#checking out a book the librarians like ''oh this one's good have you read this author before?'' ''im in love with Eddie!''
i love the thought of Steve being so surprised by his feelings for Eddie that he can't stop himself from rambling as soon as the penny drops. he's sitting in Robin's bed, waiting for her to finish getting ready and she asks him something innocuous and Steve's just like
"im in love with Eddie. i am head over heels in love with Eddie Munson. holy shit. and i cant believe i hadn't figured it out, we have so much fun together! and he's so nice to me, ALL the time, sometimes i feel likes he's the only one that gets me, no offense. he's so pretty. and he's so funny! and weird. and so cool! ohmygod how did i not see this? of course! i want to be around him all the- sorry, what was the question?"
and Robin's like "... have you seen my keys?"
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
There’s a table in the school library that’s nestled in the corner, right by a radiator; Steve has claimed it ever since his double block of ‘private study periods’ began.
Not that he’s planning on doing any studying: it’s the last day of school before the winter break, and while his face has healed up from the whole Billy Hargrove Incident, he still finds himself feeling wiped at random—like his body’s having a delayed adrenaline crash ever since he pulled Dustin out of that freaky vine-infested tunnel.
So really, this spot should be ideal for a couple hours of not having to think.
And it would be perfect, if his eyes weren’t instinctively drawn to movement at the front desk.
Because for the past god-knows-how-long, Eddie Munson has been in a back-and-forth with the librarian.
It had started when he ambled up to the desk with a healthy pile of books in his hands, placed them down neatly, all ready to be stamped. Flashed a charming smile.
Steve was too far away to hear the words, but he got the gist that whatever the librarian had said amounted to no, absolutely not, because Eddie scooped the books back up, dumped them on a table a little distance away from Steve’s, then hemmed and hawed before returning to the desk with a more modest pile than before.
He was sent away again with presumably the same refusal, and so the pattern repeated until this very minute: he’s returning with just one book in his hands, his smile less charming now, more desperate.
But… no luck.
Eddie slouches back to the table in defeat. Just stands there, staring down at the books.
And goddamn it, Steve thinks, now he’s invested.
“Hey. Munson,” he says in an undertone. “What’s up?”
He doesn’t miss the weird kind of double take Eddie gives him, but at least Steve knows it’s not because of his face being a mess this time—seriously, drawing looks from students when all he wanted was to get in line for crappy cafeteria pizza had not been fun.
“Nothing,” Eddie says with a shrug, and he flashes another wide smile that makes Steve think bullshit. “Apparently I racked up a mountain of late fees. Who knew?” He sighs, glancing at his wristwatch. “Guess I’ve got enough time to just read the—oh. Um. Hey?”
“These books?” Steve confirms, having already stood up to look at them.
Eddie blinks a few times. “Yeah, these—uh, Harrington, what the fuck do you think you’re—?”
Steve heads over to the front desk with the books. It’s not all that difficult of a decision to make; he remembers Tommy H had his own library late fees in freshman year, but got nothing more than a simpering, “Just make sure it doesn’t happen again, sweetie,” just because his mom knew someone on the school board.
“For checking out, please,” Steve says, not bothering with a smile as he hands over his library card.
The only resistance he gets is a raised eyebrow from the librarian before all the books are stamped.
“What the fuck,” Eddie says, voice flat; he doesn’t take the books when Steve tries to give them to him, so Steve just shrugs and goes back to his seat, sets the books pointedly on the edge of the table.
“Look, man, it’s up to you, but I’m not gonna take them. They’ll just be sitting here.”
Eddie huffs. He goes over to the books, his hand twitching towards them before drawing back, like he’s at war with himself.
“You—you didn’t have to do that,” he gets out as if it physically pains him to do so.
Prickly, Steve thinks.
“It’s no big deal,” he says. “My account’s gathering dust, so someone might as well get the good of it.”
At hearing that, Eddie looks a little less defensive. He chews on his lips for a few seconds, then says, his tone serious, “Harrington, I’ll—I’ll forget. Like, with the holidays… like, I guarantee you, even if I write a million fucking reminders, I’m gonna take these books and forget to bring ‘em back for months.”
“Oh, no,” Steve says dryly, “lemme go alert the press, I just heard a blatant confession to a crime. Dude, just take them, what do I care if your homework takes you months to—”
“It’s not even for school,” Eddie interrupts through gritted teeth, “it’s dumb, it’s just—”
“Jesus Christ. Lemme call the press again, sounds like you’re reading a book for fun.”
Eddie stares at him. Steve raises an eyebrow in challenge—he could do this all day; just the other week, he’d beaten Mike in a brutal staring contest that felt like it went on for hours.
Eddie breaks first. “Fine,” he says with another huff, but he’s less agitated when handling the books—lingers thoughtfully on their titles, puts a couple in his backpack. The rest he opens at seemingly random parts, but it looks like he knows what he’s searching for.
And then it seems as if he’s just going to pick up the remaining books and walk away—Steve expects him to, honestly—but he ends up staying where he is, gives Steve a look of consideration, almost like he’s a book worth reading, too.
“You stole my table, you know?” Eddie says.
“Uh, no,” Steve says automatically, then adds with more confidence, “I was definitely here first.”
Eddie snorts. “Nope. My senior year, uh,” he shrugs self-deprecatingly, “the first time around. That was my spot. Was pretty possessive over it too, think I signed the table, like, underneath.”
Steve’s eyebrows rise in interest; he runs a finger along the underside of the table and soon feels it: an E.M scratched into the wood.
“Huh,” he says. “Guess you’re right.”
A pause.
And then Steve surprises himself.
“There’s, um, room here, if you want? I’m not gonna use the whole table.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up. There’s a long enough silence in which Steve considers just telling him to forget about it, but then—
Eddie sits down opposite him.
It’s not as awkward as Steve was expecting: Eddie seems focused enough on his books, on bringing out a battered looking journal with sheets of paper that look like they’re hanging on by a thread. He roots around his backpack some more, retrieves a ballpoint pen with a quiet, triumphant, “Aha!”
He either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that Steve isn’t even making an attempt to look busy; his own side of the table is bare.
“Didn’t know you were left-handed,” Steve says after a moment.
Eddie looks up from his note-taking. He smirks, waggles his eyebrows briefly. “Fitting, huh? Spooky.”
“Oh, I’m terrified.”
And Eddie actually laughs—hushed, but it still counts as one.
He soon returns to being absorbed in whatever it is he’s writing, which means Steve has less of a distraction when the familiar wave of tiredness washes over him.
He tries to sit up as well as he can, conscious of the fact that he’s not alone, but the radiator is the perfect temperature, and the steady scratch of Eddie’s pen has a soporific effect. He’s distantly aware of the fact that his head is nodding down with dwindling energy to try and stop it—hears Eddie’s voice, as if from very far away, rising in question.
Steve sniffs sharply, jerks his head back up and blinks hard. “What?”
“Oh, sorry,” Eddie says quickly, and he sounds genuine. “Didn’t know you were sleeping.”
“I wasn’t,” Steve says.
“Uh, okay,” Eddie says. His lips twitch. “That was an awfully long blink then, Harrington.”
“Shut up,” Steve retorts mildly. He stretches slightly, hides a yawn behind his hand. “Did you actually want something or—”
“Nah, wasn’t important.”
Steve frowns, unconvinced. The side of Eddie’s left hand is covered in ink, and Steve can see where his pen has started to die on him as his writing gets more faded across the page.
Steve puts a hand in his pocket, brings out another ballpoint and throws it at Eddie.
The pen bounces along the table, and Eddie manages to catch it one-handed.
“Good catch,” Steve says.
“Thanks,” Eddie says. He sounds almost uncertain.
Silence falls. It only takes another minute or two of hearing Eddie writing away for Steve’s determination to stay awake to waver again. He slumps forward with a mumbled, “M’just gonna…” and lays his head down.
Eddie stops writing.
“Hey, man, are you… okay? Like, if you feel… if you wanna go home I could take you to the nurse? Or—”
“I’m fine,” Steve says into his folded arms. “S’just… the aftermath of… stuff. No big deal.”
“Oh?” Eddie says tentatively.
Steve lifts his head up a bit, squints dubiously. “C’mon, Munson. You must’ve heard the rumour mill.”
Billy Hargrove had spread it all over the school, how he had ‘taught King Steve a lesson.’ In all honesty, Steve hadn’t cared all that much about how he himself came across in whatever story Billy created, was just relieved that at least Max and Lucas’s names had been kept out of it.
“I don’t put much stock in rumours,” Eddie says carefully. “Folks can say… all kindsa things.”
Steve nods faintly. Fair point.
“Okay, but you can take a little bit of stock in this one. Like, a smidge.”
Steve demonstrates with his thumb and forefinger.
It’s only when Eddie doesn’t smile in response that Steve realises he’d been hoping to make him laugh again. Maybe.
“Huh. Well. For what it’s worth… I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Steve says tiredly.
“Harrington. I’m not stupid, y’know? That was more than a… a stupid fight after school or something. Like, I can remember what your face looked like.”
“Gee, thanks.” Steve sets his head back down, closing his eyes.
“I didn’t—I just meant whatever it was, it… it went too far. Way too fucking far.”
Steve yawns again, doesn’t bother hiding it. “Yeah. Something like that.”
He’s resigning himself to the thought of waking up with a stiff neck before Eddie sighs and says, “If you’re gonna sleep, Harrington, don’t be an amateur about it.”
Steve looks up in time to see Eddie reaching underneath the table with one leg, hooking his ankle round the empty chair next to Steve and shoving it closer to him.
“Three or four’s probably the best amount for stretching out on,” Eddie says. “Uh, speaking from experience.”
Steve smiles. “Noted.”
He manoeuvres himself until he’s lying much more comfortably across the seats, using his backpack and coat as a pillow.
Frustratingly but predictably, despite his fatigue, sleep doesn’t come easily, so Steve looks underneath the table and asks, “What’re you writing about, Munson?”
He can see Eddie’s boots, how one foot is tapping away, as if in time to a song no-one else can hear.
“Um, I was just… getting inspiration for… it’s kinda like. Like a story, but—”
“Don’t hurt yourself, dude,” Steve says, “I know what a campaign is.”
The foot tapping stops.
“Aren’t you just full of surprises?” Eddie says.
He sounds a bit far away again, though Steve knows that’s just in his head; he can feel his eyelids drooping.
“You’ve got…” He sighs, voice trailing off as he finishes, “No idea…”
Eddie launches into a speech; Steve can follow it well enough for a little while, Eddie rambling about the kind of decisions he thinks his players will make in the game, but eventually the words become a blur, and he drifts off just like that, into an unexpectedly peaceful sleep.
He wakes with the lightest of touches to his shoulder, a soft, “Steve?” that nevertheless makes him jolt to full alertness in a blink, reaching for a bat he doesn’t currently have.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie yelps, almost falling back against the table. “What the hell kinda military training d’you have, Harrington?”
“Just have good reflexes,” Steve says, hopes it sounds casual enough as he breathes through his suddenly racing heart.
“Yeah, that’s one way to fucking put it. Anyway, uh. Sorry, didn’t mean to, like, startle you, but you slept right through the bell, man.”
Steve sits up; the library is empty apart from them, the librarian shooting them a not so subtle glare. And he realises that while everyone else was rushing out of school, eager for the holidays to start, Eddie must’ve stayed. Waited for him.
Steve runs a hand through his hair, quickly puts on his coat.
“God, sorry, you didn’t have to—if I’ve made you late, I’m—”
“Nah, don’t sweat it.” Eddie puts his backpack strap across one shoulder. “I wasn’t in a hurry. Um, are you… like, good to drive? I can give you a ride, if—”
“I’m okay,” Steve says, struck by the consideration behind the offer. He means what he says though; he feels pleasantly refreshed. He smiles self-effacingly. “Think I need one class where I can just sleep, and then I’ll get through the day.”
Eddie gives a playful scoff. “That’s already a thing, Harrington, it’s called first period.”
They walk out of the library together, and Steve finds that it’s kind of… nice, honestly. He keeps waiting for some awkwardness to creep in again, but it never does.
“Big holiday plans?” Eddie asks, smalltalk that should be stilted, but it just sounds like he’s sincerely interested in the answer.
Steve shrugs. “Not really. Oh, I’ve got—you know the Snow Ball thing tomorrow, at the middle school? There’s this kid I know, I’m gonna give him a ride there, but—”
Steve breaks off with a fond shake of the head, knowing that there’s this kid I know doesn’t really give it justice, doesn’t say the full truth: that Dustin Henderson has somehow wormed his way into Steve’s goddamn heart forever.
“His mom’s invited me over for dinner tonight,” he continues. “Think he wants, like, a dress-rehearsal of his outfit or something, which is probably the closest he’ll ever come to admitting he’s nervous. I kinda feel for him, honestly. God, do you remember being thirteen? Everything seemed to matter so much, and most of it was just… stupid shit.”
They’ve reached the parking lot, and Eddie gives Steve a sideways look with a bemused smile.
“Woah, Harrington, we’re still in school, remember? Don’t think we’re meant to sound so world-weary yet.”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah.” He gestures at Eddie’s get-up. “Bet you’ve never once cared about the stupid shit, though.”
What people think.
Eddie’s smile turns more knowing. “Shockingly, Harrington,” he says, “I didn’t come out the womb like this.”
They both hesitate; they’re at Steve’s car now, Eddie’s van parked in a space that’s further away. There’s no reason, really, for the conversation to continue any longer.
But Eddie still lingers.
“Uh, enjoy your dinner, I guess. If the… dress-rehearsal goes shit, just tell the kid it’s good luck for the real night.”
Steve laughs. “He’s in the Drama Club, so that might work, actually. Thanks, Munson.” He opens the car door as Eddie nods, starts to head off to his van. Seized by a sudden impulse, Steve calls, “Happy holidays!”
“Yeah, you too.” Eddie turns, tapping at his temple exaggeratedly. “Won’t forget about the books, I promise.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “You better not,” he says, tongue-in-cheek.
He starts the car and heads for Dustin’s house, honks the horn when he drives past Eddie’s van, catches Eddie waving.
Steve thinks he quite likes the idea (regardless of whether it’ll put his library account in jeopardy), of the books finding a permanent home at Eddie’s place. Briefly imagines Eddie writing with an ink-stained hand, curled up safely in a world of his own—where the only monsters are the ones that live in between the pages.
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4unnyr0se · 16 days
❥ librarian | chuuya nakahara
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warnings: fem! reader, meet cute, chuuya is a flirt bc i said so, wined and dined, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, bedroom sex, hickeys, making out, hair pulling, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, rough sex, whiny chuuya, corruption kink(?), reader does not know how to dress to save her life, sugar daddy(?) chuuya, unironic lip biting, chuuya is one hell of a chef, dirty talk, reader reads smut, semi-proofread
MDNI | 18+ content
word court -> 4.7k
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“Excuse me, could you keep your voice down, please? It’s a library…” was something that you said more often than you would like to admit. Sure, you only took the library job because of how insanely introverted you were, but that was neither here nor there. You thought that people would have more respect for a place that let you borrow as many books as you wanted, but nope. It was either filled with screaming children, teenagers kissing in the nonfiction section, or the elderly who didn’t know how to open their email accounts, bless them.
Other than the constant shushing (and the resulting glares you get from people you’ve shushed), the library job was nice. It was comforting, it had decent pay, and you got to keep some of the books that no one wanted to check out anymore. Hell, you even got hit on once or twice by freakishly tall men. Then again, all men were freakishly tall in your eyes. You fit the tiny librarian stereotype quite well, which your fellow librarians found to be adorable. 
Standing in the true crime section, your heeled feet stood on a step stool so you could better organize books about mafia activity in past decades. It wasn’t a very popular section by any means, mostly because the locals that frequented the library thought that true crime a was bit too niche. You didn’t mind really, it just meant that you got to be on the opposite side of the building and away from the screaming children. Often you wondered what it would be like to be a witness to a mafia hit, how the adrenaline pumping in your veins would make you feel. Lost in your train of thought, you neglected to notice that you were slowly slipping off of the step stool, the backings of your high heels teetering off the edge. It wasn’t a steep drop by any means but it would hurt pretty damn badly if you fell. 
Taking an ignorant step back, the back of your heel found nothing to land on. Yelping slightly, you spread your arms out and waved them back and forth in what was probably the world's weakest attempt at flying. “Oh shit-” you closed your eyes shut and braced for impact, hoping that you wouldn’t land on the sharp metal bookshelves behind you.
The impact never came. Instead, you felt a warm embrace of someone holding you. You opened up one eye carefully, your baby hairs covering your forehead. 
“Hey, you okay?” A deep and raspy voice snapped both of your eyes open, your gaze landing on a head of ginger hair. The man smirked at you and let you down, making sure you didn’t have any scratches by scanning your body up and down. Or maybe he was checking you out, who knows?
“Uh, yeah. I think I’ll be fine.” You nodded, dusting off your pants. No scuffs on the expensive fabric, thank God. “Thanks for making sure I didn’t hit my head, by the way. Not everyone would do that.”
The man crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, giving you a questioning look. “You must work with some real assholes then. In my line of work, ladies don’t get treated like crap. At least the ones who everyone respects.”
“Seriously? Damn, that seems like a really good job.” You smiled at him, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear.
“Eh…it has some setbacks. I won’t get into it now, too much bullshit to unpack here.” He bit the inside of his cheek, holding out his hand for you to shake. It was gloved, he seemed like a gentleman. Or maybe he just really didn’t like getting dirt on his hands.
You smiled and eagerly took his hand, looking into his subtly blue eyes. They really complimented his ginger hair and pale complexion, hell, he even looked like the main character in a popular romance novel. 
“Chuuya Nakahara, at your service.” He smirked once more, letting go of your hand. He noticed that your hands were smaller than his own, in fact, you were actually smaller than he was. And that was rare, considering he was in close competition with most middle schoolers in the height category. “What’s your name? I wanna know the name of the women I saved from eating absolute shit.”
You giggled and told him your name, putting your hands in your pockets. Chuuya thought your giggle was sweet, like a song bird. It was a welcome sound in his life. After all, Chuuya was used to gunshots and screams instead of the giggling of a cute librarian with a name that fitted her oh so right. 
“You got a cute name, y’know. Hope you don’t mind me sayin’ that.” Chuuya placed his hands in his pockets as well, fiddling with the lintballs in the corners of the expensive fabric. 
The silent was quite awkward between the two of you. Chuuya, a secret mafia boss who’s experience with women was tainted with expensive red wine. And yourself, a librarian who was so introverted that the world could end and you’d jump for joy. 
And yet, something brought the two of you out of your own little worlds and into each others? Was it love, perhaps? Unlikely. Chuuya thought that love at first sight was for suckers, and you thought that love at first sight only existed in movies.
No, there was only unspoken desires between you both. Heart rates quickening, blushes forming on your faces. Chuuya’s mind was racing, his thoughts plagued by images of you. He just met you but god were you sexy. That fucking thrifted turtleneck sweater contrasted hard with your expensive designer jeans that were no doubt a Christmas gift from a wealthy relative. You had no idea how to dress and Chuuya thought that was the most precious thing. Were you really that innocent, locked away in your own little world? You probably had no idea that your sweater hugged the curves of your tits perfectly, that your pants showed off your thighs so expertly. God, it drove Chuuya wild.
