smartycvnt · 2 years
caught in the middle
pairing: sasha banks x charlotte flair x reader
summary: sasha and charlotte compete for your affections.
Despite your obliviousness, it became very obvious very quickly what was going on. Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks had a thing for you, and they were both determined to make you theirs. It was sort of nice, having that attention on you. The issue was, you didn't know where the root of Charlotte and Sasha's affections were coming from. They had sort of started around the same time.
Charlotte had approached you first when you had arrived at a hotel the night before a show. The hotel was overbooked, so it wasn't looking like you'd be getting your own room. A few members of the roster had already paired up, including the people you had ridden in with. So, you had waited by the bar and gone through your contacts hoping to find someone who had a spare couch at the very least.
"You look like you could use this more than me." Charlotte's voice pulled your attention away from your phone. You glanced over at her to see her offering a glass of something your way. For a moment you hesitated, but ultimately took the drink from her. "I'm surprised you aren't up in your room by now. From what I've heard, you like your sleep."
"Trust me, if I could, I'd be face down and passed out, but I don't have a room apparently. They overbooked this weekend," you told her. Charlotte glanced at your luggage, which she hadn't initially noticed being next to you.
"I have extra space, king sized bed actually," Charlotte offered. You didn't hesitate to take the offer. Once you got up to Charlotte's room with her, you realized that she didn't mean an extra king-sized bed. You didn't mention it though, instead placing your things in the corner near the couch and sitting down on the edge of the bed. It was pretty late, so late that your mind didn't even start racing when Charlotte laid down next to you. "You can lay back, I don't bite."
"I don't know, those girls you came up with were kind of wild," you teased. Charlotte blushed a little as she pulled you to lay down next to her. There had been many stories about Charlotte's class at the Performance Center and FCW shenanigans.
"From what I've heard, you were the troublemaker in your group," Charlotte shot back. You couldn't deny that you had been a little rowdier whenever you were younger. In your defense, you had just partied your way out of college and needed something to make ends meet.
"I've grown up a lot since then. I am a totally different person," you scoffed. Charlotte laughed a little at your insistence that you were so different. She hadn't spent a whole lot of time around you, but she knew that wasn't completely true. You had less time to party and cause chaos, but that didn't mean it wasn't still going on.
"Whatever, just come here," Charlotte told you. You were about to ask what she wanted from you when her arms pulled you against her. Charlotte's head rested on your shoulder as she cuddled into your side. This had your heart racing in your chest, but you were still somehow able to fall asleep. Charlotte was warm and comfortable, and it had been longer than you were caring to admit since someone had shown you such innocent attention.
After that night, Charlotte had begun inviting you to hang out with her more outside of shows. If the two of you were going to be staying at the same hotel for live events, you'd wind up in her room at some point watching TV and eating dinner together. You hadn't given it much thought, not until you found yourself at a hotel without Charlotte and started thinking about how much you missed her. To distract yourself from going down an emotional rabbit hole, you decided to hit up the hotel's fitness center.
It was supposed to be empty. Nobody in their right mind worked out at 1 in the morning. Still, as you got yourself set up on a rowing machine for your warmup, you could hear someone using a weighted machine. You didn't think about it, starting up the music from your phone and getting right to work. You didn't cross paths with whoever else was in there until you went to a treadmill for your run.
"You do know this doesn't help you actually run from your problems?" Sasha asked you. You shook your head as you continued on. "We can get a cup of coffee and talk. You look like you need it."
"I'm fine," you lied. Sasha stopped the treadmill for you and pulled you out of the gym herself. You didn't try to resist going with her. Just having company was nice, and you had always looked up to Sasha.
"Why were you in the gym so late?" Sasha asked as the two of you got back to her room. She had made you a cup of sleepytime tea rather than coffee, not that you were going to complain.
"I've been spoiled and can't stay in my own hotel room anymore," you said. Sasha looked intrigued, no doubt from the large number of dumb rumors from your past. "N-not like that."
"It could be like that, if you wanted," Sasha offered. You nearly spit your tea out as the two of you locked eyes. There was no pressure to make a decision, which was why it was so easy for you to set your tea aside and pull her in.
Weeks later and you were, both emotionally and physically on some occasions, fucked. You liked both Sasha and Charlotte a lot. You liked spending time with them, but they seemed to fight over your time. It was getting to the point where you were splitting every second you weren't working between the two of them. You hadn't been truly alone in weeks and that was how you realized that too much of a good thing was in fact, terrible.
"Good morning gorgeous." Charlotte greeted you with quick kiss as she set her phone down to reserve the spot next to you at the breakfast table. Today was the first time in over two months that you had gotten to sleep in your own room by yourself. Charlotte walked off to get herself some breakfast, which was around the same time Sasha emerged from the elevator and made her way towards you.
