#he’s a good dad but a bad husband
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Girl dad 🌸
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willowser · 10 months
okay but imagine one day the little one goes up to his daddy and tells him you introduced a guy to him and how much he doesn’t like this man. It doesn’t even have to be a romantic partner it could just be an old friend but lil one and ex!husband bakugou instantly assume you have a new man in your life
omg. the heart attack bakugou is having.
your son is standing on his little step-stool in front of katsuki's bathroom mirror. meant to be brushing his little teeth, but he's mostly chewing on his toothbrush, poking around in his dad's cologne and aftershave and deodorant. at least he's put his pj's on by himself.
katsuki is finishing up his own shower, glancing at him every now and then as he washes the shampoo from his own hair, and when he's finally done, the little boy hasn't gotten any closer to having clean teeth; now he's drawing mindless little shapes through the steam that's built up on the glass.
"oi," he only has to say it once and then your son is letting out a little sigh before brushing the way he's meant to — even if katsuki knows the there's not a lick of toothpaste on that thing.
"dad," he says suddenly, distracted as he turns around to face him. "mommy doesn't let me take a shower."
katsuki moved on from bath time rather quick. in the very beginning, it was fine, because he washed his squirmy son and then wrapped him up in a towel and that was it, but in the last year or so it's turned into "how many toys can i bring with me this time, dad?" and then sitting in the water until it's run cold. it's much easier to get him in the shower at the same time, to shampoo his head and scrub his little butt and then kick him out.
"oh, yeah?" he murmurs, adjusting the towel on his waist. "s'cause mom's better at baths than me."
the little boy only shrugs, before continuing. he's in a small phase right now of 'dad? hey dad? um, dad?' every time he's got something to say, and katsuki finds it both cute and a little exhausting.
"hey dad?"
katsuki hums.
"mommy had a man in her shower."
the first image that comes to mind is of himself, in your shower; the many times you'd taken one together and hugged him beneath the warm water; how it clung to your eyelashes and sat in your cupid's bow. warm, made soft and tender in the steam, like he could mold you against his body forever.
— and then his stomach is swooping so hard, he thinks he might be sick.
"what?" katsuki asks, voice loud and affronted, snatching all his son's attention. "sorry, 'm sorry," and then because his son is still looking at him with wide eyes, he pulls him up close, rubbing his back once before setting him to stand on the counter — which he never gets to do.
guilt twists in his stomach for yelling, though his son seems unbothered now, at new heights. katsuki grabs him by his little tiny shoulders and tries to keep his face smooth and calm, his pending heartbreak hidden.
"who was in mom's shower?"
but your son is smarter than that, can read katsuki like an open book, somehow. as if you passed all your understanding down through the womb; he came out of there knowing exactly what dad was thinking with a single look.
your son only shrugs, averting his eyes to katsuki's shoulder as he lightly pinches his wet skin.
"'m sorry," he says again, shaking his little body around until the boy is laughing. "i'm not mad. i just..." katsuki sighs and tries not to pout. "wasn't expecting that."
"are you mad at mommy?"
the divorce isn't new, and katsuki's not stupid.
you've been on a handful of dates, been open about it, encouraged him to do the same. not that he's bothered, but anyone with eyes and half a brain would try to swoop in on someone like you, so — as much as it makes him want to knock some fucking teeth in — can't say he should be surprised.
he shouldn't be, at all.
still feels like shit, though.
"no," he finally says, tugging the little toothbrush from his tiny fist to put some actual toothpaste on it. "'m not mad at anybody."
"are you sad?"
maybe it's another purposeful distraction, to get out of doing what he's told, or maybe he's probing at nerves because he's too young and too curious, or maybe he just knows his dad too well.
katsuki frowns at his big eyes, staring back at him, before lightly patting his little hip. "brush your teeth, i ain't tellin' you again."
he tries not to think about it, but that just makes it worse. can't stop imagining you in the arms of some other asshole, what stupid shit they must be doing to flirt with you, how they're making you laugh; just the image of it alone — you, besides some fucking bozo, head thrown back the way you do, laughing louder than you ever did with him — makes his stomach hurt.
it makes him dread the hand-off, too. his house is gonna feel too quiet now, after a week with the little brat, and that's a big enough wound to leave him with nothing to say — but you always try to insist on katsuki finding someone every time you get back out there.
it makes him physically ill, just watching the side of your face as you buckle your son into his car seat, all grins because your house gets to be lively with him.
and when you close the door and turn to him and mutter out your little, "hey, by the way....", he has half a mind to just walk away, right then.
