#chopper wants to befriend you
sevs-corner · 2 years
One Piece (Reverse Isekai)
Taking in a deep breath of fresh air, you could feel your chest feel a little bit lighter after all the hustle and bustle of your current everyday life.
You then took a seat on the spotted blanket you've laid beforehand, gently placing the picnic basket which was filled all sorts of sweets, snacks, and drinks.
Grabbing a triangle shaped sandwich from the basket made you think back on how your life had led up to this moment right now.
Ever so busy, this was the only opportunity in a long time that you have spared for yourself and it was honestly refreshing. "Too much work makes Jack a dull doll after all," you mumbled to yourself with a pout.
Though that was instantly changed with a sharp gasp when a mountain of bodies fell before you.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You screeched, crawling backwards as fast as possible.
Taking huge gulps of air as your mind goes haywire of what the hell just happened in a manner of seconds, you couldn’t help but notice the outfits of the strangers. All bright, colorful, and-
"Tacky," you mumbled in disdain. You weren't one for fashion but at least you had some sense of what worked and not, but THEY clearly didn't.
Seeing that they haven't moved an inch since landing on the grass, you decided to move slowly. Branch on hand in case anything may happen but for now, it was used to test if the bodies were still actually alive and not some dark company dispatch of human corpses.
'Oh god,' you prayed with a sweatdrop, 'I hope this actually isn't a deep dark conspiracy.'
With nothing but a couple of feet between you and the pile of bodies, you poked someone in a red coat of sorts.
"Hey," you called out in a soft voice, "you alive?"
"Yeah.." They grumbled.
You both looked into each other's eyes in shock, and you noticed the deep dark eyes of theirs, as the guy noticed your colorful and bright ones as well.
It clicks, the light bulb switched on and you knew who they were.
You fell on your ass in shock, before clamping it shut, afraid that this was all a mirage but you thought to yourself that you felt something soft  from the branch. It couldn't possible be?
"Who are you?" the pirate demanded with a groan as he tried to escape from the piles of bodies over him.
Now that you look closer, the rest of crew was right on top of him! Along with a couple of other familiar faces as well.
"Oh shit," you mumbled to yourself, " I must be dreaming…" You then touched the grass and tried to smell the air.
Everything felt so vivid, from the backwash taste of that old tea you drank from this morning to how a hand was curled over your ankle.
"Wait what-?!" You screeched at the hand that appeared on your leg and seeing who it was from, made you scream louder.
"Miss just who are you?" He honestly asked because right now, he was confused as hell.
One moment he was fighting with his crew after arriving in an unknown island and in the next, unconscious under a lump of his friends.
You quickly snapped to the voice who called out once more, and you could see Luffy struggling with a frown on his face.
"And where are we?" He grumbled, clearly displeased by the current situation he was in.
Snapping out of your stupor, you ran back to the pile and began to peel off the bodies above Luffy.
"Holy crap you're heavy-" you mumbled to yourself as cyborg wouldn't budge, "give me a sec and try not to move so much, I'll get'cha out." You replied back with a grimace, man- your arm strength was at the negatives right about now.
"Just pull me out!" He whined and you looked at him in question, realizing that he was speaking in a language quite familiar. Now that you had thought about it- how did you understand him anyways?
Though hearing him huff in annoyance made you completely disregard the thought for now, and began to work double time as you tried to forcibly pull him out of the pile. He was made out of rubber so he should be okay…right?
Okay maybe he wasn't.
"Hold on tight okay?!" You don’t know whether he understood you or not but you'd guess by how panic-stricken you were, he understood by how you gripped him a bit tighter.
Digging your heels in the grass, you began pulling with all the might you could muster, yet… you couldn't help but laugh at the thought that this moment was quite similar to your high school's tug-of-war championships. Except this time- it was with a bunch of people who were unconscious.
In one last burst of energy, you manage to pull out Luffy with his legs recoiling back into him- making him fly over you as you laid on your back, tired and panting.
"Good God that's enough exercise outta me today!" You wheezed, grabbing your chest as you tried to control your breaths. Your arms we're numb yet aching but you still pushed yourself up, turning around to check on Luffy who landed face first on the dirt.
"Are you okay?" You called out, hoping he would answer but all you got was a murmur. Shrugging your shoulders, you decided that he was fine and looked towards the now groggy group of people who seemed to be waking up.
Which snaps you back to your reality, how would you explain this happenstance to them? Actually… how is this all happening in the first place?
"Oi! Get your asses off me!"
"Shut it Marimo!"
Oh, they're awake, awake.
"There's a person over there."
"Damn- did they get Luffy?!"
"No I didn't!" You shouted in a panic, hands up in a surrender as you stare at his crew in fright.
"He was stuck and- and I tried to pull him out!" You raked a hand through your hair before demonstrating while explaining, "But he was stuck so I kept pulling and pulling and pulling until-,"
"What… is she saying?" Nami stared at you with wide eyes. The group glanced at the archaeologist who gave a shrug, even she was clueless at the language you were speaking. It wasn't like the ancient language she spoke of, it was VASTLY different from what she had ever heard before. Which begs the question,
"Where are we?" Franky mumbles out in shock, now taking in the weird things that were surrounding him and their group. They we're- in short- shocked.
"Guys! You're awake!"
Luffy huffed out right beside you, which made you squeal in shock, ungracefully falling onto your ass where you moped in embarrassment.
"Hey," the Straw Hat captain poked your cheek that wasn't covered by your side, "are you okay?"
You shook your head, still buried at the shame you feel at your current existence.
"Wait, she understands us,"  Law pointed out with an inquisitive look, very suspicious of the person that currently had a dark aura around them.  "And she seems to be familiar with us as well."
"Hey shortstack," Kidd clicked his tongue to grab your attention, "mind telling us where we're at?"
You now immediately move to stand, frightened, by the sight of not only Luffy's crew but Law's, and Kidd's.
'I'm gonna live a short life,' you thought to yourself, slowly tearing up.
"You're scaring her!" Nami huffed out, "How can we get info outta her if you're making her shake in her boots?"
"No, no- its okay," you waved your hand, signaling that you were all right- well, as best as you could convey that feeling.
Taking a couple of deep breaths, you felt lucky that they were patiently waiting for you to calm down. After a couple of breaths, you offered a shaky smile and spoke the best you could in their language.
"Hi!" you greeted with a wave (which some returned *cough* Chopper *cough*) "You at..uh… Manila! Here, right now," you pointed downwards with a tap of your foot.
"Is that the name of this island?" Robin asks, and you shook your head.
"It is the main town of the- a-ah! I mean main city of …what's that word.. Country called Philippines," you whipped your phone out and tapped on a search engine app to show them the map of this country. You hoped they understood you from the tilt of their heads.
"What's that brick thing on your hands?" Kidd asks, genuinely curious as he sees you tap and swipe your fingers on the thing.
"Phone!" You simply said, "Explain me more later?"
Surprisingly, Kidd nods but continues to eye this 'phone' you speak of.
With a grin, you showed them a picture which depicts the map of your country, which Nami gasp in wonder at. Most of them did actually, as they watch you swipe to map next to map.
"That's amazing!" Nami compliments, "did you make those maps yourself?"
You laughed nervously, waving your hand around in denial. There was no way in hell you were excellent in cartography, hell- you haven't even picked up a map in years.
"How do you understand us?"
 You turn to Law who glares at you, hand obviously laid at the hilt of his sword.
"I-uh," you mumbled, slowly stepping away from the range of his blade. "I know a bit? Pieces of your language that you're from."
"Is this a new island in the new world?"
Shaking your head, everyone gasps or frowns at your response. 
"I'll explain more at my home." You insisted, now feeling the stares of people from across the park, near the roadside. You had to get them safe now or else…
"Why would we? We don't even know you," Zoro comments while standing in front of his captain, who he already knew was curious by your existence.
Sanji had done the same in front of his other crew members. Arms crossed in front of his chest as his stands to prepare for any scenario that may happen. 
You were shaking, hands were trembling as you try to fight the cold sweat that slowly slips down your neck. You wanted them to be safe but how would convince them that you weren't a threat?
You didn't know what to do so you just said whatever first came to your mind, "Because staying here right now is death!"
They wince at the thought but seeing that- despite your continuously shaked-up form-  you tried to offer some help to them, they had no choice but to trust you in this never-before-heard land.
The three captains share a look before nodding.
"We'll go with you!" Luffy laughs, and you breathed out a sigh of relief. Now feeling a little bit more confident than before, you quickly tossed all of your stuff back to your picnic basket before trudging towards the bus station.
"I knew I should've stayed in Mass longer."
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hauntingblue · 5 months
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one-idea · 5 months
Master list
This is more for me so I have a record of all my Aus in one place but incase anyone is interested.
Dream Dream Masterlist
A devil fruit user with the ability to steal a persons dreams/ambitions steals Luffy’s dream to become the pirate king. This leaves a despondent Luffy who doesn’t believe in his or any of his crews dreams (their dreams have become part of his) the crew is left to get his dream back.
(Big family feels for all of the Strawhats and some Zolu)
Reverse Strawhats Masterlist
In a parallel universe where Ace meets Whitebeard early and much like Luffy and Shanks makes a promise (to one day surpass Whitebeard) when he sets out to sea he meets with Kuina, Nojiko, Kaya, Reiju, and many others. They go on the strawhat journey (with some twist and turns)
One day (maybe in the Wano fight maybe not) a devil fruit activates sending Luffy and the strawhats to this world. Allowing for Luffy and Ace to reunite, but also Robin and Olivia (her mom) Chopper and Dr. Hiriluk, Law and Rosinante and many more.
Official Fic
Zoro’s arc Masterlist
I really wanted a Zoro arc. Where his old sensei contacts him about needing Wado Ichimonji (to defeat an enemy that can only be cut by one of the 21 great grade blades) Zoro has to return but he hates leaving the crew. He tells Luffy (there’s no way he’s leaving without an explanation) and Luffy is not letting him go alone.
There are many twist including old memories and new knowledge (maybe Kuina’s death wasn’t an accident)
Big Zoro feels, his relationship with the crew and some Zolu (cause I can)
(Pleant of Zoro and crew feels but mainly Zolu)
Nika cult Masterlist
A Nika worshiping cult wants to bring Nika back to the world, to do this they have to kill Luffy. They almost succeed, Nika takes over to keep Luffy alive. Now it’s up to the crew to find away to save Luffy. But it’s so weird to travel with Nika. Who knows them, because Luffy loves his crew, but Nika is not Luffy. So it’s like hanging out with your loved ones friend you never met.
