#ch rusame
universal-casey · 23 days
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Finally! Ship art! He’s in love :)
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crowsong1312 · 1 year
So uh, Hi! I read fanfics lol
Here's a playlist of chapter parts for Blind Date (RusAme) by NotSoSugar on Wattpad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9zTER81Hsk&list=PLdC5lhJWq-B-R7TGrm6LXWccsXvUYpUB7 Pspspspspsps come get ur rusame podfic.
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river-blue · 5 months
Fighting the urge to make a rusame spotify playlist
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(Ignore the other 2 I Swear I'm not in the CH fandom:((!!!1)
Rusame doesn't exist.. your Seeing THINGS!
I had to draw America and Russia
Im also not going to draw CH ships,it's stupid
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ineedasinbin · 2 years
First post! And ofc it's RusAme! I vaguely remember a scene like this from a fanfiction I read on Wattpad. It was cute.
#countryhumans #rusame #countryhumansusa #countryhumansamerica #countryhumansrussia #ch #fluff
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findingschmomo · 1 year
I’ve been curious about this for awhile. How are collab fics written. Is it each person writes one chapter? One writes, one edits? Co-write? One writes while the other makes comments and suggestions? I’ve just been wondering as most collab flow together as if it’s one cohesive story but they’re multiple people writing it. (Also side note I am in love with the new chapter of Teeth of Flame, it’s my favorite vamp rusame fic ever)
It actually really depends on the authors! I collabed for a few SK8 fics, where we discussed the general plot idea and then one of us would write few paragraphs and then the other would sub in and we'd switch off whenever we felt like it.
For Teeth of Flame @spinyfruit and I trade off chapters (which i have discovered is my prefered method). We had an initial brainstorming session where we charted out the basic plot idea for the whole story. And then decided to split it by POV. I do Alfred (Odd Number Chapters) and they do Ivan (Even Number Chapters).
What's worked really well for cohesiveness is we typically won't post the next chapter until the one following that is written. So for example, Spinyfruit just posted chap 12 because i just finished ch 13 draft. That way if theres anything we need to tweak we have the wiggle room. Before either of us sits down to write a chapter we also talk about any key plot points we want to happen in that chapter. And then its off to the races. When the draft is complete, we dump it in a doc and then whoever didn't write reads it over and leaves comments. It's quite fun!
But yeah this is just how we are specifically doing it. Collabing can take a ton of different forms. My girlfriend and I collaborate on a webcomic together. She storyboards the pages and draws/lines them. I write the words and color them.
Thanks for reading our work! Make sure you send spinyfruit love in the ao3 comments since you liked their chapter specifically :3c
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humanized-nonhumans · 3 years
Your writing is amazing and just- I love it- can I ask for more RusAme cuddles? (Either platonic or romantic, either way I know it's gonna be awesome :3!)
What about queerplatonic >:)
Russia yawned, stretching where he lay. He let out a contented hum and rolled over the side of the bed... well, he tried to at least. America's eyes were still closed, but he pulled Russia back as fiercely as he would have if he was awake. "No. Cuddles."
"Ameri, we have work today."
America cracked an eye open to fix him with an unamused stare. "It's Saturday, idiot."
Russia frowned and looked at the digital clock to his right. It was, indeed, Saturday. Which meant that Russia was trapped in bed with America until the latter was done with hugging him. He resigned himself with a sigh and pulled America into him. The shorter country happily obliged, wrapping his legs around Russia's torso. The slavic country began humming, cupping the back of America's head and playing with his soft, wavy hair. "What song is that?" Came America's muffled voice.
"The song you're humming. What's its name?"
"Oh, uh..." Russia paused, "It's... an old folk song. I don't think any of my population remembers it, except maybe a few. Maybe."
"Mkay, but the name?"
"I, uh- I don't remember it. The name, I mean."
They fell back into silence. Russia just hummed the forgotten folk song and America began playing with his long silvery hair. "I should probably braid it today, since we're working in the garden, right?"
America sat up suddenly, a grin on his face. "You should let me braid it!"
Russia tilted his head, sitting up next to his partner. "You know how to braid hair?"
"Yep! I used to do braids in some of the states' hair. And Dixies when he had it long."
Russia nodded, a sparkle in his eyes. "Alright, then you can braid my hair."
America cheered and hopped out of bed. "Awesome! Now get ready, we've got stuff to do!"
Russia chuckled, watching the star speckled country retreat into the bathroom. It was going to be a fun day.
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Ok so i remade that one drawing i posted it like in February or January idk its not hard to find it in my page, you just need to scroll down just a little... Anyways i didnt color this drawing bcs my colored pencils are extremly weak and bad but hope u like it <3
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ffs their proportions look like they are jojo characters/sj
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justskulkingaround · 3 years
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Rusame doodles
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sonadbroken · 3 years
✨Теперь это их новый дизайн😆
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✨Рад вам представить РосАме и любовь этих двух красавцев,эх мое отп,они прекрасны ♥️🇷🇺♥️🇺🇲♥️
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Заодно можете посмотреть на их старые дизайны и как они менялись
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universal-casey · 2 years
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I made more :)
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rei-does-stuff · 4 years
I’m gonna be honest, I used to hate this ship. I thought it was one of the worse ships out there. But now, I don’t really care about it. I mean it’s definitely not the worst. And it can be pretty funny to look at. But it’s just eh. I’ve seen much worse from this fandom so this ship isn’t that bad.
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river-blue · 4 months
the ships I wanna do are: Rusame, France x UK, Ukranada, PR x Taiwan, Chile x Mexico
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ohmowi · 5 years
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The cat's really her, and sHE isn't even called America, but she's an American breed.
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budruhw · 4 years
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Oops my hand slipped
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ineedasinbin · 2 years
Seems like Ame also needed some attention! 🤭
#countryhumans #countryhumansusa #countryhumansamerica #countryhumansrussia #rusame #ch #chrussia #chamerica #chusa
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