#cluster headache treatment
Cluster Headache Treatment 
Dr. Fattie is an expert in headache treatment by chiropractic techniques. By this, you can avoid eating medicines, And you can get permanent treatment from an expert in chiropractic techniques. Call us at (858) 519-5461.
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4 Features of Headache and Migraine Clinic You Must Look for
Headaches and migraines can be extremely devastating and can have a main impact on a person's quality of life. For this cause, it's significant to seek help from a specialized clinic that can offer expert care and treatment. However, with so many clinics out there, it can be a stimulating task to know which one to choose. To help you make an informed decision, we've put together a list of the four features you should look for in a headache and migraine clinic Ajax.
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A Multidisciplinary Approach
Headaches and migraines can be caused by a wide array of aspects, from stress or strain and diet to hormonal imbalances and original and fundamental medical conditions. For this reason, it's crucial that a headache and migraine clinic takes a multidisciplinary tactic to diagnose the ailment and decide the right treatment. It clearly means that the clinic should have a team of experts from different fields, such as neurology, psychology, and nutrition, who work together to provide a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each patient's individual needs. Here, the specialists must pay close attention to the Cluster Headaches Symptoms before deciding the treatment.
Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
Accurate diagnosis is key to effective treatment. A good headache and migraine clinic Ajax should have access to advanced diagnostic techniques, such as MRI, CT scans, and EEGs, to help identify the underlying causes of headaches and migraines.
Individualized Treatment Plans
Once a diagnosis has been made, the headache and migraine clinic should develop an individualized treatment plan that takes into account the patient's unique needs and preferences. This may include a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or biofeedback. The clinic should also provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that the treatment plan is effective and adjusted as needed.
Patient Education and Empowerment
Education and empowerment are key components of effective headache and migraine treatment in and around Ajax. A good clinic should provide patients with information on how to manage their symptoms, avoid triggers, and make lifestyle changes to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines. Additionally, the clinic should empower patients to take an active role in their own care by providing them with tools and resources to track their symptoms, communicate with their healthcare team, and make informed decisions about their treatment. Considering the possible Cluster Headaches Symptoms is also important!
The Conclusion:
When looking for a headache and migraine clinic Ajax, it's important to choose one that follows the most effective methods or path that can help them to provide complete treatment for migraines and headaches. By choosing a clinic with these features, you can be confident that you'll receive expert care and support to manage your headaches and migraines effectively.
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mental-mona · 1 year
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ebuddynews · 2 years
Cluster Headache Its Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment
Cluster Headache Its Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment Here is a brief note on cluster headache to know more, including its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. #clusterheadache #headache #cluster #symptoms #eyepain #chronicillness #klasehodepine #clusterheadachetreatment #clusterheadachesymptoms #clusterheadaches #droopyeyelids #runningnose #histamine #serotonin #stress
Cluster headaches are intense attacks of headache or eye pain. They tend to affect one side of the head, and the pain arises from around or behind the eye. These headaches tend to recur. The cause of cluster headaches is uncertain. Cluster headache can affect anyone but usually young and middle-aged adults. Treatment is limited to pain relievers (pain relievers) and breathing pure oxygen for a…
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airlockfailure · 2 years
Cluster Headaches: What are they and how do I cope with them?
Cluster headaches are called such because they occur in cycles. This means I can go weeks, or months even without pain, but then experience near constant agony when I'm in a cycle. They're believed to be caused by a problem with the hypothalamus, which is responsible for things like your "body clock" or circadian rhythm, hence the cyclical nature of these headaches.
My clusters usually occur in late spring, through summer, and end with the arrival of frost. A beautiful summer day for you is a terrible day for my brain. The higher the humidity, the worse I usually feel, but active storms usually bring relief.
I know a cycle is going to begin because I become incredibly agitated. Emotionally, I may cry the entire time I'm awake, and may wake myself up crying. Physically, I may pace, and thrash, and shudder my muscles to try and relieve the pain I know is coming. (The closer I get to experiencing the actual pain of a cluster headache, I usually become so irritable, I start cursing and throwing things in response to problems I wouldn't bat an eye at outside of a cycle.)
