nuppu-nuppu · 4 months
This feels weird to say but I feel like I'm possessed by a happy person 0_0 like because of the ect treatment, I actually feel so much better but it feels so unreal because I haven't felt okay in so long (like years) but now I suddenly am a person again?????
This is a message for all of you who feel like there's no hope, I swear it will get better someday
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bekandrew · 5 months
Surgery went well. Had a scare that meant I had to go to the ER to get it checked out to be sure, but it turned out okay (body cannot help but be dramatic, I guess lol) and the ER staff was very kind about it. Very excited to have my implant installed and working already. It's such a relief to have my body a bit more functional and easier to manage even with the current post-surgical pain.
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mckitterick · 2 years
from the What Could Possibly Go Wrong files
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from Popular Mechanics: X
brain stimulation can influence parts of the brain that drive morals and cognition. we can become fairer, smarter, more self-controlled, more positive, more caring, and even more transcendent if we tweak our so-called “virtues control panel”
neuromodulation can be done externally, by sending electrical currents or magnetic waves directly to parts of the brain from the outside (transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation), or, more invasively, by implanting brain-computer interfaces - chips in the brain that control how you think and feel
so hacking the brain to reconfigure personality is becoming a thing. could be great, right? but what could possibly go wrong?
there's today's writing prompt
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headpainmigraine · 1 year
So, recent appointment with my neuro was... helpful.
Apparently I’ve tried everything (???) and they don’t know what to do with me now.
They’re going to talk to the multidisciplinary clinic to see if any treatment ideas come out of that, otherwise I’m looking at ‘invasive neuromodulation’, that is, an implanted device in the base of my skull/top of my spine that will modulate the pain receptors.
Apparently some people see good results?
Literally don’t care about having the surgery, I’m more worried that it’s not going to work.
Just tired.
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mental-mona · 13 days
This is similar to Cefaly, but much more affordable.
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Neue Hoffnung durch Wissenschaft: Wie moderne Neuromodulation Depressionen erfolgreich bekämpft
Die Dunkelheit lichtet sich – Neuromedizin als Hoffnungsschimmer gegen Depression. In einer Welt, in der die Zahlen für Depression stetig steigen, brechen neue Neuromodulationstechniken wie Sonnenaufgänge durch die Schwere psychischer Krankheiten. Warum ist das so bemerkenswert? Depressionen sind komplex und tief verwurzelt in der Neurochemie, doch die herkömmliche Pharmakotherapie wirkt nicht…
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yashmedica · 23 days
Cervical Dystonia: Understanding Treatment Options & Market Trends (2024 Update)
Everything about Cervical Dystonia! Explore treatment options, latest market trends, advancements, and top companies shaping the future of cervical dystonia management
Cervical Dystonia: A Look at the Market and Treatment Options Cervical dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary contractions of the neck muscles. These contractions cause the head to twist, tilt, or turn to one side, often causing significant pain and discomfort. While the exact cause of cervical dystonia remains unknown, it…
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Descubre cómo los neuromoduladores pueden transformar tu experiencia de tratamiento del dolor
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Los neuromoduladores podrían ser la clave para mejorar tu calidad de vida y decirle adiós al dolor que te acompaña siempre. Hoy en día, el papel fundamental que desempeñan los neuromoduladores en las unidades de gestión del dolor es vital. Veamos cómo la neuromodulación en Sevilla puede transformar tu experiencia de tratamiento.
¿Cómo funcionan los neuromoduladores en la gestión del dolor?
Los neuromoduladores son sustancias o dispositivos que actúan sobre el sistema nervioso para modular o regular la actividad neuronal. En el contexto de la gestión del dolor, estos pueden ser medicamentos o dispositivos implantables que interfieren con las señales de dolor antes de que lleguen al cerebro, proporcionando alivio a aquellos que sufren de dolor crónico.
Beneficios clave de los neuromoduladores en la gestión del dolor
1. Interrupción de señales de dolor
Uno de los principales beneficios de los neuromoduladores es su capacidad para interrumpir las señales de dolor antes de que lleguen al cerebro. Esto significa que, en lugar de tratar los síntomas una vez que se han manifestado, se aborda la causa subyacente del dolor.
2. Menos efectos secundarios que medicamentos tradicionales
En comparación con algunos medicamentos para el dolor, los neuromoduladores a menudo tienen menos efectos secundarios sistémicos. Al actuar de manera más específica en el sistema nervioso, se minimizan los impactos indeseados en otras áreas del cuerpo.
3. Adaptabilidad al paciente
Los neuromoduladores pueden adaptarse a las necesidades individuales de cada paciente. Los médicos pueden ajustar la dosis o la configuración de los dispositivos implantables para optimizar la efectividad del tratamiento.
4. Enfoque integral
Al abordar las señales de dolor en su origen, los neuromoduladores ofrecen un enfoque integral para la gestión del dolor. Esto significa que se puede lograr un alivio duradero y sostenible, en lugar de simplemente tratar los síntomas de manera temporal.
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Tipos comunes de neuromoduladores utilizados en la gestión del dolor
Medicamentos antiepilépticos
Algunos medicamentos antiepilépticos, como la gabapentina o la pregabalina, se utilizan como neuromoduladores para controlar el dolor nervioso.
