#communication knife au
monsterritory · 5 months
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Hello @box-architecture I love your AUs very much ^u^. I am very normal and don't bite at all, I just wanna talk about CK AU. It lives in my head rent free
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box-architecture · 2 months
The bedroom door opened with a loud thud.
"Get up" Punz said bluntly.
The massive pile of blankets and sheets that made up the master bed didn't move. Sam couldn't find the energy. He wasn't sure he wanted to, anyway.
"Sam," Punz said, and pulled the blankets off his face in one sharp tug. Sam winced, but the room was dark, save for a few lit candles. Still, he didn't move.
"Don't make me carry you." Punz sighed. Sam gave a grumbling chirp and dragged himself to the floor, taking the majority of the blankets with him in his efforts. The open air made him shiver, and every movement sent his nerves alight with remnants of pain, not as bad as it had been a few hours before, but enough to make him whimper.
"Here," gentle hands untangled him from the sheets, save for a single one, which was draped over his figure. "Let's go to the bath. I'll draw you some warm water and get some fresh sheets. You've soaked these through, Sam."
Sam let himself be led onto warm tiles and into the tub. Punz fiddled with the knobs until the water came out warm, then papped Sam's cheek.
"I'm going to go clean up, then I'll join you, okay?" He murmured. Sam whined and leaned into the hand even as it slipped away, chasing its affection. Punz left the room, leaving Sam with only the sound of the running water.
Eventually it was deep enough for Sam to shut off. He sunk until the water was up to his nose, basking in the all consuming warmth that tended to his aching bones. Being warm was good. He liked being warm. He let his foggy mind empty of all thought, just for a moment.
Sam's eyes opened slightly (when had he closed them?) and spotted Punz at the edge of the tub. They stripped, tossed their clothes carelessly to the side, and waded and sat down. Wordlessly, they opened their arms.
All aches and pains were ignored in Sam's eagerness to take their offer. Punz gave the best hugs, the kind that made you feel compressed and grounded after days of floating in the air. Sam practically launched himself through the water, he swam until he collapsed on top of Punz with a small oof.
"Hi, Big Guy" Punz smiled at him, a bit teasing, but real, and Sam chirred in response. He loved it when Punz smiled at him. He loved his Punz.
Punz hummed and grabbed a bottle of shampoo to begin scrubbing at the mess that was Sam's hair. Sam didn't make it easy, he wanted to cling to Punz and bury his face in their neck, which meant they had to angle it weirdly, but for once they didn't complain, instead taking the time to be as thorough as possible. It was nice. It was incredibly nice. Punz's fingers felt good on his scalp.
When Punz was satisfied, they grabbed a cup off the shelf and filled it with water. They dumped it carefully over his head to wash the soap out, not letting a single drop spill into his face (not getting water on the face was an important technique, but Sam's foggy mind couldn't quite recall why.)
"There we go," Punz sounded satisfied. "Hairs done."
Yes it was, Sam agreed sleepily. It was all done. Now it was out of the bath time-
A soapy hand began to scrub at his pelt. No, that was wrong. Not that he didn't like the feeling of Punz's hands there but. That wasn't Punz's job. Punz didn't scrub his flank, Dream did.
He shuffled, discontented. Where was Dream? Why wasn't Dream in the tub? Dream was supposed to scrub him there and scold Sam for being dirty and never get his face wet, ever-
Sam made a low, wounded noise. Punz paused.
Tears forced their way out of his eyes, falling down the slope of his nose and dripping on Punz's neck. He knew why Dream wasn't here.
Punz startled as the first sob escaped Sam's throat. It was was ugly, choked thing, mangled in an attempt to keep it inside. It was quickly followed by more, equally as hideous, but louder. He could feel their grip tighten, hear the panic in their voice as they asked what was wrong, but he couldn't, he couldn't, they'd hate him, but he was sorry.
