#chris is so damn adorable and funny!!!!
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When you try to take someone’s money... but then suddenly change your mind.😄😋
(via @bearcub81212)
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strawberrysturniolo · 5 months
bookstore // bf!chris
summary: when you're having a shitty week, your bf, chris, takes you bookshopping for some retail therapy
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The past week has been complete fucking hell, and the worst part, is that I don’t even know why.
It feels like the world has been against me in every way, piling the most ridiculous things on top of me like I’m laughing stock, being used for someone else’s entertainment.
It’s not fucking funny. 
I have fully accepted defeat at this point, keeping myself secure in my room until it is deemed safe to leave.
My boyfriend, Chris, has been adamant on me going about my days like nothing is affecting me. As supportive as he is, and as much as I love him, I sometimes wish he would just let me wallow in peace and feel sorry for myself. That’s just not how he is though. 
“There you areee,” he sings as he comes into my bedroom with a hand behind his back.
I peek up over the blankets swarming me, trying to look around him and see what he is hiding from me. “What’s that?”
He grins. “Get out of bed and I’ll show you.”
I groan and lay back down, pulling the blankets back up.
Chris lets out a sigh and says, “Fine… I guess I’ll just have to drink this iced brown sugar oat milk chai tea latte myself…”
Damn it.
I can picture the smile on his face. “Yes?”
“Leave the drink,” I command.
He tsks. “Come to the living room and you can have it.”
He wins this time. 
I pull myself out of the comfort of my bed and drag myself to the living room. He sets the drink down on the table and waits for me to retrieve it, and when I do, he says, “We’re getting you out of your bed today.”
“And how do you plan on achieving that?” I ask over the lid of my latte.
“By taking you to the bookstore.”
My eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. 
Chris hates going book shopping with me. While he often praises me for my interest, saying it’s adorable and that he can’t help but stare at me while my expressions change throughout the book I’m indulging in, he cannot stand going shopping with me. What turns into a basic trip to pick up one or two books turns into a three hour excursion with handfuls of books being carried out, and hundreds of dollars drained from my account. 
“You’re kidding.” I know better than to take him seriously in this situation.
“The opposite,” he surprises me. “I don’t want to worry about how you’re feeling, so we’re going to do some retail therapy with books. Plus, I don’t know when you’ve eaten, so we’re gonna get some lunch too. My treat.”
My cheeks blush at the idea of Chris wanting to shower me in his love today. He loves taking me to get something to eat, spending his money on me whether it’s a $10 chick-fil-a meal or a fancy steak dinner. While some boyfriends send their partner money to get their nails done, mine sends me some every so often to treat me to books. 
I always insist that he doesn’t need to, but Chris fights back every time, saying he has more money than he knows what to do with, and that I deserve to be spoiled, especially by him. 
I used to fight him on it, but I know better than to do that now. It always ends in a stupid fight, and I know he is doing this out of love, so the last thing I want is to turn into something negative. 
“Okay,” I give in, heading back to my room to change.
“I knew that would get you!”
Chris’ arms are full with books that I have accumulated since walking into the store. He sets them down every few minutes to stretch his arms and crack his knuckles, and I can tell he’s biting his tongue to keep from complaining. 
He watches me and nods along as I explain every book that I look at. He seemed interested in the first few, but as the list grew, I can tell he’s forcing himself to pay attention.
Feeling guilty that he isn’t enjoying his time and he is sucking it up just for me, I say, “Okay, let’s get out of here soon so your arms don’t fall off.”
“Baby, it’s fine,” he assures me. “I’ll buy a bag if I have to. Keep doing your thing. I can go look at something else in the store that interests me while you shop, but don’t feel like you need to cut your time short for me. The whole reason we are here is to cheer you up.” 
“I don’t want to spend all your money.”
“You aren’t,” he insists for the thousandth time. “And if you keep yourself from getting books because you feel bad, I’m going to come back and buy them for you anyway, so you may as well get them now.”
There’s no way around him. 
Another 20 minutes passes, and at this point, my body is starting to give out, so I can’t imagine how Chris is feeling after lugging books around. “How many do you have?” I ask, looking back at my boyfriend who struggles to keep up as we head to the checkout line.
“Twelve,” he says, sighing as he sets them on the counter to be scanned. I add two more to the top of the pile. “This is insane, you know that right?”
“You were the one who said ‘I insist! My treat!’”
He rolls his eyes, laughing as he swipes his card. “Yeah, yeah.” 
The rest of the day is spent with me organizing my bookshelves, scanning the backs of each book to decide what to read while Chris orders takeout. It only seemed right that we ate something at home since he continued to let me know how exhausted he was after shopping. 
I practically inhaled my meal just so I could start reading one of my new books, sitting right next to Chris on the couch, who was still dissecting his food. 
Every so often, I can feel Chris staring at me.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. “You’re doing that thing.”
“What thing?”
He sets his plate down on the TV tray in front of him, then looks back at me. “I always know something good is happening in the book when you scrunch your nose. It’s cute.”
I cover my face with my book, now embarrassed at my outward reactions when I read, something I had no clue I even did. 
“Noooooo, don’t hide,” he says, pulling the book down so he can see me again. 
He moves to sit closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder as he stares down at the pages with me, placing soft kisses on my cheek every so often before letting himself become just as invested in the story as I do. 
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theotherbuckley · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @steadfastsaturnsrings 💜
So I had an idea for a new fic. Not sure if I’m actually gonna write it because I have 7 assignments and 2 tests to do over the next month but I just had this idea and I thought it was funny so here’s a snippet.
(Or Eddie gets transported back in time and meets Buck 1.0 at a bar)
“You keep staring at me.” Buck’s voice comes from beside him and he startles.
“I uh—“
Buck chuckles. “So, you wanna buy me a drink or do you wanna get out of here?”
What? Is Buck… hitting on him?
Eddie frowns at him. “I’m not uh—“
Buck rolls his eyes. “Really? You gonna pretend you haven’t been checking me out all night? Please,” he scoffs.
“I-I have a kid!” Eddie splutters out. Seriously Eddie?
Buck's eyes light up and his whole expression changes. He looks more like the Buck Eddie knows.
“I love kids!”
Eddie fights the urge to say I know. “His name is Christopher… he’s e—“ shit how old is Chris now? “Six?”
Buck furrows his eyebrows. “You sound mighty sure about that, man.”
Fuck now Buck thinks he’s a bad parent. “No, no, sorry uh yeah he’s six.” Eddie takes out his phone to show Buck the picture of Chris saved to his Lock Screen. Chris is so small in the photo — his red glasses are slightly too big for his face and he’s holding onto his blue crutches that had dinosaur stickers plastered all over them. Damn, Eddie really misses those days. Well, he supposes he’s got them back now.
“He’s super adorable,” Buck says, beaming, and Eddie knows he means it. Buck raises his hand to signal the bartender. “Question still stands though, drink?”
He shouldn’t… “Um, sure.”
Bucks eyes widen. “You’re—you’re not married are you?”
Eddie hesitates… technically. “Uh…”
“Oh shit! Sorry!” Buck is quick to apologise.
Eddie shakes his head, “No, no I haven’t seen my wife in… a few years? She left us.” And she’s dead in another universe but that’s a bit more complicated to explain.
“Sucks man. Her loss is my gain though,” he says, and there’s that smirk again. Eddie wants to kiss that smirk off his face. What? “I’m Buck, by the way,” Buck says, stretching his arm out.
I know, you’re my best friend. “Eddie,” he replies, shaking his hand.
“I look forward to getting to know you,” Buck says, his eyes wandering over Eddie’s body lustfully.
Eddie swallows. This was so not what he signed up for.
Not that he’s complaining.
Tags <3
@disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @evanbegins @diazsdimples @wikiangela @bucksbirthmark  @underwater-ninja-13 @daffi-990 @aspecbuddie @lover-of-mine @nmcggg @tizniz @monsterrae1 @smilingbuckley @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @incorrect9-1-1 @buckdefencesquad @actualalligator @pirrusstuff @actuallyitsellie @dangerpronebuddie @bucksbackwardcap @loserdiaz (let me know if you want to be added or removed 💜)
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cenorii · 13 days
OKAY! Here is my silly collection of screenshots from re4r, let's go!
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Screenshots of other people: beautiful and aesthetic pictures My screenshots:
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why he doing this 😭
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Chris, damn it, give Wesker back his chair!
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RE behind the scenes so funny
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Yes. He died with an arrow in his ass.
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Warning! Extra content with ass!
Maybe it's time for me to admit that I adore Wesker's ass from re4r. ONLY with IT do I get the most aesthetic screenshots… why 😭😭😭Hey, future Chris from re5r, I'm looking at you! This is your destiny! It's going to be the same with you!
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Yes, I compared their asses.
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Thank you for paying attention to this. Now everyone knows I'm an idiot.
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pettydollie · 3 months
bingo - c.s x reader
you sigh, putting down the book your sister specifically picked out for bed. you know she wants your boyfriend chris, but she won’t admit it. you adjust her pillow before muttering “i’ll be right back”
you leave the room and into the kitchen, where chris is grabbing a pepsi from the fridge that you always have stocked just for him. “hi cutie” you kiss his cheek. he takes a sip of his can before wrapping an arm lazily around your shoulders
“can you help put s/n to bed? she won’t fall asleep and it’s aggravating me.” you chuckle, feeling tired. he notices this, of course, how could he not? he nods immediately. you two step into her room, chris putting his pepsi down.
