saffrox7650 · 4 months
Linking time!
For your viewing pleasure and accessibility purposes, here's a couple of links to my secondary Tumblr pages, Daikikaicommart28 [aka: The Great Stargazing Cruising Emporium] for all of the commissioned art I made for some really cool clientele~
And Daisekai! where I'll be sharing and posting all of the OCs I've made among other cool stuff regarding original contents/projects!
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saffrox7650 · 6 months
And now...a special feature for
The Spooky Month Before Christmas
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PS: Since commissions are...quite slooooooooooooow~ [so far, only 1 good client ^u^] I decided to work and hopefully finish this short story I had saved on my archives for a couple of months ago, and finish it before the end of the month :P [wish me luck 🤞]
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saffrox7650 · 8 months
The Colossus of Crystal Lake
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Jackie: now, how about if we go somewhere fun? <:)
Kickstarting spooky month! and right on schedule for a special spooky day of the spooky month X)
I hope you fellas like this short story featuring the fem fatale counterpart of Jason [and Kaiju-sized too!] going for a fun summer night with some little friend or two ^u^
Happy Friday the 13th!
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saffrox7650 · 11 months
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anguirus edit
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saffrox7650 · 11 months
I've been doing this on twitter, but since the site is nuking itself again, here we are!
Suggest purple characters!
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
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Name: Miru
Debut: Pac & Pal
Miru is one of those “obscure” Pac-Man characters. She’s not REALLY obscure, and is in fact the titular Pal of Pac & Pal, and a big part of the game! Any in-depth Pac-Man Fan knows Miru. To most, though, anything beyond Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and the Ghost Gang is obscure.
Not me! I play Pac-Man for the world and characters, and I am NOT kidding! And Miru here is one of my very favorites!
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As mentioned previously, Miru is Pac-Man’s pal, and is featured in Pac & Pal, the second sequel to Pac-Man after Super Pac-Man! Ms. Pac-Man is more of an official mod than a sequel, and is sort of a spinoff, despite its much bigger fame than the true sequels. And honestly, it is, conceptually, far less interesting, even if the gameplay is more widely appealing.
In Pac & Pal, there are no dots, and no Power Pellets! There are ghosts and a maze, but this time, the goal is to collect all the items within, by flipping over cards to unlock paths. To fight ghosts, Pac-Man can now collect various items to use various attacks that are functionally identical, but have different fun visual effects! He can even play a trumpet to make them happily dance! It is so charming!
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The most important thing about Pac & Pal, however, is Miru! The Pal! As a Pal, Miru will try to collect fruit as well, bringing them to the Ghost House. This does help complete the level, but it provides many more points for Pac-Man himself to collect the fruits, so stealing them back from her leads to a higher score. Stealing them back when she is just trying to help seems kind of rude, but she is described as “playful” and “mischievous”, so I think it’s fine. She probably finds this whole thing fun!
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Pac & Pal did not come to arcades outside of Japan, but they did an “unsuccessful” test run, where it was rebranded as Pac-Man & Chomp-Chomp, simply replacing Miru with Pac-Man’s dog. As much as I love Miru, I feel a bit like Chomp-Chomp works a bit better as the Pal here. A happy little dog would be more universally seen as a friendly character compared to one that kind of looks like the ghosts, and instead of stealing back fruits from a mischievous friend, it’s now like your dog has picked up something he shouldn’t have, and you need to get it back! Both characters are very cute and should coexist. I think Miru should walk dogs as a fun little side job, and walk Chomp-Chomp when the Pacs are busy! A trusted family friend.
Keep reading
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
Beware of the kaiju that rules the night, all kaiju in the land, sky, and ocean should watch their step... because they are all under the watch of Kyikatsuki, the vampire squid monster.
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
Oops I haven't posted in a while
here's Lezah and a bunch of my OCs (and one belonging to a friend) in a Pizza Tower save select styled menu
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I wanted the tvs to show some villainous forces staring at Lezah but 90% of my OCs lean more to the side of bad guys so I had to choose which OCs are badder than the rest, and only one of them is really eviler considering Lezah literally works for Mataline (the grey girl on the left) and she's more of in a friendly rivalry with Yuchoji (pink girl on the right). The only real bad guy is the kaiju OC on the top who is made for another series I'm working on.
The two on the back are Andrew (left) and Fizzle (right), and they're the two OCs that I have who are part of the 10% that aren't bad guys, they are simply chilling and enjoying life.
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
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Gender: Female
Width: 135 meters
Weight: 10,000
Height: 110 meters
Wingspan: 145 meters
Weight: 20,000 metric tons
STRENGTH - In larval state, she usually bites enemies in the tail and holds on. In her Imago form, she frequently slams her body to opponents in order to knock them down, she also uses her wings to strike opponents, her claws can be used to scratch and stab opponents. She has strength that is capable to drag and lift even the likes of Godzilla.