The story came out between sobs and wails. Dream had just been trying to help, Punz had been gone and Sam was sick and everything hurt, and Sam hated it. He hated the pain, it was bad and wrong and all sorts of terrible, and Dream had tried to make it better, but Sam had been Mad and he lashed out and growled and said mean things that caused Dream to throw himself back, looking fearful and hurt. He saw, he saw the way he looked, like he had ripped his heart to pieces, even if Dream covered it up with a steely look. He told Sam to call him if he needed anything, then he left Sam alone. And when Sam stopped being so angry at the pain the devastation hit, the realization that he had ruined everything forever and ever. Dream left because Sam had been Bad and he wasn't coming back and would never let Sam box him again, and Punz would hate him and never hug him or call him a Good Boy ever again. He had ruined everything. Ruined. Awful. Destroyed. His body hurt and his head hurt and everything was going to always be bad-
Sam hadn't heard Punz calling his name, but he did feel the way they shook him, the cold water splashed lightly on his back as the facet was turned on. He yelped, scooting away from the cold and back into Punz's arms.
"Okay. There we go. You back with me?" Punz asked. They turned the tap off and wiped Sam's cheek with the pad of their thumb. He nodded mutely.
"Good." They knocked their foreheads together. They were being so gentle. "Now, first of all: I already know about the thing with Dream. He called me and asked me to come back so I could check on you."
Sam shrunk a little, but Punz refused to let him escape their arms.
"I'm not mad. You shouldn't have yelled at Dream; that was wrong. But you know that, and you're not well right now, and you can apologize once you are well. He understands why you were upset, and so do I."
Punz huffed. "If he didn't leave you over all the stuff he should have left you over, he isn't going to leave you over this. He just went out to get dinner; he'll be back tonight."
Sam tried very hard to process all of this. He was so exhausted, from the crying, and from being sick, but Punz said Dream would come back, and Punz always told him the truth, no matter how brutal. So it was okay. Things would be okay. Nothing was ruined.
He was having trouble keeping his head up.. Punz pressed their lips together. "Here, let's get out of the bath now."
He helped Sam ease his way out, toweling off and turning on the full body fan for Sam's pelt. Sam tried not to lean too heavily on them as they led him back into the bedroom. He sat patiently on the floor and watched Punz add new bedding and pillows to the mattress, and when they coaxed him up, he went without fuss, letting Punz tuck him up like a burrito. He only protested when they attempted to leave.
"Stay?" He begged, and they paused, before coming back. The mattress bounced as they sat down and scooted up next to him. They wiggled inside the burrito and pressed themselves against him.
"It's going to be okay, Sam" they said quietly. Soothing circles were being rubbed down his back. "You're still my good boy."
He gave a high pitched warble and extended all his limbs until Punz was thoroughly hugged. He was Punz's good boy.
It was late, and Sam had been very deep asleep. A creak of the door had Sam on the edge of awareness, and when footsteps came close to the bed, Sam growled and pulled the body in his arms close. If the intruder was a Threat, it would not get his Partner.
The intruder sat on the mattress. Sam's growls increased when a hand touched the blanket burrito, but a soft, familiar laugh broke the tension, and Sam stopped growling to scent the air.
Forest. Rainwater. Dream.
Immediately he broke out into delighted chirps. Partner! Partner was here. Now he had both partners and they were safe inside the box.
"Hi, Sam" Dream said, and even if it was dark, Sam knew he was smiling. "Are you feeling better?"
Sam purred loudly. He was much better now that his partners were here.
"I'm glad. I stored some food for you to eat later, and I'm going to set a water bottle right here. Make sure to drink it."
He got off the mattress, and instantly Sam whined. Dream shouldn't leave. He should come into the blanket burrito with Punz so Sam could have them both.
"You're still sick, Sam. Punz shouldn't even be in there with you."
Sam warbled a protest. Dream sighed, and sat back down to hug the burrito.
"I'll cuddle with you after you stop being sick, I promise."
He didn't like that, but he knew that was the best he was going to get. He nuzzled Punz, which made him feel a little better.
"I love you, Sammy," Dream squeezed the burrito and got up. "And if you're awake enough to hear, I love you Punz."
Punz gave a muffled mrph.
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sunshine-in-a-bottle · 10 months
hi suds!!! can i ask what's up with untitled document number 4 and punz has a knife??
