#content on here made by me so everyone else knows im down bad for them
vex91 · 9 hours
Baek Harin - Heaven in hell
Pairing: Baek Harin x Female Reader
Fandom: Pyramid Game
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: im new here and Lokey in love with ur writing could I ask for harin x reader but the reader is grade F and harin just be crazy ASF like I'm talking girlie is threating you with your life and shit lmao (smut I'm begging also G!p harin if you're comfortable)
🛌I'll use this emoji every time I'm post an anon just so you know who's at the crime scene
Summary: Grade F was the worst thing that could happen to you... or so you thought, until you met the worst nightmare imaginable in person.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Harin, Cursing, Smoking, Unprotected sex, Mentions of burning skin with a cigarette etc.
A/N: If a psycho then why hot? Thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
The sound of a whistle made your blood run cold, you instinctively looked at Suji who immediately got closer to you in order to help you if things went south. Looking to the side you saw Dayeon walking over to you smirking with every step, you started imagining everything she could do to you despite the whole class being there and watching.
"Unfortunately I'm not the one in charge of having fun with you. Harin is calling for you, if I were you I would hurry there, she doesn't seem too happy"
You weren't sure if you won lottery or lost it because as much as you were happy that Dayeon left you alone, you weren't too keen on seeing Harin. Suji noticed that when she pulled you to herself "You don't have to go Y/N or I can go with you" You appreciated how much Suji worried about you as your best friend, she hated that you were in grade F because it gave Harin a free pass of harassing you and she already was all weird with you before.
"It's okay, I'll be back" You squeezed her hand reassuringly and left the class, Dayeon's laugh at the back sending shivers down your spine.
Harin was waiting for you in an empty classroom that no one ever uses - one of her bright ideas as she wanted to have a space where she could played with her favorite toy in peace without any interruptions. The moment you walked in a strong smell of cigarettes hit you. Harin's eyes immediately wandered over your whole figure before she gestured you over. Not wanting to argue you did as she told you.
"I wondered why you took so long" She said as her free hand went to your hip "Now we will probably miss class because you're so slow" Dayeon was right about her being in a bad mood, the tension in the room felt suffocating as she put the cigarette she held near your mouth "Are you also gonna irritate me like the rest of these fools?" You quickly shook your head at her question, too scared to say anything bad.
"Then what are you waiting for?" Her eyes bored into yours as she waited for your move. You slowly opened your mouth and let her put the cigarette as you took a drag from it. She took it back with a satisfied grin and watched you exhale the smoke, coughing. Harin's grin only widened as her hand started lowering to your thighs, massaging them "I knew you were better than everyone else in this class, you're way more fun to be around" You gasped loudly when you felt her cigarette making contact with your skin, she quickly covered your mouth as she repeated the action on your thigh, burning another part of your skin.
She smiled at the way you struggled against her in pain before she dropped the now extinguished cigarette to the trash. She looked at you innocently as she said "I love when people are competent, are you?" You could only nod with glossy eyes because what else you could do? If you won't do what she says, she could make your life a living hell, even more than now.
"Quiet huh? Well you're right, it's better if you use your mouth for better use anyways" She pushed you down in front of her and freed her cock from her boxers. She looked down at you, putting her dick near your mouth and smearing it against your closed lips "Come on, you know what will happen if you start misbehaving. You're lucky you never saw me really angry before" You hated how calm she sounded while saying all of that to you. Finally having enough waiting she pushed it in your mouth, forcing you to suck it.
Her hand forcefully pushed your head up and down, causing you to not being able to keep up with her thrust but you quickly managed to start sucking her on your own. Your tongue licked all around her cock as she kept your head bopping on her. The silence in the room kept being interrupted with the sound of her groans and curses under her breath. She finally came with a particularly hard thrust and forced you down more to swallow all of it, nearly choking you but Harin didn't care, why would she anyways?
"See? You can do something useful when you want to" You mentally scoffed at it, as if she didn't forced you down on her cock the whole time. Before you could even say anything back to her, she changed your positions, she pushed you up and sat you down on the desk while she got in front of you, already pulling your panties off. She dragged her finger against your clit, smirking at how wet you were "You look so sad but deep down you're just as fucked up as I am because you clearly like it with how wet you are, so wet that I don't even need to prepare you to take me well" Harin laughed mockingly at you as she slapped your clit with her cock a few times before pushing in harshly making you gasp loudly again. Her hand quickly covered your mouth.
"You really want someone to walk in and see us like that? You're really fucked in the head and so fun" She laughed again before pulling out her phone and starting recording her dick going in and out of you "Since you're so dirty, I'll record everything well for you" Harin's hand squeezed your boob through the fabric of your shirt as she continued thrusting into you mercilessly, the sound of skin slapping resonated throughout the room as she fucked you roughly.
You hated how much you actually enjoyed her cock, you felt embarrassed of yourself for liking the way she treated you despite also wanting to get away from her. Maybe the fact that you can't run away from Harin and her twisted desires made you enjoy it, you weren't sure but you felt ashamed of your body for meeting her every thrust.
"I'm gonna cum in you and you're gonna take it all like a good girl, I know you want me to anyways, you're a slut for my cum after all" She whispered in your ear as she covered your mouth again, her thrusts became faster as she soon released all her seed into you, forcing you to stay close to her in case you wanted to pull away.
You wouldn't anyway because you knew that you had to let Harin do anything she wanted with you and you couldn't stop it. That was your life after all.
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cheswirls · 11 months
i started this ml sketch back in 2021 and have successively redone it so many times since and i think..... fingers crossed!!!!!! that i like this version from last night enough to maybe color or do something past sketching at least
#god this was part of the ml set i did back in the fall semester when i did those poni canyon studies#mind you this was also back when evolutions was airing and i was obsessed w ml again#one of those was a ship meme that i did lineless headshots for instead of inserting old art#i only did moon but maybe ill finish lillie so it's “completed” or smth#the other i think were the fullbody refs and maybe one of them was colored neither lined tho#anyway it's all old art so i doubt itll see the light of day but maybe i can retouch n drop a new ml set here#if i post this recent one it won't be alone plus ive been waiting to post abt the fks until i had a set done#god if i get this theoretical intro ml set done i could post sm old art **that i actually still like#im rly adverse to throwing fks into the parents ship tag on their own these days but ive had an old sk#of lillie + the kids for so long that i could use bc the intro set was gonna have /smth/ w both of them#together w either moon or lillie#the problem is i say ill post a bunch of art at once then get impatient n do one by one#or n e v e r finish the full set and nothing gets posted#haha at my pmshi set w the fullbody fk refs ive had done for literal yrs now that will never get posted ever anymore#anyway i rly do love ml so much it's honestly my fav gameverse ship now and i rly need more#content on here made by me so everyone else knows im down bad for them#the fks were never supposed to be a secret per se i am jus rly bad at completing full sets#anyway!!!! point is maybe future incoming ml art on here i am slowly making progress
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starfxkr · 13 days
im here moony bae dw id never leave our kids to fend for themselves… (deadbeat baby daddy jj wya…) but ive just been so deep in thought after my last ask pertaining disgust nd how its implemented in jj’s relationship with both kitten nd tp!reader :3 your brain girl… i love you bad
“…she's upfront with how much he makes her sick and yet she loves him because of it, not in spite of.”
kitten is the incarnate of #RealJJLovers bc the average normal person would very much be put off by him immediately! they wouldnt find the space in their heart to love him despite what he brings to the table isnt the most ideal (or sane), but like you said thats exactly why kitten loves him! nd since you were briefly on the topic, i think you capture jj in a relationship in such a way that is so accurate im tryna get your ass in the writers room! i was so scared of not being able to find a writer that goes in depth into his psyche with such pinpoint accuracy nd depth such as yourself (and BLACK!) bc of how predominantly white this space is— nd also how dark your content gets! youre doing me nd your followers so well nd i hope you know youre loved nd appreciated! (tp!jj thoughts need to be cultivated in another msg bc he makes my brain spin…)
— 🦢
IMMMMM BOUT TO START BLUSHING THIS IS SO SWEET PLEEK its honestly ppl like you that keep me motivated it's so nice to be understood and appreciated for my style of writing bc i know its not for everyone ugh i always try to keep in mind why i even started this blog like the first thing i ever wrote was jj causing fights and being toxic but never really knowing how to apologize without fucking you <3 it felt like the rafe girls were having so much fun writing him as the horrible person he is but at the time i made the blog all of the jj fics i read he was just...a goofy lovable golden retriever kinda guy and like sure yeah thats part of him but i truly dont think thats who he is deep down! i think he's so interesting because the active choice he makes to be a good person because i dont think it comes easy to him at all.
which is why i wrote kitten for like you said the #RealJJLovers i think he needs somebody to match his freak fr...like even in the show you can see on some level the pogues know and understand jj is not always a good person despite his love for them and yet they love him anyways!!! thats so special to me and thats why i find him such an interesting parallel to rafe ugh...hes my baby.
but back to the topic...kitten just doesnt care, well she does but not in the way people think, she doesn't make him feel ashamed which i think is important, i think reasonably the other pogues frequently make him feel ashamed for how he is but she doesnt because she sees no point. he is who he is and shes making the active choice to love him because of it which is why despite their rocky ass situationship with her being emotionally unavailable and him being a petty dickhead they were always gonna be together, they'd always get back together and poke fun at each other for the stupid shit they did to each other. because who else knows how to make the other tick as well as they do lmao. sick bastards
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lilweaselhub · 9 months
Okay so no one asked---but time for me to randomly be feral about Spinel. I don't plan on making this SUPER coherent or anything mostly because I've been running on fumes for a MINUTE now.
But recently, I was asked what I think the difference is between good spinel content and bad spinel content and well thats a loaded question.
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Before I say ANYTHING about anything for anyone who reads this, I would like to preface;
These are my personal opinions on her character and I really don't care too much if you agree or disagree. Whatever makes you happy is fine with me. You can disagree and be entitled to that opinion.
That being said; I'm just going to come right out and cut to the chase before we even get started.
I don't like how the Steven Universe movie ended. I don't think Spinel going with the Diamonds was a good idea && Spinel in SU future was a major let down for me.
There. if you don't like ^^^^ that statement right there && if you don't think you can handle someone disagreeing with how she was handled I'd stop right here.
For anyone else; Allow me to explain.
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When Spinel is introduced in the movie, it is immedietly clear that she is no typical adversary of the crystal gems. Shes incredibly cunning, and actually acknowledges steven as his own person. -&& seeks vengence anyway.
Despite KNOWING steven is a stranger.
Something we don't see in any other gem that the crystal gems go up against from homeworld. I'd argue this makes Spinel one of the SMARTEST gems we see.
The other thing thats immedietly apparent is just how VIOLENT and ANGRY she is. Her entire song 'other friends' gives the audience immediate insight that she knew pink diamond and knew pink PERSONALLY. She has a very personal vendetta, and is lashing out.
now im not going to analyse every single scene in this movie. I'm far too tired for that. Besides, we know it by heart by now. Everyones done it. But all of this to SAY-; what many people have pointed out is that Pink was akin to Spinels favored person, something a lot of people who struggle with mental illness have.
ESPEICALLY those with BPD, something that has been near universally agreed on with her.
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During the first half of the movie, leading up to the garden flashback. We get to see Spinel as she was made--; before she was traumatized. How she was initially. Happy, bubbly, fun loving, and sweet. In my mind, this always was reminiscent of an allegory for childhood innocence.
A type of innocence one has before the real world hits them before they experience heartbreak, trauma, or real raw grief. Spinel in her beginning was NAIVE, and had no idea that Pink Diamond did not have the same undying loyalty and love that Spinel herself was programmed with.
Spinels feelings were not mutual, but she was too innocent at the time to really SEE This. She was too naïve and optimistic. During this time she was very much mentally like a young child.
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Time passing && the garden itself dying could even be an allegory for the death of ones childhood innocence and wonder.
What being abandoned by pink can really be alikened to with Spinel is the experience of TRAUMA. Something that udoubtedly TRANSFORMS a person---; Much like in the movie. (That whole anime girl transformation as out of left field as it is, kind of makes a lot of sense to be emphasized. Its getting a point across.)
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Trauma PERMENANTLY changes a person. For better or worse.
In spinels case--; it could be seen as a metaphor for trauma, and the effect it has on someones mental health. The Childhood innocence dying and growing up after experience significant trauma.
Spinel post transformation && in the very beginning / climax of the movie is much less naive. Much more cunning, and carries herself much older than when she was first created. While Spinel in the beginning was reminiscent of a young 8-10 year old child, spinel now reads more as a rebellious older teen to young adult. She does not have that mentality of a child anymore. She's impulisve, shes cunning, shes sarcastic and shes mad as hell.
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Spinels trauma not only mentally changed who she was as a person--it PHYSICALLY altered her. It changed her entire person. This is what trauma DOES. this is what experiencing all the grief and negative experiences of growing up DOES to you.
Abandoned, forgotten and spiteful, Spinel sets her sights on steven && co in a last ditch effort to get her version of closure---revenge on those that wronged her and threw her away like garbage.
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I would easily argue that the climax of this movie is were Spinel's character SHINES the most. This in my opinion, is one place where the movie SUCCEEDS where Future FAILS.
In the climax of the movie, we really see the moments that clinch that BPD allegory. The Back and Forth between her emotional impulse to spiral and lash out, and the desire to be better. It doesn't shy away from showing the UGLY and sometimes AGGRESSIVE symptoms of mental illness. But it doesn't necessarily villainize her.
Steven himself realizes that Spinel is not thinking logically, she's lashing out and letting emotions DRIVE her impulses.
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It shows her as she is now, flawed, impulsive, and hurting.
