#cause I'm an edgy bitch like that lol
lounaticm · 2 years
Aaawwwww Looouuuu of course I'm gonna call you what you ask to be called in ur bio sillyyyyy💖 I say while I also got the warm fuzzies from being called Kiwi but shhh we do not discuss Also idk if you've noticed that I don't really curse, however: #fuck Derek Derekson.
I was gonna reply this by commenting on the reblog and @ ing you but tURNS OUT I am an uneducated fool and I do not know how to turn on comments on my own posts. sO
It's that 'being called by a personal name/nickname rather than your full handle' feeling.
I don't even need to point out just how much I swear, which makes for quite the combination, huh?
As far as how to turn on comments... I'm as lost as you are, heh.
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goddevouringserpent · 6 months
seeing people enthusiastically and wholeheartedly praise a book that I considered mid at best is kind of a weird experience, to say the least
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bogos-bint3d · 4 months
Considering Yellow just came out, I'm curious how you interpret Justice!
Ok so I don't really know how to start so to get things going I'll begin with some pictures of them
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I have to say, they give me SO many feelings. I originally started work on them long before I even knew what undertale yellow was. My first attempts at drawing them (which you can see in the top left that were used for reference) were done back in June, but I was planning things for them several months before.
I remember them actually being pretty much the very first fallen human who I felt motivated to make something with, because I saw a comic of someone's own interpretation of them. I noticed how in that comic, they went to Mount Ebott intentionally, for the other humans or something, and that was sort of the beginning of my inspiration, but I felt like I could do more with it. So, starting off with that I kinda built on it. I wanted to do something different from what I'd seen before, where they wanted to get justice on the monsters FOR hurting the humans. I remember someone saying something along the lines of them thinking justice was a little bitch, which of course was a valid interpretation, and that's what made me sorta go in a different direction.
For me, I saw justice as someone who would've wanted justice for the MONSTERS, from the very start. They were the kind of person who didn't really believe the legend of humans and monsters, but of course knew Mount Ebott was a very dangerous place. And, yknow, believed monsters were just a legend, they loved to think about the fact that if monsters WERE real, they were probably trapped unfairly. Think about Chara for example. Though they were human themself, they still hated humanity, and felt connected to the monsters. They wanted the monsters to be free and to go against the humans. I imagine justice to have been something like that. Not as much hatred for humans as Chara maybe, but still knowing of all the bad that humans had done, and, being an edgy teen, felt genius for the concept that this ""old """"silly"""" legend"" would probably have been biased in favour of the humans. (which they were actually right about. Good for them 👍🏾)
Am I explaining this correctly? I'm not sure if I am lol
So anyways, yes my justice interpretation very much did not want justice on the monsters once they discovered the legend was true, but rather was very much on the side of monsters getting justice on the humans.
Let's see, what else is there... Ah so as I was explaining before, seeing that comic also sparked the idea for me that they went there looking for someone. They'd usually never even get near to Ebott, however, they end up having to. Ok this part is like it's own separate infodump so like take a breath. So this all ties in to one of my other fallen soul interpretations, integrity. I won't get too into them right now because that is like a WHOLE OTHER CONVERSATION, so for now I am going with the BARE ESSENTIALS. Justice went there specifically to go look for integrity, because in my little interpretation thing, they're siblings. I'll show some quick things about them then straight back to Justice I prommy
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Their name is Leo (I don't have a name for justice yet I'm so sorry Leo is like the only human I've named so far), and ended up on Ebott after a stupid dare by the rest of their ballet class. So anyways after justice finds Leo is like. No where at all. They have to go on over to Leo's dance class cause that's the last place they'd been and ask around the other kids to find out where their 10 year old sibling was because they'd been FUCKING MISSING FOR LIKE SEVERAL HOURS only to find out the other kids left them on MOUNT FUCKING EBOTT, where multiple other children have all DISAPPEARED upon going there. So now justice gotta go to death mountain to find their lost sibling no big deal
I feel much more nervous about talking about my fallen soul interpretations now than I would've, like, four months ago, simply because the presence of uty has had such a grip on the fandom that people have kind of accepted it as canon. I think it's actually a really stupid and petty thing to mad/sad about, because a lot of effort was out into it, and I'm sure it's very very good, but I just, well I guess we all just whish we were the best, right? I'm scared yellow will completely overshadow any other existing interpretations, and people love it so much, they won't care about my own. I REALLY hate myself for this, and I just want to say I think you should all keep loving yellow! It seems really good! This is just my own dumb fear shining through haha
But anyways, enough of that! I'll explain more about the souls another time because if I keep going on right now I might become physically incomprehensible. There is so much more about justice that I'll dump on you all another time, trust me, I just hope you all like what I've got so far ❤️ thanks :)
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thebeingofeverything · 4 months
Ok I’ll bite, I’m curious:
Mephisto/Amaimon - why ship it? (All 3 q’s)
Rin/Shiemi — why don’t you ship it? (I hope I’m asking this right)
I think we will probably have similar reasons but it never hurts to ask!
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Mefiama, why ship it:
1. Ok! So for the first, really my og aoex ship was amairin bc I'm a battle couple shipper first and foremost but mefiama was a close second and it's bc I'm a demon lover after everything lololol
Specifically, I've loved characters like mephisto and amaimon as long as I can remember, starting from my og fav yyh Yoko Kurama and Hiei (which in my head is a different ship than Hiei/Kurama). But, like that ship, I actually never really liked/like the ways fandom portrays them. Characters like Hiei and Amaimon both end up woobified and turned into stereotypical uke characters with the big sexy dom/seme mephisto/Kurama to seduce/play with them.
And to me that always pissed me off bc of how ooc it made them all out to be. I love Hiei and Amaimon bc they're little feral shitheads who have a massive independent streak to them and act/are totally inhuman. They both poke at each other and cause each other headaches and I live for it lololol
They're spicy as hell too and I love that in a ship. The second I saw Mephisto keeping Amaimon strung up on spears in the cuckoo prison that was it for me 😩👌🔥
2. The draw for these characters and the ship is that they're both inhuman creatures that only pretend at humanity, or in amaimons case, is forced to play nice by mephisto if he wants to be stomping around his territory.
What I really love about them, though, is that while Mephisto has the upper hand in the dynamic, Amaimon also knows his character and can see past his clown mask bullshit. He knows the demon Mephisto really is under all the sparkles and show boating. He's an observer and even when Mephisto is focusing on his goals and plots and shows, Amaimon is there on the sidelines keeping tabs and picking everything apart. I think Amaimon thinks Mephisto is interesting or has potentially interesting ideas. The thing about demons is they're constantly looking for something to keep them interested through their eternal existences and with Mephisto, Amaimon has a source of enrichment lol
I also like the fucked up premise of how Amaimon has an inherent trust in Mephisto that gets abused in canon. We saw him getting incredibly hurt by the shiemi reveal, as if Mephisto keeping that info from him meant Mephisto was treating him like one of his human pawns and not with respect as another demon king.
3. I'm not sure if there's an unpopular opinion I have for them, except that I tend to find most fandom treats them incredibly ooc and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy content of them from others. Mephisto as the over simplified seductive seme, doing typical melodramatic evil villain stuff and Amaimon being reduced to a uwu baby idiot who has never had sex despite being a who knows how old demon king. I've got a ton of bitching I've done over the years about it (and it's the same treatment Hiei always got back in the day so I'm used to the frustration) 😂
Rinshi, Don't Ship:
1. Man I feel really bad to say this but this is one of the most vanilla/boring ships in the fandom outside of bonrin. It's just so typical hot headed anime boy protag/girl next door love interest, even as much as they're both incredibly well developed characters, and as much as I love Rin.
It really just comes down to Rin being a, like, base ingredient for me as a ship. Like him being involved in a ship isn't on its own enough to make me enjoy/ship something. (Amaimon, on the other hand, immediately spices any ship up and I've even got a few rinamaishi fic aus out there lol). But I've never been interested in the sweet, hard-working character archetype. I can't help it, I'm into edgy bastard gremlin characters, the antagonists and anti heroes lololol (The exception to this in aoex is Yuri and that's bc she's got that little mischievous bad girl zing to her I love lololol). Shiemi just doesn't have that spice I need to really invest in a character.
2. What would have made me like it is just if Shiemi was a different character lololol like, she's just too sweet for me, like a marshmallow. Her in her string Independent woman era isn't really doing it for me either bc it feels like all her character development got cut out in that training arc she was just in. We missed a good opportunity to see her reconcile things with her grandma and her growth just to watch her toss an Amaimon copy and it feels like we got cheated out of her character arc.