When the pain arrives, it comes with one side of my body (most often the right, but it switches back and forth) becoming red and overheated. My nose clogs up on that side, and my eye weeps. Usually, one side of my mouth produces more saliva than the other, and I may have to urinate more often (I don't always notice this problem). Usually, my lymph nodes react on whichever side of my body is affected, and my joints become very sore and tender.
The pain itself is like a screwdriver, or an iron poker is being driven through my eye/eye socket. This pain is not possible to relieve with NSAIDs or ice packs or heating pads. Although I have found ice is distracting. Distracting from pain is not relieving it.
In the pre-pain irritation stage sound, light, and smell bother me much in the way they might bother someone who experiences migraines. Cluster headaches are not migraines, though. Post irritation full pain stage, sound, light, and smell don't affect the severity of the headache. I WILL be in pain regardless of what external stimuli are around me. I cannot go lay down in a dark room. That makes it WORSE. I need to move. I need to be busy. I need to claw my face off. I will pace. I will deep clean my apartment. I will cook a thousand cookies. I just need some form of physical distraction from OW. Sometimes tapping my knuckles against my skull is enough for a little while (TAPPING, not hitting).
Cluster headaches are sometimes referred to as suicide headaches, because they make you want to take your head off and punt it across the street. They are also called alarm-clock headaches, because the pain is sudden, and wakes you up at night. I have not experienced this. But that may be because people report these headaches waking them between 1 and 3 am and I am usually already awake then.
Cluster cycles, because they are linked to your body clock, do not have triggers. However, alcohol can fuck up your body clock and make you enter a cycle. I do not consume alcohol at all because of this risk. Messing up my sleep schedule does cause me to have cycles more frequently.
The number one affective treatment for an "attack" is to inhale pure oxygen for 15 minutes. Why does this work? Fuck if I know. I don't do this. I'm not lugging portable oxygen with me at work and getting caught on all the machines and mechanisms. You can take anti-seizure meds to try and prevent cycles from happening. Why does this work? Fuck if scientists know! They are injected or inhaled through the nose, and don't work very well anecdotally. You can try nerve blockers for your TMJ nerve (because that mother fucker is somehow involved??!) or try deep brain stimulation. FKSFHFKHSF
So, I do not treat my cluster headaches. I live in agony and wait for autumn and winter to come back and debate moving to the arctic. When I was first diagnosed with cluster headaches, I was on experimental natural medicine. It was based on the ergot fungus, which is now showing even more promise at being affective treatment for cluster headaches.
I'm hoping once I have a new doctor, more will be able to be done to help me. I'm exhausted. But one of my bosses actually did research cluster headaches after I had to leave work and educated himself about them, so that's a win in my book.
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keshav123 · 2 months
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"Tension headache is continuous in nature, like a band around a head, pressure and squeezing in character and will last for few hours to few days, Migraine Headache Treatment, best tension headache treatment in delhi at Neurology and Sleep Centre"
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fred-the-dinosaur · 4 months
I just want to go one month without one of my essential medications being on a Lieferengpässe. (Ie. Not being manufactured and therefore unobtainable) three of my regular 'need this to stay out of the emergency room do not stop this med abruptly meds' are always unavailable.
"oh just take an alternative" there isn't one. "Order from abroad" ok even if I scrounge the money this is the only factory making it in the EU/world
I stockpile when I can and when the Lieferengpässe hits my wife calls up all the pharmacies to get the last ones (not many. Pharmacies don't keep stock here) then I use the buffer and hope it lasts
I just ran out of the one that stops the cluster headaches*
maybe I'll be lucky. But I don't know how long I have until it starts. They're bad enough. But to have them again like this is just. Stupid. And it shouldnt be my problem. German pharmacy company fucking around because they don't make enough profit on rare or old meds should be dealt with by German healthcare company or government. I should not have to do this while, and I repeat, off my medication.