" Why? Why do I wanna hurt you SO badly??"
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" When you change, you change for the better---when I change I change for the WORSE."
" At least you liked the old me--"
Spinel herself acknowledges that she's changed. That experience has Permanently changed who she is, the person she once was is gone. She is mourning not only the relationship she had but the person she once WAS.
Now;------After this point in the movie is where I start having gripes. As spinel is shown through most of the movie as such a dynamic, interesting character and actual RAW representation for people who STRUGGLE to be a good person after what they went through. Individuals with UGLY symptoms and sometimes SCARY symptoms of mental illness.
Things that are strongly stigmatized in this society we live in. It was refreshing to have a character SHOW this side of mental illness and still be treated like a person, and not a MONSTER.
&& Before I start this next section, let me preface by saying i am ALL about healing journeys. 100%. I would love for Spinel to be happy, I want her to find a place to find her own and feel safe.
That being said, I want healing journeys for a character to be realisitc. I don't want a FIXED character, I want a REAL character. A character that feels like a person. A real one. Not sunshine and rainbows and a "love fixes me" type. (Ty @veroxins for verbalizing what i never quite could with her arc.)
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Unfortunately that is EXACTLY what ends up happening to Spinel though. Suddenly it feels as though they run out of an idea for how to continue her arc. && At the end of the movie they decide that the diamonds finding her amusing and bringing her back up to homeworld would be the best course of action.
&& I'd argue that at this point in the movie spinel's characterization already starts seeming odd / contradictory comparative to what we JUST saw. && this only continues with her appearance in future.
Suddenly Spinel is Happy, bubbly and kinda...naive again isn't she?
Spinel in future (and partially at the end of the movie) is kind of reverted back to her old persona. The diamonds 'love' fixes her.
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" Steven: Wait a second, you used to have vengeful thoughts. Oh, yeah! But I don't get 'em anymore. Steven: How did you make them stop? I met a little someone named "Steven Universe"! And he told me ♫ IIIII- I CAN MAKE A CHANGE! ♫ "
Whats worse than that in my opinion, is that not only do they take this representation away---and make the case that love just 'fixes' a person and puts them back to how they were--but they make spinel a joke.
They didn't even have her take stevens on struggles seriously or have them relate to each other in any meaningful way.
I like many others, hated peridots treatment for this very reason.
Not to mention--- a very important point. After all this time emphasizing how absolutely UNHEALTHY and TOXIC the power dynamic was between Pink Diamond and Spinel. WHY on earth would putting her right back in that power dynamic (x3 mind you), be condusive to her healing? At all?
I'll tell you---it wouldn't be. She's put right back in the position of being ENTERTAINMENT, a TOY. && Not being even given the CHANCE to discover her own personality, who she is now, or hell--who she ever was outside of pink.
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I noticed that a lot of peoples fixation and interest in spinel greatly reduced after the future airing and I really don't think thats a coincidence.
&& AGAIN i have to PREFACE. ;I want spinel to get better. I do.
I have no issues with that.
But trauma permenately changes someone. Thats just how it functions. Spinel is not going to just go back to how she was before her trauma. && I think it sends a more powerful message for her healing to have her find a place as she is now, and be loved for her flaws and all, while making a conscious effort to be better.
For it not to be just a quick fix, and shes back to how she was, but to have her come to terms with the new her, and find a way to reinvent herself, with her flaws and still be loved as she is. Even if she still slips up from time to time. Because mental illness is not a straight and narrow road. it has its ups, it has its downs. you get better, you relapse and then you pick up the pieces again and keep going.
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Tdlr; All of that to say. Spinel is a character that was REALLY important to me, a character that showed ugly mental illness symptoms, and didn't glorify or villainize it. A character that wasn't nice or tied up in a bow, but deserved to be loved, and deserved to have the chance to be her own person.
Outside of the diamonds, outside of pink, outside of her TRAUMA. and she never got the chance. She deserved better.
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Also---sassy, chaotic, morally grey spinel is just superior in general. She's the goat and i want her back. rn.
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
A few things going forward- and I try not to make stuff like this but I feel like it's necessary not only to kinda. Put boundaries down but also for my comfort as well. This isn't sparked by one person but rather multiple occurances and just. Wanna be transparent, because I do have feelings. Gg isn't always super happy go getter energy silly everyone sees me as. I know some people don't really care and that's fine I just want to be clear (pls read tags as well)
I'm going to be selective with who I ship my characters/plot my characters with. I don't mind characters being friends and such but I have been feeling like I've been given mixed signals from people I've reached out to or during talking about them? It makes it hard to tell if I'm just on some one Sided eager excited and the other person isn't digging it. Or that plots get dropped and suddenly im seeing what we were planning or brainstorming thrown away because I wasn't told they were doing something with someone else. I need to explicitly say, I don't mind when plots cross, but if were planning a quad. Most of my characters are monogamous or specifically only open to polycules or occasionally fully polyam. I try to keep it single ship because of bad expierences in the past and my own comfort with how I interact with my characters. Hard to be super chipper excited about it when it brings up bad personal memories myself. I kinda put a piece of myself in every character so trust me when I say it makes me feel disjointed.
Just please be direct with me and tell me if you don't wanna! I hold these quads hostage basically with the idea of a ship that gets dragged on when I wanna do stuff! Again- I know I get excited and wanna do stuff!! Brand new blorbo syndrome!! You can just say no! I won't be mad! I promise. I won't be upset! Or just give me clarity that a quad is shifted. When I'm given no clarity at all- It makes me feel really bad. Again this is not about anyone in particular and imbkot trying to vague anyone but understand this has happened from different people
My commissions are gonna be semi-closed going forward. I don't have the time for it and frankly I'm not sure where I am art wise.
I am putting this blog on a semi Hiatus. Kinda smacking it with that sticker because I haven't really been producing art that i enjoy. Everyone can say "I love gg art" and all that but it's like looking at a mess I made on my canvas and just wondering where I went wrong. It's very very upsetting for me when art is my outlet, I do it to be happy! I like making! I really do. But I feel like stranger with it. My skills have stagnated and it hurts me a lot. The only thing I've felt like that hasn't been bad has been my chibis and I know people don't want to see those all the time. I'm kinda trying to work through it but it hurts. I'm a human, I have feelings. I try not to put my emotions too online or my problems because I think a lot of people here use Tumblr to escape like I do. I try to be positive! I wanna keep things happy and light but I can't always be like that
I wanna also mention I have been trying to keep up with everyone's happenings and stuff but I am awake about 12~14 hours a day working or having my responsibilities. I am tired. So if you haven't seen me in your notifications a lot or when you do, I seem deflated. I don't have a lot of energy to spare and I try to catch stuff here and there. But I won't be able to see everything. it's not that I'm avoiding anyone's content or something like that. I just. Have a physical job.
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neutrallyobsessed · 6 months
I challenge you to make a tier list of your opinion on Ace Attorney ships >;)
Challenge accepted motherfucker >;))))
i did like 5 different lists cause not all them where complete enough to my tastes and then i found this MASSIVE tier list (with a lot of crack xdd) so i was able to do it, fortunally the nrmy week gave me some time to work on this and EVEN THEN some kinda obvious ones were missing so i had to edit them in from the other tierlists, plus stuff i made up lol
also, for it not be too long and mark very clearly my Heterosexual Bias, the list was divided in two, so let's start: (spoilers for investigations cause shih-na doest appear as shih-na)
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The OTP category is very self-explanitory, so the second place is all other ships that i like and ship too just not as hard since i have OTPs for the characters already~~
Ohters I like and Im listening have varying degrees of crack but im still considering as potential ships to like seriously
the canon ships acting as a neutral divider, they are canon, you can't complain about that (or you can im just a tumblr post you can do what you want forever). if they arent higher is cause they are not as interesting or funny as the above ships, i still love them very much
then theres the absolute crack that i find amusing but couldnt take to ship it seriously and then ships that are either boring: too tame, lack spice, feel like avoiding being problematic was the priority instead of they'd be cute togheter; or ships that feel a bit too cruel for comfort and i percieve as no longer fun, but sad
this tier list didnt have ema/nahyuta but did have poly ships that included the three so there we go, the only het ships i dont like (2)
finally, the only gay ships i consider to be neat, silly funny friends-to-lovers not overly popular, very cool and epic
And now, the interesting one:
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Rangu referenced and teased by canon joke ship goes first of course!
for real tho, there's friends to lovers OR rarepairs OR lawyer x assistant ships, being my go-to in het ships they'd rank higher here
Evil People In Love! What else can I say? When 2 people are down bad for each other and down for destroying everyone and everything whether for revenge or the lulz cause they're bad and they're doing it togheter it's just beautiful~!
anything crack or toxic in a funny way goes next
incest as a neutral divider since being gay is super normal thus uninteresting but adding the taboo incest spice that will NEVER be approved by society IRL will make me a bit more interested but like you know- neutrally
any boring crack or toxic in a unfunny way goes next
and finally we reach my real (yet still neutral) beef with the ace attorney shipping fandom, being the popular ships that get talked about ad nauseum and if you wanna talk about any other ship you get ignored at best or harrassed at worst. Overrated could be the perfect way to describe this ships as they're so oftenly rated over other ships when they're SO LAME AND BLAND AND BRING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i am not criticizing originality, you know im unoriginal as well, but other fandoms have this something called ✨VARIETY✨ that EVEN IF the boring bland m/m ship still is number one ship of everyone and their grandmas, it'll still be in a relative equal number of fans and content (or directly opposite where Super Popular Ship has like 100 fans producing stuff and literally anything else has like <5, so you only have to block 1 or maybe 2 Super Popular Ships and then is smooth sailing full of variety~)
tl;dr they're annOyedTPs actually they're not bad, they are meh plus the over exposure can really grind someone's gears, second place being not AS popular thus annoying but still pretty much talked about and liked by many people as they are second places to ships in the normie zone
and finally finally what i actually dislike, shipping canonically het married characters with same-sex characters (and not in the funny way)(specially the gay best friend in love with their straight friend, my absolute belothed) or any flavor of enemies-to-lovers, whether it's a tame rivals-to-lovers or a legit hero x villian (stockholm syndrome can be fine but it depends on how its presented....or if it's... y'know funny) or same-age shipping where the characters maturity levels are SO DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT idk it feels kinda icky :////
In any case, i'm still answering asks for particular ships if y'all want a more in depth opinion ^w^
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blehcupidd · 10 months
Jealous Girl
Chapter Eighteen
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Évangéline was over filled with happiness. Ajax and Yoko were currently in her dorm watching her pace around the room overjoyed that she had plans with Xavier later.
"I can't believe he wants to hang out with me!" She squealed, holding tight to a small pink stuffed bear Ajax had gotten her for her previous birthday.
Yoko and Ajax were just nosing along with content smiles on their faces Évangéline pranced around the room. "But what if it's this big joke?" She started twisting the head of the bear, "What if I'm just a way to make Bianca jealous? I mean I wouldn't know what to do!"
Before she could start another sentence, Ajax had pulled the bear out of her grasp, "Okay, Ev. Let's put Pinky down before she breaks." Walking towards her bed and placing Pinky in her proclaimed space.
"He wants to hang out, Evie. Why else would you guys be talking in a hallway?" Yoko rubbed Évangéline's shoulder. "And, also, if he hurts you in anyway-" she activated her teeth, "you know who to call."
"Okay, let's not kill my friend." Ajax spoke from Évangéline's bed, earning a small laugh from Yoko and Évangéline.
Later on in the day, Évangéline has received a text from an unknown number.
Hey it's Xavier Ajax gave me your number
Then, her phone dinged again.
About later just wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty meet me at the courtyard
She was thankful Ajax was friends with Xavier and that she now have his number. Not knowing what they would've been doing in his art shed, she probably would've worn clothes she minded getting dirty. Putting on a tight cropped black shirt, being half dressed, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hands brushed down the sides of her body, pin pointing every detail and curve. Turning to the side, she continued to look. Letting out a sigh, she stepped into some dark red joggers and made her way to the courtyard.
She arrived and already saw Xavier, he was wearing blue and his hair was up in a half up half down style. When he had heard her footsteps, he looked towards the noise. He was thankful that Évangéline had came and not ditched him. He didn't know what the feeling was, but it was a feeling that he wanted to protect her and shield her from all things bad.
After the two he greeted one another they set off into the woods. "Why do you have a secret art shed in the woods anyway?" Évangéline looked over to her companion.
"It's just an old shed I found. Asked Weems if I cleared it out if I could use it." Xavier shrugged, fiddling with the zip of his hoodie.
Soon enough they had found his shed. Waking in, Évangéline was immediately blown away with the heat of the room. "How is it already so warm in here?" She asked closing the door.
"I was in here not too long ago." Xavier avoided eye contact as he noted Évangéline's eyes scanning the room. "Sorry, um, about the paintings." He gestured around.
"Oh, no, it's fine. I see you have a muse." Évangéline laughed. "So, what did you want to do?"
"How good are you at painting?" Xavier asked, already knowing the answer.
"I'm the absolute worst at it!" Évangéline spoke exasperated. "I swear I can't even draw a stick man."
Xavier was busy laughing at the girl, too busy to notice that she came over and lightly slapped his arm. "Hey! Not everyone is as good as you."
"I would say I'm not that good, but you've seen my work." He nonchalantly bragged, smirking a little seeing her playful eye roll.
The evening was full of playful jabs at each other and somehow ended up in covering each other in layers of paint. The room was full of laughs as each of them slowly got more and more paint on them. Fortunately, paint was running low, Xavier hand one more plan.
