#ch: zevran arainai
juniemoe · 1 year
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you seem different now.
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dragonologist-phd · 2 years
Zevran intends to repay his debts to the Wardens- no more, no less, no further expectations once the Blight is over.
But a year is a long time to spend at a distance, especially when the two Dalish elves who spared his life are so very intriguing.
(Featuring Mahariel/Tamlen/Zevran for the AU Prompt for @zevraholics Zevwarden Week 2022 - with a little extra inspiration from the Seasons Prompt)
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wiltf · 2 years
zevwarden week 2020
#relationshipgoals [flirting][the future]    
“So… you two have really gotten close, huh?”
Zevran was surprised, truly, that it had taken Alistair more than a week to come back around for another set of comments. And here he had put money on it taking at least three days. With a click of his tongue, he stops mid polish, staring up to where Alistair’s head might’ve been. Back towards the fire, so late in the night. Their watch.
Perfect time to strike.
Gently settling blades aside, Zevran focuses on wiping his hands. Drawing out the tension, to either give Alistair an out, or himself enough time to think. So many ways to block and parry the questions that were no doubt spilling over. But Amell was a far better mind reader than he, and she had been left to snore gently.
“Is that such a bad thing?”
Uncertain on his feet, Alistair shifts weight. Back and forth. Eventually settles for seating himself on the same log as Zevran’s, a professionally courteous distance between them — both in striking distance and likely long taught manners. Wringing his hands, though his eyes never quite leave Zevran’s.
“I—no. Not at all. I just overhead her speaking to Wynne the other day about you two…”
Yes, Zevran too had been regaled with the older mage’s apparent concerns about them. About duty and what would be the right thing to do. “I didn’t know that they had spoken,” he lies, instead. Believable in that Amell might’ve kept something.
That to those outside, it was skin deep, and not at all confusing. Not the kind of thing that would have a man allowing the sun to find gold, to roll it around in his palm. To think, for one whole moment, that there was a future and a feeling. To force it all away, for duty and the right thing.
“Oh, really?” Alistair seems to bounce back a touch, ever thriving on idle camp gossip. Once, Leliana had joked that if it wasn’t an overall disdain for Orlesians, he would do well as being the palace gossip.
Leaning back, his eyes rise, recalling minute details he would not entirely divulge. “Mmm, it got pretty heated. I mean, as much as it would for mages without magic, y’know?”
“What was it they said, exactly? No doubt about yours truly!” played off with a smile and a laugh, kick back to hold himself up. Ever the part that was needed and necessary.
Alistair twists into something vaguely smug. Zevran knew better.
“Wynne mostly said that you were a distraction from her ‘Grey Warden Duties’.” Words rounded out with fingers, to emphasise and bolden. Mimicked in a voice not unlike Wynne’s. “And she countered that she well…”
“She said you were special to her. And she didn’t want to change that.”
No words leave him, so Zevran opts to keep his mouth shut. Frown, at the fire, at Alistair, as he rolls it around in his mind those words. Perhaps they should be meaningless. Amell had not spoken of feelings, at least not out loud. Hands would linger and he awoke in her tent, despite promising that this would have been the night he would finally leave.
Weighty and gold in his pocket. “Is that all? She said much of the same to Leliana.”
“And Shale.”
“Yes, thank you for that reminder.”
How many hours until their watch was over? Zevran blinks, once, twice, thrice. Ignores how Alistair seems to mull over something deeply. How he slides across the log, just a touch closer, a touch more intimate. Fereldens and their strange mannerisms — wouldn’t talk about sex, but would happily invade someone’s space.
“Look, Zevran… she’s told me before that she cares for you. I asked her before Orzammar about it and—and she’s serious.” There is a slight pause. Orzammar. Deep Roads. Broodmothers and the cautionary steps around what might’ve truly happened down there. “I might’ve only really known her a few weeks before you tried to kill us all, but—”
“My friend, I don’t need a pep talk.”
“Shut up for a second. Briseis cares for you. And I think you care for her, too. Wynne was trying to do her weird Circle logic on her — it backfired.”
Finally, Zevran looks over at Alistair. Hands just a touch outstretched, moulded around words, making them more real. More tangible than just a wink and a nudge. Building onto the mounting pressure, that perhaps there was something under it all. Buried under ribs and politics, that Amell could love and be loved in return. Zevran could see the world, just there, in how Alistair may not have considered himself much of an orator, but the persuasion was real.
A touch of emotions, and Zevran knew what he was going to do. Shift of feet, one over the other, and he is perhaps already a man cared for, he had not taken notice. “Thank you, Alistair. Your insight has been most illuminating.”