"Feeling better?" Sasha asked as she dropped down onto your lap. Subtly was neither woman's forte, but Sasha was more open with PDA than Charlotte tended to be. Sasha didn't care as much if someone stared at the two of you kissing at the hotel breakfast bar. She did care, however, when Charlotte tugged her face away from yours by the back of her hair. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You need to learn how to keep your hands to yourself. I'm sure Y/n isn't all that comfortable giving the whole roster a free show," Charlotte grumbled. It was then that you realized they were both aware of each other. "I know from staying on the same floor as you, we've heard enough already."
"Jealous that she's moaning my name at night and not yours?" Sasha mocked. Charlotte clenched her jaw as she pushed around some oatmeal in a bowl.
"Hold on, you guys know about each other?" you asked. Both Sasha and Charlotte nodded, an obvious look on both of their faces. You felt sort of pissed, like they could have been cutting you a little more slack. There was a conversation that probably should have happened earlier so that you didn't run yourself ragged trying to make time to spend with both of them. "And not once did you think to bring it up?"
"Neither did you," Sasha pointed out. "You didn't have to keep accepting invitations to hang out. We'd understand if you needed time to think, maybe make a decision."
"I haven't had enough time to think that clearly lately. There's this really hot blonde who keeps making me watch dumb romance movies with her and very cudd-," Sasha held her hand up to cut you off.
"I'm not cuddly. We go to the gym together and then have sex, that's all," Sasha corrected. You scoffed, knowing that your time was mostly spent cuddling after the gym. Charlotte snorted at Sasha's statement, knowing Sasha well enough to know it wasn't true.
"We didn't want to rush you or anything either. Truthfully, at this point, we're fine with sharing you," Charlotte told you. "We'll just be more considerate of your time from now on. At least I will be."
"Don't act so high and mighty. I know she cancelled on me Saturday night because you were practically holding her hostage," Sasha teased. "But we're open to a schedule if you are."
"This is a lot, but that sounds nice. Maybe we could even find some time to spend all together too," you suggested. Both women seemed a little apprehensive, but ultimately agreed to negotiate something. They left you alone for the rest of the day until it was time to leave the hotel. You already had plans to ride with Charlotte, so Sasha decided to tag along to the next city with the two of you.
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charlottesbanks · 2 years
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"I can't imagine never wrestling Sasha again. That would be hard for me to compartmentalize. We started together. She's my Ricky Steamboat." - Charlotte Flair
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ahunter8056 · 8 months
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Chapter 3: TARDIS Talks Summary
Charlotte wakes one night to find Sasha having wandered off. Coming across her in the console room, she makes a discovery.
Story Summary
*It's recommended to have read Season One before this*
Months since Sasha Banks was rescued from the clutches of the Master, Team TARDIS are happier than ever. There's a new couple aboard the TARDIS, and the five friends are just as close and enjoying even more adventures. Follow their trips on this volume of minisodes in the wait between seasons.
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Doctor Who (2005), Professional Wrestling, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Doctor Who Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sasha Banks/Charlotte, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose, Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose & Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox Characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who), Sasha Banks, Charlotte (Professional Wrestling), Bayley | Davina Rose, Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Additional Tags: adventures in time and space, fighting evil, saving the universe, hanging out on the TARDIS, Wrestling Stable: 4HW | The Four Horsewomen, fun and silliness, Minisodes Series: Part 2 of A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time)
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lazarettta · 2 years
Thinking About You
Word count: 2k
Warning: GP smut 🍆, consensual, explicit language
With the world coming to a literal complete stop short of the Earth stopping it's slow rotation, Sasha and Charlotte were enjoying their impromptu paid vacation at Sasha's home in Houston, Texas. Right before the pandemic came along, she'd recently relocated to the great state of Texas from Boston—looking for a nice change for a while. Though technically speaking, Sasha wasn't actually living in the city but thirty minutes outside of it. She'd bought a house sitting on a nice piece of land in a gated community where her closest neighbor was a quarter of a mile away and her fences were high giving the utmost privacy.
Which is currently what she and Charlotte were taking full advantage of. They were lounging in Sasha's backyard by her tropical themed pool, and they had drinks and music playing though it wasn't so loud that they couldn't hear themselves talking. Charlotte was relaxing in the hammock between two palm trees with one foot propped up and the other hanging over the side swinging freely, wearing an all black bikini though her bottoms hung a little low on her hips—not that Sasha was complaining at all.
At least Charlotte was actually wearing something. Though that's not to say that Sasha wasn't...but Charlotte didn't exactly consider floss real clothing. It barely covered Sasha's nipples and her front side. Sasha was practically naked and Charlotte has been semi-hard since Sasha took off that damn robe an hour ago and dived into the pool.
It'd been raining for the past few days and the sun was just now making an appearance with pretty white clouds keeping them from being too hot and there was a nice little breeze that came through every now and then.
