#catalyst to shit changing for the better
magnoliamyrrh · 9 months
Im so sorry your friend betrayed you. I saw your posts about him where you said how much he meant to you and how he's a good man and all... Im so sorry you were stabbed in the back once again. You really deserve a better life. I pray things will get better for you
thank you sweetheart, i really appreciate it 💗🧡💗 i hope you will have a peaceful day, good health to u <3
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dulcesiabits · 9 months
lyney the kind of guy to gush and gossip (he's kicking his legs and burying his blushing face in his hands) to lynette abt every little thing reader did today and she's just sitting there like 🙄 (she's still listening and taking mental notes on everything) fremi is getting anxious listening to his brother talk abt such overwhelming emotions so he waddles to a corner and puts his little helmet on to disassociate for a bit
then when lyney sees reader he pulls a 180, swallows all his feelings and pulls out the cringiest pickup lines out of his ass.
he'll hide his feelings for years until lynette is sick of his shit; she'll literally walk in on lyney flirting again, internally pray he won't get mad for what she's abt to do, take the back of their heads in her hands, smash them into each other like forcing dolls to kiss and leave.
now lyney and reader live happily ever after and Lynette can finally drink her tea without her stupid brother talking about his silly crush (lyney will come back tomorrow asking for her advice regarding engagement)
EVERYONE IS SICK AND TIRED OF LYNEY AND HIS OBVIOUS PINING!!!! HE’S NOT SUBTLE AT ALL!!!! Freminet and Lynette basically know EVERYTHING about you now because he loves repeating every fact he knows about you…
Seeing the change that overtakes Lyney when he sees you…… 10000 pickup lines and touching you in subtle ways like finding an excuse to take your hand….. Lynette has never seen him be more embarrassing and wants to disown him ….. Freminet wants to support him but…… please leave him out of this….. he doesn’t know what to do in romantic situations….
Lynette treating Lyney and you like dolls and just being the catalyst to your relationship is so funny?? Lyney taking years to confess and assuring Freminet and Lynette that he’s going to DO it, he’s just waiting for the right time… but Lynette knows better…. She’s not putting up with this a second longer!!!! The engagement period better not be 1829293 years long too!!!!
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Also, just saying. Canon!Regulus having Kreacher's abuse by Voldemort be the catalyst to his spiral tells me he likely wouldn't have stood by and watch half of what fanon!Sirius goes through — the typical shit fanon!Regulus supposedly... Just watches and lets be.
Which tells me about how different the abuse might have been within the Black Family (still abusive though). Which tells me Regulus was much, much more closer to standing up for and/or leaving with Sirius OR finding his own way than we usually think.
Sometimes... SOMETIMES it feels so weird seeing Regulus generally be taken as this person who can live with seeing Sirius violently abused every single day of his life, especially in fics where it's outright torture porn!!!! And it's all so very strange. So very strange. Canon!Regulus wouldn't have stood for half the shit fanon and fic Sirius goes through, when Kreacher coming back once, hurt, was enough for him to start questioning things. And mind you, he didn't change sides right immediately when he saw Kreacher, he endeavored to learn more about Voldemort, he let himself be spurred on by his doubts and let the information take him to where he needed to be. Regulus was brilliant in his own way.
I don't know if this makes me feel better or worse. The idea that Regulus was way, way in too deep to be saved. Or that Regulus died when his kindness made him so much more closer to the truth which he never saw until it was too late. Maybe none of it matters.
It really speaks of his naivety and blundering ignorance (one can be kind, smart, and cunning while still being ignorant), yes, but also of how he actually cares about those who he considers family.
I feel like these days I'm much more aware of the things the fandom uses to draw contrast between the two brothers and find that so much of it takes away from Regulus' integrity as a character. In this case specifically where the brothers are compared for their bravery and it usually goes like this: Sirius is a brave victim of abuse and is willing to get hit just to say his piece. Regulus is too scared to not only stand up for himself but also stand up for his brother who he watches bleed and get beat up constantly.
I just want to say before i continue that kids shouldn't be vilified for freezing up in the face of abuse, whether of their own or of others. Regulus freezing up and being scared of parental violence is him being a victim too.
But i do think that this ^^ depiction of Regulus can be considered quite a significant detraction from what can be inferred from canon!Regulus.
Seeing his brother brutalized the way Sirius is often portrayed would have been just as, if not more, important and shocking to him. And yes, just as book Regulus was decisive — he would've been just as decisive in doing something about his brother's abuse. Would he have gotten in front of his parents' wands? Maybe not. But he would've gotten Sirius out of there. He would've done something about it. He fucking would've.
And he'd have started questioning things really fast just as he did with Kreacher. There wouldn't have been a horcrux to steal but there would have been a brother to fight for.
Regulus has always been decisive despite his naivety and his ignorance. He was decisive about joining Voldemort. And he was decisive about stopping him. He was decisive when he went into the cave.
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alwaysalir · 4 months
The amount of “gag him” or “he needs to grovel” on the qrts on that wonderful sneak peek makes me lose brain cells.
Colin is NOT the big bad villian who has treated Penelope like shit for years. He’s an imperfect person who was thoughtless and cruel and is immediately devastated by the hurt he’s caused.
Don’t get me wrong I loved the scene. I loved seeing Penelope stand up for herself and demand better from someone she considered her friend because she’s not upset in the fact that he’s not romantically interested. She’s upset that Colin, one of the few people she thought really saw her, also treated her like a joke.
Colin deserved Penelope’s wrath in that moment but I swear some of y’all act like he needs this huge comeuppance. Colin is as much of an underdog as Penelope. In that scene he literally talks about how no one returned his letters. He’s forgotten like her. He deserves to be called out for his cruelty and Penelope deserves an apology but this is just the beginning of the story. This is the catalyst to the much needed change in their relationship
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teyamsatan · 10 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝟙 | ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀: 𝔹𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕊𝕒𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕐𝕖𝕤 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕗 ℕ𝕠
pairing: Neteyam x f!Human/Avatar Reader
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warnings: angst, tragic love trope, the one that got away trope, some fluff, all the feels
wc: 5k words
a/n: surprise??? today's actually the 3 months anniversary of cruel summer being finished, so i thought, what better occasion to drop the sequel than this?? i hope you enjoy besties, i'm so happy to write for neteyam and vol again, they own my whole heart now and always. i'm not sure if people who were tagged in cruel summer want to be tagged for this, so i'm only tagging the people that specifically asked for this series x
to clarify: this series will be following oceans and engines mostly, but both endings will make and appearance and play a part in this story x smooches x
♥ series masterlist ♥ cruel summer ♥ series playlist ♥ masterlist
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“I can’t believe you’re mine. And I’m yours, Vol. I’m yours, I’ve always been yours. I’ll always be yours.” 
I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit Been saying "yes" instead of "no" I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though
“Is everyone ready?” Neteyam was violently pulled out of a memory that he couldn’t shake, that still haunts him every night, watching as his father fretted in their once-shared marui, that he hasn’t spent that much time in recently. He sighed as he looked outside and saw his beautiful ikran that he has neglected in the past year, that was now waiting dutifully for him to bond with her so they can leave, that was another bitter reminder of a life so far removed, it didn’t feel like his own anymore.
He missed Seze, and the feeling of freedom that was so exhilarating, it felt almost wrong for a mere mortal to be able to feel, the feeling that only came with flying far away from the ground, from his problems and worries, from his responsibilities and all the sacrifices they entitled. He tried to ignore how his heart was in his throat, and the layer of sweat that accompanied the anxiety that has settled in his chest weeks ago, as soon as his father announced that they were to temporarily return to the forest, to be there for a special number of ceremonies. Norm and Max let him know that, after a few months of rigorous training, the both of them, as well as Spider... and you... were ready to take your Iknimaya and Uniltaron and become part of the Omaticaya.
It hurt, just like everything about it did, how life moved on despite it all, that it went on and on, and everything changed. It hurt that there he was, having to go back, back to everything he left behind… to everyone he left behind, to witness the life he could have had, a life that felt like a fever dream sometimes, especially now, with the pregnant mate he just kissed goodbye a few hours ago.