If she just had that little spark that Yuri had it might work for me but I haven't seen it and until then it feels like every other typical anime main character/love interest ship, and it's just never been a dynamic I've never been into.
3. Positive things I have to say are that I think Kato has always done a phenomenal job making her characters feel realistic and not the usual anime shallow stereotypes. So when ppl tell me they enjoy the ship I'm like yeah, if ur into those kinds of characters and that ship dynamic, you've come to the right series to get a really well developed couple who feel fleshed out and who have had a developing relationship throughout the series. Totally understandable, just not for me.
I hope I actually answered these right 😂 thanks for the ask @philosophicalparadox 🩷
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not-souleaterpost · 2 months
Not going back on my word, just forgot to post a dump of "ENTP Crona" stuff I planed to just post all at once in a year, but after trying to stop doing stuff like that, I just thought I post what I had and be done with it.
, the thing even I don't really find funny, but I think I have to do it to get it out and book end it. A lot of it isn't really funny, some of it may sound a bit edgy or abrasive, but it's just in good fun, still putting it under the "keep reading thing" because of the amount and shittyness of the "content" Enjoy or yeah...sorry
ENTP Crona experiencing a soul rejection, screaming in agony because of not being able to deal with figuring out if "video games are art" or "video games aren't art" is the more contrarian oppinion at the moment
ENTP Crona reading shizophrenia symptoms on google "Wow, he is literally me"
ENTP Crona fleeing into the desert, going down a hole to cry
Ragnarok "Wait, the cow already killed Medusa a year ago, why we doing this bitch shit again?"
ENTP Crona "I posted a deliberately controversial and edgy meme into the group chat again, when they all see it, I wont be able to deal with how angry everyone will be..."
Soul: "You cant just nonstop spam shit on the internet, people will think you don't have a life"
ENTP Crona: "But I kinda don't..."
Soul: "Still writting on every single subject for 10 hours straight must be tiring and exhaustive, take a break"
ENTP Crona: "But I wrote everything in the last 5 minutes
Soul: "Heh, dont like partys either? Guess reading the room can be stressful even for somebody as cool as me sometimes-"
ENTP Crona "No, I can read it just fine, just then choose to say the thing that sets the roof on fire and regret it five seconds later.
ENTP Crona trying to figure out if Maka subscribes to the theory that Holden is a child abuser himself in "The Catcher in the Rye", only if yes, to arguee that not even the creep teacher was one and it is a misreading, and its actually about idk, read it in school so cant even come up with an explantion.
ENTP Crona trying to cheer up a crying Maka, after she got made fun of for liking bad music by Soul
"No, I like Speeding bullet 2 heaven too! Well except the Beavis and Butthead skits, even I am not that contrarian"
ENTP Crona curled up in the corner of the dark dungeon, not able to face the world, cause liking Ringo Star is to mainstream now but changing to hating him is just too painful...
ENTP Crona after everyone gets confronted with their lives just being fiction
"Well actually I prefere the anime ending"
But after mostly everyone agrees
"But, actually the manga works in a certain way afterall-"
ENTP Crona during the anime only scene where Maka and Crona talk about Maka's mom - its the same scene lol, remember those 4th wall breaking snide comments Crona barely managed to not blabber out loud lol
ENTP Crona "Marvel movies were allways bad"
Marie "Oh you aren't dumb and incompetent!"
ENTP Crona "Why did it took me 8 hours to put together the IKEA table?"
Marie "Oh dont be to hard on yourself, screwing in the table legs upside down could happen to anybody!"
Maka confronting Medusa: I'm here to save ENTP Crona and Mary!
Medusa: Nah, they both are still stuck in the maze going in circles
ENTP Crona after a tourist asks for directions in Death City: "I'll be honest, even though I am living here for years now, I myself cant deal finding my home without google maps"
ENTP Crona "I'm the Joker, baby! (Jared Leto version)"
ENTP Crona "-oh so a glorbo, or smol bean, cinamon bun is a charachter like Paulie from the Sopranos!"
ENTP Crona after trying to read "Finnegans Wake" "Damn, thats how high I still have to climb..."
ENTP Crona watching X:RA "Wow, I actually get 90 percent of the wordplay! This show is great!"
MGMT Patty : "Time to pretend..."
*ENTP Crona visualising all the different ways to take out and kill the people around*
Ragnarok "And I thought I was the psychopath! We aren't even eating souls anymore, whats guipi wrong with you?
ENTP "Grocery shopping is boring and I thought about the 3 different storys I'll never write down enough for one hour..."
ENTP Crona "-and that's why the metodology that is used to diagnose diseases by only relying on a checklist of data points that may have many different origin points is flawed
Stein "I am the doctor with 10 years experience, take your antibiotics prescription and get out!"
Stein, litting a cigarete after ENTP Crona goes out after apologising "Damn, the kid may be right, shit..."
ENTP Crona be like "Actually, I think Epstein is still alive"
ENTP Crona "Yeah Myerrs brigs and Horrorscopes are the same... Because they both actually are describing something and aren't completly wrong, if you know you know...
ENTP Crona actually getting a tatoo even though it is a stupid thing to do in general, because thats the only way to remember Maka's birthday. Cause aint nobody remembering more than 4 digits...
ENTP Crona using all experience and time to reflect, to start a dramatic uplifting speech that leads into Maka defeating the Kishin with a punch- Ah wait thats just what happened in the anime again lol
ENTP Crona: "I wore a dress for most of my life, yet that is not as embarassing as riding on an electric scooter"
ENTP Crona "Oh ofcourse I'm to scatterbrained and lazy to actually finish a webcomic, that's why I included an in universe callout by a charachter, so I will stay motivated out of spite and want of being better than those, proving the mean pixels wrong!"
ENTP Crona: -the setting being the aftermath of a nuclear testing site is a brilliant synedoche of our society pre and post world war 2, how the atomic age is nearly unrecognisable, being both so much more advanced that previous incarnations do not even look human in retrospect, while exagerating ourselfs into cartoon versions of ourselfs do to paranoia and stereotypes, shared faster and faster, that we soak up like Sponges, being the perfect worker and consumer in one - in a way thats Rock Bottom, the breakdown of communication, only restored by recognising the humanity of the other, even if they look at us with even more potent disgust than we already do.
Maka: Wait, I thought these iceberg videos were just supposed to list of fun facts and triva about Spongebob
ENTP Crona: What gave you that idea, Maka?
TERF Maka: I STILL hate J K Rowling
EC: "Borat is racist-"
M: "No the joke is that he exposes the prejudices of the common american person-"
EC "against Kazakhstanis"
M: "No no- wait... you are right..."
EC: "If MF Ghost was with the culture, it would have used Phonk instead of Eurobeat"
EC: "Where the fuck is Marioh Judah?"
*EC annoys excalibur into quitting*
EC :"Im like prince, everybody thinks In gay but actually im homophobic-"
EC: "Non-cellular phones actually had their purpose - like if somebody called them, you would either know nobody is home, or the person who answered could either inform you where the one you are calling is if you didnt reach the person or just find them - also the fact it was in the same spot ment nobody lost it and could allways find it when needed and it never ran out of battery, also-"
M: "If you don't like the phonecase I gifted you just say so...
R: "Dude, dont we still use mirrors for comunication"
EC "Think Im constrained by the limitations of canons?"
TRAD Tsubaki "Well they didn't make a sign of the cross in the church, so they kinda deserved being slayn by Ragnarok..."
M "Hey you are looking down, everything ok?
EC "Thanks for caring, but the thing is, to explain it all, all the connections and reasons and evidence would make me just look more weird and whiny, and this all, including the fact that I cant even say why I cant say without being whiny and long winged is part of it...
EC "I used trouble not descending into negative loops of self pity and disgust with myself and the world... But then I just developed a hyperfixation on not-having-hyperfixations"
???? Death: IDK
EC *reading the bible* "It even predicted people obssesing over lolcows with the whole golden calf story, damn...
EC: Rip Kissinger
EC: Slouching? No, I'm just posture-divergent
EC: I do love myself - one has to love even their biggest enemy...
EC in the future:
M: Are you really ready for children?
EC: I accidentally watched a trailer for despicable me 4, and after hearing all the pandering 80s song and repetitive family hinjix humor I just thought "Oh, how cozy would this be to watch with my Kids and Wife!"
