daresplaining · 6 years
SO LIKE. did the spider-gwen comics explain how murderdock and nelson are close enough to call each other "matt" and "foggy"?
    They did… sort of. I was actually just gearing up to write a post on Earth-65 Matt and Foggy, because I find them fascinating, so this is perfect timing! 
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    There’s a lot of variation between Earth-65 Matt’s origin story and that of his 616 counterpart, to explain how he developed into such a morally bankrupt character in this universe. Much of this difference comes down to his brutal long-term training with the Hand, during which time he became such a formidable figure within their ranks that they quickly tossed him a leadership position and shipped him overseas. He moved to New York and took a job as head assassin for Wilson Fisk, Kingpin of Crime (later, of course, Matt would steal his crown and take over NYC’s criminal underworld himself). The extra layers of loss added to his origin story in this universe, and the ruthlessness taught to him by his Hand mentors, mean that Earth-65 Matt is a fighter more than anything else– a cunning fighter, certainly, but violence (either his own or that of his pawns) is his primary way of getting things done. But he’s still a Matt Murdock, and though legal work seems to be a much smaller part of his life in this universe, on entering Fisk’s inner circle he was promptly sent to ESU to study law, on what I’d like to think was the mob boss equivalent of a scholarship. And just like in the main continuity, his roommate was Foggy Nelson.  
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Foggy: “You have to understand… Matt Murdock’s always been… intense. I roomed with the guy for three years of law school. Believe me. I know… But I swear… I never thought he was capable… I never really believed he could… No. I knew. I knew and I still did what I always do… I let him push me over the edge.”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #27 by Jason Latour, Veronica Fish, and Rico Renzi
    It’s worth pointing out that everyone seems to call Foggy “Foggy” in this universe (and that’s pretty true of 616 Foggy too), so that in itself isn’t indicative of his relationship with Matt. But they have known each other for a long time. Sadly, Foggy’s comment here is the only glimpse we have of that early period in their relationship, but we can extrapolate how fascinating and upsetting it must have been from their dynamic as adults. I would kill for this version of Matt to get his own solo series. There is so much to explore, up to and including this period of his backstory. But I am grateful for his mini-arcs, one of which follows his corruption of Foggy over the course of the series.   
    While Matt has hit a career high as the new Kingpin and leader of the western branch of the Hand, Foggy has also made it big as the NYC District Attorney. But it’s clear early-on that even though Foggy outwardly opposes Matt’s criminal behavior, these two still have a connection. In fact, given Matt’s comfort in his dealings with Foggy, I’d theorize that he may have (either on Fisk’s instruction or following his own whims) helped engineer Foggy’s career success. After all, it’s very useful for him to have the D.A. in his pocket. And Foggy, though he hates it, is willing to ask for Matt’s help whenever he gets in over his head.  
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Foggy: “[…] New York’s top cop wants to get up under oath and clear his conscience… air the entire department’s dirty laundry. But we both know Castle connected the Stacys to Spider-Woman. And the public? They’ll roast me on a spit if I don’t do my job… but there’s no way I’m letting George Stacy tell the world we made him hunt his own daughter. So, cards on the table, okay? This is me crossing the aisle… How the hell do we get out of this, Matt?”
Matt: “Why, Foggy… I thought you’d never ask.”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #20 by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi
    And this isn’t just a one-time thing. Context suggests that Foggy has reached out to Matt (and/or vice versa) for favors before. 
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Foggy: “You’re not hearing me, Murdock. Big surprise, I know– but just like always… I’m try to give you what you want, Matt.”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #20 by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi
    616-verse Matt and Foggy often act as each other’s moral anchors. Matt’s unyielding passion for justice is a source of inspiration for Foggy, and Foggy in turn is there to pull Matt back from the brink of making bad decisions. On Earth-65 we see the exact opposite: a mutually detrimental dynamic in which Foggy can’t resist using Matt as a quick, extra-legal solution to his problems– a service Matt, who is always up for some good law-breaking and stabbing– is happy to render. And so we see a Foggy who, though clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing, still plays his part in Matt’s nefarious plots. I’m not sure I would call this a friendship; it’s something far more perverse, a convenient sharing of corruption, and a bond created simply by the fact that they can’t let anyone else know that this alliance exists. Again– I would have loved to see them in law school. Were they ever actually friends? Is there genuine affection at the heart of this dynamic? Or has it always been Foggy just trying to stay afloat in Matt’s overpowering presence?
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Judge: “…In light of the mishandling of key evidence by District Attorney Nelson’s office […] I have no choice but to choke back my need to vomit all over these robes… and deem this case a mistrial. Aleksei Sytsevich… you are free to go.”