He was striding towards Évangéline with a grin. This halted her movements, not knowing what to do. Before she knew it, paint was being glided across her cheek. The shocked expression made Xavier laugh, so much so he was closing his eyes. This resulted in paint smeared across his face as well.
The paint kept smearing paint on their faces. That was until Xavier's has halted in its attack, on her cheek. All Évangéline could do was stare at Hmmm, in shock and awe. She kept noticing the constant flicking of his eyes to her lips, she was reciprocating.
Their breathing deepened, slowly starting to share breaths. Évangéline couldn't believe what was happening. Was he moving in? Was she moving in?
Their song slowly became quieter as their moment got deeper. That was until footsteps were heard.
"I need your help." The voice of Wednesday interrupted them, causing them yo oneday LG break away from each other. Xavier and Évangéline looked at each other, still heavy breathing.
"Couldn't it wait for tomorrow?" Xavier asked, just realised his appearance, covered in paint. He saw Wednesday hold out a drawing. "You want some drawing lessons?" Taking the drawing he didn't realise Évangéline coming up behind him.
"Hey, Xavier. I'm going to go. See you around." She smiled, overflowing with emotions. She needed to get out. She walked towards the door, giving Wednesday a small bye as she walked past.
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 11 months
𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
Chapter three: Don't say it
masterlist // disney nav
notes: Modern AU-ish! They're all around 15-16 in this fic, This is not an X Reader fic!! Likes & Reblogs are appreciated !
chapter 2
chapter 4
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"So, Hiro got me these?" Violet asked as Wilbur handed her the bouqet. She nodded and she felt herself frown.
"What's wrong?" He asked, and Violet shook her head.
" I just, feel bad." She said, moving to lean on the wall, placing the bouquet on its side. " They're very pretty. But I dont like Hiro like that." Violet said quietly. Wilbur stood next to her, watching her lean against the wall. He caught himself staring at her hair, feeling content with the way her hair shined at night.
"Vi, Im sure he'll understand." Wilbur said, and Violet shook her head.
"I don't think he will." She said, looking down. Quickly she felt tears roll down her face. All her emotions were hitting her at once, and now she felt like she was going to burst at any moment.
"You okay Vi?" Wilbur asked, and she broke down. She bent down, hugging her knees to her chest as she cried. Wilbur frowned and sat next to her, trying not to internally panic. He didn't say anything, instead he wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her into a hug, gently drawing soft patterns on her back. If there was one thing he was good at doing, it was saying nothing at all when he didn't need too.
"I'm sorry." She said, and Wilbur chuckled.
"Vi don't be sorry, everyone cries." He said, and she looked up at him, her teary eyes made him feel hurt.
"I guess. Today was supposed to be good when it hasn't been at all." She said, and Wilbur shrugged.
"It's alright. A lot happened. This reaction is probably the most normal thing about you." He joked, and Violet laughed. He wiped her tears a bit, fixing her hair before pulling her up to stand with him.
" Yeah, that sounds about right." Violet said, and leaned her head on his shoulder.
"How about we think about something else. What makes you happy?" Wilbur asked, and before Violet could stop herself, the words flew out of her mouth.
"You." She said, before slapping both hands over her mouth. Wilbur and her sat in silence for a moment, before Violet went invisible. Wilbur began to laugh.
".. I make you happy?" Wilbur asked, a large smile beginning to form. She slowly showed herself again, and nodded.
"Is that weird?" She asked, and Wilbur scoffed.
"Please I'm Wilbur Robinson, I make everyone happy." He said and Violet giggled.
"Yeah sure. Everyone." She joked, before moving to sit on the wall again. Wilbur followed.
"Well, if it's worth anything, you make me happy too." Wilbur said, looking down. He brought his knee to his chest, twirling his shoelace around his finger.
"oh...thank you." Violet said, and the silence fell between the two. Violet looked out to the ocean, while Wilbur continued to mess with his shoe. Until a question plagued her mind. " How did you remember my favorite flower?" Violet asked, and Wilbur's head snapped up to look at her.
"w-well, I like hearing you talk. So I just remember a lot of what you say." He said, with a shrug. " I was also going to get you them. But my dad said by the time they'd get here some would be damaged." Wilbur said quietly. Violet blushed, before she smiled.
"Oh, I didn't know that... but thank you. I like hearing you talk too. You sound like you always know what your talking about." Violet said, and he scoffed.
" I always know what i'm talking about." He said, and Violet laughed.
"Okay sure, and I live in the cleanest house in town." Violet joked. Wilbur chuckled and stared at her, watching her features change. Something about the action made himself feel relaxed.
"I know what I'm talking about when it comes to you." Wilbur says, and Violet raises her brow.
"Oh really? Explain then." She says, and he nods. He stands near Penny's bike and begins to explain.
"Your favorite color is purple, your favorite type of food is italian food but your favorite dish is actually pizza, on occasion you'll say spaghetti. You like the 90's a little too much, and your favorite movie is save the last dance but you also can pick if its up against ten things I hate about you. Speaking of which, your a shy dancer but your actually good at it. You like 90's music, mainly R&B but you don't care much for modern pop, aside from the weird stuff. You like a lot of indie rock and play that one song from TV Girl a lot." He said, tapping his chin to think again. His eyes widen along with a smile on his face again.
"You adore Jack-Jack even though his mood swings scare you. Obviously we know your favorite flower. Your favorite drink is a coke, but you prefer it slightly shaken because you said the fizz makes you hiccup and you hate it." Wilbur said, walking closer to her. "Did I miss anything?" Violet shook her head, before she exhaled.
"Wow, that's a lot." Violet said, unsure of where to look. She felt her nerves jump around, unsure of what to say. She felt like she should say more, she just wasn't sure what. "I'm gonna be honest." She said, getting off the wall. " I don't know what to say." Violet said nervously. Wilbur nodded as the two awkwardly laughed.
"Sorry, I don't know if that came off weird."Wilbur said, and Violet shook her head.
"Trust me, we're far from weird." She said, and smiled. They were far from weird. But thankfully, they were comfortable enough to know what each other meant without speaking so much.
At least one good thing came out of tonight.
"Hey Vi!" Penny said happily as she saw Wilbur and Violet make theyre way down the block. Hiro was counting up tickets while holding a few prizes in his arms, before staring up at them. He almost shrieked when he noticed the flowers he bought were being held by Violet.
"Hey guys!" Violet said with a smile.
"How was your movie?" Penny asked, before Violet shrugged.
"Eh, it was alright, I ended up going with Boomer instead." Violet said, and Hiro coughed.
"O-oh, why's that?" Hiro asked, before Violet just smiled. Penny and Hiro both took note of how red her face was.
"Brick ended up going with Blossom, so me and her just swapped seats." Violet said, before putting the flowers in Penny's basket. " Boomer got me popcorn and stuff. He's actually really funny." She said, before puling her phone out. Wilbur set Penny's bike on a nearby tree, before turning to face them.
"So how did you two find each other?" Penny asked, gesturing to Violet and Wilbur. He shrugged.
"That is an excellent question!" Wilbur said, leaning over Violet. She rolled her eyes before pushing his face away.
"I was by the board walk and we saw each other. Boomer was going to walk me home but then he showed up and Boomer got awkward and left." Violet said before Hiro laughed.
"He saved you, whats there to complain about?" Hiro asked, nudging Wilburs arm with his elbow.
" Yeah, mhm sure." Violet said as Penny grabbed her bike.
"Well, what do you think of the flowers?" Penny said, noticing Hiro eyeing them. Violet got silent for a few seconds, before smiling.
"You guys really didn't need to get me these. But they're very pretty so thank you." She said, hugging Penny. She was shocked, before hugging Violet back, giving Wilbur the 'what did you say?" stare. He put his hands up defensively as Violet gave Hiro a side hug, before giving Wilbur a genuine one. Hiro raised his brow but said nothing, growing more suspicious by the second.
"Well, who's ready to go home? I'm tired." Wilbur said, acting as if Violet still wasn't hugging him. Penny nodded, trying to ignore the hurt she felt, deciding to change the topic. The four began to walk home, Hiro and Penny trying to work over the fact Wilbur and Violet were basically glued at the hip the entire walk.
'Someone's definitely lying.' Penny thought.
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soggypotatoes · 1 year
having thoughts tonight
the rat and the goat sit side by side on the first floor of a construction site
the rat shivers, and says, 'is it ok? are things going to be ok now?'
'better than before', says the goat
'it's not the first time you've said that' the rat side eyes the goat
the goat smiles. 'it's always better. every day is putting the last one behind us.'
the rat thinks. 'sometimes things get worse though. some people lose good things, bad things happen to them. they end up alone. how do you know that's not gonna be us?'
the goat looks away. 'things can get worse, too, you're right. but look around you.'
the rat and the goat look up.
the sun is setting. it is a flickering candle against a white wall in the dark. something warm sleeps before them. the world is quiet.
'that's my favourite colour.' the rat said.
the goat replied, 'yes. mine too.'
'remember that time when we were little? when we stared into the fire as we fell asleep, and we were so afraid we wouldn't be able to sleep, we hadn't been able to sleep in a long time. but the fire was warm, and the colours were beautiful, and the movement of the flames were hypnotic. we watched it and we did fall asleep, didn't we?'
the goat put his arm around the rat. she sighed and looked down at the ground beneath their dangling legs.
'it doesn't seem like much from up here,' she remarked, 'it doesn't seem like far at all. why did it take us so long to build this much? I'm so tired.'
the goat leaned his head against her shoulder. 'it doesn't look much to someone short sighted, maybe. or to someone who was given a house already, or was taught how to build one. we made this ourselves.'
the rat snorted derisively. 'we didn't make these bricks. or mix this paint or weld this metal. we were given as much as anyone else. more, even. and for what? look at them.'
she pointed at the buildings ahead of them, dark towers in the night.
'we will never be that tall. our floors will never fully hold our weight. we will always be a sham of a house.'
the goat was quiet for a minute, his brows furrowed. 'sure. you're right about that. we'll never be a house like them. but we got good at building, didn't we?'
'what do you mean?'
'look at us!' the goat lifted his arm off her shoulder and flexed playfully. 'have they got guns like this? no! we don't have a solid floor or a second level yet. but we're strong, aren't we? we know how to build. we know how to put things together, make things work. I bet all their fancy blueprints haven't taught them that.'
the rat chuckled against her will. the last remnants of the sun trailed its fingers down her cheeks like tears.
the goat looked away, then took her hand in his.
'im afraid too, you know', he said. 'we all are. everyone's afraid. but we might as well live, right? we might as well keep setting brick against brick.'
'what if it never happens though?'
'what if what never happens?'
'what if we never feel content? you say all these things to make me feel better. do you actually believe any of it?'
the goat tightened his grip on her paw, taking a minute to respond. his voice was soft. 'i don't know, rat. I believe whatever I need to to survive.'
the rat sighed, and turned her hand to clasp his.
'i guess we'll keep going then.'
'i guess so.'
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xoteajays · 10 months
That's fine. Everyone has their preferences.. But I thought I'd let you know if that might have been a story you could have been interested in. Since everyone has different types of stories, plots, themes, ships and character they would prefer reading. Everyone's different.
So I wasn't sure if that would've been something you may have read.
But most - if not all - of the High&Low fans who posted about it, even had accounts for the franchise.. Those accounts are inactive now.
Seems like only, like, what.. Three? Three people are in the fandom at the moment. If there are others, then I don't who those people are. So that might not be that helpful. But I tried. Maybe not a good attempt.
Maybe problem is.. Yes. Sometimes my dreams and fantasies distract me from actually doing any creative hobbies. But my other problem is that I'm most creative about art, reading and writing when I'm actively in that fandom. If I listen to a song, that song in that moment inspires me to want to write a story associated with that song. If I'm watching a show or movie, then I'm most inspired to write a story for that show or movie. Because I rewatched High&Low and Alice In Borderland, so I was inspired because of that. Which is why I'm really obsessively involved in my hobbies like music, shows, movies, and everything else. This is why I'm always fickle about my fandoms.
For me.. That depends on the fandom for me. Sometimes I might a story with one original character with multiple canon characters but not every character though, and other times I would have multiple original characters paired with a canon character - one on one type of relationships. And not every relationship is always romantic either.
And if we're only talking about my High&Low characters specific.. Besides the main original character. Don't include her. I have three, maybe four, other original characters for High&Low mostly because the face claims I have for them are color cordinated. Which was really unintentional on my part. But, because the SWORD gangs are color cordinated, those characters would be connected to those gangs.
The blue character would somehow be associated with Oya, orange character associated with Sannoh, red character with Daruma - just for those three. If I did have the fourth character, she could either be white for Rascals or green for Rude Boys. But part of me thinks that might be too many characters? I don't know. I'll figure out. Maybe.
Did I not message you? In instant message? Because I felt like I did a couple days ago. Maybe I should try messaging again.
it’s a shame there’s not a lot of activity, i thought it would have been a show from the ~back in the day~ when there were people that hung around and made content even years later. like the leverage fandom still went hard for years before the new show started up. sucks that fandoms die out so quickly now since h&l really isn’t that old.
if i had any sway here on tumblr, maybe i could bring it back to some popularity but alas. not a whole lot of followers here at xo.
GOD SAME!! i can think about plots and characters for months but not be able to put any of it down into writing and it sucks! even now, i’m too burnt out to actually do stuff, but my head is rolling with ideas.
i don’t think 3-5 overall characters is too many considering the fact that h&l has such a huge cast of characters. i think it’d be fine all in one fic or as separated oc-focused fics. my oc is mainly connected with oya and daruma (and technically kuryu), but does still interact with the other sword groups.
i think you did message me, im just very bad at looking at/replying to my messages agshdkgl
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thingsandstuffyeah · 2 years
Im in a calm state. That weird sobriety you get when so stressed but everything becomes very clear. If you know it, you know it. I fail to explain it right now. The world feels so... Full of water. Walking and pacing right now takes effort. It feels like each limb is swimming through its own pool. Even down to the fingers typing.