So yeah, I CAN deal with it
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Helllooo. My trip is going well, though there's so much going on and I'm extremely tired, I don't have enough time for work 😭😭
See idek know if Madrid played well, but it's good to hear they can win when I'm not watching. Lmao right, he could've pulled a Zizou, but waited for him at the car park instead kwjdkskajsjahajaj
Man City? I don't know her, I'm sorry...
Omfg my Exol flatmate has been freaking out about all the Exo stuff, I hope I can bring her a little Exo related gift, perhaps Kim Kai?
Sports being fixed shocking 🔪 they're not even subtle. Okay maybe I'm holding a grudge cause I have two F1 friends and I sometimes read their posts and both dislike Leclerc and I definitely remember him pissing me off at some point, je suis désolé Charles jskajsksjajawjaj. But fuck Max! Oooooh a Lewis movie, a docu or a regular film?
Maybe if Chelsea did the Rover challenge they would manifest a win, because it's looking BAD for them 💀
Seonghwa needs to give me a Radiohead cover, I still of him singing Creep for a few seconds 😭 or a different Troye song, something about more... cheerful. Idk even cover Anti-Hero from Taylor cause I surprising tolerate that track. Or you know.... TAMINO. It's him in Rewrite the Stars! ❤❤❤❤ and not San giving us a sad cover too a d a song that Jonghyun has written. I haven't heard it yet, because I don't wanna be sad lol
I only heard the Xikers song once, it was fine, but I'm just not interested, and my boy Yechan - the only one I know is giving HJ lol.
I'll send you a whole truck of miso aubergine 🍙 if you stop mentioning undercut Hwa! Ok but he's legit the only one who looks good to me with undercuts... not my fave hairstyle, but still it's Hwa http://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1645777420413460481?t=4DN7__sgeyNsFQWfLDOg8g&s=19 except for middle row left and right THAT BALD ASS LOOK NEEDS TO GO. HWA BBY I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS A JUMPSCARE https://twitter.com/hwaberrymilk/status/1641244669551190016?t=6J038XLKmCEVkRgOTq3-SQ&s=19
No way he went coconut head when I have a chance to see him?!?! https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646889850082058242?t=bzDLXyXSeSsPZV-EuZUVlQ&s=19 he looks cute, but there's nothing to brag about, boy :/
I hope we'd be able to record the Taemin meeting 😭 I'm so happy. Sad that it's not the whole Shinee, because I miss them, but Lee Taeeeeeeeeeeeemin!!!! If we get Ten, Taemin and Taeyong to do the Rover challenge I want SuperM back! Btw if my friend convinced me to go to the Dojaejung album premiere I'd have seen THE LEE TAEYONG, but I didn't :"))))))
Yeah Ravi... I can see why he was desperate, but??? My guy, covid fucked everyone over you're not special
I was so shocked seeing WayV like?!?! YY was very cute and shy, they all were. I also spent too much money in that dumb grocery store, like why even, was blinded by the men! SM actually disappoints me greatly, but at least they like me now... I'm hoping for Ateez in Japan, but idk 🔫🔫🔫
I watch Kamisama Kiss and Maid Sama regularly <3 truly the blueprints
Many kpop idols should just stfu, seriously. And need to act like adults, Bambam's agency wants to sue people and alright, does who call him a pedo need to relax, but... no apology? I'm so disappointed in Chaeyoung and her shitty response, girl :/
I'm so stocked for Barbie, even if it's bad I'm living for it, but I'm looking forward to edgy MEN reviewing it lmaooo. Omg the Le Sserafim photos and teasers?! So gorgeous, I hope I like the song though
Model is annoying and Y/N was too nice to him! I still stand by that! Ooooh true Domino as well, it fits so well.
See one of my friends went to the EXO meeting, she's Korean and was appalled by the shit she heard and saw :( kinda ruined the experience for her, because some bitches next to her were awful
Pls I hope Pique's girl cheated and especially with Pep 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hellllooooo https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646412780126314496?t=URn3wDrqRANfwQsY3gwniQ&s=19
????? And they're going to Qatar too. I'm gonna go and stand outside KQ's building and yell. And Waterbomb festival, uhm not Seonghwa soaked kn water THANXX - DV 💖
Helllooo. My trip is going well, though there's so much going on and I'm extremely tired, I don't have enough time for work 😭😭 //// See idek know if Madrid played well, but it's good to hear they can win when I'm not watching. Lmao right, he could've pulled a Zizou, but waited for him at the car park instead kwjdkskajsjahajaj
hello!!!! hope you’re having lots of fun!!! see madrid only played well bc all our players were injured 🤚🏻 NOO SERIOUSLY AND THAT OTHER DUDE IS TRYING TO BE INNOCENT??? MF U MOCKED A UNBORN CHILD WHILE UR A WHOLE ASS ADULT !!!!!!!! anyway, not a new news but real madrid fc dropped to a new low and is distorting and rewriting spain’s history <3 local football news : neymar’s having his second kid, hakimi did a uno reverse , livapool doing a 1-6 😳, rm dropping to a new low by bringing n*zi’s in it?????? mané and sané beef, benzema next season last season, and messi barca ✊🏻😭
???? like barcelona’s presi was unalived by that dictator they are saying favoured barca????? legitimately what the fuck
Man City? I don't know her, I'm sorry... /// Omfg my Exol flatmate has been freaking out about all the Exo stuff, I hope I can bring her a little Exo related gift, perhaps Kim Kai?
man city the one that’s most likely gonna win the treble?? hMMMMMM THE EXO STUFF PLS THE WAY I WAKE EVERYDAY TO NEW CONTENT IT FEELS SUSPICIOUS, yes! if ur in sk april 20,, u might see kai at a hello 82 event! ur exol flat mate better be ready bc we are getting the cb and world tour 😭😭 AND I WILL BE THERE, I WILL BE THERE
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Sports being fixed shocking 🔪 they're not even subtle. Okay maybe I'm holding a grudge cause I have two F1 friends and I sometimes read their posts and both dislike Leclerc and I definitely remember him pissing me off at some point, je suis désolé Charles jskajsksjajawjaj. But fuck Max! Oooooh a Lewis movie, a docu or a regular film? /// Maybe if Chelsea did the Rover challenge they would manifest a win, because it's looking BAD for them 💀
NOT even a little it’s ridiculously mad how they are messing w certain teams just for a former racers kid to win,, we are tired of the dutch national anthem, put that same energy to schumachers kid too then 🔫 LMFAOOO SEEE if they dislike leclerc they do not know race 🔫 this overtake he did was insane
honestly i think the universe dislikes him so adding a few dislikes won’t hurt i guess fbwndbsn but he’s mad resilient i rmr his father passed away and the next day (?) he was at the race and won it and then his godfather (bianchi) died and then his close friend did, crazy guy but just drives for ferrari, his teammate tho, he deserves it <3 really does ngl <3 YEAH MAX CAN GET IT HES ON MY LAST STRAW BC IF HE WINS THE CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN ITS ON SIGHT I UNDERSTAND UR FRIENDS ON THAT PART 🤚🏻 a full fledged movie!! a biopic and brad pitt’s in it as well, i think he’s playing alsono or vettel!