Neteyam’s stopped himself thinking about you for so long, it’s become second nature, to push the intrusive thoughts aside, to rummage through his increasingly deteriorating will in order to not allow his mind to bring the images of you in the front of his eyes like a movie on a screen, showing him every moment you shared, culminating in that last day, that still managed to somehow knock the breath out of him and make him dizzy and disoriented. Your touch still lingered on his skin, marking it like the tattoos that now adorned his arm and thighs, except the memory of you and your fingers tracing the freckles on his skin hurt more than any tattoo ever could. Neteyam excelled at everything he did, and so he never thought about you. Except today, when you were all he could think about, when the thought that he would be there to witness your Iknimaya, your consciousness transfer, when the talk he had with Kiri was the catalyst for it and was now ringing in his head, like unceasing echoes. 
“Do you think they’ve moved on?” Kiri, much like her brother, shared so much with a human, so much more than could ever be said out loud or expressed into words, only to have it taken from her as she moved to Awa’atlu. Unlike Neteyam, though, Kiri wasn't willing to throw in the towel just yet, stubborn as she always was, especially now that the person she loved got an Avatar, now that he was working towards becoming Omaticaya, now that there seems like a second chance was bestowed on them by the grace of Eywa herself. Neteyam has always admired Kiri, and her joie-de-vivre, her ability to always speak her mind and do whatever she felt was right without infringing on their parents' rules, but also without sacrificing her own happiness, and her overall ability to thread the middle line between her two brothers, which were the two extremes of the same spectrum.
“Do I think who has moved on?” Neteyam knew very well who Kiri was referring to, but half-hoped if he acted oblivious she would just drop it. He should know his sister better than that.
“Stop. You know very well who.”
A sigh so deep it felt like it was exhaled from the pits of Neteyam’s soul escaped him, and he had to think about his answer, something he didn’t want to have to do. 
“I don’t know. I hope she did.” I hope she didn’t. 
“Do you?” 
“Doesn’t it kill you? Knowing they have Avatars now? Because it kills me. it kills me to know I could have had all this time with him, if only I just waited, or fought harder. If only I tried a little more. If only I just went to mum and dad and just told them the truth. But maybe this means something, the timing. Maybe it means we had to leave and learn and see the world, to know that no matter what, for us, it will always be them. For me, it will always be him. Maybe this was the second chance at love I never even knew I could ever have.” 
The news of your new Avatars reached Awa’atlu months ago, while Neteyam was having dinner with his now extended family, including his father and mother in law, as well as his mate, and for the first time since the night after you left, Neteyam needed to excuse himself and leave, taking his ikran and flying away, flying for hours, coming so close to just leaving it all behind, just so he could at least catch one glimpse of you again, just so he could hug you and tell you how happy he is for you, how much he hopes this Avatar can finally give you the life you’ve always wanted, the life you were always meant for, so he could watch the tears gather in your eyes and drop down your face and know that that very image would be enough to confess harsher truths that he should never think to say out loud again, like how he’s still in love with you and always will be, how nobody would ever be able to replace you, how he wishes every day things would be different. 
In those months passed, Neteyam learnt to accept that much like he’s come to know in his life, and especially after you, some things just are not meant to be. That no matter how much love there is, how much desire to make it work, some things are beyond control, beyond any fight he still had in him. He believed in Eywa, and trusted her judgement and her will, and Eywa chose this for him. And he was happy, as happy as he could be, with his current life, with a mate that was strong, and intelligent, and kind and sweet, and incredibly beautiful, and the little baby that she was currently carrying in her womb, the little baby that would make Neteyam the happiest man in the world once they were born. Some things just weren’t meant to be. And your life together, the one you’ve left behind, the one he’s left behind, was one of those things. 
“Stop. I have a life now, Kiri. A different life. I have a mate. I can’t think about things like this anymore.” 
Kiri puffed and rolled her eyes, before getting up from her spot on the floor and leaving, but not before she said one last thing. 
“Just because you can’t think about it, doesn’t mean you don’t.” 
Neteyam couldn’t argue with his sister anymore, not when she was right, not when regardless how much his sheer force of will denied him visions of you, memories of you, at his most vulnerable, in his dreams, your smile was all he saw, your transcendent alien beauty his own personal sun, his own personal guide post and his light all in one. He couldn't deny you when, still to this day, the reminder of your eyes that shone like stars in the night sky, that were the mirror to your soul he could drown in and be thankful for the chance to be overcome in you and in the love that he used to know so intimately, in the laugh that still echoes in his ears, in the strength that informed his, in everything you were that he didn’t have anymore that still held power over him, was still able to empty his brain of every other thought that wasn't this, and wasn't you.
I hit the ground running each night I hit the Sunday matinée You know the greatest films of all time were never made
“Kid… are you ok?” 
A hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your focused rumination, a state you found yourself in more and more these last few days, as the mostly exciting and somewhat dreaded arrival of the Sullys approached, a state that culminated today, as you were only a few hours away from seeing them again, from seeing him again. Your head snapped to the man who talked to you, a man who sympathised with your pain more than anyone else. Norm tried his best. After finding out about you and Neteyam’s relationship, he has kept the updates about the Sully’s lives to as much as he felt you needed to know, and you were grateful.
Still, you couldn’t help hear some things, huge things, monumental things, things that shifted your world on its axis and emptied whatever was left of the contents of your ribcage. It’s not like you didn’t expect it to happen at some point, and yet, expectations meant nothing when your mind still tried to cling on to every single ounce of delusion it could in order to survive. In your mind, you were still 18 and Neteyam was still your best friend and the dreams that plagued you every night, of an alternate reality you couldn’t help but still yearn for, one in which he was still yours and you were still his, one in which he never let you go and you were overwhelmingly happy and sickeningly in love, didn’t stop when you woke.
But that’s all they were, just dreams. Because in reality, you had a different life - a good life, a life you couldn’t really complain about, one in which you had an Avatar and friends and loved ones, in which you could finally breathe the air that poisoned you for the majority of your life, one in which you were about to become one of the people, the way you’ve always wanted… one in which Neteyam’s mate was pregnant with his child, one in which every last delusion you had came crashing down into the ground, forcing you to leave the past behind once more and wake up to the world surrounding you, that despite his absence, hasn’t stop moving on and along. 
In the few months since you found out, you tried… you really tried, every day of your life, to take a page from the book of the rest of the world, and move on. You focused on training and on yourself, you threw the necklace Neteyam gave you that meant so much to you once, you put all the stuff that reminded you of him in a designated box that you never touched, that lay safe from sight beneath your desk, correctly labeled so as to not mistakenly pick it up and rummage through it. 
You spent most of your days in your new Avatar body, testing the limits to which it can be pushed, working harder than you ever had to belong, to learn, to see, to leave your human self behind and embrace this body which will soon, with Eywa's will, be your only one. Having this body came with a lot of advantages, too many to count, one of which you never really considered, but now were trying to embrace: dating. Being openly courted, and wanted, the possibility of spending your whole life with one person, that chooses you every day, the possibility of mating, of experiencing tsaheylu with someone else, of having a family, it was all new to you... all new and overwhelming and bittersweet. You've never allowed yourself to think about the future before, because you knew it would only lead to heartbreak. What was the point, when the only man you've ever loved was out of your reach, when your body wasn't made for this world, where the possibility of bringing a tiny human to life only to watch them suffer the same fate of struggling between two lives, neither of which you truly belonged in, terrified you.
But now, you had to think about it. You needed to think about it. Did you want it, all of it, any of it? A family, a mate? Did you want to feel love again, could any love feel the same way, as poignant or powerful or earth-shattering as the one you had? Could anyone's touch or smile or laugh, anyone's eyes or hands or tahni, anyone's voice or embrace or beauty ever elicit the same emotions in you? You wondered if they did for him, and his new mate. You wondered if he moved on after all. You hoped he did.
You hoped he didn't.
