#char: the tower
blood-teeth · 2 years
Totally stole this from another blog but: MC gets up in the night for some reason and when they come back to bed, they give the snoozing ROs a lil smooch on the forehead b/c they think the RO is asleep (but they aren’t). How do the ROs react?
eee augh i'm so sorry this took forever to get answered!!
The Reverie: Smiles. Sighs. Wraps their arms tight around the traveler, legs slotting together, tangles up into an infinitum of loving forever. hands holding ribs, kissing collarbones, honeyed breath across lips. forever and always together. that is how it was. that is how it will always be.
Death: a tired, exhausted whimper, but Alice leans her face up and into the traveler's neck, holding tight against her chest. "where did you go?" she asks through mumbling lips, eyes groggily half-opened. at the answer, Death whispers "come here" and Death takes you into her arms.
The Tower: in the traveler's absence has rolled onto his back, taking up more than half of the bed. his bare chest glimmers from the moonlight because he refuses to wear shirts - ever. at the kiss he lets out all the air in his lungs, as though he's been punched right in the solar plexus. the feel of your lips, your love, still leaves him breathless, even after all this time.
The Hierophant: holds absolutely still, pretends to never wake until the traveler is tucked away back into bed. but the kiss burns and burns and burns away into the night. they think to maybe crack a joke in the middle of the dark, because if silas doesn't they might cry, unsure how to navigate this devout love - this forever unconditional affliction. instead, they bring it up in the morning. "I had a dream last night."
"oh yeah?"
"yeah. that an angel came and blessed me with a kiss." and will return the kiss there, standing in the kitchen.
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adokle · 21 days
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"Wah-rio!" | "Ura-rah!"
Infinite x The Punisher & Abraham Tower x Nick Fury from Capcom's Marvel's The Punisher
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radaverse · 2 months
When the angsty ahh aus meet
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+ smol comfort bestie swap
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veveisveryuncool · 7 months
guysguysguys. cloud boogie song SLAPS.
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kirbytober day 25: favorite song/possession
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aprilpowered · 1 year
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charseraph and I collaborated on a couple of OCs in their science fiction universe, a Tower and a Human. They drew the lovely art of course while we worked together on the lore and design. Far Away(they/them) suffers from deeply held anxiety and paranoia due to a predator attack in their youth and their distance from other Towers. They lead a lonely, stressful life jumping at shadows when a group of human explorers, Research Team "Hollywood Ogre", practically stumble upon them deep in a biome not commonly inhabited by towers due to the cold climate and thick forests. They slowly establish communications with the nervous wreck that is Far Away, and through this they meet Maria(They/She), a tiny data technician and backup translator who is a night owl workaholic who doesn't get good sleep at the best of times. Maria has her own history of anxiety and bipolar disorder, and liked to spend nights after everyone else has gone to sleep talking to Far Away and sharing their experiences. Through this bond Far Away makes their first real friend and feels safe enough to fall asleep naturally, with Maria comfortably by their side. Research Team Hollywood Ogre soon develops into a research outpost, both to keep Far Away company and to learn from someone who has firsthand experience with this poorly understood biome. They start with relieving Far Away's claustrophobia by cutting out the forest into a clearing around the tower. This Research Post, 'Far Far Away' eventually becomes a hub for support for Towers and Humans who have their own mental health issues across the planet. Far Away and Maria may never fully recover, but they have come a long way, and that's good too.
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charseraph · 1 year
Can we have a list of all ur aliens? Like the crowns n the box kites n whatever else you’ve made? They’re super cool and I wanna know everything about them :)
Sure thing!
From left to right, not to scale:
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A.I. (Not shown)
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Continuing on from my last Ehwa post but I noticed something interesting on my reread
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Ehwa’s face is completely blank while gazing at her headband while Hwaryun talks about facing the dark side of her family. Ehwa has no reaction because she’s already seen the darkness in her family. She’s already seen how little her family cares for those under them, she’s just been averting her eyes, wearing a symbol of their cruelty on her head.
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It isn’t until Hwaryun brings up that Ehwa has the ability to change things that she truly reacts. This is probably the first time that she’s been told that she has the power to change her family for the better, that averting her eyes only saves herself from pain but not others.
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She then fully declares her intention to change her family. She won’t avert her eyes from the truth anymore and she’ll make use of her power to help people rather than hurt them. And in this powerful she also announces she’ll start cooking again.
Of course such a thing is meant to be a joke of how horrible she is at cooking, but it also ties into part of her character. The problem we hear she has with cooking is that she always ends up burning the food, making it inedible, which connects pretty closely with her hair-trigger temper and standoffish personality on the surface, as well as her complex with her powers.