Charlotte watched as Sasha walked up the steps, vibing to the song playing from the sound bar sitting a few feet away while the water rolled down her beautiful brown skin and Charlotte just smiled and handed Sasha her margarita when she was close enough.
Sasha downed the last of Charlotte's drink before setting it aside on the high table and carefully climbed into the hammock with her, neither one of them caring that Sasha didn't even bother to dry off and now Charlotte (and the hammock) were now just as wet as Sasha.
“You know, when you said we were gonna hang out by the pool today I thought you'd be joining me, not sitting here all day.”
“Ah,” Charlotte tried to ignore how good it felt to have Sasha's thigh resting over her groin, and wrapped her arm around Sasha to keep her secure and to hold her closer, “Maybe I'm just enjoying the view, baby. I don't think you know how lucky I feel every time I look at you and can say that you're all mine.”
Sasha snuggled closer and looked up at her girlfriend with a soft smile, bringing her hand from Charlotte's abs so she could cup the side of her face, “You tell me that every morning.”
Charlotte blushed slightly, but she didn't look away, “You know I mean what I say, don't you?”
“If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked you to be quarantined with me...or let you fuck without a condom.”
Charlotte felt herself twitch and so did Sasha but they both ignored it, for now, “Is six months too soon to say that I love you?”
Sasha chuckled, pecking Charlotte's parted lips gently, “With our history? No...as long as you mean it, I don't think it's ever too soon to tell someone that you love them. Why? You love me, daddy?”
“You know I do.” Charlotte murmured quietly, closing her eyes as she let her head fall back on the hammock pillow and she smiled when she felt another peck on her chin before Sasha also laid her head down, face pressed into her neck.
They were under the shade of the palm trees and the sun was high enough to hit them just right so that Sasha wasn't freezing cold, though Charlotte holding her so close also helped. The two women were content to continue to let their soft pop music play in the background, neither of them were asleep but they weren't too far from it either.
Charlotte stirred again when a nice gentle breeze moved their hammock, rocking it side to side slightly. Charlotte felt Sasha tremble for a second before the younger woman snuggled closer into her, which also meant that Sasha's thigh between Charlotte's pressed a little firmer. Since her top was still wet, thanks to Sasha, Charlotte's nipples were painfully hard—partially due to the cold fabric rubbing against them and partially because Sasha's warm breath directly over one of them. The hand that was resting on Sasha's back drifted down to her backside and Charlotte sighed when the images of the night before came flooding into the forefront of her mind.
All of the dirty things they did and said—hell, Charlotte's right hamstring was still a little sore. Sex with Sasha will forever remind her how much she sucked at cardio.
So caught up in her wet memories, Charlotte didn't realize that her grip on Sasha's derriere tightened and that she was moving Sasha's hips against her own thigh was trapped between Sasha's own thighs. Charlotte didn't even notice that Sasha was awake or that she was palming her through her bikini bottoms until she felt a familiar twitch in her lower regions and Charlotte gasped sharply as her eyes flew open.
Charlotte didn't have time to process anything because Sasha was on her a second later. Their kiss was just as hot as the weather around them and sloppy but neither of them cared. With her other hand, Charlotte reached up and pulled Sasha's bikini top free, not that she had much trouble removing it. Sasha cried out when Charlotte tugged and massaged one nipple deeply. Charlotte's hips jutted upwards into Sasha's firm grip, moaning deeply when Sasha squeezed a little harder than the last time. Charlotte loved that so much, and she knew that she wasn't going to last long if Sasha kept doing that.
Sasha tugged on the hem of Charlotte's bottoms but her girlfriend had other plans.
“No teasing right now,” Charlotte growled before she tightened her grip on Sasha, tearing away her thong and then suddenly they were sitting up with Charlotte's legs hanging over the side of the hammock with both of her feet touching the hot concrete. With a knee on either side of her, Sasha continued to straddle Charlotte and she finally managed to free Charlotte while the older woman removed her own bikini top.
“Come here...” Sasha breathed heavily just as her lips met Charlotte's once more in another passionate kiss and a fight for dominance that she quickly lost as their hands continued to explore each other's naked bodies as if they weren't already familiar with every smooth plain and scars sacredly shared with one another.
Charlotte guided herself into Sasha. Not expecting that, Sasha moaned loudly and she nearly choked when Charlotte bottomed out with one thrust. Sasha's nails dug into Charlotte's skin behind her shoulder blades, a small orgasm managing to rock her world and Charlotte held her tightly, rubbing her back soothingly despite the fact that she was painfully hard and Sasha was nearly cutting off her circulation.