You watched as Spider gobbled down the food that was placed in front of him, with enough ferocity to really buy into a notion that he has, indeed, never seen food before in his life. You rolled your eyes as you pushed a paper napkin on his tray, laughing at the way he hurried to brush the stray crumbs off his mouth with the back of his hand instead. Spider was very excited about today. You couldn't help admire this boy you grew up with, that you had to watch turn into a man and mighty warrior, and the simplistic way he approached life. Life was black and white to him, and more and more, you were jealous of the shades of grey that always plagued you, making everything a lot more complicated than it ever needed to be.
To him, life was simple: when him and Kiri were together, they were together and it was love, and it was all he needed. When they left, he realised immediately that it was outside of their control and that there was no other way, and understood them and moved on. That simple. Now that they're coming back, and he has an Avatar, and he will soon be one of the people, life is once more simple in his eyes - all he has to do is just... go for it. And he will. And you knew there was enough stubbornness and impulsiveness in Kiri that she would drop everything and join him.
Life had never been simple in your eyes. Your relationship with Neteyam... never simple. It was wondrous, and magical and unique... and it was sad, beautiful and tragic. When he left the first time, when they left, they took everything with them. When you went to Awa'atlu, and he confessed, he gave everything back and more. And then all you could do is watch as it was cruelly plucked away from your grasp, before you even had a chance to hold it tightly against your chest, before needing to let it go... forever.
Life was never simple in his, either. There was so much, too much to do, to achieve... so much to strive for, so much to make up for... so much to sacrifice. And it didn't matter. The love didn't matter, because there were bigger worries and bigger responsibilities. And in the end... maybe he found it was for the best. He might have had to give up being Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya, but Eywa rewarded his new life within the Metkayina with the privilege of leading a new tribe. Of being the father of the next Olo'eyktan, the first child born of a forest Na'vi and a reef Na'vi. It was a blessing. A miracle. Your nightmare. And one you'd have to face again, in a matter of hours.
It was strange, going through the village, seeing the grandiose garlands, fires and displays that were being put forward for the arrival of the Sullys. You weren't surprised, not at all, although it was easy to forget sometimes, when you remember the warmth and tight family unit, the intimate moments being buried in Neteyam's chest as he purred lightly as he drifted off, how in those moments, he wasn't the prodigy of the Omaticaya, nor the son of the greatest warriors on Pandora, but just Neteyam, your best friend, your confidant, your everything.
He was never yours to lose.
I guess you never know, never know And if you wanted me, you really should've showed
"Ma Tawtute!"
The voice of Tarsem cut through all the commotion and perked your ears up, your newfound heightened senses still something you were getting used to slowly. You smiled at the sight of his smile, always wide and sincere when it looked at you. You were grateful for Tarsem. He somehow did for you and Spider what neither Jake, Neytiri or Mo'at ever did. He made you part of the people. Even before you got an Avatar. He showed you that the human proverb was indeed true - where there's a will, there's a way, and much to your infinite sorrow over the matter, more and more it seemed the Sullys had very little of either, when it came to the two human children abandoned here after the war.
But he did. Tarsem did. He took you both in, and trained you and allowed you to know a real family, a real sense of community. It was a bit surreal how quickly the other adapted after seeing how their new leader behaved. It was also surreal to think that you could have had this your whole life, and yet you didn't.
"Oel Ngati Kameie, ma Olo'eyktan!"
"Agh, I told you not to call me that. It's just Tarsem."
You watched carefully how his tail undulated wildly behind him, knocking into his thighs haphazardly. You were still trying to understand your own tail and decode the few patters you have noticed in others. Erratic tail meant excited... it meant happy. Was he happy to see you? Was the purple twinge in his cheeks just the result of the busy schedule he was forced to undertake in the past few weeks, the unrelenting duties of the chieftan that tired him? It had to be, because there's no way that-
A loud cacophony of war cries interrupted the moment, and right now, for just a second, you were almost glad. Only for a second, only until you remembered what the yells meant, and as you did, so did your mind start racing and your heart gallop in your chest, and you were glad, as you have been for a while, for the fact you no longer required a mask to breathe, because it would have been fogged blind by now, and you needed your senses - you needed to be acutely aware of your surroundings, of your own body, if you were going to come face to face with the family you once thought was your forever home, and the man you once couldn't imagine existing without.
You recognised their ikran immediately, the incandescent beauty and unmistakable colour patterns hard to forget, even if you didn't spend nights dreaming about them. Seze was last to land, and as soon as she did and he dismounted, you saw his gaze scanning the crowd awaiting him.
Your eyes meet and in a second, a sea of memories flooded your mind, flashing before your eyes like the stereoscope Norm and Max gave you on your last birthday. A thousand images, some that made you want to smile, others that made you want to wail in agony, all that tugged sharply at the string of your heart until it reminded you of all the loose stitches keeping it together.
As he approached, his eyes never leaving yours, you saw in them the same emotions you were going through, and it was easier than you thought it would be, being in his presence, and you realised you didn’t really want to die anymore, and the pain of his soul spilling all around you like endless rays of sunlight and all he meant to you had dulled slightly in time, but still, nothing changed, you realise sadly. Despite all the changes in his appearance, he was still Neteyam, still the man you loved and would always love, still not yours anymore. 
“You’re a lot… taller than I remember.” his smile was soft and tentative, and you were grateful that he talked first, so that you didn't have to. He's always known you, down to the darkest corners of your being, and while it was a hard pill to swallow now, you appreciated it in the moment, his intrinsic ability to know exactly what to do or say, in order to get you to relax.
“And you’re a lot shorter than I remember.” you laugh and just like that, the tension dissipates slightly.
“It’s good to see you... Vol.” 
Vol… the nickname electrified your every nerve, and you felt a whole year of progress slowly being undone, but unlike before, you knew how to put yourself back together again... you were forced to learn in time, and you were grateful for it now. 
You smiled a little, and you took him in, all the changes a year brought forth that you weren’t there to witness. He was leaner, all the swimming streamlining his body a lot more than being in the forest ever did. He had a big, intricate tattoo on his left arm, and one on his lower abdomen. His signature braids were gone, replaced by half braids that opened up into soft curls. He was handsome, so handsome, but you missed his braids, and his more muscular appearance. He looked a lot less Omaticaya now, which you knew he would, but it still filled you with a sense of sorrow, the departure from his roots, from his true home… from you.
“It’s good to see you too, Teyam. Seems like the reef agrees with you.” 
You let out a big exhale as he covered the ground between you and enveloped you in a hug, his head finding the crook of your neck, and you found tears haunting you at how well your new body fit in his, how you were the perfect height for the perfect hug, how your face almost moulded into his chest like the missing piece of the puzzle you’ve both tried to solve all your life, but will now never be able to. How unfair the universe, you found yourself asking again, to give you this avatar just a few weeks too late to matter, to change anything. 
You tightened your arms around him and you stood there, in the silence, just listening to his breath and your own, and trying to ignore the small drops falling down your back. They weren’t tears, you told yourself. Not his tears. And neither were the droplets falling down your face.. Not tears. Not your tears. 
Before either of you could say anything else, a sea of people, all who knew and loved Neteyam, all who wanted to greet him and talk to him and be around him, pulled you away from him and gave you a chance to greet your lost siblings. Lo'ak was taller, so much taller, and you were amazed to see his progress, not just physical, but mental - too. He looked confident, and happy. He looked like he found his home, his purpose, his people. Kiri, on the other hand, had eyes for no one other than one person, who, in time became the embodiment of this tribe you both loved so much - strong, valiant, forged in fire. Spider was as much Omaticaya as the people born here, and soon, he will be born again, a true man of the tribe, and gain his place amongst the Na'vi forever.
There were moments, infrequent and far apart these days, when you craved the intimacy: to be loved, to be revered, to be cherished once more. It hurt, right now, looking at Kiri and Spider, at the unspoken conversation they were having without a single word, that felt so intimate, it almost felt wrong for you to be able to witness it. You had that too, once. You wondered if anyone would ever look at you the same, ever again.