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rachanasharma1028 · 5 months
Why should you consult with a neurologist if the headaches are disturbing your life?:- Is your life frequently disturbed due to migraines or headaches? Are you unable to concentrate on your routine activities due to a headache? If the problem is very serious, you must consider consulting with the best neurologist doctor in Dubai. Read more:- https://www.bestneurologistdubai.com/blog-why-should-you-consult-with-a-neurologist.html
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jameswilly98 · 10 months
Headache treatment in Dubai:-
Neurologist Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma is an expert in identifying and treating neurological conditions. He has a wealth of knowledge in his domain and has treated a variety of illnesses including migraine, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, stroke, and Parkinson's disease. He is committed to giving each of his patient's individualized attention and cutting-edge medical choices. To know more info: https://www.bestneurologistdubai.com/Headache-Treatment-in-Dubai.html
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neurology18 · 2 years
Headache Lack of Sleep
Tension headache is continuous in nature, like a band around a head, pressure and squeezing in character and will last for few hours to few days, best tension headache treatment in delhi at Neurology and Sleep Centre
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Overwritten – Part 6
Azriel x Reader
Summary: After months as his prisoner, Hybern has hijacked your mind, turning you into an enemy of your home, your family, and your mate, Azriel.
Warnings: None
Words: 2,069
Part 6 ∇
A faint drizzle coated the window, blurring the view of the cluster of winding cobble streets and sparkling river that ran through Velaris. It was hard to imagine yourself strolling this city, browsing shopfronts and dining at restaurants, arms linked with your friends, your family, even your mate.
But as impossible as that felt, it had been your life – or so your family told you. You hadn't the faintest idea of your life before Hybern, your favourite past times, music, food, genre of books – all of it was as foreign to you as the people that insisted on helping. But the way they described it, the way they described you, it was clear you had been happy. Overwhelmingly so.
“Does that book not interest you?”
Behind you, Rhys and Feyre stood together, friendly smiles on both their faces as the High Lord wrapped an arm around his mate’s waist. You looked down at the book in your hands, forgetting you had even come here to read.
After many weeks of treatment, seeing their faces and hearing their voices had become more bearable. You were no longer triggered into episodes of violent hysteria that you could not remember, instead a dull headache would throb behind your eyes, but you managed to stay composed, forever fighting those voices in your head.
The journey to come this far had been exhausting and painful, but you were proud to have moved from the medical wing to your own chambers. Outside of the ongoing treatments with Feyre and Mor you were free to explore the townhouse, the library being your favourite sanction despite how often you were too tired to read. The Inner Circle would check in frequently, all except Azriel. As you were told, his presence was too high of a risk to unravel the progress you had made. You tried not to think about how that must hurt him.
Turning to the couple now, you forced yourself to return their smile before clearing your throat. “I’m not sure romance novels have my interest.” Despite her good intentions, Nesta’s taste in books were not something you could indulge in at this time. It took just one chapter for flustered-ridden heat to stain your cheeks, and you were far too shy to explain that to a house of strangers.
Feyre laughed softly, while Rhys’s smile grew to a grin. Your High Lady walked over, gently taking the book from you and instead held your hands in hers. You couldn't help the thud of your heart. While you found Feyre to be the most approachable of them all, her kindness and empathy radiating just as her beauty did, it was hard not to associate her with the physical and mental labour it took to undergo your treatments.
Swallowing thickly, you looked up at your High Lady. “Are we due for another session?” you asked, cursing your child-like vulnerability. You hated being like this.
Feyre smiled softly in return, understanding written all over her face. “No, not today. I actually wanted to invite you to an event. An afternoon tea, tomorrow.”
You cocked your eyebrow, glancing back at your High Lord, who offered a nod of assurance. “Afternoon tea?”
“Yes, at our house by the river.”
Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm your heart’s thunder. “That’s very kind,” you forced yourself to say.
The High Lord and Lady waited for more. You hadn't left the townhouse yet, and the world beyond that was so unfamiliar. What if you were triggered into another episode? Who might get hurt this time? You would hate yourself even more if you harmed any of these kind people again.
Feyre, catching the spiral of thoughts that twisted in your mind, spoke quickly to reassure you. “It will be a small group, Mor, Nesta, Elain and Amren. Just an afternoon with tea and cakes. We would winnow you there and back, and you can leave anytime you want.”
You swallowed as you tried to picture what that must look like. An afternoon tea – with friends. It was hard to imagine yourself talking and laughing amongst them.
“It could be fun,” Rhys added, walking over now.