"your son," you start off, lightly punching him in the shoulder. "got into the dryer sheets last week and flushed a whole bunch of them down the toilet."
"oh," katsuki says, and then he narrows his eyes at his son through the window, even though he's not paying any attention.
(on the nights when the little boy can't sleep, is more emotional than usual, katsuki calls you because that's what your son really wants.)
(very relatable feeling, katsuki thinks.)
"yeah," you smile, "and my coworker's husband is a plumber, so i was able to get it all taken care of. just...thought i would let you know."
katsuki shrugs like he could care less, but you see right through it all, of course. the both of you, mother and son, too understanding for his own good.
almost like you were made for him, like you're supposed to still be his.
"yeah, good," he nods once, glancing over your shoulder to see your son finally sitting up a little bit, peering through the window with his big, sad eyes.
just watching the two of you. just knowing.
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sukibenders · 5 months
One of Rhaenyra's biggest opps (in HOTD) really was her own father. Because how are you going to proclaim your daughter as heir, only to then marry her best friend and have four kids, three sons, in an environment that is against women already as is but even more so with one sitting on the Iron Throne? And then, not only, do you not prepare her for anything political but scold her publicly, which isn't good for her image, and just....hardly do anything to aid her until you're on your last leg? And yet there are still fans saying he was a "great dad" and that he "did all he could". HA, I THINK NOT!
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umhuhwellthen · 6 months
Had a realization while mopping the kitchen,
Jotaro is all three of his parents child, because listen
He looks like a carbon copy of the guy and acts similarly to him, same drive, same temper, everyone points these two things out
I like to make the cuck joke as much as anyone else but let's not forget that he and Jotaro have a real father-son relationship!!!! Jotaro calls him father and loves him like one!!! Kenichi knows Jotaro isn't his and his rival is his sire but doesn't care and loves and raises him anyway!!!! Also I'm pretty sure that Kenichi is always/mostly wearing purple in colored comic issues and what is Jotaro wearing???? Purple!!!!! The symbolism????? Because Usagi may be Jotaro's biodad but he is not the man that raised him, fed him, clothed him, Jotaro is wearing Kenichi's colors!!!! Because he is as much Kenichi's son as Usagi's!!!
obviously he has her ears and nose but also! May be grasping at straws but! His clothes have a pattern like she does and(correct me if I'm wrong) Kenichi doesn't! Kenichi's are plain with only the reigning Lord of the lands Mon and Mariko's and Jotaro's has a design! Similar in how they both love Kenichi but they also love Usagi! Jotaro wants a father-son relationship with Usagi but not at the cost of one with Kenichi! Mariko has affections for both Kenichi and Usagi but it's pretty obvious her feelings for Usagi run deeper than for Kenichi, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him! Because for all that she loves Usagi, he didn't love her enough to stay and Kenichi did. Even though Kenichi had to leave the Dogora school in shame he still could've been a retainer to a lord like Usagi but instead he stayed! This man raised her child knowing damn well how he came to be and didn't care! Married her knowing she could never return his feelings with the same fervor!
Jotaro loves his parents and wants to respect all their wishes! This poor fucking kid...