Neteyam felt overwhelmed, a feeling he didn't experience too often in life. He was being pulled away in all directions, by people he's known all his life, with wide smiles and words of congratulations and elation for the mateship, for the incredible new progress made with a powerful clan they've never been close to prior to this, for being the next Olo'eyktan, for news of his approaching fatherhood. So many opportunities, once greater than the other, he realised, and he was grateful - for the attention and the love, the care that never diminished even with his family's departure. He tried to listen and engage, but his eyes couldn't stop themselves from being drawn to one figure, and one alone.
It was surreal, looking at you, the you that didn't quite look like you, and yet, even twice as tall and a different colour... a different species altogether, even as you stood right now, back turned to him, talking to his family, you were still someone he would be able to recognise instantly, for the rest of his life. Your tail, a now clear window into your emotions, gave away the anxiety and alertness that mirrored his own. It was good to know this wasn't affecting only him, that much like your whole lives, as long as you had each other, neither of you ever had to go through anything completely by yourselves. He was sad, so sad, that he knew nothing about your life anymore, except for the small snippets he overheard or the few pieces of information he sought out in the few moments, far and few in between, when his heart didn't feel like it was crushed under the weight of your momentous memory, that was still too heavy to lift proudly, with a head held high.
Before his mind could wander in waters too deep and dangerous to safely swam in, the voice of the new Olo'eyktan pulled him out of his musings, and it was almost contagious, his celebratory demeanour.
"To celebrate the return of our Toruk Makto and his family, the brightest feathers in the bow that is the Omaticaya clan, and the upcoming Iknimaya and Uniltaron of our four Tawtute, I now declare the official start of the festivities. May the hunts of life forever bring you back home, Jakesulli, Neytiri, Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, little Tuk. And to our little humans, may Eywa bless your endeavours and allow you to join us as part of the People, forever and for always."
He was good at this, Neteyam noted. Being a leader. Tarsem wasn't much older than Neteyam, but, right now, he felt like there were mountains separating them. He was poised and intrepid, he commanded everyone's attention in a way that only his father ever did, and he realised in that moment that, despite being heartbroken about it at the time, he had been right to choose him, instead of his own son.
The celebration was as exuberant and exhilarating as Neteyam remembered, and with the nerves plaguing him for weeks gently out of the way, he was able to enjoy himself and relax, catching up with his grandmother and his friends, all people he's missed dearly. The one he missed the most kept busy with his siblings, almost making a point to avoid him, which he couldn't blame you for, although the effort was not enough to prevent the way your eyes met regularly, subconsciously searching for each other, even now, after all this time. So many things have changed, monumental and forever-altering, and yet, somehow, he didn't think this ever will.
"He will need a mate soon. The Tsa'hik is tired, Jakesully."
It was way past eclipse when his grandmother's words pulled him out of the pleasant conversation he was having with an older friend, and he turned to her and watched as she smiled a sly smile, giving a pointed look to his mother. "And since my daughter decided to abandon me, I need a new Tsakarem. The clan, now more than most, needs stability, they need to know they will be in good hands."
"Ah, Mo'at... he's still young, give him time. He will find a mate soon enough. He's good looking, intelligent... a good warrior, a good leader. I wouldn't be surprised if women were throwing themselves at his feet."
"They are, but he doesn't have eyes for any of them. In fact, there's only one person he sees, and it's obvious to everyone but her."
Neteyam followed his grandmother's gaze and felt his breath hitch in his throat at who it landed on.
As he dug into the food that he missed so much, that he loved with all his heart, that was so carefully prepared by the best hands in the clan, it all tasted spoiled and rotten in his mouth, as soon as his eyes locked on your figure on the other side of the fire, laughing wildly in an intimate display of affection, while Tarsem's hand was placed carelessly on your thigh.
And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow And it's alright now
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taglist: rebeccao03 @i-live-in-a-fantasy-daydream @eywaeveng @midnight1812 @fanboyluvr
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lulumibear · 1 year
The reviews on Goodreads about Capri baffle me it’s almost like we didn’t read the same books.
People are just tossing big words and adding the « it’s not sexy » like yeah no shit that’s the point of the story. The whole universe is built on fucked up ideologies that existed (maybe not exactly that way ;it was worst irl) but existed in the respective timelines Vere and Akielon were inspired of and the books are not romanticizing any of it but showing how damaging and wrong slavery, rape, pedophilia, vengeance, greed ect ect are and showing how two people raised in those ideologies managed to not only accept a different culture but accept the flaws of their own and are willing to change it and better their societies.
And for the folks out there that are mad about (spoiler alert) the way Laurent treated Damen I wonder how y’all would react if the person who took away the only family you had and was the catalyst of everything that went wrong in your life was in front of you in chains. The books didn’t romanticized that either btw, Laurent knew who Damen was and hated his guts and that blinded him. This was highlighted when Damen told him that if he was anyone else Laurent would have freed him; this alone speaks volumes about where Laurent stands. And for Damen he didn’t fall in love with Laurent after being flogged but after a long journey of discovering who Laurent is really and both of them taking the time to heal the wounds the war left.
+Those two are actually one of the rare well written enemies to lovers ships.
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luimagines · 12 days
thinking about human reader and how hylians yk dont like humans, im imagining how id probably react to the chain members who dont rly like humans.(pls pls give how youd react too HELP i need to hear about how others would react too)
like i would be side eyeing (the ones with less than positive opinions) them every time they look in my direction 😭😭 i would be so defensive and would stay AT LEAST 6 feet away from them because i am not about to have that energy around me. i probably wouldnt help with how they view humans ngl
also going with the idea that wild is at least part human, i think thatd itd be fun to bond w him over certain human traits that they both have. like breaking the weapons??? (i probably couldnt even hold them, unless we're going with the idea of humans being stronger than hylians) also i saw something about wild healing by stuffing a shit ton of fruit down his throat being a human trait, and oml imagine being like "hey wild can i have like 20 apples??? i need to heal rq"
okay okay but what if.. human reader AND they were like the guide voice they heard on their journeys(im specifically thinking about isekai reader who played the games and the links could hear their voice while they played the game, but however you wanna view it works too)?? how much would that change their view on humans??
okay sorry about the rant but like i needed to get my thoughts out
Oh goodness, if I was there I would be stressed as hell. DX
I'm a people pleaser by default. The subtle knowledge that I did nothing wrong but am still on their bad side would prompt me to be super nice and extra helpful and overall be and pushover because I need them to not not like me.
I'd still like glue to Wolfie because I love dogs and since Twilight doesn't care, he'd let me be close and I'd project all my anxiety onto this four legged creature. He is now my emotional support dog.
But for guide! reader to also be human. Hmmmm... Talk about a culture shock. The more suspicious/distrusting of the group would likely have an aneurism. A full blown record scratch. Broken brain moment.
It would be a better turning point for them to learn that sort of thing to be more accepting of humans. Not that they'll have a full 180 then and there.
But if the voice they've grown attached to a human, knowing that what they do and have done, are they really that bad?
But there's still the ever present idea of, is this person who they've grown to love and admire from a distance really not all what they thought they appeared to be?
It'll take some time to come to terms, but it's certainly a catalyst.
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Unbelievably So - Matty Healy Fic
He lies on his bed, his bare back against the soft comforter she insisted they bought. His right arm is hooked around her shoulders, her head resting gently against his chest. Her fingers trace the tattoo under his rib, his caresses the part of her arm he can reach, pressing soft kisses to her head. A cigarette sits unsmoked on his bedside table, aside it a scented candle is alight, it was something sweet, Matty didn't care for them but they reminded him of her.
He sighs deeply and this alerts her, her head flicks upwards checking he's okay and it wasn't an unhappy sigh. He smiles down at her, knuckles find her cheek and smooth across the surface. Fingertips grip her chin, tugging her towards his awaiting lips, they merge and her sigh becomes his.
"You okay?" She murmurs against his lips once he pulls away, the kiss quenching his need for her for now.