After a few more erratic heartbeats, Sasha began grinding her hips down into Charlotte's. Sasha brought one of her hands from the blonde's broad shoulders and she flicked at a hard brown nipple and Sasha nearly smirked when Charlotte's grip on her hips tightened enough that she was sure she'd bruise a little later.
“Oh fuck, oh my god no,” Charlotte grunted between clenched teeth, her eyes screwed shut as she wrapped both of her arms around Sasha's middle and hugged her almost too tightly as she rode the waves of intense pleasure coursing through her tense body and into the woman still moving in her lap gently until her grip loosened.
Both women were quiet while coming down from their sexual high though Charlotte had yet to remove her face from the crook of Sasha's neck. Sasha cradled the back of Charlotte's head and kissed the top of her head. On one hand...she was extremely smug that she made Charlotte come way too early but another part of Sasha was a little worried because this hasn't happened before.
Finally, Charlotte leaned back and stared up at the sky, “That was...um, embarrassing. I'm, ahem, I'm sorry, baby.”
Sasha tried, she really and truly did, but she couldn't hide her smirk, “Well, that came out of nowhere.”
Charlotte groaned loudly, “Oh my god, Sasha, I—”
“Ssh,” Sasha giggled, placing a finger on Charlotte's lips, “Are you okay? That's never happened before?”
“Yeah well,” Charlotte cleared her throat, still very much aware that was still inside of her girlfriend—who was very much intent on having a conversation just like this, “I haven't had any wet dreams in a while.”
Sasha raised an eyebrow and Charlotte mentally facepalmed. The last thing she wanted to talk about were her wet dreams especially because so many of them starred Sasha, at least a majority of them, and now that she was dating and actually fucking her—those wet dreams were just a reality for her now. She wasn't ashamed of being thirsty as hell for this woman, but Charlotte was more than a little embarrassed about how many times she'd woken up at three in the morning because she busted a nut in her boxers. That was not cute at all. She went through boxers like Seth Rollins went through women.
“A while? You had one just now? I mean before...this?”
“I...” Charlotte shifted slightly and nodded, “Yeah I was thinking about last night.”
“What about it?”
“What do you mean? It was hot as hell, baby. Quarantine really brought the freak out in you, you know?”
Sasha laughed lightly, shaking her head and wrapped her arms around Charlotte's neck, “What about last was so hot that got you rock hard in your sleep?”
If Charlotte's face wasn't already candy red, she was sure that it was now, “When I was behind you, you remember?”
Sasha shuddered above her, hips rocking slightly, though she didn't break eye contact, “Which time?”
Charlotte stared at Sasha for a minute, studying her and she finally chuckled...playing dirty huh? “When you squirted all over my fingers and begged me to make sure that you couldn't sit for a week, remember? You still sore back there, baby?”
“Mmm,” Sasha purred, “That was a lot of fun. You know what else was fun?”
“Uh, no what?” Charlotte asked, slightly distracted when Sasha dragged her nails along her collarbone and down to her chest, her entire body twitching.
“When you let me ride your face. I loved that...it was like sitting on my very own throne. You treat me so good, daddy.”
Sasha nodded, leaning down to kiss Charlotte softly, “Yeah...I wouldn't mind doing any of that again.”
Charlotte blinked, “Right now?”
“When else?”
“I...are you sure? I mean, after that I—”
Sasha kissed Charlotte again to shut her up before speaking again, “Let's just call that an accident but if you do it again, I won't hesitate to roast the shit out of you...and I'll tell Becky.”
Charlotte growled as she stood up, startling Sasha enough to make her squeal loudly. “You wouldn't dare.”
Sasha was still laughing even as Charlotte's semi hard on slipped out of her as the older woman walked them towards a lounge chair and gently laid Sasha down on the soft cushions on her back.
“Sasha.” Charlotte warned, spreading Sasha's legs as she settled closely between them.
“Okay, okay, maybe not the second part but I'll definitely never let you live it down. I pro— Oh fu—yes,” Sasha hissed, biting her bottom lip roughly—it was truly a beautiful sight, one of many.
“Don't worry,” Charlotte looked at her girlfriend with a look of determination while sinking down into Sasha, pushing past the slight resistance she felt as she massaged her clit with her thumb, effectively shutting Sasha up, “It won't happen again. What's your safe word?”
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mjfass · 2 years
What about the four horsewomen for the askmeme
Charlotte: The fake leader. Okay, she has good intentions, she wants to win (mostly because of her) so she tries to take the lead. But the truth is that she is just being bossy and very annoying so the rest of the girls ignore her. But… she does a great job! All her suggestions and ideas are very helpful.
Becky: The leader. After Char tries to help but doesn’t really work, she is the one who actually takes the leadership and assigns to everyone what they have to do. At some point she just starts laughing with Bayley at Charsha's scared faces. But then would say “okay, Bay, we need to continue… but send me that video later”.