“hey, bingo.” he greets the girl with a nickname from the show Bluey. he’s called her that ever since he heard her adorable laugh (it also reminds him of how his heart bursts everytime he sees you, which he thinks is corny asf)
she smiles, holding up the bingo plush that was previously wrapped around her arms tight in her chest. he sits down on the bed next to her. he sees the book that you were reading before, picking it up.
your sister’s eyes brighten. she adores when he reads to her, although she likes it more when he comes up with stories on his own. before he begins reading, he turns around where you’re standing with a small smile present on your face, watching the two interact.
he lightly grind at your smile and mouths “go lay down”. he nods his head towards the door. you give him a look that says ‘you sure?’ and he puckers his lips out for a kiss. you grin, pecking him and your sister on her head before leaving the room.
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you wake up on the couch, having no idea what time it is. you don’t bother to check as you get up, remembering chris was with your sister last. you rub your eyes as you slightly peek through the door. your heart melts at the sight.
you open the door wider, stepping through fully into the room. chris is laying next to s/n as she’s cuddled into his warm side. damn, you wish you had your phone to take a picture.
you’re a little frightened when s/n’s eyes widely open. you giggle, covering your mouth with your hand to muffle the noise. you sit on the edge of the bed carefully, trying not to wake chris who was snoring lightly.
“what are you doing up?” you whisper ”what are you doing up?”
you shrug at her question, silently answering. you gently rub chris’ arm as you sit and take in the simple yet sweet moment. “y/n.” she whispers out to you. you look at her, waiting for her to go on.
“i like the voices he does when he reads.”
you smile. "they are pretty funny arent they?" she nods, slowly beginning to laugh, remembering the way he spoke as he read. you put your finger on your mouth. "shhh, dont wake him". she rolls her eyes. "you first."
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a/n: CRAPPY ENDING IK IM SORRYYY i’ll make it better tmr bc i’m on my phone rn and i hate hate hate writing on my phone a/n2: the end is still weird but better so ya
tags: @stargirlsturniololover @latinasforchrizz @leah-loves-lilies
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Saturday wonderful fandom :) Ahhh the next in the line of goodies to come. This one doesn’t have a ton for them but doesn’t mean there isn’t absolute gems in it. So it'll be a littler shorter than the last one ha Also Aaron is amazingly hilarious in this episode. I love him to death. Let us get started.
5x09 Take Back
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We start off with Tim being Watch Commander while Grey is miserable in NYC ha Things get immediately awkward when Chris arrives. Still clueless as ever asking Tim of all people about Lucy’s taste in houses. I mean if you don’t know her taste at this point should you really be buying a house together? Tim looks intrigued when he says he needs his opinion then it gets so awkward when it's about a house...
Tim is so very uncomfortable when he asks his opinion. Knowing this is going NOWHERE for Chris. I’ll never forget this hilarious post I saw about this scene after it premiered. I couldn't find it this time around. Had the lyrics from anti-hero by Taylor swift. ‘It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem it’s me.’ You ain’t ever getting that house with her because of that man sitting there LOL Idk why that post made me laugh so hard but it did. It stuck with me clearly haha
It’s so very weird Chris comes to Tim for this. It's obvious he knows Tim knows her the best. Crazy to me he's not threatened at all by that fact. Clearly he isn’t if he’s coming to Tim for advice. Blows my mind how blind he is. Lucy comes in asking what they’re talking about? Chris tells her he found THE house. Lucy looking as uncomfortable as ever at this news. Saying he's going to call the realtor and call her later. Lucy's high pitched 'I can't wait...' Couldn't be more awkward if she tried.
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He gives her a kiss on the cheek and leaves. Tim giving that good ole fake Sanford smile when he does. Tim's face crack me up. Like he stole your girl and you have no idea you putz heh Also just so on brand for Chris to not see how uncomfortable Lucy was. He’s been blind their entire relationship It’s unreal. You can also see how much Tim hates seeing him kiss her. Even if it’s on the cheek.
It’s almost a grimace really as he watches it. Probably thinking of all the ways he could easily kick his scrawny ass haha That fake smile begging for Chris to leave the room so this awkwardness can pass. How Chris doesn’t pick up on either of these vibes I don't know. But then we call him the clueless clown for a reason don’t we?
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Lucy doesn’t look comfortable till Chris leaves the office. Tim asking 'How the breakup is going?' HA Cleary it's going well Timothy...Lucy tells him she’s in the planning stages. Just reviewing the literature. Classic Lucy response. Wanting to plan this out completely before pursuing it. Tim telling her a psychology journal isn’t going to tell her how to break up with Chris. I mean he's not wrong.... It's just a bandaid you have to rip off even if its uncomfortable as hell.
He’s so matter of fact with his wording. Using a sports metaphor to explain how she should do it. Makes me wonder if he's actually done this before? Ha She’s adorable in her reply of saying ‘Playbill?’ She truly has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s too funny. It's comical really Tim giving her advice on how to break up with Chris. So you know he can date her haha
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Tim has been very patient in all this but you can see him getting a little antsy about it. It is interesting how full circle this moment is. He set them up in 4x12 and now he’s ready to help break them down in this 5x09. Tim is just so ready for Lucy to do this cause he’s anxiously waiting to be with her. It’s pretty damn cute if you ask me. He’s trying to be patient but also is like can we hurry this along a bit?
Lucy says that’s too cruel she wants to handle it her way. No matter how this goes down Chris is going to be hurt though. It's how breakups go there is alway someone who walks away more upset about it. Her empathy taking the front seat in this decision. Where Tim just wants her to rip the bandaid off. Get this over with ASAP.
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This is where we see little bit of Tim’s self doubt kick in. It's written all over his face when he asks her if she's having doubts? Worried she’s delaying this because she is having second thoughts about him. About them. Lucy immediately squashes his anxiety with her reply. Shooting massive heart eyes his way as well. She wants Tim to know she’s all in just like he is. That there is nothing for him to worry about.
I love how sure Lucy looks when she tells him 'No, I'm not'. She is so certain this is what she wants. Needs him to know this as well. Not a doubt in her mind about this whole thing. She just has stuff to work out with this breakup first. The certainty in her eyes is everything. Nothing makes more sense to her in this moment than him.
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That confidence of hers is why Tim relaxes the way he does above. His whole body draining of the tension he was carrying. His cute smile saying ‘Good.’ Could this man be more of a soft puppy for her? Look at him. That hope and excitement back in his eyes. Lucy replying in kind with her own 'In love 'gaze. They’re both all in and it makes my heart very happy. Also they’re having a full on flirt session in Grey’s office for everyone to see.
I adore Tim being so open and vulnerable in this scene. Making sure she wasn’t backing out. The same Tim who couldn’t communicate in his other relationships to save his life. But with this he is checking in with her. Letting Lucy know his stress about her not breaking up with Chris yet. Lucy assuages his worries instantly. When it’s the right one the harder stuff seems a little easier. More natural. Lucy sensed that panic and instantly calms him with her words and heart eyes. Gah so good. Look at these idiots in love. I just adore them so very much.
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This next scene with Aaron is pure gold. I love him so much he cracks me up. Never expected him to be as funny as he is. He notes how quiet she is being and is asking what's going on? Lucy letting him know she needs to break up with Chris. First off like to say we are all Aaron when he says ‘Finally.’ To her breaking up with Chris. Yesssss and Hallelujah finally breaking up with the clown. Nails it even further when he says Chris was never on her level. I mean yeah he never was. Not ever.
Aaron is speaking for the whole Chenford fandom in this moment LOL Chris had nine lives with her and they've finally run out. Aaron's reaction is the best part of this scene. I love that he knew where Lucy's heart was and it obviously wasn't with Chris. He knows it’s with Tim 100 percent. Like most people in their world do. Tim is her equal in so many ways it’s insane. Chris could never compare as Lucy figured out last ep.
Aaron tells her they can practice her breaking up with him. So it’s much easier when the time comes. It’s not a bad idea tbh. This is where it gets hilarious. Lucy brings up them looking at houses. Aaron kinda judging her for letting get as far as looking at houses. Telling her 'Yikes....' HA Tell us how you really feel my man. Lucy reprimanding him saying that is not helpful....Oh Aaron I love you so very much.
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Lucy starts her speech trying to find her footing in what she is trying to say. She looks over at Aaron in the middle of it and see he is crying. lol If you didn't laugh at this scene you're dead inside. It's so damn funny. Lucy asking him WTF he is doing? Aaron telling her he is channeling Chris's pain LMFAO I mean he's not wrong she had to be prepared for an emotional response. It's just the way he went about this that is so hysterical. He is having way too much fun with this.
Telling her they should do angry next. I'm rolling. Lucy is doing some channeling of her own. She is channeling her man in this scene. It’s so funny. So aggravated with his role playing in this. Wondering why she asked for his advice in the first place? hahaha They then get a call about a 'Navi'. Lucy is so confused. Aaron geeks out and says it's from Avatar. Tells Lucy she should ask if it’s full grown. The look she gives she is channeling her husband again so much. ‘Aaron, it’s a fictional character...’ LMAO
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I really love this ending scene with them. Aaron wants to do one more practice run with her. Lucy tells him she doesn’t need it. (Oh but you do....) That she’s just going to go with her gut on this one. It sounds like a solid idea in the moment but it's honestly the worst thing to wing it. Especially when it's something this intense.