Estimulación de la médula espinal
La estimulación de la médula espinal implica el implante de electrodos que envían señales eléctricas para bloquear las señales de dolor antes de que lleguen al cerebro.
Bombas de infusión
Las bombas de infusión implantables administran medicamentos directamente al espacio que rodea la médula espinal, ofreciendo alivio focalizado y reduciendo la necesidad de medicamentos orales.
Estimulación cerebral profunda
En casos selectos, la estimulación cerebral profunda puede ser una opción. Se implantan electrodos en áreas específicas del cerebro para modular la actividad neuronal.
Transforma tu experiencia de tratamiento del dolor con neuromoduladores
Los neuromoduladores representan una opción innovadora y efectiva para aquellos que buscan mejorar su calidad de vida a través de la gestión del dolor en Sevilla. Al centrarse en la modulación de las señales de dolor en lugar de simplemente suprimir los síntomas, estos tratamientos ofrecen beneficios significativos y una mayor adaptabilidad a las necesidades individuales.
Si estás explorando enfoques avanzados para la gestión del dolor en Sevilla, considera discutir con tu profesional de la salud la posibilidad de incorporar neuromoduladores en tu plan de tratamiento. La tecnología y la investigación continúan avanzando, brindando esperanza y opciones a aquellos que buscan alivio del dolor crónico.
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digitalcreationsllc · 5 months
LockBit Ransomware Group Alleges LivaNova PLC Data Breach
LivaNova PLC, a prominent US-based healthcare device manufacturer specializing in neuromodulation devices and cardiopulmonary products, has allegedly fallen victim to a malicious cyberattack orchestrated by the notorious LockBit ransomware group. The LivaNova data breach attack was detected on December 9, 2023, and the information was made public on the same day. LockBit ransomware group, a…
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wellandable · 5 months
Neuroscientific Painmodulation with Lars Avemarie
This two-day courseNeuroscientific Painmodulation: A Cutting-Edge Course for Pain Management Join internationally renowned educator Lars Aveamarie in Kamloops, BC, on June 8th and 9th for a transformative two-day course tailored to healthcare professionals treating individuals with pain complaints. Are you an RMT, PT, Chiro, Trainer, or involved in any field where helping people alleviate pain is paramount? Then, seize this unparalleled opportunity to learn from Lars, an esteemed Danish Physical Therapist who will delve into the latest advancements in neuroscientific pain modulation. Drawing on his vast experience and in-depth knowledge, Lars will guide participants through a comprehensive exploration of evidence-based techniques and strategies. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into cutting-edge research, innovative treatment modalities, and practical applications within the burgeoning field of pain management. You will discover how to incorporate neuroscientific principles into your practice through engaging lectures and interactive discussions. Uncover the intricate mechanisms of pain perception, explore neurophysiology, and develop a nuanced understanding of the brain-body connection. This course is designed to enhance and refine your skill set, enabling you to assess and address pain complaints across various patient populations effectively. Emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach, Lars will empower you to create tailored treatment plans that encompass the latest advancements in neuroscience and rehabilitation. Whether you seek to expand your knowledge or stay at the forefront of cutting-edge pain management techniques, the Neuroscientific Painmodulation course is for you. Don't miss this opportunity to learn directly from Lars Aveamarie, an esteemed international educator, and elevate your practice to new heights.
Neuroscientific Painmodulation with Lars Avemarie
in Kamloops, BC
June 8, 9 2024
Neuroscientific Pain Modulation is an innovative two-day course focusing on pain research and pain modulation. With citations of well over 500 scientific peer-reviewed
articles, the research, modulation, and rehabilitation.
Course objectives and learning outcomes:
• Learn an updated approach to the treatment of pain that you can immediately apply in your clinical practice that reinforces and enhances the approach you already use
• Learn a thorough and in-depth review of the many different factors which modulates pain, as a strong and fundamental starting point for an updated approach to the rehabilitation of people living with pain
• Learn to convey and explain the latest neuroscience knowledge about pain to patients. Through the use of images and metaphors in an easy and understandable way, reducing the risk pain catastrophizing, a typical risk factor for patients with pain
• Learn the latest pain research and gain an in-depth understanding of the complexity of pain and the many factors that modulate your patients' pain experience
• Learn a scientific and principle-based approach to the treatment of all diagnoses where pain is the cardinal symptom, where pain is the patient’s predominant symptom
• Get an in-depth and detailed review of the most used modalities within pain management, an innovative guide to choosing modalities and a current and updated model for clinical reasoning in pain rehabilitation.
Neuroscientific pain modulation is a scientific and principle-based approach to the treatment of diagnoses where pain is the cardinal symptom, i.e. all diseases and musculoskeletal problems where pain is the predominant patient complaint.