Lays down. Hi Lo. Did you know that I have So Many WIPS actually for my Dragon Age Dream au. It's so fucking bad I am actively drowning in ideas. That specific untitled document is supposed to be his chess game with Techno and they're going to TALK and have FEELINGS and BE FRIENDS and I struggled a bit to get a feel for Techno in this universe and what being him would Mean here, and I'm getting a clearer picture, but there were other parts of the au that needed to be written, so I decided to hold off on it before finishing. Plus writing Philza’s chapters helps a lot with worldbuilding on his end.
"Ah, cmon, Phil, now you're not even trying anymore." Dream perked up, slipping out the door and into the Skyhold gardens. He'd been here only twice since they had settled, but each time looked far cleaner than the last. It was thrilling, having progress be so visible. Tangible.  He let himself twirl, disguising it as observing his surroundings, before approaching the area where his Commander and Knight Enchanter sat. "I'm getting a little worn out, Techno; we've been playing for hours." "It's only been four games, Philza. I think you just don't want to lose again." "That's not it-" Philza groaned, before spotting Dream watching from a pillar. "Dream! You're here. You know how to play chess, right?" Dream eyed the chessboard. The pieces were incredibly fancy, gilded on a marble board. Techno's personal set? "I've played before." "Excellent. I've got some things to take care of in the kitchens today, so why don't you take over for me?" Philza was already out of his chair before Dream could answer, walking past to clap him on the shoulder.
PUNZ HAS A KNIFE IS THE COMMUNICATION KNIFE AU. I've been trying very hard to take all the pieces and Sif's help and suggestions and turn it into something that makes sense and I am trying Very Hard and Things Happen Sometimes and-
Punz has a knife. Punz has a lot of knives of course, for a lot of different reasons, but this one is particularly special. A short, gaudy thing, with a textured blue handle so he can always get a good grip on it. It’s kept in beautiful condition, with its blade sharp and sheathe easy to slide in and out of. There are no nicks on the blade, ensuring that each cut is neat and clean, and that any damage done will never be more than what Punz intends. On its handle, carefully engraved in gold, is the word ‘Communication.’ It is always kept close, whether on Punz’s hip or their toolbar, but its use has grown less frequent over time. Its existence holds a single purpose: to carve out boundaries when Sam’s self restraint cannot. If the word ‘no’ is not something that Sam will adhere to, then a blade in his shoulder will have to do. The language of violence is universal, after all. Rational, sane people might argue that a knife is not the best way to communicate boundaries in a relationship. However, none of the participating parties are rational or sane, so this opinion is irrelevant. Punz has taken risks by using lesser methods in the past, and he was done with taking risks; not when the cost was for Dream to pay. So he has a knife instead, and while that might not be for everyone, it's worked pretty well for them so far.
I feel so fucking scatterbrained just thinking about all the word I still have left to do I'm not going to lie, BUT WE WILL PRESEVERE
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puppyrelp · 6 days
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I got a few asks in my inbox for some more exanimate stuff (specifically s2e12) and it's been a while sooo here!
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chimychoo · 1 month
This batch is a littllee mor lazy...
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microknife-daily · 26 days
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do you guys remember the sketch animation thingy i made with suitcase and balloon saying someone should make a grimdark of it?
SO UM. i'm not exactly promising anything BUT that idea has been cooking in my brain <:3
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and i've been doodling stuff about it :3 (more yapping and drawings bellow)
In paper, Balloon and Suitcase forming a friendship and going around killing sounds fun in it's own BUT how they reach to that point needs work. They aren't exactly evil (canonically wise) they wouldn't kill someone let alone in gruesome ways like in a grimdark.
What i have in mind specifically needs some tweaking but first and foremost, if i want to actually attempt to make a story i don't want their actions to be justified by mental illness, like most are- It feels wrong to me, and I get that it's the easy option i don't wanna be yet another one to villain-ize any disorder.
Neither do i want the "mephone is missing" trope, i want them to have that obstacle and find their own solutions to it. That's the interesting part after all: HOW they do it
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Would they use weapons? Would they have a favorite method? Would they enjoy it? Would they feel regret? Would they be reckless or more precise? What skills do they have that could help them in achieving their goals? HOW do they come to an agreement?