"I'm happy" he says simply, his shoulders shrug and he lets out a laugh, as if the phrase was amusing. Her face lights up at this, it pleases her soul to know when he's with her he's happy. Truly happy. She doesn't speak yet, knowing he might want to rant for a bit, something she knows helps quiet his ever loud mind.
"For years I always put this pressure on finding what makes me happy. I thought 'making it', selling out shows, being successful would make it happy. And it did... Partly. But once it wasn't there anymore I felt shitty.... Whether I'm with you or not, I'm happy now, incredibly so. You've made my soul happy" he says and she smiles.
"I love you" she says simply and it's enough for him. He appreciates how she knew he didn't need her to say much, he needed her too listen, to understand and she did.
"And now everything else feels better. We're making great music and it's not about what it used to be about. We don't care if there's seats empty, or if some people don't like the songs. We like it and you like it. Right?" He asks and she nods.
"Yeah" he smiles, looking at the ceiling, her lips press against his chest, his fingers find her chin again, he gently presses against it, pushing her face upwards until her eyes meet his.
"You're happy right?" He asks, a slight, unsure frown resting against his lips.
"Unbelievably so" she says, she hesitates. He knows she's about to ask one of her infamous hard hitting questions. Another reason why he loved her. Most people wouldn't ask him the questions they knew he'd struggle to answer. They'd think he was too fragile to answer them. She pushed him and made him answer them and in turn it healed parts of him. At the beginning of their relationship, Matty would get annoyed, thinking she was being pushy, he soon realised he never answered them because he didn't want to have to admit certain things weren't right.
"What would happen if this was to end? You'd still be happy right? Your happiness isnt dependent on me right? She asks and he pauses for a few minutes, thinking about her question.
"Would you be happy if we broke up?" He asked, turning it back on her, something he sometimes does to deter from the question.
"I'd obviously be heart broken, I love you, truly and I never want it to end and it won't. But for the sake of the slim chance it does, purely hypothetically... My whole existence, my... I wouldn't die. I just don't want all your happiness to be dependent on me... Because mine isn't" her words seem harsh but he understands them and understands why she's asking this.
"I'd like to think I would still be happy in the end still.... But I love you so fucking much and I honestly think it would break me. I suppose my life wouldn't be totally fucked though... It wasn't just you and your presence in my life that made me happy... You were like this catalyst, you sparked this idea ... You made me realise that being negative about life is shit... You changed what I valued. You made me value the smaller things more, like the band and my mates and the beauty of the world... So I suppose, if you were to leave, that would hopefully remain and I would be happy... In the end" he explained and she nodded. He felt another wave of relief hit him, he loved the realisations you unfolded in him.
"In the end" she agreed. He pushes at her waist, turning her on her back as he moved to hover over her, his grip on her waist tighten slightly and she let out a little giggle.
"Yeah after months if not years of being depressed that I lost you" he jokes, her fingers push back the parts of his hair that flop in front of his face.
"God the guys would hate you, mopey Matty annoys them" she jokes and they both laugh. "They'd hate me more thoufh" she says seriously.
"They could never. And I could never'
"It's not going to happen though, you won't lose me" she says and he nods, they both truly believed it, leaning down to connect their lips. The kiss is sweet but firm and always passionate.
Their lips move like clockwork, each knowing the others like a map. His tongue makes a calculated swipe against her bottom lip and her mouth opens on instinct. His tongue finds hers and they mold together easily, moving naturally against one another. She sighs as his hand moves down from her waist, gripping her hip and pulling her upwards, her body arched, their cores flushed against each other. Matty groans into her mouth, breaking away for a breather. Her lips quickly find his neck and his hips move harshly against hers. Her sighs, moans and groans have him hardening to a painful extent.
'Im yours" she murmurs against his ear, something she knows he just thrives off of.
"Fuck, say it again" he murmurs, lips moving back to hers.
"I'm yours" she repeats, lips moving quickly against his again, not allowing much time to pass without them being connected.
"Your mine" he confirms. His lips smash against hers again.
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come-see-our-show · 1 year
Now that it’s been a week since I've watched Roald Dahl's Matilda: The Musical, here are all my thoughts (as someone who loves the musical and played Bruce once):
The cast was INCREDIBLE!! Emma Thompson was terrifying! Stephen Graham and Andrea Riseborough were hilarious! Lashana Lynch was so endearing! AND I WANNA SEE ALISHA WEIR IN MORE STUFF BECAUSE SHE ATE IT UP
I want to give credit to the makeup team for Trunchbull's makeup because even though I knew it was Emma Thompson, they did such a good job of realistically transforming her into someone else. Her appearance wasn't a joke in the same way that it is in the musical. Her character in the stage version is definitely pretty misogynistic and transphobic because they play into her masculinity by having a man play her. Here, it's just a way of adding to her character, but it isn't what makes her scary.
All of the changes worked so well in adapting it for the screen. It wasn't just a copy-paste (couch cough everybody's talking about jamie) Examples of the changes that really worked:
Getting rid of Michael Wormwood. It makes sense since the Wormwoods clearly hate kids.
Giving Lavender a pet newt (very Chekhov's Guncore)
Including telekinesis throughout the whole story instead of just showing it a few times in the 3rd act. This includes Nigel asking Matilda if she has TK, Matilda messing with the doors in the cake scene, exploding the chokey, THE FUCKING CHAINS
Having the Spain news earlier in the story, causing a catalyst of events. Matilda is enraged, she sings I'm Here, she explodes the chokey (which was BONE-CHILLING), it gives Trunchbull a reason to make more chokies, and now Matilda is so emotional that she can take her powers to the extreme with the chalkboard and the chains and throwing Trunchbull out the window. All of this gave much better pacing in the story and made it all connected.
Having more scenes outside of the classroom (the cake scene and The Smell of Rebellion) and putting Ms. Phelps' library in her car. It's quirky and also gives them an excuse to put the storytelling scenes in pretty locations.
Giving Ms Honey a bike while her co-worker had a car, foreshadowing her being poor.
Putting Matilda's bedroom in the attic made so much sense because the Wormwoods obviously did the bare minimum for their child.
The students' drawings in Ms Honey's cottage
All of the kids were so adorable (and ridiculously talented!)
The storytelling sequences!!! Interweaving it with the real world worked so well, like Matilda making it a real story for school but also clearly using it to cope. And putting them in a real circus made me more empathy for the Honeys, which lacked in the stage version because it always felt very thrown-in to me. Like, I genuinely got nervous during the stunt with the dynamite. It also made "I'm Here" even more emotional. Carl Spencer was amazing as Magnus and I teared up a bit. Also the parallels of I'm Here vs My House, helping Matilda put the pieces together.
The new song wasn't my favorite but it was a really nice finishing touch. Even though the circus at the school didn't logically make sense it was so fun
The only things I disliked: I wanted more of the already incredible stuff. More of the Wormwoods, who were absolutely hilarious, especially Mrs Wormwood. I really missed "Loud" (though removing it helped with the pacing). I wanted a bit more of Bruce (they didn’t give him the high note in Revolting Children 😭), and I would've liked Ms Honey to be a bit more affectionate with Matilda.
Anywho I want snort this movie like cocaine
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myighlou · 5 months
haha maybe one of the primary reasons that harry finally goes to therapy after the game (41st being a busy station, and harry not remembering a single thing, and kim transferring might not help too much with leaving everyone with a ton of free time) is how he realizes how much hes started idolizing kim. his own innocence right in front of him. staring up at him like he did a broken stained glass windown not so long ago. maybe his final push to prioritize getting therapy, not letting this all too familiar feeling take him over again. he might not remember exactly but hes seen what it resulted in first hand, hes experienced it. 
third times the charm, this time it might completely tear both of them down, untill there is nothing left. there is remnants of the previous two times within him and jean and in a bit of everyone around them. harrys bearly starting to connect the dots of his previous life but he knows for certain it would be the last time if he spirals into this obsession again.