What did your lips feel like, so plump and perfect? Where they untained, fresh as snow? Or were you just putting on an act, secretly a vixen behind that innocent and soft stare? Chuuya didn’t know, but he just had to find out. The redhead had only just met you but holy fuck, you were simply perfect. He had to get a taste, even if it was the last thing he did. 
“So what’s a pretty thing like you workin’ in a place like this? Do they pay you well or somethin’?” Chuuya asked, leaning against the metal shelving that held the American history collection.
You shook your head and sighed, placing a hand on your hip in frustration. “Unfortunately no, I could really use a raise.” You sighed, running a hand through your comically messy hair. “The only reason I can afford my apartment is that my parents left me quite a bit of money when I said I wanted to live on my own. I’m a lucky person, I guess.” You chuckled at the last bit, flashing Chuuya a smile that drove him crazy. He faked a cough to hide the obvious lump growing in his throat, a tinge of pink dusting his freckled face. 
“Yeah, you really are lucky.” He took a step foreward, placing his thumb on your chin, tilting your head up ever so slightly so his eyes met your own. “And you’re really fucking pretty.” He whispered, taking his hand off your chin. 
“O-oh, thank you.” You stammered, fidgeting with your fingers as you looked down at your feet. The Mary Jane’s you wore wree slightly scuffed, they always have been. It adds a bit of character, one could say. Chuuya smiled softly and adjusted his hat, taking a step back to give you space.
“Listen, I have work that I gotta get back to or else my boss will kill me. Can we meet up at your place after that. Y’know, only if ya want to. I’m no pusher.” He blushed at the last part, rubbing the back of his neck to avoid making direct eye contact with you. It was strange, Chuuya has always been smooth with the women he met in bars. So why were you making him so flustered? Maybe it was because unlike the girls he picked up before, you were innocent. Pure, like fresh snow. 
You were taken aback by his flirtations, though they weren’t unwelcome. You stopped fidgeting with your fingers for a moment, biting down on the plumpness of your lower lip.
“What, cat got your tongue or something?” Chuuya grinned, proud of himself for his little joke.
N-no, well not exactly.” You mumbled, sucking in a deep breath so you could look at the devilishly handsome man in front of you. “I’ve, God this is embarrassing, I haven’t been on a date since college.” Sighing, you stared at the bookshelf next to you. “It’s pathetic, I know. I get if you aren’t interested in me anymore.”
Chuuya frowned and took his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t give a fuck if you’ve been on zero dates or a million of them. That doesn’t matter. I asked if you wanted me to come over so I can fuckin’ cook for you.”
“You can cook?”
“What kind of world are you living in? Of course I cook, what kind of man can’t cook?” Chuuya pinched his temple with his fingers, silently cursing all the worlds incompetent men that drove the standard to decency so low that it was practically in hell. “Sorry, didn’t mean to shout at ya. Old habits.”
“Don’t worry about it, I deal with screaming children all day. You’re fine.” You smile, taking out your phone. “Here, put your number in and I’ll give you my address.”
Chuuya shook his head, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow. “Actually, um, my phone is broken right now. How about you just write it down for me, dollface?” He couldn’t risk putting your information into his phone, what if Mori was going through it? He could deem you a security risk and then only God knows what would happen. Chuuya wouldn’t risk it, he had to make sure you were okay with his…business before he did anything too personal like give you his contact information. 
“Oh, sure. I guess giving you my number is too personal, sorry.” You awkwardly chuckled, leading him to the main library desk. You ripped off a sticky note from the pad and wrote down your address in pretty cursive letters. Chuuya smiled to himself as he saw your handwriting, it was the cutest fucking thing. You were absolutely a librarian, no doubt about it.
“So, see you at seven?” He asked, shoving the sticky note into his jacket pocket.
“Seven’s all right. What will you be making me?” You asked, beginning to type away at the library computer.
“It’s a surprise.” Chuuya winked at you, turning around and walking away. You blushed and resting your cheek on your hand. In your mind you were dancing in happiness, finally having landed a date. And such a good looking one at that. Who the hell cares if he’s short, he’s tall to you. Height doesn’t matter anyways.
Your shift ended and you practically skipped out of the library building, clutching onto the messenger bag that carried your erotic novels. The library didn’t carry anything erotic, you just disguisted the books with false covers about local history and lore. No one would be into that shit, so it was the perfect plan. The stories consisted of fantasy romances with sections that were so arousing that you couldn’t read it without thinking that you were committing some sort of sin. 
Stepping up the stairs to your apartment, you opened the door and shut it quickly as to not attract any unwanted pests. Mostly bugs, they’ve become a real problem. What would Chuuya think if he saw a bug in your apartment? Your mind was speeding, anxiety building up in your belly. This was your first date in a while, what if you fuck it up somehow? Or worse, what if it goes too well and he wanted to have his way with you. Chuuya was too handsome to refuse sure, but what about you? You couldn’t even remember the last time you had sex, let alone kissed somebody? Oh God, what if that turned him off and he never spoke to you again?
“Dammit, snap out of it!” You slapped yourself across the face, hissing slightly at the pain. Putting yourself together, you strode over to your bedroom and pulled out a dress from way back in your closet. It was a decent length dress with spaghetti straps, your fanciest piece of clothing. The rest of your wardrobe consisted of sweatpants, tank tops with cartoon characters on it, the occasional designer jean, and several thrifted sweaters that had absolutely been worn by a grandfather. 
The dress slipped onto you no problem, like a glove. You didn’t bother wearing any tights or stockings, the dress covered your legs up nicely. You decided to just leave your hair as it was, draped nicely around your shoulders. Light makeup here and there, if you could count mascara and lipgloss as makeup.
Exiting your bedroom, your hands dropped to their sids as you sat down on your living room sofa. There wasn’t anything good on the TV, and reading an erotic novel before Chuuya got there would have probably ruined the mood for you. Was getting ready too early a mistake? Maybe.
Your eyes watched the clock, your pupils going in circles as the second hand made its rotation over and over again until it was about 6:55PM. A knock was heard at your door, snapping you out of the cycle of clock-looking. 
Squealing quietly, you speed-walked over to your door. Taking a deep breath in, you opened the door and there Chuuya stood, holding a bag of groceries in one hand and a singular red rose in the other. “Hey there pretty girl, mind if I come in?”
“O-of course, Chuuya. Uh, sorry.” You stammered, shutting the door as he let himself inside. Chuuya stood in the foyer of your apartment for a moment, quickly noticiny the hundreds of books the lined the shelves. “I don’t know why I’m so surprised doll, shoulda known you’re a huge nerd.” He chuckled, handing you the rose. His outfit was not too different from that afternoon, only the hat and the jacket were missing.
“Thank you, it’s really pretty.” You blushed, placing the rose in a nearby empty vase. “So, um, what are you making me tonight? I’m starving.” You led him into the kitchen, helping him set down the groceries on the counter.
“Kobe beef,” Chuuya said nonchalantly, looking around the kitchen. “Where are your knives? Don’t see em anywhere.”
“In that drawer right there- did you saya kobe beef?” You gasped, taking a step back. “B-but that’s really expensive! This is just a first date y’know, I would have accepted take out!” You stammered, not used to the treatment. Did he really just buy kobe beef for you? How much does he get paid?
“Yeah, what about it? You a vegetarian or something?” Chuuya raised an eyebrow, opening the beef from its luxurious packaging and placing it on the simple wooden cutting board. 
“No, it’s just that…well kobe is really expensive and this is a first date! It’s not even at the nice restaurant or anything, it’s my fucking house!” You whisper-yelled at him, walking foreward so your face was inches away from your own. Your shyness was replaced with anxiety, anxiety that you really had no excuse to have.
Chuuya smiled and patted you on the head, rubbing on your hair with his gloved hand. “Don’t worry about that princess, just have a seat and let me cook for you, yeah?” He assured you, gesturing to your kitchen table. “And besides, you’re dressed up like a five course meal, so shouldn’t you be treated to one?” He smirked, finishing up the chopping of the beef. He figured out how to work your stove pretty quickly, placing the beef in a pan with a little bit of truffle oil. The stove roared to life as the beef began to quickly sizzle, a wonderful aroma that smelled like luxury filled your apartment.
You blushed at Chuuya’s comment, sitting yourself down in the chair. You watched him cook, his brows furrowed in concentration.
The beef was done cooking after a bit, being carefully plated with an array of incredibly looking vegetables. Chuuya sat across from you and took your hand in his own, kissing the back of yours tenderly.
“Bon appetit, princess.” He grinned at you, his eyes hiding a lust that was so extreme Asmodeous himself was jealous. He observed how you ate the beef so carefully, so tenderly. You savored each and every bite, sighing occasionally as the flavors hit your tongue over and over again. Chuuya bit his lip as he watched you eat, barely touching his own dinner. You looked absoltuely succulent in front of him, oblivious to how you were making him feel. Chuuya wanted to shove everything off the table and fuck you right then and there, but he decided to be a gentlemen about it. Dine you, maybe wine you, and only touch your pretty body if you wanted him too. 
You finished your meal quickly, frowning to yourself at Chuuya’s full plate. “Are you not hungry or something?” You asked, ignoring the bits of beef resting at the corner of your mouth. 
“I’m hungry for…something else.” Chuuya smirked, grabbing your dirty plate and placing it in the sink. He stepped over to you and took your hand, hoisting you up from your chair. Carefully, his arm wrapped around your waist so he could pull you in closer to his own form, his fingers running up and down your hip bone. “If you know what I mean.”
You blushed and slowly nodded your head, noticing how his perfect blue eyes seemed to have fireballs igniting within the azure pools. “I…I do. I just…I haven’t had sex in a while. Kind of goes hand-in-hand with the whole dating thing.” You awkwardly laughed to yourself, hoping a joke would lighten the tension.
“I could change that for you dollface, if you want me to.” Chuuya purred, tilting your chin up to his lips were just hovering above yours. “Just say the word sweetheart, and I’ll make you see stars.” He whispered, his hot breath touching your trembling lips.
You thought for a moment, your mouth still agape at Chuuya’s boldness. “...okay.” You breathed against his lips, mere centimeters away.
With your consent, Chuuya crashed his lips against yours. With one hand clutching ont your waist, the other cupped your face quite gently. His kiss was rough and passionate, groaning into your mouth at the sensation that he had so long been craving.
Your hands flew to grab onto his hair, tugging at the longer part. Chuuya moaned slightly at the sensation, squeezing the fabric of your dress. He pulled himself away slowly, choosing to instead attack the delicate flesh of your neck. His lips found your sweetspot and sucked harshly, your lips producing the cutest little moans which only made his cock harder. A bright purple hickey formed in no time at all, definitely going to last a few days. 
“You wear turtlenecks, right? Shouldn’t be a fuckin’ problem then.” He growled against your neck, trialing molten kissed down until he reached your collarbone, playfully licking it.
“M-maybe we should go to the bedroom? Comfier.” You managed to squeak out, softly moaning as Chuuya continued to nip and kiss at your collarbone. He pulled away, grumbling at the loss of contact.
“Good idea dollface, smart.” He lifted you up bridal style, chuckling as you squealed. “You’re so fuckin’ adorable baby, y’know that?” He asked, kicking open the door to your bedroom. He practically threw you onto the bed and pounced, pinning your wrists above your head quickly. Chuuya slammed his lips against yours once more, shoving his tongue down your throat as your teeth clashed for dominance. 
Taking a break from the onslaught of tongue-on-tongue, Chuuya gently stroked your face with his still-gloved hand. “Fucking good mouth you got, sweetheart.” He purred, shifting himself so he was looking at your hips. “Now tell me,” His hand reached to his mouth, peeling off his gloves with his teeth. “Do you want my fingers or my tongue first, princess?”
You gulped nervously, your face feeling like it was going to explode at any moment from how fucking horny you were for this man. Your legs were practically shaking under him, how was it possible that one man could make you feel euphoria without fucking you?
“B-both, please…” You whispered, not daring to look into his aflamed blue eyes that burned for you. Your aroused pooled in your belly, just waiting to be taken care of.
Chuuya nodded approvingly, lifting your dress up to reveal your panties that were soaked in your arousal. “Fuckin’ dirty girl, so perfect for me.” He whispered, hastily removing your panties and tossing them into some corner of your bedroom. He shivered at the sight of your glistening core, admiring how otherworldly it looked in the dim lights of your bedroom.
“Shit,” Chuuya groaned, gathering some of your slick on his fingertips before carefully inserting his index and middle finger inside of your sobbing cunt. He wasted no time in curling his fingers inside of you, thrusting them back and forth swiftly.
“Oh fuck, oh my God!” You cried out, throwing your head back even further into the soft pillows beneath you. Your legs wanted so badly to wrap around his hand, trapping him there for a while. 
“That’s it baby, scream for me. Fuckin’ scream for me princess.” He growled, his lips sucking on your clit roughly. His tongue lapped and sucked at your desperate folds, fingers pumping in and out of you like he was in a competition. He could feel your walls sucking him in, knowing your orgasm was close. 
“Fucking cum for me baby, lemem hear those pretty moans of yours!” Chuuya demanded, eating you out like a starved man.
“Oh fuck, Chuuya!” You screamed out his name as your orgasm finally hit, the knot in your belly becoming undone too fast for your own liking. You wish that moment could last forever instead of mere moments. 
Gasping and panting, you propped yourself up by your elbows to be greeted with a chuckling Chuuya, licking off your cum with his expert tongue. “You taste so much better than anything I’ve ever fucking had before princess.” He spoke, his voice low and sultry.
Chuuya briefly got off the bed to take off his pants and boxers, gasping as the air of your bedroom hit his throbbing cock. He relished in your shocked expression, your mouth left hanging wide open at the sight of him.
“What, never seen a big dick before?” He chuckled, getting on top of you once more. He lifted your legs up so they rested on his shoulders, giving him the most perfect angle to fuck you seneless. 
“Not in a while, no.” You retorted, offering Chuuya a smirk of your own. That one simple movement of your facial muscle was all it took for him to align his cock with your entrance, slamming it inside of you.
“That was so fucking hot babe, do it again.” He demanded, pounding himself into your core without giving you any time to adjust to his length or girth. His hands gripped the undersides of your thighs, occasionally smacking the subble skin.
“Ngh, h-holy fuck! Chuuya, shit! So fucking big, oh my fucking God!” You cried out, your hands making desperate motions to grab onto anything. Chuuya bent down, pushing you into a mating press so he could better hold your hand.
“Shit, fucking scream my name babygirl. Fuck, you’re squeezing on to me so damn tight!” He groaned into your ear, his balls snapping against your ass over and over again. Your cheeks were flushed, mouth gaping open. All that left your lips were wanton moans and cries of pleasure as Chuuya’s cock hit your G-spot over and over again, the pleasure once again pooling in your belly.
“Shit! Shit, shit, shit, I’m close! Chuuya, fuck!” You screamed, slamming your lips upwards onto his own. He happily accepted the kiss, biting down onto your lower lip as he felt your cunt contract around his soaked cock.
“Fuck, can you hold out just a little longer baby? Wan’ cum with you, yeah?” He whined against your lips, furiously meeting his hips with your own as the scent of sex and longing filled the bedroom. 
“Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!” You cried into his ear, not sure how much longer you could stand to not fall into your orgasm.
He growled against your neck, his thrusts becoming staggered and desperate in a relentless tempo as Chuuya’s own orgasm approached him. “Shit, gonna fucking cum. Cum with me yeah, please fucking come with me!”
A silent scream left your lips as euphoria enveloped your body, wave after wave of ecstasy hitting you as your orgasm finally came. Your arousal squeezed and coated Chuuya’s cock, sending him over the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my God! Fuck…” He gapsed into your neck, his ministrations slowing down until they came to a complete stop. He collapsed onto you, lazily kissing your neck and the hickeys that covered it. 
You smiled, peeling the sweaty hairs away from your face as you embraced Chuuya in your arms. “That was…just like the books I read.” You chuckled, running your fingers through his mess of red hair. “Almost exactly like those books, actually.”
Chuuya looked up from your breast and raised an eyebrow, flipping you around so you were now embraced in his arms. “You read porn?”
You nodded, gesturing to your nightstand. “Yeah, I try to keep it a secret though. My coworkers would never let me live it down if they knew the truth.” You gave him a crooked smile, curling further into his chest. 
He nodded in understanding, kissing your forehead. “Well, we gotta do this again princess. Because that was…well it was fuckin’ amazing. Who knew the cute little librarian was so dirty?” He joked, poking your cheek teasingly.
“I literally just let you finish inside of me and you’re making jokes?”
“Hey, I’m allowed to be funny. I’m a fuckin’ sex god.”
You sighed and kissed his lips, feeling your eyes grow heavy with sleep. “Y’know, I don’t have work tomorrow if you wanted to stay the night…” You yawned, embracing the feeling of coziness and warmth.
Chuuya was a bit shocked by your words at first, smacking his lips together. He smiled down at you, ruffling up your nest of a hair that was no doubt caused by his body moving against yours for a good twenty minutes. “I’d really like that, princess.” He assured you, grabbing his phone from your nightstand to type something in. “Just lettin’ my boss know I’ll be late for my assignment tomorrow.”
“What if he gets mad at you?” You asked, your sleepy voice filled with just a pinch of concern. 
“Well, he can suck my dick for all I care. Although, I’d much rather have you do that.” He winked, throwing the covers above your sweaty forms. “So, are you going to get changed or are we sleeping in our date night clothes?”
“Mm, date night clothes. I don’t think I’ll be able to fucking walk after what you did to me.” You laughed, pulling Chuuya closer. You rested your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through the expensive shirt he wore. “Have sweet dreams, okay? And…pleae be here when I wake up tomorrow.” You whispered the last part before drifting off, the cutest little snore escaping from your parted lips.
Chuuya sighed and kissed the top of your head, admiring how innocent you looked in your slumber. “I promise beautiful, I’m not going anywhere.”
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lakefu · 4 months
The Climb
Summary: Tav and Astarion learn that vampire spawn are supposed to know how to climb walls and ceilings.
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: Its just fluff, really. Post-game married tavstarion.
Word count: 1.3k
“Pst… Astarion,” Tav whispers, trying to grab the elf’s attention.
Crimson eyes dart up from behind a large book that's being read across the table.
“Can you uh… uhm…” Tav nervously looks around the room. There’s a lot of people here, some are even glaring at her. Since when did libraries become so popular on a Thursday afternoon?
Tav scoots her chair as close to him as possible and continues to whisper.
“I’m reading about vampires,” she admits, and he turns to look at her with a tilt of his head.
“Oh whatever for darling, you have the real deal right here. I'm sure whatever tome you've plucked from this dreary establishment is nothing but a fairy tail anyways,” he rolls his eyes and laughs, earning a “Shush!” from a nearby reader.
Tav smiles wearily, and makes sure to keep a low tone. “It says that vampire spawn can climb up walls… and ceilings”.
Astarion laughs even louder now and the librarian scolds him from across the room. Tav mouths a “Sorry” over in her direction and she sighs. After an “incident” had gotten the couple banned from the library closest to their house, she wasn't about to get in trouble at the second closest too.