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chappellrroan · 2 months
2024 is not a good year
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
#man ive never seen an eating disorder kill someone else besides a parent infecting a child but my nana is really trying#shes like 1000% orthotexic. will not eat anything not filled with vegetables or fat. and my grandpa is 87yo with a heart condition currentl#in the hospital for covid bc thry went to Christmas church and dont believe in being vaccinated and my dad is so frustrated#bc he knows his mom is not gonna give his dad hearty foods. he needs to eat like protein shakes and meat and ice cream. anything thats not#her cooking which sucks on top of being extremely healthy. except its not healthy bc they dont eat a balanced diet#so its my nanas eating disorder killing her husband and shes so fucking frustrating. im like 99% sure she has obsessive compulsive#personally disorder bc she fits to a T and has zero insight. she may have full on 0cd bc talking to my dad he has more obvious 0cd#compulsions than i do. he used to say phrases before going to bed and would take 2 steps across the floor to prevent bad things from#happening. so like im pretty sure my nana is where i get my perfectionism and 0cd. god. i wish i could express how fucked up she is#like my dad said at least he had a stable home to grow up in but like she has zero sympathy for other people. cannot look past herself. wil#not wear a mask bc she doesnt care enough abt other ppl. my dad was like: u would not have survived in that house. which is fair bc i am#barely keeping it together coming from a stable home with two sympathetic parents who i know love me#and like its sad that they're suffering the effects of buying into the fox news bullshit and its killing them#but also. genuinely. i think theyre not very good ppl. theyre the type of people who think they're better bc they're religious. white. and#thin. and theyre not better thsn anyone. their grandchildren cant stand them. well cant stand her at least. papa is just quite so its hard#to say what hes thinking. apparently he was confused last night and saying something about eating dinner on the golf course. which sounds#nicer thsn being in the hospital lol. ugh. he seems not long for this world tbh. may he pass peacefully to b with his 1st wife who died of#brain cancer at age like 20 or something. so it goes. bleh. how many funerals are intended for me in the next 5 years? hopefully none but#that seems improbable with the unspoken drain circling that seems to b going on in this family. old age and like almost 10 years of cancer#defying the stats but for how much longer?#i dunno. its just so weird to watch these things happen and not talk about it directly to the other ppl who see it#i worry that ill come off as too callose or inappropriate bc i have that tendency when something bad is happening but thats everyone else#excuse? idk i just feel like its better to talk abt things#unrelated#ed mention#i tell u this so i can say these things to someone and also bc if i were u. i would like to hear the drama#bc im nosey and i assume other r too ;-]
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Coparenting a baby, now with separate bodies!
#💟#Doodles#Art#Edgar#Todd#Scriabin#Baby Todd AU#More of this - it's the cutes I am so not immune to cutes#Now an After set! I like to imagine both but gosh what a tumultuous time to take care of a baby#It's another one of those Don't Think Too Hard About It scenarios lol it's fine#Honestly it was like 80% that first set that initially inspired me to want to draw something along these lines -#Edgar completely worn out trying so hard to be a good dad but at his wit's end and begging Scriabin to help him and he does ahhh ♥#That tiny bit of give and take#Holding each other steady 💕#It's a struggle but they're in it together ♥#And then some confident and happy Dadgars because my heart ♪ Hehe ♫#He gets a hands-free carrier and the world is back open to him! He can hold his baby and still cook food! Utter delight haha#House husband ♥ And he brings in the paycheck! He's super mom#Little baby Todd peeking up over his shoulder gets me so bad it's so flipping cute aghfslajffd#His tiny haaaaaand fdslafjklfsdfkdlsaj#Ahem anyway lol#Onto names and words and such! :D#Mouth shapes are still the funnest haha#Scriabin actively trying to teach Todd words and Edgar letting him ♪ As long as he doesn't start teaching him swears or anything lol#And little Todd mirroring and learning ah ♪#He does retain stuff! He takes a little nap and when he wakes up and goes to play and Scriabin's out then comes back - this ✨#Scriabin's name is very important to him but also it's cute but encouraging it mmmmmmmm#He'll learn with time ♪ Unless he chooses to call them dad to some degree being a very young child in their care hehe#So many little things they can do separately together ♥
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maegalkarven · 6 months
Thinking of Ravengard Ward AU where things proceed to the point of the events of the game with several results:
Levi, convinced by Gortash fighting off Bhaal is only possible with the Crown of Karsus and growing desperate with every day (as Bhaal pushes to control him with growing force), ventures into Mephistar to steal it from Mephistopheles.
While he is gone Ravengard goes to Elturel and, as Elturel falls to Avernus, descends there too. Duke's second son Wyll, an aspiring ranger, ventures into Hells alongside with counselor Florrick in a quest to find Ulder Ravengard. Levi returns from Mephistar to find all of his family gone. He wants to rush after them to Avernus, but Bhaal's hold on him is getting worse with everyday, and he's running out of time. He hopes his brother and Florrick know what they're doing.
With Ravengard missing and Florrick out of the city, Enver Gortash conspires to have proclaim the duke dead, making Leviathan Ravengard his heir and successor.
The Absolute Plan is set into motion, with only one god (Myrkul) involved. Levi and Gortash are forced to work with Ketheric bc the illithid colony is literally Under His House. Levi plans to betray the man and clean the shadow-cursed lands because this is what Jaheira and the harpers would have wanted. He when plans to use the newly gained with Absolute power to destroy Bhaal, Bane and Myrkul in one go. Gortash plans to obtain the power alike gods without any restrictions gods are forced under.
The first illithid-infected people start to appear. Jaheira and Minsc go to investigate, Minsc gets infected. Levi plans to use him as a leverage against Jaheira and Wyll if (then) they will disagree with his plans.