Foggy: “This #$% better work, Matt.”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #21 by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi
    Matt’s burden in this universe is power. He is haunted by his own corruption and the ease with which he is able to bend the world to his will. This internal conflict nearly prompts him to commit suicide, and his persistence in toying with Gwen is fueled by a desire to see her corrupted in this same way; to not feel alone in his moral bankruptcy. Leading Foggy into the dark likely isn’t quite as satisfying, because it’s so much easier, but it probably gives Matt some degree of comfort and smug satisfaction.  
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Richie: “There ain’t no runnin’, man… not from this thing Spider-Woman’s become… S-she coulda– I barely got off that roof without breakin’ my neck! An’ DeWolff? She’s Captain Stacy’s old partner. Ain’t no way I can confess to her… so I thought– Foggy Nelson. He helped me before. An’, well– if it comes out that you was in on what happened– well, you stand as much to lose as me here. So I jus’ thought maybe… maybe you could reach out ta Mr. Murdock for me? Mr. Nelson? Foggy, you still there?”
Foggy: “Yeah. Yeah, I’m here, Richie.”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #27 by Jason Latour, Olivia Margraf, and Rico Renzi
    But everything starts unraveling for Matt toward the end of the series, including his alliance with Foggy, who gets serious cold feet once real blood starts being shed. 
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Foggy: “Oh my god… George?”
DeWolff: “You… you and Murdock… Why, Foggy?! Do you even know why?”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #22 by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, Jorge Coelho, Rico Renzi, et al.
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Matt: “Frankly, I’m confused, Foggy. Does George Stacy seem particularly chatty to you?”
Foggy: “I wanted him silent, Matt! Not dead!”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #24 by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi
    The near-fatal attack on his friend George Stacy, prompted by his own request for extra-legal help, causes Foggy to hesitate. He still doesn’t completely reject his alliance with Matt, but he starts seriously questioning his own decisions and the degree to which he has lost his moral center. He is likely too scared to oppose Matt directly, and knows that he is now in so deep that coming clean would land him in jail. But the instant Matt is out of the picture, Foggy tries to clear his conscience by dropping the most serious charges leveled against Gwen. He knows it doesn’t completely make up for what he did, but he wants to atone and this is his attempt at doing so. 
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Jen: “Foggy’s the district attorney. He decides what you’re charged with. So be it guilt, or sympathy… or some other bewildering reasons that are likely the death of his career– he’s decided to drop the big stuff. Including murder and manslaughter for your role in Peter’s death.”
Spider-Gwen vol. 2 #33 by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, Chris Visions, and Rico Renzi
    Again, I wish we’d seen more of this relationship. I would have loved to witness Foggy’s reaction to Matt’s disappearance/maaaybe death(?) in issue #32. The mini-arc following this dynamic mostly presents it as a professional alliance, a long-term relationship that Foggy stumbled into once upon a time and that he now can’t quite convince himself to get out of. Earth-65 Matt doesn’t have many personal relationships, and so it’s possible that as perverse as the dynamic is, Foggy fits whatever definition he has of friendship. With the recent relaunch of the series under a new creative team, I’m holding a small amount of hope that Matt and Foggy might pop up again. But if not, I’ll always be a fan of what Latour created. Earth-65 Matt has become my favorite alternate universe Matt (just edging out 1602 Matt), and his relationship with this version of Foggy is endlessly compelling to me. 
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spector · 5 years
I’m watching Stephen Colbert’s show and Jon Hamm is on and he left Stephen speechelss
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distant-rose · 5 years
Did you see the twitter post where the creator of Lucy Rand talks about her being the Winter Soldier in 20XX? I thought you might be interested.
I did not see that! Admittedly I’m not on Twitter often but the idea of seeing Lucy as the Winter Soldier and Dani as Captain America makes me feel some kind of way and I’m actually tearing up a little bit.
I didn’t know how much I wanted this until this moment. Dani and Lucy are my favorite rare dynamic duo and they deserve so much more attention. We need more female excellence in comics. There are so many female characters that could be so much more, and I count Dani and Lucy among them.
Who do I have to pay to make this like a legit comic as of yesterday? Seriously, who? You can have my kidneys.
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returnsandreturns · 5 years
chesloc replied to your post “well, daredevil (2003) sure….is a film.”
are we just gonna ignore evanescence or
i feel like i already knew in my heart of hearts that matt listens to evanescence 
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asgardodinsons · 6 years
Loki Laufeyson, Scott Lang!
loki laufeyson: best line/quote?: oh, undeniably loki’s “the sun will shine on us again” line in iw. like it was the only thing that gave me hope the whole movie? also i love how it was such a contrast to some of his darker lines in earlier films. 
scott lang: do you think you’d have died in the snap?: hell yes. i have the worst luck in the world
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a-salty-alto · 6 years
Steve/Tony, 1, 2, 14!