(i like to think that a bit after jean and harry met and became partners at 41st, they dated for like a month max. harry was still reacently recovering from the breakup with dora and jean was there as a sort of savior from that. right person wrong time sort of thing ig? then broke up after realizing how fucking bad it was for both of them. maybe they still might be a bit bitter it didnt work out and maybe they still want it to but in the end it was better (not by much) for eveyone like this)
the ending where kim joins 41st (ive only played that one so far and havent watched any of the others yet, but man its been living in my head rent free) is such a catalyst for change within 41st. one of the top detectives from an other station is already going to be such a big help to lessen the stress and workload for the others already there. kims arrival, and harry seeking therapy (hopefully jean too that bitch needs it a shit ton too), it gives the whole station time to breath, to truly catch a break. with a slightly lessened work load on each of the members, they have time to focus on things other then work, to not have to drink themselves into amnesia on the job (*cough cough* harry- but imo jean and the others just as much, theyre more responsible on the job but its hard as fuck on them too, especially with harry pre game) 
within time, lots of time, they can all grow close again, harry can get to know each of them over again and things can not just go back to the way they were but better 
thats what i wanna think anyway, pls just let then be happy oml
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anyway thats all i wrote this at 2 am pls dont mind if its fucked lmaoo
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gasolinerainbowreads · 9 months
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I am trying to get better about organizing all the fic I read! (My drafts still sit at a hefty number lol.)
🌈 = title 🪆 = series, multiple parts, etc. 🔋 = make sure your vibrator is charged before reading 😈 = Horny Demon Hours™ approved 🥹 = hurts so good/ouch, my feelings 🧠 = did somethin to my brain/altered my brain chemistry
Here's what I read in August along with a comment and/or a favorite excerpt:
🌈Pretty Prey 🔋😈-- Joel Miller x afab!reader "Tears spring to your waterline as he bruises into your cervix, the grunts and murmurs of that’s it, take it baby, can see the outline of my cock against your tummy all indication of his enjoyment."
🌈Catalyst 🪆🔋😈-- no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader x frankie morales “Tastes damn good, doesn’t it?” Joel says, and Frankie lets out a quiet, desperate whine. “Good boy.” 🌈Some Part of Me Came Alive 🪆🔋😈🧠 -- no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader x frankie morales Joel runs his fingers through Frankie’s hair when he pulls of off of him, cupping his cheeks and brushing his thumbs over his jaw. It's like that first kiss all over again--there's such profound relief Joel has to fight back tears. It doesn't matter that he's new to this--it's all so right because it's Frankie. 🌈Breakfast 🪆🥹 -- no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader x frankie morales plzzzzz this is so fucking perfect and sweet and good and i wanna devour it
🌈Forfeiting My Mystique 🥹🧠 -- Ezra x F!Reader “It’s why I love art,” he continues. “You can be close to something, feel its warmth, beauty – whatever feeling it is the artist intended to pull out of you, from a distance. Untouched – it’s untouchable. That comforts me for some reason.” 🌈The Cassandra Complex, Ch 1 🪆🔋😈 -- Din Djarin x F!Reader “Just one more, little one. Want to see it up close,” he murmurs. 🌈The Cassandra Complex, Ch 2 🪆 -- Din Djarin x F!Reader You are a burning effigy washed in the violet light of righteous fury as you stalk slowly towards his, soon to be dead, bounty. 🌈Greener Memories of Better Men 🔋🥹-- Joel Miller x F!Reader This whole entire thing is heart-wrenching and amazing.
🌈Your Summer Dream, Day 4 - Sand 🪆🔋🥹-- JOEL MILLER X F!READER “Just ask nice, baby, I’ll give you whatever you need.” THIS MAN IS A MENACE. 🌈Your Summer Dream, Day 5 - New 🪆🔋🥹-- JOEL MILLER X F!READER "Suck," you instruct him, stronger now, more desperate as he draws pleasure from you with what's clearly practiced care. "Good girl," he hums lowly, like he's genuinely proud of your confidence, like he really does want this for you. WHEN'S IT GONNA BE MY TURN?! HUHHH???????
🌈Hibachi 🪆🔋😈-- bil!joel miller x fem reader (pre/no outbreak) This whole entire thing is *CHEF'S KISS* 🌈Are We Going To Talk About It? 🪆🥹-- bil!joel miller x fem reader (pre/no outbreak) This time, you will be loved like you deserve. & You are safe here with me.  🌈Come To Jesus Moment 🪆🧠 -- bil!joel miller x fem reader (pre/no outbreak) Every time she says sorry to Jesus I howl.
🌈Come Away with Me, Monday 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- Joel Miller x F!Reader x Tommy Miller OH MY GOD i am obsessed with this whole dynamic. 🌈In The Woods Somewhere, Ch 1 🪆-- Joel Miller x F!Reader plzzzzzzzz she never missesssssssss jfc
🌈Short Days, Long Nights 12 🪆🥹🧠 -- Joel Miller x f!reader this shit just fucking CHANGES MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY every fucking time I read it
🌈Needy Baby 🪆🔋😈😈😈😈😈😈🥹🧠🧠🧠🧠 -- boyfriend's dad!joel x f!reader bro. MY GUY. MY SISTREN. this is ... this is the hottest smust ive ever read. idc. this whole story is amazing, and then THIS??? i can't even fucking think straight
🌈Surrender, Ch 10 🪆🔋🥹🧠 -- joel miller x ofc daisy She flushed read from her neck to her ears. "I don't know, exactly. I just don't want to embarrass you." Daisy had a habit of casually saying things that shattered his heart. Why did she think he'd be embarrassed? PLZZZZZZ. This fucking series KILLS ME. Daisy is my homegirl, and i will fight anybody who disagrees that she is SUPREME. 🌈Surrender, Ch 11 🪆🥹🧠 -- joel miller x ofc daisy All the fears she’d worked so hard to push away returned, magnified by the memory of Joel’s lips all over her skin. He’d held her and made love to her and kissed her all over and then he left her here alone. He said he needed her, too, and then he left her here. Alone. *screams like an injured pterodactyl*
🌈I Know It When I See It, Part 3 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- pornstar!joel miller x fem!reader But growing up a girl meant getting used to the idea that sometimes sex was painful. You’re so used to men moving with violence, with contempt. In real life, so much of fucking felt like hate, it’s not exactly a surprise to find that sometimes the same thing is true in porn. 🌈I Know It When I See It, Part 4 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- pornstar!joel miller x fem!reader the smut in this part is so hot you are guaranteed to feel your heartbeat in your pussy lmao
🌈Yes, Father IV 🪆🔋-- Priest!Joel Miller x Priest!Javier Peña x housewife!reader the way he takes her to their bedroom instead of the guest bedroom made me wanna punch a wall what a menace lmao love it 🌈Belong To Me, Chosen 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- Line cook Joel x waitress reader the breeding kink .... DO NOT READ WHILE OVULATION im being so for real when i say that
🌈Decaf 🪆🥹🧠 -- tattoo artist!Joel Miller x f!Reader this whole entire series is so delicate and intricate. i am obvs a huge slut and love smut, but this story doesn't even need it. it's so, so good.
🌈A Bird in Your Teeth, Epilogue 🪆🥹-- joel miller x f!reader this was the perfect ending to an AMAZING story. plz read this if you haven't already!!!!
🌈And His Car Is a Piece of Shit 🪆🥹-- joel miller x fem reader the angst in this one is CHEF'S KISS 🌈Total Satisfaction, from the Comfort of Your Own Home 🪆🔋-- joel miller x afab reader a man that will dick you down with a possessive edge and then do handyman jobs around the house?? sign me the fuck up
🌈A Safe Haven, Ch 8 🪆🥹 -- Joel Miller x Female Reader; Ellie Williams x Platonic Female Reader this is like my all-time fave comfort fic 100%. it's ongoing, but i have read each existing part several times lol
🌈Only Angel, Ch 1 🪆-- javier peña x f!reader the whole concept is so good, and i love all the detail! also, the part where she emailed him about a mistake in the syllabus had me fucking rolling. NERD.