Sasha: The efficient one. She tries to help Becky with all the clues and she does a great work. She is the one to make a lot of suggestions and gives them ideas of what they could do to win. She gets super annoyed with Charlotte trying to be the boss.
Bayley: The camera person and The Brain. She is just there to make fun of everyone and take pics and videos to make memes later. But she would help ONLY to Sasha when she asks her to do something, being The Brain at some point, because she actually solves the clues and puzzles very fast.
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leighsflair · 3 years
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beckycore · 3 years
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4hw ★ charsha
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mrragersrevenge96 · 2 years
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Sasha's face though 😆 🤣
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smartycvnt · 2 years
take my breath away
pairing: sasha banks x charlotte flair x reader
prompts: 15. "you just love the feeling of my hang wrapped around your throat, don't you?" + 22. "i've been thinking about burying myself in you all day."
warnings: smut, threesome (f/f/f), strap on, light choking
Charlotte roughly grabbed your wrist as she pulled you into the bedroom. Behind the two of you, Sasha took her time getting in the room. She didn't seem to be in much of a hurry. Sasha was happy watching you and Charlotte play with each other for a little while. She stood back by the door as Charlotte's hands began pulling at your clothes. You were undressed quickly, leaving you completely naked while both Sasha and Charlotte were completely clothed.
"I've wanted this all day," Charlotte said as she slipped her hand in between your legs. You were straddling her lap, arms wrapped around the back of her neck to steady yourself. Behind you, you could hear Sasha's heels clicking against the floor as she made her way over to the bed. Charlotte didn't let Sasha's presence deter her from slowly unraveling you above her.
"She wants you to fuck her Charlotte. You want to give Y/n what she wants, right?" Sasha asked. The Boss facade had slipped on, and she was going to be in control all night. Charlotte seemed to accept this, moving out from under you instead of trying to argue against Sasha's lead. "But you want to do something for me first while Charlotte gets ready, don't you?"
"Yes," you answered. Your already heavy breathing picked up as Sasha leaned you backwards until you were lying flat on your back. Sasha made quick work of her own dress before crawling over your body until she was straddling your face.
"I want your tongue baby," Sasha told you. She was being softer with you now, which meant when Charlotte got back, The Boss would be back in full swing. Sasha pushed her hips down at the first swipe of your tongue through her folds. You were more than familiar with the taste of her, but it still drew a pleasured moan from you each time you tasted Sasha.
Sasha held onto your hair as she rode your face. It became very evident to you very quickly that Sasha was just going to do whatever she wanted to get off. Any little tricks that you wanted to pull to impress her wouldn't have mattered. You technically didn't have to do anything other than stick your tongue out for her, but you still put in a commendable amount of effort. If Sasha was as in control as she seemed to be tonight, her word would be final on whether or not you got to cum.
"Fuck," Charlotte muttered as she stepped back into the bedroom to see Sasha wildly riding your face. Sasha looked up at Charlotte, who was rubbing lube along the length of her dildo. Unbeknownst to you, Sasha was smirking as she took in the size of Charlotte's preferred toy for the night. It was a newer one, something Charlotte had bought with the intention of pushing whoever she was fucking that night to their limits.
"She's more than ready for you Char," Sasha cooed as she bent forward a little to smack your pussy. You let out a whimper at that, prompting Sasha to do it once again. Charlotte kneeled on the bed in front of you, pulling your legs up to wrap around her. One leg was hooked behind her back and the other was slung over her shoulder, keeping you open and exposed for her to do whatever with.
"I've been thinking about burying myself in you all day," Charlotte said as she ran the tip of the dildo over your slit. You let out a loud cry at the feeling of her slowly filling you up, barely muffled by Sasha's body on top of your face. Sasha tugged sharply at your hair, reminding you to focus on the task at hand. "Shh, that's it. I'll go slow for you."
Between Charlotte and Sasha, your head was spinning. Sasha was feverishly grinding against your mouth and tongue as Charlotte slowly thrust in and out of you. The vibrations from your moans helped to move Sasha further along, but you were still struggling to keep your mind on pleasuring her. Charlotte went easy on you though, making it a little bit easier.
"That's it, right fucking there," Sasha growled. You repeated the swirling motion with your tongue as Sasha's grinding came to a halt. There was a harsh stutter of her hips, and then she was moving off of your body.
"Come here." Charlotte pulled out of you now and flipped you onto your stomach. She pulled you up onto your knees and repositioned herself at your entrance once again. Her body leaned forward as she started fucking you, this time a little harder and faster than before. Sasha took a moment to take in the sight in front of her before receiving the nod from Charlotte to come back in.
"Does that feel good baby?" Sasha asked as Charlotte pounded into you. The question went right in one ear and out the other. There as no way you'd be able to answer her verbally. You reached towards Sasha, who gladly let you pull her hand towards your neck. "I know what you want, but you gotta ask for it."