1. If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?
I like the idea of Steve and Tony having a meetcute as civillians before knowing each other’s identities
2. What song fits your pairing the most?
AA- “You Matter To Me” from Waitress, 616- “Bosco” by Placebo, MCU- “Stay” from Amelie
14. Is there a pairing you think rivals them?
Not really? SteveTony is my favorite pairing for both of them, though I do ship them with other people. 
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bluemandycat · 5 years
yoooo... tell us about your favorite oc's costume! have you drawn it? does it have any symbolic meanings?
so i’m working on my middle grade novel, Agent Purple, right now, and since the team of Agents have color code names, I designed their costumes around that!
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these were some of my first concept arts, of my main character Q (wearing the Agent Purple armor), Agent Aqua, and Agent Crimson. The other two agents are Green and Yellow, and i’m sure you can predict what their costumes look like ;)
The Proofers, who are the “research and development” team, are code named based on letters: Q, X, T, and R. Thus, I put them in white. Not pictured are their lab goggles and yellow dishwasher gloves because, come on, lab safety. 
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from left to right: T, Q, X, and R. In the back: Aqua, Green, Yellow, Crimson.
God I’m having fun writing this book.
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Scott Lang, Groot!
Scott Lang: do you think you’d have died in the snap?
Okay, so I’m going to get a bit philosophical here. 
I mean, I think most of us would say, nah, *I* would have stayed alive in The Snap for some kind of “reason.” 
But this is why I think it’s brilliant, both in the comics and the movie. And it’s also why I think the most terrifying post-credit scene I have seen thus far was from Ant-man and the Wasp, when the ant was just working out on the exercise machine with the emergency broadcast system going in the background. That shit was TERRIFYING. 
And we’d all say, “Oh, it’d be that person, not me.” Except...that’s not how it works. It’s not how The Snap worked (okay, okay, so miraculously the OG Avengers were left alive for plot reasons but going larger than that here). It’s always the other person, except when it isn’t. Death comes for us all, and it’s indiscriminate. And so, none of us know if we would have died in the snap. It was pure luck, dispassionate and done without regard to whether one was “good” or “bad” or whatever other contrived “reason.” And say what you will about Thanos’s motivations in the comics vs. the movies (both of which are fascinating, for different reasons, and both of which are flawed), but if you sit back and really think about it, it carries a far deeper, far darker message. 
Groot: I am Groot?
I am.....groooooooooooot. ;)
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ossavox · 6 years
May I have a shufflemancy reading, please? I’d like to know what I should focus on this week. A public response is fine!
No problem!
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng
at first, I thought this was a strange response for this question, but then I listened closer. 
This feeling calls for everything that I amNot
I'm so good at shooting down any notionThis tired world could changeIt's all been boughtOr at least that was my line
Rev up the crowd, rewrite the rule bookWhere do I go when every 'n' turns into 'maybe'
So what do I do with this?
Focus on something you never thought was possible. Focus on that One Thing you forgot you were once incredibly curious about, but dismissed it out of hand. Focus on the Thing that feels - silly, but it doesn’t matter, does it, in the end, as long as you are happy? 
Go there. Enjoy. I Feel a sense of rediscovery particularly for you. 
I hope this helps! 
Click here to tip me for this reading! 
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ad-astrum · 6 years
Could you please tell me some symbols I should look out for? Initials a.s.k., sign Capricorn
Look out for flowing things. Dresses, smooth silks, trees in the wind, curtains grabbed by a gust. You will find that good things follow.
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daresplaining · 5 years
I love the “let the scales fall from your eyes” line Vigil has — I’m not sure if the Biblical reference was supposed to mean anything, but I liked that they had it!
    Oh, is it a Biblical reference? I didn’t realize that! Yeah, that was a really neat moment. 
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kibibarel · 5 years
testing testing testing will tumblr let me talk to you or do I have to bring out Shauna again
what you want
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spector · 6 years
I'm real curious about how much thought goes into which ringtone goes to which boss. Can you imagine. I don't have anything clever to say but the idea is making me rly smiley rn
kingpin - egg song
black cat - livin la vida loca
jigsaw - saw theme
tombstone - monster mash
hobgoblin - magic dance
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The Black Panther vs Deadpool fight is from the Deadpool Civil War II tie in!
Thank you! You get two crisp high fives and comedy gold
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saccarinepasserine · 5 years
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when i first saw it i didn’t think it was but now that i look it up again i found ones that are almost identical to it, ty!
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My acorns grow into mighty oaks sigil for @chesloc. Good luck in all your gardening endeavors! 
🌊sea star witch🌟 •my sigils• 
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