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rehab-modalities · 6 months
Seamless Progress: Exploring the Continuum of Neurorehabilitation with VIBRAMOOV
Early Stimulation of the sensory system… Vibramoov technologies offer healthcare professionals a unique opportunity to preserve & enhance sensory-motor functions of patients suffering from motor …
Read more here https://bit.ly/40A7rlC 
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bekandrew · 6 months
the new test implant works so well I can literally tell when it's lost connection from its remote (because I accidentally left it in the other room while distracted by whatever I'm doing, whoops) because The Symptoms will return and I'll start feeling like shit. And then Symptoms will go away again shortly after reestablishing the connection.
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iloveenya · 7 months
This treatment could be the thing that makes my constant pain easier to bear. Any help is appreciated!
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medicalroute · 7 months
Let talk about epilepsy a little? What’s the new treatment options that dealing with the headstrong epilepsy. Epilepsy is the the health issue that impacts thousands around the world every year. When it’s begin, the patients will have some difficulty behave in their body like seizures. Seizures type linked which areas in the brain has abnormal electrical activity. Our brain dose it’s functions by neurons that send information to each other by electrical signals. When the electrical system abnormal, it leads abnormal behaviour in some areas in the body. Click to know more about type of epilepsy seizures. At this stage. We have to control to the abnormal electricity in the brain. But sometimes it’s not easy. Some people who suffering with headstrong epilepsy may need a surgery called epilepsy surgery or vagal nerve stimulation. Epilepsy surgery can be performed when it’s not possible to control epilepsy’s seizures by medicine. Doctors in the neurology department who specialised in epilepsy determine that the type of epilepsy will not be treat by medicine which they have to remove the portion of the brain that produce seizures. To book appointment for epilepsy surgery you can click for contact. Some patients may suitably for vagal nerve stimulation. When it’s not possible to do the epilepsy surgery or just determined that the case will be controlled by stimulation, the neurology department will convert the patient to the neurosurgeon who specialises with neuromodulation. Clink to book appointment for neurosurgery.
دعونا نتحدث عن الصرع قليلا؟ ما هي خيارات العلاج الجديدة التي تتعامل مع الصرع العنيد؟ الصرع هو مشكلة صحية تؤثر على الآلاف حول العالم كل عام. عندما يبدأ الأمر، سيواجه المرضى بعض الصعوبة في التصرف في أجسادهم مثل النوبات. يرتبط نوع النوبات بالمناطق الموجودة في الدماغ التي لديها نشاط كهربائي غير طبيعي. يقوم دماغنا بوظائفه عن طريق الخلايا العصبية التي ترسل المعلومات لبعضها البعض عن طريق الإشارات الكهربائية. عندما يكون النظام الكهربائي غير طبيعي، فإنه يؤدي إلى سلوك غير طبيعي في بعض مناطق الجسم. انقر لمعرفة المزيد عن نوع نوبات الصرع. في هذه المرحلة. علينا السيطرة على الكهرباء غير الطبيعية في الدماغ. لكن في بعض الأحيان ليس الأمر سهلاً. قد يحتاج بعض الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الصرع الشديد إلى إجراء عملية جراحية تسمى جراحة الصرع أو تحفيز العصب المبهم. يمكن إجراء جراحة الصرع عندما لا يكون من الممكن السيطرة على نوبات الصرع بالأدوية. يقرر أطباء قسم الأعصاب المتخصصون في مرض الصرع أن نوع الصرع لن يعالج بالدواء الذي يتعين عليهم إزالة الجزء من الدماغ الذي يسبب النوبات. لحجز موعد لجراحة الصرع يمكنك الضغط على زر الاتصال. قد يكون من المناسب لبعض المرضى تحفيز العصب المبهم. عندما لا يكون من الممكن إجراء جراحة الصرع أو يتم تحديد أنه سيتم السيطرة على الحالة عن طريق التحفيز، يقوم قسم الأعصاب بتحويل المريض إلى جراح الأعصاب المتخصص في التعديل العصبي. رابط لحجز موعد لجراحة المخ والأعصاب.
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mental-mona · 2 months
I've been using Nerivio for migraine relief for something like 2 years now, and for prevention for about a month. Used acutely, it helps a lot with pain relief but not as much with pain and vertigo. Used preventively, it's actually reduced my migraine frequency significantly, even more than a med change alone.
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deinheilpraktiker · 11 months
Bestimmte Gehirnnetzwerke könnten potenzielle Ziele für Neuromodulationstherapien zur Behandlung von Depressionen sein Eine neue Studie, die den Ort der Hirnverletzung mit dem Ausmaß der Depression bei Patienten nach der Verletzung in Verbindung bringt, hat zwei unterschiedliche Gehirnnetzwerke identifiziert; eine ging mit verstärkten Depressionssymptomen einher und eine mit verminderten Depressionssymptomen. Die groß angelegte Studie, die von Forschern der University of Iowa Health Care durchgeführt wurde, baut auf früheren Erkenntnissen auf und legt nahe, dass diese Gehirnnetzwerke p... #Antidepressivum #Bildgebung #Depression #Forschung #Gehirn #Gehirnstimulation #Gesundheitspflege #Kopfverletzung #Medizin #Neurologie #Neuromodulation #Neurowissenschaften #OKT #Psychiatrie #Psychische_Gesundheit #Schädel_Hirn_Trauma #Schlaganfall #Tiefenhirnstimulation #Transkranielle_Magnetstimulation
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