[solved] Cloudflared tunnel for different Domains wordpress on a single PC
[solved] Cloudflared tunnel for different Domains wordpress on a single PC
Cloudflared is an open-source tool provided by Cloudflare, which can be used to establish secure, encrypted tunnels between a server and the Cloudflare network. Tunnels enable traffic to be encrypted and routed through the Cloudflare network, providing faster and more reliable access to remote servers. Using Cloudflared tunnel for different domains can help improve the security and performance of…
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shanemcretro · 6 months
Maintenance Complete – User Is Online!
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CG-NAT defeated! The Cloudflare Argo Tunnel works and has done so for about a week. However, due to the way the tech behind it all works…
…I might have inadvertently locked myself out, with help from botnets spamming my WordPress login page of course! No problem, it gave me a week to mull over options and find a better solution.
After finding some time to look at the settings, I can see why I was locked out. Cloudflare’s Argo Tunnel, cloudflared, hooks into my local network. So all login requests were showing the origin as an address on my local network, localhost.
Enter Cloudflare Access (again)! Using a one-time pin through Cloudflare offers security far superior to my existing freemium WordPress plugin. Reduced server load and less attack vectors? Yes please! This user is most definitely back online!
Now that this mess is sorted out I can get back to finding cool lizards in my backyard. Ahhh, it does beg the question, should I even be self-hosting on 4G home internet? No, probably not. Latency is through the roof and CG-NAT is annoying. Oh well! 💁‍♀️
Big thanks to Tim Smith and Jeremy – without their guidance I’d probably still be reading the Cloudflare documentation! 😅
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saadmaqsood · 2 years
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messyzoranablog · 8 months
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You did nothing wrong, you weren't banned or blocked. This issue is affecting users around the world. Cloudflare and Discord are currently investigating the issue.
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nixcraft · 2 months
Modern software development be like: I wrote 10 lines of code to call an API that calls another API, which calls yet another API that finally turns on a lightbulb. Pray that Cloudflare or AWS will not be down during this operation; otherwise, there will be no light for you.
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girlchomp · 9 months
Ao3 currently has a bug! You are not actually blocked by cloudflare, don't panic, what's happening (as far as I can tell) is that any action that requires the same page to reload (like commenting, opening comments, or just plain reloading the page, you get my drift) causes the cloudflare message to pop up. if you click the go back button, it should show the page agian and be fine, if not, just opening a new tab and doing it that way should do it. unfortunately, the bug prevents you from reporting the bug through the technical issues form on the site as clicking the submit button refreshes the page (ironic, i know) so we just have to hope ao3 staff notices and it gets fixed soon enough. ao3 volunteers are godsent angels though so i have full faith this wont last long :))
happy fanfic reading guys!
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fromkenari · 11 months
Why is Cloudflare blocking me?
Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) and security service that helps protect websites from various threats, such as DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and hackers. If Cloudflare is blocking you, it’s likely because the security settings on the website you’re trying to access have identified your connection as potentially suspicious or harmful. Some common reasons for Cloudflare blocking your access include:
IP reputation: Cloudflare maintains a list of IP addresses known for spam, hacking attempts, or other malicious activities. If your IP address is on this list or has a poor reputation, you may be blocked.
High security settings: The website owner might have set their Cloudflare security settings to a high level, causing more aggressive filtering of incoming traffic. In such cases, even legitimate users might be blocked or challenged.
Rate limiting: Cloudflare can block or limit access from IP addresses that make too many requests within a short period, as this can indicate a DDoS attack or automated scraping attempts.
Browser or user agent issues: Using an outdated browser, a non-standard user agent, or having disabled cookies and JavaScript might trigger Cloudflare’s security measures.
VPN or proxy usage: Using VPNs, proxies, or Tor can sometimes cause Cloudflare to flag your connection as suspicious, as these tools are often used to hide malicious activities.
Firewall rules: The website owner may have set specific firewall rules in Cloudflare that block certain IP addresses, countries, or user agents.
To resolve the issue, you can try the following:
Clear your browser cache and cookies, and ensure JavaScript is enabled.
Update your browser to the latest version or try using a different browser.