🌈You Hate It That You Love Me 🪆🥹 -- stripper!jack daniels x f!reader this whole series was so angsty and delicious. definitely one you will re-read over and over. 🌈Menuet 🔋😈😈😈🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠 -- animal shapeshifter!pero tovar x f!reader im so fuckin mad at this story. this shit unlocked a new kink for me and fucked with my brain in the process.
🌈Compulsion Pt 5 - Initiation 🪆🔋😈🧠 -- EZRA (PROSPECT) X OFC BEATRICE I. AM. OBSESSSED. This fucking fic... I cannot BELIEVE I get to just come on this website and read shit of this caliber FOR FREE?!?!!?! insane
🌈Relax, Baby 🪆🔋-- joel miller x f!reader if Joel called me princesa id be fucking DONE gone no thoughts 🌈Don't Be a Brat, Baby 🪆🔋-- joel miller x f!reader second part to the above story. such a fun read, and the dialogue is EVERYTHING so cute, sexy at times, playful. just so damn fun to read this!!!
🌈The Devil and His Brother, Pt 1 🪆🥹🧠 -- Joel x Tommy x Reader again. we get to read this shit. FOR FREE. my fucking mind cannot wrap itself around that fact. so many fucking talented writers in this fandom. thank you thank you thank you for sharing your brilliant, fun works! this story is a wonderful example of "ordinary people" knocking it out of the fucking PARK with their talent.
🌈Acting Out 🔋 😈😈😈-- Din x f! reader “Are you now? You forgot to count, though, cyar’ika. Good girls count. Let’s try again from one, no crying.” His tone dripped with condescension as he began again, practically reveling in each gasp and broken sob that spilled from your lips, taking pleasure in each time you stuttered on a number. this is so horny i love it
🌈Ride, Cowgirl 🔋-- Joel Miller x reader i love the dynamics in their relationship and the comfort of switching it up!
🌈Bowling Night 🪆🔋-- Maintenance man!joel x f!reader listen, i am ride or die for reader. she's never done anything wrong in her entire life, and i stand by that lmao.
🌈Revenge 🔋😈-- Dave York x fem. Reader CUCKING!!!! HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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gingerylangylang1979 · 9 months
Carmy is a problematic fuck boi who doesn't deserve Sydney at the moment. But look at how Rick and Michonne turned out.
I really actually don't begrudge anyone who questions Carmy's worthiness of Sydney, shipper or not. Like, I get it. I was ready to drop his ass so many times both seasons. But... this is how these stories go. If you have a traumatized leading man, he's going to make you give him side-eye, you're going to think he's not made for love, and as much as I hate it, you are going to see him be a raging dick and disappointment to the woman he loves... until, he isn't. This isn't me excusing good women being with bad men. This is me explaining the trope of a good men, acting bad, who becomes a good man, acting good, because this woman inspires his transformation. Please note, I didn't say fix. She doesn't do the work for him, she is the catalyst for him deciding to change and she will support him and check him along the way and he will be what she needs in time. That's just how this works folks.
When Rick first meets Michonne, he doesn't even think she's real. His wife just died, a woman who left him with a baby fathered by his best friend, who he had to kill before he killed him. He's delusional, distrustful, hopeless. He sees this woman in the distance who is in dire need and despite his trauma, his instinct is to bring her in. Once in camp, he inspects her in the most intimate way, a way that is way over the top. He is already drawn to touch her. Once she is conscious again he is suspicious, he says he wants her gone, he sets up scenarios that should drive her away... yet, whenever she is gone he freaks out. He will welcome her back each time.
My favorite is when he literally has her at gunpoint because he just made up that she is a threat, and he takes her sword, disarms her, but he still welcomes her back. He just doesn't want her to be able to hurt him. Get it? And we know she's important to him, even if he doesn't admit it, because when their enemy demanded her in exchange for the safety of the rest of the camp, he wouldn't do it. I don't even think he knew why. But he couldn't do it. And even before he actually really knew her, he entrusted her with his most precious love, his child. And when she went out on her own mission, he was sad and worried. He was upset when she didn't need his help.
I could go on. But the point is he treated her like shit and then things slowly changed. By the time they became a couple he went off the rails quite a few times, had a love interest, etc. but the whole time, in the background, Michonne was becoming his partner not only in leadership, but in life. If she was ok, he was ok. If she wanted to make a move, he made the move. If he needed a second by his side, it was her no doubt. And Michonne could handle shit on her own, wanted to for a long time, but then through meeting Rick she decided to let someone in and wanted it, knew she wasn't whole without it. So by the time they became a couple, it was earned by both of them. The both had to change. But before that change, Rick was erratic, insane, often irrational, and he was sometimes that way with her, at one point mostly with her. But it changed. Because that is growth, that is character development, that is good storytelling.
So, when I see Carmy still struggling so hard and Syd struggling so hard at his side, because of him, I remember that this is that kind of love story. It's a love story seeded in the midst of chaos, uncertainty, distrust, but also an undeniable pull to each other that is at times inexplicable, questionable, but fated in a way only two broken people can be. They aren't going to have the kind of love story where he is a perfect prince from day one or his progress is linear. And that makes it better because look at what happened with Richonne. They became co-leaders, family, lovers. It's possible. So, I'm going to continue to be patient with Carmy Bear and see where this goes.
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heyftinally · 4 months
Okay, more thoughts from reading Loveless and being starkly reminded of my own life.
My dear fellow asexuals,
It's okay if your relationship to sex fluctuates.
It can be scary as fuck if you aren't expecting it, though.
For the longest time, I thought I was sex averse. Big no, not interested, never gonna happen. That was my truth for years.
Until it wasn't.
I was still asexual. I wasn't thinking about it or wanting it, say, in the middle of class when thinking about the person I was with. But I also wasn't opposed to it if they were in the mood when we were alone.
And that was a lot for me to come to terms with, especially while being in my first visibly queer relationship, and with that relationship being allo/ace with my allo partner really not understanding my aceness, *and* a whole list of other factors.
To put it bluntly, shit's scary.
So if you're ace and ever find yourself in a similar position where your feelings towards/relationship with sex changes dramatically (either way), whether now or in the future, I want you to remember some things I wish I'd Han an elder ace to tell me:
It's okay.
This doesn't mean you're suddenly not ace, or you were faking being ace before, or that you were faking how you felt about sex before, nor does it mean you're faking now.
This doesn't inherently mean you're changing yourself for your partner. Just because they may have been a catalyst doesn't automatically mean you're just pretending how you feel to make them happy (if that is what's happening, though, dump them and find someone who doesn't pressure you to change your relationship to sex to make them more comfortable - that's gross and you deserve better).
You're still ace, if that label still feels like home.
You're still valid in your sexuality.
It's okay if this is temporary, and it's okay if it's not.
You're allowed to feel however you feel about it: confused, scared, angry, sad, excited, overjoyed, and any combination of these or anything else.
If you have someone you can talk to it about and feel comfortable doing so, reach out. Lean on your support system.
It's okay to need to take a step back and sit with yourself and just come to terms with your new truth.
It's okay if it feels heavy, and it's okay if it doesn't.
Our community still loves and accepts you.
🖤 🩶 🤍 💜
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alharringtonfan · 2 months
honestly I haven’t been that involved with the whole Alex stuff but am I somewhat not surprised how Chezz and many others are acting this way since the whole “the holier than thou” and “oh don’t worry guys I’m unproblematic and safe uwu” stuff some analog makers have if that explains it and please correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t one of the people that “came out” like also tried accusing Martin of the same shit? Like what.
Honestly I don’t wanna accuse people of anything but I would not be surprised if one day something similar comes out about them.
it’s just feeding a monster that will soon come to bite them in the ass.
I'm pretty sure it's Mitcha who started the grooming thing (always has to be them huh). They also went against Alex but the thing that confuses me is that they warned him about Ven making a callout doc... so, are they a hater or not? I don't know about that whole thing really well because I'm a donut specialist© but searching around the alex tag you'll finds tons of information about them.