Big focus on the crews love for Luffy. (All the crew including Jinbei) big focus on Sanji (whole cake guilt) Robin (she adores her captain and crew) and Zolu
Wado’s POV Masterlist
A retelling of One Piece from Wado Ichimonji’s point of view
Her pride in her dumb son Zoro, her adoration of their captain and king, her love of the crew, and her absolute annoyance with Sandai Kitsune. (Also the relationships with Yubashiri, Shusui, and Enma)
Sun god and king of hell / madoka magica fusion
If you’ve watched Madoka Magica you know. But Luffy loses himself to Nika. Maybe to save the crew of maybe the whole fleet, but Luffy’s no longer in control. Zoro truly becomes the king of hell and uses his power as Asura to block Nika’s influence over Luffy, allowing Luffy to be Luffy. But every now and then Nika tries to break free.
Please just watch the end of madoka magica revolution
Part 1
An actually plot?
Who remembers and why Ace is a problem
Roger and Rouge live and raise Ace/Sabo/Luffy
Roger doesn’t die for his illness and lives with rouge and Ace. Shanks finds Luffy and adopts him, but leaves him in the east blue. Roger comes to meet Luffy and takes him a and Sabo (who Luffy befriended) with him
Part 1: main concept
Shanks raises ASL brother
This involves a lot of rearranging of cannon events. But basically Shanks realizes that Luffy is living alone and promises him the next time he comes to Dawn island he’ll take Luffy with him. Crap finds out and take Luffy to Dadan, where he meets Ace and Sabo. Shanks returns just in time to stop the Bluejam pirates from separating the ASL brothers. He spends some time getting to know the other two boys and decides to take them with him.
Part 1
Part 2,
Part 3 make it Mishanks
Part 4: Meeting Mihawk, Sabo’s future
Part 5: Ace’s reveal
Part 6: Ace and Shanks finally talk about Roger
Part 7: Heavy on the Mishanks.
Part 8: a coming storm.
Part 9: Higuma finds Luffy, Shanks confronts Higuma
Ask: What about Dadan and the bandits
Ask: When will the boys return to Foosha
Ask: Grandpa Rayleigh?
Poll: Does Shanks lose his arm?
Skyward Sword/Zelda au
Luffy remembers his past Life and Nika while separated from the crew. The crew is trying to find him while slowly remembering their own past lives. They are only finding bits and pieces but one memory stands out. The death of Nika at the hands of Asura.
The whole story follows the idea of Skyward sword. That Luffy is Nika reincarnated and needs to finish the job Nika set out to do before he past. Other people (the red hair pirates or the revolutionary’s) are helping him remember his past life while stoping the Strawhats from interfering.
The main idea
Who is guiding Luffy/who is taunting the crew
The Strawhats past lives and feelings
The Spade’s save Ace Masterlist
Masked Deuce, Mihar, and Skull the officers of the Soade pirates chase after Ace when he leaves the Moby. They catch up just in time to pull him out of his fight with Blackbeard. Hurray Ace is safe, but they have a new problem. Blackbeard is going after Luffy.
One shot ideas/asks
DnD Ace/Sabo character sheet
Acedeuce: cooking
Part 2 the cookie saga begins
Cookie saga 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Zolu: a devil fruit that forces you to obey orders hits Zoro and the resulting angst from our boys
Part 2
Fem Ace runs into Sabo pre-cannon leading to some fun assumptions by the Whitebeard crew.
Jail break au: the strawhats head straight for Ace after Thriller Bark
Will Sandai Kitsune break
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deecotan · 2 years
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I’ve been playing around with omegaverse ZS lovechild concept for a while and now here she is! Her name is Minori, she was born sometime during the Strawhats’ voyage so she was practically raised in the Sunny. She exists in an omegaverse canon-divergent AU where the plotline is basically the same as canon, diverging post-Wano and post-Strawhat Jinbe (similar to Film Red situation). 
Ramblings below: 
I created her with the idea of a lovechild who is different from Aoi, the first ZS lovechild that I created. Aoi is an exuberant, happy-go-lucky person, with a tomboyish appearance and a more “unkempt” look that she imprinted from Zoro. Minori is reserved and quiet, if not somewhat shy, with a more feminine, neater appearance and overall looks that is inspired by Sanji, and by extension, Reiju and Sora. Minori is also set in the canon universe and raised on a pirate ship, in contrast to Aoi who is set in a modern AU One Piece and grew up in a family home. 
I originally planned her to use rapier as her main weapon at first, but then I thought it would be a little weird for Zoro’s kid to choose a different type of sword, so I decided to scrap it. The name and the general color palette of the sword remains the same, though.
Additionally, her name was originally supposed to be “Marisol” since it can mean “sea and sun” in Spanish and also because I want to try giving her a more European-sounding name. I decided to scrap it since it won’t fit with the rest of the Strawhats’ naming custom; most of the Strawhats have easy-sounding names that are easy to pronounce both in English and Japanese (Luffy/Ru-fi, Na-mi, Zo-ro, etc), and most of them only consist of 2-3 syllables. Marisol is 4 syllables long when pronounced in Japanese (Marisoru), so I decided to change it to a simpler name.
My Japanese VA headcanon for Minori is Yui Ishikawa. She has the type of voice that gives off “elegant and sophisticated lady who can kill you” energy especially when voicing Mikasa from Attack on Titan and 2B from Nier:Automata. 
She spends most of her childhood in Thousand Sunny, and then her early teen years to the rest of her life in Sanji’s floating restaurant in All Blue together with her parents, Zeff, and the rest of the Baratie crew. She would then travel to other islands by herself from time to time, sometimes saving people and getting into fights on the way, and send letters back to her parents that tell of her adventures.
Personality-wise, Minori is a calm, collected person. She tends to keep her emotions at bay and rarely overreacts to anything, and likes to solve problems in an analytical way. Deep down, Minori is also a kind and considerate person, and is especially very compassionate towards those who are in need. She has a strong sense of justice, and believes in the notion that the strong must protect the weak. She is also a bit socially awkward, having trouble befriending people normally as they would usually get scared of her first. 
Minori is very inquisitive as a child, often questioning many things and finding solace in reading books. Because of this, she looks up a lot to Robin, whom she thinks is very intelligent and “all-knowing”.  
Because she grows up in Sunny, aside from Zoro and Sanji themselves, she is practically raised by everyone in the crew and so has imprinted some of them as well. She appreciates Robin’s morbid humor, has a slightly extensive knowledge in first aid from Chopper, can differentiate between a good and a bad lie thanks to Usopp, and comes to love music from Brook. 
People would often call her the “Miracle Child” due to the exceptional circumstances during which she was born. She is a child born into a pirate crew, with that pirate crew being the Strawhat Pirates and her parents being two of their strongest members nonetheless, and she is born when Sanji is being held hostage. (I’ll delve into that soon. Later. One day.) 
As a result of spending most of her childhood on a pirate ship, Minori has a much more hardened outlook in life, having learned how to fight and defend herself against enemies. She can be downright vicious when circumstances warrant it, especially when dealing with cruel and powerful enemies. 
She trains swordsmanship under Zoro, and as she grows stronger and more skillful in it, she begins to develop her own fighting style utilizing her enhanced speed, agility, and dexterity, of which she inherits from Sanji. 
Her sword’s tsuba (hand guard) is circular-shaped and has a wave pattern that looks something like this: 
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Her epithet “Sword Princess” comes from her exceptional swordsmanship, her fighting style that’s been described as being “elegant”, and her overall wardrobe aesthetic that heavily resembles a princess. 
She is noted to have exceptional beauty, and many people have praised her for it. Sanji has been notable for furiously beating people up if he catches them ogling or talking to her inappropriately. 
Her name written in kanji would be 美緑, consisting of 美 which means “beauty, beautiful” and 緑 which means “green, greenery (the colors of trees and grasses)”. I think it’s an amusingly fitting name for Zoro and Sanji’s child. 
Since she technically exists in an A/B/O universe, she does have a secondary gender as well, which is Beta.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Hello! I have been a follower for some time and enjoy all your work! I’m glad you finally opened requests again. Can I ask about a female Kyojuro Rengoku reader x Zoro? Being someone with a very enthusiastic, kind and smiling personality would contrast greatly with him. Not even they themselves would know how they ended up as a couple, please and thank you.
-You fit right in with your crew, the Straw Hats, when you joined along with Chopper, whom you befriended when he found you out in the snow after you woke up in this new world.
-You were quite…cheerful for someone being in a new world you knew nothing about, most would be thrown off and scared, something Chopper and Kureha told you, but they were taken by your cheerful nature.
-You were a fierce warrior, something they and your new friends, got to see firsthand, when you charged in to save Chopper from being attacked by Wapol, using your breathing style, surrounding yourself in your flames.
-Seeing the flames surrounding you and paired with your immense strength due to hard work, Luffy had quickly decided you were going to join his crew.
-You instantly accepted, grinning brightly, not thinking twice about it, which did throw a few, like Usopp, Nami, and Sanji off. It would have thrown Chopper off, had he not met you months prior and got used to you.
-Sanji was quickly fawning over you, complimenting your strength, but Nami could easily see that you were rather… dense about his flirting, just taking his compliments with a big smile.
-Zoro, unlike others who joined after you, being distrustful with them, instantly accepted you, mainly because the two of you bonded in the snow after the battle had ended with Wapol, and he challenged you to a fight and you looked excited, immediately accepting.
-To Zoro, you were kin- you were a swordswoman, and a powerful one, so you easily had his respect and he had a strong sparring partner.
-It wasn’t until much later, when the ship had stopped by a popular summer island resort, and Nami convinced you to wear a bikini, which looked amazing on you- as you filled it out very nicely, along with your muscles.
-You quickly had lots of eyes on your and Zoro didn’t like that, he couldn’t explain it, but he wanted to fight everyone who was looking at you, including that ero-cook Sanji who was fawning over you, Nami, and Robin.
-Robin thought it was rather cute, seeing Zoro looking so jealous but when she said something, he was quick to deny it, “I’m not jealous!” Franky instantly grinned, seeing what Robin was doing and went to help, “Oi Y/N!!”