Ive hurt people. Ive hurt many people. Ive hurt myself. Im... Trying to think of the lives ive genuinely had a positive impact on. My whole blood family i intentionally distance myself from because they failed to see me being hurt at a young age. S i dont think cares, only really is a friend because ive been a friend for a while. Je A and St all know ive effectively betrayed their trust now. M im trying to distance myself from because of bubbling trauma from a young age i harbor and my own unforgivable mistake. D used to love me, i couldnt tell you why and... Now it just feels like i shun them for liking vtubers which nice job dickhead. B i scared out of my life for a long time because of how i acted when i was around 15. And... J. The only one who might on a shred of a chance still read this. J. You were... Are... Everything. It might sound obsessive, it probably is. Everything ive done, everything thats happened. You made it all matter. You were... Purpose. Someone i strived to improve because they were so happy to see me grow. I hurt you those years ago and you know that probably better than me. This... Whole thing that is happening. I think its reconciliation for hurting you. Every time we are apart, its hell. Every time we arent talking feels like ive been put in an iron maiden with an electrical shock going through me every time i sit still. I blame myself very often for the shock. Well, it is always my fault. Well, point is i... Never wanted to become a bad memory. Even when i hurt you i really was just vying for attention in a sick unforgivable way. I know you know that. I changed. After that all. Became someone new and... I dont want to ever do it again. I like the me that i made. But now im fucking it all up because im trying to cope with you being gone. I betrayed everyone and myself recently. And i wish you were here to remind me that above all else im able to change for the better. But youre not. Hell theres only a small chance youre reading this but thats never stopped me from posting before.
I always wanted to believe that we could push through anything. Just like i pushed through so much. But... Not everyones me. And now i dont even have you. I dont have us. We... Dont have us. I will admit im extremely jealous that you have a support structure and... Not any of the destructive tendencies that i have, or at least are capable of controlling them. I really do wish i could just step away and find a new group and.... Anyway yes i am jealous but... Im not you. I wish you would see it my way, that we can work through anything if we try hard enough but i guess thats the point. We arent enough to you. Im not enough for you. And thats not bad, its really not. Its just true.
Ive really only hurt people, and you, J, are the one i did everything in my body to reverse or make up for. And i guess that was my downfall. I only tried to be more for you. To everyone else im just... A pile of jokes and a snarky attitude. And to that end, im not content living a life like this. I really find it pointless. I did everything and i was never enough for the one that mattered. I guess something shit feeling is knowing that maybe theres someone in the future or even right now looking at this and journaling and letting it play its course just to be some random video about some odd internet weirdo journal. Because im more than that, or at least was. But i was only ever able to be more for you. This is not a goodbye note. Just sobriety.
All the art. All the creativity. All the interest. Everything that is me. Boiled down into a weird melting pot of a loser tumblr blog. What a nothing way to be remembered.
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hoshiyoshis · 2 years
Hey, its gonna be okay. There are lots of moments in life where our pasions just arent as intense as before or even disapear for a little while, but that doesnt mean you should feel bad/angered with your self over it. Try to give this a breake, focus on other things even if it is only a week or two, because the more you drawn onto this feeling the harder its gonna be on you.
Also, you dont need to apologise to people for following you, you are doing you best🌸💖
ive kinda left this one in my inbox all day bc i dont know what to really say to it, ig? like. obviously i want to start with the fact that i appreciate u took time out of ur day to say something nice to someone whos struggling bc it genuinely means a lot to me that u did that!!
idk take some ramblings of a struggling artist or w/e u wanna call me. 'depressed bitch' also works lmao
i guess i just... always feel like i'm not doing enough as a creator. like as a fan idc abt making content, but i like making things. i think just... stuff comes back around like darl+ing did, or like HOT did, and i just kinda watch everyone else make pretty much every single thing ever and i sit there and im like... well, what do i do? what can i do? everyone's always going to make things better than me to begin with.
it's not like drawing or writing where i'm the only person who can create a thing that way. its taking the exact same content as other people do and just... doing it, but always doing it worse because other people have done this enough times that it looks easy to them even though i know its not. some people probably have their stuff automated so that they can churn content out quickly.
i guess i'll always feel like... not good enough. and i think that's always where my passion dies out. and if i'm honest, i think i notice it the most in caratblr out of anything else. it always feels weirdly competitive. gif the mv first. make your sets for the new gose episode and get them posted as fast as you can but also make them look good. there's a new fancam? there will be gifsets already uploaded before you even view the first few seconds of it.
and it's not that i would ever ask another creator to slow down because if they're genuinely enjoying making their content then go for it? have fun? i just wish people consumed content better. if you aren't a "big name" then you aren't going to get notes. sometimes it feels like if you aren't a part of closed network that you aren't going to get anything either. or maybe people just... don't want to reblog things.
i don't know. i just notice it the most in caratblr compared to the other groups i made gifs for. i think that's honestly why i really prefer making content for groups like treasure or golcha? its just... more comfortable. i don't feel like i'm constantly competing with other people to produce something for them.
i make a gifset of hyunsuk and i feel at home with getting reblogs from my mutuals and seeing people be nice in the notes. i make that skz + red set and i see some ppl being super nice and calling it pretty/stunning or pointing out the way felix looks in one of the gifs.
which isnt to say caratblr isnt nice. i think abt the sweet tags i get usually from my mutuals, sometimes from ppl outside that circle, too. but idk, i just notice an imbalance more of reblogs to likes more often there. i compare myself to other creators who get hundreds of notes which is probably my own damn fault for comparing so much.
and i think that just... genuinely impacts my enjoyment of things. sometimes im like "oh maybe it'll be fun to gif the new mv haha" or something and then i remember oh, right, im not talented enough for that. other people are going to do it and do it better every single time so why should i try?
also lmao its just hard to be on tumblr in general when stuff like this happens. logic says "take a break for a few days" but i just... i dont want to. i like being here. i like interacting with my mutuals. i just know i'm going to sit there and feel fucking awful though if i try to scroll through my dash. and if i take a break for too long, then it feels like im falling even further behind. i already have to take a fucking extra semester to finish my schooling, i feel even more pathetic falling behind in a hobby that i actually like.
its stupid. sometimes i feel like i don't deserve to be here and to be a fan if i let so much stupid shit like that bother me. i know i don't have to create content to be a fan, but i just... i like doing it. its just hard to not lose all motivation again and wonder why i even bother being here and listening when i can't give them my all in return.
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hunbun03 · 2 years
thanks for the ej with a muzzle thought now I can't stop thinking about it
𝚒𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚒 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚛𝚘𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 :(  𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 us....  𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎??? <𝟹
𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐!! 𝚕𝚘𝚕
𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝:  5𝚔 𝚗 𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝟸𝟶 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍??? 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜-𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔  𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐  𝚃𝚑𝚎  𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛  𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑  𝙰 𝙼𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎  𝙾𝚗 
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𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕚𝕗 𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕖𝕣 <𝟛
awooga heres the warning dears: its creepypasta smut/headcannons, ur fucking a eyeless creature/demon thing?, muzzle, drooling, eye goo/ink maybe, mans has three tongues, multiple creampies, nipple sucking, degradation, breeding kink, mentions of getting reader pregnant, animal noises (e.g: growling, guttural noises, howling maybe i dunno), mentions of a knot,  Afab reader, feminine pet names, being covered in saliva/eye goo, blood kink,  just smut ya know. be safe dears <3
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𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚠𝚊𝚑:
oh my effing gods it took him so damn long for you to talk him into it like im talking like a solid two months. He would always shut you down with the same old, “I don’t wanna take off my mask babe.” or “How would it even fit me??”
you would even show him that they do make customs made ones so it could fit a human head but still he would brush it off, a little insulted by it. like why would you need him in a muzzle to begin with? wasn’t he enough for you??
honestly most of the talking him into it was just you reassuring him lol.
then by some stroke of luck, he finally agrees to it. 
maybe it was now that he was comfy with having his mask off in front of you, gotta jump through the insecurity hurdles 
before the real freaky shit happens <3
I honestly imagined that you two would be in bed when he brings it up to you the first time. everyone else in the mansion has fallen asleep, and you were almost off to dreamland yourself but thats when he would turn to you, gently nudging you to catch your attention.
when he does tell you, theres no sleeping for the rest of the night but not for the reason ya think it would be, ya lil dirty bug. 
You and Ej spend hours trying to find the perfect one, surprisingly he’s very picky 
but but but but!
yall find the perfect one! to bad you cant afford express shipping :(
being an creature that eats kidneys dont really pay well
The wait for the thing was grueling
every single knock made you almost jump out of your skin, knocking over everything to get the door first only to realize it was for someone else (Mostly ben and jeff rip)
even Ej wanted it so bad. 
It took at least a month to get to you both, it arrived early in the morning like 3/4 am
thankfully you were the only one up to answer the door, the box wasn’t exactly hiding the contents of it. 
you knew ej would’ve been an embarrassed mess if anyone in the mansion saw it.
you woke him up the morning, holding that muzzle in your hands
oh gods
you, my dear have woken up something in him
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𝚄𝚛 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝:
The entire house was still and quiet apart from the wind rustling past it’s old form and the soft creaks the hallway whispered underneath your feet. You held a package in both of your hands, your fingers covering the obscene words and the very pornographic pictures on the box, just in case if anyone or thing was up at this hour. 
A foot of yours placed itself on the first steep stair before another followed. You started to make your way up the narrow stairwell while your eyes played a dangerous game, flickering to the path in front of your still tired feet and back at the box. 
soon enough you decided to just rely on the muscle memory of your legs, putting your trust in them to carry you up the stairs they must’ve walked a thousands times before. meanwhile your eyes settled back on the pictures on the box, specifically one of a girl with the muzzle firmly attached to her mouth. Her eyes were obstructed by the tip of your middle finger. It made you think of Ej and soon enough your cheeks were dusted with a light pink blush. 
The thought of Ej with a muzzle on broke your little head, shutting it down entirely while your legs still carried you, Those thoughts of yours ran like a wildfire, but you couldn’t really wrap your head fully around the fact that he agreed to it. You were sure that he would love it though, at least the dirty lil ideas that the picture was fueling did. 
him thrusting into you deeply, reaching into the spots you didn't even know you had. gods you were gonna cum. 
A loud smack of the box hitting the wall, soon followed by the dull thud your head made when it made contact with it. panic settled in pretty quickly and Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around the box, carrying it like a child plus now blocking the smutty words and pictures on it almost fully now, a couple of words like Slut and Fuck-Machine poked themselves through. you looked around cautiously as if someone would rise because of two small noises, or leave their rooms for that matter. 
Still you stood in place with the box pressed against your chest, your heart, it was throbbing against the cardboard. you swore that was louder than your previous head bang. You stayed there, shaking like a wet dog for at least three minutes. Thankfully no one poked their heads out of their room and into your business.
With a deep breath that was as shaky as your legs, you walked to the room that you and Eyeless-Jack shared, the box still against your chest when you opened the door, seeing your darling still asleep, his usual mask on the nightstand that was on your side of the bed. His body stretched across the bed sideways, limbs all sprawled out. His face deep into the pillows, and you saw the ribbon of the sleep mask he wore to bed always. 
You leaned against the door frame, making sure that the old house walls didn’t creak when you put your weight on it. Your nails slipped under one of the flaps, tearing a part of the top off and reaching into the box, grabbing the muzzle. 
You tossed the box into bin.
The muzzle dangled off of your index finger while you looked at the cozy cannibal. a part of you wanted to wake him up right this second, but no, you had to wait just a little while longer. Undoing your robe so it barely stayed on your frame, it exposing your bra and panties. Gods, you swore that you could feel your heart racing even though Ej was still laying there, snoozing peacefully. 
you pursed your lips to let a sharp wolf whistle sneak right past them. The sound made ej huffed a bit, thankfully he was a light sleeper. “Get up babes.”
Begrudgingly and with an audible groan, EJ got up. It took him a minute or two to fully get up, his back hunched and arms resting against his knees. “Im up. Im up. Im up!” he grumbled, his hand went to his face, patting around for the sleep mask. His brain was still dead-tired, his hands stumbling around before he finally grabbed it, pulling and then tossing it to whatever corner. Almost immediately his rough hands went to his face, rubbing the remaining sleep out of it, well trying to.
“Babe.. literally look at me please.”
He grunted a bit in response first, but soon he answered with a,  “I am I am..” His voice was gruff still gravelly with sleep. He lifted his head, deep purple bags settled in under his sockets soon covered up by a small dribble of ink. You knew that he still wasn’t looking at you instead past you to the hallway.  
“Like what you see?” 
Ej turned his view to your face, a small smile spread across his lips. “Im looking at you so of course.” Even when sleepy he was a dork, huh.
“Uh.. babe look lower.” You stifled a small giggled when his attention immediately turned to your breasts, the bra barely covering them. He was a bit slow whenever he woke up so you had to do most of the work, bringing the muzzle up to his gaze and well to cover your cleavage. 
“Oh..” He was at a lost for words but now you could feel his gaze undress you right where you stood. He leaned over and grabbed your arm. He could translate what he wanted with his actions better than he could with words and you both knew that. 
he tilted his head up to face yours, a grin pulled at his grey lips, his sharp teeth poking and some overlapping his bottom lip. He looked so handsome like this, your eyes taking in all of his pretty face before you stared into those deep voids in place of actual eyes. Still, you knew he could see you and see the growing heat that spread across your face. 