Looking at Feyre’s hands that still held yours, you didn't want to offended her by rejecting the invitation. Trusting that she always had your best interest at heart, you forced another smile. “I think that would be nice.” Both of them shared a small breath in relief, almost unnoticeable.
“Excellent!” Feyre clapped, before moving to her mate and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I need to check on Nyx, but I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N. Try and get some rest.”
You offered a short smile back before she bounced out of the room, and waited for Rhys to do the same. Instead, he kept his violet eyes fixed on you. There was a moment of silence before you shifted in your seat, uncomfortable under his gaze. “Please don't use your mind magic right now,” you asked softly. Again, so child-like. You were weak still, and all you could do was plead for your own privacy.
“I wouldn't without permission, unless the situation is dire,” he replied calmly.
You nodded, turning your gaze back to the window. You believed him, at this stage you had no reason not to. To your surprise the rain had stopped, but tumbles of grey clouds still plagued the sky, dimming the vibrancy of the outside world.
“I’m curious,” Rhysand spoke, drawing you back to the room. “This is the third day you’ve sat in this chair, staring out of this exact window.”
Your eyes flickered to him, and you tried to hide your annoyance. You knew you were under surveillance – every behaviour, every quirk assessed and judged and analysed. Despite your families best intentions, it was completely alienating, and served as a constant reminder of how dangerous you truly were, and that you could not to be trusted.
Rhys waited for you to respond, his gaze patient, as if he would wait forever until you told him how you truly felt. “It’s a nice view,” you shrugged, not really sure of what else to say.
“The Sidra is spectacular,” he agreed.
“I care more for the shopfronts and restaurants,” you added, nodding your chin to where they splayed miles away.
Rhys cocked an eyebrow, moving to lean against the arm of your chair. “Why’s that?” he asked gently.
You shrugged again, suddenly self conscious. Had you overshared? Or maybe it would be used against you? Did he think you had intentions to harm the people of Velaris, and were plotting from his very home? The breath that left you then was heavy, weighted. How could you convince him, all of them, that you never meant them any harm?
Rhys waited for an answer again, his patience admirable. With a sigh, you gave in. “I suppose… it’s where life beckons.”
You looked up at him now, the High Lord so casual with his arms folded across his chest. His friendliness and ease was not a forced thing, that much you could tell.
“We must have been close friends,” you noted. You could be observant too.
A half-smile formed on his face as he flicked his eyes down to you. “We attended education lessons together. 486 years ago.”
486 years. Gods, knowing how many forgotten memories laid in that span of time made your mind reel. You bought a quick hand to your temple, clenching through the pain as your mind sifted to remember just one of those moments. You drew up blank.
“Shall I ease it?” Rhys offered, his magic serving as useful pain relief these past months.
“No, no. It’s bearable,” you replied, rubbing your temples before blinking your eyes open again. You were well practiced at recovering from the headaches. “Classmates then?” you spoke through a tight jaw.
Rhys’s grin returned, as a wicked memory flashed in his eyes. “You were a bad influence,” he laughed, nudging you in the arm.
“I was?”
“Always trying to convince me to skip class and take you flying instead.”
You let out a small laugh, dropping your head in embarrassment. “Sorry,” was all you could say.
“Don’t be. I didn't need much convincing.”
“Still trying to relive the glory days Rhys?” a gruff voice chimed in from the doorway. Cassian didn't wait for an answer before he walked to the other side of your chair, peering out of the window you all faced. “What are we looking at?”
“I was just telling Y/N about how we used to spend our time outside of our lessons.”
Cassian chuckled with a knowing nod. “I always said you should have been born with wings yourself Y/N. You’re the only non-Illyrian I know who enjoys flying as much as we do.”
You gave Cassian a smile. It was comforting to hear them both speak about you so knowingly. “I’ll admit, it does sound exhilarating.”
“Well, what about a quick flight now?”
You almost gawked at the tall male. You hadn't even left the house yet, could you truly handle something like flying? It was instinct to cast an unknown glance at Rhys, who was already smiling at you.
“You don’t need permission Y/N,” Rhys levelled your look. “Do as you feel comfortable.”