"Please," you croaked out. Charlotte adjusted her own head to make sure that Sasha had the entirety of your neck to wrap her hands around. You felt a line of kisses along your back and shoulders as Charlotte started to slow down her pace a little. That was when Sasha finally wrapped her hand around your throat, squeezing gently at the sides.
"You just love the feeling of my hand wrapped around your throat, don't you?" Sasha's question was answered with a deep moan, one that tore its way through your body to be heard. "Fuck her faster."
Charlotte did as Sasha said, picking up her pace exponentially. Your hands balled up the sheets as tried to ground yourself a little. There was no question that you'd be cumming hard, but you didn't want to spend the rest of your night trying to force yourself out of that haze. Charlotte and Sasha didn't let up though, and despite your best efforts, you completely lost yourself when you came.
Sasha pulled you up towards the pillows to lay as she cradled your head against her chest. Charlotte dramatically fell backwards, nearly flying off the bed as she did. Sasha chuckled at Charlotte's dramatic antics as she held you, softly stroking your hair until your breathing started to become less erratic. Charlotte left the two of you to get a bottle of water for the three of you to share before taking her place on the other side of Sasha, joining her in stroking your hair and helping you to relax.
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charlottesbanks · 2 years
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Baby Charsha are so cute!
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thebluestandard · 4 years
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ahunter8056 · 10 months
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Months since Sasha Banks was rescued from the clutches of the Master, Team TARDIS are happier than ever. There's a new couple aboard the TARDIS, and the five friends are just as close and enjoying even more adventures. Follow their trips on this volume of minisodes in the wait between seasons.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Doctor Who (2005), Professional Wrestling, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sasha Banks/Charlotte, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose, Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose & Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox Characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who), Sasha Banks, Charlotte (Professional Wrestling), Bayley | Davina Rose, Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Additional Tags: adventures in time and space, fighting evil, saving the universe, hanging out on the TARDIS, Wrestling Stable: 4HW | The Four Horsewomen, fun and silliness, Minisodes Series: Part 2 of A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time)
0 notes
lazarettta · 2 years
Our Business II
Warnings: Hella explicit GP sex here. Minors stay tf away lol
Sasha came into the suite's living room with an ice pack wrapped in a cloth dish towel. Charlotte was half sitting half lying on the sofa in her sports bra and gray sweatpants. Charlotte had bruises forming on her arms and her back, a true testament to the beating she took from Nia two hours ago.
Sasha sat on the edge of the cushion and gingerly set the ice pack on Charlotte's left shoulder. Her phone had been blowing up earlier from Becky and others who were friends of both Sasha and Charlotte, worried about Charlotte's well being. But Sasha only messaged Becky and Charlotte's parents to let them know that they were both alright and would call them all a little later once they got some rest.
Sasha planned on sending a tweet out later but right now her main concern was making sure that Charlotte didn't die in the middle of the night. She was being overly dramatic of course but it was the thought that counted.
Charlotte slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Sasha with a bit of a goofy smile, “So...I made her tap.”
Sasha rolled her eyes, pushing Charlotte back down onto the sofa, “You have twelve days to cash in on that deal. Tonight let's just focus on resting okay? I still can't believe that Stephanie found some kindness in her tiny ass heart and cleared us for any appearances for two weeks.”
“Tonight was wild...you were so right though.” Charlotte mumbled, adjusting the ice pack on her shoulder, “I hate when you're right too.”
“Right about what exactly? I'm generally right about a lot of things.”
Charlotte scoffed sleepily, the pain medicine the trainer gave her was starting to settle in, “Nia...being stronger than I thought she was.”
Sasha chuckled lightly and shook her head, and took Charlotte's hand as she stood, “Come on Char, let's get you in the bed before you fall asleep on this sofa because I'm not carrying your big ass to the bed.”
Charlotte snorted and it took a bit of work along with a lot of whining on Charlotte's part but they got across the hotel suite to the bedroom with Sasha supporting most of Charlotte's weight with her smaller frame. Sasha was about to lead Charlotte to the second bed but Charlotte shook her head, placing her hand on the wall and somehow stopping Sasha.
“Wait,” she croaked, clearing her throat, “I wanna sleep with you.”
Sasha looked up at Charlotte, eyes wide as she worried her bottom lip, “Uh...are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable and cause you more pain?”
“Please?” Sasha nodded quietly and led Charlotte to her bed. Charlotte got comfortable on the right side of the bed, her preferred side. Sasha turned off the lights and crawled into the bed next to Charlotte on her stomach.
After a while, Charlotte shifted and Sasha heard the ice bag hit the nightstand. Charlotte groaned as she scooted closer to Sasha and wrapped her arm and leg around her. But Sasha didn't mind, she was oddly comforted by the weight of Charlotte and warmth as Charlotte acted as an added blanket and Sasha was quickly lulled to sleep.