When something is this emotional the right words tend not to just come to you IMO. They sure don't for me. I love him being brutally honest with her about it LOL Saying it’s a terrible idea. That he likes the sentiment but this isn't going to end well. I mean he’s not wrong as we will see here in a bit. Lucy once again channeling Tim in this moment. Cutting him off from saying anything else and just tells him good night haha
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We get to the breakup scene we’ve all been waiting for. Lucy is bumbling and awkward. Not knowing where to start. Chris once again blind as a bat. He has no idea why she’s acting this way. Lucy curses Aaron for being right about this moment. Saying she should practiced more LOL I adore her panicking and defaulting to Tim’s playbook advice haha idk what’s funnier that or her being shocked Chris knows what she means by saying that.
All that prep and thinking this out and she went with her man’s advice on how to end this. This makes me giddy to no end. I bet you it’s cause Tim was on her mind from the minute Chris entered the apartment. My guess is that is part of the reason she fell back on his advice. Literally the most Lucy Chen thing ever to use it then be surprised Chris knew what she meant. I love her sfm haha
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Chris stumbles around shocked as hell she’s breaking up with him. He seems so very blindsided by the whole thing. I mean if the man opened his eyes for once he wouldn’t be that shocked…But this Chris we are talking about. Lucy tries to get him to talk to her more. Saying they should sit down and talk this out. Chris just bails not wanting to talk at all. Not wanting to fight for her at all. Just takes off like a child who didn't get what he wanted.
Now I’m ok with this. Obviously we all are. Just goes to show you Tim was willing to fight for her and Chris wasn’t in the end. Lucy said it was over and he just left. I mean he wasn’t wrong there isn’t much to talk about out. She doesn’t love him. But still no fight in him at all after Lucy does this. Just folds like a cheap suit. A clueless clown from beginning to end...
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We’ve reached the scene of the ep that made us all swoon and squee. I remember feeling so anxious to get to this scene. I had to re-watch the episode to truly appreciate it all. I was too antsy to get back to them sharing a screen. I was so damn giddy this was the place we were in. They spent the majority of this episode apart. So all I could focus on was her coming back to him in this moment.
I adore Lucy coming back into the station to talk about the breakup right away. Needing to share this news with him as soon as she could. I love that she returned to work just to tell him about this. So anxious to get back to Tim after it was done. Lucy wanted him to know as soon as she could it was over with Chris. Knowing he was just as anxious as she was about the breakup. It's sweet how he tentatively approaches her when she says why she is back.
He wants to be understanding about it. Seeing if she wants to talk about it more. Doesn't just want to jump the gun and bulldoze her feelings about the matter. Lucy isn't there to chat about that though. She wants to cash in on him asking her out. Because she couldn’t wait another second without him asking her out again. They're both so damn nervous and sweet in this scene. Fidgety and excited about the prospect of their future. Lucy messing with her hands the entire time as she explains the breakup. Tim keeping his distance while she explains it.
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Gah I love her fidgeting near her ring as she approaches Tim. Anxiously awaiting for him to ask her out again. Lucy’s nervous way of reminding him to ask her again like they decided. How she looks into the bullpen before approaching Tim. Saying ‘So…’ He looks nervously excited by her doing this. Eric the king of expressions strikes again. The way his eyes go to check the bullpen as well before refocusing on her. He isn't sure what she is going to do in this moment.
The entire station can see into this office. He looks so friggin cute in his nervousness. I love that that she makes him nervous like this it's so adorable. Lucy gains her confidence and looks him directly in the eye flirty as can be. Asking him if there's something he wants to ask her? The whole purpose of her returning to work is to secure their date. Telling him about the breakup was the catalyst yes. But truly she was wanting to hear him ask her out again.
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Tim see's her confidence and starts shaking off his own nerves. Replying in a sassy manner. Their banter the undercurrent of this moment going forward. Fueling them with the courage to say what they want to. Tim can't help being playful and sassy with her replying ‘I can’t remember.’ Doing that cute smirk of his that I love so very much. Wanting to push her buttons a little because well it's Tim.
Lucy is affectionately violent in her reply haha Look at her she is beaming with adoration. She loves this goober in front of her so very much. ‘Don't make me hurt you.’ Because she would legit hurt him if she had to in this moment haha I saw a funny parallel from this to her ripping that tape off in 4x07. She'll do it Timothy LOL Don't test your girl.
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I love how he gets serious after she says this. It's the way he slowly moves towards her. That intent look on his face in the first one. *fans self* gah. Then in the second one the way he melts for her. In a way only Lucy gets to see. Asking with as much giddiness and excitement as I ever seen in this man. "Do you wanna go out on a date? Look at this puppy of a man. He is beyond excited to ask her this question again. Knowing now he will get a yes with no stipulations this time around. There is still a little nervous hesitation in his delivery which is precious.
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Lucy is bursting at the seams with absolute giddiness when she replies ‘Yeah. I do.’ So happy he's asked her again. How one looks when the man they love asks them out. There’s so much to love about this scene. He’s asking her out in the Watch Commanders office. I love that sfm. Both ecstatic they’re finally going on a date with nothing holding them back now. They’re at work and have to restrain themselves from being too obvious. Which you know they suck at heh
My god anyone looking in on them in that last gif could see how in love these two are. They're so excited just to be around each other right now. The way they’re just standing there looking into each other’s eyes with the dopiest in love smiles. I cannot. I remember thinking the break was gonna take forever to get through. What a time to be alive watching this the first time I remember. LOL
Side notes -non Chenford
Is it just me or does John have more chemistry with Genny than he does Bailey? Thought I’ve always had from this ep. Probably just me but I always thought they had solid chemistry.
Greys have a ROUGH SL in NYC.
Celina also has a hard time in the ep. With their suspect dying in custody. She has a tough rookie year.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
What Halloween couple outfit you wear w/ the DSMP
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
A.N: Can I just say, if the DT picture's don't have them dressed as the Power Puff Girls, I'll be angry >:[ /hj
Dream: Spiderman & MJ [Spiderman]
Did I get this idea from the face reveal? Yes.
Like I imagine most of your pictures being his facea slightly shown, just as a tease, even if he has face revealed already lol. And the obligatory upside down kiss u.u
Georgenotfound: Team Rocket [Pokemon]
Honestly, I had no ideas for George-
But I think the costume would suit him, and you would 100% make a tik tok w/ the team rocket catch phrase
Sapnap: Killua & Gon [HunterxHunter]
This is just me manifesting Sapnap cosplaying as Killua
The outfits are pretty comfy, and don't take much time to make. You two also probably bought very very cheap wigs and just went with it. But y'all looked adorable anyway
Badboyhalo: Shaggy & Velma + Scooby
This was definetly just a way to get Rat to dress up as something too
Again, the outfits are pretty simple and, by the end of the night, you had so many pictures of Rat with the Scooby's collar and a headband with similar ears to his too. Your memory card is probably almost full by then haha
Skeppy: Robin & Steve [Stranger Things] [Platonic]
Skeppy suits Steve's whole character so much
I feel like they have similar personalities, and Stranger Things couldn't be more well known, so you two found a great costume
Quackity: Mario & Sonic
Honestly, I wanted to put a funny outfit but couldn't think of one T^T
I mean this one is not bad, especially after the whole "Chris Pratt" situation, it couldn't be funnier to dress up as Mario. And Sonic has been popping off w/ it's movies, so what a great couple haha
Karl Jacobs: Prince Bubblegum & Marshall Lee [Adventure Time]
Really wanted him to have an Adventure Time costume, and what could be more perfect then these two?
Karl dressed in a prince like pink costume, while you rock a casual Marshall lee like costume. You definetly used the confidence you had in the costume to tease Karl a little, which he did not found funny at all. You could see it in his pink tinted cheeks
Wilbur Soot: Harry & Ginny [Harry Potter]
This could also be changeable, maybe if you are more of a Drarry fan you could dress up as Draco
Regardless, Wilbur is already British, so what more could be perfect? He has the glasses, the attitude and just needs a costume and the typical lightning scar on his forehead
Technoblade: Thing 1 & Thing 2
Philza: The Addams Family [Platonic]
Tristin and Phil would look absolutely adorable as Morticia and Gomez. Then you, and the rest of SBI, get to choose who to be of the family u.u
Look me in the eyes, and tell me this isn't perfect? Right, you can't!
Cause let's be honest, Techno would be too lazy to make a costume. And with this one you just gotta have a red shirt and a circle of paper with "Thing 1/2" written on it
Nihachu: Angel and Devil
Feel like this outfit is so overused by now
But you two found that it suited you very much, so you went with it anyway and looked damn good in the costume!
Eret: Jack & Sally [Nightmares before Christmas]
Honestly, the outfits you can make for this are spectacular!
And you could easily agree on who to be. Eret could be Jack in his typical suit or Sally in her usual dress, and vice versa w/ you. We love a versatile couple u.u
Punz: Nick & Judy [Zootopia]
Ok- hear me our- Nick's personality is basically Punz's-
And who wouldn't want to see Punz in some cute fox ears and a tail? Definitely not you. I can already hear Punz teasing you with the "Smart fox, dumb bunny" line hehe
FoolishGamers: Sandy & Danny [Grease]
There are some aspects of Danny that don't suit Foolish, at all, but the costume would look amazing on y'all
You two also tried learning one of the dance too, it didn't end well, but the video attempts were hilarious and a great memory for the future
Awesamdude: Cosmo & Wanda [Fairly Odd Parents]
Did I mainly go w/ the fact that Sam's color scheme is mostly green? Yes-
But the costume is easy, and you two rock it completely. You could also put your own spin on the costume, just to make it more unique!
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fictionalreads · 2 months
9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 5
Buck. Don’t be nervous ☺️
The Tommy was closeted theory is confirmed!