Temporarily disable your VPN or proxy, if you are using one.
Check your internet connection and restart your modem or router to obtain a new IP address.
If you suspect your IP address has been mistakenly flagged, you can contact the website owner or Cloudflare support to request a review of your IP address.
Remember that these measures are in place to protect websites and their users from security threats. While blocking can be frustrating, the intent is to maintain a safe online environment for everyone.
Source @ao3org
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pinkyjulien · 8 months
⚠ Discord Down / Blocked
For anyone else that might also be freaking out about being blocked by Discord, this seems to be a problem on Cloudflare's side and it's being looked at!
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eri-lessthan3 · 8 months
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Can anyone tell me what the fuck caused this to appear? I just tried to log into discord??????
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woo, big wins today!
+ set up dns ad blocking finally, things are amazing already
+ migrated from plex to jellyfin
+ fixed multiple issues with nat and firewall setup
+ added a srv record for minecraft: now you can just connect to jtreed.org !
+ set up ddns with cloudflare, or at least i think i did, it’s kinda hard to verify
- did not get work done
- removed herobrine
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unorcadox · 8 months
discord you can't scare me like that i genuinely thought i got banned. like the jumpscare...
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AITA for calling out people for taking an exceedingly transphobic commentary personality's word as fact?
Alright, so. This happened in December in a community that has technically sprung up in 2007 despite the thing existing since January 2004. I was in the community since 2014 and one of the oldest remaining fans in the community. I was an asshole and very much disliked from 2018-2021, did some betterment, went to therapy, and asked different people who are very, very well known in the fandom if I was getting better, to which they said yes, from late 2022 to 2023 so this was in the middle of my Redemption Arc™️. I joined a discord in order to hope to find some obscure knowledge on the software i couldn't ask much of anywhere else in December 2022, after I was getting stalked and harassed by notable transphobic websites over being open about my depression in June 2022. One notable user of said sites made a YouTube video on me, who is openly transphobic, and as a trans guy, that was upsetting. Moreso upsetting, is that not only did the video get countless fundamental facts incorrect that were disproven in other videos, but her Twitter URL that's a play on the transphobic phrase "TTD" (total trans death, an obvious nod to our genocide) and said server used me for my art, then booted me, blocked me on Discord, and when I asked why I was banned from the server on Reddit, they spammed the video link and was insulting me and calling me "unforgivable." Keep in mind, that Discord server had a strict "no transphobes allowed" rule and several of the mods, albeit not all, were openly LGBT. A red flag off the bat of said server was that they had some stolen content, albeit said content was by a known predator. Another red flag was how many mods were under 18, side by side with mods in their late 20s. I called out these people for supporting an open TERF from a transphobic website shut down by cloudflare, and they started making fun of me and threatening to ruin me. I don't care if people hate me, but I do care that people get their facts right. Sort of off topic but they ended up being horrifically transphobic and go on misinformation campaigns to several other people, and the server died.
Was I the asshole for calling them out on spreading misinformation?
What are these acronyms?
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irradiatedsnakes · 8 months
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lebelinoria · 11 months
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hey from the official ao3status account on twitter: ao3 is back up and has cloudflare so there might be some issues, but right now as of 7/11/2023 1231 EDT it’s working for me
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ailelie · 9 months
On Firefox and AO3 is crawling? Here's a fix!
So. For the past couple weeks, AO3 has been extremely slow for me, taking up to 10 minutes to load and occasionally not loading at all.
Apparently this may be an issue with CloudFlare and Firefox. Anyway, I found a solution that has worked for me.
In your URL bar type: about:config
It will show you a warning. Go ahead and click through.
In the search bar, look up: network.http.http3.enable
Three lines will probably show up. You only care about the one that matches the above. If it says "True" click the button on the right (it looks like two stacked arrows, more or less). This will toggle the setting and change it to "False." If it already says "False" then something else is up for you.
Now open a new tab and try loading AO3. And, if it works for you, rejoice.
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heckling-hydrena · 9 months
I'd love to turn my adblock off on flight rising but the ads are not just being blocked by ublock, they're being blocked by privacy badger which is. concerning.
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