“Oh. You’re welcome.” Pause, frown. “Did you really think she didn’t care for you?”
Low chuckle, from deep somewhere in his chest. “I think I didn’t want to acknowledge it, truthfully.” Elbows resting on knees, Zevran holds his face in his hands. Watches the way Alistair puts all the words together, and perhaps he does understand. Or he was too young, too idealistic, never loved and lost. He doesn’t question it, no remorse in admitting those words out loud, because his companion smiles — not with pity, but with care. “You tell a soul about this, of course, and I will have to kill you.”
“Considering how poorly you did last time, I’ll take my chances.” Alistair reaches over, threshold breached, a slight shove of Zevran’s shoulder.
The smile doesn’t diminish. Not even as dawn breaks, and she wakes, sleepy and warm under the thin Ferelden sun. As he is hyper aware of the little golden thing, that sits from pocket to pocket, remaining undetected and close. Much like the future, no longer out of reach.
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lavampira · 3 years
thinking about them (nalah and zevran)
two very emotionally damaged people who bring out the livelier and better aspects of each other and learn to trust and love and heal and find a sense of home and belonging together
many thoughts, head full
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zevrans · 4 years
as much as i want zevran back in da 4 one way or another, i’m positively sure the person in that crow outfit in that da4 concept art is not him, because one of the main points of his story in dao was him escaping the antivan crows after rinna’s death in a s/icude attempt of taking a job of killing remaining grey wardens and considering all 3 possible outcomes of encountering taliesen in denerim in 2 of which zevran doesn’t join him if you are friends/romanced and the 3rd one being him betraying the warden and dying alongside taliesen (who dies in any of these 3 variations), there’s no way zevran would be back to the crows, both because of the warden and because the only 2 of the people he cared in there died because of him basically, he has no one/nothing there to go back to tbh?
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rchelambers · 6 years
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magic can kill. knives can kill. even small children, when launched at very fast speeds, can kill. 
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anzellla-remade · 4 years
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jarebear20 · 4 years
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"Do you like it short?” she whispered, unable to stop herself from running her fingers along the blunt tips.
Zevran was silent--long enough to make her doubt.
Then, quietly, “I like you.”
 many thanks to @cullensbooty for not only sketching this out for me, but for allowing me to play around with coloring it as well <3
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snarky-bee · 4 years
ZevWarden Week Day 6
Bloodstained Clothes: Injury
Their party had only just climbed another set of stairs up to the fourth floor in Kinloch hold when a door flew open at the opposite end of the hall with enough force to nearly knock it off the hinges.
A tall skeleton-like thing floated through the door, eyes glowing red and locked on her. With a wave of its spindly hand, a force lifted her into the air and flung her back into one of the stone columns in the middle of the room. Her elbow cracked against the stone and she fell to the floor with a piercing scream.
Shooting pain radiated up and down from her elbow. Her hand went numb, dagger clattered to the floor. The giant demon thing floated slowly towards her, shadow looming over her curled over form.
She scooted backwards, using her left arm to pull her back across the floor. 
Zevran turned towards her with alarm in his eyes and sprinted at them, sword and dagger drawn in fury as he placed himself between her and the towering demonic entity. It swiped a long clawed hand in Zev’s direction and spewed trails of dark magic towards him, making the assassin flinch and cry out. He recovered quickly and thrust his sword up into the thing just as it dematerialized into smoke, only to appear behind Wynne instead.
“Warden. Are you alright?” he kneeled at her side, reaching towards the arm she clutched against her chest.
“Broken,” she said through gritted teeth. “Help Wynne.”
He nodded once, and cast a worried look at her once before taunting the demon in a loud voice, cackling as he too disappeared in a blast of smoke and reappeared at the demon’s back.
Kallian crawled back behind a toppled desk and finally braced herself to inspect her injury. Sweat prickled on her face as she clenched her jaw and squinted down at her left arm, expecting to see the white of bone popping out. No bone. With trembling fingers she tried to pry off the leather bracer. Just the lightest of tugs to the buckle and she let out a squeak of pain. Bad idea. No touching. 
Sparks flew and the hairs on her arms rose with the crackling of magical energy filling the room. She glanced around the desk. Wynne had the attention of the demon still. Fuck.
She looked down again. Her right arm just kind of looked… wrong. There was a lump where there shouldn’t have been one under her skin and her wrist was limp. She clutched her knife tight in her left hand in case anything came near her. But her palm was sweaty and her hand still shook. It was all she could do to not focus on the throbbing pain in her arm, just tightly clutch her dagger and pray to Andraste that the others could finish off the demon without her help.