“You’re so pretty.” He had a peculiar look on his face. just looking at you you made the left corner of his face twitch ever so slightly. But that look had you curious: was it hunger? Need? His craving for you or something worse. Whatever it was it burned and it burned bright.
The blush that was worsening, how your robe was barely able to stay on your body, your smell, all of it was intoxicating. Oh gods, your smell.. He could smell everything on you, how much you needed him. It drove him wild, you drove him wild, it lighting a match in the pit of his belly and the need crawling up from it and into his veins.  
Despite how badly he wanted to ravage your body and take you right then and there, he carefully grabbed your chin, treating you like the finest of china and pulled your face closer to his and soon enough his lips enveloped yours. 
Kissing Ej was always an experience, his three tongues completely covered your tongue, surrounding it so you had no choice but to give in to him. A soft noise crawled out of your throat into the kiss and that only fueled Ej’s craving more, the fire burning even hotter, it felt like his veins were gonna burst but it wasn’t gonna make him rush, just yet.
One tongue of his wrapping around yours, and the others explored your mouth, claiming it as his own. you just had to sit there with muzzle in hand and take it but you werent complaining. His hands explored his body but as they naturally do, they went straight for your breasts, grabbing and squeezing them, taking greedy handfuls. Your bra holding on by the straps hanging down by your elbows now. 
His hands kneaded your breasts, your nipples hardening underneath his needy palms and the lace of your bra. It took all of the willpower in his body but he gently pulled away from the kiss, drool dripping off on the lead tongue. Ej stared up at you with the wicked grin and twitching corner of his lip. you could barely breathe now, your chest rising and falling, shimmying your bra down your torso, exposing them. Your eyes traveled down to the door once more and it took a second to realize that the drool was dripping off of his tongue was attached to yours. the trail snapped and the drool splashed on both of y’alls chest and soon apart of it traveled down to one of Ej’s hands. 
They squeezed your breasts harder, making rough purple shaped love marks on them. It made a mewl of moan come out of you. Another twitch of Ej’s lips, he squeezed you once more, wanting that sound again. Ej just did whatever first came to his mind, it was cloudy in there but one thing is that he wanted to fuck you and fuck you hard. You wanted it to, trembling hands of yours finally undid that pesky bra of yours that hung around your stomach, Ej didn’t waste any time, he leaned down and started to suck on your breasts, his tongues wrapping around your left nipple. 
He kept you in place by wrapping his large hands around your waist.
“Jack...” you moaned out his name in a shaky breath, your tongue didn’t dare to stumbled when moaning his actual name out. Ej growled in return, his heart racing, pounding against the skin of his neck. It threatened to burst when your fingers wrapped themselves up in his dark hair, still slightly curled from previous deep sleep. Another moan he pulled out of you while his tongues surround your breast, his black drool leaking out from the sides of his mouth, covering your entire chest with his saliva. Ej was so damn messy when it came to things like this but you fucking loved it 
He went to your other bud, leaving the cool air to stimulate the other. 
He kept you up with his hands that were still holding onto your waist, tightly. Good since those pesky legs of yours almost buckled while his mouth took in most of your breasts, the part of it that wasn’t being sucked on was still being explored by his tongues, leaving trails of saliva. His mouth was eager. Hell, he was eager to taste you like this, his lust growing with every single uneven breath you took. He became rougher with the whiny moans you made underneath his greedy mouth. He couldn’t help it. The taste of your skin tingled his tongue, he needed more. Hands of his pulled you closer to him, your breasts now smooshed against his face. 
A stinging pain enveloped your breast when his teeth easily broke your skin, they were made for eating kidneys after-all. with a sharp inhale that sounded more like a hiss, your face scrunched up. trying to deal with the pain as if it would pass. Ej only seemed to get more into it and with great effort you pulled on his bed-hair to get his head and mouth away from your aching breasts.
Ej was confused above all else and it showed on his face, his tongues hanging out of his mouth and dripping with his drool. It took him a second to see the blood run down from the tiny cuts his teeth made and onto your stomach. 
“Babe.. I.. I’m sorry.” He said, his voice wracked with nerves. his whole body filled with such an immense guilt. You knew he didn’t mean to. You knew he was sorry by the tremble in his voice. “I’m so sorry...” 
Gods, you felt your heart breaking, you knew he was so damn sincere. 
“Jack, im gonna be fine. it’s okay.” you assured him with a kind smile, his gaze never left your face, searching for a part of you that was mad. 
“But I.. I.” He stammered, he couldn’t think straight with the knowledge that he had made you bleed. You could tell that he was lost in his thoughts, every single one of them bad too. 
You dipped your fingers into the blood cascading down your breasts, collecting a small puddle of it on your fingers. He opened his mouth to spurt out another ‘Im sorry’ but instead you shoved those fingers deep into his mouths. His tongues instinctively surrounded your fingers, taking in every last drop of it. The taste was heavenly.
“I love you, ya dork.”
The worry finally left his body, you didn’t hate him. (Not that you could lol) He sucked on your fingers, giving you small growls: all were guttural. He enjoyed swiping each tongue through the two fingers even though he sucked the blood off clean as soon as you slide them into his mouth. 
Much to Ej’s dismay: you pulled your fingers out of his mouth slowly, making sure to soft pull at his bottom lip. The teasing nature of it all drew another growl from that pit in Ej belly. You lifted your fingers to your view, only to see that they were dripping with the same drool that your breasts were. A small giggle made your body shake and caught you off balanced, your left foot catching you but bumped into something cold. 
You looked down towards your foot and saw the muzzle on the ground. The same one you two been waiting months for, just forgotten about. Ej soon followed your eyes to the muzzle, he grunted a bit when he first saw it and strangely enough your chest mimicked him. 
“My mouth was that good huh? knocked the memory outta you?” He teased, You could feel his attention turned to your ass and you were right by his hans travelling lower when you decided to pick it up. He promised that he would try this out once and you were gonna make it count.
“You also forgot, smart-ass.” You teased him right back, holding the muzzle with both hands, presenting to him almost. Well, you be damned he looked almost shy when he saw that you were sticking to your guns. Was that a faint blush to grace his grey cheeks. 
He was at a lost for words for once. 
“Well.. gimmie that handsome little face babes.” You laughed, slightly getting off on the power you had over him in this moment. full on basking in his submission for the time being. Knowing Ej, you knew you wouldn’t have it for long.
Ej was a man of his word: He leaned his head to you, right into of both of your hands. The drool that hadn’t had a chance to dry yet was still hanging off of his chin and slid down his neck. You ignored it as you fixed the muzzle onto his mouth and jaw comfortably before pressing his face into your breast to tighten up the straps. You jumped when you felt the warmth of his tongues licking the spot between your breasts, of course he had to, you tasted so damn good. 
before he could get to carried away, you had to pull his head back by the straps of the muzzle, to made him look at you. The look of confusion was on his face once again, his tongues hanged out of his mouth, wanting the taste of your skin and also drenching the metal bars in drool.
He looked so handsome like this, wishing that you had a camera to show him just how pretty he was right this second. He looked up at you, all the while the saliva dripping on his lap. He looked like a rabid animal, ready to demolish you. 
“Closer.” His voice was rough, it scraped out oh his throat. His fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, squeezing your sides. “I fucking need you.” 
In a flash you were against the bedroom floor, the cheap carpet scratched up your back, making little itchy red indents. Ej hovered over you, the same rabid look fixed on his face. his lips placed in a snarl with more drool pushing past his teeth. He carved you and you could feel it grow with every drop of his black drool that splashed on your lips. 
“Give me your cunt.”
He kept on watching your face. Every little movement of yours made the corner of his lip twitched even more. His sharp teeth shined as he fully grinned down at you while watching the dark red blush fully overtook your face. 
“Ej, It’s yours.” You manged to stuttered out, the words clunking off of your tongues and into his ears. That grin of his widened, he looked cocky almost. One of his rough hands stumbled it’s way up your inner thighs and shoved itself into your panties. The muscles in your thighs tightened around his arm. 
“Give me your cunt.” He barked the order out and soon your legs spread wide open for him, you didn’t notice that you did at first until you felt the calloused pad of his fingers pressed against your slit. Another growl erupted out of him, feeling you need for him drip on his two fingers. 
a sharp inhale filled your lungs as your lips part out for a soft, “Fffuuck.”
The moan was everything but soft though, it was clunky as if you were sounding out each word of it. It only drew out another deep growl from him, he needed to hear it once more. He need to keep hearing that clumsy moan of yours. He rubbed your opening for a second, he loved how wet you were just by seeing him with this muzzle on. Soft mewls and you started bucking your hips against him, you wanted him so damn bad. 
“You want my fingers to fill up your cunt.” He grunted, dipping the tips of his fingers into you. “Huh?” 
To flustered to talk, all you could do was just nod: your head bobbing up and down quickly, making a few stray hairs stick to your hot face. The sight of you, wordlessly pleading was enough for him to shove his fingers into you, filling your pussy to the hilt. 
“Good pet.”
The way your legs twitched and tightened around his sides. the look of absolute bliss that twist itself on your face, the moans leaving your mouth. he pressed his fingers deeper into that spot, making your walls tightened and twitched. sucking his fingers in even deeper if that was possible. 
“aah- ughh, gods-” barely able to fumble out a clear sentence out. Now since he started pumping them into that spongey spot, you swore that you saw white, eyes fluttering every-time he pressed into it. Gods, he fucking loved it. It made him drool even more, his tongues reaching out of his mouth and the tips went through the bars. 
the drool splashed onto your face while he fucked you with your fingers, his body moving with his hands, mimicking how he would usually fucked you. the carpet scratched up your back, his fingers curled right into your spot and it made your mouth open wide. That little pink tongue of yours peered through and it drove him wild,  seeing his drool drop and fill your mouth. 
He leaned down closer to your face, wanting to feel your tongue on his so bad. the tips of his tongues swallowed your, despite how hard he was fucking his fingers into you, he was gentle when it came to this: not wanting to bump your teeth on the metal. He got the job done since two of his tongues could reach through the bars easily, to surround your pretty pink one with the taste of his. 
everything was so damn overwhelming and it slowly tied the knot in the pit of your belly. It already threatened to snap, it shaking, every-time he pressed deep into you, the slight taste of iron on his tongue, him fucking you with all that he’s worth. The twitch and the pull of your walls on your fingers. He could tell that your were close, gods, he could taste how close you were. He lifted his head up from your mouth just to look at you, he slowed his thrusts, wanting to fully rip a pathetic plead from you
“Beg.” he grunted out, slowly his thrusts to a complete stop. 
confusion fixed itself and stuck onto your face, brows were furrowed and your lips were twitching and still tasted of him. He hated your silence, curling his fingers and hitting that spot again, to show how easy it was for him to make you cum but he wouldn’t do it. he refused. Another moan shook itself out of your throat but tapped your g-spot once more. Aside from the occasional presses to your spot, you were scooting off of the edge quickly, the knot untying itself. Easily, desperation settled in. 
He laughed at the fact he could tell that you wanted it, “Beg.”
The crazed look was intense and it showed itself on his lips, twitching like mad. He meant business as now he fully stopped thrusting his fingers, daring to pull them out completely. 
“Oh god, please fuck.. i wanna cum so bad Ej.” your voice was breath, shaky in some bits especially since he slowly starting to pull them out. Gods, you needed this.  “I wanna cum so bad I can taste it please.”
It added to the fire that took it’s place in his veins, he was gonna make you gush all over him. You stared up at his face, watching an even wider grin spread his lips, his teeth fully out now. He pulled his hand out of you and your panties. Before you could whine out a valid complaint, he leaned over, filling your mouth with the drool that pushed through his teeth and he made you swallowed it, holding your face. 
“I wanna make you cum with my cock, pet.” He growled, it fully rumbled out of his chest. He was stern and direct. You swallowed his saliva, feeling it travel down your throat and into your belly, right next to the untied knot. All you could do was nod, looking up at him. 
He might’ve been wearing the muzzle but he was the one in control. 
Soon he flipped you over onto your stomach, showing off the red itchy marks that littered your back now. You lifted your ass up, pressing it against his throbbing erection but your upper half stayed on the ground and he made sure of it by placing a hand on his back. snuggling it right in-between your shoulder blades. With one free hand he pulled his cock out of his boxers and then pulled your panties down to your thighs. 
He didn’t shove it inside you yet, placing the shaft right onto your slit. A frustrated huff rumbled out of you, from the occasional throb on your clit, there wasn't much stimulation and it drove you crazy, and he knew it as well. 
“Ej.. Fuck I need you inside me so damn bad.” You pleaded pathetically before he could ask you too. Another throb from his cock went into your clit. He liked it, the tone of your voice and the small whine the uttered from you shortly after. 
“Good little mate.”
A low moan shook your entire body as he stuffed his full cock into you, already pressed right against your cervix. Ej also moaned, his body leaning over your body, putting more of his body weight onto you. The way your pussy was squeezing and clamping onto his cock was divine. His cock pulsed against your g-spot. 
He hunched over you even more, placing a hand right next to your head to keep balance. Ej was taking in deep breath as if he was preparing for something. “tight... you’re so damn fucking tight.” He thrusted into you after seemingly hissing out the last tight.
Both of you moaned loud, but only your body trembled.
It didn’t take him much to start pumping into his fat cock into you hard. He couldn’t wait anymore. Fuck, you couldn’t wait anymore. With his generous size, he easily bottomed you out with each thrusts. A wet clap could be heard when your bodies made contact. 
You were goddamn right, he reached spots you didn’t even know. You fucked yourself back against it, or well tried to since his hand did a good job at keeping you put. His body weight pushing you into the same carpet that scratched up your back, real good. 