-You turned as Franky came over, “Want to play a game of chicken with me?” everyone, except Luffy who didn’t realize it, was quickly in on it, and Sanji held Nami on his shoulders.
-Zoro, seeing your thighs touching Franky’s face, quickly set him off and he was going to go and do something before Nami caught you good, which made certain things on both of you bounce, and Sanji quickly had to be rescued from not only drowning but also blood loss.
-Zoro came up behind you and put his over shirt over your shoulders, which surprised you as you turned and you could see he looked a bit annoyed before he motioned a thumb over his shoulder, C’mon- let’s go get a drink.”
-You beamed brightly, taking his hand in your own, not at all bothered while he was red faced. Robin and Nami fist bumped, seeing this while Luffy was confused, “Where is Zoro and Y/N going?” Usopp just chuckled, “Going to do whatever couples do.”
-Luffy’s draw dropped, “Ehhh?!?! Their dating?!” rolling eyes went all around the crew before laughter filled the air while you were enjoying a large fruity looking drink, “TASTY!!” while Zoro smiled over at you.
-He loved your enthusiasm about everything, including eating and drinking, it made you special to him. He never wanted you to change.
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assiraphales · 8 months
you havent really been liveblogging your one piece experience much, but since you seem to be through Alabasta at this i was wondering if youd be willing to share any thoughts about the series so far/your takes on the characters in their original forms?
-luffy is a little gremlin who was fed after midnight but stayed cute. 10000 points in mischief. has THE biggest heart and would die for a stranger if he thought it was a worthy cause. much more intelligent (in an unconventional way) than he's given credit for. figuring out crocodile's weakness almost immediately?? hello??
-i like how all the crew mates have different (but very valuable and nourishing) relationships with each other. usopp n luffy's is very sweet because they're still kids at heart (and probably always will be, at least a little) who live by their imaginations and for fun/joy. zoro washing chopper in the bathhouse. usopp and nami being voices of reason for very different reasons, usopp making her a weapon bc she admitted one of her weaknesses to him. nami's love for luffy coming out in concern and sternness because she knows what he's capable of but also how hard he can fall
-some of the emotional moments that affected me the most; nami getting a tattoo for belle mere, nokijo, and genzo. pell sacrificing his life for alabasta and flying the bomb into the sky. sanji n zeff's relationship.
-klahadore is the biggest lil bitch thus far. but shout out to his kitty cat crew for supporting him and trying not to deadname him
-really liked the mihawk fight bc even tho zoro got WHOOPED mihawk was clearly impressed, and let him live for a reason. he also said after watching luffy and zoro together that they were a good team. which.
-luffy and zoro making each other better and worse (depending on how u look at it) and the crew just having to accept that "ok yah. that's their relationship. they're crazy bastards who enable each other and they're dreams are entwined."
-zoro being a secret goofball. I could go on about it. but one of my favorite small moments was when he told the usopp pirates that they were cannibals and ate usopp
-nami has such big dreams but she's so scared to get her heartbroken again. she lost her mom, she thought she lost her town and sister when she went along with arlong..... everything is a defense mechanism. she's a survivor. and she's so hurt. but everyday, from the crew's love to luffy's kindness, she's learning to accept that the world isn't that bleak. that good people exist
-ace's tattoo. um. JUMPSCARE. but he is neat and loves luffy lots
-tony tony chopper I would die for u. kureha is an icon and now I totally understand why people want jamie lee curtis to play her
-i'm glad that luffy n co were able to heal the giants relationship on little garden and now they're broskis who can fight n drink together without worrying about the whole "TO DEATH!!!" thing. zoro trying to chop off his legs and then posing so that he'd look cool if he died is another notable highlight from that arc
-princess vivi and nami. I know what u are. but in all seriousness she was just sixteen and infiltrated a secret assassin organization for her kingdom!!! I love that she had igaram pose for her so she could say goodbye to the strawhat crew properly
-there's just so many good people trying to do the right thing in the face of massive adversity. no matter what the odds, they'll fight to their last breath for what they believe in. and if luffy's there, he'll make sure they don't have to (die, that is)
-luffy managing to befriend the weirdest animals that want to kill him and them eventually saving him (the lapins and the kung fu dungongs)
-luffy asking zoro to save smoker's life because he couldn't swim, and smoker letting luffy go instead of arresting him so he could try and save alabasta
-sanji smoking cigarettes in the middle of a fight and constantly wearing a suit for Aesthetics
-mihawk hunting down the red haired pirates in his coffin throne boat just to show shanks the bounty on luffy's head (also way to go bestie getting it up from 30 million to 100 million in like two weeks)
-zoro sleeping everywhere but mostly near the rest of the crew so he can eavesdrop / be close to them
-the straw hat crew being a bunch of wild animal ragers and turning any event into a PARTAAYYYYY
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
One piece AU everyone is marine except for Luffy. He gets into a fight with every single one of them and has to befriend and gain their trust in order to be a part of his crew. They all have their own personal vendetta against pirates.
It's a work in progress but please add some of your intake on this AU I want to hear it
Oh! That is such an awesome idea??? I love it!! Mmmm I would love to give you my thoughts on every mugiwara, but it's kind of difficult when it comes to characters like Robin or Franky. Or Zoro, even- But I'll try to tell you how I think Nami/Usopp/Sanji would become marines because it's tbh pretty easy.
Nami is an easy one: When Bellemere dies and Cocoyashi Village is invaded by Arlong, Nami just decides to follow her mom's steps and become a Marine to save the village because she manages to escape from Arlong. Then the story is basically the same, tbh. She becomes a marine, goes to the village to help from time to time, but she can't do anything bc of the corruption within the marines. She wants to help but she isn't actually free being a marine, yadda yadda yadda. Luffy appears. Same old story. She joins Luffy.
Usopp is an easy one too, tbh: He hates his father and pirates bc Yasopp left him to become one. He becomes a pirate to see the world and become stronger and also bc he thinks it's the only way he has to make Kaya proud and be able to tell her stories, and, well, bc he hates pirates. He goes to Syrup Village from time to time to visit her. And the story is basically the same, tbh. Luffy helps Kaya when Usopp can't do it on his own and he realizes that perhaps Yasopp had a (semi) valid reason to leave, and he wants to have a taste of those adventures too!
Sanji's story is a bit more complex, but hear me out: Everything is the same, except that the marines are who find him and Zeff on that rock. Zeff, ofc, being a pirate and all can't talk directly to the marines so he just manages to steal a boat. Don't ask how, you're the one with the AU, I'm just here for the vibes, bestie. And so Zeff wants Sanji to have a better life bc he's, you know, a kid. And even if he doesn't like marines, he still think the pirate life for this little eggplant isn't the best. But Sanji wants to stay with him!!! So Zeff says very mean and horrible things to him to make the kid hate him and make him go with the marines. Long story short, Sanji becomes a very skilled cook for the marines and he ofc can also fight. He hates pirates bc Zeff left him, but he has mixed feelings for the man bc he saved him. Uhhh, not sure how he meets Luffy. Perhaps they somehow find each other at the Baratie when Sanji just happens to be there too. Maybe he finds Zeff there again and they end up making amends after saying he hates pirates for so long. Perhaps making amends with him and meeting Luffy is what makes him join the straw hats!! Idk. I need time to think about that.
The other crew members are hard af so PLEASE I'd be so happy if you sent me an ask (or a DM, if you don't want people to know about your AU details yet) explaining your ideas <3 My friend said Chopper is just Sengoku's other goat and Chopper keeps telling him that he's not a goat and he becomes a doctor for the marines and I think that's the funniest thing-
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chaidrivenwhore · 9 months
one piece headcannons, hs edition
- luffy is that one kid who talks to literally everyone in the school
- he's filthy popular and he does a lotta shit but for some reason teachers love him
- he also knows that one of the janitors has 3 kids but he doesn't remember who does
- brook haunts the music room every lunch break and spends his time writing music or just singing his lungs out (but he has no lungs yohohohoho)
- he's a classical music snob (he might deck you if you breathe wrong at tchaikovsky) (yes i love tchaikovsky)
- he's had fencing classes as a child and he's filthy good at it
- nami befriended the canteen staff on day one so that she'll get to ask for discounts on the meals
- the gardener lets nami spend some time after school in the grounds (for that one tangerine tree)
- if she's placing a bet w you, cough up all your money bc you're losing fs
- no one is really sure which class zoro belongs to; some say he's a fresher but then a senior girl was talking abt how she saw him in her class once
- he sleeps through his lectures
- rumor has it that he's part of a gang (he's not, he got caught up in a fight when he got lost)
- sanji has a cooking/recipe blog on the side
- anyone who sits beside him during lunch gets an earful of how the school lunches can be made better
- he's a huge fan of sharing lunches (everyday can be a kitty party if you want it enough)
- engineering aspirant franky has been banned from using the lab unless under supervision
- he'd almost burned down an entire floor once and school was shut for a week stating renovation
- cola sales in the school happens only bc of him
- usopp is the guy who has all the tea about everyone (and he has discussions abt it w robin)
- he's v slay in pe class
- he'll get you fruits from the tree by catapulting a stone (bestf material fr)
- robin loves the library, she knows the library better than the teacher there
- every tuesday, usopp and her have overlapping free periods so they discuss the prev week's tea
- she's the quiet backbencher who's also the class topper
- chopper hangs out w the infirmary teacher (they share a cup of tea like every week)
- chopper is that fresher whose friends are all seniors
- he loves eating his lunches in the garden, he probably sits under a tree w his food and makes happy noises while eating (so real i would too)
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urukbignaturals · 8 months
With your thoughts on orc breeding out of the way- who would best to worst dad?
Oh man, this is a hard question! I will try with some of the Uruk/Olog boys i like the most, and hopefully my reasons make sense xD 1- Bruz the Chopper. Yes, I think -Bruz would be a good father. Despite what he did to Talion, he seems to be so genuinely nice for an orc. He is all smiles, very casual, treats you like a friend.... So idk, something tells me he would be good with children! He would know how to connect to his children and train them into nice warriors! 2- Azog the Defiler. OK SO HE ISNT IN THIS GAME BUT- Isnt Bolg his son?? this mean this orc DID breed, he IS a father. Now- I havent finished the hobbit triogy, but his son looked to be quite capable and respect him a lot. Also, he does lead other orcs, and i think orcs father are more like leaders for them, sooo yeah! Then again, I think he woud be a good father in ORc standards... in human though...