Leliana yelped and Kallian ducked around from her ‘hiding’ spot to see the redhead tumble to the ground next to the desk then get yanked towards the demon with an invisible force. 
Alistair charged at the demon from behind and cracked his shield against it, following through with a mighty thrust of his longsword.
Meanwhile Kallian sat there clutching her dagger until her knuckles went white and her nails marked her palms. 
An unearthly shriek pierced her ears and then the room was only filled with the sounds of panted breaths and weapons sliding home in their sheaths.
“Wynne!” she cried out brokenly at last. Her eyes scrunched shut and she tipped her head back against the wall, breath ragged. 
“Kal!” Alistair shouted in alarm, rushing over with Zev close behind.
Zevran reached out for her bracer and she flinched.
“Don’t touch it!” she shouted.
Wynne tutted. “It will need to come off before I can properly heal you.”
Kallian paled and stared up at Wynne with wide eyes. “What do you mean? Just do the bloody magic,” she spat.
“If I go in blind I could just make it worse. A broken bone is no cake walk.” 
She resigned herself to the inevitable. Wynne was gentle but just the jostling of buckles made Kallian’s face twist in pain until tears leaked out the corner of her eyes. “Maker, stop!”
Sharp pain scraped her nerves and she groaned when Wynna got the damn leather bracer off her arm. Faster than Kallian could react. Wynne pressed two fingers to her arm and something snapped. No words came out of her pained shout. Her scream turned into a groan. The groan turned into a whimper of relief when the cold soothing feeling rushed through her skin, then all at once warmed up. 
“Never broken a bone before?” Zevran asked.
Kallian’s eyes fluttered back open to see him smirking at her and she scowled. “No. Not really a fucking habit of mine.” Wynne was going through her pockets and only came up with annoyed sighs. “There’s an infirmary further up the tower. I didn’t get a chance to grab supplies before,” she gestured around them. “You’ll need that arm bandaged and a proper sling.”
“What?” Kallian remarked. “But you healed it.” She flexed her hand a few times, her arm back and forth with twinges of pain as if the muscles were fighting back against her. “It’s fine!” she growled.
“The bone is fragile from new healing. The same as if you had waited the two months for it to heal on its own. If you fight with it, you’ll risk another break.”
“Bloody demons,” Kallian grumbled. 
Alistair and Leliana both had some extra bandages in their supplies so between themselves, Wynne was able to form a tight wrapping around her forearm and up over her shoulder, pinning her right arm tight against her belly. 
“It might be best for you to head back down where the other mages are waiting,” Wynne suggested kindly after helping Kallian sheath her other dagger.
“Funny thing about dual-wielding, I’m actually alright with just one hand too,” she argued.
To make a point, she propped herself back up to standing, wiped her forehead of sweat, and marched ahead through the open door. It was just a matter of not letting any enemies get her from the right side. 
“How are you with a sword?” Zev asked her.
“Not my favourite thing but I’m fine, I guess.”
He undid the belt at his hip, and with it passed over his own longsword. “You should fight with this. It will be easier to block with a longer blade. You are used to blocking with one arm and striking with the other, no? A longsword is better at doing both.”
Her eyebrows went up as he placed the sword in her right hand. “What about you?” Then she snorted. “Let me guess, a few more daggers hidden on your body?”
He grinned. “But of course. What kind of assassin would I be if not?”
“You know this is the second time you’ve had to lend me a weapon already. Starting to feel like you think you have to be my own personal armoury or some shit,” she teased.
He nodded gracefully. “I have sworn an oath to you, have I not? Whether that means ensuring no demon reaches you, or that you have a sharp blade, I am happy to oblige.”
She had thought his whole oath thing was for dramatic flair, but he seemed to have taken it upon himself to be her personal guard. As long as he wasn’t stupid about it, she wasn’t mad about him having her back like that. Kallian would do the same.
“Um… could you,” she gestured to the straps of the belt hanging limply, her left elbow wiggling in uselessly in the makeshift sling.
“Ah, allow me,” Zev said. He deftly took the sword belt in hand and wrapped it around her hips. His hands skimmed her waist, arms wrapping around her from behind as he tugged the belt through the metal loop. He slipped a finger between the leather and her hips, checking the fit. His hands lingered on her hips a moment longer. She could feel his mouth close to her ear, his warm breath. And then he stepped away, readying his own weapons. 
Kallian swallowed and ducked her head to hide the blush.