“Besides, you need the fresh air,” Cassian added, his tone teasing.
You bit your lip as you pondered your choices, excitement brewing in your belly – a unique, distinct feeling that called with such familiarity. “Alright,” you said tightly.
Cassian whooped, before extending a formal hand to the door, the other offered to you. “Your flight awaits,” he joked with the wiggle of his eyebrows. If you hadn’t been so nervous, you might have laughed.
Cassian escorted you to the nearby verandah, flexing his wings as he prepared to take off. “I’ll go slow sweetheart, and if at any point you want to stop, just say the word.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as strong arms scooped you from your knees, pulling you tight against his chest.
“Why don't you do the honours. You do remember how to count, right?”
With a roll of your eyes, you began. “One.”
Wings flared then – dark, massive things, their breadth consuming the space around you.
Cassian braced himself, his knees bent for takeoff.
Your words were cut off as you were launched into the sky. You clung tight to Cassian, who laughed freely in your ear. The flap of his wings was faint against the roar of the winds, you hair whipping this way and that.
Cassian speared higher and higher before momentum paid off and he was able to glide.
You dared to look beneath you. The city of Velaris, while faint under the overcast clouds, was still vibrant and bustling, full of life. You took a deep breath, letting the crisp air feel your lungs. Cassian had been right – you did love flying.
“Enjoying yourself?” Cassian spoke loudly, at competition with the winds.
“Very much so!” you yelled back, your smile widening every minute you spent in the air. For who you were now, this was your first time flying. You had never known such exhilarating joy.
Up ahead, rain clouds loomed in threatening darkness. “I’ll have to turn us around,” Cassian spoke, steering his body sideways as he made for a wide turn in the sky. You knew it was a half-excuse, and he likely didn't want to push you physically. But you didn't mind, this wouldn't be your last time flying – that you would make sure of.
Soon enough, Cassian had landed you safely back at the townhouse.
“You look healthier already,” he grinned, flicking your nose. You couldn't help yourself as you rushed at him, wrapping your arms around his waist. Cassian took a moment of surprise before hugging you back, placing a few firm pats on your back.
“Thank you,” you said.
“Anytime sweetheart.”
No longer able to hide the bite of the cold that nipped at you, you pulled away from Cassian, offering him another wide smile before heading inside. He watched you enter the house, his breathing heavy from the exertion of the flight. 
It was heavy enough that he didn't hear the Shadowsinger approach. 
Cassian didn’t have enough time to dodge the scarred fist that swung for his face.
Part 7 >>>
AN: Thank you for all of the kind feedback for this story so far, and I’m sorry this took me so long to get out! Appreciate each and every one of you ❤️ Comment to join the tag list 💕🌙
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headpainmigraine · 11 months
Chronic migraine isn't a headache
I feel like, when we say 'a migraine is not a headache', people think 'it's not just a headache, it's also nausea and vomiting and being groggy' but it's not even that.
Migraine is not a headache, in that you don't have to have a headache to have migraines.
Not that I blame anyone - if you Google 'What is a migraine?', the NHS, Mayo clinic, etc, will always tell you 'migraine is a headache…' with additional add-ons.
Doctors get an entire 4 hours of medical training on 'headache' in their entire 7 years of education. Of course 'migraine is a headache' will be trotted out - headache is the most common symptom, and the one that bothers people the most.
It's understandable, but wrong.
Check out what you get from places with a migraine speciality, like the migraine trust and the national migraine centre:
'Migraine is a disorder of the brain where the nerves become over-stimulated and cause a cascade of chemicals to be released'
'Migraine brains' are easily overstimulated in response to sensory input (light, sounds, movement, smells, etc), of which headache is a product. Also nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to stimuli, vestibular dysfunction, sometimes stroke-like symptoms.
If that sounds a little like a neurodivergency to you, then yeah, it is.
Migraine is not 'a bad headache' and if you're getting them chronically, you should think about seeing a doctor* (or asking them for a referral to a headache doctor, or at least a neurologist)
'Chronic' Migraine is defined by:
at least 15 headache days a month
with 8 having migraine symptoms
for at least 3 months
Otherwise it's 'episodic migraine' (although recent research indicates this defintion might be changing to be less restrictive, based on impact on the individual)
Migraine can become worse and less responsive to treatment the longer they go without treatment, so it's always worth seeing a doctor*, even if you're not having enough to be considered chronic.