I'm gonna need to answer a lot of those questions, but here's a funny one i wanted to mention: How would Suitcase kill?
I don't thinking standing one one leg using another to wave a weapon around would be exactly convenient. Neither waving one in her mouth, she could hurt herself :(
BUT THEN IT HIT ME. Armless objects sometimes carry stuff in their mouth, possibly heavy stuff. This indicates a strong jaw
So. uh she bitey :3
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HEHEHEE let me know what you guys think! I left it mostly vague, i didn't talk about their promise, just in case i wanna make it a thing :3 but also what should i name this au? just for convenience if i ever talk about it again
okay i'm gonna shut up thanks for reading :3
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dicediceking · 5 months
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This ones a shorter fic than the others
It's an au where Taco convinces Lighty to work with her
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
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thinking vaguely about the affliction cleave
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mothytheghost · 4 months
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Also drag queen Mephone4-
The secret is Angela's 80s hair lol gotta look like grandma
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bugdatabase · 1 year
new chapter !!
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LINK <-- 
This is what happens when I get too dedicated, i turn into picasso
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monsterritory · 5 months
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Happy Birthday @sunshine-in-a-bottle !!
Get appreciated, idiot /pos
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box-architecture · 3 months
How did blob Sam and Blob Dream and Blob Punz come to exist? I’ve seen them referenced a couple of times and I am Curious.
Do they get the Zoomies?
oh!!!!! I zoom around you. Dream can make blob versions of his friends as part of his admin magic, little helper guys<3. The blobs are mostly just extensions of the people they were made after, connected to their thoughts/preferences.
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(all blob art by @corvesfelinesart, who is one of the best people in all the world)
Dream made Punz a little blob of them first, and Punz absolutely loves it. A little guy with bee wings who can hide easily, spy on people, and existence lets Dream know that Punz is okay whenever they're out doing things.
After Sam sees Blob Punz for the first time, he asks Dream, curious, if he can make one of Sam.
This was very interesting and cool for about thirty seconds until Blob Sam starts nuzzling Dream's cheek and loafing on his shoulder. That is Sam's shoulder and Sam's Dream and this false Sam is a Threat.
Of course, this only leads to Blob Sam becoming jealous over Dream, as a reflection of Sam. It doesn't matter that Sam perfectly well knows that Blob Sam is just him, he is Glaring at the evil awful little guy skittering around and chirping and receiving kisses that are meant for Sam.
Sam has managed to pick a fight with himself. Blob Sam is purposefully causing issues to get attention and also trying to trip big Sam and Sam is furious but he can do Nothing because Dream clearly loves that blob.
Dream: I love him because he's you :)
Sam: But I Am Also The Better One, Right, You Love Me More?
It's ok though he gets kisses and told he's a good boy and he's Dreams favorite Sam.
Dream teases him (1) one time that blob Sam is a little easier to carry around (when Sam is slumped on top of him) and Sam breaks down into tears. Dream has to pat him and reassure him that he's still his favorite Sam even if he's hard to carry, it's fine because it means Sam can just carry him instead. Blob Sam can't do that, can he? (Sam is carrying Dream and sticking his tongue out at blob Sam because he Won)
Also!! Originally, Blob Sam isn't jealous over blob partners, because Sam isn't jealous over blob partners.
Until Sam starts bonding with Blob Dream who enjoys hanging out with him while he does redstone, because there's lots of fun noises and he can be put in a front pocket to see everything.
and so Sam starts getting jealous over Blob Dream,
so blob Sam starts getting jealous over Blob Dream.
Blob Sam is now loafing on Blob Dream.
Sam can't bully Blob Sam within either of their sight because Dream will think he's being silly, and Blob Dream will get upset because he loves Blob Sam :(
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Also very important Blob Sam info. He has Toe Beans. Little Paws. Dream pokes his little toes and blob Sam chews on his finger. It is a Good Chew, A Loving Chew. Big Sam is furious because he doesn't bite Dream so Blob Sam shouldn't either.
Sam: Punz, he's breaking the rules, Punz!!!