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lavellens · 5 years
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Zevran's First Attempt at Offering His Earring VS. His Second Attempt.♡
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juniemoe · 1 year
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my thought is this: we retire to your tent and i show you the sort of massage skills one only learns growing up in an antivan whorehouse.
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dragonologist-phd · 5 years
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Allys Mahariel x Zevran Arainai
I fancy things that are beautiful and things that are strong. I fancy things that are dangerous and exciting. Would you be offended if I said I fancied you?
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wiltf · 2 years
zevwarden week 2020
candlelight whispers [opening up][pillow talk]    
There is one bed. There is one bed and a candle burning out and the rain hitting the windows. There is one bed that is a touch too small, so their knees bump if they try to move, and their noses brush when they sigh. It is the set up to all the books that she had read, long ago, where the heroine is vulnerable and safe and in love.
Perhaps that is not so wrong to believe. Except Amell crosses lines through the words, holding back over the third. Fourth. Did she consider herself a heroine, or the unfortunate? A series of interlinking events that lead to a grand game. One she had been playing with herself for the last few months, from first cross of blades to last link of fingers.
“You think loudly.” Sleepiness peppers Zevran’s voice in a way he would deny. It is too raw, crackling on the last note. And this comes from the man who promised to stay on guard, lest they attract any unsavoury sorts.
He knows her better, too. Finger against her lips, eyes opening now. Silencing her in one swift movement. “No apologies for it, remember.”
“Easy to say to someone who has had thirty years to develop a habit.” Amell’s words are slightly off around the pressure from his touch, but perhaps her remark made some sense to him. Or, gave him more room, to sink that little closer.
“And they say habits are easy to break.”
“I don’t know who told you that, but I think you may have been lied to.”
Click of his tongue, and Zevran stretches out his arm, to push under her, pull her closer. Such ease, as if they had been lovers for years. “Those dastardly Crows… when will their lies end?!”
They snicker, at the way he holds his free hand against his chest. And though the sleep had not left his voice, he looked all manner of wounded, as if it was the middle of the day and Morrigan had slighted his delicate demeanour. Amell does not question herself, as she shifts forward just a fraction more. Nor when his arm curls around her completely, holding her there.
“It’s been a while since—since I’ve been held. Like this.”
Comment that was supposed to be a thought. Yet she speaks the words into existence. Zevran looks at her curiously, which stretches on far longer than she was ready for. “Is it too much?”
Amell frowns. Probably quicker than she should’ve. Pushing herself up, she stops there. Right where her hair falls to form a curtain, hiding them both away. It is dark, inky black in the candlelight, but Zevran still glows. Soft and warm and whole, golden.
Almost perhaps what a heroine would think.
The brush against her ear, to where the finely jewelled earring sat. It does not startle her, so much as has her lean into the touch. Strange reaction, stranger feelings. “This is perfect.” Amell couldn’t tell if her lips actually parted, but her voice is around them. Contained to this little pocket of the world.
“I’ve had lovers,” idle thought, fingers that brush loose hairs from his face. “But I’ve never had love.”
Trace, down lines that cut along his cheek. Hard and bold, like a heroine should be. “Thank you, for taking the time to love me in return.”
Zevran is quick and quiet, in how he sits upright. Encourages her to let the light in, so that they may hold and be held. Arms that wrap tightly around each other. Enough to sink into the embrace that Amell can forget, for one whole moment, that there is one bed. One candle. One heroine. And her lover that loved her so deeply, he whispered it true, just for them.
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lavampira · 3 years
4, 7, and 13 for Nalah/Zevran?
ty sierra! :D
[otp questions]
4. favorite non-sexual activity?
nalah loves playing with and braiding his hair while telling him stories about her clan or her childhood while zevran does some other task like sharpening his blades. just... little moments where she can open up to someone, knowing that he trusts her at his back as well. it’s about the :sparkles: vulnerability :sparkles:
7. what’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
when nalah realizes that she has feelings for him, it’s after he starts to pull away in his own confusion, which makes her realize how much she enjoys spending time with zevran, but she’s also point-blank and abrupt as a person, so she does outright want to talk about it. she becomes a little withdrawn and quietly contemplative while giving him the space that he needs.
13. who reaches for the other’s hand first?
probably zevran - whether he denies it to himself about it being Feelings ™ or simply tests the gesture after confirming that he may - because I imagine that he’s much more physically affectionate between the two once he lets his guard down around her, as casual touches and reminders that he’s by her side.
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oathbled · 3 years
tag fix pt 3
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amercsmemoirs · 7 years
For ZevWarden Week Day 4: AU, I’m posting the first chapter of my Denerim University AU!!!