Just as you can have migraines without headache, you can also have headaches without migraines that still require treatment. There's a whole host of differential diagnosis for migraine, from tension headache to cluster headache, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, hypertension, sinus disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, and on and on.
NB: Chiari malformations can also mimic migraines sometimes, by causing symptoms that come along with migraines, like neck pain, unsteadiness, dizziness, etc.
Migraines 'not just a headache'? Migraines aren't even a headache.
*usual caveat on seeing doctors; yeah, they cost money (in the US and/or privately elsewhere), long waiting lists, a lot of them A LOT OF THEM are incompetent, YMMV, but it's worth it for migraines.
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Hi! So, I saw that your requests are closed so feel free to like ignore this for now and get to it later (or ignore it completely, of course) but I was just diagnosed with Hortons syndrome/ cluster headaches (also nicknamed “suicide headache” due to how painful it is) and sorry if I’m rambling but I’m feeling more than a bit sorry for myself and self pitying rn, so I just wanted to request your thoughts on how Tan (and possibly Pietro as well) would be in a situation like that, with processing the diagnosis and helping you through the headaches and all that stuff 🥺 just like being really comforting and supportive. And also with treatments bc those include giving yourself injections and I’m really bad with needles
hii angel!! don’t apologise for rambling, that sounds awful and im so sorry you’re going through that!! really do hope this can be of some comfort to you, sending my love and hope you’re doing well 💌
I feel like he'd be very attentive throughout the whole thing — especially at the beginning when you're going to appointments and getting tests run. he knows how nerve-racking and scary it is, so he'd be sure to make you feel supported. he doesn't want you to think you're going through this alone
he does that thing where he holds one of your hands with both of his and holds it to his chin. he'd kiss the back of yours, kinda soothing and distracting you while you wait for your name to be called. or if your leg is jittering, he always places a hand over your knee, steadying you. also he plays with your fingers as another way to distract you while you're in the waiting room. I don't think he's one to talk a whole lot, and he's not sure what to say (he doesn't want to say the wrong thing) so he'd rely on touch to convey his feelings
when your name gets called he stands up as well. he wants to be there so assumes he can come in too, you'd really want him there, so you also assume he'd follow. when the doctor/ whoever is explaining, tan would listen for you in case things weren't setting in. he'd hold your hand, squeeze it, play with it, anything to comfort you while you're getting your diagnosis
maybe he's happy that it has a name and that you now have something to label the pain you've been feeling (medical validation really is validating) while he's also sad for you bc a diagnosis is also a super heavy, weighing feeling. the night you get your diagnosis he's online ordering a bunch of shit for you — a huge selection of cooling and heating creams, high thread count washcloths (also different fabrics to see what you prefer) thick blackout curtains, a new water cooling system to install somewhere discreetly (maybe to have in your room, but it's disguised as furniture) he'd be a little bit extra when ordering and buying everything
he knows you don't like needles so he doesn't want you to give your treatments to yourself (not if he can help anyway) so you'd be in the bathroom, and you'd be sat on the toilet seat lid, rambling to distract yourself as tan cleans his hands and preps the stuff. he says things like "don't look at it, look at me. see, there you go, it's easy. it's nothing. hey, why don't you tell me about that show you're watching, hm? it any good?" and "reckon you'll be good enough to do something later? can watch a film and get a takeaway? sound good?" and "there we go, almost done. right champ you are,"
he's so precious😻
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Let's open with a case report, like we're on an episode of house.
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Case Report
35 yo otherwise well, suddenly presents with 2/52 of high fevers and a headache (usually this means > 39)
a/w chills and rigours, responsive to medication/presumably panadol and intermittent (would resolve then come back)
no respiratory symptoms
She had neutrophilia and intrestingly, a CRP of merely 30.