Tav focuses her attention back to Astarion. His eyes are on his book, but they aren't moving. His knuckles seem whiter than usual as they grip the sides of the pages.
“Have you ever… tried to climb up walls?” She asks innocently enough, but his eyes flash up at lightning speed.
“Have you ever tried to climb up walls? No? So why would I?” He hisses, and the librarian stands up from her desk.
Tav jumps up from her seat and grabs Astarion’s hand, encouraging him to follow her.
“Thank you so much, I'll bring this back in a few days!” She gestures at the book in her hands and then back at the librarian, running out the door with lover in tow.
Pacing around the bedroom, Astarion keeps his eyes glued to the book and continues muttering under his breath. Tav sits on their bed and watches the vampire’s erratic movements with concern. She feels a bit of regret telling him about the book in the first place, since the last thing she wanted to do was put any new worries into his life.
“Hey, you're probably right… It's probably not real. Just made up for a good story,” she tries to reassure him.
“No,” he states simply, and ceases his pacing. Facing the wall near the bed, his fingers trace the pages of the book for what feels like the hundredth time.
Harmed by Running Water. Check. Forbiddance. Check. Sunlight Hypersensitivity. Check. Spider Climb.… What?
He presses the book closed with such a force that Tav could have sworn she saw a poof of dust fly from the pages.
“Everything else in here is correct. Why would this one thing be a lie?” He sighs and leans over to place the book down on the nightstand. His hands move to massage his temples, never letting his gaze leave the wall ahead of him.
“It’s not like I was given an instruction booklet the moment I was turned, you know. I had to figure everything out for myself,” he spits out, words full of a poison that makes Tav shiver. 
He raises a singular finger and presses it against the wall.
“And clearly… I couldn't even do that properly,” he says softly, dragging his finger down the wall. 
He appears to look straight through the rough surface, clearly lost in a deep, distant thought. 
Tav scooches off the bed and approaches him gently, wrapping her arms around his waist with a careful squeeze. Standing on her tip-toes, she reaches upwards and plants a soft kiss on his porcelain neck. 
“I don't know what to do, love,” Astarion whispers, and leans his head into hers. 
Tav closes her eyes and considers the situation as she feels cold fingers caress her cheek.
“When you hunt… when you feed… you feel a bit feral, don't you?” Tav smiles up at him and studies his confused expression.
“‘Well, ‘a bit’ might be a slight understatement, but yes. And it’s all a matter of control anyways,” he hesitates, and waits for further explanation.
“Yes, exactly!” Tav exclaims, taking a step back and feeling optimism swell back up within her. “You should focus on those types of feelings. Allow your body to tell you what to do. Try to relax, focus, and you’ll do fine!”
Astarion scoffs, but Tav can tell that he is taking what she said to heart. He squints at the wall once more and adjusts his posture.
“I can uh… move the mattress over here if you're worried about falling or something,” Tav jokes, but honestly, she would do it if it made him feel better.
“Oh please- i’m the most dexterous person in this whole town. You know I always land on my feet,” he laughs and makes a grandiose hand gesture in Tav’s general direction.
So, he was feeling better then. Good. 
Tav heads back to her previous perch at the edge of the bed and watches in anticipation of whatever the hells she was about to witness.
Nothing but silence filled the room for a long while. And then, quicker than a blink of an eye, he was simply on the wall.
Tav jumps back, mouth agape, and watches as the vampire continues his ascent up the wall until he is completely upside down on the ceiling. She nearly felt ill at the initial unnatural sight of it all, but in a strange way, it felt all too natural at the same time.
“Gods…” she whispers. “My husband is a spider”.
Astarion let out one of the deepest and most sincere laughs Tav had heard in a long time. He was having the time of his life.
“This is madness, truly!” He shouts from above, scampering about like some sort of creature that would normally not be allowed inside the house. “Tav, do you realize how much we can do with this? Where we can go? Where we could sneak into?” “I'm so proud of you dear, really, and- wait what did you say? We?” She jolts up from the bed and walks over to his point of initial ascent, as if beckoning him to come down and talk. 
“Yes darling, I can carry you on my back, I'm sure of it”. He's crawled off the ceiling by now but is still nearly halfway up the wall. Just enough to meet Tav at eye level, only a bit more upside down than usual.
Tav doesn't know what to make of this proposition. It might be the one of the most unorthodox situations she’s ever heard of, and yet, it's still a bit… romantic? She feels her face run red.
“Do you realize how insane you sound right now?” She questions with eyes widening and shooting up a toothy grin.
Astarion takes one hand off the wall, still managing to maintain a balance, and reaches down to hold Tav’s cheek.
“And when have we ever been sane, my love?” He crawls a few more inches down the wall until he’s in a spot where his lips can reach her own. A sweet and selfless kiss is planted upon her lips, and they enjoy this new position for a few moments before Tav stumbles away. She’s not even the one who’s been upside down and yet she feels more light headed and flush than he does.
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” She exhales, and takes a satisfied step back to look at her curious lover. 
Gods, what is he about to get them into?
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bcyhoods · 4 months
lovefool — “you’re welcome to stay, if you want” w eddie!!
librarian!reader is always calling my name so i needed to do something before i combusted | 1.1k fem!reader
Eddie’s got his feet propped up on the study table and his chair teetering on its hind legs. The dull sound of his rings tapping the hardcover in his hands fills the immediate space. Despite the fact that he’s actually read this particular horror novel at least thrice before, today it only serves as bookworm-ish guise.
The boy aimlessly flicks through the pages, eyes reflexively leaping over entire paragraphs to peak over at the reception desk. With each glance, he feels his heart start racing, his stomach starts flipping. And it has nothing to do with Stephen King, everything to do with you.
You’re sitting behind the polished wood with a pair of deep auburn-colored reading glasses perched on the bridge of your nose. Every so often, they slide down and prompt you to scrunch the muscles in your face and wiggle them back up. Whenever you ultimately give up and push them back into place with your finger, Eddie smiles to himself.
The pair of you have spoken quite a handful of times, but it only took Eddie seconds within that first interaction to be smitten. You’d worn a pretty color on your lips, an even prettier smile behind it. Your eyes lit up upon seeing the tower of Tolkien novels he’d placed in front of you to check out, then you’d complimented his taste, then his hair. Then as if to seal the deal, you reached underneath the desk to retrieve a flimsy bookmark with a map of Middle Earth and placed it on top of the stack.
Now, he’s proud to be a frequent library-goer. Admittedly he feels a little silly about it, at first. But the flash of recognition that crosses your face before you wave at him makes him forget.
You float through the building, burning hot under his watchful eye, shutting off yellow desk lamps and bidding farewell to patrons with a sweet smile. The closer you get to him, the more the familiar aroma of cigarettes and his cologne seem to engulf you. It’s your turn now to have your heart beat erratically in your chest.
“Hi, Eddie.” Your saccharine voice cuts through the silence and has him immediately closing his book. He gazes up at you, big brown eyes boring right into yours. Like he knows you’re about to swat his feet, he grins and kicks his legs down onto the floor.
“Hey,” he sighs out.
“Carrie’s that good, huh? ”
Eddie’s head twists in confusion. It’s like your presence sent him face first into a stupor, and now he’s racking his brain trying to figure out what you were asking. Only when you smirk and point at him does he realize you’re talking about the book. The book that’s in his hand, that he was meant to be reading this whole time.
“Oh! Yeah, Carrie,” he confirms with a gummy smile as he waves the novel up, “What can I say? The lady calls to me. You finished it yet?”
You wince at the question. A few weeks ago you’d each recommended each other a book, per Eddie’s suggestion. He’d read your recommendation within the week, returning it with a broad smile that made you feel giddy. It’s taken you a little longer. He sees it all over your face and gasps.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t read it, yet? You’re really hurting my feelings here, sweetheart.”
The nickname makes your heart catch in your throat and stumble on your words for a second. “It’s—I just…I started it! I promise. I just haven’t had time to read the whole thing,” you explain through a shy smile.
Eddie chuckles at your suddenly bashful demeanor before an idea pops into his mind. Even thinking about it makes him blush. He doesn’t give himself much time to dwell on the idea of your rejection before he’s blurting it out.
“I can read it to you.”
You watch him, surveying his expression to find any hint that he’s joking. But he’s got a doe-eyed look on his face. He’s dragging one of his rings across the curve of his lips with uncertainty.
“You’d…? You’re kidding,” you decide matter-of-factly.
He vigorously shakes his head, hair flying in every direction as he throws his hand over his chest. A bright smile shines across his face. “Cross my heart. I’ve been told I got a shot in the audiobook industry. Might even hear me on one of those little cassettes in the future.”
The boy is lying through his teeth. It’s rare that someone indulged in a positive conversation with him, let alone complimented his voice. Though, it makes you huff out a laugh, maybe a little too loud for a library setting and he swears his heart is about to break out of his rib cage.
You nod at him rather emphatically and agree, “Must be your charisma.” Your hand drops to pick at the chipped wood of the table and your gaze drops with it to hide from him.
“Hey, your words.” He tosses his hands up in the air, smugness tugging at the corners of his mouth. He clears his throat before asking, “What do you say? Think it’d be good practice for me to have a live audience.”
He looks so genuine, a soft expression taking over rough features. His leg bounces under the table with anticipation. His fingers move to where yours are, and he hesitantly reaches his pinky to your own. It’s just a tap, but it sends a tingle up your entire arm and has you reciprocating the touch.
He’s making it so hard for you to say no. You glance up at the clock on the nearby wall and frown. “Well, right now I’m kinda supposed to tell you that the library closes in a few minutes.”
Eddie spares a glance behind you and realizes that he’s the last person on this floor, maybe the entire building.
“Oh. Yeah, well…some other time.” His shoulders sink just slightly before he’s standing upright and smiling at you. “I’ll get out of your hair, m’lady.” He bends at the waist to bow at you, waving his arms theatrically.
You’re smiling at him again, something warm and entirely too sweet. As he turns to the exit, you feel something tug at your chest. Like he’s taking a piece of you with him. It has you calling out before you’re able to stop yourself.
He twists back and hums.
“You’re welcome to stay, if you want. I mean I’d love to take you up on the offer, if you don’t mind following me around while I reshelve some returns?” A nervous laugh falls from your mouth as you hitch your thumb towards the non-fiction shelves. Eddie spots your other hand still picking at the chipped wood.
He beams at you with flushed cheeks and a puffed chest.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Tumblr media
Librarian Jihyo on the job. She'll make sure to help you out.
Length 2K
Jihyo x Mreader
You walk into the library and place your things at one of the many tables that dot the perimeter. You grab a book, not paying particular attention to what it's about. Sitting down at the table, you open the book to a random page and glance at the woman behind the check-out counter. Jihyo, she's been working here for a few weeks now, and you haven't been able to keep your eyes off her.  Her tight-fitting button-up reveals her to have large breasts hidden behind her layers of clothing. She's reading through a book of her own, a small smile across her face. For the most part, the library is empty; as you continue to fake reading the book, you see Jihyo close her book and stand up. She leaves the check-out area and walks around the area. She disappears from your sight for a while. The dull sound of her footsteps on the carpeted floor behind you is the only thing that gives you any insight into where she is. She passes by you without so much as giving you a look. Jihyo stays connected to the bookshelf, her fingers sliding across the books' spines as she walks the entire row. When she reaches the end of the row, she turns her head back and catches you looking at her. She chuckles to herself and gives you a friendly wave.
You turn your head, looking around the area before turning to her and waving back nervously. You watch her hips sway as she returns to the check-out area. She sits in her seat and opens her book again. The process repeats another two times. After spending a few hours just staring at her, you figure it’s time to go. You take the book you chose earlier and head to the check-out counter. Jihyo smiles at you as you approach.
"Did you enjoy the book?" 
"A little," you reply. Jihyo squints her eyes a little, keeping her smile on you. 
"Your library card?" 
"Oh, right." You quickly hand her the hand after fumbling with it for a moment.
"You know it's impressive you can read a book when it's upside down." You panic, wondering if you actually had the book upside down the entire time. Jihyo laughs at you. "I guess you weren't reading, were you?" You rub the back of your head, embarrassed to have been caught. Jihyo scans the book you chose before scanning your card. A red light flashes across her screen, and Jihyo tries again. "Looks like you have a book overdue, mister. You can't check this out until you return your last book." Seeing you so nervous, Jihyo laughs again. "Maybe you should stop paying so much attention to me." Jihyo leans forward, the buttons on her shirt straining as they try to keep her breasts from overflowing. "Tell you what, I'll check it out under my name…if you do something for me." 
"Yes…I mean, sure." You say immediately. Jihyo leans to the side to see where other people are in the library. The scarcity of other life reassures her. 
Jihyo taps some keys on her keyboard and waits a moment before looking at you, "Come with me." She leaves her counter and leads you to the back of the library.  A long table sits there with some booth seating around it. Jihyo slides into the empty booth and pats the seat next to her. You sit down and feel Jihyo scoot closer to you. She slides the book you had earlier in front of you. "Read it."
"Read it?" You repeat.
"Or pretend to; it doesn't matter, but I think it would be better if you did." You crack open the book and stare at the words despite wanting to see what Jihyo was going to do. You feel her hand rub your crotch, making a bulge appear. You start to turn your head, but Jihyo threatens you. "Keep reading, or else I'll stop." For your sake, you keep looking at the book, occasionally flipping a page. Jihyo's hand slithers into your pants and fishes your semi-hard cock out. Her soft hand wraps around your shaft, and you feel her tug at it. You try to stifle your moan, "That's a good boy. Keep quiet for me, and I'll make you feel even better." Jihyo says as she starts stroking your shaft at a good pace. You can hear Jihyo keep her moans quiet. Still facing the book, you glance at her, managing to catch her fingering herself in your peripheral vision. 
Jihyo feels precum leak from your cock as she continues to jerk you off. Her hand is quickly covered in the stuff. Jihyo stops her handjob and raises her hand to her nose, taking a small sniff of your precum. She gets under the table and pushes your legs aside. Her hand returns to your shaft as she continues to stroke your cock. Jihyo starts out slow but quickly speeds up. Her hand glides along your shaft until she feels your cock start twitching in her hand. You whine softly, having been denied your orgasm. When the feeling goes away, Jihyo starts again, keeping a slow pace as you feel something warm and wet rub against the head of your cock. You start to groan before slapping your hand over your mouth. Jihyo uses your cock to trace the edges of her tongue before she starts swirling her tongue around it. You buck your hips from the sensation; Jihyo holds you down as she continues. She inches closer until you're inside her mouth; her warm saliva drips from the roof of her mouth onto your cock as she starts bobbing her head. You throw your head back from the pleasure. The sounds of her blowjob are quiet except for the relatively loud breath she lets out. The sound of the front door opening is heard in the distance as Jihyo plays with your balls. She gives them gentle squeezes when not moving them around in her palm. Your cock rubs against the inside of Jihyo's cheek as it twitches again. 
"P-please." You manage to get out. This time Jihyo lets you cum. As your hot load runs down her throat, you hear her drinking it. The way she gulps it all down keeps you hard after you're done. "F-fuck." You say quietly as you try to catch your breath. Jihyo comes up from under the table and uses her fingers to collect any stray pieces of cum. She pulls out a small mirror and checks herself. At the same time that she comes up, a bell at the front rings through the building.
"I'll be back," Jihyo says as she leaves for the front.  She purposely sways her hips as she walks. You spend the time she's gone recovering from your orgasm before she comes back in a slight jog. "All done with that, now we can keep going. Come with me; we need somewhere more comfortable." As you stand, Jihyo takes your cock in her hand and leads you to one of the study rooms. They were small rooms at the corner of the buildings that were often used by students. Jihyo opens the door and locks it behind her. She pushes you onto the table in the middle of the room and starts stripping. She undoes one button and the zipper to her pants, letting them fall around her. Jihyo's lacy light blue panties are soaked through, and your cock twitches at the sight. Jihyo walks up to you and leans over. "Why don't you unbutton my shirt for me? I know you were staring at them earlier." She says while grabbing one of her breasts. While you slowly unbutton her shirt, Jihyo makes sure you stay hard by slowly stroking your shaft. One by one, they come undone until her shirt can't contain her tits any longer. Jihyo's breasts spilled out of her shirt; her bra was the only thing between you and them. It was light blue, much like her panties with sheer lacy edges. They barely hid Jihyo's nipple from you. 
Jihyo smirks, knowing you can't take your eyes off her chest. She squeezes your cock hard enough for you to regain yourself but not enough to hurt you. "Keep going," she says in a teasing voice. When you finish unbuttoning her shirt, Jihyo lets it slip off her arms. Now left in her bra and panties, Jihyo lets you stare at her body, continuing to stroke your cock as you imagine what it must feel like to fuck her. "Well? Are you going to touch me?" She asks. You reach out and squeeze her breasts. A low sensual moan escapes her mouth, with a satisfied laugh coming soon after. Jihyo climbs on top of you, pressing your face into her cleavage as she slides your cock between her lower lips. You both moan from the sensation; holding onto Jihyo’s hips, you start to push her down on your cock. The warm feeling as her pussy envelops your cock makes you shiver. You watch Jihyo close her eyes as she sinks down. Once you're buried inside of her, Jihyo grinds against you. Slow back-and-forth movements drive you crazy and make you want more. 
You unlatch her bra with one hand and throw it to the side before attaching yourself to her left tit. You squeeze her large mound with your free hand. Jihyo's moans fill the small room as you aid her in her movements. Soon she's riding you, her body bouncing up and down on your cock. Jihyo's arms wrap around your head as she holds you to her nipple. "Suck on my tits, baby," she moans. You focus on the small nub in your mouth, flicking it with your tongue. Jihyo's moans fuel your actions as you stand up. Now carrying Jihyo, you hold onto her soft bottom as you thrust into her. Her body jumps up with every thrust before falling back down on your cock where she impales herself. Her cunt becomes tight as your thrusts become wild. Jihyo lifts your head up and kisses you, her tongue warmly welcoming you as you kiss her back. 
You pin Jihyo against the wall, continuing your thrusts as her hands run through your hair. Her legs wrap around you, keeping you from pulling out. "Fill my pussy," she whispers into your ear. You're driven over the edge and plunge your cock into Jihyo before you paint her walls white with your cum. You feel her legs tighten around you as she cums on your cock. You move Jihyo onto the table. She leans against the wall as you pull out. You feel her cunt fight you, not wanting to let you go. When you're finally out, Jihyo scoops some of your cum and watches it run down her fingers. She pulls you into another kiss as she fingers herself. "Zip yourself up, honey. I'm going to be a while. You can take the book; just make sure you bring it back in two weeks. Or else I might have to punish you." 
"Maybe I want a punishment," you respond. Jihyo just smirks at you. You zip up your pants and leave Jihyo in the room collecting your things before you go. 
Not being able to wait, you come in the next day with the book. Jihyo sits at her counter and smiles at you when she notices. "Back so soon? Did you even read the book?" 
"I think I might need some help understanding it, and I was hoping you could help me."
Jihyo smirks. "I think that could be arranged. Meet me in the study room." Jihyo stands up, stretching before leaning in and whispering, "Strip down for me; I'll be there soon to teach you. You better be ready for some long lessons." Jihyo smiles, enjoying the fact that her job just became more fun.
