#dont take me too seriously
lover-of-mine · 1 month
I don't think people seem to understand that they could've given up. We know fox was blocking bisexual Buck and that probably means they were blocking buddie, so they could've given up. Buddie is a love story. Their devotion to each other is canon. There isn't anything the show can do that's gonna convince me they don't love each other. But they could've given up at any point. Backed off, actually give any other love interest a fighting chance, double down on them being best friends and not make it bigger. They choose not to. They kept adding to this love story as best as they could. They are best friends. They are partners. They are family. They would die for each other but they also have fun together. They have one braincell they keep pingponging between them. They love each other. That's a fact. That will always be a fact. They are each other's person. And now we are at a place where that can be explicitly explored. It's a slowburn. It's a network slowburn. The desire to rip your hair out comes with it but it makes the moment they finally get their shit together that much sweeter. We're getting there. Somehow y'all had more hope when all we had to go on was a couch. Buck is actually queer now. This time last year Buck and Eddie were getting a comphet ending. Now one of them is actually queer. We're gonna get there, but they are not just gonna trip into a relationship because they are too careful with buddie as a friendship to not address the issues and make things natural before getting them together because everyone involved in this madness knows what they have in their hands. They know once they get buddie together it's forever, they're not gonna rush into it now they have actual room to play.
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pixiecaps · 7 months
man i miss regular qsmp its been a downhill spiral since the eggs disappeared we got smacked in the face with two months of angst, and oh you want them back? well guess what now you’re in the hell dimension both in game and in fandom, and btw the island you know and love is getting consumed by the literal manifestation of shadows and you’re just going to sit there with that knowledge and smile, like like look me in the eyes i am at my breaking point i need the simplicity back.. take me back to daily code attacks… those were the times… what ever happened to happiness
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sillygoose343 · 13 hours
ok i need to get this off my chest rn, i fucking LOVE bald headed könig. when i saw that face reveal (idc if its a glitch, its real to me) it made me love him 100x more. im a firm believer in bald könig. fluffy auburn haired königs nice but his baldness just hits different.
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lauretra · 7 months
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abboii08 · 6 months
okay i know ive posted a lot lately but i just watched a falsettos song rating video with the most L takes ive ever seen and by L takes, i Mean. like really ick. the video itself wasnt awful and they did have some good commentary and opinions but. hmmm
they went on kind of a blurb about father to son and how plain and unimaginably Boring it is and then said they skip it every single time. like dude!!!! father to son isn't my favourite song either but to just completely disregard it is kind of weird If you ask me.
and then they gave what more can i say a 3/10 with no other reasoning other than "i fell asleep" okay 💀
lack of media literacy skills begin to show when they lowered the rating of canceling the bar mitzvah solely because, and i quote, "jason was being annoying" Do you even know why jason was upset. do you know why everyone was so stressed. it's supposed to be a difficult moment for everybody. jason is a child trying to cope with the fact that his loved one is sick and potentially dying in the hospital. he's 12 years old. he doesn't know how to process this, and neither do trina and mendel.
and then 1/10 for marvin hits trina because "marvin is mean" okay. we know what marvin did in that song was really really shitty but its not as simple as him just being a little meanie
BUT on the positive side!!! im really glad the video creator understood trinas character well and when it came to her songs, they gave pretty insightful commentary. more often than not new falsettos fans can tend to push trina off to the side unfortunately so im really glad they took the time to understand and appreciate her as a character bc she's wonderful. also towards the songs at the end they gave some better ratings so that was nice.
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dogshit-enchantment · 1 month
I do think it's funny ppl always draw Cid drinking tea when the scene with Shera of "goddamnit Shera put some tea on!" Isn't cuz he's like hankering for tea it was a thing of "show our guests some fucking hospitality" and someone with southern sensibilities would offer a drink to a guest. Especially since the day that cloud n co show up is the same day Rufus is showing up he's like "fuck if you can't show random ppl some hospitality how are u gonna act towards our big boss??" Which yeah he's rude as shit about it but also he's stressed as fuck. Dude wanted his coworker to learn some manners (by his own standards) and now everyone assumes he's a tea guy forever
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placebofever · 8 months
my new personally trait: calling Brian Molko “mommy Molko”
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shortylikestea · 10 months
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ph0enix-12 · 8 months
Okay, little rant at 11pm.
Hear me out- i love the idea of Shattered Dream. I really really like him, the concept is amazing.
BUT- i need to complain on a little something. The fact that in the SD universe Nightmare becomes passive again makes me go nuts!
I understand why the creator chose that path AND ITS STILL AMAZING! Its well done and it makes sense. BUT. Think of Night and Shattered working together!
I would adore that 100% i want them to have a really close evil sibling bond!
Dont mind my little word vomiting
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a-snow-decahedron · 2 years
Hometown is in the southern hemisphere and it is spring during the events of Deltarune, actually. (A non-serious post.)
The trees look yellow not because their leaves are turning yellow before the winter but because the place is surrounded by yellow and gold flowers that recently bloomed. We can infer it is the end of October if we wanna use Clover's birthday for reference. Asriel will be back from college by December to start summer break. It all makes sense.