Buck. Why?Hot chicks? BRO?
Um. Moving in? Really Eddie?
What do you mean why not? Look at how you acted when someone you knew saw you.
Awe are we not getting Buck x Tommy?
“It’s not abnormal”
Buck no. Stop lying.
Oh good he told him.
Awe Buck. Looking for that validation from Eddie.
LMAO Not like that.
Buck why are you all in all the time? That is not something you ask someone after a failed first date.
Awe man. Poor Hen and Karen.
DENNY! He’s so big!
Oh Denny! It’s too sweet, I can’t take it.
Uh. Mara. That’s creepy as fuck.
DENNY’S THE BEST KID Well. One of the best. Can’t forget Chris.
“….Absolution?” Why are they lowkey funny this episode?
Oh she was checking to make sure they didn’t die.
But do we think the
Um….she moved in the same episode.
“Stop. Stop stop stop!”
Holy fuck she was almost a nun
Wait why is Chris out of town?
“I feel like that would be a giveaway”
Oh we’re starting with choking guy.
Ironic speech considering.
Poor doggie
Are we ready? No we are not. Even if you said yes, you are a liar.
I relate to Tommy because I too think Buck is adorable.
Cap has all the good advice.
The kitchen convos continue! Though I don’t think Eddie should stay with Marisol. Or at least not living together. So far she’s just been…there.
Where is chim?
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wherenymphsroam · 5 months
Game! Ship your mutuals with a character YOU think they match with 🤭
eee omg !! okay umm im So Sorry if some of these are maybe inaccurate or doesn’t make sense because most of these will be based off just overall vibes or A Feeling I’m Getting so !!
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@kiorcel re4 leon !!! whether on a more romantic or platonic level, I feel like you guys def have vibes that would just Click. we haven’t interacted directly, but from what I’ve seen, it would be so funny to see how ur guys’ humor would flow with each other !!! see you guys as sort of a brother + sister that irritate each other for shits n giggles then apologize with a ‘hey wanna go grab mcdonalds, i’ll buy’ later that night :3
@90sbee HELENA !!!!! like first person to spring to mind was BAM helena. u guys are so girlfriends like,, very much envisioning checking + touching each others makeup up (her swiping an extra eyelash off ur cheek), u bamboozling her with lipgloss kisses b4 you guys go out for the night (she gets dramatic and almost convinced you she wiped the mark off, but the light catches the gloss on her cheek later that evening and she only smiles when you realize). def puts her hand in ur back pocket whenever u wear jeans :o
@burningcoffeetimetravel okay this is actually making me wanna like rip my hair out but I actually found ur work on ao3 first !!! and for the life of me, I can’t find what piece it was in my history !!! but I remember reading it and just like- being overwhelmed by the amount of Warmth and Comfort you provided the poor guy, and this is definitely pushing my decision to assign u re6 Leon !! re6 was definitely when he was starting to spiral, that breaking point just coming toward him quicker and quicker. this assignment is necessary just based off the fact that that man needs a hug and I just Know you would hold him so dear :( (heavy heavy whump/hurt + comfort vibes here omg)
@ovaryacted im sorry I can’t look at ID leon without immediately attaching u to him JSNDUSHDUS !!!!! very much a power couple fr. thinking like, planning out ‘fancy dates’ and being hot in public and people, except u guys end up cutting the night short to go on a drive (obviously his ass is not behind the wheel) talking about everything and nothing !!!! like …. can also almost see a sort of bonnie n clyde dynamic there ….
@roseglazedlens I def have to say either nanami or jill !!! you just carry this air about you that screams like — loving domesticity, something the both of these poor things Need in a way they can’t admit to. you are sooo so sweet, they would not be able to resist just melting around you :(( have the potential to turn nanami into a sappy man that always Needs to nestle his face into the crook of ur neck first thing when he gets home !!!
@iwantyouinacage im gonna say ID Leon !!!! still has some of that snark from re4, but is wiser in how he uses his words. not nearly as jaded, but jaded enough to want to take it out on someone !!! he would def be a very dynamic and flexible, something I figure u could appreciate 👀 that guy is fr a three in one dom !!!
@misscimi hi I would pay money to watch u with vendetta chris n leon :3 more specifically I need to see u and Chris bicker and him trying to tame u while leon ends up getting inadvertently cucked because things just devolved into u guys arguing :3
@bratphilia MIKEEEE MIKE MIKE MIKE !!!!! I feel so very strongly he would like the frills n the pink and just overall having a pretty doll on his hip :3 very very baseless assumption, but u would put a bow on his fleshlight n he would keep it there because he thinks it’s adorable. comes pouting to you to ‘super glue that thing back on, he must’ve fucked the damn thing thinking about you’ :3
@gilfhub hi I would pay money to watch you and damnation leon try and out ‘creep by radiohead’ each other. better yet, pulling popcorn out when he ends up saying ‘what do you even know about nickleback’ :3 (GET HIS ASS !!!!!!!!)
@sicbaby OOOOO DI LEON. DI LEON ALL THE WAY. sorry he would take such good care of you. the most patient out of all of them, but also the sharpest with his words and knowledge <3 he’s always getting a kick out of you, snorting under his breath at cute mannerisms, silently entertaining any teasing. but will flip the script so fast on u !!!
@dollfacefantasy ummmm i HAVE to say vendetta leon !!! you guys are very similar I think in how you go interact with your space, and I have a feeling you may even somewhat mirror each other in how you process/observe the world around u? anyways u guys are very much strangers that met at a bar and end up round back not even thirty minutes later panting into each others mouths type beat :3
@d10nyx i…. am very much seeing re2 leon with u. except he’s literally just the kid of the guy ur mom got married to, and he’s obviously the golden child and is favored as soon as he moves in, and you guys Hate each other. okay so what if he steals ur panties !!!! maybe you should put your dirty laundry in the wash right away instead of letting ur dirty laundry basket sit in the laundry room while you wait for a different wash load to be done !!!! please give him a sabotaged mayo oreo for me he deserves it thanks 🧍🏻‍♀️
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emomattagenda · 2 months
I Got You
Matt Sturniolo x fem reader
summary: Matt helps reader bandage her hand up after she injures it while making dinner.
contains: fluff, mention of blood, minor hand injury, just a small cut. reader has a crush on Matt and hasn’t told him. also i haven’t written fanfic since i was a teenager so this is very short and probably not great but i just thought it was a cute idea okay thanks for readingggg <3
reader pov
I’m sitting on the couch across from Matt, both of us doing our own thing scrolling on our phones. Nick and Chris had left the house a bit ago, taking an Uber to go see a movie. It was one that Matt and I had both already watched, so we decided to stay behind. We've just been chilling and hanging out, one of us speaking up to show the other something every little bit, content with peacefully hanging in silence.
Matt’s my best friend. Well, all three of them are and have been for years, but things are different with Matt. I’ve been secretly crushing on him for the past year and had no idea what to do about it. I really don’t want to ruin my friendship with him or Nick and Chris and I don't want things to be awkward between us. So I've pretty much accepted I'll either have to get over it or suffer in silence forever. But today has been pretty good, it's pretty rare that it's just me and him alone so it's been nice. I catch myself glancing at him over the top of my phone screen, admiring the way his hair falls a little bit over his eyes, the way he has a small grin on his face when he scrolls by something funny. Matt catches my eyes and speaks up.
"What are you all smiley about?" He asks, a hint of a teasing tone in his voice. I stutter over my words a little as I feel my face get warm.
"Oh, I just..saw a cute tiktok. It was a kitten." I say, lying through my teeth because there's no way I could tell him the real reason.
"Aww, let me see..." He says, starting to lean over to me on the couch but I move over a little and stop him.
"Ah, my for you page refreshed, it's gone." I say, proud of myself for the quick recovery. Matt has a small frown on his face and I can't believe how downright adorable he is.
"Damn." He says disappointedly, and I quickly change the subject.
"Are you hungry? I could make us something..." I suggest, partly because I actually am hungry and partly because I want an excuse to focus on something other than my embarrassment.
"If you want to. If you'd rather go get something or have something delivered, that's fine too." He says, smiling sweetly and I have to look away for a second to calm the butterflies I'm feeling.
"It's fine, really. I'll just make us a couple sandwiches or something, it's no big deal." Matt nods.
"Do you want help?" He asks. I smile and I just can't stop myself from accepting even though I know it will probably make things harder for me. We both head to the kitchen and start getting everything out. Matt gets out a couple plates and grabs the bread while I start preparing the lettuce and tomatoes. I start to cut a couple slices of the tomato when Matt gets my attention from the fridge.
"What kind of cheese do you want for yours?" He asks. I look up for a second as I respond.
"If you have provolone, I'll take tha- ow!" I inhale sharply as I feel a stinging feeling on my hand. I look down and realized I accidentally cut it while slicing the tomato. I set the knife down and Matt rushes over to see what happened.
“I-I’m fine-” I start to insist as he grabs my hand to take a closer look.
“You’re bleeding!” He says. There’s a little bit of panic in his voice but I can tell he’s trying to keep calm for my sake.
“It doesn’t look that bad…” I point out, and he nods, still holding my hand and looking at the shallow cut.
“Yeah, you should be alright. Here, hold this on it and I’ll go get the bandages.” Matt says as he lets go of my hand and hands me a clean hand towel out of one of the kitchen drawers to stop the bleeding. He goes down the hall to his bathroom and returns with box of bandages and a wet washcloth. I start to reach out to grab the items and thank him but he takes my hand instead, guiding me to the kitchen table to sit down.