LMFAOOO atp nothing can make chelsea win, not even our lord and saviour kai maybe if they get nagelsmann or enrique somehow come
Seonghwa needs to give me a Radiohead cover, I still of him singing Creep for a few seconds 😭 or a different Troye song, something about more... cheerful. Idk even cover Anti-Hero from Taylor cause I surprising tolerate that track. Or you know.... TAMINO. It's him in Rewrite the Stars! ❤❤❤❤ and not San giving us a sad cover too a d a song that Jonghyun has written. I haven't heard it yet, because I don't wanna be sad lol
STOP IT UR RIGHT HE NEEDS TO DO THOSE CLASSIC COVERS RATHER then the tiktok things pls 🔫 anti hero?? omg hwaxtay >> EVERYTHING STOP! ITS TAMINO X HWA AND MADDOX NEEDS TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN WHAT THE HELL, after hearing san’s cover i had to immediately go hear the lee hi’s ver and then stumbled upon her performance of it crying and then sobbed my eyes out
I only heard the Xikers song once, it was fine, but I'm just not interested, and my boy Yechan - the only one I know is giving HJ lol. //// I'll send you a whole truck of miso aubergine 🍙 if you stop mentioning undercut Hwa! Ok but he's legit the only one who looks good to me with undercuts... not my fave hairstyle, but still it's Hwa http://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1645777420413460481?t=4DN7__sgeyNsFQWfLDOg8g&s=19 except for middle row left and right THAT BALD ASS LOOK NEEDS TO GO. HWA BBY I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS A JUMPSCARE https://twitter.com/hwaberrymilk/status/1641244669551190016?t=6J038XLKmCEVkRgOTq3-SQ&s=19
idk what it is but kq doing a lot of songs w that middle eastern sound track that just ✨ like esp the real’s last part, play it at a party and everyone would sTEP UP LMFAOOO I GUESS I WONT GET IT BC UNDERCUT HWA >>>> very hot man, very,,, OKAY SOME PHOTOS HE REALLT LOOKS BALD FHWJFKSFHKS that last one, needs a slap on his neck
No way he went coconut head when I have a chance to see him?!?! https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646889850082058242?t=bzDLXyXSeSsPZV-EuZUVlQ&s=19 he looks cute, but there's nothing to brag about, boy :/
I hope we'd be able to record the Taemin meeting 😭 I'm so happy. Sad that it's not the whole Shinee, because I miss them, but Lee Taeeeeeeeeeeeemin!!!!  If we get Ten, Taemin and Taeyong to do the Rover challenge I want SuperM back! Btw if my friend convinced me to go to the Dojaejung album premiere I'd have seen THE LEE TAEYONG, but I didn't :"))))))
PLS RECORD EVERYTHING GET HIS SIGN ON EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE A SHINEE MEMBER HOSTS IT 😭😭 speaking of superm, wonder how that dozen is doing jcbwkcjcl came and posted a picture then sent the kpop into a havoc and then disappeared smh,,, NAURRRRR U DIDNT SEE THE LEE TAEYONG????? TOP 10 BETRAYALS OF LIFE
Yeah Ravi... I can see why he was desperate, but??? My guy, covid fucked everyone over you're not special /// I was so shocked seeing WayV like?!?! YY was very cute and shy, they all were. I also spent too much money in that dumb grocery store, like why even, was blinded by the men! SM actually disappoints me greatly, but at least they like me now... I'm hoping for Ateez in Japan, but idk 🔫🔫🔫
yeah 😭😭😭 ravi bro use some of ur mind,,, like now u gotta do jail AND military?? AAAAAAAAAAAA STOP THEIR SKINS MUSTVE BEEN SO BLEMISHFREE,,, YANGYANG SHY??? DID HE DRINK SOMETHINGVFANBDWK WHAT DID U BUY FROM THE GROCERY STORE 😭😭 are the insides like pc’s and collectors items??? ATEEZ IN JAPAN!!!!! WATERBOMB FESTIVAL!!!!
I watch Kamisama Kiss and Maid Sama regularly <3 truly the blueprints /// Many kpop idols should just stfu, seriously. And need to act like adults, Bambam's agency wants to sue people and alright, does who call him a pedo need to relax, but... no apology? I'm so disappointed in Chaeyoung and her shitty response, girl :/
TRULY TRULY!!!!! omg anon do u rmr pretty rhythm aurora dream, alice academy, kodocha, itzurana kiss??? no seriously like what’s it take u to stop ur mouth,,, if i was in their place id say nothing AND still be earning, imagine earning millions for not speaking??? idols need to go back to being mysterious,, someone said her apology was straight out of chatgpt 😭😭😭 and youngji…saying the n word, wearing a ganesha shirt on a drinking show…while drinking 😭😭
I'm so stocked for Barbie, even if it's bad I'm living for it, but I'm looking forward to edgy MEN reviewing it lmaooo. Omg the Le Sserafim photos and teasers?! So gorgeous, I hope I like the song though /// Model is annoying and Y/N was too nice to him! I still stand by that! Ooooh true Domino as well, it fits so well.
I AM TOOOOOO!!!! booking tickets for it right after oppenheimer bc i think everyone will need barbie after watching that movie,, hoping both of the movies reach a great success!! this year’s movies are so packed, oppenheimer, barbie, dune 2, insidious series, hunger games, ghosted, pope’s exorcist, indiana jones, mission impossible, the nun 2, the exorcist (omg), wonka AND IVE BEARD THEYRE TRYING TO MAKE A LEGALLY BLONDE 2 ???? WE ARE WINNINGGG,, domino’s vocals are so stUNNING YES THE LSF SONG IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT THEY DO
See one of my friends went to the EXO meeting, she's Korean and was appalled by the shit she heard and saw :( kinda ruined the experience for her, because some bitches next to her were awful /// Pls I hope Pique's girl cheated and especially with Pep 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
right 😭😭 idk why they treat them like this for having a family come on 😭😭 BUT WHATS GOOD KEXOLS WERE THROWN BY EXOS BODYGUARDS ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 THROWN!! KARATED!!!! kexols were also mad bc exo went to japan and were like “are exo japanese singers now???” gIRL IF U DONT SHUT UR MOUTH!!! APPARENTLY SHE DID SHE WAS FRIENDS WITH PEP’S DAUGHTER AND THEN PIQUE CHEATED ON HER WITH A LAWYER THIS IS SO MAD BUT FUNNY pep did it for shakira i knew he was a fan
Hellllooooo https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646412780126314496?t=URn3wDrqRANfwQsY3gwniQ&s=19
that outfit😵‍💫😵‍💫
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https://twitter.com/NotBonkyP/status/1647252825884315651?t=2YBhU2HWp8M4rd_dzjJpTQ&s=19 ????? And they're going to Qatar too. I'm gonna go and stand outside KQ's building and yell. And Waterbomb festival, uhm not Seonghwa soaked kn water THANXX - DV 💖
ateez in japan,,, anon are u 👁👁 not qatar come on 😭😭😭 SOAKED IN WATEF FBWNBDKW AND THE WET HAIR???? ANON HOW WILL U SURVIVE FBWNFHK
we winning??????
now hold on…
LMFAOOOO my asian queen 🤲🏻 this is so fun bc imagine her singing fireworks @ buckingham palace fbwkfbsk, can’t wait to see the coronation and the history
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apathetic-dry-rot · 1 year
Edelweiss, ivy, chamomile, nutmeg
Edelweiss: How did you come up with your username/URL? What's it associated with to you? Easy! I was gonna put serpulalacrymans69, but someone took that already, so I went with apathetic-dry-rot, as Serpula Lacrymans is the scientific name for dry rot, so it was close enough(i also wanted to be a lil edgy but shhhh! you didn't hear it from me). As for association; Lawrence Oleander from BtD 2. that man owns my heart, my soul, and my they/themussy.
Ivy: What are your 'tells' for your emotions/moods? How can someone tell if you're happy, annoyed, upset, or tired? Oh, sweetheart, I'm ALWAYS tired. But I'm typically pretty good at putting up a front with my emotions, so my biggest tell is usually some subtle body language. But if I'm particularly tired, my emotions are very out in the open. When I'm happy i tend to ramble a lot and if it's something I'm hyperfixating on or super into, I'll start stimming while talking about it, and I'm a big ol' goof. When I'm upset, I usually get very curt and occasionally go nonverbal and isolate myself. When I'm annoyed, hoooooo-boy. You thought you knew a bitch? Think again, because when I'm especially irked, I lash out at EVERYTHING that is causing the annoyance. I get super fuckin' mean.
Chamomile: What kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? Why? You wanna send me a present? lol /j I really like homemade stuff, like wildflower bouquets, baked goods, art, little short stories featuring me and my favorite characters, really anything that has time and thought and effort behind it.
Nutmeg: How is your room decorated? Is there a specific theme or style going on? Now, I wish I could say "witchy" but I am a simple magpie that collects all the shiny objects i can find. I have a lot of fake plants, too. Vines from the ceiling, four wine bottles with fake flowers in them, the whole nine yards. I've got LED lights and christmas lights up, too. my room is a huge mess, but i love the way my room looks!!!
