#chilchuck wife
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Girl dad 🌸
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littlelightfish · 2 months
Did you noticed this?
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Now let's play the who-is-who game! :D
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This lady here? Probably Chil's older sister. She can't be his wife because she's at another place in this image.
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This seems to be a quite young hafling, I'd say it's one of his little brothers, probably the youngest of the family, but it could be the second younger since he has no freckles. He's also the shortest, look at how he's the only one who's face can be seen.
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This is Chilchuck's wife. The dark hair, the toy in her hands... There's no way she isn't. She's probably sitting next to baby Mayjack, why else would she have the toy on the table if Flertom is asleep?
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That three hairs sticking out? No room for doubt. This is Chilchuck. Also, sitting by her wife's side. How lovely!
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This old lady here is his mother. No doubt. Just look at that hand. This lady's probably in her 50's by now.
If we start it by her getting married at 13 or 14, having at least 5 sons, the midle one having about 13 (he had his two first daughters at that age), she's... wait, she would be 29...? Nonsense, she married/had kids old, that's it.
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This is the other younger brother he has.
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Chilchuck older brother. No way he'd let his younger brother take baby Flertom in his hands.
But what if...
What if this guy holding Flertom is actually Chil? Why isn't he sitting alongside with his wife? Is this some kind of foreshadowing? Or it's a hafling thing to sit at the eldest sides if you're a married couple?
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Looking at this, it's seems that he's quite similar to his youngest brothers, and that those hairs sticking out are more of a family thing. I like to think that Chil's next to his wife and that the baby is held by the older brother.
Also, what a shame that they're strangers now, they seemed like quite a close family... But, on the other hand, we know where does Patty's hair colour came from.
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saturnmortis · 13 days
Chilwife x Chilchuck x Senshi is very cool and good but Senshi x chil wife is so fucking funny. Chilcuck
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marmorafarms · 2 months
It kills me that Chilchuck seems to still be in love with his ex wife. I want to be like Marcille and believe that just giving her some flowers will make it all better but sadly I don't think it will.
I ship Chilchuck and his ex wife so hard I just want them to be happy. He didn't even know why she left until Marcille began speculating. And that's also something that kills me. She left with zero explanation.
I feel terrible for both of them because this was hard on both of them, but for very different reasons.
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robin-with-a-pen · 27 days
I love writing about Chilchuck and his family, I hate writing about his wife
Why has Ryoko Kui cursed us like this? Why must I name this poor woman myself????
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 1 month
Chilchuck: My ex wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better!
[gets shot in the head and dies]
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 months
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chilchuck voice my wife
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airborneranger63 · 13 days
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seagiri · 2 months
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there's something happening in my head rn
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hawberries · 18 days
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this is the chilchuck situation . to me
(a reference to twelfth night (2009) ft anne hathaway)
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spitblaze · 5 days
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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dinklebat · 2 months
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guys is this anything
EDIT: okay this meme left my friend group so I can’t believe I have to specify this, but I’m literally gay please stop saying “why does it say regular” that’s the original meme. that’s the joke of the original meme. The irony (and joke) of the original meme is that despite attempting to be accepting of all couples, it ultimately still perceived the heterosexual couple as “regular”. Hence, it being funny and adapted by queer audiences who enjoy irony. Sorry I have to ruin this post with this but I’m so annoyed please stop. If it bothers you just don’t engage with the post
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treasureplcnet · 3 months
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vistarya · 3 months
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May I have this dance, Mrs Tims?
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coolajo98 · 17 days
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you can't blame her.
He is a handsome dwarf with a tough exterior and a gentle heart. He cares a lot about young kids, he loves cooking,he is very attentive, and is also quiet and not very talkative.
so live with it,Chilchuck.
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robin-with-a-pen · 27 days
Okay yall do I have something here?
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One of these is just straight up stolen from someone else, but idr who they are (Whittbell)
Anyways im going to name them poor girl, she’s featured in at least two fics, three if I ever write it, babygirl has earned a name damnit
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