STINGER - The sharp stinger on her abdomen is used to stab opponents and immobilize them, in which she frequently stabs them in non-deadly locations if she knows the opponent is under the control or merely acting with their animal instincts.
SILK - In both Imago and Larval state, she can spit silk from her mouth which can disorient and even entrap opponents.
BEAM PULSER - She can blast waves of magical energy from her eyes, stinger and antennae, these beams can be turned into balls of energy.
LIGHTNING - She can fire waves of lightning from her wings and transport the electric energy from her touch.
MAGIC SCALES - Mothra's strongest weapon, she uses this yellow poisonous powder that come from her wings to incapacitate enemies and reflect back ranged attacks to the sender without fail. These scales can even disable the toughest of defenses from anything.
PRISM SHOCKWAVE - Mothra can cause a large rainbow colored shockwave by a powerful roar, those caught in this shockwave will be knocked back and disoriented.
Mothra is a divine moth that lives in Infant Island, in it holds a community under her care that lives in it and worships her, there are two small priestesses who speak for her called the Shobijin, they are the ones who talk to humans from outside Infant Island in hopes they could work out a solution to problems that Mothra may get tangled in before things get ugly. Mothra comes from a line of divine moths that have protected the Earth from all kinds of danger for many generations, despite being known to be one of the most peaceful among the kaiju, she would still wreak havoc on civilization if one were to bring danger to those that worship her from Infant Island, especially if anything were to happen to the Shobijin. She has a more impatient, aggressive brother, Battra, though they have the same mission, their methods are what they disagree on, they have butted heads a few times but when a bigger threat comes in, they both work together in order to stop it and protect the peace of earth. Mothra is one of the few who has been able to beat Godzilla in a fight, once Ghidorah arrived to ravage Earth, she asked help from Godzilla, Anguirus and Rodan knowing that they could be 3 of Earth's mightiest guardians, after this battle, they all have frequently teamed up in order to combat those that threaten life on the planet.
Extra: Size Chart + Extra Monsters! (Note the ones drawn by pencil are unrelated to Godzilla Alt)
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
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Karin Doodles
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
big guys
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other Godzilla designs by @/srisultan_376 pn twitter and @/zapdactyl on instagram
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
It's the year of the rabbit and stuff
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ref image:
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Also fun fact her ass was gonna be bigger but the app crashed while I was expanding it, I took that as the world telling me not to expand it.
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
gone fishin'
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
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"Flying Ace of The Ashes"
Gender - Male
Height - 70 meters
Wingspan - 65 meters
Weight - 16,000 metric tons
Two lovers raced each other at the sky in 1956, these two were giant radiated pteranodons, their simple action of flying at high speeds were enough to cause destruction all across Japan, they settled their nest at Mt. Aso, not knowing that this will be the very place of their demise as well, as the JSDF triggers the volcano, one of them emerged yet is overcame by the eruption, the other saw from outside and went in an attempt to rescue their mate yet their efforts have been futile, that was the last people have seen of the two pteranodon dubbed "Radon I & II" respectively. In 1965, their son energed out of the volcano from where it's two parents met their demise, their son was given the name "Rodan" by the JSDF, it sports a darker skin tone than what his parents had, the pteranodon's beak is has been seemingly deformed by it's time in the volcano, it would later do battle with Godzilla in Mt. Fuji until it was interrupted by a larval Mothra to help her winnthe fight against a three headed terror from space, the both were uncertain at first but later on would join her, after this certain event, Rodan became a trusted ally of Godzilla and later on live in Monster Island along with him.
- Rodan can utilize his beak and claws for physical attacks, even use his wings as a protective shield, he also has great strength, even being able to carry Godzilla.
- in rage or in extremely high speeds he would "erupt" and turn a fiery orange, flame would come out of his tails and wings, giving it an immense boost in power, the G-Force call this form of his "Fire Rodan".
- Being a creature from a volcanic eruption, he has the power to use volcanic ashes to come out of his mouth, to disorient enemies and for other uses.
- Rodan can flaps his wings to create strong gusts of hot wind
- As Fire Rodan he can shoot a beam of radioactive heat from his mouth.
- Rodan can fly up to mach 3.5, all that stand below his path of flight will be blown away by shockwaves produced by his wings.
- He can circle around in high speeds and create his own tornadoes, even cover it in volcanic ashes, when in his Fire Rodan form, he can even set this tornado ablaze.
- As Fire Rodan he can use excess energy to heal the wounds of allies, even give up his life completely to revive others.
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saffrox7650 · 1 year
merry christmas, we don't have a tree (anymore) so we had to freeze Lezah instead.
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