“Matt, I can take care of it-” I start to insist, but he cuts me off.
“Don’t worry about it, I got you. Besides, it’s kinda hard to bandage your own hand.” He smiles at me and I smile back, my stomach filling with butterflies despite the situation at hand. Matt takes the washcloth and gently cleans the cut. The bleeding has stopped now so it doesn’t look nearly as bad as before, it wasn’t anything serious but Matt seeming so concerned and taking care of it for me anyway is so sweet. After he cleans the cut he takes a bandage out of the box and opens it, carefully sticking it over the cut. He doesn’t let go of my hand right away.
“There we go. All better.” He says with a sweet smile.
“My hero.” I remark, immediately blushing and regretting my choice of words. He chuckles and, taking me by surprise, kisses my hand over the bandage. I feel my face heat up and I know my cheeks are probably bright red. We both chuckle a little awkwardly together and I clear my throat.
“We, uh…we should probably just get something delivered after all.” I suggest. He lets out a small laugh and nods.
“Fine by me. Wanna get some pizza and watch a movie?” I smile, and suddenly the pain in my hand isn’t bothering me at all anymore.
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briology · 11 months
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-> Father with the most humor. Loves making their children laugh. Whenever their child is sad, all they have to do is make a funny face, do a little dance with them, or even make a funny drawing, and that child is no longer feeling sad. Also, those types of dads that say "ya momma" to their kid (like that ain't his wife...) Truly one of the best kinds of father to have.
(kuramochi, SAWAMURA, kanemaru, narumiya, carlos, sanada, ryosuke)
-> Father with the scariest face, but the purest heart. These fathers may LOOK terrifying, but these men are gentle with their kids. The faces that they have may look like they are able to murder someone (they could) but they are like the neighborhood dads. They have their house open to everybody, as long as they respect it. They do have a bad side tho. So just watch it and there will be ZERO problems!
(TANBA, TETSUYA, kataoka, okumura, raichi)
-> Father that is scared, but loving. So scared to be a father. Now don't get me wrong, they LOVE their child/children. But the thought of not being good enough for them leaves them wondering if they are cut out for this. Yet, all of those worries wash away when their child/children are clingy towards them. Their child absolutely adores their father so damn much. They have the best bond with their children, a bond that will always be cherished
(MIYUKI, chris, furuya, haruichi, jun)
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© 2023 briology
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bangchanzz · 3 months
Summary - Things between you and Chris aren't great. You're hopelessly in love with him (your best friend) and continue to avoid him because of it. But what happens when Chris decides he's had enough?
Warnings - Best friends to lovers, smut (eventually), drunk!Chris, some angst, alludes to depression and lack of self worth
Work Count - 3K
A/N - For all the best friends to lovers who didn't work out. Maybe we'll love each other in another life
You were having the most pleasant dream when he called. 
 You had rolled over to decline the call when you saw his contact picture taking over your screen and hesitated. Considering it was four in the morning, you decided he most likely had a damn good reason for calling you. 
You picked up the phone.
“Hey, Chris,” you mumbled into the phone, voice thick from sleep. “What’s up?”
The other end of the phone was noisy, like he was somewhere crowded.  He hiccupped once before breaking his silence. “Were you asleep?” He finally asked, his words slurred and clumsy. 
Your breath caught in your throat. “Are you drunk?”
He let out a dramatic gasp, followed by a short giggle. “I asked you first.”
Definitely drunk, then. “No,” you lied smoothly, knowing if you told the truth he would probably feel guilty and hang up the phone. “What’s up?” you asked again, hoping to get a real answer out of him.
Someone shouted something in the background of the call, sending Chris into a fit of slurred giggling. “I’m drunk,” he finally said, as if remembering you were there.
A smile cut across your lips. “Yeah? Mr. I Don’t Drink is drunk, eh?”
He giggled some more at that, occasionally squeaking in that adorable way of his. “Can you come get me? I don’t think I should be driving right now.”
Your heart skipped a beat in your chest. “Of course I’ll come get you,” you said softly. “Just send me your location, I’m on my way.”
You had your jacket already on as he hung up the call, claiming he was being summoned for another round of shots. You had simply told him he had better not drink so much that he would throw up in your car as he laughed. His laughter was the last thing you heard before the call ended. 
Seconds later your phone had pinged with his location: a popular night club among idols. 
You’d never seen Chris drunk before, you realized as you slid on your shoes and grabbed your keys from the hook by the front door. He always preferred to be the designated driver, always making sure everyone got home okay, always protecting. Your heart squeezed uncomfortably in your chest, hoping everything was alright and he had just decided to finally let loose and have some fun with his friends. 
The club was pretty easy to spot, with the neon lights out front illuminating the name, and the ridiculously long line that wrapped around the block, meticulously corded off with red velvet rope.
“It’s three in the morning,” you muttered to no one other than yourself. “Don’t you people sleep?”
Parking the car a block down, you sent a quick text to Chris where you were and waited. 
You weren’t exactly sure why your heart was beating funny in your chest, or why your palms felt vaguely clammy. 
Or perhaps a better statement would be you knew exactly why these things were happening but refused to acknowledge it.
In college, you had fallen in love with your best friend. He was your person, but you had never been his. Eventually, the two of you had stopped speaking, and it had broken you to lose so much of yourself along with him. So much that you felt as though you had never really recovered from it.
Until you met Chris. 
The very first night you met, he had somehow filled in the gaps that your best friend had left in you, soothed those ancient, aching pains that haunted you day and night. He had you laughing like yourself again, a feat no one had even come close to in all those years afterwards. 
So maybe that was why you felt yourself slipping again, letting those rose-colored feelings into your very bones as Chris became a constant in your life, as he pieced your broken soul back together again.
It wasn’t that you wanted to fall in love with Chris, it was that it was virtually impossible not too when kindness and beauty shone from him like the sun. He hadn’t just become your best friend, but your twin flame.
But you weren’t enough, you never had been. He would never notice you the way you noticed him, not when so much of yourself had been ripped to little pieces and he deserved someone… whole. 
You hadn’t noticed the tears burning against your eyelids until one danced unbidden down your cheek.
But no matter what, you were determined not to fuck things up this time. You would not let your feelings get the best of you, not like they had previously. You would not let something as trivial as your feelings for him get in the way of the most important friendship you’d ever had. 
So you wiped away your tears and steeled your nerves, bracing yourself for when he would join you in the enclosed space of your car, willing the tears back at any cost. 
A sharp knock on the car window had you bursting from your solemn thoughts. You immediately recognized the dimples framing the excited smile and the eyes upturned into crescent moons as Chris grinned at you through the glass. 
You unlocked the car and he opened the door, swaying slightly as he did. 
“Careful,” you reminded him softly, your heart lurching behind your ribs. 
In one fluid motion, he threw himself into the passenger seat and slumped back with a groan, the door shutting next to him. 
 Immediately the scent of him hit you, of alcohol and citrus and beechwood, so playfully boyish and thoroughly him it had your grip on the steering wheel turning white as you fought the urge to lean over and brush away the strands of hair laying across his face. 
“How was your night?” you asked him, hoping talking would distract you from your devilish thoughts as you pulled the car back onto the road and began the drive to his place.
“It was pretty good, its better now, though,” he answered, looking at you with a roguish grin, his eyes glazed from the alcohol. 
You desperately hoped he couldn’t see the blush that rose up the column of your throat and stained your cheeks. 
“Where are you taking me?” He asked suddenly, sitting up straight in his seat. 
“Uh… your apartment?” You replied, clearly confused.
He looked at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read as you tried to keep your eyes on the road in front of you. 
“Can I come over to yours?” He asked, his voice uncharacteristically shaky. You chalked it up to the alcohol.
Your heart was beating so loudly in your chest and a small, desperate part of you hoped he couldn’t hear it.  “Sure,” you said quickly—too quickly. “Although I probably won’t be much fun, I’m pretty tired.”
“That’s okay,” He said, sounding disappointed. “I just… don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Is everything okay?” You asked, nerves on high alert.
Out of the corner of your eye you watched him shrug. “I guess.”
You let out a low chuckle. “That isn’t much of an answer.”
He shrugged again, not responding. 
You left it at that. 
You easily changed your course on the road and headed towards your apartment. The idea of being alone with him in your apartment had your blood pressure spiking. 
Your friendship had always been physical; he loved to hug you and cuddle with you whenever you saw each other, but recently it had gotten much harder to deny the way your stomach churned with butterflies or how your ears got warm every time he touched you.
And right now, drunk as he was… your stomach sank at the thought of spending another night in his arms, feeling as alone as you ever felt. 
It had become hard, as of late, to deny your growing feelings. To deny that you wished the way he’d sling his arm around your shoulders and pull you closer meant something more to him than it did.
The truth was you had been ignoring him for the past several weeks. Your feelings made things too complicated, too painful, for you to deal with; not that you even wanted to deal with them in the first place. They were a constant reminder of what you had lost, and that you were letting yourself fall into the same situation all over again. 
When you got to your apartment, Chris had no trouble making himself feel at home. He immediately threw himself onto the couch, arms outstretched behind him.
“Want some water?” you asked, dying for an excuse to flee the room, flee from him. The realization left you feeling oily with guilt. 
“Yes, please,” he murmured, suddenly focused on a spot on the carpet. 
You disappeared into the kitchen without a second thought. 
When you returned, you handed him the water and slumped down next to him on the couch.
He sipped from his glass, still studying the carpet.
“Is everything okay or are you just drunk?” you asked cautiously, trying to deflect the seriousness in the room with humor.