3- Ratbag. My poor boy Ratbag... Dont get me wrong, I think he would try. Very hard... But he simply isnt the brightes or most resposible in my eyes. Like... I can see him having to practically abandon his children in times of need- and he would say something like "They need to be independant!!!" Or something- he would feel AWFULL but like... they are orcs! Orcs need to face hardships on theri own to grow! Or something! BUT that said, he would def teach them all he knows. How to be sneaky, how to stay alive, how to befriend people stronger than them... And maybe, just maybe... He can get others to train his children so they become more than him- better, stronger, smarter! He would be one proud papa.
4- Bolg. Since i mentioned Azog i fee like i must mention his son too. Sadly I dont have much more to add to him. I think He coul be an ok father, if he follows his own fathers footsteps, but still, something tels me they both would be cold parents. They want their orc children/ tribe to be fierce, strong. No weakness would be allowed. So im sure they would be pretty toxic... I think he woukd get rid of any weak children he has...
5- Vog the Eternal. Im so sorry, but I cant think of Vog as a good father. He goes to the end of my lost simply because i just... I just cant! If anything since he is a necromancer, if any of his children dies he would be like "I can bring them back- STRONGER!" Wich isnt a good thing to say as a dad...
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xxkitty13 · 2 months
Vampire Au pt. 5
Vampire Law x Human Luffy
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Law takes Luffy to pound town ;)
Previous -> Part 4 Next-> Part 6
The first thing Nami did was try to bribe the vampire. The castle was filled with valuable trinkets, decorations and most importantly, gold. The woman was going to have a heart attack at the amount of treasure that filled the place.
“If I see anything missing, I will cut your hands off.”
“Ah!” Nami quickly stood beside Luffy. “Tell him that it wouldn’t hurt if I kept something. He has too many things anyway.”
“These are Torao’s things. It’s not nice to steal.”
She huffed, “Luffy, we’re pirates.” She glanced at the vampire, who glared right into her soul. “Okay on second thought. . . I’ll leave his stuff alone.”
“I’d say that's the best choice Nami. Do you why he became a warlord in the first place?”
Intrigued, the Straw Hats stop to listen. Robin continues, “Becoming a warlord is not easy, one most prove to be a worthy asset to the government, right Jinbe?”— he nods— “Our vampire friend here did just that and do you know what that was?” Everyone shook their heads. "He presented the government a box, filled with one hundred hearts. All fresh and bloody."
“Oh. . .” The room became visibly silent, all turning to face the vampire.
“We’re not called the Heart Pirates for no reason,” Shachi laughed, breaking the silence.
Chopper did not take this lightly. “How could you do that to those innocent people!” he exclaimed, hitting the vampire's leg.
Law rolled his eyes at the weird looking creature. “I wouldn’t say they were innocent people. It’s none of your concern," he says with a cold tone.
“L-Luffy, are we really staying with this psycho?” Usopp shivered, holding onto his captain’s legs.
“Torao has his reasons. He wouldn’t do that to just anyone," he stated, not grasping the severity of the situation.
“They were pirates, it's not like their lives matter,” Penguin said.
“Still. . . doctors shouldn’t be that cruel,” Chopper mumbled.
“Huh, who would have thought the little dog is one too. You need to toughen up if you want to proceed in this profession.” The reindeer balled his fists. Law found this amusing and smirked at him. “Am I right?” he snickered.
Robin's expression darkened. "Luffy, are you sure you want to be around this guy?"
"Oi, Torao, that wasn't so nice,"— he climbs over his back— "Sorry guys, but he's not so bad once you get to know him. You should really check out his lab, it's filled with so many things. I even got to see a corpse."
The Straw Hats looked at each other, feeling uncomfortable at his outburst. Each new piece of information is only adding onto the vampire's cruel reputation.
Sanji clears his throat. "Well, how about I make all of us a dinner to ease things up a bit."
Luffy gasps, "Yes! You don't know how much I missed your cooking, Sanji." He leaps over to the cook and weeps. "I'm starved."
"Okay, okay, I get it. Don't worry, I'll whip up a feast in no time."
"A feast huh? I'm interested," Bepo comments.
"You guys have no idea, Sanji is the best chef I know," Luffy voiced.
Law only "tsked" at his proclaimed adoration for Sanji. It is clear that he is not the only one on Luffy's favorite's list. First Zoro and now Sanji. Furthermore, even his crew appears to be riled up. He facepalms.
“What’s wrong cap? Aren’t you trilled?” Penguin said.
“No, I am not.”
“Captain! Let’s throw a celebration, it will be good for us to befriend your mate’s crew,” Bepo said.
“No,” he mumbles.
“Please.” Bepo gave him puppy eyes, in hopes that he would change his mind. Law couldn’t handle the overwhelming cuteness of the bear. He sighed in defeat.
“Everyone! We will throw a celebration for our new alliance!” The bear declares.
“Alliance?!” Law is taken aback at this. “I didn't say anything about an alliance!”
“An alliance sounds fun,” Luffy says.
“Um Luffy, do you know what an alliance means?” Usopp said.
“It means we’re all friends, right?”
His crew looks at him dumbfounded.
“Whatever you say. . . but I guess we have no choice now. You’re mated with the Heart Pirate’s captain,” Nami sighed.
“So, it’s official Torao, we have an alliance!”
Law did not like this; however, his mate seemed happy. “If you say so. . .” He pinched the top of his nose, frowning at the thought of sharing his space with more people.
“Great! Come on guys, I’ll show you around.”
“W-wait, Luffy!” But the straw hat was long gone with his crew. “Shit,” he grumbled, in hopes that nothing would be out of place.
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With the help of Sanji's gourmet meals, the Heart and Straw Hat pirates were already getting along.
"Hey, do vampires eat human food?" Sanji asked, looking over at Law who has not taken a bite out of anything.
"Well, now that you mentioned it. . . I haven't seen him eat. He has only fed from my blood every once in a while,” Luffy mumbled, chewing at his steak.
"Blood. . . what a strange taste. . ." Sanji gathered up the courage to walk over the stooping captain. "I am not satisfied until everyone has eaten."
"Not interested."
This was a shot to the cook's existence. "Tell me, what do you want to be served."
Law eyed him and then glanced at Luffy. "Give me your captain," he says with a cocky smirk.
"That's obscene! I meant something edible!"
"Fine, I'll eat onigiri."
"See, was it really that hard?" he snickered. Law snapped his head away and ignored his comment.
Within a few minutes, Law received his special order and hesitantly took a bite. The taste is unworldly for a simple dish. He is astonished, how can one take a ball of stuffed rice to another level? Law hides his praise and grumbles, eating away at the food. Sanji laughed, knowing his reputation exceeds him.
"Zoro! You're here!" Luffy shouted.
Law turned his head to the swordsman, who yawns as he enters the room. Zoro ignores any contact with the Heart Pirates and sits next to his captain.
"Hey cook, where's the booze?"
"Oi, don't order me around like your slave. Find it yourself!"
Zoro scoffed and leaned back in his chair. He didn’t want to get it himself, but for a taste of alcohol, he'll do anything. But to his luck, a drunken Penguin comes to his rescue.
He hiccups, “Here, we have plenty of vodka.” Penguin stumbles, swaying the bottle over his head.
“Hey, you’re going to drop it.” Zoro grabs the bottle out of his hands. “But thanks,” he simply says.
“N-no prob-blem,” he says through hiccups.
The swordsman was about to drink from the bottle until his attention sways to Luffy. "We should make a toast.”
"A toast?" the straw hat said with a stuffed mouth.
"Why not? We're going to be interacting with the Heart Pirates from here on out, so let's seal the deal."
"Mmm, nah. You know I hate the taste of alcohol."
"A sip won't hurt." Zoro teases, playfully placing the rim of the bottle near his lips.
Luffy shoves the bottle away as Zoro wraps an arm around his neck, trying to make him take a sip. "Ack, that's gross!"
The vampire twitched at the sight. Zoro is all over his mate, he despised it. He looks away, trying to contain his anger, and munches at his onigiri aggressively.
The straw hat pushes Zoro off of him and scowls.
“Come on Luffy, just this one time.”
Luffy squints his eyes at him. “Fine.”
Zoro gives him a grin and gets up from his seat. “Listen up, we all know we started on the wrong foot,”— the pirates stop their conversations and look at the swordsman— “but our captains decided to form a relationship with another. If we want to make our captains happy, we will have to tolerate each other. To that, let’s make a toast for the newly formed alliance.”
“Yes captain, we’ll do anything for you!” Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi cry out.
Law lowered his hat in embarrassment.
Everyone grabbed their drink and raised it up. Luffy reluctantly grabbed the small shot glass that Zoro poured the vodka in. He felt Zoro elbow him and he quickly took the shot.
“Ack.” He spat out, tasting the pungent drink on his tongue.
“Ha, you should’ve seen your face,” Usopp cackled.
“It’s not that bad Luffy. I would say I if I still had a tongue, yo ho ho ho,” Brook joked.
The straw hats and the heart pirates joined in at the laughter. Luffy pouted for a brief moment before Zoro patted his back and reassured his captain. Luffy sighed and laughed with his crew.
Law felt his heart ache. He's never seen Luffy smile or laugh like that before. He is happy, he loves them. Law couldn't bare it anymore; it is clear to him now. He could never compete with them.
Law excluded himself from the party and went out into labyrinth of his home. Luffy noticed this and his smile faded, why would Torao leave all of sudden and not let him know?
Everyone was too distracted to notice that both Law and Luffy left the room.
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Law was finally able to escape the noise in his bedroom. The obnoxious laughter and rosiness were overstimulating, not to mention the tearing screams from the Straw Hats. He's always been a loner, even with his crew. It was not surprising that they were able to assimilate with them nicely. Still, isolating himself felt different this time. He felt like he didn't fit in with the rest, how sad, in his own home.
The vampire did not expect to hear his voice. "Mugi. . . what are you doing here?" he says alarmed, breaking out of his thoughts.
"I was going to ask you the same thing." Luffy closed the door behind him and sat next to Law. He lays down on the fluffy bedding and turns his gaze at the vampire.