“Night Sasha...”
“G'night,” was the last thing Sasha mumbled before falling asleep.
Sasha woke up in the middle of the night, sweating more than a little bit. Charlotte was softly snoring in her ear and still very much draped over her body. Given the extra body from Charlotte and being unused to wearing clothing to bed, Sasha was mildly uncomfortable.
As gently as she could, Sasha pushed the blondes limp arm from around her and sat up a little in their bed. Tiredly making the quick decision, using the logic that Charlotte has already seen her naked and more, it wouldn't matter. When she finished stripping out of her night clothes, Sasha snuggled back under the covers, enjoying the feel of the cool sheets against her warm bare skin. Sasha reached under her pillow for her phone when it buzzed and she saw that it was a text from an unknown number.
Sasha, it's Bayley. Are you up?
Sasha sighed loudly, closing her eyes as she put her phone back where she found it. She had no idea where Bayley was getting all of these phone numbers but she was getting tired of blocking all of them, but that was a problem for later—she was more content on getting more sleep. Charlotte moved closer to Sasha and hugged her close. Sasha tried to create some space between them but Charlotte, even asleep, was strong.
“Hmm, I missed touching you like this.”
And she was apparently awake.
“Go to sleep, Charles.” Sasha closed her eyes, fully intending on going back to sleep but Charlotte had sat up behind her on her elbow, leaning over Sasha slightly. Even in the darkness, Charlotte could see Sasha perfectly. Her eyes were taking in Sasha's beautiful body that wasn't covered by the sheets, but Charlotte's gaze was steadily drawn to Sasha's face.
For the past three months, Charlotte was reminded how much she's missed Sasha in the past two years. Missing her laugh, her love for everything anime, her pettiness—everything about her. The past three months were everything that Charlotte didn't know that she needed and she wanted more.
“I can feel your eyes on me, and the answer is no. Get some rest, you're hurting.”
Charlotte ignored Sasha and leaned down, kissing Sasha softly—lingering, then kissing her again. Softly at first then a little more firmly when Sasha didn't even put up a fight against her advances.
When Sasha turned her head to breathe, Charlotte pressed a kiss to the shell of Sasha's ear, her lips moving to Sasha's exposed neck, kissing and sucking just hard enough to elicit a moan from Sasha but not hard enough to leave a mark. Scooting closer behind her, Charlotte snaked an arm around Sasha and reached up to Sasha's right breast, it easily fit into the palm of her hand and Charlotte squeezed softly while simultaneously rolling a hardening nipple between two fingers, earning another soft moan.
Charlotte shivered, feeling herself beginning to wake up and she was sure that Sasha felt it too. Sasha's eyes opened and she turned around a little more as Charlotte switched breasts, not wanting it to feel neglected. Sasha couldn't help but push her chest further into Charlotte's greedy hands. And she sighed when Charlotte leaned down to take her right breast into her mouth, teasing Sasha with the tip of her tongue until Sasha finally reached up and tangled her hand in Charlotte's hair. Sasha forced Charlotte's face further into her chest and began guiding Charlotte's mouth exactly where she wanted her most.
Charlotte felt Sasha moan beneath her when she roughly sucked one of her erect nipples, her tongue flicking back and forth. Charlotte shifted over Sasha, pushing one muscular thigh between Sasha's and Charlotte felt Sasha's wet heat immediately and her entire body twitched. Charlotte flexed her muscles, getting an even louder response and she smirked. The older woman shifted again, this time moving to spread Sasha's legs further apart to get better access but the moment she did, Charlotte's entire body seized up and she groaned into Sasha's chest, painfully.
Suddenly Sasha's grip in her tightened, “W-wait...Char, wait...”
Charlotte breathed heavily through her nose before picking up her head and looking at Sasha, smiling softly, “I'm fine baby, I promise.”
“You're not though, you're hurting....” Charlotte was about to whine about going to sleep with blue balls, but Sasha quickly kissed away her pout, “Lay back and let me do the work tonight, okay?”
Charlotte coughed, nearly choking on her own spit but she quickly cleared her throat and nodded. “I...alright.” Charlotte slowly eased off of Sasha and she took Sasha's spot in the middle of the bed and laid down on her back, immediately feeling the relief when she was able to relax. And she was glad for the change of position. In hindsight, Charlotte should've realized that what she planned to do wasn't wise.
Sasha pushed the sheets aside and Charlotte watched Sasha move, and she licked her lips when Sasha reached for the waistband of her sweatpants and lifted her hips to help the younger woman remove them. Sasha saw Charlotte's member twitching against her stomach and smirked—she knew that this was all too easy.
