are not taking women’s job, which are good jobs. Being a nurse is an excellent job. – Stephen Marche • Men, Grace learned, seemed to think women were all frustrated nurses. – Alexandra Potter • Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Nana rushed into the nursery too late. The birds were flown – James M. Barrie • My Big Mama is my No. 1 financial role model. Much of my advice stems from what she taught me. She never made more than $13,000 a year, yet she paid off her home before she retired. She saved money from every paycheck. She taught me to be skeptical. It makes me cry to think that I’m a nationally syndicated personal finance columnist for one of the world’s best newspapers and my core advice comes from my black grandmother who was a nurse’s aide with just a high school education. – Michelle Singletary • My dad was a surgeon, my mom a nurse, and they were always out working. I had five sisters and a brother. They didn’t care what I got up to. – Willem Dafoe • My experience as a school nurse taught me that we need to make a concerted effort, all of us, to increase physical fitness activity among our children and to encourage all Americans to adopt a healthier diet that includes fruits and vegetables, but there is more. – Lois Capps • My humanitarian work evolved from being with my family. My mom, my dad, they really set a great example for giving back. My mom was a nurse, my dad was a school teacher. But my mom did a lot of things for geriatrics and elderly people. She would do home visits for free. – Cat Cora • My ideas are a curse. They spring from a radical discontent with the awful order of things. I play clown. I play carpenter. I play nurse. I play witch. – Anne Sexton • My mom’s a nurse so I’d kind of grown up with, around medicine which is probably why I became an actress instead. – Rachel McAdams • My shoulder will never be the same. I expect you to nurse me back to health.” – City of Bones (said by Jace Wayland) – Cassandra Clare • my uncle … had the misfortune to be ever touched in his brain, and, as a convincing proof, married his maid, at an age when he and she both had more occasion for a nurse than a parson. – Charlotte Charke • Nick spoke for the first time. “Can I go to the nurse’s office too?” Ms. Popplewell looked at him It obviously took her only one look to decide. “No.” “I’m traumatized too,” Nick claimed, his voice completely flat. “He’s a delicate flower,” Alan said under his breath. – Sarah Rees Brennan • No man, not even a doctor, ever gives any other definition of what a nurse should be than this-‘devoted and obedient.’ This definition would do just as well for a porter. It might even do for a horse. It would not do for a policeman. – Florence Nightingale • No, that nurse ain’t some kinda monster chicken, buddy, what she is is a ball-cutter. I’ve seen a thousand of ’em, old and young, men and women. Seen ’em all over the country and in the homes- people who try to make you weak so they can get you to toe the line, to follow their rules, to live like they want you to. And the best way to do this, to get you to knuckle under, is to weaken you by gettin’ you where it hurts the worst. – Ken Kesey • Now let me be clear; millions of women around the world nurse their children beautifully for years without giving anybody else a hard time about it. Teat Nazis are a solely western upper-middle-class phenomenon occurring when highly ambitious women experience deprivation from outside modes of achievement. – Tina Fey • Now the leaves are falling fast, Nurse’s flowers will not last; Nurses to their graves are gone, And the prams go rolling on. – W. H. Auden • Nurse: “Doctor, the man you just gave a clean bill of health to dropped dead right as he was leaving the office”. Doctor: “Turn him around, make it look like he was walking in.” – Henny Youngman • Nursery schools and bars at 2 a.m. are the only places where it is completely normal if someone just spontaneously throws up on the floor…and just like a toddler, the bar patron wakes up the next day not remembering or caring how they behaved. – Jim Gaffigan • Nurses are an integral component of the health care system, and it is important that we recognize the over 2.7 million registered nurses for the significant work that they do. – Nathan Deal • Nurses quietly go about their work in a noble profession, uncelebrated soldiers toiling through the days and nights in service to the sick, the injured and the dying. – Steve Lopez • Nurses serve their patients in the most important capacities. We know that they serve as our first lines of communication when something goes wrong or when we are concerned about health. – Lois Capps • Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken. – Myrtle Aydelotte • Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts. – Florence Nightingale Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work. – Florence Nightingale • Nursing is great for so many reasons, but there is one reason that means more than any poll results, amount of money, or job security: Nurses make a difference. – Brittney Wilson • Nursing is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts. – Florence Nightingale • nursing was regarded as simply an extension of the unpaid services performed by the housewife – a characteristic attitude that haunts the profession to this day. – Gerda Lerner • O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature’s soft nurse, how have I frightened thee, 1710. That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down, And steep my senses in forgetfulness? – William Shakespeare • Oh, those women! They nurse and cuddle their presentiments, and make darlings of their ugliest thoughts. – William Makepeace Thackeray • Okay. Now my skin is really prickling. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books, all five of them. I don’t remember any half-blood prince. “What’s this?” Trying to sound casual, I point at the ad, “What’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?” “That’s the latest book,” Garth the other trainee, says. “It came out ages ago.” I can’t help gasping. “There’s a sixth Harry Potter?” “There’s a seventh out soon!” Diana steps forward eagerly. “And guess what happens at the end of book six-” “Shh!” exclaims Nicole, the other nurse. “Don’t tell her! – Sophie Kinsella • On April 2, the nurses started my first round of five intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) infusions. The clear IV bags hung on a metal pole above my head, their liquid trickling down into my vein. Each of those ordinary-looking bags contained the healthy antibodies of over a thousand blood donors and cost upwards of $20,000 per infusion. One thousand tourniquets, one thousand nurses, one thousand veins, one thousand blood-sugar regulating cookies, all just to help one patient. – Susannah Cahalan • Our globe discovers its bidden virtues, not only in heroes and arch-angels, but in gossips and nurses. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • Panic plays no part in the training of a nurse. – Elizabeth Kenny • People that work in a business are likely to date somebody that is in the same business. If you are a doctor, you might go out with one of the nurses. Or if you’re a bank teller, you may go out with one of the bankers. – Lita Ford • Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side. You must not do, you must not even try to do, the will of the Father unless you are prepared to “know of the doctrine.” All my acts, desires, and thoughts were to be brought into harmony with universal Spirit. For the first time I examined myself with a seriously practical purpose. And there I found what appalled me; a zoo of lusts, a bedlam of ambitions, a nursery of fears, a harem of fondled hatreds. My name was legion. – C. S. Lewis • Religions are often state-protected nurseries of pseudoscience, although there’s no reason why religions have to play that role. In a way, it’s an artefact from times long gone. – Carl Sagan • Requiring military hospitals to perform elective abortions exposes the physicians, the nurses, the military personnel to move against their own personal convictions of life in many cases. – Rick Renzi • Right, well, he’d been sick for a while and his nurse said to him, ‘You seem to be feeling better this morning,’ and Isben looked at her and said, ‘On the contrary,’ and then he died. – John Green • See the hand that nursed the serpent. The fine hasped pipes of her fingerbones. The skin bewenned and speckled. The veins are milkblue and bulby. A thin gold ring set with diamonds. That raised the once child’s heart of her to agonies of passion before I was. Here is the anguish of mortality. Hopes wrecked, love sundered. See the mother sorrowing. How everything that I was warned of’s come to pass. – Cormac McCarthy • She bought seeds and raided nurseries and mulched and composted and spent full days with her hands full of earth, coaxing life our of the dry, dull grass my father had spent years pushing a mower over. – Sarah Dessen • She had to live in this bright, red gabled house with the nurse until it was time for her to die… I thought how little we know about the feelings of old people. Children we understand, their fears and hopes and make-believe. • She pulled the bedclothes up as far as they would go and suppressed a perverse wish to have her old nurse come to chase away the darkness, perverse because she didn’t know if she wanted the shadows to be empty or not. – Megan Whalen Turner • She would always feel this wild girl was the truest of any