(also, thank you to @tallmansions and @sistercyborg for reading through my chapters and helping me with edits!!! i literally wouldnt have gotten this far without their help!!)
Chapter 1: Friday
Allura Mahariel lay in her bed, ends of her pillow pressed against her ears in frustration. She’d tried to block it out - really, she had - but somehow squeezing her eyes shut just made the moaning and rhythmic thumping from next door twice as bad. With a groan, she turned to her side to check the time - big mistake; it was 2:17am. She groaned even louder; she had a Grey Wardens meeting at 7:30am. She turned to her side to see Fen’or, her chocolate brown mabari hound, sleeping soundly. She’d always thought he could sleep through anything.
Finally giving up on the idea of ignoring this, she threw off the corners and flung her legs over the edge of the bed. Once she located a pair of boxershorts, she pulled them on and stretched a bit. At that, she heard a confused whine behind her and smiled softly at him as he stared her down, concern obvious in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, da’fen, I just need a word with Melody,” she explained, and walked out the door.
The night air nipped at her extremities as she attempted to rub the goosebumps out. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but decided crossing her arms would be fine. She knocked a few times and waited, arms over her chest. As soon as the door opened, she began the speech she had to tell her neighbor last time this happened.
“Melody, please remember our bedrooms - “
That voice was too deep to belong to Melody. Allura had to squint a little - her eyesight wasn’t the best without her contacts - and saw an elf with shoulder length blonde hair, slightly out of breath, with brown skin that glistened in the moonlight. And he was shirtless. Allura watched his muscles tense as he pushed his hair back and leaned against the door frame, flexed and slightly bulging, but not too muscular like Alistair; maybe he was a rogue? She looked at his face to find him smirking, obviously pleased to find her staring at his chest.
“Enjoying the view?” He chuckled amusedly. “Melody speaks of you fondly enough. Perhaps she wouldn’t mind - “
“No, that’s alright, really,” Allura interrupted. “Melody mentioned me?”
“Ah, yes. She said to apologize for forgetting to move her bed. She is otherwise… unable to get to the door and apologize in person.”
Allura rolled her eyes at his self-satisfied smirk but decided not to comment.
“It’s fine,” Allura continued. “We just have a Grey Wardens meeting in a few hours and I have three classes after that - “
“Ah, then, I will accommodate your needs immediately. My apologies; I’d no idea you were such a devoted student.”
She eyed his sly smile suspiciously; it exuded confidence and more than a little arrogance, as if he knew something that she didn’t. There was something she just couldn’t trust behind his alluring Antivan accent; something cunning under his coy smirk. She was just too tired to analyze his phrasing for now.
“Thank you, uh… ?”
“You may call me Zevran, Allura Mahariel,” he answered automatically.
“Right. Zevran. Thank you for cooperating.”
“Of course, of course,” he replied cheerfully. “By the way, you have excellent taste in boxers,” he added with a smirk.
She glanced down at her own plaid grey, white, and purple pattern and then at his plaid black, white, and green pair. She frowned.
“Good night, Allura Mahariel.” He bade her farewell with a chuckle as they both returned to their rooms.
As she crossed her room to her bed, she pondered where she’d heard his name before. After it didn’t come to her right away, she shrugged it off. With a yawn, she settled in besides Fen’or, who was still sleeping peacefully. As charming and charismatic as he was, she doubted she’d have much to do with him outside of tonight.
*~ Friday, 6:28am
Allura stirred awake from a dreamless sleep two minutes before her alarm, as usual, and ran through her mental checklist. Luckily, she had been smart enough to pack her class bag for the day the night before; now she just needed to change, maybe eat  breakfast, and prep Fen’or for the kennel. She had to double check to be certain her bag had the notebooks for her proper classes and her wallet had enough sovereigns for lunch. And -
Her alarm clock interrupted her train of thought and she grumbled as she got out of bed.
“Fen’or, it’s time to get up,” she said with a yawn. He ignored her at first; it wasn’t until she called his name a second time after changing into dark jeans and a hoodie that he even whined in response.
“Fen’or,” she said more sternly, putting on her shoes. This time he got up, slowly as possible, and stretched as he made his way off her bed.
“Fen’or, collar.” Allura put her hair in a bun, ignoring the short strands that preferred to hang in her face. The hairstyle showed off her unpierced, elven ears that were straight and tall, even for a Dalish elf. She glanced at her earlobes and imagined herself with earrings; maybe smalls hoops or studs. Something inconspicuous. She pushed the thought out of her mind for now and turned towards Fen’or.