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
the list
DATE: JUNE 15, 2023
summary: tom offers for you and your writing partner to work at the empty frat house when you have no other options. even though you hate tom with a burning passion, you can’t fail this class. when all is going fine, your partner has to leave abruptly for an emergency, leaving you with no way home (wink). thinking you’re all alone, you decide to snoop through tom’s belongings to try to find his rumored list.
request: yessss
song: Hot in Herre- nelly
words: 9.2k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [oral, fingering, cock-thumping, nipple play, choking, deepthroating], m- receiving [blowjob], [small] daddy kink, degrading kink, rough/protected sex [not clearly consensual, but implied], mention of reader going under/slight subspace), pet names (princess), a lot of language, and a lot of dialogue.
note: I’M BACK and i’m with this big baby right here. i hope you guys enjoy this because it took me a few days to write. i’m glad to finally have some time to write again!
frat!tom x college!reader
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“I’m really glad we got to be partners on this,” You smile as you hug your textbook and notebook to your chest.
“Yeah, me too. I think we’ll do great,” Brandon replies, and then the conversation basically stops there. It was dry and kind of awkward, but he was pretty nice, so it’s alright with you.
Your Creative Writing class was assigned a project that consisted of writing a short story with another person. Your teacher picked the partners and you got Brandon, which you were thankful for because he is original and creative, also known as not being a plagiarizer. But you weren’t sure how well your guys’ genres mixed.
You wrote a lot of old realistic romance stories, whether it was for free-writing in class or on your own time. Brandon apparently wrote a lot of futuristic science fiction and read a lot of comic books. You weren’t against the idea that he was a nerd or a geek, but you just hoped it didn’t overwhelm your writing process. But again, he was nice, which you didn’t get from most guys.
The campus is bussing like usual. All different kinds of people roam the concrete ground waiting for their classes to start or trying to leave without dropping all their things or wandering because they don’t know what else to do. It’s a balance that you’ve been accustomed to for the past year. Yeah, you took a gap year at 18 and are now a 20 year-old sophomore in college, but that doesn’t mean you have your shit figured out. No one does, and that kind of comforts you.
With these random thoughts, you and Brandon walk through the crowded campus until you reach the library.
“What the hell,” You squint your eyes at the paper sign that is taped to the glass door. You suggested the library as your work spot because Starbucks may be a little loud and you needed a lot of silence while writing. You’re also very picky with your own stories, so you can’t even imagine how it’s going to be when you combine ideas. Maybe you should just be less conceited…
As you read the surprisingly fine print, you find out that the room is having an inspection check.
“The librarian told people not to eat in there,” Brandon shakes his head in disappointment and you sigh in subtle annoyance.
“Well what are–”
“Oh, shit, it’s closed?” A voice appears from behind you and you nearly turn around and swing at the body. Only because you know whose body it belongs to.
A body with perfect fucking arms and a stupidly good-looking face–
Stop it.
“No, it’s just locked and has a sign that says it’s closed,” You roll your eyes as you spin around, facing Tom in all his stupid glory. A slight smirk creeps up his face as his eyes look down at you. You watch as he chews his gum, and you hate that it’s kind of hot.
Stop. It.
“What’s with the attitude? I just asked a question–”
“Well, it was a stupid question,” You snarl, biting on your lip in irritation. Even looking at him gets you all riled up because you know how he is.
You’re not sure exactly when you started hating Tom, but you know exactly why. Hate might be a strong word, but it goes well with the feeling you experience every time his name is mentioned or you see his smug face. You hate the way he talks about girls. You hate the way he treats girls, like they’re on some type of list and he’s just checking them off. Every time he even looks at a woman he finds mildly attractive, she’s instantly on said-list. He probably has a handwritten copy somewhere. You wouldn’t be surprised because you’ve heard that rumor before.
You heard a lot about him before you actually knew him. You heard through the grapevine that he lost his virginity to a girl in college when he was only 15, and now he’s a senior in college. And that he fucked three different girls in the same day during his senior year of high school. And a new one that you’ve heard is that he has sex every single day with a new person because he can’t live without it. You’re not sure if all of these are true or correct, but after you got to know him just a little, you know that it can’t be too far from the truth.
Tom was in your Film Analysis class last year. You purposely sat next to him because you thought he was cute, and you weren’t wrong, but you paid for it at the end of the year. He would constantly peek at your papers, and at first, you thought it was a sign of flirting. But he was just too involved with his phone during the films that he never knew what was going on once the assignments came. Your professor didn’t let you guys change seats because it was easier to take attendance with a seating chart, and he had “hundreds of students every day” blah blah blah. Why did your teacher have to be so old he was on the brink of death?
Throughout the entire year, you would overhear Tom talk about girls and what he was doing with them. It disgusted you that someone could be so objective and still get the girl (or girls), but you tried not to get involved with it. Then one day, like a random switch, Tom tried to hit on you. He tries to deny it, saying “Why would I do that?” and “You’re not my type” and shit like that, but Tom is only in it for the sex. He doesn’t care too much about appearances, so that’s how you know he was full of shit.
To this day, you swear you’re still on his list, whether it’s a physical or mental one. Tom flirts with you like he can, and yeah, sometimes that fucks with your head, but you remain composure. Because of your curiosity, you want to find out, one, if he actually has a list and two, if you’re on it. But your hate for him overpowers your curious wonders. If you did find this “list,” you wouldn’t stop making fun of him for it. And, he wouldn’t be able to survive if you were actually on it.
“Can we work at your place, Y/N?” Brandon asks, completely ignoring Tom.
“Can’t,” You reply, “my roommate asked for the evening, so she can…have her boyfriend over.”
“Oh,” he stares at the ground awkwardly and scratches his neck.
“Oh, you mean have sex?” Tom inserts himself into the conversation. You glare at him with searing lasers in your eyes. “What? You can’t say the word sex? Does it turn you on too much or something?”
“Tom!” You whack him in the arm with your heavy textbook and he simply laughs. It was whole and deep, and it made you feel all warm, but so did your hatred for him, so what’s the difference? “What is wrong with you? Do you have any filter?”
“I’m going to say…no,” he winks and crosses his arms like he is the coolest person to walk this earth. His smugness makes your fists clench and your blood overheat with fiery.
“Okay, before this gets into an argument, where are we going to work?” Brandon chips in with his hand on your shoulder. You take a deep breath, trying to think rationally.
“You can work at my place,” Tom licks his pink lips and infamously smirks again. Your body is so hot that it melted your brain into a mush of incomprehension, so you can’t even respond to his idiocracy before Brandon very unsurely says why not.
“Welcome to The House,” Tom introduces dramatically while flinging the door open for you both. You swear that was the most gentleman-like thing he’s ever done.
“At least come up with an original name,” You roll your eyes again like your body has been programmed to every time Tom opens his mouth.
“So much attitude for such a tiny person,” he taunts, shutting the door behind him. Brandon walks quickly into the dining room with his backpack, leaving himself out of the very heart-felt conversation between you and Tom. Your jaw ticks a tad at his words. “I love when you roll your eyes.”
Your face scrunches in disgust, but can’t help it when your curiosity slips from your mouth, “Why?”
“Because then I know I’ve done my job,” A hint of a smirk rises on his lips while your eye twitches at his arrogance.
“And what is your job? To annoy the shit out of me? ‘Cause if it is, congratulations! You get promoted every time you talk to me,” No matter how badly you want to, you resist the urge to roll your eyes just because you know how much it would please him. Even with your irate words, that all-too familiar smirk lingers like he’s proud.
He likes when you fight back because no one ever does. It’s easy for him. Too easy sometimes. Yeah, he likes when he can sleep with a girl without having to try too hard, but once he met you, he realized he liked a bit of a fight. Tom craved the passion and bubbling tension that strangled the air between you both. It was thrilling and enthralling, and he knew with enough poking and prodding, you would snap. That was his job; to make you snap.
“Close, but no cigar.”
“What are you, like, a hundred?”
“I’m surprised you’re still talking to me, princess.” There’s that name. That stupid fucking name. You know that he throws that title around like candy to women. You know that the sweet undertone of the tag is what it does for them and what gets them in his bed at the end of the night. It angered you that he thought you were so easy, so gullible. But no, you weren’t going to let him smooth-talk you all the way to his bedroom. Even if it was just upstairs…
“Actually, I’m not anymore,” You finished the conversation and walked away. After you stopped facing him, your eyes immediately went to the back of your head in a dramatic roll. As you enter the dining room, you are suddenly aware of the heat radiating off your skin. You lift a hand up to your beaming cheeks, which turn out to be flaming with the fury bubbling in your blood.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Brandon asks, being the nice guy he is. You swallowed and inhaled.
“Yeah. Let’s get started.”
Not even ten minutes later, Tom comes bustling into the room. He says he was just checking up on you guys, but he was just trying to annoy you. After half an hour, he comes back again, saying something about the last football game and if you two have watched it. You inhale a few times, squeezing your pencil in your hand. He walks into the kitchen ajar and grabs something from the fridge.
“Tom, can you leave us alone? We have to get this done by Friday.”
“But it’s my house. I should be able to go wherever I want in my own house.”
“You literally invited us here, so we could work in peace!” You didn’t mean to shout, but Tom brought out the worst in you.
“I never said anything about peace–”
“Look, Tom, just please leave us alone, yeah?” You lowered your voice a bit, hoping maybe he would hear you. To your surprise, he licks his lips and re-enters the dining room, standing near your chair at the end of the table.
“All you had to do was say please, princess,” he winks and struts away, and somewhere inside of you is annoyed that he got the last word. But a big part of you was…affected. Badly. You never thought in a million years the name princess coming from his mouth would hit you, but for some odd reason, it did. Maybe it was because of his impromptu alliteration. Or the wink–no, it couldn’t have been the wink. Maybe it was the octave of his voice? You noticed how it got a tad deeper when he talked to you compared to how he did earlier. Were you looking too far into it?
Fuck, now he’s got you in your head.
Was this his job all along?
“How does that idea sound?” Brandon’s voice pulled you from your overwhelming thoughts, but not fast enough.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you said,” You apologize with a head shake. He repeats, and you write it down. This goes on for about an hour or so; you two throwing ideas back and forth.
You tried to find middle ground. You assumed you would be writing some sci-fi romance, and you were correct. Although you wanted to be there in the moment, you couldn’t stop thinking about Tom, and just the thought infuriated you. If you were present, you wouldn’t have complied and agreed to some of Brandon’s suggestions without more of a fight. The more ideas he spouted out, the weirder they got.
“Robots…God, I love writing about robots. Robots falling in love?” he pauses for a moment. “while trying to take over the world! You have to write that one down.”
You wrote it down, but your mind was moving differently than your body. As he suggested more topics, you zoned out completely. He was clearly very into the process and you…couldn’t have been farther from it. Like an echo, Tom lingered in your mind.
Where was he? What was he doing? Was he having sex right now? Why wasn’t he bothering you anymore?
You might have told him please, but Tom is just as stubborn as they come. You can’t say much though because you’re just as stubborn yourself. Maybe that’s why you two always bicker. You wondered if he fought with anyone else like how he battled you. Was he trying to make you mad just for the fun of it, or did he want something more?
Was there really a list? You can’t be the only person who’s considered that, right?
“Oh no.” The two words out of Brandon’s mouth brought you back because they were different from one of his absurd ideas. His eyes are staring at his phone screen once you start focusing in on him.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“It’s…a family emergency. Shit, Y/N, I have to go up North. Like right now. Do you think we can pick this up in a few days?” He wavers out nervously and clearly full of panic.
“Y-yeah, of course!” You blink rapidly at the sudden change and nod to every word without really thinking.
“Are you sure?” He questions, but he’s already standing up from the table with his backpack tight around his shoulders and his keys in his hand.
“Yes, now go!” You flee him from the house, so he can get a head-start on his drive. As his car zooms down the street, your eyes wander to the empty driveway of the house. And then it gets you wondering again.
How are you going to get to your dorm?
“Fuck,” You grumble in the evening air, the sun barely beginning to set.
You had no money on you, and of course your card wasn’t linked to your phone, so you couldn’t buy an Uber, Lyft, or anything. You creep your way back into the frat house with slugged shoulders. You drop yourself onto the small couch as silence roams around. You never in your life thought that a frat house, or any house with just guys, would be this quiet. It makes sense that they’re all out though because they’re all social butterflies trying to get laid at the latest party. Woo hoo. Sense the sarcasm?
Feeling sorry for yourself, you wander around the house. You pad the entire downstairs area before making your way up the staircase. The second you touch the top step, your curiosity starts to plague you.
Where’s Tom’s room?
Yeah, okay, maybe it’s rude, but you don’t know what to do. And, come on, it’s Tom. He doesn’t care. More specifically, you don’t care. You don’t care that you’re about to snoop his room because no one is here and it’s not like he’s going to know, right?
There’s about five bedrooms upstairs and three of the doors were open. With delicacy, you barely pushed open the doors that weren’t closed completely as if they would creak loudly and someone would find you. You peeked in a few rooms, glancing at the designs to see if you saw something that related to Tom. None of the rooms seemed fitting.
And then, like a lightbulb, you remembered that Tom was the leader, or whatever bullshit they called him. You know the title only ever gave him an ego boost. In most cases, the “leader” gets the biggest bedroom, well, at least that’s what it was like at your friend’s sorority house. So, testing your theory, you trail down the carpeted hallway until you reach the last room, which you assumed was the largest. Turning the knob, your eyes stare at the master bedroom before you.
Called it.
The room had white walls, just like the others. But Tom had a lot more personality through his decorating than you would have thought and it was…surprisingly…well-kept. Maybe it wasn’t his room.
As you stepped a foot inside, you got the hint that his favorite color was blue; navy bed sheets, baby blue desk lamp, midnight-colored nightstand, cyan desk chair, and a few other accessories that solidified the idea. Your eyes stay glued to his bed for a moment. It was a little ruffled, like he had been sleeping in it, but you knew that bed had been through more than just sleeping. You never thought you’d feel bad for a mattress and some sheets.
Before you know it, you’re traveling towards his desk, which was white (everything was very randomly assorted). You nibble on your bottom lip, debating on if it’s worth digging through the four drawers to find the one thing that’s been nagging you for months.
The list.
Something deep inside of you is warning you that searching through his belongings is a bad idea, but there’s really nothing that stops you from pulling open the first compartment. Carefully, you shift around the assortment of pens and pencils until you admit there’s nothing but those in there. Moving on to the second drawer below the first, it’s extremely heavy. Then you realize the weight is from three hefty textbooks that look completely untouched.
Makes sense.
In the next top drawer, there’s nothing useful beside clean, unused binder paper. Losing all hopes of being right, you check the final drawer. Just in case.
You didn’t know what you were going to find inside of there. But whatever you may have thought, it wasn’t this.
In the deep compartment was a bunch of clothes. Women’s clothes. A few shirts, even some socks, but mainly bras and panties. You almost touched them to sift through it, but immediately retracted your hand before doing so, assuming these articles haven’t been cleaned. Your face is frozen in disgust at the pile as if your gaze is going to burn all of it away.
“I thought it would take a lot more work to get you into my bedroom,” A deep accent says, causing you to jot and slam the drawer closed.
From your crouch, you fall to the ground, heart racing erratically at the sight of Tom. Every nerve of your body was screaming in alert because you thought you were alone. Layers of goosebumps litter your skin when you visually take in his appearance; frizzy, damp hair, dark blue briefs, and a white towel draped over his buff shoulder. You swallow every bit of your saliva and leave your mouth completely dry as your eyes shamefully trail down his entire physique.
It’s not like he’s trying to hide anything.
“It’s a bit rude to stare, yeah?” he ticks, using the towel to dry his hair a bit more. His briefs were a little tight, and you wondered if they were the wrong size. Especially from your seat on the floor, you got the perfect view of his bulge outline. Your stomach burned and your eyes couldn’t stop blinking, trying to make the image go away, but it didn’t. It was real. At this point, he’s basically just giving you a free show. You mentally hated yourself for enjoying every second of it.
Stop it. Now, how are you going to get out of this?
“What were you looking for?” Tom asks almost innocently with a lick of his pink lips, trying to hold back a little smirk. Tom liked watching you snap, but he loved when you were flustered. He loves watching you get embarrassed because you feel hot all over. It’s a sight to see.
“Something to get you arrested,” You reply just as lightly, trying to hide your startledness before awkwardly pushing yourself on your feet. You try to keep your eyes away from him, but it’s difficult when his body is practically glistening in all its chiseled glory.
“Like what? A gun?” he jokes with a charming smile, slowly striding closer to you. Your breathing staggered a tad, but you kept your composure. Mostly.
He honestly looked like he had a gun in his briefs.
He laughs.
“I hope you know it’s not a gun, princess,” That lingering smirk is plastered on his arrogant face again and you wanted to punch it off of him. You couldn’t believe yourself for thinking out loud, especially because it was the last thing you wanted him to hear. You knew it was only an ego-booster. Your entire body flushes in overwhelming heat, wondering how you’re ever going to escape his looming presence.
“I-I obviously know that’s not a gun, Thomas,” You grind your molars at your stuttering because it makes you look and sound weak. Your trembling fingers turn into heated fists that have been ignited by only one thing; your arousal.
“Thomas? That’s a new one,” While you’re stuck in place, Tom doesn’t shy away from inching closer towards you. You don’t even realize it, but you’re holding your breath. “Are you okay, Y/N? You look a bit…flushed.”
Your heart unconsciously stammers against your chest, attempting to find an outlet. But there is none. Just like there is no escape from Tom as he stands in front of you unmoving. He’s so close, impossibly so, that your pounding heart is lurching towards his.
“It’s…hot in here,” You reply with an observation. Your voice was whispering as if your voice was afraid to speak any louder. With his proximity he could probably hear every heated pump of your blood.
“Like the song,” Tom smirks because he knows the real reason why you’re all hot and bothered. It’s something deeper than the temperature of his bedroom (because it really wasn’t that warm). “You know it, right?”
“Yeah, who doesn’t?” You almost roll your eyes before you stop yourself.
“Remind me, what’s the next lyric?”
A wave of heat crashes over your neck at his words, deep and low. Your stomach was burning with desire while your clit was throbbing in your underwear. You never would have thought that you’d be turned on by Tom, but you were doing only the impossible today.
Escaping this situation has left your mind. The only thing in your head now is staying in it.
“Take off all your clothes,” A breathless sound wavers out of your throat and you’re surprised you were even able to respond. Tom’s face is smug, almost proud at how flushed you are. His hand reaches up and ever-so delicately traces over your jawline. It was so gentle, but because he was finally touching you, you nearly moaned. You’ve never needed someone so badly before, and you never thought the person you’d be needing the most would be Tom.
You keep thinking that, but it’s just so hard to comprehend the idea of anything Tom.
“Is that something you want?” Tom’s husky voice fans over your heated skin as his fingers trail down your neck. Your chest raises up and down, and even if you’re trying to fight the feeling, you can’t. Your entire body wants him–no, damn-near craves him–to the point where you can’t even speak. Your subconsciousness hates you because you know how much he is just loving this. You hate to give him such satisfaction. “D’you want to strip? Right here in front of me? Or do you want me to do it for you? Because–”
“Yes,” You whisper with your eyes facing his chest, too afraid to stare into his lust-taken eyes.