of the people she had already been: adored daughter, bourgeois priss, rebel, runaway, dope-fiend San Francisco hippie; or all the people she would later be: mother, nurse, religious fanatic, prematurely old woman. Vivienne was a human onion, and when I came home at twenty eight years old on the day the monster died, I was afraid that the Baptist freak she had peeled down to was her true, acrid, tear-inducing core. – Lauren Groff • Sister Mary was a nurse and nurses, whatever their creed, are primarily nurses, which had a lot to do with wearing your watch upside down, keeping calm in emergencies, and dying for a cup of tea. – Terry Pratchett • So many nurses had turned into emotionally disturbed handmaidens of the war, in their yellow-and-crimson uniforms with bone buttons. – Michael Ondaatje • Some are reputed sick and some are not. It often happens that the sicker man is the nurse to the sounder. – Henry David Thoreau • Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back into the shell. – Dorothy Canfield Fisher • Sooner strangle an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires. – William Blake • Stop the nurse like the monkey. – Jeff Lindsay • Take care, Jeffy. I’ll see you soon, right? Just remember not to throw food at the nurses. I don’t want to get any complaint calls, OK? Steven, I don’t throw food at…oh, that was a joke, right? Yup, buddy boy. It was a joke. But seriously, no kissing the nurses on the lips, either. It messes up their makeup. Eeeeeeewwwww! – Jordan Sonnenblick • That’s why I stand here tonight. Because for two hundred and thirty two years, at each moment when that promise was in jeopardy, ordinary men and women – students and soldiers, farmers and teachers, nurses and janitors – found the courage to keep it alive. – Barack Obama • The American dream is about achieving happiness. When you become a fire fighter, a police officer or a teacher or a nurse, you know you’re not going to become a billionaire. And what my parents achieved working as a bartender and a maid at a hotel after arriving here with nothing, no education, no money. The first words my dad learned in English where I’m looking for a job.You know what my parents achieved? They owned a home in a safe and stable neighborhood. They retired with dignity and they left all four of their children better off than themselves. – Marco Rubio • The best parenting advice I ever got was from a labor nurse who told me the following: 1. After your baby gets here, the dog will just be a dog. 2. The terrible twos last through age three. 3. Never ask your child an open-ended question, such as “Do you want to go to bed now?” You won’t want to hear the answer, believe me. “Do you want me to carry you upstairs, or do you want to walk upstairs to go to bed?” That way, you get the outcome you want and they feel empowered. – Jodi Picoult • The billionaires pay an effective tax rate lower than nurses or truck drivers. That makes no sense at all. There has to be real tax reform, and the wealthiest and large corporations will pay. – Bernie Sanders • The character of a nurse is just as important as the knowledge he/she possesses. – Carolyn Jarvis • The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable. – Jodi Picoult • The idea that boys want to sleep with their mothers strikes most men as the silliest thing they have ever heard. Obviously, it did not seem so to Freud, who wrote that as a boy he once had an erotic reaction to watching his mother dressing. But Freud had a wet-nurse, and may not have experienced the early intimacy that would have tipped off his perceptual system that Mrs. Freud was his mother. The Westermarck theory has out-Freuded Freud. – Steven Pinker The most important practical lesson than can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe. – Florence Nightingale • The most work he did on [the urinals] was to run a brush once or twice apiece, singing some song as loud as he could in time to the swishing brush; then he’d splash in some Clorox and he’d be through. … And when the Big Nurse…came in to check McMurphy’s cleaning assignment personally, she brought a little compact mirror and she held it under the rim of the bowls. She walked along shaking her head and saying, “Why, this is an outrage… an outrage…” at every bowl. McMurphy sidled right along beside her, winking down his nose and saying in answer, “No; that’s a toilet bowl…a TOILET bowl. – Ken Kesey • The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love of life of the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means of locomotion for the newborn , knowledge and confidence for the young mother, a voice for those too weak to speak, and so on. – Virginia Henderson • The nurse of full-grown souls is solitude. – James Russell Lowell • The nursery rhyme ends when a spider comes along and frightens Miss Muffet straight off her tuffet. I have wondered about what kind of lesson this is for a young girl. If you’re eating your curds and whey and a spider comes along, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with picking up a newspaper, smashing it, and going back to your breakfast. – Sloane Crosley • The nurses were all angels in my eyes. – Randy Castillo • The nurses, I have already learned, are the ones who give us the answers we’re desperate for. Unlike the doctors, who fidget like they need to be somewhere else, the nurses patiently answer us as if we are the first set of parents to ever have this kind of meeting with them, instead of the thousandth. – Jodi Picoult • The plot is so tired that even this reviewer, who in infancy was let drop by a nurse with the result that she has ever since been mystified by amateur coin tricks, was able to guess the identity of the murderer from the middle of the book. – Dorothy Parker • The pretty nurse had just injected her with something that totally rocked, and if she wanted to think about boinking a bronzed, tattooed, impossibly handsome doctor who was so far out of her league she need a telescope to see him, then screw it. Screw him. Over and over. – Larissa Ione • The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest. – William Osler • The world that used to nurse us now keeps shouting inane instructions. That’s why I ran to the woods. – Jim Harrison • There is no human relationship more intimate than that of nurse and patient, one in which the essentials of character are more rawly revealed. – Dorothy Canfield Fisher • There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow. – Orison Swett Marden • There is not much you can say about a baby unless you are talking with its father or another mother or nurse; infants are not part of the realm of ordinary language, talk is inadequate to them as they are inadequate to talk. – Ursula K. Le Guin • This will sound like I grew up on another planet, except for those people who are past 55, 60 maybe. When I was growing up, my mother and her generation basically felt that you should only work as a way of passing time until you got married and had at least two children. And the only careers that were open for women at the time was teacher or nurse – which are fantastic careers, I mean fantastic and I actually am a former math teacher. – Sherry Lansing • Time is the nurse and breeder of all good. – William Shakespeare • Time, that aged nurse, Rocked me to patience. – John Keats • TO ALL THE ambulance drivers firewatchers air-raid wardens nurses canteen workers airplane spotters rescue workers mathematicians vicars vergers shopgirls chorus girls librarians debutantes spinsters fishermen retired sailors servants evacuees Shakespearean actors and mystery novelists WHO WON THE WAR. – Connie Willis • to feed, help, protect, comfort, console, support, nurse, or heal to be fed, helped, nursed, protected, comforted, consoled, supported, nursed, or healed to form mutually enjoyable, enduring, cooperating and reciprocating relationship with Other, with an equal to be forgiven to be loved to be free – Sarah Kane • Too much sadness hath congealed your blood,and melancholy is the nurse of frenzy. – William Shakespeare • Um, Dr. Alexander, there’s a couple out here who say they’re related to you. They…um…they’re biker people. (Nurse) Hey, Julian. Tell Attila the Hun here that we’re okay so we can come and ooh and aah over the babies. (Eros) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • We are all of us obliged, if we are to make reality endurable, to nurse a few little follies in ourselves. – Marcel Proust • We are talking about one of the greatest threats of all. But people can stand up to the school nurse; you can stand up to the teacher; you can stand up to the principal; you can stand up to them with the facts and the right books. – Michael Savage • We cannot be secure by limiting our liberties, as some of our political leaders are demanding, but only by expanding themWe should take our example not from the military and political leaders shouting ‘retaliate’ and ‘war’ but from the doctors and nurses and firemen and policemen who have been saving lives in the midst of mayhem, whose first thoughts are not violence, but healing, and not vengeance, but compassion. – Howard Zinn • We got a commitment that 3 million nurses are going to be trained to better identify these signs [of PTSD], because, you know, when these troops come home and they become veterans and they go back into the civilian community, they’re not always going through the VA system for medical care. They’re going to show up at community hospitals and clinics. – Michelle Obama • We