100% my friend. Alex tried the same thing back then with Urbanspook and it just reflected back to him like a boomerang. This thing with pretending that you're better than everyone else is complete bullshit, because good people don't have to prove to anyone that they're good in the first place. Same thing with humility. People who are humble don't go around screaming "LOOK! I'M HUMBLE!!! LOOK AT ALL MY GOOD ACTIONS!!" because they don't need to. They show it through their actions and people see them and recognize them as such.
Chezz and Martin are disgusting people that try to mask their filth with a facade of kindness and acceptance. They try to pander to as many people as possible to convince the world that they're genuinely "good"; and to do that, they go for the narrative that's most widespread and accepted by the general public. Because if they would dare to even think about going against the masses, people would pile up on them. And they will do ANYTHING to prevent it from happening. What Martin fears the most (aside from cats apparently) is people hating on him. The guy is so fucking insecure that some mean things said about his series prompted him to take a year-long break. Oh and on this topic I recommend that you check out Radal's reaction to The Walten Files. It's funny and it pisses off Martin so win-win. Their public image is everything they have, they don't care about being genuine. If people will pat their backs and praise them for their behavior and "courage", that's good enough in their books. Same thing with donut, the slanderer queen and master of the anti-alex death cult.
So, don't ever trust people who are too overly accepting of everything, everyone, all the time. Especially if it is compatible with modern culture and media. EVERYONE has the things that they hate, the things that they disagree with. Milquetoast creators like Alex Kaizo and Tyler Osborne, who will just nod along to whatever their audience says and not even conjure a single original thought of their own because they're too afraid to face backlash are fake. They're all plastic without a hint of morality in themselves.
Also, it will DEFINITELY bite them in their asses. Believe me. Kwite and Squizzy collaborated with Slazo's ex girlfriend to try and cancel him over false allegations of abuse. Both of them got canceled. Alex went along the mob and tried to cancel Urbanspook because that was the hip new thing to do at the time. He got canceled as well. It's just something that happens on the internet, and it'll never change because people are willing to remain or at least pretend to be dumb if it gives them likes and a bit of notoriety. Nobody is perfect, and if a meh relationship was enough to get Alex to face all this shit, who knows what will be the catalyst of the next drama. Martin and Chezz are horrible people that do not deserve the audiences that they have. I am without a doubt when I say that they HAVE done something infinitely worse than this. Chezzkids is a serial clout-chaser and grifter, who let the little "fame" he got after calling Urban names (just like the toddler he is) get to his head and inflate his ego to an immense degree. People who are too full of themselves and think they're the best of the best mess up due to a lack of forethought. They are so confident in their abilities that they won't even think about if what they're doing is the right decision to make. And that's why the twat won't ever back down. He's too egotistical to accept defeat just like Ven's cult members defenders. If Chezz is willing to stain the relationship he had with Alex over some crappy highschool level drama, you can already pinpoint his morals and character, and how he truly treats others within his vicinity.
Martin has a server with a security tighter than the CIA. He's afraid to bite the hand that feeds him but it will punch him back when time is most appropriate; despite the lengths he will go to try to keep his image squeaky clean. One can only imagine the shit he has in there and when it'll eventually surface.
Urban "boogeyman" Spook is a better person than 99% of these cardboard cutouts that dare to call themselves creators. They can only destroy. All they create is hate, the sole things they know how to spread are lies and manipulation. They're nothing more than greedy, hateful, cowardly sycophants.
Phew. I feel a lot better now. Thank you for the ask, anon! I hope you're doing fantastic today 🫶
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pralinesims · 2 years
Uhm, hi. Hello?
First of all, I am sorry for worrying some of you guys so much. I truly can't express how grateful I am to everyone sending me messages, trying to get in touch with me, supporting me, etc... I read all of your messages, I will try to reply to them piece by piece. I am so sorry that I can't do that immediately, but currently I am not in the capacity for that. Please forgive me, and know that your words reached my heart, I seriously mean it.
How should I start? Recent months were... Rough. Damn rough. Mentally, I've been the lowest I've ever been in my life. Even lower than usual. Bottom-pit low. It's uncomfortable talking about it, but it was... hazardous, if you understand. Won't say more about it. Around christmas holidays, my depression started getting more extreme. Main catalysts were probably the feelings of abandonment, issues with myself, loneliness + social disappointments, family deaths that happened, experienced sicknesses, world events, etc. All this stuff kept piling up with time, bad things never seemed to end, day by day I felt more awful and wanted to disappear. I also deleted all social media from my phone, plus I changed my phone number. I just was sick of everything.
After a few months of feeling like shit, I thought I would get a little bit better. Nope. Covid had to strike 2 of my immediate family members, and me. Worsening my mental health again, plus physical health after thinking I maybe recovered a bit. This put a real blow to my mental health once more, after desperately attempting for years to not catch it. And it still got me, while being 99% only at home. FML.
That virus lasted 3 around weeks, it was horrid. Had all kinds of different symptoms in a limbo, when thinking it would get better, it got worse again. Coughed like a madman, and still do. Some symptoms don't seem to disappear yet, even after testing negative for weeks now. My asthma got worse aswell, breathing is way harder and I get dizzy real fast.
I still don't feel good mentally at this moment, but at least not as severe, and a bit better to allow myself to go online a bit and interact here a little. Baby steps, right? I can't promise I will be online now all the time, but it's been first for me now since a few months. I realize I have to adjust to this again. Feels nice, and a bit scary too if I'm being honest. Kinda unfamiliar to do social stuff again. I really missed being here, but not being online also felt good. It was what I needed, everything else would have overwhelmed me.
Not everything was completely negative though, during my abstinence, I got into some new interests while trying to stay sane and keep myself distracted & occupied (or you could say, reawakened some old hobbies): I've really gotten into fragrances, baking, collecting dolls, decorating with flowers, and drinking tea. Yes, me. Some might remember my rants about tea tasting like warm water. During covid, after losing my taste and smell senses, I learned to appreciate softer taste profiles. I'm consuming almost every day something that contains tea leaves. Call that growth.
Anyways, thank you for reading this. I don't know how to end this, and this text just doesn't need to be longer. I'm so happy for you having interest in me as a person, and not only as a CC creator and Sims player. Much love to you 🤍
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spidereticas · 8 months
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Okay I both love and hate that you picked this one because it's the concept I'm probably the most excited about, but also the one I’ve done the least amount of work on so far lol
Basically I wanted to write something that digs a little into the fact that Hobie is almost certainly very anti-cop, but dating Miles, whose dad is, of course, a cop. Miles obviously has a very real anarchist spirit to him (also hello, Uncle Aaron!) but I imagine he's also probably internalized some ideas that Hobie may not necessarily agree with (consider for instance, the question of whether the institution of policing can be reformed or if it is fundamentally corrupt). So I thought it would be interesting to explore that as a point of tension for them to navigate through.
The starting point in my head is Hobie getting arrested on Earth-138 during a political demonstration, and maybe initially not telling Miles about it, and Miles maybe feeling some type of way about Hobie not telling him. And that would be the catalyst for them to finally kind of talk about all this stuff. Here's a little snippet of a possible conversation:
"Alright, say you join a group that's doing some bad shit, because you wanna try and make it better from the inside," Hobie says. "But it's going real slow, yeah? So slow, that the whole time you're in there, they're still going out and doing terrible shit and you're letting them. So what's that really mean then?" A tilt of the head, a raised eyebrow. "Did you actually change anything? Or did they change you?"
"But isn't that basically what you did when you joined Spider Society?" Miles points out. "Tried to change it from the inside?"
"No," Hobie says flatly, crossing his arms. "I joined up to help one person. Two people, once you came along, Brooklyn. Soon as I did that, if you'll recall, I fucking quit."
And yeah okay, Miles thinks, that is pretty much how that all went down.
"Look," Hobie continues, tone a little more gentle now. "My Captain Stacy? Yeah, man's had good intentions too. I had a bit of sympathy for him. But the police were still shit. And they were shit right up until he died."
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