“No,” he says, and for a moment when he took a breath, you thought he’d just rejected you. “I need to hear you say it all. I need to hear you tell me what you want. Tell me how bad you want it. I bet I can give it to you. I’ve been waiting long enough.”
His words practically made you a puddle at his feet, but they also made you want to slap him with those heavy textbooks until he learned some manners. Has he really been waiting for you? Or is that just another one of his lines? One that he uses on every single girl he gets in his bed?
Your mind might have cared at any other time, but your body overruled.
“I want…” Your mind was filled with so many possibilities, it was crowding your brain. Tom’s hand that was tracing your jawline then cupped your neck gently, causing you to sigh. You couldn’t resist swallowing all of your saliva again along with your pride. Because you were about to do something really stupid. If you were in a clear mindset, this would have never happened, you’re sure of it. But common sense isn’t here to guide you right now; only desire and lust. “I want you to fuck me, Tom. Hard. Harder than you’ve ever fucked anybody before.”
“Not quite what I was looking for, but I’ll get you there.”
Tom doesn’t hesitate to wrap his hand completely around your neck while crashing his lips to yours. They mush together so sloppily, you could barely call it a kiss. But, damn, did it feel good. Fire and passion laced your lips, and it was so intoxicating that you thought you would overdose on his euphoria. Your mind couldn’t even react properly while your body was going haywire. One of your hands snaked up to the nape of his neck while the other was squeezing his naked bicep tightly.
The proximity of your bodies was about to make you pass out from a heat stroke.
In the misty moment, he leads you towards the bed. If you’d known better, you would have pushed him and told him to fuck off because he would not get to sleep with you. But you didn’t know better. Matter of fact, the only thing you knew right now was Tom Tom Tom.
When your knees hit the edge of the mattress, your body goes tumbling backwards, causing your heart to race even more than it had been. You break the kiss in a gasp, but Tom doesn’t let you fall too far, holding you securely with one hand on your waist and the other on your neck.
“Already falling for me. It’s a bit soon, yeah?” Tom flirts condescendingly with a single chuckle, standing on the edge after dropping you onto the bed. Good, you thought. You didn’t want delicacy anymore. You wanted roughness. You couldn’t allow yourself to be sweet and intimate with Tom. Not if you didn’t want to fall in love with him or get attached.
Not that that was possible.
“Fuck you.”
“I’m trying to, princess,” Even with the insult, his smirk lingers on like a tattoo. Although you despise that ridiculous nickname, your body didn’t care. When the word rolled off his tongue, your stomach erupted in needy desire and your cunt clenched around nothing. Tom isn’t new to a woman’s arousal. He knows when someone is turned on. It appears in their voice, their body obviously, but always in their eyes. And that lust was laced within you: in your voice, body, and eyes.
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” he taunts, hovering over your trembling body while your mind still tries to come to terms with what the fuck is happening.
“Of course not,” You grumble, but it comes out all quiet.
“Keep tellin’ yourself that. Maybe you’ll be surprised,” he infamously winks before traveling down your neck in harsh kisses. You try to withhold the whimpers he’s causing because it's impossible with the amount of pleasure you’re feeling.
Kneeling on both sides of you, Tom’s hands weave their way under your top, exploring your torso mindlessly. His palms are heavy and rough, the only type you wanted to feel when it came to him. You were wearing a simple bralette that you would feel his fingers trace over impatiently.
“Take it off,” You moaned when he nimbled a bit hard behind your ear. You felt him breathe a chuckle, and you just knew he was smirking. As per usual.
“That’s not very nice,” Tom tsks, halting all his movements and hovering over your flushed face. You were in a daze and he hasn’t even done anything yet. Your core was on fire waiting desperately to be taken care of by the so-called “sex god.”
“I didn’t want it to be,” Grumbling, you grind on your teeth again in impatience. “This was a mistake–”
In complete irritation, despite your body’s desires, you force yourself to sit up. However, Tom does not let that slide. Within seconds your arms are being pinned above your head and he is straddling your hips snuggly. There was no escaping him.
In this position, you could feel his bulge barely pressing against your lower tummy. The thickness nearly made you moan because you were so desperate for it, but God knows you would never get on your knees and beg for it. That’s the last thing you’ll ever do, especially for someone like Tom.
“Slow down there, princess. We haven’t even started yet, and you’re already trying to do the walk of shame.”
“Because you’re being an asshole!”
“I just wanted you to say please, princess,” Tom says innocently, but the most devilish smile rises upon his lips. It’s cruel how contradicting the two are, but you loved it. It spiraled you on even more. “Now, I don’t really care what you say.”
Following his word, Tom didn’t listen to a single word you said. Even though they only consisted of calling him a dickhead, asshole, and fucker, but that’s not the point. Before you know it, your clothes are stripped completely from you and you’re basically in the same predicament as Tom. He clips off your bralette and hastily rips it from your body, tossing it to some unknown place on his surprisingly well-kept floor.
Your breath hinges at the new vulnerability. Tom licks his lips lustfully at the sight of your near-naked body, but doesn’t say anything. No two-cented comment or some witted joke. Nope. Nothing. Something inside of you tingled.
His aggressive hands roughly massaged your breasts. He twisted and flicked your nipples with no care in the world, and that’s just how you liked it. You released a breathy moan when your nipples reached their peak, but he didn’t stop his miniature torture. Mindlessly, you bucked your hips up, right into him.
“Getting off just from some nipple play? God, you must be desperate,” Tom dryly chuckles.
“Shut up,” You groan when his mouth latches onto your raw nipple, intensifying the pain and pleasure that’s firing up in your body.
Tom’s wandering tongue finally makes it down to your underwear, which is soaked through with your arousal. You’re embarrassed to discover his reaction because you know it’s only going to make him even more air-headed than he already is. Your legs are tightly closed, but you widen them just a tad more. Tom isn’t having it.
“Open. I want to see what I do to you.”
You swear your heart skipped a beat because you nearly fucking died right there. Annoyingly obeying him, you open your legs more, giving him more access to your vulnerability. Also, giving him more ammunition to use to make fun of you. You knew for a fact that you would regret all of this in the future, but right now, for some fucking reason, you didn’t give a damn.
“Fuck,” Tom growled so low that you almost didn’t hear him. His face was now so close to you that you could practically feel his grumble vibrate through your thighs and straight to your cunt. “This is what I do to you? This whole time? And you’ve been running away…how selfish of you. To keep this from me.”
“I’m selfish? You are definitely the last person that’s–” The power of your words are cut short when he slides down your panties without hesitation. “–able to say that.”
“How about you stop saying stuff and let me get on with it?”
“Oh, please! Like I’m the one that’s stopping you.”
“Look who learned how to say please,” he smirks, hands prying open your thighs even wider than before. You inhale sharply as your cunt opens completely for him, dripping in your arousal. “Now, shut the fuck up unless you’re crying my name. Got it, princess?”
In the midst of an eyeroll, Tom places his mouth onto your clit. Places might be the wrong word. He latched his mouth hungrily onto you, like he would starve if he didn’t have you right now. Your eyes squeeze shut in shock, trying to decipher the incredible feeling of his mouth on you. Slurping and licking, Tom devours you whole and you can’t stop your body from squirming all over the place from the overwhelming euphoria.
To make you even more insane and to make you lose a bit more of your brain cells, Tom slyly slips one of his fingers in your cunt. It was undeniably soaking, so he slid it in easily. His pace is rigorous, thrusting in and out while sucking harshly on your clit.
Like Tom had requested, you were moaning. At first, it was just a few noises, but then, it turned into his name. The only word you seemed to know was Tom as you wailed and cried from his attack on your cunt. Even as your hips bucked into his face, he held you securely down with his forearm and continued to ram into you until you eventually came.
When you came, it was like you were hit by a freight train. Your orgasm slammed over you so powerfully that you saw stars for a moment. Oh, and you squirted, which you’ve never done before. Your wetness dripped down Tom’s face, and it was kind of funny to you, even if you felt a little bad about it (not really). But Tom had that tattooed-smirk on his face that let you know he was enjoying himself too much. Conceited as always.
“Didn’t know you were a squirter,” Tom wipes away your orgasm with his shower towel while your entire face goes hot again.
“Neither did I.”
“First time? What a pleasure.”
“Oh, shut up,” You roll your eyes, forgetting that he actually likes that. He smiles, but hides it with a smirk. Then Tom pulls down his tight briefs. Looking at his equipment, you nearly choked. It was thick and veiny, and the tip was an angry pink.
You wanted him inside of you, but if this was going to be the only time you do this, might as well get your fill.
“Actually,” You start, heart thumping rapidly. “Can I…”
You didn’t even really ask, you just slowly lowered yourself onto the floor. Tom didn’t stop you, just watched as you kneeled. Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his cock, waiting for him to terminate your movements.
“I’d never say no to a blowjob, princess.”
Rolling your eyes, your warm fingertips rub over his leaking slit. He hisses at the sudden contact, but moans gutturally when your tongue touches him. You lick up his shaft, soaking the entire surface with your saliva. Tom’s hefty hands find themselves tangled in your hair, using it for balance.
Once you take him deeper into your mouth, the urge to pump himself down your throat gets tougher. You hollow out your cheeks, slurping up and down until your face is burning. With confidence, you push him lower down your throat until you gag around his length.
“Fuck, you take me so well,” he groans, his sounds echoing on his blue walls. His stomach contracts, abs tensing as he senses his high approaching.
A few tears twinkle in your eyes, and to kill Tom even more, you decide to stare up at him through your lashes. Your expression appears innocent, but he knows you’re anything but with the way you’re taking his cock amazingly.
When Tom can’t restrain himself anymore, his hips start bucking into your face. He feels you moan against him even if he caught you off guard, sending a wave of vibration through his whole body euphorically. His grip on your hair tightens while the tears that were brimming your eyes start to fall down like a waterfall.
The picture of you crying while his cock was shoved down your throat was enough to get him off through the rest of college. Maybe even the rest of his 20s. You wanted it rough, and you took him like a champ.
With your fingernails digging into his thighs, Tom was sure to come soon. And in the next few moments, he did. He was so blindsided that he didn’t warn you, didn’t tell you to get off of him so you didn’t choke on his cum. But then, you swallowed him without any hesitation.
Tom was nearly hard again because of it.
His remaining orgasm leaked from the corners of your lips, which you wiped away with the towel on the bed. Tom was trying to not appear dumbstruck while you were trying to rid the tears from your face, even though you were almost positive that Tom got off on them.
You had done a lot of blowjobs and deepthroating throughout your college years because again, men aren’t too nice or generous. You just so happen to be both.
As you stand up from the ground, Tom doesn’t wait to push you onto the mattress again.
“That was…” he starts before groaning quietly. Was he reliving it? “I need to be deep inside of your cunt.”
You blinked at the suddenness of his words. He couldn’t give you a single compliment? At this point, you weren’t going to waste anymore time fighting about it. Looking at his cock, he was basically hard again. That seemed like a compliment in itself. His angry tip and thick veins looked like if he knew how to use his dick, it could potentially destroy you. Isn’t that what you wanted, though?
Hell yes.
“Get on with it then,” You pressed, trying to widen your legs a bit more. After your first orgasm and Tom’s, you’re not as shaky as you’d been in the beginning. You got some of your wits back.
“Impatient much? Didn’t the palace ever teach you manners?” Tom jokes with a knowing smirk before hovering over you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes irritatingly at his extra comment. His cock thumped over your clit a few times, causing you to gasp at the weighted feeling. You didn’t even know he had put a condom on, but the texture of his cock felt like latex, so you assumed.
Even though you told him to get on with it, he doesn’t. Tom’s lips kiss and bite your neck while he continuously slaps your clit with his heavy cock. Whimpers elicited from your mouth at the friction; it wasn’t a lot, but you were still sensitive from your last orgasm. Every time his dick hit the hood of your clit, shots of electricity fired inside of you.
“T-Tom!” You shouted annoyed, attempting to get his attention. But of course, your voice came out as a wavering moan and you saw his ego fly into the sky like a rocket. You can never win, can you? “Can you just fuck me already? What’s with all the foreplay?”
“Can you just shut the fuck up?” Tom stops all of his movements and grasps your throat in his hand. You glare into his blackened-eyes with an angered lust that he’s never seen before. But he likes it. He really likes it. “I’ll fuck you. Yeah, and I’ll keep fucking you until I’m done.”
His last words come out as a growl, one that was so primal and aggressive, you couldn’t stop the arousal that leaked from you. Finally, Tom pushes himself inside of you with no mercy.
Tom’s fingers are still wrapped around your throat, his pressure on and off so you get a millisecond to breathe. His cock slams into you at a meticulous and quick pace. Even with the condom on, you can feel every inch of his length sliding through you like it was raw.
You couldn’t even imagine how good it would feel if it was raw.
With no warning, Tom begins to flick his hips up into you. A broken croak elicits from your trapped throat while your cunt squeezes his cock harshly.
“Fuckin’ love this, aren’t you? Love how I fuck you? Love how I talk to you like you’re nothing?” His voice is guttural and low, laced with lust and degradation. “You’re just a hole f’me. A hole so fucking tight I can barely get my big cock through.”
You hate how egotistical he is, but your core is still on fire with every one of his words. He releases pressure on your throat for a bit longer, and you cry out in moans. His now free hand gropes your breast, slapping and twisting the nipple without care. Your back arched so aggressively, you thought you might cramp up.
Tom rammed into you like there was no tomorrow. His balls slammed against you while his light pubic hair tickled your clit and gave you just a bit more stimulation. Everything was making you float. Your body was just taking everything he was giving you and you were loving it. All the other times you’ve had sex they were gentle and sweet, but now, you’ve realized that it was just boring.
Tom somehow manages to curve his cock inside of you in such a way that it hits you in the perfect spot. A scream of his name flies out of your mouth before you clench snuggly around his shaft again. His name is the only thing your lips know.
“Daddy! Fuck,” You gasp at your own words, the title just slipping out. Your hand covers your mouth in a haste, shutting yourself up before you say anything else. Your eyes screw shut in embarrassment, hoping he didn’t hear you. But it was hard not to when you fucking screamed it. The neighbors probably heard you.
When you got too deep into it, you tended to say things like that. However, you’re usually able to compose yourself before you let it slip. But the way Tom is absolutely destroying you gives you no time to think, no time to do anything but feel.
“Of course, you’re fucking filthy. If I knew you were such a slut, I would’ve made you beg for my cock,” Tom growls in your neck, pounding into you with no remorse. Your mind is in a haze and your body is still on fire from embarrassment and passion. You tried your hardest to hold in your moans after satisfying him with that title, but Tom won’t let you.
He rips your hand away from your mouth, and for leverage, you instantly grip onto his shoulders. With each hostile thrust, your nails dig deeper into his skin, creating red curves all over him. Somewhere inside of you felt a sense of pride because you know that there will be marks later on. Is this what Tom feels like all the time?
Your cunt clutches his dick again, but this time your orgasm is near. Your hand travels down in between you two to rub your clit, but Tom beats you to it. His rough fingertips violently circle the little nub, sending your eyes rolling backwards. When you feel his pace slowing just a tad, you assume that he’s just as close.
“Daddy,” You mewl, scratching his arm as your hips thrust up towards his. Yeah, you were pretty deep.
But so was he.
“Know you’re close, baby. Feel you squeezin’ m’cock,” Tom grumbles gravely in your ear, and his voice sends a tingle down your arched spine. Although it was rough and raggedy, it was the softest he’s been to you all night. “Come, right fucking now, princess.”
Yeah, you might despise him outside of the bedroom, and maybe a little bit in it, but who are you to disobey such a thing?
Your entire body tenses and your heart stops. You don’t even feel yourself breathing as your orgasm washes over you like a never-ending tsunami. Your brain is overwhelmingly fuzzy, your breasts are sore, and your cunt is aching from all it. But you loved every bit of it. It was something you didn’t know you wanted, but when you got it, it changed your views and feelings on everything.
Sliding in and out of you slickly, Tom comes soon after you with a string of profanities falling from his pretty lips. Even if he was conceited, he was a striking man. His body was hand-crafted by God in addition to going to the gym every day. When his muscles contracted over you, you couldn’t stop fawning over him. And his face was remarkable, it was unfair how someone could be given so many good social-standard genes. You wished you could say it was all a rumor. But it was hard to insult his looks when everything he gloated about was true. It was just annoying that he was aware of it.
Funny, right?
“Y/N,” Tom repeated your name over you, hoping you would wake up in the present moment. You were clearly in your head and Tom was a little concerned to say the least. Maybe he sleeps with a bunch of different women and maybe he’s arrogant, but that doesn’t mean he’s heartless.
Blinking several times, you snap out of whatever mindless daze you’ve been in. He’d already thrown away the condom and put on some boxers, not briefs. He gently wiped any excess orgasm away with his towel, your body subtly squirming from the stimulation. When Tom finally sees you coming to your senses, he slowly leans away from you, assuming you want space.
“Wait,” You find yourself saying without knowing what you want him to wait for. When his body rose from yours, you felt cold. It was so uncomforting, knowing that you’ve been so warm this entire time. Tom stares down at your naked body and watches goosebumps fan your skin. Your nipples pebble and stomach contracts. You feel so vulnerable.
“What?” Tom asks a little breathily, one arm holding himself up for balance. He couldn’t really say anything else. For the first time in a while, he’s completely starstruck by you. Your bare figure with your lion-like frizz of hair on his bed, tangled in his blue sheets is a sight he’ll never unsee. He honestly thinks he needs a moment to collect himself before staring at your beauty again.
Have you always been this beautiful?
“Now, it’s cold? I’m not the weatherman, princess,” Tom smiles like a child with a slight tilt. Your eyes roll like usual, but a smile is tugging at your lips this time. “Maybe you should put some clothes on.”
“Maybe you should shut up,” You retaliate, pushing yourself up. You’re face to face with Tom, merely inches away from each other.
“I love when you fight me,” he compliments, moving his head in little shakes like he adores you. Your heart skipped a beat at his words.
“Why? Because I put you in your place?”
“Something like that,” Tom sits next to you on the bed while you wrap yourself in his sheets. You really didn’t feel like wandering around the entire room completely naked with his eyes watching you. “Also, what were you looking for earlier? I know it wasn’t a gun.”
That familiar wave of heat flushes your skin and your mouth gets all dry. Are you sweating?
“Pfft, I don’t even remember. Must have slipped my mind,” Out of all the things you could have said, you decided to act stupid. Good going.
“C’mon, it can’t be that bad. I’ve probably heard worse,” Your wide eyes meet his, full of embarrassment. “Yeah, I’m assuming it’s some rumor thing you heard, right?”
“Tell me.” You’ve already had sex with him, and that’s the lowest you could go. So, it can’t be worse than that.
“I was looking for the list.”
“Not even a list but the list? Must be some pretty special list,” he smirks with an arrogant lick of his lips. One of your hands rubs your arm for comfort while you explain the entirety of what you’ve heard. It took a few minutes, but Tom was listening to every word. He nodded along with a sly smirk on his lips.
“So, it’s a list of all the people I want to sleep with. Is this list in order?” Out of all the questions he could have asked, that’s what he said? Maybe he is completely conceited.
“I guess so. I assumed you could rearrange it if you’d like.”
“Are the women rated?”