Sleepy but obedient, the mabari strolled to the stool Allura turned into his nightstand and brought his collar and leash to her. Then he sat, tail wagging slowly, expecting a treat to be pulled from her dresser and thrown to him.
Allura couldn’t hold back her smile but couldn’t praise him yet.
“Fen’or, jacket.”
He whined loudly, but retrieved the vest from his nightstand. All the Grey Warden mabari had to wear their blue and grey vests with the Grey Warden symbol on the back. And he hated it with a passion. She tried everything to get him used to it - different fabric, bigger vest, treats whenever he wore it - but she just couldn’t change his mind.
She sighed somewhat affectionately. “I know you hate it, da’fen. Bear with it, please?”
She fastened him into the vest and attached the leash as he whined again. Taking the bait, she tossed him a piece of nug hide from her dresser, which he chewed on triumphantly.
Allura shrugged her shoulder bag on; sovereigns for lunch, notebooks for class, throwing knives, pens and pencils. She opened the door and was met with a round, freckled face and full figure leaning against the railing, with an equally nonchalant tan and brown mabari at her feet.
“Melody?” Allura called out. Her neighbor’s head shot up as she was startled out of sleep. The mabari - Bandit - looked up and wagged her tail. Allura smiled affectionately.
“Allura!” Melody pushed herself off the railing and threw herself onto her neighbor. Allura caught her out of habit, despite being a few inches shorter. She patted her sleepy friend’s back as she yawned into her shoulder.
“You’re up much earlier than normal,” Allura teased. It was 7:15am, which was routine for her; Melody, however, rarely made it out of bed before 9am.
“Don’t we have a Grey Warden meeting or whatever?” Melody yawned again, back on her own two feet, and stretched. Allura rolled her eyes and knelt to scratch Bandit behind her ears. Fen’or bumped his head against her hand as he nuzzled Bandit.
“Yes, I’m sure your dozens of absences and tardies prove you care so much about our meetings,” Allura replied. “You don’t even have a bag with you.”
It was true; Melody was wearing a pink tank top and a yellow and blue plaid skirt, but no backpack or shoulder bag in sight. Actually, Allura thought suddenly, why is she wearing a skirt in this weather? We went shopping before the summer ended, and she should have jeans to wear. Melody pouted.
“I don’t have class until 11! I’m not gonna carry a bag with me to the meeting. I’m just gonna go back to sleep afterwards.”
With a small shake of her head, Allura grabbed Fen’or’s lead and began walking to the Grey Wardens building in the center of campus. Melody scrambled to grab Bandit’s lead as her mabari followed and skipped to catch up to Allura, linking arms when she did.
“So anyway, Allura, about last night -”
“Oh, that’s right,” Allura interrupted. “What happened to him? Shouldn’t he be in your room or something?”
“Zevran? No, he left maybe half an hour after you talked. You didn’t hear him leave? But really, I wanted to apologize about keeping you up,” Melody continued in a small voice.
Allura squeezed her friend’s arm. Melody Cousland was the teyrn’s only daughter - and the youngest at that - spoiled and impulsive. Allura’d had no idea if they’d get along when they first met, but thanks to Melody’s persistence, became fast, if somewhat unbelievable, friends.
“You’re fine, Melody,” Allura told her. “Maybe I overreacted. Is that normal though? Leaving right after…”
“For Zevran, sure. He’s not the cuddling type. Unlike myself, who needs soo much affection!” Melody leaned down to place her head on Allura’s shoulder.
“Why don’t you tell Alistair that? I’m sure he’d really appreciate the info.” Allura smirked as Melody straightened, face reddening.
Looking away, she mumbled, “He’s not the only one who should, you know…”
Allura never understood why she mumbled around her so often; She was an elf, of course she heard-
Her brows furrowed as she paused and looked at Melody’s pouting face. “What do you mean -”
“Allura, Melody, hey!”
They turned at the sound of their names and were greeted by a giant of a human, Ezekiel Amell, holding the door of the Grey Warden Mabari kennel open, likely after dropping off his mabari, Joker. At 6’4’’, Ezekiel towered over the 5’3’’ elf and her 5’7’’ friend, but neither were ever intimidated or afraid of the long haired giant. Dark skin, long dread locs, a dazzlingly white smile, and cheekbones that could cut through armor made Ezekiel one of the most popular people on campus. With his easy smiles and friendly attitude, he made friends and acquaintances easily, and they became friends days after meeting during the first Grey Warden meeting.