He suddenly pinned you with a stare, all traces of alcohol gone, his eyes surprisingly clear. “It feels like you’ve been pulling away from me recently. Why?”
His question left you in a free fall. Your heart hammered in your abnormally tight chest, breathing becoming difficult. “I-I don’t know what you mean-“
“Bullshit, Y/N, there’s clearly something wrong and I want you to tell me. Did I do something?” His voice cracked a bit on the last word, your heart fracturing with it. 
“No!” you all but shouted, eyes looking into his and wishing you could heal the pain you saw there. “You didn’t do anything wrong; I’ve just been… stressed recently. I haven’t been sleeping well,” you offered, a small smile displayed across your features.  
“Stressed about what?” he pressed, looking intent on hunting down this invisible enemy that was plaguing you. 
You shook your head. “It’s nothing—”
“Its clearly something if its causing you to lose sleep,” he said softly but not gently. 
You suddenly felt a headache coming on. “Chris, really, I promise, I’m handling it.” A half-truth, if nothing else.
He leaned towards you, brushing a tear from your cheek you hadn’t known was there.
“Please tell me,” he whispered, gazing into you with such softness and understanding you wanted to blurt those three words out right then and there. 
But in the back of your mind you remembered the risk, what you stood to lose if you ever told him, and so you kept your mouth shut. 
You shook your head, not trusting yourself to verbally respond.
Tears were brimming in his brown eyes when he spoke again. “I hate seeing you like this. Like you’re wasting away. Its like the very life is being poured out of you and you’re putting up these walls…” He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know what to do…” His voice cracked, the tears suddenly streaming down his face. “I don’t know how to help.”
Your traitorous hands reached out to cup his face, wiping his tears away with your thumbs. You could’ve sworn he leaned into your touch. 
You shook your head sadly. “You’ve helped me more than you know, Chris,” you murmured. Because he had helped you, perhaps more than you would like admit to yourself. 
While your ex-best friend had left you completely and utterly shattered, Chris was the one to face the woman that rebuilt herself, had helped you piece together the salvageable parts and forge anew what was lost. Together, you had rebuilt your entire world, and somewhere along the way he had become its center. You couldn’t lose that. Wouldn’t. Not again. 
A broken sob bubbled from his lips as he stared at you, a strange expression on his face you couldn’t quite place.
“Tell me how to help you,” he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper.
You began to shake with your own sobs, tears streaking down your face as you looked into his honeyed eyes. “You can’t,” you finally whispered, your forehead falling against his. 
This touch, this intimacy—it was all you would allow yourself, knowing that any more would have you revealing secrets best kept in the dark. 
His large, calloused hands circled your wrists, removing your hands from his face and settling them in his lap. His thumbs gently brushed the back of your hands, sparks flying from his touch.
You couldn’t tell anymore if you wanted him to stop. 
“I got drunk tonight,” he began slowly, shakily, “because I knew I wanted to have this conversation with you and I was scared shitless of this very outcome.” A noise that sounded like a sob broke from him as he lifted his tear-stained gaze to yours. “Please don’t leave me,” he begged, fresh tears covering his red cheeks. “You’re the most important person in my life and I know I’m not always… the best at being there, but I promise I’ll be better. I’ll do anything, anything for you to stay. So please—just… don’t go.”
Your heart couldn’t take anymore of this. You were breaking him. You were doing this to the proud, confident, selfless man sitting in front of you.
This man, who was not your ex best friend, was setting his pride aside and begging you to stay in his life, the very thing you would’ve given your very flesh and blood to get before. 
You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs that you loved him more than anything else in the world, that you were being this way because you didn’t want to go anywhere, you were doing this for both of you. 
But you couldn’t stop the angry, choking sobs that exploded out of your chest as you yanked your hands back.
Chris looked like you had slapped him. 
You didn’t want this. You didn’t want any of this to happen. Not like this. You were losing him regardless and hurting him to boot. You realized you couldn’t continue down this path, not if you ever claimed to love him. 
“Please,” he whispered, pouring all his pain and desperation into the word.
Your heart shattered. 
So you did the only thing you could think of and told the truth. 
“I’m not avoiding you because I don’t care about you anymore,” you began slowly, not able to meet his gaze which was focused wholly on you. You felt yourself began to tremble as you carefully chose your next words. 
“I’ve been avoiding you because I’m falling in love with you, and its… difficult, sometimes, to control my feelings when you’re around.” 
You quickly glanced at him, noting how his jaw went slack; his brown eyes, rich like the earth, burned with intensity. But he said nothing, so you continued.
“Its… painful, sometimes, to be around you and realize that I’ll never mean to you what you mean to me, but I couldn’t lose our friendship, not when it’s so important to me—the most important relationship in my life. So, I was determined to accept whatever you were willing to give, no matter how small, because even that was better than losing you altogether. But it’s hard, Chris, it’s so hard, because you’re so incredible and just so… perfect, how could I not fall in love with you? How could I not want more? And I was set on not telling you because of… you know, what happened last time, I didn’t want to put myself in that position again, but I could see you breaking, and I just can’t do that to the man I love, so… yeah. Now you know.”
“You… love me?” the words were barely above a whisper, disbelief etched across his face. 
“Falling in love with you,” you corrected him, eyes focused on the floor to avoid looking at him.
Silence filled the room. Finally, he whispered, “Since when?”
You shrugged. “I don’t really know, I guess I kind of just realized it one day when we were cuddling in bed. I realized I could spend the rest of my life like that and I would be happy.”
He just stared at you, letting that awful silence fill the air once more. You didn’t think he was breathing. “I’ve loved you since the aquarium.”
Your blood froze at his admittance. “What?” you demanded softly. 
“I’ve loved you since I took you to the Seoul aquarium and you held my hand for the very first time, dragging me from tank to tank telling me random fish facts. I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since.”
You still couldn’t look at him, not believing this beautiful, perfect man was in love with you. Not until he reached out and grabbed your face with both hands, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“Its always been you,” he whispered before his lips crashed against yours.
The kiss surprised you as much as it took your breath away. His lips were soft as they moved against yours, salt coating your mouth as your tongue swept against his bottom lip. 
“I love you,” he whispered in between kisses. “Always have.” He kissed you again. “Always will.”
You didn’t realize you were crying even harder until he pulled away, a gentle expression across his features. 
“Baby,” he cooed, wiping your tears with his thumbs. 
A small laugh bubbled out of you. “Pet names already?”
He silenced you with a kiss. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he murmured against your mouth, his lips softly brushing over yours. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you asked suddenly, pulling away slightly to meet his gaze. 
He shrugged, his attention still on your mouth. “I couldn’t bare the thought of losing you,” he said simply. 
This time you leaned in for the kiss, and he gladly accepted. 
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echowithpain · 2 months
Finally watched the 100th episode of 911, gonna give a few quick thoughts:
Wasn't a musical so 0/10 Literally unwatchable
Moving on:
Bi Buck confirmed in canon holy shit fucking finally! Get fucked deniers!!!! Also while I don't necessarily like Tommy's character cause of past seasons, I'll accept him as a plot device to help the GA finally see and understand Buck is Bi
Jealous Buck was hilariously adorable (I could practically hear a puppy whine when Eddie was asking if he was free so he could watch Chris 🤣)(also Eddie in sunglasses almost the entire episode was a whole ass mood 😂)
The bachelor segment was funny and I loved Josh and Maddie being so excited (also the fact Maddie sent the 118 so they could see what was happening 😂)
The woman accidentally killing her son cause of her brain bleed was sad but it didn't really hit me? Like oh my god, this woman killed her son without realizing it and it's super awful, but I just thought "Damn, that sucks 😕" no real strong emotions about it but I know not every emergency had to emotionally destroy you
HARRY!!! Oh my god he's grown up so much??? Holy shit I barely recognized him! And all his scenes with Athena were amazing. I also loved Bobby seeing how Harry made Athena some waffles, her favorite, he immediately knew something was up. King shit 👑 Plus the callback to the stop on the highway and talking about the unfairness of pressures put on everyone in life especially Black People was incredible. Also Harry calling her a great mom and her reaction to that just made me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 It reminded me of when that Jeffrey guy kidnapped Harry and told Athena she wasn't a mom who's a cop, she's a cop who just so happens to be a mother. WELL SHE PROVED YOU WRONG DIDNT SHE ASSHOLE!!!!! GET FUCKED IN HELL!!!!
Ravi was back!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 And I loved every second of him 😂😂😂 Him asking questions just to be silenced and ignored by Buck 😂💖 "Looks like one of us is going in the sewer." *silence* "I'm going in the sewer." Fucking love Anirudh 🥰
The basketball scene was great until Buck knocked Eddie over of course. I was just waiting for at least some kind of apology that never came 😮‍💨💔 Also Chim name dropped Albert!!!! Holy shit they remembered he exists!!! Honestly didn't see that coming 😂
Alrighty! The 100th episode was amazing!!! And my true score of it is 9/10
Didn't care for Tommy's character cause of past seasons (-1/2 point) and didn't really feel the horror of the woman accidentally killing her son (-1/2). I usually wouldn't let emergencies like that influence my score, but they way they tried to go back to it and have you feel emotions I just didn't feel like was a tad jarring and pulled me from the episode a bit when everything else going on made me actually feel stuff.
So now that Buck being confirmed Bi is out of the way...
The episode is literally called "You Don't Know Me". Bye Bitch 😎 ✌️
See you guys then 😘✨
Keep your sanities please, I'm warning y'all again ahead of time
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riririnnnn · 4 months
Honestly, if I were to be a boy, and I were to be this cute and talented at the age of just 15.