“What? That’s disgusting!” Physically writing down how well someone was at sex was pathetic to you. But the curious cat in your mind was wondering one thing:
What would Tom rate you?
“Well, if I had a list, you’d probably be near the top.”
There is no fucking way you said that out loud.
“You did, though,” Tom laughs while your fists clench his sheets embarrassingly. You fall backwards onto the mattress, covering your face with the bedding.
Why are you still in his room? Why have you not felt the urge to flee yet?
Your skin was burning from embarrassment and your heart was beating sporadically, but your breathing was steady and your mind was decently clear. So, why were you still lying in Tom Holland’s bed naked without a single thought of leaving? Did you…like it?
Or maybe because you have no way home and what’s the rush?
“Hey,” Tom says while you’re still beneath the covers. “Are you still cold?”
“Yes,” You mumble quietly.
“Do you…want to take a bath? Or a shower if that’s weird–” Your head slowly peeks out from the navy blue, finding Tom’s wandering eyes. His large hand was scratching the back of his curly head. A single tingle shot through your body, making you a degree warmer. It was the first time you’ve seen him even a little bit unsure of himself, and that made you smile. Just a tad because it let you know that maybe you’ve made him snap out of whatever bubble he lives in. Even just for a moment.
Discarding the sheet, you sit up on your knees at the edge of the bed. Like before, you’re face to face with Tom, and you can see the struggle in his eyes to not look down at your bare breasts. It nearly makes you break out into a fit of laughter, but you carry on.
“I’ll go with the bath,” You whisper seductively and don’t hide the way you stare down at his pink lips. You couldn’t help it. They just look so kissable.
What is wrong with you!
“I’ll, uh, leave you to it then,” Tom coughs awkwardly. He’s never been like this before. He’s good with the flirting, seducing, foreplay, sex, and even the aftermath of leaving right after. But the second it even gets remotely romantic or intimate, he shuts it down quickly before anything else can happen. Though right now, he’s the one who made it sweet and offered you a bath. A bath is cute and domestic, which is so unlike Tom. He would have never offered something like that before, especially with no one home. He should’ve just kicked you out.
What’s different?
“Oh,” You look at the floor in pretend disappointment. Just to note, you’re still completely naked, standing in front of his bathroom door. You’re so glad he has his own bathroom. “You don’t want to join me?”
Tom blinks, wondering if you’re being serious. He never thought you out of all people would want to have sex in the bathtub, let alone with him. He swallows, trying to keep his cool.
“Yeah, obviously, I was just letting you get a headstart,” Tom rapidly removes his boxers while you strut into the bathroom, shaking your ass in your trail. Streaks of curses leave his mouth while he slams the door closed, not forgetting to lock it.
For the record, the rumor was true; Tom did have a list. It was in a spot he knew no one would check; his textbooks in his desk drawer. A single sheet of paper that has a list of the girls he’s been with and the ones he wants to be with. It’s crazy how such a rumor was developed when no one knew about the list except for himself.
Yes, it was listed in order and he reorganized it whenever he needed to. That’s what erasers are for. He writes it in pencil because nothing is set in stone. It’s honestly hard for him to remember who’s in his top five right now. Yeah, Tom sounds like a complete douchebag, but he didn’t really care.
Tom said that your name would be “near the top” if he had a list. What a liar he is.
Ever since he met you, you’ve been the first on his list. You’re the only name that hasn’t been erased since he wrote it his junior year. Also, you’re the only person who has a little note on the side of her name:
1. Y/N Y/L/N -The one
Tom had a feeling that he won’t have to write any names down, or even need the paper anymore. Even if he never had a list to begin with, he would have never needed one to remember you.
i hope you guys liked this i worked hard!! likes, comments, and reblogs are all appreciated <3
taglist: @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @princesspannnn @sageisswaggg @purplerose291 @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @raajali3
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sunlightmurdock · 3 months
libarian bob x pornstar reader
to niche or good? 😧
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really good because I feel like librarian bob would have kind of a work crush on reader who comes into his library constantly and checks out books that he fucking loves, but he’s too shy to kind of say how excited he is that their reading styles are so similar
so he just kind of politely observes and makes pleasant conversation, and lets himself have his harmless little crush for a while
and then one day he sees them at a coffee shop or something and like maybe his card isn’t working or maybe he forgot his wallet, and they happily pay for him because he’s always so kind to them
and without even thinking, he kind of goes, “wow, you have a lot of ones!” when he sees their wallet
and they just kind of smile and shrug, “yeah. I get a lot at work.”
“Oh. Like tips? — What do you do?” And he’s mentally planning on visiting the restaurant they work at already.
“I’m a stripper.”
And boy is silenced. Red, rosy cheeks bc oh my god this person that he is head over heels for is talking about doing something sexy and now he’s picturing it and he’s still in a coffee shop.
so because they’ve obviously been crushing on the cute ass librarian for ages and ages, reader just smiled and tells him, “You should come by sometime.”
he doesn’t do that because he can’t think of anything more mortifying than being that turned on in a public space, but! that is the beginning of many, many conversations in the library and eventually their relationship (and he def gets a private show)
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sexcromancy · 4 months
young adult, new adult, and fantasy fiction: the audience of a book is who reads it
title clumsily based on the purpose of a system is what it does.
before we begin, I want to focus a bit on defining our terms. young adult, new adult, adult, science fiction/fantasy, speculative fiction, contemporary romance - all of the terms I will use in this post are created by marketing companies and readers, and all of them have fuzzy and subjective applicability to any given book. there is no objectivity in cataloging, which is the lens through which I approach knowledge organization projects like this. there is no definitive answer to what any given book or genre "is", because these categories are not fixed values. instead, their values are expanded and developed by what gets placed in which category, by whom, and what criteria they base that decision on. that's what I want to discuss.
to provide some context: debates over age categories and who is reading what books for which age ranges currently dominate discussions among publishers, authors, librarians, and readers. ages of characters in YA are skewing up, sales are slowing down. young adult as a category has existed for 50+ years, but it is currently undergoing some growing pains. here's one more article for good measure. new adult is a term created by the publishing industry in 2009, which developed in fits and starts despite multiple bestselling authors publishing under the category. oh well. in 2015, sarah j mass published her new book, a court of thorns and roses, which is widely regarded as a turning point for the popularity of new adult (more on the classification of ACOTAR itself in a moment). NA stalled out for many years, but has recently very quickly grown in popularity, especially for romance readers on booktok. some of the most popular books listed under new adult on goodreads are colleen hoover's it ends with us and it starts with us, ali hazelwood's check & mate, and rebecca yarros' fourth wing.
I want to look at two of these currently very popular authors as case studies to really dig into what new adult has come to mean.
in this 2014 interview, SJM discusses her currently running throne of glass series and the upcoming release of ACOTAR in 2015. she notes that the book is intended for "a slightly older YA crowd (aka steamy times ahead!)". earlier in the interview, she dodges a question about whether throne of glass will be YA or NA by saying she appreciates her teen and adult readers - if I had to guess, the label was still too new and publishers didn't want to alienate anyone. in 2023, I can't find anything on her website or bookseller sites that specifically identify the series (or any of her series) as YA, NA, or adult. however, Goodreads (which relies on user generated tags and is, to put it lightly, a mess wrt information organization) firmly classes ACOTAR as YA - almost 9k tags in young-adult and ya (lack of authority control is just one aspect of the mess), as opposed to about 3.5k new-adult. the thing is, though, ACOTAR comes up in essentially every blog post and article I read on the definition of new adult. it is a flashpoint in the discussion: it either did or didn't restart the term, it is or isn't too sexually explicit to be classed for teens, the writing is filled with young adult tropes and this does or does not matter. the answers to these questions aren't particularly important to me, but it's very interesting to see how people are attempting to draw those boundaries. I took a quick census of how SJM's series are classed in my library system. her throne of glass series is uniformly shelved in YA; ACOTAR is mostly YA with a few copies in adult, and her newer crescent city series is mostly adult with a few copies in YA. I do think that any discussion of ACOTAR is partially colored by this divisive relationship to the new adult category itself, so I'd also like to bring in a much newer book facing similar conversation.
if you follow this blog you might already know that I have an entirely non-neutral relationship to ali hazelwood; I love her books both as books and as cultural objects deserving of study. previously, she published three adult romance novels and a set of adult romance novellas, which all fall firmly and inarguably into those defined categories, based on age range and content (I have an argument for the love hypothesis being a horror story, but that's a different conversation). last year, she published her newest book, check & mate, as a young adult romance. it was widely marketed as such by the young readers imprint at putnam. however, on reading it, I (and many goodreads commenters) were surprised to find that it aligned more with some hallmarks of new adult. the characters are out of high school, and the challenges and growth moments are more focused on evolution, rather than coming of age. one blog post I read made the argument that YA is about high school firsts and NA is about adulthood firsts. this is amorphous, partially because there is no real one life path into adulthood by which to judge this, so let's switch focus to something more concrete: sex. in each of Ali's adult novels, there are a few explicit sex scenes. they're not as explicit as other romance novels, but they're definitely not fade-to-black. in check & mate, characters have sex, but it happens entirely off-screen and any discussion is fairly chaste or, at most, relying heavily on implied content. this is a real disconnect to me. much of NA lit (ACOTAR included) is quite sexually explicit. among those most popular NA books on goodreads, there are many books that get marketed specifically for their sexual content (spicy🌶️ to the tiktokers, smut to everyone else). to me, this cements check & mate as a YA novel - if she was going to write a book with explicit sex, like her others, she could've. she's mentioned in interviews that her chess novel concept originally featured older characters, and she aged them down once she realized what kind of story she wanted to tell. to me, it is telling that moving from adult to YA creates more clumsy caution around the handling of sex, as opposed to SJM, whose books "aged" upwards over time.
another interesting example I've noticed in the emerging NA space is how the age category intersects with genre. YA as a category has a pretty expansive genre playing field - we've all read YA fantasy, contemporary romance, historical fiction, action/adventure, issue novels, etc. NA so far seems pretty exclusively limited to romance as a main focus, especially in the most popular offerings as discussed above.
I've seen many a tiktok alleging that despite the drawn out fight scenes, extensive lore, and huge interconnected web of characters, the ACOTAR books are not "real fantasy." even more so for the fourth wing books. I've seen these books compared to Tolkien, as if to say, well, if you didn't invent a language, you're not really on the same level. that's entirely unfair, imo - plenty of fantasy doesn't engage at that level. but there is a wide array of contemporary fantasy I do think we can contrast with ACOTAR and other popular NA series.
we've discussed some of the hallmarks of YA and NA as categories: the age range of characters, coming of age, explicit sex for NA. i'd add fast-paced, immersive writing, especially in first person or close third, because so much of the appeal described on booktok is a book sucking you in completely. now, i want to bring up a few books that, on the surface, might check several of these boxes: dune by frank herbert has an 18yo protagonist, and the first book is very much a coming of age story. eragon (christopher paolini) and the name of the wind (patrick rothfuss) focus on a young person coming into their magical abilities through school/mentorship, a similar setting to many YA series. mistborn (brandon sanderson) and game of thrones (george r.r. martin) both have prominent protagonists that are 18 or younger when the story starts. of all these series, only eragon has young-adult as its most popular age-related tag on goodreads, and eragon was, at the time of release, very specifically marketed to and shelved in young adult in bookstores and libraries. some of these books have explicit or non-explicit sexual content, but only GOT has even close to as much as your average NA novel (to my knowledge).
i am not alleging that any of these books should be classed as YA, necessarily. but the glaring difference in their marketing and readership does point to one thing: these books are largely about men, and they are all written by men. i am not the first person to point out this gender gap in fantasy writing, and i don't have anything particularly new to say about it, except to bring it back around to my original point. none of these novels "are" adult fiction, and plenty (plenty!) of teenagers read them, in an interesting reversal of the trends in YA. who is making the decisions about where these books go, and why? what can we draw out about the books and their marketing? how is the future of "adult fantasy" shaped when these are the benchmarks by which we measure new entries?
i did also look into a few of my own favorite sci-fi series by women to see how they ranked by similar parameters. parable of the sower by octavia butler, featuring an 18yo protagonist and sexual content, has no age category at all in the top 20 most popular goodreads tags. it's in adult fiction in every library in my system that owns a copy. ive seen gideon the ninth (18yo protag, and yeah lets go ahead and say explicit sexual content) on YA shelves in bookstores, but its adult tag on goodreads is more popular, and almost every library in my system has it in adult. in my opinion, these books are important in rejecting the "women write YA, men write adult" narrative around speculative fiction, but they're not necessarily an exception to a different trend. it is not difficult for me to think of more adult scifi/fantasy books by women, because i actively seek them out. however, almost every single one of them has a protagonist under 25, as is the case with so much of the adult fantasy written by men listed above. last year, i read the adventures of amina al-sirafi, by s.a. chakrabotry, which was (i believe) the first non-contemporary/realistic fiction book ive ever read with a middle aged mother as the main protagonist. the book club at my library branch, mainly composed of middle aged and older women, read it, and expressed such genuine joy and excitement over a fantastic, adventurous book featuring a woman they saw themselves in. representation really does matter, and it matters to everyone, not just young people. but that's a different soapbox.
young readers are extremely picky. i've watched many a teenager (or younger) browse the YA section and turn up their noses at books with a cringey cover, an overly dramatic blurb, or just because. marketing books to teens is hard. booktok is an incredibly powerful marketing tool and divisive social force. it skyrockets an author one day and by the next week, other accounts are tearing that same author to shreds. in this environment, its no surprise that the sensationalized books - extremely good or extremely bad, blatantly sexual, shocking, consumable - become flashpoints of discussion. who should be reading ya? who is it for? what is inappropriate for young teenagers to read? what is inappropriate for adults to read? i think about these topics a lot, especially as what the publishing industry terms a "gatekeeper" - i'm a children's librarian; i control the access teenagers in my community have to these books. i take that role seriously, and i want to be thinking deeply about the books i put in my YA section and who will read them. our decisions, about where we class books, how we label and present them, how we discuss them: that is part of what dictates what genre and age classification a book "is", in addition to marketing.
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wordsinhaled · 11 months
was talking about this with @ghostboyjules --
children's reading circle librarian!dream ("mister dream"!!! with lil star doodles on his name tag...??? yes???) and single dad!hob whose son is in dream's reading circle AU still lives in my head rent free
thinking about hob being a regular at the library and trying to work up the courage to ask dream out but also not wanting to be creepy because this is dream's place of work??? and dream not wanting to approach hob because his son is in the reading group and that would be out of line!!! so they spend a long time both secretly liking each other
then they actually run into each other somewhere else innocuous (checkout at the grocery store? hob sees dream in a t-shirt and jeans for the first time - not what he usually wears at the library - and dream sees hob in a hoodie with his hair up in a messy bun and they're both like OH MY GOODNESS HEART EYES??? IT'S HIM
hob actually spots him first and he has robyn with him and of course robyn (who loves dream) is all, MISTER DREAAAM! and drags them over to the same checkout. of course dream then crouches down to speak to robyn in a very serious and proper way about whether he has finished the book on greek mythology they just checked out yet. and then dream looks up at hob before straightening up and he's still smiling in a totally disarming way and hob is like oh okay, so if i don't take my chances i might actually perish
and so hob jumps on the opportunity to ask dream out for coffee or drinks... dream is SUPREMELY thrilled to be asked out but also totally blindsided... ends up putting his foot in his mouth and accidentally declines somehow??? cites propriety or whatever and hob is all, "oh, that's alright of course, well - we'll see you on sunday - " and then they have to both wait in the checkout queue before hob can go home to lick his wounds in peace...
that night death calls dream up to see how he's doing and coaxes the story out of him... and takes it upon herself to arrange a re-do for them... and she insists dream has to be the one doing the asking out this time... in the end dream ends up asking hob to go to like ??? a museum exhibit opening with him? an exhibit on fancy antique books perhaps? something fancy like that. idk there's wine and passed hors d'oeuvres and fancy outfits and it's TOTALLY kind of high stakes as first dates go but the rest is history ok????
fast forward to dream reading robyn a bedtime story before tucking him in at night because robyn INSISTS on being tucked in by mister dream and hob standing in the doorway like "you're so good with him *heart eyes*"
ahhh, i just love them your honor
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darkened-writer · 8 months
imagine| On The Nature Of Daylight
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This is a part two to 'Star', since I feel like it deserved a happy ending, despite the bittersweetness of the first part. I honestly could expand this into a series if I want to, so let me know what you all think! Enjoy!
PAIRING || Astarion x Tav (Reader)
WORD COUNT || 1,090
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Daylight always felt so odd, because even in a big city, the night was always more comforting. Especially for those who could never truly sleep well. ‘Insomniacs’.
The times that Tav did sleep, they’d see glimpses of stark white locks, red speckled irises, and a cheeky grin. All unfamiliar to see in a society where the only white hair you would see is on older people and people with odd hair dying choices. And, red eyes? It’d be associated with Albinism. The dots could never really connect on who this person plaguing their dream were.
Every night.
Every nap.
Every single time.
Doctors prescribed meds for PTSD, Insomnia, but nothing ever worked.
So, Their nights were filled with mindless activities and scrolling their phone, as most people do.
Wondering who exactly this man could be.
And, why his skin felt so natural against theirs.
The sun peeked just out of the curtain of their room, only slightly illuminating the space that was covered with various papers that had sketches scrawled across them, some with eyes, some with swirls to resemble curls, and mouths, shaped into smirks, two sharp teeth peeking out from under them. So beautiful yet out of reach, even so slightly.
The bed felt so empty.
But, at least there was the library.
It was a small job, paid decently well, gave Tav access to all types of books, ranging from non-fiction to fantasy to even greek tellings and local legends.
Though, fantasy was always one that piqued their interest.
Busy streets, walking with a blazer wrapped around their figure, a coffee in their hands, messenger bag in the other.
Eventually, the quietness of the library surrounded them, a few people sat at table reading books or typing away at computers. A few stood inbetween shelves, examining every aspect of the books they hold from the front to the spine.
Wyll, he was the head of the library, was clocking out and waved with a smile, glasses pushing up towards his nose as he walks away, carrying a stack of books. He was the nicest coworker you could ever have, always leaving a tupperware full of baked goods. Assortments of cookies, cupcakes, mini pies, all very sweet. Though, his hobbies outside of work were always involving sword fighting and fencing.
Cookies, this time around.
Red velvet.
The red looked practically bloody.
There was a ding, and Tav looked up, a red-haired woman holding a few books.
“Will these be all?”
“Demonology, huh?”
She was quiet, opting to hug herself as she waited for the books to be checked out, hand rubbing against the muscle under her leather jacket.
Tav slides the books across the counter.
“Hope these help your studies!”
“Thank you.”
She walks away, Tav now opening the tupperware to grab a cookie, taking a large bite and humming a bit at the taste of the white chocolate chips.
Always so good.
“Hello? Earth to Librarian?”
Her hair was stark white, next to her snowy complexion, a silver necklace adorning her neck as she waved a petite hand in from of their face.
“Oh… sorry.”
The girl handed the books over, watching closely as Tav scanned them.
“You ever dabble in witchcraft?”
Tav perks up.
“Uh. No. But, it does seem interesting.”
“You should check these out once I’m done with them. Spells of protection are major within witchcraft, you know?”