CXR revealed nonspecific consolidation in 2 lobes, they followed this up with a CT revealing pretty impressive ground glass opacities (or GGOs)
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She was empirically treated on IV tazocin only (I'm used to atypical coverage empirically started if there's even a whiff of resp, which she may not have had symptoms but her CXR confirms this)
eventually she was on referred to the authors, who felt her CT findings with consistent with psittacosis and treated her with doxycycline which resolved her symptoms in 48 hrs
on further history, it was revealed that she had parrots at home, one had died 2 days preceding her symptoms and she was sleeping next to its body at night (crazy)
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What is it:
psittacosis is a zoonoses (transmitted by animals, animals = reservoirs), in this case, transmitted by birds. Orthinoses if birds in general, but psittacosis if referred to macaws, parrots etc. YOu can also catch it from chickens and turkeys.
Some what related is Bird fancier's lungs. Which just sounds fancy.. I'm sure it's just an old term.
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Bird fancier's lung refers to a hypersensitivty pneumonitis (ILD) caused by bird exposure. DIfferent disease process, but birds is the come denominator. INhaled bird particles
Psittacosis specifically refers to the infective disease process caused by a bacteria. It was 'identified" or reported in the 1870s, when a cluster of 7 swiss patients developed the same symptoms and found to have possessed tropical birds.
Similarly, in the 1930s there was an outbreak in the US with a mortality of up to 20% (80% in pregnant women), also attributed to parrots from South America.
Eventually, with further scientific development, the causative pathogen was identified as chlamydia psittaci, an atypical intracellular organism.
Psittacosis is a significant differential to consider in community acquired pneumonia as it has a high mortality if left untreated. But it is rare, and causes about 1% of cases in the US. Part of this is due to improved hygiene practices and strict importation guidelines of tropical birds.
It's spread through the inhalation of dust with either dried faeces or respiratory secretions from infected birds.
Clinical features
Variable! but the key thing on history is birds
incubation time can be anywhere from 2 days to 20
Flu-like (fevers/chills/myalgias/arthralgias/malaise/headache)
high fevers is key
respiratory symptoms - does not always present as per the case report, and can be mild on spectrum (dry cough) to more severe
if systemic, can also get photophobia, deafness and epistaxis
Rare (particularly where doxycycline or azith are prescribed at a low threshold): hepatosplenomegaly (look out for LFTs), GI symptoms (remember CAP can present with diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting --> always do a CXR)
even rarer: endocarditis or myocarditis, encephalitis or hepatitis (usually the complications of untreated disease)
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Increased risk groups:
pet shop owners
bird owners
zoo, lab workers where birds are kept, vets, avian quarantine station workers
poultry handlers/workers
So ask if they live or work with birds, or had recent exposure.
serology is gold standard - so looking for antibodies in blood tests
it's intracellular - so hard to culture if even possible on standard blood cultures
elevated ESR/CRP may see LFT derangement and creatinine rise in systemic illness
CXR- usually lower lobe changes, if CT is done, you can get pulmonary infiltrates with GGOs
usual culprits for atypical coverage: azithromycin 3 days or doxycycline 100 mg BD for 14/7
always broad if systemic features only (also consider IE and other causes of sepsis)
with resp symptoms - legionella, Q fever, mycoplasma, tularaemia (except for tularaemia, the rest are also covered by doxycycline)
In clinical practice, I'm so used to just having atypicals on board for any cases of atypical pneumonia. I really take it for granted. But will consider this differential more myself in cases of PUO - but I feel like there should be at least CXR findings regardless.
Anyway, prognosis is very good so long as it is treated.
CDC guidelines
Case Report: Importance of Clinical history in Psittacosis
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torterracotta · 6 months
What level of "constantly switching between swearing and wanting to cry" lower back pain every time I move justifies seeking medical treatment?
Context: I live in America.
Further context: Autism and chronic cluster headaches have completely fucked my sense of pain perception to the point where I almost never notice anything that's *not* a cluster.
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capitalhospital · 2 months
In this article we will take you on a tour through the complexities of cluster headaches. Learn about cluster headaches, including their symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and effective treatments. Capital Super Speciality Hospital's thorough guide goes into the nuances of this neurological disorder, giving vital information for individuals looking to better appreciate the problems it brings. Stay informed and empowered, and you'll come across a variety of information that can help. Don't miss out on reading the entire article right now!
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