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oceanic-sunsets · 1 year
I know many fandom theorists have talked about the religious imagery in ST, but I haven't seen an analysis on this particular subject. If there is, I would LOVE to read your interpretation, please link me, because it gave me a headache for a while!
I want to talk about this shot:
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We know Suzie's house is full of religious pictures and statues, but this particular picture on the wall immediately caught my attention because it aligns with the characters so well. Suzie is in front of Jesus. And everyone else, well. There are two interpretations I can think of.
The first one, the one you immediately would think about if you recognize the painting: Will is in front of Judas.
If you're not familiar with religion, the last supper is a painting that represents Jesus's last meal, which he shared with his apostles before he was betrayed, arrested, and crucified.
Here's a reference:
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As someone who grew up in a very catholic family and was taught religion in school, I remember one of the first facts we learned is that Judas betrayed Jesus (He also kisses Jesus's cheek, but that's another story).
There are several interpretations of his betrayal and why he did it, but all we need to know is that if Judas hadn't betrayed Jesus, God's prophecy wouldn't have been fulfilled.
When s4 first came out I wasn't on tumblr, but I was lurking on Twitter, and many people pointed out Will was placed in front of Judas, and there was concern about what this could mean, some even suggesting Will's villain arc or another possession.
But we know Will having a villain arc is not happening, it's the opposite of what his arc is about. He's Henry's foil, he represents good and kindness despite everything that has happened to him.
But you know WHO thinks of himself as some sort of God, and thinks he can just Do and Undo the world as he pleases, as he thinks would be best? Exactly, Henry!
This made me think of of theory #1: Will playing double agent, making Henry think he's on his side, "joining" him, but ultimately betraying him. I haven't thought about the details of how this would work out (especially in the long run) without Henry noticing, but I don't think it would be off the table.
And now another interpretation.
So, yeah, Will is very obviously on the left, and if you see the painting behind them and have some sort of religious knowledge, you know that's where Judas is placed. That's the first thing you'd think of.
However, giving it more thought, you could also interpret it as Will being placed in front of the apostle John. Also, did you know apostle James and John were brothers? have you noticed where James is in the painting? he's on the right, just like Jonathan:)
James was the first apostle to die. He died a martyr. John was the only apostle to risk staying with Jesus when he was crucified, and Jesus asked him to look after his mother when he died. And so he did. After Mary died, it is said that John:
"After Mary’s death John, maybe still learning his trade, spent a lot of time with St Peter, who was the rock on which the church was founded.  According to Scriptures he was with St Peter at the healing of the lame man in the Temple and was also thrown into prison with Peter. He also went with Peter to Samaria and then on missions elsewhere." x
Peter is VERY close next to John in the Last Supper painting, even more so than Judas. Just like Mike is next to Will, to his left.
Take that as you will! I could write theory #2 with that info in mind, but honestly i'd be just rambling because I haven't given that one a lot of thought. I just found it interesting and it might interest some people on here but I'm not saying I 100% believe that's going to happen.
@wibble-wobbegong i hope it's ok to tag u i have seen u talk a lot about religious metaphors/imagery so this might interest you!
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dnpfix · 4 months
I had a demon phan thought
You know how Phil kept saying he was feeling bisexual or whatever
And how Phil immediately turned to Dan and asked him which gender he was feeling today
What if Phil has started to rethink his sexuality because he doesnt just like boy Dan? He thinks every version of Dan is amazing and hot. So talking about bisexuality is part of validating and supporting Dan's gender stuff
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nerdlingmitch · 9 months
There is something incredibly delightful about finding fanfiction with trans characters that are written by trans people. Especially when they don't get distractingly caught up on some inner turmoil about being trans. (I mean, it can definitely happen and be plot relevant, but in my experience its usually.... not.) The character gets to have lived mostly the same life as established in the canon!!! But they're trans now!!!! 🥰
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13eyond13 · 2 years
What do you mean by 'i hate him your honour '?
This is just the English teacher in me, so apologies if you're not genuinely wondering what it means, but I'm going to just sincerely answer you hahaha
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I haven't really thought about it too deeply before, and I don't know the exact origins of it as a meme, but "I love him, Your Honor" is a thing people say in fandom sometimes as a joke, like they're making a case to a judge in a courtroom for how they feel about a character, I guess? "Your Honor" normally implies you're speaking to a judge in a formal way. He is one of those complicated characters that I love to hate and hate to love, you know.... there's truly never a dull moment with Light
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
I don't know who said it first but like, there's obviously the chance of the Chim/Hen and Eddie/Buck with Hen trying to save Chim and Buck trying to save Eddie and the possible implications, but someone said something about improbable pairings in the finale and it would actually be interesting to see Chim needing medical assistance but being trapped with Buck, the one with the least medical experience and Eddie being trapped with Hen, needing a physical rescue Hen wouldn't be able to do and Hen trying to talk Buck through helping Chim while Buck tries to help Hen figure out how to get to Eddie over the radio and all the nuances we could get from that.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Important bit:
Dean tries to be funny
But Sam actually is funny
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