She takes the books, grinning.
“Have a good one, Librarian.”
Sauntered off, leaving Tav to contemplate why no one ever read their nametag.
But, there was no time for that, there were books to put away.
So, they grabbed a cart, stacking returned books onto it before pushing it to certain aisles, sliding books in their rightful places, humming a small tune that's been stuck in their head. Eventually, the fantasy section comes up, a lot of empty slots to fill as they stop and begin to put boots in, until someone snatches up the book they just put in.
Red-Speckled eyes.
A devilish grin.
White locks.
“Oh, hello…”
His voice was smooth, an accent buried underneath it all.
“Apologies for snatching this book from you, Love. You see… I’m very fascinated by fictional works, especially fantasy and this work, from Ms. Tyler, well, it’s an excellent work.”
He shows the cover of the book, which had a piece of art that depicted a small group of people.
“It’s okay, uh… we are getting a shipment soon of the next part after that one. The conclusion. If you’d like, I can have a reminder sent to you for it?”
His grin widens.
“That’d be perfect, Darling, Thank you.”
He peers down.
“That’s me.”
“My name is Aster, but you can call me Astarion.”
Tav smiles a bit.
“You seem vaguely familiar, have we met before?”
“I believe we haven’t but, we can get to know each other?”
He was charming, his eyes looking directly into Tav’s with a familiar intensity.
“Sure. But, check out the book first?”
He nods, smiling as Tav walks away with the cart, mind swirling with thoughts.
Exactly like the dreams.
They looked just like the person in his dreams.
And, he had to know more.
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“Just this book?”
He had just set the one book onto the counter, eyes more trained on Tav then anywhere else.
But, the sun through the window was hitting him just right, the red of his eyes more bright in the unexpected light, giving a odd sense of comfort. He was all too known in Tav’s mind, the resemblance uncanny of the man in their dreams. His touch could practically be felt still, his hands brushing the hair out of their face.
“Yes. And, red velvet? Good choice.”
A grin sprouts on Tav’s face.
“My coworker made them for me, they're good. Want one?”
Their hands graze as Tav hands him a cookie, scanning the book and handing it over to him again as he grabs it, other hand holding the cookie as he take a bite, nodding to himself.
“Quite good.”
“I know right?”
A beat of silence.
“I’m sorry if its weird but, I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve met you..”
“I feel the same way.”
Both perk up.
“Would you want to maybe… go get coffee or something? I know a place down main street, ran by this really nice guy, Halsin.”
“I’d love to, my dear.”
Both just look at eachother, a knowing look, red eyes looking into theirs.
“See you soon?”
“See you soon.”
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Hey so I just found your account and omg?? it's literally so amazing 😭✋
Anyways-I was just looking through a bunch of the twist monster au headcannons/stories, and I thought of a scenario that could be done!
Basically the cast reacting to gender neutral or female reader/yuu acting stuff out in their book they are reading like poses, dialogue, just genuine reactions to the text itself
ex. Throwing the book across the room and them being genuinely concerned that something happened bc reader is just staring off into space or cursing but what actually happened was either a character died/did something embarrassing/the mc and love interest finally kiss
Anyways that's all I had in mind hope you have a good day/night! <3
Omg thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the content! QvQ
Ah, books. Such a wonderful creation humans made to fill us with raw, pure emotion or shattering our hearts and souls into a million tiny pieces—only for us to read it again and again! Don’t you just love those moments as a reader? UvU
Except for cliffhangers. Readers have a love/hate relationship with it, writers adore cliffhangers! ÒvÓ
So, what happens if we take a bookreader!Yuu (they/them) and throw them into Twisted Monsterland where even the history books read like a world guide/omnibus to a game or TV series? Oh, and I took a bit of inspiration from a Disney princess comic and a Bill Watterson “Calvin and Hobbes” comic for two of these scenarios. 😂
“Jeez, you sure you’ve got enough books, Yuu?”
“The librarian wouldn’t let me check out more than ten at a time,” Yuu replied, their backpack and arms filled with thick books. “Wish I could’ve gotten ten more at least, but this’ll do for now.”
“Are you sure you can even read all those before next semester?” Deuce asked in concern. “Those look pretty…dense.”
“Oh, I’ll be done in a week. Maybe a week and a half if we get a lot of homework.”
“Funya?! You gotta be kidding me!” Grim said. “Can humans read that fast?”
“Not everyone. Some people are slow readers, but that’s okay since they enjoy it at their own pace while I enjoy it at mine. Only problem for me is choosing which one of these I want to read first!”
/Later that night/
“Yuu? It’s time to eat!” Grim called out. Silence greeted him as he stared at Yuu, who was sitting on the couch with their face practically buried in a book. Frowning, the chimera padded over to the couch and repeated, “Yuu! I’m hungry!”
Still the human didn’t seem to respond, their shoulders hunching as they turned the page.
“Yuu? Yuu!” Huffing, Grim crossed his arms as he glared up at them. “You’ve been reading for the past three hours! How much longer are you gonna read that book?”
“What’s going on, pal?” one of the ghosts asked as the trio appeared.
Gesturing his paws at Yuu, he said, “They’ve been reading ever since we got back from the library today, and now they’re not reactin’ to me. It’s dinner time and they haven’t made any food yet!”
Before anyone could even think of what to say, a loud, shrill squeal filled the dorm.
“Eeeeeee!!!” Yuu squealed, a huge grin on their face as they flopped to the side and kicked their legs like a nervous rabbit while holding the book against their chest. “Omg it happened, it happened!!”
“Mrah!? What?! What happened?!” Grim yelled, wings flared out defensively while his fur bristled. “Why are you yelling!”
“My new OTP!! They finally kissed!!” Yuu said, their eyes wide as they rocked from side to side. “They kissed!! Yes!! Yesyesyesyesyessssss!!!”
“OTP? What’s an OTP??” one of the other ghosts asked.
“It’s what we like to call the ‘one true pairing’ in a story,” Yuu explained, a positively giddy expression on their face with eyes shining brighter than the stars as they struck a dramatic pose. “It’s two characters who vibe with each other on a level that you just can’t help but want them to be together—and the author brought these two together!! Yeeeeeeeee, I’m so happy!!”
“And loud,” Grim grumbled, paws clamped over his ears. “Why are you standing like that?”
“It’s how the main character professed their love for the other!”
“…are all humans as weird as you?”
“Trust me, there are people out there that are way crazier in their excitement than I am right now.”
“Oh yeah. Don’t even get me started on the fanfics people write.”
“Oh, you sweet summer child…”
/Two days later/
“Heeeey, lil’ Shrimpy~!”
“Eh…? Hey, Shrimp…why are you ignorin’ us? It’s not very nice.”
“Now, now, Floyd. One mustn’t interrupt a reader when they’re indulging in such a riveting story.”
“Shh,” Yuu muttered, their brow furrowed as they hunched closer to the book. “I’m at the best part!”
Floyd frowned as he laid his head on his arms, the basilisk slumping against the table. “Man, this is lame,” he said. “You promised to come play basketball with me today!”
“Once I finish this part, we can go do whatever you want, okay, Floyd?”
Jade hummed in amusement as he said, “A rather daring proposition you just offered, Yuu.”
“We have to do a buncha reading for class anyway,” Floyd said with a bored expression. “And Crabby and Mackerel said you finished two other books already, so what’s the point of thi-”
“AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!?!?” Yuu shrieked, leaping out of their chair as Jade and Floyd recoiled in shock. Before the twins could react, Yuu had ducked back into their chair and pressed the book even closer to their face than before.
“…lemmie see that,” Floyd said, leaning over the table to grab it.
“No, no! It’s fine, go do something else!” Yuu said all too quickly, sinking even lower and turning away from Floyd’s reaching claws. “I think I heard Riddle in the hallway.”
“Lemmie see it!”
“No! You can’t read it!” Yuu cried out, bolting away from the table holding the book tight to their chest.
“Get back here, Shrimpy!”
“Oh my,” Jade uttered, eyes wide for a moment before he chuckled. “Perhaps I should look into this book when they’ve finished it.”
/The next day/
“Oh no…oooh noooooo, I hate this so much!”
“Then why are you reading it?” Jamil asked, the naga curled around them. “If you don’t like it, just take it back to the library.”
“I can’t! It’s soooooo good!” Yuu said, practically throwing themselves backwards onto Jamil’s snake half with the book pressed against their face.
“Eh? But wait, you just said you hated it,” Kalim said in confusion.
“I hate it, but I love it so much,” Yuu told them with a whine, their head now touching the floor on the other side of Jamil’s snake body yet still draped over him like a cat. “This book will ruin your heart and shatter your soul into a million pieces!...you should read it too!”
“Given how dramatic you’re being, it might not be wise,” Jamil said with a sigh.
“Read it!”
“It’s okay, Yuu. We can read together! It’ll be more fun that way!”
“Kalim, no. You still need to study for the next potions exam.”
“Augh, I need someone to talk about this story with so we can lament in solidarity!”
“…have you been taking lessons from Rook lately?”
/Three days later/
“Um…is Yuu okay? They’re looking a little…tense.”
It had been several days since Yuu borrowed a stack of books, and already they had gone through nearly half of their hoard. Between classes and on breaks or after finishing tests, it wasn’t hard for students to notice the lone human with their nose between the pages of one book after the other. Even the researchers had taken note of Yuu’s behavior in between tests, making note of their expressions and how their body changes with each scene depicting their emotions. It was noteworthy how they reacted when a character in the story did something “cringeworthy and stupid” (as Yuu would explain when asked), it looked as though the human had swallowed a lemon.
At the moment they were sitting in Heartslabyul, yet another book in their arms as they sat on one side of the lounge. Cater had taken progression snapshots of Yuu’s body slowly curling into itself, eyes steadily growing wider and wider to the point it looked as though they’d bolt away in panic.
“They’re fine,” Grim told Trey as he munched on a snack. “They’ve been like this since they got all those books. That’s the pose they had last time when their Ohteevee smooched or somethin’.”
“Oh, you mean ‘OTP’, Grimmy,” Cater corrected with a smile. “That’s so cute! Our human has an OTP already~!”
“I’ve heard of hitting the books, but this is ridiculous,” Ace commented with a sigh. “They’ve been reading so long that I forgot what half their face looks li-”
SLAM! Fwump!!
“Gyah!?” the boys yelped, everyone staring at Yuu as they sat on the couch with a dark scowl.
“Yo, what the heck? Why’d you throw the book like that?” Ace asked, pointing at the large tome on the other side of the couch now.
“Um…Yuu?” Deuce began when they didn’t respond. “Are…you okay?”
“……I’m mad,” came the response, Yuu’s expression growing more annoyed as they stared off into space.
“About what?” Riddle asked in surprise.
Yuu’s gaze turned to the discarded book, their expression as though they had been betrayed by a trusted friend as they said, “Because my favorite character died, and I refuse to read how the book ends when there’s literally two freaking pages left! That’s not enough space to bring them back in a satisfying way!!”
“Y…you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Ace grumbled with a sigh. “That big of a reaction just because a fictional character was killed off?”
“You weren’t there to see the struggles they went through! I saw them change from an annoying bully into a fully developed and vulnerable character who wanted to take charge of their life—and the author killed them off!” Jumping to their feet, Yuu marched towards Ace and Deuce’s room where they’d left their stuff and said, “Where’s my notebook? I need to fix this!”
“What are you gonna do?” Grim called out.
“Write a fanfic, because my scrunkly deserves to be happy!”
“Huh? Scrunkly??”
/Final day/
“Oh, Great Seven…what happened in your book this time?” Vil asked with a sigh.
Yuu sniffled as they tried to dry their tears, though it was difficult as more continued to flow down their cheeks. “I…I just finished my last book,” they said, their voice cracking a little with emotion as Grim pat their arm reassuringly.
“All ten books in a week?” Vil said in surprise. “That’s…impressive. Even so, why are you so upset? Was the story that horrible?”
“No…it…it…it was too good!” Yuu cried out, clutching the book so tight that their knuckles turned white as the tears flowed freely now.
“Ah…such pure, raw human emotion,” Rook crooned. “To express it so freely without fear…beaute!”
“Was the book really that good?” Epel asked.
“Yes!” Yuu wailed. “Now that it’s over, I…I don’t know what to do with myself now…”
Peering at the title, Vil gave a thoughtful hum and said, “Oh, that story. I hear there is supposed to be a spin-off book series. The first one should have released just the other day.”
“Mrrr…now you’ve done it,” Grim grumbled with a sigh. “Here we go again.”
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jaylaxies · 2 years
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PAIRING: librarian!jake x fem!reader
GENRE/CW: smut, fingering, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy), breeding kink, pet names (darling, good girl, baby), slight praise kink, fucking in the library, mentions of rain and thunder.
WC: 1.3k words
SYNOPSIS: you lose your track of time while reading the book at your favorite spot in the library and soon find out that the rain won't allow you go home anytime soon. however, finding the sweet librarian jerking off to porn in the staff area wasn't something you had expected to encounter.
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni.
A/N: hihi, pretty humans <3 i wrote this to get rid of my writer's block! i hope y'all like it and enjoy it while i work on my sunghoon fic which will be out soon! all likes, comments, reblogs and shares are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated :3 take care, iloveyou all <3
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With your nose buried down in your newest book which came out not too long ago, you were making great use of your holiday, spending a good amount of time devouring each line of the newly hit romantic comedy.
You liked the local public library, it was spacious and left majority of the second floor for your use. Your favoured seat was adjacent to the huge window at the backside. The scenic view made sure to lift up your mood at all times. But that wasn't all.
A young guy enthusiastically volunteered as the librarian on alternative days. You found yourself in the library on the very same dates. His personality was like that of a golden retriever and you could have sworn he looked prettiest with his specs neatly perched on his nose.
He was loved by everyone for his amicable traits, he was the embodiment of what they called as ‘cute nerd’ in his plaid shirt and tidy hair, parted to the side. Your heart melted each time you had the shortest conversation while you picked and returned your books, and you'd admit you could have liked your acquaintance to blossom into something prettier.
Your reverie was broken with the disturbing sound of thunder piercing your eardrum. Hurriedly, you looked outside the hazy window to see the gloomy weather with darkened clouds and rain pouring down heavily.
Your eyes widened at the sight, wondering how you were supposed to go back with no umbrella in your vicinity. Adding to it, the library was dead silent, as if it was empty. You checked your watch which displayed eight in all its glory.
It was the closing time.
“Fuck,” you muttered, grabbing your belongings and mentally cussed yourself for being too indulged in reading.
However, you were stopped when you heard muffled voices coming out of the staff area. With the little hope of it being a guard, you opened the door slightly just to check in with the area.
Only to hear low groans followed by cussing in a deep accent. You opened the door wider which made you visible to the person sitting with their laptop switched on, lewd noises filling up the room.
“Jake?” you called his name, mouth hung open and all images of him being pure were thrown out of the window with your current situation.
His legs were spread wide, his cock leaking and hard with his fingers wrapped around him. He was just as shocked as you.
“Oh, fuck!” he spoke out, “What are you doing here?” he asked, trying to hide himself while approaching your figure but you had other plans.
You closed the door behind you, “Do you need some help with that?” you sweetly asked.
“What?” his voice came out breathy.
“I can help you, y'know? It'd be better than using your own hand. Who knew you were such a bad boy?” you smirked, amused.
But he didn't take any of it, pinning you against the closed door, “Watch your mouth, sweetheart.”
“Help me put it to a better use then, maybe?” your tone of whisper more provocative than anything.
And soon, his lips were on yours, the initial kiss turning into a heated one in no time. You gasped, feeling his hands reach down your ass, gripping and massaging them as he rubbed circles using his thumb. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be immersed in him.
His scent was captivating and you could have fainted hearing his low groan as he pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting you both as he gave sloppy kisses to your neck, your hands holding his shoulder for support. He made you weak in the knees.
“Do you want this?” his tone was serious, and you hurriedly nodded, muttering out a yes, pulling him back into another kiss. He laughed lowly with his lips hovering upon yours in a teasing manner, his hand dragging against your clothed core, eliciting a whimper out of you.
You took a moment to get rid of your clothes, now only clad in your undergarments. He took that second for double checking to ensure the door was locked before he got his of his own garments, cock still hard and in need of being touched.
He sucked in his breath as he saw you only in your undergarments. His fingers were quick to slide your panties to see your wet hole glistening in the dim light of the room. He bit his lip, rubbing your pussy at a slow pace, entering two of his digits to prep you for his cock.
You found it ridiculous how the cute, innocent guy flipped one eighty in a span of a few seconds. You couldn't help but find him sexy with his lips bitten, brows furrowed in concentration as he worked his way to please you.
“Jake—” you moaned when his fingers hit your g-spot, “Want you! Please, want y—your cock!” you begged and he found it to be the most melodious voice he had ever heard.
“How can I refuse when you're being such a good girl for me?” he whispered, pumping his cock a few times before spreading your legs to make space for himself.
You shivered, placing your palms flat against the surface of the table, looking at him with innocent eyes. It's pathetic how you wait for him to fuck you senseless, whimpering out a few more ‘please’ to get him going, the words barely coming out with his cock pressed on your entrance.
Your toes curled when he pushed himself into you while he grunted at the back of his throat, feeling your walls clenching around him. His arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer with each thrust. Your body being responsive to him turned him on further, he was amused to see how easily he bottomed out with you being so wet.
You arched your hips to give him more space for thrusting inside you, to which you could have gotten pushed back which each of his tentative thrust had his veiny hands not been around you, holding you still.
Low breathing and noise of skin slapping filled the room, which was covered in the mist of your ongoing activity.
“Put your mouth to good use, yeah?” he spoke up, pushing two of his fingers inside your mouth, making you taste yourself.
He twitched inside you as he stared at your tongue slobbering on his two fingers, sucking them off with need. “I'll cum inside you if you keep doing that, darling,” he coaxed.
“What's stopping you then?” you took a second to speak up, voice low, urging him to do as he wants.
His other hand slipped down to run your clit, your head tilting with pleasure, your climax close as you feel a knot in your stomach.
“Oh my god—” you breathed out.
“Do it, baby,” he gave you permission, thrusts getting sloppier by second.
Those were the only words you needed before your legs started trembling as you came all over his cock, your arms around his neck while he placed soft kisses on your neck with praises, helping you come down with your euphoria.
You knew he was close with the way he twitched inside you, his breathing getting louder. And in no time, you bit your lips, focusing on the way he creamed your insides, he made you feel full.
You both took a few moments to come down from your high, taking deep breaths. You were sensitive with his cock still inside you.
The lightning striked outside, which reminded you of the current reason you were in this position. In the meantime, you tried to wrap your head around the fact that you just had sex with the Jake Sim, the good boy, until he spoke up again.
“I don't think the rain is gonna stop for a while,” he spoke with a glint in his eyes, a boyish smile gracing his face as he continued.
“Should we go for a round two?”
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happysadyoyo · 7 months
Oh! Oh! Can you do the human diguise? Just anything really.
But if you want ideas I'm thinking maybe...
Sun wants to read some books but he himself doesn't know where to even start because outside of a few picture books for abolute toddlers DCA never even held a one in their hands!
maybe about knitting? or general survival tricks? or maybe just some novels?