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Then I swear to God, I would've been the BIGGEST menace to society.
Just look at my son, everyone
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He is so silly. Such an adorable goofball; I want to protect him forever.
Is Loki okay though? I mean, he is so damn mature. Is everything alright in his life? Also, I just find it hilarious that a 17 year old is a Coach. Idk why, it's just so funny to see Noa, Chris, Lavinho, Snuffy, and then we have a
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uncommon-etc · 2 years
To follow up with a more positive post from my ‘top 5 dumbest criticisms debunked’ here’s a list of adorable and well-thought-out details from Thor: Love and Thunder, which, while not that difficult to spot, I appreciated even more the second time round.
- The costume department made Tessa Thompson at least four different perfectly tailored suits for approximately eight seconds of footage. Was it a waste of fabric? Absolutely not.
- Jane isn’t just a sci-fi nerd for reeling off films that explain wormholes well, her Halloween costume in the montage is Ash from Alien, post chest-burster scene.
- Thor has Nick Fury’s contact saved to his phone as ‘Nick Furry’ which will never not be funny to me.
- Was giving Dwayne a mustache when Kronans have absolutely no capacity to grow facial-hair an absolutely ridiculous decision that some poor vfx artist should have been sacked over? Absolutely. But it was also a really nice callback to Taika’s childhood Freddie Mercury obsession, so jot that down.
- That poor guy who got hit in the face when a certain cape was flung for dramatic emphasis has my sympathies.
- The little broken heart next to Thor’s ‘RIP Loki’ tattoo was hilarious and tragic at the same time.
- It was definitely ‘bring your daughter to work day’ on set, I’ve already seen plenty of people remarking on the adorableness of Chris Hemsworth’s kidlet, but both of Taika’s daughters were among the stolen Asgardian kids and were apparently really mean to Christian Bale.
- Despite having all the trappings of a family-friendly film you get multiple ‘oh shit’ lines, though it feels entirely appropriate to the tone of the scenes, there are also at least two references to a mass orgy held on a regular basis in Omnipotent City.
- All of the snacks in the vending machine Thor breaks are region-appropriate, which pleased me as someone who grew up only getting to eat that stuff in Finland or on family trips to IKEA and ngl, if I was having to pay like 2-3 euros for a pack of Marabou or some salmiakki, and I had super-strength, I’d probably just smash the thing too.   
- Glad to see independent theatre is still thriving in New Asgard, but the irony of Valkyrie being very done with the two actors while wearing a Phantom of the Opera t-shirt was not lost on me. Her being a closet theatre-kid seems pretty on-brand. 
- Sif still being a badass sword-fighter with only one arm (why is that such a common injury in the MCU?)
- Idk why, but the scene on the boat where the straight half of the crew are outside doing straight things while Korg and Valkyrie are propping up the bar, drinking and discussing being gay felt... weirdly relatable. If that isn’t how you and your friends end up at the tail-end of a house-party don’t @ me.
- It seemed a really odd choice at first to have a film with three semi-sentient weapons that have their own personalities and a fourth that’s just kind of there, but in hindsight it’s also hilarious. Stormbreaker’s got beef with Thor and Mjolnir and the Necrosword parallel each other beautifully (both are slowly killing the person that wields them, but the motives are polar opposites) so I kept waiting for the thunderbolt to have some whole hidden agenda of its own, but no, it was the only cool-looking god-level weapon that was... just a weapon.
I’ll probably think of more to add, because I love this film so damn much, but feel free to chip in if there’s any obvious ones I’ve forgotten.
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Wednesday lovely readers :) I love any episode with Lucy/Tamara in it. Add in Tim? Makes an amazing thing even more so. I love this one for delving into Tamara’s past a bit, how Tim helps Lucy without a thought, and the bond between Lucy and Tamara. Such good one let’s get going.
4x11 End Game
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We begin our episode with Tamara and Lucy. It’s clear Lucy has been up all night researching. Tamara asks why? Lucy tells her legal research. That kid Tyler she cited out last episode ended up stealing from a liquor store. He felt stressed to pay back the dealer he lost product for. Unfortunately he gave the store owner a heart attack. Luckily the owner is out and ok.
She’s been up all night trying to finds ways for the state to show him leniency since the owner is fine. I love both of them calling Chris the ‘clown’ from the DA’s office. Might be my new name for him. Chris the clown. It’s fitting. They have a lovely moment as Tamara refills her coffee and brings it to her. Saying this kid is lucky to have her backing him.
That she knows she was. Best thing she ever did was steal Lucy’s car. I mean it’s true haha I love Tamara being more open with Lucy. Showing how grateful she is that Lucy took a chance on her like she did. Tamara saying crime pays actually. In this case it does tbh. Heh Lucy says she’s cute when she walks away. It’s such an adorable mom/daughter open for them.
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We see Mr. Clown shortly after Lucy arrives at the station. She is gloating that the store owner survived. Chris agrees with her that he’s happy she survived. Lucy questioning how true that is. She tries to get him to charge Tyler as a minor but Chris refuses of course. Schmuck. Lucy starts to tell him studies and he’s so condescending to her. Saying not to quote studies at him. I hate it so much. I dislike him greatly...
Tells her he will only charge him as a minor as long as he’s a CI for his crew. This is where Lucy really goes off on him. Both barrels and pulls no punches whatsoever. Chris is finding this amusing and I want to clock him. Calling her dramatic too. You don’t know her like that ya clown. So rude to say. Tim coming into the convo asking if everything is ok? I love that. Protective Husband is in the building.
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The way she spins around to face Tim is hilarious. His face and posture LOL Lucy saying she can’t believe the nerve of him calling her dramatic. She sees his reaction and tells him don’t start. Haha Eric is the king of facial expressions. He doesn’t disappoint in the least here. His face conveying ‘ I didn’t say anything…’ Even though his body language is saying everything. Laughing so hard at his reaction.
Such a hubby move here. Doesn't say anything but she knows what that reaction means. HIs silence saying more than he ever could. He’s smart enough to know when not to engage her in a fight. Be more married you two please. Lucy is in full wifey mode here and my heart is so happy. Also my god the forearms/biceps. Phew lord. Love to have those wrapped around me like a blanket. There is just so much to love about this mini moment.
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It’s the next part where we hit peak married vibes. Tim knowing her so damn well. Pinpointing why she is so friggin keyed up. Asking exactly how many cups of coffee she’s had this morning? God these two know each other so damn well. Lucy doesn’t lie and says she’s just going to apologize right now LMAO
Knowing how she’s going to be the rest of the shift for him. It’s so funny. I love her self awareness knowing she’s gonna be extra cause she’s hopped up on caffeine. Good thing Tim is actually is so very fond of it even though he’s exasperated at the same time hehe. She’s so cute I cannot.
Tim’s reaction to her reply is the best part. No one does the eye roll better than our guy. It’s so funny. It makes me laugh every single time. Lucy knows what she’s done and is just owning up it to ahha I love these two idiots so very much. Her saying it’s going to be a long day for him. Oh he’s well aware of that one my dear. I love them so much makes my heart hurt haha
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Tim and Lucy are called to Lopez’s homicide. It’s a 18 year old girl killed and dumped. Tim is confused why Angela needed a sergeant. She tells them she didn’t. Just Lucy. Asking if she knows her? Lucy tells her no. Angela hands her the phone and says Tamara does. Pic of her and this girl as her Lock Screen. Hence them being looped in.
Cut to them retuning to her apartment. The marriage theme continues in this episode. Except it goes from sassy poking fun husband and wife. To very sweet and supportive husband for his wife. Being a sweet mom and dad tag team for Tamara in this moment. Which I adore so much.
Lucy is feeling lost and not sure how to handle this. You can tell as she enters the apt. She’s honest with Tim. Replies 'I don't know.' When he asks how she wants to handle it? Lucy tells him she’s done death notices before. But never for someone she cared about. Handling it as a cop vs as a roommate are different approaches. I love how Tim is watching her as she talks out her thoughts. Not judging her but wanting to support her. Knowing this is part of her process.
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She is torn and Tim decides for her. Telling her just to be a friend and he’s got the cop part for her. I love this sfm. Letting her be the soft empathetic friend in this moment. That if she needed someone firmer or more business like to tap him in. Tim knows she wants to be the caring and soft one in this moment. Because he knows her so well. Wants to relieve her of the burden of being a cop right now. To let her just be the caring friend and if she needs a cop he will handle that portion for her.
It seems like such a small gesture that comes across as so much more. You can see Lucy visibly relax when he tells her this. Thanks him for this kindness. He has her back in more ways than one. I love their bond so much. Knowing exactly what the other needs in moments like this. He’s so soft for her I cannot handle it. Just being the best supportive work hubby he can be. Such growth makes my soul happy.
Gives Lucy a chance to relay the news to Tamara in the way she is most comfortable with. Solo in her room. It so sad to watch Tamara take in the news. Not believing Lucy at first or not wanting to really. Lucy confirming it by the phone that was found at the scene. Telling Tamara how sorry she was. I love Tim giving her this private moment alone with her. To be empathetic, caring and all the things she would need in this moment. Let her be Lucy her friend and roommate and not the cop.
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Once they’re out of her room Tim is apart of the convo. Officially in cop mode now. Lucy asking if there was anyone her friend Becca was afraid of? Tamara says no but they hadn’t talked in 3 months. With school and her moving in they lost touch. Tim steps in and asks 'Any idea where she was crashing?' She tells them mostly the street, sometimes shelters, some families let you crash on the floor if they had room. Her last known suggestion is a darker one.