The incoming wedding of Duke Leviathan Ravengard and Lord Enver Gortash is announced. Lord Gortash is then going to be proclaimed the first Archduke of Baldur's Gate, with his husband's full support.
Wyll and Florrick meet Karlach and team up with her. Wyll is horrified to find out the guy who is dating his older brother sold Karlach to the deviless. Together they find Duke Ravengard and hijack the nautiloid.
The following (with all the in-game steps) events are:
Wyll and the team (Wyll is the leader) reach BG just in time to be informed of the passed wedding and the incoming inauguration of Lord Gortash.
They are horrified what has happened to the city in their absence. Ravengard, Wyll and Jaheira try to talk sense into Levi, Levi argues back what none of them know what it's like to have the God of Murder in their head all the time. What Bhaal was showing him more things these days, what he knows his destiny - he is a pureblood bhaalspawn, made out of Bhaal's dead flesh, he is destined to destroy the world. He is trying to convince them this is the only way he can do it, what this way he can destroy all gods for good, his Father included. What with the power the stones and Absolute gives them, he and Gortash can become new gods, can change the very rules of the universe - and wouldn't it be great?
The huge argument follows and Levi storms out, angry.
The next time they see him is at the inauguration, when, instead of proclaiming Gorash the new Archduke, Levi murders everyone but Gortash (who by this point is used to his husband's murder sprees and is successfully defended by Steel Watch) in the Hall.
Wyll and co walk into the Hall, expecting confrontation, but finding Levi in a pool of blood as Gortash tries to make him come out of the stupor.
Levi raises a desperate gaze at his brother and says: "Don't you see? It's getting worse. Bhaal is so angry. This is the only way. Why can't you see? Why no one but Enver can see it?!"
#dark urge: levi#ravengard ward au#durgetash#i love how this au in some ways is better#but in some ways is even worse#Levi is one of the Big Bad#his main motivation is getting free from Bhaal and not killing Ulder Wyll Florrick Jaheira Minsc and Gortash#everyone else can burn in hell for all he cares about#Enver Gortash is living his best life manipulating and malewifing his way into very questionable not exactly godhood#his husband growing more apeshit with everyday is unexpectedly upsetting tho#and ketheric died too early it freed brain from the part of the command#he KNEW they shouldn't have involved him at all#they could've done it just the two of them#he eventually plans to venture into mephisto's vault again but at this point he frantically researches all the way they can erase bhaal#from the existence bc fuck this levi is HIS. No gods are allowed between them#at some point levi stopped being a ladder to greatness and become important and gortash missed when this moment was#meanwhile tadpoled minsc is fighting bhaalists bc Levi ordered him to#Levi is like “you're a known enemy of Bhaal. Let's put it to good use”#he legit sent poor minsc to find a way to the temple of bhaal and find a way inside#also Orin is getting apeshit around the city too just for the sake of it and bc dad said so#Levi doesn't like it but he knows confronting his sister and killing her will make him into Abdel 2.0.#meaning either he will die in the fight or Bhaal will turn him into his meat puppet when Orin drops dead#so he'll send jaheira and co after her trail of dead bodies too#Karlach: Gortash is Evil!#Wyll and Ravengard: yeah we know. He is married to our Levi tho.#Karlach: 'your Levi' just killed everyone in this room but the only man I actually want to see dead!#Jaheira: it it's of any conciliation he doesn't look happy about it. Neither does Gortash
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wutheringmights · 7 months
Gush about some of your favorite original characters from CTB! (Besides Lincoln and Ganondorf, I know you've already posted about them)
I love Meemaw. She's such a silly character. Started at the bottom (scummy merchant trying to cheat a 12 year old) and now she's at the top (scummy merchant trying to cheat that 12 year old's bastard son). Terrible mother, great sales woman. She used to view Lincoln as her nemesis and he was so normal about it.
My only idea for Ayane at first was that she was "just a teenage girl" and I was so worried there wouldn't be enough to her, but it turns out that teenage girls are the coolest characters ever. I love her for things that she hasn't even done in story yet. At one point of time she was Link's only friend. She invented roller blades. She's Linkle's enemy and she doesn't even care. She probably doesn't even remember who Linkle is.