So Sun asks librarian for recomendations but in his excitment he goes thourght books far faster that should be humaly possible and then he catches himself and is seriously afraid but
the librarian just worry the books they recomend must be not what Sun needed because this guy CLEARLY doesn't read them at all.
Ahh you've unlocked a core memory of mine. I might've gone off the rails and put a little too much of me into y/n but here we are.
As always, Human Disguise AU belongs to @pillowspace. She just lets me play in her sandbox.
"You haven't even used your library card yet?" You're almost offended for the library honestly. A building full of worlds and your new friend hasn't even touched them.
"It's been a bit hard to find the time, buuut I want to!" Sun's quick to reassure you when you frown (pout really) at him. "I do, I promise. Maybe you can give me some recommendations on where to start?"
The magic words. Every job has that One Task that makes it worth it. When you had been a cashier it'd been your uncanny ability to pack bags perfectly. As a janitor, it was leaving a floor sparkling clean after a night pushing the waxer. And here?
Here it was finding the perfect book for someone to read.
"Okay let me think," you say, grabbing a cart of returns to push. "I don't know if you're more of a nonfiction or fiction reader. I need some clues."
Sun's chuckle is just a little on the shy side. Cute. "I'm not entirely sure I know either. Sorry." At your exaggerated sigh, you catch a glimpse of his gloved hands raising in mock surrender. "I really will enjoy whatever you decide!"
"Okay well, you've given me a challenge. Let's find a few things and see what you like the most." You shove the cart a little too hard around the corner, catching a misplaced stool. The cart jerks and Sun grabs it before you can tip it over and lose all your books. "Oh sorry! Are you okay?" This is what you get for being too excited.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Are you?" Sun rests his hand on you for just a moment, jerking away just as if he's been burned. It hurts, just a little, but he just seems to be adverse to touch. So you bite your tongue and deal.
"I'm fine. You're my hero, saving the cart," you say, watching Sun's face. He turns away, and you can only guess he's being shy. "Anyway, I have an idea for your first book."
"Oh?" He trails after you as you abandon your cart, far too excited. You duck into the crafts section, finding the colorful spine of a well worn book. "Knitting?"
"You're always so bundled up. I think you'll enjoy making your own mittens and things. Oh and! Arthurian legends. That'll be a good litmus test for what sort of stories you like."
Sun takes the knitting book and follows you as you go from shelf to shelf, creating a precarious pile in his arms. Your cart has been lost to the stacks, and you find yourself babbling about the different people you've helped find books for over the years.
"You love books," Sun says as you make it back it back to the reference desk to check him out.
"I do," you agree, smiling to yourself. "I read a lot as a kid. It was like... I don't know. Having friends? It sounds silly, I know."
"I don't think so." Sun brushes against your hand again on a cover decorated with embossed ivy and a golden sword. You freeze, and his hand lingers, close enough you can feel the tickle of his glove's fuzzy thread. "I think it's wonderful you were able to find friends in these stories. I can't wait to meet them myself."
You sort of stumble through the rest of the conversation, face hot. Usually it's easy enough to laugh off your own excitement sharing books, but with Sun responding so earnestly...
It's nearly dark out when you finally get off, yawning and stretching. You had to relocate your cart and spent the rest of the day putting things away and trying not to seek out your friend as he read. You'd noticed the one book, the Arthurian one, already back in the return bin.
Sun is waiting for you at the door, as he has been doing the past week and change. "I take it King Arthur wasn't up to your taste?" You ask by way of greeting.
"What? Oh, no! I loved it. The knights are so gallant. But it's so melancholic as well, reading their adventures. I feel bad for Lady Morgan the most."
"You do?" Sun is a reassuring presence in the evening light. "But you've already returned it."
"Oh, um." There's a heavy pause. "I think I just got so invested in the story I forgot to put it down."
You knew fast readers, and that seemed nearly plausible. Nearly. You still give a doubtful squint at him. But maybe you're being too judgemental. "I'll see if I can't find any happier stories with Morgan in them. She used to be a healer, you know. In the early stories."
"Really? Tell me about them."
You're more than happy to, tracing the memories of the old stories in the air as you speak. You nearly miss your road, stumbling to a stop when you hit an unfamiliar crack in the sidewalk. And it's there you say goodnight, leaving Sun to go home himself with thoughts of gallant knights and magic swords to keep himself occupied until you saw him again.
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copias-sewer-rat · 6 months
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While you are in search of a new book to read, Secondo will continue to test the reach of the lust ritual.
Apologies for how short this chapter is. This is the middle chapter and it will be conecting to the next one and the subsequent finale. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it!
tw/tags: smut. +18 warning, established relationship, spicy literature, semipublic sex (kinda?), thigh fucking, teasing, p in v, brief mention of cunnilingus, catholic defiance (very brief), pillow fucking, m/f relationship. 2.7K words
Read also on Ao3 | My masterlist Previous chapter | Next chapter
The library is empty, not many people visit it so early in the morning, but you needed to get a new book. You are looking for something very specific and it is taking a while to find it. You have checked every bookshelf, even asking the librarian for its location, but it seems impossible to find its whereabouts.
You are about to give up when you suddenly see a very worn out spine with the title almost faded. Curiously, you get close and grab it with care. The title read ‘Ms. Finley’s big adventure’. That was it! You almost laugh out loud when you read the title. It seems to be taken out from a child’s book, but of course, it isn’t. Lately, you have been leaning towards the more spicy tomes of your own bookshelf, and you have devoured them all in a few weeks. The romantic plot mixed with the nasty descriptions of sex made you swoon every time. Secondo himself doesn’t understand what lures you to them, but he gets extremely happy when you get to a particularly horny scene and need to jump to his bones to quiet the ache.
There is no much time left until the library gets a bit more lively, but you do want to start the book immediately, so finding your favorite spot in the library, a tiny desk on the corner with just enough light to read, you settle to read the first chapters of the book:
‘The night was fast approaching and Ms. Lena Finley needed to find a place to rest. She had escaped just in time from the grasp of his lover, the priest of Fallengrace, father Lucius Viper. But for how long could she avoid him? In the distance, a small tavern welcomed her with smoke coming out from its chimney and a warm light emanating from the windows. Just in time, a storm was approaching. She hasted her horse and in a few more minutes they arrived to their destination. The place looked welcoming enough, but what she needed the most was a good bed and a nice sleep. The bed was comfortable, a bit softer than she liked, but good nonetheless. She covered herself with the sheets when it suddenly started to rain. The gentle sounds of the drops against the window made her more sleepy than she was and soon she was drifting into slumber.
Memories of her forbidden love appeared in front of her, his warm body, his beautiful auburn hair, his two radiant green orbs that shone even brighter when he saw her. And oh… his member… how his enormous member ached when he entered her. He made her feel so good, so loved. But their love was forbidden. She could never forgive herself if she became the cause of his demise. She could not bare either being so agonizingly close to him and not being able to be with him. That’s why she ran, that’s why she was hiding from everything.
She had made it far in the couple of days she had been gone. Lena would find a place to work, a place to start over, but of course, she was sad. She loved Lucius with all her heart and her tears started to fall when she thought sleep was near. Her sobs echoed through the silent room, until it wasn’t silent anymore. Some quick paced steps approached the room, then silence. Lena was scared, maybe they had found her, maybe it was all over. A couple of knocks suddenly broke the silence.
“Lena, it is me… please I know you are there… please…” It was Lucius! He had found her, how?
With caution, she got out of bed and stood in front of the door. Her breath was heavy and her silky nightgown was doing nothing to protect her from the cold. Slowly, she opened the door to find a drenched Lucius standing right in front of her. His hair wet, his eyes sad and with dark bags under them, but once he saw her, a small light flickered on them, as if life had returned to him.
“My love…” Lucius launched forward, hugging Lena as she was made of smoke. “Please, don’t go, don’t leave me. My soul aches for you, I am lost if you are not beside me…”
“Lucius… but your position, your responsibilities. I could never be the reason for your demise, my love.” Lena whispered against his neck, hugging him back. The water dripping from his clothes sticking to her nightgown, but the familiar heat emanating from him felt so welcome to her chilling soul.
“I don’t care, I only want you. Fuck the church, fuck them all from trying to make you go away. I will never forgive them.”
“Dear, please, don’t say that. I know how important it is to you, I know how much you love God.” Lucius hugged her even tighter.
“No, not as much as I love you, never as much as I love you…”
They kissed then, slow, deep, all the emotions unspoken poured into the embrace. Lucius grabbed Lena’s back and went upward until he found her neck and then her cheeks, deepening the kiss. He moved slightly forward, not breaking the contact as he closed the door with his foot. She understood then, she felt the same, they both needed each other, right there and then.’
It has been only twenty minutes since you have started reading the book and it was already getting to the good stuff. Suddenly, your phone buzzes. A message from Secondo:
‘Tesoro, have you found what you were looking for?’
‘I have, I am reading a bit in the library.’
‘Oh, I figured. Can you stay there a bit longer? I am going to be busy.’
‘Yeah, sure. Do you need anything?’
‘Not really, well… just don’t make much noise, you know the librarian gets when she hears unwanted noises.’
‘Caro, what’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Niente, just teasing, I know how you get when you read those books my dear…’
You blush, trying to come with a witty comeback but Secondo seems to have disconnected from the chat, leaving with the last word. He is acting weird for sure, planning something. Nothing you can do for now but continue reading.
‘Lucius drowned her breath with his passion, trying to consume her like the forbidden fruit everyone said she was. It didn’t matter to him, he was going to sin, he was going to become the worst sinner if that meant that they could be together forever. He sat her gently on the bed and took a good look. Her hair looked so soft and so did her skin, the droplets of rain that had drenched him had transferred to her, falling through her arms and between her breasts. The outfit she was wearing was also wet, sticking to her skin, hugging her curves. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes upon.
Lena laid on top of the bed, extending her arms over her head, he gown rising over her knees and reaching her covered core. Lucius stood standing, right in front of her, looking at her with a hungry gaze, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her. Them. he knelt down, like he always did, ready to pray, ready to pull his whole devotion into the one he loved the most. Delicately, he grabbed the elastic of Lena’s panties and pulled down, Lena herself raising her hips to allow for a better access. Once off, Lucius got close, inhaling the sweet scent that emanated from her. She was so ready, so wet, so fucking perfect. His nose brushed her core, his breath hitting her like a cold breeze in the summer heat. Then, his mouth enveloped her entire cunt, sucking and licking, he was desperate for her nectar. His tongue swept up and down, sometimes circling her clit-’
A jolt of pleasure kicks you suddenly. You know you are wet, you know you are horny. That is no excuse however to feel a dick brushing your folds. It cannot be. You look down and gasp, a glistening blue dick is just sliding through your cunt. That motherfucker. How was Secondo doing that? Did the lust ritual had more reach than you thought? It was all so new and unknown, you hadn’t found any accounts from people that had attempted the ritual before so it was all a shot in the dark. It had served you well before, but this? This was completely unexpected, not unwelcome, just surprising.
You see Secondo’s dick fully erect, glistening with precum, thrusting slightly and making you moan at the contact. You don’t know what he is fucking, but the position is making you want more, then you remember where you are. You are in public, any minute now someone would be getting close to you, looking for a book. You had to flee. Standing up you see your predicament, the floating shiny member of your lover was still there, continuing its lustful motion. You were trapped, everybody would see so you have to take this as quietly as you can, there would be time for revenge later.
Secondo lays on top of your shared bed, completely naked, smirking like the devil that he is and fucking a pillow. He is imagining you, seated on a chair of the library, he knows exactly where, he knows how much you like that seat so he can picture you so clearly. He closes his eyes and your image is so real, you are hunched over, the book in your hands, your eyes wide shut and your breath quick and ragged. His thrusts continue, the pillow feels like your cunt, your folds, wet and hot. He is not going to enter you today, he knows you could not take that much without moaning his name, so he is going to fuck your cunt.
You know what he wants, you are coating him entirely, but the fact that he is not entering you is driving you nuts. His tip is hitting your entrance and the length of his cock brushing your clit… You close your eyes and try to focus on how the fuck not to moan as loud as you want. Involuntarily, you close your thighs, clenching them around Secondo’s length and you can feel him twitching, the contact surely made him gasp. The image of his naked body fills you then, his elbows on the mattress, his knees too, he has fallen over from the unexpected contact of your thighs.
‘Cazzo!’ You can hear on the back of your mind.
‘Two can play at this game, my dear… You underestimate me.’ You think and the rumbles of a low chuckle bless your ears. You are not talking to each other, it is impossible, but the ideas, you minds, they are connected somehow. What the fuck was that ritual?
‘I could never, you are too much of a needy slut for me to underestimate you’ The thought hits you and you blush deeply ‘Now be good and let me fuck you a bit, sì? And be quiet, we don’t want t get you in trouble, do we?’
‘When I get you-ah!- my revenge is going to be slow and painful, I promise…fuck!’ You think, hoping it reaches Secondo, his movements starting again, giving some needed attention to your clit.
‘I wouldn’t want it any other way, tesoro mio… I really want you to pour all your frustration into me, you know I can take it… as-I-know-you-can-take-mine.’ The last words of the sentence marked with a heavy thrust each, which makes you clench the table in front of you, turning you knuckles white.
The glistening ghostly cock in between your thighs quickens the pace and you hear the wet sounds of your drenched cunt letting the member in and out of your folds and thighs. You want to moan, you want to whimper and you want to fucking scream Secondo’s name. Without being able to avoid it, and after a particularly rough thrust, the book you are holding falls from your hands onto the floor. The sound of a woman hushing makes you turn white, you were so lost in the pleasure and focusing about not letting out any sounds that you had neglected the book. You open your eyes widely at the sound, checking your surroundings with a panicked expression but there is no one around. The librarian must still be at her spot, but any more sounds and she could come check in any moment, you need to be more careful.
Slowly you rise from your chair, both of your fists gripping the wooden table. The always familiar tightening of your abdomen starts to make itself present. Grabbing with force, you arch your back and open your legs, if you wanted to get out of there, better to finish this fast. In your mind you hear a displeased groan, so you close your legs again, enveloping the ghostly cock.
‘Good girl…’ You hear, biting your lip to not let out any of the sounds you want to do. This is one of the most frustrating things Secondo has made you do, and he is going to pay it tenfold… but it feels so fucking good to have him like this, your little secret, he fucking you so good and you having to keep quiet… so sinful.
There is nothing you can do but close your eyes to fully concentrate on being quiet, Secondo laughs and you want to kick his ass, but maybe when he is finished fucking you. The brushing of your clit feels surreal, tingly and swollen into heavenly bliss. You want to come so bad, but when you instantly think about it, Secondo quiets you.
‘My dear, I do need to fuck you today. I need to feel you around me. Could you be quiet while I fuck that pretty pussy of yours, mhm? Will you be a good girl for your Papa?’ You want to fucking kill him, but you also want him to fuck you into an orgasmic puddle of lust.
‘Okay… Caro, please be quick, I am so close already.’
‘I know, tesoro mio, I can feel it, your tightness, your aching core is calling me… somehow. And I want nothing more than to get lost inside of you.’
‘What do you want me to do?’
‘Stay there, but part your legs once more, I will take you from the back.’ You nod and comply.
Your forearms now rest on top of the desk, your fists clenched and hurting from the force you are doing. Secondo stands up from his place on the bed, and grabs your invisible hips, aligning himself once again with your entrance. Without warning he slides in with such ease you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
In and out, the rhythmic motions set by Secondo’s heavy thrusts swing your body forward, the table moving slightly, creaking under your force. At this point you do not care about the noise, even if it would mortify you if anyone found out about what was going on, but the lust was clouding your common sense, you just want to come.
‘Faster, please…’ You plead and without a word Secondo sets his motions even faster, your core already on fire, the blissful release wanting to get out.
‘Come for me, tesoro mio…’ and on cue, you do. Your walls clenching around his pulsating dick, your orgasm hitting like a tsunami. You put your lips together, a scream just at the back of your throat. Secondo continues his motions and with a couple more thrusts he is coming too. His seed feels hot and heavy, making you hum in pleasure, but there is nothing there as you glance down. He must have ruined a perfectly good pillow.
Trying to think of something for Secondo to hear doesn’t work anymore, you cannot hear him. The glowing dick in between your core faintly disappearing after he let out his release, it is the proof you need that this connection only works while the occurrence of the act of lust itself.
You are left there, siting and exhausted from the bliss of your orgasm. You know for sure Secondo is laughing, waiting for you to come back to tease you to no end. Well, we will see who teases who, after all, revenge is the sweetest treat.
Italian translations:
Niente: nothing
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jessefandomunited · 6 months
Library Vibes
I had a very short idea about being a librarian starting to close up for the night and realizing Spencer is still there. I was at work late and my brain is mush so bear with me lol
Spencer Reid x GN reader ( I made extra care to not put anything regarding gender, race, or name .trying to be as inclusive as possible enjoy)
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It was a cold rainy night , one that always caused my mind to wander. The sky darkened much quicker and I thought of nothing but the rhythmic thrumming of the rain pattering against the expansive windows and skylight. The thunder rumbled as I finished putting another book back into its place and casually checked my watch. " ITS NINE," I Gasped much louder then I mean to which made, probably the last person here, drop their book , startled.
" I'm so sorry," I apologized walking towards the man hunched over picking up his book," the rain made me lose track of time, we've been closed for thirty minutes." He stood up and I knew who he was. Instantly I was flustered. Spencer Reid of the BAU came here often when he wasn't busy to just read surrounded by books. I noticed he'd always grab about ten thick books and get through them all quicker than I thought anyone could read. We've had a few conversations about books and his job but nothing more. I wanted more , so much more . I wanted to pluck up the courage to ask him on a date, but I just didn't know how, but this may be my best chance.
" hey im sorry too i should have known to leave i just assumed you'd kick me out whenever it was time to close up," he said awkwardly piling the stack of books he had been reading ," im typically very good at keeping track of time." I laughed ," I'm sure you are the genius that you are." I swore I saw him blush when I said that . Instead of brining it up though I began gathering the books he had been reading to put them in the return basket for me to resell later. " I can do that , I shouldn't have kept you here so late," he blurted scooping up the remaining books, " I mean , I remember where got them all too." I smiled and instead of telling him what my original plan was I nodded and said ," I'd love that."
As we methodically put back each book I noticed that he had been reading a series I'd mention was my favorite. It was a bit childish compared to his other ones but I felt touched. " so how did you like it,"I pried handing him each book in the series. " not what I normally read but it was fun, I thought the story was very fanciful and reminded me of being a kid again, at least the good parts of that," he said stumbling over his words. "Oh," I said not wanting to pry into his childhood," well I'm really touched you read it." Red was creeping up his face again ," it's no problem, I enjoyed it." I felt this push in my gut saying " here is your chance." " you know .... I havnt had dinner yet have you," I pressed measuring out my words carefully. He shook his head," no ." " perfect, would you like to go out then," I blurted feeling a bit foolish. He looked stunned like he couldn't believe I had actually said that ," yes... like out out , like a date or like a friend thing?" My smile broadened," a date, I am asking you, Spencer Reid, on a date." " I'd be honored," he said almost giddy.
With that we walked to the front of the library, I locked up, and we were officially on a date. Now I just needed to find a place that was open
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