Law stayed silent.
"Come on, let's head back." Luffy's hand reached out to Law's.
His hand stays perfectly still as his lover caressed his thumb. "Parties are not my thing."
"What do you mean? Everyone is having fun down there. You should come join us."
"You go. I'm staying."
"You seem happier with them." His hand now grasps onto Luffy's tightly.
"Torao. . . are you jealous?"
Law turns away. "Tsk, leave me alone.”
Luffy could tell by his mannerisms that it was true. "There's no need to be jealous, they're my friends. You said we are more than just friends. Our thing is different, right?" He sits up and leans his head on his shoulder. Law's body tensed up at his words. Luffy was determined to get an answer. "Tell me, how do you feel?"
For the first time in forever, Law couldn't get a single word out. How he feels? When was the last time he unbottled his true emotions? It was with the human, but what makes so different this time? These feelings are new to him. . . envy, that's a low emotion to have.
"Law." The straw hat sits on his lap, facing him. The vampire avoided eye contact with his mate, not wanting to dig any deeper into his inner thoughts.
Impatient, Luffy grabbed his chin and forcefully made Law face him. He scowled at him, but Luffy maintained a stern look. "You have to tell me. What's bothering you?"
In the heat of the moment, Law snaps at him, "Everything!"— he continues— “I hate how everyone is so drawn to you. The way you’re all able to laugh with one another, that irks me. And the way you look at Zoro. . . what is he to you?”
The human takes a moment to look into the vampire’s redden eyes. He was angry.
“Zoro is my best friend and nothing more. We’ve been through many things together, pushing through death. It is only natural that our bond is strong.”
“Tsk.” The vampire looks at the ground.
“We’ve known each other for a bit Law. But why do I feel so drawn to you? Is it this mark you gave me?” he says touching his nape.
Law was hesitant to speak but sighed. “Vampire mated marks are set by a specific chemical that bonds one another. The chemical adds a pheromone that attaches the bitten mate. . . you could say I’ve wired you to be fond of me,” — he grips the bedsheets— “You wouldn’t be here right now without the pheromone.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
Law averts his attention to him.
“I really like you, Torao. I do feel the pheromones effects, but that’s not what’s keeping me with you.”
“How come?”
“I’ve never met anyone quite like you. I find you to be very interesting, I want to get to know you. Despite the mark, I am developing deeper feelings for you. My heart flutters every time I stare into your golden eyes, and I want to continue to feel that,” Luffy said, surprised he was able to cohere his confession.
Law blushed heavily. Smitten, he couldn’t bear to lock eyes with the younger man.
“Why are you telling me this? Aren’t you leaving with your crew?”
Luffy didn’t have an answer for this yet. "I-"
“I knew it,” — he barked out— “I should’ve known you would choose them over me!”
Law continued to ramble about his insecurities and doesn’t let Luffy speak. He becomes impatient and pins the vampire onto the mattress.
“Bite me.”
“What?” Law says flabbergasted. The red that colored his eyes fade and leave his enlarged golden irises. Luffy's dark eyes say it all and Law swallows in shock.
“I’m yours, right? Then prove it!”
“Do you know what you’re requesting of me. . . right?” his voice dark and raspy. With the sound of their heavy breathing, the vampire finds himself turned on by the position, but the dynamic of having the human on top does not last long.
Luffy gives him a cocky grin. Oh, it's on. Law doesn't hesitate to lunge towards his neck. An intense wave of heat causes Luffy to cry out in pain. The hot red liquid spills out of the two punctures, the vampire quickly drinks the sweet blood. Once he is done, he takes a bite on the other side of his neck. The human tugs on the vampire's hair, holding back his cries.
The pain diminishes as the second bite is less intense, but it doesn't stop there. Law is hungry and will only be satisfied until Luffy is begging for mercy.
Bite after bite, Law marks Luffy’s body, tearing his clothes in the process and leaving the younger man completely nude. He shivers as the cold air creates goosebumps all over his tender skin.
Law doesn’t hesitate to capture his hardened nipple. His warm tongue flickers across the perky bud, not letting any area go untouched. In response to his tongue, Luffy arches his back. His flushed face arouses Law.
“Tell me, what do you want?” he whispers, kissing his restless chest.
The straw hat could barely lift his head to face the vampire. He lets out an inaudible sound as he felt Law’s lips brush down his abdomen. He left a trail of kisses, making sure to provoke his ticklish skin. Luffy felt his core tighten as his lips dangerously approached his groin.
“Torao-” he hitched.
A dark smirk plastered over Law’s face. “There it is,” he chuckled to himself.
He tugs on the hem of his shorts. Slowly, Law begins to pull them down. This was not fast enough for Luffy, he bucks, becoming impatient.
“Calm down or else.” Law squeezed his hips, stopping Luffy. The human wines but obeys.
“Good boy.” Law kissed his bellybutton and continued. He throws the shorts across the room and gropes the small tent of his boxers. “Someone’s a bit excited,” he chuckles. Luffy only bucks up to feel his large hand over his erection.
“Torao~” he wines.
Law enjoyed having Luffy wrapped around his finger. Those pretty doe eyes made his dick twitch in his pants. He wanted nothing more than to see hot tears run down his face. Law continued to grope the hardened member, squeezing it ever so often. Luffy mewls, becoming desperate for more.
“Hurry up!”
The vampire’s eyes redden as his hands wrap around the human’s throat. “You’ll regret that.” In a swift movement, he tears the fabric and flips Luffy on his belly. He uses one hand to pin his head down and without warning, he sticks his finger inside of his needy hole.
“Ah-” Luffy tried to wiggle out of the hold, but the vampire will not let him go.
Law snickers, “I told you.” He slips another finger in and begins to finger him. Luffy arches his back, giving him access his quacking hole. “You like that don’t ya?”— he grins— “I’m sure you can take another.” Three fingers in and the hot cavern is still clenching around his digits. “Shit babe, I can’t wait to feel you.”
“T-then what are you waiting for,” Luffy struggled to say.
“Hm, is that a challenge? Okay then.” Law gladly obliges, pulling his digits out. Luffy felt his hole relax, missing the long fingers that filled him. He wines at the lost.
Pulling his pants down, alongside with his boxers, Law's dick springs out. He pumps himself before aligning his tip over Luffy’s entrance. Just with a little push, he can feel the tense pressure around his sensitive head. He bites his lips, slowly pushing himself inside. Meanwhile, Luffy grips the bedsheets, trying to take his mate’s large member. With no lube, the stretching is painful.
“Torao. . .w-wait,” through huffs, the straw hat tries to adjust to the length. “It hurts.”
“Just relax, it’s almost done.”
Then, it was completely inside. The vampire takes a moment to catch his breath, the clenching insides are too much to bear. Even so, he locks in and holds onto the human's hips for support.
"How are you feeling?" Law could see the pain in his mate's expression, this would not be pleasurable if Luffy was not enjoying it.
"I-I'm fine, y-you can start," he shakily commanded.
Law goes to kiss the top of his ass and takes his position. He retracts carefully and slowly pushes his member back inside. Luffy grabs a pillow for support, trying to relax to ease the penetration. Even with the slow pace, he can feel every part of himself stretch.
Luffy asks himself, why was the process smoother in the previous occasion? Then, he remembers the plug and a wave embarrassment floods his mind. He places the pillow over his head to hide his shame. Law removes the pillow. “We’re not doing that. I want to see your face as I pound you,” he grins.
“W-what?” he squeaks, feeling the member be pushed closer to his g-spot.
“You heard me. I want to see your pretty little face in tears. I’ll make the whole castle hear as I make you mine.”
“Huh?! N-no, my friends are going to find out!” he exclaims.
Law grabbed a fistful of his hair and murmured next to his ear. “I want them to hear their pathetic little captain get fucked to oblivion." If Luffy’s face wasn’t red already, it’s near glowing now. Before he could think about his crew reactions, Law bit his neck once again. Luffy yelped as his tender neck is punctured once again. Tears flow down his redden cheeks as Law tugged on his hair. He brings his head back, allowing access to his sweet skin.
The droplets of blood stain the white bedsheets, each painting a cherry trail down the human's skin. The vampire readily licks each stream, becoming feral at the delicious metallic taste. He cups the human's squishy cheeks, licking his jaw up to his maxilla. "Should I leave more marks on your body?" he grunts, holding back his moans as he fucks him from behind.
An electrifying sensation jolts deep within him, the thought of being bit all of his body enticed Luffy. He could only nod in response, panting at the unruly pace.
Law sinks his teeth over his right shoulder and proceeds to leave bite marks down his arm. Even though the puncturing of his skin burned, the pain turned him on. Bite after bite and thrust after thrust, Luffy's body was on fire. His limbs become numb, only feeling Law's dick hit is g-spot rapidly.
"Oh fuck-" he gasps out.
As his body goes limp, Law pulls out quickly and changes to the missionary position. He grabs Luffy's hands and pins them over his head. His forehead rests against his, locking eyes with one another. Law could no longer hold back his moans, the view of his mate underneath him was out of this world. "Shit, I fucking I love you," he rasps over his ear.
Each hip thrust is sloppier than the next, harder and faster. Both are no longer care if their friends were listening on the other side of the door. Law lets himself fall on Luffy's body, still maintaining his tempo. He nibbles on his earlobe, sucking on it slightly. "Say that you're mine." Lost in his own world, Luffy doesn't register his words. Law's hand slither to this throat and tightens it. "Say it," he demands.
Luffy swallows hard. "I'm yours!"
In that very moment, Law goes berserk. Pounding all his might to reach his orgasm.
He gives one last bite to the human, right at his jugular. His blood spumes out from the pierced skin. Luffy screams from pain and pleasure, as he is sucked dry. The gush of the delicious liquid is the final nail to his climax and with one last thrust, he shoots his load inside of his mate. Depleted, Law is barely able to ride out his orgasm, letting his cum drip out of Luffy's abused hole. Luffy cums soon after and goes completely limp.
"Are you okay?" Law gently cleans the fresh wound on his neck, lapping his tongue over the bite mark.
Luffy sluggishly wraps his arms around Law. "Mmm, yeah. . ."
Law carefully rolls them to their sides, bringing Luffy against his chest. He grabs his arm and looks at the trail of teeth imprints on his skin.
