#controversial child
barnbridges · 9 months
fun reminder that francis eats maraschino cherries out of the jar when he's drunk and depressed, and when charles is depressed he drinks floats which usually have a cherry on top.
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lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
I have been thinking on the nature of mdzs as a deliberately vague text that leaves many things up to interpretation, and how i've slowly come to understand "up for interpretation" less as "there is One True version of this story i must find" and not even as " Everyone has a different One True Version of this story inside their head be based on their interpretations and the differences don't make one wrong and the other right" but as "There is no One True Version. Even in my own subjective interpretation of the text multiple things can be true at once" specifically, in regard to Jin Guangyao and the many things which are left up in the air as to whether he did them or not, most notably killing his son.
There's evidence for this, but it's non conclusuve (jgy saying he killed him while also saying he killed Qin Su, who very much killed herself. The speculations on how he'd have killed him being sect leader yao just saying shit. ) it is, esentially, just up in the air enough that if you decisively fall on one side of the debate is probably says more about you and your general opinion of jgy than it does about the "true" events of canon.
I have, as a proud apologist, always fallen on the "he didn't kill him but felt in some way responsible for his death." Side but recently have become more okay with the interpretation that maybe he DID kill him, and that at the very least, that when he tells Qin Su their son "needed to die" he is being genuine. Which, once you look at it beyond. "Is jgy a poor lil meow meow who it is Okay to Like or an irredeemable baby murderer" becomes both INCREDIBLY tragic and deeply interesting. Because here is a man condemned for who his parents were and who wants nothing more than to live, saying that it is possible to be so cursed by your heritage that you need to die. There is no existence for you. The exact same thing that has been said to him.
Of course being born out of wedlock to a sex worker and being a product of incest are different things, but that begs the question: where is the line? What crimes of the father can mean death for the son? How cursed can you be until your existence is so incompatible with society it is you who needs to give? And if there is... where is it? Qin su clearly thought she was past it. Was his son really past it? Is he?
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fromtheseventhhell · 4 months
It's crazy how everything about Arya gets people upset cause why do people hate (and actively try to deny the fact) that Arya likes lemon cakes? 😭
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bonefall · 5 months
As a big sibling with a lil sib with epilepsy, when they read TBC they Honestly thought if they got struck with lightning reciting the lord's prayer they'd be cured like Shadowsight is from their epilepsy. I had a discussion with them on how that's not how it works, but ge was so upset they took it away from Shadowsight that he hasn't picked the books back up and has stated that 'he hopes Ashfur wins and starts a new religion.,'
I do not even know how to respond to this besides saying that your little sibling is 100% right to be pissed and I now also hope Ashfur wins and starts a new religion.
#Legit I did not know that Shadow's epilepsy being taken away was so deeply upsetting to SO MANY people#I put it back because putting it back was just the right thing to do (even asked the small following I had at the time what type to portray#(they picked the full tonic-clonics. I would have just done localized or absence if they'd asked me to)#And I did all that research for one single anon who asked for an epilepsy herb guide#So holy cow I didn't know that SO MANY people were snubbed and upset by canon's choice to do that. I'm so sorry#Your little sib isn't missing anything btw they do just go on to confirm that Shadow no longer has seizures.#In book 4 of TBC they say that it was all Ash all along and that's what they've stuck with into ASC#I'm sitting on an essay about... That plot thread. The Ashfur Grooming one#But it's in my drafts because I was a bit afraid of controversy#because i think it was written poorly. Even on top of Book 4's pivot to retcon away Shadow's seizures#I know a lot of people like and are invested in the grooming subplot of TBC. But. I think it was executed AWFULLY#and its really telling that THIS is the plot they tout as grooming *by name* in-canon.--#--and that Shadow has to 'pay' for what he 'did' in some way as if there was ever a choice in the books they wrote--#--But seemingly didn't even seem to clock that what was happening in Spotted's H was grooming until there was intense backlash#and a big part of my contention is the way that Book 4 suddenly tries to retcon that Shadow was groomed from the time he was a child#when it was actually part of book 1 that Shadow was able to personally tell the difference between a real vision and Ash's suggestions--#--BECAUSE he didn't have an accompanying seizure#So like... just know it's also NOT just 'you' if you connected to the character that was epileptic. It WAS there. It was a BIG part of him#Book 4 retconned it so that his epilepsy was part of a long scheme when before that point it was part of him#''ohh ur destiny is to see into the shadows'' BULL SHIT!!#bone babble
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songsintheattic · 11 months
if not for public school teachers, who would teach 6 year olds how to use condoms?
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takestothesky · 2 years
it’s been years and I still can’t believe we went through the entire chunin exam arc just for them not to end up together
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like this was an actual crime
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golden--doodler · 6 months
So I read the Coraline novella for the first time today and rewatched the movie (because why not), and the novella is actually excellent. The prose is so detailed that it's inspiring as a writer, and it's difficult to articulate how good it is, but it's fantastic. It sucked me in immediately and kept me engaged the whole time.