Allura thanked him for holding the door and she and Melody walked their dogs to the counter. The lobby was was small, with a few Mabari-friendly flowers here and there, and the building itself wasn’t all that impressive. Allura knew from experience though, that the real attraction to this place was the 5 acres used to train and house the Mabari while their Wardens were in class or off campus.
The student working the kennel this week was a dwarven girl, maybe a year or two older than Allura, and greeted the pair with a smile. As she reached for Fen’or and Bandit’s leads, Allura noted that her small stature would make it very easy for the Mabari to lead her around instead; luckily, she didn’t know of a Mabari ill-behaved enough to do it. The girl walked the Mabari to the back, and Melody and Allura met up with Ezekiel, who was talking with some students.
“Oh, I’ll catch up with you later,” Ezekiel told the students as he saw Allura and Melody exit the building. “We’ve gotta get going. Text me later though, yeah?” He grinned, and the two students smiled back and waved to the three of them as they continued to class.
“Joker misses you two, you know,” Ezekiel began as the three of them walked to the Warden’s training grounds. He shoved his hands into his black jeans. “We should go for a run or something this weekend.”
“Unassigned running? On the weekend? Count me out,” Melody declined.
“What, you got a hot date?” Ezekiel joked.
“Yeah, with my bed.”
“I’ll go running with you, Ezekiel,” Allura chimed in over his laughter.
“Cool,” he responded. “Let’s meet up at the entrance around 8am.”
Allura nodded in agreement as she held the training gate open for her friends. The Warden’s Training Grounds were split into three sections: dense forest, flatlands, and hills. Dual wielding rogues, warriors, and archers preferred their respective areas, but they often rotated so the environment would never be a disadvantage. Mages trained at Fort Draken usually, but the Grey Warden mages trained with the other Grey Wardens. Allura’s personal favorite section was the dense forest; she hated the flatlands.
“Hey guys, over here!”
Allura, Melody, and Ezekiel were waved down by Alistair Theirin, a fellow Grey Warden in training. He was in the middle of the training grounds, chatting with a few other Wardens. Allura nodded to them as they approached Alistair.
“Good morning, Allura, Zeke. Melody, you’re up early.” Alistair grinned at his pouty friend. “Did Allura finally drag you out of bed?”
“I’ll have you know, Alistair,” Melody began, hand on hip, “I was awake bright and early on my own.”
Alistair gasped. “Maker, the Blight is coming.”
Melody smacked his arm as he laughed. “I can’t believe I dragged myself out of bed and walked through the cold to get mocked by you, of all people.” She rubbed her arms vigorously.
“Yes, yes, woe is the Warden who has to walk through the cold.” Alistair unzipped his hoodie, shrugged it off, and handed it to her.
Melody was taken aback by his gesture. “What about you?”
“I am not the one in a skirt this early in the morning.” He draped his hoodie around her shoulders.
Melody’s cheeks puffed - Allura knew her friend was trying not to show that she was blushing - and muttered thank you. Alistair grinned in response.
All the students on the field looked up and saw Duncan Highever, striding towards them from the main building. Hurriedly, they all lined up on the field’s designated spaces.
Duncan flipped through the papers on his clipboard and paced as he began roll call. As he began calling out names, Allura caught someone creeping into the lineup from the corner of her eye while Duncan’s back was to the both of them.
Sierra Tabris, a city elf with droopy ears, had been coming uncharacteristically late to meetings for a few weeks. She was short, only up to Allura’s shoulders, and unusually stocky for an elf. Allura met her during a university tour over the summer, and it was her first time meeting an elf that was uninterested in learning Elven. Sierra was a warrior, sword and shield, and Allura was always impressed how she could stand her own against others twice her size. She was brash and a little reckless, but also punctual.
“Tabris! Late again?” Duncan hadn’t turned around, but must have noticed her somehow.
“Yes, sir.” Sierra’s voice was low and clear.
“See me after the meeting,” was Duncan’s response. Sierra nodded curtly and that was it.
“Grey Wardens,” Duncan began, addressing everyone in attendance. “You may remember last week’s tournament victory against the Orlesian Bards.” He paused to allow a short cheer from the more enthusiastic Wardens. “Our wardens, Allura Mahariel, Melody Cousland, Sierra Tabris, and Ezekiel Amell secured the Team Win against Orlais.”
The Wardens cheered again, a few nudging the aforementioned wardens on their backs. Allura forced a smile as Carver Hawke grinned and lightly patted her back.