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1eos · 3 years
miss kendra i'm the anon that rec'd the vegetarian to you and i'm so surprised that you took to it so quickly but also i've rlly enjoyed reading your live reactions. cause like... You Get It! like sometimes i hear ppl say it's too weird or doesn't have a point or it's just being edgy or w/e but no like... that's Real. han kang did not make that shit up for a fake deep book lol. actually part of the reason i thot you might like it is that it reminded me a little of midsommar in a way (vibe-wise, not plot-wise). creepy but also just... really sad and true to life in a way a lot of ppl don't get. y'know? anyway ty for letting me contribute to kendra's book club, i will reread aristotle and dante in your honor lol.
being EDGY?????????? wow....... i would love to know what kind of life those ppl are living to never feel like a human commodity 😭 like this isnt fake deep at all i remember once my mom nd my aunt had a whole fucking screaming match bc my mom thought i was so busted looking i was negatively affecting the family nd my aunt was like’ BITCH TOUCH SOME GRASS’ while i just sat in the room like a lamp. a single personal decision ruining a whole family unit is nawt fake deep at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. but thank u again for the recc i think im gonna finish the mongolian mark rn bc i can’t stop thinking abt it!!!!!!! im invested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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feral-mouse · 3 years
Omg if you and him ever paired up together you guys would cause so much chaos, I’m telling you. He absolutely just wants the world to burn and is a total enabler, so he’s going to turn you to the dark side and make it even worse psdispjfsdpo.
Hehe so I’m gonna start off with some tidbits and then I’m gonna put what I have of his story so far under the cut
He likes to put up the appearance that he’s kinda edgy and cool, and typically wears dark clothes (although they may be accented with like bright colors to make him stand out even more). And he is generally into some pretty dark things, especially when it comes to his music taste. But at the same time, his guilty pleasure is to listen to jpop and v0cal01d, omg he’s a huge fan of them. He’ll never admit it and will take it to his grave, but also like pop songs really get him going psdjfsk
I like to imagine that he has undiagnosed autism which his parents failed to notice because they couldn’t believe that any of their children could possibly be neurodivergent 😔. If Ronny is stimming and someone thinks it’s weird or berates him for it, he’s going to stim harder and in their face just to piss them off. These things make him stronger, keep insulting him, he’ll become so powerful and he will become a god and you will be the one he makes fun of and insults
Honestly, I just really want him to be the epitome of this face below. Like this is basically his expression at all times
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He chooses to go by Ronny because he’s not fond of his actual name. It sounds too stiff and formal, and he’s not all about that. The problem is, since he goes by Ronny and since I call him that, I actually forgot what I decided his real name was going to be 👀💦. I think I wanted it to be Aaron, but I think it would be funnier if his parents decided to name him Ronald. And he’s just pissed off because he’s like “FUCKING RONALD????? RONALD??? WHO THE FUCK NAMES THEIR KID AFTER THE FUCKING MCDONALD’S GUY??” And like, he totally could’ve gone by Ron, his parents are very particular when it comes to appearances and they wanted him to be and sound respectful, idk like a business man or something. So he started going by Ronny to spite them and piss them off, because that’s like the least formal sounding name to them
cw: domestic abuse
Ok, so for backstory, like I said earlier, his parents essentially wanted to have successful children who became businessmen or something like that, as long as they went into a well-respected and well-paying career. Ronny was their second child, although I’m still deciding on how much older I want his sibling to be. I’m also trying to figure out his sibling’s gender still because the sibling idea is fairly new 👀💦
But essentially, his parents expected him and his sibling to get the best grades and be the best students so they can make a lot of money for the family, and then his parents can gloat about their successful children to everyone else. His parents were also pretty successful, like obviously not successful enough to be like known by everyone, but they were in a good place financially and money wasn’t necessarily a problem. And they wanted their children to also follow their path and be successful enough that they also didn’t have to worry about money
While growing up though, it was clear that Ronny has way behind his sibling. His sibling was basically the golden child, they got all the awards and praise and excelled at everything, while Ronny was having trouble understanding different concepts and just wanted to goof off. And of course, his parents didn’t like this and thought he was useless. They always compared him to his sibling, and since they would always berate him, his sibling grew up thinking it was also ok for him to be mean to Ronny and to think that he’s lower than everyone else
So clearly, all of this mental and sometimes physical abuse was absolutely horrible for Ronny. He started to think lowly of himself too and grew a huge resentment towards his family. His family was also a stickler when it came to how they presented themselves. Ronny always had to have like a bowl cut of sorts and always had to present himself like, elegantly I guess, or I don’t know. But like, he had to be smart, he had to be courteous, he had to be charming. And Ronny just said fuck all of this. In high school, he basically went out of his way just to piss his parents off and make them hate him even more. He’d rip up all of his good clothes, maybe make Frankenstein creations out of them to have a new wardrobe that suited to his tastes more. He started cursing more and wearing makeup, he skipped and flunked his classes and started hanging out with the wrong crowd. And boy were his parents pissed. It started getting worse and worse how they treated him, and of course he expected it, so he just basically tolerated the abuse and kept arguing with his parents, and things kept going downhill
All of this anger kept accumulating over time, and the whole family got into a giant argument because Ronny obviously didn’t have enough credit for him to graduate. After the heat died down, he ran into his sibling who added more fuel to the fire by telling Ronny that he was a disgrace to the family and that he would never be as good as they were. They were already in college and were the top of their class, and they were already on their way to a good career. And they fully did this knowing that it would make Ronny feel horrible, since they way his parents treated him had become normalized. It was like they essentially came here to gloat and to pick a fight. This made Ronny snap and he basically jumped them and started punching the daylights out of them. This was the final straw for the family, since his parents saw Ronny’s actions to be immature, and that he was clearly only going to cause grief for the family. So they ended up kicking him out and disowning him
After that, he’s basically scrambling to get enough money to live day to day, and he goes out of his way picking fights and pissing people off, insulting them and putting them lower than him almost as a way to validate himself. By putting people down, it raises him up even higher on a pedestal. Winning in fights also does the same thing, but at the same time, he doesn’t really complain when he’s getting his ass beaten, partially because subconsciously he feels like he deserves it and he somewhat misses it in a way. He refuses to think any more of it though and refuses to touch his issues
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
The redhood nightwing fight scenes look like they're gonna be dope af like thats all I'm thinking about how awesome the fight scenes are (hopefully) gonna be (I'm already finding it difficult to see this jason as redhood cuz he's like literally a child but I dunno what age he redhooded in the comics so??)
I had no idea tim was even gonna be in it !?! Can I please get some kind of recognition from the batboys that they actually view each other as brothers and family! 😢
Someone needs to kill the joker It'd be kinda interesting if old bruce killed joker and it'd be nice if that was the last thing he did as batman buuuttt then again it'd be a nice touch if dick killed joker for jason, it would personally be disappointing if joker was just let live not gonna lie i really want bruce to kill him and that be the reason he gives up being batman because he failed to protect jason and then he broke his no killing thing so he just hangs up the cape
we are getting FEAR TOXIN yassssss cue awesome nightmare ish fearscapes (no idea if that's an actual word but that's what I call when you get to see everyone's fear hallucination)
Kory I love you, I do ship dickkory however I feel like she's too good for dick and should marry me instead lol I wanna see how donna is still alive? and I know there's people who are like ughh hank dawn go away already but I really freakin like hank and dawn as characters even though their suits are ridiculous did they break up last season I can't remember? Hank needs a break poor man someone give him a blanket and a hug and let him sit the fuck down everybody leave hank alone
That line where babs is like don't try be your father and dick is like excuse me what you saying there Commissioner Gordon, that will never not be funny 😅😅😅
I ain't in love with this show it has so much potential it could be so lit but I do like it anndd they got suits now whoop!
Wait is this my previous Titans anon? (The one where we ranted about Jason, or the one thinking they hadn’t seen S2 but went to watch it and realized they had? Or are you the same person? xD )And if so are you the same one who asked for the comic and fic recs? Just wondering in terms of if I’m talking to one person or not hahaha
But ahh I got so excited when I saw I got an ask about this 😍
Omg the nightwing red hood fight already got me so stressed lol. It looks great but ahh angst! But I think Jason is like 19ish in most versions when he comes back? Though tbh I forgot what age Jason is in this , I’ll have to see when i rewatch it soon. Curran, the actor, is actually 23, he just looks super young/short. He got pretty buff though. But yeah, that is an unfortunate thing wi the them rushing it already but also, I’d rather have it like this than if they were gonna spread it out through the seasons then it gets cancelled or something (poor Gotham s5, RIP). I think he was the PERFECT robin jason Todd though. Like I love his acting and portrayal of Jason(“Titans are back bitches!” classic Jason), he just is young looking and short. Gosh I still wanna know if they are going with the Lazarus pit for Jason or not! But like that also begs the question of whether they are doing a time skip cause normally Jason is dead for like 2-3ish years, but it doesn’t look like it from the trailer.