And of course, poor old Shigeo who grew up super religious and was like "wait did any of you guys actually read this damn (bible) thing???" Only got out because someone in a different religious organization gave him a way to leave. He's everyone's cool older brother, except he's super squeamish about blood. Badly miscalculated the possibility that he (a knight) would have to fight in a war (oops). Fighting for his life to beat the Sheikah spy allegations and pissed off the guy that everybody likes more than his actual boss. Plays baseball. Ideal man.
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belfryprepz · 2 months
Those Auntie talks go crazy
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skinreflectsthesun · 1 year
#Laughing at the fact that I’m going to be writing my dad a thoughtful little Father’s Day card#that is just filled with straight up lies.#what id rather say is this#thank you for making me aware of just how fucked up you are#thank you for spending the majority of my life convincing me my mom was the problem#thank you for never showing me what an actual loving and caring marriage looks like#thank you for making me feel like I have to always apologize but then telling me to stop apologizing#thank you for never coming to any of my soccer games but then pushing for the fact that you always had to work.#you actually didn’t you just didn’t care.#thank you for being a dick to my brother and making him feel like he had to go to extremes to be a man#thank you for calling me fat after I just had a baby.#thank you for causing conflict in my life during a sensitive time in my life where I’m trying to step into a role of motherhood#while also being a wife and daughter and trying to find myself again#thank you for always getting your feelings hurt but never wondering how you hurt mine.#thank you for never holding yourself accountable for your behavior and your actions#thank you for constantly guilting me by implying that you’ll die some day and I’ll feel bad#thank you for saying that I wouldn’t have any of the nice things in my life if it weren’t for my husband#my husband told me that’s just not true that I’m a good person who deserves good things regardless of if I’m with him or not.#thank you for cursing me by saying one day I’ll see how it feels to be you and how my son will treat me just like I treat you#he won’t.#because I’ll do better by him than you ever did for me.#anyways#happy Father’s Day#plz disregard this#I’m feeling things and need a space to put them
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
reading chapters on philip ii during mary i’s reign is always very extremely funny.
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oscill4te · 7 months
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stan her w my entire life. if she asked me to walk off a building i would (tag rambles)
#i dont really talk about dorothy cramp much but she is such an interesting character to me...#i need to write up an analysis on her. I would now but i have to go to work soon :[#grandmas piano and agent x really illuminate how much dorothy struggles w depression and being raised#by an abusive mother#she is also not a good parent and even if you watch the show casually w/o a “edgy headcanon” lense (aka me) you will see that..#the way she treats her children is probably because of how her mother treats her.. i wish the grandma got more screentime too#i wish cramp twins season 2 was as interesting as season 1#i just. ughhh#dotty.. i love u#txt#cartoons#the author describes dotty as a “voluntary stepford wife” ... which considering the way her mother is; it makes so much sense!!#Dorothy spends so many episodes in distress and fear bc her fear of contamination too. she is far from your usual cartoon mom#idk she is such.. an interesting character im not doing her much justice here#and i feel bad bc she has no support group other than her 2 fake friends who backstab her when convinient#and she was forcibly sent to a medical institute in another ep.. society is harsh on mentally women#esp mentally ill moms#yeah i read way too deep into this dumb cartoon oops#her husband is also an absolute useless dope no offense horrace.. i love horrace but he is sorta useless as a husband and dad#dotty deserves better okay. she may be a shitty parent but i stan her regardless bc that is who I am.#i luv imperfect flawed characters#its also good she had sons and not daughters bc dotty is. yknow. she has very flawed views on how to raise daughters#as seen in the pageant episode and other episodes. she would be so harsh on a daughter jfc#ok enough rambles i need to like. go lol
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yardsards · 2 years
mothers be like *projects insecurities onto daughters/afab children*
like, they'll be like "you should start wearing eyeliner and mascara and some concealer for your eye bags, you inherited my tired droopy eyes" "sorry you had to get my flat chest" "be careful, you don't wanna end up fat like me"
and you'll be like *is 15 years old*
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upperranktwo · 7 months
It's 6:30 and I haven't slept at all, from what I recall, I've almost been awake for 24 hours. I can't keep doing this (have been like this for years) I need to see a doctor about my unhealthy sleeping at some point lmao (will not see a doctor)
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vaugarde · 7 months
Earlier Eve and I were talking about my ocs and he mentioned Flamberge maybe being Vincent’s killer and I think that’s equal parts fucked up and ironic because Frost would basically go “I’m blaming my 11 year old son for this and will put him through so many emotional saw traps. But my husband’s killer IS kinda hot so they’re off the hook. I’m going to make my son raise our daughter later”. Truly Frost gets worse in every draft /hj
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