“Ahh-!! fuck fuck fuck! J...ack!” You didn’t bother being quiet, not anymore. Anyone would be damned if they walked on you two, or if they just walked past the open bedroom door. They would have a rather nice show with you being fucked into the carpet with a rabid looking Ej hovering over you, rutting into you hard. There wasn’t any stopping you two, especially now since the knot found the loose ends and now tying itself up once more, already threatening to snap.  
Something deep in Ej already snapped, maybe it was when he started to fuck into you. maybe it was when you slid the metal cage on his jaw. He was a muttering fool, fucking into you. He found that little spot in you so easy, his cock slid right past it and just tapped onto your cervix.
Gods, you were so full of his cock and you loved it. 
He grunted and growled, anything that came out of his throat was animalistic. he fucked himself into you, battering against your womb. He loved the smell of your needy cunt mixed in with the salt of your sweat. He could feel that you were going to cum, your pussy was aching and pleading to do so. “Cum... cum cum..” He barked the order out, his brain stuttering on the word since it was so wired on feeling you just gush all over him. he craved it so much, tasting it in-between the spaces of his teeth.
“nnnngggh~ ahh ej ej... jack! Jack!” you moaned into the carpet that he was fucking you into. that was all you could do, was take the rough treatment that you’ve been craving all of this time, ever since you woke up this morning at 5.  
“Cum Cum Cum Cum!” he growled, his voice was something you never heard before, rough like gravel but sensual as a jazz singer. He was rutting into you harder, making you see whatever gods you prayed to every-time he bottomed out. 
“Gods, dont make me ask you again!” He barked the order out, saliva flinging  past his clenched razor like teeth, the black drool landed above where his hand were, all of it collecting into a small puddle.
Your moans were loud and muffled, the side of your face pressed deep into the carpet. Feeling the cheap material, making the same red itchy indents that was on your back. Any moment you felt like you were going to come undone under-neath of this man, and soon: you just did, gushing all over him and yourself while you saw the heavens. Every muscle in your body tensed up while Ej kept rocking his hips into your pussy, not letting up the speed one bit.
The screamed that erupted out of your throat made Ej hunched over you even more now, giving you one final big thrust before flooding your twitching walls with cum. A hearty groan filled you ears as he made subtle thrusts, making sure you milked his cock completely. 
“Fuck.” He breathed out, taking his hand off of your back and moving it onto the ground on the other side of your head. It didn’t take him long to start pumping back into your tightening cunt, pressing his cum deeper into your hungry hole. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You were a stuttering mess, brain going haywire from being fucked like a wild animal, resembling how he was talking eariler. Ej’s response was rutting into you more, pounding your aching cunt that exactly never came off of the high of cumming. He didn’t let up at all: his pelvis making a wet clap when it made contact with your ass. 
With how hard he was jamming his cock into you: reminded you of how he gets during his winter-time heats, well it would’ve if it wasn’t for Ej fucking all of the thoughts out of your little head, turning it to mush. All you could do was take his hard like a good little mate. The juices from your pussy leaked down your thighs and onto panties that were still around them, making a mess of yourself and him.
That scream you did earlier set your vocal cords on fire, and the moans Jack was fucking out of you scratched it up more. Now, you were uttering pathetic noises which pleased Ej’s ears,  through the meek noises, you just hear Ej muttering like crazy: “baby... baby.. put a... put a baby.. breed... breed you.. breed you good.” 
every intense syllable he spat out made more drool which sprayed all over the back of your neck, feeling some splashed in your hair as well. His teeth was clenched, resembling a pained grin while his cock jammed itself against your room. How he dug his nails into the carpet, pulling it up in some parts, you knew he meant what he said. At least, whatever he was muttering made you feel as if he was breeding you right here and now. 
little did you know, that he was. 
The scratches in your throat burned bright, but you grunted out a, “Cum.. Im cumming.”, you sounded animalistic yourself, feeling off into the deep end of lust. nothing mattered except getting your high with the man that was breeding you like a bitch. He deliberately aimed his thrusts into g-spot and you screamed again, this time squirting all over him and yourself.  
With a sight like that, he pumped another load into your hungry cunt. You felt a deep shudder ran through his body while a groan that sounded more like a howl ripped out of his lungs. It didn’t stop him from pumping into you despite how sensitive you both were now, he wanted another gush from you. He was still muttering about putting a baby in you: that thought never leaving his and the seemingly crazes whispers of it never left your ears. you were so into it though. maybe it was how desperate you were to cum again or how the mentions of you getting pregnant made his cock pulse just right.
with every promise he made you: 
“Make you a mama.” 
“You’re going to carry my child.” 
“Fuck, you’re gonna be pregnant.”
He bottomed out in you, making some of his cum leak out of his pussy and adding to the mess that was your thighs. You gave him another orgasm, instead of a scream, it resemble the howls of a wounded animal, fully lost in this whole experience. The feeling of more juices splashed onto him was enough for him to fuck another load into your over-stimulated pussy. He howled as well, it mixing with yours nicely. 
Ej seemingly collapsed his upper half onto your back, putting his full body weight onto you. The metal of the saliva covered muzzle met the hot skin on your back when he laid his head down.
He was tired and you were exhausted, thighs numb from his relentless pounding. Although you two basically fucked the energy out of each other, it didn’t stop his hips from giving you slow but deep thrusts. a small hiss left your mouth, your pussy was sore and sensitive. It felt like Ej knew that as well, slowing down so he could still fuck you without wearing you out to much.  
“Babe.” He whispered against the sweat of your skin, the only clear sentence he spoke for these last two hours that wasn't about putting a baby in you.  
He pushed deeper, his cock gliding past every sweet spot you had but still you manged to respond, “Ye... yea?” 
“I love you.” 
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𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚜, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚕! 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!! 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚋 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚜
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theotherrevenger · 2 years
Vigilante Girl Pt 1
Adrian Chase x Fem 'Villain?' Reader
Chapter Summary: Adrian tries hard not to embarrass himself in front of one of his favorite heroes
Warnings: Not Beta read(i know srry), 18+ MINORS DNI nsfw related content, canon typical violence, dark/grey reader,
Wordcount: 2,406
also hiiii i usually dont write bc im shit but adrian is cute and i had a idea... I dont encourage any of the readers actions that will eventually come in other chapters except for the smut
Pt two https://theotherrevenger.tumblr.com/post/675042408204042240/vigilante-grip-pt-2
Adrian swung the bag over his shoulder before he walked outside. Nights like these everyone was more than eager to leave work and head home for the day. He was left to close up shop for the day so he turned on some music and completed his chores. Soon the soft sway of his hips turned into full on dancing as he sang along to the music as he wiped down the tables.
Adrian couldn’t really stop himself from singing as he put all the menus back into the labeled slot.
“Now everybody ask me why I’m smili-” He cut himself off as he heard the jingle of the door opening.
When he turned around to meet the inconsiderate customer he was shocked. Times like this he hated the fact he couldn't wear his mask all the time. Adrian was positive that his mouth hung open as he realized who entered the diner.
“Oh shit- Hi sorry but we close in ten minutes” Adrian told you hoping you didn’t hear him singing the song loudly.
Embarrassing himself in front of you was not something he wanted to do. To be fair you were you after all. When he first saw the pictures of the masked ‘hero’ on the news he was in awe. Most of the time he ignored the headlines that came along with whatever you did to make the news. They called you all kinds of things but he didn’t care. Adrian just acknowledged them as part of life. Every brutal killing that was in your name he partially felt jealous wasn’t him.
You were effective and every life loss was one Adrian considered the world to be better without. He tried not to fangirl in front of you knowing that you probably already heard his wonderful singing. Sometimes he became hyper aware of his actions. This was just a product of being told how weird he was his entire life.
“Really? My bad I didn’t mean to get here this late. Ok well see ya” You said turning to walk out of the diner
“No-” Adrian said, which caused you to halt in place.
“What?” You asked leaning against the doorway of the diner.
Internally you hoped that he wasn't planning on trying to call the cops on you or try to detain you himself. Looking down at the pin on his shoulder you took note of his name. Adrian was cute and it would suck if you had to kill him because he wanted to be a hero.
“Could probably stay a few extra minutes. Especially if you're hungry” He said.
Adrian had to take a deep breath after rushing those words out. It felt like his brain was fighting against him and wouldn’t let him speak.
“I don't want to be a bother” You said truly not wanting to bother him.
“It's fine. Plus I’m offering” He said before turning to grab a menu.
You conceded and stepped back into the diner. Something told you that he wasn’t going to snap pictures of you and give them to the cops. However you still preferred to eat without being anxious if someone else were to see you.
“Do you mind closing these? Not exactly trying to be on TMZ by morning” You asked, pointing around to the blinds in the restaurant.
“Right of course” Adrian before he practically ran to every window and closed them.
This made you feel a small pang of guilt. It wasn't your intention to make him nervous. Sometimes the suit made people nervous and you hated it.
‘No need to be nervous if you're innocent’ You thought.
You took a seat at the table closest to him and he sat a menu in front of you. After turning around to look at all the windows you began to take off your helmet but he stopped you.
“Do you want me to turn around or something?” Adrian asked worriedly.
“What no. Don't be silly, you're fine” You answered, trying to assure him that everything was fine.
Truth be told you definitely would have eaten your food without taking off your helmet. Sometimes you would slip down the cloth layer under that covered the bottom half of your face.
Adrian’s seemingly scared actions made you feel kind of bad. So you wanted to make him seem more comfortable. Contrary to what the news told you, you never thought of yourself as a complete monster. Plus the actual helmet part only covered the top half of your face and you've definitely enjoyed slices of pizza after a mission.
“Ok” He mumbled with a shrug of his shoulders.
Adrian would have lied to himself if he said he wasn’t interested. The first few times he’s seen pictures of you on the internet he barely gave the thought any time. But as your acts became more frequent and ‘successful’ he began to wonder what you looked like under there.
A few times he had even gotten himself off to the thought. He’d rut into the soft pillow pretending it was you bent over for him telling the ‘Vigilante’ what a good job he was doing. Of course, he would never let you find out though.
He had imagined every skin tone, possible eye color, lip size and even some makeup. None of that could have prepared him for the combination he was lucky enough to look at now. You were beautiful and he was stunned. Adrian made a mental note in case this was the only time he would be lucky enough to see you in person.
“Here’s the menu. Ummm today’s specials include… Well, I don't remember because I already wiped the board. But the donuts are pretty good and we make them three times a day. If you wanted any other pastry, then they would probably not be fresh. The cheese sticks are kind of waxy so avoid those at all costs. Oh, and the burgers are nice if you're down for a burger. Hmmm the coffee is good too, but I don't drink much coffee because it makes you all hyper and stuff” Adrian rambled and pulled the notepad out of his apron pocket.
“Cool. Well I guess I'll have a coffee and donut” You answered with a warm smile.
His bright blush didn’t go unnoticed. Adrian was now a certified cutie in your eyes.
You cursed the universe for putting him in your path. You had a strict rule against dating civilians. There was so much risk of them getting hurt and that was a sacrifice that you didn't think a person should never have in a loving relationship. Unless of course it was in the bedroom and consensual. He was so cute but you could never have him.
Your helmet left your hands with a soft clink of your visor against the table. Adrian stared at you a while longer before forcing himself to remember he was supposed to be doing something.
“Great well I’ll just take this back and be right back” He said before he rushed behind the counter hurriedly.
When he returned with a cup filled with coffee and a glass of water your eyes roamed his eyes. Usuallyk you would make an effort to hide the fact you were checking someone out but you were starting to think that Adrian might've had a small crush on you.
“Here's the coffee. Alsok what type of donut do you want?” Adrian asked, taking out his notepad.
He realized the notepad wasn’t longer needed but shoes to hold on to it because he wasn’t sure what he would do with his hands afterwards.
“You can pick” You said truly not caring what came back to the table.
You were tired and in desperate need of caffeine and sugar for the rest of the night. The mission would probably last until mid afternoon the next day and caffeine usually kept you alert for as long as you needed it to.
“Oooo I love these thanks” You said excitedly.
The excitement was real. You did have a favorite even though you didn't actually care what they had at this diner. You added the sugar and cream to your coffee and took a sip. Adrian watched you and waited for a reaction. His body relaxed when you gave him an approving nod.
“Really? They're my favorite actually” Adrian said. His eyes lit up a bit knowing that the two of you had a bit in common.
“Well- this is delicious. Do you make them?” You said after taking a bite of the donut. Some of the frosting meets the side of your face in the process.
You licked away the stray frosting and went in for another bite. You waited for his answer and looked up at him.
“Yes, my frie- coworker and I do them” Adrian said silently stunned at your small action.
Though he had calmed down a bit. Your beauty was still leaving him a bit speechless. Seeing you lick frosting off your face wasn’t helping him at all. Instead, it fueled another fantasy that he would think about whenever he was in the comfort of his own home.
“Well, are you going to stand there or are you going to sit with me Adrian?”
“I'll sit. Do you have a name I can call you or do you prefer the one the news uses” Adrian answered and took a seat across from you at the table.
“Please, I think that one is so lazy. ‘Vigilante Girl’ it's like they barely even tried. They see two people with visors and connect them” You complained after taking a sip from your coffee.
“Yeah, it is kind of silly. I doubt they even know each other” Adrian agreed.
The name was silly to him, but it was also part of the reason he was so drawn to you. He has had girlfriends in the past but none of them were anywhere close to you. Adrian knew that it was just because of the visors but that didn’t stop his dick getting hard at the thought of you being his.
“Speaking of the news… How come you aren’t running for your life” You asked curiously, changing the subject from giving him a name.