Dream defends his little Blob Sam, because he doesn't even have teeth!!! So it can't be biting!!! He's mouthing!!! (Sam also starts mouthing Dream to display dominance.)
Meanwhile Blob Dream is wiggling to try to also get Blob Sam in the pocket because he wants to show him the redstone.
Dream ends up dropping Blob Sam into Big Sam's pocket and telling them they need to go have a get-along day. Sam is fuming the entire time, but then he gets into working on his redstone, and Blob Sam also enjoys redstone! And he can even help! He can get in all the little spots and adjust things. They are the best Redstone team, They Get All The Things Done. Sam begrudgingly begins to befriend his blob because it is actually nice to have a lil buddy for redstoning. Blob Sam gets head skritches and pocket time and zoomies and he is delighted.
When he returns and gets to cuddle with Dream again, Sam is a little less grumbly about it (but still grumbly until he gets his own cuddles.)
Sam and Dream napping in a cuddle pile while Blob Sam is tucked close to Dreams chest. Blob Dream is 100% off stealing things from the kitchen.
Maybe he just wants cheese, did anyone ever think about his needs. (He's not even eating anything, just stealing things for his hoard) (the hoard will be ruined by rats in about a week and he will Cry)
Sam helps him make a safer little box hoard that the rats can't get in, and he also makes him little food replicas rather than actual perishable foods. Blob Dream is delighted, and both Punz and Sam take some notes to make sure that Dream has a safe space for hoarding
(They get So Many Zoomies. They are filled with Love and Joy and Silliness, Your Honor.)
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the-final-sif · 2 years
The post-prison Awesamdrunz dynamic is a huge mess of drama, bad ideas, and a competition of who can handle their trauma in the worst way possible:
c!Dream needs to prove he's very not traumatized and totally in control and fine with c!Sam. Actually. See? He can date c!Sam if he wants and there's. no. negative. effects. He is not lying or repressing anything. You have no proof. Besides, he has c!Punz too, so he doesn't even need c!Sam. This is just him taking something he wants.
c!Dream is working to get back that control that he desperately needs. He gets a bit of it from c!Punz, but not enough. He needs more. He needs to feel like it's all over and done with. So he can do this. He will do this.
c!Punz is fucking furious at c!Sam but is loyal to c!Dream to a fault, unable to really offer the pushback that c!Dream needs to get out unhealthy bullshit. He probably would've just poisoned c!Sam or hired c!Purpled to kill him except c!Dream would just revive him. So the next best thing is following c!Dream and whenever c!Sam tries some shit c!Punz can make threatening motions or stomp on his foot or something.
c!Punz won't make c!Dream stop seeing c!Sam, he can't. But he won't let c!Dream be alone again. He learned his lesson there and refuses to leave his side during this again.
c!Sam is lonely as fuck, feeling unstable and guilty, and having c!Dream in any sense of the word makes him feel like he's in control again. It makes him feel less guilty for what he did, because if c!Dream is here with him, clearly it couldn't have been that bad. They've moved on. c!Punz on the other hand, is a constant reminder/stressors of how he fucked up. c!Punz is glaring at him and clearly hates him, but c!Sam knows he can't push it because c!Dream would absolutely pick c!Punz over him.
And c!Sam doesn't want to face that. He wants to hold onto what little he has here. He wants to be able to pretend the world is okay. He can tolerate c!Punz, because as much as c!Punz hates him, both of them can play nice while c!Dream is there and not interact when he isn't. It's just frustrating that when c!Sam is pushing and c!Dream freezes up, gives him a window, c!Punz is right there shoving him back and fuming until c!Dream snaps out of it and calms him down. Very annoying.
c!Sam has little fantasies about how he's going to get the upperhand and kidnap c!Dream to get him away from c!Punz who is clearly wrong and controlling. Unfortunately, it's not really working out. He'll figure it out though!
All of them need so much therapy and literally none of them will ever get it.
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fizzycereal · 10 months
This is pretty rushed so uhhhh here
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(Sharing the au with @homobrainjuice :D)
Shading :0
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chimychoo · 18 days
is there a cheesy in your kid au or no?
poor baby just wants to make people laugh
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