It's where we get a peak into Tamara’s past and it's grim. You can see it all over Lucy’s face as Tamara speaks. How her heart is breaking for her. Killing her to think she ever had to do ‘swiping’. Hitting her like a ton of bricks. You can see the pre-tears in her eyes from hearing all this. The protective mama in her wanting to hug and protect her. To never let her experience that ever again. Tamara can't even look at them while she explains it. Breaks my heart.
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Tim can read Lucy like a book once they’re back in the shop. They’re talking about the men they found on Becca’s phone but her mind is elsewhere. He knows she’s upset and asks her if she’s okay? I’ll never be over this portion of his growth. Him actively engaging in personal stuff with her. Giving her his advice and caring. Being 100 percent genuine in all of it too. My damn heart. He’s also just so damn good with her. Just like she is for him. The shop where they supposedly leave their personal lives at the door is a rule that never really existed for them.
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He provides such a comforting environment for her to share in here. I love him being the one to reach out for this. Lucy engaging right away with him. Voicing everything she was feeling about their convo with Tamara. How it worried her that Tamara knew right away about the swiping idea. Asking Tim’s opinion if he thinks she’s used it herself? If she gave that impression to him?
Tim doesn’t answer so much as shoot a question back. Asking if she’s ever mentioned it to her before? You can hear the hurt in her voice. See the pain in her eyes as she speaks. Telling Tim as close as they are she won’t talk to her about her past. I can see why Lucy would be hurt by this. I can also see why Tamara doesn’t want to talk about it. She probably feels shameful about some of what she did to survive. I can only imagine what she had to do pre-Lucy.
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Tim’s reply is perfection. What I love most about it is that it’s coming from experience. At least that’s how it’s coming off to me. We all know how hard it was for Lucy to crack the nut that is Tim. How she scratched and clawed for him to open up to her. Tim had a painful past and lot of reasons to be closed off. But that didn’t stop Lucy from pursuing that relationship with him. It was slow but so very worth it. Tim telling her not to take it personally.
That it might just be hard for to open up to her. It’s not Lucy it’s Tamara's own stuff preventing her from doing so. Just like it was for Tim. Lucy kept knocking at that door till Tim answered. Now look at him. He shares things with her. Deeply personal things. Is giving her advice on her own personal life. Look how far we’ve come. It’s these moments I love the most. The ones that show us how damn far Tim has come. How far they have come as a pairing.
It’s unreal to watch and so rewarding. It’s why the slow burn works so damn well for them. We get moments like this. Where Tim sees she is upset, reaches out, and even relieves her worries. Also once again using his past experience to help her out. Knowing it was hard for him to start to open up with her. That took time for him too. Applying that to his advice for Tamara not opening up just yet. You can see she feels lighter after their talk. Nodding her head agreeing with his advice. Relieving her of her worries for the time being at least. Tim being every bit the supportive husband here and I love it sfm. The emotional intimacy between these at this point is off the charts amazing. *sigh* I love them so much.
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They return to the station to watch interrogation. Lopez has one of Becca’s clip talk guys in the box. Angela comes right at him. Doesn't waste time after he admits he knows her. Saying she knows he used clip talk for sex. In exchange she got warm bed and a meal out of it. He is instantly defensive. Thinking he’s been brought in for something she did or said. Is an ass outright calling her crazy cause she’s homeless and possibly on drugs.
Lopez cuts him right off saying she’s dead. Asking where he was last night? He stumbles and says he has nothing to do with it. That he did see her for few minutes but his GF was coming over. (Classy SOB..) Angela asks what she wanted? He says hot meal, shower, place to stay. But told her to go cause his GF was on the way. I love the way Tim leans forward as they get to heart of his story. He continues on saying Becca threatened to tell his GF if he didn’t give her money.
Telling Lopez all he had was a 20 dollar bill on him to give her. After she left he said he noticed Becca swiped his Cerus Watch. Which he paid 10K for. Lopez following up saying he couldn’t file a police report or it would expose his secret. Lopez cycles back to our couple. Lucy telling her she didn’t have a watch on her body. That she either sold it or whoever killed her took it and did. Tim says they'll ask Tamara where they think it would be pawned.
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We find Tamara catching up with her old life. Visiting with friends she knew. My guess is she felt guilty about not talking to Becca all these months. Wanting to reconnect to help herself grieve. One of her friends telling her how proud Becca was of her. That she missed her but was so happy to see her move on. It’s then we see Tim and Lucy pull up. They all get nervous and Tamara tells them they’re cool.
Lucy is in mom mode asking how she is? Tamara tells her it’s a lot to be back here. She is trying to put up a brave front. Pretend she’s ok. So she avoids saying anymore by asking if they found anything? They update her on the watch Becca took. Asking her if she know where she would pawn it? Love Lucy seeing her hesitancy and reassuring her it’s ok. Also not wanting to leave her there. In full mom mode I adore it. Not wanting to leave her there but not having much of a choice atm.
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They head to the pawn shop Tamara suggested. Tim doesn’t mess around or mince words with the owner. Saying they’re looking for a stolen Cerus watch. The owner gets defensive and says they just come into his shop accusing him of this? Lucy comes right at him too.
A tag team of confidence and unity. I love it. Her reply is feisty af. ‘Of purchasing stolen property from homeless teenagers? We are accusing you of exactly that.’ Get em Lucy! Gah love them being this bad ass united front. This guy goes off on a rant how he’s a lifeline for these kids. Lucy shows him the pic of Becca. Tells him this watch is what got her killed. He sighs and pulls it out to show them.
Saying it was brought in yesterday and shows them who brought it in. It wasn’t Becca….it was the kid Tamara was visiting. The look of realization washes over them. That beautiful silent communication of theirs kicking in. A shared look of worry washing over them. Tim asking isn’t that Tamara’s friend? The one they just left her with...
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We cut back to Tamara talking to him. Asking if he’s ok? He say no. She starts to apologize she hasn’t been around. We see Tim and Lucy racing to get back to her. Such great cinematography in this scene. Declan starting his confession and it flits back to a worried Tim and Lucy. They're trying to get back to her as soon as they can. You can see the panic/urgency written across both of their faces.
Declan tells her how Becca was going to go back to school. Use the watch to get her started with it. She wanted to be more like Tamara. He starts to get emotional saying she was going to leave him too. You can see the shift in Tamara as she see’s where this is going. How he mentions he tried to sneak the watch out. That she caught him and he pushed her and didn’t mean for her to hit her head like she did. It’s then Lucy and Tim roll up like the BAMFS they are. Lucy all but jumping out of the shop to get to Tamara.
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Tim cuffing him immediately. Once he's secure Lucy turns to her asking her if is she’s ok? Not expecting the response that she gets. Tamara finally putting down her walls and being honest. That she isn’t ok and runs to Lucy for comfort. I love this hug and Tamara finally turning to Lucy and being vulnerable. Lucy’s reaction is so sweet as she holds her tight. Such a nice moment for them. Adding to that growing familial bond between them.
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The clown catches Lucy on her way out. I hate writing about him but I also don’t love writing about Ashley either. But they are apart of this season thus in my reviews when I have to. Lucy is straight with him. Says she isn’t in the mood for anymore bad news. He tells her he cut a good deal for Tyler. That he won’t have to be a CI. Just 6 months in Juvie. Probation till 18.
Clearly trying to impress her with this deal. Because let’s be honest if he had his way that kid would’ve been screwed. He did this to get on her good side. To me Chris was always kinda clueless but a little manipulative as well. I.e. This deal to impress her. Never liked him or thought he was good enough to be in her presence let alone date her.
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This scene is a good bookend to how the episode began with Tamara’s gratefulness. Except this ending portion is a lot more sincere. No jokes involved. Makes me emotional as she thanks Lucy for everything she’s given her. Tamara thanks her for helping her leave it all behind as well. That if not for her she could've ended up just like Becca. Their scenes are always so good. Thanking Lucy for getting her friend justice.
Lucy not taking credit for that. Saying she did that for her. It’s true she guided them most of the investigation. Without her tips and such it would’ve taken them so much longer. I love Lucy telling her she doesn’t need to worry about what could’ve been without her. That’s she’s safe now ❤️ This next bit is so good. Lucy bringing up talking about her time on the street.
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Tamara telling her not right now. Lucy bringing up she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t even have to with her. Just someday talking to someone would be good. So it doesn’t sneak up on her. Because it will. She is not wrong...It did for me. I took too long to talk to someone myself. I had a random run in with a sweet old lady who was a client of mine. She commented on my earrings. Asking where I got them? I said my mom with no real emotions attached to it. She looked me in the eye and said ‘Your mother must love you very much.’ I wanted to cry because I wasn't sure how true that was.
I swallowed my complicated emotions and my racing thoughts. I thanked her. But it triggered something in me when I got back to my car and I cried. Because it brought up all the emotions and feelings I hadn’t talked about with my mom. I texted my baby sister about it. She told me it was time to seek some therapeutic help. I did and it's helped so very much. So Lucy is so very right if you don’t talk about it. Suppress it for too long it sneaks up on you.
This is such solid advice once again from Lucy. Therapy and talking it out does wonders for the soul. Because if you don’t It’ll eat at you slowly. Take away from your present. Such a lovely way to end the episode for them both. I always love me some Tamara/ Lucy eps.
Side notes-Non Chenford
James and Nyla being cute af. I truly love them together. They work so well.
Also more cute James/ Wes moments about the pregnancy and such. I do love their bromance so.
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