#checkout page
zoyascoot · 1 year
Shopify allows the admin to customize the checkout page by adding different styling options like uploading images and changing colors and fonts.
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shopsalary · 2 years
How to Change WooCommerce Checkout Error Messages
How to Change WooCommerce Checkout Error Messages
If you are familiar with Gutenberg Editor, you would know that there are many issues regarding accessibility. An accessibility fix is the error notification system on the checkout page. The missing field error appears at the top of the page when you try to place an order, but once you scroll down to refill them. WooCommerce Change Checkout Error Message In this tutorial, we will learn how to…
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omobaba28 · 2 years
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fictionadventurer · 10 months
August: Day 25
Spent way too long at the library
Checked out a book that was so old and hadn't been checked out for so long that it was no longer in the library's computer system
Enjoyed an hour of silence at home resting in the peace of the wind outside and the sunlight and shadows of trees flickering on the floor
Read poetry under a tree in the sunset
Read part of Ruta Sepetys' book on writing
Wrestled with the desire to write a personal, meaningful novel while having no idea what project could fill that need
#adventures in writing#the old book was a lovely old volume of james whitcomb riley's poetry#i loved 'when the frost is on the punkin' in middle school and paging through the book i thought it was perfect for august#i have no idea when the library obtained it#but the copyright page said nothing but 'copyright 1892 by james w riley'#the self-checkout didn't recognize it#and the librarian explained that books will fall out of the system if they're un-checked-out for long enough#which filled me with a secret delight#i was rescuing the poor lonely unloved old book#giving a senior citizen a new chance at life#reading it in the sunset makes me wonder if i could ask the library to sell it to me#they clearly don't need it#and it's such a lovely volume#there's something about reading such an old edition of the book that puts the poems in their proper environment#you can feel the world he was writing about because you're holding a piece of it in your hands#and i just like his poetry#it's sensible poetry if there can be such a thing#not making grand metaphors about nature and the deeper human condition#but just 'there was sunlight on the crick. and a tree. and some butterflies. it was nice.'#plus the country perspective and working-class characters#it's down to earth and homespun and simple and grounded and in love with all the common things of life#and so much of the landscape is so familiar so there's the extra sense of connection#sure some of it gets a bit trite but it's so unpretentious that you can't mind the occasional misstep#and occasionally there's one where the impeccable sense of rhythm he showed in the first poem i loved sneaks up on me and sweeps me away#anyway it was nice it was a good day god is good
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imwritesometimes · 4 months
I'm so good at rationalizing every item in my cart
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ritahayworrth · 1 year
omg guess what came in the mail today 💌
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roydeezed · 3 months
It's really sweet seeing how many memories people had with Toriyama's work. There's a spectre of grief that hangs over it all but there's so much love there. His art and stories could be funny, adorable, cool and awe-inspiring within a matter of panels. He really was a singular talent.
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televinita · 7 months
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I had a crisis moment of realizing it's my last relaxing weekend to read before the Hard Work Times, and yet I was not particularly excited to read any of my several dozen options in the apartment.
Naturally, I immediately solved this by going on a shopping spree with my library card, plucking everything on my Goodreads TBR that they had in stock, or that I saw nearby and spontaneously added. Which mysteriously seemed to encompass all of the biggest and heaviest books I could find -- it is not often I struggle with carrying a stack out the door but this one stretched my limits (all but the 3 thinnest paperbacks on top, which I just got on Friday, were from one trip).
Will I actually read all of these? Definitely not, at least not this round. It's about Options, baby.
(Televinita why is there a One Direction biography...? IT'S WRITTEN IN COOL FONT OKAY) (I don't know. I saw it and immediately got super curious; I think remnants of whatever magic spell they cast over teen girls in 2010 were somehow clinging to the cover)
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idsb · 7 months
I can’t believe that just happened I’m spiraling so hard
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samximpala · 1 year
the bonsai tree has tiny pink frogs for flowers. This is why it is winning hope this helps
it does?????? :O
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inedrox · 2 years
Im moving accounts! Follow me over @blu3birdprince
I'm keeping this account up for history cuz I made it in like 2012 and it has a lot of good memories tied to it.
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on a positive note... i just bought tickets to see KAIZERS MOTHERFUCKING ORCHESTRA YESSSSSS
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
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Fulton Sheen drawing me in from page one.
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mars-ipan · 1 year
i like desperately want the sdr2 manga(s) in physical form but also i do not want to go to my nearest barnes and nobles and buy them physically but also i do not want to order them online
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darkarfs · 1 year
Oh sure, prowrestlingtees, give me a product code that'll make your merch affordable and then ALWAYS stall at checkout.
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wollfling · 1 year
4 am and I can't sleep bc my joints are in so much pain 😒
#im so tired too o<-<#miss the days i could draw in bed easily at night. i share my bed now.. but would be worth trying djdndjdb#my puppy sleeps in the bed now too i really like it!#except in the morning if shes up she will dig us out of the blankets.. its cute but ridiculous dhdndh#also omg... this evening i forgot to give her dinner (so much going on w me 😞) and didnt realize until a few hours late#but like. it made me also realize that she doesnt really ask for food. i dont think she knows she can ask...?#i was like omg are you hungy ? and she was like omg yay ☺️#idk why this is a thing w me rn. like she doesnt know she can ask for dinner. babey..... ;_; ...#anyways i think i just came here to complain as usual#nothing new with me other than new art. reading more. think thats abt it..#my partner and i have been reading together before bed. he reads out loud to me#i like it a lot. were really into horror right now and looking for more !#he does voices and the whole bit and i love getting to freak out together mid chapter and stuff.#its different than while watching a tv show or movie idk.#and currently on my own im reading ag/e//ls bef/ore man. maybe 80 pages in or smthn its nice so far#what ive been REALLY wanting to read is medieval horror. surprisingly hard to find.#i asked someone who works at the bookstore and she was so like. baffled by it o<-< she was trying so hard but couldnt think of or#find anything but genuinely trying so hard i felt bad... and i tried to say it was okay but she was dedicated atp 😭#and then at the checkout she came by again like. medieval horror..... thats a tough one. and i just profusely apologized again djsbsusbshsn#so if anyone had some medieval horror they enjoy 🧍‍♂️ id love a recommendation
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