And yes, I’ve been looking forwards to Tim!!! While the trailer didn’t show it, the actor was on set a lot over these last couple of months (I’ve been keeping up with their instagrams xD) and seemed super close with the cast! I can’t believe the first look we got if Tim was him nearly crying, though that look already won me over, I love him and he is my son now. But RIGHT! That’s all I want, is the bat bros platonic love, gosh dang it😭 that’s all we want DC😭
BRO! OLD MAN BRUCE KILLING JOKER WOULD BE FREAKING PERFECT. Dang it! Now I’m gonna be so disappointed if that doesn’t happen 🤣gosh it would be perfect, and normally I would be like it’s Bruce, they would never do that, BUT, this show does that kind of “edgy” stuff anyway so if it’s ever gonna happen(without the Batman who Laughs plot line happening(which would make a perfect dc animated movie btw)), it would happen in this show, especially with what was shown in the trailer with him giving Batman up. Man, now my hopes are up for that xD though I wouldn’t mind if Dick killed him. I would be shocked though if they had the balls to actually kill off joker though, dc seems to refuse to do that :/
Omg I squealed at the scarecrow part omg. Dr freaking Crane is a big reason I spiraled down this entire fandom tbh. Like literally a year ago I got obsessed with him for some reason and that led into the Bat hole where I am currently WAY deeper than I ever would have thought 😂 and while I’m not hyper fixated on him anymore, I still love him so much and is my 2nd fav rogue, and it mainly started with Jonathan 🥺 we barely even see his face and I am already in love with the casting, the voice is perfect. And I LOVE when villains have to help the heroes, that is like one of my fav tropes ever omg, I was really hoping they were gonna do that to him. I hope he is in it for more than one episode tho. And oh lordy, like those poor Titans need even more trauma in their lives and now fear gas is in the equation. Oh no, I bet poor Gar is gonna get hit cause they just love to torture that poor boy. And tbh I hope the fearscapes(perfect word for it) will be better than most of the Gotham ones, those seemed a tad cheesy tbh
Lmao about you and kory😂 she is too good for him, but also, this Dick needs someone who can kick his ass and get his head out of his martyr butt 😂 tho tbh, I’m still not fully sold on Dickkory, Like I don’t hate it but I don’t LOVE it in many versions, like they can be cute but no strong feelings, the Original Teen Titans cartoon is like the only exception, I def ship those 2
Omg I low key forgot Donna “died”😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like I knew it wouldn’t last so it didn’t have a big impact on me lol. Like I had/have a feel raven is gonna bring her back. I wanna know what happened to Rose/Joey! Like are they not gonna be in it at all? Especially with Jason going off the deep end?!
Lmao, hawk and dove’s suits😂 I think they did break up, I’ve only seen the series once through tbh, planning to rewatch before S3 tho(and try to force my mom to watch it tho she is convinced everything DC is too dark for her lmao), yeah, I don’t mind them, like I don’t want the focus on them but like they deserve to be happy/need a break, omg yes! That boy needs to be wrapped in a blanket and given a break, that grumpy boy is TIRED. Let him rest!
Lmao! That babs line is so great😂
I’m just so excited for all this live action Batfam content, considering the live action movies NEVER give us Batfam 😭(we aren’t talking about the 80’s/90’s live action robin lmao)
Also so sorry this was so long 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
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mister-lady · 4 years
Okay bitch,let's do this-
Dirty blonde hair, in that double-side shaved with curly hair on the top. I'm thinking,like,kinda tanned skin with an pinky undertone,with freckles scattered everywhere, especially on your cheeks,shoulders, arms,and across your nose. I think you have a couple piercings (ex. A couple eyebrow piercings and two in your ear). I think your style is laid back edgy,stripped shirts,oversized band tees,ripped jeans\shorts or smthn. Ik your,like,5'5(?) But you give off 5'9-11 vibes- Also,maybe like,green or blue eyes? OH!! And glasses!! Like,the round ones!!
Please don't take this as creepy, I just like imagining online personas for people-
AAAAAAAAAAAA🌟🌟💗🌟💕🌟💗💘💗💘💗💘💗🌟💗🌟🌟💗💖💗🌟💗🌟💗🌟💗💘💗💘🌟💕💗💖❤💖❤💖💖💗❤❤💘❤💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💗💘❤💘❤💘💗💘❤💘💗💕💖💕💖💖💕💖💖💖🌟🌟❤❤💘❤💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💗🌟🌟 I LOVE THE DETAIL YOU WENT INTO ITS AMAZING CNFNDMSMKEKR
You got the short hair with shaved sides right!!!! However it's not curly! Tho that would be a cool look tho uwu It is dirty blonde tho!!!!!!!! I dyed the top purple cause uhhhhh vmmgmfmdfmfmdmmf well reason one it's my favorite color and you can probably guess reason two--
I'm pale as shit tho- ahshfhshajdj I get called pale a lot and most people dont like it but personally I'm with with being pale lol. I always thought freckles were so cute!!!! Sadly I dont have them tho. O m g I've been dying to get piercings and I want some but I pierced my ears a few weeks back and got an earlobe infection from it and freaked out badly ckncmffmmddmfmf I might try those fake piercings tho!!!!! 
You nailed my style-- mcmvgmmdkskf and I know I said this earlier but I wish I was that tall fhfhfjfksj I wish I was 5'5 but I'm 5'4 sjfjfjdjs
I have hazel green eyes!!!!!! I've always wanted to have green eyes tho so I normally give myself green eyes when I draw myself XD
Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!! My glasses currently are box glasses but they're broken and I've actually been planning on getting round ones cause I feel like those are more gender neutral!!!!!
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
blorbos: still 100% kip. his cryptic ass is in perfect sync with your cryptic ass lol. jay, cause i remember you liking knife daddy in dream daddy so it makes perfect sense. and i'm at a tie with buddy and ethan, so both. both wholesome bois built like a brick house that make you do the uwu
we just talked about this yesterday, kip might be a cryptic bitch but hes my cryptic bitch for sure lol
and yeah ive. always had a thing for edgy knife bitches youre absolutely right lol. jay didnt actually start this trend for me LOL
..wholesome brick house bois. i knew this was a thing but i never really managed to put it together like this thank lol
bless you for these babe and yes all absolutely 110% correct 💜
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drawacharge · 6 years
I'm a nuisance so here's a shit ton of questions =/ Cal - 10, 11, 13, 18, 22 / Camilla - 8, 14, 16, 23, 27 /Ant - 7, 9, 20, 24, 29 / Hannah - 2, 4, 15, 26, 39 / Daniel - 5, 13, 15, 22. And also, answer B, D and E for all the characters =] that's all
 god, cindy, you make me & my ocs feel so loved.
so, this is very fucking long, and under a read more because i highly doubt anyone cares except u. but also this was actually very fun so thank u.
( cal ).
what lie do they most frequently remember telling? does it haunt them?
tbh cal’s most frequently spoken lie was probably literally everything he ever said in front of neil. and it absolutely does not haunt him. in fact, he probably smiled as pleasantly as one can when they secretly wish for your death.
how do they cope with confusion?
he definitely seeks clarification, asks you to specify or explain, etc. cal has like no social anxiety lmao. he has no problem speaking his mind.
what color do they think they look best in? do they? 
cal thinks he looks best in soft blues, and yes he absolutely does. however, cal looks great in everything so its not particularly hard to pull off.
what embarrasses them?
little. even when cal is shut down by romantic prospects he takes in pleasant stride. maybe if he like, pissed himself in public he’d be embarrassed, but that’s about it dfgd
how does jealousy manifest itself in them?
cal doesn’t really get jealous. in fact, he’s had girlfriends in the past that took issue with the fact that he doesn’t get jealous. however, cal figures that if you’re with him, its for a reason, so he has no reason to feel jealousy over your interactions with other people.