“Next Wednesday, the doubles fight will be against the Tevinter Magisters, and we’ll be relying on Ezekiel Amell and Sierra Tabris to take us to the finals.” Duncan looked at them both meaningfully, perhaps with pride, and continued. “Make sure you all stay ahead of the curve. We have training days all weekend and next week, so attend if you’re feeling… sluggish. And don’t forget,” he added, “we have four exchange students from the Antivan Crow Program joining us for the remainder of the semester. Although they’ve already missed the first match, they will be observing our team to prepare to join the tournament next year. I expect all of you to be courteous and welcoming to our guests, and to show you’ve earned your title of Ferelden Grey Warden.”
Duncan nodded, the Wardens sounded off, and Duncan dismissed them and left. Ezekiel, Melody, Sierra, and Allura met up as the rest of their group dispersed. Some people were still congratulating them for their win.
“Sucks you got caught again, Sierra,” Melody began, stifling a yawn. Alistair’s jacket was still draped around her shoulders. “What’re you even doing all the time?”
“Yeah, Tabris, talk to us,” Ezekiel joined in.
Sierra’s eyebrows furrowed together and she looked at the grass. Allura knew she was feeling nervous and conflicted, not nearly as angry as she looked.
“I… was…,” Sierra began, crease lines deepening, “I was birdwatching.”
Allura exchanged a look between Melody and Ezekiel.
“Birdwatching?” she repeated.
“Yeah,” she responded slowly, as if wondering to herself whether it checked out. “I like to watch… songbirds.”
“Songbirds?,” Ezekiel echoed.
“Yes. Nightingales. They… only come out at night. Which is why… they’re called nightingales.”
Sierra avoided eye contact while the other three looked confused and bewildered.
Before any of them could continue questioning her, Duncan’s voice called out for Sierra to follow him to his office. Sierra sighed, relieved.
“Thank the Maker,” she muttered under her breath. “I’ve - I gotta go.”
She grinned somewhat sheepishly as she raced off to follow Duncan.
“I think that’s the first time she’s ever lied in her life,” Melody stated, only somewhat jokingly.
“Yeah. She’s not good at it.” Ezekiel chuckled.
“She’ll tell us when she’s ready,” Allura said. She didn’t see the need to speculate about what her friend is doing every night. As long as she wasn’t getting injured.
“True,” Ezekiel began with a grin. “But will I tease her mercilessly until she confesses? Probably.”
“Don’t go overboard,” Allura retorted with a quirked eyebrow. “I’ve got to get to class. I’ll see you both later.”
“I’m going back to sleep,” Melody said, gripping Alistair’s jacket.
“You should definitely wear jeans when it’s this cold, Melody.” Ezekiel smirked at her. She stuck out her tongue in response.
“See you later, Allura. Text me after class!” Melody waved as Allura turned to leave. Allura waved back and walked to the main building for her first class of the day: engineering.
*~ Friday, 3:34pm
Allura, finished with classes for the day, sauntered out of the building back towards her room. She breathed in the air; she hated being in the building for so long. There were so many people, so many things happening at once; it was hard to find a quiet place to sit and think. But outdoors, even with the same number of people, she felt less trapped. It was easy to see who’s nearby and what they’re doing; like the couple sitting in the grass across the way, the person standing behind the tree, the group of students exiting the building -
“Allura Mahariel! How nice to see you again.”
She turned to the person behind the tree - and frowned. Zevran Arainai. She should have recognized the drawl.
“... Zevran Arainai.”
“How was class? I hope you weren’t too tired.”
He was smiling, maybe sincerely, but she didn’t smile back. If anything, her frown deepened. He seemed amused.
“I was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.”
“Good, good! I’m glad.”
The smile continued.
“Did you… need something?,” she asked, not hiding her confusion.
“Oh, nothing at all! Wanted to check in.”
“Right then.”
She turned to walk away but then another question popped into her head. She turned back to him.
“Oh? Are we not finished talking?”
She ignored the bait. “How do you know Melody?”
Zevran’s eyebrows raised briefly, but then he crossed his arms and laughed it off.
“I met her yesterday, after I landed on campus. I am here through the Antivan Exchange program,” he explained. “I arrived earlier than my peers, and she was kind enough to… keep me company.”
That would check out, Allura thought. Melody has always loved meeting new people. But why would he be here earlier than everyone else?
“I see. In that case, I wish you luck during your stay with us.”
She nodded curtly, which made him chuckle, and continued her stroll back to her dorm room.
Disregarding that interaction, she could continue her day normally; study, train, pick up Fen’or, make dinner, sleep. She should invite Melody over for dinner, see if she can find out what happened to her jeans. It was more than a little suspicious that this happened right after Zevran stayed the night. It was something to look into.
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