“Why would I run? If anything, if the one and only ‘Vigilante Girl’ is here then I say I feel pretty safe” He said.
The nickname made you laugh to yourself. Adrian smiled knowing that he caused the laugh.
“Really not even a bit nervous?” You asked again kicking him softly under the table
“Why be nervous I’m innocent?” Adrian asked, raising his hands in defense. His smile was now cheek to cheek as he talked to you.
“I always say that!” You exclaimed. It came out a little bit muffled because of the donut but he understood you fine.
“I think she honestly gets a bad rap. Sometimes the hard choice has to be made” Adrian explained.
“Right! Adrian there need to be more people out there like you” You said, giving him another nudge under the table.
He was cute and you had a bit in common so far it was becoming hard not to flirt with him. So sure, your leg rested against his for a bit longer than necessary before you pulled it away. Adrian was obsessed with every bit of contact you gave him. He never let himself initiate any in response, too scared he would scare you away.
“You're one to talk. You’re ‘Vigilante Girl’” Adrian complimented you and put air quotes around the silly nickname.
To be fair he just enjoyed saying it aloud.
“Sooooo Beyonce?” You asked teasingly with a smirk.
“You heard me, didn’t you?” Adrian asked facepalming.
He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you and so far, he thought he was doing a good job. You were smiling and laughing and even touched him a few times. He didn’t want all of his effort to go down the drain because you caught him singing Beyonce.
He also didn't want you to care if he was. Adrian wouldn't be into you if you were the type of person who cares if a man sings Beyonce. That would be a major let down.
“Well, you were practically shouting” You said.
“That's so embarrassing” He mumbled to himself.
“Don't be embarrassed, it was cute. Who doesn’t like that song?” You assured him and shrugged your shoulders.
“I've got the whole album on my phone. While I work I just hum along. It helps the hours pass”
The both of you chatted for another hour. He kept refilling your cup of coffee, giving you more donut flavors to try. You both ended up splitting them and rating them on a napkin. The conversation flowed through a few topics. You told him the backstory of some of the murders he saw on the news and he listened and asked questions.
Adrian told you about annoying customers and his personal favorites around town. You teasingly suggested that you get rid of them for him. He declined but thanked you for the offer three times. What you didn’t know was that he had already got rid of them himself.
“Shit. I've got somewhere to be in like thirty minutes. Thanks for the coffee, I'm gonna need it for this. Oh, and keep the change it’s the least I could do after keeping you up” You said cutting him off in the middle of his story.
You pulled a fifty out of your wallet and handed it to him holding his hand a bit before you put your helmet back on. Adrian blushed at the contact but tried to refuse the money. It was a fifty and your bill was only like twenty dollars. You made your way to the door quickly, rushing to your upcoming mission.
The bill was a way to get rid of your guilt. He had told you to come back to the diner and wrote his number on the napkin next to the ratings earlier in the conversation. You knew that you wouldn't visit him again because it was intoxicating and a distraction you didn’t need. There was no way you would allow someone as sweet as him to get hurt.
“No this was fun-” Adrian said, trying to hand you the bill back.
“Keep the change ok. By Adrian” You said kissing his cheek before walking out of the door.
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thewangshuinn · 3 years
Gamer Xiao prompt: he wears a mask during his streams so no one, not even his S/O, recognizes him.
This S/O is a huge fan of his and he really has to control himself whenever they unknowingly gush over him.
twinning momence i wear a mask when I stream to hide my identity
thats so cute tho
oKAY SO i might go off a little this is going to drive me insane i love it
im too tired to format so just take my affections for him and go with it
normally I'm one for knowing of him and streaming or just generally gaming with him because cute (gamerboys can be ridiculous, though) but OH MY GOD I have never thought of this
xiao likely uses the same username for everything
its probably like. VigilantYaksha or A1atus something (give or take a few adjectives and symbols)
he wears the mask for security reasons- he doesn't want people to be able to find him on the street or anything
his brilliant amber eyes aren't really visible- think yaksha mask
people found him interesting because of it, perhaps
or maybe it was because he spoke completely nonchalant the whole time, as if he didn't notice that he was playing a first-person shooter game and had just taken down an ungodly amount of people with difficult shots
i should note here that i have not played any first person shooters yet
i just feel like xiao would be into stuff like that because he'd be good at doing them without startling
it would be funny
You found him during his earlier days, when the streams were quieter
You would get so excited when he would say hello to you or respond to your comments
you still do, now that he's more famous
he always says hello to you, if he can
you barely miss his streams and he always makes you happy
if you're having a bad day, you tend to look through his content
it makes you smile
Eventually, you meet this guy
he's a little awkward, and he has these brilliant amber eyes
he's so sweet
he clearly cares a lot about you
you find yourself falling for him easily
he has a beautiful, soft, rare smile that only you ever get to see
the way he looks at you is a sight in itself
he gazes at you like you're the only thing that's ever been worth his attention
like you're too wonderful for his affections
he feels so unbelievably lucky to have you
the two of you don't really hang out when he's streaming
the first he heard of you being a fan was when you mentioned how much you enjoy games and streaming yourself
perhaps you're a small streamer, if you want
you'd mention that [his streamersona] had gotten you into some game or another, or perhaps streaming itself
when he inquired further, you could mention how much you enjoy his content and gush about him
he'd blush. a lot.
perhaps he doesn't want to tell you for your safety
perhaps something else
that's up to you
but he nods, remarking how interesting it is that he likes those games too
he's very much restraining himself from outright telling you
his heart is beating very, very fast
he wants to see how you'd react
he wants to hold you and whisper it to you
but he can't
instead, he just says he's heard of a1atus-nemes0s or whatever, and that he'd love to hear more from you
perhaps he'd promise to watch a couple streams/clips/compilations so that he'd get your references
he already got them all
he always watches you gush about his streams with a soft smile
he loves the sound of your voice
he loves the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about something you love
he watches you, laughing because something he did made you laugh or gazing at you like nothing in all of existence could've ever made this moment better
or like he's glad he could've made you his happy
you like cuddling close to him a lot to watch recorded streams, but he never seems available for live ones
I wonder why.
He starts recording more of his streams to watch with you
if you're a small streamer, he'll definitely follow you
and sub to you
and be active in your chat
and you'd freak out every time
remember how i said he wants to hold you close and tell you quietly? he can't do that, so he just holds you close
he loves to feel like he's protecting you
you love the feeling, too. its comfy
he loves seeing you smile
there are very few things he won't do to see that smile
every time he sees your name in his chat, he smiles beneath the mask
the smile is kind of evident in his voice
which gets you and everyone else in his fanbase very confused
if you end up figuring it out, it's because of his voice
or maybe you pay him a surprise visit during a stream
or you've moved in with him and walk in on a stream
either way, you would lose your mind
he would probably mute his stream or something
he'd definitely apologize for keeping it from you and explain himself
he doesn't want to leave you in the dark because that would be unfair to you
if you let him, he'd take you in his arms again
perhaps he'd even sweep you off your feet bridal-style
everything falls into place
the smiles, the attention, the way he looks at you when you talk about him
it all makes sense now
he'd end the stream early so he could spend time with you and answer your questions
he just loves you lots
he lets you stream with him if you really want, but the two of you tend to play a lot together off stream whether you know of his identity or not
he's really really good
as already clarified
he carries and defends you no matter what
no matter what happens, he thanks the archons for every moment he gets to have with you
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
paring(s); Izuru x AFAB!reader
warning(s); cussing, woAHH reader is a prostitute hired by enoshima, reader is AFAB, oral sex (m receiving), humiliation kink whoop, degradation kink double whoop, ah yes dirty talk, degrading names, spit-play,  prositution, multiple orgasms, wall sex, slow and steady wins the race, dumbification, begging, dacryphillia, sadism, kind of like fuck or die???? but not really??????? AND DEAR LORD I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING WITH THIS GOD oii
note; i actually had a dream similar to this— also i lowkey got attached to these characters and now im seriously considering making a series of this???? DHSBJDDBF IDK IT REMINDS ME OF, LIKE AAAA IDK
wc; 4.1k+
Everything was terribly boring. 
It was funny; that had been the only thought Izuru seemed to have in his brain, even as you were on your knees sucking him off like he was your last meal. Glaring down at you, he stifled a disappointed sigh. In all honesty, you weren’t bad; but he knows he could do much better, perhaps even find much better. It was almost a guarantee that he’d get someone else to do the job for him much better. 
Sitting on the throne of a comfortable chair, he had barely broken a sweat, nor had he even moaned a single time. Of course, that would frustrate you; you were squeezing whatever couldn’t fit in your mouth, ‘faking’ moans—or at least that’s what you told yourself you were doing—to send vibrations down his spine, and swallowing all the filthy pre-cum of his cock had released. And the man didn’t even have the gall to at least pretend to like it. 
It irritated you.
Why had he even accepted Enoshima’s offer for you if he hadn’t even been enjoying it? You hadn’t even touched yourself yet, and you were the one completely soaking in your panties—whilst you swore you heard him sigh, and not one of pleasure. Every part of it was humiliating for you.
“This is boring, get off.” You perked your head up, popping your lips off the unsatisfied pink tip, and to your humiliation, you looked up at him with sad, puppy dog eyes; ones that you hadn’t even purposely put on. You felt your heart drop all the way down to your stomach, “Boring…?” Well, that did it. 
Desperation turned into anger, and before you knew it, you had been crawling on this man’s lap, thighs straddling him, and hands digging into his shoulder as you looked down at him with feigned dominance. You gritted your teeth, he hadn’t a single reaction, just a look of genuine curiosity, and the same look of bored annoyance. He didn’t seem to like being suddenly touched, not like you even cared. Boring, huh? You’d prove to this self-entitled fuck, you weren’t as boring as he thought you to be. 
“... What do you think you’re doing?” With his question of genuine intent to know, his dull tone of voice seemed to have affected your interpretation of what he truly meant to say. Despite the condescending and almost offended tone, he truly wanted to know. Someone like you, crawling into his lap as if you hadn’t been face-to-face with possibly the world’s most dangerous human being; brought a small spark of interest in his chest.
Maybe you had some potential, he would think. “Are you trying to prove yourself to me?” With his eyes gleaming with curiosity and anticipation, you leaned back as you felt him lean in. With his nose inches away from yours, you shrunk just a slight but kept your act as strong as you could hold it for.
You gulped, gaze and grip faltering underneath his piercing gaze. Suddenly you felt small again. Your previous surge of dominance seemed to crumble and collapse as he brought his hands up to grope at your hips, reminding you who was really in charge here. He narrowed his eyes as he felt your hesitance and yielding, his large hands that had cupped your ass had practically been supporting all your weight as you backed down in the body and in mind. Damn it. He wondered where your confidence went, it was only just getting fun— but perhaps, all good things come to an end.
Well. He wasn’t going to let you give up that easily.
Suddenly, he let go, causing your ass that had once been held up by his hands, to fall back and knock onto his knees harshly; and you swore you could see a ghost of an expectant smirk on his face. Surprising you further, Izuru uttered 4 words that only seemed to confuse you, yet excite you all the same.
“Go on then. Try.” Your breath hitched, averted eyes now confused and focused them back onto the long-haired male. “W- what?” Izuru’s eyes narrowed at you, and the impatient look he had sent to you almost felt like a reward as you felt yourself growing more sodden. “Try and prove that you aren’t just another hole. That’s why you’re still here, no?” He spoke, and you swore you could hear his voice lower in tone.
He rested his hands on the armrests of his chair, leaning back ever so slightly as he got comfortable; as if he was about to watch a performance made just for him—which hadn’t been far from the truth.
But to your surprise and not his, you obeyed. 
If this was your chance to prove yourself to him— the ultimate hope that everyone seemed to be intimidated by—you’d take it. Of course, you would. 
Despite the growing anxiety in your heart that you’d mess up, you pushed it down and put one brave façade; he would sense your fear if you displayed it too much. 
Your efforts turned futile anyway; you should’ve known he’d sense your hesitance. 
Acknowledging your hesitance you thought hadn’t been too obvious about, Izuru brought it up. “What’s stopping you? Your fear?” Izuru hummed, leaning down to peck at your chest, “Well, that’s understandable; you should be scared.” Followed by the light sound of his lips against your heated shoulder. 
“... Though I assume that’s not what you’re afraid of at this moment.” Assume? More like knew. You were so predictable to him, a flick of your finger could tell him exactly what you’re thinking. With a tender gaze you were surely seeing wrong, he stared up at you expectantly as he waited for your answer. 
“Well?” You gritted your teeth at his sudden gentleness, taking more offence to it than you should have. You didn’t like being treated with kid gloves, not by him at least; for all you know, he kills children. “I’m not scared of anything—” He was huge, of course, you were terrified. ”How do you know I’m not just trying to slow it down, so you’re ready for it?” You challenged, shifting yourself above his tip that still glistened with your saliva from the earlier blow. Izuru looked at you, nearly taken aback. 
It made you feel incompetent. As if he thought you couldn’t do it, as if he thought you couldn’t give him the best night of your life. Of course, you’d be offended. No one likes being underestimated, especially not by him. It just brings you a whole new different feeling of humiliation. 
And he knew that. He just wanted you to hurry up, you know, provoke you a little. Foreplay was… Boring; he’d think with a small smile.
“Surely, you’re not that idio—” He cut himself off with a sharp inhale, lips parting and eyebrow twitching from the way your slick cunt slid over the tip of his dick, sinking in with ease. “I- I’m not what?” You breathed out, a shaky, smug grin contorting on your face as you tried your best to conceal the fact his dick had felt like it had literally been splitting you in two. “Hnnahh— Jesus-” You dropped your head for a second, nails digging deeper into the material of his suit; surprisingly, he didn’t care all that much about the material damage—at the moment, he cared more about the fact you hadn’t even sunk half his dick in yet, and you already looked like you were near-tears.