One of my favorite moments from the novella is this lovely monologue Coraline has near the end, where she recounts a memory of her dad, and I kind of wish it was in the movie (I kind of understand why it isn't, though, considering runtime and all that). She wanted to go exploring and he took her, but then they had to flee from a swarm of wasps. Without hesitation, her dad told her to run, staying behind so that the wasps would attack him and not his daughter.
However, later, he would say that he wasn't being brave in that moment because he wasn't scared. He was acting on pure parental instinct, so protecting Coraline was the only option in his mind (which is already so 🥺)
The time he believed he was exhibiting true bravery was when he went back to get his glasses, because he already knew how dangerous the wasps were, and was actually afraid in that moment. Because in his mind, and I believe this is absolutely true, one can only exhibit true bravery if they're scared to do something and yet do it anyway.
This lesson from her dad is what convinces Coraline to go back to save her parents (besides them being her parents and how much she loves them, obviously). She's terrified out of her mind, but she goes back to save them anyway because she wants to exhibit true bravery as her dad did. And she knows her parents would do the same for her (and already have in the past).
Also, this screenshot from the movie is so adorable, like look at them all being happy, and little Coraline holding a teddy bear 😭
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I find it detestable that "trans children deserve to grow up to become adults" as a principle is considered to be controversial, up for debate
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vixenicks · 3 months
"aromantic matt murdock" i say into the microphone as the feedback proceeds to echo throughout the empty auditorium and shatter my ear drums
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piosplayhouse · 8 months
what are your controversial wwx views? 👀 (asking as a fellow controversial wwx view-haver)
In the grand scheme of things I personally think my opinions are pretty lukewarm but I got a lot of shit a while back for making a post saying that it's important to acknowledge that wwx has privilege as a male cultivator member of the gentry and certified genius, and that that's important because even though he knows that his position in society is extremely tenuous and that so many people are willing to fight to force him to lose it, he still chooses to stand up for those even lower in society (in that post I was thinking specifically of the women in mdzs, particularly the brothel women because they're basically never considered). And then? A bunch of people started shittalking me because apparently wwx is the most underprivileged character in the story? And he's lower status than even the non cultivating sex workers because he was homeless as a kid?
I'm also neutral-positive on Jiang Cheng and made the great sin of making a completely neutral poll asking for people's opinions on him correlating with if they grew up with siblings and got a bunch of accusations of being a wwx anti, rigging the poll, and misrepresenting the answers (the results of which were completely even btw) based off . The fact I used a picture of grapes as the poll banner. Yeah . Wwx was never mentioned in the poll at all also. You can probably still find all that shit if you search my username, anons were just fully accidentally pinging me and everything, it's why I don't name search any more even though I know some people make posts based off my ideas but are afraid of pinging me (don't be btw!!! Please ping me 🥺🥺)
I actually really didn't like wwx in my first read-through of mdzs because I really related to teen lwj and felt very personally about the idea of overly pushy boundary breaking teenager attitudes, but I definitely grew to like him lol. I don't know how much that shows through in my posts, I think I've made a few comments about thinking that he was definitely a little bit of a dick as a teen but I don't know how controversial that is
So overall I'm sorry to disappoint, not very controversial opinions, but I've gotten so much grief for them anyways you'd think I posted some shit like wwx is my least favorite character in all of fiction 😵‍💫😵‍💫 there's probably more stuff that could be considered controversial but I'm so disconnected from mdzs fandom at this point that I don't really know what the general consensus is. I'd love to hear yours though!!!! Feel free to anon or message or whatever you feel comfortable with, I won't judge
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eversincedeath · 8 months
Being transgender and transitioning from one gender to another is one of the worst things an individual can do to their body. Not only are the health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and surgery extremely dangerous, but the psychological effects of this process should never be overlooked.
It is important to note that individuals who transition may experience confusion and distress due to potential identity and self-worth issues. Additionally, by transitioning one’s body, the individual is making a drastic, permanent change to their body which could lead to regret or further mental health concerns if they later decide transitioning was not the best decision.
The physical risks associated with transitioning can be major. Once an individual begins hormone replacement therapy, they are exposed to a range of medical treatments, which are often not without serious side-effects. Hormone therapy creates physical changes which often cannot be reversed. The injection of powerful hormones can directly impact the brain’s chemistry, which can have a serious impact on mental health and can create long-term medical issues.
Furthermore, the physical and psychological costs associated with this kind of transition can impact the individual’s children, too. There are many ways a child can be negatively affected depending on the type of transition the parent undergoes, the magnitude of the transition, and the subsequent environment that the child is raised in. Children of gender transitioning parents may face issues such as identity issues, social stigma, and confusion over their own gender roles. Furthermore, the new parental figure or mentor in the child’s life may not have the knowledge or capacity to provide the appropriate psychological guidance to the child which could result in further psychological issues for the child.