"Did I go overboard?"
"Just a bit," he giggles.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I just hope your crew doesn't think I actually tried to eat you."
"Dummy, you did."
"Oh- right. . ." Embarrassed, Law runs his hand over his hair. "Whatever, who are they to tell me what to do." His lips press against each bite mark, making Luffy wince.
"Hey, they're sensitive."
Law laughs at his remark. He goes to snuggle against the crook of his neck, taking a deep whiff of his mate's scent. The smell is intoxicating. He moves his head back to face Luffy and cups his cheek.
"I do want to apologize. I let my emotions get the best of me, I'm sorry," his voice sincere.
Luffy's eyes soften. "You were an asshole for what you did, but I don't hold grudges. I'm glad you did come for your senses."
"Yes, I know. . . I do have one more question. . ."
"And what is that?"
"Are you planning to depart with your crew soon?"
"Look Torao, the sea is what I live for. You can't take that away from me."
"Oh, I understand. . ."
"But. . . what about you? You're a pirate, we are meant to be out at sea. Why don't you join me, we already made an alliance after all?"
"Join your crew? Do you really think I'll serve under you?"
He cackles, "That would be nice, but I know you wouldn't except. Though, I was thinking something else. . . why don't we sail together as co-captains?"
"Co-captains? I don't think either of our crew will listen to each other."
"Probably not, but that way we can keep our titles as captains and be together. Think about it."
Law sighs, "I'll think about it."
Luffy grins and gives him a large smooch on his lips.
He smiles at him softly and adjust their positions to cuddle. "For now, let’s sleep. I am exhausted."
"Sleep? Since when do you sleep?" His mate tilts his head in confusion.
He rolls his eyes. "Tsk, we’ve slept in the same bed before. Now, no more questions, you’ve drained me."
Luffy snickers as Law pulls a blanket over them. They drift to sleep, unaware of their crewmates flushed faces over the loud commotion upstairs.
“Uh guys, that wasn’t a hallucination right?” Penguin slurred out.
Robin, who is covering Chopper’s ears, shakes her head. “I’m afraid not.”
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jessicas-pi · 5 months
OOOH WIP ASK GAME tell me about Rebelvengers assemble, Graveyards and Ghost Towns, and they were CELLMATES, and even more adoption! If that's too many you can just choose your favorites from those, or tell me about something Time Heals related
Okay so. For Rebelvengers ummm yeah I think I'm gonna ramble/infodump a little!
After the invasion of earth, Ahsoka is taken back to Asgard to be tried. As she's more obviously under some kind of mind control, Obi-Wan is lenient to her, and only sentences her imprisonment until she can be cured.
Kanan intersperses old-timey slang with vine references. Hera pretends it's not funny.
Sabine learned ballet as part of her Widow training. She first befriended Ezra when he asked her to teach him. They do ballet together now. Sometimes they coerce Jyn or Cassian into helping them out when they need more characters. They choreograph their own dances, which usually have a concerningly dark plotline involving betrayal, murder, and the death of all the main characters. Though one time they did do a ballet adaptation of Frozen (2013). Ezra was Elsa.
After the invasion of Earth, Ezra lowkey moves into Syndulla Tower. He lives in the vents for a week before Hera finds him. He admits that it's just nicer here than at SHIELD headquarters. Hera promptly invites him and Sabine and Zeb to move in... and reluctantly adds that, "Well, I suppose the Captain can come too, if he has to."
And Thrawn is a Frost Giant.
Graveyards and ghost towns... a snippet, perhaps?
Hera gently interrupted them, stepping into their circle and putting a hand on Ezra’s shoulder as she spoke to the other two. “Zeb, go get an extra chair from the living room. Sabine, help him to a plate.” The kids dispersed, and Hera turned to Kanan, stepping close and speaking in a low voice. “Where did you find him?” “I didn’t,” Kanan admitted. “Chopper did. We were taking the shortcut past the graveyard and Chop took off running, barking up a tree… I got there and looked up, and there was the kid.”
and they were CELLMATES!!
“Do you ever feel it?” Grey whispered, voice dry. It was so soft, the stormtroopers guarding their cell probably thought it was just her breathing. Ezra replied just as quietly. “Feel what?” “This planet. It’s hurting.” He almost asked if she was going a little crazy, because how could a planet hurt, but he stopped. Thought about it. “Yeah. It is, isn’t it?” She slid closer, pressing against him like she needed the contact to ground her in reality. “This used to be a sacred world, Ezra. Now it’s dying, and I’m helping to kill it.”
Even More Adoption! This is a VERY cracky AU where Rey time travels to the past and promptly gets adopted by the ghost crew (minus Sabine, who is on Krownest) and she and ezra and sabine have a groupchat full of chaos. Also Sabine is force-sensitive and doesn't know it (but she finds out.)
partner in crime I can’t believe you actually didn’t know You had to know, right? Sabine How would I know IF NOBODY TOLD ME partner in crime How else could you always sense when I was about to get into trouble??? Sabine Your vibes!! partner in crime vibes that you were sensing with the force Sabine Ok Well then Anything ELSE you want to tell me?????? [partner in crime is typing] … [partner in crime is typing] partner in crime we have a force bond also rey is borrowing your room [several people are typing]
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hyperfixationhell25 · 3 months
One Piece Au ideas
Hello fellow weebs I have returned to make shitty content
My horrid little brain has been concocting a bunch of different Au's for months at this point and I though eh fuck might as well get them out there to see what others think.
AU 1
Dragon maid but its Law desperately trying to get rid of the stray god and his supernatural buddies that have invaded his life. To start of Law lives in the "Modern world" he's working in the med field (the specifies to be determined later if I or someone decides to make this an actual fic) his roommate Bepo has had to move out of town and he's trying to find a replacement for costs. cut to Law getting drunk (or extremely sleep deprived) and finding a mortally wounded god laying in the alleyway near his apartment. que Law saving the God and then going home and passing out ands well its basically the opening episode for dragon maid but its Nika (Luffy ) instead of a dragon and he's not trying to be a maid but he is trying to be Law "roommate" and trying to pay back law for saving his life by taking care of him and being his friend. I've seen a similar concept for a zolu fic but the idea of Law just going insane as the SHs just invade his entire life is comedy gold. As for what the stawhat's are well Luffy's a god (Sun God Nika) Zoro's a demon along with Robin you don't really need to change Chopper Brook and Jinbei Nami's a witch duh Franky's an artificer( Just make it fantasy cyborg stuff) I thought it would be cool if Ussop was a wood puppet that Luffy accidently brought to life as a nod to Pinocchio, that or a wood sprite for the trickster aspect. also Law's human friend do come and interact with the SH's and to Laws horror they all become buddies and conspire to make him have fun!
(a lot of my ideas center on how to bully law and get him hugs at the same time :)
AU 2
another fucking ATLA OP AU (wow so original)
pretty basic concept Luffy's the avatar ya know normal shit
EXCEPT He drives everyone INSANE. oh Luffy your the avatar master of all four element you mu- HEY IS HE ASLEEP!!! Luffy the avatar is the bridge between the human and spirt- OH HEY FUNKY SPIRT DUDES DO YOU GUYS POOP? (it be funny if Luffy just didn't realized him just befriending spirits left and right was because of the avatar stuff he just does what he wants) people will get their faced punch in kyoshi approves of luffy throw hands with everything and everyone. in all seriousness the concept of a character like Luffy being the bringer of balance when he's chaos incarnate is funny.
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chromantlks · 1 year
Workin on art at 5:30am and watching Vendetta, so to procrastinate even longer, here is:
Resident Evil Vendetta: Why Leon and Rebecca’s Positions Should Have Been Swapped
• Rebecca is not a damsel in distress please stop doing this to RE women (female characters in general, hate to be that guy), let Rebecca be the prodigious badass tyrant slayer she has been since day fucking one
• Leon’s entire arc would be improved in the way Chris’ sort of was if he was kidnapped and had time to think about who he is and why he’s come as far as he has, as well as accepting that he can’t always be the dashing hero and that sometimes he needs help too
• We could FINALLY re-explore the dynamic between Chris and Rebecca!! Don’t get me wrong, I love the relationship between Chris and Leon I love the part where they said “it’s gay sex Thursday” and then started making out on the chopper, but cmon. These were the ORIGINAL guys, the goobers, the oomfies, they were partners then and they could have been again
• We might have had more of a chance to catch up with what Rebecca has been doing all this time, we haven’t seen her since 0, or the stage play if you’re insane like I am, and I feel like we deserved to see her in action. It’s totally in line with her character to take more of a backseat to the action, having more of an interest in the science and medical aspects, that’s all good, but she’s still trained in combat and marksmanship. Can you imagine a scene of Rebecca showing off her skills, especially to Leon? Dude that would rock so unbelievably hard cmon.
• Chris has this continued theme in his life of losing people close to him and it reflects in the way he treats his partners/teams. This is just a flaw with the movie in general (which I continue to enjoy despite its. Yknow. Everything~), but we never got to see much of that. Obviously that whole theme was generally resolved in 5 and then continued into 6, but I feel like whether it’s Leon or Rebecca, Chris should have been, like. Way more freaked about it? Staying professional and all, but Jesus Christ man, you’re gonna exchange one liners and cool gun slow-no scenes with MCR over here in the hallway while you have less than 20 minutes to both SAVE and CURE someone who has been by your side for upwards of 20 years whom you have befriended and relied on numerous times??? Whatever! Whatever!
• Arias should have had a MUCH higher interest in obtaining Leon if he wanted his revenge plan work out. He’s already a suuuuper iffy character, I too would be mad if the government dropped a bomb on my wedding and killed almost everyone I held dear, but also I didn’t do arms dealing and bioterrorism so. Maybe reflect on that man. But anyway, the A-Virus already has a lot in common with the Plaga. Arias ABSOLUTELY could improve this connection via a sample of Leon’s blood and an examination of whatever’s left in his nervous system; if done right, this could have handled the virus nearly unstoppable. But instead, he opted to, uh…steal a woman that looks like his wife? Yeah, her blood with the antibodies made the virus stronger, but he had NO IDEA OF THAT. He totally lucked out there. Now, information about the Plaga would be easily attainable for a man of Arias’ profession and status among the underworld of crime or whatever, all that shit, and Leon’s name would absolutely be among that information. It’s just so much more convenient? Makes so much more sense?? Literally aids his evil plan???