It’s noted in SIU’s blog posts that Ehwa eventually learned how to barbecue, a cooking technique that directly involves fire. She’s finally learned to control her fire outbursts (which is shown to occur when she’s either angry or anxious) because of her drive to improve and Team Sweet and Sour supporting her. Hell, SIU even states that S&S hosts barbecues every week in honor of her accomplishment. Again, something that seems a bit amusing on the surface but is extremely heartwarming underneath when a lot of Ehwa’s complex comes from her idea that she isn’t good enough, or defective as she puts it.
Team Sweet and Sour gave Ehwa the family and supportive environment she was desperately in need of.
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crystaltide · 1 year
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assorted pizza tower doodles :D
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i need to make more stimming hcs right fucking now it is 2am
fake peppino loooves to roll around and bounce and he really loves pressure stimming. to go with the hc that fake pep and noisette are besties i think she will sit on his back and tell him abt her day and he will be so content
vigilante twirls his gun. this guy has probably dropped it multiple times. dingdong would do well with a fidget cube
pepperman is neurotypical. /j
fr pepperman i think is just as unhinjed as peppino when it comes to chewing stims hes just not very outward abt it. also he stomps and jumps around
uhhh who else
pizzahead is masking hard i think but that guy definately flaps and stomps and chews and would enjoy any kind of cartoony stim that ive talked abt before he has soo much energy and i think if u give him a good shake hed fucking love it
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stevyguts · 1 year
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a few background characters in domestic route; Paezar, Pizz’s younger brother, works as an accountant, friends with Gerome. Caroline, Pepperman’s ex, they had a really messy breakup that we have only heard half the story of. (Based on unused pizza lady enemy) Winnie, Vigi’s pet weenie mount, very dog like, she’s just a little creature.
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thrumugnyr · 1 year
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We had our first player death in our Curse of Strahd campaign (we're only 3 players) and it wasn't even a Barovia or Strahd related one, but us trying to save his soul from some eldritch horror. Which was also kind of Patataj's idea so....he's not having a good time right now.
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blood-teeth · 2 years
Answer this?
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i feel in my heart this is right.
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hattiestgal · 6 months
Ok ok so I might have ordered a couple more kits with that last set that only showed up recently, which is why I've been quiet on tumblr today, but that just means I get to talk about em now!!
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Starting off with my first look at the Super Deformed line: SD Aerial!
I mean, what can I say? It's Aerial but she's BABEY!! A little bit more lore accurate tbh.
I do wanna talk about SDs though and the fact that while, yes, their construction is incrdibly simple, that also means they are filled to the BRIM with color correcting stickers, like-
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Yeah, just a few.
And yes, granted, Aerial's design is a lot more complex than a good amount of older mobile suit designs, but I'd also like to point out that this kit has no yellow pieces. They're all stickers
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Complaints aside, the kit is cute, and it's not something I regret buying, despite the stickers. Now, don't talk to me or my daughter EVER again
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And now the kit I had been anticipating all the way back when I first ordered this batch last week: the Sazabi!
My second look at real grade is absolutely something I don't regret cause this thing is absolutely RAD! I haven't seen Char's counterattack, so I couldn't say too much about the mobile suit other than well... it's Char's.
BUT, this doesn't do the best job of showing you just how big this thing is compared to other mobile suits-
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Cause it's pretty big. This thing stands at master grade height despite its scale.
I think this is my absolute favorite mobile suit I've built to date and something that very quickly got moved to the front of my display. Absolutely got me interested in taking another dive into real grade in the future!
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hanzajesthanza · 10 months
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Narrenturm (Tower of Fools), A. Sapkowski
i just finished the trilogy, and wanted to return to the first book from when they were all alright :')
bonus transparent:
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insideapollo · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Hugh Dancy!! 🎉💐🥰 A nod to some of my favorite characters 🥳
Adam Towers, Grigg, Char, Jack, Cal, Bobby, Will, and Nolan 😘💕💖
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frosteee-variation · 2 years
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took a LOT of blending layers, but look!!! the lil guys!!!!
Despite being only the first out of four in that boss rush I'm running, The Smoker is arguably one of my favorite Frankenstide bosses. Simple gimmick, simple attacks, really annoying to deal with. For some reason, nobody thought to hit them from behind.
Lore-wise, The Smoker's method of attacking is akin to that of the Octo Samurai. Instead of a roller, however, they use a cast-iron omelet pan! So it! Really hurts!! They're also fond of charging and ramming into enemies.
Standing close to the height of a Steelhead, their segmented armor and precarious build are the result of a compact Stinger perch inside of it! Basically, it's a bunch of Salmonid stacked in a suit of armor.
You can brute force the armor, of course, though it's frustrating to do so; it's easier to attack them at their weak point, from behind. (I forgot to draw that part. Just imagine a glowing tail sticking out of a small hatch like the ones on a Griller.)
Once it's busted, you can freely access the compact Stinger perch and the main driver stationed in the middle. The salmon inside will do their best to repair the suit of armor as quickly as possible, though.
But uh, yeah!! Love 'em! They're just really goofy.
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