know how to be doctors, nurses, lawyers. We know how to be tweeters. We know how to be everything. But how do you just be people? How do you be present with one another? How do you be honest with one another? How do you be compassionate towards one another, forgiving towards one another? We know what to do. We don’t know what to be, how to be. – Iyanla Vanzant • We were equals once when we lay new-born babes on our nurse’s knees. We will be equal again when they tie up our jaws for the last sleep. – Olive Schreiner • We’ll bury our mothers and fathers – shuttling our children off for sleepovers, jumping on red-eyes, telling eachother stories that hurt to hear, about gasping, agonal breaths, hospice nurses, scars and bruises and scabs, and how skin papers shortly after a person passes. We will nod in agreement that it is as much an honor to witness a person leave this world as it is to watch a person come into it. – Kelly Corrigan • What if she stepped on a needle and it went right into her foot and Roberta would not feel it and the needle would rise and rise and rise through the veins leading up to the heart and then the needle would STAB HER IN THE HEART and Roberta would DIE and it would be VERY PAINFUL this according to nurse mother a medical expert on Freaky Ways to Croak… The mother shouted that she knew several people who died from the Rising Stab of the Unfelt Needle or RSUN she has seen cases of it many times and not ONE PERSON HAS SURVIVED IT. – Lynda Barry • When I was in nursery school, the teachers asked me, y’know, ‘What does your dad do for a living?’ So I said ‘He helps women get pregnant!’ They called my mom and they were like, ‘What exactly does your husband do?’ – Natalie Portman • When I was in the hospital they gave me apple juice every morning, even after I told them I didn’t like it. I had to get even. One morning, I poured the apple juice into the specimen tube. The nurse held it up and said, ‘It’s a little cloudy.’ I took the tube from her and said, ‘Let me run it through again,’ and drank it. The nurse fainted. – Alan King • When less than four years old I was standing with my nurse, Mary Ward, watching the shadows on the wall from branches of an elm behind which the moon had risen. I have never forgot those shadows and am often trying to paint them. – Samuel Palmer • When you hold a child to your breast to nurse, the curve of the little head echoes exactly the curve of the breast it suckles, as though this new person truly mirrors the flesh from which it sprang. – Diana Gabaldon • When you nurse a grudge it is not good for your health. – Desmond Tutu • When you see those in healthcare who don’t get this burn-out, they are very motherly, fatherly, or loving and attentive with the patients. [These] wonderful caretakers, doctors, and nurses don’t get as much burn-out as people who are more defensive of the feelings and suffering of others. – Matthieu Ricard • Where’s Lori?” he asked when he saw the nurse wasn’t there. “She’s not avoiding me, is she?” His grandmother slipped off her glasses, put down her book and stared at him. “Amazingly enough, the whole world doesn’t revolve around you, Reid. Lori’s sister is sick and Lori took her to the doctor. She’ll be back in an hour or so. Can you survive on your own until then, or should I call 9-1-1 for emergency assistance? – Susan Mallery • White… is death. It’s hospitals. It’s my terrible nurses. White is absolute horror. It is just the worst. – Joan Mitchell • Wholesome solitude, the nurse of sense! – Alexander Pope • Why do you mention my father?’ screamed he; ‘Why do you mingle a recollection of him with the affairs of today?’ Because I am he who saved your father’s life when he wished to destroy himself, as you do today-because I am the man who sent the purse to your young sister, and the Paraon to Old Morrel-because I am the Edmond Dantes who nursed you, a child, on my knees. – Alexandre Dumas • You can’t change laws without first changing human nature.’ -Nurse Greta You can’t change human nature without first changing the law.’ -Nurse Yvonne – Neal Shusterman • You either fainted or you wanted a much closer look at the cracks in the tile. Either way, you hit hard.” “Seriously?” He nodded. “Maybe you shouldn’t have been trying to make out with him,” he suggested. How did he know that? “I was kissing him good-bye.” He snorted and exchanged glances with the nurse. “That’s not what it looked like to me.” Probably not. But what happened? Could Reyes Farrow take control over me even from a freaking coma? I was doomed. – Darynda Jones • Your developed countries are taking teachers from South Africa, they are taking nurses, because people are better paid where they are going. – Thabo Mbeki
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