Transgenderism is a disorder, not an identity, and needs to be treated as such. Transitioning in adolescence has a negative impact on our growing children, with medically unnecessary hormonal treatments changing their bodies irrevocably. What seems like “binding,” “tucking,” and “dressing in drag” in “play” are damaging acts that put these children’s bodies in danger. These hormones can stunt and/or stop vital development, as well as permanently alter the body in an unnatural way. We are teaching our young people to disrespect their inherent biology and succumb to the pressures of trying to fit into a perceived “norm.”
Transitioning is not the answer. Transitioning does not help someone feel accepted, nor make them part of the “norm.” Transitioning is a journey of disfiguring one’s body, not just physically but mentally as well. It causes depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and can lead to further health problems.
Advertising a “treatment” such as transitioning as a solution to validation and acceptance in society is a dangerous practice and doing so is inherently wrong. Young minds should not be subjected to the idea of body modifications and medical procedures that affect development and health. We need to start teaching our children to respect and accept their own bodies, regardless of popular opinion or personal preferences. Not only for psychological reasons, but for the physical safety of this young generation as well.
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
dont know who ethan landry is but i can guarantee the part of avatar fandom who were like "it should have been spider" and regard a whole kid who has more depth than most characters in this film worse than dirt just because he isnt a pretty blue alien is going to take a big L when he becomes a big player (gets rid of the dreads) in the next films. boy is going to get the zuko treatment i rest my case
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tenderfxck · 1 year
HES ALL COCKY CAUSE HE GOT A BULLSEYE AND HES ALL LIKE “need me to teach you? ;)” AND READER JUST SPLITS HIS ARROW DOWN THE MIDDLE ROBIN HOOD STYLE WITH ZERO HESITATION AND IS LIKE “no ty i’m good :]” and childe learns something about himself cause dAMN that was hot
i wanna humble childe really bad
immaculate taste, anon. childe is another genshin man i would love to knock some common sense into. he’s in the same genre of al haitham in the fact that 1. he’s not someone i would pursue, but i’d love to drive crazy, and 2. that i interpret his character pretty differently than the rest of the fandom.
(see: sweaty adrenaline junky who has an unhealthy obsession with challenges and you. DEFINITELY a few cards shy from a full deck)
he’d wrap an arm around your waist as you took aim, helping to steady the bow (like you need it) while joking about how he could give you some “private lessons” just before you let the arrow fly and split his last shot straight down the middle.
the best part is that it would HAUNT him. he’d think about it for WEEKS until he got the chance to challenge you again, call your bluff on your insane beginner’s luck.
and then you’d do it a second time, no sweat, showing him up once again.
“maybe just stick to those fun little swords of yours, hmm?”
getting flustered the first time was just odd circumstance.
but the butterflies crawling their way up his stomach the second is no coincidence. . .
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seventh-fantasy · 5 months
possibly my favourite lhl meta now is that extremely galaxy-brained half hour video essay on b站 exploring essentially one thing:
llh can be read as a "mother" and a symbol of femininity/maternity in its purest form
what if feminine and maternal qualities can be uncoupled from biology and patriarchy. what would it look like. it would look like lxy's rebirth as llh. it would look like llh's nurturing and guidance of fdb. it is essentially the spirit of freedom and life llh held. it transcends any notions of gender.
feeling more validated than ever. and this is also far more than i've ever asked for. my brain has been rewired. i'm kissing you on the mouth op
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I noticed a lack of art today and so here, have some of Edgar being a good parent (against all canon I like to think he's good to the zombies)
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(So I was kinda nervous to post this lol)
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57sfinest · 1 year
How do you feel about Cuno and/or Cunoesse?
i really love them both and it's incredible how fast i went from being like "ew what the hell" to "i would kill and die for these children"
other people have made good points about them already, like how cunoesse is treated with far less sympathy by fans since she remains terrified of and hostile towards harry and kim while cuno opens up and can become a companion in kim's place. cuno is a tragic little kid and i hate that his only chance to get out of his life is to become a cop, but honestly that fits in with the narrative we see about how people get sucked into harmful systems.
cunoesse, though... cuno is all she has. if he leaves to become a junior officer, she's got no one. she's a lonely, traumatized, violently reactive kid and cuno is all she has in the whole world. and cuno knows this and, despite his horrible father being a bad role model, cuno *steps up*. that's not cunoesse, some vile slur-spitting creature behind the fence. that's C, his little sister, and sure, she's a nuisance, but he'll be damned if you try to rip her away from him. he can privately admit to you that she's a little much sometimes, that despite appearances he isn't hers to control, but trying to get him away from her will make him withdraw from you. she's done bad things because she's an abused child who probably had to in order to survive, and cuno is absolutely judgment-free, even admires her for it. what they have is the closest thing to love that either of them has felt. that relationship means so much to me and i genuinely feel that they can't be separated from each other without badly hurting them both
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