Maybe care would be an overstatement. 
You bit down on your once-smug smile, jaw going slack as you felt the pleasant curve of his dick, rub against your vaginal walls ever so slightly—following the movements of your own heavy panting. “You shouldn’t be so cocky, S/o.” He didn’t seem to hear the irony hiding in between his almost-mocking words.
You scoffed at his taunting statement, staring him straight in the eye as you walked further into his trap, and sunk down lower—stifling a wince as you felt him sink in you alarmingly deep. How big was he!? Well, you already knew the answer to that question. Your jaw still hurt from earlier. But that stretch had been positively incomparable to the stretch your pussy had currently been experiencing. 
Izuru pursed his lips, silently groaning at the way your walls clamped onto him as if you were already trying to milk him of his cum. You were so tight, he noted in his mind; well he wasn’t going to complain. As a sex worker, he would’ve expected you to be looser, easier to slip in; it seemed one of his predictions had been incorrect. 
In a dry, uncaring tone, he addressed the bead of sweat forming on your forehead from the stretch. “Can you really take it? You look like you’re in pain.” the part that irked you the most had been the small undertone of genuine concern for your being. Yeah, Izuru; the ultimate I-don’t-care-if-you’re-dead, cared if you could take his dick. 
Maybe your heart would’ve been swelling with joy, had it not taken a large hit on your pride. You were a sex worker, not the protagonist of a fucking romance comedy. 
You could feel yourself growing angrier and angrier by the second; a large part of you just wanted to get him off and leave—but there was a larger part of you that… strangely wanted to please this man, prove him wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, the urge was purely sexual. 
Rolling your eyes at his ‘concern’, “Can you just- Nh!” you held your breath before clutching onto his suit a little more desperately than you wanted to as you sunk the rest of him inside you. Embarrassment made its debut in your reddening cheeks as you unwillingly let a few whimpers slip out. “—B- be fucking quiet? For on- Mn! O- once?” He paused before retorting back in that same blunt tone, seemingly unamused by your curses as he had been busy watching your bodily reactions closely, as well as feeling them first hand. “... You’re shivering.” He addressed the tremor of your shoulders, as well as the contractions of your walls against his cock. 
“It- It’s cold.” You lied through your teeth, to which he found annoying; surely, you knew that he would read through that lie, so what was the point of even trying? 
Sighing in annoyance, he bucked his hips, exhaling sharply through his nose as you yelped and collapsed onto him, body going limp as you felt him hit your sweet spot. With a slightly panicked moan, you dug your shined face deeper into the crook of his shoulder, causing him to shiver as he felt the breath of your moan hit his neck. “Hnn-! A- a- already?” Izuru scoffed quietly, “I thought you wanted me to be quiet. Which one is it?” Izuru’s condescending voice kissed your ear, and you felt your own shivers being sent down your spine from his voice alone. 
Putting on an annoyed façade that would soon shatter, you rolled your eyes—something you would probably be doing often tonight. “You’re really annoying, you know th-? Oh-! Oh fuck-!” You moaned, eyes shooting open, revealing your dilated pupils to the wall behind him. With your hands fanned out on his suited back, you arched your back against him, grinding slowly as you hugged him off the back of his chair. 
Mewling quietly, you found yourself trying to stifle your own moans, so you could hear better his own; only to pout as you heard nothing. Your sole purpose and presence with him at this moment had been to please him. You… needed to please him.
And only Atua knows what Junko’ll do to you if she finds out you didn’t satisfy him. 
Sighing in slight frustration, you felt him tense underneath your touch as you locked your lips onto his neck, lips searching and exploring every inch of the sensitive skin of his neck. Izuru’s eyes widened a fraction, only to lid as he felt himself growing bored again. “What are you doing?” You muffled against his neck, “I’m trying to find your erogenous zone—“ a large grin grew on your face as you felt him go rigid and stiff against you—as if he wasn’t already rigid and stiff—as you grazed your teeth on a certain spot on his Adams’s apple, a sign that you hit the jackpot.
“There, huh? I never would’ve guessed…” You spoke through gentle moans caused by Izuru’s natural reaction to fuck up into you harder. He shivered, sure, he was good at everything; but even he didn’t know he had an erogenous zone—or rather, where it was.
And now you had this information. 
You felt your confidence sprout back up again as you felt him melt, slowly but surely into your embrace, and slowly but surely, you tried gaining back control of what had been happening. 
That had been your plan; but as soon as your hands reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, he flinched, nails digging into your hips harshly. “Hands off.” He growled, crimson gaze darkening in irritation from your feather-like tugs. 
Yeah, your plan. 
His scalp was sensitive, and he had made the mistake of reacting so strongly to your touch to it, right in front of you no less. It was a weakness; one you’d surely take advantage of as you fucked this man. Or rather, as he fucked you. Izuru grimaced as he could practically hear the mischievous grin in your voice, “Yeah?” with a warning tone, Izuru tried stopping you, “S/o.” you probably shouldn’t have felt as excited as you did from his warning voice; especially from a guy like him, but there was a part of you that really wanted to know what would happen—what he was warning you about. 
So you made the best mistake of your life; and tugged the already impatient man’s hair. 
Izuru hadn’t given you the time to even inhale a single breath, as he had you pinned to the wall in half a second. Shit, he’s fast. Well, what did you expect? Izuru was definitely more than ordinary—and as you still felt the stretch burning between your legs, you knew that more than anyone. “I- Izuru?” Izuru sighed as you shrunk underneath his hold, forcing him to hold you up by his hips that had been pressed up against you. Your cattiness seemed to disappear the moment he manhandled you to the wall; it was predictable. All bark, no bite. He wondered why he wasted his time with you. 
With your eyes wide and helpless, Izuru remained unamused. “Let’s get this over with.”
Underneath the shell of your body, you could feel your blood boil as the man thrusting into you, had given you that familiar condescending stare of pity. He didn’t seem very pitiful as he watched you writhe and squirm underneath him from his unrelenting pace, though you could still read the emotion clear as day; your eyes glared right back at him—though you could barely see where you had been glaring, as your vision had been blurred from your own tears.
He was planning to push you to your limits, because, maybe when you’re sobbing and begging for him to stop; maybe then, you’d be less boring. 
‘He was the ultimate at everything; of course, he would be good at this too-’ “Fuhh...- fuck!” Your first orgasm of the night washed over your body, shaking uncontrollably as you had been less than prepared for it. You’d often have to fake your orgasms or get yourself off once the person using you was done. So you, whether it was fortunately or unfortunately, weren’t used to cumming so quickly. Previous thoughts of distaste had been long forgotten, as you had now been completely weak; moments away from breaking down and throwing away your dignity to prolong sex with Izuru. 
Sobs spilled out of your mouth as Izuru helped you ride out your high. The man watched you from above, hands hooking underneath your thighs and slamming you against the wall harder than your body had gone slack in your arms. For him, it felt more like he was pleasuring you—but for some reason, he didn’t mind all too much. 
Through tear-stained eyelids, you glared at him, your warm body still trembling from the near-mind-blowing orgasm he granted you. “I- I can take it.” At least, you thought you could. In all honesty, you didn’t care. You wanted it, and furthermore, he hasn’t even cum yet. Your job wasn’t finished. If you had to be fucked until your mind broke for him to cum, you’d do it. You didn’t have a choice—but even if you did, you wouldn’t deny him; you’d have to be insane to. 
“How... persistent…” Izuru murmured quietly to himself, bringing a hand up to tap your chin, causing you to perk your head up and flush at the gentle touch; the way he looked at you made you feel as if you were a mere science project being examined. It may have not been ideal, but being gazed at like nothing but a lowly bug is better than being ignored.  
It was so easy to fuck you into submission, he thought. Grunting, he pulled all the way out, lip twitching at the lewd squelch of your pussy. He almost lost himself in the way your walls fluttered around the tip of his cock once again, before tightening as if you were trying to welcome him back in.
Izuru, with a sharp inhale, roughly slammed back in, hitting all the right places despite the thrust being as quick as a flash of a camera. You gasped for air, you felt as if you had just been punched with his hips—and before you could recover from it, you felt him pull out yet again, only to slam back in, a small exhale huffing out the man’s lips as he kept on doing that same repetition. 
“F- faster— Pl- please!” You choked out as tears welled up in your eyes, his thrusts had been so powerful and forceful, yet so calculated; as if he was aiming for your G-spot every time he thrust in—which he was. He growled under his breath, voice still monotone but more strained than before—it was almost impossible for him.  
“You’re too tight to go fast.” He deadpanned, “if I go any faster, I might break you.” He didn’t really care whether he broke you, but who in their right mind would want to be broken? 
It was almost comedic how quickly you perked up at the mention of being broken. “I- I wanna! Really bad, r- real bad! Please!” You blabbered and begged like an idiot, your dignity long gone. He hissed at the way your pussy gushed with your juices and excitement, struggling yet again to piston himself into you. “Do you only think with your cunt?” Izuru narrowed his eyes down at you, disbelief and disgust gleamed in his red eyes; and it only made you squeeze around him unwillingly.
You shrunk, shaking your head as a babyish pout contorted onto your lips. “N- no, I-” The slow slapping noises of his hips on yours grew in volume, and your eyes widened as you could feel and hear him getting more frantic, hitting you deeper—places you were sure weren’t even supposed to be touched were abused by the crown of his growing cock.
Through a tone that tried its best to be calm and composed, Izuru shakily breathed out. “Open your mouth.” 
“W- Huh?” With slurred speech and crossed eyes, you tried your best to find his red eyes through the tears that blurred your vision. You were so fucked out, you weren’t even sure if he had actually said anything or if it had been your imagination.
“You heard me, don’t play dumb.” You hadn’t been playing dumb; you were dumbed. But Izuru held no patience for your games, and you could definitely feel that in his increasingly painful grip on your ass—he was sure to leave a bruise on your skin. With a confused look in your eye, you hesitantly dropped your jaw for him, whimpering and jolting as you felt something wet spew into your mouth. Before you could whine or even get the chance to complain, Izuru had forcefully knocked you against the wall again, lightly hitting your head as he steadied you against the surface with one hand as he used the other to close your jaw.
You hadn’t even registered the fact you had spit into your mouth as your mind had been too foggy from the intense feeling building up in your stomach once again. “Swallow.” Without so much as a questioning noise as a reaction to what he had done, you obeyed. Swallowing thickly with bleary eyes, you tried your best to keep eye contact with the man who seemed way too calm for the aggressive pace he had been maintaining like a pro.
Not thinking much of it, you dropped your jaw and flattened your tongue down against your chin; it was almost instinctual as you obediently showed him you had swallowed all of it. It seemed to please him, as he traced his thumb absentmindedly over your jawline; it almost felt like a reward, to be touched like that. His gentle hands differed greatly from his pace that fastened within each second that passed the both of you by. 
Your moans grew in volume, and you could feel yourself getting overwhelmed by how fucking good it felt to be fucked by him; moans and groans turned into full-blown hysterical sobbing as you felt your second climax approach. He grunted in frustration as he felt your walls clamp around him once again, convulsing as you gasped for air, his breaths huffing out in small intervals as he tried to get himself to his own high. 
Nothing was said as you threw yourself into him, hugging himself close to you as if he was your lifeline despite your twitching body—you weren’t sure how long you could hold on before you passed out, but you tried your best to stay conscious. He hadn’t cum yet.
It may have frustrated him, but it also frustrated you. Running your hands down his neck to his well-defined jaw, you cradled his skull before attaching your lips onto his neck desperately, practically slobbering over him like a dog as you kissed and sucked at his neck—to which he groaned quietly at. It was a terrible job, you were necking him so sloppily, and he hated himself for grading your performance when really, he should’ve been indulging in it.
The sounds of his hips slapping against yours, combined with your small moans that you tried to muffle against his neck, had overwhelmed his senses and he found himself going blank in the mind for less than half a second. 
It was dangerous, to leave yourself vulnerable like that. 
So without another word, sound, or thrust, he hoisted you up and dropped you against the chair; in which you unravelled like a velvet carpet over the soft, plush furniture. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you didn’t want to part from him, you didn’t want it to stop. There, he continued his assault to your already battered cunt, grunts and sharp sighs spilling out his mouth as he concentrated on getting himself to climax. 
“F- fuck, Izuru— Izuru, you’re splitting me- in t- two!” You sobbed out, arms flying up to wipe your tears away that prevented you from seeing the esthetical man above you. With his hair looking like it was flowing behind him, and the thin layer of sweat shining on his skin, you felt your heart beat a little faster— what?
You hadn’t even been able to register the dread of the realization of your feelings, as, without warning, Izuru creamed inside you. His hips stuttered to a stop, and he leaned himself completely over your body that had folded over the back rest of the chair, nose meeting the crook of your mid-chest. “Hhah...” He panted, clammy hands that had been gripping onto your skin tightly, loosened as he took a second before getting up and off you. 
You scrambled up from your position on the chair, legs and pussy numb as you struggled sitting up.“Wait Izuru—!” You called out for him, catching his attention as he cleaned himself up with a convenient towel Junko had left on the table. 
Zipping up the fly of his pants, he stared at you, waiting for you to continue what you had been planning to say as he flattened the creases of his suit. 
“W- were you...” You gulped, flushing as you recalled what you had done earlier. “Were you satisfied?” Your voice had been meek, afraid of his answer for more than one reason. Junko really would show you despair if she found out you didn’t satisfy him. “... I’ll let her know I was.” You sighed in relief, shoulders going slack as you fell back on the chair. You’d live another day.
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