I’m sure there’s more reasons I’m forgetting because the amount of times I’ve ranted about this is ridiculous, but like. Cmon cmon cmon I beg
If someone makes art or like rewrites the story like this tag me in it I beg of you like idk if this will incite any inspiration this is just my special weird take on a my special weird movie
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
request: Reader is new in the crew and Usopp dislikes/ distrust her! He just don’t get why she’s here. On the other side, reader falls for him at first sight and tries her best to get him to at least befriend her. He denies it at first but grows soft for her.
For my Usopp anon, who sent me loads of great Usopp prompts. This first one of a list of 9. Thank you for the awesome ideas. I had a lot of fun with this one. It is pretty long lol but that's cause most of the straw hats make an appearance.
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Serendipity, or Something Like It
USOPP X READER | SFW, FLUFFY (slight enemies to lovers vibe) WORD COUNT: 3k (I surprised even myself) CONTENT WARNINGS: Usopp being a liar (but does he even realize it?? who knows!!), fluff fluff, reader is a bit of a masochist but she doesn't care, Usopp needs to get a grip but who's gonna be the one to tell him?, Sanji smacks Usopp around a little bit because he has no table manners A SUMMARY: Usopp thinks the latest addition to the straw hat pirates was uncalled for, and unnecessary. He doesn't trust her one bit, especially not when her mere presence makes him sick to his stomach.
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Serendipity, or something equally arbitrary, had brought you aboard the Thousand Sunny. At least that’s the story Usopp knew you’d tell anyone who would ask. If anyone asked Usopp, he would tell them that something much more sinister than good luck had led you to them. Along with a metaphorical knife placed in your steady hand. 
Usopp just hadn’t quite figured out what that sinister thing was just yet. 
He did know that your presence was not necessary. He knew that Luffy was being impetuous. Selfishly following his impulsiveness to the beat of his imaginary drum; a childish theme song of  bravery and thrill seeking. He knew that you were smart, and capable. He knew your smile was adorable, with a touch of mystery. Reminiscent of a sour candy: mouth puckering, mouth watering, irreversibly addicting. You were a danger he wanted to ring a bell for. He wanted to run into town yelling at the top of his lungs, with a fiery torch in his hand.
He knew that, even if he did do that, nobody would listen. 
He settles, instead, for watching your every move very closely, eyes narrowed, brows furrowed together so much that Nami fears wrinkles will start to form. She presses the frown flat, time and time again, with two fingers. It does nothing to dissuade him from his mission. It was up to him to protect his crewmates in the face of this new monster; a monster that donned a white lab coat, and a stethoscope whenever you assisted Chopper in any kind of task.
Chopper is delighted at having someone to talk to about medicine. He pretends to hate it. His choice of words to combat her compliments don’t fit the saccharine way his words lilt, or the sweet curve of his smile. Before Usopp could bring him to his side, Chopper had been swept up in her orbit; ensnared in her dark webbity web of evil. Usopp knew he had to do something, but what?
He tried to figure it out as he followed you throughout the ship, peering from corners as you busied yourself with cozying up to his friends. You and Luffy seem to be having a great time. You both take turns imitating the crewmates. Luffy seems to find your imitation of Zoro particularly amusing, and starts rolling on the deck of the sunny with his hands on his tummy when you call him four sword style. When you laugh and laugh until your face reddens and you’re wiping at your eyes, Usopp takes close note of what Luffy had done. He makes a quick decision to never show you the chopstick trick. He didn’t need you laughing at his jokes anyways.
You like to talk to Nami on the deck when the sun is high in the sky. Usopp thinks you do it on purpose, as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. He is nearby, pretending to sunbathe as he overhears your loud giggling. Nami was showing off her new shoes, and you were talking about clothing Usopp didn’t understand. He muttered to himself, imitating your words in an annoying high pitched voice. It isn’t until the conversation turns to lingerie that he chokes, and splutters, alerting Nami to his presence. A sharp turn of her face had him running for his life, a shameful heat squeezing his head tightly.
During dinner, you talk enigmatically about a book Robin had lent you. Your hands flying up in the air, fingers pointing and gesturing as words dropped haphazardly from your pouty mouth. Your words captivated Sanji, distracting him as he served dinner. Robin would giggle, chin on her hand and watch you, looking content. Usopp gripped his butter knife tightly in his hand, trying not to feel defeated. He’s not sure how long he’s been holding the cold metal, but when he comes to, he sees your dark eyes on his face; searching. 
He uses the butter knife to stab his fish, right through the eyeball, as he keeps eye contact. Sanji slaps the back of his head so hard, he dives face first into mashed potato. As Sanji nags him for his lack of manners, Usopp blows pieces of potato out of one nostril. “You’re just saying that because you liked her chocolate chip cookies,” Usopp counters, the back of one hand against his nose. His nostrils were burning and now he couldn’t get the smell of garlic and chives out of his sinuses. Sanji tries slapping the back of Usopp’s head again but he stops when you ask him to.
You smile at him, and Usopp hates it; hates the way you’re probably pleased with yourself, how you’re expecting him to thank you for coming to his rescue. He stands up and walks away from the dinner table. He ignores Sanji calling back for him. He ignores Nami crossing her arms and calling him childish. He ignores Luffy’s confused expression and when he asks Zoro if it’s because Usopp didn’t like the way the mashed potatoes tasted in his nose. He ignores the way Zoro tries to explain that you don’t taste anything inside a nose. But most of all, he ignores the drop in the corners of your mouth, the softening of your eyes, the way you follow his figure out the door. 
He tries to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach, the kind that makes him want to throw up, but that one is a little harder to do.
The next time he sees you–or rather–pays attention to you, you’re sitting on a cushion. Robin had taken the habit of reading stories some nights. Most of the time they were horrifying, scary things that kept Usopp up at night. Sometimes, they were sad like tonight. Your big brown eyes became increasingly dewy, catching the light of the yellow sconces on the wall. Usopp tried to not notice the fat drops running down your cheeks, and how Franky sat next to you, drowning in his own tears. You both held hands, as you sobbed at the unexpected tragic ending of tonight’s story. Usopp wipes at his face and laughs, forcing everyone to silence. 
“That was a funny ending, Robin!” Usopp declares, slapping his knee as he laughs and laughs. Robin blinks and tilts her head, a slow smile taking over her lips. 
“I guess you and I are more alike than I thought, Usopp,” Robin replies. The corner of her eyes crinkle slightly, as a rosy hue takes over the apples of her cheeks. Usopp swallows loudly and excuses himself promptly, not wanting to get caught up in whatever Robin was planning.
His suspicions never seem to fade. As he tries to find reason to put a wedge between you and his friends. You; however, seem to find more reasons to grow closer. Brooks is enamored by the easy way you always go along with all his impromptu singing. You have a knack for making up lyrics on the go–funny, nonsensical ones that don’t match the mood of the music. Usopp wants to laugh but when Luffy laughs a little too loudly, just one time, it makes Usopp want to slam his fist into the side of his head.
So he doesn’t laugh. It wasn’t that funny after all.
Just like your pathetic attempts to befriend him weren’t even funny.  He didn’t find it funny when you worked side by side one hot day, both of you on deck duty. You had a mop in your hand that you set aside. Usopp had taken a deep breath, prepared to tell you off for slacking, but when you turned around to face him, the sight of your contorted face took the words out of his mouth.
Chopsticks up your nose, chopsticks in your mouth.
Usopp brought a hand slowly to his mouth to cover it. He turned around just as slowly, in an attempt to regain composure. When he turns around he yells: “Idiot! Get back to work. This is a serious pirate crew, you know?” You break the chopsticks and toss them overboard, a heavy sigh dropping from your mouth.
He ignores the fall of your shoulders as he steals the mop from you to furiously scrub the deck.
When you stop at an island for supplies one day, you come back with a new pair of goggles. Usopp feels chilly when you try to hand them over to him, a timid smile stretching your lips. “I saw them and thought of you,” you say before you bite your bottom lip. Usopp’s mind threatens to short circuit. He stutters before he has the sense to put both hands out, pushing you away gently. 
“No thanks!” he yelps and runs from you to the safety of the kitchen. He finds Sanji putting away groceries and wordlessly joins him in the task. Sanji stares pointedly, and Usopp ignores him when he asks him what he was up to. “Nothing!” Usopp insists, trying to pull the bag of potatoes from Sanji’s arms. “Just. Let. Me. Help. You.”
The bag rips, and potatoes fly in the air. They roll on the floor, and circle around Usopp’s feet like fat little liars. Lies, so many lies. Usopp kicks a potato and receives a smack to the head from Sanji’s quick hand.
You’re persistent. Usopp had to commend you for that. He had been chasing you around the ship, trying to crack your secrets. Now he was actively trying to avoid you; playing a game of adult hide and seek he didn’t know the rules for. You catch him on the deck again, a book in your hand, and Usopp curses the sea–a fist shaking in the air–as you breach the distance between you two.
Your eyes are on his shaking fist. Usopp brings it down immediately with a flush on his face. 
“What do you want?” he asks you, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His lips are pressed tightly together until they form a thin line–the one he draws time and time again in your presence. 
You take a deep breath, filling your lungs up with courage. 
“I found this book about different ammunition,” you start, gently opening it and rifling through the pages to find the page you had marked. “I thought this might–” Usopp brings up a hand.
“I don’t read,” he says blankly, and you look up at him, holding back the need to laugh. Usopp thinks the sparkling in your eyes is a nuisance. In fact, it was sickening, and since he was sick he should excuse himself to the bathroom. He leaves you there on the deck, open book in your hands, with your heart and your unspoken words.
He thinks he has had his fill of you when you bring him a cupcake. He thinks he’s unable to take it anymore. He thinks this is the moment he could snap. The cupcake is decorated with a big swirl of yellow buttercream. “I thought you liked yellow,” you mumble gently, brows furrowing together. He feels sick again looking at you. His stomach flips at the softening of your brown eyes. “I made it myself. From scratch. You seemed busy this morning so I thought I’d bring you one myself.”
You’re holding it out to him, a hand on the bottom of it, the other gently gripping its sides. It was an offering he felt he should refuse. It seemed important. He should refuse it and yet, he felt you’d cry if he didn’t. You did cry very easily whenever Robin told stories. He grumbles as he takes it.