( camillia ).
what were they told to stop/start doing as a child?
camilla was a destructive ass child so, everything? she had a habit of ripping the heads off her little sisters’ barbies, so there’s that.
what animal do they fear most?
snakes. look, cami is a brave ass bitch. she has, on multiple occasions, offered– 100% sincerely– to go toe-to-toe with billy’s father. but when she sees a snake she’s done. she’ll climb a fucking tree to get away if she has to.
what makes their stomach turn?
neil hargrove & white people food.
how does envy manifest itself in them?
if she’s envious of something she can attain herself ( ie: an accomplishment, life style choice, etc ) it simply gives her motivation to do something about it. nothing motivates camilla more than wanting to be better than someone else lmao. except maybe resentment. 
what causes them to feel dread?
literally any and every time billy, ant, or hannah have to go home ( all three of which were raised within less-than-ideal home lives )
( ant ).
what triggers nostalgia for them? do they enjoy it?
sure. most people enjoy nostalgia, don’t they? i’d say the smell of fish and the sea mixed together since he would go fishing with his father a lot as a kid before he died. so, i guess its sort of a melancholy feeling.
do they swear? do they remember their first swear word?
he probably swears the least out of the group, but yeah, ant swears. his first swear was probably one of the more tame ones, though, like shit.
if they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
jesus christ, ok, uh. he’d say the difference between romantic and platonic is simply that he also wants to fuck his romantic partner lol. like, for instance, he has platonic love for cal, and romantic love for hannah. he could see himself spending the rest of his life with either of them, but he only wants to kiss and hold and romance hannah, not cal.as for familial he’d say it’s platonically loving someone to a point that you feel as if you’ve loved them that way your whole life. he feels this way to most of the group tbh, daniel especially who is his best friend and brother.
is sex something they feel comfortable talking about? to whom?
everyone in this group feels comfortable talking about sex, and all to each other. there ain’t one shy bitch in the bunch when it comes to that.
do they usually live up to their own ideals?
well, he tries. ant is 6′2″ and big. he speaks peace and being passive, however. the day before neil yanked billy from everything he loves and took him across the country, ant lost his cool and slugged the piece of shit across his face.
of course, neil had just put his best friend in the hospital and beat his own son, so, can you blame him?
( hannah ).
how easy is for your character to laugh?
super easy. hannah is very bubbly. she’d probably laugh at one of dustin’s jokes while billy shoots her a disappointed look from across the booth. 
how easy is it to earn their trust?
actually, not easy. hannah is friendly, but she’s not stupid. she’s basically that quots from captain america: winter soldier where nick fury is talking about how his father carried a gun on his walk to work every day, and when he explains why he goes, “my dad liked people, he just didn’t trust them very much” that’s hannah. 
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
does she have a filter is basically the question i’m guessing. yeah, she does. most of them do except camilla and billy. and cal on occasion.
what is their preferred mode of transportation?
cal’s van lol. hannah hates driving, she doesn’t even have her license. if cal isn’t around to drive her, she just rides her bike.
how easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
depends on the flaw. billy has… issues, we all know this. sometimes he says shit he doesn’t believe, more or less just repeating his father, and she understands, but i don’t think ignoring is the right word. hannah is the mom friend. when billy, or someone else, says something offensive she goes, “hey, watch it,” and then explains like why they shouldn’t say that kind of thing.
believe it or not, calling billy out on his shit is the best way to deal with him. people just usually don’t. 
( daniel ).
how easy is it to earn their mistrust?
daniel is a sweet, good boy, and if you fuck him over he’s probably likely to forgive you. however, if you hurt one of his friends there’s no way in hell he’ll ever trust you again, even if said friend forgives you first.
what color do they think they look best in? do they actually look best in that color?
reds, blacks, and tans. daniel actually looks best in yellow, but he’d rather die than wear yellow, so.
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
daniel has a great filter and knows how to be polite. he, however, lets it down around billy and would often speak his mind freely since billy was the last person on the planet to ever judge him for whatever he were to say.
how does jealousy manifest itself in them?
probably like. self-esteem issues. he gets edgy, maybe considers that there’s something wrong with him. he’d never show it though, never get pouty with his boyfriend or get snippy. he’d just internalize that shit. 
and now for the bit just for me i guess??
what inspired you to create them?
well, i always figured billy had a friend group in cali he hated leaving behind, and i made daniel first because he was the boy billy had been caught fooling around with by his dad. the others came when i decided to write a jealous!steve fic.
idk, for me it’s important that billy had someone(s) in california, that he wasn’t alone or just playing a role like he is in hawkins. i think it explains his anger towards being ripped away even better.
have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
hm. i think they all started the way they are. i think, maybe briefly, i gave cami the buzz cut, but thought it’d just be too stereotypical for her personality. plus, i loved the idea of sweet, tiny hannah with season one eleven type hair.
are they someone you would get along with? would they get along with you?
hmm. i’d probably get along with all of them, but i’d probably still butt heads with camilla, just like i know i’d butt heads with billy if he was real. actually, if billy was real, we’d probably physically fight each other, but you call me billy anyway so no one is surprised.
also if hannah tried to mom me and chastise me too much i might hit her lmao.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: Not to cause drama but your man can't stay away 😂💓 insisted on giving me the caravan keys himself this morning babes Janis: 'Cos he's not my man, go hog wild Grace: OH HUNNY NO 😭 WHAT HAPPENED? OMG DID HE GO TOO FAR WITH THE PRETTY WOMAN SITU Janis: No, sadly I'm not 3 grand better off for it, Grace. Janis: Just run its course, I'm over it. Grace: I can't believe he'd use you like that! 🐖 After you took him on hols too OUTRAGEOUS 😧 Grace: You'll be okay though babe you are better off if he's gonna be like that Grace: OMG ITS THE CURSE OF SKERRIES! REMEMBER ME AND TY Janis: Maybe I used him? Ever think of that Janis: Nah, I don't...which one was that Grace: That's right gurl ♀ take control of the narrative Grace: You dumped him, consider it announced 💋 Grace: He had that well buff neck tat, remember? Janis: Its the truth. Nothing happened anyway, not proper. Janis: I'd rather keep it to myself but if you must, cheers Janis: Ahh, borstal boy Grace: 🙊 Gotcha 😇 Grace: Is that in 11? He was from there Grace: Anyway you should come on my juice cleanse Janis: No Grace, lol never mind, don't worry about it Janis: How am I gonna work out with nothing but a belly full of juice? I need protein Janis: but I wouldn't hate the vitamins and electrolytes, sometimes Grace: Oh Jan-Jan EVERYONE else manages it 🙄 but you are going through a break up 😢 just don't eat your feelings too hard. Asia's still trying to lose lbs 2 boys later 🙈 Grace: Yayyy! Come to town with me. It's lush there. 😜 drinks aren't bad either lol Janis: That's because you all only do half an hour of light cardio at best Janis: No I'm not, and there are no feelings to eat, I'll be in better shape now he's gone, more time to hit the gym, no more cafe shit Janis: Asia just wants an excuse to get fat, in or out of a relationship Janis: Not today, I'm busy but tomorrow lunch maybe Janis: I cba to be at school for any more time than is required Janis: might throw a sickie Grace: Rude! I know you're hurting but there's no need to come for me and my gym routine Grace: You don't have to pretend with me, babes 🤗 Grace: Unfair, Jan! She's been to WW and everything! It's so sad. Such a struggle Grace: YES! I'll phone in too. We can have a duvet day together. SISTER TIME SICKIE Grace: 💕 You'll feel better in no time Janis: I truly ain't. Janis: And if you don't want me to come for it, try harder, same goes for Asia. Janis: If she actually wanted it, she could, simple as. Janis: Nah, you have to spread my side of the story, don't you? Need you on the frontlines Janis: Plus, I'm going nan and grandad's, not home Grace: EXCUSE YOU BITCH I WAS AT THE GYM FOR 3 HOURS LAST NIGHT Grace: Okay yeah good point, can't let him chat shit about you after everything ugh Janis: Taking selfies? Lol, alright, alright, well done you Janis: I'm sure he won't.. Janis: It'll be everyone else Janis: Don't try and 'come' for him, Grace, that would be so embarrassing. Just set other people right, that's what I mean, right? Grace: thnx 😘 Grace: Boys can't even help themselves Grace: Oh Jan I'm not gonna fight him!! 