snaildotexe · 1 year
beware.. I will be rambling
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I have been excited about VR, AR, and MR tech for a long time- since I was a kid. I would consider myself a VR enthusiast! But I don't know anyone else irl whos as excited about it as I am, and I HAVE to talk about it. Especially with the recent developments, the Panasonic fused lenses, the Bigscreen Beyond, all the new full body tracking options, THE APPLE VISION PRO???
I wasn't sure if I wanted to post long ramblings about VR on my coding blog since I wanted this to be more strictly about coding projects, programming tips, and coding/study motivation.
But I seem to have forgotten that my love for VR tech was the literal reason I had even decided to major in software engineering. But right now, my "VR enthusiast self" and "software student self" feel so distant from each other. I just feel like my skills don't really align the way I want them to. I haven't even worked on any VR-related projects yet. I want to "connect" these two sides to align better with my career goals.
So posting about cool VR stuff once in a while will be my motivation, my *codespo*. (Also, I figured there may be some techy people following me here that are also interested in VR stuff.) And hopefully I'll be posting about my own vr projects and stuff too!
but mostly i just wanna talk about how excited i am for smaller headsets with wider FOV and how cool it would be to have like, your entire PC setup all in vr and stuff.
So,, vr ramblings coming soon
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chiseld · 5 years
“I personally made the choice that I only mentor women. And, as of late, I also offer to mentor underrepresented minorities. But white guys can forget it. Because they’re not the ones who need it most.”
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coiteoirstudies · 6 years
11 Questions ... again 😚
I was tagged by @busy-with-books thank you very much   ☺️ ☺️
rules: answer these 11 questions, make up some more, and tag 11 people!
1.Do you eat sth while you’re eating or not?
... not really sure what this means tbh ... but I do love food
2. Studying early in the morning or late at night?
late at night, I am not a morning worker
3. Do you listen songs in your own language or in foreign languages generally?
I usually listen to songs in English, but occasionally I listen to songs in Irish
4. When do you go to bed on weekdays?
anywhere between 12am and 2am 
5. Do you have mathematical intelligence or verbal-linguistic intelligence?
... I’d go with verbal-linguistic, but not in learning a language but with reading, writing, analysing type of stuff
6. Dogs or cats?
I have a dog atm, but I had a ca before that...I can’t really pick
7. Do you have siblings? How old are them?
nope. it’s just me
8. Are you happy with your school?
I’ll be honest, I’m not really happy with the university in Germany, it’’s just so different to my home university and that with the culture shock is almost too much to handle. I do love my college at home, it’s in a village, a literal village, I really love Ireland sometimes
9. If you had a chance, what would you increase in the world?
probably housing, in Ireland (and many other countries) there’s a massive housing crisis and I’d love for that to be fixed.
10. Taking risks or not?
that depends on the risk... but maybe
11. Studying in library or no?
nope. unfortunately the library in my university (in the village) is too small for the number of students, so there’s no desks, and it can be too loud to concentrate. So I go in get my books and scadaddle back to my place or a college cafeteria (amazingly they’re quieter)
My Questions
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? 
When was the last time you climbed a tree?
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for?
What skill would you like to master?
What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
Where would your dream place to build a house be?
Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?
What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
What’s your favorite genre of book or movie?
How often do you people watch?
What’s the best single day/date on the calendar?
I Tagged
@clumsystudies @studispace @pinkpensandpaper @appleteablr @studying-is-highlight-of-my-life @icecream-studiess @educationforthenation @codespo @uvstudies @13-reasons-to-study @studyatrium 
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amandaswork · 7 years
Tag Game
tagged by @muzikgurl3
rules: answer the questions + tag 20 followers you would like to know better.
1. Name: Amanda
2. Nicknames: Munda
3. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
4. Height: 5 ft 6
5. Orientation: Straight
6. Nationality: Filipino - Canadian
7. Favourite Fruit: Cantaloupe, mango 
8. Favourite Season: FALL
9. Favourite Book: Heroes of Olympus series
10. Favourite Movies: STAR TREK, anything marvel or Christopher Noland 
11. Favourite Scent: The smell of Home Depot LOL 
12. Favourite Color: pastel blue and purple 
13. Favourite Animal: DOGGOS and elephants are pretty majestic 
14. Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocolate 
15. Average hours of sleep: 7 to 8 hours
16. Favourite Fictional Character: Dana Scully, Leonard “Bones” Mccoy 
17. Number of blankets to sleep with: one
18. Dream Trip: Bali 
19. Blog created: 2017 (but i have other blogs that i started way earlier)
20. Number of Followers: 255
21. Random fact: I have been to Africa twice (Ghana and Uganda) 
I’ll tag: @owlscholar @mangosstudy @gloomstudy @ghosty-studies @rose-coloured-studies @go-study-nana @teaformestudies @startscholar @eatstudycoffeerepeat @solving-equations @codespo @studylume @caffeinatedsana @minhstudies @ardelstudycoffee @studyorg @mbstudies @undergradnerd @passthepens @theverygentlebee
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overthinkingdev · 7 years
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First entry
Let's begin with who I am. My name is Yoshua Alfaro, I'm a computer science major with a huge passion about videogames. The main reason why I got in this major was because I used to like videogames so much that I wanted to learn how to make my own. So I did, it took me more than expected but I'm pretty much done with my credits and I'm currently working towards my thesis(I know, it's only a bachelor's degree why would I need a thesis? Well that's how it works here in Mexico(I'm mexican btw)).My experience doing games started making mods to the game Tibia when it was really popular, I started working on custom maps for it and starting to learn this script language called Lua, that was like my first approach at doing something close to game development, but to be honest I was so young I didn't really knew what I was doing until I actually learned how to program. After that I took my first course in design and programming of video games here at my university, I didn't know what to expect but there I met my favorite teacher of all times and also the best course I've ever had of something I like. There I developed three games, one was a modified Asteroids in this framework called LÖVE, I also made a modification of a mario bros in Phaser( spoiler: I love Phaser) and the last one was a game which had the intention to make young people (from the age of 15 to 18) be more attracted to reading, using this thing called gamification and I ended up developing that game and even making a paper  about what we were doing and presenting it in a small conference of human-computer interaction.
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After that I took a small break in making games, but now I'm working on this project which you'll be reading about.
The name of the game is not yet decided but here we'll call it Car Car Revolution 2017.
Car Car Revolution 2017 is a game made to replace a driving test about all kind of situations that would happen in a city while driving, especially in a city as big as mine (Mexico City). Using gamification we want to take what would be an exam and make it a fun experience where you'll have to make decisions in the game and when you're done with all the levels from the game it would mean you're ready to put yourself in a car. *Note: this is not a driving simulator, this just means you should be able to take rational and conscious decisions in real life as in the game, if you just decide one day is totally ok to go at 300 km/h we can’t guess you’ll do that (or maybe we will at some point..).
Right now I'm done with making a paper prototype and we've tested some basic mechanics there, mostly what will be on this first digital prototype, we've also been through like two or three iterations for the game design per se, but we've got more work to do (me and my project manager(?)/thesis advisor).
Anyways, I'm gonna end this entry here and I'll see you around, I'm gonna keep writing this blog until I'm done with this game. Hope this helps someone through the same path of making a game by yourself. Don't give up. Stay strong. Eat your vegetables. You know the drill...
See ya.
Credits for my cover image and profile pic go to my girlfriend @codespo​
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chiseld · 5 years
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chiseld · 5 years
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chiseld · 6 years
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“Life is a series of building, testing, changing and iterating.”
This was my Momentum quote this morning - very appropriate, thanks Momentum!
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