“You don’t have to bring me anything,” he says as he pulls down the wrapper from the sides. “We’re not friends, you know. And just so we’re clear,” he stops to take a big bite of the cupcake. Frosting touches the tip of his nose, and it hangs there; a creamy marigold decoration. Usopp points a long finger at you. “I don’t trust you.”
The corners of your mouth twitch. You curl your fingers tightly, gripping them into fists. They shake slightly as you bump them against your thighs, trying to minimize your enthusiasm. 
“Yes, I know,” you tell him. Usopp frowns when the light behind your eyes gets brighter. “But that’ll change. I can wait.”
He tries to remember your words as a warning. You sounded so sure, it pissed him off. He doesn’t know how to stop you from approaching him. His prickly act doesn’t seem to dampen your enthusiasm. You find him, time and time again, to talk to him. You smile even when he’s a little mean and you have discovered that he becomes more agreeable when he’s eating; so you feed him, time and time again. It happens so easily, so innately, that Usopp almost forgot he’s supposed to not trust you. He remembers, suddenly, when he’s laughing loudly at one of your jokes. You’re laughing with him, a laugh so bright and delightful it tickles his skin. The sunrays cling to your hair, random golden brown strands catching the light in a way that makes your hair seem like it was weaved in fairy lights.
He remembers then, that you’re dangerous. You’re not to be trusted. He remembers that when you’re near, when you laugh and look at him, he feels sick; very very sick.
He tries to remember this and repeats this in his head, over and over, as he waits for you. The bed seems uncomfortably lumpy for one that’s meant to be for the sick. “This mattress is awful,” he complains to your back. You’re gathering some supplies as he holds on to his wrist as instructed. “You should tell Nami to get a new one. A sick person shouldn’t have to sleep on this.”
You shrug as you turn around, carrying gauze, and soft bandage wrap, antiseptic and a saline wash. 
“It’s not like she’ll listen to me. I’m just a low ranking nurse,” you joke as you sit on the edge of the bed. Your knee bumps into his bony one and Usopp jumps. You look at him sternly. “Stop moving around, and be a good patient.”
He didn’t understand why that embarrassed him. Usopp swallows thickly, words that form get lodged in his throat as he thinks them over and over. He should say something witty, probably remind you that you weren’t friends for the umpteenth time. Something, anything, to put you in your place.
You pat your lap. “Here,” you order. When he doesn't move fast enough, you grab his wrist gently, and place his arm on your lap, forearm facing up. He has a small gash going down vertically on his brown skin. It was superficial, nothing to worry about but Chopper had insisted. He had caught it on some rusting metal, and he wanted to be safe–after giving Usopp a shot. A shot that he complained about up to a few seconds ago. 
You smile as you look up at him through your lashes. Usopp thinks he’ll throw up so he clears his throat. “Stop that,” he tells you as he starts to sweat. “You’re supposed to be kind to your patients. Isn’t that what a nurse does?”
As usual, you have no idea what Usopp is talking about. You chuckle, already used to it. Your hands are gentle as you clean his wound. Usopp flinches every time you dab with a gauze. Your eyes threaten to roll to the back of your head but you command yourself to have decorum. You remind yourself that at this moment, Usopp was your patient, and you needed to keep professionalism.
You had to provide the best care for his asinine little cut. You also had to make sure not to cross the line–no matter how badly you wanted to run your fingers up the length of his muscular arm. 
“You’re pretty good at this,” he states as you wrap his forearm. His words sound complimentary but his tone is loaded with exaggerated surprise. A condescending observation you wanted to shove back into his mouth with your tongue. You focus wholeheartedly on the soft gauze, cutting the ends with a scissor. Usopp tries, and fails, to ignore the curl of your lashes. He tries to ignore, and fails, the roundness of your cheeks and the thoughts that plague him afterwards.
Thoughts that make him wonder if they’re soft, and sweet. Thoughts that make him want to kiss them, both, repeatedly.
“I hope I never have to come back here to see you again,” he says; voice strained as a heat consumes him. His eyes, no matter how he wants to rip them out of his sockets, are trained on your mouth as you look up at him. 
You snap the scissors in your hand; open and close. The corners of your mouth twitch. You fight them, and win.
“You shouldn’t provoke me. I could snip a lot with these things.”
“This is exactly why I don’t trust you,” he says, standing up abruptly. You follow suit, standing up as he makes a clumsy retreat. His knee bumps into the bedframe. He complains, little sounds of pain chasing him as he hops his way to the exit. “I still don’t like you.”  You smile at him as he stops at the doorway. 
“Ah, but that’s better than before!” you say brightly. “At least you’re not saying we’re not friends anymore.”
Usopp blushes, and starts walking away only to return. He stops at the threshold of the door to point a finger at you from outside the room.
“I never said that either!” He shouts. His heart is racing, battling inner demons in the prison of his ribcage. Usopp retreats for good this time, forcing his legs to move quickly. He knew, if he went back in that room right now he’d be in danger. If he went back in that room, he'd be forced to act. 
Usopp still didn’t know what that sinister thing that had brought you to him was. But he had a feeling it had to do with your mouth, and the way it consumed his thoughts.
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
Never Let Me Go Episode 2 (Favorite + Unfavorite Scene Edition)
I LOVE it when a show goes clean with thematic episodes. We had "Father" in episode 1, and now we have "Friends" in episode 2. Last week, we knew both Nueng and Palm must live up to their father's expectations. Now, we see the steps they made to become 'friends', but we also see how they might connect to their other 'friends'.
I'm still thinking that Nueng and Palm haven't really been on the same page regarding the term 'friends'. For Nueng, it feels like a mix of command, request, and hope, while for Palm, a mix of obedience, obligatory, and resignation. But I feel that both genuinely ask and give it. After this episode, I've just felt sure that the reason Nueng asked Palm to be his friend was that he might be the first person he ever met whom he was sure not having any reason to want something from him. This became clear when I saw Nueng doubt even Ben's intention to befriend him. Although to Nueng's defense, I think with the height of his defensive wall, Ben's approach might not be it. So, this episode is all about Nueng and Palm trying to understand their own intention of becoming a friend with each other.
Favorite scene #1 Eating alone vs. eating together
These scenes are my favorite for many reasons, but first, because they showed a shift in their companionship. To start, maybe it wasn't really that much, maybe all Nueng wanted was a friend to eat together, to do things together, to go somewhere together. Maybe, that's the depth of friendship that Nueng currently needs.
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I won't say this shift was a growth, because, well, in the second scene the context (the parents; the duties) was clearly taken off to make it so. Nonetheless, it's the scene where Nueng, for the first time, saw Palm's caring nature, out of obligation, out of command, since it was directed towards another person (the bread uncle) with whom he had no business.
Favorite scene #2 Just Nuengdiao, with his power, doing his tricks. 
It was such a cute way for Nueng to trick Palm into calling his name. Unfortunately, this was not a good day for that, but at least of now he had Palm calling him Khun Nueng instead of Khun Nu. One step at a time. Also, the way he asked his mom to allow him to use the pool, and the way he looked at Palm right after his mom granted his request, well if that look didn't sound like "that's for you".
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Favorite scene #3 Looking fond of another while they're doing things they love or they're good at. 
I feel like there is something soft about the way Palm looked at Nueng playing the piano. An admiration, maybe, with a bit of surprise for finally seeing a side of Nueng where he simply looks happy. And the way Nueng looked at Palm doing something he knew will bring comfort to him in the middle of the new environment he's been suddenly move into: swimming. We know how Nueng got his mom to allow him to use the pool freely, and that's for Palm. That's another nature of Nueng in which he feels happy to do something for others, much like his love of playing piano for other people.
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Favorite scene #4 Satisfactory hidden little smile, but because of what. 
For not being denied when referred to as a friend? For finally have a friend to eat together on a streetside? Whatever the reasons are, these little smiles say something to me.
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Favorite scene #5 Instincts are natural.
And they might have different names. I feel like both Chopper and Palm had different reasons for questioning why Ben approached Nueng and what he might want from him. By this episode, I think it's rather safe to feel that Chopper might have something for Ben. He might have just missed Ben and only wanted to talk with him. Chopper questioning Ben's intention in approaching Nueng might not mean harm, he might really just want to know, but Ben read it differently. It's different from Palm's reason, though. He did it out of protectiveness, moreover after Nueng's bullying. We have yet to see how Chopper will need to clear things up with Ben and to what point Palm should accept Ben's presence around Nueng.
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A not so honorable mention for my first unfavorite scene: You need to protect him, both physically and emotionally. / Yes, Mrs. Thanya. I'll do my best to take care of him. 
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I understand the heir-bodyguard roles as well as the protectiveness over her son but isn't it too much for Thanya to ask for Chanon's son to protect her own, not only physically but also emotionally? Both Palm and Chanon might have seen the command coming, but what about Nueng? He just stormed off when he felt like his mom didn't trust him enough even to share some incidents; what made her think it was okay to bring up the idea knowing Nueng might still be near them and thus could have heard it? How this would change something between Nueng and Palm again? Being physically protected might be expected, but the idea of that someone also being responsible to take care of him emotionally might be a bit too much for Nueng, I think.
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astromechs · 8 months
hi caitlin! trick or treat!! 🎃
hello hello!
time for a sneak ramble at... well, let's just say i'm adding to an existing fic idea and fleshing it out into a wider universe. as you can see from my blog today, i'm finally finishing rebels for the first time and having a complete breakdown, lol, so that's my preface for — canon denial au is now not just a rebelcaptain fic, but also a kanera one. let's just say the force might've spared jyn and cassian off the beach on scarif, there might've been more to kanan's death than met the eye, and —
honestly, i just started thinking about how these characters would all interact with each other, and with the characters from the original trilogy, so i wanted them all around through the years after the battle of yavin and through endor and beyond. like, i think jyn and kanan would have a lot to connect on, being people whose lives were ruined by war and being initially reluctant to become involved because of their past trauma, hera and cassian is another interesting one because they're so Devoted To The Rebellion but they're both on a quest to learning how to balance being people again through that, jyn befriends hera and by consequence chopper who's now her droid bff (imagine those shenanigans lol), etc etc
and just, you know. something something rebellions are built on hope
ask box trick-or-treat (fic writer edition)!
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