😂 Don't worry I got this Janis: Yeah but just don't even chat to him Janis: I know YOU can't help yourself Janis: but I don't need it, Grace Grace: 🤐 Going to him for goss? Please. I'd never. Grace: He'd only lie anyway Grace: I can't 🤞 to hold the girls back tho Janis: For God's sake, its none of their business Janis: This is what I mean, everyone getting involved, can't people just leave it Grace: Bailey did lock lips with him first, babe Grace: You can't blame her for feeling wronged Janis: Yeah I can, when she practically grabs up on boys like Trump Janis: Its not on Janis: If she wants to try again, she can, she don't need to drag my name into her piss-poor attempt at chat Grace: Your ex WOULD say it went down like that 🙄 Grace: He's so gross! I shouldn't have let you near him 😧 Janis: It isn't just him Janis: she's getting herself a worse rep than she already had Grace: OMG JANIS STOP SLUT SHAMING MY FRIEND Grace: I can't believe my twin is such a bad feminist Janis: I can't believe you're siding with the abuser, and not believing a victim Janis: If you wanna chat that bullshit Janis: so leave it out Grace: You shouldn't throw words like that around. It's no joke Janis: It isn't. Janis: Let JGG know before she gets in trouble Grace: YOU STILL LOVE HIM, DON'T YOU? 😭 SO SAD Grace: I get you siding with your boy now Grace: poor Jan-Jan. I'll get him back for you don't worry Janis: No, it wasn't that deep, it was only a few months, get real Janis: Never did Janis: I don't want him back, focus on getting him for yourself, like you always wanted Grace: Oh honey...whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie Grace: I hate hearing you like this Grace: He really did a number on you 😢 Grace: We'll say no more about him Janis: I'm not you, Grace. I don't have to pretend it was love in the moment, or after, just to make myself fell better and to let the world know I'm not a skank. Janis: Good, stop talking, you've got no idea. Grace: DON'T TAKE YOUR MOOD OUT ON ME I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP Janis: Well you're not so stop trying, thanks Grace: Well now I know what to get you for christmas ffs! Grace: You need therapy, girl Grace: No-one else can talk to you when you're like this Janis: I hope you've not pulled me in secret santa, 'cos you're almost as bad at gifting as 'helping' Janis: you can't either, you just like the sound of your own voice Janis: and i'm the fucked up one, lol Grace: Mum and dad will send you, you know, they're always chatting about it Grace: see how edgy you are then Janis: good luck, i'm capable of keeping my mouth shit for more than five minutes Janis: no wonder all your boyfriends use yours then bounce, who could bare you Janis: if we weren't related to you, none of us would Grace: Maybe that's your problem, babe. Jimmy obvs wasn't feeling the strong silent type Grace: At least I've had boyfriends you've done it once and think you're an expert Grace: No wonder he got fed up Janis: Yeah, he's really after a girl just like you, that's why he does everything possible to avoid you Janis: You're the clueless one, Cher lol Grace: It's hilarious to me that you think I was ever interested in your fuckboy barista Grace: Both lads he works with are well fitter for a start Grace: I was happy for you, doesn't mean I'd be happy to go there Janis: You're so blatant the old dears having their pot of tea went to fucking pray for you after Janis: The idea you think you're slick enough that he didn't notice, I didn't notice, that the whole fucking town isn't aware who you want to ride next, is what's hilarious Janis: Sort yourself out, its embarrassing Grace: Nothing could be as embarrassing as having you for a sister 😂 Grace: Go cry to nan babes I'm over it Janis: The feeling's more than mutual, GracieGuru Janis: No one crying but you, as per Grace: As if I'd waste the mascara. Get a life Janis: I've got one, and it isn't yours to share; a fact you haven't been able to stand since you fell out of mum with me Grace: 😂 WHERE? You've got no friends, no lad and you hang out with our grandparents most nights Grace: so much to envy Janis: and yet, I'd sooner that than yours Janis: and that's what's really sad Janis: poor wittle gracie poo Grace: Next time you go running just keep going like Grace: Nobody'll mind here Janis: Yeah, 'cos they all love you Janis: You don't fit in Janis: Changeling baby, nowhere else to go Janis: Mum always liked taking in strays Grace: Must've been why she kept you Janis: Burn Grace: If you fit in so well why are you never here Grace: Too busy thinking you're above me to bother with the rest. That's sad Janis: Cos I can't fucking stand you, Grace Janis: and if I'm anywhere within a mile radius of you, I'm liable to kill you Janis: and you aren't worth the prison time Grace: Wow I'm so intimidated Janis: You aren't meant to be Janis: No one here but you needs to front Janis: Its the truth, you make my life hell Grace: Chats the girl who does nothing but Grace: You only went out with the barista because you THOUGHT I was interested Grace: Such a loser move Grace: Don't expect me to feel bad for you Janis: Jokes on you because I didn't go out with him Janis: He wanted you and your marauding band of molesters to get the hint and leave him and the others alone Janis: and you just made yourself look more and more idiotic every time, just been laughing about you behind your back this whole time Janis: It was a laugh Janis: So, do you get it now, hun? I'm not devvo, I'm just bored of making a fool out of you when you're happy to do it by yourself every day of your life Grace: Like I'd believe that. He dumped you because you're so crap you can't even make a candlelit bath sexy, cope with it Janis: Believe what you want, sweetheart, I'm not the one that's full of shit Grace: Yeah you are Janis: Oh honey...whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie Grace: @yourself next time babes Janis: you already did Janis: i bow to your infinite wisdom Janis: you should write a blog, oh wait- you already do and no one fucking reads it, 'cos you're a basic bitch giving children life advice like you have any idea what you're doing Grace: And you do? 😂 Faking a relationship for MONTHS to mess with me when all I've been is supportive about you getting a lad in the first place Grace: Such a good one of yours Janis: Yeah, this is hilarious Janis: like you ain't reacting exactly how I hoped you would, you pathetic bitch Janis: I knew it was fake, you need to catch yourself on Janis: fake friends, fake fun, fake boyfriends, fake happiness Janis: its honestly sad, you need therapy Grace: Yeah I need to catch myself on to how pathetic you are for literally living a cliche so bad it wouldn't air on CW Grace: To think I thought you were actually sorting yourself out. That's sad Janis: and yet, you and your gal pals lap up every episode Janis: just like you did here, so predictable i could set a watch to you Janis: what, to be like you? you're so sorted? Janis: no one wants to be like you grace, no one would ever want that Janis: you can joke and hashtag about goals, but if having to see you is anything like having to be you Janis: i'd sooner join edie Grace: That's a sick thing to say. Don't bring her into your bullshit, Janis Janis: MY bullshit? Janis: This ain't nothing but you, as per Janis: You're like fucking black mould, spreading everywhere, ruining everything, suffocating us all Janis: and I can talk about her all I fucking want, fuck you Janis: just cos you wanna pretend she didn't exist Grace: No I don't I just don't think it's fair that you use her death to play the victim with me now Grace: To say you'd rather die than deal with your bs is gross Janis: Yeah its only okay when you do it Janis: woe is you Janis: suicide is so gross ew Janis: what a problematic cunt you are Grace: You using it to guilt me is Grace: If you want to kill yourself don't put that on me Grace: You gonna leave me tapes? Fuck off Janis: Why not? Janis: Someone's at fault Janis: we all know who's fault it was Edie died Janis: its no secret Grace: And I'm at fault for your EVERY issue, sure Jan Grace: Don't take any responsibility at all Janis: Did I say that? Janis: You're a cunt, own it Janis: Don't pretend you care, 'cos I didn't ask you to and it does fuck all for me or you Janis: I'm not interested in being your sister, never mind anything beyond a familial tie so drop dead, sincerely Grace: I do care, bitch. How dare you. Grace: Yeah like death fixes anything. I'd still be your sister. Cope with it Janis: At least you'd be my dead sister, that's easier Grace: Yeah because you handle it all so well Janis: Better than I handle having to be anywhere near you Janis: Don't you get it yet? I hate you Grace: Then don't be. Run away to Grandad's. Nobody is bothered I already told you Janis: You are, you delusional cunt! Janis: You always try to talk to me, you won't leave me the fuck alone Janis: who started this conversation Janis: I do everything that's humanly possible to avoid you and you still won't sto
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mango-owo · 5 years
coming to terms with having minimal friends, and it's caused by myself because of social withdrawal due to self-hating ahahahaha. Not going to dismiss my current few homies I still talk to regularly, but it's my own fault I can't talk to them because all I'd be is pathetic complaints. In the end don't those therapy say only one who can save yourself is yourself? Idk something like that. And frankly I'm just a dramatic bitch that can't make friends and there's a reason for it, and it's all my fault. I can't even accept myself at the basic level lmao. I really am a fool, I'm so sorry to anyone I've ever talked to or interacted. I'm just a failure that can't appreciate things. There's a reason why I'm alone lol. (Soooo edgy right? XD Kms).
Making friends is about mutual effort right? Yeah. I sure haven't tried much recently. I sound like those religious supporters who think they deserve to suffer. Yeah that's me xD because hurting myself is better than the guilt of disappointing and not living up to others expectations.
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