Sasha tossed Charlotte's sweats aside leaving the woman naked except for her sports bra, and she could see Charlotte's nipples pushing against the fabric and smirked. Sasha settled on her knees between Charlotte's legs and the woman moved them further apart to give Sasha more room. Charlotte pressed her lips together when Sasha grabbed her rapidly hardening member, and smiled up at her, “Comfortable?”
“Oh yeah,” Charlotte reached up and pushed her hand beneath her sports bra, eyes still focused on the woman between her legs as Sasha slowly swiped her tongue over the head before gently took Charlotte in her mouth and Charlotte sighed heavily, her eyes nearly rolling closed already. She was nearly embarrassed how close she was but it's been three months—and if Sasha kept looking at her like that, Charlotte was going to blow her top sooner than she wanted.
Sasha's mouth slid up and down over Charlotte, taking the woman a bit deeper each time and it was everything Charlotte could do to keep her hips still, especially when she felt Sasha's free hand caressing her lower stomach occasionally scratching Charlotte with her nails. Charlotte continued to fondle her own breasts beneath her sports bra as she let her head fall back on the pillows with her eyes screwed shut. Sasha's mouth was so warm and wet, and her tempo was just the way Charlotte liked it. Sasha was making love to her member with her mouth and she was enjoying it just as much as Charlotte was.
Charlotte cursed loudly when she felt Sasha's hand leave the base of her shaft, resting on top of her thigh and Sasha began to deep throat her, and Charlotte could feel Sasha's efforts rolling down to the sheets beneath her and her hips moved gently, loving the feel of Sasha's mouth alone. Sasha's speed was varying and she was in no hurry to make Charlotte come.
“I...Sasha,” Charlotte choked when Sasha's throat nearly suffocated her and Charlotte reached down to hold Sasha's head in place but Sasha had been watching her the entire time and intercepted Charlotte's hand, lacing their fingers together. And Charlotte looked down and she swore that Sasha was smirking, she could feel it more than she could see it. Sasha was looking at Charlotte with a look of lust and something else, and Charlotte was so close to the edge so soon it was almost embarrassing.
Sasha pulled back and Charlotte shivered when the cool air hit her overheated wet skin before that shiver turned into a rough shudder when she felt Sasha's soft tongue on the underside of her cock, licking back and forth across Charlotte's shaft. Feeling the heat of Sasha's mouth, watching her lips wrapped around her—working her with her mouth along, Charlotte's grip on Sasha's handed tightened as she couldn't resist any longer.
And it was almost as if Sasha could read Charlotte's mind, as if she sensed that Charlotte couldn't hold on anymore—Charlotte fully expected Sasha to pull back and jerk her off, but Sasha quickly took Charlotte back in her mouth and took as much as she could, and it was Sasha gagging and wetting Charlotte's member even more that had Charlotte crying out as she swelled in Sasha's mouth, and when Sasha breathed through her nose and sucked harder, Charlotte called out Sasha's name as her orgasm tore through her already sore body. Sasha swallowed everything that Charlotte had to give, and Sasha slowed down and continued to gently suck and caress Charlotte for five more minutes before pulling away completely with a soft pop.
And Charlotte couldn't open her eyes to save her life, the way she was feeling was indescribable but she felt as if she were floating on cloud nine and she was still trying to catch her breath. “Holy shit...that was great,” Charlotte chuckled tiredly, bringing both of her hands to her stomach and feeling her heart thumping fast and hard still.
Sasha snorted as she got up from the bed and went into the bathroom suite, but Charlotte just continued to lay there—if she wasn't too sore to move earlier she was now, but it was worth everything. Charlotte could hear the water running in the bathroom and Sasha brushing her teeth and she was nearly asleep when Sasha came back to bed and Charlotte nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a warm and wet cloth cleaning her up. And if she wasn't already falling before...she definitely was before.
Lazily, Charlotte placed her hand on Sasha's lower back and caressed her soft skin, “Thank you,” she mumbled sleepily, taking a deep even breath. Sasha rolled her eyes at Charlotte but she was smiling fondly.
“You deserved it.” Sasha tossed the towel aside on the nightstand before laying down, snuggled close to Charlotte after she pulled their sheets back up and quickly got comfortable, exhaustion settling deep into her bones.
“I should defend your title more often then...if this is the thanks I get.” Charlotte chuckled, wincing when Sasha slapped her stomach, “Damn you're so abusive.”
“You like it.” Sasha yawned and rolled over.
Charlotte got comfortable behind Sasha and wrapped one arm around her waist, her hand settling just beneath her belly button possessively. And Sasha reached down and intertwined their fingers, making Charlotte smile and finally fall asleep.
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mjfass · 3 years
I will never get tired of seeing Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair together in a ring. They have beautiful chemistry. Always have and always will.
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leighsflair · 3 years
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Sasha and Charlotte out for dinner tonight 💙💙
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